二、工具准备在开始家具组装作业前,请确保以下工具齐全:1. 榫头锤:用于敲击榫条和榫孔,确保它们紧密结合。
2. 扳手:用于拧紧螺丝和螺母,保证家具的稳固。
3. 电钻:如果需要钻孔,可使用电钻来完成。
4. 卸力工具:用于拆卸家具时,可使用卸力工具将家具拆解。
三、安全须知1. 请佩戴防护手套和护目镜,以避免受伤。
2. 在使用电钻时,请确保插头接地,避免触电。
3. 注意家具零件的尖锐边角,以免划伤皮肤。
四、操作流程1. 确认家具零件完整性:在开始组装之前,请检查家具的零件是否完整,如有缺损或损坏,请及时联系相关人员。
2. 小心阅读说明书:请仔细阅读家具附带的说明书,了解组装流程和注意事项。
3. 组装家具框架:a. 根据说明书中的图示,将框架的零件放置在工作台上,确保零件位置正确。
b. 使用榫头锤将榫条插入相应的榫孔中,轻轻敲击使其紧密结合。
c. 使用扳手拧紧螺丝和螺母,确保框架稳固。
4. 安装家具面板:a. 依照说明书的示意图,将家具面板放置在框架上。
b. 使用螺丝和扳手将家具面板固定在框架上,注意螺丝的位置和数量。
5. 检查家具稳固性:在完成组装后,用手轻轻摇晃家具,确保其稳固牢固。
五、注意事项1. 请保持工作区域整洁,避免杂物妨碍作业和引起安全隐患。
2. 在组装过程中,如遇到困难或不明确的地方,请及时寻求帮助,避免错误操作。
3. 如果需要使用电钻钻孔,请确保选用适当的钻头,并在操作前调整电钻转速和位置。
4. 组装过程中,注意避免家具表面刮伤或者损坏,可以使用软布垫在工作台上进行组装。
5. 请按照说明书的要求进行组装,不要随意更换零件或忽略安全须知。
六、故障排除1. 如果在组装过程中发现家具零件缺失或损坏,请及时联系供应商或相关人员。
6.验收交接,如果业主不在安装现场,安装技师要在安装完毕前1小时通知客户验收,并要求客户在安装回执单上签字,7. 后留下服务卡、留下售服贴。
版本编号: 文件编号: 生效日期: 页码: 质量/公差要求
1、整件着地平稳与地面 垂直,外观不变形。 2、外观色泽木纹符合设 计要求。 3、紧固件不摆动,螺丝 自然平直。 4、门,抽屉抽拉自如, 接缝一致。 5、玻璃镜面不可有明划 伤和透底,固定牢固。 6、整装产品整体结构: 点、线、面一致。
A/0 TY-SOP-12 2011-7-1 1页 检查工具 卷尺 目视 手摸
拟 制 日期:
审 核 日期:
批 准 日期:
第 1 页,共 1 页
文件名称 文件类型 制定部门 工序 产品安装
家具安装工艺通用作业指一批尾货是否清理好并分类放置和作好标 识,对产品工件核对上一工序转入的数量和质量,发现有 质量问题的退回到有关工序,及时修补,未能及时返工的 要堆放在不合格区予以标记,且在规定时间内反馈于管理 人员处理。 2、合格的各种工件以批量完成数为一组分类摆放好。 3、先试装一套,按图纸要求试装,将全套工件,各种五 金,玻璃等配件,同时装好,检查产品是否符合图纸要 求,合格后才能批量组装。 4、试装合格后整装产品,木塞孔须入胶液后再打木塞(孔 边32mm距离有三合一的木塞可除外)人抽头木塞孔均要打 胶,门铰,路轨等调试合格后要加固,玻璃,镜片加胶固 定,胶水干后方可包装,保持板面清洁,不允许有划痕, 压痕,碰伤等缺陷产生。 5、散装件安装:板件上有路轨,铁柄或塑料帽安装要求 时,路轨安装要平整,位置符合要求,铁柄,塑料帽不可 少装,分左右的工作要分清楚,并整齐摆放。 6、玻璃镜安装,按图纸要求用玻璃要求用玻璃胶固定,玻 璃胶未干之前,不得搬动,已装好玻璃的工件堆放高度不 得超过10件,垫板必须有18mm板。 7、严禁安装中损伤工件及玻璃等。 使用工具: 手电钻,“+”字批,“-”字批,直钉枪,马钉枪,砂轮 机,胶锤,羊角锤,胶钳,胶壶,刀具,风批等。
室内精装修橱柜安装施工作业指导书 2.1橱柜安装施工流程橱柜安装工艺流程及质量验收要求现场量尺寸定标高及放线柜体及支点固定台面石安装开孔台面石打磨洗菜盆、龙头及上下水安装电器、挂件安装移交质量要求:按设计要求及现场尺寸质量要求:安装人员打钉必须避开墙面暗埋管线;安装牢固,平整顺直;遇到线盒、水管位置底板开口方正、配收边压条台上盆应该先打磨再装盆;台下盆先装盆再打磨;打磨要均匀一致;平整、无接缝质量要求:挂件安装位置必须正确、牢固注:该工序质量最低标准必须满足《建筑装饰装修工程施工质量验收规范》(Gb50210-2001)的要求要求:包括煤气灶、水盆、煤气管等部位质量要求:人造石安置牢固,平整;无明显接缝,表面无色差、划痕、损坏等缺陷;收边打胶饱满顺直、连续。
The step-by-step guide to installing your new kitchen rightThis brochure is your guide to preparing and installing your new kitchen. Inside you’ll find tips and ideas, clear steps to follow, and the tools you’ll need. Use this guide along with your assembly instructions to make sure your kitchen is installed correctly.You can do it yourself but you don’t have toOur kitchens are designed to be simple to install and assemble yourself, but we’re here to help as muchas you would like along the way. Whether you’d like a hand with delivery or a complete installation service, we’re happy to put together a service package that suits you. For more details, see the kitchen section of or contact your local IKEA store. Before you beginTake a look at this brochure to see what steps are involved in installing your new kitchen and organize what tools you’ll need.Once you’ve received your kitchen, double-check that all the parts have arrived. A good way to do this is by checking what packages you have at home against the order list. You should only dismantle your old kitchen when you have all your new parts and appliances. Your kitchen parts and countertop should be stored indoors, with normal room temperature and humidity levels. It’s helpful if you arrange your cabinets in the order you will be installing them. Use your shopping list and IKEA home planner drawing to help you. Remove your old kitchen making sure that electric, water and gas are off before you begin. Use a qualified, licensed professional to disconnect and connect your gas, water, and electricity.23The tools you’ll need depend on how much of yourkitchen you are doing yourself. See the assemblyinstructions for the tools you’ll need to use. It’s a goodidea to wear safety glasses when using power tools.Miter box and saw Fine-toothed handsawBar clampsElectric screwdriver/drill JigsawCircular saw LevelAwl Square Pencil Rubber mallet Claw Hammer Phillips screwdriver Flat screwdriver Hole cutter – for drilling the hole for the faucet in the sink.4Prepare your roomOnce you have removed your old kitchen, prepareyour room by making sure your walls and floorare even, and that your walls are suitable forsupporting your new kitchen. Now is also thetime to prime and paint your walls, put in tiles orchange your flooring.Marking cabinet positionsDraw a layout of your new kitchen directlyon the wall. Check that everything fits withthe measurements from your plan and yourelectricity, water, gas, and ventilation connectionsare where you want them. Also mark where toattach your new kitchen’s suspension rails.Prepare your space by making sure your corners are even and your walls and floor are squareand plumb. Use your square for the corners and a level for the walls and floor. Make sure younote the highest point of the floor and where the corners are not square.Check that your wall is strong enough tohang your suspension rail and cabinets.Depending on your wall material, it’s bestSet your suspension railWith the new IKEA kitchen system, your cabinets can be hung directly onto a suspension rail making them easier to install and easier to adjust.It’s important to make sure your suspension rail is straight and level, and to secure it with the right screw type for your wall.Marking the right height for your suspension rail Your base suspension rail needs to be hung 32 3/16" above your floor’s highest point (measure to the underside of the rail). You should allow 22 5/16" between the bottom of your wall cabinets and the bottom of your base rail when measuring for your upper rail.Fasten your rails, base rail first. Make sureyou’ve found suitable points in the wallwhere the rails can be fastened and that therails are level before drilling.If your wall is uneven use shims between the rail and the wall to make sure the rail is e a level to check that each rail is level.6Install your cabinetsIn most kitchens it’s best to install your wallcabinets first. This will allow you to move aroundwithout base cabinets in the way. One exceptionis if you are installing a single line kitchen with ahigh cabinet at one end. In this case install thehigh cabinet first.Before you begin, mark down all plumbing andother utilities. Some cabinets have ready-madeopenings for plumbing and utilities, but you canuse a jigsaw to create your own openings, ifneeded. Do this before fitting the cabinet in place.Be aware that these openings can affect how youcan arrange drawers in a cabinet.to the assembly instructions. Wait until laterbefore fitting drawers, doors, and internalfittings.corner. Hang all remaining cabinets in thesame way. If you’re installing a cornercarousel now is the time to place it in thecabinet.aligned with your plumbing.tightening the screws. Hang the remainingcabinets and connect them with the includedscrews. Wait to tighten the screws untilthe base cabinets are in place and you canensure alignment.previous cabinet by adjusting the legs.assembly instructions. Make sure to havethe legs attached in the order the cabinetswill be installed.installing. Remember to use the distance ring included with the legs.cover panel first.Filler piecesFiller pieces are used between yourcabinets and walls for a streamlinedappearance and to ensure there isenough room to fully open doors anddrawers. They are especially useful ifyour walls are not perfectly straight.If the wall is not level and flat, the filler piece must be cut to fit to the wall’s shape. To do this,you’ll need a filler piece, measuring tape, small block of wood about 1 1/4" thick and a pencil.Cut the filler piece so it’s the same height as the cabinet. Place the edge of the filler pieceagainst the wall. Hold the block of wood flat against the wall with the pencil against it. Keepthem pressed against the wall as you slide them down the length of the filler piece. Now youhave traced the shape of the wall onto the filler piece. Cut along your trace line.Place the newly cut edge of the filler piece against the wall, it should fit perfectly. Mark theedge of the cabinet on the top and bottom of the filler piece. Draw a straight line from theseCheck the wall with your level to see if it is straight. If the wall is even, measure between the wall and the cabinet and mark this distance at the top and bottom of the filler piece.To ensure the filler piece stays in place, first attach a support strip to the wall. Drill holes in the cabinet for the screws you’ll use to attach the cabinet and filler piece together.Put the filler piece into place. Put screws through the holes you have drilled. When all your filler pieces are in, caulk around each one with silicone for an airtight seal.8Install your worktop, sink, lighting, appliances, and kitchen island.With your cabinet frames in, it’s time to installyour countertop, sink, lighting, and appliances.Check that your countertop is the correct sizebefore fitting it in place. Now is also the time ifyou need to customize your countertop for a sinkor cooktop, see your assembly instructions forhelp.Once your countertop is in, you’re ready toget your water, gas, lighting and appliancesconnected. All water, gas, and electricityconnections must be done by qualified, licensedprofessionals according to valid local safetyregulations.All electrical connections must be made by aqualified, licensed electrician.straight-edge to your pre-cut countertopwhen you cut to customize the size. It’shelpful to use a pair of sawhorses.countertop apply polyurethane siliconeacross the sawn edges.Install your lighting and appliances.the assembly instructions.Measure your countertop. If you have a pre-cut countertop, now is the time to cut itto the right length.countertop in place. Trace the inside ofthe base cabinet onto the underside of thecountertop. This helps you align your sink.Turn your countertop over and trace theoutline of your sink onto masking tape.the assembly instructions.It’s helpful to drill a hole on the insidecorners of your outline before cutting, soyou can make a cleaner cut.9Customize your countertop for your cooktopin the same fashion as for your sink. Seeyour cooktop’s assembly instructions forhelp.Install the extractor hood. The extractor hoods from IKEA can be installed in two ways: either vented to the outside, called extraction, or used in recirculation mode fitted with a charcoal filter. Each installation option is described in the assembly instructions that come with the product.Saw the hole either in the back panel or in the top of the cabinet. See the assembly instructions.For safety and functionality reasons, follow precise measurements in the instructions forinstallation that come with the extractor hood/fan.Supporting brackets are used to fasten kitchen islands to the floor.Legs/toe kicks must then be fitted around the outside of the island.The kitchen island assembly kit is used to connect cabinets back toback, or for attaching a cover panel to the back of cabinets.10Install your shelves, drawers, doors, knobs, and handles.Now that the cabinet frames, countertops andappliances are in, attach the drawer slides intothe cabinets. Remember that the slides for innerand standard drawers are attached differently,see the assembly instructions for help.Once the slides are in, attach the drawers beforethe doors and shelves. Finish by adding knobsand handles as well as any other internalsolutions, like wire baskets.outer drawers. Outer drawer slides shouldbe attached to the outer row of holes in thecabinet.the inner drawer slides. The inner drawerslides are attached to the inner row of holesin the cabinet.assembly instructions.cabinets.width by adjusting the screws on the hingeplate.Now its time to attach a toe kick. Follow theassembly instructions for help.If using a ventilation grill, place it betweentwo pieces of toe kick.You’re done! Congratulations on your new kitchen!Caring for your cabinetsClean the doors, cabinet interiors, and wood surfaces with a soft, damp cloth. Only use cleaning products intended for these materials. Do not use products that contain ammonia, alcohol, bleach, or abrasives. Rinse with clean water, then dry with a clean, dry cloth. Make sure to clean up spills quickly.Keep your sink sparklingAfter each use, wipe the sink clean with a cloth or sponge damped in water or a non-abrasive scratch the stainless steel surface. The damp surface can be discolored if substances containing iron are allowed to remain on it.Long-lasting countertopsKeep your countertop in top condition by cleaning up spills quickly with water and a mild detergent. Be sure to keep them as dry as possible after use. For wood and solid wood countertops use BEHANDLA wood treatment oil. The oil protects the wood from marks, stains, and cracks, and prevents water from penetrating the surface.11Services and prices may vary, please see /services or your local IKEA store for details.ALL THE HELP YOU NEED TO MAKE YOUR DREAM KITCHEN A REALITYAt IKEA we believe everyone has the right to a new kitchen. Apart from offering a wide range of kitchens, we also offer a wide range of services, including measuring, planning, and installation. Everything you need to make getting your dream kitchen as easy as possible. And at your local IKEA store you’ll find our team of kitchen experts who are on hand to answer questions, give practical advice, and help you through the buying process.Save time and effort with professional installation. Kitchen Installation isprovided by an Independent Service Provider and is priced per cabinet.INSTALLATION SERVICEWe can arrange for an Independent Service Provider to deliver your newkitchen directly to your home or office. Prices are based on distance.DELIVERY SERVICEA professional Measurement Technician will visit you in your home toprovide all measurement services. A Kitchen Planner will then contact youto discuss the details of your kitchen plan, and start the planning process.Performed by an Independent Service Provider. The Measurement andPlanning fee is refunded to you when you purchase your IKEA kitchen.MEASUREMENT AND PLANNING SERVICE MEASUREMENT SERVICEAn experienced professional from an Independent Service Provider willcome to your home to assess the conditions and provide accuratemeasurements. This service is available to customers living in our servicearea. The Measurement fee is refunded to you when you purchase your IKEAkitchen.© Inter IKEA Systems B.V. 2015/August 2018。
二、施工准备1. 材料准备:根据设计图纸和客户需求,准备橱柜板材、五金配件、密封胶、油漆等材料。
2. 工具准备:电钻、螺丝刀、扳手、水平尺、卷尺、切割机、打胶枪等工具。
3. 人员准备:施工人员需具备一定的橱柜安装经验,了解橱柜结构、安装工艺和注意事项。
三、施工流程1. 施工现场清理:对施工现场进行清理,确保无杂物、灰尘等。
2. 橱柜测量:根据设计图纸,测量厨房墙面、地面尺寸,确保橱柜尺寸符合要求。
3. 预埋固定件:在厨房墙面、地面预埋固定件,为橱柜安装提供支撑。
4. 橱柜组装:按照设计图纸,将橱柜板材、五金配件等进行组装。
5. 橱柜安装:将组装好的橱柜放置在预埋固定件上,调整水平度,固定牢固。
6. 橱柜调整:调整橱柜门板、抽屉等部件,确保使用方便、美观。
7. 防水处理:对橱柜底部进行防水处理,防止水汽渗透。
8. 橱柜调试:检查橱柜开关、抽屉滑轨等部件是否顺畅,确保使用效果。
9. 橱柜验收:与客户共同验收橱柜安装质量,确保符合设计要求。
四、施工注意事项1. 橱柜安装前,确保现场环境整洁,无杂物。
2. 橱柜安装过程中,注意保持水平度,确保橱柜稳定。
3. 橱柜组装时,注意连接部位牢固,避免松动。
4. 橱柜安装完成后,检查水龙头、插座等接口是否漏水、短路。
5. 橱柜安装过程中,避免损坏墙面、地面等。
6. 施工过程中,注意安全,遵守施工现场安全规定。
第2篇一、施工准备1. 设计图纸:根据客户提供的橱柜设计图纸,对施工方案进行详细研究和分析,确保施工方案的合理性和可行性。
厨房设备安装作业指导书(通用版)1. 引言本文档为厨房设备安装作业的指导书,旨在提供相关操作步骤和注意事项,以确保安装过程安全、高效、顺利进行。
2. 准备工作在进行厨房设备安装前,需要进行一些准备工作,包括:- 确定安装位置和空间尺寸- 确保所需工具齐全,如螺丝刀、扳手、电钻等- 准备好安装所需的配件和材料3. 安装步骤3.1 清洁安装位置在进行安装前,需要确保安装位置干净、整洁,以便更好地安装设备。
3.2 安装支架或固定装置根据设备类型和安装位置,选择适当的支架或固定装置,并按照相关说明进行安装。
3.3 连接电源和管道根据设备的电源和管道需求,进行相应的连接工作。
3.4 固定设备将设备正确放置在安装位置上,并使用螺丝或其他固定装置固定设备,以确保设备的稳固性和安全性。
3.5 调试和测试安装完成后,进行设备的调试和测试,确保设备正常工作。
4. 注意事项在安装厨房设备时,需要注意以下事项:- 遵循设备生产厂商的安装指南和说明书- 使用合适的工具和安全装备- 注意安全操作,确保电源和管道连接正确、牢固- 如有需要,寻求专业人员的帮助和指导5. 常见问题解答以下为一些常见问题的解答,供参考:- 问:设备无法启动怎么办?答:请检查电源连接是否正确,确认电源开关是否打开,如仍无法启动,请联系相关维修人员。
- 问:设备出现漏水怎么办?答:请检查水管连接是否牢固,如有松动,请重新连接或更换密封件。
KITCHEN CABINET Installation Guide• Tools Required• Layout and Planning the Installation • Cabinet Installation Order • Installing Cabinets Level • Fastening Cabinets to the Wall • Fastening Cabinets Together • Installing Fillers • Installing Trim• Adjusting Hinges and DrawersAdditional tools that make the job easier:• Small T able saw • Power Miter Saw • Laser Level • Stud FinderLAYOUT AND PLANNING THE INSTALLATION1. T ake inventory of the cabinets as per the plan or order.2. Find the high spot in the floor using a level as shown below.3. M easure up the wall 34 ½� above the high spot and draw a level line anywhere that base cabinets will be installed. (This means that this line will measure greater than 34 ½� above the floor in most places along the wall.)4. F ind and mark the studs. This can be done by trial and error of driving a nail in the wall until you find a stud or use an electronic stud finder. Studs will usually be every 16�center to center.nThe instructions given here serve as a general guideline on how to install frameless cabinets in a reasonably simple installation. Many cabinet designs and installations may be far more complex andbeyond the scope of these instructions and require a professional installer.Warning: Kitchen installations typically involve gas, high voltage wiring, plumbing and mechanical details like heating and AC vents. This guide only covers cabinet installation. At a minimum, if you’re not well versed in these areas make sure that all power is shut offto exposed wiring and gas valves are closed to gas supply lines.TOOLS REQUIRED• T ape Measure • Pencil• 3 to 4 foot Level • 3/16� Drill Bit• Phillips Head Screwdriver • #2 Square Drive Bit • Electric Drill • Hammer• Wood Shims• Phillips Head Screw Gun • Handsaw • Chalk Line • Step Ladder • Extension Cord• Pry Bar• Clamps• Carpenter’s Square• N OTE: If “C” clamps are used,protect material between fin -ished case of the cabinetand the clamp.c Place a mark 34 ½up from the high spot in floor STEP 1:Locate the highpoint on the floor for a wall1STEP 2:Locate the highpoint on the floor for an adjacent wall2STEP 3:Locate the highpoint on the floor between two walls3drawer box. Then slide the drawer out.d the floor.CABINET INSTALLATION ORDER1. D etermining the installation order of the cabinets depends on the plan. As a general rule it is better to start with wall cabinets in the corner and work out. However, if you have “tall” cabinets, like a pantry or oven cabinet in the plan, it is critical to make sure that the tall cabinet is used to determine the top alignment of wall cabinets.INSTALLING CABINET LEVEL2. C abinets should be shimmed up from the floor level to the 34 ½� line with wood or composite shims.!3. C abinets should also be shimmed out from the wall to maintain a straight line. Hampton Bay Designer Seriessure to place screws 1� below the top and 1� above the bottom. Measure and mark the stud location on thecabinet before drilling. Use #8 x 2-1/2� flat head screws when fastening through a single layer of drywall intowood studs.2. P lace a screw at thetop of the cabinetand the bottom of acabinet in as manystuds as can be locat-ed in the cabinetwidth.FASTENING CABINETS TOGETHER1. A lign cabinet frames togethercarefully.2. C abinet cases can be clamped to-gether using various kinds of clamps,however use caution with any kindof steel clamp to not damage thesurface material of the cabinet.3. S crew cabinets together with#7 x 1-1/8� flat head screws.INSTALLING FILLERS1. C abinets come is 3� increments in width, therefore fillers willbe required when cabinets are to fit between walls.2. M easure the space between the wall and the cabinet at thetop, middle and bottom. If the dimensions are close to thesame you can rip (saw) the filler in a straight line to the properwidth to fit.3. N ext, predrill holes for 1 ¼� screws and screw the fillers fromthe inside of the cabinet.4. I n a case where the wall is not plumb, the filler will have to becut to fit to the uneven wall.Place screws1� belowthe insidetop ofcabinetPlace screws1� abovethe insidebottom ofcabinet2.Measure the space between tap¼fncbetween walls.angle Box facesnot alignedangle BoxnotBoxes are at an angleto each otherBox faces arenot alignedW3036W3036Boxesto each W3036angleINSTALLING TRIM1. I nstalling crown molding can be accomplished in a variety of ways depending on the application. Using “frame-less cabinets” means that a sub-crown molding will always have to be screwed to the top of the cabinet case to LIGHT RAILIn the same way, installing light rail will have to be screwed to the bottom of the case. Light Rail Screw Placementcabinet case to attach the crown molding to.!!!!!!"#$%&'"()('*+,+-%./',0(+123!&4'-523DRAWER ADJUSTMENT DOORS AND DRAWERSDovetail Drawer AdjustmentTo Adjust the dovetail drawer for alignment, roll the orange adjustment wheel on the under side of the drawerback and forth to raise and lower the left and right side of the drawer.Limited Lifetime Warranty___________________________________________This warranty covers defects in materials and workmanship in your Hampton Bay Designer Series Kitchen products under normal home use. This warranty is offered only to the original residential consumer purchaser (“the Consumer”) and may not be transferred.WHAT THIS WARRANTY COVERS: American Woodmark Corporation (“AWC”), the manufacturer of these Hampton Bay Designer Series products, warrants its parts and products to be free of defects in materials and workmanship from the orig-inal date of purchase under normal home use. This warranty is offered to the original residential consumer purchaser only and may not be transferred.HOW LONG THE WARRANTY LASTS: The coverage of this warranty lasts for the lifetime of the original purchaser, so long as he or she owns the home in which the product was first installed.WARRANTOR:American Woodmark Corporation561 Shady Elm RoadWinchester, VA 22602(800) 230-5661WHAT AMERICAN WOODMARK WILL DO UNDER THE WARRANTY: During the warranty period, AWC, at its option,will repair or replace any part or product that proves to have substantial defects in materials or workmanship, or AWC will provide an equivalent replacement product, at no cost to the Consumer. AWC reserves the right to change specifications in design and materials without notice and with no obligation to retrofit products we previously manufactured.DUTIES OF THE CONSUMER: If you purchased Hampton Bay Designer Series cabinetry and need a replacement part orwouldliketofileawarrantyclaim,IMMEDIATELYNOTIFYAWCBYE-MAIL(********************************)OR TELEPHONE (800-230-5661) OF THE ISSUE. You must provide a copy of the original sales receipt fromyour purchase.HAND CARVING, WOOD, AGING AND PRINTING LIMITATIONS: Because of the varying natural characteristics of wood and the effects of aging, product shown in displays and/or printed materials will not be an exact match to new cabinetry you will receive. Depending on the wood characteristics, the age of a sample and the environment of the showroom, samples will show some degree of variation from new product. In addition, you should not expect all doors, drawer fronts, trim or molding to match exactly in either finish or grain. Variation in wood is normal and unavoidable. In addition, it is not possible to match our colors exactly in printed materials. Therefore, you should view the actual samples when making your color selection. Slight variation in size and design is also characteristic of individually hand-carved items. This variation can occur from carv-ing to carving, which only adds to their uniqueness and beauty.LIMITATIONS AND EXCLUSIONS: This warranty does not cover defects or damage which result from commercial use, improper transportation, improper installation, use of unauthorized parts, mishandling, misuse, abuse, neglect, abnormal use, improper maintenance, non-AWC repairs, accidents, impact, or acts of God, such as hurricanes, fire, earthquakes or floods, normal wear and tear, alterations, environmental conditions, humidity absorption, or mold. This warranty, and any applicable implied warranties, does not cover incidental or consequential damages arising from any defects in the product, such as labor charges for installation or removal of the product or any associated products. In addition, variations in hand carved items, wood grain, finish color, aging or other natural wood and stain characteristics are not considered defects and are not covered by this warranty.DISCLAIMERS AND RIGHTS: AWC disclaims any implied warranty of merchantability, and there are no express warran-ties other than those set forth herein. ANY WARRANTY IMPLIED BY STATE LAW (WHETHER OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR OTHERWISE) SHALL BE EFFECTIVE FOR ANY PRODUCT ONLY FOR THE DURATION OF THE APPLICABLE LIMITED WARRANTY PERIOD LISTED ABOVE. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. THIS WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS, AND YOU MAY ALSO HAVE OTHER RIGHTS THAT VARY FROM STATE TO STATEU180215 08/21。
2.4装配时,柜体应安置于槽钢导轨上,安装导轨前应校直安装倾斜度小于0. 15%,导轨跨距基本相同,并处于同一平面上。
5 GG-1A高压开关柜主耍元件的装配调整5. 1核对领用的元器件的外形安装尺寸和柜体安装部位尺寸是否一致如:少油(真空)断路器,隔 离开关,负荷开关等,避免大件电器上下搬动,费工费事,更容易使电器碰坏以及发生人身安全 事故。
编号:NNDL-QB-7. 5-002 5.2柜体中安装的开关元件,检测仪表,显示装置都应端正不歪斜,肉眼观察有偏斜者必须调整。
2.侧封板、装饰板、上下线板2.1普通侧封板2.1.1吊柜、地柜、封板安装图示:(半高柜、高柜同地柜、台上柜同吊柜)2.2带罗马柱侧封板2.2.1地柜、半高柜、高柜带罗马柱侧封板安装图示:2.2.2吊柜、台上柜带罗马柱侧封板安装图示:2.3调整板的安装:2.3.1地柜普通调整板A.调整板和墙体相邻时的安装示意图B.调整板与转角柜相邻的安装示意图2.4上下线的安装:2.4.1上线:用4*30的螺丝从吊柜的顶部把上线与吊柜连接,每根上线的两端必须上螺丝,上螺丝部位具体以每根上线长度中间间隔约500mm 距离均分。
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安装作业指导书1.出厂前的核对、装车及运输1.1 检查及核对:1.1.1每位安装人员按照部门负责人的安排,到成品库根据合同号领取相对应的橱柜图纸;1.1.2正常一套图纸含:⑴平立面图纸一份、⑵门板下料单一份、⑶箱体板下料单一份、⑷橱柜材料明细表一份;1.1.3核对图纸后,按照⑴平面图纸、⑵门板下料单、⑶箱体下料单进行检查:共有几个箱体、多少包门板、有无天棚挡板、包管附件等;1.1.4根据⑷橱柜材料明细表详细核对:铰链有多少种型号共几付、拉手几种型号共几个、组合镙丝、踢脚板、各种型号镙丝钉、所有装饰盖(白帽、挂码盖、铰链盖、排孔盖等)有无电器配件、水槽等(为防止有损坏或少件现象,电器、配件及水槽检查必须开包进行);1.2 如何合理装车:1.2.1根据车辆安排,装车之前:首先清理车厢内的卫生,根据柜体的高度及宽度进行合理装车;1.2.2装地柜时应把所有的底脚全部卸下来统一包装放入柜内,尽可能的把小柜及门板附件等杂物放到大底柜里面(带防水铝板的水槽柜杜绝接触外露物品,以免摩擦造成染上污渍);1.2.3柜与柜之间必须用包装物进行包装防止碰撞或磨坏,所有柜体表面不能直接接触车厢,必须用物品遮盖;1.2.4所有物品装完后,把工具等全部装上车内(核对工具是否少带);1.2.5最后再进行确认和检查是否少装物品,然后用绳子进行封车,绳子接触柜体处必须用包装物垫上;1.3 出厂前的准备工作:1.3.1封完车后清理车周边的卫生,然后与客户联系大约到达时间(应先与司机沟通)、准确的楼牌号、房内装修到何程度是否应带防护措施等;1.3.2正常情况下在8:20前必须出厂(非正常时间安装以实际情况为准);1.4 运输过程中的注意事项:1.4.1约好时间后开车出厂,运行过程中时刻注意所装物品是否松动、碰撞等现象;1.4.2天气变化时应提前作好准备,带上雨布等防护措施;1.4.3如由于特殊情况不能够按照预订时间到达,必须提前与客户进行沟通;2.卸车及搬运2.1 如何安全卸车:2.1.1到达小区找到楼号及门洞后,安装人员应先到楼上对楼号进行核对,无误后准备卸车;2.1.2卸车时听司机指挥合理卸车,所卸物品必须做到:不能违犯物业的规定,不能挡住过往行人的通行,所有物品的安全:防止刮倒与丢失(所有物品及工具应放在一起);2.2 搬运的要点:2.2.1搬运时应做防护措施:如是否应带上手套,鞋套,如客户地板铺好应盖上包装膜等措施保护;2.2.2易碰部分(包括客户物品及橱柜)作出包装,以免碰坏。
2.2.3所有物品搬运必须根据安装顺序摆放整齐,为下步安装提供方便;2.2.4最后仔细检查卸货区域是否有遗留物品;3.吊、地柜的安装方法3.1 安装前的准备工作3.1.1安装以前,对厨房作出防护措施,是否应挂挡布、厨房墙面等是否应做简单清理,不允许柜体掩盖部位有明显灰尘或杂物;3.1.2为防灰尘的进入,应对个别橱柜内部配件进行包装(如滑道、拉蓝、米箱等),然后拿出电钻、曲线锯等柜体安装工具并连上电源;3.2 地柜的安装3.2.1根据图纸进行施工,首先进行图纸现场排尺,看总体尺寸有无问题,如无问题开始下步,有问题纪录看有无调节性;3.2.2地柜开始安底脚,安装底脚时应注意,必须保证底脚完全落入底座,必要时应用锤子砸入;3.2.3根据图纸上所标踢脚板的高度把底脚调到相应的尺寸;3.2.4铝合金底脚安装距前沿25毫米,侧面底座必须压住一部分侧板防止柜体下沉(铝脚底座不得超过侧板),镙丝必须上全;3.2.5安装地柜时如有转角柜应先安转角柜(没有转角柜先从靠墙的柜往外开始安装);3.3 现场割口方法及要点3.3.1现场切割时地面上必须垫上保护物,防止物品直接接触地面;3.3.2如柜后有阀门或检修口等必须留出来,画出线后,应先用电钻打眼,然后用曲线锯进行开孔;3.3.3割口的时候根据实物的大小从反面进行操作,转角处是圆弧状,孔位垂直平行,锯路不能出现弯曲,崩齿不能超过1.5毫米。
特殊局部地方的切割必须与客户沟通;2技术文件LH—JSWJ N0:2009—A3.3.5如割口不大可用圆孔、直径小于60毫米孔,可用相对应的扩孔器进行开孔;3.3.6后背板开孔方法,先从反面开孔,正面露出钻头尖时,再从正面往里操作(保持两面不崩齿);3.4 转角条的连接3.4.1转角条的连接方法是,找出三个角码,上中下(上下50毫米往里,另居中一个)三点连在与转角柜交叉柜体的侧板上;3.4.2转角条的外沿与门板一平;3.4.3按照图纸转角条尺寸,将已固定的转角条用黑钉上中下三点与转角柜连接,上下尺寸必须一致;3.5 柜与柜之间的连接3.5.1连接方法是用二合一连接件,把两箱体前面及上下对平,也可用两个理石G型夹把箱体之间固定;3.5.2用5毫米钻头打眼,正常箱体前面上下各一个,后上一个距离是箱体上沿往下5公分,前脸往里5公分,后面的眼距是上沿往下5公分,背板往里5公分;3.5.3打孔崩齿部分以镙帽能盖住为准;3.5.4打完后把镙丝穿在洞内然后用电钻拧紧即可,以此递推,如遇特殊有配件箱体正常打眼挡碍,则根据实物相应避让;3.6 如何调平柜体3.6.1所有柜体连接完以后,用水平尺前后放平在柜体上,根据水平尺的提示,调整底脚;3.6.2误差保持正负1毫米,所有调整完后底脚必须全部落地;3.7 吊柜高度的定位及天棚挡板的安装3.7.1安装吊柜之前,必须先量一下天棚挡板的高度;3.7.2为了防止尺寸的出入,可把吊柜的高度上下灵活移动(上下的浮动不能相差2公分,必须建立在台上附件够用、客户同意的前提下);3.7.3天棚挡板与棚顶的缝隙不能超过3毫米,前沿所留尺寸一致,并需与吊柜顶板用钉进行固定;3.7.4天棚挡板安装时,如棚顶不平可与客户协商打玻璃胶进行填缝;3.8 吊码的安装3.8.1为了防止吊码眼与墙内管道发生冲突,首先必须详细询问客户墙内电线、管道等分布位置;3.8.2根据图纸柜体尺寸,量出挂码的位置画出线;3.8.3拿出冲击钻按上8毫米钻头根据所画记号依次打出眼,必须用吊码专用的3膨胀栓及镙丝钉,把挂码吊钩固定在墙面上,必须保持平行;3.8.4然后把吊柜按照顺序依次挂上,用组合镙丝进行连接,所有吊柜挂完调平后盖上挂码装饰盖;3.9 吊柜底板现场的切割3.9.1现场切割吊柜底板的时候,应先用三合板条根据墙角的角度放出一个样板,然后在吊柜底板上根据其角度画出来;3.9.2用曲线锯按画线部位割掉打上密封胶,崩齿不能超过1.5毫米;3.10 五金配件的安装3.10.1根据五金配件说明书进行操作,所上镙丝钉位置必须准确,不能出现漏上、少上的现象;3.10.2如出现配件有误差的情况,不能野蛮操作,应及时更换;3.10.3安装完后必须达到抽拉自如顺畅,无异样声音;4、台面的安装相关要领4.1垫板的安装4.1.1柜体调平后,在柜顶上安装台面垫板,垫板前后各一根,如台面自带垫板需察看是否与柜体对应得上,有问题相应调整;4.1.2 700宽以上的平拉带箱体,前面的垫板必须用钉从拉带下面往上固定,后面的垫板由于后拉带是竖安不好固定,可用角码连接,所有拉带固定几个点即可;4.1.3水槽及炉具两侧必须加垫板,里部打少量玻璃胶进行固定;4.1.4所有垫板需切割时必须用曲线锯切割绝不能出现拽断现象;4.2 台面的安装4.2.1安装台面以前先做防护措施,拿包装膜或布把门及电器等进行遮盖。
4.3台面的接缝4.3.1 自然拼接:两块台面的拼接口用雕刻机或角磨进行操作,达到拼接口完全吻合;根据边缘的宽度,在两块板材的拼接口处用瞬间粘合剂固定小木块或板材的小方块,固定数量及拼接的距离根据接缝口的面积及选用的工具而定;接缝处的下面必须用胶纸盖上,防止胶水落入柜体内,然后及调配好的胶水1%-1.5%的固化剂搅拌均匀洒入缝内,胶水必须灌透,用A型夹通过固定小方块把两块板固紧;4技术文件LH—JSWJ N0:2009—A4.3.1.4固定时检查两块台面对接面是否平整,对接口是否吻合,多余胶水操作时注意洒落到地面或柜体内;接缝下部用80#理石条用理石胶进行加固;4.3.2掩条接缝:拼接口处不能大于5毫米的缝隙;用同一颜色的板材用角磨磨成小条,用调配好的胶水把理石板条砸入缝内,完全吻合后上胶粘接,胶水必须灌透;接缝下部用80#理石条用理石胶进行加固;4.4 台面打磨4.4.1正常胶水完全固化需要2-4个小时(以胶完全硬化开始打磨);4.4.2在固化时间内,固定所用的工具都不得随意拿开或搬动;4.4.3胶水固化后,多余部分的胶水及理石条先用角磨打平;4.4.4然后用砂盘120#、240#、320#、400#等从大到小用打磨机进行打磨接缝处,磨到底部时注意不要磨到接缝两侧,不要磨出凹面,后用600-800打磨接缝处精细处理;4.4.5打磨过程必须用力均匀,要求达到手感平整,前沿、后挡水必须呈一条直线;4.4.6保证接缝处打磨质量与大面达到一致,如出现表面有划痕应重新打磨;4.5台面抛光4.5.1抛光时先在台面上放入适量的抛光腊;4.5.2抛光时注意用力的均衡性及抛光的速度,以免抛光轮在高速抛光时灼伤台面;4.5.3达到明显亮度,表面无划痕即可,转角及工具不能进入处应用手工操作;4.6台面的开孔4.6.1炉具及水槽的开孔位置,正常距台面前沿应大于或等于80MM。
4.6.2根据图纸找出水槽及炉具位置,结合实物及样板画出开孔尺寸,用角磨或曲线锯进行操作,长宽孔距比实物大3毫米为最佳(杜绝只有样板无实物进行操作);4.6.3直角水槽开孔应先在四角用10毫米的钻头进行开孔,防止直角现象以免造成开裂;4.6.4四角最后必须用80*80的理石板进行加固,并必须打磨圆滑,杜绝理石边缘有台阶及不平整现象;5、门板、拉手、顶腰线、踢脚线、电器的安装及调整55.1 正常门板的安装5.1.1安装门板应在台面全部结束以后进行,首先对厨房内的卫生进行清理;5.1.2没有用的物品全部拿去出,卫生清理干净后,打开包装取出门板,垫上软包装物,把铰链固定在门板铰链孔内;5.1.3必须用铰链专用镙丝、型号一致,垂直进入门板。