Question: How will the Master of Finance (Investment Management) Program help building up your career? (Please share your views in the space provided below. Your answer should be in English and no more than 200 words.) 1. 为什么选择理工? 2. 能否介绍下你的学校? 3. 你是否也申请了其他学校? 4. 如果其他学校录取你了,你会怎么选择?为什么还要选择理工? 5. 什么时候可以知道结果,四周后会有答复 Describe two major observations in the capital market amid the abnormal low interest rate in Hong Kong and US. (Please share your views in the space provided below. Your answer should be in English and no more than 200 words.) 1 自我介绍 2 英语介绍ATP模型 3 英语介绍方差的意义和计算方法 4 浙大毕业能有很好工作为何去理工读研究生 5 本科中文上课,能否适应研究生英文上课 6 对校方有什么问题 7 如果没有录取,说说你的打算,职业规划 8 未来职业规划 How do you compare the Hong Kong stock market to other Asian stock market as a regional leading market? (Please share your views in the space provided below. Your answer should be in English and no more than 200 words.) 1. 为什么选择这个专业? 2. 大学有学哪些和中国文化有关的科目 3. 英语专业读中国文化会否怕跟不上 4.有没有问题需要解答 学生提问:今后还想读PHD,老师作了很详细的解释 1. 为什么选择这个专业? 2. 大学有学哪些和中国文化有关的科目 3. 英语专业读中国文化会否怕跟不上 4. 有没有问题需要解答 5. 大学有学过什么相关课程 学生答:中国古代文学 6. 请说一下古代文学中的《四书》、《五经》分别指什么 7. 唐代诗人中比较喜欢哪几个作家? 8. 背一首孟浩然的诗 学生答:我是否可以改背宋词?于是背了苏轼的《定风 波》,其中背错一句,老师当场补充了 9. 问学生有没有别的问题? 学生问教授是否可以推荐看一些书籍 教授答:看一下《中国文化历史》
港大面试基本流程:一面:1.在一个教室内等待分组,一般7~8个人一组2.分完组后继续等待,可以与自己的组员简单交流一下3.进入面试的教室内,2名教授,首先教授会有简单的介绍,然后是个人的自我介绍,一般在30~60s,不定,不同教授有不同的偏好4.教授阐述面试题目,开始讨论或者辩论,时长20~30分钟会有人来提醒5.小总结,一面结束二面:1.在教室内等待,叫需要二面的人留下2.1对1单独面试需要注意的问题:1.着装: 正常即可,不需要太正式,但也不要太随意2.面试题目:开放性试题,主要考察思维方式和思考问题的角度;多关注时事新闻3.面试前:(1)尽量早点到可以安排在早一点的时间段(2)一起去签到很可能会被分到一组(3)可以和队员先商量好是否需要轮流发言4.面试过程中:(1)自我介绍要准备充分,有亮点,让人能够记住(2)亮出自己的观点的同时也要尊重别人的发言,不打断(3)有团队意识,总结及评论他人的发言(4)时间观念,时间差不多了就开始总结(5)领导观念,照顾每个队员让每个人都能说上话(6)注意和队员而不是教授的眼神交流(7)发言次数足够即可,同时开口可以谦让一两次,也可以稍微放大音量并继续自己的发言(8)发言的开头和结尾很重要,清晰的逻辑,得出清晰的结论(9)四种角色:起动机,方向盘,润滑剂,总结人5.二面:(1)进入二面的三种可能性:A. 表现很好两位面试官都非常赞赏B。
两位面试官结论差异较大C. 在面试过程中发言过少面试官希望进一步了解(2)需要准备的问题:为什么选择港大?什么专业?为什么?可以参考港大的宣传册等(3)奖学金可以适当争取题库1)你对现今的高房价有什么看法?2)假设你在香港机场,要前往港大,你会如何选择公共交通工具?3)你觉得香港和内地有什么差别?4)如何看待目前社会的贫富差距问题?5)试述艺术与色情的关系.6)如何看待独生子女政策?7)你对“富士康”事件有什么看法?8)谈谈你对《非诚勿扰》这个节目的看法.9)企业除了以赢利为目的外,还应该承担哪些社会责任?10)如何看待人民币汇率的升降?11)What do you think of the growing trend in plastic surgery?12)毒品交易的犯罪行为是否应被判死刑。
Focus today: language evaluation, basic intro of the entire process, self-intro, and questions related to daily study and personal experience.Tell me about yourself.Three parts of the common interview: self intro(30seconds to 1:30mimutes) ; group discussion (4-6不等,一个话题15到20分钟;或者教授提问一个问题,每个人轮流回答);单p: 单独留下了,提问一些相对简单的问题,比如为什么选港大,为什么选这个专业,等等。
Self-intro港大30秒自我介绍I’m Michelle. I am xxxx High SchoolAs a humanities option student with municipal academic prizes in physics and chemistry,I ‘ve achieved a comprehensive knowledge foundation.I have been the president of ‘THE 2006 SHANGHAI MODEL UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE’, reporter of Y outh Daily, becoming competent and made lots of excellent friends.I took charge of Basketball League ,organizing intervarsity games, to help a friend gone aborad at first. But then their passion moved me,so I spare no effort to meet the challenge. And I found the job most benefitial to others.港大60秒I’m Michelle. I am from High School Attached to Shanghai Normal University(my mother, who is a lawyer, and my father, who is an engineer, have endowed me with ration and sensibility in their daily influences. I was born and brought up in Beijing . I moved to Shanghai when I was 7.)As a humanities option student with municipal academic prizes in physics and chemistry,I ‘ve achieved a comprehensive knowledge foundation.(My alma mater lay great emphsis on social practise and quailty development and I got lots of oppurnity to do social practise. )A lot of things in the society are moving me,so I am determined to spare no effort moving society.I have been the president of ‘THE 2006 SHANGHAI MODEL UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE’, reporter of Y outh Daily, becoming competent and made lots of excellent friends.(I took charge of Basketball League ,organizing intervarsity games, to help a friend gone aborad at first. But then their passion moved me,so I spare no effort to meet the challenge. And I found the job most benefitial to others. )理大社会工作专业I’m Michelle. I am from High School Attached to Shanghai Normal UniversityAs a humanities option student with municipal academic prizes in physics and chemistry,I ‘ve achieved a comprehensive knowledge foundation. A lot of things in the society are moving me,so I am determined to spare no effort moving society. I have been the president of ‘THE 2006 SHANGHAI MODEL UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE’, reporter of Y outh Daily and taken charge of Basketball League ,becoming competent and made lots of excellent friends.(I came to understand the importance of communication and compremise in which cooperation and thinking from others’views take the priority.But sometimes I am wondering whether what I have done really benefitial to those who have the most need for help? I became the leader of Volunteer T eam in our neighbourhood to help a friend at first. W e raise funds to help the poor ,and serve the old in the geracomium. While, I found the smile on their face fantistic.It is the happiest thing I have ever experienced.thus,I love to devote mylife to social work. Furthermore,I appreciate mature society in HK very much,and am looking forward to learning and applying ,developing the practical value to society in your dynamic campus.)Questions for today1、How would you describe yourself?2、What do you remember about your childhood?3、What do you usually do on weekends?4、Are you happy to be an only child? Have you ever regrets for not having siblings(兄弟姐妹)?5、Do you chat on the Internet? Have you made any friends on-line? Do you think MSN or mini-blog(微博), or facebook(脸谱网)is harmful or good for interpersonal relations?6、Do your parents listen to you when a decision has to be made, especially when deciding which major or which university you are going to attend?6、What’s your opinion concerning puppy love(早恋)? Do you think it is necessary for schools to set regulations to forbid students dating?7Tell me what scares you the most or one of the things, experiences that you are most afraid of?8One of your most memorable experiences9One of your failures10What do you think is the biggest challenge for the youth today?11Bill Gates dropped out from Harvard to find Microsoft and Steve Jobs dropped out for Apple, what do you think of drop-out? It is good or bad for a man’s future?12Tell me one of your favorite book?Movie? Music? What book or books have you read recently, and how it has affected you?13Should western festivals like Christmas, V alentine’s Day be observed by Chinese youth?14What’s your motto and why?15Who do you admire the most and why?16What do you think makes a good English teacher?17What’s the most important thing besides study for our youth today?18What do you think of plastic surgery(整形)?19What do you think is the biggest problem with Chinese education? If you ever get the chance to be the Minister of Education, what would you do to improve Chinese current education situation?20What’s your opinion concerning hair-dyeing(染发), ears-piercing(穿耳洞)?21What do you learn from Wen Chuan Earthquake? What strikes you the most in the Earthquake in Japan?22What’s your stand on pre-marital sex, as well as pre-marital cohabitation?23Do you feel the generation gap between you and your parents,or between your parents and your grandparents?How to bridge the generation gap between young students and their parents?24Is first impression important/or unimportant?25Is traveling on foot better than any other means of transportation? Would you rather be backpacking with friends or alone? Would you rather travel by yourself or join a travel agency?26What kind of clothes would you like to wear? Why would you buy a certain clothes, price, fashion, personal preference etc?27What’s your first impression of HK?28Why choose to study in HK? What do you expect to gain by studying in HK?29Why choose our school?30Why choose this major? What do your know about it? Why do you think you will be good at this?31What’s your plan after graduation from our school?32There’s a growing trend of Chinese girls marring foreigners , but at the same time few Chinese men wed foreign girls?Can you try to analyze this phenomenon?33How do you think the number of mainland students studying in HK will change in 5 to 10 years? And why?34Do you think boys and girls are truly equal nowadays?。
英文面试题1. Why do you want to work for our company?为什么你想要加入我们公司?Answer: I am impressed with your company's reputation for innovation, customer service, and commitment to sustainability. I believe that this is a company where I can make a meaningful contribution and grow my career.答案:我对贵公司的创新、客户服务和可持续发展承诺印象深刻。
2. What experience do you have related to this job?你与这份工作有何相关经验?Answer: In my previous job, I was responsible for managing social media accounts and creating content for promotions and campaigns. I also conducted market research and analyzed data to measure the success of these campaigns. This experience has prepared me to take on similarresponsibilities in this role.答案:我之前的工作职责包括管理社交媒体账号并创作促销和营销活动的内容。
3. How do you handle a difficult situation or challenge at work?你如何处理工作中的困难情况或挑战?Answer: I believe in approaching difficult situations with a calm and positive attitude. I try to remain objective and consider different perspectives before making a decision. I also make sure to communicate effectively with my team members and manager to address any challenges and find solutions.答案:我相信以冷静和积极的态度去面对困难的情况。
香港的大学,面试问题Interview questions
面试问题:Interview questions:1、详细自我介绍包括兴趣,家庭,交友,人生目标,自我哲学,兴趣是?爱好是?同学、家人、你生活中的趣事等等。
1, detailed introduces himselfIncluding interest, families, or relationships, life goal, self philosophy, interest is? Hobbies are? Students in your life, family, and fun, and so on.2、选择学校为何选这个专业?选择香港?不选择其他专业?不选择内地的高校?学历获国际认可。
2, the choice of schoolsWhy choose this major? Choose Hong Kong? Don't choose other major? Don't choose the mainland of university?Degree in international recognition. Teachers of high degree of internationalization. English teaching environment helps students to rapidly promote English level.Economics and financeEconomics is about economic law of development of science. From 1776 Adam Smith's "the wealth of nations start foundation, modern economics experienced 200 years of development, and used in every field, guide human wealth accumulation and creation.Finance is the currency and financing the monetary fund of economic activity as the research object, and the specific individuals, institutions, government research to access, spending and the management of the funds and other financial assets of the subject, the economics of differentiation from out of the subject.3、人生规划你对未来有何打算?你设计的学习计划?职业规划?未来展望?3, life planWhat are your plans for the future? You design plan of study? Career planning? The future?4、分析一下自己的优势和劣势,你到香港读书的最大挑战会是什么?analyze its advantages and disadvantages, you to Hong Kong reading as the biggest challenge will be?5、你的理想和兴趣,你平时课余时间做什么?你的课外活动?你从中学到什么?谈谈你在中学参加过的活动。
英语高校面试试题及答案一、自我介绍1. 请用英语简单介绍一下自己。
答案:Good morning, professors and fellow candidates. My name is [Your Name], and I am [Your Age] years old. I come from [Your Hometown], and I am a senior high school student from [Your School Name].二、兴趣爱好2. 你有哪些兴趣爱好?答案:I have a variety of interests, including reading, playing basketball, and listening to music. Reading helps me to broaden my horizons, playing basketball keeps mephysically fit, and music brings joy to my life.三、学习情况3. 你在学习中遇到了哪些困难,又是如何克服的?答案:During my studies, I have encountered difficulties in understanding complex mathematical concepts. To overcome these challenges, I sought help from my teachers and classmates, practiced more problems, and utilized online resources to deepen my understanding.四、专业选择4. 为什么选择英语专业?答案:I choose English as my major because I have a strong interest in languages and culture. English is a global language, and mastering it would open up more opportunitiesfor me in the future.五、未来规划5. 你对未来有什么规划?答案:My future plan is to become proficient in Englishand possibly pursue further studies in linguistics or international relations. I also hope to travel and experience different cultures around the world.六、时事问题6. 请谈谈你对当前国际形势的看法。
英语面试题库及答案1. 问题: Can you tell me a little about yourself?答案: Certainly. I graduated from [University Name] witha degree in [Field of Study]. I have been working in the [Industry] for the past [number of years], gaining experience in [specific skills or roles]. I am passionate about[specific area of interest] and am always looking to expandmy knowledge and skills in this field.2. 问题: What are your greatest strengths?答案: My greatest strengths are my ability to work wellin a team and my strong problem-solving skills. I am also highly adaptable and can quickly adjust to new environments and challenges.3. 问题: What is your greatest weakness?答案: I would say my greatest weakness is that I can sometimes be too detail-oriented, which can lead to spending extra time on tasks to ensure perfection. However, I am working on finding a balance between thoroughness and efficiency.4. 问题: Why do you want to work for our company?答案: I am interested in working for your company because of its reputation for [specific aspects, such as innovation, leadership, etc.]. I believe my skills and experience align well with the company's goals and culture, and I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to and grow with the team.5. 问题: How do you handle stress and pressure?答案: I handle stress and pressure by prioritizing my tasks, setting achievable goals, and taking breaks when necessary to clear my mind. I also find that physicalexercise and maintaining a healthy work-life balance arecrucial for managing stress effectively.6. 问题: Can you describe a situation where you had to deal with a difficult team member?答案: In a previous project, I encountered a team member who was not contributing effectively. I approached thesituation by having a one-on-one conversation to understand their concerns and challenges. We then worked together tofind solutions and set clear expectations, which improved the team dynamic and project outcomes.7. 问题: What are your salary expectations?答案: Based on my research and experience in the industry, I believe a fair salary for this position would be in the range of [specific range]. However, I am open to discussingthis further based on the company's compensation structureand the value I can bring to the role.8. 问题: How do you stay current with developments in your field?答案: I stay current by regularly reading industry publications, attending relevant conferences and workshops, and participating in online forums and webinars. I am also committed to continuous learning and professional development.9. 问题: What are your long-term career goals?答案: My long-term career goal is to become a leader in my field, contributing to innovative projects and mentoring others. I aim to achieve this by gaining a deep understanding of the industry, developing strong leadership skills, and building a network of professional relationships.10. 问题: Can you give an example of a time when you had to think creatively to solve a problem?答案: In a previous role, we faced a challenge with a project deadline approaching and limited resources. I suggested using an alternative, cost-effective method that had not been considered before. This approach not only saved time and money but also resulted in a more efficient process that was later adopted by the entire team.。
港大的面试题目 自主招生
1.对于孩子跳级什么看法2.你对二胎政策的看法3.要不要根据学生的水平给老师定工资?(根据学生的表现给老师定工资)4.二胎政策对business family 的影响(Two-child policy influence to the business family )。
5. 孩子挑食问题6. 辩论:应不应该给名校学生多些钱7.建立一个理想中的高校需要哪些条件?8.变换题:如果给你足够的钱,你想建立一个什么样的高中?(high school)9.你人生中支持你走下去最有意义的一件事。
10.谈谈你的人生价值观(the single most important value you keep foryour life)11.对你来说最有价值的东西是什么?12.现在社会上有什么你认为健康或不健康的事物。
13.社会鼓励我们做的最不健康的事情你认为是什么?(如政府鼓励你买车,结果排放量量很大,造成空气污染......)14.你认为中国主修英语专业有何看法15.列举一个你生活中和父母之间很后悔的事儿16.是不是你了解一个人越多,会对他越反感2017年1月21-23上海面试点港大卓越计划部分面试题目1、which do you think is better?to success early or late?2、the hardest truth you learn that makes you stronger3、是不是经历困难越多,会使自己变得更强大?4、what's the meaning of living if you are going to die without remembering it?5、is happiness the product of choice or the environment?6、what do you think is the most important human right?7、深圳政府如何激发企业家精神和创新精神…8、对异国父母生的混血儿童有什么看法what do you think of the mixed race children9、what education means to you10、education is for means of living or value of life?11、if man and women are equal, do you think we'll still need law?12、你认为当今社会年轻人成功是不是越来越难了;你认为成功的要素是什么13、名人特权(special treatment)你怎么看2016年面试题目:2016年春港大卓越计划面试题目:1、一个小区的居民要建立卫生环保系统,来改善小区环境问题。
史上最全面的面试英语问题1. Tell me about yourself?1.向我介绍一下你自己。
2. What are your greatest strengths?2.你最大的优点是什么?3. What are your greatest weakness?3.你最大的缺点是什么?4. Why did you quit your last job?4.你为什么从上一份工作离职?5. Why do you want to work here?5.你为什么想在这儿工作?6. What do co-workers say about you?6.你的同事如何评价你?7. Are you applying for other jobs?7.你有应聘其他的工作吗?8. What do you know about us?8.你对我们公司有什么了解?9. What kind of salary are you looking for?9.你的期望薪资是多少?10. How long would you e*pect to work for us if hired?10.假如被录用了,你估计会在我们公司工作多久?11. Do you know anyone who works for us?11.你认识在我们公司工作的员工吗?12. Why should we hire you?12.我们为什么要雇用你?13. What Is Your Dream Job?13.你抱负的`工作是什么?14. What are you looking for in a job?14.你盼望从工作中得到些什么?15. Are you willing to work overtime?15.你情愿加班吗?16. What e*perience do you have in this field?16.你有什么这个行业的阅历?17. Do you consider yourself successful?17.你觉得自己胜利吗?18. What have you done to improve your knowledge in the last year?18.在最近的一年里,你做了什么来提高你的知识技能?19. Describe your work ethic?19.描述一下你的职业道德。
英语面试问题大全及答案大全1、如何评估自己?Q:How do you rate yourself as a professional?(你如何评估自己是位专业人员呢?)A:With my strong academic background, I am capable and competent. (凭借我良好的学术背景,我可以胜任自己的工作,而且我认为自己很有竞争力。
)A:With my teaching experience, I am confident that I can relate to students very well. (依我的教学,我相信能与学生相处的很好。
)2、为何胜任这份工作?Q:What make you think you would be a success in this position?A:My graduate school training combined with my internship should qualify me for this particular job. I am sure I will be successful.(我在研究所的训练,加上实习工作,使我适合这份工作。
)3、你能做的价值及贡献?Q:What contribution did you make to your current (previous) organization?A:I have finished three new projects, and I am sure I can apply my experience to this position. (我已经完成三个新项目,我相信我能将我的经验用在这份工作上。
)Q:What do you think you are worth to us?(你怎么认为你对我们有价值呢?) A:I feel I can make some positive contributions to your company in the future. (我觉得我对贵公司能做些积极性的贡献。
第1篇一、常规类问题1. 请简要介绍一下你自己。
2. 你为什么选择来香港留学?3. 你对香港的教育体系有何了解?4. 你认为香港的教育体系与内地有何不同?5. 你为什么选择这个专业?6. 你在高中阶段的学习成绩如何?7. 你参加过哪些竞赛或活动?8. 你在实习或工作中有什么经历?9. 你认为自己的优点和缺点是什么?10. 你未来的职业规划是什么?11. 你为什么选择我们的学校?12. 你是否了解香港的文化和生活?13. 你认为自己能否适应在香港的生活?14. 你在香港留学期间,最期待的事情是什么?15. 你认为在香港留学期间,你最需要克服的困难是什么?二、专业类问题1. 汉语言文学专业:(1)请谈谈你对汉语语法和语法的区别。
(2)你认为汉语语言学的研究方向有哪些?(3)你对汉语国际推广有何看法?2. 商科专业:(1)你认为企业应该如何应对市场竞争?(2)请谈谈你对商业模式创新的理解。
(3)你认为领导力在企业管理中扮演什么角色?3. 工科专业:(1)请谈谈你对人工智能在工业领域的应用。
4. 艺术设计专业:(1)请谈谈你对设计理念的理解。
5. 新闻传播专业:(1)你认为新闻传播在现代社会中的地位和作用是什么?(2)请谈谈你对网络传播的看法。
(3)你认为新闻工作者应该如何履行社会责任?6. 社会学专业:(1)请谈谈你对我国社会发展的看法。
7. 心理学专业:(1)请谈谈你对心理学的认识。
三、时事类问题1. 请谈谈你对当前国际形势的看法。
2. 你认为我国在哪些领域取得了显著成就?3. 请谈谈你对“一带一路”倡议的认识。
香港英语面试题目及答案1. 题目:Can you tell me about yourself?答案:I am a proactive and detail-oriented individual with a passion for [insert field of interest]. I have a degree in [insert degree] from [insert university], where I gained valuable experience in [insert relevant experience]. My goal is to leverage my skills and knowledge to contribute to the growth of your esteemed company.2. 题目:What are your strengths and weaknesses?答案:My strengths include [insert strengths such as communication skills, problem-solving abilities, etc.]. I am constantly working on my weaknesses, such as [insert weakness], by [insert how you are improving it].3. 题目:Why do you want to work in Hong Kong?答案:Hong Kong is a vibrant and dynamic city with a thriving business environment. I am attracted to its multicultural society and the opportunities it offers for professional growth and exposure to international business practices.4. 题目:How do you handle stress and pressure?答案:I handle stress by prioritizing tasks, setting achievable goals, and taking regular breaks to maintain a healthy work-life balance. I also practice mindfulness and engage in physical activities to relieve stress.5. 题目:What are your career goals?答案:My short-term goal is to excel in my current role and gain a deep understanding of the industry. In the long term, I aim to grow within the company and take on leadership roles that allow me to make a significant impact.6. 题目:Can you describe a challenging situation you faced and how you resolved it?答案:One challenging situation was when I had to [insert situation]. I resolved it by [insert how you resolved it], which not only addressed the issue but also strengthened my [insert skills or attributes].7. 题目:Why should we hire you?答案:You should hire me because I am [insert qualities such as dedicated, innovative, a quick learner, etc.] and have a proven track record of [insert achievements or experiences]. I am eager to bring my skills and enthusiasm to your team and contribute to your company's success.8. 题目:What do you know about our company?答案:I have researched your company and know that it is a leader in [insert industry]. I admire your commitment to [insert company values or initiatives], and I am excited about the prospect of being part of such a forward-thinking organization.9. 题目:How do you stay updated with the latest trends in your field?答案:I stay updated by regularly reading industry publications, attending seminars and workshops, andparticipating in online forums and discussions. I also network with professionals in my field to exchange insights and knowledge.10. 题目:Do you have any questions for us?答案:Yes, I would like to know more about the company culture and how you support employee development and growth. Additionally, I am interested in understanding the team dynamics and the specific expectations for this role.。
香港升学培训中心面试题库UniLink Question BankA. 个人面试Individual Interviewi) 學院及學科認知University & Programme Knowledge1. 您认为上大学的意义是?2. 您认为香港大学和国内的大学有何不同?3. 您认为香港大学的教学理念是什么?您认同吗?4. 您为什么想要报考XX 系?您对这个领域有何了解吗?5. 您人为透过就读XX 课程,可以为您个人发展带来什么吗?6. 您为什么会对商业社会/ 商科感兴趣?7. 您认为您能应付香港英语授课的方式吗?8. 您有多认识您报读的课程?试讲解您对课程的认识9. 您覺得考香港大學或者是國內的大學比較容易?10. Assuming you can enter our programme, which course in the curriculum you would like toavoid most?11. Can you give one recommendation to our programme?12. How an ideal university life looks like?13. Why you are interested in our programme? What is the alternative if you are unable to get aseat from our programme?14. How can the programme help your career?15. Besides academic, what achievements you expect to get in university life?16. How do you find the brand of our programme and university?ii) 對你認識更多About yourself1. 您最近在看什么书?为什么会看?有什么得着?2. 您的理想工作是什么?3. 您最希望来香港学到什么?4. 为什么您认为自己能够考进香港大学?5. 您觉得自己可以怎样去贡献社会?6. 您的偶像是谁?为什么?7. 您的升学计划是什么?8. 描述一次您贡献社会的经验9. 您觉得自己成功的要素是什么?10. 您觉得,跟世界各地的学生一起上课,有什么好处和坏处?11. 您认为英语,或者是外语的重要性是什么?12. 在高中的三年中,您学到了什么?13. 试描述您一生中最遗憾的事情14. 您为什么要来香港上学15. 您有試過投資或者是買股票嗎?能說說您的經驗嗎?16. 您覺得您的家長,對您的學業或生活,有著多大的影響?17. 您認為您的高中生涯成功嗎?18. 您做過最有意義的事情是什么?19. 您認為,比起香港的學生,您會比較優秀嗎?20. 您在初中和高中的生涯中,有接觸過任何國內的著作嗎?21. 您會怎么描述您的性格?22. 您喜歡看什么電視節目?為什么?23. 您认为团队合作重要吗?您有什么团队合作的经验?24. 您有参加过任何团队吗?您在该团队中担任过什么角色?25. 您在准备高考中,采取了什么策略?26. How would your parents describe you when you were twelve?27. What is your favorite kind of chocolate?28. What' s the one thing you 'll never be as good at as others?29. What one talent or strength should a leader rely on most in daily life?30. What makes you stand out from the crowd?31. What will you do if you don't get into business school?32. Who is the leader that you admire and why?33. Tell me something about your previous good ideas34. Introduce me a recent business news and tell me your view on that35. What do you do at leisure time?36. How many hours you spent on studying every day?37. Why should we offer you a place?38. Give an example of a time when you were put under pressure39. Give an example of a time you demonstrated leadership40. Do you have any career inspiration?41. Tell me one of your strengths and how would you leverage this to gain benefit in youruniversity life42. Tell me one of your weaknesses and how this may affect your life in the university43. Do you have any part time jobs before? What did you learn?iii) 时事、经济及商业知识Current Affairs, Economic & Business Knowledge1. 你怎么看未来十年香港在中国以及世界的定位?2. 您认为是什么原因,香港的股票市场,会成为世界上其中一个交易量最大,集资额最高的市场?3. 现在市场上有个说法,经济的周期越来越短,您有什么看法?4. 试表达美国的量化宽松政策5. 为什么美国会不断批评中国操控汇率?6. 您认为是什么原因,中国股市在近两年大幅落后于其他国家的股市呢?7. 您怎么去看中国的经济发展?8. 中国经济发展的方针中,您最欣赏哪一项?最不欣赏哪一项?9. 试比较英国与美国的经济,他们经济的方针是什么?10. 国企打进海外市场,常常会受到政府和商界的阻拦,您有什么看法?11. 您有听过美国三大汽车企业的案例吗?试表达您的看法12. 您有听过国内的知名的商业案例,如海尔,重庆啤酒吗?试说一件您认为有趣的案例13. 您知道世界上,由于宗教或者是國籍的原因,有著不同的經濟體系,譬如有名的伊斯蘭經濟,俄羅斯經濟。
港大面试英文自我介绍Hello, my name is [Your Name]. 你好,我叫[你的名字]。
I am currently a student at the University of Hong Kong majoring in [Your Major]. 我目前是香港大学的学生,专业是[你的专业]。
I am excited to have the opportunity to introduce myself to the interview panel today. 很高兴有机会在面试中向评委团介绍自己。
Firstly, I would like to talk about my educational background. 首先,我想谈谈我的教育背景。
I completed my secondary education at [Name of School] and excelled in subjects like mathematics and science. 我在[学校的名字]完成了我的中学教育,并在数学和科学等科目取得了优异的成绩。
My passion for [Your Major] led me to pursue further studies at the University of Hong Kong. 我对[你的专业]的热爱驱使着我在香港大学继续深造。
Secondly, I would like to discuss my extracurricular activities and achievements. 其次,我想谈谈我的课外活动和成就。
During my time at university, I actively participated in various student organizations and clubs. 在大学期间,我积极参与了各种学生组织和俱乐部。
2018-香港大学面试题-实用word文档 (12页)
本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==香港大学面试题篇一:港大英语面试题集锦港大英语面试题集锦1、How would you describe yourself?2、What do you remember about your childhood?3、What do you usually do on weekends?4、Do you think you have a democratic family?Do your parents listen to you when a decision has to be made?5、Do you feel the generation gap between you and your parents, or between your parents and yourgrandparents?6、Have you ever given a birthday party? How do you and your friends celebrate your birthdays?7、Do you chat on the Internet? Have you made any friends on-line?8、Have you joined any clubs or associations organized by students themselves?9、Are there any activities on campus which you don't think necessary?10、Do you think college students' mental health is an issue that is worth our attention?11. Are there any women whom you admire very much?12. (For a girl)Do you think you would be happy to be a housewife?13、What do you know about the history of Nanjing / Shanghai / . . .14、Are you happy to be an only child?15、What do you think makes a good English teacher?16、What do you think about the various examinations that you have taken here?17、Did you ever buy something simply because it was fashionable?18W、hat kind of clothes would you like to wear?19、Where do you normally go to buy your clothes?20、Nowadays some college students cohabit outside the campus. What is your opinion?21、What do you think is the most serious social problem in China?22、Do you think it is important for every college student to pass an English test, such as CET?23、Do you think advertisers offer a useful/harmful service to the community?24、Do you think sportsmanship is the most important thing for all sports events?25、Is earning more money the only thing people are interested in today?26、Is traveling on foot better than any other means of transport?27、Is it a good idea to give money to beggars?28、Should more Western festivals be observed by Chinese youth?29、Is first impression important/or unimportant?30、How to bridge the generation gap between young students and their parents?31、 Are there any tourist attractions in or near your hometown?篇二:港大面试考题集锦港大面试注意事项:1. 自我介紹 (語言多以英語為主 );2. 小組討論 (語言以英語或普通話)內容 : 時事及日常生活為主;- 環保 ;- 08 奧運 ;- 想入讀港大的原因 ;- 假設性問題 (Situational Question(s)例如 : 可否適應在港的語言障礙或是與香港同學相處的問題) ;- 經濟全球化等等...3. 個人發問面試留意事項 :1. 自我介紹的內容精簡 , 並能突出自己的個性和長處 , 留意發言時的時間控制 (忌長篇大論 , 如個人演講般說個不停) ;2. 面試時需持有該有的禮貌 , 如說早安或午安等 , 讓面試官對你留下好印象 , 一般人都會容易忽略這些細節的 .3. 於討論環節時 , 勿過于偏激或是太出位 , 尤其是對他人的意見作出評擊 , 面試者可嘗試用(来自: )補充的方法去作出回應 ;4. 於討論環節時 , 應持有包容及客觀的態度 , 如遇上與自己持相同意見的組員 , 面試者可相應作出認同和鼓勵的態度 , 從中表現出個人領導的才能 .5. 於討論環節時 , 面試者可嘗試為組員間的不同意見作一歸納(Summarization) , 從中可表現出個人的組織力和分析力 .6. 於討論環節時 , 忌心浮氣燥 , 與組員間舌劍唇槍和爭持不下 , 給人一種過份主觀和自大的感覺 ;7. 面試前請預先想好一些自己希望發問的問題 , 避免即場手足無措和啞口無言 .8. 面試前一晚要有充足的睡眠 , 和當天吃過早餐後才出門到試場會較理想 , 這樣才能有清醒的腦筋去應付面試 .9. 請注意 , 面試忌遲到 , 最好早15 分鐘就到達會場 .面试考题集锦1、美元和人民币哪个重要?2、如果看到一只小鸟,你会想到什么?3、对内地文字使用简体,香港使用繁体字你有什么看法?4、假如你是联合国官员,面对贫困、全球变暖、金融危机,你将如何应对?5、针对墨西哥湾漏油事件你有何看法?6、面对政府的倾向性决策(如在计划生育规定上有的可以生二胎,如高考倾向性政策),你觉得公平吗?(教育公平)优惠性政策preferential eollment policy7、如何看待现今女性的社会地位变化问题?8、如何看待中学生约会问题?9、考官先讲一个青少年与家长冲突的故事,问学生如何看待、面对和解决。
港大英语面试题集锦1、How would you describe yourself2、What do you remember about your childhood3、What do you usually do on weekends4、Do you think you have a democratic familyDo your parents listen to you when a decision has to be made5、Do you feel the generation gap between you and your parents,or between your parents and yourgrandparents6、Have you ever given a birthday party How do you and your friends celebrate your birthdays7、Do you chat on the Internet Have you made any friends on-line8、Have you joined any clubs or associations organized by students themselves9、Are there any activities on campus which you don't think necessary10、Do you think college students' mental health is an issue that is worth our attention11. Are there any women whom you admire very much12. (For a girl)Do you think you would be happy to be a housewife13、What do you know about the history of Nanjing / Shanghai / . . .14、Are you happy to be an only child15、What do you think makes a good English teacher16、What do you think about the various examinations that you have taken here17、Did you ever buy something simply because it was fashionable18W、hat kind of clothes would you like to wear19、Where do you normally go to buy your clothes20、Nowadays some college students cohabit outside the campus. What is your opinion21、What do you think is the most serious social problem in China22、Do you think it is important for every college student to pass an English test,such as CET23、Do you think advertisers offer a useful/harmful service to the community24、Do you think sportsmanship is the most important thing for all sports events25、Is earning more money the only thing people are interested in today26、Is traveling on foot better than any other means of transport27、Is it a good idea to give money to beggars28、Should more Western festivals be observed by Chinese youth29、Is first impression important/or unimportant30、How to bridge the generation gap between young students and their parents31、Are there any tourist attractions in or near your hometown。
第1篇IntroductionHong Kong, a vibrant and bustling city, has long been a global hub for finance, commerce, and culture. As such, it attracts professionals from all over the world who are eager to work and live in this dynamic metropolis. This document provides a comprehensive list of interview questions that are commonly asked during job interviews in Hong Kong. These questions cover various aspects, including cultural understanding, professional experience, language proficiency, and personal qualities.Cultural Understanding1. Can you describe your understanding of Hong Kong's unique cultural blend?2. How do you think your cultural background will help you adapt to Hong Kong's diverse society?3. What are some of the cultural norms and values in Hong Kong that you find most interesting or challenging?4. How would you handle a situation where there is a cultural misunderstanding in the workplace?5. What are your thoughts on Hong Kong's colonial history and its impact on the city's culture today?Professional Experience6. Can you walk us through your professional experience in your previous roles?7. What are your key achievements in your previous positions? Can you provide specific examples?8. How do you handle pressure and meet tight deadlines?9. Can you describe a time when you had to work in a team with members from different cultural backgrounds? How did you manage the diversity?10. What are your strengths and weaknesses as a professional?11. How do you stay updated with the latest trends and developments in your field?12. What motivates you in your career?13. How do you prioritize your work when you have multiple tasks and projects to handle?Language Proficiency14. What is your level of proficiency in English and Cantonese?15. Can you provide examples of how you have used your language skillsin a professional context?16. How would you communicate with a team member who does not speak your language?17. Are you comfortable with written and spoken communication in both English and Cantonese?18. Do you have any experience with other languages? If so, how have you utilized them in your professional life?Personal Qualities19. What are your key personal strengths? How do they contribute to your professional success?20. How do you handle stress and maintain a positive attitude in the workplace?21. Can you describe a time when you had to overcome a significant challenge? What did you learn from the experience?22. How do you approach problem-solving? Can you give an example?23. What are your career goals for the next five years?24. How do you stay motivated and engaged in your work?25. What is your preferred work style (e.g., independent, collaborative, team-oriented)?Workplace Culture and Environment26. How do you think you would fit into the workplace culture in Hong Kong?27. What are your expectations of the working environment in Hong Kong?28. How would you handle the heat and humidity during the summer months?29. What are some of the challenges you anticipate facing in working in Hong Kong?30. How do you plan to maintain a work-life balance in Hong Kong?Technical and Job-Specific Questions31. For technical roles: Can you explain a complex technical concept in simple terms?32. For finance roles: How would you approach the budgeting process fora new project?33. For marketing roles: Can you describe a successful marketing campaign you have led?34. For IT roles: What programming languages are you proficient in?35. For healthcare roles: How do you stay up-to-date with the latest medical research and practices?ConclusionPreparing for an interview in Hong Kong requires a thorough understanding of the city's culture, professional expectations, and personal qualities valued by employers. By addressing these questions thoughtfully and confidently, candidates can demonstrate theirsuitability for the position and their readiness to contribute to the success of the organization. Good luck with your interview!第2篇IntroductionHong Kong, a vibrant and bustling city, has long been a hub for international business, finance, and culture. As such, the interview process for a position in Hong Kong can be quite rigorous. This comprehensive guide covers a wide range of interview questions that are commonly asked during the selection process. Whether you are applying for a job in the corporate sector, the creative industry, or the public sector, these questions will help you prepare for the challenges and opportunities that await you in the Hong Kong job market.Section 1: General Questions1. Tell us about yourself.- This is a classic icebreaker. Keep your answer concise, professional, and tailored to the job you are applying for.2. Why are you interested in working in Hong Kong?- Highlight the unique aspects of Hong Kong that appeal to you, such as its cultural diversity, economic opportunities, or its strategic location in Asia.3. What do you know about Hong Kong's economy?- Discuss the main sectors of the economy, recent trends, and any challenges or opportunities you see in the future.4. How do you handle stress and pressure?- Provide examples of how you have managed stress in the past and what strategies you use to stay calm and focused.5. Describe a time when you had to work under a tight deadline. How did you handle it?- Use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to structure your answer effectively.6. What are your strengths and weaknesses?- Focus on strengths that are relevant to the job and be honest about your weaknesses, emphasizing how you are working to improve them.Section 2: Job-Specific Questions7. For a position in finance:- How do you stay updated with the latest financial news and trends?- Can you explain a complex financial concept in simple terms?- What experience do you have with financial modeling or analysis?8. For a position in marketing:- How would you approach a marketing campaign for a new product in Hong Kong?- What are your thoughts on the importance of digital marketing in Hong Kong?- Can you provide an example of a successful marketing campaign you have worked on?9. For a position in education:- How do you adapt your teaching methods to cater to diverse learning styles?- What are your views on the use of technology in education?- Can you describe a challenging situation you have faced as an educator and how you resolved it?10. For a position in healthcare:- How do you stay up-to-date with the latest medical research and advancements?- Can you discuss a time when you had to work as part of a multidisciplinary team?- What are your thoughts on patient care and how would youprioritize patient needs in a busy environment?Section 3: Cultural and Social Questions11. How do you think Hong Kong's unique blend of Eastern and Western cultures impacts its work environment?- Discuss the advantages and potential challenges of such a diverse cultural environment.12. What are your thoughts on Hong Kong's public transportation system?- Share your experience using public transport in Hong Kong and any suggestions you might have for improvements.13. How do you feel about Hong Kong's property market?- Offer insights into the property market trends and any concerns you have regarding affordability and availability.14. What are your favorite leisure activities in Hong Kong?- This question helps the interviewer gauge your compatibility with the city's lifestyle.15. How do you maintain a work-life balance in Hong Kong?- Share strategies you use to manage your time effectively and maintain a healthy lifestyle.Section 4: Interview Etiquette and Practical Questions16. How should I dress for an interview in Hong Kong?- Provide guidance on appropriate attire for different industries and job roles.17. What are some common interview mistakes to avoid in Hong Kong?- Discuss topics such as punctuality, communication style, and body language.18. How important is English proficiency in Hong Kong?- Highlight the importance of English in various sectors and offer tips on improving language skills.19. What are the main differences between working in Hong Kong and other countries?- Compare and contrast working conditions, cultural norms, and legal frameworks.20. How can I prepare for a virtual interview?- Offer advice on technical preparation, dress code, and ways to ensure a professional online presence.ConclusionPreparing for an interview in Hong Kong requires a thorough understanding of the city's unique culture, economy, and job market. By answering these comprehensive questions, you can demonstrate your readiness to thrive in a dynamic and challenging environment. Rememberto be confident, professional, and genuine in your responses, and bestof luck with your interview!第3篇IntroductionHong Kong, known for its vibrant economy, unique blend of Eastern and Western cultures, and as a global financial hub, presents a unique setof challenges and opportunities for professionals. Whether you are applying for a job in the finance sector, the service industry, or any other field, it is crucial to be well-prepared for the interview process. This comprehensive list of interview questions aims to help candidates understand what they might expect during a job interview in Hong Kong.1. Tell Us About YourselfThis is a classic icebreaker question, but in Hong Kong, it's often used to assess how well you can articulate your background and experiences.- How would you describe your professional background?- What experiences have prepared you for this role in Hong Kong?- How would you summarize your skills and qualifications?2. Why Are You Interested in Working in Hong Kong?Understanding your motivation for moving to Hong Kong can help the interviewer gauge your commitment to the role and the city.- What drew you to Hong Kong as a place to work?- How do you think your experiences or background make you a good fit for Hong Kong's work environment?- What do you envision for your future in Hong Kong?3. What Do You Know About Hong Kong's Business Environment?This question tests your knowledge of the local business landscape and your ability to adapt to it.- Can you describe the economic climate in Hong Kong?- What are the main industries driving Hong Kong's economy?- How does Hong Kong's business environment compare to other international financial centers?4. How Would You Handle the High Cost of Living in Hong Kong?The cost of living in Hong Kong is one of the highest in the world, and this question helps interviewers understand your financial expectations and coping strategies.- How do you plan to manage the high cost of living in Hong Kong?- What financial strategies have you used to live in expensive cities before?- Are you open to different living arrangements, such as sharing accommodations?5. Describe a Time When You Had to Work Under Pressure.This question is common in Hong Kong, where work-life balance can be challenging, and deadlines are often tight.- Can you give an example of a time when you had to meet a tight deadline?- How did you prioritize your tasks under pressure?- What strategies did you use to maintain your performance during stressful situations?6. How Do You Handle Conflict in the Workplace?Conflict is inevitable in any workplace, and this question assesses your ability to resolve issues effectively.- Can you describe a situation where you had to resolve a conflict at work?- What steps did you take to address the conflict?- How do you maintain a professional demeanor when dealing with conflicts?7. What Are Your Strengths and Weaknesses?This is a staple in most interviews, but it's important to provide specific examples that are relevant to the Hong Kong job market.- What do you consider to be your strongest professional skills?- Can you give an example of a time when you demonstrated these strengths?- What do you see as your biggest weakness?- How do you work to improve upon this weakness?8. How Do You Adapt to Change?Change is a constant in Hong Kong's dynamic business environment, and this question evaluates your flexibility and resilience.- Can you give an example of a time when you had to adapt to a significant change in your job or personal life?- How do you stay informed about industry trends and changes in your field?- What strategies do you use to keep yourself motivated during periods of change?9. What Are Your Long-Term Career Goals?Understanding your career aspirations can help the interviewer determine if you are a good long-term fit for the company.- What are your short-term and long-term career goals?- How does this position align with those goals?- What steps are you taking to achieve these goals?10. How Do You Approach Teamwork?Teamwork is crucial in Hong Kong's collaborative work culture, and this question assesses your ability to work effectively with others.- Can you describe a successful team project you have been a part of?- What role did you play in that project?- How do you handle conflicts within a team?11. What Is Your Expected Salary Range?Salary expectations are a sensitive topic, and it's important to research the market rates for your role in Hong Kong.- What is your salary expectation for this position?- How do you determine your salary requirements?- Are you open to negotiation?12. What Questions Do You Have for Us?This is your opportunity to showcase your interest in the role and the company.- Can you tell me more about the day-to-day responsibilities of this position?- How does the company support professional development and career growth?- What are the company's values and how do they align with my own?ConclusionPreparing for an interview in Hong Kong requires a thorough understanding of the local business environment, as well as the ability to articulate your skills and experiences in a way that aligns with the expectations of potential employers. By addressing these questions and demonstrating your knowledge, adaptability, and enthusiasm, you can increase your chances of success in your job interview. Good luck!。
一、有关对方学校(counterpart)1.why do you choose HKU?The major you choose is a strong point in HKU.The academic standard is high (professors,alumni )The history, the campus,the dormitory service。
2.why do you choose a certain majorthe importance of ***the influence from the people around meinterestsdreamprospect in job market3.how much do you know your major?DefinitionVery basic knowledgeThe celebrities in that area4.why do you want to study in HK?Importance of the city,economically and politicallyInternational city (mixed culture)Education二、有关自己一)about your school life1.introduction of your schoolteachers:knowledgeable, kind,friendly,helpfulschool mates:lovely, friendly,various interests,all-round qualityacademic standard:graduatesfacilities school offers:library,science lab,computer lab2.best teacher:3.your friends4.voluntary work:realize that I am important to other peoplehave a sense of happiness and achievementlearned how to communicate with otherssee the reality of the world:a lot of people are in need of help5.important school events you have joineda balance between cooperation and competitioncommunicatefriendshiphave contact with professional peoplerealize the weak points and strong points in my characterfeelings and thoughts:be brave, have confidence, ask for more,a little bit more 二)about your study1.what is your favorite subject,why?ImportanceInterestingGood teacherInfluence of your parents2.the subject with highest score3.the subject with lowest score4.your experience in academic competitionbasic facts:feelings and thoughts:三)adaptability1。
香港大学面试题(三)五、环境1、你对环境污染(de)看法2、城市可以采取什么措施来减少环境污染3、发达国家将垃圾倒到发展中国家,并给与一些补偿,好不好(1)中国(de)环境污染已经到了非常严重(de)地步.Currently China's Environmental pollution has become a serious problem(2)全国(de)地表水受到不同程度(de)污染,富营养化严重;空气质量差;近海海域赤潮发生频繁;土壤中(de)化肥、农药污染也很严重;好多地方出现垃圾围城围村;环境污染事故经常发生;对资源过渡开发和掠夺性开发,造成资源(de)严重浪费……据最新发布(de)数字,2011年我国环境污染(de)损失已经超过了2万多亿,占GDP(de)比重是超过了6%,甚至已经超过了教育支出.Around the country, contamination or eutrophication of surface water, steadily declining air quality, emergence of red tide in offshore areas, excessiveness chemicals in soil all reflect this problem. Moreover, overflow garbage in some towns, frequent occurrence of environmental pollution accidents, serious waste of resource due to overdevelopment and predatory exploitation even have star ted affecting people’s daily life. Based on newly released report, the loss from environment pollution in 2011 has exceeded 2 trillion Yuan, even higher than the expense of education, accounting for more than 6% of the GDP.(3)造成环境污染(de)原因是多方面(de),但主要是国家政策和经济发展模式存在问题,经济发展片面追求GDP增长,以经济效益为中心,采取粗放经营,忽视了对环境(de)保护,好多地方为吸引投资,采取“先污染后治理”(de)路子,给环境造成很大破坏,根据发达国家走过(de)工业化发展(de)经验,如果先污染后治理,所付出(de)代价要比事前污染防治投资高出十几倍甚至几十倍.There are many factors for this situation. The primary ones are the defects in national policies and its economic development model. GDP promotion has been pursued exclusively, the economic benefits-centered, extensive management modality has brought serious damage to the local environment.(4)一些企业见利忘义,只顾自已(de)眼前利益,缺乏环境保护意识和社会责任感,造成环境污染事故频繁发生,也对环境造成严重破坏.Some firms only pay attention to their own immediate interest, lacking of the sense of environment protection and social responsibility, so lead to environmental accidents(5)中国目前还是一个世界垃圾处理场,盲目引进国外淘汰(de)落后(de)高污染产业,比如钢铁产业,从国外进口铁矿石和煤炭,在国内炼钢出口,把大量(de)污染留在国内,还有医药原料产业,国外制药企业把污染严重(de)原料生产转移到国内生产,也造成严重污染;还在进口(de)洋垃圾在国内进行处理,这一系列做法,少数人发财致富,广大老百姓承担环境污染(de)高昂代价.Nowadays China is still like an international garbage disposal plant, blindly importing grubby industries which are obsolete in western world. For example in steel industry, iron ore and coal is bought in and products are sold out with lot of waste inside the country. The result of doing such things is the fewer making a fortune while the general common citizens paying for a high priceof pollution.(6)中国(de)一位领导曾经说过,“开喝污水是对现代化(de)讽刺.”中国(de)现状正是如此,如果不改变这种现状,我们(de)子孙后代将无一片净土.A leader of Chinese Environmental Ministry once said:” it is ironic for modernization that people drink dirty water while driving BMW. ”China’s status quo just like this. If the situation cannot be changed, none pure land in the country our posterity will live on.4、你认为怎样进行低碳生活5、提出一些节能(de)具体措施.低碳生活需要从细节开始.法国航空公司为了节能减排,把飞机上(de)水杯从13克减至9.5克,一年下来,全公司可减少20吨二氧化碳排放.Low-carbon lifestyle starts in details. In order to conserve energy and reduce pollution discharge, Air France has decreased a total weight of water cups in planes from 13 to 9.5g, so the firm could have less 20tons of CO2 discharge a year.我们每个人(de)一举一动都与碳排放有关,少浪费一粒粮食、多栽一棵数、少开一会车、节约一度电、节省一滴水都能减少碳排放.积少成多,对节能减排将会有很大(de)作用.Our every moves relate to carbon emission, less wasting a grain of rice, more planting a tree, less driving for minutes, more conserving a kilowatt hour, saving a drop of water can all cut downcarbon emission amount. Many a little makes a mickle, from what we’re doing there is a huge effect on saving-energy and lessening-pollution.目前国内每年人均碳排放量约为吨,如果每人能从细节入手,每年减少碳排放量1%,那也将是一个非常巨大(de)数字.At present China’s average of carbon discharge amount is , if everybody started from small steps and lessened 1%, an enormous number can be achieved.6、你如何看待再生能源7、可再生能源(renewable energy)是否应该马上投入使用可再生能源是指自然界中可以不断利用、循环再生(de)能源,例如、风能、水能、生物质能等.可再生能源对环境无害或危害极小,而且资源分布广泛,适宜就地开发利用.相对于可能穷尽(de)来说,可再生能源在自然界中可以循环再生.Renewable energy resources are those nonexpendable, regenerative energy resources, such as solar energy, wind, water, biomass energy and so on. Renewable energy is not only harmless to environment but also widespread. Compared to limited fossil resource, those renewable ones are more appropriate to developed locally.开发利用可再生能源可以建设资源节约型社会、实现可持续发展,解决能源危机问题,对优化能源结构、保护环境、减排温室气体、应对气候变化具有十分重要(de)作用.同时还可开拓新(de)经济增长领域、促进经济转型、扩大就业.所以,再生能源应大力发展.Developing and utilizing renewable resources is benefit forconstruction of the resource-saving society, realization of sustainable development as well as solving energy crisis problem. Moreover, it’s also good for optimizing energy structure, protecting environment, minimizing emission of greenhouse gases so as to pose an impact on climate. Besides, it helps opening up new economic growth areas, advancing economic transition and expanding employment. Consequently, renewable resources field should be vigorously developed.六、科技1、你对转基因食品怎么看对于转基因食是否安全,目前世界上还存在很大(de)争议.Genetically modified food is still a very controversial issue around the world.有(de)人认为转基因食品是安全(de),他们(de)理由是食物进入人体后,会在消化系统分解成小分子,而不会以基因(de)形态进入人体组织,更不会改变人体自身(de)基因.甚至说转基因作物因为自身很好(de)抗虫性和抗病性,在生长过程中减少了农药使用量,农药残留更低,很大程度上提高了食用(de)安全性.Some people believe it safe, claiming that food, after entering human body, would be resolved into micromolecules in digestive system, but not stays as the form of gene in human organism, certainly not change human’s own genes, besides, a better ability of insects and disease resistance makes GMF relying on less agricultural chemicals, so higher food safety could be achieved to a great extent.而反对者也有自已(de)依据,说植物体内(de)微小核糖核酸(microRNA)进入人(de)肠胃后,能逃过肠胃(de)消化、降解,进入到人体(de)血液和组织器官里,调控人体内靶基因表达(de)方式,从而影响人体(de)生理功能.最近有报道称,丹麦一位养猪场场主,发现自己猪场饲喂转基因大豆饲料后出现猪群严重疾病(de)现象,再改回喂非转基因大豆饲料后出现猪群(de)疾病消失,这件事在丹麦全国引起了轰动,丹麦政府正在对这一事件进行进一步(de)研究.转基因食口谁是谁非,现在还没一个统一(de)结论.但我个人认为,以基因工程技术为核心转基因食品,可能会成为一种发展趋势,不可能被阻挡,也许这也是解决食品短缺,丰富人们(de)食品(de)途径.七、教育1、对现行教育体制(de)看法中国(de)教育取得了很大(de)成就,但也存在严重(de)问题.现在(de)中小学主要是应试教育.学生作业多,主是训练做题,应对考试,缺乏对学生思维想象、创新精神和综合素质方面(de)培养,这对孩子(de)成长是不利(de).大学(de)体制是行政化(de)官僚体制,学校有级别,领导有官阶,存在“官本位”思想,这使学校失去了思想和学术自由,缺乏独立办学(de)精神.近年来(de)教育市场、产业化改革,强化了教育(de)功利性,淡化了教育(de)公益性,一些大学大兴土木,扩大建设规模,忙着挣钱、创收,影响了对学生(de)培养,这种功利主义思想让是中国现行教育(de)最危害.此外,对教师(de)考评重科研,轻教学,导致一些老师忙着跑项目、搞科研,写论文,评职称,对本科教学不够重视,使学生(de)素质下降.中国教育到目前为止没有培养出一个诺贝尔奖获得者,中国(de)学术界和教育界也缺乏大师,高校也没能培出世界级(de)顶尖人才,这说明中国教育存在(de)问题.要改变目前(de)现状,首先要让大学独立办学,让大学摆脱与官僚体制;政府要加大教育投入,强调教育(de)公益性,不能让学校自已挣钱创收.大学教育要以学生为本,不能舍本求末.2、学术自由是否重要应该如何实现学术自由(英语译为academic freedom ,akademische)是从事学术活动(de)伦理原则和基本精神,是实现知识创新、追求真理(de)保证.这也是最基本(de)公民权利,也是大学发展(de)核心价值.中国(de)大学还存在行政化(de)官僚体制,学校有级别,领导有官阶,存在“官本位”思想,行政化使大学迎合权力,崇尚权力,使大学失去了思想和学术自由,缺乏独立办学(de)精神.要保证学术自由,首先要大学“去行政化”,避免用行政(de)思维和手段解决学术和教育问题,实行大学民主自治、学术自由和教授治校,给学术研究充分(de)自由.还有更为重要(de)一点,就是保证公民(de)言论自由,如果没有言论自由,就谈不上学术自由.3、有人说大学教育只是为工作(de)预备课程,你是怎么看(de)如果大学教育只是为了求职,那就太功利化了,那样(de)大学培养不出真正(de)人才.大学教育(de)目(de)应该是解放人(de)个性,让学生以奇心(de)心态去接受知识,形成自已鲜明(de)个性,独立(de)精神,能独立思考,具有丰富(de)想象力和创新活力,社会责任感和合作精神.这样不但能够很好(de)工作,还能够很好(de)生活,发展自已,实现自我价值,为社会作出更大(de)贡献.4、对内地有一部分大学生交不起学费(de)问题觉得应该怎样解决内地一部大学生交不起学费,主要是教育市场化和产业化改革强化教育(de)功利性,淡化了教育(de)公益性,忽视了对学生本身(de)投资,使学费不断上涨.内地经济发展不平衡,城乡贫富差距拉大,部分农村地区收入水平低;政府对教育(de)投入低,社会保障体系不完善,导致一些学生交不起学费.政府和学校应强调教育(de)公益性,加大投入,为学交不起学费(de)学生提供更多助学金.完善助学贷款制度,为学生提供低息或免息(de)助学贷款.鼓励民间织组对交不起学费(de)学生进行资助.5、工厂里(de)员工没机会像你们一样上大学,这是不是他们(de)遗憾也许有些人会感到遗憾.中国现行(de)高考制度虽然不能保证对每个学生都是公平(de),但起码在一定(de)区域内还是相对公平(de),高考给每个学生都提供了一次考大学(de)机会,但中国(de)教育资源还相对匮这,不能保证所有(de)人都能上大学.这对一些渴望上大学(de)人来说,确实有些不公平.但社会也是一所大学,大学里能学到(de)东西工厂里不一定能学得到,工厂里能到(de)东西不一定大学里也不一定能学(de)到,也不必对此感到遗憾,只要用自已(de)双手去创造,生活同样会美好.6、怎样看待外国人(西方人)学汉语7、你怎么样看得中国到国外开办孔子学院外国人热衷于学习汉语,就象中国人学习英语一样,是件很正常(de)事情,没有必要把它与中国(de)强大联系起来,好象外国人学汉语是一件值得多么骄傲(de)事情.更为不可理解(de)是中国政府花巨资,到世界各地开办孔子学院,免费教外国人汉语.中国有这个义务吗中国人学外语都要交学费,外国人学汉语我们为什么要免费有人说这是输出中国(de)先进文化,输出软实力,难道中国(de)汉语,还有那些太极拳、武术之类真(de)就是当今天世界(de)先进文化吗这些文在中国都有几千年(de)历史了,中国为什么没有靠这些先进文化强大,如果是先进(de)文化你不免费照样会有人来学,何必要去赔着钱求人学呢.中国国内有多少孩子还上不起学,为什么不把这些钱在国内孩子身上.这种自欺欺人、违背文化传播规律(de)行为实在让人费解.8、对目前内地(de)教育制度(de)看法:大学是该注重尖端培养还是大众教育这二者其实并不矛盾,没有必要将二者割裂开来.随着社会经济(de)发展,社会需要更多(de)人才,也需要不同层次(de)人才.一个国家要强大,要提高国际竞争力,就必须有尖端(de)人才,但同也需要大批(de)大众化人才.所以,大学(de)教育应该是“金字塔”结构,既培养大众化人才,也培养尖端人才.大众教育既能给国民提供平等(de)教育机会,也能为选拔尖端人才创造条件.大学是培养人才(de)摇篮,但能不能培养出尖端(de)人才,不仅仅取决于大学教育.真正(de)人才还需要在社会实践中磨练和造就.中国近年来为什么没有世界级(de)顶尖人才,除了大学教育存在一定问题之外,更重要(de)是缺乏良好(de)人才成长(de)社会环境,一些人在国内成不了顶尖(de)人才,为什么在国外就能成为顶尖(de)人才,还在一些人在国内默默无闻,出国留学回来就成了顶尖(de)人才,关键是我们没有适合尖端人才成长(de)“土壤”,这既有文化(de)、历史(de)因素,也有现实(de)、制度(de)原由.如果不为尖端(de)人才成长创造良好(de)社会环境,大学教育也是很难培养出尖端人才(de).八、医疗1、你怎么看等医患纠纷最近一段时间,一些患者对医生施以暴力(de)事件时有发生.这种医患纠纷实际上反应了突出(de)社会生民矛盾.中国过去(de)医疗改革,使医院市场化、产业化,失去了公益性.医院以盈利为目(de),产生好多不正之风,医疗费不断提高,药价虚高,药品从出厂价到患者手上,价格翻了几十倍甚至上百倍;医生收药品厂家(de)回扣、收患者(de)红包,部分医生(de)素质不高、医德缺失,态度恶劣,信息不对称,医生为了盈利乱开药,导致看病难、看病贵,好多人看不起病,医患矛盾越来越突出.另外,政府对医疗投入少,医疗资源匮乏,医疗保障体系不完善,老百姓看病没保障,没有安全感,这也是导致医患纠份(de)根源之一.要解决医患纠份最根本(de)还是要回归医疗(de)公益性,政府要加大投入,完善社会保障体系,让老百姓看得起病,同时也要健全医疗管理制度,杜绝不正之风.而在医院区设立警务工作室(de)做法并不能从根本上解决问题.2、政府是否应该禁止医疗广告为什么药品不同于一般商品,患者吃什么药,应该根据病情由医生决定,而不是患者根据广告来选,明星代言医药广告就是把看病吃药这个专业性很强事情,交由患者自己选择,这是很不妥当、且有危险(de),会误导消费者.同时,一些明星缺乏社会责任感,为一些伪劣产品做虚假宣传,更是危害极大.政府闻应对明星代言医疗广告严加管理,并严格控制非处理药物做广告.九、道德1、你对活熊取胆怎么看如何保护动物活熊取胆是对动(de)物(de)一种虐待,不应该提倡.世界上(de)任何生命都应该受到尊重,动物与人类相比,是弱者,他们同样也是生命,应该受到保护,这是人类文明(de)体现,人类不应该为了自已(de)需要而让动物承受痛苦.尊重动物实际上也是重重人,尊重动物(de)人热爱生命,也会关心人(de)命运,那些不关注动物苦难(de)人,他们漠视生命,往往也不会关心人.2、你怎么看等慈善慈善是对生命(de)恻隐和关爱,是对弱者(de)同情与扶助,是人类善良(de)天性.扶危助困,助人为乐,也是中华民族传统(de)美德.真正(de)慈善是善良人性(de)流露,是真诚与爱心(de)传递,是对社会(de)感恩与回报,而不是居高临下(de)施舍,不是利益(de)交换.无论善事大小,都要以尊重他人为基础,在帮助他人(de)同时,要考虑他们(de)尊严和感受.慈善不分大小,爱心只论真情.不论是世界(de)巴菲特、比尔盖茨,中国(de)曹德旺、陈光标捐赠亿万资产,还是捐助1元钱(de)普通百姓,只要是爱心(de)流淌,真情(de)传递,都会带来人间(de)感动,都是善良人性(de)闪耀,都值得我们敬佩和赞美.慈善就在我们身边,慈善就在举手投足之间,让慈善从我们心中流淌,我们(de)社会就会放出美好人性(de)光芒3、你对四川折除香港捐助(de)学校怎么看这种事是不应该发事生(de),我感到非常遗憾.这是对慈善(de)不尊重,也是对捐款人(de)不尊重.当年汶川地震发后,牵动了多少人(de)心,香港同胞也勇跃捐款,这寄托着香港人民(de)祝福和期望.可香港政府援建(de)学校不到两年就拆了,这是对爱心(de)伤害.内地一些地方政府滥用权力,片面追求GDP,大搞面子工程和政绩,不顾民意,不顾捐款人(de)感情,浪费社会资源,这已积习成疾,难以改变,才有这种让人痛心(de)事情发生.十、香港1、你对香港金融中心(de)地位有何看法(1)香港被誉为"世界最自由经济体",具有与国际接轨(de)完善(de)经济规则和金融体制.自由经济、简单税制、法制(de)精神、廉洁高效(de)政府等都被世界高度认可.(2)优越(de)地缘位置、国际水准(de)人文环境、完善(de)服务业,高度透明(de)信息传播等,都让香港成为世界(de)金融中心.(3)香港汇集了世界各地(de)先进人才,人口文化素质高,具有与现代社会相适应(de)职业道德和敬业精神.(4)香港政治民主,言论自由,法制健全,这为香港成为世界金融中心提供了有力(de)保障.(5)尽管世界遭遇金融危机,全球经济滑坡,但香港依然是全球重要(de)融资平台和贸易中心.2、你对香港(de)教育和内地教育(de)区别有什么样(de)了解,并说出他们(de)优缺点.(1)内地教育以应试为主,学生作业多,影响孩子(de)想象力和创造精神(de)培养.香港教育重视素质教育,孩子合面发展.(2)内地教育官僚体制,学校有行政级别,领导由政府任命.这使学校失去了思想和学术自由,缺乏独立办学(de)精神.香港教育实行自治,教授治校,思想、学术自由.(3)内地教育进行市场化、产业化改革后,一些学校强化功利性,淡化化益性,把挣钱、创收作为办学目(de)之一,影响了对学生(de)培养.香港大学具有益性,以学生为本,重视对学生(de)培养.(4)香港教育体制和教学理念与国际接轨,环境国际化,师资优良.内地教育想对较封闭.3、你认为香港经济环境和内地经济环境有什么不同之处,他们各自(de)特点和他们各自(de)优缺点香港是自由(de)市场经济,具有与国际接轨(de)完善(de)经济规则和金融体制.具有自由经济、简单税制、法制(de)精神,公开、透明、公平.以金融、贸易等为中心.内地经济是官僚体制下(de)计划与市场相结合(de)经济,人治占主导地位,决策不民主,资源垄断,缺乏公平竞争和法制理念,随意性强,以GDP 增长为中心,忽视对环环境(de)保护和民生(de)改善.4、你对香港(de)政治有什么样(de)见解你认为香港(de)政治制度哪些地方可取哪些地方不可取香港政治明主、自由、法制、廉洁、高效,具有先进性.任何一种政治制都不是十全十美(de),只要符合民主、自由、法制(de)普世价值就是好(de)政治制度.5、你对在香港生活有什么期望我希望能在香港国际化(de)人文环境下,通过学习和生活,能使自已成一名国际化(de)人才.十一、个人1、有(de)人工作主要为了生存,有(de)人工作主要为了兴趣爱好,你认为哪种状态好我认为二者能够相结合是最好(de).生存是人(de)第一需要,如果为了生存被迫从事自已不喜欢(de)工作,工作缺乏激情,不能发挥自已(de)积极性和创造性,感受不到工作(de)乐趣.如果从事自已喜欢(de)工作,同时又能解决生存问题,那工作就是一种乐趣,生活也会幸福.2、你认为你来港后最大(de)挑战会是什么可能是语言,香港好多人都说三种语言,普通话、英语和粤语,我现在只会两种,粤语还需要从头学起,不过我相信自已很快会适应.3、来到香港之后会有很大(de)压力,高中期间你是如何处理你(de)压力(de)压力主要来自心态,好多烦恼都是自找(de),只要自已保持乐观向上(de)心态,勇敢地面对现实,迎接挑战,就没有过不去坎.4、来港就读是你自己(de)决定还是父母(de)决定父母负责收集有关(de)资料,最后由我决策.5、毕业后有什么打算毕来后尽可能再读研究生继续深造,学到更多(de)知识,再从事自已喜欢(de)工作.6、将来从事什么工作在那个国家为什么我喜欢数学,希望将来从事与数学有关工作,如经济、金融、统计等.至于在那个国家这主要看什么地方能更好(de)发挥作用,适合我今后(de)发展.7、请问你未来(de)发展规划,短期规划如何,长期规划如何我希望将来从事与数学有关工作,如经济、金融、统计等,在这些领域能有自已(de)研究成果,并能解决一些实际问题.目前(de)主要目标还是通过大学四年(de)努力学习能学到更多(de)知识,提高自已(de)能力,并希望在大学毕业后能继续升造.8、你怎样定义幸福幸福由心生,它就在你心里,只要你用心去感受,幸福就在你身边.幸福与金钱和财富并不成正比关系,富人有富人(de)幸福,穷人有穷人(de)快乐,它是人们心灵(de)一种感受,父母(de)关爱,朋友(de)真情,他人(de)理解,工作(de)进步……都能让我们感受到幸福.只要我们报着一颗平常心和积极向上(de)人生态度,常怀感恩之心,不被那那些权钱名利(de)诱惑所拖累,用心去体会自已(de)内心世界,感悟和发现生活细微处(de)每一份惊喜,幸福就会伴随你9、那个老师对你(de)影响最大我在初一(de)候上过一个补习班,有一位叫魏安(de)老师对我影响最大,他让我懂得了化学(de)神奇,让我对化学产生了浓后(de)兴趣,也体会到了学习化学(de)快乐.后来我从初中到高中化学成绩一直很好,还先后参加北京市和全国(de)化学竞赛四次获奖.10、你如何选择你(de)朋友怎么维系你(de)朋友关系我朋友很多,凡与我长期交往(de)人都能成为我(de)朋友,朋友之间(de)交往要真诚和相互理解,不能相互欺骗,也不能太自私,不能以自我为中心.。
港大面试题 (5)
港大面试题1. 简介港大(The University of Hong Kong)作为香港最早创办的大学之一,被广泛认为是世界一流的高等教育机构之一。
2. 面试题目2.1. 个人经历题目:请介绍你最有意义的一个个人经历。
2.2. 自我评价题目:请用三个词语来描述你自己。
2.3. 解决问题能力题目:请给出你曾经面临并解决过的一个复杂问题的例子。
2.4. 智力与创造力题目:请设计一个创新的应用程序,解决某个现实生活中的问题。
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1、How would you describe yourself?
2、What do you remember about your childhood?
3、What do you usually do on weekends?
4、Do you think you have a democratic family?
Do your parents listen to you when a decision has to be made?
5、Do you feel the generation gap between you and your parents,or between your parents and yourgrandparents?
6、Have you ever given a birthday party? How do you and your friends celebrate your birthdays?
7、Do you chat on the Internet? Have you made any friends on-line?
8、Have you joined any clubs or associations organized by students themselves?
9、Are there any activities on campus which you don't think necessary?
10、Do you think college students' mental health is an issue that is worth our attention?
11. Are there any women whom you admire very much?
12. (For a girl)Do you think you would be happy to be a housewife?
13、What do you know about the history of Nanjing / Shanghai / . . .
14、Are you happy to be an only child?
15、What do you think makes a good English teacher?
16、What do you think about the various examinations that you have taken here?
17、Did you ever buy something simply because it was fashionable?
18W、hat kind of clothes would you like to wear?
19、Where do you normally go to buy your clothes?
20、Nowadays some college students cohabit outside the campus. What is your opinion?
21、What do you think is the most serious social problem in China?
22、Do you think it is important for every college student to pass an English test,such as CET?
23、Do you think advertisers offer a useful/harmful service to the community?
24、Do you think sportsmanship is the most important thing for all sports events?
25、Is earning more money the only thing people are interested in today?
26、Is traveling on foot better than any other means of transport?
27、Is it a good idea to give money to beggars?
28、Should more Western festivals be observed by Chinese youth?
29、Is first impression important/or unimportant?
30、How to bridge the generation gap between young students and their parents?
31、Are there any tourist attractions in or near your hometown?。