高中汉语必修五教案一、教学目标1. 让学生掌握必修五中的关键词汇和语法点。
2. 通过对文学作品的学习,提高学生的文学鉴赏能力。
3. 培养学生的思辨能力和创新意识,激发学生对中华文化的兴趣。
4. 强化学生的写作技巧,提升表达和交流的能力。
二、教学内容与步骤第一单元:古代文学鉴赏1. 引入:通过展示古代诗词名篇,激发学生对古代文学的兴趣。
2. 讲解:系统讲解古代文学的特点,包括诗歌的节奏、韵律和意象。
3. 分析:选取《诗经》、《楚辞》等经典作品,引导学生分析诗歌内容和艺术特色。
4. 实践:组织学生进行古诗词创作,鼓励学生运用所学知识进行创新表达。
第二单元:现代文学探讨1. 引入:介绍现代文学的发展历程和主要流派。
2. 讲解:详细解读现代文学作品的语言风格和表现手法。
3. 分析:以鲁迅、茅盾等作家的作品为例,分析现代文学的社会意义和艺术价值。
4. 实践:开展小组讨论,鼓励学生就现代文学中的热点问题发表自己的见解。
第三单元:修辞学的应用1. 引入:通过生动的例子展示修辞在语言表达中的作用。
2. 讲解:系统讲解常见的修辞手法,如比喻、拟人、排比等。
3. 分析:选取经典文段,指导学生分析作者如何巧妙运用修辞增强表达效果。
4. 实践:布置修辞练习题,让学生在实际写作中运用所学修辞技巧。
三、教学方法- 采用讲授与讨论相结合的方式,鼓励学生积极参与。
- 利用多媒体教学资源,增强教学的直观性和趣味性。
- 定期组织模拟考试和写作练习,及时反馈学生的学习情况。
四、评价方式- 通过课堂表现、作业完成情况和模拟考试成绩综合评价学生的学习效果。
- 鼓励学生自我评价和同伴评价,培养学生的自主学习能力。
- Write a short passage about your ideal life in the future.
- Describe your favorite film and explain why you like it.
英语必修五unit5教案英语必修五unit5教案【篇一:高中英语必修五教案unit 5】新课标人教版英语必修5教案unit 5 firsr aid程洪维1. first aid is a temporary form help given to someone who suddenly falls ill or gets injured before a doctor can be found.give \ offer aid援助come to one’s aid 帮助某人cut off aid 终止援助a hearing aid 助听器teaching aids教具medical aid医疗救护with the aid of借助于in aid of为了帮助he fell ill and had to enter the hospital.他生病了必须住院治疗。
fall asleep睡着了fallsilent静下来the computer got damaged when we were moving.我的电脑在搬家时弄坏了。
my bike is getting repaired now.我的自行车正在修理。
my glass got broken while i was playing basketball。
peter and mary got married last year.皮特和玛丽去年接了婚。
2. you have three layers of skin which act as a barrier against diseases, poisons and the sun’s harmful rays.你有三层皮肤作为障来保护你免受疾病,毒药和有害光线的侵害。
barrier 名词,屏障,障碍物,隔阂you need to show the tickets at the barrier.你要在检票处出示你的票。
FIRST AID FOR BURNS (Reading)教学设计Staged 2 Reading Part 3 Types of burnsPart 4 Characteristics of burnsPart 5 First aid treatmentDetails readingTask one:Read part. 1- 4 then answer the following questions.1.What are functions of skin?It keeps you warm or cool.It prevents your body from losing water .It is where you feel cold, heat or pain.It gives you your sense of touch .2.What are causes of burns?A.hot liquidsB.the sunC.glassD. steamE.fireF.waterG.radiationH.treesI.chemicals J.electricity K.chair3.What are types and characteristics of burns?After reading part3 &4, ask students to recognize theburnt hands belong to which degree.Reading is not just for fun, but also for the examination.Task two:Read the passage again and choose the best answer.找到某些特定的信息。
TheSecondPeriod ReadingTeachinggoals教学目标1.Targetlanguage目标语言重点词汇和短语retire,perform,retirement,background,brand,logo,advantage,guarantee,purchase,designer,gymnas t,slogan,specific,symbol,ontheincreaseb.重点句子P42 Theyincludedsixoutofsevengoldmedalsatthe1982WorldChampionship. LiNingretiredwiththefeelingthathehadfailed. Butitwasthissenseoffailurethatmadehimdeterminedtosucceedinhisnewlife. Thenumberofyoungpeoplewithmoneytospendwasontheincrease. Ifyougointoaschooloruniversityanywhere,thechancesareyouwillseestudentsinLiNingtracksuitswith thefamiliarlogo.2.Abilitygoals能力目标Enablethestudentstohaveagoodunderstandingofsportspersonalitiesandtheirspirit.3.Learningabilitygoals学能目标Helpthestudentstolearnhowtointroducesportspersonalitiesandhowtheysucceed. Teachingimportantpoints教学重点Talkaboutsportspersonalities.Teachingdifficultpoints教学难点Howtoanalyzethetextandgraspthemainideaofthetext.Teachingmethods教学方法Skimming,scanning,listeninganddiscussing.Teachingaids教具准备Ataperecorder,aprojectorandablackboard.Teachingprocedures&ways教学过程与方式StepⅠGreetingsandRevisionT:Goodmorning/afternooneveryone!Ss:Goodmorning/afternoon,Mr.Chen.Duringthelastperiod,IaskedyoutodotheactivitiesinEverydayEnglish.Now,Iwillaskfourofyoutoreadt hesentenceswithyouranswers.Checktheanswers.StepⅡPre-readingWell,pleaseturntopage42.Lookatthepicturecarefullyanddiscusswhatyoucanseeinthepicture.Afterth at,Iwillasksomequestionsaboutthepicture.Amomentlater,askthestudentsthefollowingquestions.Whatcanyouseefromthepicture?S1:Thepictureshowsusacompetition.MaybeitistheOlympicGames.Amanis givinghisgymnasticperformance.T:Canyoudescribetheman?S2:Heisagymnast.Heisdoingtheperformanceskillfullyandbeautifully.Alltheattentionisfocusedonhi matthattime.Yes,youareright.Doyouknowhi sname?S3:I’msorry,I’mnotsureaboutthis.Well,letmetellyou.HeisLiNing,afamousgymnast,whowascalledtheprinceofgymnasts.Nowwearegoingtos tudyapassageaboutLiNingandhislifeinsport.StepⅢReading1.ScanningAskthestudentstoreadthepassagequicklyandgetthemainideaofthetext.Thenaskthemtodoreadingcompre hensionexercises.Inthislesson,wearegoingtolearnaboutthefamousgymnastLiNingandhislifeinsport.Nowpleaselookthro ughthepassagequicklyandchoosethebestanswersaccordingtothetext. Showthefollowingonthescreen.1.LiNingwon______medalsatthe1982WorldChampionshipandatthe1984Olympics.2.WhatisthemainideaofParagraph2?A.LiNingalsosucceededasabusinessman.B.LiNingwasagreatgymnast.C.LiNing’ssportsclothescoversmorethanahalfofthenationalmarket.D.LiNing’sgoalwastoopena schoolforgymnasts.3.WhichofthefollowingisnotreasonforLiNing’ssuccessinbusiness?A.LiNing’sdesignswereattractive.B.LiNing’sclothescameintothemarketatjusttherighttime.C.AlltheChinesepeoplelikeLiNing’ssportsclothes.D.LiNing’ssportsclotheswerecheaperthanit sbetter-knownrivals.IfaLiNingproductcostsyou200yuan,asimilarNikeproductcouldcostupto______yuan.Thewriterinthisarticlemainlywantstotellus______.A.LifeisnoteasyforasportsmanB.HowLiNingsucceededandpersistedinhischoice.C.howLiNingwonsomanymedalsD.howLiNingstartedanewbrandofsportswearKey:CACDB2.Skimming Askthestudentstoreadthetextagainandthenworktogetherwiththeirpartnerstogetsomedetailedinforma tion.Nowwearegoingtoreadthepassageagainandanswerafewdetailedquestions.Pleaselookatthequestionsont hescreen.Showthefollowingquestionsonthescreen.1.WhatdoesLiNing’sadvertisingslogansay?2.WhydidLiNingretire?3.Whatarethetwopinyinlettersthatthebrightredlogoismadeupof?4.HowmanyLiNingproductscanbepurchasedin10minutes?Afewminuteslater,checktheanswerswiththewholeclass.T:Timeisup.Well,who’dliketoanswerthefirstquestion?T:S4:Anythingispossible.T:Good!Thesecondone.S5:Becausehedidn’tperformedwellinthe1988SeoulOlympics.OK!Nextone.S6:LandN.VeryGood!WhoknowshowmanyLiNingproductscanbepurchasedin10minutes?S7:Asmanyas60.Allofyouhavedonequitewell.Thankyou! ListeningandgettingthemainideaofthepassagePlaythetapeforthestudentstolistenandaskth emtotrytogetthemainideaofthetextafterlistening.T:Nowwearegoingtolistentothewholepassage.Afterlistening,trytogetthemainideaofthepas sage.Youcandiscussyourmainideawithyourpartners. Playthetapeforthestudentstolistenandgivethestudentstwominutestoprepareafterlistenin g.Thenaskoneofthemtellthemainidea.T:Well,whowantstotellusthemainideaofthepassage?Volunteer!S8:Inthispassage,thewri termainlytalksaboutLiNing’ssuccessbothasasportsmanandasabus inessman.T:Excellent!Thankyou!StepⅣPost-readingAskthestudentstoreadthetextagainandfinishtheactivitiesonpage43.Thenchecktheanswerst oActivity3.ThenaskthestudentstodiscussthetwoquestionsinActivity4.Thenchecktheanswersinclass. Now,pleasediscussthetwoquestionsinActivity4.Whenyouanswermyquestions,you’dbetteran swermyquestionsinyourownwords.Amomentlater,checktheanswers.Well,whoknowswhyLiNingstartedasportswearcompany?S1:HefailedintheSeoulOlympics.Butitwasthissenseoffailurethatmadehimdeterminedtosucc terhelaunchedanewbrandofsportswear.T:Good!Thesecondone.S2:Letmetry.Hehasbeensuccessfulfortworeasons.Onereasonisthathewonmanygoldmedalsintheworld’s majorcompetitions.Heisafamousgymnast.Theotherreasonisthathestartedawell-knownsportswearafterhisretirement.WhatwecanlearnfromLiNingisthatweshouldnevergiveupevenifwef ailsometimes.ForActivities5and6,askthestudentstogivetheiranswersindividually.I’dliketoknowifyoumasterthenewwordsi nthepassagewell.PleasefinishoffActivities5and6.Amomentl ater,checktheanswersinclass.StepⅤComprehensionShowthefollowingformonthescreen.Askthestudentstodividethetextintoseveralpartsandtrytosummari zethemainideaofeachpart.PartsMainideaAfewminuteslater,askseveralstudentstogivetheiranswers.Sampleanswers:PartsPart1(Para1) Part2(Para2-4) Part3(Para5)MainideaLiNingwasagreatsportsman. LiNingsucceededinhisnewlifeasabusinessman. LiNing’sdreamofopeningaschoolforgymnastscame true.StepⅥSummaryandHomeworkInthislesson,welearnedaboutagreatsportsman,LiNing.Heiswell-knownalsobecausehestartedanewbrandofsportswearafterthisretirement.Fromhisstoryweknowthatthew orkofagreatsportsmandoesnotfinishwhenheretiresfromthesport.Afterclass,pleasefinishofftheacti vitiesonpage92andpreviewtheGrammarpart.Bye-bye.Ss:Bye-bye.人品好的人,自带光辉,无论走到哪里,总会熠熠生辉。
高中英语unit5first aid 教案人教版必修五
I. 单元教学目标II.目标语言课程设计与课时分配Period 1: Warming upPeriod2: ReadingPeriod 3-4: Language pointsPeriod 5-6: Language study & Grammarperiod 7-8: Using languageperiod 9: Listening and speakingPeriod 10: Extensive reading and WritingPeriod I Warming-u pTeaching goals:a.Encourage the students to discuss accidents and first aid .b.Enable the students to talk about different accidents and how to give first aid in differentsituations.c. Enable the students to be brave and calm when meeting with accident and know how togive first aid in different situations through discussion.Teaching important and difficult points:Help the students to use the expressions to describe the accidents and how to give first aid.a. Key words and expressions:aid, first, aid; fall ill; illness; injury; bleed; sprain; ankle; choke; blood; bloody; burn;essential; organ; layer; poison; ray; treatment;b. Communicating expressions:We/you should/ ought to …Please do…Make sure…You must/have to/ought to…You must never…You ought never to…Teaching aids:A recorder, a projector, and a computerTeaching methods:Brainstorm and discussion (Group work).Teaching procedures and waysStep I Lead-in1.Lead-in question: Watch a video, and fill in the blanks: what is first aid?First aid is the first kind of help given to someone who suddenly falls ill or gets injured before a doctor can be found.2. Warming-up: Brainstorming: What words can you think of when you talk about accidents and first aid?Step II DiscussionTalk about different situations and the way they should give first aid.Qs: What happened in each picture? What kind of first aid should you give?A snake bite: The person bitten must get to a doctor or hospital at once;Speed is very important.It will help the doctor greatly if you can tell him what kind of snake it was, ordescribe.Bleeding: Try to stop the bleeding;Press a handkerchief onto the bleeding point and hold it there;Hold up the part of body which is bleeding if possible.(watch the video about how to deal with bleeding )A sprained ankle: Tied with medical bandage.It is better to avoid walking with the injured ankle.It is correct to use ice bag for removing pain and bleeding, and also not influence ourown body healing.( a video about a sprained ankle)Choking : Make him /her spit by patting him/her on the back.To avoid this, we shouldn’t talk or laugh when eating.〔a video about unconscious choking〕A broken arm: Do not move the patient.Send for an ambulance at once.Treat for shock if necessary.A bloody nose: Stay calm.Breathe through the mouth, not the nose.Sit up and bend the head slightly forward.Pinch捏both nostrils鼻孔shut using a thumb and forefinger.Spit out any blood that collects in the mouth.Step III Further discussion (Individual)Ask the students to give the situations.(some more situations are given and encourage the students to talk more)Drowning :Check to see if he /she is breathingTry to start his /her breathingNever swim in deep water.( a video about CPR)Traffic accident: Call for a doctor or an ambulance.Never pull her out of the carFind enough people to lift the car safely and take her to hospital at once.Look at both sides when crossing the street.Step 4 Quiz for first aid (on p74)1.Which person would you help first?___A Li Yan who has cut her foot on glassB Xue Jin whose nose is bleedingC GaoY uan who is on the ground not breathingD Wang Feng who has broken her arm.2. When carrying out rescue breathing, how many times a minute should you blow air into the victim’s mouth? ______.A 4B 8C 15D 203. What should the first step be when you carry out rescue breathing?____A Clear the airwayB check the pulseC blow into the victim’s mouthD check for breathing4 How would you stop severe bleeding? ___A cover the wound with plasticB wash the woundC do nothing as the bleeding will stop by itselfD put a bandage over the wound and then press on it5 A friend is choking on a piece of food and is coughing badly. What should you do?___A nothingB carry out rescue breathingC have her lie down and restD slap her four or five times on her backStep 5 HomeworkPrepare for the reading partAfterthoughts:_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________Period 2 ReadingTeaching goals:a.Enable the students to master some English expressions and phrases and to know someknowledge of first aid.b.Enable the students to learn how to give their correct suggestions about first aid when othersare in danger,Teaching important points:Let Ss learn to use the structures of giving suggestionsa. Key words and expressions:burn, essential, organ, layer, poison, ray, treatment, liquid, radiation, mild, iron, heal, tissue, electric, swell, swollen, blister, watery, char, nerve, damage, jewellery, squeez out, over and over again, bandage, in place.b. Useful sentences:Burns are called first degree, second degree or third degree burns,These burns are not serious and should feel better within a day or twoFirst degree burns turn white when pressed.Teaching methods:Skimming method., Task-based method, Role-play methodTeaching aids:A projector, a tape-recorder and a blackboardTeaching procedures and ways:Step 1 Pre-readingFirst let the students talk about the picture (page 33)What kind of first aid would you perform in the situation of burning?Step 2 While-reading1)Skim for general idea.How many parts are the text and what are they?(After a few minutes)Five parts1.The purpose of skin2.Causes of burns3.Types of burns4.Symptoms of burns5.First aid treatment2) ScanningDetailed reading: Filling in the blanksWhat can skin do for our body ?•Protect you against diseases, poisons and the sun’s harmful rays.•Keep you warm or cool•Prevent you from losing water•Gives you sense of touchCauses of burnsYou can get burnt by :•hot liquids,•steam,•fire,•radiation,•th e sun,•electricity and chemicalsWhat are the three types of burns?•F i r s t d e g r e e:Not serious; affect only the top layer of the skin; feel better a day or twoS e c o n d d e g r e eAffect both the top and the second layer of the skin; serious; take a few weeks to healT h i r d d e g r e eAffect all three layers of the skin and any tissue and organs under the skin; very severe injuries; victim must get to a hospital at once.Label the pictures with three degree burnsT h e s e c o n d d e g r e e b u r n T h e f i r s t d e g r e e b u r n T h e t h i r d d e g r e e b u r n 3) Read the last part and answer the questions:1. Why should you put cold water on a burn?T h e c o l d w a t e r s t o p s t h e b u r n i n g p r o c e s s,s t o p s t h e p a i n a n d p r e v e n t s o r r e d u c e s s w e l l i n g.2. Why doesn’t a third degree burn hurt?B e c a u s e n e r v e s i s d a m a g e d.3. Why do you think clothes and jewellery near burns should be removed?B e c a u s e t h i s m a y b r e a k a n y b l i s t e r s a n d t h e w o u n d m a y g e t i n f e c t e d.4. If someone has a third degree burn, why might you see tissue?T h e s e a f f e c t a l l t h r e e l a y e r s o f t h e s k i n a n d a n y t i s s u e a n d o r g a n s u n d e r f i r e sStep 3 HomeworkRead the text over and again and underline the difficult pointsAfterthoughts:_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________Period 3-4 Language PointsTeaching goals:Enable the students to master some English expressions and phrases and to know some knowledge of first aid.Teaching important points:Learn useful expressions and sentence structuresTeaching methods:Guiding and explainingTeaching procedures:Step I Language points1. fall + adj.睡着了fall asleep清醒了fall awake安静下来fall silentHis wife suddenly fell ill last week. 他妻子突然生病了。
完整版外研版必修五Module5教案教学内容:本节课的教学内容来自于外研版必修五Module 5。
教学目标:1. 学生能够掌握戏剧的基本概念和戏剧欣赏的方法。
2. 学生能够了解著名戏剧家莎士比亚及其代表作《罗密欧与朱丽叶》。
3. 学生能够提高英语听说读写的能力,增强跨文化交流的意识。
教具与学具准备:教具:多媒体教学设备、教学PPT、戏剧作品集学具:笔记本、笔、戏剧作品集教学过程:1. 导入:教师通过播放一段莎士比亚戏剧《罗密欧与朱丽叶》的经典片段,引发学生对戏剧的兴趣,引出本节课的主题。
2. 教学新课:教师引导学生阅读教材,讲解戏剧的基本概念和戏剧欣赏的方法。
3. 小组讨论:学生分成小组,讨论并介绍自己喜欢的戏剧作品和戏剧家,分享彼此的感受和观点。
4. 课堂练习:教师设计一些关于戏剧的练习题,让学生运用所学知识进行解答,巩固所学内容。
板书设计:戏剧的基本概念戏剧是一种表演艺术戏剧以对话和动作为主要表现形式戏剧的种类悲剧喜剧历史剧现代剧戏剧家的生平及其作品莎士比亚《罗密欧与朱丽叶》《哈姆雷特》戏剧欣赏的方法了解戏剧背景关注角色塑造品味戏剧语言体验情感共鸣作业设计:1. 请学生选择一部自己喜欢的戏剧作品,了解其作者和背景,并写一篇短文介绍该作品。
2. 请学生结合教材内容,谈谈自己对戏剧欣赏的看法和方法。
人教课标版高中英语必修5 Unit5_Grammar名师教学设计
(1)He said (that) the text was very important and that we should learn it by heart.
②Often the illness or injury is not serious, but there are other times when giving first aid quickly can save lives.
2.①Burns are called first degree burns, second degree burns or third degree burns.
(3) –Are you an engineer? --No, but I want to be.
(4) –He hasn’t finished the task yet. --Well, he ought to have.
有to do不定式重复时,重复内容可省略,省略到___或to后___动词或____动词为止。
How beautiful the flower (is)!
What a wide river (it is)!
1)My father is a doctor and my mother (is) a nurse.
There are ___________ words and phrases in Sentence 1.
Unit 5 First aidⅠ. 单元教学目标技能目标Skill Goals▲Talk about first aid and medicine▲Practice expressing giving instructions▲Learn about Ellipsis▲Practice instructional writing: first aid instructions for particular injuries Ⅱ. 目标语言功能句式Expressing instructionsGive others your positive suggestions or orders We / Y ou should / ought to ...Please do ...Make sure ...Y ou must / have to / ought to ...Y ou must never ...Y ou ought never to ...Give others your negative suggestions or orders Y ou should not ...Y ou ought not to ...Please don‟t ...Y ou should never ...Y ou must / should never to ...词汇1.四会词汇aid, injury, bleed, ankle, choke, blood, bloody, burn, organ, poison, ray, treatment, liquid, radiation, mild, iron, tissue, electric, swell, damage, jewellery, squeeze, wound, bandage, symptom, kettle, wrist, damp, sleeve, throat, present, ceremony, bravery, towel, pressure, ambulance, authentic 2.认读词汇sprain, essential, layer, heal, blister, watery, char, nerve, ointment, infection, label, Jason, Slade, stab, scheme, bruise3.词组first aid, fall ill, electric shock, squeeze out, over and over again, in place, a number of, put one‟s hands on, catch fire, ought to, have to, stay calm, keep in mind, manage to, flow out, die of4.重点词汇injury, bleed, swell, damage, wound, damp, throat, present, bravery, should, ought to, make sure, have to语法Learn about Ellipsis1. Burns are called first degree burns, second degree burns or third degreeburns. P342. These burns affect both the top layer of the skin . P343. John was presented with his award at a ceremony which recognised the重点句子bravery of ten people who had saved the life of another. P384. They discovered that Anne Slade, mother of three, had been stabbed repeatedly with a knife. P385. It was John‟s quick action and knowledge of first aid that saved Ms Slade‟s life. P38Ⅲ. 教材分析和教材重组1. 教材分析本单元以“急救”为中心话题,旨在通过单元教学,使学生了解相关的急救知识,并能用所学的有关first aid的知识,根据不同情况提出急救措施,能牢固地掌握构词法和省略句,能写急救措施。
高中英语人教新课标必修五 Unit5 词汇 教学案
Unit5 词汇优教学案学习目标1.To master the usage of such important words and expressions as aid, vital, injure, treat, fall ill, get+PP, in place, if necessary, stick to. And learn to express yourselves by using them.2.To learn the method of constructing knowledge trees through self-study and cooperative exploration.3.To enjoy the fun of expressing yourselves in English and participate in class with strong passions.学习过程一、词汇精粹1.aid n.&vt.帮助;援助;资助【教材原句】First aid is a very important first step in the treatment of burns.急救是治疗灼伤中很重要的第一步。
【观察思考】(1)With the aid of the teacher,all of us in our class have made great progress.在老师的帮助下,我们班所有的同学都取得了很大的进步。
(2)She came quickly to his aid.她急忙来帮助他。
(3)They collected money in aid of the college students from Qinghai Province.他们筹钱用来帮助来自青海省的大学生。
(4)The doctor gave first aid on the injured man.医生为受伤的人实施了急救。
河北省石家庄二中高二英语人教版必修五《Module5 Unit5 First Aid》教学设计
1. 面对同学:高二
2. 学科:英语
2. 课时:1
3. 同学课前预备
人教版高中英语必修五第五单元First aid 教案
Teaching Plan for Book 5Unit5First AidReading: First Aid for Burns余粮堡高中吕新教案背景:《英语》(人教版)必修五是供高中二年级上学期使用,这本教材以培养学生综合运用语言能力为根本,全面准确地体现了新的英语课程标准,必修五教材共有五个单元。
每个单元由Warming up, Pre-reading, Reading, Comprehending, Learning About Language, Using Language 这六部分组成。
这一课讲的是Reading 部分。
教学课题:新标准英语(人教版)必修五Unit5 First Aid中Reading: First Aid For Burns教材分析:新标准英语(人教版)必修五Unit 5 First Aid 是讨论对不同的情况采取什么急救措施。
本节课Reading部分:First Aid For Burns陈述皮肤对人体的重要性,然后介绍烧伤的各种起因,三种不同的烧伤程度以及它们所表现出的主要症状和所应采取的急救措施。
教学方法:任务型教学法、直观演示法、TPR教学法Teaching Goals:1. Enable the Ss to get some first aid knowledge.2. Enable the Ss to learn how to use what they’ve learnt to do first aid treatment for burns correctly.3. Let the Ss learn the reading skill of getting the main idea of each para./ part & each passage .Key Teaching Points:How to improve the Ss’ reading ability.Difficult points:1. How to grasp the main idea of each paragraph / part & each passage.2. How to help the Ss use what they’ve learnt to do first aid treatment for burns corr ectly. Teaching methods:1. Skimming & scanning methods to make the Ss get a good understanding of the text.2. Discussion methods to make the Ss understand what they’ve learned in class.3. Pair work of group to get every student to take part in the teaching-and-learning activities.4. Competition and role-play method to arouse the Ss’ interest.Teaching aids:The normal teaching toolsKnowledge aims:1.Get the students to learn the following useful new words and expressions in passage: burn, essential, organ, layer, barrier, complex, poison, ray, treatment, liquid, radiation, mild, iron, heal, tissue, electric, swell, swollen, blister, watery, damage, jewellery, squeezing out, over and over again, bandage, in place.2. Enable the Ss to read and comprehend the text.Ability aims:1. Develop the students’reading ability and let them learn different reading skills.2. Enable the students to master some English expressions and phrases and to know some knowledge of first aid.Emotional aims:Enable the students to learn how to give their correct suggestions about first aid when others are in danger.Teaching proceduresStep1. Lead-inLet’s review some words in this unit.Let’s do a brainstorm What words can you think of when you talk about accidents?Now you know something about first aid. Kook at the picture on page 33 in Pre-reading part. What has happened to the girl and what can we do? The girl is burned by hot water. Next this class we are going to learn something about First Aid for the Family. Now read the text “First Aid for Burns” on page 34.Step2. skimmingWhat is the main purpose of the text?Step3. scanningTranslate the subtitles and then give them the right orders.Step4. Detailed readingpart1、Fill in the blank.1)Protect you against _______, _______and ____________________;2) Keep you _______ or _____;3) Prevent your body from __________________;4) Give you _____________.part2、Causes of burnspart3、Finish the chart of types & characteristics of burns(based on page 34)part4、First aid treatmentDos1)________ clothing and jewelry near the burns.2)______ the burns with cool but not icy water.3)______ cool, clean wet cloths on the burns.4)_____ the burned area gently.5)______ the burned area with a dry clean bandage.6)______ the burned area ______ than the heart, if possible.7)_____ the victim ___ the doctor or hospital, if the injuries are second or third degree burns.Don’ts1)Do not _______ the clothing that isstuck to the burns.2)Do not cool the burns with _____ water.3)Do not put cool water on _____ degree burns.4)Do not ____ butter, oil, ointment on burns.5)Do not ____ the burns, it will break the blisters.Part5 Tell if the following statements are true or false1)Our skin has three layers.2)We will never get burned by the sun.3)Burns are divided into three degrees according to the degree of pain.4)Third degree burns are the most serious and painful.Step5.Discussion1. Why should you put cold water on a burn?2. Why doesn’t a third degree burn hurt?3. Why do you think clothes and jewellery near burns should be removed?4.If someone has a third degree burn, whymight you see tissue?Step6. Role playPlease act out some situation:A nosebleed, sprained ankle, choking, burns …., then give them first aid.Step7. SummaryThis passage doesn’t contain enough information for you to do first aid for others. Please learn more after class. Do remember: Life is precious, we should care about others and help people in an emergency and try our best to give them effective first aid if they are in danger. Step8. HomeworkWell, time is up. That’s all for this class. Your homework for today now. 1. Finish the exercise on the paper. 2. Finish the exercise in period one.教学反思:本堂课又是一个新的话题,而且是和我们的现实生活联系非常密切的一个问题,又是一些常识性的问题。
Unit 5 First AidPeriod One :warming up ,pre-reading and readingTeaching Goals:1.Encourage the students to discuss accidents and first aid .2.Enable the students to talk about different accidents and how to give first aid in different situations.3.Enable the Ss to learn how to use what they’ve learnt to do first aid treatment for burns correctly.4.Let the Ss learn the reading skill of getting the main idea of each paragraph. Key Teaching PointsHow to improve the Ss’ reading ability.Difficult points1. How to grasp the main idea of each paragraph .2.Help the students to use the expressions to describe the accidents and how to give first aid.Teaching methods1. Brainstorm & Skimming & scanning methods to make the Ss get a good understanding of the text.2.Discussion methods to make the Ss understand what they’ve learned in class. 3.Pair work of group to get every student to take part in the teaching-and-learning activities.Teaching aidsA recorder, a projector, and a computerTeaching proceduresStep One Warming upPresentation1. Lead-in question: Watch a video, and fill in the blanks. What is first aid? First aid is a temporary form of help given to someone who suddenly falls ill or gets injured before a doctor can be found. Often the illness or injury is not serious, but there are other times when giving first aid quickly will save one’s life.2. Brainstorming: What words can you think of when you talk about accidents and first aid?3. Group discussion.Turn to page 33, look at the pictures.What happen in each picture and what kind of first aid should you give in the following situation.Talk about different situations and the way they should give first aid.A snake bite: A snake has bitten him on his leg.(The person bitten must get to a doctor or hospitalat once; /Speed is very important. /It will help the doctor greatly if you can tell him what kind of snake it was, or describe the situation .)Bleeding: She has cut her arm with some broken glass and is bleeding badly. (Try to stop the bleeding;/Press a handkerchief onto the bleeding point and hold it there;/Hold up the part of body which is bleeding if possible.)* (watch the video about how to deal with bleeding )A sprained ankle: He has badly sprained his ankle. (Tied with medical bandage. /It is better to avoid walking with the injured ankle. /It is correct to use ice bag for removing pain and bleeding, and also not influence our own body healing.)*( a video about a sprained ankle)Choking : She is choking on a piece of food (Make him /her spit by patting him/her on the back./Don’t eat too fast and don’t forget to chew your food./To avoid this, we shouldn’t talk or laugh when eating.)*(a video about unconscious choking)A broken arm : She has broken her arm. (Do not move the patient. /Send for an ambulance at once. /Treat for shock if necessary.A bleeding nose: He has a nose/a nose bleed. (Stay calm. / Breathe through the mouth, not the nose. / Sit up and bend the head slightlyforward. / Pinch捏 both nostrils鼻孔 shut using a thumb and forefinger./ Spit out any blood that collects in the mouth.4. Quiz for first aid1. The best way to treat a hurt ankle is ___A. Put an ice pack on your ankle.B. Put a heating pad(垫子)around your ankle.C. Keep on walking and jumping.2. If you get a nosebleed, gently let your head back to stop the bleeding.__A. TrueB. False3. To treat a burn, you ___A. Rub some butter on it.B. Hold the burnt part under cold running water.C. Put salt on the burnt part.4. You should wait at least five minutes before touching somebody who has been struck by lightening, or you might get a shock (打击). ___A. TrueB. False5.Your friend has an asthma(哮喘) attack, but she doesn’t have her medicine. You’d better___A. Get a paper bag for her to breathe into.B. Get her a cup of coffee.C. Take her outside for fresh air.6. To treat a choke, you should make him /her spit by patting him/her on the back. ___A. TrueB. False7. If someone is having a heart attack, you should first___A. Call 120B. Perform CPR (心肺复苏)8.Which person would you help first?___A Li Yan who has cut her foot on glassB Xue Jin whose nose is bleedingC GaoYuan who is on the ground not breathingD Wang Feng who has broken her arm.9.When carrying out rescue breathing, how many times a minute should you blow air into thevictim’s mouth? ______.A 4B 8C 15D 2010. How would you stop severe bleeding? ___A cover the wound with plasticB wash the woundC do nothing as the bleeding will stop by itselfD put a bandage over the wound and then press on it11. A friend is choking on a piece of food and is coughing badly. What should you do? ___A nothingB carry out rescue breathingC have her lie down and restD slap her four or five times on her backStep Two Pre-reading:1. Questions for the picture on P33:What has happened? What sort of injuries the child will have?What kind of first aid would you perform in the situation of burning?Key: Cool the area of skin; Wash it under the cold running water.Cover the wound with bandage/clean cloth. See a doctor if necessary.Step Three Fast readingLet the Ss read the passage fast and then find out the answers to the questions1. What will the passage be about?2. What do they tell you about the passage?3. In which order are these topics covered in the text? Number them from 1 to 5.(3) the three types of burns(5) what to do if someone gets burned(1 ) the functions of the skin(4) the symptoms of burns(2) how we get burnsStep Four Careful reading1.What can skin do for our body ?Protect you against diseases, poisons and the sun’s harmful rays.Keep you warm or cool.Prevent you from losing water.Give you sense of touch.2.Causes of burnsYou can get burnt by : hot liquids; steam; fire radiation; the sun electricity and chemicals3.Types of burnWhat are they?1.First degree burns.2. Second degree burns3.Third degree burns4. Label these pictures first, second and third degree burns.(P35 Ex2)5.Answer the questions(Page35 Ex3)1).Why should you put cold water on a burn?Because the cold water stops the burning process, stops the pain and reduces the swelling.2). Why doesn’t a third degree burn hurt?Because in the third degree burn the nerves have been damaged. If there are no nerves, there is no pain.3). Why do you think clothes and jewellery near burns should be removed?Because bacteria from the clothes and jewellery could infect the burns.4). If someone has a third degree burn, why might you see tissue?Because all the layers of the skin have been burnt showing the tissue underneath. 7.Decide whether the first aid treatment is Right (R) or Wrong (W). (35 Ex4) Step 4 HomeworkRead the reading carefully after class and preview the language points in the reading.。
必修五 Book 5 Unit 5 教学案学案全单元概述该教学案是针对必修五英语课程中的 Book 5 Unit 5 进行精心设计的,旨在帮助学生更好地理解和掌握该单元的知识和技能。
教学内容Part 1: 基础知识1.重点词汇与短语的学习:通过单词卡和词语卡来逐个学习本单元的重点词汇和短语,加强记忆;2.语法知识:学习本单元所涉及的主谓一致、非限制性定语从句等语法知识,并通过练习来增强理解和使用能力。
Part 2: 听读训练1.细节理解:通过听录音和阅读文本来了解本单元相关知识;2.语音语调训练:通过听录音和练习来提高学生的听力和口语能力,同时加强语音语调的练习。
Part 3: 语言运用1.口语训练:通过模拟对话和自我介绍等练习来提高学生的口语表达能力;2.写作训练:通过写作练习来提高学生的写作能力。
教学步骤Step 1: 词汇、短语学习1.向学生介绍本学习单元的重点词汇和短语;2.运用单词卡和词语卡进行学习和记忆。
Step 2: 语法知识讲解1.向学生介绍本学习单元的语法重点;2.运用多媒体等教学方式进行详细讲解。
Step 3: 听读训练1.向学生播放听力材料,并带领学生进行听后问题回答;2.向学生逐段分析材料,帮助学生理解文本。
人教新课标高中英语必修五Unit 5 First aidUnit 5 First aid教案(1)
3. All the tables and chairs are __________.
4. The thief can’t ____________ anything valuable.
13. _________ v.肿起,使增长14. _________ n. & vt.损害;损失,毁坏
15. _________ n.珠宝;首饰16. _________ v.榨,压,榨出,挤出
17. _________ n.症状,征候,征兆18. _________ n.仪式,典礼,礼仪
19. _________ n.勇敢,勇气,壮观20. _________ n.压;按;榨,压迫
2. presentvt.赠予,造成,提交
1. During his(ill), John stayed indoors.
2.Most people protect themselves from____________
(injure) to their self-esteem(自尊心).
3. Jack came home with a(blood) nose.
4. ___________找到,得到5. ___________许多,大量(只修饰可数名词)
6. ___________受伤7. ___________被烧伤
8. ___________保护……免于9. ___________触电
10. __________轻微的红肿11.be proud of
12.carry out 13.close to
人教版高中政治必修五全套教案Unit 1 维护国家安全教案目标:通过本单元的研究,学生能够理解国家安全的重要性,了解国家安全的内涵和构成要素,并掌握国家安全的维护策略和措施。
教学内容:- 国家安全的概念介绍- 国家安全的内涵及相关要素教学步骤:1. 引入国家安全的概念,让学生了解其重要性。
2. 讲解国家安全的内涵和相关要素,例如政治安全、经济安全、军事安全等。
3. 进行小组活动,让学生讨论并分享自己对国家安全的理解。
教学内容:- 国家安全的构成要素介绍- 各个构成要素的具体内容和要点教学步骤:1. 复上节课所学的国家安全的概念和内涵。
2. 引入国家安全的构成要素,如政治安全要素、经济安全要素等。
3. 详细讲解各个构成要素的具体内容和要点,引导学生进行思考和讨论。
教学内容:- 维护国家安全的策略介绍- 不同策略的特点和适用场景教学步骤:1. 复上节课所学的国家安全的构成要素。
2. 引入维护国家安全的策略,如积极防御策略、主动攻击策略等。
3. 解释不同策略的特点和适用场景,并进行案例分析。
人教版高中英语必修5 Unit5 Grammar 优秀教学设计
Unit5 Grammar 优教教学设计设计意图This is the last period of this unit, aiming to help students get a basic knowledge of the grammar “ellipsis” in this unit. The emphasis of this period is mainly placed on the understanding and the usage of the grammar. Therefore, teachers should create a relatively real context to present enough sentences to students to draw a conclusion about the rule of ellipsis. In the meantime teachers should offer more opportunities to students to practice using the grammar. Ellipsis is used in English to make our conversation simplified and neat, thus the learning of this grammar should not be too complex. Exercises designed for this purpose ought to be simple and easy to operate, which is connected with their daily life to make it easy to understand.教学目标1. Help students master the basic usage of ellipsis and know which parts of the sentences can be omitted.2. Students learn to use ellipsis in real situation through self-study and practice.3. Students get absorbed in English study and enjoy the beauty of English.教学重点The usage of ellipsis in English sentences.教学难点How to guide students to use ellipsis appropriately in real situations.教学过程Step 1: Lead-in(设计意图:学生观察句子,思考有哪些成分被省略,导入本课语法省略。
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- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Unit 5 First aid I. 单元教学目标II.目标语言课程设计与课时分配(经教材分析,根据学情,本单元可以用六课时完成)1st period: Warming up2nd period: Listening and speaking3rd period: Reading4th period: Language study & Grammar5th period: Integrating skills6th period: Extensive reading and WritingUnit Five First aidsThe First Period Warming upTeaching goalsTeaching materials: 教学材料Warming up on p 331.T arget language 目标语言a. Key words and expressions:重点词汇和短语aid, first, aid; fall ill; illness; injury; bleed; sprain; ankle; choke; blood; bloody; burn; essential; organ; layer; poison; ray; treatment;b. Communicating expressions:交际用语We/you should/ ought to …Please do…Make sure…Y ou must/have to/ought to…Y ou must never…Y ou ought never to…2.Ability goals能力目标a.Encourage the students to discuss accidents and first aid .b.Enable the students to talk about different accidents and how to give first aid in differentsituations.3.Learning ability goals学能目标Enable the students to be brave and calm when meeting with accident and know how to give first aid in different situations through discussion.T eaching methods教学方法Brainstorm and discussion (Group work).T eaching important and difficult points教学重难点Help the students to use the expressions to describe the accidents and how to give first aid.T eaching aids教具准备A recorder, a projector, and a computerT eaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式Step One Homework checking1.Lead-in question: Watch a video, and fill in the blanks: what is first aid?First aid is the first kind of help given to someone who suddenly falls ill or gets injured before a doctor can be found.2. Warming-up: Brainstorming: What words can you think of when you talk about accidents and first aid?3. Learn the new words ?.b. Talk about different situations and the way they should give first aid.Qs: What happened in each picture? What kind of first aid should you give?A snake bite: The person bitten must get to a doctor or hospital at once;Speed is very important.It will help the doctor greatly if you can tell him what kind of snake it was, ordescribe.Bleeding: Try to stop the bleeding;Press a handkerchief onto the bleeding point and hold it there;Hold up the part of body which is bleeding if possible.(watch the video about how to deal with bleeding )A sprained ankle: Tied with medical bandage.It is better to avoid walking with the injured ankle.It is correct to use ice bag for removing pain and bleeding, and also not influence ourown body healing.( a video about a sprained ankle)Choking : Make him /her spit by patting him/her on the back.To avoid this, we shouldn’t talk or laugh when eating.(a video about unconscious choking)A broken arm: Do not move the patient.Send for an ambulance at once.Treat for shock if necessary.A bloody nose: Stay calm.Breathe through the mouth, not the nose.Sit up and bend the head slightly forward.Pinch捏both nostrils鼻孔shut using a thumb and forefinger.Spit out any blood that collects in the mouth.Step four Further discussion (Individual)Ask the students to give the situations.(some more situations are given and encourage the students to talk more)Drowning :Check to see if he /she is breathingTry to start his /her breathingNever swim in deep water.( a video about CPR)Traffic accident: Call for a doctor or an ambulance.Never pull her out of the carFind enough people to lift the car safely and take her to hospital at once.Look at both sides when crossing the street.Step five Quiz for first aid (on p74)1.Which person would you help first?___A Li Y an who has cut her foot on glassB Xue Jin whose nose is bleedingC GaoY uan who is on the ground not breathingD Wang Feng who has broken her arm.2. When carrying out rescue breathing, how many times a minute should you blow air into the victim’s mouth? ______.A 4B 8C 15D 203. What should the first step be when you carry out rescue breathing?____A Clear the airwayB check the pulseC blow into the victim’s mouthD check for breathing4 How would you stop severe bleeding? ___A cover the wound with plasticB wash the woundC do nothing as the bleeding will stop by itselfD put a bandage over the wound and then press on it5 A friend is choking on a piece of food and is coughing badly. What should you do?___A nothingB carry out rescue breathingC have her lie down and restD slap her four or five times on her backStep Five Homework1. Do the listening in workbook p69.2. Find more information about first aid---how to rescue breathing.Unit Five First aidsThe Second Period Listening and speakingTeaching goals 教学目标T eaching materials教学材料Listening on page 69,39,73, speaking task on p744.T arget language目标语言a. Key words and phrases:重点词汇和短语:unconscious; emergency number; reach cupboard; involve; stress and intonationb. Communicating expressions:交际用语We/you should/ ought to …Please do…Make sure…Y ou must/have to/ought to…Y ou must never…Y ou ought never to…5.Ability goals能力目标Enable the students to listen for details and catch the specific information as much as possible.6.Learning ability goals 学能目标3.1 Enable the students to predict some important listening skills in the process of listeningand encourage the students to talk about the details after listening.3.2 Make the students have the ability to talk about the situations according to the listeningmaterials and tell dos and don’ts for first aids.T eaching methods教学方法Listening and cooperative learning.T eaching important and difficult points教学重难点How to make sure the answers of listening material;Talk about the first aid of different situations after the listening.Practise in pairs and act out a dialogue between an operator and the caller;T eaching aids 教具准备A recorder and cassette tapes , a projector, and a computerT eaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式Step one Homework checkingThe teacher may explain some difficult words and phrases to the students before listening. (unconscious; emergency number; reach cupboard; involve; stress and intonation)T: OK. Let’s listen to the tape. I’ll play it twice. The first time I play it, you should listen to it attentively and get general idea. The second time I play it, you need to fill in the blanks.Listen to the conversation and complete the table, pay attention to the key words.3. Check the answers.Post listening Listen to it again and answer the questions:1. Do you think that Mrs Grant should have rung the emergency number or should she have just taken her daughter to the doctor? Give reasons for your answer.2. How do you think Mrs Grant was feeling when she made the phone call?3. Why do you think the operator was speaking so slowly and calmly?4. What would have happened if Mrs Grant had hung up the first time she said goodbye?5. What would have been a safer way for Mrs Grant’s daughter to reach the cupboard?Step three Listening on p731. Listen to the instructions for rescue breathing, number the boxes for the correct order. Write an instruction under each picture.2.Then use the pictures to tell each other how to do rescue breathing.(Use the video to help students to talk about CPR) :Call for helpCheck the breathingClear anything in the airwayMouth-to- mouth methodCheck breathing pulseStep four Listening on p391. What topics does the teacher ask questions about ? Circle the correct ones.2. Match each picture with a topic listed in question 1.1).___sprained ankle__________2).___burning clothes_________3).___nose bleeds ____4).___choking _____________Step five speakingUse the pictures above to help you give your partner first aid instructions for each situation. Using the useful expressions:You should always…You must…Make sure that…You ought to / should …you have to…You should not…You should never…You must never…Never…Please don’t…Sprained ankle:Tied with medical bandage.It is better to avoid walking with the injured ankle.It is correct to use ice bag for removing pain and bleeding, and also not influence our own body healing.Burning clothes: Use a blanket to put out fire on the body.Remove clothing from burned area.Use running water to cool down.Sent for a doctor.Nose bleedsStay calm.Breathe through the mouth, not the nose.Sit up and bend the head slightly forward.Pinch捏both nostrils鼻孔shut using a thumb and forefinger.Spit out any blood that collects in the mouth.ChokingMake him /her spit by patting him/her on the back.To avoid this, we shouldn’t talk or laugh when eating.Step six Write down the instructions for each situation.Step seven Watch the movie to see some more ways to deal with first aids.Step eight T alk about safety around the house, using DOS and DONTSDOSa.Make sure that electric wir es are safe and that children can’t reach them.b.If a pan of oil catches fire, turn off the gas and cover the pan quickly.c.Make sure that everyone in your family knows how to call 110 and 120.d.Learn more about first aid.DON’T Sa.Don’t put poisons into othe r containers, for example empty bottles.b.Never leave small things a baby can put in its mouth on the floor or tablec.Don’t play with electrical equipment.d.Never use ladders on a wet floor.Don’t forget to phone 110 or 120 when necessaryStep nine Home work1. Write a dialogue according to the talking Ex. on p69 .2. Prepare for reading : First aid for burnsUnit Five The Third Period ReadingT eaching goals教学目标Teaching materials: 教学材料Reading on p 34-367.T arget language教学语言a. Key words and expressions:重点词汇和短语burn, essential, organ, layer, poison, ray, treatment, liquid, radiation, mild, iron, heal, tissue, electric, swell, swollen, blister, watery, char, nerve, damage, jewellery, squeezing out, over and over again, bandage, in place.b. Useful sentences重点句型Burns are called first degree, second degree or third degree burns,These burns are not serious and should feel better within a day or twoFirst degree burns turn while when pressed.8.Ability goals 能力目标Enable the students to master some English expressions and phrases and to know some knowledge of first aid9.Learning ability goals学能目标Enable the students to learn how to give their correct suggestions about first aid when others are in danger,4. T eaching important points教学重点Let Ss learn to use the structures of giving suggestions5.T eaching methods教学方法Skimming method.Task-based methodRole-play method6.T eaching aids 教具准备A projector, a tape-recorder and a blackboardT eaching procedures and ways教学过程和方式Step 1 Revision1.Greet the whole class as usual2.The teacher checks the students’homework: show some pictures about some commoninjuries and review some words, some useful expressions and the information about first aid. Step 2 Pre-readingFirst let the students talk about the picture (page 33)What kind of first aid would you perform in the situation of burning?1) Skim for general idea. How many parts are the text and what are Step 3 While-readingthey?(After a few minutes)Five parts1.The purpose of skin2.Cause of burns3.Types of burns4.Symptoms of burns5.First aid treatment Scanning : read the text quickly and do the multiple choices onBEST DESIGN(page 36)3)Detail reading: Filling in the blanksWhat can skin do for our body ?•Protect you against diseases, poisons and the sun’s harmful rays.•Keep you warm or cool•Prevent you from losing water•Gives you sense of touchCauses of burnsY ou can get burnt by :•hot liquids,•steam,•fire,•radiation,•the sun,•electricity and chemicalsWhat are the three types of burns?•F i r s t d e g r e e:Not serious; affect only the top layer of the skin; feel better a day or two•S e c o n d d e g r e eAffect both the top and the second layer of the skin; serious; take a few weeks to healT h i r d d e g r e eAffect all three layers of the skin and any tissue and organs under the skin; very severe injuries; victim must get to a hospital at once.Label the pictures with three degree burnsT h e s e c o n d d e g r e e b u r n T h e f i r s t d e g r e e b u r n T h e t h i r d d e g r e e b u r n Answer the questions1. Why should you put cold water on a burn?•T h e c o l d w a t e r s t o p s t h e b u r n i n g p r o c e s s,s t o p s t h e p a i n a n d p r e v e n t s o r r e d u c e s s w e l l i n g.•2. Why doesn’t a third degree burn hurt?•B e c a u s e n e r v e s i s d a m a g e d.•3. Why do you think clothes and jewellery near burns should be removed?•B e c a u s e t h i s m a y b r e a k a n y b l i s t e r s a n d t h e w o u n d m a y g e t i n f e c t e d.•4. If someone has a third degree burn, why might you see tissue?•T h e s e a f f e c t a l l t h r e e l a y e r s o f t h e s k i n a n d a n y t i s s u e a n d o r g a n s u n d e r f i r e s Language points•sense of touchsense of sightsense of hearing•sense of tastesense of smell•sense of humor•sense of beauty•sense of urgency unless: 除非……;如果不……•Don’t make it public u n l e s s I agree. •U n l e s s the destruction of the ozone layer is to stopped, the polar ice caps could melt with terrible consequences.c) Hold the bandage in place with tape.•in place•The librarian put the returned books in place.d) It shows that a knowledge of first aid can m a k e a real d i f f e r e n c e.•M a k e(s o m e,n o,e c t)d i f f e r e n c e•I t m a k e s n o d i f f e r e n c e t o m e w h e r e y o u c o m e f r o m.If you want more tips about first aids and ways to deal with common injuries, refer to the following websites./clinic/firstaid//pare nt/firstaid_safe//firstaid_rfrg.htm/articles/25936-7.aspHome work•1. Finish the Exes in p36.2.Read the text.Unit Five First aidThe Fourth Period GrammarT eaching goalsTeaching materials: 教学材料Learning about language and using words and expressions. on workbook p70-7110.T arget languagea. Key words and expressions:aid, first aid, illness, injury, poisonous, burn, swollen, damage, treatment, wounded, infect, organ, cause, characteristics, electric. Fall ill.eful sentences1)Burns are called first degree burns, second degree burns or third degree burns.2)These burns affect both the top layer of the skin and they affect the second layer ofthe skin.11.Ability goalsLearn about Ellipsis12.Learning ability goalsLet Ss learn how to use Ellipsis4. T eaching important pointsThe use of Ellipsis5. T eaching difficult pointsHow to teach Ss to master EllipsisT eaching aidsA projector, and a blackboardT eaching procedures and waysStep 1 Revision3.Greet the whole class as usual4.The teacher checks the students’ homework.T: Now please open your books and turn to Page 36. Let’s learn Step 2 Word Study“Learning about Language”.First let’s do Discovering useful words and expressionsplete the table with the correct verbs, nouns or adjectives.T: Let’s do some more exercises about new words. Y ou are to explain the words on the screen in English and then fill in the blanks.(ask students to explain or guess the meanings of the words)plete the questions with words from the text.The students will try to complete the exercises. Later the teacher will ask some of them to read each of the sentences and tell the class the answers.Suggested answers:Step 3: GrammarT: Let’s look at the next, Grammar (page 91)Present some sentences and encourage the students to find out which words have been left out.T: Observe the following sentences and discuss with your partner to find out what have been left out. Let me show you an example. As we know, when people want the speaker to repeat what he said, they usually say “Beg your pardon.” Then it is called Ellipsis. The subject “I” has been left out, without changing the meaning of the sentence .OK, now it’s your turn to find out what have been left out.1.Haven’t seen you for ages.2.Some more tea?3.Sounds like a good idea.4.Doesn’t matter.5.Sorry to hear that.6.Pity you couldn’t come7.This way, please.8.Terrible weather!9.Joining us for a drink?10.Going to the supermarket?Suggested answers:1.I haven’t seen you for ages.2.Would you like some more tea?3.That/It sounds like a good idea.4.It doesn’t matter.5.I’m sorry to hear that.6.It’s/ What pity you couldn’t come7.Step this way, please.8.What terrible weather it is!9.Are you joining us for a drink?10.Are you going to the supermarket?Step 4 PractisingDiscovering useful structures (page 37)1.In groups, look at these pairs of sentences. Discuss the difference between A and B ineach pair. Also discuss which is the better sentence, A or B and Why.(page 37)2.Rewrite these sentences taking out the unnecessary parts.1)The burn that she got from the iron was red and ( it was )very painful2)A boy was on the left side of the sick woman, and a girl was on the right (side ofthe sick woman.)3)She has a daughter (who is) in hospital.4)He went to the doctor because he had to go to( the doctor).5)Did she pass the first aid test that she did yesterday (or didn’t she pass)?6)She could not decide whether to send him to hospital or not (to send him tohospital).7)When your nose is bleeding, you should bend forward so that the blood runs out ofyour nose and( the blood) doesn’t run down your throat.8)Only some of the students have done a first aid course but most of the studentshaven’t (done a first aid course).3.These sentences are correct. However, one or more words have been left out. Rewriteeach sentence on the top of the next page to include the missing words.1)The cottage (that is) surrounded by a wall belongs to the local government.2)The first book I read this term was more interesting than the second (book I readthis term).3)To her teacher’s surprise, she did better in her first aid exam than(it was) expected.4)I don’t think they have returned from the hospital, but they might have ( returnedfrom the hospital).5)He wanted to help the accident victim but his friend didn’t (want to help theaccident victim).6)Y ou can borrow my first aid notes if you want to (borrow my first aid notes).4.Show the students the slides with some multiple choices exercises about the Ellipsis.1)---- Tomorrow is a holiday. Why are you doing your homework?-----I am doing these exercises now so that I won’t have _____ on Sunday.A. itB. themC. forD. to2)----Shall I invite Ann to my birthday party tomorrow evening?----Y es. It’ll be fine if you______.A. areB. canC. inviteD. do3)---- Aren’t you the manager?-----No, and I______A.don’t want toB. don’t want to beC. don’t want beD. don’t want4)---- I’ll be away on a business trip. Would you mind looking after my cat?-----Not at all______.A. not toB. not to doC. not do itD. do not to5)----- Won’t you have another try?------ ________.A.Y es, I will haveB. Y es, I won’t haveC. Y es, I won’tD. Y es, I will6)-----I won’t do it any more.-----_______?A. Why notB. Why don’t do any moreC. Why not doD. Why don’t7)-----Do you think it will snow tomorrow?------______?A.I don’t thinkB. No, I don’t thinkC. I don’t think soD. No, I don’t so8)-----Have you fed the cat?------No, but______.A. I’mB. I amC. I’m just goingD. I’m just going toStep 5 Homework1. Go over the usage of Ellipsis.2. Finish listing structures on Page 71 Ex 1 and Ex 23. Prepare Reading and discussing on Page 38Unit Five First aidsThe Fifth Period Integrating skillsT eaching goals教学目标T eaching material 教学材料Reading and discussingHeroic teenager receives award13.T arget language教学语言a. Key words and expressions:重点词汇和短语Present, Put their hands on, ceremony, bravery, towels, pressureA number ofAmbulanceeful sentences重点句型1.John was presented with his award at a ceremony which recognised the bravery often people who had saved the life of another.They discovered that Anne Slade, mother of three, had been stabled repeatedly with a knife.3. It was John’s quick action and knowledge of first aid that saved Ms Slade’s life. 14.Ability goals 能力目标Enable the students to know some knowledge about first aid after learning the text.15.Learning ability goals 学能目标Foster the students’ ability in skimming and looking up information in references books and improve the students’ reading ability.●T eaching important points教学重点Finish the exercises in post-reading by using the knowledge we have learned.T eaching methods教学方法Listening and fast readingT eaching aids教具准备A recorder, a projector, and a computerT eaching procedures and ways教学过程和方式Step One RevisionShow the students a slide with some new wordsWhat is the Chinese meaning of them?PresentPut their hands onceremonybraverytowelspressureA number ofAmbulanceStep T wo Reading and listening1. S k i m m i n g t h e n e w s p a p e r a r t i c l e a n d t h e n p u t t h e s e e v e n t s i n t h e o r d e r t h a tt h e y h a p p e n e d.⏹_4_T h e a t t a c k e r r a n a w a y._1_n n e w a s a t t a c k e d a n d s t a r t e d t o s c r e a m._6_J o h n p e r f o r m e d f i r s t a i d o n A n n e_2_J o h n w a s s t u d y i n g i n h i s h o u s e._7_T h e a m b u l a n c e a r r i v e d._3_J o h n r a n o u t s i d e w i t h h i s f a t h e r._5_J o h n f o u n d A n n e i n h e r g a r d e n w i t hterrible knife wounds.2. Listen to the tape and answer the questions2)W h a t d i d J o h n d o w h e n h e h e a r d t h e1) What was John honoured for?s c r e a m i n g?3)W h a t h a p p e n e d t o A n n e?W h a t s a v e d M s s l a d e’s l i f e?5)W h a t f i r s t a i d d i d J o h n p e r f o r m o n A n n e?W h a t a d j s w o u l d y o u u s e t o d e s c r i b e J o h n’s a c t i o n s?G i v e a t l e a s t t h r e e.S t e p T h r e e Discussion 1.Do you think John was silly or brave to get involved in the situation? Give reasons.2.Would you have done the same as John ? Give reasons3.Do you think it is worthwhile to take a course in first aid? Give reasons.Step Four Language studyDifficult sentences1.John was presented with his award at a ceremony whichrecognised the bravery of ten people who had saved the life of another.be presented with sth: be given withWhich 引导一个定语从句Who引导一个定语从句They discovered that Anne Slade, mother of three,had been stabled repeatedly with a knife.Repeatedly 是由动词repeat的过去分词加-ly构成。