五年级《快乐英语》下册课外阅读教材Unit3 The giving tree精品教学设计

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Unit3 The giving tree

教学内容:五年级《快乐英语》下册课外阅读教材Unit3 The giving tree










PPT 大树的头饰


Step1: Greeting.

T: Are you ready for class?

S: Yes.

T: Class begins.

Step2: Free talk.

1.T: What day is it today?

What’s the weather like today?

How do you come to school?


2.播放歌曲Mother tree(大树妈妈),导入新课


Step3: Presentation.

1.T: Listen to the first part of the story

带领学生学习branch 和branches ,要求能认,会读。提供单词bread, dance, lunch

2. T:提问:What does the boy need? What does the apple tree give to help the boy?(观看视频动画)

3. S1: The boy need a house.

S2: The apple tree gives the boy all the branches.


4:.T:Read the second t part of the story by the Ss.


Underline the key sentences and answer the questions.

( 1 ) What does the man need?

( 2 ) What does the apple tree give to help the man?

The students read and give the answers.

S1:The man needs a boat.

S2:The apple tree gives the man the tree trunk.

Try read“trunk”by the students: tree, under,cook ----trunk

5.Work in groups:

Read and think:What’s the only thing left after many years?

Ss: The old stump

T: You did a good job. How do you know the word : stump? Study,pump---stump S1: …

S2: …

T总结:Reading tips

阅读中,遇到生词,我们可以: 1. 查生词表。

2. 读课文图片,根据上下文猜词义。

3. 网上搜索,询问老师。


6.Read and match them. (PPT)

The tree is happy . Here is the pictures of the apple tree . Read and match them. (PPT)

You can discuss with your partner.(将单词和图配对)





Step4: Consolidation

1.Read the story after the tape, one sentence by one sentence.

2.Please choose the best title for the story?( )

A How to use a tree

B The tree’s friend

C The giving tree

D The boy became a tree

3.What do you know from the story? ( )

A. We can make a fun with the leaves.

B. We can make a house with the branches.

C. We can make a boat with the trunk.

D. Giving is happy.

4. Act the story.

Choose one part to act.(选取一段扮演)

Act the whole story. (整个故事扮演)

5. Read and think

After reading the story ,what do you think of the boy and and the tree?

Write down your ideas.

Step5: Homework.

1. Read and act the story after class

2. Try to read the story 《The Grateful Mouse》
