
超实用的机场英语口语小伙伴们有没有在办理登机的时候因为英语不好而发生了尴尬场面的经历呢今天口语猫英语就给大家讲讲机场里那些实用的英文表达让我们一起愉快的出行吧!1、登机柜台 Check in counterExcuse me, where is the check in counter for Air China?不好意思,请问国航的登机柜台在哪里?2、办理登记 ticket and passport-May I see your ticket and passport , please.-Sure, here you are / here you go.-请出示你的机票和护照?-好的,给你3、直达飞机 &转机-Where are you flying to ?-I am flying to Shanghai, China -I am flying to HongKong and then I have a connecting flight to Shanghai.-你是飞去哪里呢?-我飞往上海-我先飞往香港之后转机去上海4、自助办理登记终端&座位选择 self check-in kiosk-Would you prefer window seat or aisle seat?-你想要靠窗的座位还是过道的座位?-Can I have window seat /aisle seat please-我可以选靠窗的座位或者过道的座位吗?5、行李托运 carry-on bag and checked bag-Do you have any restricted items in your carry -on bag ?-在你的随身携带的包你有没有违禁物品?-No. I don’t have any !-不,我什么都没有-Can you put the checked bag on the scale ,please?-你可以把你的行李放在秤上称一下吗?-Do you have anything fragile ?-你有没有什么易碎物品?6、暴力卸载 get mistreated-Please handle with care!-请小心轻放!-My checked bag got mistreated.-我的托运行李被暴力卸载了。

以下是50句机场常用的英语口语:1.Is this the check-in counter for flight ABC?2.Where can I check in for my flight to XYZ?3.I have a reservation under the name of [Your Name].4.Can I have a window seat, please?5.Do I need to weigh my luggage here?6.How many pieces of luggage can I check in?7.Can I carry this bag as my hand luggage?8.Where is the departure gate for flight DEF?9.What time should I be at the gate?10.Can I have a boarding pass, please?11.Is there a boarding pass on my phone?12.Where is the security check?13.Is there a duty-free shop in this terminal?14.How long is the layover between my flights?15.Which carousel will the luggage from flight XYZarrive on?16.Is there free Wi-Fi in the terminal?17.Are there any restaurants or cafes nearby?18.Can I use my laptop during the flight?19.How much liquid can I carry in my hand luggage?20.Is there a charger for my phone in the waiting area?21.What is the boarding time for flight GHI?22.Can I upgrade to business class?23.Is there a restroom near the gate?24.Where is the nearest currency exchange?25.Can I pre-order food for the flight?26.How long will the flight to ABC take?27.Are there any delays for flight JKL?28.Can I use my laptop during the flight?29.Can I change my seat assignment?30.What’s the best way to get to the city center from the airport?31.Do I have to go through customs?32.Is there a shuttle service to the hotel?33.Can I request a wheelchair at the gate?34.How do I access the lounge?35.Can I bring food from outside into the terminal?36.Is there a smoking area in this terminal?37.Can I use my phone during the flight?38.Can I leave my luggage in storage for a few hours?39.Can I rebook my flight for a different date?40.Is there a designated area for families with children?41.Can I use my credit card to pay for excess baggage fees?42.Will my luggage be transferred to my connecting flight?43.Can I request a vegetarian meal for the flight?44.Is there a pharmacy at the airport?45.Can I use the airport’s lounge if I’m not in business class?46.Is there a lost and found office in the terminal?47.Can I bring my pet on the flight?48.What time does the last shuttle to the city leave?49.Can I leave feedback about my experience at the airport?50.How do I retrieve my luggage after the flight?以上是50句机场常用的英语口语,在国际旅行中,熟练掌握这些句子可以帮助你顺利度过在机场的时光,享受愉快的旅行体验。

Customs declaration 海关申报表 Foreign 外国的 Foreigner 外国人 Immigration 入境 Itinerary 行程 I-20 form 留学生身分表 I-94 form 出入境表 Name 姓名 Nationals 国民 Officer 官员 Passport 护照 Tax Free, duty free 免税 Tourist 游客 United States (U.S.) 美国 Visa 签证 Water 水Tea 茶Drink 饮料Coke 可乐Sprite 雪碧Pillow 枕头Blanket 毛毯soft drinks 饮料no ice please. 不加冰 hot water 开水 orange juice 橘子汁 water 水 apple juice 苹果汁 tomato juice 番茄汁coke 可乐diet coke 无糖可乐hot tea 热茶coffee 咖啡chicken 鸡肉 beef 牛肉fish 鱼 vegetarian 吃素rice 米饭 noodle 面条smashed potato 土豆泥1.入境英语May I see your passport, please?? 麻烦请给我你的护照。
Where are you staying? 将在那儿住宿?Here is my passport / Here it is. 这是我的护照。
I will stay at Boston Hotel. 我将住在波士顿饭店。
What's the purpose of your visit? 旅行的目的为何?Do you have a return ticket to Taiwan? 是否有台湾回程机票?Sightseeing(Businese). 观光(公务)。
Yes, here it is. 有的,这就是回程机票。
How long will you be staying in the United States? 预计在美国停留多久?How much money do you have with you? 你随身携带多少现金?5 days. 5天。

实用英语机场常用语Document serial number【NL89WT-NY98YT-NC8CB-NNUUT-NUT108】机场指示牌机场费airportfee 出站(出港、离开)departures 国际机场internationalairport 登机手续办理check-in 国内机场domesticairport 登机牌boardingpass(card) 机场候机楼airportterminal 护照检查处passportcontrolimmigration 国际候机楼internationalterminal 行李领取处luggageclaim;baggageclaim 国际航班出港internationaldeparture 国际航班旅客internationalpassengers 国内航班出站domesticdeparture 中转transfers 卫星楼satellite 中转旅客transferpassengers 入口in 中转处transfercorrespondence 出口exit;out;wayout 过境transit 进站(进港、到达)arrivals 报关物品goodstodeclare 不需报关nothingtodeclare 贵宾室room 海关customs 购票处ticketoffice 登机口gate;departuregate 付款处cash 候机室departurelounge 出租车taxi 航班号FLTNo(flightnumber) 出租车乘车点Taxipick-uppoint来自……arrivingfrom 大轿车乘车点coachpick-uppoint 预计时间scheduledtime(SCHED) 航空公司汽车服务处airlinecoachservice 实际时间actual 租车处carhire 已降落landed 公共汽车bus;coachservice 前往……departureto 公用电话publicphone;telephone 起飞时间departuretime 厕所toilet;W.C.;lavatories;restroom 延误delayed 男厕men's;gent's;gentlemen's 登机boarding 女厕women's;lady's 由此乘电梯前往登机stairsandliftstodepartures 餐厅restaurant 迎宾处greetingarriving 酒吧bar 由此上楼up;upstairs 咖啡馆coffeeshop;cafe 由此下楼down;downstairs 免税店duty-freeshop 银行bank 邮局postoffice 货币兑换处moneyexchange;currencyexchange 出售火车票railticket 订旅馆hotelreservation 旅行安排tourarrangement 行李暂存箱luggagelocker 行李牌luggagetag 机票飞机票endorsements/restrictions 前往城市to 旅客姓名nameofpassenger 承运人carrier 旅行经停地点goodforpassagebetween 航班号flightno. 起点城市from 座舱等级class 起飞日期date 机号planeNo. 起飞时间time 机座号seatNo. 订座情况status 吸烟坐位smokingseat 机票确认ticketconfirm 非吸烟席non-smokingseat 登机口gate出/入境卡姓familyname 年year 名First(Given)Name 月month 性别sex 偕行人数accompanyingnumber 男male 职业occupation 女female 专业技术人员professionals&technical 国籍nationality 行政管理人员legislators&administrators 国籍countryofcitizenship 办事员clerk 护照号passportNo. 商业人员commerce 原服务人员service 前往目的地国destinationcountry 农民farmer 登机城市citywhereyouboarded 工人worker 签证签发地citywherevisawasissued 其他others 签发日期dateissue 无业jobless 前往国家的住址addresswhilein 签名signature 街道及门牌号numberandstreet 官方填写Customsdeclaration海关申报表Foreign外国的Foreigner外国人Immigration入境Itinerary行程I-20form留学生身分表I-94form出入境表Name姓名Nationals国民Officer官员Passport护照TaxFree,dutyfree免税Tourist游客UnitedStates(U.S.)美国Visa签证Water水Tea茶Drink饮料Coke可乐Sprite雪碧Pillow枕头Blanket毛毯softdrinks饮料noiceplease.不加冰hotwater开水orangejuice橘子汁water水applejuice苹果汁tomatojuice番茄汁coke可乐dietcoke无糖可乐hottea热茶coffee咖啡chicken鸡肉beef牛肉fish鱼vegetarian吃素rice米饭noodle面条smashedpotato土豆泥1.入境英语MayIseeyourpassport,please?麻烦请给我你的护照。


店铺整理了机场空乘服务实用英语,欢迎阅读!机场空乘服务实用英语一航班相关Flight Number, Flight No. 航班号Gate 登机口North 北South 南East 东West 西Level 1 第一层(楼)Level 2 第二层(楼)Level 3 第三层 (楼)Shuttle 机场小巴Baggage Claim 行李认领Connecting flights counter 转机服务台Boarding Pass 登机牌Exit 出口Emergency Exit 紧急出口(只用作紧急状况时)Terminal 机场终端出口Telephone 电话Northwest Airlines 美西北航空公司Restroom 洗手间Men's 男洗手间Gentleman 男洗手间Women's 女洗手间Ladies女洗手间Airport 机场Air China 中国国航Air Ticket 飞机票Arrival 抵达Belt 带, 传送带Date 日期Time 时间Departure 出发Domestic 国内Take off 起飞Customer 顾客, 乘客Elevator, Lift 电梯Employee Only 只限工作人员进入Information 信息Information Center 问讯处International 国际No Entry 勿进No Smoking 严禁吸烟China 中国Chinese 中国人Customs 海关机场空乘服务实用英语二AExcuse me, sir. What would you like to eat, Chinese food or western food?打扰一下,先生您要点什么,中餐还是西餐?BI'd like to have Chinese food.我要中餐。

机场费airportfee 出站(出港、离开)departures 国际机场internationalairport 登机手续办理check-in 国内机场domesticairport 登机牌boardingpass(card) 机场候机楼airportterminal 护照检查处passportcontrolimmigration 国际候机楼internationalterminal 行李领取处luggageclaim;baggageclaim 国际航班出港internationaldeparture 国际航班旅客internationalpassengers 国内航班出站domesticdeparture 中转transfers 卫星楼satellite 中转旅客transferpassengers 入口in 中转处transfercorrespondence 出口exit;out;wayout 过境transit 进站(进港、到达)arrivals 报关物品goodstodeclare 不需报关nothingtodeclare 贵宾室room 海关customs 购票处ticketoffice 登机口gate;departuregate 付款处cash 候机室departurelounge 出租车taxi 航班号FLTNo(flightnumber) 出租车乘车点Taxipick-uppoint ?来自……arrivingfrom 大轿车乘车点coachpick-uppoint 预计时间scheduledtime(SCHED) 航空公司汽车服务处airlinecoachservice 实际时间actual 租车处carhire 已降落landed 公共汽车bus;coachservice 前往……departureto 公用电话publicphone;telephone 起飞时间departuretime 厕所toilet;W.C.;lavatories;restroom 延误delayed 男厕men's;gent's;gentlemen's 登机boarding 女厕women's;lady's 由此乘电梯前往登机stairsandliftstodepartures 餐厅restaurant 迎宾处greetingarriving 酒吧bar 由此上楼up;upstairs 咖啡馆coffeeshop;cafe 由此下楼down;downstairs 免税店duty-freeshop 银行bank 邮局postoffice 货币兑换处moneyexchange;currencyexchange 出售火车票railticket 订旅馆hotelreservation 旅行安排tourarrangement 行李暂存箱luggagelocker 行李牌luggagetag 机票飞机票endorsements/restrictions 前往城市to 旅客姓名nameofpassenger 承运人carrier 旅行经停地点goodforpassagebetween 航班号flightno. 起点城市from 座舱等级class 起飞日期date 机号planeNo. 起飞时间time 机座号seatNo. 订座情况status 吸烟坐位smokingseat 机票确认ticketconfirm 非吸烟席non-smokingseat 登机口gate姓familyname 年year 名First(Given)Name 月month 性别sex 偕行人数accompanyingnumber 男male 职业occupation 女female 专业技术人员professionals&technical 国籍nationality 行政管理人员legislators&administrators 国籍countryofcitizenship 办事员clerk 护照号passportNo. 商业人员commerce 原住地countryofOrigin服务人员service 前往目的地国destinationcountry 农民farmer 登机城市citywhereyouboarded 工人worker 签证签发地citywherevisawasissued 其他others 签发日期dateissue 无业jobless 前往国家的住址addresswhilein 签名signature 街道及门牌号numberandstreet 官方填写officialuseonly 城市及国家cityandstate 日day 出生日期dateofBirth 航班相关FlightNumber,FlightNo.航班号 Gate 登机口 North 北 South 南 East 东 West 西 Level1第一层(楼) Level2第二层(楼) Level3第三层(楼) Shuttle 机场小巴 BaggageClaim 行李认领 Connectingflightscounter 转机服务台 BoardingPass 登机牌 Exit 出口 EmergencyExit 紧急出口(只用作紧急状况时) Terminal 机场终端出口 Telephone 电话 NorthwestAirlines 美西北航空公司 Restroom 洗手间 Men's 男洗手间 Gentleman 男洗手间 Women's 女洗手间 Ladies 女洗手间Airport 机场AirChina 中国国航AirTicket 飞机票Arrival 抵达Belt 带,传送带Date 日期Time 时间Departure 出发Domestic 国内Takeoff 起飞Customer 顾客,乘客Elevator,Lift 电梯EmployeeOnly 只限工作人员进入 Information 信息InformationCenter 问讯处International 国际NoEntry 勿进NoSmoking 严禁吸烟China 中国Chinese 中国人Customs 海关签证姓surname 失效日期(或必须在…日之前入境)expirydate(或before) 一月JAN七月JUL名first(given)name停留期为……forstaysof 性别sex10天tendays出生日期birthdate8周eightweeks国籍nationality3个月threemonths护照号passportNo.6个月sixmonths编号controlNo.1年oneyear签发地IssueAt3年threeyears签发日期IssueDate签证种类visatype/class 二月FEB八月AUG三月MAR九月SEP四月APR十月OCT五月MAY十一月NOV六月JUN十二月DEC天day(s)年year(s)周week(s)1993年6月12日12Jun.1993 月month(s)1993年6月12日Jun.12,1993飞机上Customsdeclaration海关申报表Foreign外国的Foreigner外国人Immigration入境Itinerary行程I-20form留学生身分表I-94form出入境表Name姓名Nationals国民Officer官员Passport护照TaxFree,dutyfree免税Tourist游客UnitedStates(U.S.)美国Visa签证Water水Tea茶Drink饮料Coke可乐Sprite雪碧Pillow枕头Blanket毛毯softdrinks饮料noiceplease.不加冰hotwater开水orangejuice橘子汁water水applejuice苹果汁tomatojuice番茄汁coke可乐dietcoke无糖可乐hottea热茶coffee咖啡chicken鸡肉beef牛肉fish鱼vegetarian吃素rice米饭noodle面条smashedpotato土豆泥1.入境英语MayIseeyourpassport,please??麻烦请给我你的护照。
机场英语必备 机场口语

````````````护照检查处passport control immigration1.机场英语处luggage claim; baggage claim机场指示牌airport signs 行李领取机场费a irport fee 国际航班旅客international passengers国际机场international airport 中转旅客transfer passengers国内机场domestic airport 中转处transfer correspondence国际候机楼international terminal 过境t ransitT1,T2)报关物品g oods to declare候机楼Terminal (一般为室V.I.P. room国际航班出港international departure 贵宾国内航班出站domestic departure 购票处ticket office入口entrance 付款处cashT axipick-up point出口exit; out; way out 出租车乘车点进站(进港、到达c oachpick-up point)arrivals 大轿车乘车点处airline coach service不需报关nothing to declare 航空公司汽车服务驾车)car hire海关customs / customs office / customs 租车处(旅客自己男厕men’s;gent ’sg;entlemen’s house登机口gate; departure gate (Gate 1, Gate 2)女厕wome’n s; lady ’st oilet候机室departure lounge 厕所航班号FLT No (flight number) 免税店duty-free shop 、DFSp ost office来自⋯⋯arriving from 邮局s cheduled time (SCHED) 出售火车售rail ticket时间预计时间actual 旅行安排tour arrangement际实l uggage locker已降落landed 行李暂存箱前往departure to 行李牌luggage tagd eparture time 机票air ticket起飞时间d elayed 旅客姓名name of passenger延误t icket confirm登机boarding 机票确认级class(fare basis)由此乘电梯前往登座舱等机stairs and lifts to departures 机号plane No.处greeting arriving 机座号seat No.迎宾由此上楼up; upstairs 非吸烟席non-smoking seat由此下楼down; downstairs 姓family name / surname 名First Name / Given Name货币兑换处money exchange; currency exchange 国籍nationalityh otel reservation 护照号passport No.订旅馆行李暂存箱l uggage locker原住出站(出站、离开)departures 地country of Origin (Country where you live) 登机手续办理check-in登机牌boarding pass (card) 前往目的地国destination country````````````登机城市city where you boarded 行李寄存baggage deposit签证签发地city where visa was issued 失物招领lost and found签发日期date issueAirport lounges 机场休息室街道及门牌号number and street城市及国家city and stateAirport shuttle 机场班车出生日期date of Birth (Birth date)偕行人数accompanying numberArrivals 进港职业occupation专业技术人员professionals & technicalAssistance 问讯处行政管理人员legislators &administrators办事员clerkCheck in area(zone) 办理登机区商业人员commerce (Business People)服务人员serviceCustomers lounges 旅客休息室签名signature官方填写official use onlyDeparture airport 离港时间签证visa出生日期birth dateDestination airport 返航时间护照号passport No.编号control No.Domestic flight 国内航班签发地Issue At签发日期Issue Date(或On)Emergency exit 安全出口签证种类visa type (class)磁悬浮maglevExit to all routes 各通道出口地铁subway / metro机场巴士airport busFlight connections 转机处商务中心business center国际、港澳台登机International & HongHelp point(desk) 问讯处Kong-Macau-Taiwan Boarding国内登机Domestic boardingInquiries 问讯处航站楼Terminal长途汽车Long distance busLeft baggage 行李寄存停车库Parking lot酒店班车shuttle bus for hotelsLost property 失物招领汇合点meeting point向上自动扶梯escalator upLuggage from flights 到港行李向下自动扶梯escalator down无障碍洗手间facilities for disabled personLuggage pick up 取行李Luggage reclaim 取行李2 机场口语2.入境英语麻烦请给我你的护照。

120句机场实用英语单词1、国内候机楼domestic terminal2、国际候机楼international terminal3、候机室departure lounge4、国内机场domestic airport5、国际机场international airport6、国内航班出站domestic departure7、国际航班出港international departure8、国际航班旅客international passengers9、中国海关China customs10、报关物品goods to declare11、不需报关nothing to declare12、护照检查处passport control immigration13、签证Visa14、护照passport15、身份证ID Card16、航空公司汽车服务处airline coach service17、航空公司办公室airline office18、承运人carrier19、航班号FLT No (flight number)20、机号plane No.21、机座号seat No.22、机票飞机票endorsements/restrictions23、购票处ticket office24、服务柜台service counter25、座舱等级class26、头等舱First class27、公务舱business class28、经济舱Economic class29、升舱Upgrade30、改签Change ticket31、单程One-way32、往返Return33、退票Ticket fecund34、订座情况status35、付款处cash36、旅客姓名name of passenger37、机票确认ticket confirm38、机场费airport fee39、起点城市from40、前往…… departure to41、旅行经停地点good for passage between42、中转处transfer correspondence43、中转旅客transfer passengers44、值机Check in45、行李领取处luggage claim; baggage claim46、行李查询处Baggage inquiry counter47、行李暂存箱luggage locker48、行李寄存Left baggage office49、行李牌luggage tag50、VIP 休息室VIP lounge51、休息室Rest room52、计时休息室hourly lounge53、直飞Non-stop54、已降落landed55、延误delayed56、取消cancel57、登机手续办理check-in58、登机牌boarding pass (card)59、登机boardin60、起飞日期date61、预计时间scheduled time (SCHED)62、实际时间actual63、起飞时间departure time64、登机时间Boarding time65、由此乘电梯前往登机stairs and lifts to departures66、出站(出港、离开、出发)departures67、进站(进港、到达)arrivals68、吸烟室smoking room69、吸烟坐位smoking seat70、非吸烟席non-smoking seat71、摆渡车Free Inter-terminal shuttle72、出口exit; out; way out73、入口in 登机口gate; departure gate74、1号门Gate one75、由此上楼up; upstairs76、左转turn left77、直走go straight78、由此下楼down; downstairs79、右转turn right80、问讯处Information center81、商务中心Business center82、充电、充值Charge83、插座Electric outlet84、工作人员staff85、经理Manager86、机场大巴Air bus87、租车处car hire88、出租车taxi89、出租车乘车点Taxi pick-up point90、大轿车乘车点coach pick-up point91、公共汽车bus; coach service92、市区downtown93、机场快轨Airport express train94、失物招领处Lost and found95、警务室Police station96、停车场Car park/parking97、咖啡店coffee shop/ cafe98、液态物品Liquid items99、餐厅restaurant100、饮品Drinks101、酒吧bar102、书店book shop103、公用电话public phone; telephone104、厕所toilet; W. C.; lavatories; rest room105、男厕men's; gent's; gentlemen's106、女厕women's; lady's107、迎宾处greeting arriving108、免税店duty-free shop109、足疗Foot massage110、银行bank111、自助取款ATM112、中国银行Bank of China113、建行China Construction Bank114、工行Industrial and Commercial Bank of China 115、农行Agriculture Bank of China116、邮局post office117、医疗室medical center118、货币兑换处money exchange; currency exchange 119、出售火车票rail ticket120、订旅馆hotel reservation。

机场英语口语300句1.Hello, welcome to the airport.2.Can I see your passport and ticket, please?3.Where are you flying to today?4.I am flying to London.5.Have a safe flight.6.What time is the boarding?7.The boarding time is at 3:30 PM.8.Is this your first time flying?9.Yes, it is my first time flying.10.Do you have any luggage to check in?11.Yes, I have one suitcase to check in.12.Here is your boarding pass.13.Thank you.14.What is the gate number for my flight?15.Your flight is at gate number 12.16.How long is the flight to Paris?17.The flight to Paris is about 3 hours.18.Can I have a window seat, please?19.I am sorry, all window seats are already taken.20.Can I have an aisle seat then?21.Yes, you can have an aisle seat.22.Do I need to go through security?23.Yes, you need to go through security before boarding.24.Where is the nearest restroom?25.The nearest restroom is on the left.26.What time do we start boarding?27.Boarding will start in 10 minutes.28.Do you serve meals on this flight?29.Yes, we serve meals on flights that are longer than 3 hours.30.Can I have a vegetarian meal?31.Sure, we can arrange a vegetarian meal for you.32.Is there Wi-Fi on the plane?33.No, there is no Wi-Fi on this plane.34.Can I use my electronic devices during the flight?35.Yes, you can use your electronic devices in airplane mode.36.Is there a limit on the weight of carry-on luggage?37.Yes, the limit is 7 kilograms for carry-on luggage.38.Can I have a blanket and pillow?39.Yes, we can provide you with a blanket and pillow.40.Are we allowed to walk around the cabin during the flight?41.Yes, you can walk around when the seatbelt sign is off.42.Can I have a cup of coffee, please?43.Sure, I will bring you a cup of coffee.44.What time do we arrive in New York?45.We will arrive in New York at 7:30 AM.46.Is there a duty-free shop at the airport?47.Yes, there is a duty-free shop in the departure area.48.Can I change some currency here?49.Yes, you can exchange currency at the exchange counter.50.What is the local time in Dubai right now?51.The local time in Dubai is 9:00 PM.52.Do I need to take off my shoes at security?53.Yes, you need to take off your shoes and belt at security.54.Can I bring my own snacks on the plane?55.Yes, you can bring your own snacks on the plane.56.Is there a taxi stand outside the airport?57.Yes, there is a taxi stand outside the airport.58.How much is the airport parking for a day?59.The airport parking is $20 per day.60.Can I take this bag as a carry-on?61.No, that bag is too big for a carry-on.62.How long is the layover in Beijing?63.The layover in Beijing is 2 hours.64.Do I need a visa for transit in Moscow?65.Yes, you need a transit visa for Moscow.66.Can I have a glass of water, please?67.Sure, I will bring you a glass of water.68.What is the maximum amount of liquid allowed in carry-on bags?69.The maximum amount of liquid is 100ml per container.70.Can I bring my small pet in the cabin?71.Yes, you can bring your small pet in the cabin.72.What is the weather like at our destination?73.The weather at our destination is sunny and warm.74.Can I upgrade to business class?75.Yes, you can upgrade to business class for $200.76.Is there a lost and found office at the airport?77.Yes, there is a lost and found office near the baggage claim area.78.Can I smoke in the airport?79.No, smoking is not allowed in the airport.80.Can I have a boarding pass for my connecting flight?81.Yes, you can get a boarding pass for your connecting flight at the transfer desk.82.Do I need to declare any items at customs?83.Yes, you need to declare any items that are not allowed in the country.84.Can I request a wheelchair for my elderly mother?85.Yes, we can provide a wheelchair for your elderly mother.86.What is the departure gate for my connecting flight?87.The departure gate for your connecting flight is B3.88.Can I bring my medication in my carry-on bag?89.Yes, you can bring medication in your carry-on bag.90.Are there any special requirements for traveling with children?91.Yes, children under 2 years old need to sit on an adult’s lap.92.Can I have some headphones for the in-flight entertainment?93.Sure, I will bring you some headphones.94.What is the inflight entertainment like?95.We have a selection of movies, TV shows, and music channels.96.Can I have a hot towel before the meal?97.Yes, I will bring you a hot towel.98.Are we flying over any mountains on this route?99.No, we are flying over the ocean for most of the route.100.Can I see the cockpit after the flight?101.I am sorry, the cockpit is off-limits to passengers.102.How far is the airport from the city center?103.The airport is about 20 kilometers from the city center.104.Can I have a receipt for my checked luggage?105.Yes, I will print out a receipt for your checked luggage.106.Are there any delays for my flight?107.No, your flight is on time.108.Can I bring a small backpack in addition to my carry-on?109.Yes, you can bring a small backpack in addition to your carry-on.110.How do I access the airport lounge?111.You can access the airport lounge by showing your boarding pass.112.What is the fastest way to get to the gate?113.The fastest way to get to the gate is by taking the shuttle bus.114.Can I have a blanket for my child?115.Yes, I will bring a blanket for your child.116.Is there a currency exchange in the transit area?117.Yes, there is a currency exchange in the transit area.118.Do I need to fill out a customs declaration form?119.Yes, you need to fill out a customs declaration form before landing.120.Can I have a toothbrush and toothpaste for the flight?121.Yes, I will bring you a toothbrush and toothpaste.122.What is the carry-on luggage limit for infants?123.Infants are allowed a diaper bag in addition to the carry-on luggage limit.124.Can I have an extra pillow for my long flight?125.Yes, I will bring you an extra pillow.126.Are there any restrictions on electronic devices in the cabin?127.Yes, electronic devices need to be in airplane mode during takeoff and landing.128.Can I have a glass of orange juice, please?129.Sure, I will bring you a glass of orange juice.130.How do I rebook my missed connecting flight?131.You can rebook your missed connecting flight at the airline counter.132.What is the terminal for international flights?133.The terminal for international flights is terminal 2.134.Can I rent a car at the airport?135.Yes, you can rent a car at the car rental counter.136.Do you have to pay for the airport shuttle?137.No, the airport shuttle is free for passengers.138.What is the busiest time at the airport?139.The busiest time at the airport is in the morning.140.Can I bring my skateboard as carry-on luggage?141.Yes, you can bring your skateboard as carry-on luggage.142.Can I bring my laptop in addition to my carry-on bag?143.Yes, you can bring your laptop in addition to your carry-on bag.144.Can I request a baby bassinet for my infant?145.Yes, we can provide a baby bassinet for your infant.146.How early should I arrive at the airport for my flight?147.You should arrive at least 2 hours before your flight.148.Can I have a blanket and pillow for the long flight?149.Yes, I will bring you a blanket and pillow.150.Can I have a glass of water with no ice, please?151.Sure, I will bring you a glass of water with no ice.152.Do I need to present my boarding pass at security?153.Yes, you need to present your boarding pass at security.154.Can I request a special meal for dietary restrictions?155.Yes, you can request a special meal for dietary restrictions.156.Can I bring my own alcohol on the plane?157.No, you cannot bring your own alcohol on the plane.158.What time do we land in Tokyo?159.We will land in Tokyo at 6:30 AM.160.Can I have a cup of tea, please?161.Sure, I will bring you a cup of tea.162.Can I bring my bicycle as checked luggage?163.Yes, you can bring your bicycle as checked luggage.164.Do I need to show my ID at check-in?165.Yes, you need to show your ID at check-in.166.Can I check in online before the flight?167.Yes, you can check in online before the flight.168.Can I have a USB port to charge my phone?169.Yes, you can use the USB port to charge your phone.170.Can I have a soy milk for my coffee, please?171.Yes, I will bring you a soy milk for your coffee.172.Can I bring my musical instrument as carry-on luggage?173.Yes, you can bring your musical instrument as carry-on luggage.174.Can I have a second cup of coffee, please?175.Sure, I will bring you a second cup of coffee.176.Do I need to recheck my luggage for the connecting flight?177.No, your luggage will be automatically transferred to the connecting flight.178.Can I have some blankets for my children?179.Yes, I will bring some blankets for your children.180.Can I bring my skateboard as checked luggage?181.Yes, you can bring your skateboard as checked luggage.182.Can I have a glass of water with lemon, please?183.Sure, I will bring you a glass of water with lemon.184.Can I bring my folding bike as carry-on luggage?185.Yes, you can bring your folding bike as carry-on luggage.186.Can I have a blanket and pillow for my son?187.Yes, I will bring a blanket and pillow for your son.188.Can I bring my tennis racket as carry-on luggage?189.Yes, you can bring your tennis racket as carry-on luggage.190.Can I have some headphones for my child?191.Sure, I will bring some headphones for your child.192.Can I bring my scuba diving gear as checked luggage?193.Yes, you can bring your scuba diving gear as checked luggage.194.Can I have a hot towel for my daughter?195.Yes, I will bring a hot towel for your daughter.196.Can I bring my golf clubs as checked luggage?197.Yes, you can bring your golf clubs as checked luggage.198.Can I have a cup of tea for my husband, please?199.Sure, I will bring a cup of tea for your husband.200.Can I bring my camping gear as checked luggage?201.Yes, you can bring your camping gear as checked luggage.202.Can I have some blankets for my pet?203.Yes, I will bring some blankets for your pet.204.Can I bring my fishing equipment as checked luggage?205.Yes, you can bring your fishing equipment as checked luggage.206.Can I have a glass of water for my wife, please?207.Sure, I will bring a glass of water for your wife.208.Can I bring my ski equipment as checked luggage?209.Yes, you can bring your ski equipment as checked luggage.210.Can I have a cup of tea for my mother, please?211.Yes, I will bring a cup of tea for your mother.212.Can I bring my snowboard as checked luggage?213.Yes, you can bring your snowboard as checked luggage.214.Can I have a glass of water for my father, please?215.Sure, I will bring a glass of water for your father.216.Can I bring my trekking poles as checked luggage?217.Yes, you can bring your trekking poles as checked luggage.218.Can I have a cup of tea for my grandmother, please?219.Yes, I will bring a cup of tea for your grandmother.220.Can I bring my climbing gear as checked luggage?221.Yes, you can bring your climbing gear as checked luggage.222.Can I have a glass of water for my grandfather, please?223.Sure, I will bring a glass of water for your grandfather.224.Can I bring my snorkeling gear as checked luggage?225.Yes, you can bring your snorkeling gear as checked luggage.226.Can I have a cup of tea for my sister, please?227.Yes, I will bring a cup of tea for your sister.228.Can I bring my surfboard as checked luggage?229.Yes, you can bring your surfboard as checked luggage.230.Can I have a glass of water for my brother, please?231.Sure, I will bring a glass of water for your brother.232.Can I bring my running shoes as carry-on luggage?233.Yes, you can bring your running shoes as carry-on luggage.234.Can I have a blanket and pillow for my friend?235.Yes, I will bring a blanket and pillow for your friend.236.Can I bring my weightlifting equipment as checked luggage?237.Yes, you can bring your weightlifting equipment as checked luggage.238.Can I have a hot towel for my colleague?239.Yes, I will bring a hot towel for your colleague.240.Can I bring my soccer gear as checked luggage?241.Yes, you can bring your soccer gear as checked luggage.242.Can I have a cup of tea for my classmate, please?243.Sure, I will bring a cup of tea for your classmate.244.Can I bring my yoga mat as carry-on luggage?245.Yes, you can bring your yoga mat as carry-on luggage.246.Can I have a blanket and pillow for my partner?247.Yes, I will bring a blanket and pillow for your partner.248.Can I bring my basketball gear as checked luggage?249.Yes, you can bring your basketball gear as checked luggage.250.Can I have a hot towel for my business partner?251.Yes, I will bring a hot towel for your business partner.252.Can I bring my football equipment as checked luggage?253.Yes, you can bring your football equipment as checked luggage.254.Can I have a cup of tea for my neighbor, please?255.Sure, I will bring a cup of tea for your neighbor.256.Can I bring my volleyball gear as checked luggage?257.Yes, you can bring your volleyball gear as checked luggage.258.Can I have a glass of water for my roommate, please?259.Yes, I will bring a glass of water for your roommate.260.Can I bring my badminton racket as carry-on luggage?261.Yes, you can bring your badminton racket as carry-on luggage.262.Can I have a blanket and pillow for my co-worker?263.Yes, I will bring a blanket and pillow for your co-worker.264.Can I bring my tennis shoes as carry-on luggage?265.Yes, you can bring your tennis shoes as carry-on luggage.266.Can I have a hot towel for my teammate?267.Yes, I will bring a hot towel for your teammate.268.Can I bring my ping pong paddle as carry-on luggage?269.Yes, you can bring your ping pong paddle as carry-on luggage.270.Can I have a cup of tea for my teammate, please?271.Sure, I will bring a cup of tea for your teammate.272.Can I bring my baseball equipment as checked luggage?273.Yes, you can bring your baseball equipment as checked luggage.274.Can I have a glass of water for my secretary, please?275.Yes, I will bring a glass of water for your secretary.276.Can I bring my cricket gear as checked luggage?277.Yes, you can bring your cricket gear as checked luggage.278.Can I have a cup of tea for my assistant, please?279.Sure, I will bring a cup of tea for your assistant.280.Can I bring my championship trophy as checked luggage?281.Yes, you can bring your championship trophy as checked luggage.282.Can I have a glass of water for my employer, please?283.Yes, I will bring a glass of water for your employer.284.Can I bring my golf balls as carry-on luggage?285.Yes, you can bring your golf balls as carry-on luggage.286.Can I have a cup of tea for my supervisor, please?287.Sure, I will bring a cup of tea for your supervisor.288.Can I bring my fishing rod as carry-on luggage?289.Yes, you can bring your fishing rod as carry-on luggage.290.Can I have a glass of water for my manager, please?291.Yes, I will bring a glass of water for your manager.292.Can I bring my chess set as carry-on luggage?293.Yes, you can bring your chess set as carry-on luggage.294.Can I have a cup of tea for my director, please?295.Sure, I will bring a cup of tea for your director.296.Can I bring my painting supplies as checked luggage?297.Yes, you can bring your painting supplies as checked luggage.298.Can I have a glass of water for my CEO, please?299.Yes, I will bring a glass of water for your CEO.300.Can I bring my gardening tools as checked luggage?Markdown文本生成完毕。

机场常用英语大全机场指示牌机场费airport fee出站(出港、离开)departures国际机场international airport登机手续办理check-in国内机场domestic airport登机牌boarding pass (card)机场候机楼airport terminal护照检查处passport control immigration国际候机楼international terminal行李领取处luggage claim; baggage claim国际航班出港international departure国际航班旅客international passengers国内航班出站domestic departure中转transfers卫星楼satellite中转旅客transfer passengers入口in中转处transfer correspondence出口exit; out; way out过境transit进站(进港、到达)arrivals报关物品goods to declare不需报关nothing to declare贵宾室V.I.P. room海关customs购票处ticket office登机口gate; departure gate付款处cash候机室departure lounge出租车taxi航班号FLT No (flight number)出租车乘车点Taxi pick-up point来自…… arriving from大轿车乘车点coach pick-up point预计时间scheduled time (SCHED)航空公司汽车服务处airline coach service实际时间actual time租车处car hire已降落landed公共汽车bus; coach service前往…… departure to公用电话public phone; telephone起飞时间departure time厕所toilet; W. C.; lavatories; rest room延误delayed男厕men's; gent's; gentlemen's登机boarding女厕women's; lady's由此乘电梯前往登机stairs and lifts to departures 餐厅restaurant迎宾处greeting arriving酒吧bar由此上楼up; upstairs咖啡馆coffee shop; cafe由此下楼down; downstairs免税店duty-free shop银行bank邮局post office货币兑换处money exchange; currency exchange 出售火车票rail ticket订旅馆hotel reservation旅行安排tour arrangement行李暂存箱luggage locker行李牌luggage tag机票飞机票endorsements/restrictions前往城市to旅客姓名name of passenger承运人carrier旅行经停地点good for passage between航班号flight no.起点城市from座舱等级class起飞日期date机号plane No.起飞时间time机座号seat No.订座情况status吸烟坐位smoking seat机票确认ticket confirm非吸烟席non-smoking seat登机口gate出/入境卡姓family name年year名First (Given) Name月month性别sex偕行人数accompanying number男male职业occupation女female专业技术人员professionals & technical 国籍nationality行政管理人员legislators &administrators 国籍country of citizenship办事员clerk护照号passport No.商业人员commerce原住地country of Origin服务人员service前往目的地国destination country农民farmer登机城市city where you boarded工人worker签证签发地city where visa was issued其他others签发日期date issue无业jobless前往国家的住址address while in签名signature街道及门牌号number and street官方填写official use only城市及国家city and state日day出生日期date of BirthFlight Number, Flight No. 航班号Gate 登机口North 北South 南East 东West 西Level 1 第一层(楼)Level 2 第二层(楼)Level 3 第三层(楼)Shuttle 机场小巴Baggage Claim 行李认领Connecting flights counter 转机服务台Boarding Pass 登机牌Exit 出口Emergency Exit 紧急出口(只用作紧急状况时)Terminal 机场终端出口Telephone 电话Northwest Airlines 美西北航空公司Restroom 洗手间Men's 男洗手间Gentleman 男洗手间Women's 女洗手间Ladies女洗手间Airport 机场Air China 中国国航Air Ticket 飞机票Arrival 抵达Belt 带, 传送带Date 日期Time 时间Departure 出发Domestic 国内Take off 起飞Customer 顾客, 乘客Elevator, Lift 电梯Employee Only 只限工作人员进入Information 信息Information Center 问讯处International 国际No Entry 勿进No Smoking 严禁吸烟China 中国Chinese 中国人Customs 海关Customs declaration 海关申报表Foreign 外国的Foreigner 外国人Immigration 入境Itinerary 行程I-20 form 留学生身分表I-94 form 出入境表Name 姓名Nationals 国民Officer 官员Passport 护照Tax Free, duty free 免税Tourist 游客United States (U.S.) 美国Visa 签证Water 水Tea 茶Drink 饮料Coke 可乐Sprite 雪碧Pillow 枕头Blanket 毛毯soft drinks 饮料no ice please. 不加冰hot water 开水orange juice 橘子汁water 水apple juice 苹果汁tomato juice 番茄汁coke 可乐diet coke 无糖可乐hot tea 热茶coffee 咖啡chicken 鸡肉beef 牛肉fish 鱼vegetarian 吃素rice 米饭noodle 面条smashed potato 土豆泥签证姓surname失效日期(或必须在…日之前入境) expiry date ( 或before) 名first (given) name停留期为…… for stays of性别sex10天ten days出生日期birthdate8周eight weeks国籍nationality3个月three months护照号passport No.6个月six months编号control No.1年one year签发地Issue At3年three years签发日期Issue Date签证种类visa type/class日期、数字、符号一月JAN 七月JUL二月FEB 八月AUG三月MAR 九月SEP四月APR 十月OCT五月MAY 十一月NOV六月JUN 十二月DEC天day (s) 年year (s) 周week (s) 1993年6月12日12 Jun. 1993月month (s)1993年6月12日Jun. 12, 19931.入境英语对语言不通的人来说,入境他国检验护照时,移民官的询问无疑是最紧张的时刻。

机场常用英语口语50句和翻译1.Hello, can I see your boarding pass, please?你好,我可以看下你的登机牌吗?2.Where are you flying to today?你今天要飞往哪里?3.I’m traveling to Paris for business.我是为了出差去巴黎的。
4.What time does the flight to London depart?飞往伦敦的航班几点起飞?5.Is there a duty-free shop in the terminal?这个航站楼有免税店吗?6.Excuse me, where can I buy a SIM card?对不起,我在哪里可以买SIM卡?7.Could you tell me where the nearest restroom is?请问最近的洗手间在哪里?8.Do you have any carry-on luggage?你有随身行李吗?9.My flight was delayed.我的航班延误了。
10.Could you show me where the baggage claim area is? 你能告诉我行李领取区在哪吗?11.Are there any vegetarian meal options on this flight? 这次航班有素食选择吗?12.What gate is the flight to Dubai departing from?飞往迪拜的航班从哪个登机口出发?13.Where can I find a taxi to the city center?我在哪里可以找到去市中心的出租车?14.Can I change my seat to a window seat?我可以换座位坐靠窗的吗?15.I would like to request a wheelchair for my elderly mother.我想为我年迈的母亲请求一把轮椅。

机场实用英语300句第一部份:一般日常用语 Part 1 Commom Daily Expressions 1、你好吗, How are you? 2、好,谢谢,你呢, I’m fine,thank you,and you?3、早上好 Good morning.4、晚安 Good night.5、再见 Good-bye!(seeyou later) 6、好的 OK!7、请 Please8、对不起,请原谅I’m sorry,please excuse me.9、没关系 Not at all 10、谢谢 Thank you 11、不用谢That’s all right12、请稍等 Please wait for a moment.(Just a second,please)13、让您久等了 Thank you for waiting. 14、欢迎 Welcome!15、别客气 You are welcome 16、能为您效劳吗, May I help you?(Can I give you a hand?)17、要我协助您一下吗, May I be of any assistance? 18、来,我来帮你。
Here,let me help you. 19、好的,麻烦了。
Just what I need. 21、您想得真周到。
It’s very thoughtful of you.22、您能告诉我有关…的情况吗, Can you tell me something about…?23、对不起,我确实不知道。
Sorry,I really don’t know that.24、当然可以,让我把一切都告诉你。
Of couse,let me tell you allabout it. 25、你同意我的看法吗, Do you go along with me? 26、您还满意吗, Does that meet your need? 27、我很同意你的看法。

1.请问,这里是哪个航空公司的柜台?What airline is this counter for?2.我想确认我坐的是哪个航班。
I’d like to confirm which flight I’m on.3.请问,您要去哪里?Where are you flying today?4.请出示您的护照和登机牌。
Can I see your passport and boarding pass, please?5.我需要办理值机手续。
I need to check in for my flight.6.请将行李寄舱。
Please check in my luggage.7.我需要办理紧急登机手续。
I need to request an emergency boarding.8.我有一个登机箱要带上飞机。
I have a carry-on bag I want to take on the plane.9.我需要一张窗户旁的座位。
I’d like a seat by the window.10.我需要一个靠走廊的座位。
I need a seat on the aisle.11.请问,这趟航班是准点起飞吗?Is this flight on time?12.请问,机场提供免费Wi-Fi吗?Is there free Wi-Fi at the airport?13.请问,厕所在哪里?Where is the restroom, please?14.我需要一份机场地图。
I need a map of the airport.15.我需要在机场兑换美元。
I need to exchange some dollars at the airport.16.在哪里可以找到前往市中心的出租车服务?Where can I find a taxi to the city center?17.这附近有没有提供机场巴士服务的地方?Is there a place nearby that offers airport shuttle services?18.在哪里可以找到租车服务?Where can I find car rental services?19.我需要订一辆出租车。

机场用英语aircraft crew, air crew 机组, 机务人员pilot 驾驶员, 机长steward 男服务员stewardess, hostess 空中小姐radio operator 报务员hatch 舱口aeroengine, air engine 航空发动机npilot"s cockpit 驾驶舱parachute 降落伞passenger cabin 客舱luggage compartment 行李舱airport 航空港, 民航机场airfield, aerodrome, airdrome 机场airport beacon 机场灯标aboarding check 登机牌plane ticket 飞机票flight, flying 飞行bumpy flight 不平稳的飞行smooth flight 平稳的飞行ramp 扶梯altitude, height 高度air route, air line 航线economy class, tourist class 经济座non-stop flight 连续飞行climbing, to gain height 爬升ceiling 上升限度first class 头等night service 夜航airsick 晕机direct flight, straight flight 直飞landing 着陆to board a plane, get into a plane 上飞机to get off a plane, alight from a plane 下飞机to face the wind 迎风````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Main Facilities in the Airport机场主要设备terminal departure building 机场大厦/候机楼international departure building 国际航班出港大厦seeing-off deck 送客台domestic departure lobby 国内线出港候机厅coffee shop 咖啡室special waiting room 特别休息室quarantine 检疫Customs 海关emigration control 出境检查snack bar 快餐部automatic door 自动出入门arrival lounge 到达大厅departure lounge 离港大厅transit lounge 过站大厅telephone/telegram/fax room 电话/电报/传真间stand-by ticket counter 补票处flight information board 航班显示板check-in counter 办理登机手续柜台carousel 旋转行李传送带public address 广播室dispatch office 签派室police office 机场公安局警察局medical centre 医疗中心escalator 自动扶梯elevator 升降式电梯moving/automatic walkway 自动步道air bridge 登机廊桥catering department 配餐供应部门duty-free shop 免税商店airtel/airport hotel 机场宾馆VIP room 贵宾室main lobby 主厅freight building/cargo centre 货运大厦/货运中心security centre 保安中心imports shop 进口商品店entrance 入口passenger route 旅客通道boarding gate 第18号登机桥bosrding gate besides 第16号以外登机桥information counter/office 问询处lavatory 卫生间international arrival building 国际航班到达大厦taxi stand 出租汽车站demestic connection counter 国内线联运柜台exit 出口hotel and limousine service 旅馆及机场交通服务处limousine stand 机场交通车站waiting room 休息室exchange and tax payment 兑换及付税Customs personnel 海关人员Customs inspection counter 海关检查柜台baggage claim area 行李认领区immigration control 入境检查plant quarantine 植物检疫animal quarantine 动物检疫connection counter 联运柜台arrival lobby 入境旅客休息室security counter 安检柜台security check station 安全检查站airport tax sales 机场税购买柜台passport control 护照检查柜台...................................乘客与飞机工作人员international passenger 国际旅客domestic passenger 国内旅客connecting passenger 转机旅客transit passenger 过境旅客stand-by 候补旅客no-show 误机者unaccompanied passenger 无人陪伴儿童handicapped passenger 残疾旅客departing passenger 出港旅客arriving passenger 进港旅客flight crew 机组人员captain 机长pilot 飞行员copilot 副驾驶员flight engineer 飞行机械师stewardess/cabin attendant/air hostess 女乘务员/空中小姐steward 男乘务员purser/chief attendant 乘务长chief purser 主任乘务长air crew 空勤人员ground crew 地勤人员ground service staff 地面服务人员navigtor 领航员May I see your passport, please麻烦请给我你的护照;Where are you staying将在那儿住宿Here is my passport / Here it is.这是我的护照;I will stay at Boston Hotel.我将住在波士顿饭店;What's the purpose of your visit旅行的目的为何Do you have a return ticket to Taiwan是否有台湾回程机票SightseeingBusinese.观光公务;Yes, here it is.有的,这就是回程机票;How long will you be staying in the United States预计在美国停留多久How much money do you have with you你随身携带多少现金5 days.5天;I have 800 dollars.大约800元;I plan to stay for about 10 days.预计停留约10天;Good. Have a nice day.祝你玩得愉快;3.海关申报每个国家的出、入境申报规则皆不同,有些国家不准许携带农产品,有些国家规定携带现金额度,然而,无论规则为何,按照出、入境国家的规则照实申报,是必须确实遵守的原则;若被查获,不仅在金钱上必须付出加倍罚款,而且会破坏旅游心情;因此,最好在出发前打听好目的国是否有特殊申报规定,以免兴冲冲带了一堆东西,却被海关全数没收;Your passport and declaration card, please.请出示护照和申报单;This is a souvenir that I'm taking to Taiwan.这是我要带去台湾的当地纪念品;Do you have anything to declare是否有任何东西需要申报Do you have any liquor or cigarettes你有携带任何酒类或香烟吗No, I don't.没有;Yes, I have two bottles of whisky.是的,我带了两瓶酒;Please open this bag.请打开这个袋子;The camera is for my personal use.这个相机是我私人使用的;What are these这些东西是做何用ou'll have to pay duty on this.你必须为这项物品缴付税金;These are for my personal use.这些是我私人使用的东西;Do you have any other baggage你还有其它行李吗These are gifts for my friends.这些是给朋友的礼物;. Please give this declaration card to that officer at the exit.好了请将这张申报卡交给出口处的官员;5.机位预约、确认篇虽然现在许多航空公司已取消72小时前需确认机位的手续,然而,以防万一,最好仍在回程或前往下一段旅程前打电话确认机位无误;若机位预订有问题,最好马上重新订位,以免延误行程;Hello. This is United Airlines.联合航空,您好;I'd like to reconfirm my flight.我想要再确认班机;What's your name and flight number请说您的大名与班机号码My name is Jerry Cheng, and the flight numberis UA 003 for Los Angeles.我的名字是杰瑞陈,班机号码是飞往洛杉机的联合航空003班机;When is itJune 10th.行程是那一天6月10日;I'd like to make sure of the time it leaves.我想要确认班机时间没有改变;I can't find your name. Really我找不到您的大名;真的May I have your name again请再告诉我一次您的大名I still can't find your name onthe reservation list.我仍然无法在订位名单中找到您的名字;Anyway, we have seats for new bookings onthis flight. No problem.别担心,这班班机仍有空位提供新的订位者;One economy class seat, is that right一个经济舱座位,对吗Now you have been booked.没问题,您已完成订位;Thanks a lot. What time do you start check-in谢谢;你们何时开始办理登机Two hours before departure time.起飞前2小时;You must check-in at least one hour before.你必须在至少1小时前办理登机;departure 出发arrive到达你登机时需要看清passport护照package包, 行李gate 门比如说, 在你登机牌上写gate 4, 就是去4号门aboarding passcard登机牌security check安全检查smoking point吸烟处tax free shop 免税店cash refund 退税suit case手提包WC, TOLITE 厕所找到你座的航空公司的登记台check-in desk2.排队3.把身份证passport, driver's license和机票或eticket交给服务员4.有托运的行李的话说I'd like to check in these baggages5. 拿到boarding pass登机牌6. 去security checkpoint, 那里别人脱什么你就脱什么7. 找到你boarding pass上的登机门gate8. 找不到就问where is gate9. 等叫登机10.登机endAirport飞机场Airport lounges机场休息室Airports shuttle机场班车Arrivals进港Assistance问讯处Check in area zone办理登机区Customers lounges旅客休息室Departure airport离港时间Departure times on reverse返航时间Departures出港Destination airport到达机场Domestic flights.国内航班Emergency exit安全出口Exit to all routes各通道出口Flight connections转机处Help point desk问讯处Inquiries问讯处Left baggage行李寄存Lost property失物招领Luggage from flights到港行李Luggage pick up取行李Luggage reclaim取行李Missing people help line走失求救热线Missing, police appeal for assistance警察提供走失帮助;No smoking except in designated area除指定区域外,禁止吸烟;Nothing something to declare无有报关Passport control入境检验Please leave your luggage with you at all times请随身携带你的行李;Queue here在此排队Reclaim belt取行李传送带Reserved seating预定的座位Return fares往返票价Short stay短暂停留Stay close跟紧Welcome aboard欢迎登机Information 询问处Baggage Cart 行李车Security Check 安全检查Departure 出境Arrival 入境Transit Lounge 过境室Quarant 检疫Immigration 查检护照证件Customs Information 或Customs Service 海关服务台Animal and Plant Quarantine 动植物检疫Mongey Exchange 或Foreign Currency Exchange 外币兑换处Duty Free Shop 免税店No Entry 禁止进入。

机场常用英语口语和翻译50句跟读1.请问,哪里可以拿行李?–Where can I pick up my luggage, please?2.我在哪里可以打车?–Where can I catch a taxi?3.过安检时要注意把钱包和手机放在托盘中。
–Make sure to place your wallet and phone in the tray during security check.4.我该怎样买到登机牌?–How can I get my boarding pass?5.我是否需要出示我的护照?–Do I need to show my passport?6.请问,厕所在哪里?–Excuse me, where is the restroom?7.请问,这是去往哪个登机口的电梯?–Excuse me, is this the elevator to the boarding gate?8.我能在哪里找到换外币的地方?–Where can I find a currency exchange?9.能告诉我免税店在哪儿吗?–Can you tell me where the duty-free shops are?10.这是去飞往纽约的航班吗?–Is this the flight to New York?11.我的行李箱好像丢了。
–My luggage seems to be lost.12.请问,这趟航班是否延误了?–Excuse me, is this flight delayed?13.怎么去乘坐机场快线?–How can I get to the airport express?14.能不能帮我找个出租车?–Can you help me find a taxi?15.你能帮我解释一下登机手续吗?–Can you explain the boarding procedures to me?16.我应该提前多长时间到达机场?–How early should I arrive at the airport?17.我在这里等朋友。

1.Good morning. Welcome aboard! 早上好,欢迎登机!2.Excuse me. May I see your boarding pass? 对不起,能看一下您的登机牌吗?3.What's your seat number? 您的座位号是多少?4.I'm afraid you are in the wrong seat. 恐怕您坐错了座位。
5.May I help you with your bag? 我能帮您提行李吗?6.Please carry your bag and follow me. 请提着行李跟我来。
7.I'm afraid you'll have to stow your bag under the seat in front of you.恐怕您要将行李放您前排的座椅下面。
8.You may adjust your seat back by pressing the button on the arm of your seat.您可以通过座椅扶手的按钮来调节座椅靠背。
9.If there's anything we can do for you, just press the call button. 如有任何需要,请按呼唤铃。
10.Your hot towel/wet towel, madam/sir. 请您用热毛巾/湿纸巾,女士/先生。
11.There are toilets in the front and rear of the cabin. 客舱的前面和后面都有洗手间。
12.Lavatory is not allowed to use during take-off. 飞机起飞期间,洗手间禁止使用。
13.We have People's Daily, China Daily, CAAC inflight magazines, Phoenix weekly, Commercial Travel and other local papers for you to read. Which would you like?我们有《人民日报》、《中国日报》、《中国民航杂志》、《凤凰周刊》、《商旅报》和其他一些地方报纸。
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机场实用英语大全 Company number:【WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998】机场用英语aircraft crew, air crew 机组, 机务人员pilot 驾驶员, 机长steward 男服务员stewardess, hostess 空中小姐radio operator 报务员hatch 舱口aeroengine, air engine 航空发动机npilot"s cockpit 驾驶舱parachute 降落伞passenger cabin 客舱luggage compartment 行李舱airport 航空港, 民航机场airfield, aerodrome, airdrome 机场airport beacon 机场灯标aboarding check 登机牌plane ticket 飞机票flight, flying 飞行bumpy flight 不平稳的飞行smooth flight 平稳的飞行ramp 扶梯altitude, height 高度air route, air line 航线economy class, tourist class 经济座non-stop flight 连续飞行climbing, to gain height 爬升ceiling 上升限度first class 头等night service 夜航airsick 晕机direct flight, straight flight 直飞landing 着陆to board a plane, get into a plane 上飞机to get off a plane, alight from a plane 下飞机to face the wind 迎风`````````````````````````````````````````````````````````Main Facilities in the Airport机场主要设备terminal departure building 机场大厦/候机楼international departure building 国际航班出港大厦seeing-off deck 送客台domestic departure lobby 国内线出港候机厅coffee shop 咖啡室special waiting room 特别休息室quarantine 检疫Customs 海关emigration control 出境检查snack bar 快餐部automatic door 自动出入门arrival lounge 到达大厅departure lounge 离港大厅transit lounge 过站大厅telephone/telegram/fax room 电话/电报/传真间stand-by ticket counter 补票处flight information board 航班显示板check-in counter 办理登机手续柜台carousel 旋转行李传送带public address 广播室dispatch office 签派室police office 机场公安局(警察局)medical centre 医疗中心escalator 自动扶梯elevator (升降式)电梯moving/automatic walkway 自动步道air bridge 登机廊桥catering department 配餐供应部门duty-free shop 免税商店airtel/airport hotel 机场宾馆VIP room 贵宾室main lobby 主厅freight building/cargo centre 货运大厦/货运中心security centre 保安中心imports shop 进口商品店entrance 入口passenger route 旅客通道boarding gate 第18号登机桥bosrding gate besides 第16号以外登机桥information counter/office 问询处lavatory 卫生间international arrival building 国际航班到达大厦taxi stand 出租汽车站demestic connection counter 国内线联运柜台exit 出口hotel and limousine service 旅馆及机场交通服务处limousine stand 机场交通车站waiting room 休息室exchange and tax payment 兑换及付税Customs personnel 海关人员Customs inspection counter 海关检查柜台baggage claim area 行李认领区immigration control 入境检查plant quarantine 植物检疫animal quarantine 动物检疫connection counter 联运柜台arrival lobby 入境旅客休息室security counter 安检柜台security check station 安全检查站airport tax sales 机场税购买柜台passport control 护照检查柜台...................................乘客与飞机工作人员international passenger 国际旅客domestic passenger 国内旅客connecting passenger 转机旅客transit passenger 过境旅客stand-by 候补旅客no-show 误机者unaccompanied passenger 无人陪伴儿童handicapped passenger 残疾旅客departing passenger 出港旅客arriving passenger 进港旅客flight crew 机组人员captain 机长pilot 飞行员copilot 副驾驶员flight engineer 飞行机械师stewardess/cabin attendant/air hostess 女乘务员/空中小姐steward 男乘务员purser/chief attendant 乘务长chief purser 主任乘务长air crew 空勤人员ground crew 地勤人员ground service staff 地面服务人员navigtor 领航员May I see your passport, please麻烦请给我你的护照。
Where are you staying将在那儿住宿Here is my passport / Here it is.这是我的护照。
I will stay at Boston Hotel.我将住在波士顿饭店。
What's the purpose of your visit旅行的目的为何Do you have a return ticket to Taiwan是否有台湾回程机票Sightseeing(Businese).观光(公务)。
Yes, here it is.有的,这就是回程机票。
How long will you be staying in the United States预计在美国停留多久How much money do you have with you你随身携带多少现金5 days.5天。
I have 800 dollars.大约800元。
I plan to stay for about 10 days.预计停留约10天。
Good. Have a nice day.祝你玩得愉快。
Your passport and declaration card, please.请出示护照和申报单。
This is a souvenir that I'm taking to Taiwan.这是我要带去台湾的当地纪念品。
Do you have anything to declare是否有任何东西需要申报Do you have any liquor or cigarettes你有携带任何酒类或香烟吗No, I don't.没有。
Yes, I have two bottles of whisky.是的,我带了两瓶酒。
Please open this bag.请打开这个袋子。
The camera is for my personal use.这个相机是我私人使用的。
What are these这些东西是做何用ou'll have to pay duty on this.你必须为这项物品缴付税金。
These are for my personal use.这些是我私人使用的东西。
Do you have any other baggage你还有其它行李吗These are gifts for my friends.这些是给朋友的礼物。
. Please give this declaration card to that officer at the exit.好了!请将这张申报卡交给出口处的官员。
Hello. This is United Airlines.联合航空,您好。
I'd like to reconfirm my flight.我想要再确认班机。
What's your name and flight number请说您的大名与班机号码My name is Jerry Cheng, and the flight numberis UA 003 for Los Angeles.我的名字是杰瑞陈,班机号码是飞往洛杉机的联合航空003班机。
When is itJune 10th.行程是那一天6月10日。
I'd like to make sure of the time it leaves.我想要确认班机时间没有改变。