2008 ISM Salary Survey


浙江省2008年4月高等教育自学考试 企业劳动工资管理试题 课程代码00166

浙江省2008年4月高等教育自学考试 企业劳动工资管理试题 课程代码00166



1.战略性薪酬管理的核心是( )A.企业文化B.成长战略C.作出一系列的战略薪酬决策D.创新战略2.我们所讨论的薪酬一般是指( )A.内在报酬B.外在报酬C.经济性报酬D.非经济性报酬3.将企业内各个职位的相对价值与其相对应的工资率之间的关系用两维的直角系直观地表现出来,就形成了( )A.薪酬曲线B.薪酬表C.薪酬变动表D.薪酬关系结构图4.根据员工在企业中所从事的工作或所处的职位来确定其基本薪酬的薪酬体系是( )A.生活型薪酬体系B.职能型薪酬体系C.综合型薪酬体系D.职位型薪酬体系5.适当压缩企业在一些福利项目方面的开支,从而达到控制薪酬成本的目的,这是( )A.薪酬冻结B.延缓提薪C.调整薪酬构成D.控制间接薪酬支出6.公司和员工约定在将来某一时期内以一定价格购买一定数量的公司股权,购股价格一般参照股权的当前价格确定,这是( )A.现股计划B.期股计划C.期权计划D.员工持股计划7.员工的薪酬主要取决于工龄与企业的经营状况,与个人绩效的关系不大的薪酬模式是( ) A.高弹性模式 B.高稳定模式C.折中模式D.高灵活模式8.企业为补充满足劳动者的生活需要,对其员工给予经济上的帮助、生活上的服务和照顾而采取的措施的总称是指( )----------------------------精品word文档值得下载值得拥有---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.基本薪酬B.奖金C.员工福利D.津贴9.企业内部不同职位的薪酬水平所形成的相互比较关系是指( )A.薪酬关系B.薪酬构成C.薪酬体系D.薪酬水平10.按照工人生产合格产品的数量(或工作量)和预先规定的计件单价来计算劳动报酬的工资形式是( )A.计时工资制B.计件工资制C.年薪制D.岗位工资制二、多项选择题(本大题共4小题,每小题2分,共8分)在每小题列出的五个备选项中至少有两个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。




( )是认识客观现象。


(A)观察研究方法 (B)实证研究方法(C)对比研究方法 (D)规范研冤肯洼27、( )是造成非正常失业的主要原因。

(A)劳动生产率提高 (B)气候的变化 (C)市场经济的动态性 (D)总需求不足28、劳动和社会保障部发布的规范性文件称为( )。

(A)劳动法规(B)劳动法律(C)国务院劳动行政法规 (D)劳动规章29,正常情况下。

每个月依照法定程序延长的工作时间不能超过( )。

(A)34小时 (B)36小时 (C)38小时 (D)40小时30,消费者市场是指所有为了( )而购买商品或服务的个人和家庭所构成市扬。

(A)家庭消费(C)政府购买(B)个人消费 (D)产业消费31、影响产业购买着购买决定的主要固素不包括( )。

(A)社会因素 (B)环境因素 (C)组织因素 (D)人际因素32、影响工作满意度的因素不包括( )。

A)富有挑战性的工作 (B)公平的报酬(C)支持性的工作环境 (D)合理的分工33、( )是组织报酬体系设计和实施的第一原则。

(A)公平公正 (B)适当激励 (C)效率优先 (D)成本节约34、群体决策的优点是( )。

(A)群体讨论时不易产生个人倾向 (B)能增加决策的可接受性(C)要比个体决策需要更少的时间 (D)对决策结果的责任清晰35、职业教育不包括( )。

A就业前的职业教育 B)农村职业技术教育(C)就业后的职业教育 D)城市职业技术教育36、员工激励的特点不包括( )。

(A)任何一种激励方法都不是万能的(B)激励不一定达到满意效果 (C)员工做出相应反应需要一定时间(D)激励不一定会产生直接反应37、( )是日常人力资源管理活动的重要前提和工具。

(A)岗位调查 (B)岗位评价 (C)岗位分析 (D)岗位分类分级3B、被称为人力资源管理活动的纽带的是( )。



“Years of Experience since Undergraduate Degree” and “Industry Sector” (Chart 2 to Chart 4) Broken down to three separate charts by the highest degree earned, Chart 2 to 4 present what our members earn with their “Years of Experience since Undergraduate Degree” and “Industry Sector” where they are engaged. While the trends of “the longer the experience, the higher the salary” and “people with Masters and Ph.D’s in general earn more than those with only Bachelors” holds across the industry sectors, people who work for “Private Industry/Corporate,” regardless of Defense or Non-defense, seem to be paid better than those in other sectors. Salaries of “Federal Government,” both of Defense and Non-defense, are as a group lower than those in private sectors but higher than those in educational institutions. “Highest Degree” & “Years of Experience since Undergraduate Degree” broken down by the State (Chart 5 to Chart 12) It makes little sense to compare a California engineer’s salary with an Alabama engineer’s just on the nominal basis. Therefore we generated these state-specific salary charts. The states that are not included in the following charts are those with too few sampling data (less than 15 data records) in part because these states don’t have significant aerospace industry base or university programs. Chart 5 – California Chart 6 – Colorado Chart 7 – District of Columbia Chart 8 – Florida Chart 9 – Ohio Chart 10 – Texas Chart 11 – Virginia Chart 12 – Washington “Size of Organization” and “Number of Reports” (Chart 13) This presentation examines the relationship between the member salaries and the “Size of Organization” and “Number of Reports.” It’s observed that there is virtually no salary difference among various sizes of organizations if comparing members who supervise the same number of subordinates, but the salary increases as the number of direct reports grows within the same organization. In other words, your salary tends to differ little whether you work for an 800-people organization or an 8,000-people organization as long as you manage the same number of people. But, the salary does differ whether you manage 5 people or 50 people regardless of the size of organization for which you work. The more people report to you, the higher salary you get. “Years of Experience since Undergraduate Degree” and “Job Function” (Chart 14 to Chart 16)
















2008年6月人力资源管理师三级试题及答案2008年6月劳动和社会保障部国家职业资格全国统一鉴定职业:企业人力资源管理师等级:国家职业资格三级卷册二:操作技能注意事项: 1、请按要求在试卷的标封处填写您的姓名、准考证号、身份证号和所在地区。




(10分)见课本P60. 4点2、请简要说明制定单项工资管理制度的基本程序。

(10分)见课本P217. 4点二、计算题(本题1题,共15分。



⑴用产品定额计算:定员人数=计划期生产任务总量=2000×2 =68人工人劳动效率×出勤率50×120%×98%⑵用工时定额计算:单位产品工时定额=8小时/天=0.16小时/件50件/天定员人数=生产任务(件)×工时定额=2000件/班×2班×0.16小时/件=68人工作班时间×定额完成率×出勤率8小时/天×120%×98%三、综合分析题(本题共2题,每小题20分,共40分)1、某企业销售部主管老赵对小钱说:“你下班前到我办公室来一趟,我想就你的工作表现和你谈一下,也算是年终的考评。




实验4 数据库的查询与视图一、SELECT语句的基本使用1、查询Employees表中所有数据2、查询Employees表中指定字段数据3、查询Employees表中的部门号与性别,要求使用Distinct消除重复行4、使用WHERE子句查询表中指定的数据查询编号为’000001’的雇员的地址与电话查询月收入高于2000元的员工号码查询1970年以后出生的员工的姓名与住址5、使用AS子句为表中字段指定别名查询Employees表中女雇员的地址与电话,并将列标题显示为地址与电话查询Employees表中男雇员的姓名与出生日期,并将列标题显示为姓名与出生日期6、使用使用CASE子句查询Employees表中员工的姓名与性别,要求Sex值为1时显示“男”,为0时显示“女”查询Employees表中员工的姓名、住址与收入水平,2000元以下显示为低收入,2000~3000地显示为中等收入,3000元以上显示为高收入。

7、使用SELECT语句进行简单计算计算每个雇员的实际收入8、使用内置函数获得员工总数计算Salary表中员工月收入的平均数获得Employees表中最大的员工号码计算Salary表中所有员工的总支出查询财务部雇员的最高与最低实际收入9、模糊查询找出所有姓王的雇员的部门号找出所有地址中含有“中山”的雇员的号码及部门号找出员工号码中倒数第二个数字为0的员工的姓名、地址与学历10、Between…And…与Or的使用找出收入在2000~3000元之间的雇员编号找出部门为“1”或“2”的雇员的编号11、使用INTO子句,由源表创建新表由表Salary创建“SalaryNew”表,要求包括编号与收入,选择收入在1500元以上的雇员由表Employees创建“EmployeesNew”表,要求包括编号与姓名,选择所有男员工二、子查询的使用1、查找在财务部工作的雇员情况2、用子查询的方法查找所有收入在2500以下的雇员的情况3、查找财务部年龄不低于研发部雇员年龄的雇员姓名4、用子查询的方法查找研发部比所有财务部雇员收入都高的雇员的姓名5、查找比所有财务部的雇员收入都高的雇员的姓名6、用子查询的方法查找所有年龄比研发部雇员年龄都大的雇员的姓名三、连接查询的使用1、查询每个雇员的情况及薪水的情况2、查询每个雇员的情况及其工作部门的情况3、使用内连接的方法查询名字为“王林”的雇员所在的部门4、使用内连接的方法查找出不在财务部工作的所有雇员信息5、使用外连接方法查找出所有员工的月收入6、查找财务部收入在2000元以上的雇员姓名及其薪水详情7、查询研发部在1976年以前出生的雇员姓名及其薪水详请四、聚合函数的使用1、求财务部雇员的平均收入2、查询财务部雇员的最高与最低收入3、求财务部雇员的平均实际收入4、查询财务部雇员的最高与最低实际收入5、求财务部雇员的总人数6、统计财务部收入在2500元以上的雇员人数五、GROUP BY、ORDER BY子句的使用1、查找Employees表中男性与女性的人数2、按部门列出在该部门工作的员工的人数3、按员工的学历分组,排列出本科、大专、硕士的人数4、查找员工数超过2的部门名称与雇员数量5、按员工的工作年份分组,统计各个工作年份的人数,例如工作1年的多少人,工作2年的多少人6、将雇员的情况按收入由低到高排列7、将员工信息按出生时间从小到大排列8、在ORDER BY 子句中使用子查询,查询员工姓名、性别与工龄信息,要求按实际收入从大到小排列六、视图的使用1、创建视图(1)在数据库YGGL上创建视图Departments_View,视图包含Department表的全部列(2)创建视图Employees_Departments_View,视图包含员工号码、姓名、所在部门名称(3)创建视图Employees_Salary_View,视图包含员工号码、姓名与实际收入三列2、查询视图从视图Employees_Salary_View中查询出姓名为“王林”的员工的实际收入3、更新视图(1)向视图Departments_View中添加一条记录(‘6’,‘广告部’,‘广告业务’)执行完命令后,分别查瞧Departments_View与Department表中发生的变化(2)尝试向Employees_Departments_View中添加一条记录,瞧瞧会发生什么情况(3)尝试向Employees_Salary_View中添加一条记录,瞧瞧会发生什么情况(4)将视图Departments_View中,部门号为‘6’的部门名称修改为‘生产车间’(5)删除视图Departments_View中最新增加的的一条记录4、删除视图Employees_Departments_View5、在界面工具中操作视图一、SELECT语句的基本使用1、查询Employees表中所有数据SELECT*FROM Employees;2、查询Employees表中指定字段数据SELECT EmployeeID,Name,DepartmentID FROM Employees;3、查询Employees表中的部门号与性别,要求使用Distinct消除重复行SELECT Distinct DepartmentID,Sex FROM Employees;4、使用WHERE子句查询表中指定的数据查询编号为’000001’的雇员的地址与电话Select Address,PhoneNumber FROM Employees WHERE EmployeeID='000001';查询月收入高于2000元的员工号码SELECT EmployeeID FROM Salary WHERE InCome>2000;查询1970年以后出生的员工的姓名与住址SELECT Name,Address FROM Employees WHERE YEAR(Birthday)>'1970'; SELECT Name,Address FROM Employees WHERE Birthday>'1970';5、使用AS子句为表中字段指定别名查询Employees表中女雇员的地址与电话,并将列标题显示为地址与电话SELECT Address AS地址,PhoneNumber AS电话FROM Employees;查询Employees表中男雇员的姓名与出生日期,并将列标题显示为姓名与出生日期SELECT Name AS姓名,Birthday AS出生日期FROM Employees WHERE Sex=1;6、使用使用CASE子句查询Employees表中员工的姓名与性别,要求Sex值为1时显示“男”,为0时显示“女”SELECT Name AS姓名,CASEWHEN Sex=1 THEN'男'WHEN Sex=0 THEN'女'ENDAS性别FROM Employees;查询Employees表中员工的姓名、住址与收入水平,2000元以下显示为低收入,2000~3000地显示为中等收入,3000元以上显示为高收入。



2008年5月助理人力资源管理师(国家职业资格三级)2008年5月助理人力资源管理师(国家职业资格三级)考试试卷-参考答案2008年5月助理人力资源管理师(国家职业资格三级)考试试卷-技能试题2008年5月助理人力资源管理师(国家职业资格三级)考试试卷-理论试题2008年5月助理人力资源管理师(国家职业资格三级)考试试卷-参考答案2008年5月劳动和社会保障部国家职业资格全国统一鉴定职业:企业人力资源管理师等级:国家职业资格三级08年5月助理人力资源管理师考试答案理论部分答案(26题—85题为单选题)BDDBB ADABD DCBAC DDACB DDBDD BBACB DABCA DBBAABCDAC ABDAB CCAAA BDADA(86题—125题为多选题)BCE、BC、CDE、AD、ABC、ACE、ACDE、ABCE、BDE、ABCE、ACDE、A BCDE、DE、ABCE、ABCDE、BCD、ABD、ACDE、ACDE、ABE、CDE、ABCE、ABCDE、ACD、ACDE、ACD、BCDE、ABCD、BCE、BD、ABCE、ABCDE、ABC D、ABCD、ABE、AE、ACD、ABCE、ABCDE、ACD一、简答题(本题共2题,每小题10分,共20分)1、在工作岗位分析准备阶段,主要应当做好哪些工作?评分标准:P7(10分)(1)根据工作岗位分析的总目标、总任务,对企业各类岗位的现状进行初步了解,掌握各种基本数据和资料。









新视野大学英语第四册课后习题答案华侨大学工程硕士(泉州)周末班英语考试题型及复习范围听力题型短对话(10题*2%=20%)——听1遍长对话(2段,10题*2%=20%)——听2遍,给问题篇章听力(2段,10题*2%=20%)——听2遍,给问题判断正误(1段,5题*2%=10%)——听1遍听力填空(1篇,10空格*3%=30%)——听3遍1、2、4、5、6单元basic listening practice 、listening in 部分对话、篇章、判断题、填空(有改动)阅读题型作文(1篇,120字,15%)阅读理解(1篇,10题*2%=20%)选择题(四选一单选,10题*2%=20%)翻译汉译英(5*3%=15%)部分句子翻译英译汉(2段*5=10%)课文中短段落选词填空完成句子(12单词选10个填空,不需变形)1、2、3、5、7课文,课后练习:选词填空,汉译英,介词填空(改)U1A:3、4、11B:3、4U2A:3、4、11B:3U3A:3、11B:3U5A:11B:3U7A:3、11、12B:3新视野大学英语第四册,课后习题(较全的,不含课文和作文,根据老师的提供课后习题和网上下载整理,希望对大家有用,作文另外整理。


陈培榕,138********)Unit 1A III1.Hundreds of workers sat idle on the factory floor waiting for the assemblyline(流水线) to start again.数百名工人被闲臵在工厂地板上等待流水线重新开始。

2.To some of our problems there was more than one answer, so we werelooking at the students’ reasoning as to how they got it and if they could justify the answer they had.对我们的一些问题有一个以上的答案,所以我们看学生推理他们如何得到它,如果他们能证明他们的答案。



1.人力资源管理导论组织:(organization)管理者:(manager)管理过程:(management process)人力资源管理:(human resource management)职权:(authority)直线职权:(line authority)职能职权:(staff authority)直线经理:(line manager)职能经理:(staff manager)全球化:(globalization)人力资本:(human capital)伦理道德:(ethics)2.公平就业机会及相关法律积极的反歧视行动:(affirmative action)规范化指南:(uniform guide lines)受保护群体:(protected class)混合动机:(mixed motive)合格者:(qualified individuals)性骚扰:(sexual harassment)五分之四法则:(4/5 ths rule)消极影响:(adverse impact)差别拒绝率:(sisparate rejection rates)限制性政策:(restricted policy)人口比较:(population comparisons)真实职业资格:(bona tide accupational qualification)建设性争议处理程序:(alternative dispute resolution)建设性争议处理计划:(ADR program)多元化:(diversity)刻板印象:(stereotyping)歧视:(discrimination)象征主义:(tokenism)种族中心主义:(ethnocentrism)性别角色刻板印象:(gender-role stereotype)善意努力战略:(good faith effort strategy)逆向歧视:(reverse discrimination)3.人力资源管理战略与分析战略规划:(strategic plan)战略管理:(strategic management)使命陈述:(mission statement)公司战略:(corporate-level strategy)竞争战略:(competitive strategy)竞争优势:(competitive advantage)职能战略:(functional strategy)战略性人力资源管理:(strategic human resource management)战略地图:(strategy map)人力资源计分卡:(HR scorecard)数字仪表盘:(digital dashboard)基于战略的衡量指标:(strategy-based metrics)人力资源管理审计:(HR audit)高绩效工作系统:(high-performance work system)4.职位分析与人才管理过程人才管理:(talent management)职位分析:(job analysis)职位描述:(job description)任职资格:(job specification)组织结构图:(organization chart)工作流程图:(process chart)工作流分析:(workflow analysis)业务流畅再造:(business process reengineering)职位扩大化:(job enlargement)职位轮换:(job rotation)职位丰富化:(job enrichment)工作日记/日志:(diary/log)职位分析问卷法:(position analysis questionnaire)标准职位分类:(standard occupational classification)任务描述:(task statement)职位要求矩阵:(job requirements matrix)5.人事规划与招聘人事规划:(workforce planning)趋势分析:(trend analysis)比率分析:(ratio analysis)散点分析:(scatter plot)任职资格条件库:(qualifications inventories)人员替代图:(personnel replacement charts)职位替代卡:(position replacement card)马尔科夫分析法:(markov analysis)继任规划:(succession planning)员工招聘:(employee recruiting)招聘产出金字塔:(recruiting yield pyramid)职位空缺公告:(job posting)非常规性配员:(alternative staffing)即时招聘服务机构:(on-demand recruiting services)大学校园招募:(college recruiting)求职申请表:(application form)6.员工测试与甄选疏忽雇佣:(negligent hiring)信度:(reliability)测试效度:(test validity)效标关联效度:(criterion validity)内容效度:(content validity)构想效度:(construct validity)期望图:(expectancy chart)兴趣测试:(interest inventories)工作样本:(work samples)工作样本技术:(work samples technique)管理评价中心:(management assessment centers)情境测试:(situational test)视频模拟测试:(video-based simulation)小型工作培训和评价方法:(miniature job training and evaluation) 7.求职者面试非结构化面试:(unstructured interviews)结构化面试:(structured interviews)情景面试:(situational interview)行为面试:(behavioral interview)职位相关性面试:(job-related interview)压力面试:(stress interview)结构化顺序面试:(unstructured sequential interview)小组面试:(panel interview)集体面试:(mass interview)求职者面试顺序误差:(candidate-order or contrast error)结构化情境面试:(structured situational interview)8.员工培训与开发新员工入职引导:(employee orientation training)培训:(training)任务分析:(task analysis)培训疏忽:(negligent training)胜任素质模型:(competency model)绩效分析:(performance analysis)在岗培训:(on-the-job training)学徒制培训:(apprenticeship training)工作指导培训:(job instruction training)程序化学习:(programmed learning)行为塑造:(behavior modeling)电子化绩效支持系统:(electronic performance support system)工作助手:(job aid)终身学习:(lifelong learning)交叉培训:(cross training)虚拟课堂:(virtual classroom)管理技能开发:(management development)职位轮换:(job rotation)行为学习:(action learning)案例研究法:(case study method)管理游戏:(management games)角色扮演:(role play)企业内开发中心:(inhouse development centres)高管教练:(executive coach)组织发展:(organization development)控制实验:(controlled experimentation)9.绩效管理与评价绩效评价:(performance appraisal)绩效评价过程:(performance process)绩效管理:(performance management)图评价尺度法:(graphic rating scale)交替排序法:(alternative ranking method)配对比较法:(paired comparison method)强制分布法:(forced distribution method)关键事件法:(critical incident method)行为锚定等级评价法:(behaviorally anchored rating scale)目标管理:(management by objectives)电子化绩效监控:(electronic performance monitoring)标准不清:(unclear standard)晕轮效应:(halo effect)居中趋势:(central tendency)宽大或严格倾向:(strictness/leniency)近因效应:(recency effect)绩效评价面谈:(appraisal interview)10.员工保留、敬业度及职业生涯管理职业生涯:(career)职业生涯管理:(career management)职业生涯开发:(career development)职业生涯规划:(career planning)现实震荡:(reality shock)导师指导:(mentoring)教练指导:(coaching)晋升:(promotion)调动:(transfer)不服从上级:(insuboardination)自由解雇:(terminate at will)解雇面谈:(termination interview)重新谋职咨询:(outplacement counseling)离职面谈:(exit interview)临时解雇:(lay off)裁员:(down sizing)解雇管理:(managing dismissals)生命周期:(lifecycle career)职业生涯管理:(career management)职业锚:(career anchor)11.制定战略性薪酬计划员工薪酬:(employee compensation)直接经济报酬:(direct financial payment)间接经济报酬:(indirect payments)职位评价:(job evaluation)报酬要素:(compensable factores)杠杆职位:(benchmark jobs)职位排序:(ranking method)职位分类法:(job classification or job grading)职级:(classes)职等:(grades)职位等级定义:(grade definition)计点法:(point method)市场竞争性薪酬系统:(market-competitive pay system)薪酬政策线:(wage curves)薪酬调查:(salary survey)薪酬等级:(pay ranges)比较比率:(compa ratios)胜任素质薪酬:(competency-based pay)宽带薪酬:(broad banding)可比价值:(comparable worth)12.绩效薪酬和经济性奖励经济类奖励:(financial incentives )生产率:(productivity)日公平工作标准:(fair day’s work)科学管理运动:(scientific management movement)可变薪酬:(variable pay)期望:(expectancy)关联性:(instrumentality)效价:(Valance)行为修正:(behavior modification)简单计件工资:(straight piecework)标准工时计划:(standard hour plan)绩效加薪:(merit pay or merit raise)年终奖:(annual bonus)股票期权:(stock option)团体或群体奖励计划:(team or group incentive plans)组织绩效奖励计划:(organization-wide incentive plans)利润分享计划:(profit-sharing plans)收益分享计划:(gainsharing plan)收入风险型薪酬计划:(earnings-at-risk pay plans)员工持股计划:(employee stock owership plan)广泛股票期权计划:(broad-based stock option plans) 13.福利与服务福利:(benefits)失业保险:(unemployment insurance)补充性薪酬型福利:(supple-mental pay benefits)病假:(sick leave)遣散费:(severance pay)补充性失业福利:(supplemental unemployment benefits)工伤保险:(worker’s compensation)健康维护组织:(health maintenance organization)自选医疗服务组织:(preferred provider organization)团体人寿保险:(group life insurance)社会保障:(social security)养老金计划:(pension plans)固定收益制计划:(defined benefit plans)固定缴费制计划:(defined contribution plans)可转移性:(portability)储蓄节约计划:(savings and thrift plan)延期利润分享计划:(deferred profit-sharing plan)员工持股计划:(employee stock ownership plan)现金金额养老金计划:(cash balance plans)养老金担保公司:(pension benefits guarantee corporation)提前退休窗口:(early-retirement window)员工援助计划:(employee assistance program)弹性福利计划:(flexible benefits plan)自助餐式福利计划:(cafeteria benefits plan)弹性工作时间:(flextime)压缩工作周:(compressed workweek)职位分享:(job sharing)工作分享:(work sharing)14.伦理道德、员工关系管理伦理道德:(ethics)程序公平:(procedural justice)分配公平:(distributive justice)社会责任:(social responsibility)网络欺凌:(cyberbullying)组织文化:(organizational culture)非惩罚性惩戒:(ninpunitive discipline)解雇:(dismissal)员工关系:(employee relations)建议团队:(suggestion teams)问题解决团队:(problem-solving teams)质量圈:(quality circle)自我管理:(self-managing)15.劳资关系与集体谈判封闭型企业:(closed shop)工会制企业:(union shop)工会代理制企业:(agency shop)工会会员优先企业:(preferential shop)会员资格保持型企业:(maintenance of membership arrangement)工作权利:(right to work)工会渗透:(union salting)授权卡:(authorization cards)谈判单位:(bargaining unit)代表取消:(decertification)集体谈判:(collective bargaining)有诚意谈判:(good faith bargaining)自愿性谈判主题:(voluntary or permissible bargaining items)非法谈判主题:(illegal bargaining items)强制性谈判主题:(mandatory bargaining items)僵持:(impasses)调解:(mediation)实情调查员:(factfinder)仲裁:(arbitration)利益仲裁:(interest arbitration)权利仲裁:(rights arbitration)经济罢工:(economic strike)同情罢工:(sympathy strike)野猫罢工:(wildcat strike)反不当劳资关系行为罢工:(unfair labor practice strikes)设置纠察:(picketing)联合施压运动:(corporate campaign)联合抵制:(boycott)内部游戏:(inside games)闭厂:(lockout)禁令:(injunction)争议处理程序:(grievance procedure)16.员工安全与健康职业病:(occupational illness)传讯:(citation)不安全工作条件:(unsafe conditions)工作伤害分析:(job hazard ananlysis)运行安全审查:(operational safety reviews)行为安全教育:(behavior-based safety)安全意识项目:(safety awareness)工作倦怠:(burnout)自然安全:(natural security)机械安全:(mechanical security)组织安全:(organizational security)17.全球化人力资源管理国际人力资源管理:(international human resource management)工人理事会:(works councils)外派员工:(expatriates)母国公民:(home-country nations)第三国公民:(third-country nations)虚拟团队:(virtual team)民族中心主义:(ethnocentric)多国中心主义:(polycentric)全球中心主义:(geocentric)适应性甄选:(adaptability scerrning)国外服务补贴:(foreign service premium)艰苦补贴:(hardship allowances)迁移补贴:(mobility premiums)。






请您:(1)指出各项人工成本的列支科目并填写在(丙)栏内(14分)序号工业企业人工成本构成(甲) 金额(乙) 列支科目(丙)1 产品生产人员工资、奖金、津贴和补贴520 制造费用(1分)2 产品生产人员的员工福利费41.6 制造费用(1分)3 生产单位管理人员工资24 制造费用(1分)4 生产单位管理人员的员工福利费 2 制造费用(1分)5 劳动保护费18 制造费用(1分)6 工厂管理人员工资120 管理费用(1分)7 工厂管理人员的员工福利费10 管理费用(1分)8 员工教育经费36 管理费用(1分)9 养老、医疗、失业、工伤和生育保险费188 管理费用(1分)10 销售部门人员工资210 销售费用(1分)11 销售部门人员的员工福利费16 销售费用(1分)12 技工学校经费360 营业外支出(1分)13 工会经费44 管理费用(1分)14 员工集体福利设施费36 利润分配(公益金)(1分)合计1625.6(2)分别核算出该企业2008年1月至3月的人工成本,在制造费用、管理费用和公益金中所列支的金额。





1.在薪酬结构中,基本薪酬的比例相对较大,浮动薪酬的比例相对较小,企业福利水,高的是【】A.以保障为主的薪酬结构 B.以短期奖励为主的薪酬结构C.以效益为主的薪酬结构 D. 以长期激励为主的薪酬结构2.下列四种报酬公平最能体现同工同酬原则的是【】A.外部公平 B.内部公平 C.团队公平 D.员工公平3.下列不属于影响企业薪酬水平的内部因素的是【】A.经济效益 B.薪酬分配和支付形式C.员工配置 D.企业发展战略4.我国最低工资标准的确定方法采取【】A.单方性原则 B.双方性原则 C.三方性原则 D.多方性原则5.员工违纪违章给企业造成经济损失应予以赔偿的,可从本人工资中扣除,但扣除的数额不得超过当月工资的【】A.10% B.15% C.20% D.25%6.通过确定有代表性的工作岗位和工作因素的相对价值,推算企业岗位等级和薪资等级的工作评价方法是【】A.比较排序法 B.工作分类法 C.点数法 D. 因素比较法7.社会保障制度的核心是【】A.社会救济 B.社会保险 C.社会福利 D.社会优抚8.对于处于快速上升阶段的企业,企业薪酬战略应该定位为【】A.高报酬、高绩效奖励、中等福利B.中等薪酬、中等绩效奖励、标准福利C.低报酬、低绩效奖励、高福利D. 低市场率工资、成本控制、适当奖励、标准福利9.下列不属于员工福利特点的是【】A.补偿性 B.均等性 C.差异性 D_集体性10.薪酬调查一般采用【】A.访问调查法 B.电话调查法C.问卷调查法 D.网络调查法11.按照通用的四分法,将年薪划分为核心薪酬、保障性薪酬、特殊福利和【】A.股票期权 B.延期支付薪酬 C.年度红利 D.风险薪酬12.下列关于企业薪酬调整说法正确的是【】A.就企业总体而言,薪酬水平应该是呈上升趋势的,特别是基本薪酬B.企业薪酬调整就是增薪C.在企业普调薪酬的情况下,最好同比例地增加每一名员工的工资D.纵向薪酬结构调整的重点是考虑是否增加新的薪酬要素13.“柔性薪酬”是指【】A.基本薪酬 B.补偿性薪酬 C.福利薪酬 D.浮动薪酬14.下列比较适合生产专业和自动化程度高,同一岗位技能要求差别不大,但需要反映员工能力或绩效差别工作的是【】A.一岗一薪制 B.一岗数薪制C.复合岗(职)薪制 D.技术等级工资制15.我国目前覆盖面最宽,社会化程度最高的社会保险形式是【】A.养老保险 B.失业保险 C.工伤保险 D.医疗保险16.休息日安排劳动者工作又不能补休的,支付不低于工资的【】A.150% B.200% C.250% D.300%17.企业实行员工持股计划时,下列不属于公司股票转让途径的是【】A.股票奖励计划 B.员工出资购买股票C.信贷持股计划 D. 直接配发股票18.将员工完成的工作量分为定额内和定额外两部分,定额以内的工作量按计时工资标准发放,超过定额部分的工作量按计件工资标准发放的是【】A.累计计件工资 B.超额计件工资 C. 包工计件工资 D.提成计件工资19.一般而言,决定企业外部竞争力的是【】A.基本薪酬和浮动薪酬 B.浮动薪酬和福利薪酬C.基本薪酬和福利薪酬 D.基本薪酬和补偿薪酬20. 下列关于激励薪酬表述正确的是【】A. 风险程度是随着激励薪酬在总薪酬中所占比例的增大而下降B.如果企业绩效水平较高,激励比例相对高一些C. 如果企业薪酬的总体水平较高,风险薪酬可适当高些D.一些需要激励合作的工作,浮动比例可高一些二、多项选择题(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)在每小题的五个备选项中至少有两个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。






( A )总需求( B )总需求价格( C )总供给( D )总供给价格27、关于平均失业持续期表述错误的是()。

( A )无论时间长短都属于非正常失业( B )它的长度是反映失业严重程度的重要指标( C )平均失业持续期相对较短,反映了经济的动态性( D )平均失业持续期延长表明劳动力市场中存在长期失业者28、以下不属于劳动标准法的是()。

( A )劳动争议处理法( B )工资法( C )劳动安全卫生标准法( D )工作时间法29、劳动法律关系的主要形态是()。

( A )劳动行政法律关系( B )劳动合同关系( C )劳动服务法律关系( D )劳动监督关系30、顾客力量分析不包括()。

( A )顾客购买动机分析( B )顾客消费承受能力( C )市场商品消费结构分析( D )企业产品消费群体分析31、市场营销计划的控制不包括()。

( A )季度计划控制( B )效率控制( C )年度计划控制( D )战略控制32、阿伦和梅耶所进行的综合研究提出的承诺不包括()。

( A )感情承诺( B )继续承诺( C )规范承诺( D )口头承诺33、第一个对学习中的强化做出理论分析的是()。

( A )弗洛姆( B )莱文泽尔( C )爱德华?桑代克( D )赫兹伯格34、个体的沟通风格不包括()。

( A )自我实践型( B )自我保护型( C )自我暴露型( D )自我实现型35、基于“经济人”假说的管理是运用()来调动人的积极性。

( A )物质刺激( B )满足社会需要( C )内部激励( D )搞好人际关系36、组织开发的基本目标不包括()。

( A )改变组织氛围( B )改变组织环境( C )改变组织文化( D )改变组织结构37、以下不属于员工动态特征的是()。



2008,526、资源的有限性称为( C )。

(A)资源的有效性 (B)资源的合理性 (C)资源的稀缺性 (D)资源的针对性27、在生产要素市场,( A )是生产要素的供给者。

(A)居民户 (B)市场 (C)劳动者 (D)企业28、资本的所有者提供要素服务得到的报酬称为( C )。

(A)地租 (B)工资 (C)利息 (D)利润29、( A )是调整劳动关系以及与劳动关系密切联系的其他一些社会关系的法律规范的总和。

(A)劳动法 (B)劳动法律制度 (C)劳动法学 (D)劳动行为规律30、所谓劳动权的( B )是对劳动者权益和权能的保护,包括人身权益和财产权益、法定权益和约定权益。

(A)基本保护 (C)优先保护 (B)全面保护 (D)部分保护3 1、( A )是指具有法的效力作用和意义的法或法律的外在表现形式。

(A)法律渊源 (B)劳动法 (C)劳动合同 (D)劳动关系32、以下关于劳动法的监督检查制度的说法不正确的是( A )。

(A)它规定了劳动关系的运行规则(B)它是实施劳动监督检查的职权划分和行为规则(c)它规定了以何种手段实现和保证各项劳动法律制度的实施(D)各项劳动法律制度的范围与劳动监督检查制度的范围是一致的33、( B )是影响企业战略决策的首要外部条件。

(A)经济环境 (B)政治法律环境 (c)技术环境 (D)社会文化环境34、企业经营战略的实施是战略管理工作的( A )。

.(A)主体 (B)客体 (C)内容 (D)重点35、制定企业计划的原则不包括( B )。

(A)可行性与创造性相结合(B)战略计划与战术计划相结合 (C)稳定性与灵活性相结合(D)短期计划和长期计划相结合36、(B )是人对某种事物或特定对象所持有的一种肯定或否定的心理倾向。

(A)认知 (B)态度 (C)智慧 (D)谦虚37、( B )是指导致行为或事件的行为者本身可以控制的因素。

(A)归因 (B)内因 (C)外因 (D)知觉38、领导情境理论中主要包括两个方面的内容,一是心理成熟度,二是( A )。



2008年11月助理人力资源管理师(国家职业资格三级)考试试卷-参考答案一、单项选择题26—30 AAAAB 31—35 ACACA36—40 CDACC 41—45 CCCBD46—50 ADCBD 51—55 BADAD56—60 BBCDB 61—65 BCCCB66—70 CBACB 71—75 AABAA76—80 ADCBC 81—85 DCDCD二、多项选择题86 ABDE 87 BC 88 ABCD 89 ABC 90 ACDE91 ABCD 92 ABE 93 ABCE 94 ACE 95 ABCDE96 ABCE 97 ABCDE 98 ACDE 99 ABCDE100 ABCDE 101 ABCD 102 BCDE 103 ABCDE 104 ABCDE105 BCE 106 ACE 107 BD 108 BE 109 ABE110 ABCDE 111 AB 112 BCDE 113 ACDE 114 ABCE115 ABCD 116 ABCE 117 ABC 118 ACDE 119 BD120 CDE 121 CE 122 ABCE 123 ABE 124 ABCDE 125 ACDE第三部分技能部分一、简答题(本题共2题,第l小题12分,第2小题13分,共25分)1、评分标准:P193(12分)(I)绩效管理中存在的矛盾冲突:由丁考评者与被考评者烈方在绩效目标上的不同追求,可能产生二种矛盾:①员工自我矛盾。







2008年5月企业人力资源管理师真题卷册一:职业道德理论知识一、职业道德基础理论与知识部分(第1~16题)(一)单项选择题(第l~8题)1、关于职业良心的说法中,正确的是( C )。


自己就做什么是职业良心的本质(C)职业良心是从业人员按照科业道德要求尽职尽责地做工作(D)一辈子不‘跳槽”是职业良心的根车娶录2、我国公民道德建设的基本原则是( A )。

(A)集体主义 (B)爱国主义(C)个人主义 (D)利己主义3、关于职业技能,正确的说法是( A )。


能够自觉按道德要求行事的修养境界是( A )。

(A)诚信 (B)仁义(C)反思 (D)慎独5、对待工作岗位。

正确的观点是( C )。





正确的说法是( C )。

(A)忠诚单位领导 (B)任何时候都不说假话(C)真实无欺。

遵守约定或践行承诺 (D)善意的谎言体现了诚信的社会价值7、关于办事公道,正确的说法是( B )。




其标准历来是统一的8、关于节约,正确的说法是( D )。




人人都历行节约(二)多项选择题(第9~16题)9.职业道德的特征包括(ABCD )。









MBS公司将这种新的绩效管理疗案定名为:个人业务承诺(Personal Business Commit-ments,PBC)制度,除了由各级主管做年终绩效考评外,员工亦可自己另外寻找6位同事,以匿名方式通过电子信箱进行考评.亦称艺为“360度反馈”。

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S ALARY D ATATh e average annual compensation (which includes wages, bonuses and other income received before taxes and deductions) of the supply management pro-fessionals who responded to the survey was $92,165. Th is breaks down to an average of $100,313 for the men who responded and $78,920 for the women who responded. Th e reported high sa la ry wa s $520,000 for the women a nd $446,000 for the men. In all, 31.2 percent of respondents reported earning a salary of $100,000 or more. Th e average salary is broken down by a number of diff erent variables in the tables and charts that follow.Average SalaryTotal Men Women Average $92,165 $100,313 $78,920High $520,000 $446,000 $520,000Median$80,000 $90,000 $70,000Average Salary by PositionTotal Men WomenChief, Purchasing/Supply Management/Sourcing $128,821 $140,265 $92,200Vice President, Purchasing/Supply Management/Sourcing $210,419 $206,260 $228,836Director, Purchasing/Supply Management/Sourcing $125,833 $128,861 $115,141Manager, Purchasing/Supply Management/Sourcing $90,088 $94,953 $82,041Experienced staff member (3 or more years of experience) $68,537 $70,884 $66,021Entry-level staff member(less than 3 years of experience) $49,682 $52,357 $47,900Other$87,305 $95,890 $75,859Average Salary$INTRODUCTIONTh is report presents the results of a survey of supply management professionals conducted by the Institutefor Supply Management™ (ISM) during January and February 2008. Respondents were asked to report salary information for the 2007 calendar year.Th e information collected from the survey is reported here. Th e data is broken down into various cat-egories where that information was thought to be of interest. Caution should be taken when examining the various breakdowns, as low response rates in some categories may make the information less reliable. Items marked with a (*) indicate that three or fewer responses were received for this category. Demo-graphic information for all respondents is provided at the end of this report.(for data collected January and February 2008, and reporting information from 2007)How the Survey Was ConductedTh e survey was conducted by ISM during Ja nua ry a nd Februa ry 2008. Th e survey form wa s developed by ISM sta ff and posted to a third-party Web site. A random sample of customers with an e-mail address on fi le wa s pulled from the ISM databa se that included members a nd nonmembers. An e-mail message with a link to the online survey was sent to each of these customers requesting that they respond to the survey. A total of 1,050 completed responses were received, which represents a response ra te of 13.6 percent. Th e responses were ta bu-lated by ISM staff . Th e confi dence interval for the overall mean salary is plus or minus approximately 3.4 percent (or plus or minus $3,122).2008 Salary Survey Resultsstaff memberAverage Salary by Position$2008 SALARY SURVEY INSTITUTE FOR SUPPLY MANAGEMENT ™Average Salary by Years of Work ExperienceTotal Men Women 1-2 years $65,665 $76,789 $56,3953-5 years $74,768 $79,393 $66,8796-10 years $82,055 $91,307 $70,34111-20 years $94,633 $103,908 $82,81321 years or more$102,688 $108,515 $88,835Average Salary by Highest Level of Education CompletedTotal Men Women High school $74,976 $70,560 $78,816Some college $69,335 $76,316 $64,267Associate’s degree $75,122 $85,920 $68,891Bachelor’s degree$89,493 $95,165 $79,562Master’s degree $112,957 $119,037 $96,547Doctorate$153,400 $153,680*Average Salary by Major of Those With a College DegreeTotal Men Women Liberal Arts$98,326 $108,377 $80,271Technical/Engineering $110,572 $115,539 $90,056Business, other than Supply Management$92,537 $100,818 $78,950Supply Management $89,156 $95,147 $74,651Other$95,098 $97,762 $92,043Average Salary by Certifi cation StatusTotal Men WomenOne or more certi fi cations $94,648 $103,499 $80,247Not certi fi ed$88,927 $96,336 $77,660Certi fi ed Purchasing Manager(C.P.M.) $96,009 $104,798 $80,135Accredited Purchasing Practitioner (A.P.P.)$76,651 $82,835 $68,111Certi fi ed Commercial Contracts Manager (CCCM)* * *Certi fi ed Federal Contracts Manager (CFCM)* * *Certi fi ed in Production and Inventory Management (CPIM) $100,842 $104,172 $92,078Certi fi ed in Integrated Resource Management (CIRM)$155,627 $175,278 *Certi fi ed Professional Contracts Manager (CPCM)$147,750 $151,500*Certi fi ed Professional Public Buyer (CPPB)$79,677 $88,750 $75,644Certi fi ed Public Purchasing Of fi cer (CPPO)$110,167 * *Certi fi ed Supply Chain Professional (CSCP) $116,135 * *Other$114,685 $133,355 $87,125Average Salary by Years of Work Experience$collegeAverage Salary by Highest Level ofEducation Completed$Management(other than Supply Management)EngineeringAverage Salary by Major of Those With a College Degree$certificationsAverage Salary by Certification Status$Average Salary by Certification Status$INSTITUTE FOR SUPPLY MANAGEMENT ™ 2008 SALARY SURVEYAverage Salary by Position and Spend Category Responsibility (Thousand $)ExperiencedTotal Staff Manager Director V.P. ChiefCapital equipment 96.2 63.1 85.5 124.3 216.2 141.9Chemicals 98.2 59.8 86.1 128.5 246.8 138.0Construction 98.6 65.8 92.1 137.8 220.5 98.3Electronics, electrical components 90.4 61.5 86.9 125.6 208.7 145.1Food/beverages/perishables 96.6 58.4 78.1 118.8 191.5 135.0Fuel/energy/utilities 107.0 62.7 88.1 132.2 252.7 99.7Healthcare and related 109.1 106.6 84.2 121.9 227.8 94.6Information technology 97.0 62.8 85.5 121.9 229.7 153.9Machinery 99.5 61.3 88.5 136.2 224.5 136.3Manufacturing components/materials 89.4 64.4 86.2 129.3 241.7 120.5Metals 94.3 65.3 85.5 145.5 226.1 113.8MRO/indirect goods95.6 61.1 85.2 130.1 230.5 132.1Of fi ceequipment/supplies 94.6 60.1 80.4 121.7 224.4 141.4Packaging 95.6 58.8 83.7 126.8 214.0 143.5Services 96.0 65.5 86.4 128.6 214.5 146.0Telecommunications 98.4 61.6 82.5 131.3 235.1 125.5Transportation/logistics 102.9 61.9 87.6 123.3 211.2 151.6Other91.6 66.7 95.6 120.0**Average Salary by Position and Dollar Amount of Annual Spend for Which They Are Responsible (Thousand $)ExperiencedTotal Staff Manager Director V.P. ChiefLess than $500,000 77.4 74.9 83.2 105.8 * *$500,001 - $10.9 million 69.5 65.8 69.5 95.0 136.5 74.0$11 million - $39.9 million 77.8 67.1 79.2 101.4 * 89.5$40 million - $100 million 99.4 73.5 99.5 121.2 163.6 167.3More than $100 million137.1 72.3 111.5 155.0 257.2 177.7Average Salary by Positionand Spend Category Responsibility(Thousand $).P.MetalsManufacturing components/materialsCapital equipmentAverage Salary by Position andDollar Amount of Annual Spend for Which They Are Responsible(T h o u s a n d $)ChiefV .P.Director Manager Experienced Staff Total$100 million$10.9 million2008 SALARY SURVEY INSTITUTE FOR SUPPLY MANAGEMENT ™Average Salary by Position and Business Processes/Components of SupplyManagement Responsibility (Thousand $)ExperiencedTotal Staff Manager Director V.P. Chief Business planning 107.1 77.9 95.3 122.8 210.9 164.2Cost/price management93.4 68.4 89.2 120.9 215.0 130.4Disposition/investment recovery 102.2 63.0 97.7 126.4 187.0 158.8Distribution 98.2 60.6 81.1 112.3 206.8 214.8Finance 88.6 64.6 87.3 106.6 112.5*Inventory control 87.1 60.4 79.6 109.3 203.7 154.7Logistics 98.0 69.1 88.6 117.0 205.0 154.6Market intelligence 107.3 72.8 96.4 130.6 237.5 154.5Materials management 92.6 66.7 85.2 120.8 208.3 136.3MRO/indirect 99.8 58.9 87.2 135.0 232.7 147.0Outsourcing 99.9 66.7 90.6 128.2 208.8 150.2Packaging 95.9 59.4 84.6 115.6 221.0 159.8Performance and measurements 102.3 65.5 94.3 134.0 201.9 210.7Product/service development 90.1 64.7 84.0 120.7 161.1 98.1Purchasing/procurement 92.2 67.7 88.2 122.6 217.3 133.4Quality 95.3 66.6 87.8 117.9 183.2 228.2Receiving 87.1 57.5 81.9 103.1 153.4 138.8Relationship management 100.9 71.8 95.1 132.1 205.3 221.2Risk management 103.2 71.7 97.1 125.9 213.9*Strategy development 105.3 74.6 96.7 135.2 201.6 166.7Supply management 95.2 68.8 89.9 125.7 211.6 141.5Transportation/traf fi c/shipping 99.3 63.6 89.0 109.4 190.1 152.2Warehousing/stores 97.2 65.2 83.5 113.9 194.2 139.0Other102.2 85.4 92.6 152.7 * *Average Salary by Position and Business Processes/Components of Supply Management Responsibility(Thousand $)50100150200250Chief V .P.Director ManagerExperienced Staff TotalINSTITUTE FOR SUPPLY MANAGEMENT™2008 SALARY SURVEYAverage Salary by IndustryAccommodation and food services (hotels, food and drinking places) $102,182 Agriculture, forestry, fi shing and hunting $94,571 Arts, entertainment and recreation (performing arts, museums,amusement industries) $152,254 Construction $97,104 Educational services $68,867 Finance and insurance $90,168 Government/public administration $80,103 Health care and social assistance $110,047 Information (publishing, motion picture and sound, broadcasting, telecommunications, Internet publishing and service provider industries) $88,459 Management and administrative services $100,329 Manufacturing $90,695 Mining (includes oil and gas extraction and other mining) $117,640 Professional, scientifi c and technical services $86,299 Real estate and rental and leasing $86,471 Retail trade $78,958 Transportation and warehousing $96,880 Utilities $90,484 Wholesale trade $93,393 Other services $90,114Average Salary by Total Annual Gross Revenue of the OrganizationUnder $50 million $70,857$50 million - $500 million $80,957$500.1 million - $1 billion $84,886$1.1 billion - $10 billion $102,645More than $10 billion $102,631Average Salary by Total Employeesin the OrganizationUnder 100 $75,019101 - 500 $76,524501 - 2,000 $85,6362,001 - 5,000 $89,5105,001 or more $101,697Average Salary by Industry050,000100,000150,000200,000$Average Salary by Total Annual Gross Revenueof the Organization22,00044,00066,00088,000110,000$Average Salary by Total Employeesin the Organization$2008 SALARY SURVEY INSTITUTE FOR SUPPLY MANAGEMENT ™Average Salary by StateAlabama $71,884Alaska $109,403Arizona $96,477Arkansas *California$96,394Colorado $100,350Connecticut $96,079Delaware$110,500District of Columbia *Florida $76,427Georgia $89,550Hawaii *Idaho $71,416Illinois $93,943Indiana $84,494Iowa $78,289Kansas $69,845Kentucky $68,751Louisiana $86,764Maine $112,125Maryland $99,582Massachusetts $115,739Michigan $90,004Minnesota $99,301Mississippi*Missouri$78,733Montana *Nebraska $67,325New Jersey $137,295Nevada $88,700New Hampshire *New Mexico $76,625New York $96,917North Carolina $88,043North Dakota *Ohio $81,772Oklahoma $75,100Oregon $84,151Pennsylvania $89,845Rhode Island *South Carolina $85,323South Dakota *Tennessee $102,772Texas $92,927Utah $70,088Vermont *Virginia $90,250Washington $75,861West Virginia *Wisconsin $97,499Wyoming*Average Salary by Geographic RegionPaci fi c (AK, CA, HI, OR, WA)$91,353Mountain (AZ, CO, ID, MT, NM, NV, UT, WY) $88,877West North Central (IA, KS, MN, MO, ND, NE, SD) $82,631West South Central (AR, LA, OK, TX) $91,985East North Central (IL, IN, MI, OH, WI) $90,223East South Central (AL, KY, MS, TN)$85,960South Atlantic (DC, DE, FL, GA, MD, NC, SC, VA, WV) $87,043Middle Atlantic (NJ, NY, PA)$103,163New England (CT, MA, ME, NH, RI, VT)$101,374Average Salary by State$109,403$88,700$70,088$96,477$76,625$100,350$71,416$67,325$69,845$75,100$92,927$86,764$78,733$78,289$99,301$97,499$90,004$93,943$84,494$81,772$68,751$102,772$71,884$89,550$76,427$85,323$88,043$90,250$89,845$96,917$112,125$115,739$96,079$137,295$110,500$99,582$75,861$84,151$96,394Average Salary by Geographic Region$91,353$88,877$82,631$91,985$85,960$87,043$90,223$103,163$101,374INSTITUTE FOR SUPPLY MANAGEMENT ™ 2008 SALARY SURVEYB ONUSESBonuses were ea rned by 59.3 percent of a ll respondents. Th e avera ge bonus received was $14,874, which represented 11.2 percent of the total gross salary received. Th e highest reported bonus wa s $226,000. Respondents were instructed to include a ny bonuses ea rned a s pa rt of their gross sa la ry. Th e va lue of a ny stock options received is reported sepa ra tely. Informa tion on bonuses received is broken down by diff erent variables in the tables and charts that follow.Average Amount of Bonus (before taxes and deductions, excluding stock options)$ Amount% of Gross SalaryAverage $14,874 11.2%High $226,000 96.4%Median$7,500 8.3%Percentage of Respondents Who Received a BonusPercentage% of Gross SalaryTotal 59.3% 11.2%Men 63.4% 12.5%Women53.9% 9.0%Bonus by Position% of GrossPercentage Salary Chief, Purchasing/Supply Management/Sourcing 52.4% 16.3%Vice President, Purchasing/Supply Management/Sourcing89.2% 20.6%Director, Purchasing/Supply Management/Sourcing 72.2% 15.7%Manager, Purchasing/Supply Management/Sourcing63.9% 10.6%Experienced staff member (3 or more years of experience) 48.2% 7.8%Entry-level staff member (less than 3 years of experience) 45.2% 5.0%Other52.9% 10.3%Bonus by Years of Experience% of Gross Percentage Salary 1-2 years 48.5% 7.0%3-5 years 66.3% 9.7%6-10 years 55.2% 9.7%11-20 years 59.5% 11.3%21 years or more61.6% 12.8%Average Amount of Bonus(before taxes and deductions, excluding stock options)$%20406080100Percentage of Respondents Who Received a Bonus% of Gross Salary Percentage%Bonus by Position20406080100% of Gross SalaryPercentagestaff member%Bonus by Years of Experienceor more%2008 SALARY SURVEY INSTITUTE FOR SUPPLY MANAGEMENT ™Criteria Bonus Is Based OnCompany results 57.0%Department/team results 15.1%Individual results 23.9%Other4.0%S TOCK O PTIONSStock options were ea rned by 15.1 percent of a ll respondents. Th e a vera ge estimated dollar value of the stock options received was $53,545. Two respon-dents reported receiving stock options in excess of $1 million. When these two outliers are deleted, the average drops to $29,585. Information on stockoptions received is broken down by diff erent variables in the tables and chartsthat follow.Average Estimated Value of Stock Options ReceivedAverage $53,545High $1,989,654Median$10,000Percentage of Respondents Who Received Stock OptionsAverage Estimated Percentage $ Val u e Total 15.1% $53,545Men 16.4% $48,514Women12.6% $67,536Stock Options By PositionAverageEstimated Percentage $ Val ueChief, Purchasing/Supply Management/Sourcing 25.0% $511,789Vice President, Purchasing/Supply Management/Sourcing 48.6% $182,163Director, Purchasing/Supply Management/Sourcing 23.1% $34,072Manager, Purchasing/Supply Management/Sourcing 14.7% $15,108Experienced staff member (3 or more years of experience) 7.4% $5,073Entry-level staff member (less than 3 years of experience)16.1% *Percentage of Respondents Who Received Stock Options$%Average Estimated Value of Stock Options Received$Stock Options By Position$%1020304050staff memberCriteria Bonus Is Based OnINSTITUTE FOR SUPPLY MANAGEMENT ™ 2008 SALARY SURVEYBy Years of ExperienceAverage Estimated Percentage $ Val u e 1-2 years 12.1% *3-5 years 6.5% $25,5006-10 years 14.4% $83,84511-20 years 17.3% $54,44421 years or more15.2% $44,921Additional Benefi ts ReceivedRespondents were a sked to indica te the a dditiona l benefi ts they received beyond wages, bonuses and stock options. Th e percentage of respondents who selected each option is reported below.Accounting/tax services 3.8%Association membership 47.0%Childcare 6.2%Dental insurance 91.3%Elder care4.7%Health club membership 25.2%Health insurance 94.7%Legal services 15.9%Life insurance 89.0%Long-term care 26.0%Long-term disability 74.9%Paid maternity/family leave 48.0%Paid training65.0%Personal communication device (cell phone, laptop, PDA, etc.) 57.6%Pension/retirement plan 73.8%Sabbatical2.4%Short-term disability 70.5%Tuition reimbursement 78.3%Vehicle/vehicle allowance 10.5%Vision insurance 72.3%Other7.1%Multiple responses given for Other include: 401(K) with and without employer match, discounted merchandise/services, fl exible work schedule, pet insurance, profi t sharing, subsidized cafeteria/meals and travel benefi ts.Additional Benefits Received102030405060708090100%Stock Options by Years of Work Experience$%20,00040,00060,00080,000100,000PercentageAverage Estimated $ Value21 yearsor more11-20 years6-10 years 3-5 years 1-2 years2008 SALARY SURVEY INSTITUTE FOR SUPPLY MANAGEMENT ™Importance of Various Items in the Employment DecisionRespondents were a sked to indica te the importa nce they pla ce on the fol-lowing items as they relate to their choice of job and employer. A 5-point scale was used, with 1 meaning “not important” and 5 meaning “very important.” Th e average scores for each item are reported.Advancement opportunities4.19Bene fi ts package 4.52Bonuses 3.71Job satisfaction4.65Organizational attitude (for example, support of social responsibility programs 3.70Wages4.44Work environment 4.37Work location4.09D EMOGRAPHICS OF R ESPONDENTSRespondents by PositionTotal %Men %WomenChief, Purchasing/Supply Management/Sourcing 2.1% 77% 23%Vice President, Purchasing/Supply Management/Sourcing3.7% 82%18%Director, Purchasing/Supply Management/Sourcing 14.1% 78% 22%Manager, Purchasing/Supply Management/Sourcing 40.6% 63% 37%Experienced staff member (3 or more years of experience)33.1% 51% 49%Entry-level staff member (less than 3 years of experience) 3.0% 39% 61%Other3.4% 57%43%Multiple responses given for “Other” include: assistant director, business analyst, contract administrator/specialist, general manager and project manager.Respondents by Whom They Report ToChief Executive Of fi cer or President 5.8%Chief Financial Of fi cer 7.1%Chief Purchasing/Supply Management Of fi cer 4.9%Vice President, Purchasing/Supply Management/Sourcing 13.2%Director27.8%Manager 33.0%Other8.3%Multiple responses given for “Other” include: associate director, associate vice president, chief operating offi cer, controller, corporate director, executive vice presi-dent, general manager, operations manager, plant manager, senior vice president, senior manager, supervisor and vice president of operations.Respondents by Years of Work ExperienceTotal %Men %Women 1-2 years 3.2% 45% 55%3-5 years 8.9% 63% 37%6-10 years 20.9% 56% 44%11-20 years 34.5% 56% 44%21 years or more32.5% 70% 30%Respondents by Whom They Report To%Respondents by Position%Women %Men Totalstaff member%Respondents by Years of Work Experience1020304050607080%Women %Men Totalor more%Importance of Various Items in the Employment Decision12345Respondents by Highest Level of Education CompletedTotal %Men %Women High school 4.2% 47% 53%Some college 12.2% 42% 58%Associate’s degree 7.0% 38% 62%Bachelor’s degree 49.6% 64% 36%Master’s degree 26.4% 73% 27%Doctorate0.6% 83% 17%Respondents With a College Degree by MajorLiberal Arts11.9%Technical/Engineering13.9%Business, other than Supply Management 58.2%Supply Management 7.5%Other8.5%Multiple responses given for “Other” include: biology, chemistry, communica-tions, criminal justice, economics, education, English, graphic arts, history, industrial management, leadership, mathematics, microbiology and psychology.Respondents by Certifi cationOverall, 52.3 percent of respondents reported that they held one or more certifi cations. Th e percentage of men with one or more certifi cations was 53.2 percent, and the percentage of women with one or more certifi cations was 50.6 percent. Th e percentage of respondents holding various certifi ca-tions and the breakdown by gender is reported below.Total %Men %Women Certi fi ed Purchasing Manager (C.P.M.) 43.8% 65% 35%Accredited Purchasing Practitioner (A.P.P.) 10.1% 59% 41%Certi fi ed Commercial Contracts Manager (CCCM)0.2% 100% 0%Certi fi ed Federal Contracts Manager (CFCM) 0.2% 100%0%Certi fi ed in Production and Inventory Management (CPIM)6.8% 72% 28%Certi fi ed in Integrated Resource Management (CIRM)0.7% 71% 29%Certi fi ed Professional Contracts Manager (CPCM)0.6% 83% 17%Certi fi ed Professional Public Buyer (CPPB) 1.3% 31% 69%Certi fi ed Public Purchasing Of fi cer (CPPO) 0.6% 50% 50%Certi fi ed Supply Chain Professional (CSCP) 0.4% 75% 25%Other6.0% 61% 38%Multiple responses given for “Other” include: Certifi ed Public Accountant(CPA), Certifi ed Purchasing Professional (CPP), Certifi ed Technology Pro-curement Executive (CTPE), Project Management Professional (PMP), Profes-sional Engineer, Senior Professional in Supply Management (SPSM) and Six Sigma Black Belt.Respondents by Highest Levelof Education Completed20406080100%Women %Men Totalcollegeschool%Respondents With a College Degree by MajorOtherRespondents by Certification20406080100%Women%Men Total%Respondents by Spend Categories for Which They Are ResponsibleCapital equipment 44.7%Chemicals 28.5%Construction25.3%Electronics, electrical components 41.8%Food/beverages/perishables 16.0%Fuel/energy/utilities 19.8%Healthcare and related 10.3%Information technology 27.4%Machinery 26.1%Manufacturing components/materials 42.3%Metals22.9%MRO/indirect goods 40.6%Of fi ce equipment/supplies 39.7%Packaging 28.5%Services50.7%Telecommunications 21.7%Transportation/logistics 26.1%Other12.1%Multiple responses given for “Other” include: goods for resale, fi nished goods, labor (contract/temporary), printing/printed materials, promotional materials and travel.Respondents by the Dollar Amount of Annual Spend for Which They Are ResponsibleLess than $500,000 6.4%$500,001 - $10.9 million 26.9%$11 million - $39.9 million 26.1%$40 million - $100 million 20.7%More than $100 million19.9%Respondents by Spend Categories for Which They Are Responsible102030405060OtherTransportation/logisticsTelecommunications ServicesPackaging Office equipment/suppliesMRO/indirect goods MetalsManufacturing components/materialsMachineryInformation technologyHealthcare and related Fuel/energy/utilities Food/beverages/perishablesElectronics, electrical componentsConstructionChemicals Capital equipment%Respondents by the Dollar Amount of Annual Spend for Which They Are ResponsibleMore than $100 million$40 - $100 million$11 - $39.9 million$500,001 - $10.9 millionLess than $500,000%Respondents by Business Processes/ Components for Which They Are Responsible Business planning 29.8%Cost/price management 65.7%Disposition/investment recovery 14.7%Distribution 17.6%Finance 7.2%Inventory control 36.4%Logistics 26.8%Market intelligence 22.8%Materials management 36.8%MRO/indirect 30.7%Outsourcing 37.1%Packaging 21.0%Performance and measurements 37.6%Product/service development 13.3%Purchasing/procurement 81.3%Quality 19.2%Receiving 18.2%Relationship management 42.8%Risk management 25.2%Strategy development 38.1%Supply management 59.0%Transportation/traffi c/shipping 19.0%Warehousing/stores 17.7%Other 4.4%None of the responses given for “Other” were cited more than once. Respondents by GenderFemale 38.9%Male 61.1%Respondents by RaceAmerican Indian 0.7%Asian 2.8%Black 4.9%Caucasian 86.3%Hispanic 4.4%Pacifi c Islander 0.1%Other 0.9%Respondents by Business Processes/Components for Which They Are Responsible020406080100%Respondents by GenderRespondents by RaceRespondents by IndustryAccommodation and food services (hotels, food and drinking places) 2.9%Agriculture, forestry, fi shing and hunting1.4%Arts, entertainment and recreation (performing arts, museums, amusement industries) 0.8%Construction2.1%Educational services3.9%Finance and insurance5.0%Government/public administration6.5%Health care and social assistance5.4%Information (publishing, motion picture and sound, broadcasting, telecommunications, Internet publishing and service provider industries)3.3%Management and administrative services 0.9%Manufacturing42.9%Mining (includes oil and gas extraction and other mining) 3.7%Professional, scienti fi c, and technical services 3.1%Real estate and rental and leasing 0.7%Retail trade1.8%Transportation and warehousing 1.9%Utilities 5.6%Wholesale trade2.0%Other services, except government6.2%Respondents by Total Annual Gross Revenue of the OrganizationUnder $50 million 8.2%$50 million - $500 million 24.3%$500.1 million - $1 billion 11.5%$1.1 billion - $10 billion27.9%More than $10 billion28.1%Respondents by Total Employees in the OrganizationUnder 100 5.1%101-500 15.1%501-2,000 17.7%2,001-5,00013.5%5,001 or more 48.7%Respondents by the Number of Employees in the Supply Management OrganizationUnder 10 27.1%11-30 19.0%31-80 15.0%81-150 9.3%151 or more29.6%Respondents by Industry1020304050Other services, except governmentWholesale tradeUtilitiesTransportation and warehousingRetail tradeReal estate and rental and leasingProfessional, scientific, and technical servicesMiningManufacturingManagement and administrative servicesInformationHealth care and social assistanceGovernment/public administration Finance and insuranceEducational services Construction Arts, entertainment and recreationAgriculture, forestry, fishing and huntingAccommodation and food services %Respondents by Total Annual GrossRevenue of the OrganizationUnder $50 millionRespondents by Total Employeesin the Organization2,001-5,000Respondents by the Number of Employeesin the Supply Management Organization31-80。
