桂林 医学院研 究生院( 广西桂林 5 4 1 0 0 1 ) ; 桂林 医学院附属 医院 护理部 , 。 重症医学科 ( 广西桂林 5 4 1 0 0 1 )
【 摘要 】 目的 探 讨吸入高浓度氢气对局灶性脑缺血再 灌注 ( I / R ) 损 伤大 鼠脑 皮质神经 细胞 凋亡及 凋亡相
Chi n a
C o r r e s p o n d i n g a u t h o r :T A N l ‘ D 一x i n g .E —ma i l :t a n y o n g x i n g 2 4 @ 1 6 3 . c o n r
【 A b s t r a c t 】 O b j e c t i v e T o i n v e s t i g a t e t h e e f f e c t s o f i n h a l a t i o n o f h 5 g h c o n c e n t r a t i o n s h y d r o g e n g a s o n n e u r o n a l 印一
脑 梗 死 面积 , 改 善 大 鼠脑 I / R后 的神 经功 能评 分 , 对 大 鼠脑 R损 伤 起 到 一 定 的保 护 作 用 。
【 关键 词 】 氢气; 脑缺血再灌注 ; 细胞 凋亡 ; 凋亡相 关蛋 白
Ef f e c t s o f i n h a l i n g h i g h c o n c e n t r a t i o n s h y d r o g e n g a s o n n e u r o n a l a p o p t o s i s a n d t h e e x p r e s s i o n o f a p o p t o s i s r e l a t e d
67富氢水疾病治疗作用的研究进展刘文超 秦 川( 铜川职业技术学院医学系,陕西 铜川 727031 )【摘 要】近年来的相关研究表明氢是一种理想的选择性抗氧化物质,对多种疾病具有明显的防治作用。
1.氢气的选择性抗氧化及其治疗疾病机制1.1 氢气的选择性抗氧化人在病理状态下,自由基产生过多会导致氧化应激(Oxidative Stress,OS)产生,过多的自由基会对DNA和蛋白质造成损伤,最终引发各类疾病。
在2007年5月的Nature medicine上,日本学者Ohsawa等[1]报道了他们的研究结果,通过细胞实验和动物模型研究,他们发现在非高压条件下,给予少量的氢气能够选择性地清除氧自由基。
1.2 氢气治疗疾病的机制氢气除了能够通过选择性清除自由基减少氧化损伤,防治多种疾病外,还有研究发现,氢气还可以通过提高内源性生物酶活性。
在炎症反应中,氢气可降低白介素-1β(IL -1β)、白介素-6(IL-6)、肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)、细胞间黏附分子-1(ICAM-1)水平,从而起到抗炎的作用。
Advances in Clinical Medicine 临床医学进展, 2023, 13(9), 14331-14337 Published Online September 2023 in Hans. https:///journal/acm https:///10.12677/acm.2023.1392004高氧富氢液对缺血缺氧状态下的器官功能保护作用及研究进展马萌茁1*,徐 浩2#1西安医学院临床医学院,陕西 西安 2西安医学院基础医学研究所,陕西 西安收稿日期:2023年8月12日;录用日期:2023年9月6日;发布日期:2023年9月12日摘要 目前,临床上对于缺血缺氧性损伤还缺乏理想的治疗手段。
本文就HHOS 的制备、器官保护作用及机理和存在的问题等进行了综述。
关键词高氧富氢液,缺血缺氧性损伤,器官功能保护Research Progress on the Protective Effect of Hyperoxic Hydrogen-Rich Solution on Organ Function under Ischemia and Hypoxia Mengzhuo Ma 1*, Hao Xu 2#1School of Clinical Medicine, Xi’an Medical University, Xi’an Shaanxi 2Institution of Basic Medical Science, Xi’an Medical University, Xi’an ShaanxiReceived: Aug. 12th , 2023; accepted: Sep. 6th , 2023; published: Sep. 12th , 2023AbstractAt present, there is still a lack of ideal treatment for hypoxic-ischemic injury in clinical practice. *第一作者。
P r o t e c t i v e e f f e c t s o f h y d r o g e n - r i c h s a l i n e o n s y s t e mi c o x i d a t i v e s t r e s s i n r a t s wi t h s e v e r e t r a u ma t i c b r a i n i n j u r y
重庆 医学 2 0 1 4年 3月第 4 3卷 第 8期
9 43
ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้论著 ・基础研 究
富氢 生理 盐 水对 大 鼠重 度颅 脑 损 伤 后 氧化 应 激保 护 作 用 的研 究
徐 其岭 , 闰 莉
( 1 . 郑 州人 民 医院神 经外 科 , 郑州 4 5 0 0 0 0 ; 2 . 河 南省人 民 医院 C T 室, 郑州 4 5 0 0 0 0 )
2 . CTRo o m o f He n a n Pr o v i n c e Pe o p l e S Ho s pi t a l , Z h e n gz h o u, He n a n 4 5 0 0 0 0, C h i n a) Ab s t r a c t : 0b j e c t i v e To i n v e s t i g a t e t h e p r o t e c t i v e e f f e c t o f h y d r o g e n - r i c h s a l i n e o n s y s t e mi c o x i d a t i v e s t r e s s i n r a t s wi t h s e v e r e t r a u ma t i c b r a i n i n j u r y ( S TB I ) . Me t h o d s Ma l e Wi s t a r r a t s ( n一 6 0 )we r e d i v i d e d i n t o t h r e e g r o u p s r a n d o ml y: s h a m g r o u p , S TBI + n o r ma l s a l i n e g r o u p。 S TBI +h y d r o g e n - r i c h s a l i n e g r o u p . S TB I mo d e l wa s i n d u c e d b y c o n t r o l l e d c o r t i c a 1 i mp a c t i n i u r y . Hy d r o g e n -
方法雄性SD大鼠30只,体重220~260 g,随机分为3组(n=10):假手术组(Sham组)、缺血再灌注组(I/R组)和氢气组(H2组)。
再灌注1h后,采用ELISA法检测肺组织中白细胞介素-6(IL-6)、肿瘤坏死因子α(TNF-α)的水平,采用黄嘌呤氧化酶法和硫代巴比妥酸法检测肺组织中超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)的活性和丙二醛(MDA)的水平,并且用Western blot方法测定凋亡相关蛋白caspase-3和caspase-9的含量。
氢盐水治疗大鼠脑缺血再灌注损伤的效应和机制研究博士学位论文 精品
第二军医大学博士学位论文氢盐水治疗大鼠脑缺血再灌注损伤的效应和机制研究姓名:张威申请学位级别:博士专业:神经病学指导教师:丁素菊2011-06氢盐水治疗大鼠缺血再灌注损伤的效应和机制研究摘 要卒中在全世界范围内具有“三高”的特征,高致死率、高发病率、高致残率。
在2007年日本科学家Ikuroh Ohsawa在《Nature Medicine》上发表一篇名为《Hydrogen acts as a therapeutic antioxidant by selectively reducing cytotoxic oxygen radicals》的文章,首次提出让大鼠呼吸浓度2%氢气的方法,可以选择性的清除自由基。
本课题组经过理论推算,发现如果将纯氢在生理盐水中溶解,经过一定的处理,使其达到饱和溶解,可制造出氢的生理盐水饱和溶液(已申请国家专利),经气相色谱仪器测量,氢盐水中含有氢气的浓度为 1.8%,这样就可通过注射氢溶液的方法给药。
除SH组外,其他各组通过结扎左冠状动脉前降支30 min后恢复血流并持续120 min,制作大鼠缺血再灌注损伤模型。
观察并记录缺血前(T0)、再灌注即刻(T1)、再灌注30 min(T2)、再灌注60 min (T3)、再灌注120 min(T4)各时点的心率(HR)、平均动脉压(MAP),并在再灌注120 min时从尾静脉抽取 5 ml静脉血,进行血清肌酸激酶同工酶(CK-MB)、心肌肌钙蛋白I(cTnI)检测。
[Abstract] Objective To explore the impact of inhaling hydrogen on rats with myocardial ischemia reperfusion injury rat. Methods 40 male rats were randomly divided into 4 groups:sham-operated group (SH group),ischemia reperfusion group (I/R group),1% hydrogen group (1%H2 group)and 2% hydrogen group (2%H2 group),each group had 10 rats.Apart from SH group,ischemia reperfusion injury rats model were made by ligation left anterior descending coronary artery for 30 min and then restored blood flow for continuing 120 min.Appropriate concentration of hydrogen were continuous inhaled in 1%H2 group and 2%H2 group.Heart rate (HR)before ischemia (T0),immediate reperfusion (T1),reperfusion for 30 min (T2),reperfusion for 60 min (T3)reperfusion for 120 min (T4)and mean arterial pressure (MAP)were observed and recorded.5 ml venous blood was extracted at 120 min after reperfusion.Creatine kinase-MB (CK-MB)and cardiac troponin I (cTnI)were tested.Then the rats were killed and hearts were removed.The area of myocardial infarction area was calculated and the levels of 8-hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG),high mobility group box 1 (HMGB1),nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB),tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α)and interleukin-6 (IL-6)were tested by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Results The HR had no significant difference at different time among 4 pared with SH group,the infarction area,lelves of CK-MB,cTnI,8-OHdG,HMGB1,NF-κB,TNF-α and IL-6 in I/R group,1%H2 group and 2%H2 group significantly increased,while the level of MAP decreased (P<0.05).Compared with I/R group,the infarction area,levels of CK-MB,cTnI,8-OHdG,HMGB1,NF-κB,TNF-α and IL-6 in 1%H2 group and 2%H2 group significantly decreased,while the level of MAP increased (P<0.05).The index between 1%H2 group and 2%H2 group had no significant difference (P>0.05). Conclusion Inhaling hydrogen can alleviate myocardial ischemia reperfusion injury in rat.The mechanism may be related to inflammatory reaction and inhibit oxidative stress injury of hydrogen.[Key words] Hydrogen;Heart;Ischemia reperfusion injury近年来,随着心肌梗死后溶栓治疗、经皮冠状动脉介入治疗术(PCI)不断在临床中普及,心肌缺血后的再灌注可能造成缺血部分心肌发生更严重的损伤,如心力衰竭、血压下降,甚至心跳骤体等,严重影响患者的临床预后。
方法雄性SD 大鼠90只,建立四血管阻塞全脑缺血(15m i n)再灌注损伤模型,分为3组:假手术组(n =30),模型组(再灌注同时腹腔注射等渗盐水5m l/kg ,n=30)和治疗组(再灌注同时腹腔注射0.6mm ol/L 富氢液5m l/kg ,n =30),检测各组再灌注24h 海马丙二醛(m a l ondialdehyde ,MDA)浓度、肿瘤坏死因子(t u m or necrosis factor ,TNF)浓度、核因子B (nuclear factor kappaB ,NF B)免疫组化阳性细胞数和活化caspase 3的表达水平以及再灌注72h 海马CA1区HE 染色未损伤锥体细胞数。
结果与模型组相比,治疗组海马MDA 浓度、TNF浓度和NFB 阳性细胞数活均显著下降(P <0.01);活化caspase 3蛋白表达显著降低(P <0.05);海马CA1区锥体细胞数显著增多(P <0.01)。
结论腹腔注射富氢液能够有效减轻全脑缺血(15m in)后再灌注时大鼠脑的氧化应激和炎症反应,进而缓减再灌注损伤。
[关键词]富氢液;氧化应激;全脑缺血;再灌注;caspase 3[中图分类号]R 743.31[文献标志码]A[文章编号]10088199(2011)06057305基金项目:南京军区医药卫生科研基金(06MA131)作者单位:221002徐州,徐州医学院/江苏省麻醉学重点实验室[惠康丽(医学硕士研究生)、李丹];210002南京,南京军区南京总医院麻醉科(惠康丽、周玉弟、苗晓蕾、嵇晴、段满林);210002南京,南京军区南京总医院训练中心(韩云飞);200025上海,上海交通大学附属瑞金医院麻醉科(封小美);33上海,第二军医大学潜水医学系(孙学军)通讯作者段满林,@63H ydrogen r ich sa li ne reduces the i n jury fro m tran sien t globa l cer ebra l ische m ia rep er fusion i n ra ts HU I Kang li 1,2,HA N Yun f e i 3,Z HOU Yu d i 2,LI Dan 1,M I AO X iao lei 2,JI Q i ng 2,FE NG X iao mei 4,S UN Xue j un 5,D UAN Man lin2(1.K e y Labo ra to ry o f Anesthesiolo gy o f J iangsu Pro vince ,Xuz houM e dic a l Colle ge ,Xuz ho u 221002,J iangsu ,China;2.De pa rt m e nt o f Anesthesiolo gy ,N anjing Ge ne ra l H os pita l o f N anji ng M ilitary Co mmand ,PL A ,N anjing 210002,J iangs u ,China;3.Tra ining Ce nte r for Me d ica lP ro fessio na ls ,N anjing Ge nera lH os pita l o f N anjing M ili t a ry Co mmand ,PL A ,N anjing 210002,J iangsu ,China;4.D e part me nt o f Anesthesiolo gy ,RuijinH os pita l ,Sha n g ha i J iaoto ng Un iv ersit y ,Shangha i 200025,Ch i na;5.De pa rt m ent o f D iv ing Me d icine ,The Sec on d M ilit a ryMe d ica l Univ ersit y ,Shan gha i 200433,China )[Abstr a ct ]O bjectiveA fter hypoxia i sche m ia ,bra i n tissues generate excessi ve free rad i ca lswhich w ill dam age cells and tiss ues .R ecently ,it was reported that H 2dissolved i n the m edi um co u l d selectively reduce hydroxyl radical (O H -)and pero xyn itr i te (O NOO )i n cu lt ured ce lls .Our resea rch a i m s to observe the e ffect of i ntraper it oneal i n j ectio n of hy drogen r ich sa li ne on transient glo ba l ce rebra l i sche m ia reperfusi on i njury i n ratsh .M ethod s Mode l s of gl oba l cerebra l i sche m i a (15m i n)and reperfusi on with afo ur vesse l occ l usi on we re establi shed i n 90ma le SD rats and d i vided i nto t hree groups of equa l nu m ber :sha m operati on ,m o de l andtreat m ent .The rats of the m o de l gro up unde r went reper f usio n andsi m ultaneous i ntrape rito nea l i n jecti on of isot on i c sali ne soluti on ,wh ile those i n the treat m ent group rece i ved reper f usio n and s i m u ltaneo us i n trape ritonea l i njecti on of 0.6mmol/L hy drogen water ,both at 5m l/kg .Then we de tected the concentra ti ons ofMD A and TNF ,the positive ce ll count in NFB by i m m uno h istochem ica l sta i n i ng ,theexpress i on level of acti vated caspase 3,and t he number of pyra m i da l f f f R ,f f MD T NF ,f f NFB f2004:E -m a i :l dm l 190011.co mcells i n the CA1regio n o the h i ppoca m pus a t 72h o reper usi on .e s u ltsCo m pared w it h the m o de l gro up the treat ment gro upsho wed a s i gni icant decrease i n the co ncentrati ons o A and the nu mber o positi ve cells o in t he CA1reg i on othe hippoca mpus(P<0.01)and the expressi on of acti va ted caspase3prote i ns(P<0.05),and a re m arkab le i ncrease i n the nu m ber of pyram ida l cell s(P<0.01).C on clusi on Intraperitonea l i n jecti on of hydro gen r i ch sali ne can protect the brain fro m oxi dati ve stress and i nfla mm atory reacti on a fter gl oba l cerebral ischem ia reperfusi on i n rats,and t hus reduce reperf usio n i nduced i n j ury.[K ey wor ds]H ydrogen rich sali ne;Oxi dati ve stress;G lo ba l cerebra l i sche m ia;R eper f usi on;Caspase30引言氧化应激和炎症反应是脑缺血再灌注的2个重要损伤机制[1]。
中 罔中西医结合急救杂志 2018年 5月第 25卷第 3期 Chin JTCMWM Crit Care,May 2018,Vo1.25,No.3
富氢水对创 伤性脑损伤后大 鼠脑 内 水 通 道 蛋 白 4表 达 的影 响
· 论 著 ·
陈先俊 王迪 芬 刘颖 袁 佳 张 海玲
550004贵 州贵阳 ,贵州医科 大学附属医院重症医学科 通讯作者 :王迪芬 ,Email:1078666485@qq.com DOI:10.3969 ̄.issn.1008-9691.2018.03.002
【摘 要 】 目 的 观 察 富 氢 水 对 大 鼠 急 性 创 伤 性 颅 脑 损 伤 (TBI)后 脑 组 织 含 水 量 及 水 通 道 蛋 白 4(AQP4) 表达 的影 响并探讨 其作用 机制 。方法 将 90只成 年雄性 SD大 鼠按 随机数 字表法分 为假 手术组 (Sham组 )、 TBI模 型 组 (TBI组 )和 富 氢 水 十 预 组 (HRW 组 ),每 组 30只 。 采 用 颅 脑 撞 击 法 复 制 TBI模 型 ,Sham 组 只 开 颅 窗 、骨蜡封闭缝合 ,不 撞击 。制模成功后 ,HRW 组经腹腔注射 富氢水 5 mL/kg,Sham组 和 TBI组 给予 等量 生理 盐水 ,均每 日 1次 ,共 5 d。于术后 6、12、24、48 h和 5 d测定各组 大鼠神经损伤严重缺损评分 (NSS)、脑组织含 水 量 ;并 检 测 各 组 大 鼠 大 脑 皮 质 AQP4 mRNA、AQP4阳性 表 达 、AQP4蛋 白表 达 以 及 蛋 白激 酶 C(PKC)活 性 。 结果 ① Sham组各 时间点 NSS评分均 为 0分 ;TBI组各 时间点 NSS评分及脑 组织含水 量均呈先 升高后 降低 的趋势 ,术后 24 h达 峰值后逐渐 降低 ;富氢水 干预可 明显 降低 NSS评分 及脑组织 含水量 ,术后 24 h与模 型组 比较降低最 著 [NSS评分 (分 ):5.50±1.87比 10.50±2.42,脑组织 含水量 :(78.78±0.65)% 比(79.98±0.61)%, 均 P<0.05]。② Sham组 各 时 间点 AQP4 mRNA表 达 均 为 l;TBI组 和 HRW 组各 时 间点 AQP4 mRNA表达 与 Sham组 比较均呈先 降低后升高 的趋 势 ,术后 24 h达谷值 (2 “:0.33±0.06、0.36±0.12比 1,均 P>0.05 o ③ 免疫 组化显 示 ,Sham组各 时间点 脑组织 AQP4主要 表达 于星形 胶质 细胞 ;TBI组各 时间点损 伤 区域星彤 胶 质细胞 AQP4阳性表 达均减 少 ,以 24 h时最为 显著 ;HRW 组各 时间点 AQP4阳性 表达 较 TBI组显 著增 高 , 术后 12 h起两组 出现统计学差异 [吸光度 (A)值 :0.206-4-0.010比 0.170±0.014,P<0.05]。④ 与 Sham组 比较 , TBI组各 时间点 AQP4蛋 白表达均显著降低 ,并 于术后 24 h达最低值 (灰度值 :0.282±0.100比 1.281±0.115); HRW 组 各 时 间 点 AQP4蛋 白表 达 均 较 TBI组 显 著 增 高 ,术 后 12 h起 两 组 出 现 统 计 学 差 异 (灰 度值 :0.681±0.096 比 0.420±0.090,P<0.05 o⑤ 与 Sham组 比较 ,TBI组各 时间点 PKC活性 显著降低 ;使用 富氢水十 预后 PKC 活 性 显 著 升 高 ,并 于 术 后 24 h达 最 高 值 (4值 :2.67±0.52比 1.51±0.42,P<0.05)。 ⑥ 相 关 性 分 析 :脑 组 织 PKC活 性 与脑 组 织 含水 量 呈 显 著 负 相 关 (r2=0.209,,J< 0.001);与 AQP4蛋 白表 达 量 呈 显 著 正相 关 (r2=0.406, 尸<0.001 o结论 HRW 可 改善 TBI大 鼠脑组 织水肿 ,其 机制 可能与 上调脑 组织 AQP4蛋 白表达 和增加 PKC 活性有关 。
结果:与C组比较,R组和R+H组肠黏膜损伤明显,Chiu’s评分升高(P< 0.05);R+H组Chiu’s评分低于R组(P<0.05)。
肠缺血再灌注后PT、APTT、TT、PT-INR显著高于C组,FIB低于C组(P< 0.05);R+H组PT、APTT、TT、PT-INR低于R组,而FIB高于R组(P<0.05);C组与H组相比,肠黏膜损伤、凝血功能指标无明显差异(P>0.05)。
关键词大鼠;肠缺血再灌注;富氢盐水;凝血功能;出血中图分类号R363.1文献标志码A doi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-3351.2019.02.003Effect of hydrogen-rich saline on the coagulation function in rats afterintestinal ischemia-reperfusionFAN Xin,DU Juan,YANG Bo,ZHOU JunDepartment of Anesthesiology,the Affiliated Hospital of Southwest Medical University,Luzhou646000,Sichuan Province,ChinaAbstract Objective:To investigate the change in the coagulation function after intestinal ischemia-reperfu⁃sion in rats and the protective effect of hydrogen-rich saline against abnormal coagulation function.Methods:A to⁃tal of32Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into normal saline control group(C group),hydrogen-rich sa⁃line control group(H group),intestinal ischemia-reperfusion group(R group),and intestinal ischemia-reperfusion+ hydrogen-rich saline treatment group(R+H group),with8rats in each group.The superior mesenteric artery was clamped by a non-invasive arterial clamp to establish a rat model of intestinal ischemia-reperfusion,with ischemic treatment for90minutes followed by reperfusion for2hours.The rats in the control group were given isolation of the superior mesenteric artery without clamping,and those in the R+H group were injected with hydrogen-rich saline (10mL/kg)via the caudal vein at10minutes before reperfusion.Small intestine samples were collected after model⁃ing and HE staining was used to evaluate the degree of intestinal mucosal injury.Blood samples were collected from the abdominal aorta to measure prothrombin time(PT),activated partial thromboplastin time(APTT),thrombin time (TT),fibrinogen(FIB),and prothrombin time/international normalized ratio(PT-INR).Results:Compared with the C group,the R group and the R+H group had a significantly higher degree of intestinal mucosal injury and a signifi⁃基金项目:国家自然科学基金(81873930)第一作者简介:范馨,硕士生。
《中国组织工程研究》 Chinese Journal of Tissue Engineering Researchwww.CRTER .org·研究原著·王赞,女,1991年生,河北省石家庄市人,汉族,河北大学在读硕士,主要从事药理学心血管方向研究。
通讯作者:周玉娟,硕士,教授,硕士生导师,河北大学医学院,河北省保定市 071000并列通讯作者:刘福林,硕士,主任医师,教授,硕士生导师,河北大学附属医院,河北省保定市 071000中图分类号:R318 文献标识码:B稿件接受:2017-10-07Wang Zan, Master candidate, School of Medicine, Hebei University, Baoding 071000, Hebei Province, ChinaCorresponding author: Zhou Yu-juan, Master, Professor, Master’s supervisor, School of Medicine, Hebei University, Baoding 071000, Hebei Province, ChinaCorresponding author: Liu Fu-lin, Master, Chief physician, Professor, Master’s supervisor, Affiliated Hospital of Hebei University, Baoding 071000, Hebei Province, China富氢水对心肌缺血再灌注模型大鼠心肌损伤的保护作用王 赞1,刘 莉1,张 喆1,孙晓宇1,李翔子1,李志林2,刘福林3,周玉娟1 (河北大学,1医学院,2化学院,河北省保定市 071000; 3河北大学附属医院,河北省保定市 071000)DOI:10.3969/j.issn.2095-4344.0141 ORCID: 0000-0003-0811-8292(王赞)文章快速阅读:文题释义:氢化酶体:氢化酶体(hydrogenosome)一种膜包裹的球状细胞器,双膜结构,其中含有氢化酶、丙酮酸铁氧还蛋白氧化还原酶、乙酸:琥珀酸辅酶A 转移酶和琥珀酸连接酶、SOD 、苹果酸脱氢酶、铁氧还蛋白,腺苷酸激酶和NADH:铁氧还蛋白等。
富氢盐水对高压电烧伤大鼠缺血再灌注损伤指标及炎性因子水平的影响作者:魏伟邵洪波张桂华李晰张庆富冯建科来源:《中国医药导报》2017年第10期[摘要] 目的探讨富氢盐水对高压电烧伤大鼠缺血再灌注损伤指标、白细胞介素-8(IL-8)以及肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)水平的影响。
结果治疗组大鼠血浆6-keto-PGF1α和TXB2水平显著高于空白对照组(P < 0.01),显著低于实验组和阳性对照组(P < 0.01)。
治疗组大鼠组织SOD水平显著低于空白对照组(P < 0.01),显著高于实验组和阳性对照组(P < 0.01);治疗组大鼠组织XOD及MDA水平显著高于空白对照组(P < 0.01),显著低于实验组和阳性对照组(P < 0.01)。
治疗组大鼠组织TNF-α及IL-8水平显著高于空白对照组(P < 0.01),显著低于实验组和阳性对照组(P < 0.01)。
[关键词] 富氢盐水;高压电烧伤大鼠;缺血再灌注损伤;白细胞介素-8;肿瘤坏死因子-α[中图分类号] R-332 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2017)04(a)-0022-05[Abstract] Objective To investigate influence of hydrogen rich saline on ischemia reperfusion injury indexes, IL-8, TNF-α levels in high voltage burn rats. Methods 60 male SPF r ats were selected and divided into four groups by random number table method. There were intraperitoneal injection of saline as high-voltage burn experimental group, intraperitoneal injection of hydrogen rich saline as high voltage burn treatment group, injection of physiological saline without high voltage burn as blank control group, intraperitoneal injection of papaverine with high-voltage burn as positive control group. Each group had 15 rats. After treatment, plasma 6-Keto-PGF1α, TXB2 levels were detected. XOD, MDA, SOD, TNF-α and IL-8 levels of high voltage burn tissues were detected. Results Plasma 6-Keto-PGF1α, TXB2 levels in treatment group were significantly higher than those in blank control group (P < 0.01), which were significantly lower than those in experimental group and positive control group (P < 0.01). SOD level in treatment group was significantly lower than that in blank control group (P < 0.01), which were significantly higher than that in experimental group and positive control group (P < 0.01). XOD, MDA levels in treatment group were significantly higher than those in blank control group (P < 0.01), whichwere significantly lower than those in experimental group and positive control group (P < 0.01). TNF-α, IL-8 levels in treatment group were significantly higher than those in blank control group (P < 0.01), which were significantly lower than those in experimental group and positive control group (P < 0.01). Conclusion Hydrogen rich saline in the treatment of high voltage burn rats can effectively protect the damaged area and maximum degree of reduction ischemia reperfusion injury,which can also effective inhibition of cellular oxidative stress and control of inflammatory factor expression. Which may be the main mechanism of hydrogen rich saline.[Key words] Rich hydrogen saline; High voltage burn rats; Ischemia reperfusion injury; IL-8; TNF-α一般情况下,将流通过人体诱发的电接触烧伤、电弧烧伤以及闪电烧伤等统称为电烧伤,其中临床中最为常见的为电接触烧伤。
富氢水预处理对大鼠肝缺血再灌注损伤的保护研究孙丰伟;韩玉刚;孟令国【摘要】Objective:To investigate the effects of hydrogen - rich suline postcondi - tioning on hepatic ischemia -reperfusion injury in rats. Methods:Thirty healthy male SD rats weighing 220 ~ 250g were randomly divided into 3 groups(n= 10 each):Shame operaton group( Sham group),ischemia - reperfusion group( IR group)and hydrogen - rich suline groups(HS groups)In Sham group hepatic portal was only exposed but not ligated. IR group the left and middle lobes of he-patic pedicle,portal vein and hepatic artery were clamped for 60 min and then reperfused. HS groups 3 days before the sur-gery were received oral 2% rich hydrogen - rich water(40 ml·kg - 1 ·d - 1 ). Blood samples were collected for measuring the activity of alanine transaminase(ALT)and aspartate transaminase(AST)in serm at 6h after reperfusion. Liver tissue samples were collected for pathologic examination. Results :Compared with Sham group,the activities of ALT and AST was increased,Compared with IR group,the activities of ALT and AST in serm was decreased. Hepatic tissue pathologic injury was reduced in HS groups as compared with IR group. Conclusion:Hydrogen - rich suline preconditioning can reduce hc-patic ischemia - reperfusion injury in rats.%目的:探讨富氢水预处理对大鼠肝缺血再灌注损伤的影响。
H1组大鼠在再灌注即刻,经腹腔注射富氢液5 mL/kg (浓度0.6 mmol/L)。
H2组大鼠在再灌注后6 h,经腹腔注射富氢液5 mL /kg(浓度0.6 mmol/L)。
再灌注24 h后,分别测定海马组织丙二醛(MDA)、肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)和白细胞介素-6(IL-6)的含量。
H1组与H2组海马组织的MDA含量、TNF-α和IL-6水平无显著差异( P>0.05)。
%Objective:To observe the effect of hydrogen-rich saline given at different time point after reperfusion in rats with transient global cerebral is-chemia-reperfusion.Methods:Adult male Sprague-Dawley rats of clean grade were randomized into 4 groups: i.e., sham operative group (S), cerebral ischemia-reperfusion group ( I/R) , I/R plus hydrogen-rich saline injected at the beginning of reperfusion group ( H1 ) ,and I/R plus hydrogen-rich saline injected at 6h after reperfusion group (H2).Rat models of global cerebral ischemia-reperfusion were developed with four-vessel occlusion technique for groups of I/R, H1 and H2 .Rats in H1 group were intraperitoneally injected with hydrogen-rich saline in dose of 5mL/kg(0.6 mmol/L) immediately after reperfusion, and those in H2 group were intraperitoneally administered with the same agent and same dosage after 6 h of reperfusion.Rats in I/R group were given equal volume of normal saline.At 24 h of reperfusion, the hippocampus was taken from the above animals and detected for malondialdehyde (MDA), tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α) and interlukin-6 (IL-6) level.Results:Compared to I/R group, the concentrations of MDA, TNF-αand IL-6 were significantly reduced in H1 and H2 group (P <0.05), yet the difference was not significant between H1 group and H2 group (P >0.05).Conclusion:Intraperitoneal administration of hydrogen-rich saline at different time point after reperfusion may reduce the brain injury of rats suffered from global cerebral ischemia-reperfusion.However, there is no difference in the efficacy between the two administration methods .【总页数】3页(P388-390)【作者】刘杨;徐苗苗;胡玉萍;余志阳;段满林;惠康丽【作者单位】南京军区南京总医院麻醉科,江苏南京 210002;南京军区南京总医院麻醉科,江苏南京 210002;南京军区南京总医院麻醉科,江苏南京 210002;南京军区南京总医院麻醉科,江苏南京 210002;南京军区南京总医院麻醉科,江苏南京 210002;南京军区南京总医院麻醉科,江苏南京 210002【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R743.3【相关文献】1.富氢液对大鼠全脑缺血-再灌注损伤后XIAP和Smac的影响 [J], 戴琼艳;惠康丽;赵琳;张露;高宇;吴淋;龙云;段满林2.富氢液对脓毒血症大鼠肠损伤的影响 [J], 王星明;董琳;纪木火;曾秋婷;管双仙;李国民;杨建军3.富氢液多次给药对大鼠全脑缺血再灌注损伤的影响 [J], 韩云飞;惠康丽;吴智方;刘杨;嵇晴;孙学军;段满林4.富氢液对大鼠全脑缺血再灌注损伤的影响 [J], 惠康丽;韩云飞;周玉弟;李丹;苗晓蕾;嵇晴;封小美;孙学军;段满林5.富氢液通过PI3K通路减轻大鼠脑缺血再灌注损伤 [J], 陈克研;董婉维因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
富氢液联合浅低温对大鼠脑缺血再灌注海马氧化应激水平的影响李丹;王志萍;宗剑;段满林;徐建国【期刊名称】《医学研究生学报》【年(卷),期】2012(25)1【摘要】Objective During cerebral ischemia-reperfusion, hydrogen-rich saline and mild hypothermia could affect the level of oxidative stress. Our experiment aims to investigate the effect of hydrogen-rich saline in combination with mild hypothermia on the level of hippocampus oxidative stress in rats with global cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury. Methods Fifty male SD rats were randomly divided into 5 groups of equal number: sham operation (S) , model (C) , hygrogen-rich saline + model (W) , mild hypothermia + model (P) , and mild hypothermia + hydrogen-rich saline + model (WP) . The rats in the W and WP groups received intraperitoneal injection of hydrogen-rich saline at 5 ml/kg immediately after ischemia-reperfusion, while those in the other three groups received the same volume of saline. The body temperature of the rats in the W and WP groups was cooled down by the physical method to 32 - 34 ℃ within 15 minutes and maintained at it for 6 hours, while that of the other three groups kept at 37 - 38 ℃. All the animals were killed 6 hours after cerebral ischemia-reperfusion, and the hippocampus removed. The morphology of the hippocampal neuron was observed by HE staining, the expression ofHO-1 detected by immunohistochemistry, and the activities of glutathion eperoxidase (GSH-Px) and myeloperoxidase (MPO) measured by chemical spectrophotometry. Results Compared with the C group, the W, P and WP groups showed compact arrangement of hip-pocampal neuron, less denatured neurons, more HO-1 immunopositive cells, lower content of MPO (P <0. 05) , and higher expression of GSH-Px (P<0.05). Conclusion Hydrogen-rich saline and mild hypothermia can influence the oxidative stress level of the hippocampus in rats with global cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury by inducing the expression of HO-1 , decreasing that of MPO and increasing the activity of GSH-Px.%目的在脑缺血再灌注过程中,富氢液和浅低温均可影响机体的氧化应激水平.探讨腹腔注射富氢液联合浅低温对大鼠脑缺血再灌注海马氧化应激水平的影响. 方法 50只雄性SD大鼠随机分为5组(n=10):假手术组(S组)、四血管结扎模型组(C组)、富氢液+模型组(W组)、浅低温+模型组(P组)和低温+富氢液+模型组(WP组).W和WP组在脑缺血再灌注即刻腹腔注射富氢液5 ml/kg,S、P和C组注射等容量等渗盐水.P和WP组通过全身物理降温15 min内将体温降至目标温度32~34℃,维持6h,其余3组维持在37~38℃.所有大鼠在缺血再灌注6h时处死,分离海马.苏木精-伊红染色(HE染色),观察海马神经元形态;免疫组化法观察血红素氧合酶-1(heme oxygenase-1,HO-1)的表达;化学分光光度计法测海马谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶( glutathion eperoxidase,GSH-Px)和髓过氧化物酶(myeloperoxidase,MPO)活性. 结果与C 组比较,P、W和WP组海马神经元结构排列紧凑、变性神经元减少;海马HO-1免疫阳性细胞增多.与C组比较,P、W、和WP组MPO含量降低(P<0.05),GSH-Px含量增高(P<0.05),WP组变化最明显. 结论富氢液联合浅低温治疗可通过诱导海马HO-1蛋白表达、降低MPO和上调GSH-Px活性影响大鼠全脑缺血再灌注损伤氧化应激水平.【总页数】5页(P26-30)【作者】李丹;王志萍;宗剑;段满林;徐建国【作者单位】无锡市人民医院麻醉科;214023无锡,无锡市人民医院麻醉科;210002南京,南京军区南京总医院麻醉科;210002南京,南京军区南京总医院麻醉科;210002南京,南京军区南京总医院麻醉科【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R614.25【相关文献】1.富氢液多次给药对大鼠全脑缺血再灌注损伤的影响 [J], 韩云飞;惠康丽;吴智方;刘杨;嵇晴;孙学军;段满林2.富氢液对大鼠脑缺血/再灌注损伤后海马线粒体通透性转换孔及细胞凋亡的影响[J], 崔耀梅;程慧娴;曾宪明;曾秋婷;高玮;段满林;徐建国3.富氢液对大鼠全脑缺血再灌注损伤的影响 [J], 惠康丽;韩云飞;周玉弟;李丹;苗晓蕾;嵇晴;封小美;孙学军;段满林4.富氢液通过PI3K通路减轻大鼠脑缺血再灌注损伤 [J], 陈克研;董婉维5.依托咪酯联合富氢液对脓毒症小鼠氧化应激、炎症损伤情况及血清HMGB1、MDA水平的影响分析 [J], 全宗宗;罗海鸣因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
富氢水后处理对大鼠肾脏缺血再灌注后抗氧化损伤作用及机制研究彭本君;李艳玲【期刊名称】《泰山医学院学报》【年(卷),期】2017(038)010【摘要】目的探讨富氢水后处理对抗大鼠肾脏缺血再灌注(IR)后氧化应激损伤的作用及其机制.方法选择健康雄性SD大鼠30只,质量230~250 g,采用随机数字表法分为3组(n=10),假手术组(Sham组)、缺血再灌注组(IR组)和富氢水组(HS 组).Sham组:腹正中切口开腹,游离两侧肾脏,分离并结扎右侧肾蒂,分离左侧肾蒂不予结扎,暴露手术野30 min后缝合;IR组:分离左侧肾蒂并用动脉夹阻断血流,30 min后恢复血液灌注,制备大鼠肾脏缺血再灌注模型;HS组:前期处理同IR组,再灌前即刻给与2%富氢水(10 ml·kg-1·d-1)灌肠.其余两组同法给与同等剂量生理盐水.造模成功后,各组分别于再灌后3h、6h、12h、24h采取血清标本,测定各组大鼠血尿素氮(BUN)、血清肌酐(SCr)、血清超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、血清丙二醛(MDA).结果各组大鼠BUN和SCr水平与Sham组比较均明显升高(P<0.05).IR组BUN 和SCr水平随时间延长而逐渐升高,组间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).与IR组比较,HS组BUN和SCr各时间段水平均降低(P<0.05).SOD和MDA结果显示:各组与Sham组比较,IR组大鼠SOD水平均明显降低,MDA水平均明显升高,差别有统计学意义(P<0.05).与IR组比较,HS组SOD水平升高,MDA水平降低,差别有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论富氢水后处理对大鼠肾脏IRI可产生保护作用,作用机制可能是通过选择性抗氧化、抑制炎症因子释放来实现.【总页数】4页(P1101-1104)【作者】彭本君;李艳玲【作者单位】解放军第八十八医院肾内科,山东泰安 271000;解放军第八十八医院肾内科,山东泰安 271000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R692【相关文献】1.富氢水后处理对谷氨酸损伤后乳鼠离体脑片的保护作用 [J], 刘慧婷;王迪芬2.富氢盐水对肾脏缺血再灌注损伤的保护作用机制 [J], 部璇;王建军;白静;程爱斌3.缺血后处理对抗肾脏缺血-再灌注大鼠的抗氧化损伤的作用 [J], 云宇;段为钢;朱振东;武鸿翔;马加庆;王殿华4.褪黑素对缺血再灌注损伤大鼠肾脏的保护作用及其作用机制研究 [J], 于洪海;田艳霞;周朋哲;张金卓5.富氢水预处理对预防大鼠肝脏缺血再灌注损伤的病理学研究 [J], 孟令国;王新立;孙丰伟因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
富氢水后处理对谷氨酸损伤后乳鼠离体脑片的保护作用刘慧婷;王迪芬【期刊名称】《中国中西医结合急救杂志》【年(卷),期】2015(022)003【摘要】目的研究富氢水后处理对谷氨酸(Glu)介导的缺血/再灌注(I/R)损伤离体脑片的保护作用,并探讨其作用机制.方法切取并培养出生7 d SD乳鼠离体脑片,按随机数字表法分为正常对照组,Glu损伤组(1 mmol/L的Glu损伤30 min),富氢水后处理组(Glu损伤30 min后用含100μmol/L富氢水完全培养基处理),每3 h换液1次,共24 h,每组12孔.苏木素-伊红(HE)染色观察脑片神经细胞的变化;通过测定乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)释放率、尼氏小体计数、碱性成纤维生长因子(bFGF)数量观察各组脑片神经细胞的损伤程度.结果与正常对照组比较,Glu损伤组神经细胞数量稀少,结构不完整;LDH释放率、bFGF数量明显增高〔LDH释放率:(50.66±4.93)%比(20.15±5.14)%,bFGF数量(个/400倍视野):22.79±2.13比4.13±1.17,均P<0.01〕;尼氏小体数量减少(个/400倍视野:11.81±2.69比47.10±3.78,P<0.01).与Glu损伤组比较,富氢水后处理组脑片中神经细胞形态结构得到恢复,LDH释放率降低〔(39.13±3.66)%比(50.66±4.93)%〕,bFGF数量减少(个/400倍视野:14.22±1.22比22.79±2.13),尼氏小体数量增加(个/400倍视野:23.25±6.05比11.81±2.69),差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05).结论富氢水后处理对I/R损伤离体脑片具有一定的保护作用,其机制可能是减少兴奋性氨基酸毒性引起的自由基、钙超载及炎性因子,抑制细胞凋亡.【总页数】4页(P258-261)【作者】刘慧婷;王迪芬【作者单位】贵阳医学院,贵州贵阳 550004;贵阳医学院附属医院重症医学科,贵州贵阳 550004【正文语种】中文【相关文献】1.不同浓度丙泊酚后处理对谷氨酸致乳鼠离体脑片损伤的保护作用 [J], 王蔚;王耀丽;周健2.二氢石蒜碱对离体海马脑片缺氧/复氧损伤的保护作用及与NO的关系 [J], 张秋芳;曹院国;于龙顺;刘忠武;赵国举3.不同浓度依达拉奉预处理对新生大鼠脑片谷氨酸损伤的保护作用 [J], 黄丁丁;王迪芬;周晓峰;付江泉4.富氢水后处理对大鼠肾脏缺血再灌注后抗氧化损伤作用及机制研究 [J], 彭本君;李艳玲5.银杏达莫预处理对乳鼠离体脑片谷氨酸损伤的保护作用 [J], 陈广福因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
富氢生理盐水对大鼠痛风性关节炎的保护作用招友;樊彦伟;马广斌;严冬雪【期刊名称】《广东医学》【年(卷),期】2017(038)005【摘要】目的探讨富氢生理盐水对大鼠痛风性关节炎(GA)的保护作用.方法雄性Wistar大鼠40只,随机分为4组:正常对照组、模型组、秋水仙碱组、富氢盐水组,富氢盐水组予10 mL/kg富氢盐水,秋水仙碱组予0.3 mg/kg秋水仙碱,正常对照组、模型组给予同体积的吐温-生理盐水,各组均灌胃给药2次/d,连续给药4周,在最后1次灌胃后采用尿酸钠右踝关节腔注射法进行大鼠GA的造模.于造模前后分别测量大鼠受试关节周径,白细胞介素-1β(IL-1β)、肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)的含量,并取受试关节软组织行病理检查,结合大鼠的行为学表现对治疗效果进行评价.结果与模型组比较,富氢盐水组、秋水仙碱组大鼠步态有明显改善(P<0.05),受试关节周径明显缩小(P<0.01),血清中IL-1β、TNF-α表达水平显著降低(P<0.01),右踝关节滑膜炎症反应显著降低.结论富氢生理盐水能减轻GA大鼠炎症反应,对大鼠GA具有一定的疗效.%Objective To investigate the protective effects of hydrogen rich saline on acute gouty arthritis model in rats.Methods Forty rats were randomly divided into four groups,control group,model group,hydrogen rich saline group and colchicine group.In colchicine group,0.3 mg/kg colchicine were given with lavage;10 mL hydrogen rich saline were also given in hydrogen rich saline group continuously for 4 weeks.The control group and the model group were given with the same volume of Twain-saline.Acute gouty arthritis model was established at the last time afterpretreatment.The acute gouty arthritis models were established on the last time after intragastric administration,by the method of intraarticular injection of sodium urate.The subject joint circumference,interleukin-1 β (IL-1 β) and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) were measured before and after model establishment.The joint soft tissues were collected for histopathology examination.Besides,combine the behaviors of rats to evaluate the therapeutic effect.Results Compared to the modelgroup,significant improvement in joint circumference,gait,serum IL-1 β and TNF-α and the inflammatory reaction of subject ankle joint were revealed in colchicine group and hydrogen rich saline group colchicinegroup.Conclusion Hydrogen rich saline can reduce the inflammatory reaction and also effectively inhibit the gout arthritis in rats.【总页数】3页(P672-674)【作者】招友;樊彦伟;马广斌;严冬雪【作者单位】河池市人民医院骨科,广西河池547000;桂林医学院附属医院骨科,广西桂林541001;桂林医学院附属医院骨科,广西桂林541001;桂林医学院附属医院骨科,广西桂林541001【正文语种】中文【相关文献】1.富氢生理盐水对大鼠重度颅脑损伤后氧化应激保护作用的研究 [J], 徐其岭;闫莉2.富氢生理盐水对大鼠视网膜缺血再灌注损伤神经保护作用的研究 [J], 赵婷婷;耿立成3.富氢生理盐水对烟雾吸入所致大鼠急性肺损伤的保护作用 [J], 王大为;刘琪;陈兴;刘群4.富氢生理盐水对兔骨性关节炎的保护作用 [J], 黄永吉;马广斌;严冬雪5.富氢生理盐水对新生SD大鼠高氧肺损伤白介素-8含量及病理的影响 [J], 吴春友; 宋玉环; 苏永红因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
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论著(基础研究)富氢液对大鼠全脑缺血再灌注损伤的影响惠康丽,韩云飞,周玉弟,李 丹,苗晓蕾,嵇 晴,封小美,孙学军,段满林[摘要] 目的 脑组织缺血缺氧后,过量自由基产生,破坏组织细胞,形成再灌注损伤。
方法 雄性SD 大鼠90只,建立四血管阻塞全脑缺血(15m i n)再灌注损伤模型,分为3组:假手术组(n =30),模型组(再灌注同时腹腔注射等渗盐水5m l/kg ,n =30)和治疗组(再灌注同时腹腔注射0.6mm ol/L 富氢液5m l/kg ,n =30),检测各组再灌注24h 海马丙二醛(m a l ondialdehyde ,M DA )浓度、肿瘤坏死因子A (t u m or necrosis factor -A ,TNF-A )浓度、核因子-J B (nu -clear factor -kappaB ,NF-J B)免疫组化阳性细胞数和活化caspase -3的表达水平以及再灌注72h 海马CA 1区HE 染色未损伤锥体细胞数。
结果 与模型组相比,治疗组海马M DA 浓度、TNF-A 浓度和N F -J B 阳性细胞数活均显著下降(P <0.01);活化caspase -3蛋白表达显著降低(P <0.05);海马CA 1区锥体细胞数显著增多(P <0.01)。
结论 腹腔注射富氢液能够有效减轻全脑缺血(15m in)后再灌注时大鼠脑的氧化应激和炎症反应,进而缓减再灌注损伤。
[关键词]富氢液;氧化应激;全脑缺血;再灌注;caspase -3 [中图分类号] R 743.31 [文献标志码] A[文章编号] 1008-8199(2011)06-0573-05基金项目:南京军区医药卫生科研基金(06M A131)作者单位:221002徐州,徐州医学院/江苏省麻醉学重点实验室[惠康丽(医学硕士研究生)、李 丹];210002南京,南京军区南京总医院麻醉科(惠康丽、周玉弟、苗晓蕾、嵇 晴、段满林);210002南京,南京军区南京总医院训练中心(韩云飞);200025上海,上海交通大学附属瑞金医院麻醉科(封小美);200433上海,第二军医大学潜水医学系(孙学军)通讯作者:段满林,E -m a i :l dm l 19001@163.co mH ydrogen -rich sali n e reduces the i n jury fro m transient global cerebral ische m ia -reperfusion i n rats HU I Kang -li 1,2,HAN Yun -fe i 3,Z HOU Yu -d i 2,LI Dan 1,M I A O X iao -lei 2,JI Q i n g 2,FE NG X iao -m ei 4,SUN Xue -j u n 5,DUAN M an -lin2(1.K ey Laboratory o f Anesthesio logy of J iangsu Province ,XuzhouM edical College,X uzhou 221002,J iangsu,Chi -na;2.Depart m ent o f Anesthesiology,N anjing G eneral H os p ital o f N anji n g M ilitary C o mm and,PLA,N anjing 210002,J iangs u,China;3.Training C enter for M ed icalP rofessionals ,N anjing G eneralH os p ital of N anjing M ili -t a ry Co mm and,PLA,N anjing 210002,J iangsu,China;4.D epart m ent of Anesthesiology,RuijinH os p ital ,Shang-hai J iao tong Un iversit y ,Shanghai 200025,Ch i n a;5.Depart m ent of D iving M ed icine ,The Second M ilit a ry M ed ical Universit y ,Shanghai 200433,China)[Abstract ] O bjective A fter hypox ia -i sche m ia,bra i n tissues generate excessi ve free rad i ca lsw hich w ill dam age cells and tis -s ues .R ecently ,it w as repo rted that H 2disso lved i n the m edi um cou l d selectively reduce hydroxy l radical (OH -)and peroxyn itr i te (ONOO-)i n cu lt ured ce lls .O ur resea rch a i m s to observe the e ffect o f i ntraper it oneal i n j ection o f hydrogen -r ich sa li ne on transient g loba l ce rebra l i sche m ia -reperfusi on i njury i n ratsh . M ethod s M ode l s of g l oba l cerebra l i sche m i a (15m i n)and reperfusi on w ith a four -vesse l occ l usi on we re establi shed i n 90ma le SD rats and d i v ided i nto t hree g roups o f equa l nu m ber :sha m operati on ,m ode l andtreat m ent .The rats of the m ode l group unde r w ent reper f usion andsi m ultaneous i ntrape ritonea l i n jecti on o f iso t on i c sali ne soluti on ,wh ile those i n the treat m ent group rece i ved reper f usion and s i m u ltaneous i n -trape ritonea l i njecti on of 0.6mmo l/L hydrogen w ater ,both at 5m l/kg.T hen w e de tected the concentra ti ons ofM DA and TNF-A ,the positive ce ll count in N F -J B by i m m unoh istochem ica l sta i n i ng ,theexpress i on level of acti vated caspase -3,and t he number o f py ra m i da l cells i n the CA 1reg ion o f the h i ppoca m pus a t 72h o f reperfusi on . Re s u ltsCo m pared w it h the m ode l group ,the treat ment groupsho w ed a s i gnificant decrease i n the concentrati ons of M DA and TN F -A ,the nu mber o f positi ve cells o f N F -J B in t he CA1reg i on ofthe hippoca mpus(P<0.01)and the expressi on o f acti va ted caspase-3prote i ns(P<0.05),and a re m arkab le i ncrease i n the nu m ber o f py ram ida l cell s(P<0.01).Con clusi on Intraperitonea l i n jecti on o f hydrogen-r i ch sali ne can pro tect the brain from ox i dati v e stress and i nfla mm ato ry reacti on a fter g l oba l cerebral ischem ia-reperfusi on i n rats,and t hus reduce reperf usion-i nduced i n j ury.[K ey words]H ydrogen-rich sali ne;O x i dati ve stress;G loba l cerebra l i sche m ia;R eper f usi on;Caspase-30引言氧化应激和炎症反应是脑缺血再灌注的2个重要损伤机制[1]。
本研究通过建立大鼠四血管阻塞模型,观察海马锥体细胞形态学的改变,检测海马组织内TNF-A、NF-J B和细胞凋亡蛋白-3(cysteine-con-taini n g aspartate-specific protease-3,caspase-3)的表达水平的变化,来观察腹腔注射富氢液对全脑缺血再灌注损伤的影响并探讨其潜在的机制。
1材料与方法1.1实验动物成年健康雄性清洁级Sprague-Da w l e y(SD)大鼠,体重为(280?20)g,由南京军区南京总医院比较医学科提供,许可证号:SYXK(军) 2007-029,温度为23e,湿度为50%,12h明暗交替,术前禁食12h,不禁水。