因此对于录音开始段的把握很重要;2、要听清文章的组织信息的结构;是按照分类举例,还是解释一个过程,或者是将事物进行对比分析,然后做听力笔记;3、可以适当记一下展现文章结构的逻辑词和过渡词;15. Your university is planning to allow students to watch TV in theirs dormitories. What is your opinion? What are the advantages and disadvantages of watching TV in dormitories? Include reasons and examples to support your response.16. Describe a present you have given to others. Explain why you think it is important.17. describe a time when you learned a new subject. steps18. Some people think students should study in the classroom while others believe they should visit the museum or the zoo. Which do you prefer and why?19. Some schools require students to take part in community service activities after school. Which of the following do you think is the best activity for students? 1. planting flowersin the community 2.doing clean-ups in the garden 3. recycling waste(141214 类似话题)20. What do you think we should do to decrease the usage of car or other vehicle and solve the traffic problems?2015年1月31日托福听力真题预测下载:/vip/xmdt/20150103/334352.html?seo=wenku1235。
2015年1月31日托福考试听力真题Conversation1学生要做oral presentation老师说你怎么看这个回答说不紧张能提高交流水平,选topic关于solution to environmental problem两个有一个是mushroom can absorb toxic 其实是fungi,为了解释二者关系还举例tree(有题)老师认为第二个好因为第一个太熟悉了Conversation2student ask for help at career service ed to work at restaurant,want to find a job related to major(child care)faculty suggest a child center in campus pay is less and may work at night.Student say yes and faculty said he can contact director for her.She can answer questionnaire first then look at database then next appointmentLecture1 chemistry主要讲microwave oven的super heating。
开始貌似一直在说普通的加热方式,会出现nucleation 的现象,水中会形成很多bobble,它们在水中不断变大上升后变成vapor,这也是使得水在达到boil point后温度不会继续上升的原因。
教授讲了自己热咖啡的例子引入microwave(有题)microwave加热这种加热方式到了boil point温度还是会一直上升,因此被称为superheating。
2015年1月10日&11日托福机经康老师预测【汇总】2015年1月10日&11日托福机经康老师预测【汇总】/shiyongxinxi/20141218/20150110tfjj.html?seo=wenku1094 2015年1月10日&11日托福机经康老师预测【汇总】已经更新,分享给大家下载使用。
19总括:人们为什么对某些事情印象会非常深刻?对这种现象有两种解释观点1:我们在之前对它们有所了解例子1:没了解过音乐的人参加classicalmusic concert,一年之后就不会对这个concert 有很多记忆;但是学习过音乐的人却可以记住其中的details观点2:对特殊的人或事能记得更清楚例子2:在大教室中上课,人们更容易记住特别的人,比如tallboy/intelligent girl20product repackaging : two conditions companies would do so the first condition is inresponse tonew technology or material available for packaging the example used was milk bottles from glassto plastic more durable and cheap. Second condition is in response to competition from competitors. example used was milk again. it's competitors selling juices n tea started to sell insmaller n more portable sizes it changed its products into smaller and more portable sizes to respond to competitor market change.2015年1月10日&11日托福机经康老师预测【汇总】/shiyongxinxi/20141218/20150110tfjj.html?seo=wenku1094。
21problem:the man has a conflict :he wants to attend a film discussion meeting tomorrow but he also hasto dine with his cousin tomorrow.two choices:1 the woman dines with cousin for the manadvantage:cousin will know more peopledisadvantage:the cousin is shy,dining with the woman may be uncomfortable.2 the man will not attend the meeting.disadvantage:the film discussion meeting is really interesting.22【Problem】The man in the conversation attends a club and they would like to travel to France,but he doesn’t have enough money to pay for the plane ticket.【Solutions】1. He can work extra ten hours every day at the restaurant.2. He can sell his guitar to pay for the ticket. He hasn’t been using his guitar for a long time 2015年1月10日&11日托福机经康老师预测/20141217/yysrtfjjyc.html?seo=wenku1093。
( 1 )大象能预知自己将死,并找到水边独自死去
( 2 )大象有艺术和绘画的能力,能用鼻子拿笔画个花
( 3 )大象怕小老鼠
( 1 )大象是因为老了而牙齿脱落,要软的食品,而在水边才容易找到
( 2 )大象会画画是因为有人训练它、教它动作(训象人用摸耳朵的方式)并不是它真的有能( 3 )大象不是怕老鼠,对没见过的东西警觉是动物本能,当动物园裡的大象(对老鼠熟悉了),就根本不在乎了。
1月10日托福独立口语真题回忆:Task 1: Talk about a kind of music you enjoy the least,explain why you don, t like it. SampleThe kind of music I don^ t listen to that much is Classical music. Ithink they are super boring. They^ re usually very slow and long. Some pieces last for more than half an hour. I don, t even know what they’re about! And when they do get faster and louder, they sound evenangrier than Death Metal. Second, there’ s no lyrics. When I listen toa song, not only I enjoy the melody, but I also want to listen to thewords. Song writers 1 ike Bob Dylan wrote beautiful lyrics, that you can say they ’ re like poems on their own.Task 2: Do you think universities in the future will on day stopgiving lessons in classrooms, they might give online courses instead.SampleI think universities will continue giving lessons in class rather thanonline in the future. Online courses have their limitations. I had one Biography professor who once brought a life frog in class. He even let the frog jump around the classroom, and showed us how long its legs were, and how they were used for jumping. We had such a good time learningbecause the class was exciting and engaging. How do you do such things online? I tried taking online courses before. They? re ok, but I found it extremely difficult to keep myself focused for too long.写作范文赏析【独立写作】Do you agree or disagree with the statement: University students should be required to take basic science classes even if they are not part of thefield of the study.University courses lay a very solid academic foundation for the future development of college students. Facing the great selections of these courses, some people say that, basic science should be made compulsory forcollege students, for the reason that they could be more familiar with the advancement and evolution of human society. I disagree. I believe, despite minor merits, asking student of all majors to attend basic science classes would cause problems.To begin with, science courses would put more academic pressure on students. College students have already had to study many theory and professional subjects related to their majors and their schedule is very tight. For example, a medical student is not only obliged to finish his professional papers for credit, but he also needs to find the opportunity to get clinical experience. His load is so heavy that he could not afford to take any irrelevant courses, such as basic science. In this case, schools should not add this course, because students would worry whether they could finish their homework on time and how they would pass final examinations.Furthermore, a required science course would lead to unnecessary cost for parents and students. To guarantee the quality of lecturing, colleges have to hire talented and senior science professors and experts, such as those from the best-known universities or scientific research institutes. This would increase the cost of schooling. Normally, a lecture given by a famous science professor costs over 1,000 dollars. These costs would be reflected in the tuition fee, and would deprive many underprivileged students of an opportunity for education.Admittedly, taking basic science courses does have its merits. As a subject aiming to explain how the universe exits, basic science broaden student' s range of knowledge and enhance their analytical skills. Students could gain a deep understanding about the world they live in. Lots of methods to solve problems will be gained through basic science. However, this knowledge could be acquired by other method other than required courses. TV documentaries and books are all available options for student to learn basic science.In conclusion, although there are some small benefits to requiring basic science courses, making every college student attend such classes would overburden the students both academically and financially.2015年1月10日托福真题回忆:第一篇:Desease 的三个历史阶段,第一个 infectious 阶段,在这之前很少传染病,因为人民居住分散接触不够(有题),但农业的发展大大增加了 epidemics,包括土壤里的生物、储存的食物等因素(有否定题,应该是选 rotted 那个),第二阶段是慢性病,医疗发展基本杜绝传染病,但现代人的生活让慢性病比如心脏病肺结核等更普遍(有题),第三阶段是现在,抗药性的细菌(有题)和慢性病一起来解析:本文属于生物类与历史类文章的跨学科题材,涉及到少有的医学相关内容。
/tuofuyuedu/20150122/343195.html?seo=wenku1237 2015年1月31日托福考试即将开始,而考前的预测真题则成为了考生们重点复习内容之一,小马过河老师精心给大家准备了2015年1月31日阅读真题预测帮助考生们积极备考。
学生建议大学提供机会让学生可以和校外的mentor 交流,在校外的office 里。
1. 学生都太忙了,没有时间到校外的office 去和mentor 交流,其实学校里就有一个student center 可以解决这些问题。
2. 可以问父母,academic advisor 和professor
【学生困难】女生找到了一个s u m m e r j o b ,并且在t o w n 找到了住房,不知道自己
的宿舍怎么处理(女学生拿到了s u m m e r j o b ,但是希望s u m m e r 后还能租住这个房子,其间怎么办)。
1 .可以把宿舍租给别人,让租房者付租金,但女生怕人家把宿舍弄乱。
2 . 两边房租都交,但女生下学期要买新电脑,如果两边都付了房租没钱买电脑了。
7.农业先进:A. irrigation; B. maize, squash, bean, pea。
二、动植物题材(必考)1.植物学题材(不多见)a. 地衣、苔、真菌、蘑菇最常见。
b. 树冠上方生物。
c. 植物在生态平衡中的作用。
2.动物学题材(90%以上)a. 考普通动物为多。
b. 考动物进化(evolution)。
c. 考动物的分类(classification)。
phyla(单数phylum) —门class—纲order—目family—科genus—属species—种carnivore/predator—食肉动物herbivore—食草动物omnivore—杂食动物d. 动物的生活习性最为多见。
群居(social animal)动物的习性a) 蚂蚁:社会组织结构—等级制(caste):交流方式—信息素—气味;生活来源;外来物种的有害性。
b) 蜜蜂:群居个性;“8”字舞;蜜蜂智能;防御;天敌—大黄蜂。
c) 大猩猩:智能:猩际关系迁徙(migration )野鸭、大雁:日照长短;辨别方向。
伪装(camouflage)、花拟态(mimicry )三、考古学(archaeology)题材1.文化(cultural ) 考古学形态(physical)考古学(多见)2.化石(fossil )j 化石构成。
化石比原物更沉重(矿物质环境)k 化石形成原因。
l 化石与动物的进化关系。
2015年1⽉31⽇托福听⼒预测机经: 英语听⼒难,这个是公认的事实,托福的听⼒更是⼀座⼤⼭,那么就让⽆忧考⼩编预测这个锄头来把这座⼤⼭铲平吧,好让我们顺利通过本次考试!! Section 2 【主旨】星云 【内容】讲星云主要是超新星爆发留下的,特别举例了蟹状星云,提到了通过星云的⼤⼩推测超新星爆发的时间。
然后说某个星,中国和⽇本在1054年都有⽂献记载,但是英国没有,英国说是当时天⽓差看不到,⽼师说come on! bad weather for tow year?(这⾥有考题)然后教授解释说是当时宗教的压⼒导致⼈们看到了也不敢纪录,因为⼈们相信那个星是bad luck的象征。
Section 3 【主旨】深海动物发光 【内容】⼤多数⼈都误以为深海动物发光是由于⾝体的⾊素,其实不然,深海的鱼就不是⽤⾊素的,它们⾃⼰有发光机能。
然后⽤jelly fish举例说,⽔母遇到敌⼈就发光,于是这种光能吸引⼀种海葵。
但也不是所有鱼都发蓝光,有个叫dragon fish的鱼,发的是红光,所以它容易发现⾷物,⽽且还不会被捕⾷者发现。
2015.11.15托福听⼒真题(⼩范围)预测 Section 4 【主旨】学⽣和领导讨论 【内容】⽣物专业的学⽣见⼀个领导,说⾃⼰下周要去开会。
学⽣说他是bio和journalism的double major, 所以想去听了之后把各个⽼师讲的内容都写进学校报纸⾥。
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/tuofujijing/20150104/2015131toefljj.html?seo=wenku1148 2015年1月31日托福机经小马老师已经整理完毕并且已经免费发布,供大家备考下载使用。
19【学生问题】 gg 碰到的问题:要在的 newspaper 上发文章,但是照片处理出现些问题。
【解决方法】mm 推荐方法 1,不要放照片上去。
但是 gg 觉得这样文章缺少吸引力。
2,还有一天的时间 ,争取重新去拍照片。
20. Problem: The women is attending a play, but she’sbusy with her school work, so she’s afraid
thata t t e n d i n g the play mightinfluence her academic performance.
Solution 1: Quit the play
Comment: she’s majoring in theater, and she is notattending the play just for fun, it’s beneficial for her career
Solution 2: Drop some of the required classes, takethem next semester
Comment: she has to start over on these classes,it’s a lot of trouble