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100句中华名言的中英文对照1.温故而知新:Reviewing the past enables one to understand the future.2.三人行,必有我师:Among three people, there must be one who can bemy teacher.3.学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆:Learning without thinking leads toconfusion, while thinking without learning results in danger.4.知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也:It is wisdom to know what oneknows, and to承认what one does not know.5.天下兴亡,匹夫有责:Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall ofthe world.6.人之初,性本善:Human nature is originally good.7.满招损,谦受益:Pride comes before a fall, modesty brings success.8.人生自古谁无死?留取丹心照汗青:Since ancient times, no one hasescaped death. Let us leave a lasting record of our loyalty in history.9.大道之行也,天下为公:When the great way prevails, the world is acommonwealth.10.路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索:The road ahead is long andarduous, but I will search for it tirelessly, both up and down.11.志不强者智不达:Without strong will, one cannot acquire wisdom.12.静以修身,俭以养德:Quietude leads to self-cultivation, frugalityfosters virtue.13.一寸光阴一寸金:Time is precious.14.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲:If one does not work hard in youth, one willregret it in old age.15.三人同心,其利断金:When three people are of the same mind, theirstrength is unbreakable.16.天下无难事,只怕有心人:There is nothing difficult in the world, onlythose who have the heart to do it can succeed.17.知己知彼,百战不殆:Knowing both oneself and the enemy leads toinvincibility in all battles.18.千里之行,始于足下:A journey of a thousand miles begins with asingle step.19.不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹:One cannot see the rainbow withoutexperiencing the rain.20.学如逆水行舟,不进则退:Learning is like rowing upstream; if onedoes not keep moving forward, one will fall back.21.良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行:Good medicine tastes bitter, butit is beneficial for the illness; loyal advice may be unpleasant to hear, but it is beneficial for one's actions.22.万事开头难:Everything is difficult at the beginning.23.不为无益之事,何以遣有涯之生:If one does not do anything useless,how can one spend his life meaningfully?24.好事不出门,坏事传千里:Good deeds are not publicized, while baddeeds are spread far and wide.25.读万卷书,行万里路:One should read thousands of books and travelthousands of miles.26.满招损,谦受益,时乃天道:Pride comes before a fall, modesty bringssuccess; this is the way of heaven.27.人无远虑,必有近忧:If one does not think about the future, one willsurely have worries in the near future.28.君子一言,驷马难追:A gentleman's word is as good as a horse's kick;once said, it cannot be retracted.29.水至清则无鱼,人至察则无徒:If the water is too clear, there will beno fish; if one is too observant, there will be no friends.30.青出于蓝而胜于蓝:The green comes from the blue but is better thanthe blue.31.金无足赤,人无完人:Gold is not pure enough, and no one is perfect.32.大智若愚,大巧若拙:Great wisdom seems foolish, great skill seemsclumsy.33.大方无隅,大器免成,大音希声,大象无形:The square has no corner,the great vessel need not be completed, the great sound is silent, and the great image has no form.34.有志者事竟成:Where there is a will, there is a way.35.临渊羡鱼,不如退而结网:It is better to go back and weave a net thanto stand by the深渊and envy the fish.36.玉不琢不成器:A piece of jade that is not carved cannot become avaluable object.37.不为圣贤,便为禽兽:If one cannot become a sage or a saint, one willbecome a beast or a devil instead.38.天下兴亡,匹夫有责:The rise and fall of the world is everyone'sresponsibility, not just the统治者or the wise men.39.工欲善其事,必先利其器:If one wants to do a good job, one mustfirst sharpen one's tools or instruments.40.人之初,性本善:In human nature at its original state, goodness prevails,but this can be corrupted by external factors or one's own desires and passions。
10条日常用语中英文对照1、哪(n c) 一(y 1)天(ti cn)都(d ou)可(k ◎以(y ) ?Any day will do?2、有(y cu)我(w 耳的(de)留(li ⑪言(y cn)吗(m J ?Any messages for me?3、你(n)f—(y 0 个(人(r en)来(l ①吗(m。
?Are you by yourself?4、你(n )没(m g)有(y ou)问(w di)题(t i)吧(b ® ?All right with you?5、明(min g 天(ti m)有(y ou)空(k on g吗(ma) ?Are you free tomorrow?6、你(n )在(z ① 跟(gm)我(w 0 开(k C)玩(w cn)笑(xi do)吧(b ® ? Areyou kiddi ng me?7、不见不散。
Be there or be square.8、马(m C 上(sh dg 回(hu i)来(l ①!Back in a mome nt As soon as possible!9、信(x in)不(bu)信(x 1)由(y du)你(n ) !Believe it or not!10、下(xi d 次(c i)会(hu i)更(g n g 好(h ao) !Better luck n ext time!11、本(b n性(x in g 难(n cn)移(y i)!Boy will be boys12、有(y cu)话(hu d 直(zh 3)说(shu 0 !Come to the point!13、收(sh ou)不(bu)收(sh ①)信(x in)用(y mg卡(k a) ?Do you accept plastic?14、可(k 0 以(y )保(b a o)存(c tn)吗(m® ?Does it keep long?15、别(bi 令挑(ti CD)剔(ti) 了(le) !Don ‘be so fussy!16、别(bi 令指(zh X 望(w a n。
87.You are breaking my heart.
88.You are sexy.
89.You are so hot.
90.You are turning me on.
37.You are crazy.
38.You are hopeless!
39.You are out of your mind!
40.You are too much!
41.You're impossible!
78.You are a lucky dog!
79.You are everything to me.
80.You are so sweet.
81.You are my angel.
82.You are so kind.
32.Getting married costs a lot.Getting divorced costs much more.
33.Understanding each other is essential for a good relationship.
100.You are an embarrassment.=Your behavior is unacceptable.
1600基础词汇单词Aa (an)*abilityableaboutabove abroad*absent*accent accept accident*ache*achieve acrossactaction active activity*add address advantage advertisement advice*advise affordafraidafter afternoon again againstageagoagree*agreement air*airline*airplane 词性词频中文意义art 3n 2 能力;才能a 3 有能力的;能够prep & ad 3 大约;到处;关于prep 2 在…的上面a & ad 1 到国外a 缺席的;不在;n 口音;音调v 3 接受n 1 事故;意外的事n 疼;疼痛v 达到;取得prep 3 穿过n & v 3 法令,条例;扮演(角色),演戏;行动n 3 行动a 2 主动的;积极的n 2 活动v 增加n 2 地址n 2 优点;好处n 广告n 2 建议;忠告;劝告v 建议;忠告;劝告v 1 负担得起;抽得出(时间)a 1 害怕的ad,prep & conj 3 在…之后n 2 下午ad 3 又prep 3 反对;对着n 3 年龄;时代ad 3 以前v 3 同意n 同意,一致;协定n 3 空气航空公司n 飞机*airport aliveallallow almost alone along aloud already also although always America American among*ancient and angry animal another answer*antany anybody anyone anything *anyway *anywhere appear apple April areaarm*army around arriveart*articleas n 飞机场;航空站a 1 活着的;存在的a & pron 3 全部的;全部v 3 允许;准许ad 3 几乎;差不多a 2 孤单的;独自地ad & prep 3 向前;一同;沿着ad 大声地ad 3 已经ad 3 也conj 3 虽然;尽管ad 3 总是;一直;永远n 美国a & n 美国的prep 3 在(三个以上)之间;a 古代的;古老的conj 3 和a 1 生气的;愤怒的n 2 动物a & pron 3 另一个;再一的n & v 3 回答;答案n 蚂蚁pron & a 3 一些;任何;pron 1 任何人;无论谁pron 2 任何人;无论谁pron 3 任何事;什么事ad 无论如何;不管怎样ad 任何地方v 3 出现n 1 苹果n 四月n 3 地区;面积n 3 胳膊;武器n 军队prep & ad 3 大约;在…周围v 2 到达;到来n 3 艺术;美术;技艺n 文章;东西;物品;冠词ad,conj & prep 3 像;当…时候;由于;作为Asia*Asianaskasleepat*AtlanticattentionAugustauntAustraliaAustralianautumn*available*avoid*awakeawayBbabyback*backgroundbad (worse,worst)bagballballoonbamboobananabank*baseball*basicbasketbasketball*bathroombe (is...was...being,been) beachbeatbeautifulbecausebecome (became,become) n 亚洲a & n 亚洲的;亚洲人v 3 问;请求;要求;邀请a 睡着的;熟睡的prep 3n & a 大西洋(的)n 2 注意;关心n 八月n 2 姑姑;姨妈n 澳大利亚a & n 澳大利亚的(人)n 1 秋天a 可得到的v 避免v 醒着的ad 3 远离n 2 婴儿ad & n 3 向后;后背; 后面的n 背景a 3 坏的;有害的;不利的n 2 包;口袋n 2 球n 气球n 竹子n 香蕉n 3 银行;岸;堤n 棒球a 主要的;基本的n 篮子n 篮球n 浴室;盥洗室aux v 3 是n 1 海滩;湖滩n &v 2 熊;承受;负担v & n 3 敲打;跳动;赢;节拍a 2 魅力的;美观的;conj 3 因为v 3 变成;成为bedbedroombeebeefbeforebegin (began,begun) *behaviourbehindbelievebellbelowbesidebesidesbetween*beyondbigbike=bicyclebillbird*birthbirthday*biscuitbit*bitterblackblackboardblind*bloodblow (blew,blown) boardboatbodybookboringbornborrow*bossboth n 2 床n 1 卧室;寝室n 蜜蜂n 牛肉prep,ad&conj 3 在…以前;在…前面v 3 开始;着手n 行为prep 3 在…后面; 在后面v 3 相信;认为n 1 铃;钟prep 2 在…的下面;向下prep 1 在…旁边;靠近prep & ad 1 除…之外;还有prep 3 (两者)之间prep 在…的那边a 3 大的n 1 自行车n 2 账单;法案;钞票n 2 鸟n 出生;诞生n 1 生日n 饼干n 3 一点a 苦的a & n 3 黑色的;黑色n 黑板a 1 瞎的n 血v 2 刮风n & a 3 蓝色的;蓝色n 2 木板;布告板n 2 船n 3 身体n 3 书a 无聊的;乏味的a 2 出生v 1 借n 老板pron & a 3 两者都bottlebottombowlboxboy*brainbravebreadbreak (broke,broken) breakfast*breathbreathebridgebrightbring (brought,brought) brotherbrownbrushbuild (built,built) buildingburn (-ed,ed/burnt,burnt) busbusinessbusybutbutter*butterflybuy (bought,bought)bybye n 2 瓶子n 2 底部n 1 碗;钵n 2 盒子;箱子n 3 男孩n 大脑;a 1 勇敢的;无畏的n 1 面包v & n 3 打破,损坏;休息n 1 早餐n 呼吸v 1 呼吸n 2 桥a 2 明亮的;聪明的v 3 带来;拿来;取来n 3 兄,弟n & a 3 棕色(的);褐色(的)v & n 1 刷,擦;刷子v 3 建造;建筑;构筑n 3 房屋;建筑物v 2 燃,烧,着火;使晒黑;n 1 公共汽车n 3 商业;买卖;交易a 1 忙碌的;繁忙的conj 3 但是n 1 黄油n 蝴蝶v 3 买;购买;采购prep 3在…旁/之前;通过…方式;由,被interj 1再见C*cabbage n 卷心菜cake n 1 蛋糕call v & n 3 打电话;电话camel n 骆驼camera n 2 照相机*camp n & v 露营can modal v 3 能够Canada n 加拿大*cancel v 取消candle n 蜡烛cancer n 2 癌症candy n 糖果cap n 1 帽子capital n 3 首都*captain n 队长;机长car n 3 小汽车card n 2 卡片care v & n 3 认真;小心;careful a 2 小心的;认真的careless a 粗心的carry v 3 搬运;携带cat n 1 猫catch (caught,caught) v 2 抓住cause n & v 3 起因;;引起CD n 1 光盘*CD-ROM n. 光驱驱动器;*ceiling n 天花板celebrate v 1 庆祝cent n 分centre n 3 中心century n 3 世纪certain a 1 有把握的;确信的chair n 2 椅子*chairman/woman n 主席chalk n 粉笔chance n 3 机会;可能性change v 3 改变*chant n &v 说唱cheap a 2 便宜的*cheat v 欺骗;作弊check n & v 2 检查*cheer n & v 欢呼cheese n 1 奶酪chemistry n 化学chess n 棋*chest n 胸部chicken n 1 鸡;鸡肉child (pl.children) n 3 孩子China n 中国Chinese a & n 中国的chocolate n 1 巧克力*choice n 选择choose (chose,chosen) v 2 选择*chopsticks n 筷子Christmas n 圣诞节*church n 教堂cinema n 1 电影院circle n & v 2 圆;绕…旋转city n 3 城市*clap v & n 鼓掌;轻拍class n 3 班;年级;课classmate n 同班同学classroom n 教室clean a & v 2 弄干净,擦干净;清洁的,干净的clear a 3 清晰的;明亮的;清楚的clever a 1 聪明的,伶俐的climb v 1 爬,攀登clock n 1 钟*clone v 克隆close v & a 3 关;亲密的;近,靠近clothes n 2 布cloud n 1 云;云状物;阴影cloudy a 多云的,阴天的club n 3 俱乐部;纸牌中的梅花*coach n 教练;马车;长途车coal n 1 煤;煤块*coast n 海岸;海滨coat n 1 外套;涂层;表皮;皮毛coffee n 1 咖啡coin n 硬币coke n 可口可乐cold a & n 2 冷的;寒冷;感冒,collect v 2 收集,搜集college n 2 学院;专科学校colour (Am color) n & v 3 颜色;给…着色,涂色come (came,come) v 3 来,来到comfortable a 1 舒服的;安逸的;*common a 普通的,一般的;共有的*communicate v 交际;传达(感情,信息等)*communication n 交际;交往;通讯company n 3 公司*compare v 比较,对照*competition n 比赛,竞赛*complete a & v 完成的;完成,结束*composition n 作文;作曲computer n 2 电子计算机concert n 1 音乐会;演奏会*condition n 条件,状况*conference n (正式的)会议;讨论connect v 连接,把……联系起来*consider v 考虑;认为*continue v 继续*control v 控制conversation n 1 谈话,交谈cook v & n 2 炊事员,厨师;烹调,*cooker n 炊具cool a 2 凉的,凉爽的;酷copy n & v 2 抄本/写,副本;一本;复印;拷(备份盘) corner n 2 角;角落;拐角correct v & a 2 改正;纠正;正确的cost v & n 3 花费;成本cotton n & a 1 棉花;棉cough n & v 1 咳嗽could modal v 3 能count v 2 计;数country n 3 国家;乡村,乡下countryside n 1 乡下;农村*couple n 两三个;夫妇;一对*courage n 勇气*course n 课程;过程;经过;cousin n 2 堂(表)兄弟(姐妹);cover n &v 3 盖子;罩;覆盖,cow n 1 母牛,奶牛*crayon n 蜡笔;蜡笔画*crazy a 疯狂的*create v 创造;造成cross v &n 2 十字形的东西;穿过*cruel a 残忍的,残酷的;无情的cry n & v 2 叫喊,哭声;喊叫;哭culture n 2 文化cup n 3 茶杯cut (cut,cut) v & n 3 切,剪,削,割伤口Ddad (daddy) n 1 (口语)爸爸,爹爹*daily a,ad & n 每日的;日报dance v & n 2 跳舞;舞蹈danger n 2 危险dangerous a 2 危险的dare v & aux v 1 敢;敢于dark a &n 2 黑暗;暗处;日暮;暗淡的;深色的date n 2 日期;约会;枣daughter n 3 女儿day n 3 天,日;白天dead a 2 死的;无生命的*deaf a 聋的deal v 1 量,数额;交易dear a 1 亲爱的;贵的death n 2 死December n 十二月decide v 3 决定;下决心decision n 3 决定;决心deep a & ad 2 深的;深地*degree n 程度;度数;学位delicious a 美味的,可口的*dentist n 牙科医生*depend v 依靠,依赖,指望;取决于describe v 3 描写,叙述desk n 2 书桌,写字台develop v 3 (使)发展/发达/发育;开发;冲洗(照片)*development n 发展,发达,发育,开发dialogue (Am dialog) n 1 对话diary n 1 日记;日记簿dictionary n 词典,字典die v 3 死的;无生命的difference n 2 不同different a 3 不同的,有差异的difficult a 3 难的;艰难的;不易相处的difficulty n 2 困难,费力dig (dug,dug) v 1 挖;掘dinner n 2 正餐,宴会*direct a & v 直接的;直达的;*direction n 方向;方位director n 3 所长,主任;董事;导演dirty a 1 污物;脏物discover v 2 发现*discovery n 发现discuss v 2 讨论;议论discussion n 2 讨论;议论disease n 2 病;疾病dish n 1 盘,碟;盘装菜;盘形物*dismiss v 遣散;解散;解雇*disturb v 扰乱;打扰divide v 2 分,划分do (did,done) v 3 做,干doctor n 2 医生,大夫;博士dog n 2 狗doll n 玩偶,玩具娃娃dollar n 3 美元door n 3 门double a & n 2 两倍的;双的;两个;*doubt n & v 怀疑,疑惑down ad & prep 3 沿着,向下downstairs ad 在楼下;到楼下*dozen n 十二个;几十,许多draw (drew,drawn) v 3 绘画;拉,拖;提取(金钱)*drawer n 抽屉dream (-ed/dreamt) v & n 2 梦,梦想dress n & v 2 女服,连衣裙;(统指)服装;童装;穿衣/着drink (drank,drunk) v & n 2 饮料;喝酒drive (drove,driven) v 3 驾驶,开(车);驱赶driver n 2 司机,驾驶员drop n & v 2 滴;掉下;投递;放弃*drug n 药,药物;毒品*drum n 鼓dry v & a 2 擦干;干的;干燥的duck n 鸭子dumpling n 饺子during prep 3 在…期间;在…过程中duty n 2 责任,义务*DVD n 数码影碟Eeach a & pron 3 每人,每个,每件ear n 1 耳朵;耳状物;听力,听觉early a &ad 3 早的;早地earth n 2 地球;土,泥;大地east n,a & ad 3 东方(的);朝/在/向东的;从东方;easy a 3 容易的,不费力的eat (ate,eaten) v 2 吃*edge n 边缘education n 2 教育,培养*effort n 努力,艰难的尝试egg n 2 蛋;卵eight num 3 八eighteen num 3 十八eighth num 2 第八个eighty num 3 八十either a,ad & n 3 二者之一*elder a 长者;前辈*electric a 电的elephant n 大象eleven num 3 十一else a 3 别的,其他的e-mail n & v (发)电子邮件empty a 1 空的encourage v 2 鼓励end n & v 3 末尾;结束;终止*enemy n 敌人;敌军*energy n 精力,能量engineer n 1 工程师;技师England n 英格兰;英国English n & a 英语(的),英国(人)的;enjoy v 2 欣赏;享受…之乐趣;喜欢enough a & ad 3 足够/充足(的/地);充分地enter v 2 进入*environment n 环境eraser n 橡皮擦;黑板擦especially ad 2 特别,尤其Europe n 欧洲European a & n 欧洲(人)的;欧洲人even ad 3 甚至;更evening n 2 晚上;傍晚ever ad 3 曾经;无论何时every a 3 每一;每个的everybody pron 2 每个人;人人*everyday a 每日的;日常的everyone pron 2 每个人everything pron 3 每件事;事事everywhere ad 1 到处exam=examination n 1 考试,测试;检查;审查*examine v 检查;诊察example n 3 例子,榜样excellent a 2 极好的,优秀的except prep 2 除……之外excite v 使兴奋,使激动excuse n & v 1 借口;原谅;宽恕exercise v & n 2 锻炼;练习,expect v 3 预料;盼望;认为expensive a 2 昂贵的experience n 3 经验;经历experiment n 1 实验explain v 2 解释,说明express v 2 表达;表示;表情eye n 3 眼睛Fface n & v 3 脸;面对fact n 3 事实;现实factory n 2 工厂fail v 3 失败;不及格;衰退*fair a 公平的,合理的;金黄色的fall (fell,fallen) v 3 落(下),降落;倒family n 3 家庭famous a 2 著名的fan n 2 扇子;迷;*fantastic a 极好的,美妙的,很棒的far (fa/urther,fa/urthest) a & ad 2 远的;远地farm n 2 农场farmer n 2 农民fast a &ad 2 快速的;迅速地fat a 2 肥胖的father n 3 爸爸favourite (Am favorite) a & n 2 最喜欢的(人或事)fear n 3 害怕;恐惧;担忧February n 二月feed (fed,fed) v 2 喂(养);饲养feel (felt,felt) v 3 感觉;摸;feeling n 2 感觉;感情festival n 2 节日fetch v (去)取(物)来,fever n 发烧;发热few pron & a 3 不多(的);少数field n 2 田地;牧场;场地fifteen num 3 十五fifth num 2 第五fifty num 3 五十fight (fought,fought) v & n 3 打仗(架),争论fill v 2 装满;film n 3 电影final a 3 最后的;终极的find (found,found) v 3 找到;发现fine a 2 晴朗的;美好的;健康的finger n 2 手指finish v 2 完成;结束fire n 2 火first num,a & ad 3 第一fish n 2 鱼*fisherman n 渔民fit a & v 2 健康的,适合的;适合,安装five num 3 五fix v 1 修理;安装;确定,决定flag n 1 旗;标志;旗舰*flat n 楼中一套房间;公寓floor n 2 地面,地板;(楼房的)层flower n 2 花*flu n 流行性感冒fly1 (flew,flown) v 3 飞;飞行;(旗子等)放(风筝)fly2n 3 飞行;苍蝇follow v 3 跟随;仿效;跟得上food n 3 食物,食品foot (pl.feet) n 3 足,脚;英尺football n 2 (英式)足球;(美式)橄榄球for prep 3 为了…;向…,往…;*force v 强迫,迫使foreign a 3 外国的foreigner n 1 外国人forest n 1 森林forget (forgot,forgot) v 2 忘记;忘掉*fork n 叉,餐叉form n 3 形式,表格forty num 3 四十*forward ad 将来,今后;向前four num 3 四fourteen num 3 十四fourth num 2 第四fox n 狐狸free a 3 自由的,空闲的freeze (froze,frozen) v 1 结冰fresh a 2 新鲜的Friday n 星期五fridge (=refrigerator) n 冰箱friend n 3 朋友friendly a 1 友好的friendship n 1 友谊,友情*frog n 青蛙from prep 3 从;从……起front a &n 3 前面的;前面fruit n 2 水果full a 3 满的,充满的fun n 2 有趣的事,娱乐funny a 1 有趣的,滑稽可笑的*furniture n (总称)家具future n 3 将来Ggame n 3 游戏;运动;比赛garden n 2 花园,果园,菜园gate n 1 大门general a 3 大体的,笼统的,总的gentleman n 1 绅士,先生geography n 地理学*gesture n 姿势,手势get (got,got) v 3 成为;得到;到达gift n 1 赠品;礼物*giraffe n 长颈鹿girl n 3 女孩give (gave,given) v 3 给;递给;glad a 1 高兴的;乐意的glass n 2 玻璃杯;玻璃;眼镜glove n 手套go (went,gone) v 3 去;走;驶;goat n 山羊*god n 神,上帝gold n & a 2 黄金;金的*golden a 金(黄)色的good (better,best) a 3 好;良好goodbye (bye-bye) interj 再见;再会goose (pl.geese) n 鹅government n 3 政府grade n 1 等级;学年;成绩*grammar n 语法*grandchild n (外)孙或孙女,孙辈granddaughter n (外)孙女grandma=grandmother n 奶奶;外婆grandpa=grandfather n 爷爷;外公grandparent n 祖父母,外祖父母grandson n (外)孙子*granny n 老奶奶;祖母;外婆grape n 葡萄grass n 1 草;草场;牧草great a 3 伟大的;重要的;好极了green a & n 3 绿色的;青的;绿色*greeting n 问候ground n 3 地面group n 3 组,群grow (grew,grown) v 3 生长;发育;种植*guard n 防护装置,警戒guess v 2 猜guest n 2 客人,宾客guitar n 1 吉他,六弦琴*gun n 枪,炮*gym=gymnasium n 体操;体育馆Hhabit n 1 习惯,习性hair n 2 头发half a & n 3 半,一半hall n 1 大厅,会堂,礼堂*ham n 火腿hamburger n 汉堡包hand n 3 手;指针*handbag n 女用皮包,手提包*handsome a 英俊的*handwriting n 书法hang (hung,hung) v 2 处绞刑;悬挂,吊着happen v 3 (偶然)发生happy a 2 幸福的;快乐的,高兴的hard ad & a 3 努力地;硬的;hardly ad 2 几乎不hat n 1 帽子;礼帽hate v &n 1 讨厌;恨have (has,had,had) v 3 有;吃;喝;进行;经受he pron 3 他head n 3 头headache n 头痛health n 3 健康;卫生healthy a 1 健康的;健壮的hear (heard,heard) v 3 听见;听说;得知heart n 2 心脏;纸牌中的红桃heat n 2 热heaven n 1 天,天空heavy a 2 重的height n 1 高;高度hello (hi) interj 1 喂;你好help v & n 3 帮忙;帮助helpful a 有帮助的;有益的hen n 母鸡her pron 3 她;她的here ad 3 这里hero n 1 英雄;男主人公hers pron 她的herself pron 3 她自己hide (hid,hidden) v 1 隐藏high a 3 高的hill n 1 小山;丘陵;土堆;斜坡him pron 3 他(宾格)himself pron 3 他自己his pron 3 他的history n 3 历史;历史学hit (hit,hit) v 3 打,撞,击中hobby n 业余爱好hold (held,held) v 3 拿;抱;握住;举行;进行hole n 2 洞;坑holiday n 2 假期;假日home n & ad 3 家;到家hometown n 家乡homework n 家庭作业honest a 1 诚实的;正直的*honour (Am honor) n & v 荣誉;光荣hope n & v 3 希望horse n 2 马hospital n 3 医院hot a 2 热的;*hotdog n 热狗hotel n 2 旅馆;饭店;宾馆hour n 3 小时house n 3 房子housework n 家务劳动how ad 3 怎样,如何;多少;多么however ad &conj 3 然而;huge a 2 巨大的;庞大的human a & n 3 人*humorous a 富于幽默的hundred num 3 百hungry a 饥饿的hurry n & v 急忙;赶快hurt (hurt,hurt) v 2 伤害;受伤;伤人感情husband n 3 丈夫II pron 3 我ice n 2 冰ice-cream n 冰激淋idea n 3 主意;观点if conj 3 如果ill a 2 生病的illness n 1 疾病imagine v 2 想象*immediately ad 立即;马上important a 3 重要的impossible a 2 不可能的improve v 2 提高;改进in prep 3 在…里面;在…之后*inch n 英寸include v 3 包括;包含increase v & n 3 增加;繁殖India n 印度Indian a & n 印度人(的);印第安人(的)*industry n 工业;产业*influence n 影响information n 3 信息ink n 墨水inside prep 2 在…里面*insist v 坚持;坚决认为instead ad 2 相反;代替instruction n 1 说明,须知;教导*intention n 倾向interest n 3 兴趣;趣味;利息interesting a 1 有趣的*international n 国际的Internet n 因特网*interview n & v 采访;会见,面试into prep 3 到……里;向内;变成introduce v 2 介绍*introduction n 引进;介绍invent v 发明;创造invention n 发明;创造invite v 2 邀请;招待*iron n & v 铁;熨斗;熨烫island n 2 岛it pron 3 它its pron 3 它的itself pron 3 它自己Jjacket n 1 夹克January n 一月Japan n 日本Japanese n & a 日本人(的),日语(的) *jeans n 牛仔裤job n 3 (一份)工作join v 3 参加,加入;连接;会合joke n & v 1 笑话*joy n 欢乐,高兴,乐趣juice n 1 汁、液July n 7月jump v 2 跳跃;跳变;猛扑June n 6月just a &ad 3 刚才;恰好;仅Kkeep (kept,kept) v 3 保持;保存key n 2 钥匙;答案;键;关键keyboard n 键盘kick v & n 2 踢kid n 2 小孩kill v 3 杀死,弄死kilo=kilogram n 千克;kilometre (Am kilometer) n 1 千米kind1 a 善良的;友好的kind2n 3 种;类king n 2 国王kiss n & v 1 吻,亲吻kitchen n 2 厨房kite n 风筝knee n 1 膝盖knife (pl.knives) n 1 小刀;匕首;刀片knock v & n 1 敲;打;击know (knew,known) v 3 知道,了解;认识;懂得knowledge n 2 知识,学问Llab=laboratory n 1 实验室*labour (Am labor) n 劳动lady n 2 女士,夫人lake n 1 湖*lamb n 羔羊;羔羊肉lamp n 灯,油灯;光源land n & v 3 陆地;着陆;降落language n 2 语言large a 3 大的;巨大的a & v 3 最近刚过去的;最后的;持续late a & ad 3 晚的,迟的;laugh n & v 3 笑,大笑;嘲笑law n 3 法律,法令;定律lay (laid,laid) v 2 放,搁lazy a 懒惰的*lead (led,led) v 领导,带领leader n 3 领袖,领导人leaf (pl.leaves) n 1 (树,菜)叶learn (learnt,learnt) v 3 学,学习,学会least n 3 最少,最少量leave (left,left) v 3 离开;把……留下,剩下left a & n 1 左边的;向左/左(边)leg n 2 腿;腿脚;支柱*lemonade n 柠檬水lend (lent,lent) v 1 借(出),把……借给lesson n 1 课;功课;教训let (let,let) v 3 让letter n 3 信;字母*level n 水平线,水平library n 1 图书馆,图书室license n 1 执照,许可证lie1 (lay,lain) v 2 躺;卧;平放;位于lie2v & n 1 谎言; 说谎life n 3 生命;生活;人生;生物lift v 2 举起;(云、烟等)消散light n,v & a 2 光;灯,点燃;明亮的;轻的;浅色的like v & prep 3 像;喜欢,喜爱line n 3 绳索,线,排,行,线路lion n 狮子list n & v 3 一览表,清单listen v 2 听,仔细听litter v &n 小的,少的little (less,least) a 3 乱丢杂物;垃圾live v 3 生活;居住;活着lively a 活泼的;充满生气的lock n & v 1 锁;锁上London n 伦敦lonely a 孤独的,寂寞的long a 3 长的look v & n 3 看,瞧lose (lost,lost) v 3 失去,丢失lot n 3 许多,好些loud a 1 大声的love v & n 3 爱;热爱;很喜欢lovely a 1 美好的,可爱的low a & ad 3 低;矮luck n 1 运气,好运lucky a 1 运气好,侥幸lunch n 2 午餐,午饭Mmachine n 2 机器*mad a 发疯的;生气的madam=madame n 夫人,女士magazine n 2 杂志*magic a 有魔力的mail n 1 邮政,邮递main a 3 主要的make (made,made) v 3 制造,做;使得man (pl.men) n 3 成年男人;人,人类*manage v 管理;设法对付manager n 2 经理many (more,most) pron & a 3 许多;许多的map n 1 地图March n 3月mark n & v 2 标记;作记号于market n 3 市场,集市*marriage n 结婚,婚姻marry v 2 (使)成婚,结婚*master v & n 精通,掌握主人match v & n 3 使相配;比赛;火柴math(s)=mathematics n 数学may modal v 3 可以;也许,可能May n 5月maybe ad 2 可能,大概,也许me pron 3 我(宾格)meal n 1 一餐(饭)mean (meant,meant) v 3 意思是,意指meaning n 1 意思,含意meat n 1 (猪、牛、羊等的)肉*medical a 医学的,医疗的medicine n 1 药;meet (met,met) v 3 遇见,见到meeting n 3 会;集会;会议;member n 3 成员,会员memory n 2 回忆,记忆mend v 修理,修补*mention n & v 提及;记载;提到,message n 2 消息,音信menu n 菜单metal n & a 1 金属;金属制成的*method n 方法,办法metre (Am meter) n 1 米,公尺middle n 3 中间;当中;中级的*might modal v 可能,也许,或许mile n 2 n英里milk n 1 牛奶mind n & v 3 思想,想法;介意,pron 3 我的minute n 3 分钟;一会儿,瞬间*mirror n 镜子miss1n 3 小姐,女士(称呼未婚妇女) miss2v 2 失去,错过,缺mistake (mistook,mistaken) v & n 2 错误;弄错model n 2 模型,原形;范例;模范modern a 2 现代的mom (Am mum) n 1 妈妈moment n 3 片刻,瞬间Monday n 星期一money n 3 钱;货币monitor n 1 班长;监视器monkey n 猴子month n 3 月,月份moon n 1 月球;月光;月状物more a,ad & n 3 另外的;较多的;而且;更多的量morning n 3 早晨,上午most a & ad 3 最多;大多数mother n 3 母亲*motorcycle n 摩托车mountain n 2 山,山脉mouse (pl.mice) n 鼠,耗子;(计算机)鼠标mouth n 2 嘴,口move v 3 移动,搬动,搬家movie n 2 (口语)电影Mr.(mister) n 3 先生(用于姓名前)Mrs.(mistress) n 3 夫人,太太Ms. n 3 女士much a 3 许多的,大量的*murder v 谋杀museum n 2 博物馆,博物院music n 3 音乐,乐曲must modal v 3 必须;必定是my pron 3 我的myself pron 2 我自己Nname n 3 名字,姓名,名称national a 3 国家的,全国性的,民族的natural a 2 自然的nature n 2 自然, 性质,种类near a 3 近的nearly ad 2 将近,几乎necessary a 2 必需的,必要的neck n 1 颈,脖子need modal v,v & n 3 需要,需求neighbour (Am neighbor) n 1 邻居,邻人neither a 2 (两者)都不;也不nervous a 1 紧张不安的never ad 3 决不,从来没有new a 3 新的;新鲜的news n 3 新闻,消息newspaper n 2 报纸next a & ad 3 最近的,隔壁的;随后,下一步nice a 2 令人愉快的;好的,漂亮的night n 3 夜;夜间nine num 3 九nineteen num 3 十九ninety num 3 九十ninth num 2 第九no ad & a 3 不,不是;没有nobody n & pron 2 没有人,谁也不*nod v 点头noise n 1 声音,噪声,喧闹声none pron 2 无任何人(物),无一人noodle n 面条noon n 中午,正午nor conj 2 也不normal a 2 正常的(状态)north a & n 3 北的;北方northern a 2 北方的,北部的nose n 1 鼻not ad 3 不,没note n & v 2 便条,笔记;钞票*notebook n 笔记簿nothing pron 3 没有东西,没有什么notice n & v 2 布告,通告;注意November n 11月now ad 3 现在number n 3 数,数字,号码;数量nurse n 1 护士;保育员OOK ad (口语)好,对,不错object n 2 物,物体;宾语ocean n 1 海洋October n 10月of prep 3 ……的off prep & ad 3 离开,(走)开offer v & n 3 提供;建议office n 3 办公室*officer n 军官;公务员,官员;often ad 3 经常,常常oil n 3 油油田old a 3 老的,旧的on prep 3 在……上(时),关于once n,ad & conj 3 一次,从前一旦one num & pron 3 一*oneself pron 自己;自身only ad 3 惟一的,仅有的;仅仅,open a&v 3 开着的;开,打开*operation n 手术,操作or conj 3 或;就是;否则orange a & n 2 橘子,橘汁;橘色的,order v & n 2 定购,定货;点菜;顺序other pron & a 3 别的,另外的our pron 3 我们的ours pronourselves pron 1 我们自己out ad 3 出外;在外,向外;熄灭outside n,ad & prep 3 外面;在外面;向外面;在……外面over prep & ad 3 在…上方;越过;遍及;翻倒;结束*overcoat n 大衣own a&v 3 自己的;拥有,所有owner n 2 物主,所有人P*P.C.=personal computer n 个人电脑P.E.=physical education n 体育Pacific n & a 太平洋(的)*package n 一包,一袋,一盒page n 3 页,页码*paint n 油漆pair n 2 一双,一对palace n 1 宫,宫殿*pale a 苍白的,灰白的*pancake n 薄煎饼panda n 熊猫paper n 3 纸;报纸pardon n 原谅,宽恕,对不起parent n 3 父(母),双亲park1n 2 公园park2v 2 停放(汽车)part n 3 部分;成分;角色;部件;party n 3 聚会,晚会;党派pass v 3 传,递;经过;通过*passage n (文章等的)一段;通道passenger n 1 乘客,旅客*passport n 护照past n,a & prep 3 经过;过去;path n 1 小道,小径patient1n 2 病人patient2 a 2 耐心的pay (paid, paid) v 3 付钱,给……报酬*peace n 和平pear n 梨子,梨树pen n 1 钢笔,笔*pence n (英)便士;美分(复数)pencil n 铅笔*penny n (英)便士;美分people n 3 人,人们;人民*percent n 百分之……*perfect a 完美的,极好的perhaps ad 3 可能,或*period n 时期,时代person n 3 人personal a 3 个人的,私人的pet n 1 宠物,爱畜phone=telephone v & n 2 打电话;电话,电话机photo=photograph n 3 照片physics n 身体的;物理的piano n 钢琴pick v 2 拾起,采集;挑选picnic n 野餐picture n 2 图片,画片,照片pie n 甜馅饼piece n 2 一块(片,张,件……)pig n 猪pilot n 1 飞行员pink n & a 2 粉红色(的)pioneer n 先锋,开拓者pity n 怜悯,同情place n & v 3 地方,处所,放置,安置,安排*plain a & n 家常的;普通的plan n & v 3 计划,打算plane n 2 飞机planet n 1 行星plant v & n 3 种植,播种;植物plastic n & a 1 塑料的plate n 1 板;片;牌;盘子;盆子play v 3 玩;打(球);游戏;播放playground n 操场,运动场pleasant a 1 令人愉快的,舒适的please v 2 请;使人高兴,使人满意pleasure n 1 高兴,愉快*plenty n 充足,大量pocket n 1 (衣服的)口袋*poem n 诗point v & n 3 指,指向;点,分数police n 3 警察,警务人员policeman (/woman) n 1 警察;巡警*policy n 政策*polite a 有礼貌的,有教养的*pond n 池塘pool n 1 水塘,水池poor a 2 贫穷的;可怜的;不好的,差的pop=popular a 1 (口语) (音乐、艺术等)大众的,通俗的popular a 2 流行的,大众的,受欢迎的population n 2 人口,人数pork n 猪肉*position n 位置possible a 3 可能的post v 2 投寄;邮寄postcard n 明信片postman n 邮递员potato n 1 土豆,马铃薯pound n 3 磅;英镑practice n 2 练习practise (Am practice) v 2 练习*praise n & v 赞扬,表扬*prepare v 准备, 预备;调制,配制present n 2 礼物,赠品*president n 总统;主席pretty a 2 漂亮的,俊俏的*prevent v 防止, 预防price n 3 价格,价钱pride n 1 自豪,骄傲*primary a 初等的;初级的*print v 印刷*prison n 监狱*prisoner n 囚犯*private a 私人的prize n 2 奖赏,奖品probably ad 3 很可能,大概problem n 3 问题,难题produce v 3 生产;制造programme n 3 节目;项目progress n & v 2 进步,上进*promise n & v 答应,允诺pronounce v 发音*pronunciation n 发音proper a 1 恰当的,合适的protect v 2 保护proud a 1 自豪的;骄傲的*prove v 证明provide v 3 提供public a & n 3 公共的,公众的;公众pull v & n 2 拉,拖n. 拉力,引力*punish v 惩罚,处罚pupil n 1 (小)学生purple a & n 2 紫色*purpose n 目的,意图purse n 钱包push n & v 2 推put (put, put) v 3 放,摆Qquarter n 2 四分之一,一刻钟*queen n 皇后,女王question n 3 问题quick a & ad 3 快;敏捷的;急剧的;快地quiet a 2 安静的;寂静的quite ad 3 完全,十分Rrabbit n 兔,家兔race n 3 赛跑,竞赛radio n 3 无线电,收音机railway n 1 铁路;铁道rain v & n 2 雨,雨水;下雨raincoat n 雨衣rainy a 下雨的;多雨的raise v 3 使升高;饲养*rapid a 快的,迅速的rat n 老鼠rather ad 3 相当,宁可reach v 3 到达,伸手(脚等)够到read (read,read) v 3 读;朗读ready a 2 准备好的real a 3 真实的,确实的*realise (Am realize) v 认识到,实现really ad 3 真正地;到底;确实reason n 3 理由,原因receive v 3 收到,得到*recent a 近来的,最近的*recite v 背诵*record v & n 录制,记录;唱片*recorder n 录音机red a & n 3 红色;红色的refuse v 2 拒绝,不愿*regard v 把……看作*regret n & v 可惜,遗憾;痛惜;哀悼*relation n 关系;亲属relax v 1 (使)放松,轻松*remain v 余下,留下;保持,仍是remember v 3 记得,想起repair n & v 1 修理;修补*repeat v 重说,重做reply v & n 2 回答,答复report n & v 3 报道,报告*require v 需求;要求research n 3 研究,调查rest n & v 2 休息;剩余的部分,restaurant n 2 饭馆, 饭店result n 3 结果,效果*retell v 重讲,重复,复述return v 3 归还,回,归review v & n 2 重新调查;回顾;复习;复查;评论rice n 1 稻米;米饭rich a 2 富裕的,有钱的ride (rode,ridden) v 2 骑(马、自行车);乘车riddle n 谜(语)right n & a 3 权利;对,正确的ring (rang, rung) v & n 2 环形;戒指rise (rose,risen) v 3 上升,上涨*risk n 冒险river n 2 江;河;水道;巨流road n 3 路,道路robot n 机器人rock n 2 岩石,大石头*role n 角色room n 3 房间,室;空间;地方*rope n 绳,索*rose n 玫瑰花round ad,prep & a 2 转过来;环绕一周,围着;圆/球形的row v 1 划船*rubber n 橡胶;合成橡胶rubbish n 垃圾;废物rule n & v 3 规则,规定;统治;支配ruler n 统治者;直尺run (ran,run) v 3 跑,奔跑;(颜色)褪色rush v 1 冲,奔跑*Russia n 俄罗斯,俄国Russian n & a 俄国人(的),俄语(的) Ssad a 2 悲伤的safe a & n 2 安全的;保险柜safety n 2 安全,保险sail n & v 1 航行;航行,开航salad n 色拉*sale n 卖,出售salt n 1 盐same n & a 3 同样的事;同样的,sand n 1 沙,沙子*sandwich n 三明治(夹心面包片)*satisfy v 满足,使满意Saturday n 星期六*sausage n 香肠,腊肠save v 2 救,挽救,节省say (said, said) v 3 说,讲*scarf n 领巾,围巾school n 3 学校schoolbag n 书包science n 2 科学,自然科学scientist n 2 科学家score n & v 2 得分,分数screen n 2 幕,荧光屏sea n 2 海,海洋search n & v 2 搜寻,搜查season n 3 季;季节seat n 2 座位,座second num,a & n 3 秒;第二;secret n 2 秘密,内情*secretary n 秘书;书记see (saw,seen) v 3 看见,看到;领会;拜会seem v 3 似乎,好像*seldom ad 很少,不常sell (sold,sold) v 3 卖,售send (sent,sent) v 3 打发,派遣;送,邮寄*sense n 感觉,意识*sentence n 句子*separate v&a 使分离;单独的,分开的September n 9月serious a 3 严肃的,严重的;认真的*servant n 仆人,佣人serve v 2 招待(顾客等),服务*service n 服务set (set,set) v & n 3 装备,设备;设置(布景,背景);释放,安置seven num 3 七seventeen num 3 十七seventh num 2 第七seventy num 3 七十several pron & a 3 几个,数个;若干*shake (shook,shaken) v 动摇,震动shall (should) aux & v 2 (表示将来)将要,*shame n 遗憾的事;羞愧shape n & v 2 形状,外形;使成型,share v 3 分享,共同使用she pron 3 她sheep (pl.sheep) n (绵)羊;羊皮;驯服者shelf (pl.shelves)n. 架子;搁板;格层;礁;shine (shone,shone) v 发光;照耀;杰出;擦亮ship n 2 船,轮船shirt n 1 男衬衫shoe n 1 鞋shop n 2 商店,车间short a 3 短的;矮的*shorts n 短裤;运动短裤should modal v 3 应当,应该*shoulder n 肩膀;(道路的)路肩shout n & v 1 喊,高声呼喊show (showed,shown) v 3 展示,展览(会);演出shower n 阵雨;淋浴shut (shut,shut) v 1 关上,封闭;禁闭;shy a 害羞的sick a 1 有病的,患病的;(想)呕吐side n 3 边,旁边,面,侧面sight n 2 情景,风景;视力*silence n 安静,沉默silent a 1 无声的,无对话的silk n (蚕)丝,丝织品silly a 傻的,愚蠢的*silver n 银*similar a 相似的,像*simple a 简单的,简易的since p,conj&ad 3 从那时以来;从…以来,…以后,由于sing (sang,sung) v 2 唱,唱歌single a 3 单一的,单个的sir n 2 先生;阁下sister n 3 姐;妹sit (sat,sat) v 3 坐situation n 3 形势,情况six num 3 六sixteen num 3 十六sixth num 2 第六sixty num 3 六十size n 2 尺寸,大小skate v 溜冰,滑冰*skill n 技能,技巧skirt n 女裙sky n 1 天;天空sleep (slept, slept) v & n 2 睡觉*sleepy a 想睡的,困倦的,瞌睡的slow a & ad 2 慢慢地,缓慢地small a 3 小的,少的*smart a 灵巧的,伶俐的;时髦的,smell (-ed /smelt) n & v 1 嗅,闻到;发气味smile n & v 2 微笑smoke v & n 2 烟;冒烟;吸烟*smooth a 光滑的;平坦的snake n 蛇snow v & n 1 雪;下雪。
管子(不按配管标准规格制造的其他用管) tube钢管steel pipe铸铁管cast iron pipe衬里管lined pipe复合管clad pipe碳钢管carbon steel pipe合金钢管alloy steel pipe不锈钢stainless steel pipe奥氏体不锈钢管austenitic stainless steel pipe铁合金钢管ferritic alloy steel pipe轧制钢管wrought-steel pipe锻铁管wrought-iron pipe无缝钢管seamless (SMLS) steel pipe焊接钢管welded steel pipe电阻焊钢管electric-resistance welded steel pipe电熔(弧)焊钢板卷管electric-fusion (arc)-welded steel-plate pipe螺旋焊接钢管spiral welded steel pipe镀锌钢管galvanized steel pipe热轧无缝钢管hot-rolling seamless pipe冷拔无缝钢管cold-drawing seamless pipe水煤气钢管water-gas steel pipe塑料管plastic pipe玻璃管glass tube橡胶管rubber tube直管run pipe; straight pipe1.2 管件Fitting弯头elbow异径弯头reducing elbow带支座弯头base elbowk半径弯头long radius elbow短半径弯头short radius elbow长半径180°弯头long radius return短半径180°弯头short radius return带侧向口的弯头(右向或左向)side outlet elbow (right hand or left hand) 双支管弯头(形)double branch elbow三通tee异径三通reducing tee等径三通straight tee带侧向口的三通(右向或左向)side outlet tee (right hand or 1eft hand) 异径三通(分支口为异径)reducing tee (reducing on outlet)异径三通(一个直通口为异径)reducing tee (reducing on one run)带支座三通base tee异径三通(一个直通口及分支口为异径)reducing tee (reducing on one run and outlet)异径三通(两个直通口为异径,双头式)reducing tee (reducing on both runs, bull head)45°斜三通45° lateral45°斜三通(支管为异径)45° lateral (reducing on branch)45°斜三通(一个直通口为异径) 45° lateral (reducing on one run)45°斜三通(一个直通口及支管为异径) 45° lateral (reducing on one run and branch)Y型三通(俗称裤衩)true “Y”四通cross等径四通straight cross异径四通reducing cross异径四通(一个分支口为异径)reducing cross (reducing on one outlet)异径四通(一个直通口及分支口为异径)reducing cross (reducing on one run and outlet)异径四通(两个分支口为异径)reducing cross (reducing on both outlet)异径四通(一个直通口及两个分支口为异径)reducing cross (reducing on one run and both outlet) 异径管reducer同心异径管concentric reducer偏心异径管eccentric reducer锻制异径管reducing swage螺纹支管台threadolet焊接支管台weldolet承插支管台sockolet弯头支管台elbolet斜接支管台latrolet镶入式支管嘴sweepolet短管支管台nipolet支管台,插入式支管台boss管接头coupling, full coupling半管接头half coupling异径管接头reducing coupling活接头union内外螺纹缩接(俗称补芯)bushing管帽cap (C)堵头plug短节nipple异径短节reducing nipple; swage nipple1.3 弯管Bend预制弯管fabricated pipe bend跨越弯管(^ 形)cross-over bend偏置弯管(~ 形)offset bend90°弯管quarter bend环形弯管cirele bend单侧偏置90°弯管(? 形)single offset quarter bendS形弯管“S” bend单侧偏置U形膨胀弯管(| ?形)single offset “U” bendU形弯管“U” bend双偏置U膨胀弯管double offset expansion “U” bend斜接弯管mitre bend三节斜接弯管3-piece mitre bend折皱弯管corrugated bend圆度roundness1.4 法兰Flange (FLG)整体管法兰integral pipe flange钢管法兰steel pipe flange螺纹法兰threaded flange滑套法兰(包括平焊法兰)slip-on flange (SO); slip-on welding flange 承插焊法兰socket welding flange松套法兰lap joint flange (LJF)对焊法兰welding neckflange (WNF)法兰盖blind flange, blind孔板法兰orifice flange异径法兰reducing flange盘座式法兰pad type flange松套带颈法兰loose hubbed flange焊接板式法兰welding plate flange对焊环welding neck collar (与stub end相似)平焊环welding-on collar突缘短节stub end, lap翻边端lapped pipe end松套板式法兰loose plate flange压力级pressure rating, pressure rating class压力—温度等级pressure-temperature rating法兰密封面,法兰面flange facing突面raised face (RF)凸面male face (MF)凹面female face (FMF)榫面tongue face槽面groove face环连接面ring joint face全平面;满平面flat face; full face (FF)光滑突面smooth raised face (SRF)法兰面加工facing finish粗糙度roughness光滑的smooth齿形serrated均方根root mean square (RMS)算术平均粗糙高度arithmetical average roughness height (AARH)配对法兰companion-flange螺栓圆bolt circle (B.C.)1.5 垫片Gasket (GSKT)垫片的型式type of gasket平垫片flat gasket环形平垫片flat ring gasket平金属垫片flat metal gasket夹棉织物的橡胶elastomer with cotton fabric insertion夹石棉织物的橡胶elastomer with asbestos fabric insertion夹石棉织物及金属丝加强的橡胶elastomer with asbestos fabric insertion and with wire reinforcement 无石墨压缩白石棉垫片non graphited compressed white asbestos gasket天然白橡胶垫片natural white rubber gasket压缩石棉垫片compressed asbestos class gasket浸聚四氟乙烯的石棉垫片PTFE impregnated asbestos gasket夹石棉的缠绕金属垫片spiral-wound metal gasket with asbestos filler内环inner ring外环,外定位环outer ring波纹金属垫片corrugated metal gasket波纹金属包嵌石棉垫片corrugated metal gasket with asbestos inserted双夹套波纹金属包石棉垫片corrugated metal double jacketed asbestos filled gasket双夹套垫片double jacketed gasket金属包石棉平垫片flat metal jacketed asbestos filled gasket整体金属齿形垫片solid metal serrated gasket槽形金属垫片grooved metal gasket环形连接金属垫片ring joint metal gasket八角环形垫片octagonal ring gasket椭圆环形垫片oval ring gasket透镜式垫片lens gasket非金属垫片non-metallic gasket1.6 阀门Valve1.6.1 阀门结构、零件阀轭yoke外螺纹阀杆及阀轭outside screw and yoke (OS & Y)阀杆stem内螺纹inside screw (IS)阀轭套yoke sleeve阀杆环stem ring阀座valve seat (body seat)阀座环、密封圈seat ring整体(阀)座integral seat堆焊(阀)座deposited seat阀芯(包括密封圈、杆等内件)trim阀盘disc阀盘密封圈disc seat阀体body阀盖bonnet阀盖衬套bonnet bush螺纹阀帽screw cap螺纹阀盖screw bonnet螺栓连接的阀盖bolted bonnet (BB)活接阀盖(帽)union bonnet (cap)螺栓连接的阀帽bolted cap (BC)焊接阀盖welded bonnet (WB)本体阀杆密封body stem seal石棉安全密封asbestos emenen seal倒密封back seal压力密封的阀盖pressure-tight bonnet动力操纵器powered operator电动操纵器electric motor operator气动操纵器pneumatic operator液压操纵器hydraulic operator快速操纵器quick-acting operator滑动阀杆sliding stem正齿轮传动spur gear operated伞齿轮传动bevel gear operated扳手操作wrench operated链轮chain wheel手轮hand wheel手柄hand lever (handle)气缸(或液压缸)操纵的cylinder operated链条操纵的chain operated等径孔道full bore; full port异径孔道reducing bore, reduced port,venturi port 短型short pattern紧凑型(小型)compact type笼式环lantern ring压盖gland阀杆填料stem packing阀盖垫片bonnet gasket升杆式(明杆)rising stem (RS)非升杆式(暗杆)non-rising stem (NRS)指示器/限位器indicator/stopper注油器grease injector可更换的阀座环renewable seat ring1.6.2 常用阀(1)闸阀gate valve平行双闸板double disc parallel seat开口楔形闸板split wedge挠性整体楔形闸扳flexible solid wedge整体楔形闸板solid wedge塞型闸阀plug gate valve直通型闸阀through conduit gate valve(2) 截止阀globe valve球心型阀盘globe type disc塞型阀盘plug type disc可转动的阀盘swivel disc(3) 节流闪阀throttle valve针阀needle valve(4) 角阀angle valve(5) Y型阀(Y 型阀体截止阀)Y-valve (Y-body globe valve)(6) 球阀ball valve三通球阀3-way ball valve装有底轴的trunnion mounted耐火型fire safe type浮动球型floating ball type防脱出阀杆blowout proof stem(7) 蝶阀butterfly valve对夹式(薄片型)wafer type凸耳式lug type偏心阀板蝶阀offset disc burerfly valve; eccentric butterfly valve 斜阀盘蝶阀canted disc butterfly valve连杆式蝶阀link butterfly valve8) 柱塞阀piston type valve(9) 旋塞阀plug valve三通旋塞阀three-way plug valve四通旋塞阀four-way plug valve旋塞cock衬套旋塞sleeve cock(10) 隔膜阀diaphragm valve橡胶衬里隔膜阀rubber lined diaphragm valve直通式隔膜阀straight way diaphragm valve堰式隔膜阀weir diaphragm valve(11) 夹紧式胶管阀pinch valve(用于泥浆、粉尘等)(12) 止回阀check valve升降式止回阀lift check valve旋启式止回阀swing check valve, flap check valve落球式止回阀ball check valve弹簧球式止回阀spring ball check valve双板对夹式止回阀dual plate wafer type check valve无撞击声止回阀non-slam cheek valve底阀foot valve切断式止回阀stop check valve; non-return valve活塞式止回阀piston check valve斜翻盘止回阀tilting disc check valve蝶式止回阀butterfly check valve1.6.3 其它用途的阀安全泄气阀safety valve (SV)安全泄液阀relief valve (RV)安全泄压阀safety relief valve杠杆重锤式lever and weight type引导阀操纵的安全泄气阀pilot operated safety valve复式安全泄气阀twin type safety valve罐底排污阀flush-bottom tank valve电磁阀solenoid valve, solenoid operated valve电动阀electrically operated valve, electric-motor operated valve气动阀pneumatic operated valve低温用阀cryogenic service valve蒸汽疏水阀steam trap机械式疏水阎mechanical trap浮桶式疏水阀open bucket trap, open top bucket trap浮球式疏水阀float trap倒吊桶式疏水阀inverted bucket trap自由浮球式疏水阀loose float trap恒温式疏水阀thermostatic trap金属膨胀式蒸汽疏水阀metal expansion steam trap液体膨胀式蒸汽疏水阀liquid expansion steam trap双金属膨胀式蒸汽疏水阀bimetallic expansion steam trap压力平衡式恒温疏水阀balanced pressure thermostatic trap热动力式疏水阀thermodynamic trap脉冲式蒸汽疏水阀impulse steam trap放气阀(自动放气阀)air vent valve (automatic air vent valve) (疏水阀用)平板式滑动闸阀slab type sliding gate valve盖阀flat valve换向阀diverting valve, reversing valve热膨胀阀thermo expansion valve自动关闭阀self-closing gate valve自动排液阀self-draining valve管道盲板阀line-blind valve挤压阀squeeze valve(用于泥浆及粉尘等)呼吸阀breather valve风门、挡板damper减压阀pressure reducing valve, reducing valve控制阀control valve膜式控制阀diaphragm operated control valve执行机构actuator背压调节阀back pressure regulating valve差压调节阀differential pressure regulating valve压力比例调节阀pressure ratio regulating valve1.6.4 未指明结构(或阀型)的阀切断阀block valve; shut-off valve; stop valve调节阀regulating valve快开阀quick opening valve快闭阀quick closing valve隔断阀isolating valve三通阀three way valve夹套阔jacketed valve非旋转式阀non-rotary valve排污阀blowdown valve集液排放阀drip valve排液阀drain valve放空阀vent valve卸载阀unloading valve排出阀discharge valve吸入阀suction valve多通路阀multiport valve取样阀sampling valve手动阀hand-operated valve; manually operated valve 锻造阀forged valve铸造阀cast valve(水)龙头bibb; bib; faucet抽出液阀(小阀)bleed valve旁路阀by-pass valve软管阀hose valve混合阀mixing valve破真空阀vacuum breaker冲洗阀flush valve第一道阀;根部阀primary valve根部阀root valve总管阀header valve事故切断阀emergency valve1.7 管道特殊件Piping Specialty1.7.1 管道特殊件(组件)粗滤器strainer过滤器filter临时粗滤器(锥型)temporary strainer (cone type)y 型粗滤器y-type strainerT型粗滤器T-type strainer永久过滤器permanent filter丝网粗滤器gauze strainer洗眼器及淋浴器eye washer and shower视镜sight glass阻火器flame arrester喷嘴;喷头spray nozzle取样冷却器sample cooler消声器silencer膨胀节expansion joint波纹膨胀节bellow expansion joint单波single bellow双波double bellow多波multiple bellow压力平衡式膨胀节pressure balanced expansion带铰链膨胀节hinged expansion joint轴向位移型膨胀节axial movement type expansion joint 自均衡膨胀节(外加强环)self-equalizing expansion joint 带接杆膨胀节tied expansion joint万向型膨胀节universal type expansion joint球形补偿器ball type expansion joint填函式补偿器slip type (packed type) expansion joint单向滑动填料函补偿器single actionpacked slip joint1.7.2 管道特殊元件Piping Special Element软管接头hose connection (HC)快速接头quick coupling金属软管metal hose橡胶管rubber hose挠性管flexible tube鞍形补强板reinforcing saddles补强板reinforcement pad特殊法兰special flange漏斗funnel排液环drip ring排液漏斗drain funnel插板blank垫环spacer8字盲板spectacle blind; figure 8 blind限流孔板restriction orifice爆破片rupture disk法兰盖贴面protective disc费托立克接头victaulic coupling1.8 端部连接End Connection法兰端flanged end坡口端beveled end (BE)对焊端butt welded end平端plain end (PE)承插焊端socket welding end螺纹端threaded end (TE)承口bell end焊接端welding end法兰连接(接头)flanged joint对焊连接(接头)butt welded joint螺纹连接,管螺纹连接threaded joint, pipe threaded joint 锥管螺纹密封焊连接seal-welded taper pipe threaded joint 承插焊连接(接头)socket welded joint承插连接(接头)bell and spigot joint环垫接头ring joint (RJ)万向接头universal joint软钎焊连接(接头)soldered joint搭接接头,松套连接lapped joint外侧厚度切斜角bevel for outside thickncss内侧厚度切斜角bevel for inside thickness内外侧厚度切斜角bevel for combined thickness法兰式的flanged (FLGD)对焊的butt welded (BW)螺纹的threaded (THD)承插焊的socket welded (SW)小端为平的small end plain (SEP)大端为平的large end plain (LEP)两端平both ends plain (BEP)小端带螺纹small end thread (SET)大端带螺纹large end thread (LET)两端带螺纹both end thread (BET)一端带螺纹one end thread (OET)支管连接branch connection焊接支管branch pipe welded directly to the run pipe 2 管道用紧固件及螺纹2.1 紧固件螺栓bolt六角头螺栓hexagonal head bolt方头螺栓square head bolt螺柱,双头螺栓stud bolt环头螺检eye bolt沉头螺栓countersunk (head) screw地脚螺栓anchor bolt; foundation bolt松紧螺旋扣(花篮螺丝)turnbuckleU形螺栓U-boltT形螺栓T-bolt圆头螺钉round head bolt机螺栓,机螺钉maehine bolt顶开螺栓,顶起螺栓Jack screw自攻螺钉self tapping screw膨胀螺栓expansion bolt粗制的coarse精制的finished, fine螺母nut六角螺母hexagonal nut方螺母square nut蝶形螺母wing nut扁螺母flat nut锁紧螺母lock nut垫圈washer平垫圈plain washer球面垫圈spherical washer弹簧垫圈spring washer方垫圈square washer斜垫圈slant washer销轴pinned shan销pin开口销cotter pin定位销dowel pin带孔销pin with hole圆锥销taper pin铆钉rivet键key2.2 螺纹左螺纹left hand thread右螺纹right hand thread管螺纹pipe thread锥管螺纹taper pipe thread直管螺纹straight pipe thread梯形螺纹trapezoid thread螺距pitch of thread粗牙螺纹coarse thread细牙螺纹fine thread特细牙螺纹extra fine thread通长螺纹full thread惠氏螺纹whitworth thread公制螺纹metric ibread美国标准锥管螺纹American standard taper pipe thread (NPT) 螺孔tap3 材料、型钢及填料3.1 金属材料3.1.1 黑色金属Ferrous Metal碳素钢carbon steel (CS)低碳钢low-carbon steel中碳钢medium-carbon steel高碳钢high-carbon steel普通碳素钢general carbon steel优质碳素钢high-quality carbon steel普通低合金结构钢general structure low-alloy steel合金结构钢structural alloy steel合金钢alloy steel低合金钢low alloy steel中合金钢medium alloy steel高合金钢high alloy steel耐热钢heat resisting steel高强度钢high strength steel复合钢clad steel工具钢tool steel弹簧钢spring steel钼钢molybdenum steel铬钢chromium steel铬钼钢chrome-molybdenum steel铬镍钢chromium-nickel steel,chrome-nickel steel 不锈钢stainless steel (S.S.)奥氏体不锈钢Austenitic stainless steel马氏体不锈钢Martensitic stainless steel司特来合金(钨铬钴台金)Stellite耐蚀耐热镍基合金Hastelloy铬镍铁合金inconel耐热铬镍铁合金incoloy20合金20 alloy平炉钢(马丁钢)Martin steel镇静钢killed steel半镇静钢semi-killed steel沸腾钢rimmed steel; rimming steel; open-steel 锻钢forged steel铸钢cast steel铸铁cast iron (C.I.)灰铸铁grey cast iron可锻铸铁malleable iron (MI)球墨铸铁nodular cast iron; nodular graphite iron 生铁pig iron熟铁,锻铁wrought iron铸件casting高硅铸铁high silicon cast iron3.1.2 镀层及制造方法渗铬钢,镀铬钢chromized steel镀铬的chromium-plated, chrome-plated镀层plating锻造,型钢swage锻造的,锻造forging轧制rolling热轧hot rolling冷轧cold rolling挤压extruding冷加工cold working热加工hot working拔制drawing3.1.3 有色金属Non-ferrous Metal铜,紫铜copper黄铜brass青铜bronze铝青铜aluminum bronze磷青铜phosphor bronze铝镁合金aluminum magnesium锰青铜manganese bronze蒙乃尔(注:镍及铜合金)Monel镍铜台金nickel copper alloy非铁合金nonferrous alloy钛titanium铅lead硬铅hard lead3.1.4 材料性能极限强度ultimate strength抗拉强度tensile strength屈服极限yield limit屈服点yield point延伸率percentage elongation抗压强度compressive strength抗弯强度bending strength弹性极限elastic limit冲击值impact value疲劳极限fatigue limit蠕变极限creep limit持久极限endurance limit布氏硬度Brinell hardness洛氏硬度Rockwell hardness维氏硬度Vickers diamond hardness, diamond penetrator hardness 蠕变断裂强度creep rupture strength断面收缩率reduction of area韧性toughess脆性brittleness延性ductility冷脆cold shortness冷流cold flow3.2 非金属材料Non-metallic Material塑料plastic丙烯腈—丁二烯—苯乙烯acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS)聚乙烯polyethylene (PE)聚氯乙烯polyvinyl chloride (PVC)苯乙烯橡胶styrene-rubber (SR)聚丁烯polybutylene (PB)聚丙烯polypropylene (PP)聚苯乙烯polystyrene (PS)氯化聚醚chlorinated polyether (CPE)聚酰胺polyamide (PA)聚碳酸酯polycarbonate (PC)聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA)醋酸丁酸纤维素cellulose acetate butyrate (CAB)氯化聚氯乙烯chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC)聚偏二氟乙烯polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF)缩醛塑料acetal plastic尼龙塑料nylon plastic聚烯烃polyolefin (PO)石墨酚醛塑料graphite phenolic plastics聚四氟乙烯polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)纤维增强热塑性塑料fiber reinforced thermoplastics热塑性塑料thermoplastic热固性塑料thermosetting plastics胶粘剂adhesive溶剂胶接剂solvent cement树脂resin环氧树脂epoxy, epoxy resin聚酯树脂polyester resin聚酯纤维polyester fibers氟塑料fluoroplastics聚氨基甲酸酯polyurethane丙烯酸树脂acrylic resin脲醛树脂urea resin呋哺树脂furan resin乙烯丙烯二烃单体ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM) 合成橡胶synthetic rubber橡胶rubber丁腈橡胶nitrile butadiene rubber氯丁橡胶neoprene天然橡胶natural rubber乙丙橡胶ethylene propylene rubber (EPR)玻璃glass硼硅玻璃borosilicate glass耐火砖fire brick陶瓷ceramic搪瓷porcelain enamel木材wood3.3 型材型钢shaped steel, section steel, swage角钢angle steel槽钢channel工字钢I-beam宽缘工字钢或H钢wide flanged beamT型钢T-bar方钢square bar扁钢flat bar角钢hexagonal steel bar圆钢round steel; rod钢带strap steel钢板plate网纹钢板checkered plate腹板(指型钢的立板)web翼缘(指型钢的缘)wing3.4 填料及填料函填料packing石棉绳asbestos rope, asbestos cord.O形环O-ring自密封self-sealing四氟带Teflon tap带铬镍合金丝的石棉绳asbestos rope with inconel wire, inconel wire asbestos 浸聚四氟乙烯的石棉填料Teflon impregnated asbestos packing金属填料metallic stuffing填料箱,填料函packing box, stuffing box填料函压盖stuffing box gland4 管道等级及材料统计4.1 管道材料规定Piping Material Specification管道等级piping class; piping classification管道等级号class designation公称直径nominal diameter (DN); nominal (pipe) size公称压力nominal pressure (PN)压力级,等级,类别class (CL)低压low pressure (L.P.)中压medium pressure (M.P.)高压high pressure (H.P.)大气压atmosphere (ATM)真空vacuum工作压力operating pressure; working pressure设计压力design pressure工作温度operating temperature设计温度design temperature环境温度ambient temperature腐蚀裕量corrosion allowance管道附件piping attachment管道元件piping element壁厚wall thickness (WT)壁厚系列号schedule number (SCH. No.)加厚的,加强的extra heavy, extra strong双倍加厚的,双倍加强的double extra heavy, double extra strong通用连接组typieal installation分组(类)形式(如管道等级表)block form数据库data base文件file4.2 材料统计Material Take-off (MTO)汇总表summary sheet材料表bill of material (BM)综合管道材料表consolidated piping material summary sheet (CPMSS) 统计材料准确度accuracy of take-off材料情况报告material status report (MSR)散装材料bulk material编位号的itemized代码code number短代码short code数量quantity (QTY)重力weight净重net weight毛重gross weight再生塔regenering tower造粒塔prflling tower汽提塔stripper脱气塔degasifier合成塔synthesis tower(2) 反应器reactor聚台釜polymerizer转化器,变换器converter脱硫反应器desulphurization reactor甲烷化器methanator(3) 气柜gas-holder螺旋式气柜helical gas-holder湿式气柜wet gas-holder干式气柜dry gas-holder(4) 槽罐贮罐tank; storage tank缓冲罐knock out drum球罐spheroid, spherical tank罐drum接受槽receiver计量槽measuring tank加料槽feed tank排污罐blow down tank闪蒸罐flash drum汽包steam drum溶液贮槽solution storage tank地下槽sloptank(5) 其它设备分离器separator旋风分离器cyclone分子筛molecular sieve脱氧器deaerator搅拌器agitator干燥器dryer混合器mixer萃取器extractor结晶器crystallizer澄清器gravity settler净化器purifier气化器vaporizer吸附器adsorber融解槽melter减温器desuperheater升压器booster喷射器ejector喷头sprayer火炬flare消声器silencer(6) 换热器、加热器、冷却器换热器heat exchanger空冷器air cooler水冷却器water cooler冷凝器condenser螺旋板式换热器spiral plate heat exchanger蒸发器evaporator再沸器reboiler急冷器quencher深冷器chiller预热器preheater再热器reheater加热器heater电加热器electric heater过热器super heater给水加热器feed water heater中间冷却器inter cooler后冷却器after cooler5.1.2 工业炉及锅炉炉子furnace烧嘴burner锅炉boiler烟囱stack废热锅炉waste heat boiler辅助锅炉auxiliary boiler省煤器economizer回热炉direct-fired heater辐射段radiant section对流段convection section裂化炉reformer焚烧炉incinerator回转窑rotary kiln炉管furnace tube吹灰器soot blower观察孔observation door, peep door防爆门explosion door5.2 辅助用房名称5.2.1 生产用房分析室analyzer room变压器室transformer room配电室,变电所substation, switch room 蓄电池室battery room控制室control room通风室ventilating room贮藏室storage room维修间maintenance room办公室office5.2.2 生活用房更农室locker room盥洗室,厕所closet, lavatory, toilet5.3 图名管道布置平面piping arrangement plan (PAP)管道布置piping layout轴测图isometric drawing分区索引图key plan初版设备布置图(“A”版)preliminary plot plan ( “A” issue)内部审查版设备布置图(“B”版)inrernal approval plot plan ( “B” issue)用户审查版设备布置图(“C”版) owner approval plot plan ( “C” issue)确认版设备布置图(“D”版)confirm plot plan ( “D” issue)研究版设备布置图(“e”版)planning plot plan ( “E” issue)设计版设备布置图(“F”)designing plot plan ( “F” issue)施工版设备布置图(“G”版)construction plot plan ( “G” issue)5.4 厂房、站、单元压缩机房compressor house (room)泵房pump house (room)洗眼站eye washer station泡沫站foam station软管站,公用工程站hose station (HS), utility station成套设备package unit设施facilities罐区tank yard空分装置air separation facility5.5 设备布置设备位号equipment item number工厂plant工厂区界plant limit项目区界内侧inside battery limit (I.S.B.L.)项目区界batterylimit (BL)区界area limit区域边界zone iimit东east (E)西west (W)南south (S)北north (N)上up下down工厂北向plant north真实北向true north道路road小过道cat walk, cat way走道,过道walk way, gangway, access way 污水坑(井)sump pit集水池catch basin沟槽through预留区trough场地future area铺砌区paving area非铺砌区unpaved area碎石铺面gravel paving橡皮铺面rubber paving面积,区域area体积,容积volume (VOL)5.6 管道布置管道设计piping design管道研究piping study走向研究routing study重要管道critical piping地上管道above ground piping地下管道under ground piping管网network of pipes管廊pipe rack管沟piping trench管间距line spacing管道跨距line span总管header, manifold旁路by pass排液drain放空vent上升管,垂直管riser导管canduit管件直接fitting to fitting (FTF)管段,接口spool piece, spool取样接口sampling connection集液包drip leg伴热管tracing pipe蒸汽伴热steam tracing热水伴热hot-water tracing电伴热electrical tracing夹套管jacketed line, jacketed piping全夹套的full jacketed平面plan详图detail“ ”视图X view “X”“ ”剖视A-A section “A-A”连接图hook up drawing接续图continue on drawing (COD)接续线match line (M.L.)比例scale图例legend符号symbol管口表list of nozzles方位orientation管口方位nozzle orientation定位location相交intersection水平的horizontal垂直的,立式的vertical垂直,正交,垂直的perpendicular平行,平行的parallel水平安装horizontal installation垂直安装vertical installafion对称的symmetric相反(的),对面(的)opposite顺时针方向clock wise逆时针方向counter clock wise计算机辅助设计computer aided design (CAD) 5.7 图面标注绝对标高abselute elevation海平面标高over-sea mean level (OSL)标高,立面elevation (EL)混凝土顶面top of concrete架顶面top of support (TOS)钢结构顶面top of steel梁项面top of beam (TOB)支撑点point of suppon (POS)管顶top of pipe (TOP)管底bouom of pipe (BOP)沟底boaom of trench管子内底invert (inside bottom of pipe)底平flat on bottom (FOB)顶平flat on top (FOT)工作点working point (W.P.)面至面face to face (F-F)中心至端面center to end (C-E)中心至面center to face (C-F)中心至中心,中至中center to center (C-C) 坐标coordinate坐标原点origin of coordinate出口中心线center line of discharge入口中心线center line of suction中心线centerline (CL)入口inlet, suction出口outlet, discharge排出口exhaust距离distance5.8 相关专业的专业词汇5.8.1 工艺(1) 图及表流程图flow diagram工艺流程图process flow diagram (PFD)管道及仪表流程图piping andinstrument flow diagram (PID)公用工程流程图utility flow diagram (UFD) 管线表line list; line schedule命名表;管道表nomenclature设备表equipment list (schedule)(2) 流体fluid空气air仪表空气instrument air工艺空气process air低压蒸汽low pressure steam中压蒸汽medium pressure steam高压蒸汽high pressure steam伴热蒸汽tracing steam饱和蒸汽saturated steam过热蒸汽superheated steam氧气oxygen氢气hydrogen氮气nitrogen燃料气fuel gas天然气natural gas火炬气flare gas酸性气sour gas液化石油气liquefired petroleum gas (LPG) 氨气ammonia gas冷却水cooling循环水circulating water锅炉给水boiler feed water热水hot water蒸汽冷凝水steam condensate盐水brine工艺水process water化学污水chemical sewage防腐剂corrosion inhibitor重油heavy oil石脑油naphtha燃料油fuel oil润滑油lubricating oil密封油sealing oil冷冻剂refrigerant载热体heating medium溶剂solvent溶液solution母液mother liquor单体monomer聚合物polymer均聚物homopolymer共聚物copolymer工艺液体process liquid工艺气体process gas硫酸sulphuric acid盐酸chlorhydric acid烧碱caustic soda(3) 流体特性fluid characteristics蒸汽压vapor pressure临界温度critical temperature临界点critical point临界压力critical pressure比热specific heat湿度humidity密度density比重specific gravity粘度viscosity闪点flash point融点melting point凝固点freezing point浓度concentration爆炸极限limit of explosion有毒的toxic可燃的;易燃的flammable(4) 其它回收recovery再生regeneration循环cireulatlon再循环;再生recycle补充make-up制备preparation蒸汽吹扫steaming out吹扫purge抽空;排空evacuation吹出blow-off排污blow down破真空vacuum breaker大气腿barometric leg备用stand-by化学清洗chemical cleaning净正吸入压头net positive suction head (NPSH) 进料feed成品product污染contamination大气污染atmospheric pollution环境温度ambient temperature5.8.2 建筑、结构钢结构steel structure已有钢结构existing steel structure钢筋混凝土结构reinforced concrete construction 楼面floor平台platform (PF)地面ground level栏杆handrail楼梯stair; stair way直梯ladder柱column; post; stanchion基础foundation; footing粱beam斜撑;支撑bracing桁架;主粱girder构件member隔墙partition wall墙wall篦子板grate; grating吊装孔erection opening吊梁hoisting beam棚shelter窗window天窗skylight门door防火门fire door地漏floor drain防火层fire-proofing总图general plot plan路肩shoulder桩pile灌浆grouting风荷载wind load雪荷载snow load动力荷载dynamic load静荷载dead load活荷载live load风速wind velocity主导风向most frequent wind direction5.8.3 仪表盘(操作盘)panel就地盘local panel仪表盘instrument panel常开normally open常闭normally closed电缆槽(架)cable tray (channel); cable rack仪表电缆槽(架)instrument cable tray (duct)压力计manometer; pressure gauge热电偶thermocouple温度计thermometer液位计level gauge玻璃液位计gage glass温度计保护管thermowell流量计flow meter涡街流量计: Vortex Flowmeter其他流量计的翻译供参考:电磁流量计:Electromagnetic Flowmeter科里奥利质量流量计:Coriolis Mass Flowmeter明渠流量计:Open Channel Flowmeter孔板流量计:Orifice Plate Flowmeter转子流量计:Rotameter涡轮流量计:Turbine Flowmeter量热式流量计:Calorimetric Flowmeter容积流量计:Positive Displacement (PD) Flowmeters 超声波流量计:Ultrasonic Flowmeter文丘里流量计:Venturi Flowmeter热式质量流量计:Thermal Mass Flowmeter多相流量计:Multiphase Flowmeter水槽与堰道流量计:Flumes and Weirs Flowmeter孔板orifice变送器transmitter联锁interlock仪器;设备apparatus仪器分析instrumental analysis自动分析automatic analysis气体分析gas analysis化学分析chemical analysis气相色谱仪gas chromatograph液相色谱仪liquid chromatograph质谱分析mass spectrometric analysis5.8.4 电气危险区划分hazardous area classification 危险区平面图hazardous area plan电气盘electrical panel配电盘switch board电缆沟cable trench电流current直流direct current交流alternating current频率frequency相位phase功率因数power factor电压voltage电阻resistance电容capacitance静电static electricity接地grounding; easthing照明lighting; illumination避雷针lightning preventer电话telephone电线wire接线箱(盒)junction box导线管conduit tube5.8.5 设备固定鞍座fixed saddle滑动鞍座sliding saddle管口nozzle人孔manhole (MH)手孔handhole (HH)检查孔inspection hole吊柱davit切线tangent line焊接线weldingiine件号part humbet椭圆形封头ellipsoidal head加强圈reinforcing ring接地板earth lug吊耳lifting lug气缸cylinder轴shaft轴承bearing附件,附属设备accessory编位号设备itemized equipment无位号设备non-itemized equipment5.8.6 水道(1) 流体原水raw water硬水hard water软水soft water饮用水potable water循环冷却水给水cooling water supply 循环冷却水回水cooling water return 脱盐水demineralized water苦咸水(碱性水)brackish water生活污水sanitary sewer工业废水industrial waste water雨水rain water污染雨水contaminated rain water 消防水fire water(2) 装置、设施软化装置softener沉淀器settler沉淀池clarifier脱盐装置demineralizer水处理water traatment冷却塔cooling tower中和池neutralization tank化粪池septic tank渗滤井soak-away pit井well阀井valve pit清扫口clean out(3)消防消火栓hydrant水炮water monitor洒水器sprinkler水喷淋watering灭火器fire extinguisher消防水泵fire pump。
亚洲(48个国家)Asia [`eʃə]Country [`kʌntri]东亚(5):中国、蒙古、朝鲜、韩国、日本中国:China [`tʃaɪnə]蒙古:Mongolia [mɔŋ`ɡəuljə]朝鲜Korea韩国Korea [kəˈriə,kɔ(:)`riə] corean 韩国人日本Japan [dʒəˈpæn] japanese a.日本的n.日本人东南亚(11):菲律宾、越南、老挝、柬埔寨、缅甸、泰国、马来西亚、文莱、新加坡、印度尼西亚、东帝汶菲律宾Filipino [ fili'pi:nəu]越南Vietnam [viət'næm]老挝Laos ['lauz]柬埔寨Cambodia [kæm'bəʊdi:ə] Kampuchea [kɑ:m`pu:tʃiə]缅甸Burma [`bəmə]泰国Thailand [`tailænd]马来西亚Malaysia [mə`leʒə]文莱Brunei [bru`naɪ]新加坡Singapore [`siŋɡə`pɔ:]印度尼西亚Indonesia [`indəu`ni:zjə]东帝汶east Timor [`ti:mɔr]南亚(7):尼泊尔、不丹、孟加拉国、印度(包括锡金邦)、巴基斯坦、斯里兰卡、马尔代夫尼泊尔Nepal [nə`pɔl,]不丹Bhutan [bu`tæn,]孟加拉国Bangladesh [`bɑŋɡlə`dɛʃ,]印度Hindustan [`hɪndʊ`stɑn,] India [`ɪndɪə]巴基斯坦Pakistan [`pækɪ`stæn]斯里兰卡Sri Lanka [sri `lɑŋkə]马尔代夫Maldives [`mɔldaɪvz]中亚(5):哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦、塔吉克斯坦、乌兹别克斯坦、土库曼斯坦哈萨克斯坦Kazakhstan吉尔吉斯斯坦Kyrgyzstan [`kɪrɡi`stɑn]塔吉克斯坦Tadzhikistan [tɑ`dʒɪkɪ`stæn]乌兹别克斯坦Uzbekistan [ʊz`bɛkɪ`stæn]土库曼斯坦Turkmenistan [,tɚkmɛnɪ`stæn]西亚(20):阿富汗、伊拉克、伊朗、叙利亚、约旦、黎巴嫩、以色列、巴勒斯坦、沙特阿拉伯、巴林、卡塔尔、科威特、阿拉伯联合酋长国(阿联酋)、阿曼、也门、格鲁吉亚、亚美尼亚、阿塞拜疆、土耳其、塞浦路斯阿富汗Afghanistan [æf`ɡænɪ,stæn]伊拉克Iraq [ɪ`ræk]伊朗Iran [ɪ`ræn]叙利亚Syria [`sɪriə]约旦Jordan ['dʒɔ:dn]黎巴嫩Lebanon ['lebənən]以色列Israel [ 'ɪzri:əl]巴勒斯坦Palestine [ 'pæləstaɪn]沙特阿拉伯Saudi Arabia ['saudi ə'reibjə]巴林Bahrain [bɑ:'reɪn]卡塔尔Qatar [ 'kɑ:tər]科威特Koweit Kuwait [ku'weit]阿拉伯联合酋长国The United Arab Emirates阿曼Oman [əu'mɑ:n]也门Yemen [ 'jemən]格鲁吉亚Georgia ['dʒɔ:dʒə]亚美尼亚Armenia [ɑ:'mi:njə]阿塞拜疆Azerbaijan [ɑ:zəbai'dʒɑ:n]土耳其Turkey [ 'tə:ki]塞浦路斯Cyprus ['saiprəs]2、欧洲(44个国家)欧洲Europe ['jʊərəp]北欧(5):芬兰、瑞典、挪威、冰岛、丹麦芬兰Finland ['fɪnlənd]瑞典Sweden ['swi:dn]挪威Norway ['nɔ:,weɪ]冰岛Iceland ['aislənd]丹麦Danmark ['dænmɑ:k]东欧(7):爱沙尼亚、拉脱维亚、立陶宛、白俄罗斯、俄罗斯、乌克兰、摩尔多瓦爱沙尼亚Esthonia [es'təuniə]拉脱维亚Latvia ['lætviə]立陶宛Lithuania [,liθju(:)'einjə]白俄罗斯White Russia俄罗斯Russia ['rʌʃə]乌克兰Ukraine [ju(:)'krein]摩尔多瓦Moldova [mɔl'dɔvɑ:]中欧(8):波兰、捷克、斯洛伐克、匈牙利、德国、奥地利、瑞士、列支敦士登波兰Poland ['pəʊlənd]捷克Czech [tʃek]斯洛伐克Slovakia [sləu'vækiə]匈牙利Hungary ['hʌŋgəri:]德国Germany ['dʒɜ:məni:]奥地利Austria ['ɔ:stri:ə]瑞士Switzerland ['swɪtsələnd]列支敦士登Liechtenstein西欧(6):英国、爱尔兰、荷兰、比利时、卢森堡、法国英国U.K大英联合王国(=United Kingdom) Britain [ 'brɪtn] 不列颠,英国England Eng Great Britain 英国爱尔兰Eire ['ɛərə] Ireland ['aɪələnd]爱尔兰(岛)荷兰Holand ['h ɔlənd] the Netherlands比利时Belgium ['beldʒəm]卢森堡Luxemburg ['luksəm,bə:ɡ]法国France [fræns]东南欧(10):罗马尼亚、保加利亚、塞尔维亚、黑山、马其顿、阿尔巴尼亚、希腊、斯洛文尼亚、克罗地亚、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那(波黑)罗马尼亚Roumania [ru:'meiniə]保加利亚Bulgaria [bʌl'ɡɛəriə]塞尔维亚Serbia ['sə:bjə]黑山Montenegro [mɔnti'ni:ɡrəu]马其顿Macedonia [mæsi'dəunjə]阿尔巴尼亚Albania [æl'beinjə]. 希腊Greece [gri:s]斯洛文尼亚Slovenia [sləu'vi:njə]克罗地亚Croatia [krəu'eiʃjə]波黑hercegovina [hertsəɡəu'vi:nə]西南欧(8):意大利、梵蒂冈、圣马力诺、马耳他、西班牙、葡萄牙、安道尔、摩纳哥意大利Italy ['ɪtəlɪ]梵蒂冈Vatican ['vætɪkən] Vatican city圣马力诺San Marino马耳他Malta ['mɔ:ltə]西班牙Spain [speɪn] Espana葡萄牙Portugal ['pɔ:tʃəgəl, 'pəʊr-]安道尔Andorra [‘æn'dɔrə]摩纳哥Monaco ['mɔnəkəu]非洲(53个国家)非洲Africa ['æfrikə]北非(5):埃及、利比亚、突尼斯、阿尔及利亚、摩洛哥埃及Egypt ['i:dʒɪpt]利比亚Libya ['libiə]突尼斯Tunis ['tju:nis] Tunisia [tju(:)'niziə]阿尔及利亚Algeria [æl'dʒɪəri:ə]摩洛哥Morocco [mə'rɔkəu]东非(10):埃塞俄比亚、厄立特里亚、索马里、吉布提、肯尼亚、坦桑尼亚、乌干达、卢旺达、布隆迪、塞舌尔埃塞俄比亚Ethiopia [i:θi'əupjə]厄立特里亚Eritrea [eri'tri(:)ə]索马里Somalia [səu'mɑ:liə]吉布提Djibouti [dʒi'bu:ti]肯尼亚Kenya ['ki:njə,'kenjə]坦桑尼亚Tanzania [tænzə'ni:ə]乌干达Uganda [ju(:)'ɡændə,u:'ɡændə]卢旺达Rwanda [ru'ændə]布隆迪Burundi [bu'rundi]塞舌尔Seychelles [sei'ʃelz]中非(10):苏丹、南苏丹、乍得、中非、喀麦隆、赤道几内亚、加蓬、刚果共和国(刚果(布))、刚果民主共和国(刚果(金))、圣多美和普林西比苏丹Sudan [su:'dæn]乍得Chad [tʃæd]中非Central Africa喀麦隆Cameroon ['kæməru:n]赤道几内亚Equatorial Guinea [,ekwə'tɔ:riəl'ɡini]加蓬Gabon [ɡa'b]刚果Congo ['kɔŋɡəu]西非(16):毛里塔尼亚、塞内加尔、冈比亚、马里、布基纳法索、几内亚、几内亚比绍、佛得角、塞拉利昂、利比里亚、科特迪瓦、加纳、多哥、贝宁、尼日尔毛里塔尼亚Mauritania [mɔ(:)ri'teinjə]塞内加尔Senegal [seni'ɡɔ:l]冈比亚Gambian ['ɡæmbiən]马里Mali ['mɑ:li:]布基纳法索burkina faso [bə:,ki:nə 'fæsəu]几内亚Guinea ['ɡini]几内亚比绍Guinea-Bissau佛得角Verde [və:d]塞拉利昂sierra leone [si,erə li'əun]利比里亚Liberia [lai'biəriə]科特迪瓦Cote d'Ivoire加纳Ghana ['ɡɑ:nə]多哥Togo ['təuɡəu]贝宁Benin [be'nin]尼日尔Niger ['naidʒə]南非(13):赞比亚、安哥拉、津巴布韦、马拉维、莫桑比克、博茨瓦纳、纳米比亚、南非、斯威士兰、莱索托、马达加斯加、科摩罗、毛里求斯赞比亚Zambia ['zæmbiə]安哥拉Angola [æŋ'ɡəulə]津巴布韦Zimbabwe [zim'bɑ:bwei]马拉维Malawi [mɑ:'lɑ:wi]莫桑比克Mozambique ['məuzəm'bi:k]博茨瓦纳Botswana [bɔt'swɑ:nə]纳米比亚Namibia [nə'mi:biə]南非S. Africa South Africa斯威士兰Swaziland ['swɑ:zilænd]莱索托Lesotho [li'su:tu:]马达加斯加Madagascar [mædə'ɡæskə]科摩罗Comorin ['kɔmərin]毛里求斯Mauritius [mə'riʃəs]4、大洋洲(16个国家)澳大利亚、新西兰、巴布亚新几内亚、所罗门群岛、瓦努阿图、密克罗尼西亚、马绍尔群岛、帕劳、瑙鲁、基里巴斯、图瓦卢、萨摩亚、斐济群岛、汤加、库克群岛、纽埃大洋洲Oceania [əʊʃi:'æni:ə, -'eɪni:ə, -'ɑ:ni:ə]澳大利亚Australia ['streɪljə]新西兰New Zealand [nju: 'zi:lənd]巴布亚新几内亚papua new guinea [,pæpjuə,nju:'ɡini]所罗门群岛Solomon ['sɔləmən]瓦努阿图Vanuatu [vɑ:nu:'ɑ:tu:]密克罗尼西亚Micronesia [maikrəu'ni:ziə]马绍尔群岛Marshall ['mɑ:ʃəl]帕劳Palau [pɑ:'lau]瑙鲁Nauru [nɑ:'u:ru:]基里巴斯Kiribati ['kiribæs]图瓦卢Tuvalu ['tu:vəlu]萨摩亚Samoa [sə'məuə]斐济群岛Fiji ['fidʒi] Fiji Islands汤加Tonga ['tɔŋɡə]库克群岛Cook Islands纽埃Niue [ni'u:ei]5、北美洲(23个国家)北美(3)加拿大、美国、墨西哥加拿大Canada ['kænədə]美国America [ə'merɪkə]墨西哥Mexico ['meksɪ,kəʊ]中美洲(7):危地马拉、伯利兹、萨尔瓦多、洪都拉斯、尼加拉瓜、哥斯达黎加、巴拿马危地马拉Guatemala [ɡwæti'mɑ:lə]伯利兹Belize [be'li:z]萨尔瓦多Salvador ['sælvədɔ:]洪都拉斯Honduras [hɔn'djuərəs]尼加拉瓜Nicaragua [nɪkə'rɑɡwə]哥斯达黎加Costarica巴拿马Panama ['pænə,mɑ, -,mɔ]加勒比海地区(13):巴哈马、古巴、牙买加、海地、多米尼加共和国、安提瓜和巴布达、圣基茨和尼维斯、多米尼克、圣卢西亚、圣文森特和格林纳丁斯、格林纳达、巴巴多斯、特立尼达和多巴哥、巴哈马Bahamas [bə'hɑ:məz]古巴Cuba ['kju:bə]牙买加Jamaica [dʒə'meikə]海地Haiti ['heiti]多米尼加共和国Dominican [də'minikən] Republic安提瓜和巴布达Antigua and Barbuda圣基茨和尼维斯Saint Kitts and Nevis多米尼克Dominica [dɔmi'ni:kə]圣卢西亚Saint Lucia圣文森特和格林纳丁斯St Vincent and the Grenadines格林纳达Grenada [ɡrə'neidə]巴巴多斯Barbados [bɑ:'beidəuz]特立尼达和多巴哥Trinidad and Tobago ['trinidæd ənd tə'beiɡəu]南美洲(12个国家)南美洲Latin America 拉丁美洲(美国以南的所有美洲),南美洲北部(5):哥伦比亚、委内瑞拉、圭亚那、苏里南哥伦比亚Colombia [kə'lɔmbiə]委内瑞拉Venezuela [vene'zweilə]圭亚那Guyana [ɡai'ɑ:nə,ɡai'ænə]苏里南Surinam [,suəri'næm]中西部(3):厄瓜多尔、秘鲁、玻利维亚厄瓜多尔Ecuador ['ɛkwə,dɔr]秘鲁Peru [pə'ru]玻利维亚Bolivia [bə'liviə]东部(1):巴西巴西Brazil [brə'zil]南部(4):智利、阿根廷、乌拉圭、巴拉圭智利Chile ['tʃili]阿根廷Argentina [ɑ:dʒən'ti:nə]乌拉圭Uruguay [ 'uruɡwai]巴拉圭Paraguay ['pærəɡwai]。
期中复习100句中英对照1.我的学生my students2.是来自be from来自(三单,否定)come from3. ...好吗?what about…?4.英格兰英语英格兰人England English Englishman美国,美国人America American中国,中国人China Chinese5.欢迎来到七年四班。
Welcome to Class 4 Grade 7.6.我的英文名字my English name7.中国的首都the capital of china8.在我的班里in my class9.一个非常大的城市a very big city10.一个英格兰的小城市a small city in England11.我的第一个名字(名)my first name12.我的最后的名字(姓)my last name13.很高兴见到你们大家。
It’s nice to meet you all.14.姓the family name15.名(第二个)the given name16.多么大的一个家庭啊!What a big family!17.有…吗?(复数)Are t here …?18.我的妈妈的父母my mum’s parents19.在左边on the left20.在右边on the right21.我懂了。
I see. 22.紧挨着她的那个女人(后置定语)the woman (next to her)23.我的爸爸的姐姐my dad’s sister24.她的丈夫her husband25.在保罗前面的女孩(后置定语)the girl (in front of Paul)26.那些是... 。
Those are… .27.我的堂兄们my cousins28.剧院的经理the manager of a theater29.我的爸爸的工作my father’s job30.在警察局at a police station31.一个英语老师an English teacher32.在一个学校at a school33.一个旅馆经理a hotel manager34.在相同的医院at the same hospital35.在北京一个公交车司机a bus driver in Beijing36.像(系表结构)be like37.许多家具a lot of furniture38.在每个人的桌子上on everyon e’s desk39.在老师的桌子上on the teacher’s desk40.在教室的前面at the front of the classroom41.一张世界地图a map of the world42.在我们的墙上on our walls43.在我学校的中间in the middle of the school44.在...的左边on the left of …45.在学习大门的附近near the school gate46.在图书馆后面behind the library47.在...和...之间betwe en…and…48.有24个教室with twenty-four classrooms49.在教室的右面on the right of the classroom building 50.在食堂的前面in front of the dining hall51.在实验楼里in the science building52.让我们干…吧。
01. Do not, for one repulse, give up the purpose that you resolved to effect.不要因一次失败就放弃理想02. A man is not old as long as he is seeking something. A man is not old until regret s take the place of dreams.只要一个人还有所追求,他就没有老。
03. Man can survive only when he has the substance; man can live only when he has idea l. Animals survive while men live.人有了物质才能生存,有了理想才能生活。
04. Between the ideal and the reality, between the motion and the act, falls the shadow.理想与现实之间,动机与行为之间,总有一道阴影。
05. Ideals are like the stars... we never reach them, but like mariners, we chart our c ourse by them.理想就像是星星...我们永远够不着它,但是我们像水手一样,靠星星指引航程。
06. The ideal is in thyself, the impediment too is thyself.理想存乎已心,障碍亦是如此。
07. Its is the most pleasant thing in the world to struggle for a noble ideal.世界上最快乐的事,就是为理想而奋斗。
08. Anything one man can imagine, other men can make real.但凡人能想像到的事物,必定有人能将它实现。
1. Hello, how are you? 你好,你好吗?2. I’m fine, thank you. 我很好,谢谢你。
3. What’s your name? 你叫什么名字?4. My name is Lisa. 我的名字是丽莎。
6. I am from China. 我来自中国。
8. Yes, I like reading very much. 是的,我非常喜欢读书。
10. My favorite book is "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen. 我最喜欢的书是简·奥斯汀的《傲慢与偏见》。
12. I am twenty years old. 我二十岁了。
13. What do you do for a living? 你是做什么工作的?14. I am a teacher. 我是一名教师。
16. I enjoy listening to music and watching movies. 我喜欢听音乐和看电影。
17. Have you ever traveled abroad? 你有没有去过国外旅行?21. Do you have any siblings? 你有兄弟姐妹吗?22. Yes, I have one brother and one sister. 是的,我有一个哥哥和一个妹妹。
23. Are you married? 你结婚了吗?26. I plan to further my education and travel around the world. 我计划继续教育并环游世界。
中英文对照表1. a reversible fabric.两面均可用的织物2. Mix material混料3. Smudge污迹, 熏烟v.弄脏, 用浓烟熏, 染污4. inventoryn.详细目录, 存货, 财产清册, 总量5.wrapn.外套, 围巾, 包裹, 秘密, 约束, 限制vt.包装, 卷, 缠绕, 包, 覆盖, 裹, 遮蔽, 隐藏vi.缠绕, 重叠, 穿外衣, 包起来5. inconveniencen.麻烦, 不方便之处6.tissue papern.棉纸, 薄纸minationn.迭片结构8 filmn.薄膜, 膜层, 胶卷, 影片, 薄雾, 轻烟, 电影vt.在...上覆以薄膜, 拍成电影9 kitting line 组装车间10 sim tool 取卡器11.Saddle stitcher 自动骑马钉12.Manual 手册手动的13.Folder折页机14.White sample 白样15.Micro-computer controlled gilding and mould 微型自动贴胶覆膜机16.potential 潜在的17.Wrinkle 折皱18.Gule folding 喷胶折页19.Flat cutter 纸闸20.Deboss 冲凹21。
Dent 凹痕22.Sequnce 顺序23.Extra 额外的24.Bundle 困束包25.Proposal 提议26.Align 安排27.Rang 范围28.Color bleed(出血) size ,font picture.29.product identification and backward procedure产品标识与追述程序30. OPP band31. Criteria to Quality32.Tissue paper 棉纸, 薄纸33.。
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中英文对照血液科原发性血小板增多症Primary thrombocy themia血友病Hemophilia霍奇金病Hodgkin lymphoma HL非霍奇金淋巴瘤Non—Hodgkin lymphoma NHL多发性骨髓瘤Multiple myeloma MM恶性组织细胞瘤Malignant histiocytosis骨髓纤维化Myelofibrosis MF淋巴瘤Lymphoma浆细胞瘤Plasma cell dyscrasia脾功能亢进Hypersplenism血管性紫癜Vascular purpura弥漫性血管内紫癜Disseminated intravascular coagulation DIC血小板减少性紫癜Thrombocytopemia purpura自身免疫性溶血性贫血Autcimmune hemolytic anemia AIHA真性红细胞增多症Polythemia vera PV白细胞减少症Leukopenia中性粒细胞减少症Neutropenia粒细胞缺乏症Agranalocytosis.29702 7406 理g36484 8E84 躄30149 75C5 病28978 7132 焲36400 8E30 踰白血病Leukemia急性白血病Acute leukemia AL急性非淋巴细胞白血病Acute nonlymphoblastic leukemia ANLL急性髓细胞性白血病Acute myeloid leukemia AML急性淋巴细胞白血病Acute lymphoblastic leukemia ALL成人T淋巴细胞白血病Adult T—cell leukemia ATL慢性粒细胞白血病Chronic myeloid leukemia CML慢性淋巴细胞白血病Chronic lympoblastic leukemia类白血病反应Leukemoid reactions传染性单核增多症Infections mononucleosis骨髓增生异常综合症Myelodysplastic syndrome MDS过敏性紫癜Alleigic purpura特发性血小板减少性紫癜Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura ITP血栓性血小板减少性紫癜Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura TTP消化科乳腺瘤Breast cancer肝癌Hepatic cancer肺转移癌Metastasis oflemg cancer+m,9)26577 67D1 柑s32828 803C 耼慢性腹泻Chronic carcinoma肝硬化Cirrhosis of liver原发性肝癌Primary carcinoma of the liver肝性脑病Hepatic encephalopathy HE急性胰腺炎Acute pancreatitis慢性胰腺炎Chronic pancreatitis胰腺癌Carcinoma of pancreas结合性腹膜炎Tuberculous peritonitis上消化道出血upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage贫血Anemia缺铁性贫血Iron deficient巨幼细胞性贫血Megaloblastic anemia再生障碍性贫血Aplastic anemia AA恶性贫血Pernicious anemia慢性病贫血Anemia of chronic disease急性再生障碍性贫血Acute aplastic anemia纯红细胞再生障碍Purered cell aplasia anemia阵发性睡眠性血红蛋白尿症Parexysmall nocturmal hemoglobinuria PNH \24791 60D7 惗38717 973D 霽j`21834 554A 啊29256 7248 版胃食管反流病Gestroesophageal reflux disease gerd食管癌Carcinoma of the esophagus胃炎fastritis急性胃炎acute gastritis急性糜烂出血性肾炎Acute erosire and hemorrhagic gasteitis萎缩性胃炎airophic gastritis消化性溃疡peptic ulcer胃溃疡gastric ulcer GU十二指肠溃疡duodenal ulcer DU胃癌gastric cancer胃腺癌gastric adenocercinoma肺结核intestinal tuberulosisCrohn病crohns disease炎症性肠炎疡inflammatory bowet disease IBD溃疡性结肠炎ulcerative colitis大肠癌结肠癌carcinoma of the colon and rectun功能性胃肠癌functional dyspepsia FD肠易激综合症irrigatable bowel syndrome21219 52E3 勣=35145 8949 襉40334 9D8E 鶎UK肠结核intestinal tuberculosis未定型结肠炎indeterminate cvlitis功能性便秘functional constipation慢性乙性肝炎chronic hepatitis B virus hepatitis慢性丙性肝炎chronic hepatitis C virus hepatitis急性胆囊炎acute cholecysititis急性胰腺炎acute pancreutitis慢性阑尾炎chromic cholecysitis慢性胰腺炎chromic pancreutitis肠梗阻intestinal obstruction腹股沟斜疝direat ingwinal hernia脾破裂splenic mpture甲状腺腺瘤thyroid adenoma甲状腺瘤thyroid carcinoma原发性腹膜炎primary peritonitits乳腺瘤mammary cancer原发性肝癌primary carcinoma of the liver胰腺癌carcinama of pancreaseQ38548 9694 隔n~22196 56B4 嚴n35591 8B07 謇u胆囊癌gaubladder cancer肝包虫hepatic hydatidosis下肢静脉曲张varicose veins of lower extremity结直肠癌carcinoma of colon and reaturn肛瘘anal fistula胆石症cholelithiasis肛门癌anal cancer胃肠间质癌gastrointestinal stromal tumors宫颈癌cervical cancer卵巢癌ovarian cancer子宫内膜癌endometrial cancer子宫肉瘤aterine sarcomas绒毛膜上皮瘤choriocarcinoma小细胞肺癌small cell lury cancer非小细胞肺癌non small cell luny cancer黑色素瘤melanoma肉瘤sarcomas膀胱癌bladder cancerx!40418 9DE2 鷢28001 6D61 浡26299 66BB 暻24344 5F18 弘1肾癌renal cell cancer垂体瘤pituitary adenoma直肠癌colorectal carcinoma鼻咽癌nasopharyngeal carcinama肠血管畸形vascular malformation VM淋巴结转移癌cervical metastatic cancer胃溃疡并出血gastric ulcer and blood十二指肠溃疡duodenal ulcer DU胃息肉gastric sarcoma原发性血小板增多症Primary thrombocy themia血友病Hemophilia 冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病coronary atheroscle-rotic heart disease 白血病leukemia 嗳气eructation霍奇金病Hodgkin lymphoma HL非霍奇金淋巴瘤Non-Hodgkin lymphoma NHL多发性骨髓瘤Multiple myeloma MM 恶性组织细胞瘤Malignant histiocytosis骨髓纤维化Myelofibrosis MF淋巴瘤Lymphoma浆细胞瘤Plasma cell dyscrasia脾功能亢进Hypersplenism血管性紫癜Vascular purpura弥漫性血管内紫癜Disseminated intravascular coagulation DIC血小板减少性紫癜Thrombocytopemia purpura 自身免疫性溶血性贫血Autcimmune hemolytic anemia AIHA真性红细胞增多症Polythemia vera PV白细胞减少症Leukopenia中性粒细胞减少症Neutropenia粒细胞缺乏症Agranalocytosis白血病Leukemia急性白血病Acute leukemia AL急性非淋巴细胞白血病Acute nonlymphoblastic leukemia ANLL急性髓细胞性白血病Acute myeloid leukemia AML急性淋巴细胞白血病Acute lymphoblastic leukemia ALL 缺铁性红细胞生成iron deficient erythropoiesis成人T淋巴细胞白血病Adult T-cell leukemia ATL慢性粒细胞白血病Chronic myeloid leukemia CML慢性淋巴细胞白血病Chronic lympoblastic leukemia类白血病反应Leukemoid reactions传染性单核增多症Infections mononucleosis骨髓增生异常综合症Myelodysplastic syndrome MDS过敏性紫癜Alleigic purpura特发性血小板减少性紫癜Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura ITP血栓性血小板减少性紫癜Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura TTP 肠结核intestinal tuberculosis乳腺瘤Breast cancer肝癌Hepatic cancer肺转移癌Metastasis oflemg cancer慢性腹泻Chronic carcinoma肝硬化Cirrhosis of liver原发性肝癌Primary carcinoma of the liver肝性脑病Hepatic encephalopathy HE急性胰腺炎Acute pancreatitis慢性胰腺炎Chronic pancreatitis 胰腺癌Carcinoma of pancreas 帕金森病Parkinson's disease 皮肌炎dermatomyositis结合性腹膜炎Tuberculous peritonitis上消化道出血upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage贫血Anemia缺铁性贫血Iron deficient巨幼细胞性贫血Megaloblastic anemia再生障碍性贫血Aplastic anemia AA恶性贫血Pernicious anemia慢性病贫血Anemia of chronic disease急性再生障碍性贫血Acute aplastic anemia纯红细胞再生障碍Purered cell aplasia anemia 急性糜烂性出血性胃炎actue erosive-hemorrhagic gastritis阵发性睡眠性血红蛋白尿症Parexysmall nocturmal hemoglobinuria PNH胃食管反流病Gestroesophageal reflux disease gerd食管癌Carcinoma of the esophagus胃炎fastritis急性胃炎acute gastritis急性糜烂出血性肾炎Acute erosire and hemorrhagic gasteitis 萎缩性胃炎airophic gastritis消化性溃疡peptic ulcer胃溃疡gastric ulcer GU十二指肠溃疡duodenal ulcer DU胃癌gastric cancer胃腺癌gastric adenocercinoma肺结核intestinal tuberulosis Crohn病crohns disease炎症性肠炎疡inflammatory bowet disease IBD溃疡性结肠炎ulcerative colitis大肠癌结肠癌carcinoma of the colon and rectun功能性胃肠癌functional dyspepsia FD肠易激综合症irrigatable bowel syndrome肠结核intestinal tuberculosis未定型结肠炎indeterminate cvlitis 胃炎gastritis 稳定性心绞痛stable angina pectoris 系统性红斑狼疮systemic lupus erythematosus 心肌病cardiomyopathy 心肌梗死myocardial infarction 心力衰竭heart failure 心律失常cardiac dysrhythmia 水肿edema功能性便秘functional constipation慢性乙性肝炎chronic hepatitis B virus hepatitis慢性丙性肝炎chronic hepatitis C virus hepatitis急性胆囊炎acute cholecysititis急性胰腺炎acute pancreutitis慢性阑尾炎chromic cholecysitis慢性胰腺炎chromic pancreutitis肠梗阻intestinal obstruction腹股沟斜疝direat ingwinal hernia脾破裂splenic mpture甲状腺腺瘤thyroid adenoma甲状腺瘤thyroid carcinoma原发性腹膜炎primary peritonitits乳腺瘤mammary cancer原发性肝癌primary carcinoma of the liver胰腺癌carcinama of pancrease 胆囊癌gaubladder cancer肝包虫hepatic hydatidosis下肢静脉曲张varicose veins of lower extremity 结直肠癌carcinoma of colon and reaturn肛瘘anal fistula胆石症cholelithiasis肛门癌anal cancer胃肠间质癌gastrointestinal stromal tumors宫颈癌cervical cancer卵巢癌ovarian cancer子宫内膜癌endometrial cancer子宫肉瘤aterine sarcomas绒毛膜上皮瘤choriocarcinoma小细胞肺癌small cell lury cancer非小细胞肺癌non small cell luny cancer黑色素瘤melanoma肉瘤sarcomas膀胱癌bladder cancer肾癌renal cell cancer垂体瘤pituitary adenoma直肠癌colorectal carcinoma鼻咽癌nasopharyngeal carcinama肠血管畸形vascularmalformation VM淋巴结转移癌cervical metastatic cancer胃溃疡并出血gastric ulcer and blood十二指肠溃疡duodenal ulcer DU胃息肉gastric sarcoma 骨髓瘤myeloma 阵发性室上心动过速paroxysmal supraventricu—lar tachycardia 原发性支气管肺癌primary bronchogenic carcino-ma 原发性高血压primary hypertension 预激综合征preexcitation syndrome 支气管扩张bronchiectasis 支气管哮喘bronchial asthma 隐匿性肾小球肾炎latent glomerulonephritis 心室间隔缺损ventricular septal defect 深静脉血栓形成deep venous thrombosis 急性支气管炎acute tracheo—bronchitis 急性上呼吸道感染acute upper respiratory tractinfection 急性肾衰竭acute renal failure 急性肾小管坏死acute tubular necrosis 甲状腺功能减退症hypothyroidism 甲状腺功能亢进症hyperthyroidism 经皮冠状动脉介入治疗PCI 经皮冠状动脉腔内成形术PTCA 克罗恩病Crohn’s disease 溃疡性结肠炎ulcerative colitis 类风湿关节炎rheumatoid arthritis 慢性肺源性心脏病chronic pulmonary heart dis-ease 脑栓塞cerebral embolism 癫痫epilepsy 多发性肌炎polymyositis 肥厚性心肌病hypertrophic cardiomyopathy 肺梗死pulmonary infarction 肺栓塞pulmonary embolism 风湿性心脏瓣膜病rhematic valvular heart dis –dase 腹膜透析peritoneal dialysis 腹腔穿刺术abdominocentesis 腹水ascites 腹痛abdominal pain 腹泻diarrhea 腹胀abdominal distension 肝肺综合征hepatopulmonary syndrome 肝肾综合征hepatotenal syndrome 肝纤维化hepatic fibrosis 肝性昏迷hepatic coma 肝性脑病hepatic encephalopathy 肝性胸水hepatic hydrothorax 骨质疏松osteoporosis 冠状动脉性心脏病coronary heart disease 冠状动脉造影术CAG 黑便melena 呼吸衰竭respiratory failure 病毒性肺炎viral pneumonia 病毒性肝炎viral hepatitis 病毒性心肌炎viral myocarditis 病态窦房结综合征sick sinus syndrome 主动脉关闭不全aortic incompetence 主动脉瓣狭窄aortic stenosis 心悸palpitation 心室颤动ventricular fibrillation 心房颤动atrial fibrillation 细菌性食物中毒bacterial food poisoning 细菌性痢疾bacillary dysentery 血友病hemophilia 心室扑动ventricular flutter 心源性呼吸困难cardiogenic dyspnea 心源性晕厥cardiogenic syncope 心脏瓣膜病valvular heart disease 应激相关胃黏膜损伤stress-related gastric muco-sal injury 贫血anemia 糖尿病diabetes mellitus 糖尿病酮症酸中毒diabetic ketoacidosis 痛风gout 头痛headache。
The wind howls and the sky is high, And apes mourn with a sad cry. The river's clear, the sands are white, And birds fly back into sight.Endless trees fall with rustling sound, And the great Yangtze rolls around.2.《静夜思》——李白床前明月光,疑是地上霜。
Beneath my window, the moon bright, Seems like hoarfrost on the ground at night. I lift my head and watch the moon so bright; I lower it and think of home beneath its light.3.《春晓》——孟浩然春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟。
夜来风雨声,花落知多少?Sleeping in spring, no dawn comes to wake, Everywhere I hear birds for heaven's sake. Last night the wind and rain were so strong, How many blossoms fell before their song?4.《将进酒》——李白君不见黄河之水天上来,奔流到海不复回。
Have you not seen the Yellow stream up high, It flows into sea, never to return by and by? Have you not seen a saddened man with gray hair, He is young in morn, but old as snow elsewhere. When you've got what you want, just enjoy it well, Don't hold an empty cup under the moon spell. Born talented, I'm sure I'll find my way, If I lose my fortune, I'll earn itback someday. Cook lamb and beef for pleasure and glee, Let's drink three hundred bowls to be happy.5.《悯农》——李绅春种一粒粟,秋收万颗子。
中文英文中文英文中文英文中文英文中文英文中文英文年year一one人people身体body衣服clothes房子house月month二two男人man头head上衣coat家home日taday三three女人woman头发hair衬衫shirt客厅living room 四four婴儿baby眉毛eyebrow毛衣sweater卧室bedroom星期week五five儿童children眼睛eye大衣overcoat厨房kitchen 六six青年youth脸face裤子trousers厕所bathroom春spring七seven老人old people鼻子nose短裤shorts阳台balcony夏summer八eight亲戚relative嘴mouth鞋shoe床bed秋autumn九nine妻子wife嘴唇lip拖鞋slipper花园garden冬wenter十ten父亲father牙齿tooth内裤pants墙wall 十一eleven母亲mother舌头tongue袜子sock地板floor一月January十二twelve奶奶grandmother耳朵ear皮带leather天花板ceiling二月February十三thirteen爷爷grandfather脖子neck领带tie门door三月March十四fourteen 姥姥grandma胳膊arm裙子skirt门把手door handle 四月April 十五fifteen 姥爷grandpa手hand帽子hat门锁gate lock 五月May十六sixteen 儿子son手指finger窗户window六月June十七seventeen 女儿daughter腿leg眼镜glasses窗台windowsill 七月July十八eighteen 姑妈aunt脚踝ankle钱包wallet楼梯stairs八月August 十九nineteen 叔舅uncle脚foot钱money开关switch九月September二十twenty哥哥elder brother脚趾toe身份证idertity card插座socket十月October三十thirty弟弟younger brother指甲nail银行卡bank card插头plug十一月November四十forty姐妹sister膝盖knee钥匙key灯light十二月December五十fifty 姐姐elder sister胸chest手机mobile phone电线wire 六十sixty侄子nephew脑brain水管waterpipe 星期一Monday七十seventy 侄女niece心脏heart马桶closestool 星期二Tuesday八十eighty朋友friend星期三Wednesday九十ninety 同学classmate圣诞节Christmas星期四Thursday一百hundred老师teacher元旦New Year's Day星期五Friday千thousand经理manager春节Spring Festival星期六Saturday万absolutely老板boss星期日Sunday亿million同事colleague中文英文中文英文中文英文中文英文中文英文电视television颜色color职业job水果fruit动物animals 电脑computer棕色brown兽医vet苹果apple猫cat洗衣机washing machine红色red护士nurse菠萝pineapple狗dog空调air conditioning橙色orange老师teacher梨pear马horse 风扇fan黄色yellow医生doctor香蕉banana奶牛cow 绿色green学生student桃子peach绵羊sheep 桌子table蓝色blue歌手singer葡萄grape山羊goat凳子stool紫色purple飞行员pilot桔子orange驴donkey 椅子chair灰色gray工人worker柠檬lemon兔子rabbit 沙发sofa白色white农民farmer西瓜watermelo猴子monkey 钟表clock黑色black舞蹈家dancer猕猴桃kiwi frui狮子lion课桌desk粉色pink警察policeman老虎tiger 笔pen杂耍演员juggler熊猫panda 尺子ruler熊bear橡皮eraser天气weather科目subject鹿deer铅笔pencil阳光灿烂的sunny语文chinese狐狸fox刀knife多云的cloudy数学math鸟bird盒子box多雨的rainy英语English蜜蜂bee书book多雪的snowy历史history鸭子duck书柜bookcase多风的windy地理geography鱼fish 晴好的fine科学science蛇snake音乐music碗bowl体育P.E盘子plate美术art筷子chopsticks勺子spoon杯子cup键盘keyboard鼠标mouse摄像头camera。
亚洲(48个国家)东亚:中国、蒙古、朝鲜、韩国、日本(5)China Mongolia North Korea SK Japan东南亚:菲律宾、越南、老挝、柬埔寨、缅甸、泰国、马来西亚、文莱、新加坡、印度尼西亚、东帝汶(11)Philippines Vietnam Laos Cambodia Burma Thailand Malaysia BruneiSingapore Indonesia East Timor南亚:尼泊尔、不丹、孟加拉国、印度、巴基斯坦、斯里兰卡、马尔代夫(7)Nepal Bhutan Bangladesh India Pakistan Sri Lanka Maldives中亚:哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦、塔吉克斯坦、乌兹别克斯坦、土库曼斯坦(5) Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan Uzbek Turkmen西亚:阿富汗、伊拉克、伊朗、叙利亚、约旦、黎巴嫩、以色列、巴勒斯坦、沙特阿拉伯、巴林、卡塔尔、科AfghanistanIraq Iran Syria Jordan Lebanon Israel Palestine Saudi Arabia Bahrain Qatar威特、阿拉伯联合酋长国(阿联酋)、阿曼、也门、格鲁吉亚、亚美尼亚、阿塞拜疆、土耳其、塞浦路斯(20)Kuwait United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.) Oman YemenGeorgia Armenia Azerbaijan Turkey Cyprus非洲(53个国家/6个地区)北非:埃及、利比亚、苏丹、突尼斯、阿尔及利亚、摩洛哥、亚速尔群岛(葡)、马德拉群岛(葡)(8)Egypt Liberia Sudan Tunisia AlgeriaMorocco东非:埃塞俄比亚、厄立特里亚、索马里、吉布提、肯尼亚、坦桑尼亚、乌干达、卢旺达、布隆迪、塞舌尔(10)Ethiopia Eritrea Somalia D jibouti Kenya Tanzania Uganda Rwanda Burundi Seychelles中非:乍得、喀麦隆、赤道几内亚、加蓬、刚果共和国(即:刚果(布))、刚果民主共和国(即:Chad Cameroon Equatorial Guinea Gabon Congo Rep.刚果(金))、圣多美及普林西比、中非(8)Sao Tome and Principe Central African Republic西非:毛里塔尼亚、西撒哈拉(注:未独立)、塞内加尔、冈比亚、马里、布基纳法索、几内亚、几内亚比绍、Mauritania Western SaharaSenegal Gambia Mali Burkina Faso Guinea Guinea-Bissau佛得角、塞拉利昂、利比里亚、科特迪瓦、加纳、多哥、贝宁、尼日尔、加那利群岛(西)(18)Cape Verde Sierra Leone Liberia Cote Divoire Ghana Togo Benin Niger Isles Canarias南非:赞比亚、安哥拉、津巴布韦、马拉维、莫桑比克、博茨瓦纳、纳米比亚、南非、斯威士兰、莱索托、Zambia Angola Zimbabwe Malawi Mozambique BotswanaNamibia South Africa Swaziland Lesotho马达加斯加、科摩罗、毛里求斯、留尼旺(法)、圣赫勒拿(英)(15)Madagascar Comoro Mauritius ReunionSt. Helena Island欧洲(43个国家/1个地区)北欧:芬兰、瑞典、挪威、冰岛、丹麦法罗群岛(丹)(6)Finland Sweden Norway Iceland Denmark Faroe Islands东欧:爱沙尼亚、拉脱维亚、立陶宛、白俄罗斯、俄罗斯、乌克兰、摩尔多瓦(7)Estonia Latvia Lithuania Belorussia; ByelorussiaRussia Ukraine Moldova中欧:波兰、捷克斯洛伐克、匈牙利、德国、奥地利、瑞士、列支敦士登(8)Poland Czechoslovakia Hungary German Austria Switzerland Liechtenstein西欧:英国、爱尔兰、荷兰、比利时、卢森堡、法国、摩纳哥(7)United Kingdom Ireland Netherlands Belgium Luxembourg France Monaco南欧:罗马尼亚、保加利亚、塞尔维亚、马其顿、阿尔巴尼亚、希腊、斯洛文尼亚、克罗地亚、Romania Bulgaria Serbia Macedonia Albania GreeceSlovenia Croatia波斯尼亚和墨塞哥维那、意大利、梵蒂冈、圣马力诺、马耳他、西班牙、葡萄牙、安道尔(16)Bosnia-Herzegovina Italy Vatican SanMarino Malta Spain Portugal Andorra大洋洲(14个国家/10个地区)澳大利亚、新西兰、巴布亚新几内亚、所罗门群岛、瓦努阿图、密克罗尼西亚、马绍尔群岛、帕劳、瑙鲁、Australia New Zealand Papua New Guinea Solomon Islands Vanuatu Micronesia Marshall Island Palau Nauru基里巴斯、图瓦卢、萨摩亚、斐济群岛、汤加、库克群岛(新)、关岛(美)、新喀里多尼亚(法)、Kiribati Tuvalu Samoa Fiji Tonga Cook Islands GuamNew Caledonia法属波利尼西亚、皮特凯恩岛(英)、瓦利斯与富图纳(法)、纽埃(新)、托克劳(新)、美属萨摩亚、French Polynesia Pitcairn Island Wallis and Fu tuna Niue Tokelau American Samoa北马里亚纳(美)Northern Mariana Islands北美洲(23个国家/13个地区)北美:加拿大、美国、墨西哥、格陵兰(丹)(4)Canada United States Mexico Greenland中美洲:危地马拉、伯利兹、萨尔瓦多、洪都拉斯、尼加拉瓜、哥斯达黎加、巴拿马(7)Guatemala Belize El Salvador Honduras Nicaragua Costa Rica Panama加勒比海地区:巴哈马、古巴、牙买加、海地、多米尼加共和国、安提瓜和巴布达、圣基茨和尼维斯、The Bahamas Cuba Jamaica Haiti Dominican Republic Antig ua and Barbuda St. Chris and Nevis多米尼克、圣卢西亚、圣文森特和格林纳丁斯、格林纳达、巴巴多斯、特立尼达和多巴哥、波多黎各(美)、Dominica St. Lucia St. Vincent and the Grenadines Grenada Bar bados Trinidad and Tobago Puerto Rico英属维尔京群岛、美属维尔京群岛、安圭拉(英)、蒙特塞拉特(英)、瓜德罗普(法)、马提尼克(法)、British Virgin Islands Virgin Islands AnguillaMontserrat GuadeloupeMartinique荷属安的列斯、阿鲁巴(荷)、特克斯和凯科斯群岛(英)、开曼群岛(英)、百慕大(英)(25)Netherlands Antilles Aruba Turks and Caicos IslandsCayman Islands the Bermuda Islands南美洲(12个国家/1个地区)北部:哥伦比亚、委内瑞拉、圭亚那、法属圭亚那、苏里南(5)Colombia Venezuela Guyana French Guyana Suriname中西部:厄瓜多尔、秘鲁、玻利维亚(3)Ecuador Peru Bolivia东部:巴西(1)Brazil南部:智利、阿根廷、乌拉圭、巴拉圭(4)Chile Argentina Uruguay Paraguay。
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古铜色:Antique bronze
树脂色:Resin color
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1数谱分布:number size distribution2表面积谱分布3质量浓度谱分布4不同研究者对城市大气气溶胶的质量浓度,化学组份和粒径分布特点进行了研究[Alfarra, 2004b; Allan J D, et al., 2003; Canagaratna, et al., 2007; Duan, et al., 2006; Sun, et al., 2010; Takami A, et al., 20055滤膜6惯性分级装置7凝结!蒸发!成核现象!吸附!吸收化学反应8电分级器对亚微米级粒子进行分离9凝结核计数器(CPC)10空气动力学粒度分级器(APS)11粒子加速喷嘴12激光检测系统13光学粒子计数器(OPC)粒子数量的测量14激光粒子计数器(LPC),15飞行时间粒度分级器16浊度17时间分辨率18飞行时间质谱仪19新粒子生成事件20前体物21正交矩阵因子分析法(PMF)22气溶胶质谱仪(Aerosol mass spectrometer, AMS))23 1Torr=101325/760=133pa24飞行时间(TOF)25,borealadj. 北的;北方的;北方地区的;北风的26,modal模态27,subroutine子程序28,hygroscopic吸湿的29 ,wind regime风况,风态30,entrainment 带走,夹带Sidewise侧面的Isotropic各向同性的profile分布non-creepingflowskin frictiondissipation耗散scheme模式polymerization聚合作用whilst 同时=whileradiation budget辐射收支平衡albedo反照率megacity 人口超过百万的大城市scavenging净化,清除source rateorder-of-magntudeammoniumbisulphate硫酸请按theorem原理,定理arithmetic算术《大气环境化学(第二版)》唐孝炎张远航邵敏主编高等教育出版社绪论气溶胶霾(灰霾)aerosol haze氟氯烃类CFCs炭黑EC大气自由基OH、HO2、RO2、RO烟雾箱smog chamber电子探针EPMA经验动力学模拟方法empirical kinetic modeling approach EKMA三维城市-区域光化学污染模式CIT、UAM、ROM、RTM、SAQM区域酸沉降模式RADM、STEM-II、ADOM碳氢化合物HC第一章地球的大气环境太阳常数solar constant太阳光通量solar flux源source汇sink储库reservoir非甲烷碳氢化合物NMHCs气体扩张激光诱导荧光技术FAGE激光诱导荧光技术LIF差分吸收光谱技术DOAS化学离子质谱技术CIMS电子自旋共振技术MIESR第二章大气化学组分的源、汇与循环过氧乙酰硝酸酯peroxyacetyl nitrate PAN 光化学氧化剂Ox源清单source inventory扩散模型diffusion model受体扩散模型receptor model化学质量平衡CMB干沉降dry deposition湿沉降wet deposition雨除rainout冲刷(洗脱)washout氧硫化碳COS二甲基硫((CH3)2S)DMS海水边界层MBL奇氮化合物odd-nitrogen compounds氧化亚氮N2O燃料型NOx fuel NOx温度型NOx thermal NOx鼠尾草sage对异丙基苯甲烷p-cymene异戊(间)二烯isoprene单萜烯monoterpene非甲烷的VOCs NMVOCs有机碳OC元素碳EC实际操作过程定义practical definition多氯联苯PCBs氟氯甲烷CFM一氟三氯甲烷CFC-11或F-11二氟二氯甲烷CFC-12或F-12氟利昂FreonCFC chloroflro carbon哈龙Halon一溴一氯二氟甲烷Halon 1211蒙特利尔议定书Montreal protocol臭氧损耗潜势值ozone depletion potential ODP氢氟氯烃HCFCs氢氟碳化物HFCs全氟代烃类PFCs二恶英类化学物质dioxin-like chemicals DLCs芳香烃受体Ah-R多氯代二苯并二恶英polychlorinated dibenze-p-dioxins PCDDs或CDDs多氯代二苯并呋喃polychlorinated dibenzofurans PCDFs或CDFs多溴代二苯并二恶英polybrominateddibenzodioxins PBDDs或BDDs多溴代二苯并呋喃polybrominateddibenzofurans PBDFs或BDFs同族体congeners2,3,7,8-四氯代二苯并二恶英2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin 2,3,7,8-TCDD 国际纯粹化学和应用化学联合会(IUPAC)共平面多氯联苯coplanar PCBs Co-PCBs毒性当量toxic equivalency TEQ毒性当量因子toxicity equivalency factors TEFs光化学氧化剂Ox过氧乙酰基硝酸酯PAN对流层顶折叠tropopause folds过氧丙酰基硝酸酯PPN过氧丁酰基硝酸酯PBN过氧异丁酰基硝酸酯PISOBN过氧苯甲酰基硝酸酯PB2N颗粒particles大气颗粒物particulate matter雨除rainout冲刷washout第三章大气化学反应动力学原理反应的进度extent of reaction级次order假二级pseudo-second-order基元反应elementary reaction总包反应overall reaction反应分子数molecularity阿伦尼乌斯Arrhenius活化能activation energy格罗杜斯-德拉波Grotthus-Draper斯塔克-爱因斯坦Stark-Einstein普朗克Planck朗伯Lambert比尔Beer光化辐射actinic radiation反射率albedo真太阳时间true solar time波特逊Peterson稳态近似法PSSA哈特雷Hartley胡今斯Huggins有机过氧化物ROOH过氧有机酸R(O)OOH过氧醚ROOR动态固体dynamic solid刚性固体rigid solid物质转化系数mass transfer coefficient物质积聚系数mass accommodation coefficient反应摄取系数reactive uptake coefficient表面反应几率reaction probability反应粘滞系数reactive sticking coefficient努森数Knudsen number努森池Knudsen cell漫反射红外傅里叶变换光谱diffuse reflectance infrared Fouier transform spectro scopy DRIFTS初始摄取系数initial uptake coefficient稳态摄取系数steady state uptake coefficient朗格缪尔Langmuir表面吸附水surface absorbed water准液体层quasi-liquid layer一次有机颗粒物(气溶胶)primary organic aerosol POA二次有机颗粒物(气溶胶)secondary organic aerosol SOA第四章对流层气相化学EKMA方法emipirical kinetic modeling approach臭氧等浓度曲线模式OZIPP ozone isopleth plotting package 基于观测的模型OBN observation-based model基于排放的模型EBM emission-based model增量反应性IR incremental reactivity相对增量反应性RIR relative incremental reactivity大气有机物反应活性VOCs reactivity增量反应活性incremental reactivity IR最大O3反应活性MOR maximum《大气环境化学(第二版)》唐孝炎张远航邵敏主编高等教育出版社第五章气溶胶化学气溶胶aerosol颗粒particles大气颗粒物particulate matter超细粒子ultrafine particles总悬浮颗粒物total suspended particulates TSP可吸入颗粒物inhalable particles, IP细粒子fine particle国家环境空气质量标准national ambient air quality standards 一次气溶胶primary aerosol二次气溶胶secondary aerosol均质气溶胶homogenous aerosol单谱气溶胶monodisperse aerosols多谱气溶胶polydisperse aerosols轻雾mist浓雾fog粉尘dust烟尘(气)fume烟smoke烟雾smog烟炱soot霾haze积聚模accumulation mode粗粒子模coarse particle mode碰并coagulation扩散diffusion凝聚模condensation mode液滴模态droplet mode爱根核模Aitken nuclei mode水-硫酸均相成核binary water-sulphuric acid nucleation水-硫酸-氨均相成核ternary water-sulphuric acid-ammonia nucleation 离子诱导成核Ion-induced nucleation冷凝汇condensation sink CS非海盐硫酸盐nss-SO42-气溶胶粒子中的有机物particulate organic matter POM多环芳烃polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons PAHs水溶性有机物WSOC云凝结核CCN因子分析法factor analysis FA主因子分析principal factor analysis目标变换因子分析TTFA化学质量平衡CMB正矩阵因数分解PMF第六章酸沉降化学酸沉降acid deposition湿沉降wet deposition干沉降dry deposition酸雨acid rain acid precipitation守恒conservative云内清除或雨除in-cloud scavenging or rain-out云下清除或冲刷below-cloud scavenging or washout供应系数accommodation coefficient黏附系数sticking coefficient非降水层云non-precipitating liquid water stratiform clouds第七章大气化学传输模式系统发展公司System Development Corporation大众研究公司General Research Corporation系统、科学与软件公司System, Science and Software加州理工学院/系统应用有限责任公司CIT/Systems Applications Inc.经验动力学模拟方法empirical kinetic modeling approach EKMA四维数据同化技术FDDA离线模拟方法off-line approach在线模拟方法on-line approachFREDS flexible regional emission data systemEPS emission preprocessor systemsEMS-95 emissions modeling system-1995SMOKE sparse matrix operator kernel emissions modeling system 平流通量advection flux湍流通量turbulent flux算符分离operator splitting碳键机理carbon bond mechanismSAPRC statewide air pollution research centerRADM2 the second regional acid deposition model mechanism RACM regional atmospheric chemistry mechanism酚氧自由基PHOMPRM morphecule photochemical reaction mechanismUAM-IV urban airshed model version IVCIT California/Carnegie institute of technology modelCALGRID California air resources board grid modelROM regional oxidantal modelRTM-III regional transport model version IIILOTOS long term ozone simulation modelUAM-V urban airshed model variableSAQM SAMAP air quality modelCAMx comprehensive air quality model with extensionsPIG plume-in-gridSTEM-III sulfur transport and emissions modelADOM acid deposition and oxidant modelEURAD European acid deposition model协同潮解相对湿度mutual deliquescence relative humidityCIT-AERO CIT aerosolGATOR gas, aerosol, transport, radiation and meteorological model RPM regional particulate modelUAM-AERO UAM aerosol操作评价operational evaluation诊断评价diagnostic evaluation臭氧源识别技术ozone source apportionment technology OSAT第八章气候变化的大气化学原理天然温室效应natural greenhouse effect增强的温室效应enhanced greenhouse effect辐射强迫radioactive forcing全球变暖潜势global warming potential GWP消光佯谬extinction paradox云凝结核cloud condensation nuclei CCN云滴数浓度cloud condensation nuclei CCNC卷云cirrus冰的凝结核Ice Nuclei凝结尾迹contrails潮解相对湿度deliquescence relative humidity DRH行星边界层planetary boundary layer城市热岛效应urban heat island effect非甲烷烃化合物nonmethane hydrocarbons NMHCs细雨drizzle极地平流层云polar stratosphere clouds PSCsSSU Stratospheric Sounding UnitWSU Microwave Sounding Unit涡旋相关法eddy correlation或eddy covariance EC松弛涡旋积累法relaxed eddy accumulation REA空气动力学梯度法aerodynamic gradient method AGM 羰基硫COS第九章平流层化学臭氧洞ozone hole大气臭氧的损耗ozone depletion臭氧损失ozone loss源分子source molecules自由基radicals储库(汇)分子reservoir/sink molecules临时储库分子temporal reservoirs极地平流层云polar stratospheric clouds PSCs极地涡旋polar vortex去活化过程denoxification再活化过程renoxification脱氮作用denitrification脱水作用dehydrate高速民用运输机high-speed civil transport HSCT消耗臭氧层物质ozone-depleting substances ODS等效活性氯effective equivalent chlorine EECl极地涡旋polar vortex第十章室内空气污染病态建筑综合症SBS国际癌症研究机构IARC静电除尘器electrostatic air filters穿透penetration亚油酸linoleic acid亚麻酸linolenic acid双自由基biradical二次气溶胶secondary organic aerosol双自由基criegeebiradical室内化学和暴露模型ICME indoor chemistry and exposure model 三甲基苯trimethyl benzene清除剂scavenger全氯乙烯perchloroethylene柠檬烯d-limonene羧基血红素COHb酚醛树脂PF强挥发性有机物VVOCs苯benzene甲苯toluene乙苯ethylbenzene邻二甲苯o-xyleneATSDR agency for toxic substances and disease registry苯并[a]芘B[a]P蒎烯pinene国家癌症研究所National Cancer Institute国家疾病预防控制中心Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 美国儿童研究学院American Academy of Pediatrics苯汞基phenylmercuric acetate PMA现场和实验室释放小室field and laboratory emission cell FLEC统计模型statistical models环境总暴露total exposure流体力学模型CFD模型测试房test-house美国食品药品监督管理局FDA职业安全和健康管理部OSHA能源部DOE消费产品安全委员会CPSC未观测到不良反应的暴露水平NOAEL参考剂量RFD终生日平均剂量LADD慢性日摄入量CDI室内空气质量参数indoor air quality parameter可吸入颗粒物particles with diameters of 10μm or less PM10总挥发性有机化合物total volatile organic compounds TVOC标准状态normal state均质层homosphere(80-100km)非均质层heterosphere(100km以上)电离层ionosphere根据大气的温度分布再把均质层分为三层{对流层(troposphere),平流层(stratosphere),中间层mesosphere 对流层(边界层(1到几千米),自由对流层)。