


东莞市普华精密机械有限公司Dong guan Pooward Precision Machinery Manufacture Ltd.Document Number 文件编号Revising Dept.制订部门Revising Date制订日期Revision版本Page页码PW-RS-001-A 管理者代表2010/09/10 A Page 1 of 24 Title名称绿色采购标准文件修订履历表Rev.版次Issue/Ecn.发行/更改日期Modified out-line更改之摘要A 2010/09/10 初版发行此文件自批准发行之日起生效实施. 文件修订履历表可另添附页Revised by 制/修订Reviewed by审核Approved by批准制订日期2010/09/10 制订部门管理者代表版次 A Page 2 of 24前言平日承蒙各协力厂商的关照与支持,表示衷心的感谢。





普华公司环境口号不接受非环保产品不生产非环保产品不销售非环保产品制订日期2010/09/10 制订部门管理者代表版次 A Page 3 of 241.目的本标准通过明确本公司产品中所使用原材料、外协加工、包装材料、生产过程中所使用的物品所含环境管理物质中的禁止使用物质,计划全废物质以及控制使用物质,来达到防止向本公司产品混入、遵守相关法律、法规,保护地球环境以及减轻对生态系统影响的目的,并力图通过让本公司的交易商全面了解,贯彻相关要求,来降低所有产品的环境负荷。









2.大豆油墨美国大豆协会对油墨中大豆油含量作了具体的规定,要求轮转胶印热固性油墨中含量不得低于10%,单张纸油墨20%,发泡油墨40%,新闻油墨必须在55% 以上。









(目录)前言 (1)1主要研究和示范内容 (2)1.1新型叶面肥对高温逆境和秧苗素质的影响 (2)1.1.1新型叶面肥对高温逆境条件下超级杂交中稻结实率的影响 (2)1.1.2 新型叶面肥碧护对超级杂交稻秧苗素质的影响 (2)1.2新型叶面肥的对比试验研究 (3)1.3新型叶面肥的示范研究 (3)2主要研究结果 (4)2.1新型叶面肥对高温逆境和秧苗素质的影响 (4)2.1.1高温逆境条件下新型叶面肥对超级杂交中稻结实率的影响 (4)2.1.2 新型叶面肥碧护对超级杂交稻秧苗素质的影响 (5)2.2新型叶面肥的对比试验研究 (6)2.2.1不同时期喷施叶面肥对产量及构成因素的影响 (6)2.2.2分蘖盛期喷施不同调控剂对杂交稻的影响 (8)2.3新型叶面肥的示范研究 (9)2.3.1碧护对杂交稻生育期的影响 (9)2.3.2碧护对杂交稻产量及构成因素的影响 (9)2.3.3 碧护对机械直播早稻的影响 (11)3结论与讨论 (12)3.1高温逆境条件下新型叶面肥对超级杂交中稻结实率的影响 (12)3.2新型叶面肥碧护对超级杂交稻秧苗素质的影响 (12)3.3新型叶面肥碧护不同喷期对杂交稻的影响 (12)3.4新型叶面肥碧护对杂交稻大面积示范的影响 (13)(2009年度总结)国家杂交水稻工程技术研究中心前言南方是我国著名的商品粮、棉、油基地,在我国的农业发展中居重要战略地位,现有耕地4373.86万hm2,占全国的33.6%,粮食产量占全国的40%。




( n h m r ) A t e P o 版材 。因为使 用安 观察和检测—— 这是这种 印版所具 合使用 ,非常适 合公司的需求 。热
பைடு நூலகம்
胜专业版版材 ,操作更便捷 ,印刷 有的最大好 处 。能在 明室下操作 , 作业准备时 间更快 ,水 墨平衡更容 也是热熔技术版材的又一优势。
收 装置 。
德堡双色快 霸印刷机和1 台海德堡 四
安 胜 版 材 在 制 版 后 上 印刷 机 色速霸S 5 印刷机。20年 ,N v M 2 02 oa
现在所有 的免化学 处理 版材都 前 ,必 须要 经 过 水 冲 洗 的 前处 理 工 印刷 公 司引进 CTP系统 ,购 买 了 是采用 热敏成 像 ,不同之处在于如 作 。成像 后的安胜 印版 图像对 比明 P ese 公 司 的 D me so 0 计 rstk i n in 4 0 何 形 成 影像 , 以及 在正 式 印刷 之 显 ,在上 机前可对印版进行检查 。 前 ,版材还需 要经过何种处理 。让 算机直接 制版设 备 ,采用P ese rstk
发公司的A I 免化学处理版材和海 而每月 也只能制 作5 0 印版 。但 化学处理 版材 比S p ia z 0张 ahr 紫激光版材 德堡的S p i 免化学处理版材 。 a hr a 是 ,1 台海德堡 极胜 ( o e t r 要贵一 点 ,但它的质量和 性能远远 Pr s te )
图1热烧蚀技 术版材结构
【 期 专 题 】 1 本 3

Exc l e。
了 巨大的 变化 :“ 不需 要 暗房 或 它
黄色安全灯 的工作环 境 ,节省 了空 间,而且节省了3 4 / 的制版时间。和

环境标志产品政府采购清单 ()

环境标志产品政府采购清单 ()
DC7164C 307
DC7204 307
DC7164 307
DC7160DAXC 16V
DC7163D 16V
DC7163MD 16V
DC7200D AT
DC7160AXC 16V














作为关于 VIAQ 的现有共同决议的延伸,这将考虑到不仅是内饰材料产生的内部空气排放和车辆进入驾驶室产生的废气还有空气污染源之外。

外部空气污染的清单可能包括一氧化碳、一氧化氮、二氧化硫、二氧化硫、三氧化硫挥发性有机物化合物 (VOC)、醛类、芳香族和脂肪烃、颗粒数 (PN) 和质量 (PM) 以及微生物物质,例如过敏原、真菌、细菌。



PRIMID 型粉末涂料用聚酯产品名T, °C TRIBO OB GOS NB Tg, °C 标准耐候性高光、半光树脂CRYLCOAT TM 2618-3*180XXX 61CRYLCOAT 2689-0180X 63CRYLCOAT 2695-0180X59CRYLCOAT 2617-3180X X X 62CRYLCOAT 2619-3180X X X 62CRYLCOAT 2630-2180X XX62CRYLCOAT 2682-1170X 64CRYLCOAT 2698-3180XX56CRYLCOAT E 0415818065透明粉末涂料树脂(含超耐候聚酯)CRYLCOAT 2684-4180X 58CRYLCOAT 2637-4180X X 58CRYLCOAT 4433-4170XXX53低光型Primid 聚酯CRYLCOAT 2670-3190X X X 61CRYLCOAT 2671-3190X X X 60CRYLCOAT E 37250190XX X 53CRYLCOAT 2691-2200X 62CRYLCOAT 2622-2200X X 60CRYLCOAT 2620-2200X 58CRYLCOAT 2621-2180XX 62干混消光树脂的配合普通用途建筑用途超耐候型聚酯CRYLCOAT 4420-0200X 64CRYLCOAT 4641-0200X 60CRYLCOAT 4642-3200X XX 62CRYLCOAT 4659-0190X 59CRYLCOAT 4626-0190X 64光泽:30-35%CRYLCOAT 2691-2/CRYLCCRYLCOAT 2622-2/CRYLCOAT 2620-2(光泽:30-35%CRYLCOAT 2670-3/CRYLCCRYLCOAT E 36988190X55 * CRYLCOAT TM 粉末涂料树脂酸价, mg KOH/g粘度, mPa.s333500344000255500333500235600333500346500333500305000237700333100305500(175°C)227500506000706000(175°C)227600226000504200709000(175°C)RYLCOAT 2620-2(50/50)622-2/CRYLCOAT 2620-2(50/50)RYLCOAT 2671-3(50/50)505500224300332100343900504300(175°C)305500(175°C)特点摩擦型聚酯,耐候性极好,燃气炉适用通用型树脂通用型树脂,低固化剂用量(96/4)通用型聚酯,综合性能极好低固化剂用量(96.5/3.5), 摩擦型聚酯流平极好,脱气性好,耐燃气,CC2617-3非摩擦枪版本固化温度低流平、脱气性优异,摩擦型聚酯加工和分散性能良好,不易流挂,低固化剂用量低固化剂用量流平极好,与 Primid QM1260配用透明度和耐黄变性好超耐候,拥有极好流平性和柔韧性干混消光慢速反应组分(可共粉碎),耐候性能佳与 CRYLCOAT 2670-3配用,干混消光快速反应组分,光泽为35%; 耐候性能佳干混消光快速反应组分,与CRYLCOAT 2670-3配用,光泽为20-25%,耐候性佳干混消光慢速组分干混消光慢速反应组分干混消光快速反应组分(光泽 35%) ,与CRYLCOAT 2691-2 或 CRYLCOAT 2622-2配用干混消光快速反应组分(光泽 20%) ,与CRYLCOAT 2691-2 或 CRYLCOAT 2622-2配用光泽:20-25%光泽:20-25%干混消光快速反应组分,与CRYLCOAT 4641-0配用干混消光慢速反应组分,与CRYLCOAT 4420-0超耐候型,通过5年佛罗里达曝晒有一定柔韧性超耐候聚酯,可分别与 Primid 、TGIC 配合使用玻璃化温度高柔韧性好、流平优异;建筑器材设备(ACE)适用CRYLCOAT 2691-2/CRYLCOAT 2621-2(50/50)CRYLCOAT 2622-2/CRYLCOAT 2621-2(50/50)CRYLCOAT 2670-3/CRYLCOAT E37250(50/50)(CRYLCOAT E37250为试验阶段产品)。



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Radial Shaft Seals
Parker Hannifin GmbH
Packing Division Europe
Parker Safety Guidelines
Warning – User responsibility
Prototypes and samples Prototypes and samples are produced from experimental moulds. The subsequent series production may differ in production techniques from the prototype production unless specific agreement to the contrary was reached beforehand.
The data for working pressure, working temperature, and surface speed stated in the columns represent maximum values and are interrelated. Under extreme working conditions it is recommended not to use all maximum values simultaneously.
Furthermore, in view of the consistent increase of newly available media used as hydraulic oils, lubricants, and cleaning agents, special attention is invited to the aspect of compatibility with sealing elastomers currently in use.


术, 2 0 1 2 ( 1 2 } : 2 6 — 3 0 .
邓姬, 钟楠 . 浅 析 天 然 印 染 艺术 在现 代 服 装设 计 中的
运用 【 J 1 . 大 众 科技 , 2 0 1 6 ( 5 ) : 1 4 l — l 4 3 .
李 卉, 梁惠娥 , 顾 鸣. 从现 代扎 染工 艺看服 装面料
3 4 5 6 7
【 7 】 张 晟, 王 菊花 . 天然 染料 染色技 术的研究进展 … .
染整技 术 , 2 0 1 4 ( 1 ) : I - 4 .
为现 代化的 印 染技 术提 供 了新 鲜 的设计 元素。 为 了
( 上接 第 7 1 页)
4 结论
艺 术 印 染 工 艺 不 仅 是 一 门技 艺, 也 是 呈 现 人 类
的创 新 设 计 … . 丝绸, 2 0 1 0 ( 9 ) : 3 7 — 4 1 .
柯桥 酝酿制定绿色印染团体 标准
近 日,柯桥 区举行绿 色印染团体标准研讨会,为 此 团体标准以 “ 绿 色高端、世界领先 ”为宗 旨,将
旱 日出台绿色印染团体标准建言献策。
会议邀请 国家标准化管理委 员会、 中国标准化研
红, 张 芸 . 中 国 民 间 美 术 色 彩 在 现 代
设 计 流 行 色 中的应 用 研 究 …. 现 代装 饰 ( 理
论 ) , 2 0 1 3 ( 5 ) : 1 2 2 .
【 6 l 陈荣圻 . 还 原染料百年 发展 史话 ( 续一 ) …. 染整
技 术, 2 0 l 5 ( 1 0 ) : 3 0 — 3 4 .
从 视 觉上 给 人一 种 全 新 的 体验 。
参 考文献 :
【 1 】 田 坞 美 j 戈谈 艺 术 印 亲 在服 装 面 料 设 计 中的 应 用 【 J 】 .



Safety Data SheetIssue Date: 10-Sep-2013 Revision Date: 28-Jan-2015 Version 1Product Identifier Product NameClear Caulk – Solvent BasedOther means of identification SDS #RD-0042CCProduct Code 0871, 0870 Series UN/ID NoUN1993Recommended use of the chemical and restrictions onuse Recommended Use For sealing around windows, doors & similar areas, where a crystal clear bead is desired.Paintable.Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet Supplier Address Red Devil, Inc. 4175 Webb StreetPryor, Oklahoma 74361 Emergency Telephone Number Company Phone Number 918-825-5744Fax: 918-825-5761Emergency Telephone (24 hr)INFOTRAC 1-352-323-3500 (International) 1-800-535-5053 (North A merica)Appearance Clear viscous Physical State Viscous pasteOdor SolventClassificationHazards Not Otherwise Classified (HNOC) May be harmful in contact with s kinSignal Word DangerHazard StatementsHarmful if inhaledCauses skin irritationCauses serious eye irritationMay be fatal if swallowed and enters a irwaysFlammable liquid and vaporPrecautionary Statements - PreventionAvoid breathing d ust/fume/gas/mist/vapors/sprayUse only outdoors or in a well-ventilated a reaWash face, hands and any exposed skin thoroughly after handlingWear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protectionKeep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. — No smokingKeep container tightly c losedGround/bond container and receiving equipmentUse explosion-proof e quipmentUse only non-sparking toolsTake precautionary measures against static d ischargePrecautionary Statements - ResponseIF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing Get medical attentionIF ON SKIN (or hair): Remove/Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin with water/showerWash contaminated clothing before reuseGet medical attention if symptomspersistIF INHALED: Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathingImmediately call a poison center or doctor/physicianIF SWALLOWED: Immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physicianDo not induce vomitingIN CASE OF FIRE: Use CO2, dry chemical, or foam for extinctionPrecautionary Statements - StorageStore locked upStore in a well-ventilated place. Keep c oolPrecautionary Statements - DisposalDispose of contents/container to an approved waste disposal plantOther HazardsToxic to aquatic life with long lastingeffects**If Chemical Name/CAS No is "proprietary" and/or Weight-% is listed as a range, the specific chemical identity and/or percentage of composition has been withheld as a tradesecret.***Unlisted ingredient is not considered hazardous under the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200).First Aid MeasuresGeneral Advice Provide this SDS to medical personnel for treatment. Get medical attention for anyoverexposure.Eye Contact Immediately flush w/ large quantities of water for @ least 15 minutes, until irritationsubsides. Get medical a ttention.Skin Contact Washw/soap&************************************************************.Remove & wash contaminated c lothing.Inhalation Remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing difficult, giveoxygen & contact physician immediately. Only trained individuals should give artificial oradminister oxygen.Ingestion Do not induce vomiting unless directed by medical personnel. If vomiting occurs, leanpatient forward to maintain an open airway & prevent aspiration. Get immediate medicalattention.Most important symptoms and effectsSymptoms Inhalation: Vapor harmful if inhaled. Vapor may irritate nose & upper respiratory tract.Inhaled vapor may affect brain or nervous system resulting in dizziness, headache ornausea. Prolonged vapor inhalation may result in severe physical injury.Eyes: Causes eye irritation.Ingestion: Material may be harmful or fatal if swallowed. Aspiration of material into lungsdue to vomiting can cause chemical pneumonitis, which can be fatal. If ingested, productmay cause vomiting, diarrhea & depressed respiration.Skin: May irritate skin. Prolonged or repeated contact can result in defatting & drying of theskin which can result in skin irritation & dermatitis (skin rash). Can be absorbed throughskin.Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment neededNotes to Physician Provide general supportive measures and treat symptomatically. Aggravated MedicalConditions: Pre-existing eye, skin & respiratory disorders may be aggravated by exposure.Suitable Extinguishing MediaCarbon dioxide (CO2). Dry chemical. Water spray (fog). Foam. Use extinguishing measures that are appropriate to local circumstances and the surroundingenvironment.Unsuitable Extinguishing Media Not determined.Specific Hazards Arising from the C hemicalFire&ExplosionConditions:*********************************************************************/air.Vaporscan travel long distances to a source of ignition & flash back. Eliminate ignition sources: heat, electrical equipment, sparks, pilot lights, stoves & flames. Do not smoke or put in contact w/ oxidizing or caustic materials. Containers may explode if exposed to heat.Hazardous Combustion Products Smoke, fumes. Carbon monoxide & carbon dioxide can form.Sensitivity to Static Discharge Take precautionary measures against static d ischarge.Protective equipment and precautions for f irefightersAs in any fire, wear self-contained breathing apparatus pressure-demand, MSHA/NIOSH (approved or equivalent) and full protective gear. Use water spray to keep fire-exposed containers cool.Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergencyproceduresPersonal Precautions Wear protective clothing as described in Section 8 of this safety data sheet.Other Information Small Spills: 1 drum or less – Level D Equipment (gloves, chemical resistant apron, boots &eye protection).Large Spills: Rubber gloves, rubber boots, face shield & Tyvek suit as a minimum. Minimumlevel of PPE for releases in which the oxygen level is < 19.5% or is unknown, should beLevel B: triple gloves (rubber gloves & nitrile gloves over latex gloves), chemical resistantsuit, fire-retardant clothing & boots, hard hat & self-contained breathing a pparatus.For Emergency Responders Restrict access to spill area.Environmental Precautions Minimize use of water to prevent environmental contamination. Prevent spill or rinse fromcontaminating storm drains, sewers, soil or groundwater. Do not allow discharge containingthis material to enter streams, ponds, estuaries, oceans or other waters unless inaccordance w/ requirements of National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)permit & permitting authority has been notified in writing prior to discharge. Do not allowdischarge containing this material to enter sewer systems w/o previously notifying localsewage treatment plant authority. For information, contact State Water Board or EPARegional OfficeOther: U.S. regulations may require reporting of spills of this material reaching surfacewaters if sheen is formed. See Section 12 for additional Ecological Information.Methods and material for containment and cleaning u pMethods for Containment Prevent further leakage or spillage if safe to do so. Use absorbent material to contain spill.Methods for Clean-Up Use clean non-sparking tools to collect absorbed material. Sweep up absorbed materialand shovel into suitable containers for disposal. Wash area with soap and water. For wastedisposal, see section 13 of the S DS.Precautions for safe handlingAdvice on Safe Handling Handle in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety practice. Use personalprotection recommended in Section 8. Use only with adequate ventilation. Do not breathevapors. Wear eye/face protection. Wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling.Avoid contact with skin, eyes or clothing. While handling product keep out of reach ofchildren and pets. Do not eat or drink while handling this material. See section 6 of this SDSfor clean up instructions. Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. — Nosmoking. Ground/bond container and receiving equipment. Use spark-proof tools andexplosion-proof equipment. Take precautionary measures against static discharges. Keepcool.Conditions for safe storage, including anyincompatibilitiesStorage Conditions Keep container tightly closed and store in a cool, dry and well-ventilated place. Store awayfrom incompatible materials. Protect from direct sunlight. Close container after each use.Store containers away from excessive heat & freezing. Do not store @ temperatures above120°F.Incompatible Materials Strong oxidizing agents, C austics.Exposure Guidelines Exposure guidelines / protective equipment are for routine handling and accidental spillsAppropriate engineering controlsEngineering Controls Provide sufficient general &/or local exhaust ventilation to maintain exposure belowrecommended exposure limits. Vapors are heavier than air & may spread along floors.Provide fresh air entry during application & curing. Eye wash fountain should be located inimmediate work area.Individual protection measures, such as personal protective equipmentEye/Face Protection Use approved safety goggles or safety glasses. If necessary, refer toappropriateregulations & standards.Skin and Body Protection Skin: Wear chemical impervious gloves (eg: Nitrile or Neoprene). Use triple gloves for spillresponse. If necessary, refer to appropriate regulations & standards.Body: Use protection appropriate for task (eg: lab coat, coveralls, Tyvek suit). If necessary,refer to OSHA Technical Manual (Sec. VII: Personal Protective Equipment) or appropriateStandards of Canada. Use foot protection, as described in appropriate regulations &standards.Respiratory Protection If watering of eyes experienced, headache or dizziness or if used in workplace & airmonitoring indicates vapor levels above exposure limits, use NIOSH approved respiratoryprotection in accordance w/ Federal, State & Local requirements. Consult safety equipmentsupplier & OSHA Regulation 29 CFR 1910.134 for respirator requirements.General Hygiene Considerations Handle in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety practice. Remove & washcontaminated clothing before reuse. Wash hands before breaks & @ end ofworkday.Information on basic physical and chemicalpropertiesAppearance Clear viscous OdorSolventintended for use in preparing product specifications pHNot applicable Melting Point/Freezing Point Not establishedBoiling Point/Boiling Range > 87.77 °C / >190 °FEvaporation RateNot determined CC (closed cup) Flammability (Solid, Gas) Not determined Upper Flammability Limits ~8.0% Lower Flammability Limit ~1.0%Vapor Pressure Not availableVapor Density Heavier than air (>1) Specific Gravity ~0.75-1.25 (calculated) Water SolubilityInsoluble in water Solubility in other solvents Not determined Partition CoefficientNot determined Auto-ignition Temperature Not available Decomposition Temperature Not determined Kinematic Viscosity Not determined Dynamic Viscosity Not determined Explosive Properties Not determined Oxidizing Properties Not determined VOC Content (%) 37% VOC Content <400 g/LDensity~ 1.20 g/cm3 @ 68°F (20 C)ReactivityNot reactive under normal c onditions.Chemical StabilityStable under recommended storage conditions.Possibility of Hazardous Reactions None under normal p rocessing.Hazardous PolymerizationHazardous polymerization does notoccur.Conditions to AvoidIncompatible Materials. Heat, sparks & open flame.Incompatible MaterialsStrong oxidizing agents, Caustics.Hazardous Decomposition Products Nitrogen oxides (NOx). Carbon o xides.Physical State Viscous pasteColorPropertyClearNote: The information below is not Odor ThresholdRemarks • Method Not determinedFlash Point< 37.77 °C / < 100 °FInformation on likely routes of e xposureProduct InformationEye Contact Causes serious eye irritation. Eye contact may result in tearing, redness & pain.Skin Contact Causes skin irritation. May be harmful in contact with skin. Repeated skin contact maycause dermatitis.Inhalation Harmful if inhaled. May cause irritation of respiratory tract.Ingestion May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways.Component InformationInformation on physical, chemical and toxicological effectsSymptoms Please see section 4 of this SDS for symptoms.Delayed and immediate effects as well as chronic effects from short and long-term exposureSensitization Not known to be human skin or respiratory sensitizers.Carcinogenicity The table below indicates whether each agency has listed any ingredient as a carcinogen.Group 3 IARC components are "not classifiable as humancarcinogens"STOT - single exposure May cause respiratory irritation. May cause drowsiness or dizziness.STOT - repeated exposure Causes damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure.Chronic toxicity Reports have associated permanent brain & nervous system damage w/ prolonged &repeated occupational overexposure to solvents. Symptoms include: loss of memory, lossof intellectual ability & loss of coordination. Overexposure or misuse of Xylene can causeliver, kidney & brain damage as well as cardiac abnormalities & reproductive toxicity & isknown to the State of California to cause cancer.Target organ effects Acute: Eyes & Skin. Chronic: Skin.Aspiration hazard May be fatal if swallowed and enters a irways.Numerical measures of toxicityNot determinedEcotoxicityToxic to aquatic life with long lasting e ffects.Component InformationPersistence/DegradabilityNot tested for persistence & b iodegradability.BioaccumulationNot tested for bio-accumulation potential.MobilityOther Adverse EffectsEnvironmental Exposure Controls: Should be maintained so as to prevent release to the environment (atmospheric release, release to waterways & spills)Waste Treatment MethodsDisposal of Wastes Disposal should be in accordance with applicable regional, national and local laws andregulations.Contaminated Packaging Disposal should be in accordance with applicable regional, national and local laws andregulations.US EPA Waste Number Not applicableCalifornia Hazardous Waste StatusNotePlease see current shipping paper for most up to date shipping information, includingexemptions and specialcircumstances.DOTUN/ID NoUN1993Proper Shipping Name Flammable liquids, n.o.s. (Xylene, Petroleum Distillate) Hazard Class 3 Packing GroupIIIIATAUN/ID NoUN1993Proper Shipping Name Flammable liquids, n.o.s. (Xylene, Petroleum Distillate) Hazard Class 3 Packing GroupIIIIMDGUN/ID NoUN1993Proper Shipping Name Flammable liquids, n.o.s. (Xylene, Petroleum Distillate) Hazard Class 3 Packing Group IIIMarine PollutantThis material may meet the definition of a marine pollutantInternational InventoriesLegend:TSCA - United States Toxic Substances Control Act Section 8(b) Inventory DSL/NDSL - Canadian Domestic Substances List/Non-Domestic Substances ListEINECS/ELINCS - European Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances/European List of Notified Chemical Substances ENCS - Japan Existing and New Chemical Substances IECSC - China Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances KECL - Korean Existing and Evaluated Chemical Substances PICCS - Philippines Inventory of Chemicals and ChemicalSubstances AICS - Australian Inventory of Chemical SubstancesUS Federal RegulationsCERCLASARA 311/312 Hazard CategoriesAcute Health Hazard Yes Chronic Health Hazard Yes Fire Hazard YesSARA 313Section 313 of Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA). This product contains a chemicalCWA (Clean Water Act)US State RegulationsU.S. State Right-to-Know RegulationsNFPAHealth Hazards 2Flammability 3Instability 0Special Hazards Not determinedHMIS Health Hazards 2Flammability 3Physical Hazards 0Personal Protection XIssue Date: 10-Sep-2013 Revision Date: 28-Jan-2015 Revision Note:New formatDisclaimerThe information provided in this Safety Data Sheet is correct to the best of our knowledge, information and belief at the date of its publication. The information given is designed only as a guidance for safe handling, use, processing, storage, transportation, disposal and release and is not to be considered a warranty or quality specification. The informationrelates only to the specific material designated and may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials or in any process, unless specified in the text.End of Safety Data Sheet。

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NOTES AND CORRESPONDENCEFast Computation of Microwave Radiances for Data Assimilation Using the “Successive Order of Scattering”MethodT HOMAS G REENWALDCooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies,University of Wisconsin—Madison,Madison,WisconsinR ALF B ENNARTZ AND C HRISTOPHER O’D ELLDepartment of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences,University of Wisconsin—Madison,Madison,WisconsinA NDREW H EIDINGERNational Environmental Satellite,Data,and Information Service,National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,Madison,Wisconsin(Manuscript received30April2004,in final form6December2004)ABSTRACTFast and accurate radiative transfer(RT)models are crucial in making use of microwave satellite data feasible under all weather conditions in numerical weather prediction(NWP)data assimilation.A multi-stream“successive order of scattering”(SOS)RT model has been developed to determine its suitability in NWP for computing microwave radiances in precipitating clouds.Results show that the two-stream SOS model is up to10times as fast as and is as accurate as the commonly used delta-Eddington model for weaker scattering[column scattering optical depth(CSOD)Ͻ0.01],but it is less accurate and is slower for higher frequencies(Ͼ30GHz)in cases of moderately strong to strong scattering(CSODϾ5).If two-and four-stream SOS models are used in combination,however,it was found that85.5-GHz brightness tem-peratures computed for1°ϫ1°global forecast fields were more accurate(Ͻ0.5K vs1.5K for CSODϾ0.1) and were executed4times as fast as the delta-Eddington model.The SOS method has been demonstrated as an alternative to other fast RT models for providing accurate and very rapid multiple-scattering calcu-lations at thermal wavelengths for remote sensing studies and demanding applications such as operational NWP data assimilation.1.IntroductionNumerical weather prediction(NWP)models are re-lying increasingly on satellite data,especially passive microwave data,for enhancing forecasts(English et al. 2000;Hou et al.2001).Perhaps the most promising assimilation methods are those that utilize radiance data directly(Eyre et al.1993).These methods have the principal advantage of allowing for better control of errors in the assimilation environment.The downside is that the radiative transfer models and their associated adjoints must be extremely fast,especially for opera-tional NWP,and must treat multiple scattering in cloudy conditions(Greenwald et al.2002).The preferred methods for rapidly computing ther-mal radiances in multiple-scattering atmospheres are the Eddington approximation(e.g.,Kummerow1993) and discrete-ordinate techniques(e.g.,Liu1998;Liu and Weng2002)that attain accuracies to within1–3K, depending on the conditions(Kummerow1993;Smith et al.2002;Liu1998).Another approach that has re-ceived somewhat less attention is the“successive order of scattering”(SOS)method(e.g.,Weinman and Guetter1977;Wendisch and von Hoyningen-Huene 1991).It has the advantage of allowing greater physical insight into the radiative transfer problem and is com-putationally practical for microwave radiative transferCorresponding author address:Dr.Thomas Greenwald,CIMSS/ SSEC,University of Wisconsin—Madison,1225W.Dayton St., Madison,WI53706.E-mail:tomg@©2005American Meteorological Societyproblems because scattering is generally relatively weak.The aim of this note is to evaluate the potential of the SOS method for computing microwave brightness tem-peratures in precipitating clouds for use in global data assimilation through comparisons with a fast radiative transfer model(delta Eddington)and more“exact”Monte Carlo calculations.The delta-Eddington model is the standard in terms of speed and accuracy that is currently used or proposed for use at operational NWP centers.The next section describes the development of a multistream SOS model that includes an algorithm for accelerating convergence of the scattering series.Re-sults are then presented at selected microwave window frequencies(10.7,19.4,37,and85.5GHz)using several case studies,representing a wide range of conditions, and National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP)Global Forecast System(GFS)model fields.2.Model descriptionConsider a plane-parallel atmosphere in which the radiance field is independent of azimuth and obeys the Rayleigh–Jeans law.The governing equations for the upwelling(ϩ)and downwelling(Ϫ)brightness tem-peratures at cosine of the zenith angle␮with respect to optical depth␶are thusdTb͑␶,Ϯ␮͒d␶ϭTb͑␶,Ϯ␮͒ϪJ͑␶,␮͒,͑1͒where the scattering source plus thermal emission source(assumed as isotropic)isJ͑␶,␮͒ϭ␻o2͵Ϫ11P͑␮,␮Ј͒T b͑␶,␮Ј͒d␮Јϩ͑1Ϫ␻o͒T͑␶͒,͑2͒and where␻o is the single-scatter albedo,P(␮,␮Ј)is the scattering phase function,and T(␶)is the atmospheric temperature at␶.The only source of polarization con-sidered here is the ocean or ground surface.Observa-tional and modeling studies both have shown that po-larization originating from other sources such as pre-cipitation particles is typically only a few kelvin(Liu and Simmer1996;Weinman and Guetter1977),though polarization signatures can reach10–20K in rare cases for very intense storms(Spencer et al.1983;Czekala et al.2001).Atmospheric polarization sources are of less concern in the context of data assimilation mainly be-cause of the primitive state of NWP microphysical pa-rameterizations,which provide little or no information on the type and shape of particles responsible for gen-erating polarization signatures observed in clouds.Moreover,there are additional greater sources of error from uncertainties in the dielectric properties of ice particles(Bauer et al.2000)and from3D effects,which have a prominent impact on polarization(Liu and Sim-mer1996).In the SOS method,photons that experience a dif-ferent number of scattering events contributing to the total brightness temperature can be expressed simply as a sum over brightness temperatures associated with each scattering event n asT b͑␶,␮͒ϭT b,0͑␶,␮͒ϩ͚nϭ1ϱT b,n͑␶,␮͒,where T b,0(␶,␮)is the brightness temperature due to thermal emission only(i.e.,zeroth-order scatter): T b,0͑␶,Ϯ␮͒ϭ͑1Ϫ␻o͒͵␶␶1T͑␶Ј͒exp͓Ϫ͑␶ЈϪ␶͒ր␮͔d␶Јր␮,͑3͒subject to the boundary conditions T b(␶ϭ␶*;␮)ϭ␧T s and T b(␶ϭ0;Ϫ␮)ϭ2.725K,where␶*is the total optical depth of the atmosphere,T s is the surface tem-perature,and␧is the surface emissivity.If one assumes that the thermal source varies linearly with height,an analytic expression may be derived for(3)across a thin layer(see the appendix).The scattering source function and upwelling brightness temperatures for each order of scatter n may then be computed recursively through the relationshipsJ nϩ1͑␶,␮͒ϭ␻02͵Ϫ11P͑␮,␮Ј͒T b,n͑␶,␮Ј͒d␮ЈfornՆ0,and͑4͒T b,n͑␶,␮͒ϭ͵␶␶1J n͑␶Ј,␮͒exp͓Ϫ͑␶ЈϪ␶͒ր␮͔d␶Јր␮for nՆ0,͑5͒with the boundary conditions T b(␶ϭ␶*;␮)ϭ(1Ϫ␧)T s and T b(␶ϭ0;Ϫ␮)ϭ0.To solve(3)–(5)numerically,we first employ the standard practices of discretizing the radiance field in␮using quadrature and expanding the phase function as a sum of Legendre polynomials.At microwave wave-lengths,the Henyey–Greenstein function is a very good approximation to the phase function derived by more rigorous means(such as Lorenz–Mie theory),where the expansion yieldsP͑␮,␮Ј͒ϭ͚lϭ02NϪ1͑2lϩ1͒g l P l͑␮͒P l͑␮Ј͒,where N is the number of quadrature points in each hemisphere,g is the asymmetry factor,and P l(␮)and P l(␮Ј)are the l th-order Legendre polynomials.The method of Joseph et al.(1976),which approximates the phase function in the forward direction with a delta function,is often used to improve solution accuracy in cases of strong forward scattering.However,this study found that,overall,delta scaling slightly worsened the results for oblique angles but did provide some im-provement in certain cases at a zenith angle of0°.Delta scaling was therefore not used in the results shown in the next section.Because we want to know the upwelling brightness temperature at the satellite sensor’s zenith angle,which almost never corresponds to the quadrature points,a method must be devised to compute the brightness temperature at any angle.Our solution was to solve simultaneously another set of(3)–(5)at an arbitrary angle␮o.Thus,for example,(4)and(5)becomeJ nϩ1͑␶,␮o͒ϭ␻02͵Ϫ11P͑␮o,␮Ј͒T b,n͑␶,␮Ј͒d␮ЈfornՆ0and͑6͒T b,n͑␶,␮o͒ϭ͵␶␶1J n͑␶Ј,␮o͒exp͓Ϫ͑␶ЈϪ␶͒ր␮͔d␶Јր␮for nՆ0,͑7͒respectively.Both sets of equations(those at the quadrature points and those at␮o)are coupled through T b,n(␶,␮Ј)in(6).To evaluate(5)and(7)numerically in optical depth, a given atmospheric layer was divided into sublayers (referred to here as“layer splitting”)that are thin enough so that essentially a single-scatter approxima-tion can be applied during integration.The key assump-tion is that for a thin layer(5)may be approximated asT b,n͑⌬␶,␮͒ϷJ n͑⌬␶,␮͒͵0⌬␶eϪ␶Јր␮d␶Јր␮ϭJ n͑⌬␶,␮͒͑1ϪeϪ⌬␶ր␮͒,where⌬␶is the sublayer optical depth and J n(⌬␶,␮)is the local scattering source function.Each sublayer was assigned identical␻o and g values.As will be shown later,layer splitting becomes inefficient when scattering becomes more pronounced.The SOS model was validated in32-stream mode by comparing it with a backward Monte Carlo model (Petty1994)for the same test cases and global model fields that are described in the following section.A thin layer optical depth(⌬␶)of0.005was used.Results in-dicated that the SOS model was within0.15K of the Monte Carlo model over the full range of scattering conditions.For moderate scattering,this value repre-sents an error of roughly0.06%.Additional tests of the SOS model to determine the best choice of⌬␶to use(in terms of speed and accu-racy)for a given situation revealed that it depends somewhat on the number of streams in certain scatter-ing regimes.In general,smaller values of⌬␶were re-quired as the number of streams increased.For two, four,and six streams,values of⌬␶of0.035,0.02,and 0.015,respectively,were assumed;all higher streams were set as0.01.Further improvements in speed were obtained by ap-plying a series accelerator algorithm.The algorithm in-volves the addition of a term to the summation of brightness temperatures that is inversely proportional to the gradient of the brightness temperature in the order-of-scatter series.For iteration k it can be writ-ten asQ kϭ͚iϭ1kϪ1T b,iϩT b,k2T b,kϪ1ϪT b,k for kϾ1.The algorithm has the correct behavior in the limit as k→ϱ:because T b,k→0as k→ϱ,the second term vanishes and Q k reduces to the sum of the brightness temperatures.Figure1shows an example of the accel-eration for a highly scattering situation at85.5GHz.In this case computational time was reduced byabout F IG.1.Convergence characteristics of the accelerated SOS model in two-stream mode and Monte Carlo calculations for case 1(see Table1).Zenith angle is53.1°.30%.The benefit of the acceleration,however,is lost when scattering is weak;therefore it was only applied if the column scattering optical depth exceeded0.1.It is common to terminate the series at roughly the precision of the measurements,which was set as0.1K.3.ResultsThe first test of the multistream SOS model uses the same four cases from Smith et al.(2002),based on me-soscale simulations of continental convection during the1986Cooperative Huntsville Meteorological Ex-periment(COHMEX).These cases represent a wide range of conditions(see Table1).Details concerning microphysical assumptions and single-scattering calcu-lations are given by Smith et al.(2002).For all cases and frequencies,the surface emissivity was fixed to0.4and the surface temperature was300K.Polarization was not considered in these calculations.Window frequen-cies at10.7,19.4,37,and85.5GHz were chosen to highlight scattering by precipitation particles.Back-ward Monte Carlo calculations(Petty1994)were also performed to serve as an independent benchmark. Figure2summarizes the results for the two-and four-stream SOS models for an oblique angle often used by conical scanning instruments.For reference, Table2provides brightness temperatures computed from the Monte Carlo model for these cases and the contributions to the brightness temperatures from scat-tering only.It was found that less than10orders of scatter were usually needed to achieve convergence; however,for case4at85.5GHz,18orders of scatter were needed.In weakly scattering situations(i.e.,col-umn scattering optical depthsϽ0.01),the two-and four-stream SOS model errors are under0.3and0.1K, respectively,which are both less than the scattering sig-nals themselves(see Table2).These errors are compa-rable to the delta-Eddington model(results not shown). Errors increase for moderate and strong scattering(i.e., column scattering optical depthsϾ0.01),typically rang-ing between0.5and3K but sometimes as large as4.6K for the two-stream SOS model.The delta-Eddington model outperforms the two-stream model in these situ-ations.We suspect this result may be due to the Ed-dington approximation’s better representation of the radiance field by virtue of the spherical harmonics ex-pansion.The4-stream SOS model,on the other hand, performs at least as well as the delta-Eddington model except for one or two of the more intense precipitation cases(results not shown).As was generally expected, the errors are reduced as the number of streams in the SOS model is increased.There was an exception,how-ever,for case3at85.5GHz,in which the four-stream error was slightly worse than that of the two stream. Recall,the accuracy of the SOS model is not only de-termined by the number of streams,but also by the thin layer thickness⌬␶,which,as discussed earlier,must be reduced as the number of streams increases.Therefore, for this particular case,a smaller value of⌬␶was most likely needed.A more adaptive approach todetermin-F IG.2.SOS model errors as a function of scattering optical depth(defined as the column optical depth weighted by the single-scatter albedo)for the Smith et al.(2002)cases.Zenith angle is53.1°.Also shown are weak,moderate,and strong scat-tering regimes as defined by the relative contribution of scattering to the total brightness temperature(see Table2).T ABLE1.Characteristics of the four cases described by Smith et al.(2002)for testing the accuracy and speed of the radiativetransfer models.Column scattering optical depth*Case Surface rain rate Liquid water Ice water10.6GHz19.35GHz37GHz85.5GHz 10.94Low Low0.00100.00880.0620.35 20.34Low High0.000990.00780.0450.29 39.46High Low0.0180.20 1.6 6.0 490.2High High0.20 1.91235*Defined as the vertically integrated optical depth weighted by the single-scatter the optimal value of⌬␶could be implemented in the future.The four Smith et al.(2002)cases were also used to provide some assessment of the SOS model’s speed relative to the delta-Eddington model.In each case the models were iterated100times on a3-GHz Intel,Inc., Xeon personal computer using the STMicroelectronics, Inc.,Portland Group FORTRAN90compiler with no optimization.It is recognized that the results of this kind of test depend to a certain extent on how effi-ciently the code is written;the large differences seen are unlikely to be overcome by changes in coding alone, however.Results show that for all cases and all fre-quencies,except the two highest frequencies for cases3 and4,the SOS model from two to eight streams is considerably faster than the delta-Eddington model (see Fig.3).These differences can be as large as a factor of10.The clear disadvantage of the SOS model,how-ever,is computing brightness temperatures at higher frequencies in the presence of strong scattering.This slowdown is mainly due to the layer-splitting integra-tion technique that can result in the use of hundreds or even thousands of sublayers.Note that case4is an extreme situation and thus would be a rare event in the context of regional or global data assimilation.It should be emphasized that the previous compari-sons provided limited tests of the SOS model’s perfor-mance.A more complete assessment of the SOS mod-el’s accuracy and speed was undertaken using NCEP GFS fields.These data are made available online and are degraded products(1°ϫ1°horizontal grid and26 vertical levels).The following quantities were taken from the forecast model fields:temperature,relative humidity,and liquid water mixing ratio at all levels and precipitation rate at the ground.Neither cloud ice mix-ing ratio nor instantaneous cloud fraction was available. Because the GFS data products included precipitation rate at the surface only,several crude assumptions were made to distribute vertically the total rate into liquid and ice species.A constant rain rate was assumed from the surface up to cloud base.From there,the fraction of ice(liquid water)precipitation rates was linearly in-creased(decreased)from0to1(from1to0)until a temperature ofϪ20°C was reached,above which only ice existed.Cloud liquid water and ice were similarly partitioned from the freezing level toϪ20°C.Precipi-tation rates were converted to water content using an exponential size distribution.Single-scattering proper-ties for rain,snow,graupel,and hail were computed from Lorenz–Mie theory at discrete frequencies,tem-peratures,and water contents,assuming an exponential size distribution.These calculations were organized in tabular form for interpolation purposes.Extinction co-efficients for gas(water vapor and oxygen)were ob-tained from the optical path transmittance(OPTRAN) model(McMillin et al.1995),and absorption due to cloud liquid water was computed from Liebe et al. (1992).For simplicity,the surface emissivity was fixed to0.4and surface temperature was set to300K,re-gardless of region.Figure4shows differences between the SOS/delta-Eddington models and Monte Carlo calculations at85.5 GHz using GFS12-h forecast fields at0000UTC3 February2004.Both of the models exhibit smallerrors F IG.3.Execution time for100iterations of the SOS model as a function of the number of streams for the four cases of Smith et al. (2002)at three frequencies.Zenith angle is53.1°.The range of results from the delta-Eddington model(dual horizontal lines)is also shown for comparison.T ABLE2.Total brightness temperatures T b computed by the Monte Carlo model for the Smith et al.(2002)cases,along with the contributions to the brightness temperatures from scattering alone(⌬T b),that is,the sum of the brightness temperatures for first-order scatter and greater.Tb(K)⌬T b(K)Case10.619.353785.510.619.353785.5 1143.15217.0241.03261.420.26 2.6216.754.9 2134.68196.19205.19255.940.22 2.2613.276.5 3241.61269.68260.32254.01 4.6922.542.060.7 4270.38246.25208.33150.1825.672.3133.7137.5below column scattering optical depths of about 0.1.As scattering increases,however,the two-and four-stream SOS models diverge,with the two-stream model errors being greater (2–2.5K)and the four-stream model er-rors being considerably less (ϳ0.5K)than the delta-Eddington model errors.This result suggests that a col-umn optical depth of 0.1may serve as a threshold to switch from two-stream to multistream to improve ac-curacy.If this strategy is utilized by combining the two-and four-stream SOS models,we find that the execu-tion time for computing 85.5-GHz brightness tempera-tures for the same GFS dataset is a factor of 4faster than the delta-Eddington model.4.ConclusionsThe purpose of this study was to evaluate the perfor-mance of a radiative transfer (RT)model for comput-ing microwave brightness temperatures based on the idea of successive order of scattering to determine its suitability for NWP radiance data assimilation.A mul-tistream SOS model was developed that numerically integrates the RT equation in optical depth by splitting optically thick layers into thinner layers and that also utilizes an algorithm for accelerating the convergence of the order-of-scattering series.The SOS model was found to be potentially fast and accurate enough to meet the demands of an operational environment and to serve as an alternative to the delta-Eddington ing a small sample of case studies from a previous study,the two-stream SOS model was shown to be up to 10times as fast as and as accurate as the delta-Eddington model for weaker scattering.The SOS model ’s ability to adjust easily to a given situationto improve accuracy is one of its important advantages over other fast RT models.For moderate to strong scat-tering,at least four streams were needed to obtain good accuracy.The drawback of the SOS model is that it is prohibitively slow at higher window frequencies (30GHz and higher)in cases of very intense precipitation.This quality is mainly a consequence of the layer-splitting technique rather than increased computation time due to greater orders of scatter.However,in a test using 1°ϫ1°global model fields it was found that using a combination of two-and four-stream SOS models can provide better overall accuracy in 85.5-GHz brightness temperatures and has 4times as much speed as the delta-Eddington model.Fast SOS-type methods should also prove useful in passive microwave instrument simulation studies and in precipitation retrieval methods that utilize forward RT models (e.g.,Evans et al.1995).With only small modi-fications,the current model also may be applied to in-frared wavelengths.Acknowledgments.This work was supported finan-cially by the Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation through NOAA Cooperative Agreement NA07EC0676.Thanks are given to our colleague Peter Bauer at ECMWF for providing his delta-Eddington model code.APPENDIXDerivation of Zeroth-Order BrightnessTemperature The zeroth-order upwelling brightness temperature at height z 2for a layer of ⌬z thickness (z 2Ϫz 1)may be expressed asT b ,0͑z 2,␮͒ϭ͑1Ϫ␻o ͒͵⌬zT ͑z Ј͒exp ͓Ϫ͑␤ext z Ј͒ր␮͔␤ext dz Јր␮,͑A1͒where ␤ext is the volume extinction coefficient of the layer.Assuming that the optical properties of the layer are vertically constant and the thermal source (in this case temperature)varies linearly across the layer and substituting into (A1)yields T b ,0͑z 2,␮͒ϭ͑1Ϫ␻o ͒͑1Ϫℑ͒ϫͫT ͑z 1͒ϩ⌬Tͩ12Ϫ␮⌬␶ϩℑ1Ϫℑͪͬ,͑A2͒where ℑϭexp(Ϫ␤ext ⌬z /␮),and ⌬␶and ⌬T are,respec-tively,the optical depth and temperaturedifferencesF IG .4.Errors in the SOS and delta-Eddington models as com-pared with Monte Carlo calculations as a function of column scat-tering optical depth (a measure of the degree of scattering)using a sample GFS model field.Zenith angle is 0°.across the layer.In a similar way,for the downwelling brightness temperature at z1,T b,0͑z2Ϫ␮͒ϭ͑1Ϫ␻o͒͑1Ϫℑ͒ϫͫT͑z1͒Ϫ⌬Tͩ12Ϫ␮⌬␶ϩℑ1Ϫℑͪͬ.͑A3͒It can be shown that the last term in parentheses multiplied by⌬T in(A2)and(A3)is highly subject to round-off error for small⌬␶;therefore,for⌬␶Ͻ0.2,the following approximation is used:1 2Ϫ␮⌬␶ϩℑ1ϪℑϷ112⌬␶␮.REFERENCESBauer,P.,A.Khain,A.Pokrovsky,R.Meneghini,C.Kummerow,F.Marzano,and J.P.V.P.Baptista,2000:Combined cloud–microwave radiative transfer modeling of stratiform 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