IBM Websphere Portal 6.1.5配置操作手册
Websphere(6.1) HTTPS配置

IBM websphere portal 资料

为全球高效且创新的组织提供强大动力IBM WebSphere Portal Version 6.1 软件借助功能丰富、具有高响应能力的门户界面超越用户的预期使您能够利用现有资产快速响应瞬息万变的业务需求和新的业务机会使用强大的开发功能、模板和加速器,帮助加速应用程序和内容部署 借助站点向导和简化的管理,帮助降低门户部署和维护总成本帮助用户在正确的时间利用正确的资源IBM WebSphere ® Portal 软件帮助您快速构建可伸缩的门户,简化并加速用户对个性化信息、应用程序、流程和人员的访问。
WebSphere Portal 软件使您能够快速、轻松地重用现有的基于 Web 的资产和 IT 资产,帮助公司更快地响应瞬息万变的业务需求和新的业务机会。
此外,WebSphere Portal 软件包含大量工具和创新,比以前更容易部署、维护,能更轻松地拓展您 Web 门户的价值。
WebSphere Portal 软件可以在以下 3 个打包产品中获得:z IBM WebSphere Portal Server Version 6.1 软件z IBM WebSphere Portal Enable Version 6.1 软件zIBM WebSphere Portal Extend Version 6.1 软件IBM WebSphere Portal 软件提供了高度的灵活性和更广泛的选择度,为您的 IT 投资保驾护航。
要点现有基于 Web 的 资产和 IT 资产, 比如 HTML 内容 和现有应用程序Syndicated feeds/Atom其他 IBM 以及 IBM 业务合作伙伴 应用程序和解决方案电子表单 使用 IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory 软件和 其他 IBM 工具 构建的 portlet 高级门户搜索功能社会网络和 合作工具基于 Web 2.0 的工具和构件支持开放标准,包括 JSR 和 WSRPWeb 内容管理和文档库复合应用程序流程驱动上下文内(in-context )服务个性化、基于角色 的信息和内容z Portal Representational State Transfer (REST) 服务允许您合hup 应用程序,包括许用户创建和部署独拟门户。
IBM WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance 产品说明说明书

IBM WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance Delivers enterprise cloud services to speed application deploymentHighlightsSpeed application deployment and dramatically reduce setup time forIBM WebSphere® environments from weeks to minutes with predefined patterns and virtual images. Dynamically manage application health and performance with thenew WebSphere Application Server Hypervisor Edition – Intelligent Management Pack.Dispense multiple images in a single pattern to better capture your applica-tion’s true topology.Maximize reuse of resources in a private cloud by automatically returning them to the shared resource pool upon completion.Gain insight into cloud resource utiliza-tion and charge back departments with management reports that track usage of physical and virtual anizations are facing a complexity and affordability crisis. Costs to manage and power operations can exceed the budget for hardware and software. Fortunately the world is becoming smarter, more instru-mented, interconnected and intelligent.A Smarter Planet™ is about working smarter, making more informed decisions and creating deeper relationships and business processes that are more agile and efficient, all while optimizing costs. The need has never been greater for organizations to optimize the management of their business applications to create fresh possibilities across the enter-prise and seize tomorrow’s opportunities.Businesses are extending Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) by applying it to cloud services, making deployments more flexible and easy to use. By extending SOA to private clouds, organizations can realize both the economic benefits of a virtualized infrastructure man-aged as a single resource and the security of a private cloud behind the corporate firewall.IBM WebSphere CloudBurst™ Appliance empowers developers, IT and operations managers to intelligently deploy and manage their SOA foundation in private cloud computing environments to lower costs and rapidly roll out new applications and services. This hardware appli-ance provides access to software virtual images and patterns to be used as is or easily customized then securely deployed and managed in a private cloud. Combined with WebSphere Hypervisor Edition virtualimages, these intelligent management solutions allow organi-zations to easily, quickly and repeatedly create application environments that can be published and managed in a private cloud. Organizations can seamlessly extend their investment in SOA into a cloud services environment.The first hardware appliance of its kind, WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance stores and secures WebSphere Hypervisor Edition virtual images and patterns to be dispensed into a cloud. WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance helps customers easily and quickly develop, test and deploybusiness applications, ending the use of manual, complex or time-intensive processes associated with creating application environments. Once finished, resources are automatically returned to the shared resource pool and logged for internal charge-back purposes. WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance also manages individual user and group access, giving IT man-agers the right kind of access controls with optimal efficiency rates.WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance incorporates more than 10 years of management best practices for cost-effective, rapid and repeatable application deployment and fully inte-grates with development and service management tools from Rational® and Tivoli® brands for a seamless end-to-end process.WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance is targeted for privateor on-premise cloud computing environments. It can also be used by service providers providing hosted public clouds and software-as-a-service environments to simplify and standard-ize repeated deployments. It’s part of a powerful and compre-hensive set of cloud computing and virtualization solutions for intelligently deploying and managing SOA applications, services and environments to achieve smarter business out-comes. These solutions deliver robustness and agility to enable applications to adapt to changing market conditionswhile lowering costs.IBM WebSphere CloudBurst ApplianceFeature BenefitsSecurely deploy, manage and maintain application environments in a private cloud Lower hardware, power and cooling costs by utilizing shared virtualized infrastructure and driving higher hardware utilization rates in a private cloudPredefined patterns (such as WebSphere application environments) based on more than 10 years ofIBM software management best practices Rapid, and repeatable application deploymentLower development and deployment costs by ending the use of manual, complex and time-intensive processes associated with creating application environments Reduce riskStreamline resources and time dedicated to WebSphere environment configuration and administrationCustomize multi-image patterns to meet your specific needs Increase agilityEnhance repeatability and lower the potential for costly errorsPreloaded WebSphere Application Server Hypervisor Edition 6.1 and 7.0 virtual images Running systems available in VMware ESX, PowerVM™ and z/VM® environment in minutesLower installation, administration and maintenance costsWebSphere Process Server Hypervisor Edition 6.2 and 7.0 virtual images Running systems available in VMware ESX and PowerVM environment in minutes Efficiently and cost-effectively deploy and manage BPM applications using cloud principlesPreloaded WebSphere Application Server Hypervisor Edition – Intelligent Management Pack Drive down costs and enhance application performance by delivering application edition management, health management and other popular application virtualiza-tion functions via the WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance“Lock” images, patterns and specific parameters(such as, memory size = 1024)Ensure identical, repeated deployments Management reports track usage by users and groups Accurately charge back departmentsSelf-service virtual system management console Set up and tear down WebSphere environments based on user input times at the click of a button Apply updates to images and patterns once and republish for broader user access Running systems available within minutesSimplified administration and managementFrees developers to focus on development and testers on testingFeature BenefitsAppliance serves as an encrypted vault whereimages, patterns and permissions are storedAppliance has a self-disabling switch, which istriggered if the appliance cover is removedProvides granular access controls, allowing adminis-trators to restrict visibility, pattern creation privilegesand deployment rights to individuals and groupsIntegrates with existing LDAP directories to tie intoexisting access control listsPasswords for virtual systems deployed are set atthe time of deployment, guaranteeing root accessonly to credentialed partiesSecurity through the entire infrastructure life cycleREST APIs allow for standards-based integration intoexisting data center management software, includingTivoliSeamless integration into management tools including Tivoli softwareVirtual image customization to include binaries for monitors and corporate governance agents Ensure complianceEasily integrate with monitoring tools for optimal performanceDrag-and-drop tooling for assembling virtual images, scripts and topologies into customized patterns Easily customize predefined patterns to meet customer needsLicense Management Automatically alert users/administrators when product requests exceed availableentitlementsSchedule deployment of patterns and automaticallyreturn them to shared resource pool upon completionMaximize reuse of resourcesManage individual user and group access Optimize efficiency ratesFor more informationT o learn more about IBM WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance, contact your IBM representative or IBM Business Partner, or visit /cloudburstAdditionally, financing solutions from IBM Global Financing can enable effective cash management, protection from technology obsolescence, improved total cost of ownership and return on investment. Also, our Global Asset Recovery Services help address environmental concerns with new, more energy-efficient solutions. For more information on IBM Global Financing, visit: /financing ©Copyright IBM Corporation 2010IBM CorporationSoftware GroupRoute 100Somers, NY 10589 U.S.A.Produced in the United States of AmericaJune 2010All Rights ReservedBM, the IBM logo, , CloudBurst, PowerVM, Rational, Smarter Planet, Tivoli, WebSphere and z/VM are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. If these and otherIBM trademarked terms are marked on their first occurrence in this information with a trademark symbol (® or ™), these symbols indicate U.S. registered or common law trademarks owned by IBM at thetime this information was published. Such trademarks may also be registered or common law trademarks in other countries. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the web at “Copyright and trademark information” at /legal/copytrade.shtmlOther product, company or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.Plea s e Recycle。

Websphere配置手册Websphere配置手册Websphere配置手册 (1)1.启动WebSphere Application Server (1)2.系统启动和关闭的集成 (1)3.启停the deployment manager (5)4.添加应用程序 (6)5.删除应用程序 (13)6.更新应用程序 (14)7.更新WebSphere(silent方式安装) (14)安装升级工具 (14)升级文件 (15)1.启动WebSphere Application Servera) WebSphere Application Server 提供 shell 脚本以简化应用服务器的启动过程。
b) 启动应用服务器的方法是,使用su或sudo -s命令(取决于使用的是UNIX 系统还是Linux 发行版)变成安装WebSphere Application Server 的系统上的特权用户。
c) 接下来,输入以下命令启动WebSphere Application Server:/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ server1 (在刚安装WebSphere Application Server 的系统上,默认的服务器名称是server1)。
在Microsoft Windows 等平台上安装WebSphere Application Server 时,安装过程允许用户把服务器和管理服务器定义为在启动系统时自动启动的Windows 服务。
但是,UNIX 和 Linux 安装程序没有提供相似的启动集成机制。
因此,在 UNIX 和Linux 系统上,必须手工地把 WebSphere Application Server 集成到系统启动过程中。
IBM WEBSPHERE 网络部署系统安装配置报告

目录1. 应用服务器安装 (3)1.1安装环境 (3)1.2主机列表 (3)1.3WAS6ND集群配置 (3)1.4安装步骤 (4)1.4.1 WAS6安装 (4)1.4.2 WAS Cluster配置 (19)1.4.3 配置全局安全性 (20)2. WEB服务器安装 (40)2.1安装环境 (40)2.2主机列表 (41)2.3安装步骤 (41)2.3.1 安装IBM HTTP Server 6.0 (41)2.3.2 安装WEB服务器插件 (44)2.3.3 安装IBM HTTP Server补丁 (48)2.3.4 安装WEB服务器插件补丁 (49)2.3.5 在WAS 6 ND中添加WEB Server (49)3. 部署应用程序 (56)4. 日常管理与维护 (57)4.1使用WAS管理控制台 (57)4.1.1 检查Application Server状态 (58)4.1.2 检查Cluster状态 (58)4.1.3 部署应用程序 (59)4.1.4 监控应用服务器性能 (60)5. 常用命令 (61)5.1D EPLOYMENT M ANAGER 启动与停止 (61)5.2A PPLICA TION S ERVER 启动与停止 (61)5.3N ODE启动与停止 (62)5.4HTTP S ERVER启动与停止 (62)6. 常见问题 (63)6.1WAS6ND管理控制台密码丢失 (63)7. 附录 (63)7.1D EPLOYMENT M ANAGER服务器HOST文件(/ETC/HOSTS) (63)7.2WEB服务器HOST文件(HOSTS) (63)7.3LDAP服务器现有用户(LDIF) (63)7.4WEB服务器配置文件(HTTPD.CONF) (63)7.5WEB服务器插件配置文件(PLUGIN-CFG.XML) (64)1. 应用服务器安装1.1 安装环境AIX 5300-03)IBM WebSphere Application安装路径:/usr/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer)安装前请务必确认各主机间网络通讯没有问题,防火墙端口已经打开;已经配置好/etc/hosts文件(AIX)、C:\WINNT\system32\drivers\etc\hosts文件(WinNT/2K/2003)。

Websphere部署与配置手册1WEBSPHERE安装1、W ebSphere包括集群和单机两种方式,单机安装选择“./WAS/”;2、大部分安装过程都可按默认选择的,点“下一步”即可完成;主要需要修改的如下图,选择所需安装目录(没有特殊要求,按个人习惯选择)后,再下一步时选择“应用程序服务器”。
3、安装完成,建议进行第一次验证和启动,验证完毕建议将验证的所有配置拷贝下来;4、启动命令:D:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\bin> server1 (备注:默认为server1,根据安装具体情况修改)5、停止命令:D:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\bin> server16、控制台:,控制台可以对WebSphere进行所有的控制和配置2WEBSPHERE配置2.1数据源配置1、配置oracle驱动程序路径进入方式:环境——WebSphere变量,选择“ORACLE_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH”;输入所在的路径,如:D:\oracle\ora92\jdbc\lib;确认后保存到主配置;2、配置jdbc进入方式:资源——jdbc——jdbc提供程序作用域选择为需要使用此jdbc的节点点击“新建”按钮,步骤1按如下选择,之后下一步至完成即可;注意:oracle9i及10g一般用的驱动是;确认后保存到主配置;3、配置数据源进入方式:资源——jdbc——数据源作用域选择为需要使用此数据源的节点点击“新建”按钮,步骤1按下图填写,“数据源名”按个人习惯填写,“JNDI名称”填入项目对应JNDI名;步骤2:提供程序为先前配置的jdbc提供程序步骤3:URL根据实际情况填写,例如:jdbc:oracle:thin:@:1521:ora92;数据库的helper按默认选择即可;确认完成后保存到主配置;4、配置JAAS-J2C认证数据进入方式:资源——jdbc——数据源,点击上一步所配置的数据源进入配置页面点击“JAAS - J2C 认证数据”进入点击“新建”按钮,“别名”按个人习惯填写,“用户标识”为指定数据库的用户名,“密码”为指定用户的密码;确认完成后保存到主配置;重新执行本配置的第一步进入数据源配置页面,选择刚配置的认证名称,确定后保存到主配置;在数据源列表勾选中所配置的数据源,点击“测试连接”,根据页面上方的提示结果判断连接是否正常;2.2JVM参数配置进入方式:服务器——应用服务器——server1——java管理和进程——进程定义——java虚拟机设置内容:初始堆大小:256,最大堆大小:512通用JVM参数: =GBK =Zh =CN,这里主要是配置支持中文2.3安装应用程序进入方式:应用程序——企业应用程序默认上下文根”/”已有DefaultApplication在使用,与项目冲突,因此在安装系统程序前将系统自带的example全部卸载,勾选后点击“卸载”即可,然后保存到主配置;点击“安装”,选择项目war包或ear包所在位置,“上下文根”根据具体项目设置填写,综合运维支撑系统为“/”;之后继续点“下一步”执行直到“步骤 3: 将资源引用映射至资源”如下页面,选择“认证数据条目”,选择“JNDI”并勾选,点击“应用”,将将资源引用映射至资源;继续执行“下一步”操作,直至“完成”,然后保存到主配置;2.4启动应用程序进入企业应用程序,勾选指定项目,点击“启动”,看是否正常进入“已启动”状态;进入连接:,如能正常显示系统登陆界面,说明系统已部署成功。
基于WAS 6.1的WebSphere Portal 6.1 Cluster配置详解

基于WAS 6.1的WebSphere Portal 6.1 Cluster配置详解级别:初级崔烨 (yecui@), 软件工程师, IBM郭亮 (guoliang@), 软件工程师, IBM2008 年 12 月 11 日集群是搭建高可用性环境的有效解决方案之一,因此也成为 WebSphere Portal 支持的一项重要功能。
本文将向您介绍 WebSphere Portal V6.1 集群的搭建过程,配置过程中经常遇到的问题及其解决方法。
< !--START RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE INCLUDE FILES--><!-- include java script once we verify teams wants to use this and it will work on dbcs and cyrillic characters -->< !--END RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE INCLUDE FILES-->Portal 集群简介Portal集群基本结构在 WebSphere Application Server 中,集群由应用程序服务器的多个相同副本组成,WebSphere Portal 服务器架设在WebSphere Application Server 基础结构之上,WebSphere Application Server 基础结构中可用的所有集群特性也适用于 WebSphere Portal。
因此,WebSphere Portal集群就是配置相同的多个WebSphere Portal 服务器一起进行管理,并参与负载均衡的集合。
使用集群的优点具体表现在:∙提高资源利用率∙较高的可用性∙提高容错能力∙灵活负载均衡(负载均衡器设置负载均衡策略)∙易于管理∙良好的可扩展性图 1. Portal 集群基本结构示意图图1 是 Portal 集群的拓扑结构,包括单元(cell)、节点(node)、服务器(server)等基本概念。

WebSphere6.1安装部署手册1 安装说明Websphere下载地址:/ibmdl/pub/software/tw/trials/downloads/was_cd_6103_trial_exp ress_windows_ia32.zipWebsphere更新程序下载地址:ftp:///software/websphere/appserv/support/tools/UpdateInstaller/7.0.x/WinIA3 2/更新文件下载地址:ftp:///software/websphere/appserv/support/fixpacks/was61/cumulative/cf610 37/WinX32/6.1.0-WS-WAS-WinX32-FP0000037.pakftp:///software/websphere/appserv/support/fixpacks/was61/cumulative/cf610 37/WinX32/6.1.0-WS-WASSDK-WinX32-FP0000037.pak本手册不包括集群安装方式。
<WAS_HOME>表示:Windows:C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServerUnix/Linux:/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer2 安装WebSphere1、准备安装程序、检查环境如果是第一次安装,则跳过此步骤;如果是升级到新版本,则请参考第4章先将旧版本的WebSphere进行卸载后再安装新版本。
WebSphere v6.1配置文档

支持随需应变电子商务的强大基础∙为主要Web 服务开放标准提供集成支持。
∙提供完整的J2EE 1.4 兼容性,包括企业就绪的JMS。
在WebSphere Application Server, V6.1 中有哪些新增功能?WebSphere Application Server, V6.1 能够在提供IBM Software Group Portfolio 基础的同时,提高现有IT 资产的投资回报率。
WebSphere Application Server, V6.1 兼容Java™ 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) 1.4,并且通过以下关键特性来支持随需应变的基础设施:∙跨所有产品的完整J2EE 支持。
∙混合的应用服务器支持(V5、V5.1 和V6),方便更灵活地迁移到WebSphere Application Server 的最新版本。
∙支持统一管理混合的WebSphere Application Server 环境(V5.0、V5.1 和V6.0),方便更灵活地迁移到WebSphere Application Server V6.1。
∙WebSphere Rapid Deployment 可以减少开发和部署J2EE 应用程序的复杂性。
∙附加的基于J2EE 1.4 的Web 服务标准,提供了面向服务架构(Services Oriented Architecture,SOA)的牢固基础。
WebSphere® Application Server 可以最大限度地提高投资回报率,包括成本和使管理资源更加高效。
webSphere 手册

泉州市行政执法信息平台建设项目配置文档福建南威软件工程发展有限公司2009年6月版本历史目录1.IBM WebShere 中间件应用服务器集群配置 (5)1.1.集群服务器安装 (5)1.1.1.安装环境 (5)主机列表 (5) 6 ND集群拓扑 (5)1.1.2.安装步骤 (6)准备工作 (6)安装WAS ND (6)安装WebSphere Application补丁 (12)建立DM Profile (12)建立Application Server Profile (20)安装验证 (26)1.1.3.WAS Cluster配置 (28)添加节点到Network Deployment (28)创建集群 (30)1.1.4.WEB服务器安装 (35)安装步骤(先安装IBM Http Server在安装插件) (35)服务器配置 (39)1.2.应用程序部署与配置 (45)1.2.1.应用程序部署 (45)1.2.2.应用程序websphere配置 (48)会话同步配置 (48)虚拟机堆大小配置 (51)线程池大小配置 (51)2.日常管理与维护 (52)2.1.WAS 管理控制台简介 (52)2.1.1.检查应用程序服务器状态 (53)2.1.2.检查Cluster(集群)状态 (54)2.1.3.部署应用程序 (54)2.1.4.监控应用服务器性能 (55)2.2.更新应用程序 (56)2.3.问题处理 (58)1.IBM WebSphere集群部署和配置1.1.集群服务器安装安装环境Windows 2008 Enterprise Server ,Service Pack1IBM WebSphere Application 6.1.安装路径:C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer安装前请务必确认各主机间网络通讯没有问题,防火墙端口已经打开;已经配置好C:\WINNT\system32\drivers\etc\hosts文件。

用教程目录•Websphere概述与安装•Websphere核心组件详解•Websphere应用开发实践•Websphere集群与负载均衡技术•Websphere安全性管理策略•Websphere性能调优与监控技巧Websphere概述与安装Websphere简介基于开放标准WebSphere支持Java EE、OSGi、Web服务和其他重要标准,使开发人员能够利用广泛的选择来构建和部署应用程序。
03确保您的计算机上已经安装了Java DevelopmentKit(JDK)。
Websphere核心组件详解应用服务器WebSphere Application Serv…提供全面的Java EE应用服务器功能,支持大规模的企业级应用部署和管理。
Liberty Profile轻量级、高度可配置的Java EE应用服务器,适用于云和移动应用。

部署应用程序 将Web应用程序打包为WAR( Web Application Archive)文 件,并将其部署到WebSphere应 用服务器上。
配置服务器资源 根据应用程序的需求,配置服务 器资源,例如数据库连接、文件 存储和网络连接等。
WebSphere可以使用SSL/TLS协议对客户端和服务器之间的通信进 行加密,确保数据在传输过程中的安全性。
WebSphere支持多种加密算法,如AES、DES等,可以根据实际需 求选择合适的算法来保护数据隐私。
在开发过程中,使用调试工具对Java代码 进行调试,以便及时发现和修复错误。
编写单元测试用例,对应用程序的各个模 块进行测试,确保模块功能正常。
将各个模块集成在一起进行测试,确保整 个应用程序能够正常运行。
对应用程序进行性能测试,包括负载测试 和压力测试等,以确保应用程序在高负载 情况下能够稳定运行。
WebSphere可以整合企业内外部信 息资源,构建统一的企业信息门户, 提高工作效率。
WebSphere可以与IBM云计算平台 相结合,为企业提供基础设施、平台 和软件三种模式的云计算服务。
确保你的计算机满足 WebSphere安装的最 低系统要求。
ESB支持各种通信协议和消息格式 ,包括SOAP、REST、JMS等, 并提供了一系列功能,如消息路 由、转换、安全等。

WebShpere常用配置一、W ebSphere中JVM内存配置首先进入WebShpere管理控制台,然后点击服务器选项里面的应用程序服务器进入下面界面:点击server1进入下面界面:点击Java和进程管理里面的进程定义进入下面界面:点击Java虚拟机进入下面界面:个参数设置的一样大。
如图:二、W ebSphere中JVM内存监控使用说明进入WebSphere控制台,点击监控和调整中性能查看器中的当前活动,如下图所示:点击server1进入下图界面:如下图:确定后会出现下图:用下拉条拖动到下图所示的地方点击win98-XP下载文件,下载完毕后安装,然后点击查看模块按钮,就会出现下图:这样就可以监控内存的变化了。
不要选择具体调整方法为:应用程序服务器> server1 > 线程池> WebContainer 界面中调整。
(1)(2)(3)(4)四、W ebSphere的数据源配置首先进入WebShpere控制台,点击环境选项下的WebShpere变量,如图所示:在本页下方有个ORACLE_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH 参数,如图所示:点击进入后在值这一项中输入ORACLE_ JDBC驱动的路径, 如图所示:供程序,如图所示:在图的下方,点击新建按钮,进入添加页面,如图所示:按实际情况进行选择,如图所示:选择好后点击下一步,如图所示:在本页下方有一个类路径,按真实情况填写,如图所示:点击确定按钮并保存配置,就添加成功了,如图所示:点击Oracle JDBC Driver后进入修改界面,如图所示::在页面的右侧,有个数据源选项,如图所示::点击进入,如图所示::点击新建按钮后,进入新建页面,如图所示::久化性(CMP)”这个选项去除掉,如图所示::如图所示:然后点击确认并保存配置,就添加成功了,如图所示::然后点击Oracle JDBC Driver DataSource,进入修改界面,如图所示::入,如图所示:点击新建按钮,进入新建页面,如图所示:根据实际情况填写,如图所示:点击确定并保存,就添加成功了,如图所示:然后退到Oracle JDBC Driver DataSource页面,如图所示:在图的下方有个组件管理的认证别名,把你刚才添加的认证选择上,如图所示:然后点击确定并保存,这样就配置数据连接池就配置好了,可以点击页面上面的测试连接进行测试。

WebSphere多服务安装详细配置手册基于Windows系统平台目录第1章WebSphere多实例概述 (1)第2章WebSphere多实例安装 (1)2.1 Websphere多实例安装的前提 (1)2.2 通过安装WebSphere副本实现 (1)安装过程 (1)2.3 通过wsinstance命令实现 (7)安装过程 (7)第3章WebSphere多实例卸载 (12)3.1 关于重复安装的情况 (12)3.2 关于使用wsinstance创建实例的情况 (12)第1章WebSphere多实例概述IBM公司的WebSphere作为CI系列产品常用的中间件之一,单服务器实施WebSphere 多实例部署的应用变得日益重要,本文根据在中国电信项目过程中的实际环境搭建经验,为大家的学习与使用提供一个有益的参考。
第2章WebSphere多实例安装2.1 Websphere多实例安装的前提在进行Websphere多实例安装之前,需要确定系统中是否已经安装有Websphere服务。
2.2 通过安装WebSphere副本实现安装过程1、启动安装程序:把安装光盘放入光驱中,稍等一段时间后,系统会自动运行安装程序;假如没有自动运行安装程序,能够通过执行:(光盘盘符)\win\LaunchPad.bat(会弹出一个cmd窗口,请不要关闭);选择安装产品,如下图所示:2、选择【下一步】,如图:3、选择“我同意许可证协议中的全部条款”,点击【下一步】,如图:4、如今进入到如下图所示的步骤,选择“安装新副本”;5、填写新副本的安装路径,也能够通过“浏览”进行路径选择,完成之后点击【下一步】,如下图所示:6、在安装界面勾选“重新配置产品以使它与它自己的其它版本共存”,然后会显示如下图所示的内容,括号中的端口号为原有WebSphere服务的端口号,文本框中的端口号为新副本默认的端口号,能够根据安装的实际情况进行修改,但所有应用服务的端口号不能重复;端口号设置完成之后,点击【下一步】:7、进入下一界面,选择安装的类型,建议选择“定制”,然后点击【下一步】,如后图所示:8、这里的选项能够参照《WebSphere安装配置手册(Win)》中的说明,完成选择之后,点击【下一步】:9、直接选择【下一步】,也能够设置其它安装路径:10、输入主机名与节点名,通常使用默认的即可,点击【下一步】;11、进入如下图所示界面,能够不必选中“将WebSphere Application Server作为服务运行”,然后点击【下一步】;12、直接选择【下一步】;13、进入服务的安装过程;16、完成WebSphere新副本安装,将“现在注册此产品”的勾去掉,如下图所示:17、点击【完成】,结束新副本的安装;进入“开始”菜单,选择“WebSphere”目录,“AppServer”下选择“启动服务”,即可完成新副本的启动。
IBM Software Services for WebSphere 应用程序优化管理指南说明书

Your Business ChallengeToday’s dynamic business environments and economic uncertainty meanorganizations must work smarter to remain competitive and respond to changing customer demands. However, the cost of managing and running today’s business applications, from enterprise wide to department level, is now far exceeding the cost of the software itself. At the same time, while the need to rapidly adapt to changing marketing conditions has never been greater, adapting is costly. To meet business needs while controlling costs, you need to be able to optimize the management of your business applications.Intelligently manage SOA applications, services and environments to achieve smarter business outcomes Adapt to changing market conditions while lowering costs Engage the experts—team with IBM Software Services for WebSphere! Our skilled consultants will enable your business to be agile and high performing in a constantly changing environmentIBM Software Services for WebSphereIBM QuickStart for WebSphere CloudBurst ApplianceOptimize the management of your business applications quickly and securelyHighlightsYour business can benefit fromimplementing WebSphere® CloudBurst™ Appliance, but you face challenges ahead. Our expert will help you to realize value from your investment in WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance by• Reducing errors by deploying repeatable and consistent application environments• Reducing operating costs through improved power and server utilization• Securing data throughout the entire virtual image lifecycle • Simplifying configuration, maintenance and managementServices SolutionAn IBM Software Services for WebSphere expert will help you discover the best approach for planning and implementing WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance. Backed by years of proven software deployment experience, IBM Software Services for WebSphere is a team of highly skilled consultants with broad process modeling and architectural knowledge, deep technical skills and recommended practices expertise. We provide worldwide support for WebSphere products to make it easy for clients and partners to design,build, test and deploy solutions.Our proven methodology empowers you to recognize new capabilities for capitalizing on opportunities and outmaneuvering competitors. We help you develop, test and deploy business applications quickly and easily, ending the use of manual, complex or time-intensive processes associated with creating application environments. Andwe understand that in these challenging economic times, you need to realizequick time-to-value for your technology investments. The QuickStart offering gives you an on-ramp to a full cloud computing initiative and allows you to focus freed resources in other areas of your business.Through the QuickStart, our expert consultant can provide a working installation of WebSphere Cloudburst Appliance and establish competency in creating custom images for deployment into your cloud environment. We offer hands-on experience developing and deploying your cloud solution, and we also provide an execution guide for next steps.Typical ActivitiesThe QuickStart engagement includes a hands-on, interactive session with an IBM Software Services for WebSphere expert, but the specific activities may vary by customer.During the Installation and Configuration session, a consultant will work with youfor up to 80 hours to help you complete the following: Assemble your private cloud and deployWebSphere CloudBurst patterns, whichinclude• Accessing the WebSphere CloudBurstAppliance through the Web UserInterface• Defining one or more hypervisors,storage and network resources for theWebSphere CloudBurst Appliance• Deploying a predefined WebSpherepatternCreate custom images by extending,capturing and creating custom patternsfor deployment, which includes• Extending and capturing processesto add content to the WebSphereApplication Server Hypervisor Edition• Cloning and modifying a pattern usinga custom image• Adding a sample application to thepattern• Deploying a new WebSphere patternAdminister typical use-cases, whichincludes• Creating users and groups• Applying WebSphere maintenance tovirtual systems• Performing WebSphere CloudburstAppliance tasks through theCommand-Line Interface• Accessing WebSphere CloudburstAppliance reportsIf you prefer to customize your environmentfor Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 5.2,a consultant will work with you for up to anadditional 40 hours to• Create an RHEL 5.2 virtual imagethat includes your custom operating-system and company policies• Import the RHEL 5.2 virtual image intothe appliance and test the new imageby deploying a single server or stand-alone pattern• Create your own patterns based onthe RHEL 5.2 image and deploy intothe cloudFor subsequent RHEL releases, pleaseconsult with your IBM Software Services forWebSphere sales contact (URL below).DeliverablesUpon completion of the QuickStart, our IBMSoftware Services for WebSphere expertwill deliver the following:• Implementation of the defined use-cases• Assistance in testing the use-cases• Execution Guide that describesimplementation stepsDurationThe duration of the Installation and Configuration session is approximately 80 hoursand provides you with the support of one IBM Software Services for WebSphere consultant. The duration of the RHEL 5.2 customization is approximately an additional 40 hours and provides you with the support of one IBM Software Services for WebSphere consultant.ContactTo discuss your specific needs or to learn more about the value that IBM Software Services for WebSphere can offer, please contact your local IBM Software Services Sales Specialist at/developerworks/websphere/services/contacts.html.Related EducationFor further information about IBM WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance courses, please visit the education site at/websphere/education.© Copyright IBM Corporation 2009IBMRoute 100Somers, NY 10589U.S.A.Produced in the United States of AmericaSeptember 2009All Rights ReservedIBM, the IBM logo, , CloudBurst and WebSphere are trademarks or registeredtrademarks of International BusinessMachines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. If these and otherIBM trademarked terms are marked on their first occurrence in this information with atrademark symbol (® or ™), these symbols indicate U.S. registered or common lawtrademarks owned by IBM at the time thisinformation was published. Such trademarks may also be registered or common lawtrademarks in other countries. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the Webat “Copyright and trademark information” at/legal/copytrade.shtml.Linux is a registered trademark of LinusTorvalds in the United States, other countries, or both.Other company, product, or service namesmay be trademarks or service marks of others. WSS14040-USEN-00。
IBM Websphere Portal安装、配置和集群

Poratl安装要在两台机器上安装Portal,指定好安装路径一步一步点击next就可以了WAS升级1、在安装完Portal以后,可以将Portal版本升级到6.0.1.32、升级之前,用tar命令备份WebSphere目录下的AppServer目录和PortalServer目录(tar -cvf AppServer.tar AppServer,tar -cvf PortalServer.tar PortalServer)3、确认PortalServer和server1都已停止(./serverstatus -all-username wpsadmin -password wpsadmin)4、在/support/docview.wss?rs=180&uid=swg240163 26页面下载W AS6.0.2.23补丁包和UpdateInstaller5、将下载下来的UpdateInstaller和W AS补丁包分别解压,在解压开的updateInstaller目录中,执行./install6、安装的时候第二次弹出安装界面需要选择appsever的路径见下图7、Maintenance Package Directory Selection时需要选择补丁包解压缩的根目录下的 6.0.2-WS-W AS-AixPPC32-FP00000023.pak 见下图8、安装成功运行was安装目录下bin目录中的 见下图JDK升级1、W AS安装目录/AppServer/classes下所有文件清空2、安装的方法和介质与打was的补丁包一样只是在MaintenancePackage Directory Selection时要选择wasjdk的目录见下图Portal升级1、在/support/docview.wss?rs=180&uid= swg24016326下载Portal6.0.1.3补丁包和UpdateInstaller2、确认PortalServer和server1都已停止(W AS安装目录/bin/ –all –username wpsadmin –password wpsadmin)3、在WebSphere/AppServer目录下新建update目录和PortalFix目录,将解压开的UpdateInstall和Portal补丁包分别copy过去4、更新portalserver/config目录下的wpconfig.properties文件,修改PortalAdminPwd和WasPassword为wpsadmin5、运行update目录下的./updatePortalWizard.sh见下图6、如果java环境未初始化,可运行AppServer\bin\,如果不行就用以下命令初始化窗口export W AS_HOME=/opt/WebSphere/AppServerexport JA V A_HOME=/opt/WebSphere/AppServer/java7、Enter the directory where fix packs located 选择解压缩6.0.1-WP-FP003.tar目录,见下图8、安装完成后去portalServer的安装目录下查找wps.properties用vi命令打开可以看到以下内容,见下图Portal集群ND安装运行ND介质进行默认安装,最后要进行升级。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
IBM Websphere Portal 6.1.5配置操作手册
tail -f SystemOut.log
/opt/IBM/WebSphere/wp_profile/installedApps/portal/wps.ear/wps.war/themes/html/Portal 启动:/opt/IBM/WebSphere/wp_profile/bin
./ WebSphere_Portal
./ server1
其中profile_root是安装 WebSphere Portal 的 WebSphere
Application Server 概要文件的名称,例如:wp_profile。
server1是 WebSphere Application Server 管理服务器的名称。
要验证 WebSphere Application Server 是否正在运行,从浏览器请求以下 URL::10038/snoop
./ server1 -user admin_userid -password admin_password
./ WebSphere_Portal
./ WebSphere_Portal -user admin_userid-password admin_password
1、开发工具:Myeclipse8.6 + pluto 2.0.3
说明:图中src目录为存放源代码的目录;开发基于pluto的portlet应用必须添加portlet_20.jar(基于JSR 286标准)、pluto-taglib-x.x.x.jar;在WIN-INF目录下需添加配置文件portlet.xml
点击Pluto Admin标签进行管理:
到所选择的Potal Page:About Apache Pluto,添加成功后点击About Apache Pluto标签,如下图所示:
可以看到已经成功将HelloPortlet添加到About Apache Pluto。