韩国ATO产品-nand flash小容量再生知情的朋友都知道,国际大厂商如三星,hynix,美光等厂商的nand flash 小容量的都已经停产了,目前的情况是,需要告知更多的人,韩国ATO的小容量的NAND flash的推出。
韩国ATO solution,中文名称韩商爱拓,合作与三星,佳能,富士康,通用等公司,ATO的产品主要有:MCP (NAND+DDR2/3,NAND+mobile SDRAM) , 目前这种形式(nand+dd2/3)的MCP产品我们是唯一的一家在做,NAND FLASH我们主要针对三星等大厂即将不做的小容量的进行研发生产,同三星等其他品牌的产品可以兼容。
今天主要介绍一下我们的小容量的NAND FLASH吧。
ATO的nand flash 目前主要以256Mb,512Mb,1Gb为主,相较于高容量产品例如32GB & 64GB,我们的低容量NAND flash主要是用来取代Nor-Flash,主要产品应用于相机、对讲机,手机、LED电视,机顶盒等领域,占总NAND Flash市场约10%。
ATO Solution 自有技术开发设计的SLC 256Mb快闪记忆体(NAND Flash)产品,同时在去年国际积体电路研讨会暨展览会(IIC China)中参展,并将于今年的展会再次跟大家见面。
相对NOR Flash,NAND Flash通常只有在具有技术优越性的国际记忆体大厂才有能力生产。
ATO Solution借由独特性设计技术让产品微型化,大幅提高了ATO产品成本上的竞争力,ATO 256Mb ,512Mb ,1Gb 的NAND Flash SLC以扩大现有低容量产品线阵容。
凭藉着高品质与价格竞争优势,ATO毫无疑问的脱颖而出,ATO的看好市场的空缺,生产的产品不仅可以替代市场上大厂Samsung、Hynix、ST Micron等停产的容量的NAND,同时为工程师们提供了更多的新思路,可以替代之前使用nor flash的产品。
泰利特 2G 3G 4G NB LTE 产品 北美 LE910V2 产品手册说明书
]Delta SW North American LE910 V2 Products80000DSW10127A Rev. 1 – 2018-07-061 6SPECIFICATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICENOTICEWhile reasonable efforts have been made to assure the accuracy of this document, Telit assumes no liability resulting from any inaccuracies or omissions in this document, or from use of the information obtained herein. The information in this document has been carefully checked and is believed to be reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies or omissions. Telit reserves the right to make changes to any products described herein and reserves the right to revise this document and to make changes from time to time in content hereof with no obligation to notify any person of revisions or changes. Telit does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product, software, or circuit described herein; neither does it convey license under its patent rights or the rights of others.It is possible that this publication may contain references to, or information about Telit products (machines and programs), programming, or services that are not announced in your country. Such references or information must not be construed to mean that Telit intends to announce such Telit products, programming, or services in your country. COPYRIGHTSThis instruction manual and the Telit products described in this instruction manual may be, include or describe copyrighted Telit material, such as computer programs stored in semiconductor memories or other media. Laws in the Italy and other countries preserve for Telit and its licensors certain exclusive rights for copyrighted material, including the exclusive right to copy, reproduce in any form, distribute and make derivative works of the copyrighted material. Accordingly, any copyrighted material of Telit and its licensors contained herein or in the Telit products described in this instruction manual may not be copied, reproduced, distributed, merged or modified in any manner without the express written permission of Telit. Furthermore, the purchase of Telit products shall not be deemed to grant either directly or by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license under the copyrights, patents or patent applications of Telit, as arises by operation of law in the sale of a product.COMPUTER SOFTWARE COPYRIGHTSThe Telit and 3rd Party supplied Software (SW) products described in this instruction manual may include copyrighted Telit and other 3rd Party supplied computer programs stored in semiconductor memories or other media. Laws in the Italy and other countries preserve for Telit and other 3rd Party supplied SW certain exclusive rights for copyrighted computer programs, including the exclusive right to copy or reproduce in any form the copyrighted computer program. Accordingly, any copyrighted Telit or other 3rd Party supplied SW computer programs contained in the Telit products described in this instruction manual may not be copied (reverse engineered) or reproduced in any manner without the express written permission of Telit or the 3rd Party SW supplier. Furthermore, the purchase of Telit products shall not be deemed to grant either directly or by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license under the copyrights, patents or patent applications of Telit or other 3rd Party supplied SW, except for the normal non-exclusive, royalty free license to use that arises by operation of law in the sale of a product.USAGE AND DISCLOSURE RESTRICTIONSI. License AgreementsThe software described in this document is the property of Telit and its licensors. It is furnished by express license agreement only and may be used only in accordance with the terms of such an agreement.II. Copyrighted MaterialsSoftware and documentation are copyrighted materials. Making unauthorized copies is prohibited by law. No part of the software or documentation may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language or computer language, in any form or by any means, without prior written permission of Telit III. High Risk MaterialsComponents, units, or third-party products used in the product described herein are NOT fault-tolerant and are NOT designed, manufactured, or intended for use as on-line control equipment in the following hazardous environments requiring fail-safe controls: the operation of Nuclear Facilities, Aircraft Navigation or Aircraft Communication Systems, Air Traffic Control, Life Support, or Weapons Systems (High Risk Activities"). Telit and its supplier(s) specifically disclaim any expressed or implied warranty of fitness for such High Risk Activities.IV. TrademarksTELIT and the Stylized T Logo are registered in Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners.V. Third Party RightsThe software may include Third Party Right software. In this case you agree to comply with all terms and conditions imposed on you in respect of such separate software. In addition to Third Party Terms, the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provisions in this License shall apply to the Third Party Right software.TELIT HEREBY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES EXPRESS OR IMPLIED FROM ANY THIRD PARTIES REGARDING ANY SEPARATE FILES, ANY THIRD PARTY MATERIALS INCLUDED IN THE SOFTWARE, ANY THIRD PARTY MATERIALS FROM WHICH THE SOFTWARE IS DERIVED (COLLECTIVELY “OTHER CODE”), AND THE USE OF ANY OR ALL THE OTHER CODE IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE, INCLUDING (WITHOUT LIMITATION) ANY WARRANTIES OF SATISFACTORY QUALITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.NO THIRD PARTY LICENSORS OF OTHER CODE SHALL HAVE ANY LIABILITY FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION LOST PROFITS), HOWEVER CAUSED AND WHETHER MADE UNDER CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHER LEGAL THEORY, ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE OTHER CODE OR THE EXERCISE OF ANY RIGHTS GRANTED UNDER EITHER OR BOTH THIS LICENSE AND THE LEGAL TERMS APPLICABLE TO ANY SEPARATE FILES, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.APPLICABILITY TABLE PRODUCTSLE910-NA V2LE910-NA V2 SINGLE SKULE910-NA1LE910-NA1 SINGLE SKULE910B4-NALE910B1-NALE910B1-NA SINGLE SKULE910B1-SALE910-SV V2LE910-SV1LE910-SVLCONTENTSNOTICE 2COPYRIGHTS (2)COMPUTER SOFTWARE COPYRIGHTS (2)USAGE AND DISCLOSURE RESTRICTIONS (3)I.License Agreements (3)II.Copyrighted Materials (3)III.High Risk Materials (3)IV.Trademarks (3)V.Third Party Rights (3)APPLICABILITY TABLE (4)CONTENTS (5)1.INTRODUCTION (6)2.DELTA SW 20.00.XX4 – 20.00.XX5 (8)New Features (8)General Enhancements (9)3.DELTA SW 20.00.XX2 – 20.00.XX4 (12)New Features (12)General Enhancements (14)4.DOCUMENT HISTORY (17)1. INTRODUCTION1.1. ScopeScope of this document is to detail the corrections, changes or enhancements made to the software of Telit modules.1.2. AudienceThis document is intended for Telit customers.1.3. Contact Information, SupportFor general contact, technical support services, technical questions and report documentation errors contact Telit Technical Support at:•*****************•*********************•*****************Alternatively, use:/supportFor detailed information about where you can buy the Telit modules or for recommendations on accessories and components visit:Our aim is to make this guide as helpful as possible. Keep us informed of your comments and suggestions for improvements.Telit appreciates feedback from the users of our information.1.4. Related Documents•Telit LE910-V2 Modules AT Commands Reference Guide, 80446ST10707A •Telit's Modules Software User Guide, 1vv03007842. DELTA SW 20.00.XX4 – 20.00.XX5New FeaturesDescription SW 20.00.xx5 Added AT#SHSANA and AT#SHSDLY AT commands. ••AT#DTMF=2 has been enabled, AT#OOBTSET has beenintroduced (Cat-1 Ability to control in-band DTMF tones).• Added Cat-1 Ability to control DTMF tone volume separately frommaster volume.• Added store/restore of the APN in the file system for NVMrecovery.Supported DTMF URC on VoLTE. •General EnhancementsFixed Verizon TC 6.2 failure. •Fixed NCM fallback when USB profile is configured as MBIM. •Fixed Verizon TC 7.1.1 and TC 7.1.2 fail due to the calling of• UtaMsNetAttachReq in case of refresh type 0.•Fixed Verizon TC 4.07 fail due to the calling ofUtaMsCallPsDefinePrimaryReq after DETACH.Fix of VoLTE call fail after AT#SGACT command. •Improvement on paging detection in case bad RF condition. ••Fixed unexpected "SIM not inserted" indication appearing during adata session (#QSS: 0 during data session).•Fixed #MONI incorrect response for servant cell when the moduleis registered in GERAN.•Fixed no apparent power saving for CFUN:5 in CMUX. The powerconsumption during CMUX session now follows the physical DTRstate.•Fixed Verizon TC 4.6, 4.9 and 4.11 manage properly the DETACHREQUEST for type 5 REFRESH and type 0 REFRESH in Verizon.•Fix of the first MT SMS which is now queued and handled correctlywhen the SMS client is ready.•AT+CSQ is returning 99,99 when registered.The fix consists also in checking the +CEREG registration status in+CSQ delegation function.Fixed LTE Data Retry handling of event list and counter in Attach• Reject with cause 8 scenario.Fix of memory leek scenario in• TalCatUtaMsSimTkTerminalResponseCnfCb()/SIAL_TOOL_IND.Improvement on updating the neighbors list with AT#MONI,• sometimes the updating was not fast.• SIM Profile Switch management: Add processing ofshutdown/startup indication of "Electrical deinit procedure" in case"SIM init procedure" is running.Also handled proactive command coming when ME currentlyunable to process because bus.• Blocked LDR NVM setting on reading SIM MCC/MNC in Intel CAT interface.Fixed echo issue during MO voice calls by extending Echo• Canceller tuning up to 16 kHz.Extended delay on AT#FTPGETOTA attempts after first successful• download.Fixed IMS registration behavior after switching from USBCFG=3 to• USBCFG=0.Integrated fix for SIB decoding issue. •Removed audio noise on VoLTE calls. •Fixed call drop issues with VOLTE. •Band 13 2nd harmonic margin improvement. •Fixed Verizon 3-Way Calling failures. •Fixed Normal Call and Call Forwarding failure. •Fixed loose registration after PPP section. •Removed wrong PLMN indication sent to AT parser. •• The IPv6 network availability is checked only once in case offailure, witching to IPv4-only connection and reducing an eventualproblem in a ~80 seconds long OMADM session.The management of ACM_PROGRESS_IND and• ACM_DISCONNECTED_IND has been aligned to the one in Intelinterface.Resolved no audio and call drop with “RTP-RTCP Timeout”. •• VoLTE Calls: incoming "Call waiting tone" now doesn’t excludesaudio path.New +CEVDP and +CEMODE default for SKU SV products. •After the attach complete, the module detached and re-attached on• VZWINTERNET. The cause was the incorrect setting of the PCO.Removed double selection request for file PNN. •Modified NVM USBCFG default value. •3.DELTA SW 20.00.XX2 – 20.00.XX4New Features Description SW 20.00.xx4Support VOLTE on SV and NA variant. • DTMF decoding support for VOLTE on SV and NA variant. • AppZone: implemented new m2m_ssl API that allow to set right TLS protocol (TLS1.0/TLS1.1 and TLS1.2).• AppZone: implemented new API m2m_ipraw_cfg for IPRAW IPV4 and IPV6.• AppZone: implemented API to support AUXILIARY UART. • AppZone: implemented new API for Watchdog management. • AppZone: implemented new API to set context on specified CID. • AppZone: implemented new API m2m_hw_sleep_mode_cfg to manage power saving mode.• AppZone: support for easyAT. • Support TLS1.2. • Verizon: Enabling support for SSL Server authentication and TLS 1.2.•Verizon: Support APN location 6, CGDCONT, VZWAPNE updated. Location APN 6 is updated also during OMA-DM.• Support CFUN9 - Incoming GPRS packed wake-up the DUT. • ATT: Adding alert signal on ODIS parameter modification: An alert towards AT&T OMADM server is triggered one minute after eachHostOdis reset or set command.• EasyIP: Increase number of sockets from 6 to 10. •AT#MTUSIZE=<mtu>: implemented new AT command in order to• set the MTU size.MBIM: support multiple bearer connection in parallel. •• AT#APPSSLCFG implemented AT command to configure ciphersuite, auth level and TLS version for a maximum of 5 applications.Added storing of SMS in ME and SM memories. •AT+CMAR/AT#CMAR: Implemented AT command to format NVM• and Filesystem.• AT#IIDIPV6=<cid>,<IID>: Implemented AT command in order toset the IID to a certain CID.AT#MBIMCFG: implemented AT command to configure CID to be• used for MBIM connection.• AT#PDPAUTH: implemented AT command to set theauthentication parameters for all CIDs.AT#RXTOGGLE: Implemented AT command to set main or• diversity antenna, command used in test mode for certificationpurpose.AT+IPR: Update UART speed up to 3Mbps. •General EnhancementsType Description SW 20.00.xx4Improvement the report of AT+CSQ and AT+CESQ, adjust RSSI•calculation.•Manage properly NCM disconnection (AT#NCMD=0) and dialupwhen they are used together.Updated the +CCLK: time zone range to “-96…+96”. •Fix on received URL #DTMFEV with DTMF enabled. •Support +CRSM=192,28423 with a sim with pin enabled. •Improvement on storing #HSMICG in the extended profile. •Restored LTE neighbour information’s in AT#MONI and•AT#MONIZIP, added Added <qrxlevmin> and <pci> for serving cell.restored timers T3402 and T3412 in AT#RFSTS. •Development standard usage of with “[]:”, example•AT#FTPOPEN=”[ipv6_addr]:port_num.Added timestamp on +CMT unsolicited in incoming PDU. •Add conversion table from ISO Latin 8-bit to PCCP437. •Antenna detection: Fix behavior of repGPIO on AT#GSMAD. •STN: 254 not always received when performing a SAT request with•Vodafone. Implemented a better handling for SIM APP ENDindication.Removed SIM switch off when CFUN=4 is issued to avoid IMS•registration issue once CFUN=1 is used again. SIM remains active.•Fixed reply Time on AT#PING, it was not aligned to timeoutconfigured.Improvement on AT#CSURV scan 4G channel without SIM. •#PSNT Corrected handling of technology indication. It reported a•wrong network type when EGPRS.•AppZone: Improvement on #HTTPRCV to reports OK if called fromvirtual com.Improvement on AT+CRSM is locking up the AT interface if SIM•doesn’t include specific folder.MBIMCFG has been extended to allow the selection of both CID 1• and CID 3.Removed DCD glitch when module received an incoming data call. •• Improvement on command AT+CMGL="ALL", it has been extendedto cover also the 5th AT instance that is available only inSMSATRUN and TCPATRUN.• #CMUXMODE=1 - CFUN=5 correctly managed on virtual channelby DTR toggle.• [ATT] SSL certificates update:"GeoTrust Primary Certification Authority" and "GeoTrust Primary Certification Authority - G3" certificates installed on the module,under <CDR-DVM-3953> AT&T requirement.AT&T Changes in default: Default value of AT#ICMP now is 2. •Improvement on AT#CSURV to avoid missing MCC/MNC in LTE• scan response if the same cell is shared by two PLMNs.• Reduce timing to configure GPIOs status during startup of thesystem.• DW Cloud: improvement to support Method execution requestparameters with var is a multiselect string.• FIREWALL: improvement on storing the disable/enable setting inNVM.Improvement on-off procedure to make sure that 5 seconds on-off• are always enough to power on the module after a FW upgradeand in all other scenarios.MBIM command DEVICE_CAPS reports the same version string as• AT+CGMR.I2C Clock Stretching support. •4. DOCUMENT HISTORYRevision Date Changes0 2017-09-12 Delta SW 20.00.xx2 - 20.00.xx41 2018-07-06 Delta SW 20.00-xx4 - 20.00.xx5] 6 1。
腾讯NDA限制-腾讯NDA限制-Jacinto6Eco SoC电源解决方案-DRA72 TDA2
TPS22965 + TPS51200
New PDN Concept
0.40 = $3.25
(3 AVS @ 1‐2.5A, Dual 1.8/3.3V IO, DDR3L)
18 + 4 + 4.6 + 4.6 + 4 + 9 = 44
$4.42 128 $2.53 74
$7.32 190 $4.64 119
5. “PDN’s AVS Capability” is the achievable power if all AVS power rails are increased to 90% of capacity while other power rails remain at typical Use Case modelled values.
(3 AVS @ 1‐3.5A, Dual 1.8/3.3V IO, DDR3L) (similar to EVM PDN #0)
49 + 9 + 4 = 62
#8.2 – LP87524 + LP5912 + TLV713 + LP5907 +
1.26 + 0.19 + 0.07 + 0.10 + 0.10 +
2. PDN Support component (Rs, Cs & Ls) pricing from Mouser Distribution website using single 4k – 10k/reel qty costs as of May 2016. Both PDN Support & PDN Total Costs have been provided for relative comparison only, individual customer volume pricing may vary.
Moxa UC-2100-W Series IIoT 芯片说明书
UC-2100-W SeriesArm Cortex-A81GHz palm-sized IIoT gateways with built-in LTE Cat.M1/NB-IoT moduleFeatures and Benefits•Armv7Cortex-A81000MHz processor•Integrated LTE NB-IoT/Cat.M1module with global band support•LTE-ready computer with Verizon/AT&T certification and industrial-grade CE/FCC/UL certifications•Dual-SIM slots•Moxa Industrial Linux with10-year long-term support•Dual auto-sensing Ethernet ports(10/100Mbps and10/100/1000Mbps)•Dual CAN ports with industrial CAN2.0A/B protocol supported•microSD socket for storage expansion•Programmable LEDs and a programmable button for easy installation andmaintenance•-40to75°C operating temperature rangeCertificationsIntroductionThe UC-2100-W Series computing platform is designed for embedded data acquisition and processing applications.The computer comes with up to two software selectable RS-232/422/485full-signal serial ports and single or dual LAN ports.This palm-sized series of Arm-based computing platforms includes a variety of models for a wide range of interface requirements,such as serial and LAN ports,and wireless connections.The versatile communication capabilities allow users to efficiently adapt the UC-2100-W Series for a variety of complex communications solutions running on a compact palm-sized computer.The UC-2100-W Series has a built-in Cortex-A8Arm-based processor that has been optimized for a variety of industrial solutions.With flexible interface options,this tiny embedded computer is a reliable and secure gateway for data acquisition and processing at field sites and is a useful communication platform for many other large-scale deployments.Models designed for wide-temperature applications are available for extreme environments such as those found in the Oil and Gas industry.Furthermore,all models use Moxa’s industrial-grade Linux platform,which provides optimized software features and superior long-term support.AppearanceUC-2114UC-2116SpecificationsComputerCPU Armv7Cortex-A81GHz DRAM512MB DDR3Storage Pre-installed8GB eMMCPre-installed OS Moxa Industrial Linux(Debian9,Kernel4.4)See /MILComputer InterfaceStorage Slot Micro SD Slot x1Ethernet Ports Auto-sensing10/100Mbps ports(RJ45connector)x1Auto-sensing10/100/1000Mbps ports(RJ45connector)x1Serial Ports RS-232/422/485ports x2,software selectable(DB9male)CAN Ports CAN2.0A/B x2(5-pin terminal block)Cellular Antenna Connector SMA x1GPS Antenna Connector UC-2116-T-LX:SMA x1Number of SIMs2SIM Format NanoConsole Port RS-232(TxD,RxD,GND),4-pin header output(115200,n,8,1)Buttons Reset buttonEthernet InterfaceMagnetic Isolation Protection 1.5kV(built-in)Serial InterfaceBaudrate50bps to921.6kbpsData Bits5,6,7,8Stop Bits1,1.5,2Parity None,Even,Odd,Space,MarkPull High/Low Resistor for RS-4851kilo-ohm,150kilo-ohmsESD Protection4kV,for all signalsFlow Control RTS/CTS,XON/XOFF,ADDC®(automatic data direction control)for RS-485,RTSToggle(RS-232only)Serial SignalsRS-232TxD,RxD,RTS,CTS,DTR,DSR,DCD,GNDRS-422Tx+,Tx-,Rx+,Rx-,GNDRS-485-2w Data+,Data-,GNDRS-485-4w Tx+,Tx-,Rx+,Rx-,GNDCAN InterfaceIndustrial Protocols CAN2.0A,CAN2.0BBaudrate10to1000kbpsIsolation2kV(built-in)Signals GND,CAN_L,CAN_SHLD,CAN_H,CAN_V+Cellular InterfaceBand Options LTE Bands:Band1(2100MHz)/Band2(1900MHz)/Band3(1800MHz)/Band4(1700MHz)/Band5(850MHz)/Band8(900MHz)/Band12(700MHz)/Band13(700MHz)/Band18(850MHz)/Band19(850MHz)/Band20(800MHz)/Band25(1900MHz)/Band26(850MHz)/Band28(700MHz)Carrier Approval:Verizon,AT&TLED IndicatorsSystem Power x1Programmable x1LAN2per port(10/100Mbps)Serial2per port(Tx,Rx)Wireless Signal Strength3CAN2per port(Tx,Rx)Power ParametersInput Voltage9to48VDCPower Consumption 5.8WInput Current0.6A@9VDC,0.12A@48VDCReliabilityAlert Tools External RTC(real-time clock)Automatic Reboot Trigger External WDT(watchdog timer)Physical CharacteristicsHousing MetalDimensions(with ears)111x99x34.5mm(4.37x3.90x1.36in)Weight396g(0.87lb)Installation Wall-mounting,DIN-rail mounting(with optional kit)Environmental LimitsOperating Temperature-40to75°C(-40to167°F)Storage Temperature(package included)-40to85°C(-40to185°F)Ambient Relative Humidity5to95%(non-condensing)Standards and CertificationsSafety EN62368-1,IEC62368-1,UL62368-1EMC EN55032/24EMI CISPR32,FCC Part15B Class AEMS IEC61000-4-2ESD:Contact:4kV;Air:8kVIEC61000-4-3RS:80MHz to1GHz:3V/mIEC61000-4-4EFT:Power:1kV;Signal:0.5kVIEC61000-4-5Surge:Power:0.5kV;Signal:1kVIEC61000-4-6CS:3VIEC61000-4-8PFMFShock IEC60068-2-27Vibration2Grms@IEC60068-2-64,random wave,5-500Hz,1hr per axis(without any USBdevices attached)Hazardous Locations Class I Division2,ATEXCarrier Approvals VerizonAT&TGreen Product RoHS,CRoHS,WEEEMTBFTime UC-2114-T-LX:533,149hrsUC-2116-T-LX:496,650hrsStandards Telcordia(Bellcore)StandardWarrantyWarranty Period5yearsDetails See /warrantyPackage ContentsDevice1x UC-2100-W Series computerInstallation Kit1x power jackCable1x console cableDocumentation1x quick installation guide1x warranty cardDimensionsUC-2114UC-2116Ordering InformationModel Name CPU RAM Storage Serial Ethernet CAN Cellular GPS Operating Temp.UC-2114-T-LX1000MHz512MB8GB22(1GigaLAN)2NB-IoT/Cat.M1–-40to75°CUC-2116-T-LX1000MHz512MB8GB22(1GigaLAN)2NB-IoT/Cat.M1Yes-40to75°CAccessories(sold separately)Power AdaptersPWR-12150-USJP-SA-T Locking barrel plug,12VDC1.5A,100to240VAC,US/JP plug,-40to75°C operating temperature PWR-12150-EU-SA-T Locking barrel plug,12VDC,1.5A,100to240VAC,EU plug,-40to75°C operating temperature PWR-12150-UK-SA-T Locking barrel plug,12VDC,1.5A,100to240VAC,UK plug,-40to75°C operating temperature PWR-12150-AU-SA-T Locking barrel plug,12VDC,1.5A,100to240VAC,AU plug,-40to75°C operating temperature PWR-12150-CN-SA-T Locking barrel plug,12VDC,1.5A,100to240VAC,CN plug,-40to75°C operating temperature CablesCBL-F9DPF1x4-BK-100Console cable with4-pin connector,1mAntennasANT-LTEUS-ASM-01GSM/GPRS/EDGE/UMTS/HSPA/LTE,1dBi,omnidirectional rubber-duck antennaANT-LTE-OSM-03-3m BK700-2700MHz,multiband antenna,specifically designed for2G,3G,and4G applications,3m cable ANT-LTE-ASM-04BK704to960/1710to2620MHz,LTE omnidirectional stick antenna,4.5dBiANT-LTE-OSM-06-3m BK MIMO Multiband antenna with screw-fastened mounting option for700-2700/2400-2500/5150-5850MHzfrequenciesANT-LTE-ASM-05BK704-960/1710-2620MHz,LTE stick antenna,5dBiDIN-Rail Mounting KitsDK35A DIN-rail mounting kit,35mm©Moxa Inc.All rights reserved.Updated Apr28,2022.This document and any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of Moxa Inc.Product specifications subject to change without notice.Visit our website for the most up-to-date product information.。
To Be a World ClassTo Be a World Class Memory Solution ProviderSolution Provider MemoryMemory Solution Provider ATO Solution Co., LtdSolution Co., Ltd ATOJan 2013Jan2013About ATO Solution¾Efficient MCP Memory Solution ProviderSince established in 2007, ATO Solution has been growing as amemory MCP solution provider focusing on Digital Still Camera(DSC) application.ATO Solution has been recognized as one of the most reliable MCP memory f tTo Be The Best Partner For Your Memory Solutionmanufacturer.The 1Fab-less in NAND Flash memory industryFor Your Memory Solution ¾The 1st Fab-less in NAND Flash memory industry In 2012, ATO Solution successfully launched and started mass production for 256Mb, 512Mb SLC NAND Flash memory products, which were developed by its own design technology.ATO Solution expands SLC NAND product line-up by launching 1Gb SLC Flash memory within the Q1’2013.Corporate Core TechnologyThe effective NAND Flash Memory DesignP id d ffi i t M S l ti f t dOptimized NAND Flash Design &SPI Provided efficient Memory Solutions for customer needs Optimized NAND Flash Design & SPITo Be the Best Partner for Memory Solution To Be the Best Partner for Memory SolutionNAND/DRAM MCPNAND SPI(patented)Low Density NANDCompany OutlineOrganizationCEO Chris Park EstablishedOctober 31, 2007CEOHeadquarter705 Loadland EZ Tower, 153 Gumi-dong, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea AdvisorV. Presidenty gg ,Product NAND FlashMCP (NAND+DRAM)13M USD R&D ProductionSupport Sales & Marketing Financial Account QualityCapital 1.3M USD Employees 41peoples Design Prod. Eng’rQuality Management Production Management PurchasingKorea Taiwan ChinaHR IRRevenue 24.3M USD (2012)Web Site2013Mass production start for own 1Gb SLC NAND Flash in Q1Mass production start for own 256Mb/512Mb SLC NAND Flash2012Started consumer MCP delivery for Altek /PentaxStarted own SLC NAND Flash delivery for Ability / Fuji-film 2009~2011Start consumer MCP delivery for SDIC (Samsung Digital Imaging Co.) Mobile MCP registered on Spreadtrum 2G/3G platforms New business started with Asia Optical Flextronics Selected as “Company with Good technology”by Korean Government New business started with Asia Optical Flextronics Development start for SLC NAND Flash (256Mb/512Mb)2008 Company EstablishedSelected as Company with Good technology by Korean Government Acquired ISO9001:2000, ISO14001:20042007Biz start with Foxconn , MCP for Digital Still CameraBusiness Milestone1.Early Positioning with Consumer MCP 2The 1Fab less for NAND Flash Memory2.The 1st Fab-less for NAND Flash Memory3.New innovative solution ; SPI NAND Flash MemoryPhase II ; Low Density NandPhase III ; Nand based SPIProvide NAND-cell based Phase I ; Market Solution Provided Memory Solution Low Density NAND Flash Memory Development & Marketing for Consumer & SPI Flash for PC, Mobile, and Consumer MarketProvided Memory Solution ; MCP for Consumer Marketg Mobile Market`2007`2008`2009`2010`2011`2012`2013`2014`2015Phase I ; MCP Solution for ConsumerPartners CustomersMARKETING /QUALITY SERVICETAM : ~150M set / yearPhase II ; Low Density NAND Flash9IDMs are focusing on high density NAND Flash Memory-Capacity and Technology drivenMarket still needs continuous high reliable product and serviceHigh Competition ply9Market still needs continuous high reliable product and serviceamong MajorSuppliers and/SupDemUnstable supply& Continuous demandSupplyATO Solution’sTarget Marketpp yDemandSuppliers Move256Mb512Mb1Gb2Gb4Gb Density8Gb16GbEdge in design competiveness¾Die Size Comparison TableP d tCDi Si (2)W/FR ti Product Company Die Size (mm2)Tech(nm)W/F Size Ratio 256Mb H35.82908” 2.7435828”274(1.8V/3.3V)M 35.82908 2.74S(EOL)37.449012” 2.86ATO Solution13.07578”1512Mb (1.8V/3.3V)H33.11578” 1.58S 38.476312” 1.85T 29.634312” 1.42ATO Solution20.85578”11Gb (33V)H 30.994812” 1.093090109(3.3V)For 1bit ECCP 30.975012” 1.09ATO Solution28.22578”1Market Outlook _ WW SLC NAND Flash FCST (Consumer)K unit500,000 600,000 128Mb256Mb 512Mb 1Gb 2Gb 4Gb 8Gb200,000 300,000 400,000 Source : Forward Insight (2012. Sep)-100,00020112012201320142015 2016Total Consumer Demand byDensity (kUnits)2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 CAGR<128Mb ------128Mb 6,119 5,074 4,089 2,144 --44145315301900152591925256Mb 44,145 31,530 19,001 5,259 1,925 -512Mb 114,519 96,382 75,177 59,212 47,661 30,157 -23.4%1Gb 147,898 154,362 161,864 167,566 179,001 187,513 4.9%2Gb 109,268 104,836 107,999 112,413 119,733 130,192 3.6%4Gb 54,644 54,906 61,917 73,858 85,309 95,797 11.9%757910037145912164430677411528Gb7,579 10,037 14,591 21,644 30,677 41,152Total (128Mb-8Gb)484,173 457,127 444,637 442,096 464,306 484,812 0.0%¾Global SLC NAND FCST in digital consumer market is estimated as a quite flat.Market Outlook _ WW Mobile Phone FCST2500Smartphone Mid-End Feature Phone Low-End Feature Phone206%1500200025.9%22.3%15.2%23.3%10.2%21.9% 6.7%20.6%358%24.7%26.1%0500100051.7%61.5%67.9%72.7%39.5%35.8%29.5%44.4%2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016Source : Forward Insight (2012. Sep)Mobile phone unit forecast (M Units)2,0 11 2,012 2,013 2,014 2,015 2,016 CAGRS t h 471658901112713551566272%Smartphone 471 658 901 1,127 1,355 1,566 27.2%Mid-End Feature Phone 710 596 452 278 203 144 -27.3%Low-End Feature Phone 418 411 389 427 437 444 1.2%¾Global total mobile phone unit shipments will reach to 1.7 billion units in 2013.¾Feature phone have the larger share in 2012 mobile market but its trend is expected to change after 2013Mobile Phones Units 1,599 1,665 1,742 1,832 1,995 2,154 6.1%when smart-phone will take over it.Brief Specification _ 256Mb / 512Mb / 1GbFEATURES DESCRIPTIONDensity 256Mb 512Mb 1GbArchitecture Single-Level CellPower Supply 1.8V: 1.7V ~ 1.95V / 3.3V: 2.7V ~ 3.6V 3.3V: 2.7V ~ 3.6VMemory Cell Array x8 : (32M + 1024K) x 8bits x16 : (16M + 512K) x 16bits x8 : (64M + 2M) x 8bitsX16 : (32M + 1M) x 16bits x8 : (128M + 4M) x 8bitsPage Size x8:(512 + 16)Bytes / x16:(256 + 8)Words x8:(2K + 64)BytesRandom Access 15us(1.8V) / 12us(3.3V)25usSerial Page Access 50ns(1.8V) / 30ns(3.3V)25nsProgram / Block EraseTime 200us(Typ) / 2ms(Typ)Copy Back ProgramOperation Fast Page copy without external bufferingOTP area 16Kbytes/8K words(32 pages)16Kbytes(8 pages)Hardware Data Protection Program / Erase locked during Power transitionsEndurance /Data100K P /E C l ith 1bit ECC /10Endurance / Data Retention 100K Program / Erase Cycles with 1bit ECC / 10years Temperature Range 0℃to +70℃/ -40℃to +85℃P k I f ti 48P TSOP (1220)/48B fBGA (99)48P TSOP (12x20mm)fBGA (9x9mm)Package Information 48P TSOP (12x20mm)/ 48B fBGA (9x9mm)48B fBGA (9x9mm)48B fBGA (6.5x8mm)Phase III ; SPI NAND Flash1Gb (SPI, Quad IO), 3.3V, 104Mhz(133Mhz@15pF), 8x6 WSON -Very high reliability,competitive cost,simpler package form factorHigh VoltageHOLD#Very high reliability, competitive cost, simpler package form factorControl Logic GeneratorI/O Shift RegisterW#CS#SCLKSISOECCGeneratorSPI InterfaceAddress Registerand Counter2K Bytes Data Buffer StatusRegister7FFFFFFh7FE0000hEmbedded ECCX DecoderEmbedded ECCY Decoder0000000h001FFFFhNAND Cell ArraySLC NAND Flash Product Roadmap 20132014ES CS MP Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q41.8V/3.3V256Mb 32Mx8 / 16Mx16Small Block TSOP/BGA/MCP1.8V / 3.3V512Mb 1.8V/3.3V64Mx8 / 32Mx16Small Block TSOP/BGA/MCP1.8V / 3.3V1Gb 3.3V128Mx8Large Block 3.3VTSOP/BGA/MCPNOTE) Endurance(256Mb/512Mb/1Gb) : 100K Program/Erase Cycles (with 1bit/528byte ECC)SLC NAND Flash Product Roadmap –cont’20132014ES CS MPQ1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q42Gb 1.8V/3.3V 256Mx8 / 128Mx16Large Block TBDLarge Block4Gb 1.8V/3.3V 512Mx8 / 256Mx16Large Block TBDNOTE) Endurance(2Gb/4Gb) : 100K Program/Erase Cycles (with 4bit/528byte ECC)Serial NAND Flash Product Roadmap20132014 ES CS MPQ1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4 33V1Gb3.3V(128M+4M)x Bytes104MHzInternal ECC codeti3.3VgenerationWSON/SOP104MHzInternal ECC code2Gb/4GbgenerationTBD NOTE) Endurance : 100K Program/Erase CyclesCertificationsISO9001 : 2008• Oct 02, 2008 Acquired ISO9001ISO14001 : 2004• Oct 02, 2008 Acquired ISO14001Eco-Partner• Feb 09, 2009 Acquired Eco-Partner Di i i C tifi t N R i t ti D t E i d D t SDivision Certificate No.Registration Date Expired Date Sponsor ISO9001: 2008QI8221/082008.102013.11ICRISO14001:2004EI3363/082008.102013.11ICREco-Partner EPC-52452009.02-SAMSUNGco a t e C55009.0S SU GSummary ; Core Competencies Leading edge NAND Memory technology •High level of NAND Flash design experience and capability for optimized architecture D i d D l t C bilit fk ith li bl lit•Design and Development Capability of new packages with reliable quality •Market leading test technology, which is core factor of MCP quality•Stable quality control through field-proven management systemS l ti h ld i t d d li d IP f d Strategic relationship with Supply-ChainStable support with Strategic relationshipATO Solution holds 6registered and 6applied IPs for NAND and NAND SPI •Stable support with Strategic relationship Optimized operation and organization focusing on customer service•Simplified and optimized operation and logistics, which are result in reasonable lead time and customer service Memory specialized human resources•Key Engineering Resources are all from Major Memory Companies with 11+ years experience-Memory : Hynix, Samsung, STMicroelectronics(Numonyx), SMIC-Packaging : Stats ChipPAC, Amkor, Winpac-Test : iTEST, HisemFlexible and dynamic customer service•Customer Specific design and technical solutionThank you for your attention. Thank you for your attentionKOREA(HQ)CHINATAIWAN。
Nand flash芯片工作原理------------------------------------Nand flash芯片型号为Samsung K9F1208U0B,数据存储容量为64MB,采用块页式存储管理。
芯片内部存储布局及存储操作特点:一片Nand flash为一个设备(device), 其数据存储分层为:1 (Device) = 4096 (Blocks)1 (Block) -= 32 (Pages/Rows) 页与行是相同的意思,叫法不一样1 (Page) = 528 (Bytes) = 数据块大小(512Bytes) + OOB 块大小(16Bytes)在每一页中,最后16个字节(又称OOB)用于Nand Flash命令执行完后设置状态用,剩余512个字节又分为前半部分和后半部分。
可以通过Nand Flash命令00h/01h/50h分别对前半部、后半部、OOB进行定位通过Nand Flash内置的指针指向各自的首地址。
存储操作特点:1. 擦除操作的最小单位是块。
2. Nand Flash芯片每一位(bit)只能从1变为0,而不能从0变为1,所以在对其进行写入操作之前要一定将相应块擦除(擦除即是将相应块得位全部变为1).3. OOB部分的第六字节(即517字节)标志是否是坏块,如果不是坏块该值为FF,否则为坏块。
)4. 除OOB第六字节外,通常至少把OOB的前3个字节存放Nand Flash硬件ECC码NAND FLASH的工作原理- to beginner2007-04-23 23:43NAND FLASH 是一种大容量、高速的存储技术。
其接口较为简单,如果没有专门的nand flash控制器,甚至可以用io口与之对接。
其编程也相对简单,只要了解如下关键概念就可以:1.nand flash内部有管理单元,管理单元负责对nand flash的实际单元的操作。
AFND1G08U(S)3A 1Gb NAND 韩国ATOsolution
Remark Preliminary
- Add 9mmx11mm 63ball BGA PKG option -Added operation voltage 3.3V option - Add 12mmx20mm 48Pin TSOP PKG option - Add 6.5mmx8mm 48ball BGA PKG option - Add 9mmx9mm 63ball BGA PKG option
Rev02 Jul. 2015
1G bit (128Mx8Bit)NAND FLASH
N.C N.C N.C N.C N.C N.C R/B RE/ CE/ N.C N.C Vcc Vss N.C N.C CLE ALE WE/ WP/ N.C N.C N.C N.C N.C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 N.C N.C N.C N.C I/O7 I/O6 I/O5 I/O4 N.C N.C N.C Vcc Vss N.C N.C N.C I/O3 I/O2 I/O1 I/O0 N.C N.C N.C N.C
1G bit (128Mx8Bit)NAND FLASH
Rev02 Jul. 2015
1G bit (128Mx8Bit)NAND FLASH
Revision No. Rev. 00 Rev.01 Initial Draft
Huatech DH03AE 3节锂电池保护IC数据手册说明书
特点各节电池的高精度电压检测过充电检测电压:4.20V过充电迟滞电压:0.15V过放电检测电压:2.7V过放电迟滞电压: 0.3V3段放电时的过电流检测保护功能过电流检测电压1:100mV过电流检测电压2:200mV短路检测电压:400mV放电过流和短路解除条件:充电器连接或者负载断开。
低功耗的工作状态:正常状态:<35uA断电状态:<3uA应用电动工具典型应用电路103RTC1K 1K1K 510R 1N4148CHC DHCDH03VMON VCS CUVT COVTCOCT VSS VCCVC3VC2VC1TSVTH1234567891011121314电池3电池2电池10.1u0.1u4.7u0.1u0.1u0.1uR 100R5.1K放电管P-P+2M充电管510K0.1u10K10M1uB=3435R (20K)0.1uR S 1M图1 3串电池包的N 型充电管和N 型放电管的同口典型应用电路图103RTC1K1K 1K51R 1N4148CHC DHCDH03VMON VCS CUVT COVTCOCT VSS VCC VC3VC2VC1TSVTH1234567891011121314电池3电池2电池10.1u0.1u 4.7u0.1u0.1u0.1uR 100R 5.1K放电管P-P+充电管510K0.1u10K10MC-2M1u 0.1u200R 4.7uR S 1MSS34B=3435R (20K)图2 3串电池包的N 型充电管和N 型放电管的分口典型应用电路图产品说明产品名称过充电保护阈值 V OVP 过充电保护解除阈值 V OVR 过放电保护阈值 V UVP 过放电保护解除阈值 V UVR 第一级放电过流保护阈值 V DOCP1 DH03AEFS14/R5AAFS14/R54.20 (±0.028V )4.05 (±0.028V )2.70 (±0.09v )3.00 (±0.09v )0.1 ±0.01V订货信息型号 封装 包装数量 丝印 DH03AEFS14/R5SOP-14卷盘,2500 PCSDH03AE xxxx管脚分布VCS DHC VMON CHC VC2VC3VCC SOP-14123414131211CUVT 5VC110COCTCOVT 67VTH98TS VSS图3 管脚分布管脚描述引脚号 符 号 描 述1CHC 充电控制MOS 栅极连接引脚 2 VMON 负载开路和充电器接入检测引脚 3 DHC 放电控制MOS 栅极连接引脚 4 VCS 充放电过电流检测引脚5 CUVT 接电容,设置放电过流2检测延时6 COVT 接电容,设置过充电检测延时7 COCT 接电容,设置放电过流1检测延时、过放电检测延时8VTH 外部电阻偏置输出引脚,设定和调节保护温度点9 TS 接负温度系数热敏电阻,温度检测 10 VSS 接地引脚11 VC1 第一节电池正极、第二节电池负极连接引脚12 VC2 第二节电池正极、第三节电池负极连接引脚13 VC3 第三节电池正极连接引脚14VCC芯片电源,第三节电池正极连接引脚电气参数(环境温度为25℃)符号项目说明最小值典型值最大值单位过充电和过放电保护阈值V OVP过充电保护阈值 4.20VV OVP- 0.028V OVPV OVP+ 0.028VV OVP_HYS过充电解除迟滞电压0.15 VV OVR过充电解除阈值V OVR = V OVP– V OVP_HYSV OVR- 0.028V OVRV OVR+ 0.028VV UVP过放电保护阈值 2.7VV UVP- 0.090V UVPV UVP+ 0.090VV UVP_HYS过放电解除迟滞电压0.3V V UVP_HYS VV UVR过放电解除阈值V UVR = V UVP + V UVP_HYSV UVR- 0.090V UVRV UVR+ 0.090V放电过流和短路保护V DOCP11级放电过流保护阈值90 100 110 mV V DOCP22级放电过流保护阈值V DOCP2=2*V DOCP1180 200 220 mV V SCP短路保护阈值V SCP=4*V DOCP1360 400 440 mV 放电高温保护和充电高温保护T DOTP放电高温保护阈值根据R VTH设定T DOTP-5 T DOTP T DOTP+5°CT DOTP_HYS放电高温解除迟滞值15 °CT DOTR放电高温解除阈值T DOTR = T DOTP– T DOTP_HYS T DOTR-5 T DOTR T DOTR+5°CT COTP充电高温保护阈值根据R VTH设定T COTP-5 T COTP T COTP+5°CT COTP_HYS充电高温解除迟滞值 5 °CT COTR充电高温解除阈值T COTR = T COTP– T COTP_HYS T COTR-5 T COTR T COTR+5°CT DUTP放电低温保护阈值根据R VTH设定T DUTR-5 T DUTR T DUTR+5°CT DUTP_HYS放电低温解除迟滞值10 °CT DUTR放电低温解除阈值T DUTR = T DUTP + T DUTP_HYS T DUTR-5 T DUTR T DUTR+5°CT CUTP充电低温保护阈值根据R VTH设定T CUTR-5 T CUTR T CUTR+5°CT CUTP_HYS充电低温解除迟滞值 5 °CT CUTR充电低温解除阈值T CUTR = T CUTP + T CUTP_HYS T CUTR-5 T CUTR T CUTR+5°CV IN_DSG放电状态检测电压V VCS>V IN_DSG时电池包被认为是放电状态;否则,电池包被认为是充电状态2 4 6 mV符号项目说明最小值典型值最大值单位外部可编程的保护和解除延迟时间t OVP过压保护延迟时间C COVT=0.1uF 0.7 1.0 1.3 S t UVP欠压保护延迟时间C COCT=0.1uF 0.7 1.0 1.3 S t UV_PD欠压断电延迟时间C COCT=0.1uF 4.3 6.2 8.1 St DOCP11级放电过流保护延迟时间C COCT=0.1uF 0.7 1.0 1.3 St DOCP22级放电过流保护延迟时间C CUVT=0.1uF 0.07 0.1 0.13 St SCP短路保护延迟时间内部固定100 250 500 μS t TDET温度检测周期C COVT=0.1uF 0.7 1.0 1.3 S 电源(VCC)V CC输入电压 4.0 25 V I VCC_NOR电源电流正常状态,V CELL=3.5V 30 35 μAI VCC_PD 断电状态,V CELL=1.8VCTL引脚连接V SS2 3 μAV POR芯片复位电压 4.8 6.0 V V VCC_CHGINI起始充电的VCC电压 1.8 2.2 2.8 V V VREGH放电管的驱动电压V CC>V VREGH+1V 9.0 10.5 12 VV CC<V VREGH+1V V CC-1.5 V CC-1 V CC-0.5 V 电池输入(VC3,VC2,VC1)I VC3V C3正常状态电流3节电池, V CELL=3.5V 1.5 2.5 μAI VCX V C(n)正常状态电流,n=1to2V CELL=3.5V -0.5 +0.5 μA驱动电路(CHC,DHC)I CHC CHC引脚流出电流V CELL=3.5V,V CHC=V CC–3V 3 6 9 μA V CELL=V OVP+0.2V,V CHC=V CC–3VHi-Z μAV DHCHDHC引脚输出电压V VCS=0V V VREGH V V DHCL V VCS>=V DOCP10.4 V功能描述1、过充电状态当任何一节电池电压高于V OVP且时间持续t OVP或更长,DH03AEFS14/R5的CHC引脚将变成高阻态。
2440芯片2440芯片是一款由韩国三星公司开发的基于 ARM920T 核心的嵌入式处理器。
2440芯片采用了先进的 0.13 微米 CMOS 工艺,整合了 CPU、内存控制器、外设控制器等核心功能模块。
它采用了 16 位宽的内核总线来提供高性能的数据传输能力,可以实现每秒3000 万次的浮点运算。
2440芯片支持多种外设接口,包括 LCD 显示屏接口、触摸屏接口、摄像头接口、以太网接口等。
它还内置了多个串行通信接口,如 UART、SPI、I2C 等,可以方便地与外部设备进行通信,更好地满足不同应用的需求。
它支持 Linux、Windows CE、Android 等主流嵌入式操作系统,并提供了丰富的软件开发工具和开发文档,方便开发人员进行应用程序的开发和调试。
此外,2440芯片还提供了一套基于 C 语言的底层驱动库,可以方便地访问芯片的各种功能和外设接口。
• Copy-Back PROGRAM Operation - Fast Page copy without external buffering
z Status Register - Normal Status Register (Read/Program/Erase)
• Security features -OTP area, 16Kbytes(8 pages)
Initial Draft
June. 2012
Add new FBGA PKG dimension option (6.5x8.0mm 48B)
Nov. 2012
Rev. 02 Rev. 03
tRP(/RE Pulse Width) 12ns Æ 15ns
- VOH, VIL, VOL values control - Read Operation Figure modification - Write Protect figures added
Rev.03 Jan. 2013
1G bit (128Mx8Bit)NAND FLASH
[edit]Angola - AO[edit]Barbados - BB[edit]Republic of the Congo - CG[edit]Egypt - EG[edit]Israel - ILThis section does not cite any references or sources. Please help improve this section by adding citationsto reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (August 2010)MCC MNC Brand Operator Status Bands (MHz) References and notes 401 01 Beeline KaR-Tel LLP Operational GSM 900 / GSM 1800401 02 Kcell GSM Kazakhstan Ltd Operational GSM 900 / GSM 1800401 07 Dalacom Operational CDMA2000 800401 08 Kazakhtelecom Operational CDMA2000 800 / CDMA2000 450401 77 MobileTelecomServiceMobile Telecom ServiceLLPOperational GSM 900[edit]Kenya - KEMCC MNC Brand Operator Status Bands (MHz) References and notes 639 02 Safaricom Safaricom Limited Operational GSM 900 / GSM 1800 [64]639 03 Airtel Bharti Airtel Operational GSM 900 [24]639 07 OrangeKenyaTelkom Kenya OperationalCDMA2000 / GSM 900 / GSM1800639 05 yu Econet Wireless Kenya Operational GSM 900 / GSM 1800 [64][edit]Kiribati - KIMCC MNC Brand Operator Status Bands (MHz) References and notes545 09 KiribatiFrigateTelecom Services KiribatiLtdOperational GSM 900[edit]North Korea - KPMCC MNC Brand Operator Status Bands (MHz) References and notes467 192 Koryolink Cheo Technology JvCompanyOperational UMTS 2100467 193 SunNet Korea Posts andTelecommunicationsCorporationOperational GSM 900[65] UMTS 2100 ispending[edit]South Korea - KRMCC MNC Brand Operator Status Bands (MHz) References and notes450 02 KT KT Operational CDMA2000 1700 Formerly Hansol PCS, Merged with KT450 03 Power 017 Shinsegi Telecom, Inc. NotoperationalCDMA2000 800Merged with SKTelecom in 2002450 04 KT KT Operational CDMA2000 1700 HSM 450 05 SKT SK Telecom Operational CDMA2000 800 / UMTS 2100 [66] 450 06 LGT LG Telecom Operational CDMA2000 1700450 08 olleh KT Operational UMTS 2100[edit]Moldova - MD[edit]Morocco - MA。
Raveon技术有限公司应用说明书AN238:GPIO开路 放电输出
Application NoteAN238 Raveon Technologies CorpCopyright 2018 1Raveon Technologies Corp.GPIO Open Collector/Drain OutputBy John SonnenbergRaveon Technologies CorpS u m m a r yRaveon has products with various IO options, some of which include Open Drain (OD) or Open Collector (OC) outputs. This Application Note AN238 describes how these kinds of features can be used. These IOs are used to turn things on and off. The RV-M21G and RV-M22G Tech Series radios with the GPIO interface can be configured to have an Open Collector output. Here is a picture of the RV-M21G. This document refers to these M21 and M22 radios at RV-M2x data radios. The RV-M22 is smaller than the RV-M21 version, but less RF output power also.Open Drain outputs are great for turning on lights, valves, relays, and many other devices. Open Drain (OD) connects the load to ground when it is turned on.G P I O I n t e r f a c e o n R V -M 21 a n d R V -M 22 D a t a R a d i o sThe General Purpose IO (GPIO) front panel interface has many IO options on 3 pins to remotely control things or monitor things. Pins 3,4,5 are configurable.A : Digital TTL Inputs, C : Open Drain MOSFETD : DC Power switch outputs.E : Analog Voltage Inputs.GPIO uses the same IO connector as the RS-485, and has serial IO and general purpose IO functions that are software configurable. .Applicatoin NoteAN238 Rev A2O p e n D r a i n v s O p e n C o l l e c t o rOpen Drain means the semiconductor’s output port is directly connected to the "drain" pin of a MOSFET. It is similar to "Open Collector", where the output port is on a collector of a TRANSISTOR. OC is a traditional way, but OD is more power full and more reliable, so we provide Open Drain output to drive relays, lights, and other devices.E n a b l i n g t h e G P I O O p e n D r a i n f e a t u r eRaveon’s Tech Series Radios GPIO General Purpose IO interface pins can be configured in different ways.Connect an RS232 serial port to the RX in and TX outpins of the GPIO interface to send commands anddata into the product. See the user manual on how toenter the command mode. (+++ enters commandmode)To set the IO pin to Open Drain mode, have Raveonconfigure the radio before shipped to you, or use theIOPIN command to configure it.Application NoteAN238 Raveon Technologies Corp IOPIN XX M is the command to set the GPIO bits on the Tech Series GPIO front panel to inputs or outputs. Enter IOPIN <enter> in command mode to read pin settings.XX parameter are the Hexadecimal representation of the pins being configured. For example, to configure bits 0 and 1, XX should be set to 3. FYI: GPIO pin #4 is called IO1 and isdesignated as XX bit 1, which in hex is XX=02.XX is Hexadecimal. To specify all 3 IO pins IO0-IO2, the XX value is 7. (4+2+1)M is the IO Type code A: Digital TTL Inputs, B: Digital TTL Outputs, C: Open Drain MOSFET outputs, D: DC Power switch outputs, E: Analog Voltage Inputs. Different products have different varieties of GPIO features. Check your product’s data sheets to see what GPIO features it supports on which IO pins.IOPIN 1 C command sets The IO pin 0 (first pin) to Open Drain mode.IOPIN 1 C command sets The IO pin 0 (first pin) to Open Drain mode.IOPIN 2 C command sets The IO pin 1 to Open Drain mode.IOPIN 7 C command sets all 3 IO pins to Open Drain mode.H o w O p e n D r a i n w o r k sInside Raveon’s products with GPIO and Open Collector (OD) features, there is an OD output pin connected to the collector of a MOSFET inside the product. The MOSFET is also connected to the ground of the product.Copyright 2018 3 Raveon Technologies Corp.Use Open Drain for enabling: Lights, Relays, LEDs, Valves, AC power switches …When the GPIO pin is OD mode, and the output is SET, the MOSFET is turned on, and the IO pin is shored to ground (GND). The device connected to OD will normally be connected to a voltage power supply (Vcc) or a battery. When the OD pin shorts to ground the device will turn on. The device can be an LED, light, relay, valve, or many other devices. Devices with inductors, such as a relays, should have a diode connected to the device so that the voltage spike that is generated when its turns on and off gets limited.Use a diode to protect the GPIO interface and keep the wires safe. There are many ways to reduce voltage spikes when switching a relay. Some add capacitors, some add extra diodes with resistors. Do the right thing for your system. The Tech Series GPIO interface uses a MOSFET like the NXP PMV130ENEA . Its specs are:drain-source voltage : 40VMax drain current: 2.1Ajunction temperature -55 to 150Celectrostatic discharge voltage 1000VU s i n g t h e O p e n D r a i n(O D)f e a t u r ePower on default mode on OD IO pins is open. The OD output is not shorted to ground when the device powers on. When the device receives an command via the local serial port or over the air using the radio modem, a command can turn on the OD making the OD IO pin short to ground.See the product’s data sheet for information about resi stance to ground and maximum current that should be drawn from the IO pin when the open drain is shored to ground.There are a number of ways to enable on the Open Drain output.A.Local commands in the command mode.B.Remote Over The Air (OTA) commands sent to the products.C.Remote Over The Air (OTA) MODBUS messages sent to the product.L o c a l c o m m a n d s i n t h e c o m m a n d m o d eSee the product’s Technical Manual or User Manual for a list of commands that the product supports. Most products with GPIO support these local commands that can by typed into the product, or sent via software, when the product is in the Command Mode. Raveon products can also utilize a serial port protocol called WMX. WMX enables a user to send commands into a data radio product when it is in operating mode, not command mode, and the WMX command will still be executed in operating mode.Here are the commands the RV-M21 and RV-M22 Tech Series radios support.Application NoteAN238 Raveon Technologies CorpCopyright 2018 5 Raveon Technologies Corp.CBIT command is to clear a bit. It will disable the Open Drain, and the IO output will not connect to ground if the output is cleared with the CBIT command.SBIT command is to set a bit. It will turn on the Open Drain, and the IO output willconnect to ground with the SBIT command if the parameters of the SBIT are for the OD IO pin that is used and configured for OD.TBIT command is to set a bit for some time. It will turn on the Open Drain for some time. The IO output will connect to ground with the SBIT command if the parameters of the SBIT are for the OD IO pin that is used and configured for OD. The specified OD IO pin will stay shored to ground for the number of mS specified in the TBIT command. To enable MODBUS protocol reception on the device, execute the MODB X command. MODB 1 to enable RTU MODBUS.W M X c o m m a n d sAll of the Local Commands specified above can be executed with the WMX message. WMX can be enabled on the product with the command WMX 1.See the WMX Technical Node .PDF and the WMX user manual for more WMX information.Your custom software can issue WMX messages into a data radio and the message will be processed. If you pass in a WMX message to a modem, that has the TOID set to the ID of a remote radio you want the message to be sent to, the radio will send the data in the WMX message to the remote radio. If you tagged the WMX message as a “Command” the remote radio will execute the command when it receives the transmission from the radio that you passed the WMX message into.WMX can pass over two types of data: 1) Actual rad message data. 2)Commands to be executed. Because it has the command feature, you can pass those SBIT, CBIT, TBIT or any other command into a modem using WMX commands messages, and the get sent over-the-air to the remote radio or SCADA device and the command is executed remotely.Over the air WMX command can set and clear the Open Drain IO pins. Most WMX users have incorporated the WMX protocol into their master controller software. OneRaveon’s website is a free software tool called Radio Manager. Radio Manager is for communication to radios via serial ports or TCP/IP connects. It also has a WMX feature to send and receive WMX messages so you can experiment with WMX.M O D B U S c o m m a n d sThe RV-M21 and RV-M22 Tech Series radios have a communication feature option thatis compatible with the MODBUS RTU protocol.You Master Controller computer will pass aMODBUS message to a Data Radio modem. TheRadio modem connected to your PC will transmitthe message to the RV-M2x Tech Series radio thatwill process the MODBUS message, and send the response.For more information about MODBUS RTU messages, seehttps:///modbus-information/or read Raveon’s app note AN234 for SCADA and MODBUS info about Raveon’s SCADA products. In the RV-M21 data radio modem’s software m ust be version D30 or larger to utilize MODBUS.Raveon Application note AN230 contains all information about using the MODBUS protocol AN230 (ModbusMx)With Raveon’s Pro ducts that have GPIO interfaces with Open Drain, such as the RV-M21 and RV-M2 data radio modems.M O D B U S R T U C o m m a n d sModbus is a registered trademark of MODICON, Inc.Messages sent from devices that utilize SCADA and Telemetry protocols such as MODBUS RTU are often called “Telegrams”. The MODBUS function 5 (Force single coil) can be used to set of clear the Open Drain IO pins.Modbus data is specified as big-endian, which means the most significant value is at the lowest address.(05) Force single coil to turn on the Open Drain.To set the state of output bits and Open Drain (OD) pins (MODBUS refers to them “coils”), function code 05 is used to send the set command to the remote device. To set a OD open (coil off) (0) send 0x0000 and to enable and Open Drain output (coil on) (1) send 0x00FF. The data per OD output are two bytes.When broadcast, the same function forces the same data output in all attached slave devices.Function code 05 (Force Coil Status) is the code used in MODBUS to send a message to control an Open Drain. The command structure is:Application NoteAN238 Raveon Technologies CorpThe structure of the 05 (Force Coil Status) response back is:Request:96 05 00 02 FF 00 31 1DResponse:96 05 00 02 FF 00 31 1D (it reported coil 2 is on)The Register control coils in MODBUS is referred to as a “Coil Address” In Applciation note AN230, Raveon’s register list has the register number (Coil address) for all the IO pins and SCADA features that can be accessed with the MODBUS SCADA protocol.IO0 is Register 1. IO1 is Register 2, IO2 is Register 3. Use these register numbers to execute MODBUS messages that set coils or read coil status.For Example, to turn on the Open Drain output (Pin to Ground) for device 30 (0x1E) using a MODBUS “Force Single Coil” message which used function code 5, here are some example messages in hex bytes. Each are 8 bytes long.Device Function Register Data CRCIO0 On:1E 05 00 01 FF 00 DF 95IO1 On:1E 05 00 02 FF 00 2F 95IO2 On:1E 05 00 03 FF 00 7E 55Copyright 2018 7 Raveon Technologies Corp.For additional information, contact: Raveon Technologies Corporation 2320 Cousteau CourtVista, CA 92081 - USAPhone: 1-760-444-5995Fax: 1-760-444-5997Email:****************。
AFND5608U1-CKAK规格书 (K9F5608)
256Mbit (32Mx8Bit)NAND FLASH256Mb NAND FLASHAFND5608U1 (/CE Don’t Don t Care mode)PreliminaryConfidential1256Mbit (32Mx8Bit)NAND FLASHRevision No. Rev.00 Initial DraftHistoryDraft Date June. 2012Remark PreliminaryPreliminaryConfidential2256Mbit (32Mx8Bit)NAND FLASHFEATURES SUMMARY• Power Supply-3.3V Device(AFND5608U1) 2.7V ~ 3.6V• Copy-Back PROGRAM Operation-Fast Page copy without external buffering• Organization-Memory Cell Array : (32M + 1024K) x 8bits -Data Register : (512 + 16) x 8bits• Command Register Operation y features • Security-OTP area, 16Kbytes(32 pages)• Automatic Program and Erase-Page Program : (512 + 16)Bytes -Block Erase : (16K +512)Bytes• Hardware Data Protection-Program / Erase locked during Power transitions• Page Read Operation-Page g Size : (512 + 16)Bytes y -Random Access : 12us(Max.) -Serial Page Access : 30ns(Min.)• Data Integrity-Endurance : 100K Program / Erase Cycles (With 1bit/528byte ECC) -Data Retention : 10 years• Fast Write Cycle Time-Program time : 200us(Typ.) -Block Erase time : 2ms(Typ.)• Package-AFND5608U1 : Pb-Free Package 48-pin TSOP(12 x 20 / 0.5 mm pitch) 48-Ball FBGA: 9.0 x 9.0 x 1.0mmPreliminaryConfidential3256Mbit (32Mx8Bit)NAND FLASHProduct InformationPart number AFND5608U1-CKAK AFND5608U1-CKCK Voltage 2.7~3.6V Bus Width x8 Package 12x20mm TSOP 9x9mm FBGAPreliminaryConfidential4256Mbit (32Mx8Bit)NAND FLASHGENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe AFND5608U1 is 256Mbit with spare 8Mbit capacity. The device is offered in 3.3V power supply. Its NAND cell provides the most cost-effective solution for the solid state mass storage market. A program operation can be performed in typical 200us on the 528-bytes and an erase operation can be performed in typical 2ms on a 16K-bytes block. Data in the page can be read out at 30ns cycle time per byte. byte The I/O pins serve as the ports for address and data input/output as well as command input. Command, data and address are synchronously introduced using /CE, /WE, ALE and CLE input pin. The output pin R/B(open drain buffer) signals the status of the device during each operation. In a system with multiple memories the R/B pins can be connected all together to provide a global status signal. The on-chip write control automates all program and erase functions including pulse repetition, where required, and internal verification and margining of data. Even the write-intensive systems can take advantage of the AFND5608U1’s extended reliability of 100K program / erase cycles by providing ECC(Error Correction Code) with real time mapping-out algorithm. The chip could be offered with the /CE don’t care function. This function allows the direct download of the code form the NAND flash memory device by a microcontroller, since the /CE transitions do not stop the read operation. The copy back function allows the optimization of defective blocks management : when a page program operation fails the data can be directly programmed in another page inside the same array section without the time consuming serial data insertion phase. Also, this device includes extra features like OTP area. The AFND5608U1 is an optimum solution for large nonvolatile storage applications such as solid state file storage and other portable applications requiring non-volatility.PreliminaryConfidential5256Mbit (32Mx8Bit)NAND FLASHOrdering InformationAF ND XXATO Solution S l i Co. LtdXX X X X - X XX XPage Read Mode K : /CE don’t care Package Typeyp Product type ND : NAND FlashKA : 48pin-TSOP 12x20mm KC : 48ball-FBGA 9x9mm Temperature C : 0℃~70℃Generation NAND Flash Density 56 : 256Mbit Blank : 1st A : 2nd B : 3rd Classification 1 : SLC S/BNAND Flash I/O 8 : x8Operation Voltage U : 2.7~3.6VPreliminaryConfidential6256Mbit (32Mx8Bit)NAND FLASHPIN CONFIGURATION (TSOP1)PACKAGE DIMENSIONS48-PIN LEAD/LEAD FREE PLASTIC THIN SMALL OUT-LINE PACKAGE TYPE(I)PreliminaryConfidential7256Mbit (32Mx8Bit)NAND FLASHPIN CONFIGURATION (48ball-FBGA )1 A23456WP#ALEVSSCE#WE#R/BBNCRE#CLENCNCNCCNCNCNCNCNCNCDNCNCNCNCNCNCENCNCNCNCNCNCFNCIO0NCNCNCVCCGNCIO1NCVCCIO5IO7HVSSIO2IO3IO4IO6VSSPreliminaryConfidential8256Mbit (32Mx8Bit)NAND FLASHPACKAGE OUTLINE DRAWING (48ball-FBGA 9x9mm)DescriptionFBGA 48BALLDimension9.0mm x 9.0mm x 0.90mm (Max. 1.0mm T)1. ALL DIMENSIONS are in Millimeters. 2. POST REFLOW SOLDER BALL DIAMETER. (Pre Reflow diameter : Ø0 Ø0.40 40±0.02) 0 02)PreliminaryConfidential9256Mbit (32Mx8Bit)NAND FLASHPIN DESCRIPTIONPin Name I/O0 ~ I/O7 Pin Function DATA INPUTS/OUTPUTS The I/O pins are used to input command, address and data, and to output data during read operations. The I/O pins float to high-z when the chip is deselected or when the outputs are disabled. COMMAND LATCH ENABLE The CLE input controls the activating path for commands sent to the command register. register When active high, commands are latched into the command register through the I/O ports on the rising edge of the /WE signal. ADDRESS LATCH ENABLE The ALE input controls the activating path for address to the internal address registers. Addresses are latched on the rising edge of /WE with ALE high CHIP ENABLE The /CE input is the device selection control. When the device is in the Busy state, /CE high is ignored, and the device does not return to standby mode in program or erase operation. Regarding /CE control during read operation, refer to ‘Page Read’ section of device operation. READ ENABLE The /RE input is the serial data-out control, and when active drives the data onto the I/O bus. Data is valid tREA after the falling edge of /RE which also increments the internal column address counter by one. WRITE ENABLE The /WE input p controls writes to the I/O p port. Commands, address and data are latched on the rising edge of the /WE pulse. WRITE PROTECT The /WP pin provides inadvertent write/erase protection during power transitions. The internal high voltage generator is reset when the /WP pin is active low. READY/BUSY OUTPUT The R/B output indicates the status of the device operation. When low, it indicates that a program, erase of random read operation is in process and returns to high state upon completion. It is an open drain output and does not float to high-z condition when the chip is deselected or when outputs are disabled. POWER Vcc is the power supply for device. GROUND NO CONNECTION Lead is not internally connected.CLEALE/CE/RE/WE/WPR/BVcc Vss N.CN t :C Note Connect t all ll V Vcc and dV Vss pins i of f each hd device i t to common power supply l outputs t t Do not leave Vcc or Vss disconnected.PreliminaryConfidential10256Mbit (32Mx8Bit)NAND FLASHFigure 1. AFND5608U1 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAMFigure 2. AFND5608U1 ARRAY ORGANIZATIONPreliminaryConfidential11NOTE : Column Address : Starting Address of the Register.00h Command(Read) : Defines the starting address of the 1st half of the register.01h Command(Read) : Defines the starting address of the 2nd half of the register.* A8 is set to “Low” or “High” by the 00h or 01h Command.* The device ignores any additional input of address cycles than required.256Mbit (32Mx8Bit)NAND FLASHPRODUCT INTRODUCTIONThe AFND5608U1 is a 264Mbits(276,824,064 bits) memory organized as 65,536 rows(pages) by 528 columns. Spare sixteen columns are located from column address of 512 to 527. A 528-bytes data register is connected to memory cell arrays accommodating data transfer between the I/O buffers and memory during page read and page program operations. The memory array is made up of 16 cells that are serially connected to form a NAND structure. Each of the 16 cells resides in a different page. A block consists two NAND structures. A NAND structure consists of 16 cells. Total 135,168 NAND structures reside in a block. The program and read operations are executed on a page basis while the erase operation is executed on a block operations are executed on a page basis, while the erase operation is executed on a block basis. The memory array consists of 2,048 separately erasable 16K-bytes blocks. It indicates that the bit by bit erase operation is prohibited on the AFND5608U1.The AFND5608U1 has addresses multiplexed into 8 I/O’s. This scheme dramatically reduces pin counts and allows systems upgrades to future densities by maintaining consistency in system board design. Command, address and data are all written through I/O’s by bringing /WE to low while /CE is low. Data is latched on the rising edge of /WE. Command Latch Enable(CLE) and Address Latch Enable(ALE) are used to multiplex command and address respectively, via the I/O pins. The 32M byte physical space requires 24 addresses, thereby requiring three cycles for byte-level addressing : 1 cycle of column address, 2 cycles of row address, in that order. Page Read and Page Program need the same three address cycles following the required command input. In Block Erase operation, however only the 2 cycles of row address are used. Device operations are selected by writing specific commands into the command register. Table 1 defines the specific commands of the AFND5608U1.Table 1. Command SetsFunction1’st Cycle 2’nd CycleAcceptable CommandDuring BusyRead 100h/01h(1)-Read 250h -Read ID 90h -Reset FFh -oNOTE : Caution : Any undefined command inputs are prohibited except for above command set of Table 1.Page Program 80h 10h Copy Back Program 00h 8Ah Block Erase 60h D0h Read Status70h-o PreliminaryConfidential12256Mbit (32Mx8Bit)NAND FLASH ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSParameter Symbol Rating UnitVoltage on any pin relative to Vss Vcc-0.6 to + 4.6V VIN-0.6 to + 4.6VI/O-0.6 to +4.6Temperature Under Bias TBIAS-50 to + 125˚CStorage Temperature TSTG-65 to + 150˚Cg pNOTE :1.Minimum DC voltage is -0.6V on input/output pins. During transitions, this level may undershoot to –2.0V for periods<20ns.Maximum DC voltage on input/output pins is VCC+0.3V which, during transition, may overshoot toVCC+0.2V for periods < 20ns.2. Permanent device damage may occur if ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATING are exceeded. Functional operationshould be restricted to the conditions as detailed in the operational sections of this data sheet. Exposure top p absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect reliability.RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS(Voltage reference to GND, AFND5608U1-CX : T A= 0 to 70℃, AFND5608U1-IX : T A= -40 to 85℃)Parameter Symbol3.3VUnit Min Typ MaxSupply Voltage Vcc 2.7 3.3 3.6V Vss000VPreliminary Confidential13256Mbit (32Mx8Bit)NAND FLASHDC AND OPERATING CHARACTERISTICSParameterSymbol Test Conditions 3.3VUnitMin Typ Max OperatingCurrentSequential Read ICC1tRC=30ns, /CE=VIL,Iout=0mA-1020mAProgram ICC2-1020EraseICC3-1020Standby Current(TTL)ISB1/CE-VIH, /WP=0V/Vcc--1Standby Current(CMOS)ISB2/CE=Vcc-0.2, /WP=0V/Vcc -1050uAInput Leakage Current ILI VIN=0 to Vcc(max)--±10Output Leakage Current ILO Vout=0 to Vcc(max)--±10Input High Volgate VIH -0.8*VCC-Vcc +03+0.3VInput Low Voltage, All inputs VIL --0.3-0.2*VCCOutput High Voltage Level VOH AFND5608U1: IOH = -400uA 2.4--Output Low Voltage Level VOL AFND5608U1: IOL = 2.1mA --0.4Output Low Current(R/B)IOLVOL=0.4V 810-mAp (/)(R/B)VALID BLOCKParameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Valid Block NumberNVB2,008-2,048BlocksNote :1.The device may include invalid blocks when first shipped. Additional invalid blocks may developwhile being used. The number of valid blocks is presented with both cases of invalid blocks considered. Invalid blocks are defined as blocks that contain one or more bad bits. Do not erase or program factory-marked bad blocks. Refer to the attached technical notes for a appropriate management of invalid blocks.2. The 1st block, which is placed on 00h block address, is guaranteed to be a valid block up to 1K program/erasecycles with 1bit/528Byte ECC.3. Minimum 1,004 valid blocks are guaranteed for each contiguous 128Mb memory space.PreliminaryConfidential14256Mbit (32Mx8Bit)NAND FLASHAC TEST CONDITION(AFND5608U1CX:T=0to70℃AFND5608U1IX:T=40to85℃)ParameterValue AFND5608U1(3.3V)Input Pulse Levels0.4V to 2.4VInput Rise and Fall Times5nsInput and Output Timing Levels 1.5V(AFND5608U1-CX : T A= 0 to 70℃, AFND5608U1-IX : T A= -40 to 85℃)Output Load 1 TTL GATE and CL=100pF CAPACITANCE (Temp=25℃, Vcc=3.3V, f=1.0Mhz)Item Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max Input/Output Capacitance CI/O VIL=0V-10pF Input Capacitance CIN VIN=0V-10pFMODE SELECTIONCLE ALE/CE/WE/RE/WP ModeH L L↑edge H XRead Mode Command InputL H L↑edge H X Address Input(3 clocks) NOTE: Capacitance is periodically sampled and not 100% tested.H L L↑edge H HWrite Mode Command InputL H L↑edge H H Address Input(3 clocks) L L L↑edge H H Data InputL L L H↓edge X Data OutputX X X X H X During Read(Busy)During Program(Busy) X X X X X H During Program(Busy)X X X X X H During Erase(Busy)X X X X X L Write ProtectX X H X X0V/Vcc(1)StandbyNote : 1. /WP should be biased to CMOS high or CMOS low for standby.Preliminary Confidential15256Mbit (32Mx8Bit)NAND FLASH Program / Erase CharacteristicsParameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Program Time tPROG-200500usNumber of Partial Program Cycles in the same page Main ArrayNop--2Cycle Spare Array--3CycleBlock Erase Time tVERS-23msAC TIMING CAHARACTERISTICS FOR COMMAND / ADDRESS / DATA INPUTParameter Symbol Min Max UnitCLE setup Time tCLS0 -nsCLE Hold Time tCLH10-ns/CE setup Time tCS0 -ns/CE Hold Time tCH10-ns//WE Pulse Width tWP(1)15-nsALE setup Time tALS0 -nsALE Hold Time tALH10-nsData setup Time tDS10-nsData Hold Time tDH5-nsW it C l Ti30Write Cycle Time tWC30 -ns/WE High Hold Time tWH10-ns Address to Data Loading Time tADL100-ns Note : 1. If tCS is set less than 10ns, tWP must be minimum 25ns, otherwise, tWP may be minimum 15ns.Preliminary Confidential16256Mbit (32Mx8Bit)NAND FLASHAC CAHARACTERISTICS FOR OPERATIONParameterSymbol Min Max Unit Data Transfer from Cell to RegistertR -12us ALE to /RE Delay tAR 10-ns CLE to /RE Delay tCLR 10-ns Ready to /RE Low tRR 20-ns RE Pulse Width tRP/ tRPB 15-ns WE High to Busy tWB -100ns Read Cycle Time tRC 30-ns /RE Access Time tREA/tREAB -18ns /CE Access Time tCEA -23ns /RE High to Output Hi-Z tRHZ -30ns /CE High to Output Hi-Z tCHZ -20ns /CE High to ALE or CLE Don’t Care tCSD 10-ns /RE or /CE High to Output holdtOH 15-ns /RE High Hold Time tREH 10-ns Output Hi-Z to /RE Low tIR 0-ns /WE High to /RE Low tWHR 50-ns ParameterSymbol Min Max Unit Last /RE High to Busy(at sequential read)tRB -100ns /CE High to Ready(in case of interception by /CE at read)tCRY -50+tr(R/B)ns /CE High Hold Time(at the last serial read)(2)/g /Device resetting time(Read/Program/Erase)tRST-5/10/500(1)us/CE High Hold Time(at the last serial read)(2)tCEH100-nsNote : 1. If reset command(FFh) is written at Ready state, the device goes into Busy for maximum 5us.2. The time to Ready depends on the value of the pull-up resistor tied R/B pin.PreliminaryConfidential17256Mbit (32Mx8Bit)NAND FLASHNAND FLASH TECHNICAL NOTESInitial Invalid Block(s)Initial invalid blocks are defined as blocks that contain one or more initial invalid bits whose reliability isnot guaranteed by ATO. The information regarding the initial invalid block(s) is so called as the initial invalid block information.Devices with initial invalid block(s) have the same quality level as devices with all valid blocks and have the same AC and DC characteristics. An initial invalid block(s) does not affect the performance of valid block(s)because it is isolated from the bit line and the common source line by a select transistor The block(s) because it is isolated from the bit line and the common source line by a select transistor. The system design must be able to mask out the initial invalid block(s) address mapping. The 1st block, which is placed on 00h block address, is guaranteed to be a valid block up to 1K program/erase cycles with 1bit/528Byte ECC.Identifying Initial Invalid Block(s)All device locations are erased(FFh) except locations where the initial invalid block(s) information is written prior to shipping. The initial invalid block(s) status is defined by the 6th byte in the spare area. ATO makes f sure that either the 1st or 2nd page of every initial invalid block has non-FFh data at the column address of 517. Since the initial invalid block Information is also erasable in most cases, it is impossible to recover the information once it has been erased.Therefore, the system must be able to recognize the initial invalid block(s) based on the initial invalid block information and create the initial invalid block table via the following suggested flow chart(Figure3). Any intentional erasure of the Initial invalid block information is prohibited.PreliminaryConfidentialFigure 3. Flow chart to create initial invalid block table18Error in write or read operationWithin its life time, the additional invalid blocks may develop with NAND Flash memory. Refer to the qualification report for the block failure rate. The following possible failure modes should be considered to implement a highly reliable system. In the case of status read failure after erase orConfidential256Mbit (32Mx8Bit)NAND FLASH Erase Flow Chart Read Flow ChartBlock Replacement* Step1. When an error happens in the nth page of the Block ‘A’ during erase or program operation.* Step2. Copy the nth page data of the Block ‘A’ in the buffer memory to the nth page of another free block (Block ‘B) * Step3. Then, copy the data in the 1st ~ (n-1)th page to the same location of the Block ‘B’* Step4. Do not further erase Block ‘A’ by creating an ‘invalid Block’ table or other appropriate scheme.ConfidentialPointer Operation of AFND5608U1ATO NAND Flash has three address pointer commands as a substitute for the two most significant column address. ‘00h’ Command sets the pointer to ‘A’ area(0~255byte), ‘01h’ command sets the pointer to ‘B’Figure 4. Block Diagram of Pointer Operation (1) Command input sequence for programming ‘A’ area(2) Command input sequence for programming ‘B’ area(3) Command input sequence for programming ‘C’ areaPreliminary Confidential256Mbit (32Mx8Bit)NAND FLASHSystem Interface Using /CE don’t-careFor an easier system interface, /CE may be inactive during the data-loading or sequential data-reading as shown below. The internal 528bytes page registers are utilized as separate buffers for thisoperation and the system design gets more flexible. In addition, for voice or audio applications whichuse slow cycle time on the order of u-seconds, de-activating /CE during the data-loading and reading would provide significant savings in power consumption.Figure 5. Program Operation with /CE don’t careFigure 6. Read Operation with /CE don’t-carePreliminary Confidential22256Mbit (32Mx8Bit)NAND FLASH * Command Latch Cycle* Address Latch CyclePreliminary Confidential23256Mbit (32Mx8Bit)NAND FLASH * Input Data Latch Cycle* Sequential Out Cycle after Read(CLE=L, /WE=H, ALE=L)Note : Transition is measured ±200mV from steady state voltage with load.This parameter is sampled and not 100% tested.Confidential256Mbit (32Mx8Bit)NAND FLASH * Status Read Cycle (During Ready State)* Status Read Cycle (During Busy State)Preliminary Confidential25256Mbit (32Mx8Bit)NAND FLASH * READ1 OPERATION (READ ONE PAGE)* READ1 Operation (Intercepted by /CE)Preliminary Confidential26256Mbit (32Mx8Bit)NAND FLASH * READ2 Operation (Read One Page)Preliminary Confidential27256Mbit (32Mx8Bit)NAND FLASH * Page Program Operation* Copy-Back Program OperationPreliminary Confidential28256Mbit (32Mx8Bit)NAND FLASH* Block Erase Operation (Erase One Block)* Read ID OperationPreliminary Confidential 2975h 75h256Mbit (32Mx8Bit)NAND FLASH ID DEFINITION TABLE90 ID : Access command =90hValue Description1st byte9Bh Maker Code2nd byte75h Device CodeDEVICE OPERATIONDEVICE OPERATIONPAGE READUpon initial device power up, the device defaults to Read1 mode. This operation is also initiated by writing 00h to the command register along with four address cycles. Once the command is latched, it does not need to be written for the following page read operation. Three types of operations are available : random read, serial page read and sequential row read. The random read mode is enabled when the page address is changed. The 528 bytes of data within the selected page are transferred to the data registers in less than changed The528bytes of data within the selected page are transferred to the data registers in less than 12us(tR). The system controller can detect the completion of this data transfer(tR) by analyzing the output of R/B pin. /CE must be held low while in busy for AFND5608U1, while /CE is don’t care with AFND5608U1. If /CE goes high before the device returns to Ready, the random read operation is interrupted and Busy returns to Ready as the defined by tCRY. Since the operation was aborted, the serial page read does not output valid data. Once the data in a page is loaded into the registers, they may be read out in 50ns cycle time bysequentially pulsing /RE, high to low transitions of the /RE clock output the data stating from the selected column address up to the last column address.The way the Read1 and Read2 commands work is like a pointer set to either the main area or the spare area.The spare area of 512 to 527 bytes may be selectively accessed by writing the Read2 command. Address A0 to A3 set the starting address of the spare area while addresses A4 to A7 are ignored. The Read1command(00h/01h) is needed to move the pointer back to the main area. Figure 7 to 10 show typicalsequence and timings for each read operation.Preliminary Confidential30256Mbit (32Mx8Bit)NAND FLASH Figure 7. Read1 OperationPreliminary Confidential31256Mbit (32Mx8Bit)NAND FLASH Figure 8. Read2 OperationPreliminary Confidential32256Mbit (32Mx8Bit)NAND FLASHPAGE PROGRAMTh d i i d b i ll b i b i d ll l i l i l i f The device is programmed basically on a page basis, but it does allow multiple partial page programming of a byte or consecutive bytes up to 528 bytes, in a single page program cycle. The number of consecutive partial page programming operation within the same page without an intervening erase operation must not exceed 2 for main array and 3 for spare array. The addressing may be done in any random order in a block. A page program cycle consists of a serial data loading period in which up to 528bytes of data may be loaded into the page register, followed by a non-volatile programming period where the loaded data is programmed into the appropriate cell. Serial data loading can be started from 2nd half array by moving pointer. About the pointer operation please refer to the attached technical notes operation, please refer to the attached technical notes.The serial data loading period begins by inputting the Serial Data Input command(80h), followed by the three cycle address input and then serial data loading. The bytes other than those to be programmed do not need to be loaded. The Page Program confirm command(10h) initiates the programming process. Writing 10h alone without previously entering the serial data will not initiate the programming process. The internal write state control automatically executes the algorithms and timings necessary for program and verify, thereby freeing the system controller for other tasks. Once the program process starts, the Read Status Register command may be entered, with /RE and /CE low, to read the status register. The system controller can detect thecompletion of a program cycle by monitoring the R/B output, or the Status bit(I/O 6) of the Status Register. Only the Read Status command and Reset command are valid while programming is in progress. When the Page Program is complete, the Status Bit(I/O 0) may be checked(Figure 11). The internal program verifydetects only errors for “1” s that are not successfully programmed to “0”s. The command register remains in Read Status command mode until another valid command is written to the command register.Figure 9. Program Operation g g pBLOCK ERASEThe Erase operation is done on block(16K Bytes) basis. Block address loading is accomplished in threecycles initiated by an Erase Setup command(60h). Only address A14 to A24 is valid while A9 to A13ignored. The Erase Confirm command(D0h) following the block address loading initiates the internalerasing process. This two-step sequence of setup followed by execution command ensures thatmemory contents are not accidentally erased due to external noise conditions. At the rising edge ofPreliminary Confidential /WE after the erase confirm command input, the internal write controller handles erase and erase-verify. When the erase operation is completed, the Status Bit(I/O 0) may be checked.Figure 12 details the sequence.33256Mbit (32Mx8Bit)NAND FLASH Figure 10. Block Erase OperationCopy-Back Programpy p g p q y y p g pThe Copy-back program is provided to quickly and efficiently rewrite data stored in one page within the plane to another page within the same plane without using an external memory. Since the time-consuming sequential-reading and its reloading cycles are removed, the system performance is improved. The benefit is especially obvious when a portion of a block is updated and the rest of the block also need to be copied to the newly assigned free block. The operation for performing a copy-back program is a sequential execution of page-read without burst-reading cycle and copying-program with the address of destination page. A normal read operation with “00h” command and the address of the source page moves the whole 528bytes data into the internal buffer. As soon as the device returns to Ready state, Page-Copy data-input command(8Ah) with the address cycles of destination page followed may be written. The Program Confirm command(10h) is not needed to actually begin the programming operation. For backward-compatibility, issuing Program Confirm command during copy-back does not affect correct device operation.Copy-Back Program operation is allowed only within the same memory plane. Once the Copy-Back Program is finished, any additional partial page programming into the copied pages is prohibited before erase. Plane address must be the same between source and target page“When there is a program-failure at Copy-Back operation, error is reported by pass/fail status. But, if Copy-Back operations are accumulated over time, bit error due to charge loss is not checked by external errorBack operations are accumulated over time bit error due to charge loss is not checked by external error detection/correction scheme. For this reason, two bit error correction is recommended for the use of Copy-Back operation.”Preliminary Confidential34。
TS20 20通道自动灵敏度校准电容式触摸传感器TS20-Q 20通道自动灵敏度校准电容式触摸传感器TS20 20-Ch Auto Sensitivity Calibration Capacitive Touch Sensor TS20 一般特征20通道电容式传感器,带自动灵敏度校准功能I2C串行接口可选输出操作(单模/多模)可独立调节16级(2模式)灵敏度by控制寄存器的响应时间可调嵌入式普通和普通噪声消除电路可用的LED PWM驱动器端口最多20个通道可用的轻触开关输入最多20个通道睡眠操作模式可降低电流消耗符合RoHS标准的28QFN和28TSSOP封装TS20应用移动应用程序(手机,PDA,PMP,MP3,汽车导航)更换薄膜开关密封控制面板,键盘门钥匙锁矩阵应用触摸屏更换应用程序深圳市奥伟斯科技XXX是一家专注触摸芯片,单片机,电源管理芯片,语音芯片,场效应管,显示驱动芯片,网络接收芯片,运算放大器,红外线接收头及其它半导体产品的研发,代理销售推广的高新技术企业。
主要品牌产品:一、OWEIS-TECH:OWEIS 触摸芯片、 OWEIS 接口芯片、 OWEIS 电源芯片、 OWEIS 语音芯片、 OWEIS 场效应管一、电容式触摸芯片、ADSEMI 触摸芯片代理、芯邦科技触控芯片、万代科技触摸按键芯片、博晶微触摸控制芯片、海栎创触摸感应芯片、启攀微触摸、 IC 融和微触摸感应、IC 合泰触摸按键、IC 通泰触摸芯片二、汽车电子/电源管理/接口芯片/逻辑芯片:IKSEMICON 一级代理、 ILN2003ADT、IK62783DT、 IL2596、IL2576 、ILX485、 ILX3485、 ILX232 、ILX3232三、功率器件/接收头/光电开关:KODENSHI、 AUK、 SMK系列、 MOS管、SMK0260F、 SMK0460F、SMK0760F、 SMK1260F、 SMK1820F、 SMK18T50F四、LED 显示驱动芯片:中微爱芯 AIP 系列: AIP1668、 AIP1628 、AIP1629 、AIP1616 、天微电子 TM 系列: TM1628 TM1668 TM1621五、电源管理芯片:Power Integrations LNK364PN LNK564PN 芯朋微 PN8012 PN8015 AP5054 AP5056 力生美晶源微友达天钰电子FR9886 FR9888六、语音芯片:APLUS 巨华电子AP23085 AP23170 AP23341 AP23682 AP89085 AP89170 AP89341 AP89341K AP89682七、运算放大器:3PEAK 运算放大器、聚洵运算放大器、圣邦微运算放大器八八、发光二极管:OSRAM 欧司朗发光二极管、Lite-On 光宝发光二极管、Everlight 亿光发光二极管、 Kingbright 今台发光二极管九、CAN收发器:NXP恩智浦CAN收发器、Microchip微芯CAN收发器十、分销产品线:ONSEMI安森美 TI德州仪器 ADI TOSHIBA东芝 AVAGO安华高十一、 MCU单片机ABOV现代单片机MC96F系列、 Microchip微芯单片机PIC12F PIC16F PIC18F系列、 FUJITSU富仕通单片机MB95F系列、STM单片机STM32F STM32L系列、 CKS中科芯单片机CKS32F系列、TI单片机 MSP430系列、TMS320F系列、 NXP单片机LPC系列下面,奥伟斯主要给大家详细介绍ADS二十通道触摸芯片TS20的相关产品信息:Revision History1 Features1.1 General Feature20-Channel capacitive sensor with auto sensitivity calibrationI2C serial interfaceSelectable output operation (single mode / multi-mode)Independently adjustable in 16 steps (2 mode) sensitivity Adjustable response time by the control registersEmbedded common and normal noise elimination circuitAvailable LED PWM drive ports up to 20 channelsAvailable tact switch input up to 20 channelsSleep operation mode to reduce the current consumptionRoHS compliant 28QFN and 28TSSOP package1.2 ApplicationMobile application (mobile phone, PDA, PMP, MP3, Car navigation)Membrane switch replacementSealed control panels, keypadsDoor key-lock matrix application2 Block Diagram3 Pin Configuration4 Pin DescriptionVDD, VSSSupply voltage and ground pin.CS1~CS20Capacitive sensor input pins. CS1 ~ CS20 port can be changed tact switch input port or LED PWM drive output port with usingthe “Port_CTRL1~Port_CTRL61”registers. And the luminance of LED is possible to control with using the“Sensitivity/PWM1 ~Sensitivity/PWM112”register.SCL, SDASCL is I2C clock input pin and SDA is I2C data input-output pin. INTTouch sensing interrupt output pin.ADDSlave address selection pin.4.1 TS20-Q (28QFN package)4.2 TS20 (28TSSOP package)5 Absolute Maximum RatingMaximum supply voltage 5.5VMaximum voltage on any pin VDD+0.3Maximum current on any PAD 100mAPower Dissipation 800mWStorage Temperature -50 ~ 150℃Operating Temperature -20 ~ 75℃Junction Temperature 150℃Note Unless any other command is noted, all above are operated in normal temperature.6 ESD & Latch-up Characteristics6.1 ESD Characteristics6.2 Latch-up Characteristics7 Electrical Characteristics ▪ VDD=3.3V, TA = 27℃8 TS20 Implementation8.1 CS implementation8.2 CS implementation for tact switch input8.3 CS implementation for LED drive outputCS input ports are possible to change to LED drive output by setting the Port Control Register12 through I2C interface. The number of possible LED drive output channel is 20. Each channel has 16 steps of LED dimming. Each LED dimming step is controlled by setting Port Control Register through I2C interface. The maximum current that is sunk by CS is 8mA when the CS is used for LED drive output port.8.4 Internal reset operationThe TS20 has stable internal reset circuit to offer reset pulse to digital block. The supply voltage for a system start or restart should be under 0.3∙VDD of normal operation VDD. No external components required for TS20 power reset, that helps simple circuit design and to realize the low cost application.8.5 Power on sequence for SCL & SDA9 I2C Interface9.1 I2C Enable / DisableIf the SDA or SCL signal goes to low, I2C control block is enabled automatically. And if the SDA and SCL signal maintain high during about 2 us, I2C control block is disabled automatically also.9.2 Start & Stop ConditionStart Condition (S)Stop Condition (P)Repeated Start (Sr)9.3 Data validityThe SDA should be stable when the SCL is high and the SDA can be changed when the SCL is low.9.4 Byte FormatThe byte structure is composed with 8Bit data and an acknowledge signal.9.5 AcknowledgeIt is a check bit whether the receiver gets the data from the transmitter without error or not. The receiver will write ‘0’when it received the data successfully and ‘1’ if not.9.6 First Byte9.6.1 Slave AddressIt is the first byte from the start condition. It is used to access the slave device.9.6.2 R/W ─The direction of data is decided by the bit and it follows the address data.9.7 Transferring Data9.7.1 Write OperationThe byte sequence is as follows:1. The first byte gives the device address plus the direction bit (R/W = 0).2. The second byte contains the internal address of the first register to be accessed.3. The next byte is written in the internal register. Following bytes are written in successive internal registers.4. The transfer lasts until stop conditions are encountered.5. The TS20 acknowledges every byte transfer.9.7.2 Read OperationThe address of the first register to read is programmed in a write operation without data, and terminated by the stop condition. Then, another start is followed by the device address and R/W= 1. All following bytes are now data to be read at successive positions starting from the initial address.9.7.3 Read/Write Operation9.8 I2C write and read operations in normal modeThe following figure represents the I2C normal mode write and read registers.☞ Write register 0x00 to 0x01 with data AA and BB10 TS20 Control Register ListNote: The unused bits (defined as reserved), in I2C register must be kept to the reset value.10.1 I2C Register Map10.2 Details10.2.1 Sensitivity Control Register10.2.2 General Control Register 110.2.3 General Control Register 210.2.4 Calibration Speed Control RegisterCalibration Speed Figure10.2.5 Ports Control Register10.2.6 Channel Calibration Control Register10.2.7 Noise Environment Overcome Control Register10.2.8 Output Register10.2.9 Write Reference Count Register10.2.10Sensitivity Reading Channel Select Register10.2.11Sensitivity Read Register10.2.12Sense, Reference Count Read Register11 Recommended TS20 Power Up Sequence (Example) 11.1 Recommended TS20 Power Up Flow Chart11.2 Recommended TS20 Power Up Sequence Sample12 Recommended Circuit Diagram12.1 Application Example in clean power environment12.2 Application Example in noisy environment12.3 Example – Power Line Split Strategy PCB LayoutA. Not split power line (Bad power line design)B. Split power line (One 5V regulator used) – RecommendedC.Split power line (Separated 5V regulator used) – Strongly recommended13 MECHANICAL DRAWING13.1 Mechanical Drawing of TS20-Q (28 QFN)13.2 Mechanical Drawing of TS20 (28 TSSOP)14 MARKING DESCRIPTION14.1 Marking Description of TS20-Q (28 QFN)14.2 Marking Description of TS20 (28 TSSOP)NOTES:LIFE SUPPORT POLICYAD SEMICONDUCTOR’S PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE PRESIDENT AND GENERAL COUNSEL OF AD SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATIONThe ADS logo is a registered trademark of ADSemiconductorⓒ 2006 ADSemiconductor – All Rights Reserved以上是“奥伟斯科技”分享的产品信息,如果您需要订购此款物料,请查看我们的官网与我们了解,非常感谢您的关注与支持!奥伟斯科技提供专业的智能电子锁触摸解决方案,并提供电子锁整套的芯片配套:低功耗触摸芯片低功耗单片机马达驱动芯片显示驱动芯片刷卡芯片时针芯片存储芯片语音芯片低压MOS管TVS二极管。
2.4G芯片 升级版LT8920 数据手册
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2013 年 6 月
LT8920 中文手册 1.0
9.22. Register 42................................ ........................ 25
9.23. Register 43................................ ........................ 25
6.1. SPI 默认格式 ................................ ........................ 12 6.2. SPI Optional Format................................ ................... 12 6.3. SPI 时序要求 ................................ ........................ 12 7. IIC 接口 ................................ ............................. 14 7.1. I2C 命令格式 ................................ ........................ 14 7.2. I2C 特性................................ ............................ 14 7.3. I2C 器件地址 ................................ ........................ 15 8. 状态机框图................................ ............................ 16 9. 寄存器信息................................ ............................ 17 9.1. Register 3 – Read only ................................ ............... 17 9.2. Register 6 – Read only ................................ ............... 17 9.3. Register 7 ................................ .......................... 17 9.4. Register 9 ................................ .......................... 18 9.5. Register 10 ................................ ......................... 18 9.6. Register 11 ................................ ......................... 18 9.7. Register 23 ................................ ......................... 18
K9F4G08U0D K9K8G08U1D K9K8G08U0D K9WAG08U1D
Revision History
RevInitial issue
1. Corrected errata.
2. Chapter 1.2 Features revised.
2.0 PRODUCT INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................................... 9 2.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings ..................................................................................................................................... 10 2.2 Recommended Operating Conditions ..................................................................................................................... 10 2.3 DC AND OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS(Recommended operating conditions otherwise noted.) ..................10 2.4 Valid Block............................................................................................................................................................... 11 2.5 Ac Test Condition .................................................................................................................................................... 11 2.6 Capacitance(TA=25°C, VCC=3.3V, f=1.0MHz) ....................................................................................................... 11 2.7 Mode Selection........................................................................................................................................................ 11 2.8 Program / Erase Characteristics ........................................................................................................................12 2.9 AC Timing Characteristics for Command / Address / Data Input ............................................................................ 12 2.10 AC Characteristics for Operation........................................................................................................................... 13
英特尔发布总线速度更高的Itanium 2 处理器手机燃料电池充电器2007 年问世英特尔公司发布了2 款新的Itanium 2 处理器,运行频率为1.66GHz,它们的三级缓存分别是9MB和6MB,它们将在双内核Itanium 处理器2005 年年底问世之前为英特尔支撑局面。
这 2 款新处理器的显著特征之一就是前端总线速度达到了667MHz,这意味着CPU和系统主内存之间的连接速度得到了提高。
手机燃料电池充电器2007 年问世日本 2 家最大的移动通信运营商日前在2005 日本无线技术展览会上表示,一种新型燃料电池可以为电池耗尽的手机快速充电,预计这种电池将于2007 年首先在日本采用。
NTT DoCoMo 以及KDDI分别是日本排名第一和第二的两大移动通信业务运营商,来自这2 家公司的官员都表示,他们计划于2007 年推出供手机使用的燃料电池充电器。
日本移动电话生产商花费了若干年的时间,才将3G 手机的电池续航时间提高到目前2G手机的水平。
ATT7022B 芯片 说明书
ATT7022B 用户手册目 录第一部分 芯片介绍 (4)§ 1.1 芯片特性 (4)§ 1.2功能简介 (5)§ 1.3 内部框图 (5)§1.4 引脚定义 (6)§1.5 应用示意图 (9)第二部分 系统功能 (10)§2.1 电源监控电路 (10)§2.2 系统复位 (10)§2.3 模数转换 (11)§2.4 有功功率测量 (12)§2.5 有功能量测量 (12)§2.6 无功功率测量 (13)§2.7 无功能量测量 (14)§2.8 视在功率测量 (14)§2.9 视在能量测量 (15)§2.10 电压有效值测量 (16)§2.11 电流有效值测量 (16)§2.12 电压线频率测量 (16)§2.13 功率因数测量 (17)§2.15 电压夹角测量 (17)§2.16 电压相序检测 (17)§2.17 电流相序检测 (18)§2.18 起动潜动设置 (18)§2.19 功率方向判断 (18)§2.20 失压检测 (18)§2.21 硬件端口检测 (19)§2.22 片上温度检测 (19)§2.23 基波谐波测量功能 (19)§2.24 三相三线与三相四线应用 (22)§2.25 能量脉冲输出 (22)§2.26 参数输出寄存器定义 (23)§2.27 参数输出寄存器说明 (27)第三部分 校表方法 (33)§3.1 软件校表 (33)§3.2 校表寄存器定义 (34)§3.3 校表寄存器说明 (35)第四部分 SPI通讯接口 (45)§4.1 SPI通讯接口介绍 (45)§4.2 SPI读操作 (46)§4.3 SPI写操作 (47)§4.4 SPI写特殊命令操作 (48)第五部分 电气特性 (50)§5.1 电气参数 (50)§5.2 芯片封装 (51)第一部分 芯片介绍§ 1.1 芯片特性• 高精度在输入动态工作范围(1000:1),内非线性测量误差小于0.1% • 有功测量满足0.2S、0.5S,支持IEC 62053-22,GB/T 17883-1998 • 无功测量满足2级、3级,支持IEC 62053-23,GB/T 17882-1999 • 提供基波、谐波电能以及总电能测量功能• 提供视在电能测量功能• 提供正向和反向有功/无功电能数据• 提供有功、无功、视在功率参数• 提供功率因数、相角、线频率参数• 提供电压和电流有效值参数,有效值精度优于0.5%• 提供电压相序检测功能• 提供电流相序检测功能• 提供三相电流矢量和之有效值输出• 提供三相电压矢量和之有效值输出• 提供电压夹角测量功能• 提供失压判断功能• 具有反向功率指示• 提供有功、无功、视在校表脉冲输出• 提供基波有功、基波无功校表脉冲输出• 合相能量绝对值相加与代数相加可选• 内置温度测量传感器• 电表常数可调• 起动电流可调• 可准确测量到含21次谐波的有功、无功和视在功率• 支持增益和相位补偿,小电流非线性补偿• 具有SPI接口,方便与外部MCU通讯• 适用于三相三线和三相四线模式• 采用QFP44封装• 单+5V供电ATT7022B是一颗高精度三相电能专用计量芯片,适用于三相三线和三相四线应用。
FEZ Panda II 商品说明书
FEZ Panda II BoardFEZ Panda II ( a member of .NET FEZ boards ) is a small low-cost board running Microsoft .NET Micro Framework, allowing users to program and debug FEZ Panda II using Microsoft's free Visual C# Express. Applications are loaded over USB cable (or serial) with full featured debugging capabilities, such as stepping in code or inspecting variables.The board is based on NXP's LPC2387 micro controller with GHI Electronics' commercial highly optimized USBizi firmware/software package. It is a 72MHz. 32-bit ARM7 processor with 512KB Flash (148KB for user application) and 96 KB RAM (62KB for user application).Copyright © 2011 GHI Electronics, LLCJoin our community atUSBizi100 Chip 72MHz. ARM7512 KB Flash 96 KB RAMJT AGReal Time Clock (RTC) CrystalFEZ Panda II Key Features✔Based on NXP's LPC2387 micro-controller with GHI's commercial highly optimized USBizi firmware/software package.✔72MHz. 32-bit ARM7 processor.✔512 KB Flash (148 KB for user application).✔96 KB RAM (62 KB for user application).✔Compatible with most Arduino shields.✔USB device connection for run-time debugging.✔Specialized libraries to configure the USB Client port to emulate deviceslike thumb-drive, virtual COM (CDC), mouse, keyboard.✔USB Debugging and Virtual COM (CDC) can work simultaneously.✔Built-in Micro SD card socket (4-bit high speed SDHC support, no 2GBlimit) with card detect signal.✔54x Digital I/O ports.✔6x 10-bit analog Inputs.✔10-bit analog output (with audio WAV playback).✔6x Hardware PWM channels.✔2x CAN channels.*✔Battery backup RAM 2KB.✔Configurable on-board LED and button.✔4x UART serial ports (one with hardware handshaking capability).✔OneWire interface (available on any IO).✔Built-in Real Time Clock (RTC) with the suitable crystal.✔Processor register access.✔OutputCompare (OC) for generating waveforms with high accuracy, for example, generate software PWM or simulate infrared remote control signal.✔Run-time Loadable Procedures (RLP) allowing users to load native code (C/Assembly) for higher performance and real-time requirements.✔Ethernet support through W5100 chipset with full TCP, UDP, HTTP, DHCP and DNS support. Ethernet throughput is 400Kbps. Perfect match for FEZ Connect Shield.✔Extended double-precision math class.✔Parallel Port (ideal for color displays).✔JTAG is exposed (available only when firmware is erased).✔Multi-Threading.✔XML.✔FAT File System.✔Cryptography (AES and XTEA).✔Low Power and hibernate Modes.✔In-field update (from SD, network or other).Most features are GHI exclusive, see software documentation for details.Copyright © 2011 GHI Electronics, LLC Join our community atFEZ Panda Pins FeaturesAll pins can be used as digital input/output. Some pins have secondary feature as well.FEZ Panda II Arduino-compatible Pins Features* These pins can work as interrupt inputs+Di2 and Di3 are open drain pins with 2.2K pull upresistors.Copyright © 2011 GHI Electronics, LLC Join our community atFEZ Panda II Extended Pins Features* These pins can work as interrupt inputsCopyright © 2011 GHI Electronics, LLC Join our community atFEZ Panda II and Arduino ComparisonFEZ Panda II is not an Arduino board, but it makes use of theidea of having a stackable hardware platform. The similar formfactor between FEZ Panda II and Arduino allows developers touse almost any of the available Arduino shields.While using the same shields, FEZ Panda II offers more powerfulhardware and software platform, greater flexibility and far morefeatures.Starting with Microsoft Visual C#Express and thepossibility for debugging and ending with high-end libraries likeUSB device,threading,XML,better Ethernet networking andmany others.Additionally FEZ Panda has extra IOs exposed on an easilyaccessible 40-pin female header.Expandability of FEZ Panda IIBoards that install directly on top of FEZ Panda II are called shields. The mostcommon shield for FEZ Panda II is FEZ Connect shield which provides anEthernet connection plus exposes sockets compatible with the main 3-pin e-blocks GHI offers.FEZ Touch is also another way to expand FEZ Panda II. It is a 240x320 full 16-bit color display with touch screen.Powering FEZ Panda IIThe easiest way to power FEZ Panda II is through the USB cable. Optionally, the power connector can be used as well. Using either power source will efficiently supply power to the 3.3V and 5V pins (exposed for shields). The 5V shield pin is a special case, it can be used to power the shields and FEZ Panda as well.In case, the board is powered through USB, the voltage on the 5V pins will be sourced directly from the PC USB 5 volts which is in most cases less than 5volts (4.5 to 5 volts).What's Next?To get started with FEZ, please take a look at the FEZ Tutorial and .NET Micro Micro Framework Beginners Guide ebook available on our community website Copyright © 2011 GHI Electronics, LLC Join our community at。
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Rev 01 / Jul. 2015
2Gb NAND FLASH Product
1. ALL DIMENSIONS are in Millimeters.
2. POST REFLOW SOLDER BALL DIAMETER. (Pre Reflow diameter : Ø 0.40± 0.02)
Rev 01 / Jul. 2015
2Gb NAND FLASH Product
1 A
- VCC = 2.7V ~ 3.6V - VCC = 1.7V ~ 1.95V
- OTP area - Serial number(unique ID) - Non-volatile protection
- Page size : x8 – 3.3V : (2K+64spare) bytes 1.8V : (2K+128spare) bytes - Block size : x8 – 3.3V : (128K+4Kspare) bytes 1.8V : (128K+8Kspare) bytes -. Device size : 2048blocks
3.3V Product Part number AFND2G08U3A-CKA AFND2G08U3A-CKD AFND2G08U3A-CKE AFND2G08U3A-CKAI AFND2G08U3A-CKDI AFND2G08U3A-CKEI 2.7~3.6V x8 Voltage Bus Width Package 12x20mm TSOP 6.5x8.0mm FBGA 9.0x11.0mm FBGA 12x20mm TSOP 6.5x8.0mm FBGA 9.0x11.0mm FBGA Industrial Commercial Operating Temperature
- 1st cycle: Manufacturer Code - 2nd cycle: Device Code - 3rd cycle: Internal chip number, Cell Type, Number of Simultaneously Programmed Pages, interleaved Program, Write Cache - 4th cycle: Page size, Block size, Organization, Spare size, Serial access time - 5th cycle : ECC, Multi-plane information
Rev 01 / Jul. 2015
2Gb NAND FLASH Product
PIN CONFIGURATION (63ball-FBGA ) Ball Map Information
- Block Erase Time : 3.5ms(Typ)
- ONFI1.0 Compliant command set - Read Unique ID
Rev 01 / Jul. 2015
2Gb NAND FLASH Product
Rev 01 / Jul. 2015
2Gb NAND FLASH Product
9.0mm x 9.0mm x 0.90mm (Max. 1.0mm T)
2Gb NAND FLASH Product
2Gbit NAND Flash
Rev 01 / Jul. 2015
2Gb NAND FLASH Product
Revision No. Rev 00 Rev01
Histo revise
Draft Date Feb. 2014 Jul. 2015
Rev 01 / Jul. 2015
2Gb NAND FLASH Product
N.C N.C N.C N.C N.C N.C R/B RE/ CE/ N.C N.C Vcc Vss N.C N.C CLE ALE WE/ WP/ N.C N.C N.C N.C N.C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 N.C N.C N.C N.C I/O7 I/O6 I/O5 I/O4 N.C N.C N.C Vcc Vss N.C N.C N.C I/O3 I/O2 I/O1 I/O0 N.C N.C N.C N.C
This NAND Flash is offered in 3.3/1.8 Vcc Power Supply, and with x8 and x16 I/O interface. Its NAND cell provides the most cost-effective solution for the solid state mass storage market. The memory is divided into blocks that can be erased independently so it is possible to preserve valid data while old data is erased. Depending on whether the devices have a x8 or x16 bus width, the page size is (2048 + 128 spare) bytes or (1024+64 spare) words. Each block can be programmed and erased up to 50,000 cycles with ECC (error correction code) on. To extend the lifetime of NAND Flash devices, the implementation of an ECC is mandatory. The chip supports CE# don't care function. This function allows the direct download of the code from the NAND Flash memory device by a microcontroller, since the CE# transitions do not stop the read operation. In addition to this, thanks to multi-plane architecture, it is possible to program 2 pages at a time (one per each plane) or to erase 2 blocks at a time (again, one per each plane). As a consequence, multi-plane architecture allows program/erase time to be reduced by 50%. The multi-plane operations are supported both with traditional and ONFI 1.0 protocols. Data in the page can be read out at 25ns (3V version) and 45nsec (1.8V version) cycle time per byte. The I/O pins serve as the ports for address and data input/output as well as command input. This interface allows a reduced pin count and easy migration towards different densities, without any rearrangement of footprint. Commands, Data and Addresses are synchronously introduced using CE#, WE#, ALE and CLE input pin. The on-chip Program/Erase Controller automates all read, program and erase functions including pulse repetition, where required, and internal verification and margining of data. In addition, Device supports INFI 1.0 specification. The copy-back function allows the optimization of defective blocks management: when a page program operation fails the data can be directly programmed in another page inside the same array section without the time consuming serial data insertion phase. We don’t have EDC function in this device. A write protect pin is available to provide hardware protection against program and erase operations. The devices feature an open-drain ready/busy output that identifies if the program/erase/read controller is currently active. The use of an open-drain output allows the ready/busy pins from several memories to connect to a single pull-up resistor. The devices have a cache read feature that improves the read throughput for large files. During cache reading, the devices loads the data in a cache register while the previous data is transferred to the I/O buffers to be read. This feature is implemented according to ONFI 1.0 specification. The devices is available to support below three security features: -OTP (one time programmable) area which is a restricted access area where sensitive data/code can be store permanently. -Serial number(unique identifier) which allows the devices to be uniquely indentified. -Non-volatile protection to lock sensible data permanently. These security features are subject to an NDA (non-disclosure agreement) and are, therefore, not described in the datasheet.