System Center Operations Manager 2007 RTM 安装手册




SCOM 2007( R2) 电子手册之“管理”区(初装)基本操作和配置2010年01月CoreIO技术专家Leo Huang目录【1】管理包的使用1.管理包概述管理包是拓展SCOM管理能力的基石,是SCOM解决方案的灵魂,在SCOM中使用各种管理包来管理操作系统、应用程序及其它技术组件。

一个管理包(Management Pack:MP)包含了对于某一个特定技术组件的发现、监视、排错、报告、解决问题得最佳实践知识。

管理包包含了基于系统定义模型(Systems Definition Model—SDM)的系统健康模型,用来分析性能、可用性、配置与安全输入,以及相关组件的状况,来决定组件的整体状况。












分布式应用程序设计器(Distributed Application Designer)是一个图形化向导,它可以帮助IT管理员为其IT服务快速创建安全模型与管理包。

管理包创建控制台(Management Pack Authoring Console)是一个图形化工具,用来帮助IT管理员与开发者为其定制的应用程序及其它技术组件来构建管理包。


Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R2 评估版

Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R2 评估版

Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R2 评估版快速描述SC Config Mgr 2007 R2 支持Windows Vista SP1 和Windows Server 2008,集成了针对应用程序虚拟化的支持,而且还提供了针对Configuration Manager 中最初附带的操作系统部署功能的更新。

本页内容快速详细信息概述系统要求说明其他用户正在下载的内容快速详细信息文件名:ConfigMgr07R2Eval_RTM_C HS_6355.exe版本:2007R2发布日期:2008/10/14语言:中文(简体)下载大小:21.2 MB预计下载时间:分钟更改语言:概述以下是Configuration Manager 2007 R2 的新增功能:∙应用程序虚拟化。


∙Forefront Client Security 集成。

有关详细信息,请参阅―关于Forefront Client Security 与Configuration Manager 2007 R2 的集成‖。

∙SQL Reporting Services 报告。

提供从Configuration Manager 控制台管理、浏览和运行SQL Reporting Services 配置管理器报告的能力。


提供一组工具和Configuration Manager 2007 报告以便对客户端计算机的状态(有时称为―客户端运行状况‖)进行评估。


∙操作系统部署(OSD) 功能增强。

Configuration Manager 2007 R2 中包含以下功能增强:o未知的计算机支持—在Configuration Manager 2007 R2 中,您可以将操作系统部署到使用PXE 服务点的计算机上,而无需事先将此计算机添加到Configuration Manager 数据库中。

适用于 Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 的 D

适用于 Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 的 D

适用于 Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 的 Dell Server Management Pack Suite 6.1.1 版安装指南注意、小心和警告:“注意”表示帮助您更好地使用该产品的重要信息。



© 2015 Dell Inc. 或其子公司。


Dell、EMC 和其他商标是 Dell Inc. 或其附属机构的商标。


章 1: 概览 (5)本说明文件中使用的术语 (5)前提条件 (5)Dell Server Management Pack Suite 支持的监测功能 (6)监测功能支持的 OpsMgr 版本 (6)章 2: 安装 Dell Server Management Pack Suite (8)使用安装程序安装 Dell Server Management Pack Suite (8)从以前的版本升级 Dell Server Management Pack Suite (9)从 Dell Server Management Pack Suite 6.1 版升级 (9)从 Dell Server Management Pack Suite 6.0 版升级 (9)从 5.2.0 版和以前的版本升级 (9)从旧版 Operations Manager 升级 (9)从 OpsMgr 2012 SP1 升级到 OpsMgr 2012 R2 (9)从 OpsMgr 2012 升级到 OpsMgr 2012 SP1 (9)从 OpsMgr 2007 R2 升级到 OpsMgr 2012 (9)使用安装程序中的修复选项 (9)卸载 Dell Server Management Pack Suite (10)使用安装程序移除 Dell Server Management Pack Suite (10)使用 Windows 控制面板卸载 Dell Server Management Pack Suite (10)配置 OpsMgr 2012 以监测陷阱和基于陷阱的设备监测器 (11)创建用于 SNMP 监测的帐户运行方式 (11)关联多个帐户运行方式 (11)章 3: 安装监测功能 (13)将 Dell Server Management Pack 导入 OpsMgr (13)功能管理仪表板 (13)使用功能管理仪表板导入监测功能 (13)使用功能管理仪表板升级监测功能 (15)使用 Dell 功能管理仪表板移除监测功能 (16)章 4: 基于代理的监测功能 (17)管理包 (17)Management Server (MS) 要求 (17)支持的操作系统 (17)软件要求 (18)Management Server Action 帐户 (MSAA) (18)受管系统要求 (18)功能管理任务 (18)章 5: 无代理监测功能 (20)管理包 (20)Management Server (MS) 要求 (20)目录3受管系统要求 (21)功能管理任务 (21)章 6: DRAC 监测功能 (23)管理包 (23)Management Server (MS) 要求 (23)DRAC 监测要求 (23)功能管理任务 (24)章 7: 机箱监测功能 (25)管理包 (25)Management Server (MS) 要求 (25)软件要求 (25)机箱监测要求 (26)功能管理任务 (26)章 8: 机箱模块化服务器关联功能 (28)管理包 (28)Management Server (MS) 要求 (28)机箱模块化服务器关联监测要求 (28)功能管理任务 (29)章 9: 故障排除 (30)功能管理仪表板未填充 (30)功能管理仪表板任务失败 (30)功能管理警报 (31)功能管理主机服务器运行状况服务未运行 (31)章 10: 附录 (32)安装 Web Services Management (WS-Man) 和 SMASH 设备模板 (32)“关联帐户运行方式”任务 - 无代理监测功能 (32)章 11: 访问 Dell EMC 支持网站上的支持内容 (33)4目录概览本指南介绍了安装、配置和使用 Dell Server Management Pack Suite 6.1.1 版的信息。



SCCM产品功能介绍SCCM产品功能介绍概述System Center Configuration Manager 2007 是 Systems Management Server (SMS) 2003 的下⼀个版本。

Configuration Manager 2007 SP1 通过启⽤安全的和可伸缩的操作系统和应⽤程序部署以及所需的配置管理,提⾼系统安全性以及提供有关服务器、桌⾯计算机和移动设备的全⾯资产管理,可有助于提⾼ IT 部门的效率。

Configuration Manager 2007 SP1 现在全⾯⽀持使⽤ Windows 操作系统(现在包括Vista SP1 和 Windows Server 2008)进⾏管理,将客户反馈、功能集成与 Intel vPro 技术集成,并改进资产智能功能。

System Center Configuration Manager 提供了针对主要 IT 领域的系统管理⼯具:资产智能Configuration Manager 2007 提供的资产智能技术可让 IT 管理员始终清楚他们拥有哪些硬件和软件资产、谁正在使⽤这些硬件和软件资产以及这些硬件和软件资产的位置,从⽽让组织更好地管理其 IT 基础结构和资产。

软件分发Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 软件分发可简化将应⽤程序和更新分发给企业⽹络内的桌⾯计算机、服务器、便携式电脑和移动设备这⼀复杂任务。

软件更新管理Configuration Manager 2007 软件更新管理可简化将更新传送到企业内的 IT 系统并管理更新这⼀复杂任务。

IT 管理员可以将针对 Microsoft 产品、第三⽅应⽤程序、⾃定义内部业务线应⽤程序、硬件驱动程序和系统 BIOS 的更新传送到各种设备,包括桌⾯计算机、便携式电脑、服务器和移动设备。

报表Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007提供了包含120多种预建报告模板在内的Web报告服务,以及在管理⼈员控制下利⽤⾃定义报告对上述预建报告进⾏扩展的选择。



应用System Center Operations Manager 2007实现完美IT服务管理-Systems Center “Wave2”议程¢面临的挑战¢什么是ITIL¢什么是MOF¢System Center “Wave 2”概览¢MOM2007 概览¢部署MOM 2007¢问题与解答系统管理:面临的挑战¢已无路可选!系统管理是很艰难的工作。



对于系统管理,这些问题包括如下:p监视分布式环境中的硬件和软件以检测问题,然后提供工具来修复那些问题p自动化耗时的软件安装、更新和修补过程p提供用于实现系统管理的标准流程p处理Windows 文件服务器数据的备份和还原p处理较小组织的监视和配置需求p管理虚拟计算机p通过提供用于评估所需资源的工具来正确规划安装¢没有任何单个产品能合理地处理所有这些问题。

因此,Microsoft 选择将其系统管理技术分组到一个独立的产品家族中,并尽可能利用这些存在在不同问题上的共性。

该产品家族就是System Center!什么是ITIL?¢Information Technology Infrastructure Library¢英国政府发起—Office of Government Commerce (OGC) 一系列出版物,独立于技术的IT 运维管理流程;¢Microsoft 对ITIL 的贡献:p ITIL 的最佳实践者之一;p Microsoft 著作了最近的ApplicationManagementp Microsoft 协同著作了最近的Planning toImplement Service ManagementITIL的IT服务管理流程¢——ITIL的核心内容,共分为10个管理流程及1项管理职能,被划分为两组:服务提供和服务支持什么是MOFØ服务级别管理Ø财务管理Ø服务延续性管理Ø可用性管理Ø容量管理Ø劳动力管理Ø变更管理Ø配置管理Ø发布管理Ø系统系统管理管理Ø安全管理Ø服务服务监视监视与控制Ø任务任务自动化自动化Ø网络管理Ø目录目录服务服务管理Ø打印/ 输出管理Ø存储管理Ø服务台Ø事件管理Ø问题管理* 在ITIL 上的扩展MOF ——Microsoft Operation Framework ,微软系统运维管理架构System Center 系列中包括了处理前面所描述的挑战的产品。

DPM(Data Protection Manager)各版本比较

DPM(Data Protection Manager)各版本比较

DPM各版本详细对比一、DPM2006介绍1、软件需求安装DPM2006所需的组件2、硬件需求3、功能4、DPM2006的不足~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~二、DPM2007介绍1、功能介绍:System Center Data Protection Manager 2007 (以下简称DPM)是System Center 系列产品中的一部分,目前最新版本为DPM 2007,相比它的上一版本DPM2006,它继续向文件服务器、打印服务器以及分支机构提供稳定可靠的基于磁盘的保护,此外还提供了相应的管理工具来保护和恢复网络中计算机上的文件和应用程序数据,包括Microsoft Exchange Server、Microsoft SQL Server? 和Windows SharePoint Services,以及虚拟服务器Virtual Server和工作站。


2、软件需求1. Windows PowerShell 1.02. Microsoft .NET Framework 2.03. Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.04. Microsoft SQL Server 2005 with SP2(注:DPM2007包含了一个SQL 2005标准版)5. Windows Server 2003 (R2)SP2或更高版本;WindowsStorage Server 2003 (R2)SP2或更高版本(注:DPM2007支持32位和64位,但是不支持IA64)6. 卷影复制服务VSS的一个补丁程序,详情查看/kb/940349/(注:该补丁程序在DPM服务器和DPM客户端均要安装)3、操作系统要求1、Windows Server 2003(带有Service Pack 2 (SP2) 或更高版本)2、Windows Server 2003 R2(带有 SP2)。



System Center Configuration Manager安装的先决条件目录System Center Configuration Manager安装的先决条件 (1)硬件条件 (2)软件条件 (2)(一)AD上的操作 (3)(二)SQL Server 上的操作 (3)(三)SCCM前期配置 (3)站点服务器和分支分发点计算机的远程差分压缩 (3)Internet Information Services (IIS) (4)将WebDAV 配置为支持为“允许客户端使用BITS、HTTP 和HTTPS 从此分发点传输内容”而启用的管理点和分发点 (4)在Windows Server 2008 和Windows Server 2008 R2 计算机上安装InternetInformation Services (IIS) (4)为IIS 7.0 安装WebDAV (5)启用WebDAV 并创建一个创作规则 (5)在分发点上配置requestFiltering 部分 (6)硬件条件软件条件(一)AD上的操作扩展活动目录架构1、在管理工具中找到ADSI编辑器2、依次展开目录,选择CN=System,并新建对象3、选择新建类型,类型选择为container4、容器名为System Management5、把SCCM服务器添加到这个容器,并给予完全控制权限,6、在高级选项卡中编辑SCCM的权限,将应用于改为“这个对象及全部后代”(二)SQL Server 上的操作SQL Server 端口开放1、添加TCP的1433端口2、添加TCP的443端口3、添加UDP的1434端口4、将SCCM和WSUS的管理员添加到本地管理员(三)SCCM前期配置SCCM所需要安装的组件如下2、功能组件要添加后台智能传送服务(BITS)和远程差分压缩(RDC)和.NET Framework3.5.13、角色组件中安装WSUS后再安装WSUS3.0SP1(此步骤需要联网)4、运行SCCM光盘中/SMSSETUP/BIN/I386/EXTADSCH.EXE程序5、启用共享和发现6、配置启用WEBDAV下面为详细步骤站点服务器和分支分发点计算机的远程差分压缩站点服务器和分支分发点需要远程差分压缩 (RDC),才能生成包签名和执行签名比较。



Operations Manager 2007 Security GuideMicrosoft CorporationPublished: June 25, 2007AuthorJohn DowningPrimary ReviewersIan Jirka, Joseph Chan, Ruhiyyih Mahalati, and Smita MahalatiSecondary ReviewersEugene Bykov, Clive Eastwood, Doug Bradley, Jakub Oleksy, Ranga Kalyanasundaram, and Vitaly FilimonovFeedbackSend suggestions and comments about this document to momdocs@. Please include the security guide name and published date with your feedback.1Information in this document, including URL and other Internet Web site references, is subject to change without notice. Unless otherwise noted, the companies, organizations, products, domain names, e-mail addresses, logos, people, places, and events depicted in examples herein are fictitious. No association with any real company, organization, product, domain name, e-mail address, logo, person, place, or event is intended or should be inferred. Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. Without limiting the rights under copyright, no part of this document may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), or for any purpose, without the express written permission of Microsoft Corporation.Microsoft may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter in this document. Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement from Microsoft, the furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property.© 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.Microsoft, MS-DOS, Windows, Windows Server, Windows Vista, and Active Directory are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.Revision History23ContentsAbout the Operations Manager 2007 Security Guide (9)In This Section (9)External Resources (10)New Security Features in Operations Manager 2007 (10)Run As Accounts and Run As Profiles (10)User Roles (10)Account Information for Operations Manager 2007 (10)What Is an Action Account? (11)Agent Action Account (11)Using a Low-Privileged Account (11)Managing Action Account Credentials (12)SDK and Config Service Account (12)Agent Installation Account (13)Data Warehouse Write Account (13)Data Reader Account (14)Notification Action Account (15)See Also (15)How to Change IIS ReportServer Application Pool Account Password for Operations Manager 2007 (15)Procedures (15)See Also (16)How to Change the Reporting Server Execution Account Password in Operations Manager 2007 (16)Procedures (16)See Also (16)How to Change the Windows Service Account Password for the SQL Server Reporting Service in Operations Manager 2007 (17)Procedures (17)See Also (17)Role-based Security in Operations Manager 2007 (18)Terminology and Concepts (18)Scope (19)User Role (19)5Run As Accounts and Run As Profiles in Operations Manager 2007 (21)See Also (23)Authentication and Data Encryption in Operations Manager 2007 (23)Setting Up Communication Between Agents and Management Server Within the Same Trust Boundary (23)Setting Up Communication Between Agents and Management Server Across Trust Boundaries (24)Authentication and Data Encryption Between Root Management Server, Management Server, Gateway Server, and Agents (24)Root Management Server and Operations Manager Database (25)Root Management Server and Operations Console, Web Console Server, and ReportingServer (25)Management Server and Reporting Data Warehouse (26)Monitoring Host Process and Reporting Data Warehouse (26)Default: Windows Integrated Authentication (27)Optional: SQL Server Authentication (27)SDK Service and Reporting Data Warehouse (27)Default: Windows Integrated Authentication (28)Optional: SQL Server Authentication (28)Operations Console and Reporting Server (28)Reporting Server and Reporting Data Warehouse (28)Connecting to the Reporting Data Warehouse Across a Firewall (28)Management Server and Reporting Data Warehouse (29)Reporting Server and Reporting Data Warehouse (30)See Also (30)How to Configure the Operations Console to Use SSL When Connecting to a Reporting Server in Operations Manager 2007 (30)Procedures (30)See Also (31)How to Obtain a Certificate Using an Enterprise CA in Operations Manager 2007 (31)Procedures (32)See Also (35)How to Obtain a Certificate Using a Stand-Alone CA in Operations Manager 2007 (35)Procedures (36)See Also (39)How to Remove Certificates Imported with MOMCertImport in Operations Manager 2007 (39)Procedures (39)See Also (39)6How to Change the Run As Account Associated with a Run As Profile (40)Procedures (40)Using Certificates with ACS in Operations Manager 2007 (41)See Also (42)How to Configure Certificates on the ACS Collector in Operations Manager 2007 (42)Procedures (43)See Also (44)How to Configure Certificates on the ACS Forwarder in Operations Manager 2007 (44)Procedures (44)See Also (45)Security Considerations for Agentless Management in Operations Manager 2007 (46)Web Console Security in Operations Manager 2007 (46)Exposing the Web Console to the Internet (47)Appendix A - List of Operations in Operations Manager 2007 (47)Report Operator (47)Read-Only Operator (48)Operator (49)Advanced Operator (50)Author (50)Administrator (50)Report Security Administrator (52)7About the Operations Manager 2007 Security GuideThis guide provides you with security-related information as it pertains to OperationsManager 2007. The topics discussed in this release of the security guide are described in the following section.For future releases of this document, see /fwlink/?LinkId=64017.In This Section9External ResourcesAn online version of help for Operations Manager 2007 is available at/fwlink/?LinkId=77739.New Security Features in Operations Manager 2007The following sections describes security-related features available in Operations Manager 2007 that were not available in Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM) 2005.Run As Accounts and Run As ProfilesIn MOM 2005, the running of all rules and responses used credentials from a single action account, and therefore, the action account needed sufficient rights for all monitored applications. Operations Manager 2007 introduces Run As Accounts and Run As Profiles. Multiple Run As Accounts can monitor multiple applications or components and allows you to create credentials with the least amount of privileges necessary for the desired task.Run As Accounts allow you to manage all passwords and accounts for the entire Management Group from one location, the Root Management Server.User RolesYou can access and manipulate Operations Manager 2007 through several methods, through the Operations Console, Web Console, Windows PowerShell, or through custom applications. In all cases, role-based security ensures that the user credentials supplied are members of a user role in Operations Manager 2007.Account Information for Operations Manager 2007During the setup and operation of Operations Manager 2007, you will be asked to provide credentials for several accounts. This section provides information about the accounts, what privileges they need, what they are used for, and how to change the credentials for these accounts.10What Is an Action Account?The various Operations Manager 2007 server roles, Root Management Server, Management Server, Gateway Server and Agent, all contain a process called MonitoringHost.exe. MonitoringHost.exe is what each server role uses to accomplish monitoring activities, such as executing a monitor or running a task. For example, when an agent subscribes to the event log to read events, it is the MontiroingHost.exe process that runs those activities. The account that a MonitoringHost.exe process runs as is called the action account. The action account for the MonitoringHost.exe process running on an agent is called the agent action account. The action account used by the MonitoringHost.exe process on a Management Server is called the Management Server action account. The action account used by the MonitoringHost.exe process on a Gateway Server is called the Gateway Server action account.Agent Action AccountUnless an action has been associated with a Run As Profile, the credentials used to perform the action will be those defined for the action account. For more information about the Run As Profile, see Run As Accounts and Run As Profiles in Operations Manager 2007 in this guide. Some examples of actions include the following:∙ Monitoring and collecting Windows event log data∙ Monitoring and collecting Windows performance counter data∙ Monitoring and collecting Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) data∙ Running actions such as scripts or batchesMonitoringHost.exe is the process that runs these actions using the credentials specified in the action account. A new instance of MonitoringHost.exe is created for each account.Using a Low-Privileged AccountWhen you install Operations Manager 2007, you can choose one of two options while assigning the action account:∙ Local System∙ Domain or Local AccountA common approach is to specify a domain account, which allows you to select a user with the least amount of privileges necessary for your environment.On computers running Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, and the Windows Vista operating system, the default action account must have the following minimum privileges:∙ Member of the local Users group∙ Member of the local Performance Monitor Users group∙ Allow log on locally permission (SetInteractiveLogonRight)1112 ImportantThe minimum privileges described above are the lowest privileges that OperationsManager 2007 supports for the action account. Other Run As Accounts can have lower privileges. The actual privileges required for the Run As Accounts depend upon whichManagement Packs are running on the computer and how they are configured. For more information about which specific privileges are required, see the appropriateManagement Pack guide.Keep the following points in mind when choosing credentials for the action account:∙ A low-privileged account can be used only on computers running Windows Server 2003,Windows Server 2003 R2, and Windows Vista. On computers running Windows 2000 and Windows XP, the action account must be a member of the local Administrators security group or Local System.∙ A low-privileged account is all that is necessary for agents that are used to monitor domain controllers.∙Using a domain account requires password updating consistent with your passwordexpiration policies. Managing Action Account CredentialsFor the account you choose, Operations Manager will determine what the password expiration date is and generate an alert 14 days before the account expires. When you change thepassword in Active Directory, you can change the password for the action account in Operations Manager on the Account tab on the Run As Account Properties page. For more information about managing the action account credentials, see /fwlink/?LinkId=88304. SDK and Config Service AccountThe SDK and Config Service account is used by the OpsMgr SDK Service and OpsMgr Config Service to update and read information in the Operations Manager database. The credentials used for the SDK and Configuration action account will be assigned to the sdk_user role in the Operations Manager database.The account used for the SDK and Config Service account must have local administrative rights on the Root Management Server computer. The account should be either a Domain User or Local System. The use of Local User account is not supported. We recommend that you use anaccount different from the one used for the Management Server Action Account.NoteIf the Operations Manager database is installed on a computer separate from the RootManagement Server and Local System is selected for the SDK and Configuration actionaccount, the computer account from the Management Server computer will be assignedto the sdk_user role on the Operations Manager database computer.Agent Installation AccountWhen implementing discovery-based agent deployment, you are prompted for an account with administrator user rights. This account is used to install the agent on the computer, and therefore it must be a local administrator on all the computers you are deploying agents to. The Management Server action account is the default account for agent installation. If the Management Server action account does not have administrator rights, select Other user account and type an account with administrator rights. This account is encrypted before being used and then discarded.Data Warehouse Write AccountThe Data Warehouse Write Account writes data from the Root Management Server or Management Server to the Reporting data warehouse and reads data from the Operations Manager database. The credentials you supply for this account will be made a member of the roles according to the application, as described in the following table.If you change the password for the credentials you entered for the Data Warehouse Write Account, you will need to make the same password changes for the following accounts:Run As Account called Data Warehouse Action Account13∙ Run As Account called Data Warehouse Configuration Synchronization Reader AccountData Reader AccountThis account is used to deploy reports, define what user the SQL Reporting Services uses to run queries against the Reporting data warehouse, and for the SQL Reporting Services IIS Application Pool account to connect to the Root Management Server. This account is added to the Report Administrator User Profile.The credentials you supply for this account will be made a member of the roles according to the application, as described in the following table.If you change the password for the credentials you entered for the Data Reader Account, you will need to make the same password changes for the following accounts:∙ Report Server Execution Account∙ The SQL Server Reporting Services service account on the computer hosting SQL Server Reporting Services (SRS)∙ The IIS ReportServer$<INSTANCE> Application Pool account∙ Run As Account called Data Warehouse Report Deployment Account1415 Notification Action AccountThe Notification Action Account is a Run As Account that is created by the user to configurenotifications. This is the action account that is used for creating and sending notifications. Ensure that the credentials you use for this account have sufficient rights for the SMTP server, instant messaging server, or SIP server that you will use for notifications.If you change the password for the credentials you entered for the Notification Action Account, you will need to make the same password changes for the Run As Account.See Also How to Change the Reporting Server Execution Account Password in Operations Manager 2007 How to Change IIS ReportServer Application Pool Account Password for Operations Manager 2007 How to Change the Windows Service Account Password for the SQL Server Reporting Service in Operations Manager 2007How to Change IIS ReportServer Application Pool Account Password for Operations Manager 2007If the password changes for the account you specified as the Data Reader Account during the setup of the reporting server, you can use the following procedure to change the IIS ReportServer Application Pool account password on the computer hosting SQL Server Reporting Services.ProceduresTo change the IIS ReportServer Application Pool account1. On the computer hosting SQL Server Reporting Services, on the Windows desktop, clickStart , point to Programs , point to Administrative Tools , and then click InternetInformation Services (IIS) Manager .2. In Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager , expand <Computer Name> (localcomputer), expand Application Pools , right-click ReportServer<INSTANCE>, and then click Properties .3. In the ReportServer<INSTANCE> Properties dialog box, click Identity .4. In the Password text box, type the new password, and then click OK .16 5. Close Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.See Also How to Change the Reporting Server Execution Account Password in Operations Manager 2007 How to Change the Windows Service Account Password for the SQL Server Reporting Service in Operations Manager 2007How to Change the Reporting ServerExecution Account Password in Operations Manager 2007If the password changes for the account you specified as the Data Reader Account during the setup of the reporting server, use the following procedure to change the Execution account password on the reporting server.ProceduresTo change the Reporting Server Execution account password1. On the computer hosting the Reporting Server, on the Windows desktop, click Start ,point to Programs , point to MicrosoftSQLServer2005, point to Configuration Tools ,and then click Reporting Services Configuration .2. In the Reporting Server Installation Instance Selection dialog box, click Connect .3. In the Reporting Services Configuration Manager pane, in the left pane, clickExecutionAccount .4. In the Execution Account pane, type the new password for the execution account.5. Click Apply , and then click Exit to close Reporting Services Configuration Manager. See Also How to Change IIS ReportServer Application Pool Account Password for Operations Manager 2007 How to Change the Windows Service Account Password for the SQL Server Reporting Service in Operations Manager 200717 How to Change the Windows ServiceAccount Password for the SQL ServerReporting Service in Operations Manager 2007If the password changes for the account you specified as the Data Reader Account during the setup of the reporting server, use the following procedure to change the Windows service account for the SQL Server Reporting Services password on the computer hosting SQL Server Reporting Services (SRS).ProceduresTo change the Windows service account for the SQL Server Reporting Services1. On the computer hosting SQL Server Reporting Services, on the Windows desktop, clickStart , point to Settings , and then click Control Panel .2. In Control Panel, double-click Administrative Tools , and then double-click Services .3. In Services , scroll down the list, right-clickSQLServerReportingServices(<INSTANCE>), and then click Properties .4. In the SQL Server Reporting Services (<INSTANCE>) Properties dialog box, clickLog On .5. In the Password and Confirm Password text boxes, type the new password, and thenclick OK .6. Close Services , and then close Administrative Tools .See Also How to Change IIS ReportServer Application Pool Account Password for Operations Manager 2007 How to Change the Reporting Server Execution Account Password in Operations Manager 2007Role-based Security in Operations Manager 2007You can access and manipulate Operations Manager 2007 by using: the Operations Console, Web Console, Windows PowerShell, or custom applications. In all cases, role-based security ensures that the user credentials supplied are members of a user role in Operations Manager. Operations Manager 2007 can monitor many different types of applications in the enterprise and these applications can be administered by multiple teams. As the Operations Manager administrator, you can limit access to each team so they access only their monitoring data. Role-based security allows you to grant access to monitoring data, tools, and actions on a team-by-team basis.Terminology and ConceptsThe terminology regarding role-based security is described in the following table.18ScopeAll Management Pack objects, for example, attributes, monitors, object discoveries, rules, tasks, and views, are scoped by targets (also called types or classes). A target as defined in a Management Pack represents a certain type of object. All objects of this type share some common characteristics. Everywhere objects of this type exist there is a common way of discovering them, a common set of properties that can be discovered, and a common way to monitor them. By default, before any Management Packs are imported, 163 targets are created in Operations Manager 2007.Groups are logical collections of objects, such as Windows-based computers, hard disks, or instances of Microsoft SQL Server.Tasks can either be an agent task or a console task. Agent tasks can run remotely on an agent or a Management Server, while console tasks can run only on the local computer. In addition, console tasks are not scoped by user roles; they are available to all users. In Operations Manager 2007, you can have a batch file or script run as a task remotely or locally, but if the task is generated by an alert or an event, it can only be run locally.Views are groups of managed objects that have a commonality, which is defined in the view properties. When you select a view, a query is sent to the Operations Manager database and the results of the query are displayed in the results pane.User RoleIn Operations Manager 2007, a user role is created by defining a union of profile and scope. You create a user role from within one of the five predefined profiles, or one of the seven predefined profiles if Reporting has been installed, and then define an appropriate scope. The following table defines the profile types, and an appropriate scope for each.192021 ImportantAdding a machine account to a user role member would allow all services on thatcomputer to have SDK access. It is recommended that you do not add a machineaccount to any user role.Except for the Administrator role, you can add Active Directory security groups or individual accounts to any of these predefined roles. You can add Active Directory security groups only to the Administrator role.Adding users or groups to a role means that those individuals will be able to exercise the givenrole privileges across the scoped objects (including any inherited objects).NoteThe predefined roles are globally scoped, giving them access to all groups, views, targets, and tasks, except for Report Security Administrator.Operations Manager also allows you to create custom roles based on the Operator, Read-Only Operator, Author, and Advanced Operator profiles. When you create the role, you can further narrow the scope of groups, tasks, and views that the role can access. For example, you can create a role entitled "Exchange Operator" and narrow the scope to only Exchange-related groups, views, and tasks. User accounts assigned to this role will only be able to run Operator-level actions on Exchange-related objects.ImportantMake sure that you create a domain security group for the Operations ManagerAdministrators role. This group is required to be in place during the first setup run for aManagement Group.For more information about how to administer security roles, accounts, and profiles in Operations Manager 2007, see /fwlink/?LinkId=88131.Run As Accounts and Run As Profiles in Operations Manager 2007Rules, tasks, monitors, and discoveries defined in a Management Pack require credentials to run on a targeted computer. By default, rules, tasks, monitors, and discoveries run using the default action account for the agent or server. For example, if the action is run on an agent, thecredentials used for the action will come from the agent action account. For more information about the action account, see Account Information for Operations Manager 2007 in this guide. Run As Accounts and Run As Profiles allow you to run different rules, tasks, monitors, ordiscoveries under different accounts on different computers. Management Packs no longer share22 the same identity and therefore allow you to use a low privilege account as your action account. Run As Accounts support the following account types:∙Windows - Windows credentials, for example, domain\user name, or user name@FullyQualifiedDomainName, and the associated password ∙Community String - SNMP version 2 community string ∙Basic Authentication - standard basic Web authentication ∙Simple Authentication - any generic user name and password combination, for example Web form, SQL authentication, or anything else that accepts user name and password ∙Digest Authentication - standard digest Web authentication ∙Binary Authentication - user-defined authentication ∙ Action account - Windows credential that can only be assigned to the action account profileA Run As Account allows you to specify the necessary privileges for use with rules, tasks, monitors, and discoveries targeted to specific computers on an as-needed basis.Data is encrypted between the Root Management Server and the targeted computer when credentials are being transferred and the credentials are securely stored on the targetedcomputer.A particular task, rule, monitor, or discovery can be associated with a Run As Profile. This association is made when the Management Pack is created. The Operations ManagerAdministrator has the option of associating other Run As Accounts for the particular Run As Profile on a targeted computer.For example, Sam is working on a SQL Management Pack and is creating a Get DB Statistics task. Sam knows that the action account will not have sufficient rights to run this task, however, Jane, the SQL Administrator, does. Sam needs to config ure the task to run with Jane’scredentials.While authoring the Management Pack, Sam creates a Run As Profile called DB Operators and associates it with the task module. When the SQL Management Pack containing the Get DB Statistics task is imported into Operations Manager 2007, the Run As Profile associated with the task will be included in the import and DB Operators will appear in the list of available Run As Profiles.The Operations Manager 2007 administrator will create a Run As Account configured with Jane’s credentials. The Run As Account is then associated with the Run As Profile that the task will use. The target computer on which the Run As Account will be used is explicitly specified in the RunAs Profile.NoteThe default account for the Run As Profile is the action account. Give appropriate thought to what the action account should be and choose an account with appropriate privileges. In most instances, a domain administrator account would not be a good choice.Operations Manager 2007 administrators can associate different Run As Accounts for different target computers with each Run As Profile. This association is useful in cases in which the Run As Profile is used on a different computer when each computer requires a different credential. Jane has user rights to run the task on computer 1 running SQL Server while Fred has user rights on computer 2 running SQL Server. In this situation, separate Run As Accounts are created for Jane and Fred and both are associated with the single Run As Profile. This assignment must be made on two separate computers.See AlsoAccount Information for Operations Manager 2007Role-based Security in Operations Manager 2007Authentication and Data Encryption in Operations Manager 2007Operations Manager 2007 consists of various components, for example, Root Management Server, Management Server, Gateway Server, Reporting Server, Operations Manager database, Reporting data warehouse, agent, Web Console, and Operations Console. This section explains how authentication is performed and identifies connection channels where the data is encrypted.Setting Up Communication Between Agents and Management Server Within the Same Trust BoundaryAn agent and the Management Server use Windows authentication to mutually authenticate with each other before the Management Server accepts data from the agent. The Kerberos version 5 protocol is the default method for providing authentication. In order for Kerberos-based mutual authentication to function, the agents and Management Server must be installed into an Active Directory domain. If an agent and a Management Server are in separate domains, there must be a full trust between the domains. In this scenario, after mutual authentication has taken place, the data channel between the agent and the Management Server is encrypted. No user intervention is required for authentication and encryption to take place.23。

System Center Configuration Manager 2007安装步骤

System Center Configuration Manager 2007安装步骤

System Center Configuration Manager 2007安装步骤基于Windows Server 2008 R2服务器,并使用SQL Server 2008 R2数据库。

安装系统功能与角色1.安装“远程差分压缩”2.安装“后台智能传送服务(BITS)”3.安装“WebDAV”4.安装“WSUS”扩展AD架构1.打开位于Configuration Manager 2007 安装文件的\SMSSETUP\BIN\I386 目录中的ConfigMgr_ad_schema.ldf 文件,然后编辑该文件以定义要扩展的Active Directory 根域。

该文件中文本DC=x 的所有实例都必须替换为要扩展的域的完整名称。

例如,如果要扩展的域的完整名称命名为,则文件中DC=x 的所有实例应更改为DC=widgets,DC=microsoft,DC=com。

2.Ldifde-I -f ConfigMgr_ad_schema.ldf -v -j <存储日志文件的位置>配置证书服务,并为SCCM2007服务器申请站点服务器签名证书1.安装AD CS证书服务,重启服务器2.创建站点服务器签名证书3.打开证书模板控制台,复制“计算机”条目,并确保选中“Windows 2003 Server,EnterpriseEdition”。

名称输入“ConfigMgr 站点服务器签名证书”,在“颁发要求”选项卡中选择“CA 证书管理程序批准”,在“使用者名称”选项卡中单击“在请求中提供”,在“扩展”选项卡中,选择“应用程序策略”,删除“客户端身份验证”和“服务器身份验证”,添加“文档签名”。


在“启用证书模板”对话框中,选择刚创建的新模板“ConfigMgr 站点服务器签名证书”,然后单击“确定”5.申请站点服务器签名证书6.(在成员服务器上执行)复制以下代码到一个文本文件中:[NewRequest]Subject = "CN=The site code of this site server is <站点代码>"MachineKeySet = True[RequestAttributes]CertificateTemplate = “ConfigMgr 站点服务器签名证书”7.使用名称sitesigning.inf 保存文件8.打开命令窗口,键入下列命令:certreq -new sitesigning.inf sitesigning.reqcertreq -submit sitesigning.req sitesigning.cer(在CA中执行)在“选择证书颁发机构”对话框中选择颁发CA,并看到RequestId:<号码>显示,记下此号码在“证书颁发机构”的“挂起的申请”中,颁发上述号码的证书9.(在SCCM2007服务器上执行)certreq -retrieve <号码>sitesigning.cer在“选择证书颁发机构”对话框中选择颁发CAcertreq -accept sitesigning.cer。

戴尔EqualLogic存储管理软件包套件4.1版适用于Microsoft System Cente

戴尔EqualLogic存储管理软件包套件4.1版适用于Microsoft System Cente

Dell EqualLogic StorageManagement Pack SuiteVersion 4.1 for MicrosoftSystem Center OperationsManager 2007 SP1/R2 and System Center Essentials 2007SP1/2010Installation GuideNotesNOTE: A NOTE indicates important information that helps you make better use of your computer.____________________Information in this document is subject to change without notice.©2011Dell Inc.All rights reserved.Reproduction of these materials in any manner whatsoever without the written permission of Dell Inc. is strictly forbidden.Trademarks used in this text: Dell™, the DELL logo, and EqualLogic™ are trademarks of Dell Inc. Microsoft® and Windows® are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.Other trademarks and trade names may be used in this document to refer to either the entities claiming the marks and names or their products. Dell Inc. disclaims any proprietary interest in trademarks and trade names other than its own.2011-09Contents1Overview (5)Prerequisites (5)Accessing the Dell EqualLogic StorageManagement Pack (5)Installing the Dell EqualLogic StorageManagement Pack Suite (6)Running the Management Pack Installer (6)Importing the Management Pack (7)Post Import Tasks (8)Using the Repair Option (9)Upgrading the Management Pack From aPrevious Version (9)Prerequisites (9)Pre-Upgrade Tasks (Optional) (10)Steps to Upgrade (11)Uninstalling the Dell EqualLogic StorageManagement Pack Suite (12)Microsoft Guidelines for Performance andScalability for SCOM (13)Security Considerations (13)Disabling Certificate Validation (13)Contents34ContentsOverviewThis guide describes how to install the Dell EqualLogic Storage Management Pack Suite version 4.1 for Microsoft System Center Operations Manager (SCOM), or Microsoft System Center Essentials (SCE).PrerequisitesTo install the Dell EqualLogic Storage Management Pack Suite version 4.1 on a management station, ensure that you meet the following pre-requisites:•SCOM 2007 SP1/R2 or SCE 2007 SP1/2010 to support the Dell EqualLogic Storage Management Pack.For SCOM 2007 SP1 and SCE 2007 SP1, apply the following:–SCE 2007 SP1 Update 1 (Microsoft KB: 971541) that contains a fix for network monitoring stack.–SCE Hotfix (Microsoft KB: 960569) that contains a fix for monitoring network devices with interface speed greater than 2 GB per second.•Microsoft .NET version 2.0 or later to install SCOM or SCE.•Administrator access on the system to install SCOM or SCE and to import the Dell EqualLogic Storage Management Pack.Accessing the Dell EqualLogic Storage Management PackThe Dell EqualLogic Storage Management Pack Suite is packaged in the self extracting executableDell_EqualLogic_Storage_Management_Pack_Suite_v4.1_A00.exe file that contains the following files:•Dell_EqualLogic_Storage_Management_Pack_Suite_v4.1.msi •DellMPv41_EqualLogicMP_Readme.txt•DellMPv41_EqualLogic_IG.PDFThe self extracting executable file is available at .Overview5Installing the Dell EqualLogic Storage Management Pack SuiteDownload the self extracting executableDell_EqualLogic_Storage_Management_Pack_Suite_v4.1_A00.exe from and extract the contents to a suitable folder location.To install the Dell EqualLogic Storage management pack:1Run the management pack installer. For more information, see Running the Management Pack Installer.2Import the management pack in SCOM. For more information, see Importing the Management Pack.3Perform post-import tasks. For more information, see Post Import Tasks. Running the Management Pack InstallerTo run the Dell EqualLogic Storage Management Pack installer:1Navigate to the location where you extracted the contents of Dell_Equallogic_Storage_Management_Pack_Suite_v4.1_A00.exe.2Double clickDell_EqualLogic_Storage_Management_Pack_Suite_v4.1_A00.msi to start the installer.3Follow the instructions on the InstallShield wizard to install the management pack suite and click Finish on the wizard after theinstallation is complete.The installer creates the following folders in the default location C:\Dell Management Packs\EqualLogic Storage Mgmt Suite\4.1 or at thelocation that you specify in the installer:–Library —This folder contains the following files:•DellEQLHelper.dll•DellEQLHelper.dll.config•DellEQLHelper.tlb6Overview–Management Pack —This folder contains the following files:• —Management Pack fordefining the Dell Hardware Group and Dell folder in theMonitoring pane of the Operations Console.• —Management Pack for monitoring supported EqualLogic storage arrays. Health is monitored uptothe storage pools group and volume group of the storage arrays.• —Management Pack for enabling health monitoring uptocomponent groups.Importing the Management PackTo import the EqualLogic Storage Array management pack, use the SCOM Import Management Pack wizard:1Click Start→ Programs→ System Center Operations Manager 2007 and select Operations Console.2In the Operations Console, click Administration on the navigation pane. 3Expand the Administration tree, right-click Management Packs, and select Import Management Packs.4Browse to the management pack location, select the management packs you want to import. For more information on the management packs, see step4 under Running the Management Pack Installer.The Import Management Packs screen with the selected managementpacks is displayed in the Import List.5Click Install to complete the task.Overview7Post Import TasksAfter you import the Dell EqualLogic Storage management packs, you must perform the following tasks to ensure that the Dell EqualLogic storage arrays are discovered and monitored from the SCOM Operations Console:1Configure the management server action account with normal user account privileges. For more information on configuring the management server action account, see the SCOM Online Help.2Discover the Dell EqualLogic storage arrays using the SCOM Discovery wizard. For more information on using the Discovery wizard, see the Dell EqualLogic Storage Management Pack User Guide.3Click the Monitoring tab of the Operations Console and ensure that:–EqualLogic Device Alerts is displayed under Dell Alerts Views.–EqualLogic Devices is displayed under Dell Diagram Views.–EqualLogic Devices is displayed under Dell State Views.Viewing Dell EqualLogic Storage Management Pack ObjectsY ou can view objects contained in the Dell EqualLogic Storage Management Pack.To view the objects:1Click the Authoring tab of the Operations Console.2Select Object Discoveries under Management Pack Objects on the Authoring pane.3In the Object Discoveries pane, click Change Scope on the top right hand corner of the screen to display the Scope Management Pack Objectswindow.4Select the View all targets option to display all the objects.5Under Target, select all the Dell EqualLogic objects and click OK.The Dell EqualLogic Storage management pack objects are displayed in the Object Discoveries pane.8OverviewUsing the Repair OptionThe Repair option in the installer repairs installation errors. Y ou can use this option to re-install the management pack, missing files, and correct the registry entries.To repair the installation of the Dell EqualLogic management pack:1Double-click theDell_EqualLogic_Storage_Management_Pack_Suite_v4.1.msi file tolaunch the installer. The Welcome screen appears.2Click Next.3Select Repair and click Next. The Ready to Repair the Program screen is displayed.4Click Install. A progress screen displays the progress of the installation.Once the installation is complete, the InstallShield Wizard Completedwindow is displayed.5Click Finish.Upgrading the Management Pack From a Previous VersionIf you have installed an earlier version of Dell EqualLogic Management Pack Suite, you can directly upgrade to the current version.PrerequisitesIf you have installed Dell EqualLogic Storage Management Pack Suite version 4.0 with a particular user account, then you must login with the same user account to upgrade to Dell EqualLogic Storage Management Pack Suite version 4.1. For example, if you have installed Dell EqualLogic Storage Management Pack version 4.0 as User A, you must login as User A to upgrade. If you login as User B, then the upgrade process displays an error message and prevents you from proceeding.Overview9Pre-Upgrade Tasks (Optional)Before you upgrade to version 4.1 from version 4.0, perform the following steps to back up the alerts generated through version 4.0:1Connect to the Database Server that is used by your SCOM/SCE installation.2Replace OperationsManager in the following query with the name of your SCOM/SCE database.SQL Query:USE [OperationsManager]GOSELECT [dbo].[Alert].*FROM[dbo].[Alert],[dbo].[BaseManagedEntity],[dbo].ManagedTypeWHERE([dbo].[Alert].[BaseManagedEntityId]=[dbo].[BaseManagedEntity].BaseManagedEntityId)AND([dbo].[BaseManagedEntity].[BaseManagedTypeId]=[dbo].ManagedType.ManagedTypeIdAND([dbo].ManagedType.TypeName='Dell.Storage.EqualLogicEthernetInterface')GO3Execute the SQL query; save the results as a tab-delimited text file.10OverviewSteps to UpgradeTo upgrade to the new version:1Double-click theDell_EqualLogic_Storage_Management_Pack_Suite_v4.1.msi file tolaunch the installer. The following message is displayed: Anotherversion of the product is already installed. Would you like to upgrade?2Click Yes, and then click Next on the Welcome screen.3Accept the license agreement and click Next.4Follow the instructions on the wizard to install the Dell EqualLogic Management Pack and click Finish on the wizard after the installation is complete.5Launch the Operations Console and navigate to the Administration tab to import the new management pack. For more information on importing the management pack, see Importing the Management Pack.NOTE: When you upgrade from version 4.0 to version 4.1, components that are in critical or warning state, may display a normal state after upgrading. The components display the correct health status only from the subsequent monitoring cycle. The critical or warning health is reflected only after 62 minutes when the first monitoring cycle triggers. This is applicable only to SCOM 2007 SP1, SCE 2007 SP1, SCOM 2007 R2, and SCE 2010.NOTE: After you upgrade to version 4.1, you may see some of the components in Diagram view still displaying the icons from the earlier version. To see the new icons, restart the Operations Console using the /clearcache option.Uninstalling the Dell EqualLogic Storage Management Pack SuiteBefore you uninstall the Dell EqualLogic Storage Management Pack Suite, it is recommended to delete the Dell EqualLogic management packs from SCOM.To delete the management pack:1Select Administration→ Management Packs in the Operations Console.2Select the EqualLogic Management Pack from the Management Packs pane.3Right-click on the selected management pack and click Delete.After deleting the management pack, you can uninstall the Dell EqualLogic Helper from the management station. It is recommended that you relaunch the SCOM console after deleting the EqualLogic Management Pack.NOTE: Deleting any of the management packs may affect the scope ofsome user roles.To uninstall the Dell EqualLogic Storage Management Pack Suite:1From the Start menu, select Settings→Control Panel→ Add/Remove Programs/Programs and Features.2Select Dell EqualLogic Storage Management Pack Suite v4.1 for System Center Operations Manager and click Uninstall.Y ou can also uninstall the Dell EqualLogic Storage Management Pack Suite by running theDell_EqualLogic_Storage_Management_Pack_Suite_v4.1.msi file and selecting the Remove option from the installer.NOTE: If you uninstall the management pack suite before deleting the DellEqualLogic management pack, the alert Dell EqualLogic: DellEqualLogic Helper 4.1 may not be installed orneeds to be updated is displayed in the SCOM console. In multiplemanagement stations, the alert also appears on a management station that does not monitor the Dell EqualLogic devices.Microsoft Guidelines for Performance and Scalability for SCOMFor optimal performance, deploy the Dell EqualLogic Management Pack Suite version 4.1 on a dedicated management station.For information on Microsoft’s recommendations for scalability, see /kb/975057.Security ConsiderationsOperations Console access privileges are handled internally by SCOM. Y ou can set the User Roles option under Administration Security feature on the SCOM console. The profile of your role determines what actions you can perform. For more information on security considerations, see the SCOM Online Help.Disabling Certificate ValidationWhen you discover EqualLogic PS Series arrays for the first time on a system that does have access to the Internet or is on a slow network, there is a delay of 40-45 seconds for devices to appear in the Diagram View.This delay occurs because the Certificate Revocation List (CLR) generates a Publisher Evidence and validates the certificate by contacting the issuing authority when it loads Dell EqualLogic Helper assembly into a process on the .NET Framework 2.0.The operating system scans the chain of certificates and tries to download the Certificate Revocation List from a server on the Internet. If you do not have Internet access or the network is slow, then this process is delayed - thereby delaying the start of the Dell EqualLogic Helper.NOTE: When you disable signature verification, the .NET Framework 2.0 managed application no longer receives publisher evidence. This behavior affects the .NET Framework 2.0 managed application only when you use publisher evidence or the PublisherIdentityPermission class.To disable the signature verification:1Edit the file DellEQLHelper.dll.config under the Library folder where Dell EqualLogic Storage Management Pack Suite v4.1 is installed.2Change the value of generatePublisherEvidence to "false".。

Operations Manager 2007 Windows Server操作系统管理包指导-CN

Operations Manager 2007 Windows Server操作系统管理包指导-CN

Operations Manager 2007 Windows Server操作系统管理包指导微软公司出版时间:2007年3月作者John Downing反馈如对指导书有任何意见或建议,请发送到momdocs@,请在您的反馈中包含“Management Pack guide”和出版日期。





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目录Operations Manager 2007 Windows Server操作系统包指导 (1)作者 (1)反馈 (1)目录 (3)Windows Server操作系统管理包指导 (5)文档版本 (5)获取最新的管理包和管理包文档 (5)有何更新 (5)Windows Server操作系统管理包入门 (5)需要下载的文档 (6)Optional Management Packs可选管理包 (6)如何导入Windows Server操作系统管理包 (6)Windows Server操作系统管理包指导可选配置 (6)监控物理磁盘和磁盘分区 (6)监控逻辑和物理磁盘 (7)监控逻辑磁盘空闲空间 (8)监控逻辑和物理磁盘性能 (9)监控处理器 (9)监控所有处理器性能 (10)监控单个处理器性能 (12)监控存储器利用率 (13)Windows Server操作系统管理包安全考虑 (13)低权限环境 (13)使用低权限账号 (14)应用用户角色 (14)计算机组 (14)理解Windows Server操作系统管理包 (15)Windows Server操作系统管理包发现的对象 (15)如何实现良性循环 (16)主要监控场景 (16)浏览Operations Manager控制台中的信息 (19)监控面板 (19)报告面板 (20)Windows Server操作系统管理包故障解决 (20)当发现Windows 2000 Server上的逻辑磁盘时系统属性应当为空 (21)5Windows Server操作系统管理包指导Windows Server操作系统管理包中包括以下三个管理包:微软Windows Server库、微软Windows 2000 Server和微软Windows Server 2003。

Dell PowerVault MD存储阵列管理包套件版本4.0适用于Microsoft Syste

Dell PowerVault MD存储阵列管理包套件版本4.0适用于Microsoft Syste

Dell™ PowerVault™ MD Storage Arrays ManagementPack Suite Version 4.0 For Microsoft® System Center Operations Manager 2007 and System Center Essentials 2007用户指南注和小心注:“注”表示可以帮助您更好地使用计算机的重要信息。



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2010年1月目录1简介 (7)访问管理包和说明文件 (8)Dell MD Storage Arrays Management Pack Suite包含哪些新功能? (9)了解 Dell MD Storage Arrays Management Pack Suite.10Dell 硬件组定义 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10PowerVault MD 3000/3000i 存储阵列 . . . . . 10支持的Dell MD存储阵列 (12)支持的操作系统 (12)有关管理站 (12)有关受管节点 (12)PowerVault MD3000/MD3000i存储阵列支持的固件版本 (12)您可能需要的其它说明文件 (13)获得技术帮助 (13)2使用入门 (15)Management Station 要求 (15)一般要求 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15Dell Discovery 公用程序 . . . . . . . . . . 15Managed System 要求 (16)以普通用户权限配置 Management ServerAction 帐户 (16)目录3将MD Storage Array Management Pack导入 SCOM (16)预先导入 MD Storage Array Management Pack任务. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16导入 Management Pack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17Microsoft SCOM 性能和可扩展性指导 (18)从之前版本的管理包升级 (18)删除 Management Pack (19)安全注意事项 (19)Dell Discovery 公用程序安全注意事项 (19)3Dell™ MD Storage Arrays ManagementPack Suite 操作 (21)概览 (21)Web 控制台 (21)查找 (22)监测 (23)警报视图. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23图表视图. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23状态视图. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27自定义 MD Storage Array Management Pack (28)设备监测器. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28对象查找. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29规则. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30目录4A附录 (31)Microsoft System Center Operations Manager(SCOM) 2007 SP1/System Center Essentials (SCE) 2007SP1 中的已知问题 (31)SCOM 的 Microsoft 修复程序 (32)目录5目录6简介71简介本文档适用于使用 Dell™ MD Storage Arrays Management Pack Suite Version 4.0 来管理和监测以菊花链形式与 MD3000/MD3000i 存储阵列连接的 DellPowerVault™ MD3000、MD3000i 和 PowerVault MD1000 存储阵列。

System Center Operations Manager 2007 的定价和许可

System Center Operations Manager 2007 的定价和许可

System Center Operations Manager 2007 的定价和许可Operations Manager 2007 的许可Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007 需要为每台管理服务器购买服务器许可证,并为每台受管理的设备购买操作管理许可证(“OML”)。



通过批量许可证计划购买标准OML 的另一种方式是购买Microsoft System Center 服务器管理许可证(“SML”) 组合。

标准SML 现已面市,并包括适用于Operations Manager 的标准OML,以及适用于Microsoft® Systems Management Server (SMS)和System Center Data Protection Manager (DPM)的标准管理许可证。

标准SML为针对您的Windows 文件服务器获得System Center 服务器管理的价值提供了一种简单、便捷和具成本效益的方式。

企业SML将于2007 年第四季度面市,它将包括OML 和Data Protection Manager Management 许可证的企业版、System Center Configuration Manager 2007服务器管理许可证、以及System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2007。

Operations Manager 2007 的定价说明:全部价格均为在美国国内购买的价格,并以美元结算。




SCCM2007SCCM2007System center configuration manager 2007:system management manager (SMS)2003的后续产品,configuration manager 提供用于自动化软件安装和管理系统配置工具,资产管理功能。

Configuration Manager 2007 通过减少手动任务并使您能够集中在高价值项目上来提高 IT 工作效率,最大程度地实现了硬件和软件投资,并且通过在正确的时间提供正确的软件来提高最终用户的生产效率。

Configuration Manager 2007 通过启用安全且可伸缩的操作系统和应用程序部署以及所需的配置管理来使 IT 部门效率更高,从而增强了系统安全,并且提供了服务器、台式机和移动设备的全面资产管理。

SCCM 2007相比SMS 2003有哪些优势?其一,增加了资产智能部分功能、NAP(windows 2008)、SCCM高级客户端;其二,改进了软件更新管理,提供了更加强大的报表功能,操作起来也更简单。

更强的伸缩性与更高的性能表现SCCM 2007的分布式、层级化设计理念允许该产品针对规模最大的分布式Windows环境实施管理。

SCCM 2007已在众多由数十万个受控节点组成的机构中得到采用。

每个受控环境均可通过SCCM 2007站点层次结构接受管理,而它们中每一个则是由一或多个运行SCCM 2007软件的服务器组成。


全局伸缩性(远程地理分布站点管理)可通过从战略角度出发将SCCM 2007站点置于受控客户端所处任何位置的途径得以实现。


简易安装与操作SCCM 2007的关键优势之一,就是将该产品投入实际应用所需花费的计划、部署和启动时间相当短暂。

用于 Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 和 Mi

用于 Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 和 Mi

用于 Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 和 Microsoft System Center Essentials 的 Dell Client Management Pack 版本 5.0用户指南注、小心和警告:“注”表示可以帮助您更好地使用计算机的重要信息。



© 2013 Dell Inc. 保留所有权利。

本文中使用的商标: Dell™、Dell 徽标、Dell Boomi™、Dell Precision™、 OptiPlex™、Latitude™、PowerEdge™、PowerVault™、PowerConnect™、OpenManage™、EqualLogic™、Compellent™、KACE™、FlexAddress™、Force10™、Venue™和 Vostro™是 Dell Inc. 的商标。

Intel®、Pentium®、Xeon®、Core®和 Celeron®是 Intel Corporation 在美国和其他国家或地区的注册商标。

AMD®和 AMDOpteron™、AMD Phenom™以及 AMD Sempron™是 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.的注册商标或商标。

Microsoft®、Windows®、Windows Server®、Internet Explorer®、MS-DOS®、Windows Vista®和 Active Directory®是 Microsoft Corporation 在美国和/或其他国家或地区的商标或注册商标。

适用于 Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 的 D

适用于 Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 的 D

适用于 Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 的 Dell EqualLogic Storage Management Pack Suite 6.0 版用户指南注、小心和警告注: “注”表示帮助您更好地使用该产品的重要信息。

小心: “小心”表示可能会损坏硬件或导致数据丢失,并说明如何避免此类问题。

警告: “警告”表示可能会造成财产损失、人身伤害甚至死亡。

版权所有© 2010 - 2017 Dell Inc. 或其子公司。


Dell、EMC 和其他商标均为 Dell Inc. 或其附属公司的商标。


2017 - 04Rev. A00目录1 简介 (4)本发行版中的新增功能 (4)主要功能和功能特性 (4)关于 Dell EqualLogic Storage Management Pack Suite (5)Dell EqualLogic Storage Management Pack Suite 所建模的组件的详情 (5)2 使用 Dell EqualLogic Storage Management Pack Suite (7)查找 (7)查找 Dell EqualLogic 设备 (7)监测 (7)运行状况指示器 (8)视图 (8)任务 (11)启动 EqualLogic Group Manager GUI (11)自定义 Dell EqualLogic Storage Management Pack (12)指定覆盖参数 (12)自定义设备监测器 (12)对象查找 (13)规则 (13)3 故障排除 (16)4 相关文档和资源 (18)您可能需要的其他说明文件 (18)5 访问 Dell 支持站点上的文档 (19)联系 Dell (19)31简介本说明文件介绍了可通过适用于Microsoft System Center 2016 Operations Manager、Microsoft System Center 2012 R2 Operations Manager、Microsoft System Center 2012 SP1 Operations Manager、Microsoft System Center 2012 Operations Manager 和 Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007 R2 的 Dell EqualLogic Storage Management Pack Suite 6.0 版执行的活动。

最新Microsoft System Center精品资料

最新Microsoft System Center精品资料

Microsoft System Center—一系列居领先地位的IT管理解决方案企业的IT部门所需的解决方案应能支持性能和可用性监控、软件更新和部署、数据存储和恢复、IT报告、以及问题、容量和操作管理。

System Center系列包含了能满足全部这些需求的领先的IT管理解决方案。

发布路线图System Center Operations Manager 2007Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM) 2005的后续产品,此产品允许IT人员监视和管理现代分布式环境中的硬件和软件。


System Center Configuration Manager 2007Systems Management Server (SMS) 2003的后续产品,Configuration Manager 提供用于自动化软件安装和管理系统配置的工具。


System Center中代号为“Service Desk”作为全新的产品,“Service Desk”将提供实现基本的IT服务管理流程,包括事件管理、问题管理和变更管理。


System Center Data Protection Manager 2006顾名思义,Data Protection Manager提供Windows文件服务器的数据备份和还原。

System Center Essentials 2007为了允许小型组织中不太专业的IT人员更有效地管理他们的环境,Essentials提供一个工具来统一两个最重要的管理功能:监视分布式系统和自动化软件安装。


System Center Virtual Machine Manager作为新的虚拟化时代的新型管理工具,此产品帮助管理人员完成将应用程序合并到虚拟化服务器上的过程。



DFS 复制是否支持远程管理?是。

DFS 复制使用DFS 管理控制台和“Add Replication Group”(添加复制组)命令支持远程管理。

例如,在服务器 A 上,您可以连接到在以服务器 A 和 B 作为成员的林中定义的复制组。

Windows Server 2008 R2、Windows Server 2008 和Windows Server 2003 R2 附带DFS 管理。

要通过其他Windows 版本管理DFS 复制,请使用“远程桌面”或Windows 7 远程服务器管理工具。


监视复制有多种方法:1>、DFS 复制带有适用于System Center Operations Manager 2007 的管理包,可提供主动监视。

2>、DFS 复制包含有关给定复制组中复制囤积、复制效率及文件和文件夹数量的内置诊断报告。

3>、Dfsrdiag.exe 是一种命令行工具,可生成囤积计数或触发传播测试。





在运行Windows Server 2008 R2 的计算机上,Dfsrdiag.exe 还可显示DFS 复制目前正在复制的更新。

4>、脚本可使用WMI 收集囤积信息-手动或通过MOM。

性能:DFS 复制是否支持拨号连接?尽管DFS 复制在拨号速度下可以运行,但如果要复制大量更改,它会进行囤积。

如果对现有文件进行少量更改,带有远程差分压缩(RDC) 的DFS 复制提供的性能将远超过直接复制文件。

DFS 复制是否执行带宽检测?不执行。

DFS 复制不执行带宽检测。

您可以配置DFS 复制,使每个连接使用有限量的带宽(带宽限制)。

但在网络接口达到饱和时,DFS 复制不会进一步减少带宽占用,且DFS 复制会使链接在短时间内达到饱和。

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 Sy m Center ystem Opera O ations Manager 2007 s e安装手册 安 册May y 20, 2007        Justin.G Gao 高扬 yang ga@microso  部署 署环境介 介绍:本次部署涉及 3 台机器 本 及到 器, DC:域控制器 s 003 R2 Ent terprise Ed dition With SP2 h 操作系统:Windows Server 20 DC 计算机名: OpsmgrD m 域名: om IP 地址: 1 192.168.0. .100/24 DNS 地址: 192.168 8.0.100 员服务器 DB: 域的成员 操作系统:Windows Server 20 s 003 R2 Ent terprise Ed dition With SP2 h DC 计算机名: OpsmgrD 192.168.0. .101/24 IP 地址: 1 DNS 地址: 192.168 8.0.100 MS:域的成员 员服务器 RM 操作系统:Windows Server 20 s 003 R2 Ent terprise Ed dition With SP2 h RMS(Roo Manage ot ement Serv ver) 计算机名: OpsmgrR 192.168.0. .102/24 IP 地址: 1 DNS 地址: 192.168.0 D 0.100 Sys stem Cente Operations Manager 2007 的 er 的实际部署需 需求,请参 SCOM 2007 参考 2 Dep ployment GuideJustin.G Gao 高扬 yang ga@microso  安装 装步骤: :一、 部署 A 活动目 、 AD 目录:在 D 服务器上建立 om DC 域。

在此 此不再介绍 AD 部署过 过程。

   Justin.G Gao 高扬 yang ga@microso  二、 安装 S 、 SCOM 20 007 RTM M:1. 安装 SCO 2007 所 OM 所支持的操 操作系统: Operatio Manager Datab ons base:Windows Server 200 X86 and X64 03 d• • • Standard Editio with SP1 on 1 Ent terprise Edit tion with SP P1 Dat tacenter Edi ition with SP1Managem ment Serv ver,Root and non-Root:Windows Server 200 X86 and X64 03 d• • • Standard Editio with SP1 on 1 terprise Edit tion with SP P1 Ent Dat tacenter Edi ition with SP1Operatio Conso ons ole:Windows Server 200 X86 and X64 03 d• • • • • • • Standard Editio with SP1 on 1 Ent terprise Edit tion with SP P1 Dat tacenter Edi ition with SP1 Pro ofessional Ed dition with S SP2 Ultimate Editio on Bus siness Editio on Ent terprise Edit tionWindows XP X86 an X64 nd Windows Vista X86 and X64Reportin Data W ng Warehouse e:Windows Server 200 X86 and X64 03 d• • • Standard Editio with SP1 on 1 Ent terprise Edit tion with SP P1 Dat tacenter Edi ition with SP1Reportin Server: ng :Windows Server 200 X86 and X64 03 d• • • Standard Editio with SP1 on 1 Ent terprise Edit tion with SP P1 Dat tacenter Edi ition with SP1Gateway Server: yWindows Server 200 X86 and X64 03 dJustin.G Gao 高扬 yang ga@microso  • • Standard Editio with SP1 on 1 Ent terprise Edit tion with SP P1Web Con nsole Serv ver:Windows Server 200 X86 and X64 03 d• • Standard Editio with SP1 on 1 Ent terprise Edit tion with SP P1Audit Da atabase:Windows Server 200 X86 and X64 03 d• • • Standard Editio with SP1 on 1 Ent terprise Edit tion with SP P1 Dat tacenter Edi ition with SP1Managem ment Serv with A ver Audit Col llector:Windows Server 200 X86 and X64 03 d• • Standard Editio with SP1 on 1 terprise Edit tion with SP P1 EntManagem ment Server with Agentless Exce eption M Monitoring File Share:Windows Server 200 X86 and X64 03 d• • Standard Editio with SP1 on 1 Ent terprise Edit tion with SP P1Agent:Windows 2000• • • • • • • • • • Ser rver Edition with Service Pack SP4 Pro ofessional Ed dition with S SP4 Standard Editio with SP1 on 1 Ent terprise Edit tion with SP P1 Dat tacenter Edi ition with SP1 Win ndows XP X and X64 X86 4 Pro ofessional Ed dition with S SP2 Ultimate Editio on siness Editio on Bus Ent terprise Edit tionWindows Server 200 X86 , X6 and IA64 03 64 4Windows Vista X86 and X64 sJustin.G Gao 高扬 yang ga@microso  2. 安装 SCO 2007 的 OM 的必要组件 件: Operatio Manager Datab ons base:• SQL Server 200 wth SP1 05 .NE Framewo 2.0 ET ork .NE Framewo 3.0 ET ork Mic crosoft Core XML Services(MSXML 6.0 e L)Managem ment Serv ver,Root and non-Root:• • •(如果操作系 系统已经为 Windows Server 2003 S W SP2 以上版本 本,则不需要 要安装 MSXM ML6.0)Reportin Server: ng :• • SQL Server 200 Reportin Services w 05 ng with SP1 .NE Framewo 3.0 ET ork .NE Framewo 2.0 ET ork .NE Framewo 3.0 ET ork Mic crosoft Core XML Services(MSXML 6.0 e L) SQL Server 200 wth SP1 05 SQL Server 200 Enterpris Edition or Standard E 05 se Edition .NE Framewo 2.0 ET ork .NE Framewo 3.0 ET ork Win ndows Powe Shell er .NE Framewo 2.0 ET ork .NE Framewo 3.0 ET ork IIS 6.0 ASP 2.0 Mic crosoft Core XML Services(MSXML 6.0 e L)Gateway Server: y• • •Reportin Data W ng Warehouse e:•Audit Co ollection D Database: :•Operatio Conso ons ole:• • •Web Con nsole Serv ver:• • • •Agent:• (MSXML 6 requires Windows Installer 3.1 6.0 s 1)3. 安装 SQL Server 2005 数据库 L 库: 在 Opsm mgrDB 服务 务器上安装 SQL Server 2005 Databas 和 Rep 装 5 se porting Server,在 在服务帐户 户时选择使用 用本地系统 统作为内置 置系统帐户,并选择安 安装结束Justin.G Gao 高扬 yang ga@microso  时启动服务 SQL Se 务 erver Age ent。

身份 份验证模式选 Wind 选择 dows 身份 份验证模 式。

安装完成后 后,安装 S SQL Serve 2005 SP er P2。
