《服务管理》课程教学大纲一、课程基本信息课程代码:16119203课程名称:服务管理英文名称:Service Management课程类别:学科基础课学时:48学分:3适用对象: 会展经济与管理本科专业、酒店管理本科专业考核方式:考试先修课程:管理学、市场营销学二、课程简介进入服务经济时代,消费者的追求不再停留于物质层面,服务已成为人们生活不可或缺的内容,现代社会的人离不开服务。
In time of service economics, consumer’s pursuit is no longer constrained to material level, and service has become indivisible part of people’s daily life. People of modern society find themselves tightly linked to service. Meanwhile on the enterprise’s side, service becomes enterprise’s instrument in fierce competition. Their strategy in marketing competition does not restrict to price, quality and distinguishing features any longer. Service and its quality is considered by many enterprises to be of great importance while they believe that only superior service can attract more customers and especially those loyal customers. Service management covers a thorough knowledge of psychology, marketing, management, public relationship and aesthetics. It is a combination of synthesis, science and practices of higher level. The content includes: concept and definition of service, assortment of service, strategy and use of service competition, design and construction ofservice transfer system flow, basis theory of service management, control and evaluation of service quality, construction of service culture and so on.三、课程性质与教学目的本课程既是学科基础课,也可作为全校选修课程,适合于管理学科相关专业学生使用。
《Customer Service Warming up》学历案(第一课时)一、学习主题本课学习主题为“Customer Service Warming up”(客户服务热身)。
二、学习目标1. 知识与技能目标:学生能够掌握客户服务基本用语,包括问候语、道歉语、感谢语等,并能进行简单的日常对话。
2. 过程与方法目标:学生能够通过角色扮演、模拟对话等方式,提高英语口语表达能力和客户服务沟通技巧。
3. 情感态度与价值观目标:培养学生良好的客户服务意识和职业素养,以及尊重客户、积极服务的态度。
三、评价任务1. 课堂表现评价:观察学生在课堂上的表现,包括口语表达、沟通技巧、参与度等方面进行评价。
2. 对话练习评价:学生两人一组进行模拟对话练习,评价双方的表达是否准确、流畅,沟通是否得体。
3. 课后作业评价:布置相关主题的写作或口语练习作业,评价学生的完成情况和质量。
四、学习过程1. 导入新课:通过展示客户服务工作的实际场景,引导学生了解客户服务的重要性,并激发学习兴趣。
2. 新课呈现:教师通过讲解、示范等方式,介绍客户服务基本用语和沟通技巧。
3. 探究活动:学生分组进行角色扮演,模拟客户服务场景,进行对话练习。
4. 总结归纳:教师总结学生在探究活动中的表现,强调客户服务的重要性和沟通技巧。
5. 布置作业:布置相关主题的写作或口语练习作业,要求学生进行实践练习。
五、检测与作业1. 课堂小测:进行简单的客户服务用语填空或选择题测试,检测学生对基本用语的掌握情况。
2. 对话练习作业:要求学生两人一组,选择一个客户服务场景,进行对话练习并录制视频或书面记录,以检验学生的口语表达和沟通技巧。
3. 写作作业:要求学生写一篇关于客户服务的短文,包括客户服务的重要性、沟通技巧以及个人看法等,以培养学生的英语写作能力和思考能力。
第一节 服务及服务营销学
2.按服务传递方式对服务分类 服务传递方式包括服务在哪里传递(服务点地便利性)和 如何传递(顾客与服务企业的互动性质)二个维度的内容。
顾客与 服务企 业的互 动性质
高峰需求能在不 产生太大延误情 况下得到满足
高峰需求超出服 务供应能力
一、电力、天然气、电 二、保险、法律服务、 话、医院产科、警察、 银行、洗衣 消防
三、会计和税务、旅客 运送、饭店和旅馆、 戏院
四、类似第二类服务, 但服务生产能力 不足以完成基本 水平的服务。
第一节 服务及服务营销学
形服务和有形产品进行了区分,提出要以非传统方法研究 服务的市场营销问题。 ➢ 1974年,拉斯梅尔发表了第一本论述服务营销的专著,标 志着服务营销学的诞生。 ➢ 1980年,伦纳德·L·贝里(Leonard L·Berry)发表的论文 《服务营销的独特性》,正式宣告了服务营销学的独立。 ➢ 在服务营销学的产生阶段,学者们关注的重点问题主要是 服务的概念、服务的特征、服务营销与产品营销的区别等。
第一节 服务及服务营销学
(三)服务营销学的发展 ➢ 二十世纪80年代中期以后,全球服务经济蓬勃发展,服务
营销思想被广泛接受,服务营销的研究和应用向更深化的 方向发展。研究的重点课题包括服务质量、服务接触、服 务系统设计、服务营销组合等。 ➢ 贝里率先对如何维系和改善同现有顾客之间的关系进行了 研究,肖斯塔克则研究了顾客在何种情况下愿意参与生产 过程,并提出了“服务蓝图”的概念。 ➢ 格隆鲁斯进一步提出服务质量由技术质量(服务结果质量) 和功能质量(服务过程质量)构成。而贝里等人则对服务
3.對服務機構目標(工作)達成的貢獻 5 4 3
3) 增進對社區…(注意並發現社區問題、學習 與社區居民互動並互相學習、拉近與社區之 距離)
以台中仁美國小「加倍感恩:打造孩子心靈的美 感角落」為例說明 /
協同合作 (Collaboration)(合作) 互惠 (Reciprocity)(互惠) 多元差異 (Diversity)(多元參與) 以學習為基礎 (Learning-Based)-經驗學習透過
與社區關 連且有意 義的社區
強化課業 學習
目的性公 民學習
穩定(Stability) 討論(Discussion) 平衡(Balance) 確定(Certainty) 控制的(Controlled) 永久的(Permanent) 說(Talk)
5) 只有心意還不夠,一定要有行動,請將被您服務的 人放入您服務工作的最重要位置。
6) 請在 最短時間去認識您服務的機構,請多閱讀服務 機構的一些資料,以儘速了 解被服務的對象與問題。
本文将讨论服务的三个重要概念,即消费者心理需求理论(Consumer Psychological Need Theory)、服务分类与分析模型(Service Typology and Analysis Model)、服务外包(Service Outsourcing)。
首先,消费者心理需求理论(Consumer Psychological Need Theory)是研究如何满足消费者的心理需求。
其次,服务分类与分析模型(Service Typology and Analysis Model)提供了一种可以解释和分析企业服务产品的方法和理论体系。
它将服务产品划分为四类,即服务礼仪(Service Etiquette)、服务环境(Service Environment)、服务流程(Service Process)和服务态度(Service Attitude),从而沟通企业服务产品的需求与实施。
最后,服务外包(Service Outsourcing)是企业在不能承担服务费用的情况下寻求外部第三方服务提供商,并由其提供服务产品的一种行为。
840sevice教学资料 theory4
Additional water traps can be added
Patient Circuit
Patient Circuit
F8 Tubes Wye F9 Patient Circuit (PC) is Optional
Adult or pediatric
Reusable Single patient use
Patient Circuit
The exhalation filter F9
and exhalation collector
vial ECV make a water
trap to remove water and
contaminants from the
exhaled gas to protect the
During normal operation these measurements are used:
To compensate breath delivery for circuit effects
Baseline to monitor for occlusions , leaks, or disconnects
Patient Circuit
service theory服务理论
QC 小组法的实施步骤
(1)调查现状。对拟解决的质量问题进 )调查现状。 行现状调查,以保证其真实性。 行现状调查,以保证其真实性。 (2)分析原因。发动全组成员集思广益, )分析原因。发动全组成员集思广益, 灵活运用因果法、 灵活运用因果法、关联法等找出问题产 生的主要原因。 生的主要原因。 (3)制定措施。针对主要原因制定相应 )制定措施。 的对策,就确定的对策安排实施计划, 的对策,就确定的对策安排实施计划, 实行进度管理,加强预测。 实行进度管理,加强预测。
• 规范化
–指满足宾客们普遍的、大量的、 指满足宾客们普遍的、大量的、 指满足宾客们普遍的 重复的、必要的基本要求。 重复的、必要的基本要求。
• 个性化
–满足宾客特殊的、少量的、偶然 满足宾客特殊的、少量的、 满足宾客特殊的 的、个别的要求。 个别的要求。
• 规范化的服务程序是个性化服 务的基础, 务的基础,它可以反映出饭店 的整体服务水平和特色。 的整体服务水平和特色。 • 个性化服务是规范化服务的延 续和补充。 续和补充。
QC 小组法
• Quality Control
– 各个岗位上工作的员工,围绕饭店的 各个岗位上工作的员工, 方针目标和现场存在的问题和方法开 展活动的小组。 展活动的小组。 – 通过开展 通过开展QC小组活动,课充分发挥 小组活动, 小组活动 全体员工的积极性、创造性, 全体员工的积极性、创造性,这是解 决质量问题, 决质量问题,提高质量水平的有效途 径。 – QC小组也是按 小组也是按PDCA循环的程序进行 小组也是按 循环的程序进行 的。
• 2、信息的汇总、分类和计算 、信息的汇总、
– 对收集到的质量问题信息进行汇总,并根 对收集到的质量问题信息进行汇总, 据不同的内容将其分类, 据不同的内容将其分类,然后计算每类质 量问题的构成比例。 量问题的构成比例。
良好的客户服务能够树立企业形象, 提升品牌知名度和美誉度,增强企业 竞争力。
在与客户交流时,要耐心倾听客户的需求和意见 ,了解客户的真实想法和感受。
根据客户需求和特点,提供个性化的服务和解决 方案,满足客户的特殊需求。
对于客户的提问和反馈,要积极回应,及时解答 和处理问题,提高客户满意度。
将直接和间接渠道进行整合, 实现服务的一致性和连贯性, 提高顾客的满意度和忠诚度。
服务文化是指企业在长期对顾客服务过程中所形成的服务理念、职业观 念等服务价值取向的总和。
服务文化是企业文化的重要组成部分,它以优质服务和不断提高的服务 水平为重点,强化企业服务意识,提高企业服务质量和员工整体素质,
服务文化强调企业组织与员工在共同的工作中形成一致的价值观念和行 为准则,促进员工与企业的共同发展。
企业应明确服务理念,并将其贯穿于 整个服务过程中,使员工充分理解并 认同企业的服务理念。
通过培训,使员工掌握服务技能,提 高服务意识,增强服务能力。
服务文化强调优质服务,有助于提升 服务质量,满足客户需求,提高客户 满意度。
优质的服务有助于提高企业的市场份 额和经济效益,促进企业的发展。
客户服务是指在商业交易中,企 业为消费者提供产品或服务的一 系列活动,旨在满足客户需求, 提高客户满意度和忠诚度。
服务科研教学 英文
服务科研教学英文The Role of Service in Scientific Research and Education.The intersection of service, scientific research, and education holds immense significance in today's world. Each of these domains plays a crucial role in societal progress and development, and when they are integrated, they can lead to transformative outcomes.1. Service in Scientific Research.Service, in the context of scientific research, often refers to the dissemination of knowledge and theapplication of research findings to real-world problems. Scientists and researchers are not just confined to the laboratory; they have a responsibility to ensure that their work benefits society. This can be achieved through various means, such as collaborating with industries, governments, and communities to address pressing issues, such as climatechange, public health, and sustainability.Service in research also involves sharing expertise and resources with other researchers, especially those who may not have access to the same level of funding or infrastructure. By providing training, mentorship, and access to research facilities, experienced researchers can help build a more inclusive and equitable scientific community.2. Education as a Service.Education is inherently a service that aims to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in life. In the context of scientific research, education serves as a bridge between theory and practice. By teaching the next generation of scientists and researchers, we are not just imparting knowledge but also instilling a sense of curiosity, inquiry, and innovation.Education as a service also extends beyond the classroom. It involves collaborating with schools,communities, and industries to provide hands-on, practical experiences that help students understand the real-world applications of science. Such experiences not only enhance students' understanding but also foster a sense of responsibility and engagement with society.3. The Interconnectedness of Service, Research, and Education.The integration of service, research, and education creates a virtuous cycle that benefits all parties involved. When researchers apply their findings to real-world problems, they not only contribute to societal progress but also generate new research questions and hypotheses. Similarly, when educators collaborate with researchers and communities, they can create more relevant and engaging learning experiences for students.Moreover, service provides an opportunity for researchers and educators to engage with a diverse range of stakeholders, which can lead to new insights and perspectives. This, in turn, can enrich the researchprocess and make education more inclusive and relevant.4. Conclusion.In conclusion, the integration of service, scientific research, and education is crucial for societal progress and development. It fosters a culture of collaboration, engagement, and innovation that benefits not just the researchers and educators but also the communities and stakeholders they serve. By recognizing the interconnectedness of these domains and working towards their integration, we can create a more inclusive, equitable, and sustainable world.。
04 服务创新与改进
意义:服务创新是企业 获取竞争优势,提升顾 客满意度和忠诚度的重 要手段。通过服务创新 ,企业能够应对市场变 化,满足顾客日益多样 化的需求。
产品服务创新:基于现 有产品,开发新的服务 模式或增值服务。
过程服务创新:优化服 务流程,提升服务效率 和质量。
该模型提出了服务质量五要素,即有形性、可靠性、响应性、保证性和移情性, 帮助企业更全面地了解客户对服务的需求和期望。
管理者对客户需求的理解与客户实际 需求之间的差距,需要通过市场调研 和客户沟通来缩小。
企业制定的服务质量标准与实际传递 的服务之间的差距,要求企业建立明 确、可操作的服务质量标准。
组织服务创新:构建灵 活、高效的服务组织, 推动企业内部协同和外 部合作。
定义:服务蓝图是一种视觉工具,用于描述服务的整个过 程,包括前台交互和后台支持活动。
方法:采用流程分析、瓶颈识别、流程再造等方法,优化服 务流程,消除浪费,提升效率。
服务具有无形性、异质性、不可分割性和易逝性四个基本特 性。这些特性决定了服务在生产、传递和消费过程中与有形 产品存在诸多差异。
02 03
顾客忠诚度是指顾客在满意的基础上,对企业形成持久、稳定的信赖和 认可。企业应通过优质服务、客户关系管理等手段,提升顾客忠诚度, 实现顾客留存和口碑传播。
長榮大學 服務學習
科學的事業就是為人民服務。(托爾斯泰) 最高的道德就是不斷地為人服務,為人類的
,往往在它受到衝擊創傷之後。(德蕾莎 修女)Βιβλιοθήκη 長榮大學 服務學習8
促進他人正向感受或影響 的行動。 個人或組織,以各種方式提供資源(能力、
長榮大學 社會工作學系 蘇文彬
兼服務學習中心、社區服務中心 主任 0915-638-829,
長榮大學 服務學習 1
3. 4.
Service-Learning是新玩意?舊酒新裝? 是課程名稱,還是教學方法? 什麼行動堪稱「服務」? 學得什麼才堪稱「學習」? 「服務學習」和「專業實習」、「志願服 務」、「義務服務」有何不同? 哪些人可以教?哪些課可以運用?
民眾出於自由意志,非基於個人義務或 法律責任, 秉誠心以知識、體能、勞力、經驗、技 術、時間等貢獻社會, 不以獲取報酬為目的, 以提高公共事務效能及增進社會公益所 為之各項輔助性服務。
長榮大學 服務學習
1. 2. 3.
不僅只是一個志工角色或是一種服務行 動。 而是一種「生活態度」,普遍展現於個 人的信念、價值觀。 志願服務信念是人類社會文明建構的資 產。
長榮大學 服務學習
「服務學習」理念 (Service-Learning)
1.以課程為基礎的社區服務,統合了課堂教 學與社區服務活動。 2.「服務」過程中獲得「學習」的效果。 3.是一種重視學習因素的服務,必須透過計 畫性的服務活動與結構化的反思過程,同 時滿足被服務者的需求,並促進服務者的 發展。
服 务-学 习 概 论
服務與學習目標同等重要,對所有服務與被服 務的人都能加強其完成目標
資料來源:Sigmon, 1996
服務-學習(Service-Learning)之間 的連結(hyphen)代表反思將社區服 務與課業學習的經驗互相連結。
你在生命中有沒有找到喜悅? 你的生命有沒有為別人帶來喜悅?
第 一 條:忠勇為愛國之本 第 二 條:孝順為齊家之本 第 三 條:仁愛為接物之本 第 四 條:信義為立業之本 第 五 條:和平為處世之本 第 六 條:禮節為治事之本 第 七 條:服從為負責之本 第 八 條:勤儉為服務之本 第 九 條:整潔為強身之本 第 十 條:助人為快樂之本 第十一條:學問為濟世之本 第十二條:有恆為成功之本
服務-學習(Service-Learning)是合併 社區服務(Community Service)和教 室學習(Classroom learning),以增 強二者,並產生比其中任何一項學 習總和還大的綜效( Synergy ) 。
• 服務-學習課程就是某某服務學習? 名稱不是重點,必頇是以課程為基礎 的社區服務: 是配合學科或課程而安排 有清楚敘述的學習目標 一段時間持續地探討社區真正需要 定期安排心得報告或批判分析活動
Action/Service 服務階段
English for International Politics MajorDr. Yan Ting2014 Fall题型:(考试占40%)1 multiple choice 15*3’=45’2 terminology 三选二10’3 short answer 三选二15’4 reading comprehension 5*3’=15’5 essay 300 words 15’整理内容包括:讲义中只有一两个词的地方进行了扩充,部分问题增加了答案,以及一些较生僻的词汇进行了解释。
祝大家考试顺利,取的好成绩~Introduction●What is politics?1.the exercise of influence by competing individuals and groups to affect theallocation of values and distribution of resources2.According to Lasswell, politics determines “who gets what, when , how and why” .●What is international politics?1.“the decisions of governments concerning their actions toward othergovernments” (Goldstein, 2005, p4)2.International politics as a field--Is a subfield of political science--Issue areas; subfield (including international security; IPE; Diplomacy etc.)3.origin of states: ancient Mesopotamia (between Tigris and Euphrates Rivers)●Trends in international politics1.integrative; disintegrative2.continuity--certain patterns from the past have reappeared: internationalism vsisolationism 3.changes of--types of units (actors): from the single state actors to multiple actors.(International institutions, non-governmental organizations, multinationalcorporations, individuals and other sub-state or trans-state actors are acting as important international actors. )--goals: anti-terrorism; cold war ideology --capabilities: deterrence (# of nukes核武器)● A Framework for International Politics1. Level of analysis --individual level --domestic level --interstate level --global level-- what else? (International system level,including:global level, regional level and interstate level)2. Time sequence--e.g. trade and conflict relationship--remote causes vs. proximatecauses3. Contingent(可能发生的,偶然的)behavior (strategic)●Example: the role of images in world politics1.Schematic(纲要的;示意的;严谨的;有章法的)reasoning: matching what they seewith images in their memories of prototypical(原型的) events and people.--the world in American’s eyes vs. in Chinese eyes2. Attribution bias: the tendency to emphasize situational factors when explaining one’s own behavior while stressing dispositional(意向的,素质上的)factors when explaining the same behavior in others3. Cognitive(认知的,认识的)dissonance(不一致): The tendency to deny or rationalize away discrepancies(差异)between one’s preexisting beliefs and new information4. The phenomenon of mirror imageTheories of International Politics●Four characteristics of scientific research (KKV,1994)1.the goal is inference(推理,推断)--descriptive (描述的)--causal(因果关系的)2.the procedures are public (replicable)3.the conclusions are uncertain4.the content is the method●Major components of research design(KKV,1994)1. the research question – how to choose?2. the theory (assumptions, model, hypothesis假说,前提)3.the data and the use of data●Major theories of international politics1. realism--key terms: power; sovereignty; anarchy; hegemon; multi-polar--earlier theorists: Sun Tzu; Thucydides; Machiavelli; Thomas Hobbes; Morgenthau;(Realism “is a spectrum of ideas” which revolve around the four centralpropositions of Political Groupism, Egoism, International anarchy and Powerpolitics. Realism is a tradition of international theory centered upon fourpropositions: The international system is anarchic; States are the most important actors; all states within the system are unitary, rational actors; the primary concernof all states is survival.)In summary, realists think that humankind is not inherently benevolent but rather self-centered and competitive. The state is the most important actor under realism.The state emphasizes an interest in accumulating power to ensure security in an anarchic world. A key concept under realism is the international distribution ofpower referred to as system polarity, although all states seek hegemony under realism as the only way to ensure their own security, other states in the system are incentivized to prevent the emergence of a hegemon through balancing.2. Liberalism--key terms: concert of powers; collective goods; reciprocity;interdependence; international regimes--earlier theorists: Locke; Kant; Smith; Cobdon; Wilson(Liberalism is one of the main schools of international relations theory.The central issues that it seeks to address are the problems of achieving lasting peace and cooperation in international relations, and the various methods that couldcontribute to their achievement.Broad areas of study within liberal international relations theory include:1)Institutional peace theory, which attempts todemonstrate how cooperation can be sustained in anarchy, how can theinternational regimes take effect ;2)The democratic peace theory, and, morebroadly, the effect of domestic political regime types and domestic politics oninternational relations;3) The commercial peace theory, arguing that free trade has pacifying effects on the interdependence in international relations. )4) the effect of international organizations on international politics, both in their roleas forums for states to pursue their interests, and in their role as actors in their own right; 5)The role of international law in moderating or constraining state behavior;6)The role of various types of unions in international politics (relations), such ashighly institutionalized alliances (e.g. NATO), confederations, leagues, federations, and evolving entities like the European Union.3. feminism--argument: we can better understand IR by including the roles and effects ofwomen.--schools: difference feminism; liberal feminism; postmodern feminism; (discuss: Hua Mulan)4. constructivism (post-modernism) --key terms: social construct; ideas--influenced by critical theory: Habermas (1984); Frankfurt school (1920s, aim is to critique and change society not merely understand it)--power revolves around actors’ abilities through debate about values to persuade others to accept their ideas--leading political scientist: Alexander Wendt (1999)(In the discipline of international relations, constructivism is the claim thatsignificant aspects of international relations are historically and sociallyconstructed, rather than inevitable consequences of human nature or otheressential characteristics of world politics. According to Wendt, the structures of human association are determined primarily by shared ideas rather than material forces, and that the identities and interests of purposive actors are constructed by these shared ideas rather than given by nature)5.Marxist theory--key terms: class conflict; bourgeoisie, proletarian; means of production;twin problem of overproduction and underconsumption--related theories: dependency theory, world-system theory (Wallerstein 1988)--Overemphasize economics and highlight the role of corporations,transnational movements and other non-state actors●Criteria to judge the quality of a theory1.Clarity清晰度: well-specified cause-and-effect relationship; logical hypothesis;2.Parsimony简洁: a good theory simplifies reality (contain all of the relevantfactors without becoming excessively complex)3.explanatory power: a good theory has empirical support4.Prescriptive规定的,惯例的 richness: provides policy recommendations.6. Falsifiability可证伪性: a good theory can be proven wrongrealism●Classical realism1.all realists rely heavily on the concepts of power, rationality and the balanceof power.2.the concept of national interest: statesman “think and act in terms of interestdefined as power” (Morgenthau 1948:5)3.International conflict results from human nature.4.the concept of balance of power: situation of equilibrium均势 as well as to anysituation in which power struggles take place.●neorealism1.anarchy (self-help) vs. hierarchy等级制度 units; worry about survival3.relative gains新现实主义vs. absolute gains新自由主义(dependence vs.interdependence)4.distribution of power●criticism on realism1.classical realism vs. neorealism (权利是目的还是手段;国家层次还是体系层次)2. the realm领域 of economics (low politics)3.the realm of domestic politics4.big powers, middle powers, and small powers5.fungibility可替代性 of powersliberalism and constructivism1.“realism and liberalism are consistent with the assumption that most state behavior can be interpreted as rational” (Keohane, p729). What else in common?2. what is unique and different for liberalism?-- the politics of interdependencea. definition: “situations characterized by reciprocal effects among countries oramong actors in different countries”b. complex interdependence: “a situation among a number of countries in whichmultiple channels of contact connect societies-- internat ional regimes: “governing arrangements that affect relationships ofinterdependence”1.origin: structurationist and symbolic interactionist sociology--first image (individual and human nature), second image (nation state), and third image (international system)2. path dependence3. argument:--fundamental principle of constructivism: people act toward objects, including other actors, on the basis of the meanings that objects have for them (Wendt, p396-7) --second principle: the meanings in terms of which action is organized arise out of interaction (p 403)4. problems:--(how to know) identity and ideas--(how to explain) changeSoft power●Joseph Nye1.Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University2.1977-1979, Deputy to the Undersecretary of State for Security Assistance,Science, and Technology3.Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs & chairman ofthe National Intelligence Council (Clinton Administration)4.Academic: complex interdependence, soft power, smart power5.Quotes: “China still has large areas of underdevelopments. And per capita income is a bettermeasure of the sophistication of the economy. And that the Chinese wo n’t catch up or pass the Americans until somewhere in the latter part, after 2050, of this century … We don’t have to fear the rise of China or the return of Asia.”●1. Rise and Fall of US? (Paul Kennedy)a. economic and military highly correlated in the rise/fall.b. expanding strategic commitments →increases in military expenditures→2. long-term decline3. Nye: US is “bound to lead”●Definition:1. Power: power is the ability to influence the behavior of others to get theoutcomes you want.2. Soft power: the ability to attract and co-opt rather than coerce, use force orgive money as a means of persuasion.●Sources of soft power●China’s soft power1. The concept of “state soft power” by former president Hu Jintao onNov. 10, 20062. “State cultural soft power” in the report of 17th Congress of CPC3.Soft power in East AsiaBrief international history*Why study history1.history provides a record in which patterns are visible2.decision makers are generally familiar with history, and their decisions often reflect that familiarity3.assume history can teach us lessons for future--by understanding why particular choices were made--and by understanding why other choices, leading to alternative histories, were not made*Note: distinction between what is known when decision is made and what is known later is important element in judging the past and evaluatingarguments about the futureRecommended: Yuen Foong KHONG. Analogies at War: Korea, Munich, Dien Bien Phu, and the Vietnam Decisions of 1965. Princeton New Herseyt Univ. Press. 1992,*1400s*Collapse of the Byzantine Empire (1453)*Holy Roman Empire (800)*Hundred Years’ War (1337-1453)*Rise of Russia (1547)*1500s*Protestant Reformation (1517 Martin Luther-1648)*Rise of Ottoman Empire (1453- 1922)*Search for sea routes from Europe to Asia*1600s*The Thirty Years’ War (1618-1648)*treaty of Westphalia*English Civil War (1642-1648)*1700s*War of the Spanish Succession (1701-1714)*seven Years’ War and associated British-French War (1754-1763)*American Revolutionary War (1776-1783)*1800s*Napoleonic wars*Concert of Europe*British colonialism*Wars for German unificationa.Seven Weeks War (1866)b.Franco-Prussian War (1870-71)*1900s*World War I (1914-1918)*Interwar period*World War II (1939 -1945)*Cold War (1945-1990)*Turkey and Greece*Truman Doctrine (March 12, 1947): the U.S. would support Greece and Turkey with economic and military aid to prevent them from falling into the Sovietsphere.*Cuban Missile Crisis*Korean War*Vietnam War (Dienbianphu 1954; Tonkin 1965; Tet offensive 1968)*Arab-Israeli Wars*1948 War of Independence*1956 Suez Canal War*1967 Six Day War*1973 Yom Kippur War*1982 War*Post-cold war*Soviet breakup and NATO expansion*Gulf War, 1990-1991*Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria*War against terror*Historical trends?*Facts about today’s ChinaForeign policy-making I: rational choice approach●Allison, Graham. 1971. Essence of Decision. Boston: Little, Brown●purposes of foreign policy-making studies:description; explanation; prediction; evaluation; recommendation●Allison’s Foreign policy-making models:1.rational policy modelanizational process model3.bureaucratic politics model●rational policy modelanizing concepts:--national security and national interests are the principal categories in which strategic goals are conceived--various courses of action provide the spectrum范围 of options--the relevant consequences constitute benefits and costs in terms of strategic goals and objectives--rational choice is value-maximizing2.general proposition: an increase in the cost of an alternative reduces thelikelihood of that alternative being to explain Cuban missile crisis in this model?●Organizational process model4.definition: deliberate choices of leaders are outputs of large organizationsfunctioning according to standard patterns of behavior--standard operating procedures (SOP)-- organizational parochialism狭隘主义 (information, recruitment, tenure终身职位, rewards and pressures)2. proposition: if a nation performs an action today; its organizational componentsmust yesterday have been performing an action only marginally differentfrom this to explain Cuban missile crisis in this model?●Bureaucratic politics model1.definition: government behavior can be understood as outcomes of bargaininggame--players position hierarchically within the government; they are not amonolithic整体的 group--competitive games2.proposition:” where you stand depends on where you sit”; chiefs (president)and Indians (staffers) to explain Cuban missile crisis in this model?Critiques on Allison’s model (Bender and Hammond 1992)Foreign policy-making II: cognitive approach●Prospect theory1. Theory--framing phase: during this phase, information is received and processed in a way that places emphasis on whether the domain is of losses or gains.--evaluation phase: people tend to be risk-seeking in the domain of losses and risk-averse in the domain of gains2. Empirical evidence:-- How prospect theory is applied in Iran hostage crisis in 1979? (McDermott, 1992) --Proofs from laboratory experiments3. Critiques on prospect theory:--lack of a theory of framing--do not specify how risk-seeking and risk-averse--how to distinguish from expected utility theory-- how about other factors that affects risk propensities: personality, culture and politics●Other psychological factors on foreign decision-making: presidential style--cognitive style: way president wants information network organized, openness to information and advice--sense of efficacy功效: interests focus on foreign policy making, nature of agenda, involvement in foreign policy making--general operating goal of the leader--willingness to tolerate conflict--preferred strategies for resolving conflict--preferences for pro-active vs. reactive policy-making--etc.●Three styles (Johnson, 1974)--formalistic style: Truman, Eisenhower, Nixon, and Reagan--collegial style: Kennedy, Carter, Bush senior--competitive style: Franklin RooseveltArmed conflict in 21st century● A distinction: crisis, dispute, conflict, and war1. A crisis: “a threat to one or more basic values, along with an awareness of finite timefor response to the value threat, and a heightened probability of involvement inmilitary hostilities” (Brecher and Wilkenfeld 2000, 3).--Non-violent act (verbal, political, economic, external change) --Non-violentmilitary act - show of force, war maneuvers策略, etc.--Indirect violent act – revolt背叛,造反,起义 in another country, violent act directed at ally, friendly state, or client state;--Violent act - border clash, military invasion, war, etc.2. A dispute:“a set of interactions between or among states involving threats to usemilitary force, displays of military force, or actual uses of military forces”(Gochman and Maoz 1984, 586).-threat to use force, display of force, use of force, and war.3.War: war should be overt公开的,明显的, organized use of military force betweensovereign states and involve more than 1,000 battle deaths (Jones, Bremer, and Singer 1996).●Theories about war1.individual level--U (war)>U(peace) vs. deviation from偏离 rationality--diversionary use of war--nationalism and ethnic hatred2. domestic level--characteristics of states or society (aggressive capitalism; shame culture)3. interstate level--hegemon and revisionist state--contiguity接近,关系密切 level--cycles theories vs. obsolescence过时,废弃 of war--power distribution●Typology of international conflicts1.over tangible material interests--territorial--control of government--economic2.over less-tangible goods--ethnic--religious: fundamentalism--ideological●Other conflicts:1.civil war2.war against terror--definition: political violence that targets civilians deliberately and indiscriminately.--state-sponsored terrorismSome concepts: hegemonic war, total war, limited war●Determinants of war1.Contiguity and distance-Contiguous接触的,邻近的 if two states are either sharing a land boundary or separated by less than 150 miles of water-geographic distance between two states’ capitals,2.Regime type (democracy)-democratic peace theory3.Alliances-mutual defense pacts公约,条约, neutrality agreements, and ententes协约4. Distribution of power (relative power)-each state’s share of the interstate system’s total military, industrial anddemographic resources5.Trade6.International OrganizationsInternational institutions●Review of liberal institutionalism vs. realism1. agreements:--treat states as rational egoists (rationalistic, utilitarian)--agreements cannot be hierarchically enforced (anarchy)--cooperation will occur if states have significant common interests2. differences:--assumptions (when the theory works)--international institutions are powerhouse or independently influential?--the divide between security vs. political economy--relative gains and international cooperation--the future of NATO, EU etc.●World order1. states usually do follow orders.2. Hegemon and international law (Dutch, free passage on open sea, airline communication; internet)●international norms: expectations held by state leaders about normal internationalrelations (moral)●international organizations: institutions are concrete, tangible structures with specificfunctions and missions1.intergovernmental organizations (IGOs)--EU, ASEAN (regional); UN, OPEC (global)--Efficiency problem2.nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)--NGOs tend to be more specialized in function than IGOs--International Olympic Committee; Green peace; church●The United Nations1.UN charter: equal; sovereignty; independence and territorial integrity; internationalobligations2.UN benefits: symbol; forum; mechanism for conflict resolution; developmentassistance; information and data--collective security: the banding together of the world’s st ates to stop an aggressor (chapter 7)3. UN structure: Figure7.1 (Goldstein 2005, p.261)--security council: permanent members (5) /nonpermanent members (10); veto power; chairperson; military staff committee; contending for new permanent seats;peace-keeping--secretariat--general assembly: ECOSOC--autonomous agencies: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA); WHO;FAO; UNESCO; IMF; WTO; World Bank●United Nations Reforms1. Evaluation and Attitudes--Role of UN: instrumental / monitory /coordinative / leading?--Issue of Priority: security / economy / human rights / environment / others?--Intervening Domestic Affairs: suitable/ not suitable / contingent /others?--Peacekeeping: necessary / being controlled by big powers / not effective2.Problems and Reform Proposals--Security council reform: expand / maintain / adjustment / ....--Preference for Non-permanent members: Japan, Germany, India, Brazil--FinanceSource: A Survey and Analysis of Attitudes of College Students toward Reform ofthe UN, World Economics and Politics, 2005.5: 26-30●European Union (EU)--The EU is a politico-economic union of 28 member states that are located primarily in Europe--The EU traces its origins from the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) and the European Economic Community (EEC), formed by the Inner Six countries ( France, West Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg) in 1951 and 1958, respectively. The Maastricht Treaty established the European Union under its current name in 1993--the European Commission, the Council of the European Union, the European Council, the Court of Justice of the European Union, the European Central Bank, the European Parliament, etc.●North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)--NATO is an intergovernmental military alliance based on the North Atlantic Treaty which was signed in 1949. During the Cold War, most of Europe was divided between NATO and its rivalry Warsaw Pact. After Cold War, NATO has started its eastward expansions which are strongly opposed by Russia.--currently 28 members and headquartered in Brussels.●Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)--ASEAN was established by the governments of Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand in 1967 to accelerate economic growth, social progress, and cultural development and to promote peace and security in Southeast Asia.●Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) is a forum for 21 Pacific Rim countriesthat seeks to promote free trade and economic cooperation throughout the Asia-Pacific region.--Established in 1989; annual APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting●BRIC is a grouping acronym首字母缩略词that refers to the countries of Brazil,Russia, India and China, which are all deemed to be at a similar stage of newly advanced economic development. A related acronym is BRICS which includes South Africa.●Group of Eight (G8) is a forum for the governments of eight of the world's largesteconomies (Russia was excluded from the forum in 2014 due to Crimea crisis so the group now comprises seven nations plus the EU). The forum originated with a 1975 summit among France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States, thus leading to the name Group of Six or G6. The summit became known as the Group of Seven or G7 the following year with the addition of Canada. In 1997, Russia was added to group which then became known as the G8.●The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) is an intergovernmental mutual-security organisation which was founded in 2001 in Shanghai by the leaders of China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. Except for Uzbekistan, the other countries had been members of the Shanghai Five, founded in 1996; after the inclusion of Uzbekistan in 2001, the members renamed the organisation. The SCO is primarily centered on its member nations' Central Asian security-related concerns, often describing the main threats it confronts as being terrorism, separatism and extremism.●Realist view of international institutions:--Mearsheimer (1995, p.8)’s definition of institutions: a set of rules that stipulate规定 the ways in which states should cooperate and compete with each other.Views:--for realists, institutions are essentially “arenas for acting out power relationships.” (Evans and Wilson, 1992, p.330)--e.g. NATO was essentially an American tool for managing power in the face of the Soviet threat●Institutionalist theories1.why institutions?a.liberal institutionalism:--mainly applies to the political economy (Mearsheimer 1995, p.16)--institution’s role in prevent cheating; issue-linkage; information; reduce transaction costs. Vs. relative gainsb.collective security theory (Woodrow Wilson)--the theory recognizes that military power is a central fact of life in international and the key to enhancing stability is the proper management of military powerc.critical theory--critical theorists aim to transform the international system into a “world society,”where states are guided by “norms of trust and sharing.”d.historical institutionalism, rational choice institutionalism, sociological institutionalism(Hall and Taylor 1999)2. Institutional Effects:--Monika Bauhr and Naghmeh Nasiritousi. 2012. How Do International Organizations Promote Quality of Government? Contestation, Integration, and the Limits of IOPower, International Studies Review,14. 4: 541-566--John R. Oneal and Bruce Russett. 1999. The Kantian Peace: The Pacific Benefits of Democracy, Interdependence, and International Organizations, 1885-1992, worldPolitics 52: 1-37Globalization●Definition of globalization: “the widening, deepening and speeding up of worldwide interconnectedness in all aspects of contemporary social life” (Held et. al1999, p.2)●Three forms of globalization1.economic globalization →cause of inequality2.cultural globalization →Americanization vs. diversity3.political globalization●Realities against globalization1.rivalries among great powers have most certainly not disappeared.2.wars within states are on the rise3.realist geo-political factors both domestic and abroad shape foreign policies--xenophobia对外国人的憎恶,陌生恐怖; economic grievance不满,委屈;transnational ethnic solidarity--transnational terrorism●China's Xiaowan dam, the world's tallest, poses a huge challenge to the Mekong river basin countries.●Views against globalization1. globalization is neither inevitable nor irresistible (Hoffmann 2002)2. monopolies垄断 (MNC) exploit rather than benefit people abroad →race to the bottom3. globalization increases poverty, literacy, gender equality, cultural autonomy, and diversity4. offshore outsourcing – migration of jobs overseas.●Who are against globalization?1.left-wing unions3.environmentalists。
服务是无形的,与有形的 产品相比,它更难被精确 描述和感知。
根据不同的标准和角度, 服务可以被分为不同的类 型,例如基本服务、增值 服务、定制服务等。
服务是无形的,顾客在购买前 无法直观地了解服务的具体内
服务的生产过程和消费过程是 同时发生的,顾客必须在场参
目 录
• 服务概述 • 服务类型 • 服务流程 • 服务质量管理 • 服务营销策略 • 服务企业文化建设 • 服务行业发展趋势与挑战
服务是一种活动、过程或 结果,它为顾客或客户创 造价值,并满足他们的需 求。
随着居民消费水平的提高,人们对服务的需求和质量要求也在提高 ,为服务行业提供了广阔的市场空间。
技术创新和模式创新将为服务行业带来新的发展机遇,如互联网医 疗、在线教育等新兴领域。
服务行业可以通过国际化拓展来提升竞争力,如中国高铁、中国建筑 等企业在国际市场上的成功表现。
以客户为中心:服务企业文化强调将客户的需求和满意度放在首位,通 过提供优质、个性化的服务来满足客户需求,并建立长期、稳定的客户
员工参与和团队协作:服务企业文化重视员工的参与和团队协作,鼓励 员工积极提出建议和意见,充分发挥员工的创造性和团队合作精神,以 提升服务质量和效率。
• 三、处理技巧
• 1、无理难缠型
• 特征:得理不饶人、出奇有耐心、爱钻牛角尖、逻辑思维 强
• 应对方法:
(1) 使用倾听技巧
(2) 给面子,肯定他的想法和感受
(3) 控制主动局面
都属于客户服务的范畴。可能你对顾客的 一个会心的微笑,客户都会觉得是满意的。 那么你的微笑也是客户服务的范畴。
• 业务空间就是你在公司的计划和手续允许的范围内
处理客户的问题; • 个人空间则是指你与客户进行非业务范围的沟通。
业务空间过大,会给顾客留下太公式化、模式化的 感觉,从而降低客户满意度。但是如果个人空间过 于浓厚,则又会给顾客造成服务不够专业的印象, 所以,在发挥个人空间的时候也要把握住这个度, 平衡好这两个因素,就可以称之为人性化的优质服 务。
• (1)业务空间:
• 服务流程 • 服务用语 • 服务规范 • 营销脚本 • 管理制度 • 管理系统
• (2)个人空间
• 亲切问候 • 微笑服务 • 情感体谅 • 情绪安抚 • 需求互动 • 亲和力
• 客户服务的类型
• 第一种类型:冰冷型的客户服务 • 第二种类型:工厂型的客户服务 • 第三种类型:友好动物园型的客户服务 • 第四种类型:高质的客户服务
• 客户至上 • 客户永远是对的 • 一切为了客户
客户满意概述 企业为客户提供优质的服务,最终的目的就是要达到
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NPB R/Flex, D/Flex filters, or equivalents may be used
Patient Circuit
The Patient Circuit Humidifier can be a standard humidifier, hot wire for inspiration limb, or hot wire for inspiration and exhalation limbs
Heat Moisture Exchangers (HMEs) can be used
Patient Circuit
Tubes Wye
Circuit may be short, long, adult, pediatric, reusable, or disposable
Patient Circuit
The exhalation filter F9
and exhalation collector
vial ECV make a water
trap to remove water and
contaminants from the
exhaled gas to protect the
Can be vary simple for short term use or more complex for extended use for a single patient
Patient Circuit
Tubes Wye F9
The PC is ring SST (Short Self Test)
Patient Circuit
SST should be used to test and characterize the patient circuit any time the type of circuit is changed or between patients Compliance corrections are based on the compliance measurements recorded during SST Circuit resistance measured in SST is used to monitor the circuit for occlusions and disconnects
Patient Circuit
Patient Circuit
Tubes Wye F9
Patient Circuit (PC) is Optional
Adult or pediatric
Reusable Single patient use
Patient Circuit
Patient Circuit water traps can be added to handle additional condensation present with continuous flow
NPB water traps can be opened and drained without disturbing patient ventilation
During normal operation these measurements are used:
To compensate breath delivery for circuit effects Baseline to monitor for occlusions , leaks, or disconnects
Circuit is defined, tested, and characterized during SST
Results stored for use in breath delivery and ongoing tests
Wye connects the inspiratory and expiratory limbs to the patient
Patient Circuit
Inspiration Filter F8 is a
HEPA type that filters
down to 0.3 microns at
flow rates up to 100 L/m
F8 can be disposable or reusable
The PC can include humidification device (heat moisture exchanger, standard humidifier, or hot wire humidifier), adult or pediatric versions
Additional water traps can be added
exhalation system
Reusable and single
patient use version are
Patient Circuit
During SST the resistance and compliance of the patient circuit is measure and stored