高二英语外研版选修10教案:Module 1 The Third Period Word版含解析


2019-2020年外研版选修十module 1《pride and prejudice》教案.doc

2019-2020年外研版选修十module 1《pride and prejudice》教案.doc

外研英语高三上(第十册) Module 1 Pride and Prejudice全模块教案I. 模块教学目标II. 语言目标1. 教材分析本模块的话题是“Prid e and Prejud ice”,含背景介绍、节选精读、听力拓展、泛读、书评品读、讲故事和写作展示等部分。




1.1INTRODUCTION 部分主要是对作品和作者的简要介绍,此部分的背景信息输入为理解模块话题提供了必要的语言准备,同时也为升华模块话题提供了预备性材料。


Introduction主要讲述了Bennet一家的两个最受欢迎的女儿Jane和Mr. Bingley、Elizabeth和Bingley 的好朋友Darcy恋爱故事开始的基本背景。

两个Extracts分别以舞会相识和达西求婚为场景,以精彩的对白和语言描述简要介绍了小说主题—Pride and Prejudice. 7个活动设计以语言学习和语段理解为目的,帮助学生理解小说的主题和语言特色。

1.3 LANGUAGE IN USE(1)着重学习very, most和in的用法。


1.4 VOCABULARY AND LISTENING部分以听力输入为主要方式,补充了模块信息。

听力训练部分可以提炼为三部分:Pre-listening,while-listening和post listening。

Pre-listening(activity 1)是听前准备,主要是对听力材料中词汇的处理;While-listening(activities 2 & 3)设置了回答问题和选词理解两种学习活动;Post-listening(activity 4)是对主题的升华和对听力材料的再加工。

高二英语外研版选修10教案:Module 1 The Fifth Period Word版含解析

高二英语外研版选修10教案:Module 1 The Fifth Period Word版含解析

The Fifth PeriodExtensive readingTeaching goals 教学目标Target language 目标语言1. Key words and expressions重点词汇和短语wait on, intend to, have no knowledge of, employ in, trim, address, not in a way, resentfully, assembly, have no opinion of, contain, scold, compassion, discretion, acquaintance, decline, emphatic, surpass, tumult2. Key sentences重点句子1. Observing his second daughter employed in trimming a hat, he suddenly addressed her with …2. We are not in a way to know what Mr Bingley likes.3. If I had know as much this morning, I certainly would not have called on him.Ability goals能力目标Enable students to analyze the character in the story.Learning ability goals学能目标Help students learn how to analyze the character in the story.Teaching important and difficult points教学重难点How to analyze the character in the story.Teaching methods教学方法Cooperation and task-based learning.Teaching aids教具准备A projector and some slides.Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式Step I RevisionActivity one: Write a brief plotT: Last class you are required to write a brief plot of a story, now I will ask one of you to the front to read your work to the class.Sample version:Great Expectations, masterpiece of Dickens, is about a man who seeks his bright future and happy marriage. The hero, Pip, who knows that Estella would make him unhappy, continues to pursue her. His mistake lies in his source of great expectation. The language is attractive because the author uses an ironic and funny tone. The remarkable use of setting makes the story readable and impressive. The structure is skillful. The story opens at Christmas time, but not happy at all. Pip’s story begins in terror, guilt and shame, and the settings suggest what life the hero will live. The story ends in the ruined place where Estella and Pip met many years ago, which reveals the expectation is still obscure.StepⅡ Pre-readingActivity one: Paraphrase the wordsT: Look at the words below and try to paraphrase them in your own words.Requirement: Try to paraphrase the words used in 18th century, and this way you can find the difference between the old English and modern English.Words and phrases:1. wait on2. intend to3. have no knowledge of4. employ in5. trim6. address7. not ina way 8. resentfully 9. assembly 10. have no opinion of 11. contain 12. scold 13. compassion 14. discretion 15. acquaintance 16. decline 17. emphatic 18. surpass 19. tumultPossible answers:1. pay a visit to2. plan to3. have no idea of4. take up5. decorate6. say to7. not at all8. angrily9. church hall 10. hate/dislike 11. control 12. criticize 13. pity 14. freedom 15. knowing each other 16. reject 17. showing stress 18. exceed 19. disturbanceStep III. Lead-inActivity one: Background informationT: Look at activity one, let’s check how much you still remember from the two extracts.Sample retelling:Mr. Bingley rent a house in the neighborhood and the neighbors and the Bennets all want to have their daughters acquainted with Mr. Bingley.Activity two: ScanningT: Scan the passage quickly and decide which part of the novel the passage is taken from. Check the answers with the class.Step Ⅳ ReadingActivity one: Questions and answersT: Read the passage carefully and do activity 3 on page 11.Check the answers.Activity two: Learn the 19th century expressionsT: Look at activity 5 and choose the best meaning for these 19th century expressions in italics. Check the answers with the class.Activity three: Language appreciationT: Go through the passage and pick out the expressions which show: 1. For most of the conversation, Mr. Bennet is not in good mood. 2. At the end of the conversation, Mrs. Bennet is extremely happy.Sample answers:1. … said Mrs. Bennet resentfully, I have no opinion of her, began scolding one of her daughters, impossible, nonsense, I am sick of Mr. Bingley.2. The astonishment of the ladies was just he wished, that of Mrs. Bennet perhaps surpassing the rest.Activity four: Character analysisT: Discuss with your partner and answer the following question: From Mrs. Bennet’s words and behavior, what kind of personalities does Mrs. Bennet show?Sample answers:Sa: I think Mrs. Bennet is troublesome and easy to get angry.Sb: Mrs. Bennet is critical and talkative.Sc: In spite of her negative personalities, she is affective and she loves her daughters.T: What you say is r easonable. Let’s summarize: affective, talkative, easy to get angry and excited, critical, troublesome.Step V Post-readingT: Look at activity 6 on page 11. Discuss with your partner and pick out your answers to the questions.Sample answers:1. Mr. Ben net paid a visit to Mr. Bingley, but he didn’t say a word about it until the last moment.2. Yes. Because he is an affective father and he doesn’t want his daughters to live a hard life. But to find a wealthy husband-to-be with good personalities is a real problem.3. Yes, I agree. The longer two persons get acquainted with each other, the better they know each other.Activity two: Learn the writing styleT: Discuss with your partner and find the language feature of the passage. In what tone does the author describe the passage?Sample answers:Sa: Mrs. Bennet says sharp words and she is also very critical while Mr. Bennet’s words are short and to the point. The description gives a vivid picture of contrast showing Mr. Bennet is reasonable while Mrs. Bennet is silly.Sb: The scene is designed in a funny way and the story is told in an ironic and teasing tone.Step Ⅵ HomeworkAsk students to look at the following sentences related to Mr. Bennet and analyze his personalities.1. He was among the earliest of those who paid a visit to Mr. Bingley.2. He let out his visit to Mr. Bingley until the last minute.3. When he saw his daughter was trimming a hat, he converted the conversation to Mr. Bingley.4. His response to Mrs. Bennet’s scolding at Kitty’s coughing: “Kitty has no discretion in her coughs. She times them ill.”5. His satire at Mrs. Bennet: “Then my dear, you may have the advantage of your friend andintroduce Mr. Bingley to her.”6. He laughs at his wife on purpose: “I am sorry to hear that, but did not you tell me so before? IfI had known as much this morning, I certainly would not have called on him.”。

高二英语外研版选修10教案:module 2 the third period含解析

高二英语外研版选修10教案:module 2 the third period含解析

The Third PeriodLanguage studyTeaching goals 教学目标1. Target language 目标语言going to, take, then, there be, time2. Ability goals 能力目标Enable students to learn the use of the target language.3. Learning ability goals 学能目标Help students learn the different meanings and uses of the target language through context.Teaching important and difficult points 教学重难点“Going to” and “there be” structures.Teaching methods 教学方法Explanation and practice.Teaching aids 教具准备Projector and blackboardTeaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式Step I The uses of going toAsk students two questions to introduce the uses of going to.Q1: What are you going to do this weekend?Q2: Is it going to rain?Elicit the answers that “be going to” in the first sentence refers to plansand intentions and that in the second sentence is used to make a prediction about the future.T: Does “going to” have any other functions? (…) Now turn to page 19, look at activity 1. To make a prediction about the future, “going to” can be used in two situations, what are they?S: First, without any reference to the present time; second, based on some evidence at the present time.T: Good! Now match the sentences on the left with the uses on the right.After students have finished, check the answers.Step II The uses of takeT: “Take” is a frequently used verb in English, and it has many different meanings and can be used to form different verb phrases. Can you give me some sentences or verb phrases with take?Collect students’ examples on the left side of the Bb. Then let students write their meanings on right side of the Bb. Finally, summarize the different meanings of the verb take.T: Now look at activity 2 on page 19. Check the meanings you have written with the meanings given (a-j). (Focus on the meanings students haven’t mentioned.)Then match the sentences with the meanings of take.After students have finished, check the answers.Step III The use of thenT: As an adverb, “then” also has different meanings and can be used indifferent situations. Now look at the phrases in activity 3, the right column. Each gives a different meaning of “then”. Choose the correct phrases to rewrite the sentences on the left.After students have finished, check the answers.Finally, let students complete the conversation in activity 4 with going to, take or then.Call a pair to demonstrate their answers.Step IV The use of “there be” structureT: We have learned the structure “there be”. How many different tenses does this structure have? Discuss with your partners.Then let students write the form of different tenses on the Bb.Tense FormPresentsimplethere is/arePast simplethere was/werePresent perfecttherehas/have beenSimplefuturethere will beT: OK, now complete the sentences in activity 1 on page 21 with there and the correct form of be.。

高二英语外研版选修10教案:Module 2 The Second Period Word版含解析

高二英语外研版选修10教案:Module 2 The Second Period Word版含解析

The Second PeriodIntegrating Skills (I)Teaching goals 教学目标1. Target language 目标语言a.重点词汇和短语convict, ancestor, confused, disaster, embarrassed, encourage, exhausted, murder, hostileb. 重点句子1. This was nothing compared with the way the lives of the Aborigines changed.2. Hostile relations between the European settlers and Australia’s original inhabitants continued.2. Ability goals 能力目标Enable students to understand the history of convict to Australia by listening to the lecture. 3. Learning ability goals 学能目标Help students learn how to get the main idea of the lecture.Teaching important and difficult points 教学重难点How to understand the implied meanings of some key sentences.Teaching methods 教学方法Listen for main idea, listen for specific information, group discussionTeaching aids 教具准备Tape recordingTeaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式Step I RevisionReview the passage and check the homework.Show some pictures of the four dangerous creatures described in the passage. Let some students describe them in their own words.Then check the homework, ask the group reporters to demonstrate their info cards about other dangerous wildlife in Australia.Sample info cards:Red back spiderThe Red Back Spider is Australia’s most well known dea dly spider. They are found all over Australia, and are common in urban areas. These spiders are usually found under logs, rocks, bricks, sheds and outdoor toilets. The Red Back Spider feeds on insects, but can take down small lizards and crickets. These spiders are small in size, the females are about 1cm long and the males about 4mm long.Scorpion fishThe Scorpion fishes are widely distributed in temperate and tropical waters; it contains about 60 genera and about 310 species. Fishes of this family have large heads and wide gill openings, and usually have sharp spines supporting the dorsal fin; in some species these spines are used in defense against attackers. Some species, such as the tropical turkey fishes or lionfishes, have venom glands in each spine. The most deadly of all fish venoms is found in the stonefish, which, when accidentally stepped on, has caused death in humans. Scorpion fishes are carnivorous, and many bear live young. Scorpion fish lie quietly on the bottom, often among rocks.Step II Pre-listeningCall students’ attention to the picture on page 20.T: What can you see in the picture? (…) Read the words below the picture. Who can tell the meaning of “convict”?S: It refers to someone who has been proved to be guilty of a crime and sent to prison.T: Right! Now work in groups. Discuss the questions in activity 1.Possible answers:1. The convict ships happened from 1787-1868, Australia’s period of transportation.2. The conditions were very poor: the food was bad, it was crowded due to too many convicts, some might even suffer from deceases without medical treatment.3. The convicts might be thieves, robbers or murders.Then deal with activity 2 and help students to deal with some key vocabulary they may come across in listening. After students have learned the meanings of these words, make sure they know how to pronounce them correctly.Note:embarrassed – embarrassing; exhausted – exhausting; confused – confusingBackground information:Although the Dutch discovered the Australian continent in 1770, the first ship of English convicts bound for Australia did not leave England until 1787, after the British lost the American colonies and decided to use Australia as a penal colony. "Transportation" as a punishment had been established in 1717, when most prisoners sentenced to transportation were sent to the American colonies.When Australia became a penal colony, prisoners were sent either to New South Wales or to Van Diemen’s Land. As capital punishment became less popular in Engla nd, more and more prisoners faced sentences of transportation, in most cases for seven years, but sometimes for life. What generally happened was that a criminal, charged with anything from pickpocketing to murder and most likely a repeat offender, was convicted and sentenced to either a prison term, transportation, or death (which usually was commuted to transportation). Those sentenced to transportation were taken to a Hulk, where chances of actually being sent to Australia depended on previous record and behavior. In general, approximately one third of those on the hulks actually went to Australia. For the safety of the hulks, usually those guilty of the most violent crimes were actually transported. Typically, they were young, from London, Birmingham, Manchester, Dublin, and Liverpool, and had been punished before.Once in Australia, the convicts were assigned to either the government or to traders as labor, under the assignment system in place until 1840. Under this system, their master could not punish the convict himself but could charge him and send him to a magistrate who would hearthe case and decide the punishment. After 1840, the convicts followed a probation (缓刑)system instead, where they were assigned to a probation station, and depending on their behavior, advanced through the different stages of probation. Usually, those sentenced to seven years could apply for a ticket-of-leave (假释许可证) much sooner than those with life sentences, who had to serve eight years before being eligible for the ticket-of-leave.Step III ListeningIn this step, students will listen to the lecture about the convict ships and do dome exercises.T: I guess most of you know little about the history of convict ships to Australia. It doesn’t matter. Now there is a lecture about it. Look at the three possible titles in activity 3. Which is the best title for the lecture we are going to hear? Let’s listen.Play the tape. Students listen and choose the best title.Then play the tape again and let students finish activity 4. Before play the tape, let them go through the statements and choices to get the listening points first.If necessary, play the tape more times. Then check the answers.Step IV DiscussionIn this step, students will be asked to give a deep thinking on the historic event and make some discussions.T: Now work in groups of four and discuss the questions in activity 5.Possible answers:1. This would be a torture to their minds. And they would feel very uncomfortable during the entire voyage.2. It means a big change.3. It was more serious for the Aborigines since their peaceful and quiet life was changed forever.4. Hostile relationship means bad and unfriendly friendship.5. Yes.Step V Listening and writing (WORKBOOK)T: Can you name some best known animals in Australia?Ss: Koala, kangaroo, duckbill (鸭嘴兽) …T: (show a picture of kangaroo) What do you know about kangaroo?S: It has two short legs and two long legs. It has a pouch on its stomach which can hold its babies. S: Kangaroos can hop up to 40 miles per hour (74 kph) and go over 30 feet (9 m) in one hop.S: They eat grass, leaves, and roots. Roos need little water; they can go for months without drinking, and they dig their own water wells.T: Good job! Now look at the words and expressions in activity 11. Match them with their meanings.This activity will help students remove some listening difficulties.Then play the tape. Students listen and finish activities 12 and 13.Get students to summarize how the passage is developed to describe the animal –kangaroo. (Thiswill help with their writing practice in activity 14.)T: Koala and Kangaroo are specific in Australia. Then what animals are specific in China?Ss: Panda, Tibetan Antelope, Northeast Tiger, Beijing Swallow, Golden Monkey …While students give answers, teacher writes them on the Bb.T: Now suppose a foreign friend is visiting China and he asks you about typical Chinese animals. Choose one of the animals on the Bb and write a passage about it. Your passage should include these information.Read the information given in activity 14.Students can also refer to the listening material while writing.After they have finished, collect some students’ papers and make some comment.Step VI Summary and HomeworkT: These animals are very rare and some are even facing the danger of distinction. Everyone should do his/her bits to protect and save these animals.1. Listen to the lecture again after class to get familiar with it.2. Finish the exercises in Language in use in WORKBOOK.。

高二英语外研版选修10教案:Module 3 The First Period Word版含解析

高二英语外研版选修10教案:Module 3 The First Period Word版含解析

MOUDLE 3 Slavery and the American Civil War I.模块教学目标II.目标语言III. 教材分析与教材重组1.教材分析本模块以美国内战(1861~1865)为话题,阐述了美国的奴隶制度,美国内战的原因及“地下铁道”解放奴隶的运动。

19世纪40年代以后,美国北部工业生产迅速发展, 以残酷剥削黑奴和大量消耗土地为基础的南部种植园奴隶制成为美国资本主义发展的严重障碍。



1.1 INTRODUCTION Vocabulary and speaking以一幅美国奴隶主种植园里奴隶主恐吓奴隶的图画引入话题,使同学们通过讨论激活美国奴隶主制度的背景知识。







即Causes of the American Civil War 和The True Story of Solomon Northrup,a Black Slave的通过阅读这篇文章,同学们可以进一步了解美国内战的原因及美国奴隶的悲惨境遇。







【外研版】高二英语选修10精品课前导入备课材料 (全书完整版)

【外研版】高二英语选修10精品课前导入备课材料 (全书完整版)

(外研版)高二英语选修10(全册)精品课前导入备课材料汇总Module 1Pride and Prejudice话题导入简·奥斯汀的代表作《傲慢与偏见》可谓传世经典, 而魅力迫人的达西先生更是无数少女的最爱, 1948年劳伦斯·奥立弗就用古典雅致征服了少女的心, 1995年BBC版本中的柯林·法思更是成为完美达西的标准, 新版本的马修·麦克法登虽名不见经传, 帅气的外形和更具威胁性的达西味道却给了影片更鲜活的生命. 比起前几部作品中不甚抢眼的女主角, 含苞待放的英伦玫瑰凯拉·奈特丽显然美丽得耀眼, 尽显古典气质的她锋芒毕露, 银幕上的最佳伊丽莎白非她莫属!背景知识1.简·奥斯汀(1775~1817)英国女小说家. 生于乡村小镇斯蒂文顿, 父亲是当地教区牧师. 奥斯汀没有上过正规学校, 在父母指导下阅读了大量文学作品. 她20岁左右开始写作, 共发表了6部长篇小说. 1811年出版的《理智和感伤》是她的处女作, 随后又接连发表了《傲慢与偏见》(1813)、《曼斯菲尔德花园》(1814)和《爱玛》(1815). 《诺桑觉寺》和《劝导》(1818)是在她去世后第二年发表的, 并署上了作者真名.奥斯汀终身未婚, 家道小康. 由于居住在乡村小镇, 接触到的是中小地主、牧师等人物以及他们恬静、舒适的生活环境, 因此她的作品里没有重大的社会矛盾. 她以女性特有的细致入微的观察力, 真实地描绘了她周围世界的小天地, 尤其是绅士淑女间的婚姻和爱情风波. 她的作品格调轻松诙谐, 富有喜剧性冲突, 深受读者欢迎.从18世纪末到19世纪初, 庸俗无聊的“感伤小说”和“哥特小说”充斥英国文坛, 而奥斯汀的小说破旧立新, 一反常规地展现了当时尚未受到资本主义工业革命冲击的英国乡村中产阶级的日常生活和田园风光, 尽管反映的广度和深度有限, 但对改变当时小说创作中的庸俗风气起了好的作用, 在英国小说的发展史上有承上启下的意义.2. 《傲慢与偏见》简介:18世纪的英国, 班纳特家的五个姐妹在母亲“凡是有钱的单身汉, 总想娶位太太”思想的调教下健健康康地成长着. 其中的四个姐妹简、玛丽、凯蒂和纳蒂娅也绝对赞同母亲的说法, 寻找门当户对的心上人是她们最大的追求, 然而聪明伶俐的二女儿伊丽莎白(凯拉·奈特丽)则希望寻求更广阔的人生.姐妹们平静的生活很快被新搬到镇上的两个年轻富家小伙子的到来打破. 诚恳富有的宾格里和好友达西优越的条件让班纳特太太大为兴奋, 她开始自作主张张罗起了女儿们结识两位小伙子的一切事宜. 美丽的大女儿简赢得了宾格里的心, 而在短暂的交往中, 达西也深深地爱上了倔强聪慧的伊丽莎白.然而出身富贵的达西常常表现出不可一世的傲慢, 这令正直善良的伊丽莎白讨厌不已. 因此, 即使当达西不顾门第和财富的差距, 勇敢地向她求婚, 却依然遭到了拒绝. 傲慢与偏见的爱情, 在英国的小镇中悄悄展开....引入型阅读Jane AustenJane Austen was born on 16 December,1775 at Steventon Parish, Hampshire, England. She was the seventh child and second daughter of the Rev. George Austen and Cassandra Leigh-Austen. When Cassandra, age 10, was sent away to school in Oxford, Jane begged to be sent along with her even though she was too young. Mr. Austen, however, couldn’t really afford their schooling and the girls were back home after less than three years. Apart from this, Jane never lived outside of her family circle again. She ended up very well-educated for a female, though. Her oldest brother James helped her out by organizing reading lists for her, and Jane could lay claim to a good knowledge of history as well as a little Latin, Italian and musical training.It was 1787 when Jane made the decision to devote all her spare time to writing. This early work made three volumes of Juvenilia, and you can see all that satire just dying to come out. In 1791, she wrote a parody of Oliver Goldsmith’s History of England. A few years later, when she was only about n ineteen, she started work on Lady Susan, an epistolary novel which was Jane’s first attempt at a serious theme. It didn’t work well in the format she used, but it was good enough to encourage her to keep going. She began another epistolary novel in 1795, which was titled Elinor and Marianne, and 1796 saw the beginning of First Impressions.Though she began another novel during a period of remission, Jane’s health was very poor. She probably had the then—unnamed Addison’s Disease, which attacks the adrenal glands and is still incurable today. In April of 1817, Jane quietly made her will, and left everything, except two small bequests, to her beloved Cassandra. She died early on the morning of 18 July 1817, with Cassandra at her side.Module 2Australia and New Zealand话题导入澳大利亚人的饮食习惯与英国人相似, 但更喜欢吃鱼类. 讲究菜肴的色彩和质量, 讲究食物的新鲜. 饮食风格多样化, 喜欢用中餐, 印度、德国、意大利、日本等国的饮食也比较受欢迎. 主食为面包和其他面食, 尤其喜欢中国水饺. 澳大利亚人口味清淡, 偏酸甜, 不喜欢太咸和有辣味的食品, 喜欢吃鸡、鸭、鱼、海鲜、牛肉、蛋类、西红柿、生菜、菜花、豆芽等食物. 烹调方式以煎、炸、炒、烤为主.新西兰人的饮食习惯大体上与英国人相同, 饮食以西餐为主. 喜欢喝啤酒, 人均年啤酒消费量达110公升. 国家对烈性酒严加限制, 有的餐馆只出售葡萄酒, 专卖烈性酒的餐馆对每份正餐只配一杯烈性酒. 饮茶也是新西兰人的嗜好, 一天至少七次, 即早茶、早餐茶、午餐茶、午后茶、下午茶、晚餐茶和晚茶. 茶馆遍布各地, 许多单位都有专门的用茶时间.背景知道1.澳大利亚简介澳大利亚位于南太平洋, 在大西洋南部和印度洋之间, 领土包括澳大利亚大陆和塔斯马亚岛. 澳大利亚大陆地广人稀, 四面环水, 是一个风景美丽气候宜人的国家, 也是世界上独一无二的占据一整块大陆的国家. 国土面积约768万平方千米, 海岸线长达36 700千米, 是目前世界第六大国.澳大利亚也是世界上最古老和最平坦的大陆之一, 拥有许多独特的珍稀动物和植物. 按照气候带划分, 澳大利亚的北部为热带, 中部为辽阔的干旱地带, 南部为温带. 澳洲的气候比较温和, 全年温差不大. 澳洲的四季正好与北半球相反——夏季从12月份开始, 3至5月份是秋季, 6月份是冬季的开始, 9月份进入春季. 南回归线以北的地区年平均气温为23~26度, 回归线以南地区温差略为明显, 冬季平均气温约14度, 夏季平均气温约26度.澳大利亚的人口密度很小, 每平方千米平均只有2人, 人口主要集中居住在中心城市和沿海地区. 现有人口18 426 900人, 其中土著人口约占2%, 英国血统和爱尔兰血统在人口中占有较高的比例. 澳大利亚是一个移民国家, 总人口中约有四分之一出生于海外. 居民来自100多个国家, 主要少数民族包括意大利裔, 希腊裔, 越南裔及华裔等. 目前来自亚洲的移民数量正在不断增加. 澳大利亚政府奉行多元文化政策, 在“公正、平等、正义、宽容”的原则下, 各民族和平相处. 其多元文化政策, 良好的生活、投资环境及优越的社会福利, 优良的教育体系, 使其成为世界上的移民热点.澳大利亚由六个洲——新南威尔士, 维多利亚, 昆士兰, 南澳, 西澳, 塔斯马尼亚, 及两个领地——首都领地和北领地组成. 澳洲目前仍是英联邦成员国之一, 奉英国女王为元首. 澳大利亚宗教信仰自由. 官方语言为英语, 但各少数民族社区都有自己的语言, 澳大利亚通用货币是澳元. 澳元与人民币的汇率约为1澳元相当于5元人民币.2.新西兰简介新西兰位于太平洋南部, 是一个由北岛、南岛、斯图尔特岛及其附近一些小岛组成的美丽岛国, 领土面积为27万多平方千米, 人口约390万. 在全国人口中, 欧洲移民后裔占78.8%, 毛利人占14.5%, 亚裔占6.7%. 新西兰的官方语言为英语和毛利语.新西兰境内山脉和丘陵约占其总面积的75%以上. 那里四季温差不大, 绝大部分属温带海洋性气侯, 植物生长十分茂盛, 森林面积约占全国土地面积的29%.新西兰是一个经济发达的国家, 畜牧业是其经济的基础. 新西兰农牧产品出口量占其出口总量的50%, 羊肉、奶制品和粗羊毛出口量均居世界第一位, 其中粗羊毛出口量占世界出口总量的25%. 新西兰的文化是独特并富有活力的, 受到欧洲、毛利、太平洋岛国和亚洲文化的多重影响. 庆祝不同的民族节日和民间传说已成为一种新西兰文化.惠灵顿是新西兰的首都, 它地处北岛的南部, 是往来南北二岛的交通枢纽. 惠灵顿背山面海, 在海洋性气候的影响下, 天气和暖, 阳光充沛. 市内文化气息浓厚, 到处洋溢着西方的酒吧及咖啡文化. 走在大街上, 可见街头表演者或自由职业者在努力地工作, 平和而宁静, 少见大都市的喧嚣.引入型阅读New Zealand is situated in the South Pacific Ocean 6500 kms south-south-west of Hawaii and 1900 km to the east of Australia.With a land area of 268 000 sq kms it is similar in size to Japan,Great Britain or Colorado in the Unites States.It is comprised of two main adjacentislands,the North Island and South Island,and numbers of small outlying islands.New Zealand has a population of just over four million.More than one million people live in Auckland in the North Island.The capital city is Wellington,situated at the southern tip of the North Island.Christchurch is the largest city in the South Island.Over half of New Zealand’s total land area is pasture and arable land,and more than a quarter is under forest cover.It is predominantly mountainous and hilly,with 13% of the total area consisting of alpine terrain,including many peaks exceeding 3000 kes and rivers cover 1% of the land.The climate is temperate and relatively mild.Module 3Slavery and the American Civil War话题导入随着美国领土面积的扩大, 独立前就存在的两种不同的经济形式之间的矛盾更加突出. 南北部的不同状况造成了北方工业资产阶级和南方种植园奴隶主之间的矛盾. 北方需要大批便宜的“自由”劳动者和工业原料, 主张解放奴隶; 而南方的奴隶制种植园却占用了大批劳动力. 双方的矛盾变得不可调和, 于是爆发了美国内战. 内战的结果是废除了黑人奴隶制度, 维护了国家的统一, 加速了美国资本主义经济的发展. 林肯为维护国家的统一和解放黑人奴隶作出了贡献, 他成为美国历史上受人爱戴、受人尊敬的总统.背景知道美国的奴隶制度1.引言人们初次接触美国开国历史的时候, 总有些困惑: 领导美国取得独立战争胜利的乔治·华盛顿竟拥有三百多名奴隶; 而独立宣言的撰稿人, 一生为人的平等和宗教信仰自由呼唤的杰佛逊, 却率领着一个奴仆班子进驻首都华盛顿, 做了白宫的第一任主人.独立、民主、自由的象征, 国家英雄, 同时又是奴隶主. 现代人很难把这两个根本冲突的形象拼贴在一起, 形成一个立体的人物造型. 然而, 他们每一面的形象都是真实的.2.起源1619年, 一个荷兰人把二十名黑人运入美国拍卖. 这二十个黑人成了第一批黑人奴隶. 在这之前, 存在着一种“契约奴工”(indentured servant)那是从欧洲流传到殖民地的一个传统. 负债无力偿还, 只好和债主签约: 小子无能, 还债无钱, 甘愿做工抵偿, 若干年内任凭遣唤等等. 卖身的人, 往往也是白人. 可以想像, 债主通常会对契约奴工很苛刻, 提高劳动强度, 增加劳动时间, 以期在最短时间内收回债务. 也有契约奴工忍受不住, 毁约逃跑的, 殖民政府还协助捕捉, 罚抽皮鞭, 另要延长奴工期限.黑人奴工的出现又给殖民地增添了新的色彩, 为了区别原有的“契约奴工”, 创造了一个新名词“非自愿契约奴工”(Involuntary Servitude)——一个比“奴隶”稍微好听一点的法律词汇. 奴隶来自非洲, 最著名的就是非洲西部既被称作“黄金海岸”, 又被称作“科特迪瓦”的港口, 在十七八世纪, 还有一个名称“奴隶海岸”. 那时候, 非洲各小王国之间经常打仗, 俘虏和被征服的部落的妇孺, 都是奴隶的来源. 在货源紧张时, 国王甚至从自己的仆从中挑一些不喜欢的人, 补上去顶数.3.种族主义加深奴隶制度的黑暗对契约奴工的虐待——那是白人对白人的虐待, 人们还显示关注和怜悯. 但是对黑奴的虐待, 人们就没有什么声音了, 原因是当时的社会普遍存在着白人种族主义. 汤姆斯·杰佛逊早期写过一篇关于黑人的文章, 带有学术研究性质, 其中对黑人这样描述: 黑人能经受消耗体力的艰苦劳动, 只要给他们一点娱乐和短时间休息, 他们的体力就恢复了; 黑人做事没有深远打算, 缺乏理智不计后果, 敢冒险而不是勇敢, 真正危机临头又惶惶不知所措——这里他把黑人描述成四肢发达, 头脑简单, 智力开发迟, 心理素质差, 天生需要白人督导的奴隶材料. 从这些描述中可以想像当时社会对黑人的歧视. 这种歧视给黑奴制度的存在增加了合理性, 淡化甚至抹去了奴隶主虐待黑奴的罪恶. 奴隶的命运完全决定于主人. 摊上一个心肠好的主人, 日子尚能过得去; 摊上脾气暴躁的主人, 奴隶便只有饱受折磨. 有记载说, 有的奴隶主砍掉奴隶的脚作为逃跑的惩罚, 杀鸡给猴看——恐吓其他奴隶. 黑人能忍受酷暑潮湿, 而且不易生病, 是美国南方种植园主的最爱. 在美国开国初期, 美国南方各州, 已经有二百万的黑奴(1860年为350万). 他们成为种植经济的重要劳动力. 黑奴是种植园主私人财产的一部分, 可以继承、买卖. 可以做种植园主女儿的嫁妆.最先进行这种贩卖人口行业的是葡萄牙人, 随后扩散到西班牙、荷兰、法国、英国等. 两个多世纪以来, 将近有一千万人被贩卖到美洲、加勒比海沿岸国家. 贩卖人口的生意, 成为人类历史上最大规模的海外移民活动. 奴隶贩子有他们的说法: 大规模贩卖黑奴促进了非洲文明的发展. 从那时起, 非洲国家不再杀死俘虏; 在这之前, 俘虏被处死是很普通的事.引入型阅读Abraham Lincoln,U.S.PresidentBorn:12 February,1809Birthplace:Near Hodgenville,KentuckyDied:15 April,1865(assassinated by gunshot)Best known as:The Civil War president who wrote the Gettysburg AddressThe stories really are true:Lincoln grew up on the American frontier,educated himself by reading borrowed books,and worked as a general store clerk long before he became the 16th president of the United States.His claims to fame are too numerous to list here:he is most often remembered for leading the Union through the Civil War and freeing Confederate slaves with the 1863 Emancipation Proclamation;for delivering the Gettysburg Address,the most famous oration in American history;and for his tragic assassination by John Wilkes Booth.Upon Lincoln’ sdeath,Andrew Johnson assumed the presidency.Yes,that’s Lincoln on the U.S.penny and the five dollar bill.In 1864 Lincoln named Samuel—Chase to be Chief Justice of the Supreme Court—Chase is on the ten thousand dollar bill.Lincoln was preceded by James Buchanan,the only president to remain a bachelor for life. Lincoln was the first president to wear a beard while in office.Lincoln’s oldest son,Robert Todd Lincoln, was present at three assassinations:his father’s,President Garfield’s in 1881 and President Mckinley’s in 1901.A famous(and enormous)biography of Lincoln was written by the 20th-century author Carl Sandburg.Module 4The Magic of Film话题导入“奥斯卡金像奖”的正式名称是“电影艺术与科学学院奖”, 每年在美国洛杉矶举行一次. 半个多世纪以来一直享有盛誉. 它不仅反映美国电影艺术的发展进程和成就, 而且对世界许多国家的电影艺术有着不可忽视的影响. 奥斯卡金像奖从1929年开始, 每年评选、颁发一次, 从未间断过. 凡上一年1月1日至12月31日上演的影片均可参加评选. 获奖名单是高度保密的. 奥斯卡奖分为成就奖、特别奖及科学技术奖三大类. 在众多奖项之中, 最具影响的为“最佳影片奖”, 而“最佳男女主角奖”属表演奖, 获奖人有“影帝”与“影后”之称, 是男女演员们梦寐以求的殊荣.背景知道1.奥斯卡奖的由来“奥斯卡奖”(OSCAR)是世界上最享盛名的电影奖. 它是美国电影艺术与科学学院颁发的, 所以又被称为“学院奖”. 起始于1929年. 它的标志是一个高13.5英寸的镀金雕像: 在一块电影胶片的底座上, 屹立着一个身材魁伟的男性, 他的双手紧握着一柄长剑. 凡是从事电影工作的, 不论是编剧、导演还是美工人员, 只要有新的贡献和成就, 就可以得到这份荣誉.关于“奥斯卡”这个名称的由来, 也是件十分有趣的事. 1931年, 有一个艺术与科学学院图书馆的管理员玛格丽特·赫丽克在休息的时候, 走过那座镀金雕像旁边, 先是看了一眼, 好像很面熟, 仿佛在什么地方见过, 接着便仔细端详起来. 不一会, 她便大声惊叫起来: “啊!这雕像看上去多么像我的舅舅奥斯卡呀!”正巧, 这时有一位新闻记者在学院里采访, 他在图书馆隔壁的房间听到了玛格丽特·赫丽克的惊呼声, 便在第二天的报道里介绍了镀金塑像, 并写上了一句: “艺术与科学学院的工作人员深情地称呼他们的金塑像为’奥斯卡’”.当金塑像成为电影奖的标志时, “奥斯卡”的名字也同时在世界各地传开, 学院干脆正式命名它为“奥斯卡奖”了.迄今为止, 奥斯卡奖颁奖仪式已进行了78届.2.影响在世界各国设立的电影奖中, 美国的奥斯卡金像奖最引人注目. 它历史悠久, 规模宏大, 不仅反映美国电影的发展进程和成就, 而且还对其他国家电影艺术发生不可忽视的影响.奥斯卡奖以上一年公开发行的英语影片为选择对象, 奖项分为成就奖、特别奖及科学技术奖三大类, 现有28个奖项, 如最佳影片、最佳男主角、最佳女主角、科技成果奖等. 评选结果由电影艺术与科学学院会员以投票方式产生. 投票分两个步骤: 第一次投票选出5名(部)最佳候选者, 即所谓“提名”; 最后投票则是在提名基础上产生. 投票结果绝对保密, 于颁奖时当众启封. 评选工作比较慎重、细致, 且讲求专业技术方面的高标准, 因此奥斯卡奖一直被视为比较严肃的电影奖. 后来由于影片和演员的票房价值在得奖后大为增加, 各制片公司在投票前竞相宣传以影响会员投票, 所以它难免带有浓厚的商业气息和某些偏见.引入型阅读Motion PicturesA motion picture is a series of images recorded on film or tapes that appear to move when played through a film projector or a videotape player.Also known as the movie,film,or cinema,the motion picture is one of the most popular forms of art and entertainment throughout the world.It is also a major source of information.Every week,millions of people go to the movies.Many millions more watch movies that are broadcast on television or are played back on a videotape player.But movies are much more than just entertainment.The motion picture is a major art form.Artists express themselves by using paint and filmmakers express their idea through a motion picture camera.By the camera in different ways,the filmmaker can express different points of view. A filmmaker may film scenes for a picture in a desert,on a mountain,and in a large city.Filmmakers can also film scenes from different ter,through a process called editing, they can select the angle which most effectively expresses a dramatic point.Through editing,the filmmakers can also show events happening at the same time in different places.Movies have become a gigantic industry.A typical feature-length film costs several million dollars to make and requires the skills of hundreds of workers.Highly technical devices,including cameras,sound-recording equipment,and projectors,are needed to film and show movies.In fact,motion pictures could not exist without many of the scientific and technical discoveries madesince the late 1800s.For this reason,movies have been called the art form of the 20th century.Module 5High-tech Living话题导入不管人们有没有意识到, 科学技术已经深深地影响着我们的日常生活, 在经济社会发展中扮演着不可或缺的角色. 作为当前社会的一员, 我们不仅应该认识到科技的重要性, 还应该努力学习科学技术, 用科学技术来武装我们的头脑, 具有献身科学的勇气和决心, 具有用科学技术来发展全人类的博大胸怀. 更重要的是, 我们还应当教育我们的后代, 要热爱科学, 尊重科学.背景知道闫诺荣获微软MVP后的自我介绍:我叫闫诺, 男,16岁, 汕头金山中学学生. 非常高兴可以荣获微软MVP称号. 自从1995年开始接触计算机和互联网, 我就一下子被它吸引住了. 在熟悉计算机基本操作以及基础知识以后, 我便开始深入学习了Windows系统和网络管理. 在这期间, 我钻研了各个版本的Windows包括9x和NT,自学了NT4的MCSE课程, 并参与了CTEC的MCSE2000等培训, 来充实自己的系统管理技能. 同时, 我也学习了一些编程语言, 前几年我学习了Windows应用程序的编写, 最初接触的是VB,但是现在我已经转向C#.NET, 并开始编写网络应用程序. 学习各种技能的同时, 我深深地感到社区交流的重要性, 所以在学习所有的计算机技术和得到社区专家技术支援的同时, 我总是记住我最终的目的——尽力帮助有需要的人. 我深知有技术问题而未被解决的难受心情, 也深知帮助别人解决技术问题的同时也能大大提高自己的水平. 现在, 我每天在微软新闻组上跟网友和专家们讨论技术问题, 即使有时完成学校的任务已经到了深夜, 我也要到新闻组上看看网友是否有尚待解决的技术问题. 同样, 对于已经掌握的技术, 我写了一些原创文章和FAQ文章发表在讨论微软技术的网站(比如微软中国社区网站)上, 我也会继续这方面的努力, 共享资源与知识. 同时, 我也正在联合各技术专家来建立一个讨论微软技术的站点, 估计6月份可以开通, 网址是. 我会继续努力下去, 不断学习和实践新的微软软件技术. 我喜爱Windows, 喜爱C#.net,喜爱尽力帮助别人, 喜爱和更多的人共享技术资源.引入型阅读I HA VE SEEN AMAZING THINGSMy first visit was to a space station considered the most modern in this part of space. Described as an enormous round plate,it spins slowly in space to imitate the pull of the earth’sgravity.Inside,it is divided into zones with extraordinarily different atmospheres and gravities.Here the alien creatures live while they work with human space scientists searching for new worlds.So you can imagine how exciting that is!The friendliest creatures are the mu-mu,a family from the Pleiades group of stars.They see in the dark so they live in an area without light of any kind.If you go there,you must wear red nightlights on your helmets so that you can see,but the mu-mu won’t be disturbed.They have assisted in the discovery of planets round the fourth star in the Pleiades system.Next year the World Space Agency will send a spaceship to examine this star and its planets.The most interesting creatures are the tiny dimpods from a galaxy near NGC 6240.They skip around the pipes and between the wooden walls of the space station.They require the same atmosphere as humans and are great engineers.If you give them a drawing of a new spaceship,they can build it in twenty-four hours!Then it will be able to travel many light years away from the earth.They can also produce a liquid from their bodies, which melts metal.If you cover something with a little of that liquid it will go soft and,with a lot,it will change into a kind of rubber that sets very hard.It is wonderful for the outside of spaceships!Neither of these creatures is easy to talk to.You have to use a language-changer to help.The mu-mu only speak in whispers but the dimpods shout loudly in your ear.Both eat food that contains carbon.The mu-mu drink a strange mixture of carrot juice and cocoa,while the dimpods drink lemon ade mixed with herbs.The mu-mu are tall and thin with black and white faces.They have six “arms”, which they wave about when they talk.They move forward by slowly shaking from side to side on a shell-covered “leg”.The dimpods have so many arms and legs you cannot tell which is which.They are small,just the size of a little cat.They are purple or blue and the colour changes depending on their mood.问题: What are the features of the mu-mu?答案: They are very friendly and they can see in the dark so they live in an area without light of any kind.Module 6The Maple Leaf Country话题导入加拿大没有悠久的历史,却拥有多姿多彩的地理,崇山秀水在四季的轮转中显现出迷人的风采. 加拿大疆域广阔,领土面积在中国之上. 北面、东面、西面分别被北冰洋、大西洋、太平洋所环绕,只有南面与美国大陆邻接,西北面的一小部分与阿拉斯加相连. 整个国土处于高纬地区,是典型的“北国风光”,常年吸引着成千上万来自世界各地的游客.背景知道加拿大(Canada)独立日:7月1日(1867年)国庆日:7月1日国旗:呈横长方形, 长与宽之比为2∶1. 旗面中间为白色正方形, 内有一片11个角的红色枫树叶; 两侧为两个相等的红色竖长方形.国歌:1980年7月1日加拿大政府宣布《啊, 加拿大》为正式国歌, 并在首都渥太华举行了国歌命名仪式. 加拿大的国歌有英、法两种歌词.国树:枫树, 加拿大素有“枫叶之国”的美誉.自然地理:面积为9 984 670平方千米, 居世界第二位. 加拿大境内多枫树, 每到秋天, 满山遍野的枫叶或呈橘黄, 或显嫣红, 宛如一堆堆燃烧的篝火, 因此加拿大有“枫叶之国”的美誉. 加拿大国旗上的枫叶代表了加拿大人对枫叶的钟爱.人口:3227.05万(2005年7月1日). 其中, 英裔居民占42%, 法裔居民约占26.7%, 其他欧洲人后裔占13%, 土著居民(印第安人、米提人和因纽特人)约占3%, 其余为亚洲、拉美、非洲裔等. 其中华裔人口已占加拿大总人口的 3.5%, 成为加拿大最大的少数族裔, 即白种人和原住民以外的最大族裔. 华裔人口中25%的人是在加拿大本土出生的, 其余大部分来自中国大陆、香港和台湾. 英语和法语同为官方语言. 居民中信奉天主教的占47.3%, 信基督教新教的占41.2%.首都:渥太华(Ottawa), 地处安大略省. 首都地区(包括安大略省的渥太华市、魁北克省的赫尔市和其周围城镇)人口112.89万(2002年), 面积4662平方千米.主要城市:多伦多、温哥华.引入型阅读How Much Do You Know About the Maple Leaf Country?ClimateClimate sculpts the landscape through heat, cold, humidity, light and wind.In Canada, the variety of landscapes shows the diversity of our climate.In the north, low precipitation and cold temperature favour permafrost and suppress vegetation growth, resulting in treeless tundra.South of the tundra, summers are short and warm, and winters are long and cold.Finally, around the Great Lakes and along side the Saint Lawrence River as far downstream as the city of Quebec, the climate is characterized by relatively warm summers and cool winters, moderated by surrounding water bodies.These conditions are suitable to the development of mixed wood and broadleaf forests.EcologyCanada is not only a large country but an ecologically diverse one as well.Canada borders on three oceans, contains vast areas of boreal and temperate forest ecosystems, mountainous ecosystems, arctic ecosystems and prairie grassland ecosystems.These ecosystems support numerous human activities such as agriculture and forestry upon which the country’s economy heavily depends.FreshwaterWater covers nearly three quarters of the earth’s surface mainly in oceans but also as rivers,。

高二英语外研版选修10学案:课堂导学 Module1 Pride and Prejudice 含解析【精校版】

高二英语外研版选修10学案:课堂导学 Module1 Pride and Prejudice 含解析【精校版】

外研版精品英语资料(精校版)课堂导学文本感知Ⅰ.Reading and vocabulary (1)C.3.When Elizabeth says “We are both unsociable, silent, unwilling to speak...”, she is really答案:1.A 2.DⅡ.Reading and vocabulary (2)1.3.At the time that Jane Austen was writing, why did the daughters born in a poor family need答案:4.Because he falls in love with Elizabeth and tries to persuaded her to change her mind about him.难句透视贝内特先生是首批拜访宾利先生的人之一。

剖析:who 在此引导一个定语从句修饰those,当先行词为those指人时,我们习惯上用who而非that引导定语从句。

2.It was then disclosed in the following manner. Observing his second daughter employed in trimming这消息透露出来的经过是这样的——他看到二女儿在装饰帽子,就突然对她说:“ 我希望宾利先生会喜欢你这顶帽子,莉齐。

剖析:Observing his second daughter employed in trimming a hat在句中作伴随状语,和主句的主语之间是一种主谓关系,因此用现在分词作伴随状语。

3.He sat dow他坐了一会,然后站起来在房间里面踱来踱去。

剖析:and连接两个并列谓语动词sat down 和walked around。

4.He explained that it was only because she herself was so unusual that he had decided to ask他解释说,他决定向她求婚完全是由于她的与众不同。

外研社高中英语选修十Module 1 备课参考

外研社高中英语选修十Module 1 备课参考

Module 1单元目标1.理解主语的知识。



Unit 1要点精讲1.keep up(1)keep sb up 使某人不能去睡觉I do hope we’re not keeping you up.我希望我们没有耽误你睡觉。

(2)keep sth up 不让(精力等)衰退,维持,保持They sang songs to keep their morale up.他们唱着歌以保持高昂的士气。

2.run: (指陈述、叙述等)有某样言词、内容等“Ten shot dead by gunmen”, ran the newspaper headline.报纸标题为“枪手击毙十人”。

I suppose it runs in the family.我认为家庭的其他成员也有同样的爱好。

3.On one’s journey /voyage to……在某人去……的旅途中归纳:①on one’s way to /on the way to 在某人去某地的路上②make one’s way to ……向…走去③make/go on a voyage/journey from…to…由…航行前往…4.befriend.v.待人如友,对…尽朋友之道They befriended the young girl, providing her with food and shelter.他们热心地照顾这个年轻的姑娘,给她吃的,给她住处。

5.leave behind 留下,忘了带,落下,把…丢在后面Take care not to leave anything behind归纳:leave…alone 不干涉,不要打扰,听任leave(…)for…动身去…,离开…去…leave out 省去,略去,遗漏leave nothing to be desired 完美无缺leave about 乱扔,乱放,乱丢leave off (使)停止,不再使用6.inspiration n.鼓舞,启示,灵感;鼓励某人的事/人(接to ) Genius is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration (hard work)天才是10%的灵感加上90%的勤奋This no man’s an inspiration to all of us.这个人就是鼓舞我们大家的人。

高二英语外研版选修10学案:课堂导学 Module1 Pride and Prejudice Word版含解析

高二英语外研版选修10学案:课堂导学 Module1 Pride and Prejudice Word版含解析

课堂导学文本感知Ⅰ.Reading and vocabulary (1)1.Elizabeth feels__________ when she hears that Darcy has been rude about her.A.angryB.happyC.amusedD.surprised2.Elizabeth decides to speak in order to__________ Darcy.A.amuseB.pleaseC.interestD.upset3.When Elizabeth says “We are both unsociable, silent, unwilling to speak...”, she is really referring to__________.A.herselfB.someone elseC.Mr DarcyD.herself and her sister Jane答案:1.A 2.DⅡ.Reading and vocabulary (2)1.What does Pride and Prejudice tell us?2.Who is the man Elizabeth Bennet eventually marries?3.At the time that Jane Austen was writing, why did the daughters born in a poor family need to marry well?4.Why does Darcy have to work terribly hard?答案:1.It tells us a story of five young wome4.Because he falls in love with Elizabeth and tries to persuaded her to change her mind about him.难句透视1.Mr. Benner was among the earliest of those贝内特先生是首批拜访宾利先生的人之一。

高二英语外研版选修10教案:Module 1 The Sixth Period Word版含解析

高二英语外研版选修10教案:Module 1 The Sixth Period Word版含解析

The Sixth PeriodCultural appreciationTeaching goals 教学目标Target language 目标语言Key words and expressions重点词汇和短语twinkling, splendor, heaven, tender, awaken, scatter, overpowers, revealingAbility goals能力目标Enable students to talk about English poems.Learning ability goals学能目标Help students learn how to talk about English poems.Teaching important and difficult points教学重难点How to talk about English poems.Teaching methods教学方法Cooperation and task-based learning.Teaching aids教具准备A projector and some slides.Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式Step I RevisionCheck the homework by asking some students to tell what kind of person Mr. Bennet is like. Sample answers:He is intelligent and shrewd; also he is thoughtful, reasonable and affective. His humor adds more charm to his good qualities.StepⅡLead-inActivity one: Questions and answersT: Read the introduction on page 13 and answer the following questions.Show the following.1. How do you find Shelley?2. What kind of poems does he write?3. How old was he when drowned?4. How much do you know about English poets and poems?Sample answers:1. Shelley was one of the greatest of the English Romantic poets in the first part of the 19th century.2. He writes two kinds of poems. One is gentle charming romantic poems and the other kind is brilliant and angry political poems.3. He was 30 years old.4. English people produce a lot of excellent poets such as Shelley, Keats, and Burns. They wrote a lot of lasting poems.Step III AppreciationActivity one: Find the rhythmT: Read the poem and find the rhythm of the poem. What tone does the poem use?Ss: The poem uses abc-abc rhythm, e.g. Twinkling, them, Jane—tinkling, them, again.Activity two: Know the themeT: Read the poem and “see” what kind of the s cene in the poem.Ss: The poem describes the scenery that on a night keen stars give off twinkling lights. But when the moon rises high in the sky, star lights become faint. The two kinds of light diminish each other.T: Read the poem and find what you can hear through the lines of the poem.Ss: I can hear tinkling guitar and beautiful voice from a girl of hometown. Because of the beautiful voice, the strings send out attractive tones and notes.T: The last part of the poem describes a tone, what is the tone like?Ss: A tone that combines music, moonlight and feeling as one.T: In the part, there is a tone that is from the author. Where does it come from?Ss: The tone is from the author’s hometown, which was played by the author’s family friend, Jane.T: Throughout the lines of the poem, there is a feeling. What kind of feeling is it?Ss: It is the feeling of homesickness.T: What theme does the poem want to express?Ss: The deep love of one’s hometown.Activity three: Appreciation of the languageT: Whic h words show the author’s love of his hometown?Ss: Sweet, soft, delight.T: In what way does the author express his deep love of his hometown?Ss: The scenery of his hometown he describes is very beautiful, and the music is beautiful because it is played by a family friend, Jane. This feeling is like a Chinese saying: “The moonlight of hometown is even brighter.”Step IV Post-readingActivity one: ComparisonT: Can you think out a Chinese poem which shows the theme as this one.Ss: I think the Chinese Poem Pi Pa Xing by Bai Juyi is like this one.T: In what way that “Pi Pa Xing” is different from Shelley’s Poem?Ss: I think the mood they hide between the lines is a little different. This poem is bright and relaxing while Pi Pa Xing shows a low mood, as it says: “同是天涯沦落人,相逢何必曾相识。

高二英语外研版选修10教案:Module 3 The Third Period Word版含解析

高二英语外研版选修10教案:Module 3 The Third Period Word版含解析

The Third PeriodGrammarTeaching goals 教学目标1.Trget Language目标语言重点句式1. Harriet Beecher Stowe used to write for magazines.2. Jenny Garland is used to appearing on TV programmes.3. Harriet Beecher Stowe enjoyed being a writer.4. Being a slave is terrible.2.Ability goals能力目标Enable the students to review these words: at, all, too, put, used, being correctly and freely.3.Learning ability goals学能目标Help the students learn how to use these: at, all, too, put, used, being words correctly and freely. Teaching important points教学重难点Teach the students the usage of these words: at, all, too, put, used, being.Teaching method教学方法Explaining, practice and pair workTeaching aid教具准备A multiple-computer and a projectorTeaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式Step I Greeting and RevisionT: Good morning / afternoon, class!Ss: Good morning / afternoon, Mr. / Ms …T: I will check your homework.…Step II GrammarT: Now let’s review the usages of these following words:at, all, too, put, used, being. I will divideour class into six groups to conclude the usages of the six words separately. Let’s have a composition to see which group can give the quick, correct and whole answers. Now you can have a discussion.(During this time, the teacher can go around the class to collect the answers and give the students necessary guidance. Then show the students the usages of the six words on the slide.) T: I think you have a heated discussion and make a good conclusion at the same time. Now let’s look at the slide. Here are the usages of the six words.We use at:(a) to talk about doing things well or badly(b) to show the time something happens(a)to show the place or event where something happens(b)with certain phrases of time(c)with certain phrases of place(d)to say where someone should look, point etc.We use all:(a) all + (of ) + the + / this / my etc. + singular countable noun(b) all + (of ) + the + / these / my etc. + plural or uncountable noun(a)all + plural or uncountable noun(b)all + of + you / us / them(c)all + (that) + NP +verb + is / was etc.(d)NP + allWe use too:(a) clause + too(a) too + adjective / adverb + to + infinitive(b) too + adjective ( + for + NP )(a)word / phrase + too(b)too + much / many / little / few + NPWe use put:(a)put + NP + adverb(b)put + NP + preposition + NP(c)put + adverb + NPWe use used:(a) refer to the act of using something(b) refers to things that are not new to someone(c) refers to past habits that one no longer has(d) refers to something that is quite new but that one is learning aboutWe use being:(a) am / is /was ect. +being + adjective / NP(b) being + adjective / NP(c) verb + +being + adjective / NP(d) am / is /was ect. +being + past participleStep III Practice (1)In this part, enable the students to practice using the words: at, all, tooT: Since you have mastered how to use these words. Now let’s do the following 6 exercises on page 33.(The teacher can check the answers one by one.)Suggested answers are in the teacher’s book.Step IV Practice (2)In this part, enable the students to practice using the words: put, used, beingT: Since you have mastered how to use these words. Now let’s do the following 5 exercises on page 35.(The teacher can check the answers one by one.)Suggested answers are in the teacher’s book.Step V Practice高考链接1. (04天津,30) It is easy to do the repair. _____ you need is a hammer and some nails.A. SomethingB. AllC. BothD. Everything2. (04吉林,35) That’s an unpleasant thing to say about your father after _____ he’s done for you.A. somethingB. anythingC. allD. that3. (03全国,23) Allen had to call a taxi because the box was _____ to carry all the way home.A. much too heavyB. too much heavyC. heavy too muchD. too heavy much4. (06重庆,21) I have to go to work by taxi because my car _____ at the garage.A. will be repairedB. is repairedC. is being repairedD. has been repaired5. (06江苏,23) ---I do n’t suppose the police know who did it.---Well, surprisingly they do. A man has been arrested and _____ now.A. has been questionedB. is being questionedC. is questioningD. has questioned6. (05上海,25) John became a football coach in Sealion Middle School _____ the beginning of March.A. put onB. put downC. put backD. put off7. (04 全国,32) You can take anything from the shelf and read, but please _____ the books when you’ve finished with them.A. onB. forC. withD. at8. (06湖南,33) As the twentieth century came to a close, the raw materials for a great national were at hand, waiting _____.A. to useB. to be usedC. to have usedD. to be usingKeys: 1.B 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.D 7.C 8.B解析见附录Step VI HomeworkFinish off the exercises on page 103 in WORKBOOK.。

高二英语外研版选修10教案:Module 2 The First Perio

高二英语外研版选修10教案:Module 2 The First Perio

Module 2 Australia and New Zealand I. 模块教学目标II. 目标语言III. 教材分析与教材重组1. 教材分析1.1 INTRODUCTION是本模块的热身部分,设计了三个活动:1提供了一段有关澳大利亚和新西兰的文章,要求学生阅读并回答问题,从而对这两个国家有个大概的了解。




1.2 READING AND VOCABULARY(1)是一篇介绍澳大利亚的文章,并以此为中心设计了一系列的活动,加强学生对文章内容的理解(整体把握和细节检验)及词汇的学习。

1.3 LANGUAGE IN USE(1)帮助学生在语境中掌握going to, take及then的一些用法。

1.4 VOCABULARY AND LISTENING是听力和词汇练习,1让学生看图并小组讨论问题,为后面的听力活动做内容方面的铺垫;2是对听力材料中重要词汇的学习,为后面的听力扫清语言障碍;3和4分别是对听大意和听细节的练习;5是对听力内容的拓展,要求学生对几个问题做深入的探讨和思考,强化学生的思维。

1.5 LANGUAGE IN USE(2)通过一些练习,帮助学生掌握there be句型和time所表达的不同意思。

1.6 READING AND VOCABULARY(2)以一篇介绍新西兰的文章为中心,设计了一系列的活动。


1.7 PRESENTATION SKILLS 以instructions为主线设计了三个活动,帮助学生学习如何写instructions这一技能。

高二英语外研版选修10教案:Module 1 The Eighth Period Word版含解析

高二英语外研版选修10教案:Module 1 The Eighth Period Word版含解析

The Eighth PeriodWritingTeaching goals 教学目标Target skills 目标技能Learn to write a book review.Structure to followAbility goals能力目标Enable students to write a book review.Learning ability goals学能目标Help students learn how to write a book review.Teaching important and difficult points教学重难点How to write a book review.Teaching methods教学方法Cooperation and task-based learning.Teaching aids教具准备A projector and some slides.Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式Step I RevisionActivity one: Poem analysis (Check the homework)T: What is the feeling and theme the poem shows?Ss: The poem shows a feeling of loneliness and sadness because the author misses his past.Step ⅡLead-inT: Read the Review of Pride and Prejudice again and check how many parts there are in the passage.Ss: There are 4 parts in the review.T: Find the structure of the passage.Sample answersStep Ⅲ Pre-writingActivity one: Group discussionT: Now please think out a story which impresses you greatly. The language should be easy and well-written, and you share the feeling and the theme that the writer wants to express.After a few minutes.T: Now let me see who share the same topic. If you share the same topic, please have a discussion in the same group about the plot and characters that impress you greatly. Then please state your opinion why you like the plot and characters.Activity two: Language preparationT: Think how the review is organized and why the author wants to give a short introduction of the social background of Jane’s time.Ss: The theme o f the whole story is a romance, as the opening sentence shows: “The search for a suitable partner.” The theme and all the necessary information will help the readers understand the story better.T: Think about the theme and the essential information that leads to a better understanding of the story. Then open your introduction using the techniques you learnt in the previous class. Review the following.Samples version:1. Nearly everyone has a dream, and it is these dreams that lead our life to better levels. Martin Luthe r King’s dream, however, changed the living condition of all the black people in USA. (Start with a common sense)2. Lamb says: “Not childhood alone, but the young till thirty, never practically feels that he is mortal.” This period of life is full of exci tement and risky experience. No wonder that adventure stories attract such a large population of people. (Cite)3. How to educate our kids has become a common concern for most people, but are there approaches that can solve the problem? To seek answers to the question, we should know different opinions from different fields. (Raise a question)4. The story started in 1970s in China, when people always felt uncertain and their life was always disturbed by political movement. (Directly come to the theme)5. In contrast with th e romance stories of her novels, Jane Austen’s love story is different. Jane’s romance with her sweetheart ends quickly after her lover’s death. Thereafter, Jane remains single all her life.Step Ⅳ WritingActivity one: Individual workT: We have finished the first paragraph. Next you are required to follow the sample pattern to finish the whole review.Sample pattern:Step Ⅴ Post-writingActivity one: AppreciationT: Since you have finished your writing, now please exchange your works in your group and choose the best one in your group.Ask students to read and choose the best ones.Sample version:A review of Harry PotterA boy with a happy family will not know how hard life is, while it is not true for those who have a broken family. In Harry Potter’s world, we can see both the happy side in a young boy’s world and the miserable side of his life. Both happiness and misery threads the whole story. He suffers a lot during his stay in the family that treats him badly. However, his life converts unexpectedly when a bird tells him to learn witchcraft and wizardry in Hogwarts.It is Harry’s suffering and happiness that attract children worldwide; it is also his strong determination and sense of rightfulness that catch the hearts of global kids. Before he comes toHogwarts, he doesn’t know what to deal with his life, but in Hogwarts he wins his own happiness. He learns how to love and how to show friendship to others. He knows he should be strong and determined in face of difficulties and hardships and he also find which is right to do and which is not. He overcomes his cowardice and learns to face whatever miserable things may occur. His life in Hogwarts teaches him to become a strong, powerful, determined person like an adult.Harry is my favorite character. His experiences of growing up give him more pleasure than suffering. I share his process of growing and learning. He never gives in facing difficulties and hardships. He looks on life as a process of struggling and learning. We learn from our experiences and our expectations. Our attitude towards life will lead us to the world we dream of, and our anticipation will push us to a better world we hope to live in. Therefore, Harry sets us an example in this hope, spirit and attitude. We learn what we should strive for from him.Rowling is famous for her skillful writing skills. She has walked into the deep world of children. She says what children say and she thinks what children think. She never lacks the imagination that an excellent writer has. The whole structure of the books is like many series of adventures. She creates many mysteries, but she leads the reader to solve them by themselves. No wonder the series of her books becomes a best seller worldwide.Step Ⅵ HomeworkAsk students to summarize what they have learnt in the module and finish the exercises in the workbook.Teaching sources教学资源库I.Jane AustenJane Austen, the famous English writer, who first gave the novel its modern character through the treatment of everyday life. Although Austen was widely read in her lifetime, she published her works anonymously. Virginia Woolf (a famous woman writer) called Austen “the most perfect artist among women.”Jane Austen was born in Steventon, Hampshire. She was the second daughter and seventhchild in a family of eight. The first 25 years of her life Jane spent in Hampshire. On her father's unexpected retirement, the family sold off everything, including Jane's piano, and moved to Bath. Jane, aged twenty-five, and Cassandra, her elder sister, aged twenty-eight, were considered by contemporary standards confirmed old maid, and followed their parents.Jane Austen was mostly tutored at home, and irregularly at school, but she received a broader education than many women of her time. She started to write for family amusement as a child. Very shy about her writing, she wrote on small pieces of paper that she slipped under the desk plotter if anyone came into the room. Rev. George Austen(Jane’s father) supported his daughter's writing aspirations, bought her paper and a writing desk, and tried to help her get a publisher. After his death in 1805, she lived with her sister and her mother. She never married, she never had a room of her own, but her social life was active and she had romantic dreams.Austen's heroines are determined to marry wisely and well, except the character Marianne of Sense and Sensibility. In all of Austen's novels her heroines are ultimately married. Emma was written in comic tone. Austen begun the novel in January 1814 and completed it in March of the next year. The book was published in three volumes.At her death on July 18, 1817 in Winchester, at the age of forty-one, Austen was writing the unfinished SANDITON. She managed to write twelve chapters before stopping in March 18, due to her poor health. Jane Austen was buried in Winchester Cathedral, near the centre of the north aisle. Emma had been reviewed favorably by Sir Walter Scott, who wrote in his journal of March 14, 1826: "[Miss Austen] had a talent for describing the involvements and feelings and characters of ordinary life which is to me the most wonderful I have ever met with. The Big Bow-Wow strain I can do myself like any now going; but the exquisite touch, which renders ordinary commonplace things and characters interesting, from the truth of the description and the sentiment, is denied to me." Charlotte Brontë and E.B. Browning found her limited, and Elizabeth Hardwick said: "I don't think her superb intelligence brought her happiness."II. Pride and PrejudicePride and Prejudice is a humorous story of love and life during the Georgian era. Mr Bennet is an English gentleman living in Hartfo rdshire with his overbearing wife. The Bennets’ 5 daughters;the beautiful Jane, the clever Elizabeth, the bookish Mary, the immature Kitty and the wild Lydia. Unfortunately for the Bennets, if Mr Bennet dies their house will be inherited by a distant cousin whom they have never met, so the family's future happiness and security is dependant on the daughters making good marriages. Life is uneventful until the arrival in the neighborhood of the rich gentleman, Mr. Bingley and Darcy.This tale of love and values unfolds in the class-conscious England of the late 18th century. The five Bennet sisters, including strong-willed Elizabeth and young Lydia, have been raised by their mother with one purpose in life: finding a husband. Pride and Prejudice described the clash between Elisabeth Bennet and Darcy, a rich aristocratic landowner. Their relationship starts from dislike, but Darcy becomes intrigued by her mind and spirit. At last they fall in love and are happily united.Jane Austen began writing the novel which later became Pride and Prejudice in Octoberof 1796 and finished it by August of the following year; she was then twenty-one years old. Little is known of this early version of the story beyond its original title: First Impressions. No copy of that original is known to exist. Three months after Miss Austen completed work on the book, her father offered it to a publisher in the hope that it would make it into print. The publisher refused without ever having seen the manuscript.Fortunately for all of her admirers, whether Austen was discouraged or not by her first rejection, she continued to write; though, it was not until the winter of 1811, fully fourteen years after finishing First Impressions, that she again picked up that manuscript and began revising it into the version we know today as Pride and Prejudice. This occurred in the wake of her first publishing success--the publication of Sense and Sensibility on 30 October 1811. Pride and Prejudice was far more fortunate than its earlier incarnation; it was accepted for publication and was presented to the world on 28 January 1813.Jane Austen's name was never attached to any of her published novels during her lifetime,and the title page of Pride and Prejudice read only: BY THE AUTHOR OF "SENSE AND SENSIBILITY."III. About the characters1.Mr. Bennet, and Mrs. Bennet and their five daughters: Jane, 22, m. Charles Bingley; Elizabeth,20, m. Fitzwilliam Darcy; Mary, obtained nothing higher than one of her uncle Philips'sclerks; Catherine, satisfactorily married to a clergyman near Pemberley; Lydia, 15-16, m. George Wickham.2.Personality of Elizabeth: intelligent, generous, sensible, and incapable of jealousy or any other major flaws.3.Personality of Darcy:arrogant, but with a kind heart hidden under his proud appearance. 4.Famous quotation: “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.”---“凡是有钱的单身汉,总想娶位太太,这已经成了一条举世公认的真理.”。

高二英语外研版选修10教案:Module 1 The Second Period Word版含解析

高二英语外研版选修10教案:Module 1 The Second Period Word版含解析

The Second PeriodLanguage studyTeaching goals 教学目标Target language目标语言1. Key words and expressions重点词汇和短语wide awake, sound/fast asleep, much alike, completely finished, much younger, rather older, in surprise, in anger, fall in love with, in ink, in black, in a soft voice, in German, in his suit.2. Usages 重点语法Enable students to master the usage of “very, most, in, will”.Ability goal能力目标Enable students to use “very, most, in, will” in real context and acquaint them with the use of “my, had”.Learning ability goal学能目标Help students learn how to use “very, most, in, will” in real context and acquaint them with the use of “my, had”.Teaching important and difficult points教学重难点How to master the usage of “very, most, in, will”.Teaching methods教学方法Cooperation and task-based learning.Teaching aids教具准备A projector and some slides.Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式Step I Learn to use “very”Greet students and check the homework.Activity one: Read and reciteAsk students to read the examples sentences and choose the correct words, and then read about theuses of “very”.T: “Very” can be used to intensify a large number of adjectives, but it can not be used in some situations. Now please finish activity one.Check the answers with the class.Activity three: TranslationAsk students to do the following translation work and get acquainted with the uses of “very”. Show the following.1. 他走得很快。

高二英语外研版选修10教案:Module 4 The Third Period Word版含解析

高二英语外研版选修10教案:Module 4 The Third Period Word版含解析

The Third PeriodLanguage in UseTeaching Goals教学目标1. Target language 目标语言a.重点词汇和短语give an interview, run for, other than, be pleased with, as a result of, be used for, ask for, come out, did, other, more, with, been, askb.重点句子1. He did a lot for the film industry during his lifetime.2. The other man standing next to him is a famous film director.3. There are more journalists at the Academy Awards this year.4. The director was pleased with the actor’s performance.5. All the special effects have been done on a computer.6. They asked me for my opinion of the movie.2. Ability goals能力目标Enable the students to analyze and use the words: did, other, more, with, been, ask properly3. Learning ability goals学能目标Help the students to learn to analyze and use these words properly.Teaching important & difficult points 教学重难点Usage of did, other, more, with, been, ask.Teaching methods 教学方法Analyzing, summarizing, practicing and pair work.Teaching aids 教具准备A projector and a computer.Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式Step I Homework checking and revisionCheck students their answers to Activities 3-6 on Page 49.T: Good morning /afternoon everyone!S: Good morning / afternoon, Sir / Madam!T: Have you finished your homework?S: Yes!T: OK, next, let’s check the answers together.Sample answers for Activity 3:1.In 1905, Chinese film art was born in southern Beijing.2.China has turned out a total of 26,300 films since 1905.3.On the international front, 18Chinese home-made films won 32awards in 24 international festivals in the year 2005.4.An epic love story Hero reaped 1.45 billion yuan (US$180million) in box office revenue.5.In 2005, a total of55cinemas were constructed.6.The US film giant, Warner Brothers, declared its intention to open 170new digital cinemas in China by the end of 2007.Sample dialogue for Activity 6:Sa: What is the appeal of Hollywood films?Sb: It’s hard to make a quick answer. Hollywood has all sorts of films and each kind has its own characteristics. For example, the martial films are shaking, brave and bleeding; the magical films are fantastic and strange, the cartoons are lovely and colorful, full of imagination; the action films are adventurous and thrilling, and so on. Most of its films make people exacting with instruction. I think maybe it’s why Hollywood films attract people most.Sa: What is the appeal of Chinese films?Sb: In my opinion, the most popular Chinese films maybe the Kong-fu films (the martial arts films). Chinese Kong-fu has many schools and intensive theory with quick, agile and exacting actions With Cheng Long, Li Lianjie joining in Hollywood, more and more foreigners get to know Chinese gong-fu and they are interested in Chinese martial arts films very much.Sa: Why is Hero an international blockbuster?Sb: I think on one side, Hero showed Chinese martial arts films with a great moral level, telling a story that a true hero would sacrifice himself for love and country events. On the other side, the scenes in the film were very spectacular. The fighting actions were designed lively and vividly andthe color was wonderful.Sa: Which other Chinese films are likely to appeal to international audiences?Sb: I think. A world without thieves will be likely to appeal to international audiences. First, the topic is attractive. How nice the world will be if there was no thief any longer. Then, focus on this topic, the film tells the audience a melting (感人的)story. The hero Shagen’s simpleness and kindness made some thieves feel ashamed and help him avoid being stolen. At last, the film showed an aspiration for a pure and without thief’s world, uncovering the conscience and kind natures of human beings.Step II Language in use (I)Get students to do exercises on Pages 47 & 49.Step III Language in use (II)Get the students to do exercises on Pages 109 & 110The teacher can c heck the Ss’ work in different ways such as asking them to read the sentences one by one, doing pair work, reading the passages in class or just checking the answers together and ask them to review the exercises by themselves.Step IV HomeworkT: We’ve prac ticed more enough in this period. Homework for today: P110 exercise 6: Explain the difference between these words. Please write down the explanations to each pair of the words and make a sentence with each one in your homework books. In next period I’ll ask someone to describe these differences in the front. You can use the dictionaries for help. Goodbye everyone! S: Goodbye Sir /Madame!。



---Subject: High School EnglishGrade Level: Grade 10Unit: Module 3, Unit 1 - "My Favorite Pastime"Lesson Title: "Exploring Hobbies: A Discussion on Reading and Writing"Teaching Objectives:1. Knowledge Objectives:- Students will be able to understand and use new vocabulary related to hobbies and leisure activities.- Students will be able to recognize and use past tense verbs to describe past experiences.2. Skill Objectives:- Students will be able to engage in a discussion about their favorite pastime.- Students will be able to write a short paragraph describing their pastime in the past tense.3. Emotional and Moral Objectives:- Students will develop an interest in different hobbies and appreciate the importance of leisure activities in their lives.- Students will learn to express their opinions and respect others' choices in a healthy manner.Teaching Aids:- Whiteboard and markers- Projector and multimedia resources- Handouts with vocabulary lists and writing prompts- Cards for group discussionsTeaching Procedures:1. Warm-up (10 minutes)- Begin with a quick review of the previous unit to activate prior knowledge.- Ask students to share what they remember about hobbies and leisure activities.- Use a quick survey to gauge students' familiarity with different hobbies.2. Vocabulary Presentation (15 minutes)- Introduce new vocabulary related to hobbies using flashcards or a PowerPoint presentation.- Provide definitions and examples for each word.- Engage students in activities such as matching words with their definitions or using the words in sentences.3. Grammar Focus (10 minutes)- Explain the past tense and demonstrate how to form past tense verbs from regular and irregular verbs.- Provide examples and have students practice forming past tense sentences.- Use a fill-in-the-blanks activity to reinforce the grammar structure.4. Reading Activity (15 minutes)- Read a short passage about a person's favorite pastime, using a variety of reading strategies such as skimming and scanning.- Discuss the passage as a class, asking questions to check for understanding.- Analyze the structure of the passage and identify key information.5. Writing Activity (20 minutes)- Give students a writing prompt: "Describe a hobby you had when you were younger."- Have students write a short paragraph using the past tense.- Circulate around the classroom to provide feedback and support.6. Group Discussion (15 minutes)- Divide the class into small groups and give each group a card with a different hobby.- Have students discuss their hobby, using the new vocabulary and grammar they have learned.- Each group will then present their discussion to the class.7. Conclusion (5 minutes)- Summarize the key points of the lesson.- Ask students to reflect on what they have learned about hobbies and leisure activities.- Assign homework: Write a short essay about a hobby that they are interested in and why it is important to them.Assessment:- Observe student participation in class activities and discussions.- Evaluate the quality of students' writing and speaking.- Collect and review homework assignments.Evaluation Criteria:- Correct use of vocabulary and grammar.- Clarity and coherence of writing and speaking.- Engagement and participation in class activities.---This template provides a structured outline for a high school English lesson using materials from Yanran Press. The teacher can adapt the activities and resources to fit the specific needs and interests of their students.。



The Eighth PeriodWritingTeaching goals 教学目标Target skills日标技能Learn to write a book review・Structure to followIn troductio nA brief description of the plotA brief introduction of the characters General conclusion and opinionAbility goalsEnable students to write a book review・Learning ability goals 学能目标Help students learn how to write a book review・Teachi ng imports nt and difficult points 教学重难点How to write a book review.Teachi ng methods 教学方法Cooperation and task-based learning.Teaching aids教具准备A projector and some slides・Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式Step I RevisionActivity one: Poem analysis (Check the homework)T: What is the feeling and theme the poem shows?Ss: The poem shows a feeling of loneliness and sadness because the author misses his past.Step II Lead-inT: Read the Review of Pride and Prejudice again and check how many parts there are in the passage. Ss: There are 4 parts in the review・T: Find the structure of the passage・Sample answersIntroductio nA brief description of the plotA brief introduction of the charactersGeneral conclusion and opinionStep 111 Pre-writingActivity one: Group discussionT: Now please think out a story which impresses you greatly. The Ianguage should be easy and well-written, and you share the feeling and the theme that the writer wants to express.After a few minutes.T: Now let me see who share the same topic. If you share the same topic, please have a discussion in the same group about the plot and characters that impress you greatly. Then please state your opinion why you like the plot and characters・Activity two: Language preparationT: Think how the review is organized and why the author wants to give a short introduction of the social background of Jane〃stime・Ss: The theme of the whole story is a romance, as the opening sentence shows: z,The search for a suitable partner/ The theme and all the necessary information will help the readers understand the story better.T: Think about the theme and the esse ntial in format! on that leads to a better understanding of the story・ Then open your introduction using the techniques you learnt in the previous class・ Review the following.Skills Examples1. Directly come to the theme Mr. Wang owned his business and worked very hard・ Heseldom stopped work until late in the night every day and hisfame as a workaholic was known to all.2. Start with a comm on senseIt was a cold win ter Christmas n ight. Every one was enjoyingthe delight of family gathering except Mr. Norton, who stayedalone in his shabby small room, signing and drinking.3・ Raise a question Who does n't love sitti ng beside a cozy fire on a cold winter'snight? Who doesrVt love to watch flames curling up achimney?4. Cites People used to say: "Behind every successful man there is awoman."5・ Comparison Today Newtown is a very clean place・Many years ago,however, there were millions of rats in Newtown1.Nearly every one has a dream, and it is these dreams that lead our I 讦e to better levels. Marti n Luther King's dream, however, changed the living condition of all the black people in USA・(Start witha comm on sen se)mb says: "Not childhood alone, but the young till thirty, never practically feels that he is mortal/ This period of life is full of excitement and risky experienee. No wonder that adventure stories attract such a large population of people- (Cite)3.How to educate our kids has become a comm on con cer n for most people, but are there approaches that can solve the problem? To seek answers to the question, we should know d iff ere nt opinions from differe nt fields ・(Raise a questio n)4.The story started in 1970s in China, when people always felt uncertain and their life was always disturbed by political movement・(Directly come to the theme)5.In contrast with the romanee stories of her novels, Jane Austen〃s love story is different・ Jane's romanee with her sweetheart ends quickly after her lover's death・ Thereafter, Jane remains single all her life.Step IV WritingActivity one: Individual workT: We have finished the first paragraph・ Next you are required to follow the sample pattern to finish the whole review.Sample pattern:P2:1. What is essential to know in order to fully understand the novel is that...2.At the time of 17th/18th/19th century, people...3.The plot develops like this..・P3:1. Everyone has their favorite character and ■一is mine-.一2.The hero's image attracts me so much that…P4:1. ■一is famous for her style-—2.The Ianguage is ―3.The structure is skillful—Step V Post-writingActivity one: AppreciationT: Since you have finished your writing, now please exchange your works in your group and choose the best one in your group・Ask students to read and choose the best ones.Sample version:A review of Harry PotterA boy with a happy family will not know how hard life is, while it is not true for those who have a broken family・ In Harry Potter's world, we can see both the happy side in a young boy's world and the miserable side of his life. Both happiness and misery threads the whole story. He suffers a lot during his stay in the family that treats him badly. However, his life converts unexpectedly when a bird tells him to learn witchcraft and wizardry in Hogwarts.It is Harry's suffering and happiness that attract children worldwide; it is also his strong determi nation and sense of rightf uln ess that catch the hearts of global kids ・ Before he comes to Hogwarts, he does n't know what to deal with his I 讦巳but in Hogwarts he wins his own happi ness.He learns how to love and how to show friendship to others・He knows he should be strong and determined in face of difficulties and hardships and he also find which is right to do and which is not. He overcomes his cowardice and learns to face whatever miserable things may occur. His life in Hogwarts teaches him to become a strong, powerful, determined person like an adult・Harry is my favorite character. His experiences of growing up give him more pleasure than suffen ng.I share his process of growi ng and lear ning. He never gives in facing difficulties and hardships. He looks on I讦e as a process of struggling and learning. We learn from our experiences and our expectations. Our attitude towards life will lead us to the world we dream of, and our anticipation will push us to a better world we hope to live in. Therefore, Harry sets us an example in this hope, spirit and attitude. We learn what we should strive for from him.Rowling is famous for her skillful writing skills・ She has walked into the deep world of children. She says what children say and she thinks what children think. She never lacks the imagination that an excellent writer has・ The whole structure of the books is like many series of adventures. She creates many mysteries, but she leads the reader to solve them by themselves・ No wonder the series of her books becomes a best seller worldwide.Step VI HomeworkAsk students to summarize what they have learnt in the module and finish the exercises in the workbook.Teaching sources教学资源库I. Jane AustenJane Austen, the famous English writer, who first gave the novel its modem character through the treatment of everyday life. Although Austen was widely read in her lifetime, she published her works anonymously. Virginia Woolf (a famous woman writer) called Austen "the most perfect artist among women?5Jane Austen was born in Steventon, Hampshire・ She was the second daughter and seventh child in a family of eight. The first 25 years of her life Jane spent in Hampshire. On her father's unexpected retirement, the family sold off everything, including Jane's piano, and moved to Bath. Jane, aged twenty-five, and Cassandra, her elder sister; aged twenty-eight, were considered by con temporary stan dards con firmed old maid, and followed their pare nts.Jane Austen was mostly tutored at home, and irregularly at school, but she received a broader education than many women of her time. She started to write for family amusement as a child・ Very shy about her writing, she wrote on small pieces of paper that she slipped under the desk plotter if anyone came into the room・Rev. George Austen(Jan&s father) supported his daughter's writing aspiration® bought her paper and a writing desk, and tried to help her get a publisher. After his death in 1805, she lived with her sister and her mother. She never married, she never had a room of her own, but her social life was active and she had romantic dreams.Austerfs heroines are determined to marry wisely and well, except the character Marianne of Sense and Sensibility・ In all of Austen's novels her heroines are ultimately married・Emma was written in comic tone. Austen begun the novel in January 1814 and completed it in March of the next year. The book was published in three volumes・At her death on July 1& 1817 in Winchester, at the age of forty-one, Austen was writing the unfinished SANDITON・ She managed to write twelve chapters before stopping in March 18, due to her poor health. Jane Austen was buried in Winchester Cathedral, near the centre of the north aisle. Emma had been reviewed favorably by Sir Walter Scott, who wrote in his journal of March 14, 1826: u fMiss Austen] had a talent for describing the involvements and feelings and characters of ordinary life which is to me the most wonderful 1 have ever met with. The Big Bow・Wow strain I can do myself like any now going; but the exquisite touch, which renders ordinary commonplace things and characters interesting, from the truth of the description and the sentiment, is denied to me.u Charlotte Bronte and E.B. Browning found her limited, and Elizabeth Hardwick said: H I don't think her superb intelligence brought her happiness.nII.Pride and PrejudicePride and Prejudice is a humorous story of love and life during the Georgian era. Mr Bennet is an English gentleman living in Hartfordshire with his overbearing wife・ The Bennets' 5 daughters; the beautiful Jane, the clever Elizabeth, the bookish Mary, the immature Kitty and the wild Lydia. Un fortunately for the Bennets, if Mr Bennet dies their house will be inherited by a distant cousin whom they have never met, so the family's future happiness and security is dependant on the daughters making good marriages. Life is uneventful until the arrival in the neighborhood of the rich gentleman, M T. Bingley and Darcy.This tale of love and values unfolds in the class-conscious England of the late 18th century・ The five Bennet sisters, including strong-willed Elizabeth and young Lydia, have been raised by their mother with one purpose in life: finding a husband. Pride and Prejudice described the clash betwe en Elisabeth Bennet and Darcy, a rich aristocratic Ian downer. Their relationship starts from dislike, but Darcy becomes intrigued by her mind and spirit. At last they fall in love and are happily united・Jane Austen began writing the novel which later became Pride and Prejudice in Octoberof 1796 and finished it by August of the following year; she was then twenty・one years old. Little is known of this early version of the story beyond its original title: First Impressions. No copy of that origi nal is know n to exist. Three mon ths after Miss Auste n completed work on the book, her father offered it to a publisher in the hope that it would make it into print. The publisher refused without ever having seen the manuscript.Fortunately for all of her admirers, whether Austen was discouraged or not by her first rejectio n, she continued to write; though, it was not until the win ter of 1811, fully fourtee n years after finishing First Impressions, that she again picked up that manuscript and began revising it into the version we know today as Pride and Prejudice. This occurred in the wake of her first publishing success-the publication of Sense and Sensibility on 30 October 1811 ・Pride and Prejudice was far more fortunate than its earlier in car nation; it was accepted for publicati on and was presented to the world on 28 January 1813・Jane Austen's name was never attached to any of her published novels during her lifetime, and the title page of Pride and Prejudice read only: BY THE AUTHOR OF "SENSE AND SENSIBILITY."III.About the characters1. Mr. Bennet, and Mrs ・ Bennet and their five daughters: Jane, 22, m. Charles Bin gley; Elizabeth,20, m. Fitzwilliam Darcy; Mary, obtained nothing higher than one of her uncle Philips's clerks; Catherine〃satisfactorily married to a clergyman near Pemberley; Lydia, 15-16, m. George Wickham. 2・ Personality of Elizabeth: in telligent, generous, sen sible, and in capable of jealousy or any other major flaws.3.Personality of Darcy: arroga nt, but with a kind heart hidde n un der his proud appears nee.4.Famous quotati on: "It is a truth un iversally ack no wledged, that a single man in possessi on of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife."…“凡是有钱的单身汉,总想娶位太太,这已经成了一条举世公认的真理:。

高中英语外研社第十册 module1 教案选修十

高中英语外研社第十册 module1 教案选修十

Module 1 Pride and Prejudice I. 模块教学目标II.教材分析与教材重组1. 教材分析本模块的话题是“Pride and Prejudice”,含背景介绍、节选精读、听力拓展、泛读、书评品读、讲故事和写作展示等部分。




1.1INTRODUCTION 部分主要是对作品和作者的简要介绍,此部分的背景信息输入为理解模块话题提供了必要的语言准备,同时也为升华模块话题提供了预备性材料。


Introduction主要讲述了Bennet一家的两个最受欢迎的女儿Jane和Mr. Bingley、Elizabeth和Bingley的好朋友Darcy恋爱故事开始的基本背景。

两个Extracts分别以舞会相识和达西求婚为场景,以精彩的对白和语言描述简要介绍了小说主题—Pride and Prejudice. 7个活动设计以语言学习和语段理解为目的,帮助学生理解小说的主题和语言特色。

1.3 LANGUAGE IN USE(1)着重学习very, most和in的用法。


1.4 VOCABULARY AND LISTENING部分以听力输入为主要方式,补充了模块信息。

听力训练部分可以提炼为三部分:Pre-listening,while-listening和post listening。

Pre-listening(activity 1)是听前准备,主要是对听力材料中词汇的处理;While-listening(activities 2 & 3)设置了回答问题和选词理解两种学习活动;Post-listening(activity 4)是对主题的升华和对听力材料的再加工。

高中英语外研版选修10 《Reading and writing》省级名师优质课教案比赛获奖教案示范课教案公开课教案

高中英语外研版选修10 《Reading and writing》省级名师优质课教案比赛获奖教案示范课教案公开课教案

高中英语外研版选修10Module1 Pride and Prejudice《Reading and writing》省级名师优质课教案比赛获奖教案示范课教案公开课教案【省级名师教案】1教学目标1. Knowledge aim:Enable the students to get to know the whole story shared by the writer.2. Ability aim:Train the reading skills of skimming and scanning, and improve the students’ability of sharing an exp erience by writing them down and reading out in the class.3. Emotion aim:Help students to find and feel the love around them.2学情分析Students are in grade three. The material not only helps them learn language but also inspires their deep emotions. The story "Coins for college"tells the story of a father who saved coins for his son's college and taught his son the life values a person should have. At the end of the lesson, students will be interested to share their own stories.3重点难点1. Lead students to read between lines to get the deeper meaning of the story.2. Enable students to write and talk about their own stories.3. Help students to relate the story with their own experiences and feel the love around them in theirown life.4. Help students learn to write a story about their own life.4教学过程4.1第一学时教学活动1【讲授】Reading and Writing1.Greetings and lead-in。

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The Third PeriodListening and speakingTeaching goals 教学目标Target language 目标语言1. Key words and expressions重点词汇和短语apologize, approve (of), convince, go mad, jewel, relieved, request2. Learn the steps to end a story.Ability goal能力目标Enable students to listen to and present a story.Learning ability goal学能目标Help students learn how to listen to and present a story.Teaching important and difficult points教学重难点How to listen to and present a story.Teaching methods教学方法Cooperation and task-based learning.Teaching aids教具准备A projector and some slides.Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式Step I RevisionActivity one: Revision1. In what situations can’t you use “very”?Keys: “Very” can’t be used in the following situations:1. Very can’t be used to strengthen comparative or superlative adjectives.2. Very can’t be used to strengthen adjectives which are already absolute, e.g. dead, alive, finished, destroyed.3. With many adjectives starting with a, e.g. awake, asleep, we use other words as intensifiers, not very.2. Give me an example to show that “most” is similar to “very” in usage.Keys: It is most (very) important to master a foreign language.3. Translation用钢笔写, 以温柔的方式说话, 穿着套装, 惊讶地, 在雨中Sample answers:in ink, in a soft voice, in a suit, in surprise, in the rainStep ⅡListeningActivity one: Pre-listeningT: Turn to page 6 and look at activity 1. Answer the questions about the words in the box. Sample answers:1. After we landed safely on the airport we all felt relieved.2. People wear jewels as necklaces and rings.3. I think Mrs. Bennet will approve of the engagement.4. Because he was too proud and insulted Elizabeth’s family, which hurt Elizabeth much.5. Darcy invites Elizabeth to dance and in extract 2 he asked her to marry him.6. Yes, because he is a proud man and he thinks she will.7. It is very unpleasant to go mad.Activity two: PredictionT: According to the above answers, can you predict what will be the listening material about? Ss: I guess Darcy will ask Elizabeth to marry her.Activity three: Listening for the first timeT: Listen to another extract from Pride and Prejudice for the first time and answer the questions in activity 2.Check the answers with the class.Activity four: Listen for the second timeT: Listen to the tape again and find out the correct answers to the questions (activity three on page 6).Check the answers by asking some students to read the sentences.Activity five: Post listeningAsk students to work in pairs and discuss the questions in activity 4.Step ⅢPresentationActivity one: Warming upT: Just now we listened to another extract of the story. Now you have known more about the whole story. And also you’ve been able to predict and develop a story in your own sense. This time please go through extract 1 quickly and predict the sequence of the story.Sample prediction:Sa: I think Elizabeth doesn’t enjoy dancing with Darcy. Darcy is silent and unsociable. They didn’t talk much when they were dancing.Sb: I agree with Sa. But I think the reason is different. Elizabeth doesn’t like being together with Darcy because she has had the prejudice against Darcy. If her attitude doesn’t change, she will not like Darcy at all.T: You have come to the same conclusion according to different reasons. This proves that you’ve understood the story very well. Now please write down the ending for the story.Sample endings:1. The silence continued for a few minutes and Elizabeth found it a pleasure to have mocked at Darcy. Just then, the music stopped and Elizabeth asked Darcy to excuse her and left.2. Although Elizabeth forced him to speak, Darcy still kept silent after each mechanic question and answer practice. This made Elizabeth annoyed. She decided to end their partnership as soon as possible.Ask students to write an ending for extract 2.Sample endings:1. After hearing Elizabeth’s refusal, Darcy felt very frustrated because he never expected he would be rejected. However, his pride made him not express his disappointment on his face. He left Elizabeth without a word.2. Elizabe th’s refusal didn’t hurt him at all. He thought he would still have chances to win her heart. However, the defeat really eliminated his pride. He left the room silently.Activity two: Summarize skills to end a storyT: Just now we have learnt how to end a story, what skills do we need to end a story?Sa: First we should predict the sequence of the story in a reasonable way.Sb: We can write down the reaction of the hero or heroine.Sc: We can follow the clue of the story. It may be the character of hero/heroine or it may be the plot.T: Good. We should find out the main clue and or characters of the story and predict the sequence in a reasonable way. This way we will develop our logic of prediction in a reasonable way.Show the following.1. Predict the result in a reasonable way.2. Pick out the clue that threads the whole story such as the characters of the hero and heroine.3. Write down the reaction of the hero or heroine.4. Integrate all the factors.5. Organize the language and write down the ending of the story.Activity three: Develop a storyT: When we develop a story, we should use some skills to make your story readable. In extract 2 we can find a lot of expressions about time. These expressions are very useful because they can thread the story logically and make the story readable. Look at the following connectives and learn to use them in your own story. Now pick out the original sentences with the connectives in the sentences and find out their functions in the whole text.Sample answers:Sa: The expressions of time are used mainly to continue or carry on the topic. They make the story develop continuously.Sb: “But, unfortunately, in spite of” are used to change or convert the topic. Therefore, they are used to make the story full of excitement.Sample connectives:1. The doorbell rang, and a few minutes later, to her complete astonishment, Elizabeth saw…2. He sat down for a few minutes, and then getting up…3. After a silence of several minutes, he came towards her and …4. Her silence encouraged him to speak and …5. He spoke well, but unfortunately, he did not…6. In spite of her powerful dislike for him, Elizabeth…7. Then, as he contin ued to insult her family, she began to …8. When he at last finished speaking, she …9. Unfortunately, I have no desire to …10. However, I never meant to do so, and I …T: Besides connectives, we should also pay attention to use correct tenses to develop a story. The proper use of tenses in the story makes the story develop logically. Therefore we should consider using correct and suitable tenses when we develop a story. When we read the story we find different speeches are used to organize the two extracts. Go through the story again and find out the functions of the two different speeches.Sample answers:Sa: In the extracts, Elizabeth and Darcy talk a lot when they are dancing. The dialogue(direct speeches)reveals their characters more clearly. In extract 2 there are two scenes which use direct speeches: Darcy asks Elizabeth to marry him, Elizabeth rejects his request. From the dialogue we can see direct speeches make the passage more readable.Sb: In extract 2 the author uses a lot of indirect speeches. I find indirect speeches make the novel more story-like and continuous.After this, show the following.Skills to develop a story1.Make sure to use connectives when necessary.2.Pay attention to the use of different tenses.e different kinds of speeches to make your story readable.Activity five: Start a storyT: We have learnt how to end and develop a story. Now I’ll show you some examples to start a story. Read the examples carefully and try to use them in your writing.Show the following.Examples:Step ⅣPresent a storyActivity one: Write a storyT: Now please think out a story that happened to you or your friend. Next list the points you want to write down. Then learn to use the skills we have learnt to organize your story.Sample version:I had always expected that my visit to Mount Tai would be quite an experience. However, my expectation failed because of the bad weather and my illness. (Comparison to open the passage) On arriving at the foot of Mount Tai on May 1st, it began to rain heavily. We had to stay in the hotel waiting until it became sunny. The bad weather continued till the next evening. We were about to celebrate the coming sunny day when I caught a bad cold. I coughed and coughed. I got so sick that I had to be sent to hospital. My illness cast anxiety over the whole family. Besides, my cold also cost our family the whole holiday because it lasted 5 days. When I was getting better in the hospital, we had no time left to climb Mount Tai. Thus we had to leave Mount Tai with regret.Activity two: Tell a storyT: Now you have learnt to organize a story. This time you can present your story in front of our class. But make sure to use the key points.1. Change your voice to indicate different characters.2. Look at the audience and speak slowly and clearly.Step ⅤHomeworkAsk students to1. revise their stories.2. preview READING AND VOCABULARY (2).。
