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Summary of Joint Activities Under the MOU of China-U.S. Living Marine Resources Panel Meeting
2012. 10 上海 Oct. , 2012, Shanghai
Chinese Academ物资源协调小组会议于2011年6月13-17日在美国银 泉市召开。 The U.S.-China Joint Coordination Panel for Living Marine Resources (LMR) held its eighth meeting from June 13-17th, 2011 in Silver Spring, USA

Chairs: Prof. Liu Qing and Dr. Ned Cyr 26 delegates from NOAA MOA of US and World Bank 6 delegates from CAFS, CAS, SOA of China
Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences
总体回顾 General Review 2 3 4 项目进展情况 Progress Report 2011-2012 合作面临的问题Challenges 未来合作重点 Future Collaboration 结语 Conclusion
Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences
中方代表团成员分别作了题为“中国海洋生物资源管理概况”、“中国在全 球气候变化对渔业资源影响领域的研究进展”、“桑沟湾多营养层次综合养 殖模式”、“基于生态系统的亚热带海湾综合养殖技术研究”等10个报告。 报告内容受到了美国同行的广泛关注和好评。美方同行介绍了国家海洋与大 气局的组织框架、美国水产养殖研究重点、气候变化对渔业的影响、海洋酸 化的对鱼类生理学的影响、美国有害藻华的研究进展以及美国海洋保护物种 项目等方面的情况。世界银行的项目官员介绍了“鱼类2030”项目。 Presentations from China include: Overview Presentation on Fisheries and Living Marine Resources Management in China, Climate Change and Its Impact on Fisheries: Research Progress in China, Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA) in Sanggou Bay, IMTA in Sub Tropical Bays. Presentations from US include: overview presentation on the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and NOAA Fisheries Service, U.S. Aquaculture Research and Development , Climate and Vulnerability Assessments for Fisheries, Assessment and Monitoring of Ecological, Biodiversity, and Fisheries Impacts of Ocean Acidification, Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) Research in the U.S. , U.S. Conservation Programs for Marine Protected Species , Fish to 2030.

Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences

中美双方介绍了两国的海洋生物资源管理体系,讨论了短期和长期的 合作重点及优先合作领域,并就海洋生物资源协调工作组未来的工作 机制以及经费来源进行了磋商。

Both sides gave overviews of the LMR management mechanism and discussed short-term and long-term cooperation priorities. The mechanism to sustain future collaboration under the panel and funding issues were also highlighted.
Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences

经过讨论,双方同意通过推进两国间在水产养殖、气候变化、海洋酸 化、有害藻华、海洋牧场、濒危物种和栖息地保护等与海洋渔业相关 领域的合作。同时选择最重要的、对两国都有利的项目作为第8期的 海洋生物资源合作项目。 会议达成了2012年在中国举办“中美海洋生物资源协调工作组第9次 会议”的意向。 Topics of mutual interest included: aquaculture, climate and ocean acidification, harmful algal blooms, sea ranching, endangered species and habitat monitoring, assessment and restoration. It was agreed that the next meeting of the LMR Panel be scheduled for fall 2012 in China. After the meeting, 8 activities/projects were proposed for 2012, Including Fishery Science and Technology Forum, Gray whale, Pacific Krill, Artificial Reefs and Shellfish habitats monitoring by both sides