


LINQ表左式中文教程LINQ初体验之LINQ to Object (3)一步一步学Linq to sql(一):预备知识 (9)一步一步学Linq to sql(二):DataContext与实体 (20)一步一步学Linq to sql(三):增删改 (34)一步一步学Linq to sql(四):查询句法.49 一步一步学Linq to sql(五):存储过程.81 一步一步学Linq to sql(六):探究特性 (101)一步一步学Linq to sql(七):并发与事务 (121)一步一步学Linq to sql(八):继承与关系 (136)一步一步学Linq to sql(九):其它补充 (159)一步一步学Linq to sql(十):分层构架的例子 (168)Linq To Xml学习 (183)Linq To Xml学习-1. 概述 (183)Linq To Xml学习-2 编程概述 (188)C# 2008 学习笔记- LINQ to XML (200)一、命名空间 (200)二、编程方式创建XML文档 (202)三、使用LINQ 查询创建XML文档 .. 205四、加载和解析XML内容 (206)六、遍历内存中的XML文档 (207)七、修改XML文档 (211)使用linq to xml 快速创建自己的Rss (212)LINQ初体验之LINQ to ObjectVS2008的发布,最激动人心的不过是LINQ的诞生。

What‘s LINQ? Language Integrated Query 是也。


目前,LINQ支持的语言有C# 和VB。





LINQ教程之LINQ操作语法LINQ查询时有两种语法可供选择:查询表达式语法(Query Expression)和⽅法语法(Fluent Syntax)。


LINQ查询表达式语法如下:from<range variable> in <IEnumerable<T> or IQueryable<T> Collection><Standard Query Operators> <lambda expression><select or groupBy operator> <result formation>LINQ查询表达式约束LINQ查询表达式必须以from⼦句开头,以select或group⼦句介绍关键字功能指定要查询的数据源以及范围变量,多个from⼦句则表⽰从多个数据源查找数据。




orderby、descending 指定元素的排序字段和排序⽅式。






(⽬前通常被指定为匿名类型)into 提供⼀个临时的标识符。




跟我学LINQ TO SQL●LINQ是Language Integrated Query的简称,它是集成在.NET编程语言中的一种特性。




●LINQ架构●相关命名空间一.LINQ简介●LINQ包括五个部分:LINQ to Objects、LINQ to DataSets、LINQ to SQL、LINQ toEntities、LINQ to XML。

●LINQ to SQL全称基于关系数据的.NET语言集成查询,用于以对象形式管理关系数据,并提供了丰富的查询功能。


●LINQ to XML在System.Xml.LINQ命名空间下实现对XML的操作。


●第一步:建立dbml(Database Mark Language.数据库描述语言,是一种XML格式的文档,用来描述数据库,有点类似Nhibernate的映射文件)●第二步:创建一个页面,页面加入一个GridView控件●第三步:编写代码进行数据绑定●第四步:执行代码public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page{protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e){if (!IsPostBack){BindData();}}public void BindData(){NorthwindDataContext nt = new NorthwindDataContext();GridView1.DataSource = from c in nt.Customers select c.Orders;GridView1.DataBind();}}●LINQ是在之上的,那么在将来它会代替吗?●在大型项目中使用LINQ,它的效率如何呢?二.DataContenxt一、作用DataContext类型(数据上下文)是System.Data.Linq命名空间下的重要类型,用于把查询句法翻译成SQL语句,以及把数据从数据库返回给调用方和把实体的修改写入数据库。



Linq基础1.1 LINQ简介LINQ(Language Integrated Query)是C#3.0语言新增的一个扩展,可以处理非常大的对象集合,这一般需要选择集合的一个子集来完成执行程序的任务。


VS2008带有3个内置的LIN Q变体:Linq to Objects Linq to SQL Linq to XML,它们为不同的数据提供了查询方案:Linq to Objects:为任意类型的C#内存对象提供查询,如数组、列表和其它集合类型。

Linq to SQL:为使用标准SQL数据库查询语言的关系数据库提供查询,如SQL Se rver、Oracle等数据库。

Linq to XML:提供XML文档的创建和处理功能。

1.2 第一LINQ查询下面我们使用Linq实现一个对数组的查找功能,代码如下:示例1class Program{static void Main(string[] args){string[] names = { "alonso", "zheng", "smith", "jon es", "smythe", "small", "Ruiz", "Hsieh", "Jorgenson", "Ilyich", "singh" };var result = from n in names where n.StartsWith("s") select n;Console.WriteLine("以s开头的名字为:");foreach (var item in result){Console.WriteLine(item);}}}示例说明:命名空间:System.Linq;用var关键字声明结果变量;var声明的变量不用指定类型,编译器会自动根据结果推断出该类型。



Linq入门详解(Linq to Objects)再此之前,需要先了解的相关技术1.隐式类型、匿名类型、对象初始化器1)隐式类型,使用var关键字创建,C#编译器会根据用于初始化局部变量的初始值推断出变量的数据类型。








(避免类型转换)示例:var person = new { name = “heyuquan” , age = 24 }mbda表达式,Func委托1)Lambda表达式只是用更简单的方式来书写匿名方法,从而彻底简化.NET委托类型的使用。

Lambda表达式在C#中的写法是“arg-list => expr-body”,“=>”符号左边为表达式的参数列表,右边则是表达式体(body)。



示例:static void Main(string[] args){// 委托函数Func<string, string, string> func1 = Hello;// 匿名方法Func<string, string, string> func2 =delegate(string a, string b){return "欢迎光临我的博客" + Environment.NewLine + a + " " + b;};// Lambda表达式Func<string, string, string> func3 =(a, b) => { return "欢迎光临我的博客" + Environment.NewLine + a + " " + b; };// 调用Func委托string helloStr = func2("滴答的雨", @"/heyuquan/");Console.WriteLine(helloStr);}static string Hello(string a, string b){return "欢迎光临我的博客" + Environment.NewLine + a + " " + b;}3.扩展方法1)扩展方法声明在静态类中,定义为一个静态方法,其第一个参数需要使用this关键字标识,指示它所扩展的类型。




2.如何创建LINQ项目1.必须.NET Framework3.5以上版本2.使用LINQ to XML必须添加对System.Xml.Linq 的引用3.使用LINQ to SQL必须添加对System.Data.Linq 的引用4.使用LINQ to Dataset必须为LINQ to DataSet 功能添加对System.Data.DataSetExtensions.dll 的引用3.使用LINQ 的优点1.熟悉的查询编写语法。



4.IntelliSense 支持。

5.直接处理XML 元素的功能,而不是像W3C DOM 那样需要创建容器XML 文档。

6.强大的内存中XML 文档修改功能,比XPath 或XQuery 更容易使用。




本例中所有的案例代码均使用VS2008+SqlServer2005编写4.小试牛刀:基本查询案例1.查询普通int数组public static void IntQuery() {int[] array = new int[] { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8};//查询所有信息var arr = from n in array select n;foreach (var item in arr) {Console.WriteLine(item);}//查询所有偶数IEnumerable<int> arr1 = from n in array where n%2 == 0 select n;foreach (int item in arr1) {Console.WriteLine(item);}}案例2.查询string 数组案例3.查询 List<String> 集合//1.****查询普通字符串集合,类似于string 数组****public static void StringQuery() { //弱类型数组:.NET Framework 3.5新特性var countries = new string []{ "China","Americ","Canada","France"}; Console .WriteLine("*******查询China********"); var china = from country in countries where country == "China" select country; Console .WriteLine(china.First<string >()); Console .WriteLine("*******查询C 打头的元素********"); var likeC = from country in countries where country.StartsWith("C") select country; foreach (var item in likeC) { Console .WriteLine(item); } } public static void ListQuery() { List <string > countries = new List <string >(); countries.AddRange(new string [] { "China", "Americ", "Canada", "France" }); Console .WriteLine("*******查询C 打头的元素********"); var likeC = from country in countries where country.StartsWith("C") select country; //显示查询结果 foreach (var item in likeC) { Console .WriteLine(item); } }案例4.查询List<Student> 集合//////Student 实体类具有(Name、Age)属性///public static void ListQuery2() {List<Student> list = new List<Student>();list.AddRange(new Student[]{new Student("阿牛",23),new Student("阿猫",23),new Student("老朱",53)});Console.WriteLine("*******查询'啊'打头的Student信息********");IEnumerable<Student> stus = from stu in listwhere .StartsWith("阿")select stu;foreach (Student stu in stus) {Console.WriteLine(+"\t"+stu.Age);}}总结:通过以上四个案例,可以看出使用LINQ可以方便的从数组和List(也包括Dictionary)集合中查询得到想要的元素,可以大大的简化查找元素的过程。











例如,对于一个整数集合,可以使用如下的查询语法来查询大于10的数字:```var query = from num in numberswhere num > 10select num;```其中,numbers是一个整数集合,num是每个元素的别名,select num表示选择满足条件的元素。


例如,对于上述的查询,可以使用方法语法来实现:```var query = numbers.Where(num => num > 10);```其中,Where是一个查询方法,num => num > 10表示一个Lambda表达式,表示筛选大于10的数字。




query2 = from c in da.customer select c; foreach (customer c in query2) {
Console.WriteLine(c.cust_no + " " + c.cust_name + " " + c.addr + " " + c.tel_no + " " +;
} catch (System.Exception ex) {
Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } } } }
可以看到 LINQ 的确非常方便,不是吗?
Console.WriteLine(c.cust_no + " " + c.cust_name + " " + c.addr + " " + c.tel_no + " " +;
//修改数据库的数据 var result = from c in da.customer where c.cust_no == "C1111" select c; foreach (customer c in result) {
//向数据库插入数据 customer cus = new customer(); cus.cust_no = "C1111"; cus.cust_name = "ABCDEFG"; cus.tel_no = "12345678"; = "100000"; cus.addr = "ABCDEFG"; //这两句话有点像以前学过的事务,只有在添加完成之后才会

linq或用法 -回复

linq或用法 -回复


LINQ(Language Integrated Query)是.NET框架中的一个功能强大的查询工具,它允许开发人员使用统一的语法查询和操作各种数据源,如对象、集合、数据库和XML等。





csharpList<int> Numbers = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };在上面的代码中,我们创建了一个名为Numbers的整数列表,其中包含了从1到6的数字。




1. Where:用于根据指定的条件筛选数据。

例如,我们可以使用Where 操作符来筛选出大于3的数字。

csharpvar result = Numbers.Where(n => n > 3);在上面的代码中,我们使用Where操作符和Lambda表达式来筛选出大于3的数字,结果将存储在result变量中。

2. Select:用于选择指定的数据。


csharpvar result = Numbers.Select(n => n * n);在上面的代码中,我们使用Select操作符和Lambda表达式来选择数字的平方,结果将存储在result变量中。

3. OrderBy:用于按照指定的属性对数据进行排序。



linq常用语法和方法LINQ(Language Integrated Query)是一种强大的查询语言,用于在.NET框架中查询各种数据源。


以下是一些LINQ常用的语法和方法:1. 查询语法(Query Syntax):通过使用标准的LINQ查询运算符(如`from`、`where`、`select`、`orderby`等),可以编写结构化查询语句。

例如:```csharpvar query = from item in collectionwhere == valueselect item;```2. 扩展方法语法(Extension Methods Syntax):通过使用LINQ扩展方法,可以使用Lambda表达式和委托来编写查询。


例如:```csharpvar query = (item => == value);```3. 聚合操作:LINQ提供了许多聚合操作符,如`Count()`、`Sum()`、`Average()`等,可以对查询结果进行统计和计算。

例如:```csharpvar count = ();var sum = (item => );```4. 排序操作:使用`OrderBy()`和`OrderByDescending()`方法可以对查询结果进行排序。


例如:```csharpvar sorted = (item => );```5. 转换操作:使用`Select()`方法可以对查询结果进行转换,将每个元素转换为指定的类型或表达式。

例如:```csharpvar transformed = (item => + " converted");```6. 分组操作:使用`GroupBy()`方法可以对查询结果进行分组,并根据指定的键对每个组进行聚合。



linq写法LINQ(Language Integrated Query)是C#和中的一个强大的特性,它允许开发人员使用类似于SQL的查询语法对数据进行操作。




我们可以使用LINQ的Where方法来实现这个目标:int[] numbers = { 5, 12, 8, 23, 4 };var query = from num in numberswhere num > 10select num;foreach (var number in query){Console.WriteLine(number);}示例2:查询数据库假设我们有一个数据库中的表,我们想要查询所有年龄大于30的人。

我们可以使用LINQ to Entities来执行这个查询:using (var context = new MyDbContext()){var query = from person in context.Peoplewhere person.Age > 30select person;foreach (var person in query){Console.WriteLine();}}示例3:查询XML文档假设我们有一个XML文档,我们想要找到所有具有特定属性的元素。

我们可以使用LINQ to XML来执行这个查询:XDocument xmlDoc = XDocument.Load("data.xml");var query = from el in xmlDoc.Descendants("element")where (string)el.Attribute("attribute") == "value"select el;foreach (var element in query){Console.WriteLine(element);}这只是LINQ的一些基本用法示例。

03 第三讲 基本的LINQ查询

03 第三讲 基本的LINQ查询

第三讲基本的LINQ查询本讲介绍LINQ查询语法中的关键字,为以后的查询实体框架打下基础,本讲要介绍的关键字包括:查询表达式必须以 from 子句开头。

另外,查询表达式还可以包含子查询,子查询也是以 from 子句开头。

from 子句指定以下内容:●将对其运行查询或子查询的数据源。



from 子句中引用的数据源的类型必须为IEnumerable、IEnumerable<T>或一种派生类型(如 IQueryable<T>)。

在下面的示例中,numbers 是数据源,而 num 是范围变量。

请注意,这两个变量都是强类型,即使使用了 var 关键字也是如此。

class LowNums{static void Main(){// A simple data[] numbers = { 5, 4, 1, 3, 9, 8, 6, 7, 2, 0 };// Create the query.// lowNums is an IEnumerable<int>var lowNums = from num in numbers where num < 5 select num;// Execute the query.foreach (int i in lowNums){Console.Write(i + " ");}}}// Output: 4 1 3 2 01.1范围变量如果数据源实现了 IEnumerable<T>,则编译器可以推断范围变量的类型。

例如,如果数据源的类型为 IEnumerable<Customer>,则推断出范围变量的类型为 Customer。

仅当数据源是非泛型 IEnumerable 类型(如 ArrayList)时,才必须显式指定数据源类型。



About the T utorialThe acronym LINQ stands for Language Integrated Query. Microsoft’s query language is fully integrated and offers easy data access from in-memory objects, databases, XML documents, and many more. It is through a set of extensions LINQ ably integrates queries in C# and Visual Basic.This tutorial offers a complete insight into LINQ with ample examples and coding. The entire tutorial is divided into various topics with subtopics that a beginner can be able to move gradually to more complex topics of LINQ.AudienceThe aim of this tutorial is to offer an easy understanding of LINQ to the beginners who are keen to learn the same.PrerequisitesIt is essential before proceeding to have some basic knowledge of C# and Visual Basic in .NET.Copyright & Disclaimer© Copyright 2018 by Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd.All the content and graphics published in this e-book are the property of Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd. The user of this e-book is prohibited to reuse, retain, copy, distribute, or republish any contents or a part of contents of this e-book in any manner without written consent of the publisher.We strive to update the contents of our website and tutorials as timely and as precisely as possible, however, the contents may contain inaccuracies or errors. Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd. provides no guarantee regarding the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of our website or its contents including this tutorial. If you discover any errors on our website or inthistutorial,******************************************iT able of ContentsAbout the Tutorial (i)Audience (i)Prerequisites (i)Copyright & Disclaimer (i)Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................... i i 1.LINQ ─ OVERVIEW (1)Example of a LINQ query (1)Syntax of LINQ (2)Types of LINQ (3)LINQ Architecture in .NET (3)Query Expressions (4)Extension Methods (5)Difference between LINQ and Stored Procedure (5)Need for LINQ (5)Advantages of LINQ (6)2.LINQ ─ ENVIRONMENT (7)Getting Visual Studio 2010 Installed on Windows 7 (7)Writing C# Program using LINQ in Visual Studio 2010 (11)Writing VB Program using LINQ in Visual Studio 2010 (13)3.LINQ ─ QUERY OPERATORS (15)Filtering Operators (15)Filtering Operators in LINQ (16)Join Operators (17)Join Operators in LINQ (17)Projection Operations (21)Projection Operations in LINQ (21)Sorting Operators (25)Grouping Operators (28)Conversions (30)Concatenation (33)Aggregation (36)Quantifier Operations (38)Partition Operators (41)Generation Operations (45)Set Operations (50)Equality (56)Element Operators (58)4.LINQ ─ SQL (63)Introduction of LINQ To SQL (63)How to Use LINQ to SQL? (64)Querying with LINQ to SQL (66)Insert, Update, and Delete using LINQ to SQL (66)5.LINQ ─ OBJECTS (74)Introduction of LINQ to Objects (74)Querying in Memory Collections Using LINQ to Objects (75)6.LINQ ─ DATASET (78)Introduction of LINQ to Dataset (78)Querying Dataset using LinQ to Dataset (81)7.LINQ ─ XML (85)Introduction of LINQ to XML (85)Read an XML File using LINQ (86)Add New Node (88)Deleting Particular Node (90)8.LINQ ─ ENTITIES (93)LINQ to Entities Query Creation and Execution Process (93)Example of ADD, UPDATE, and DELETE using LINQ with Entity Model (94)9.LINQ ─ LAMBDA EXPRES SIONS (99)Expression Lambda (100)Async Lambdas (100)Lambda in Standard Query Operators (100)Type Inference in Lambda (102)Variable Scope in Lambda Expression (102)Expression Tree (104)Statement Lambda (104)10.LINQ ─ (106)LINQDataSource Control (107)INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE data in Page using LINQ (110)LINQ 1.Developers across the world have always encountered problems in querying data because of the lack of a defined path and need to master a multiple of technologies like SQL, Web Services, XQuery, etc.Introduced in Visual Studio 2008 and designed by Anders Hejlsberg, LINQ (Language Integrated Query) allows writing queries even without the knowledge of query languages like SQL, XML etc. LINQ queries can be written for diverse data types.Example of a LINQ queryC#using System;using System.Linq;class Program{static void Main(){string[] words = {"hello", "wonderful", "LINQ", "beautiful", "world"};//Get only short wordsvar shortWords = from word in words where word.Length <= 5 select word;//Print each word outforeach (var word in shortWords){Console.WriteLine(word);}Console.ReadLine();}}VBModule Module1Sub Main()Dim words As String() = {"hello", "wonderful", "LINQ", "beautiful", "world"}' Get only short wordsDim shortWords = From word In words _ Where word.Length <= 5 _ Select word' Print each word out.For Each word In shortWordsConsole.WriteLine(word)NextConsole.ReadLine()End SubEnd ModuleWhen the above code of C# or VB is compiled and executed, it produces the following result:helloLINQworldSyntax of LINQThere are two syntaxes of LINQ. These are the following ones.Lamda (Method) Syntaxvar longWords = words.Where( w => w.length > 10);Dim longWords = words.Where(Function(w) w.length > 10)Query (Comprehension) Syntaxvar longwords = from w in words where w.length > 10;Dim longwords = from w in words where w.length > 10T ypes of LINQThe types of LINQ are mentioned below in brief.∙LINQ to Objects∙LINQ to XML(XLINQ)∙LINQ to DataSet∙LINQ to SQL (DLINQ)∙LINQ to EntitiesApart from the above, there is also a LINQ type named PLINQ which is Microsoft’s parallel LINQ.LINQ Architecture in .NETLINQ has a 3-layered architecture in which the uppermost layer consists of the language extensions and the bottom layer consists of data sources that are typically objects implementing IEnumerable <T> or IQueryable <T> generic interfaces. The architecture is shown below.Query ExpressionsQuery expression is nothing but a LINQ query, expressed in a form similar to that of SQL with query operators like Select, Where and OrderBy. Query expressions usually start with the keyword “From”.To access standard LINQ query operators, the namespace System.Query should be imported by default. These expressions are written within a declarative query syntax which was C# 3.0.Below is an example to show a complete query operation which consists of data source creation, query expression definition and query execution.C#using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;namespace Operators{class LINQQueryExpressions{static void Main(){// Specify the data[] scores = new int[] { 97, 92, 81, 60 };// Define the query expression.IEnumerable<int> scoreQuery = from score in scores where score > 80 select score;// Execute the query.foreach (int i in scoreQuery){Console.Write(i + " ");}Console.ReadLine();}}}When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result:97 92 81Extension MethodsIntroduced with .NET 3.5, Extension methods are declared in static classes only and allow inclusion of custom methods to objects to perform some precise query operations to extend a class without being an actual member of that class. These can be overloaded also.In a nutshell, extension methods are used to translate query expressions into traditional method calls (object-oriented).Difference between LINQ and Stored ProcedureThere is an array of differences existing between LINQ and Stored procedures. These differences are mentioned below.∙Stored procedures are much faster than a LINQ query as they follow an expected execution plan.∙It is easy to avoid run-time errors while executing a LINQ query than in comparison to a stored procedure as the former has Visual Studio’s Intellisense support as well as full-type checking during compile-time.∙LINQ allows debugging by making use of .NET debugger which is not in case of stored procedures.∙LINQ offers support for multiple databases in contrast to stored procedures, where it is essential to re-write the code for diverse types of databases.∙Deployment of LINQ based solution is easy and simple in comparison to deployment of a set of stored procedures.Need for LINQPrior to LINQ, it was essential to learn C#, SQL, and various APIs that bind together the both to form a complete application. Since, these data sources and programming languages face an impedance mismatch; a need of short coding is felt.Below is an example of how many diverse techniques were used by the developers while querying a data before the advent of LINQ.SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(connectString);SqlConnection.Open();System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand();sqlCommand.Connection = sqlConnection;mandText = "Select * from Customer";LINQreturn sqlCommand.ExecuteReader (CommandBehavior.CloseConnection) Interestingly, out of the featured code lines, query gets defined only by the last two. Using LINQ, the same data query can be written in a readable color-coded form like the following one mentioned below that too in a very less time.Northwind db = new Northwind(@"C:\Data\Northwnd.mdf");var query = from c in db.Customers select c;Advantages of LINQLINQ offers a host of advantages and among them the foremost is its powerful expressiveness which enables developers to express declaratively. Some of the other advantages of LINQ are given below.∙LINQ offers syntax highlighting that proves helpful to find out mistakes during design time.∙LINQ offers IntelliSense which means writing more accurate queries easily.∙Writing codes is quite faster in LINQ and thus development time also gets reduced significantly.∙LINQ makes easy debugging due to its integration in the C# language.∙Viewing relationship between two tables is easy with LINQ due to its hierarchical feature and this enables composing queries joining multiple tables in less time.∙LINQ allows usage of a single LINQ syntax while querying many diverse data sources and this is mainly because of its unitive foundation.∙LINQ is extensible that means it is possible to use knowledge of LINQ to querying new data source types.∙LINQ offers the facility of joining several data sources in a single query as well as breaking complex problems into a set of short queries easy to debug.∙LINQ offers easy transformation for conversion of one data type to another like transforming SQL data to XML data.LINQ 2.Before starting with LINQ programs, it is best to first understand the nuances of setting up a LINQ environment. LINQ needs a .NET framework, a revolutionary platform to have a diverse kind of applications. A LINQ query can be written either in C# or Visual Basic conveniently.Microsoft offers tools for both of these languages i.e. C# and Visual Basic by means of Visual Studio. Our examples are all compiled and written in Visual Studio 2010. However, Visual Basic 2013 edition is also available for use. It is the latest version and has many similarities with Visual Studio 2012.Getting Visual Studio 2010 Installed on Windows 7Visual Studio can be installed either from an installation media like a DVD. Administrator credentials are required to install Visual Basic 2010 on your system successfully. It is vital to disconnect all removable USB from the system prior to installation otherwise the installation may get failed. Some of the hardware requirements essential to have for installation are the following ones.Hardware Requirements∙ 1.6 GHz or more∙ 1 GB RAM∙ 3 GB(Available hard-disk space)∙5400 RPM hard-disk drive∙DirectX 9 compatible video card∙DVD-ROM driveInstallation Steps∙Step 1: First after inserting the DVD with Visual Studio 2010 Package, click on Install or run program from your media appearing in a pop-up box on the screen.∙Step 2: Now set up for Visual Studio will appear on the screen. Choose Install Microsoft Visual Studio 2010.Step 3: As soon as you will click, it the process will get initiated and a set up window will appear on your screen. After completion of loading of the installation components which will take some time, click on Next button to move to the next step.∙Step 4: This is the last step of installation and a start page will appear in which simply choose “I have read and accept the license terms” and click on Next button.∙Step 5: Now select features to install from the options page appearing on your screen.You can either choose Full or Custom option. If you have less disk space than required shown in the disk space requirements, then go for Custom.∙Step 6: When you choose Custom option, the following window will appear. Select the features that you want to install and click Update or else go to step 7. However, it is recommended not to go with the custom option as in future, you may need the features you have chosen to not have.∙Step 7: Soon a pop up window will be shown and the installation will start which may take a long time. Remember, this is for installing all the components.Step 8: Finally, you will be able to view a message in a window that the installation has been completed successfully. Click Finish.Writing C# Program using LINQ in Visual Studio 20101.Start Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate edition and choose File followed by New Projectfrom the menu.2. A new project dialog box will appear on your screen.3.Now choose Visual C# as a category under installed templates and next chooseConsole Application template as shown in figure below.4.Give a name to your project in the bottom name box and press OK.5.The new project will appear in the Solution Explorer in the right-hand side of a newdialog box on your screen.6.Now choose Program.cs from the Solution Explorer and you can view the code inthe editor window which starts with ‘using System’.7.Here you can start to code your following C# program.using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;namespace HelloWorld{class Program{static void Main(string[] args){Console.WriteLine("Hello World")Console.ReadKey();}}}8.Press F5 key and run your project. It is highly recommended to save the projectby choosing File Save All before running the project.Writing VB Program using LINQ in Visual Studio 20101.Start Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate edition and choose File followed by New Projectfrom the menu.2. A new project dialog box will appear on your screen.3.Now chose Visual Basic as a category under installed templates and next chooseConsole Application template.4.Give a name to your project in the bottom name box and press OK.5.You will get a screen with Module1.vb. Start writing your VB code here using LINQ. Module Module1Sub Main()Console.WriteLine("Hello World")Console.ReadLine()End SubEnd Module6.Press F5 key and run your project. It is highly recommended to save the projectby choosing File Save All before running the project.When the above code of C# or VB is compiled and run, it produces the following result: Hello WorldLINQ A set of extension methods forming a query pattern is known as LINQ Standard Query Operators. As building blocks of LINQ query expressions, these operators offer a range ofquery capabilities like filtering, sorting, projection, aggregation, etc.LINQ standard query operators can be categorized into the following ones on the basis of their functionality.∙Filtering Operators∙Join Operators∙Projection Operations∙Sorting Operators∙Grouping Operators∙Conversions∙Concatenation∙Aggregation∙Quantifier Operations∙Partition Operations∙Generation Operations∙Set Operations∙Equality∙Element OperatorsFiltering OperatorsFiltering is an operation to restrict the result set such that it has only selected elements satisfying a particular condition.Operator DescriptionC# QueryExpressionSyntaxVB QueryExpressionSyntaxWhere Filter values based on a predicatefunctionWhere WhereOfType Filter values based on their ability to be as a specified type Not Applicable Not Applicable3.Filtering Operators in LINQFiltering is an operation to restrict the result set such that it has only selected elements satisfying a particular condition.Operator DescriptionC# QueryExpressionSyntaxVB QueryExpressionSyntaxWhere Filter values based on a predicatefunction Where WhereOfType Filter values based on their ability to be as a specified type Not Applicable NotApplicableExample of Where − Query ExpressionC#using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;namespace Operators{class Program{static void Main(string[] args){string[] words = { "humpty", "dumpty", "set", "on", "a", "wall" };IEnumerable<string> query = from word in words where word.Length == 3 select word;foreach (string str in query)Console.WriteLine(str);Console.ReadLine();}}}VBModule Module1Sub Main()Dim words As String() = {"humpty", "dumpty", "set", "on", "a", "wall"}Dim query = From word In words Where word.Length = 3 Select wordFor Each n In queryConsole.WriteLine(n)NextConsole.ReadLine()End SubEnd ModuleWhen the above code in C# or VB is compiled and executed, it produces the following result:setJoin OperatorsJoining refers to an operation in which data sources with difficult to follow relationships with each other in a direct way are targeted.Operator DescriptionC# QueryExpressionSyntaxVB QueryExpression SyntaxJoin The operator join twosequences on basis ofmatching keysjoin … in … on …equals …From x In …, y In …Where x.a = y.aGroupJoin Join two sequences andgroup the matching elementsjoin … in … on …equals … into …Group Join … In … On…Join Operators in LINQJoining refers to an operation in which data sources with difficult to follow relationships with each other in a direct way are targeted.Operator DescriptionC# QueryExpression SyntaxVB QueryExpressionSyntaxJoin The operator join two sequences onbasis of matching keysjoin … in … on …equals …From x In…, y In …Where x.a= y.aGroupJoin Join two sequences and group thematching elementsjoin … in … on …equals … into …Group Join… In … On …Example of Join − Query ExpressionC#using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;namespace Operators{class JoinTables{class DepartmentClass{public int DepartmentId { get; set; }public string Name { get; set; }}class EmployeeClass{public int EmployeeId { get; set; }public string EmployeeName { get; set; }public int DepartmentId { get; set; }}static void Main(string[] args){List <DepartmentClass> departments = new List <DepartmentClass>();departments.Add(new DepartmentClass { DepartmentId = 1, Name = "Account" });departments.Add(new DepartmentClass { DepartmentId = 2, Name = "Sales" });departments.Add(new DepartmentClass { DepartmentId = 3, Name = "Marketing" });List <EmployeeClass> employees = new List <EmployeeClass>();employees.Add(new EmployeeClass { DepartmentId = 1, EmployeeId = 1, EmployeeName = "William" });employees.Add(new EmployeeClass { DepartmentId = 2, EmployeeId = 2, EmployeeName = "Miley" });employees.Add(new EmployeeClass { DepartmentId = 1, EmployeeId = 3, EmployeeName = "Benjamin" });var list = (from e in employees join d in departments one.DepartmentId equals d.DepartmentId select new{EmployeeName = e.EmployeeName,DepartmentName = });foreach (var e in list){Console.WriteLine("Employee Name = {0} , Department Name = {1}", e.EmployeeName, e.DepartmentName);}Console.WriteLine("\nPress any key to continue.");Console.ReadKey();}}}End of ebook previewIf you liked what you saw…Buy it from our store @ https://。






下面是一个使用查询表达式的示例:```csharpvar result = from student in studentswhere student.Age > 18select ;```上面的代码表示从一个名为"students"的集合中,选取年龄大于18岁的学生的姓名。




下面是一个使用LINQ方法的示例:```csharpvar result = students.Where(student => student.Age > 18).Select(student => );```上面的代码与前面的查询表达式示例实现的功能是相同的。





通过LINQ to SQL或Entity Framework等技术,我们可以直接在代码中通过LINQ查询数据库,而无需编写复杂的SQL语句。

linq 截取数组方法

linq 截取数组方法

linq 截取数组方法LINQ(Language-Integrated Query)是.NET框架中的一种强大的查询工具,它提供了一种简洁而强大的方式来处理集合数据。





下面是一个简单的示例,演示了如何使用LINQ的截取数组方法:[] numbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };var firstThreeNumbers = numbers.Take(3); // 获取数组中的前三个元素。

var lastFiveNumbers = numbers.Skip(5); // 跳过数组中的前五个元素。

foreach (var number in firstThreeNumbers)。


Console.WriteLine(number); // 输出结果为 1, 2, 3。


foreach (var number in lastFiveNumbers)。


Console.WriteLine(number); // 输出结果为 6, 7, 8, 9, 10。






1、LINQ表达式LINQ语言集成查询(Language Integrated Query)LINQ 最明显的“语言集成”部分是查询表达式。

查询表达式是使用C# 3.0 中引入的声明性查询语法编写的。


您使用相同的基本查询表达式模式来查询和转换SQL 数据库、 数据集、XML 文档和流以及 .NET 集合中的数据。



class LINQQueryExpressions{static void Main(){// Specify the data[] scores = new int[] { 97, 92, 81, 60, 89, 45, 34, 78 };// Define the query expression.IEnumerable<int> scoreQuery =from score in scoreswhere score > 80select score;// Execute the query.foreach (int i in scoreQuery){Console.Write(i + " ");}}}// Output: 97 92 81 892、LINQ查询“查询”是指一组指令,这些指令描述要从一个或多个给定数据源检索的数据以及返回的数据应该使用的格式和组织形式。



SQL 数据库表包含一个行序列。

与此类似, DataTable 包含一个DataRow 对象序列。

在XML 文件中,有一个XML 元素“序列”(不过这些元素按分层形式组织为树结构)。


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  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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1、LINQ表达式LINQ语言集成查询(Language Integrated Query)LINQ 最明显的“语言集成”部分是查询表达式。

查询表达式是使用C# 3.0 中引入的声明性查询语法编写的。


您使用相同的基本查询表达式模式来查询和转换SQL 数据库、 数据集、XML 文档和流以及 .NET 集合中的数据。



class LINQQueryExpressions{static void Main(){// Specify the data[] scores = new int[] { 97, 92, 81, 60, 89, 45, 34, 78 };// Define the query expression.IEnumerable<int> scoreQuery =from score in scoreswhere score > 80select score;// Execute the query.foreach (int i in scoreQuery){Console.Write(i + " ");}}}// Output: 97 92 81 892、LINQ查询“查询”是指一组指令,这些指令描述要从一个或多个给定数据源检索的数据以及返回的数据应该使用的格式和组织形式。



SQL 数据库表包含一个行序列。

与此类似, DataTable 包含一个DataRow 对象序列。

在XML 文件中,有一个XML 元素“序列”(不过这些元素按分层形式组织为树结构)。



应用程序始终将源数据视为一个IEnumerable<(Of <(T>)>) 或IQueryable<(Of<(T>)>) 集合。

在LINQ to SQL 中,源数据显示为一个IEnumerable<XElement>。

在LINQ to DataSet 中,它是一个IEnumerable<DataRow>。

在LINQ to SQL 中,它是您定义用来表示SQL 表中数据的任何自定义对象的IEnumerable 或IQueryable。


然后,查询可以按各种方式对返回的序列进行排序或分组,如下面的示例所示(假定scores 是int[]):IEnumerable<int> highScoresQuery =from score in scoreswhere score > 80orderby score descendingselect score;●如上一个示例所述检索一个元素序列,但是将这些元素转换为具有新类型的对象。


或者,查询可以检索完整的记录,再使用它构建另一个内存中对象类型甚至XML 数据,然后生成最终的结果序列。


请注意highScoresQuery 的新类型。

IEnumerable<string> highScoresQuery2 =from score in scoreswhere score > 80orderby score descendingselect String.Format("The score is {0}", score);●检索有关源数据的单一值。

IEnumerable<int> highScoresQuery3 =from score in scoreswhere score > 80select score;int scoreCount = highScoresQuery3.Count();3、查询表达式“查询表达式”是用查询语法表示的查询,是一流的语言构造。

它就像任何其他表达式一样,并且可以用在C# 表达式有效的任何上下文中。

查询表达式由一组用类似于SQL 或XQuery 的声明性语法编写的子句组成。

每个子句又包含一个或多个C# 表达式,而这些表达式本身又可能是查询表达式或包含查询表达式。

查询表达式必须以from 子句开头,并且必须以select 或group 子句结尾。

在第一个from 子句和最后一个select 或group 子句之间,查询表达式可以包含一个或多个下列可选子句:where、orderby、join、let 甚至附加的from 子句。

还可以使用into 关键字使join 或group 子句的结果能够充当同一查询表达式中附加查询子句的源。

3.1查询变量在LINQ 中,查询变量是任何存储查询而不是查询结果的变量。

更具体地说,查询变量始终是一个可枚举的类型,当在foreach 语句中或对其IEnumerator.MoveNext 方法的直接调用中循环访问它时,它将产生一个元素序列。

3.2查询变量的显式类型化和隐式类型化使用var 关键字指示编译器在编译时推断查询变量(或任何其他本地变量)的类型。






查询表达式可以包含多个from 子句。

当源序列中的每个元素本身就是集合或包含集合时,可使用附加的from 子句。


group子句使用group 子句可产生按照指定的键组织的组序列。


select子句使用select 子句可产生所有其他类型的序列。

into延续可以在select 或group 子句中使用into关键字来创建用于存储查询的临时标识符。

在下面的示例中,以一千万人口范围为界对countries 进行分组。


若要执行这些附加操作,需要使用由countryGroup 表示的延续。

var percentileQuery =from country in countrieslet percentile = (int)country.Population / 10000000group country by percentile into countryGroupwhere countryGroup.Key >= 20orderby countryGroup.Keyselect countryGroup;3.5筛选、排序和联接在from 开始子句以及select 或group 结束子句之间,所有其他子句(where、join、orderby、from、let)都是可选的。


where 子句使用where 子句可以根据一个或多个谓词表达式筛选掉源数据中的某些元素。

orderby 子句使用orderby 子句可以按升序或降序对结果进行排序。


join 子句使用join子句可以根据每个元素中指定键之间的相等比较,对一个数据源中的元素与另外一个数据源中的元素进行关联和/或组合。

在LINQ 中,联接操作是针对其元素具有不同类型的对象序列执行的。



let 子句使用let子句可以将表达式(如方法调用)的结果存储到新的范围变量中。


每个子查询都以它自己的from 子句开头,该子句不一定指向第一个from 子句中的同一数据源。

var queryGroupMax =from student in studentsgroup student by student.GradeLevel into studentGroupselect new{Level = studentGroup.Key,HighestScore =(from student2 in studentGroupselect student2.Scores.Average()).Max()};注意:在LINQ 文档中,存储查询的变量在其名称中包含单词“query”,而存储实际结果的变量在其名称中不包含单词“query”。

4、BT.SaaS.UI.WidgetFramework中LINQ 的使用以BT.SaaS.UI.WidgetFramework.DataAccess的DatabaseHelper类为例:定义连接字符串public const string ConnectionStringName ="DashboardConnectionString";定义ApplicationIDpublic const string ApplicationID ="fd639154-299a-4a9d-b273-69dc28eb6388";public readonly static Guid ApplicationGuid = newGuid(ApplicationID);定义最大行数,防止查询大量结果导致服务器阻塞public const int MAX_ROWS = 1000;public static DashboardDataContext GetDashboardData(){return GetDashboardData(true, MAX_ROWS);}重载GetDashboardData()方法public static DashboardDataContext2 GetDashboardData(bool readOnly, int maxRowsAllowedToAffect){读取数据库连接配置var db = newDashboardDataContext2(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[Con nectionStringName].ConnectionString);设置事物隔离级别为READ UNCOMMITTEDif (readOnly){db.Connection.Open();db.ExecuteCommand("SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ UNCOMMITTED; SET NOCOUNT ON; SET ROWCOUNT " + maxRowsAllowedToAffect);}设置事物隔离级别,防止在提交事务之前记录受其他用户的影响,避免了幻觉读else{db.Connection.Open();db.ExecuteCommand("SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE; SET ROWCOUNT " + maxRowsAllowedToAffect);}返回db 连接对象return db;}更新操作public static void Update<T>(T obj, Action<T> detach, Action<T>update) where T : class{using (var db = GetDashboardData(false, 1)){detach(obj);db.GetTable<T>().Attach(obj);update(obj);db.SubmitChanges();}}更新所有public static void UpdateAll<T>(List<T> items, Action<T> detach, Action<T> update) where T : class{using (var db = GetDashboardData(false, items.Count)){Table<T> table = db.GetTable<T>();foreach (T item in items){detach(item);table.Attach(item);update(item);}db.SubmitChanges();}}删除操作public static void Delete<T>(T entity) where T : class,new() {using (var db = GetDashboardData(false, 1)){Table<T> table = db.GetTable<T>();table.Attach(entity);table.DeleteOnSubmit(entity);db.SubmitChanges();}}添加操作public static void Insert<T>(T obj) where T : class{using (var db = GetDashboardData(false, 1)){db.GetTable<T>().InsertOnSubmit(obj);db.SubmitChanges();}}如何使用DatabaseHelper示例1:Insert 方法protected override ActivityExecutionStatusExecute(ActivityExecutionContext executionContext){using (var db = DatabaseHelper.GetDashboardData()){Widget w = db.Widgets.Single(a => a.ID == WidgetId);WidgetInstance wi = new WidgetInstance();wi.Title = ;wi.PageId = PageId;wi.CreatedDate = stUpdate = DateTime.Now;wi.VersionNo = 1;wi.State = string.Empty;wi.WidgetId = w.ID;wi.Expanded = true;wi.State = w.DefaultState;DatabaseHelper.Insert<WidgetInstance>(wi);this.NewWidget = wi;}return ActivityExecutionStatus.Closed;}示例2:Update 方法protected override ActivityExecutionStatusExecute(ActivityExecutionContext executionContext){DatabaseHelper.Update<WidgetInstance>(this.WidgetInstance, (wi) => wi.Detach(),(wi) => wi.State = this.State);return ActivityExecutionStatus.Closed;}5、LINQ 用法示例。
