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PCS-221N-G-H2 常规母线电压合并单元
前言.................................................................................................................................................... i 目录.................................................................................................................................................. iii 第 1 章 概述...................................................................................................................................... 1
PCS-221N-G-H2 常规母线电压合并单元
曝露端子 在装置带电时不要触碰曝露的端子等,因为可能会产生危险的高电压。
残余电压 在装置电源关闭后,直流回路中仍然可能存在危险的电压。这些电压需在数秒钟后才会消失。
PCS-9611D 线路保护装置
本章叙述了使用产品前的安全预防建议。在安装和使用时,本章内容必须全部阅读且充分理解。 忽略说明书中相关警示说明,因不当操作造成的任何损害,本公司不承担相应责任。
在对本装置做任何操作前,相关专业人员必须仔细阅读本说明书,熟悉操作相关内容。 操作指导及警告
南京南瑞继保电气有限公司 公司地址:中国南京江宁区苏源大道 69 号 邮编 211102 公司网址:
PCS-9611D 线路保护装置
前言 .................................................................................................................................................i 目录 ...............................................................................................................................................iii 第 1 章 概述 .......................................................................................................1
(完整word版)2、PCS-9611 主变非电量保护装置
PCS-9611D 线路保护装置技术和使用说明书目录前言 (i)目录 (iii)第1章概述 (1)1.1 应用范围 (1)1.2 功能配置 (1)1.3 性能特征 (3)1.4 订货须知 (4)1.5 产品执行标准 (4)第2章技术参数 (5)2.1 电气参数 (5)2.2 机械结构 (6)2.3 环境条件参数 (7)2.4 通信端口 (7)2.5 型式试验 (8)2.6 认证 (8)2.7 保护功能 (9)2.8 管理功能 (10)第3章工作原理 (13)3.1 概述 (13)3.2 装置启动元件 (13)3.3 过流保护 (14)3.4 接地保护(零序过流保护) (17)3.5 过负荷保护 (17)3.6 过流/零序加速保护 (17)3.7 低频减载保护 (18)3.8 高频解列保护 (19)3.9 低电压保护 (19)3.10 过电压保护..................................................................................................................... 19 PCS-9611D 线路保护装置南京南瑞继保电气有限公司 iv3.11 零序过压保护 (19)3.12 重合闸保护 (19)3.13 过流闭锁跳闸功能 (20)3.14 异常告警 (20)3.15 采样数据异常的处理 (22)3.16 遥控合闸和手动就地合闸 (22)3.17 遥控、遥测、遥信功能 (23)3.18 时间管理 (23)3.19 GOOSE功能 (24)第4章硬件描述 (25)4.1 装置面板布置 (25)4.2 结构与安装 (26)4.3 装置端子定义与说明 (28)4.4 虚端子说明 (32)4.5 插件端子定义 (33)4.6 典型接线图 (42)4.7 插件选配 (43)第5章定值 (45)5.1 设备参数定值 (45)5.2 保护定值 (45)5.3 出口定值 (48)5.4 软压板 (49)5.5 测控定值 (50)5.6 装置设置 (53)第6章人机接口 (59)6.1 面板指示灯说明 (59)6.2 液晶显示说明 (59)6.3 命令菜单使用说明 (61)第7章装置运行说明 (69)7.1 运行工况及说明................................................................................................................ 69 PCS-9611D 线路保护装置南京南瑞继保电气有限公司 v7.2 装置闭锁与报警 (69)第8章装置调试大纲 (73)8.1 试验注意事项 (73)8.2 事故分析注意事项 (73)8.3 交流回路检查 (73)8.4 输入接点检查 (74)8.5 整组试验 (74)8.6 运行异常报警试验 (76)8.7 输出接点检查 (77)8.8 GOOSE调试大纲 (78)8.9 装置试验菜单的说明 (79)8.10 装置与监控后台联调的说明 (80)第9章说明书版本历史 (81)第1章概述1.1 应用范围PCS-9611D 线路保护装置适用于110kV 及以下电压等级的非直接接地系统或小电阻接地系统中的线路保护及测控。
PCS-9671D 变压器差动保护装置
本章叙述了使用产品前的安全预防建议。在安装和使用时,本章内容必须全部阅读且充分理解。 忽略说明书中相关警示说明,因不当操作造成的任何损害,本公司不承担相应责任。
在对本装置做任何操作前,相关专业人员必须仔细阅读本说明书,熟悉操作相关内容。 操作指导及警告
印刷电路板 在装置带电时,不允许插入或拔出印刷电路板,否则可能导致装置不正确动作。
外部回路 当把装置输出的接点连接到外部回路时,须仔细检查所用的外部电源电压,以防止所连接的回
路过热。 连接电缆
版权声明 © 2014 NR. 南京南瑞继保电气有限公司版权所有
残余电压 在装置电源关闭后,直流回路中仍然可能存在危险的电压。这些电压需在数秒钟后才会消失。
接地 装置的接地端子必须可靠接地。
运行环境 该装置只允许运行在技术参数所规定的大气环境中,而且运行环境不能存在不正常的震动。
额定值 在接入交流电压电流回路或直流电源回路时,请确认它们符合装置的额定参数。
危险! 意味着如果安全预防措施被忽视,则会导致人员死亡,严重的人身伤害,或 严重的设备损坏。
警告! 意味着如果安全预防措施被忽视,则可能导致人员死亡,严重的人身伤害, 或严重的设备损坏。
警示! 意味着如果安全预防措施被忽视,则可能导致轻微的人身伤害或设备损坏。 本条特别适用于对装置的损坏及可能对被保护设备的损坏。
我们对本文档及其中的内容具有全部的知识产权。除非特别授权,禁止复制或向第三方分发。凡侵犯本公司版权等知识产权的,本公司必 依法追究其法律责任。 我们定期仔细检查本文档中的内容,在后续版本中会有必要的修正。但不可避免会有一些错误之处,欢迎提出改进的意见。 我们保留在不事先通知的情况下进行技术改进的权利。
PCS-222B-I 智能终端 残余电压
接地 装置的接地端子必须可靠接地。
运行环境 该装置只允许运行在技术参数所规定的大气环境中,而且运行环境不能存在不正常的震动。
额定值 在接入交流电压电流回路或直流电源回路时,请确认他们符合装置的额定参数。
危险! 意味着如果安全预防措施被忽视,则会导致人员死亡,严重的人身伤害,或 严重的设备损坏。
警告! 意味着如果安全预防措施被忽视,则可能导致人员死亡,严重的人身伤害, 或严重的设备损坏。
警示! 意味着如果安全预防措施被忽视,则可能导致轻微的人身伤害或设备损坏。 本条特别适用于对装置的损坏及可能对被保护设备的损坏。
购买产品,请联系: 电话:025-87178911 传真:025-52100511、025-52100512
PCS-222B-I 智能终端
前言.................................................................................................................................................... i 目录.................................................................................................................................................. iii 第 1 章 概述...................................................................................................................................... 1
在装置带电时 ,不允许插入或拔出印刷电路板,这样可能导致装置发生意外故障。 外部回路
当把装置输出的接点连接到外部回路时 ,须仔细检查所用的外部电源电压 , 以防止所连接的回 路过热。 连接电缆
仔细处理连接的电缆避免施加过大的外力 。
警示! 意味着如果安全预防措施被忽视,则可能导致轻微的人身伤害或设备损坏。 本条特别适用于对装置的损坏及可能对被保护设备的损坏。
警告 !
为增强或修改现有功能,装置的软硬件均可能升级 ,请确认此版本的使用手册和您手中的产品 兼容 。
警告 !
电气设备在运行时 ,这些装置的某些部件可能带有高压 。不正确的操作可能导致严重的人身伤 害或设备损坏 。
网址: 电子信箱: nr_techsupport@
我们定期仔细检查本文档中的内容,在后续版本中会有必 要的修正。但不可避免会有一些错误之处,欢迎提出改进 的意见。
PCS-9882 系列以太网交换机
前言.................................................................................................................................................... i 目录.................................................................................................................................................. iii 第 1 章 概述...................................................................................................................................... 1
在一次系统带电运行时,绝对不允许将与装置连接的电流互感器二次开路。该回路开路可能会 产生极端危险的高压。
PCS-9613D 线路光纤纵差保护装置
曝露端子 在装置带电时不要触碰曝露的端子等,因为可能会产生危险的高电压。
1.1 应用范围 ............................................................................................................................. 1 1.2 功能配置 ............................................................................................................................. 2 1.3 性能特征 ............................................................................................................................. 3 1.4 订货须知 ............................................................................................................................. 4 1.5 装置执行标准...................................................................................................................... 4 第 2 章 技术参数 .............................................................................................................................. 5 2.1 电气参数 ............................................................................................................................. 5 2.2 机械结构 ............................................................................................................................. 6 2.3 环境条件参数...................................................................................................................... 6 2.4 通信端口 ............................................................................................................................. 7 2.5 型式试验 ............................................................................................................................. 8 2.6 认证 .................................................................................................................................... 9 2.7 保护功能 ............................................................................................................................. 9 2.8 管理功能 ........................................................................................................................... 10 第 3 章 工作原理 .............................................................................................................................11 3.1 概述 ...................................................................................................................................11 3.2 同步的实现 ........................................................................................................................11 3.3 装置启动元件.....................................................................................................................11 3.4 差动保护 ........................................................................................................................... 13 3.5 复压闭锁方向过流保护 ..................................................................................................... 17 3.6 零序过流保护.................................................................................................................... 19 3.7 过负荷保护 ....................................................................................................................... 20 3.8 过流/零序加速保护 ........................................................................................................... 20 3.9 低频减载保护.................................................................................................................... 21 3.10 重合闸保护 ..................................................................................................................... 21
PCS-9692C_X_Instruction Manual_EN_Domestic General_X_R1.00_(EN_DYBH0681.0086.0001)
PCS-9692C Power Measurement UnitInstruction Manual NR Electric Co., Ltd.PCS-9692C Power Measurement Unit PrefaceIntroductionThis guide and the relevant operating or service manual documentation for the equipment provide full information on safe handling, commissioning and testing of this equipment.Documentation for equipment ordered from NR is dispatched separately from manufactured goods and may not be received at the same time. Therefore this guide is provided to ensure that printed information normally present on equipment is fully understood by the recipient.Before carrying out any work on the equipment the user should be familiar with the contents of this manual, and read relevant chapter carefully.This chapter describes the safety precautions recommended when using the equipment. Before installing and using the equipment, this chapter must be thoroughly read and understood.Health and SafetyThe information in this chapter of the equipment documentation is intended to ensure that equipment is properly installed and handled in order to maintain it in a safe condition.When electrical equipment is in operation, dangerous voltages will be present in certain parts of the equipment. Failure to observe warning notices, incorrect use, or improper use may endanger personnel and equipment and cause personal injury or physical damage.Before working in the terminal strip area, the equipment must be isolated.Proper and safe operation of the equipment depends on appropriate shipping and handling, proper storage, installation and commissioning, and on careful operation, maintenance and servicing. For this reason only qualified personnel may work on or operate the equipment.Qualified personnel are individuals who:z Are familiar with the installation, commissioning, and operation of the equipment and of the system to which it is being connected;z Are able to safely perform switching operations in accordance with accepted safety engineering practices and are authorized to energize and de-energize equipment and to isolate, ground, and label it;z Are trained in the care and use of safety apparatus in accordance with safety engineering practices;z Are trained in emergency procedures (first aid).PCS-9692C Power Measurement UnitInstructions and WarningsThe following indicators and standard definitions are used:DANGER means that death, severe personal injury, or considerable equipment damage will occur if safety precautions are disregarded.WARNING means that death, severe personal, or considerable equipment damage could occur if safety precautions are disregarded.CAUTION means that light personal injury or equipment damage may occur if safety precautions are disregarded. This particularly applies to damage to the device and toresulting damage of the protected equipment.WARNING!The firmware may be upgraded to add new features or enhance/modify existing features, please make sure that the version of this manual is compatible with the product in your hand.WARNING!During operation of electrical equipment, certain parts of these devices are under high voltage. Severe personal injury or significant equipment damage could result from improper behavior.Only qualified personnel should work on this equipment or in the vicinity of this equipment. These personnel must be familiar with all warnings and service procedures described in this manual, as well as safety regulations.In particular, the general facility and safety regulations for work with high-voltage equipment must be observed. Noncompliance may result in death, injury, or significant equipment damage.DANGER!Never allow the current transformer (CT) secondary circuit connected to this equipment to be opened while the primary system is live. Opening the CT circuit will produce a dangerously high voltage.WARNING!z Exposed terminalsDo not touch the exposed terminals of this equipment while the power is on, as the high voltage generated is dangerousz Residual voltageHazardous voltage can be present in the DC circuit just after switching off the DC power supply. It takes a few seconds for the voltage to discharge.PCS-9692C Power Measurement UnitCAUTION!z EarthThe earthing terminal of the equipment must be securely earthedz Operating environmentThe equipment must only be used within the range of ambient environment detailed in the specification and in an environment free of abnormal vibration.z RatingsBefore applying AC voltage and current or the DC power supply to the equipment, check that they conform to the equipment ratings.z Printed circuit boardDo not attach and remove printed circuit boards when DC power to the equipment is on, as this may cause the equipment to malfunction.z External circuitWhen connecting the output contacts of the equipment to an external circuit, carefully check the supply voltage used in order to prevent the connected circuit from overheating.z Connection cableCarefully handle the connection cable without applying excessive force.CopyrightVersion: 1.00P/N: EN_DYBH0681.0086.0001Copyright © NR 2012. All rights reservedWe reserve all rights to this document and to the information contained herein. Improper use in particular reproduction and dissemination to third parties is strictly forbidden except where expressly authorized.The information in this manual is carefully checked periodically, and necessary corrections will be included in future editions. If nevertheless any errors are detected, suggestions for correction or improvement are greatly appreciated.We reserve the rights to make technical improvements without notice.NR ELECTRIC CO., LTD.69 Suyuan Avenue. Jiangning, Nanjing 211102,China Tel: 86-25-87178185, Fax: 86-25-87178208 Website: Email: international@PCS-9692C Power Measurement UnitPCS-9692C Power Measurement Unit Table of Contents Preface (i)Introduction (i)Health and Safety (i)Instructions and Warnings (ii)Table of Contents (v)Chapter 1 Introduction (1)1.1Application (1)1.2Functions (1)1.3Features (1)1.4Ordering Options (2)Chapter 2 Technical Data (3)2.1General Specification (3)2.1.1Electrical Specifications (3)2.1.2Mechanical Specifications (4)2.1.3Ambient Temperature and Humidity (4)2.1.4Communication Interfaces (4)2.1.5Type Test (5)2.2Management Functions (6)2.2.1Metering Scope and Accuracy (6)2.2.2Telesignal (6)2.3Certification (6)Chapter 3 Supervision and Metering (7)3.1Overview (7)3.2Self-supervision (7)3.2.1Hardware Supervision (7)3.2.2Setting Supervision (7)3.2.3CT Failure Supervision (7)3.2.4VT Failure Supervision (7)PCS-9692C Power Measurement Unit3.3Metering (8)3.4Signaling (9)Chapter 4 Hardware Description (11)4.1Overview (11)4.2AI Module (12)4.3CPU Module (13)4.4HMI Module (14)4.5PWR Module (14)4.6EXT Module (14)Chapter 5 HMI Operation Introduction (17)5.1Human Machine Interface Overview (17)5.1.1Design (17)5.1.2Functionality (17)5.1.3Keypad and Keys (17)5.1.4LED Indications (18)5.1.5Commissioning Port (18)5.2Understand the HMI Menu Tree (19)5.2.1Overview (19)5.2.2Submenu of “VALUES” (19)5.2.3Submenu of “REPORT” (19)5.2.4Submenu of “SETTINGS” (20)5.2.5Submenu of “CLOCK” (20)5.2.6Submenu of “VERSION” (20)5.2.7Submenu of “LANGUAGE” (21)5.3Understand the LCD Display (21)5.3.1Default Display under Normal Operation Condition (21)5.3.2Display under Abnormal Condition (21)5.4View the Settings (22)5.5View Status of Measured Value (23)5.5.1Display Analogue Data (23)PCS-9692C Power Measurement Unit5.5.2Display the Status of Binary Inputs (23)5.5.3Display the Operation Status (24)5.6View Software Version (25)5.7View History Reports (25)5.8Operation through Keypad (26)5.8.1Password Protection (26)5.8.2Change the Settings (26)5.8.3Clock Set (26)5.8.4Delete Records (27)Chapter 6 Settings (29)6.1Overview (29)6.2Communication Settings (EQUIP SETUP) (29)6.3System Settings (SYS SETUP) (30)Chapter 7 Communication (31)7.1General (31)7.2RS-485 Interface (31)7.3IEC60870-5-103 Protocol (32)7.3.1Initialization (32)7.3.2Time Synchronization (32)7.3.3Spontaneous Events (33)7.3.4General Interrogation (33)7.3.5Cyclic Measurements (33)7.3.6Generic Functions (34)7.4Modbus Protocol (35)7.4.1Binary State Communication (35)7.4.2Analog Data Communication (36)7.4.3Settings Communication (37)7.4.4Diagnostics Information (38)7.4.5Download Settings (38)7.4.6Time Synchronization (38)PCS-9692C Power Measurement Unit7.4.7Abnormal Information (38)Chapter 8 Installation (39)8.1General (39)8.2Safety Instructions (39)8.3Checking the Shipment (40)8.4Material and Tools Required (40)8.5Device Location and Ambient Conditions (40)8.6Mechanical Installation (41)8.7Electrical Installation and Wiring (42)8.7.1Grounding Guidelines (42)8.7.2Cubicle Grounding (42)8.7.3Ground Connection on the Device (43)8.7.4Guidelines for Wiring (43)8.7.5Wiring for Electrical Cables (44)Chapter 9 Commissioning (45)9.1General (45)9.2Safety Instructions (45)9.3Commission Tools (46)9.4Setting Familiarization (46)9.5Product Checks (47)9.5.1With the Device De-energized (47)9.5.2With the Device Energized (49)9.5.3On-load Checks (51)9.5.4Final Checks (52)Chapter 10 Maintenance (53)10.1Maintenance Schedule (53)10.2Regular Testing (53)10.3Failure Tracing and Repair (53)10.4Replace Failed Modules (53)Chapter 11 Decommissioning and Disposal (55)PCS-9692C Power Measurement Unit11.1Decommissioning (55)11.1.1Switching off (55)11.1.2Disconnecting cables (55)11.1.3Dismantling (55)11.2Disposal (55)Chapter 12 Manual Version History (57)PCS-9692C Power Measurement UnitChapter 1 IntroductionChapter 1 Introduction1.1 ApplicationThe PCS-9692C power measurement unit is designed for measuring the voltages and currents of a power supply etc. This device is suited to be wall surface mounted indoors or outdoors or flush mounted into a control panel.1.2 FunctionsFunctionsinputsAI AnalogVTS Voltage transformer supervisionCTS Current transformer supervisionCurrent drift auto adjustmentsupervisionSelfBinaryinputMeteringrecordsAlarm6464 Binary change records256 SOE records, latest records of followingelements state changing: operating abnormalityalarm elements, self-check alarm elements, binaryinput elementsRear communication ports: RS-485Front commissioning port: RS-2321.3 Featuresz On the premise of 24 samples per cycle, all data measurement, calculation and logic discrimination could be finished within one sampling period. The event recording and measurement calculation also can be finished simultaneously.z This device constantly measures and calculates a large mount of analog quantities: voltage, current, power etc.z The HMI interface with a 128×32-dot LCD, 8 LED indicators and a 2-multifunction-key keypad on the front panel is very friendly to the user.z This device is equipped with one EIA RS-485 standardized electrical interfaces for uplink communication.z This device can communication with SAS or RTU, the communication protocol of this deviceChapter 1 Introduction is IEC60870-5-103 or Modbus.z Strong function optional module to satisfy all kinds of requirement on site.z Perfect recording function: 64 alarm records and 256 records of time tagged sequence of event can be recorded.1.4 Ordering Optionsz The current transformer is external equipped core CT. The rated secondary current of the phase current CT input is 1A, 5A, 10A, 25A, 50A, 100A, 200A or 400A; and the rated secondary current of the zero sequence current CT input is 0.5A, 1A or 50A.z Five options are available for rated auxiliary voltage: 30Vdc, 110Vdc, 220Vdc, 110Vac, 220Vac; and when the AC power supply is applied, its rated frequency is 50Hz.z The 4~20mA DC output number is optional: one or two.z The communication protocol is optional: IEC60870-5-103 or Modbus.Chapter 2 Technical DataChapter 2 Technical Data2.1 General Specification2.1.1 Electrical Specifications2.1.1.1 Power Supply Rated Voltage (Un) 30Vdc, 110Vdc, 220Vdc, 110Vac(50Hz), 220Vac(50Hz) Variation (80% ~ 120%)UnRipple in the DC auxiliary voltageMax 15% of the DC value. Per IEC 60255-11: 1979Voltage dips and voltageshort interruptionsPer IEC 61000-4-11:2004, IEC 60255-11:197920ms for interruption without de-energizing, dips 60% of Un withoutreset up to 100msQuiescent condition <10WBurdenOperating condition<15W2.1.1.2 Analog Current Input Ratings Rated frequency 50Hz, ±5% Phase rotation ABCRated Current (In)1A, 5A, 10A, 25A, 50A, 100A, 200A, 400ALinear to (non-offset ACcurrent)10×Incontinuously 2×In for 10s 10×In Thermal withstand capability for 1s30×In2.1.1.3 Analog Voltage Input Ratings StandardPer IEC 60255-6:1988 Rated Voltage (Un) 380V linear to 1.5×Uncontinuously 1.2×Un 10s 2.0×Un Thermal withstand capability 1s 2.5×UnBurden<1.0VA/phase @ UnChapter 2 Technical Data2.1.1.4 Binary InputRated Voltage (V BI)110V 220V Pickup voltage70% V BI 70%V BIDropout voltage55% V BI 55%V BIMaximum permitted voltage 120% V BI 120%V BIWithstand 2000Vac2.1.2 Mechanical SpecificationsEnclosure dimensions(W×H×D)155.00mm×95.04mm×144.50mm Trepanning dimensions(W×H)153.00mm×79.00mm, M4 screw Mounting Way Flush mountedWeight per device Approx. 0.5kgLocal control panel Small control module: 8 LED indicators, a 2-multifunction-key keypad and a 128×32-dot LCDDisplay language Optional: Chinese, English Housing material AluminumHousing color Silver greyLocation of terminals Rear panel of the deviceProtection class (per IEC60529:1988) Front side: IP51; Rear side, connection terminals: IP20; Other Sides: IP302.1.3 Ambient Temperature and HumidityOperating temperature range -25°C ~ +55°CTransport and storage temperature range -40°C ~ +70°CPermissible humidity 5% ~ 95%, condensation not permissible 2.1.4 Communication InterfacesInterfaces for communicating with RTU/SCADAPort number 1Baud rate 4800 ~ 38400bpsTransmission distance < 500m@4800bpsMaximal capacity 32Protocol IEC60870-5-103:1997 or Modbus RS-485 (EIA)Safety level Isolation to ELV levelInterfaces for commissioning through “RCS PC” softwarePort number 1Baud rate 19200bpsRS-232 (EIA)Safety level Isolation to ELV levelChapter 2 Technical Data 2.1.5 Type Test2.1.5.1 Environmental TestsDry heat test IEC60068-2-2:1974, 16 h at +55°CDry cold test IEC60068-2-1:1990, 16 h at -25°CDamp heat test, cyclic IEC60068-2-30:1980, two (12+12 hours) cycles, 95%RH, low temperature -25°C, high temperature +55°C2.1.5.2 Mechanical TestsVibration IEC60255-21-1:1988, Class IShock and bump IEC60255-21-2:1988, Class I2.1.5.3 Electrical TestsDielectric tests IEC60255-5:2000, test voltage: 2kV, 50Hz, 1minImpulse voltage tests IEC60255-5:2000, test voltage: 5kV, unipolar impulses, waveform 1.2/50μs, source energy 0.5JInsulationmeasurementIEC60255-5:2000, insulation resistance >100MΩ, 500Vdc Electromagnetic Compatibility1MHz burst disturbance tests- Common mode- Differential mode IEC60255-22-1:1988(idt IEC61000-4-12:1995), Class III 2.5kV1.0kVElectrostatic discharge tests-For contact discharge-For air discharge IEC60255-22-2:1996(idt IEC 61000-4-2:2006) Class IV 8.0kV15.0kVRadio frequency interference testsFrequency sweep-Radiated amplitude-modulated Spot frequency-Radiated amplitude-modulated- Radiated pulse-modulated IEC60255-22-3:2000(idt IEC 61000-4-3:1995 ) class III10V/m(rms),f=80…1000MHz10Vm(rms), f=80MHz/160MHz/450MHz/900MHz 10Vm(rms), f=900MHzFast transient disturbance tests- Power supply, I/O & Earth terminals- Communication terminals IEC60255-22-4:2002(idt IEC 61000-4-4:2004)Class IV, 4kV, 2.5kHz, 5/50nsClass IV, 2kV, 5.0kHz, 5/50nsSurge immunity tests- Power supply, AC inputs, I/O terminals IEC60255-22-5:2002(idt IEC 61000-4-5:1995) , Class III1.2/50us,2kV, line to earth;Chapter 2 Technical Data1kV, line to lineConducted RF electromagnetic disturbance - Power supply, AC, I/O, Comm. terminal IEC60255-22-6:2002, Class III10V(rms),150kHz~80MHzPower frequency magnetic field immunity IEC61000-4-8:1993, Class V 100A/m for 1min1000A/m for 3sPulse magnetic field immunity IEC61000-4-9:1993, Class V 6.4/16us1000A/m for 3sDamped oscillatory magnetic field immunity IEC61000-4-10:1993, Class V 100kHz & 1MHz – 100A/m2.2 Management Functions2.2.1 Metering Scope and AccuracyCurrent 0.05 ~ 1.4×In Accuracy ≤ 0.5% of reading2.2.2 TelesignalResolution of telesignals ≤ 1msInput of telesignals Potential-free contact Resolution of SOE ≤ 2ms2.3 Certificationz ISO9001: 2008z ISO14001: 2004z OHSAS18001: 2007z ISO10012: 2003z CMMI L4z EMC: 2004/108/EC, EN50263: 1999z Products safety(PS): 2006/95/EC, EN61010-1: 2001Chapter 3 Supervision and Metering Chapter 3 Supervision and Metering3.1 OverviewWhen this device is in energizing process before the LED “HEALTHY” is on, this device needs to be checked to ensure there are no errors. Therefore, the automatic supervision function, which checks the health of this device when startup and during normal operation, plays an important role.This device based on the microprocessor operations is suitable for implementing this automatic supervision function. This device also provides on-line data metering, remote control function.3.2 Self-supervision3.2.1 Hardware SupervisionThe RAM, ROM, DC/DC and A/D elements on the CPU module are monitored to ensure whether they are damaged or have some errors. If any one of them is detected damaged or having error, this device will be blocked and issues a relevant alarm signal. The LED indicator “HEALTHY” will be extinguished.3.2.2 Setting SupervisionThe settings are checked to ensure them to be correct and not to be modified. If the settings are checked to have any error in them, the alarm signal [Alm_Setting] will be issued and this equipment will be blocked at the same time. The LED indicator “HEALTHY” will be extinguished.3.2.3 CT Failure SupervisionThe main purpose of the current transformer (CT) circuit failure supervision function is to detect faults in the secondary circuits of CT and avoid influence on the operation of corresponding protection functions. This CT failure supervision function will be processed all the time, whether general fault detection picks up or not.The criteria of CTS element are:(1) 3I0 > 0.04×In + 0.25×Imax (“I0” is self-calculated)(2) Imax > 0.04×InIn normal operation program of this device, if the above two conditions are met, and this condition lasts longer than 10s, the alarm signal [Alm_CTS] will be issued and the LED indicator “ALARM” will be lit.3.2.4 VT Failure SupervisionThe voltage transformer supervision (VTS) feature is used to detect failure of the AC voltage inputs to the device.Chapter 3 Supervision and MeteringThe VTS logic in the device is designed to detect the voltage failure and automatically adjust the configuration of protective elements whose stability would otherwise be compromised. A time-delay alarm output is also available.The criteria of VTS element are:(1) Any phase current is greater than 0.08In(2) U1 < 0.31Un or U2 > 0.138UnIn normal operation program of this device, if the above two conditions are met, and this condition lasts longer than 10s, the alarm signal [Alm_VTS] will be issued and the LED indicator “ALARM” will be lit.3.3 MeteringThe device produces a variety of both directly and calculated power system quantities. These measurement values are updated on a per second basis.The measurands include Ia, Ib, Ic, I1, I2, I0, CTI0, Ua, Ub, Uc, Uab, Ubc, Uca, U1, U2 etc. These measurands are gotten by real-time calculation and real-time summation locally. This calculation is independent with network.No. Metering Sign Description1 Ia Phase A current2 Ib Phase B current3 Ic Phase C current4 I1Positive sequence current5 I2Negative sequence current6 I0Self-calculated zero sequence current7 I0CT Zero sequence current from the zero sequence CT8 Ua Phase A voltage9 Ub Phase B voltage10 Uc Phase C voltage11 Uab Voltage value of phase A to phase B12 Ubc Voltage value of phase B to phase C13 Uca Voltage value of phase C to phase A14 U1Positive sequence voltage15 U2Negative sequence voltage16 2ndH The2nd harmonic voltage3rd harmonic voltage17 3rdH The18 4urH The4th harmonic voltage5th harmonic voltage19 5veH The6th harmonic voltage20 6ixH The21 7enH The7th harmonic voltage8th harmonic voltage22 8htH TheChapter 3 Supervision and Metering9th harmonic voltage23 9neH The10th harmonic voltage24 10nH Thefrequency25 F Systempower26 P Activepower27 Q Reactivefactor28 cosΦ Power29 KWH_Out Outgoing active energy30 KWH_In Incoming active energy31 KVAH_Out Outgoing reactive energy32 KVAH_In Incoming reactive energySome of these measurands also can transmit to the SAS or RTU through communication. More information about the communication and protocols, see Chapter 7 “Communication”.3.4 SignalingThis device provides 8 binary inputs. These binary inputs can be used to input the binary value.No. Binary Input Description1 BI_1The No.1 binary input2 BI_2The No.2 binary input3 BI_3The No.3 binary input4 BI_4The No.4 binary input5 BI_5The No.5 binary input6 BI_6The No.6 binary input7 BI_7The No.7 binary input8 BI_8The No.8 binary inputThe state of these binary inputs also can transmit to the SAS or RTU through communication. More information about the communication and protocols, see Chapter 7 “Communication”.Chapter 3 Supervision and MeteringChapter 4 Hardware Description Chapter 4 Hardware Description4.1 OverviewThe modular design of this device allows this device to be easily upgraded or repaired by a qualified service person. The faceplate is hinged to allow easy access to the configurable modules, and back-plugging structure design makes it easy to repair or replace any modules.There are several types of hardware modules in this device; each module takes a different part in this device. This device mainly consists of PWR module, CPU module, AI module, EXT module and HMI module.Following figure shows the hardware block diagram of this device.Figure 4.1-1 Hardware block diagramThe following two figures show the front panel and the rear panel of this device.Figure 4.1-2 Front panel of the PCS-9692CChapter 4 Hardware DescriptionFigure 4.1-3 Rear panel of the PCS-9692C4.2 AI ModuleThe AI module is an analog input unit. It contains four current transformers. It can transform these high AC input values to relevant low AC output value, which are suited to the analog inputs of the CPU module. The transformers are used both to step-down the currents to levels appropriate to this device’s electronic circuitry and to provide effective isolation between this device and the power system. A low pass filter circuit is connected to each transformer secondary circuit for reducing the noise of each analog AC input signal.NOTE: The rated secondary current of the phase current CT input is 1A, 5A, 10A, 25A,50A, 100A, 200A or 400A; and the rated secondary current of the zero sequence current CT input is 0.5A, 1A or 50A. The rated value must be definitely declared in the technical scheme and the contract.Two ports are fixed on the rear panel of this device. The terminal definition is described as below. Terminal definition of the ports in the AI module:Port Sign Description1 Ia Phase A current input2 Ib Phase B current input3 Ic Phase C current inputPORT24 In Neutral current input1 IoPORT32 IonZero sequence current inputDANGER: Never allow the current transformer (CT) secondary circuit connected to this device to be opened while the primary system is live. Opening the CT circuit will produceChapter 4 Hardware Descriptiona dangerously high voltage. If this safety precaution is disregarded, personal death, severe personal injury or considerable equipment damage will occur.4.3 CPU ModuleThe CPU module is the kernel part of this equipment, and contains a powerful microchip processor and some necessary electronic elements. This powerful processor performs all of the functions for this device: the measurement functions, the communication management functions. There are several A/D conversion circuits on this module, which are used to convert the AC analog signals to corresponding DC signals for fulfilling the demand of the electrical level standard. A high-accuracy clock chip is contained in this module, it provide accurate current time for the PCS-9692C. It also contains 8 programmable binary inputs and one RS-485 standardized communication ports. The functional details of the CPU module are listed as below: z Measurement calculationsBasing on the analog inputs, the CPU module also can calculate out the measurement values.All these values can be sent to a SAS or a RTU through the RS-485 serial port. z Communication managementThe CPU module can effectively manage the communication procedure, and reliably send outsome useful information through its communication ports. If an event is occurred (such as SOE, protective tripping event etc.), this module will send the relevant event information through the RS-485 serial port to SAS or RTU.A 12-pin connector is fixed on the front of the CPU module. The terminal definition of the connector is described as below.Pin connections on the connector of the CPU module:Pin No.SignDescription201 BI-COMCommon negative connection of the BI_1 to BI_8binary inputs 202 BI_1 Programmable binary input 1 203 BI_2 Programmable binary input 2 204 BI_3 Programmable binary input 3 205 BI_4 Programmable binary input 4 206 BI_5 Programmable binary input 5 207 BI_6 Programmable binary input 6 208 BI_7 Programmable binary input 7 209BI_8Programmable binary input 8210 485A211 485B212 GNDThe EIA RS-485 standardized communicationinterface for connecting with a SAS or a RTUChapter 4 Hardware Description4.4 HMI ModuleThe HMI module is installed on the front panel of this device. It is used to observe the running status and event information, and configure the protection settings and device operation mode. It can help the user to know the status of this device and detailed event information easily, and provide convenient and friendly access interface for the user. For further details, see Chapter 5 “HMI Operation Introduction”.4.5 PWR ModuleThe power supply module is a converter module with electrical insulation between input and output. The power supply module has an input voltage range and relevant parameters as described in Chapter 2 “Technical Data”. The standardized output voltages are +3.3Vdc, +5Vdc, ±12Vdc and +24Vdc. The tolerances of the output voltages are continuously monitored.The power supply also contains one special binary output and four programmable binary outputs.A 12-pin connector is fixed on the front of the PWR module. The terminal definition of the connector is described as below.Pin connections on the connector of the PWR module:4.6 EXT ModuleThe EXT module contains three voltage inputs, one thermistance input and one or two 4~20mA DC outputs.A 22-pin connector is fixed on the front of the EXT module. The terminal definition of the connector is described as below.Pin connections on the connector of the EXT module:。
南京南瑞继保电气有限公司 公司地址:中国南京江宁区苏源大道 69 号 邮编 211102 公司网址:
PCS-221G-I 常规采样合并单元
前言.................................................................................................................................................... i 目录.................................................................................................................................................. iii 第 1 章 概述...................................................................................................................................... 1
残余电压 在装置电源关闭后,直流回路中仍然可能存在危险的电压。这些电压需在数秒钟后才会消失。
接地 装置的接地端子必须可靠接地。
运行环境 该装置只允许运行在技术参数所规定的大气环境中,而且运行环境不能存在不正常的震动。
可以和监控系统进行通讯;通讯规约可选择IEC 60870-5-103 或IEC 61850。
WP:过潦速断保护51P;定时限过逬保护50G:零序过瀛速祈保护MG:定时限零序过就保沪5IQ:定时0乂负序迢流懈护B4HV:高质讷整地保护64LV:低圧仁接地滋护VCE宜压闭锁兀件UR 菲电:?保护FR:故隔玻波52:断路器分合控制数字化变电站功能IEC60044-8接口协议,借助多模光纤由合并单元引入电装置提供电子式互感器接口,支持压量和电流量合并单元传入的电压电流量的采样速率为4k/s或者5k/s支持IEC-61850通讯规约保护功能三段复合电压闭锁过流保护高压侧正序反时限保护过负荷报警两段定时限负序过流保护:其中I段用作断相保护,n段用作不平衡保护高压侧接地保护:三段定时限零序过流保护(其中零序I段两时限,零序皿段可整定为报警或跳闸)、零序过压保护、支持网络小电流接地选线低压侧接地保护:三段定时限零序过流保护、零序反时限保护低电压保护非电量保护:重瓦斯跳闸、轻瓦斯报警、超温跳闸或报警、一路备用非电量跳闸、一路备用非电量跳闸或报警闭锁简易母差GOOSE输岀功能。
独立的操作回路及故障录波测控功能11路自定义遥信开入lam、Ibm、Icm、10、UA、UB、UC、UAB、UBC、UCA、U0、f、P、Q、CO邱共15 个遥测量一组断路器遥控分/合(选配方式至多可提供五组遥控)事件SOE记录等PCS-9600系列保护测控装置通用技术参数1电气参数1.1直流电源输入1.2交流电流输入1.3交流电压输入1.4开关量输入1.5开关量输出2环境条件参数3通信接口参数3.1.1 EIA-485接口3.1.2以太网接口3.1.3打印接口3・1・4对时接口4机械结构246 7410 10226 004-07.58r*安装开孔尺寸机械尺寸(宽X高X深)225 00mm x 177 00mm x 223 80mm (1/2 4U机箱)安装开孔尺寸(宽X高)226 00mm x 178 00mm , M厲丝(1/2 4U机箱)颜色银灰防护等级按IEC60529:前面板IP」0、箱体侧而IP30、后面板IP20 污染寺级二级机械尺寸和开孔尺寸如下图所示:5型式试验参数5.1大气环境试验5.2机械试验5.3电气绝缘性能5.4电磁兼容试验6管理功能参数6.1测量计量等级6.2控制性能参数6.3时钟性能参数64故障录波功能2003-09609N3 ^002 k0L0L9N3 %羽/£乙佗/令界fig咽寿融#["] 000SC9209N3 9耳耳9££,68令算關观逞粪袈申〔90】恶笊両韋羽谴羽H期知漑1 INNO [90] 想¥1连刺备具葛灘oo乙SLOOLOSi [roJ 亚Y1裂呂奋昌手岳碧珈IF舱666L LOO0LS\/SHO[£O]亚Y1银毀韶易鄭000乙LOOtnOSI(301 UYl報洱歪昌喜勿000乙L0060SI [to]。
PCS-9627D_X_说明书 R2.30
PCS-9627D 电动机保护装置
警示! 接地 装置的接地端子必须可靠接地。 运行环境 该装置只允许运行在技术参数所规定的大气环境中,而且运行环境不能存在不正常的震动。 额定值 在接入交流电压电流回路或直流电源回路时,请确认它们符合装置的额定参数。 印刷电路板 在装置带电时,不允许插入或拔出印刷电路板,否则可能导致装置不正确动作。 外部回路
我们定期仔细检查本文档中的内容,在后续版本中会有必要的修正。 资料相关,请联系: 但不可避免会有一些错误之处,欢迎提出改进的意见。 电话:025-87178185、传真:025-8718208 我们保留在不事先通知的情况下进行技术改进的权利。 电子信箱:nr_techsupport@ 南京南瑞继保电气有限公司 公司地址:中国南京江宁区苏源大道 69 号 邮编 211102 公司网址:
PCS-9627D 电动机保护装置
PCS-9627D 电动机保护装置
前言 使用产品前,请仔细阅读本章节!
本章叙述了使用产品前的安全预防建议。在安装和使用时,本章内容必须全部阅读且充分理解。 忽略说明书中相关警示说明,因不当操作造成的任何损害,本公司不承担相应责任。 在对本装置做任何操作前,相关专业人员必须仔细阅读本说明书,熟悉操作相关内容。 操作指导及警告 本手册中将会用到以下指示标记和标准定义: 危险! 意味着如果安全预防措施被忽视,则会导致人员死亡,严重的人身伤害,或
PCS-9627D 电动机保护装置
PCS-9611D 线路保护装置ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้
前言 .................................................................................................................................................i 目录 ...............................................................................................................................................iii 第 1 章 概述 ...................................................................................................................................1
危险! 意味着如果安全预防措施被忽视,则会导致人员死亡,严重的人身伤害,或 严重的设备损坏。
警告! 意味着如果安全预防措施被忽视,则可能导致人员死亡,严重的人身伤害, 或严重的设备损坏。
警示! 意味着如果安全预防措施被忽视,则可能导致轻微的人身伤害或设备损坏。 本条特别适用于对装置的损坏及可能对被保护设备的损坏。
特别注意,一些通用的工作于高压带电设备的工作规则必须遵守。如果不遵守可能导致严重的 人身伤亡或设备损坏。
在一次系统带电运行时,绝对不允许将与装置连接的电流互感器二次开路。该回路开路可能会 产生极端危险的高压。
我们对本文档及其中的内容具有全部的知识产权。除非特别授权,禁止复制或向第三方分发。凡侵犯本公司版权等知识产权的,本公司必 依法追究其法律责任。 我们定期仔细检查本文档中的内容,在后续版本中会有必要的修正。但不可避免会有一些错误之处,欢迎提出改进的意见。 我们保留在不事先通知的情况下进行技术改进的权利。
特别注意,一些通用的工作于高压带电设备的工作规则必须遵守。如果不遵守可能导致严重的 人身伤亡或设备损坏。
在一次系统带电运行时,绝对不允许将与装置连接的电流互感器二次开路。该回路开路可能会 产生极端危险的高压。
PCS-9647D 电抗器保护装置
l 曝露端子 在装置带电时不要触碰曝露的端子等,因为可能会产生危险的高电压。
FGND白线 215
液晶 接口
接地 FGND 101
电 PWR+ 102 源 PWR- 103
BO1常闭 104 BO12-com 105
第 1 章 概述 相关说明:PCS-9692M/N 为面板和本体分体结构,保护模块装在抽屉内,液晶模块安装在屏柜上, 两个模块通过连接线相连。 PCS-9692M/N 背板端子
接地 FGND 101
PWR+ 102
PWR- 103
BO1常闭 104
BO12-com 105
入 Uc 205
BO4+ 207
BO4- 208
BO5+ 209
BO5- 210
BO6+ 211
BO6- 212
BI-COM 213
BI9 214
开 入
BI11 216
BI12 217 4 mA2+ 218 20 mA mA2- 219
BI-COM1 301
BI1 302
电磁兼容:欧盟指令 89/336/EEC,EN50263:2000
PCS-9662 辅助装置 3.4 NR4554 直流电压并列插件........................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
3.4.1 NR4554 工作原理 .......................................................................................13 3.4.2 NR4554 技术参数 .......................................................................................15 3.5 NR4555 母线电压监视插件........................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 3.5.1 NR4555 工作原理 .......................................................................................15 3.5.2 NR4555 技术参数 .......................................................................................16 第 4 章 安装......................................................................................................................16 4.1 概述 ......................................................................................................................17 4.2 安全信息 ...............................................................................................................17 4.3 收货检查 ...............................................................................................................18 4.4 所需工具和材料 ....................................................................................................18 4.5 装置安装处要求 ....................................................................................................18 4.6 机械安装 ...............................................................................................................18 4.6.1 接地说明.....................................................................................................20 4.6.2 屏柜接地.....................................................................................................20 4.6.3 装置电气接线 .............................................................................................21 第 5 章 调试......................................................................................................................23 5.1 安全说明 ...............................................................................................................23 5.2 调试工具 ...............................................................................................................23 5.3 装置检查 ...............................................................................................................24 5.3.1 掉电检查.....................................................................................................24 5.3.2 上电检查.....................................................................................................25 5.3.3 最终检查.....................................................................................................25 第 6 章 维护......................................................................................................................26 6.1 维护日程安排........................................................................................................26 6.2 常规检查 ...............................................................................................................26 6.3 更换故障继电器 ....................................................................................................26 6.4 清洁 ......................................................................................................................26 6.5 存储 ......................................................................................................................27 第 7 章 退役和处置...........................................................................................................28
DL 408—-2005 国家电网公司电力安全工作规程(变电站和发电厂电气部分)JJG 1027—1991 测量误差及数据处理DL/T 623—1997 电力系统继电保护和安全自动装置运行评价规程JB/T 9568—2000 电力系统继电器、保护及自动装置通用技术条件DL/T 5136—2001 火力发电厂、变电所二次接线设计技术规程[急件](87)电生供字第254号继电保护和电网安全自动装置现场工作保安规定(87)水电电生字第108号继电保护及电网安全自动装置检验条例DL/T 624—1997 继电保护微机型试验装置技术条件GB/T 7261—2000 继电器及装置基本试验方法DL/T 478—2001 静态继电保护及安全自动装置通用技术条件DL/T 527—2002 静态继电保护装置逆变电源技术条件DL/T 670—1999 微机母线保护装置通用技术条件GB 14285—1993 继电保护和安全自动装置技术规程RCS-9612微机线路保护装置使用说明书RCS-9612微机线路保护装置技术说明书电力系统继电保护及安全自动装置反事故措施要点3修前准备3.1作业任务及作业条件3.2准备工作安排3.3 人员要求3.4 备品备件3.5工器具及相关资料3.6危险点分析及预控措施3.7人员分工4作业程序及作业标准(试验记录见附录B) 4.14.2检修电源的使用4.3检修内容和工艺标准4.4竣工5验收记录6作业指导书执行情况评估XX变35kV 线路保护校验二次工作安全措施票执行人:监护人:恢复人:监护人XX变电站35kV线路RCS-9612保护全部校验试验报告工作负责人:工作成员:试验日期:B.1 保护屏后接线及插件外观检查B.2 保护屏上压板检查B.3 屏蔽接地检查B.4 绝缘测试记录卡B.5 逆变电源试验B.6 交流回路校正B.7保护定值校验B.7.1 I段定时限方向过流校验B.7.2 II段定时限方向过流校验B.7.3 III段定时限方向过流校验B.7.4 I段零序过流校验B.7.5 II段零序过流校验B.7.6低周减载校验B.8重合闸检验B.8.1 充电时间检查断路器在合闸位置,经15s,检查装置面板重合闸充电指示是否正常:(正常、不正常);B.8.2 检同期重合测试同期回路动作角度测试:;B.8.3 检无压重合测试无压动作值测试:V;B.8.4 重合闸动作时间测试(重合闸整定时间:s)重合闸动作时间:s;B.8.5 闭锁重合闸检查:B.9 保护室外设备检查清扫及检查断路器端子箱、机构箱清扫及螺丝压接检查情况:(合格、不合格);B.10 整定单核对B.11 整组传动试验整组传动情况(断路器动作情况、中央信号及远动信号情况):B.12状态检查B.13终结。
下述情况会导致装置损坏或装置工作的异常:◆辅助电源电压超过额定范围◆配电系统频率超过额定范围◆电流或电压输入极性不正确◆带电拔通信插头◆未按要求连接端子连线目录一、用户手册 (2)1、概述 (2)2、技术参数 (2)3、编程和使用 (4)3.1测量显示 (4)3.2编程操作 (6)4、数字通讯 (10)4.1通讯报文举例 (12)4.2 MODBUS地址信息表 (13)5、功能输出 (14)二、接线图 (15)HUD120(116×116接线图) (15)HUD96(94×94接线图) (16)三、常见问题及解决方法 (17)一、用户手册1、概述多功能电力仪表是一种具有可编程测量、显示、数字通讯和电能脉冲变送输出等功能的多功能电力仪表,能够完成电量测量、电能计量、数据显示、采集及传输,可广泛应用变电站自动化,配电自动化智能建筑、企业内部的电能测量、管理、考核。
外形代号名称测量显示辅助功能42方形多功能电力仪表三相电压、三相电流、总有功功率、总无功功率、总功率因素、频率、有功电能、无功电能3排LED分页显示数字通讯、电能脉冲输出96方形72方形6方形数字通讯2、技术参数性能参数输入测量显示网络三相三线、三相四线电压额定值AC100V、400V(订货时请说明)过负荷持续:1.2倍瞬时:10倍/10s功耗<1VA(每相)阻抗>500KΩ精度RMS测量,精度等级0.5电流额定值AC1A、5A(订货时请说明)过负荷持续:1.2倍瞬时:10倍/10s功耗<0.4VA(每相)阻抗<2mΩ精度RMS测量,精度等级0.5频率40~60Hz,精度0.1Hz功率有功、无功,精度1.5级电能四象限计量,有功精度1.5级,无功精度2级显示可编程、切换、循环(LED)显示电源工作范围AC/DC 85~270V 功耗≤5VA输出数字接口RS-485、MODBUS-RTU协议脉冲输出2路电能脉冲输出环境工作环境-10~55℃储存环境-20~75℃安全耐压输入电源>2KV,输入输出>2KV,电源输出>1KV 绝缘输入、输出、电源对机壳>5MΩ1)辅助电源:功能电力仪表具备通用的(AC/DC)电源输入接口,若不作特殊声明,提供的是AC/DC 85~270V电源接口的标准产品,保证所提供的电源使用于该系列的产品,以防止损坏产品。
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PCS-9612D 线路保护装置
警告! 曝露端子 在装置带电时不要触碰曝露的端子等,因为可能会产生危险的高电压。 残余电压 在装置电源关闭后,直流回路中仍然可能存在危险的电压。这些电压需在数秒钟后才会消失。 警示! 接地 装置的接地端子必须可靠接地。 运行环境 该装置只允许运行在技术参数所规定的大气环境中,而且运行环境不能存在不正常的震动。 额定值 在接入交流电压电流回路或直流电源回路时,请确认他们符合装置的额定参数。 印刷电路板 在装置带电时,不允许插入或拔出印刷电路板,否则可能导致装置不正确动作。 外部回路
PCS-9612D 线路距离保护装置
前言.................................................................................................................................................... i 目录.................................................................................................................................................. iii 第 1 章 概述 ...................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 应用范围 ............................................................................................................................. 1 1.2 功能配置 ............................................................................................................................. 1 1.3 性能特征 ............................................................................................................................. 3 1.4 订货须知 ............................................................................................................................. 4 1.5 产品执行标准 ...................................................................................................................... 4 第 2 章 技术参数 .............................................................................................................................. 5 2.1 电气参数 ............................................................................................................................. 5 2.2 机械结构 ............................................................................................................................. 6 2.3 环境条件参数 ...................................................................................................................... 7 2.4 通信端口 ............................................................................................................................. 7 2.5 型式试验 ............................................................................................................................. 8 2.6 认证 .................................................................................................................................... 8 2.7 保护功能 ............................................................................................................................. 9 2.8 管理功能 ........................................................................................................................... 10 第 3 章 工作原理 .............................................................................................................................11 3.1 概述 ...................................................................................................................................11 3.2 装置启动元件 .....................................................................................................................11 3.3 距离保护 ........................................................................................................................... 13 3.4 过流保护 ........................................................................................................................... 24 3.5 接地保护(零序过流保护) .............................................................................................. 25 3.6 过负荷保护 ....................................................................................................................... 26 3.7 过流/零序加速保护 ........................................................................................................... 26 3.8 低频减载保护 .................................................................................................................... 27 3.9 重合闸保护 ....................................................................................................................... 28 3.10 正常运行程序 .................................................................................................................. 29
资料相关,请联系: 我们定期仔细检查本文档中的内容,在后续版本中会有必要的修正。 电话:025-87178185、传真:025-8718208 但不可避免会有一些错误之处,欢迎提出改进的意见。 电子信箱:nr_techsupport@ 我们保留在不事先通知的情况下进行技术改进的权利。 南京南瑞继保电气有限公司 公司地址:中国南京江宁区苏源大道 69 号 邮编 211102 公司网址:
当把装置输出的接点连接到外部回路时,须仔细检查所用的外部电源电压,以防止所连接的回 路过热。 连接电缆 仔细处理连接的电缆避免施加过大的外力。