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代词或副词如:all, both, every, everybody,everything,everywhere, always等与not搭配使用时,表示部分否定,表示“并非都是,不是每个都是”等。

1. Not all of the schools have swimming pools. 不是所有的学校都有泳池。

2. Not every dream will be realized. 并非每个梦想都能成真。

3. Both the women were not French. 这两位女士不都是法国人。

4. He is not always here. 他并不总在这儿。

5. I don’t drop litter everywhere. 我不到处乱扔垃圾。


通过使用no,none, nobody, nothing, nowhere, neither, never等构成。

1. He told me allthe news but none of it was veryexciting. 他告诉了我所有的消息,但没有一条让人兴奋。

2. Nobody knows who first invented theumbrella. 没有人知道谁最先发明了雨伞。

3. At that time,there were no supermarkets. 那时没有超市。

4. A smile costs nothing, but gives much. 微笑不费分文,受者得益良多。

5. I’m going nowhere until you are back. 你回来之前我哪儿都不去。

6. Now neither of my parents give me money. 现在,父母都不给我钱了。

7. Never have I heard anything like it! 我从未听说过这样的事!

三. 其他形式

1.never…without doing 每……必

He never goes to the store withoutbuying something to eat. 他每次到这个商店都要买些吃的。

2. cannot ... too / over 越…越好;再…也不嫌过分:

One cannot be toocareful in choosing friends. 择友越谨慎越好。

3.no more ... than 同…一样不:

I could no more do that than you. 你不能做那件事,我也不能做。

4.nothing but 只有;仅仅:

Sandy could do nothing but admit to histeacher that he was wrong. 山迪只能向老师承认自己错了。

5.anything but 根本不;除…以外的任何事物:

Maria is anything but stupid! 玛利亚才不笨呢!

6.more A than B 是A不是B:

He is more brave than wise. 他有勇无谋。

7.There is no smoke without fire. 无风不起浪。




1. Inside the parcel was a letter. 包裹里有一封信。

2. There comes the bus. 公共汽车来了。

3. Away flew the bird. 鸟扑地一声飞走了。

4. At the top of the hill stands a small house. 山顶上有一座小房子。

5. — I like to swim. 我喜欢游泳。

— So do I. 我也是。

6. — I never drink coffee. 我从来不喝咖啡。

— Neither do I. 我也是。


only以及never, little, hardly, rarely,in no way等具有否定意义的词或短语居于句首时表强调,用倒装语序,不居句首时则用正常语序。

1. Only in this way can you make progress in your English. 只有这样你的英语才能取得进步。

You can make progress in your English only in this way. (正常语序)

2. No sooner had I reached home than it began to rain. 我刚到家就开始下雨了。

I had no sooner reached home than it began to rain. (正常语序)

3. Little does he know what may happen. 他一点儿也不知道可能会发生什么事。

He knows little what may happen. (正常语序)

4. I finally got the job I dreamed about. Never in all my life had I felt so happy! 我终于得到了自己梦寐以求的工作,我这辈子从没这么高兴过。

I had never felt so happy in all my life. (正常语序)


1. Clever as she is, she works very hard. 尽管聪明,她还是很努力。(让步状语从句)

2. May you succeed! 祝你马到成功!(祝福语)


一、it be … + that + 句子构成的强调句型:

1. It is the President that Joan interviewed yesterday. 琼昨天采访的是总统。
