

OVAL ALTImass多功能型高精度质量流量计使用说明书

OVAL ALTImass多功能型高精度质量流量计使用说明书
-40 ~+55℃(※1)
Max.200m(使用专用电缆) (※2)
EMC:EN55011:1998/A1:1999/A2:2002..Group.1,.Class.B EN61000-6-2:2001/EN061326-1:2006 隔离防爆
1.4 使用上的注意事项
为了保持流量计的高精度及耐久性,一定要在指定的流量、压力、温度等条件下使用。本使用条件在铭牌 或使用说明书的[3.规格、性能)]及[4.制造号的说明]项上有标准条件或允许使用范围的记载,请操作前一定要 确认。
● 计量腐蚀性流体时,请事先一定要确认材料。 ● 计量粘着性流体时,使用后请将振动管充分洗净。振动管上如粘结上污垢时,有可能使计量精度降低。 ● 使用条件变化时,请与本公司联系。 ● 对不均匀的气液混合流或不均匀的固液混合流时,有时不能做到精确计量,此时请与本公司联系。
10mm( 3/8″)(※2) 15mm( 1/2″)
25mm( 1″) 40mm( 1.1/2″) 50mm( 2″)
SUS316L、SUS316L+Alloy C、Alloy C
JIS 10,20,30,40,63K RF/ANSI(JPI)150,300,600RF,IDF 卫生型连接(※3), 螺纹连接
3.1.2 变换部标准规格
项目 型号 共给电源 消耗电力 周围温度 传输距离(分离型) 适合 E U 指令 适合 E N 规格 防爆构造
变换部构造 油漆颜色 显示器 重量 通信方式
85 ~ 264VAC(50/60Hz)、或20 ~ 30VDC

Omega FL500系列流量计及开关组合说明书

Omega FL500系列流量计及开关组合说明书

1®®®®®®®®®®®®®®FL500 SeriesOperator’s ManualIn-Line Flowmeters and Switch Kits2Servicing North America:USA:One Omega Drive, Box 4047ISO 9001 CertifiedStamford, CT 06907-0047Tel: (203) 359-1660FAX: (203) 359-7700e-mail:**************Canada:976 BergarLaval (Quebec) H7L 5A1Tel: (514) 856-6928FAX: (514) 856-6886e-mail:****************For immediate technical or application assistance:USA and Canada:Sales Service: 1-800-826-6342 / 1-800-TC-OMEGA SMCustomer Service: 1-800-622-2378 / 1-800-622-BEST SMEngineering Service: 1-800-872-9436 / 1-800-USA-WHEN SM TELEX: 996404 EASYLINK: 62968934 CABLE: OMEGA Mexico and Latin America:Tel: (95) 800-TC-OMEGA SM FAX: (95) 203-359-7807En Espan ˜ol: (203) 359-1660 ext: 2203e-mail:*****************Servicing Europe:Benelux:Postbus 8034, 1180 LA Amstelveen, The Netherlands Tel: (31) 20 6418405FAX: (31) 20 6434643Toll Free in Benelux: 06 0993344e-mail:************Czech Republic:Ostravska 767, 733 01 Karvina Tel: 42 (69) 6311899FAX: 42 (69) 6311114e-mail:***************France:9, rue Denis Papin, 78190 Trappes Tel: 33 0130-621-400FAX: 33 0130-699-120Toll Free in France: 05-4-06342e-mail:****************Germany/Austria:Daimlerstrasse 26, D-75392 Deckenpfronn, GermanyTel: 49 (07056) 3017FAX: 49 (07056) 8540Toll Free in Germany: 0130 11 21 66e-mail:*****************United Kingdom:25 Swannington Road,P.O. Box 7, Omega Drive,ISO 9002 CertifiedBroughton Astley, Leicestershire,Irlam, Manchester,LE9 6TU, England M44 5EX, England Tel: 44 (1455) 285520Tel: 44 (161) 777-6611FAX: 44 (1455) 283912FAX: 44 (161) 777-6622Toll Free in England: 0800-488-488e-mail:************OMEGAnet SMOn-Line Service Internet e-mail http://***************************It is the policy of OMEGA to comply with all worldwide safety and EMC/EMI regulations thatapply. OMEGA is constantly pursuing certification of its products to the European New Approach Directives. OMEGA will add the CE mark to every appropriate device upon certification.The information contained in this document is believed to be correct but OMEGA Engineering, Inc. accepts no liability for any errors it contains, and reserves the right to alter specifications without notice.WARNING: These products are not designed for use in, and should not be used for, patient connected applications.InstallationInlet and outlet ends are marked on the flow meter body,and an arrow on the printed scale indicates flow direction.Insite flow meters can be mounted in any convenient orientation (vertical, horizontal or anything in-between)without affecting performance. The end fittings are con-nected to the plastic body with O-ring sealed straight threads and don't need to be highly torqued to prevent leakage. These fittings accept pipe with tapered threads (NPT). Teflon tape should be used on the pipe threads and standard torques applied, to make leak-free connections.Put your wrench only on the end fitting when piping on.Do not apply wrenches on the plastic body alone when connecting to pipe.Many users find that a disconnect fitting, installed upstream of the flow meter, makes for easier removal of the flow meter, for cleaning internals. Control valves should be installed downstream of the flow meters.Two scales are provided. One for liquid and one for air/nitrogen gasses. Air/nitrogen gas meters are calibrated in SCFM. The air/nitrogen scale is calibrated at 90 PSI pressure and 70o F temperature. If the flow meter is used with air at pressures and/or temperatures that differ from the above, correction factors can be applied to a 90-psi air scale readings to get correct SCFM values. See Tables.High pressure air vented to atmosphere through the Insiteflow meter may result in erratic readings. When used to4For Electric Signallingmeter. As the magnet moves with the piston, its field trips the proximity switch. An adjustment screw changes the actuation point by moving the switch.8 Watts @ 120 VAC/100 VDC. DO NOT EXCEED 300 MILLIAMPS BELOW 26 VAC/26VDC. Switch has three wires: Black for normally open, blue for normally closed, and white for common.NOTE: Switch has a 25% of full scale operating band. Within the band, the switch activates. Above and below the band, the switch deactivates. Thus,one switch can be used as a deviation alarm.Model FL-505, FL-510, and FL-515 flow meters can be equipped with one or two electric switches so that any flowrate within the range of the meter can be made totrigger a signal (or signals).Switch settings are easily adjusted. They are supplied in kit form for installation in the field.Order No. FL-500-R I .Model FL-530, FL-540 and FL-550 require switch kit #FL-500-R2.Each switch kit consists of a ring shaped ceramicmagnet that fits around the flow meter piston, and aproximity switch in a housing that clamps to the body of the flowStep 1. Install the magnet. You must disassemble the flow meter to do this. Follow instructions found under theheading “Maintenance” on page 3. Remove piston from the shaft and place the magnet between piston and spring.Be sure that the piston is installed as in the drawing,and the spring is seated on the magnet and piston.Insert into tube and replace outlet end fittings.Step 2. Install the foam gasket. It has an adhesive on one side, covered with a protective paper. Peel off and press the gasket firmly into place on the switch housing.Step 3. Install the switch housing on the flow meter body.(A) If you are installing only one switch, push thecapscrews through the switch housing tabs, and thread them into the half-collars, as shown. Use the washers provided. The nuts may be discarded.(B) If you are installing two switches, match up the tabs on the two switch housings and push the capscrews through both collar tabs. Put the nuts on the threaded ends of the capscrews and tighten. Use the washers provided. (The half-collars and extra magnet may be discarded.)SWITCH INSTALLATIONNOTE: There is no “wrong orientation” of the switchhousing. If you are installing two switch housings, they can both be oriented the same way, as in the photo, or one “up”and the other “down”. Install to suit your needs in wiring and switch adjustment.SETTING THE SWITCH POINTSWith flow meter installed:Simply adjust the amount of flow to move the piston to the level on the indicator where a switch signal is desired, then turn the switch adjustment screw until switch actuates.(Switch moves toward the adjustment screw head as you turn it clockwise. Use an ohmmeter to determine actua-tion.) Repeat for second switch, if you are using two switches.With flow meter NOT installed:Simulate flow by pushing the eraser-end of a pencil (or a similar tool) through the inlet end of the tube, contacting the float, and moving it against the spring pressure until the knife edge of the float is at the desired reading on the scale. (If your unit has a 1/2 in. pipe fitting, remove it to gain better access.) Then, turn the switch adjustment screw till the switch actuates. (Switch moves toward the adjustment screw head as you turn it clockwise. Use an ohmmeter to determine actuation.) Repeat for a second switch, if you are using two switches.When connecting the switch wires, leave enough lead length (as a pigtail) to allow full travel of the switch.5Direct all warranty and repair requests/inquiries to the OMEGA Customer Service Department. BEFORE RETURNING ANY PRODUCT(S) TO OMEGA, PURCHAS ER MUS T OBTAIN AN AUTHORIZED RETURN (AR) NUMBER FROM OMEGA’S CUS TOMER S ERVICE DEPARTMENT (IN ORDER TO AVOID PROCESSING DELAYS). The assigned AR number should then be marked on the outside of the return package and on any correspondence.The purchaser is responsible for shipping charges, freight, insurance and proper packaging to prevent breakage in transit.FOR WARRANTY RETURNS, please have the following information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:1.P.O. number under which the product wasPURCHASED,2.Model and serial number of the product underwarranty, and3.Repair instructions and/or specific problemsrelative to the product.FOR NON-WARRANTY REPAIRS,consult OMEGA for current repair charges. Have the following information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA: 1. P.O. number to cover the COSTof the repair,2.Model and serial number of product, and3.Repair instructions and/or specific problemsrelative to the product.OMEGA’s policy is to make running changes, not model changes, whenever an improvement is possible. This affords our customers the latest in technology and engineering.OMEGA is a registered trademark of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.© Copyright 1996 OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. All rights reserved. This document may not be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form, in whole or in part, without prior written consent of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.67M2473/0796Where Do I Find Everything I Need for Process Measurement and Control?OMEGA…Of Course!TEMPERATUREⅪߜThermocouple, RTD & Thermistor Probes, Connectors, Panels & AssembliesⅪߜWire: Thermocouple, RTD & Thermistor ⅪߜCalibrators & Ice Point ReferencesⅪߜRecorders, Controllers & Process Monitors ⅪߜInfrared PyrometersPRESSURE, STRAIN AND FORCEⅪߜTransducers & Strain Gauges ⅪߜLoad Cells & Pressure Gauges ⅪߜDisplacement Transducers ⅪߜInstrumentation & AccessoriesFLOW/LEVELⅪߜRotameters, Gas Mass Flowmeters & Flow Computers ⅪߜAir Velocity IndicatorsⅪߜTurbine/Paddlewheel Systems ⅪߜTotalizers & Batch ControllerspH/CONDUCTIVITYⅪߜpH Electrodes, Testers & Accessories ⅪߜBenchtop/Laboratory MetersⅪߜControllers, Calibrators, Simulators & Pumps ⅪߜIndustrial pH & Conductivity Equipment DATA ACQUISITIONⅪߜData Acquisition & Engineering Software ⅪߜCommunications-Based Acquisition Systems ⅪߜPlug-in Cards for Apple, IBM & Compatibles ⅪߜDatalogging SystemsⅪߜRecorders, Printers & Plotters HEATERSⅪߜHeating CableⅪߜCartridge & Strip Heaters ⅪߜImmersion & Band Heaters ⅪߜFlexible Heaters ⅪߜLaboratory HeatersENVIRONMENTALMONITORING AND CONTROLⅪߜMetering & Control Instrumentation ⅪߜRefractometers ⅪߜPumps & TubingⅪߜAir, Soil & Water MonitorsⅪߜIndustrial Water & Wastewater TreatmentⅪߜpH, Conductivity & Dissolved Oxygen InstrumentsMANUAL M-2473/0896FL500MAN 200.1M 10/96 8。

海默多相流量计原理分析(ppt 49页)

海默多相流量计原理分析(ppt 49页)
Gas Fraction (ag): 气相所占截面比
设a: waoag1
Gas Volume Fraction (GVF): 气相所占总体积比 (工况条件下)
Qg Qo Qw
Water Liquid Ratio (WLR):
水相所占液相比(工况条件下) WLR & BS&W 区别:

在轻元素区: N/Z≈1 的原子核比较稳定
到重元素铀 N/Z≈1.5 的原子核才是稳定的
当中子数和质子数之比 N/Z 偏离稳定值时,原子核变得不 稳定,它们存在一定的时间后会自发地变成另一种稳定或比 较稳定的原子核,同时发射射线以释放多余的能量。 ,
氢 Z=1 自然界最重的元素 铀 Z=92 人工合成元素 Z>92 超重元素Z >100

一个原子核的中子数和质子数之比 N/Z 称为中质比。只有中





Küppers Elektromechanik GmbHFlow MetersLiebigstraße 2 • D-85757 Karlsfeld • Tel.+49 81 31/59 39 10 • Fax +49 81 31/9 26 04ZHM系列安装和操作手册综述齿轮流量计是容积式流量计,结构与齿轮泵相似。








 计算 齿轮流量计的K-系数(标定系数)精确定义了每升流量的输出脉冲数。

每台表出厂时都 提供一份标定记录,可以得到K-系数。

另外,我们的标定记录还提供以下信息:•折合到瞬时流量的最大测量误差• 相应流量范围的最大/最小频率•不同流量时的K-系数•整个流量范围有效的平均 K-系数应用以下公式:Q=流量,单位为升每分钟f= 输出脉冲频率,单位为 Hz=齿轮流量计的K-系数,单位为脉冲每升准备工作机械和电路安装、调试和维护必须由合格或者认可的人员进行。





对于以下介质请使用过滤器作为预防:ZHM01–03:120 微米04–05:200 微米06–07:300 微米流量计的安装齿轮流量计应当按照流量方向(标定方向)安装。





OMEGA FPD 系列流量计说明书.pdf_1718720907.6791983

OMEGA FPD 系列流量计说明书.pdf_1718720907.6791983

FPD1001B thru FPD1003B,FPD1102B and FPD1103B,FPD1201B thru FPD1203B SERIES LOW FLOWPositive Displacement FlowmetersTo the owner:Please take a few minutes to read through the manual before installing and operating your meter. Always retain this manual for future reference. If you have any problems with the meter, refer to the Maintenance and Troubleshooting sections of the manual.This manual contains connection and op-erating instructions for the OMEGA FPDSeries meters. This includes the following models:FPD1001BFPD1102B FPD1201B FPD1003BFPD1002B FPD1203BFPD1202B FPD1103BPart breakdowns for each model are locat-ed at the back of this manual. For models with displays and /or 4-20 mA output, anadditional instruction manual is provided.The flowmeter has incorporated the oval ro-tor principal into its design. This has proven to be a reliable and highly accurate method of measuring flow. Exceptional repeatability and high accuracy over a wide range offluid viscosities and flowrates are features of the oval rotor design. With low pressure drop and high pressure rating, oval rotor flowmeters are suitable for both gravity and pump (in-line) applications.Please read this informationcarefully before use!Before use, confirm the fluid to be used is compatible with the meter. Refer to Industry fluid compatibility charts or consult yourlocal representative for advice.To prevent damage from dirt or foreignmatter it is recommended that a Y or bas-ket type 200 mesh strainer be installed as close as possible to the inlet side of the meter. Contact your local representative for advice.NOTE: To prevent damage to the meter, slowly fill the system with fluid (this will prevent damage caused by air purge). Failure to do this could damage the meter.To reduce pressure build up, turn off the pump at the end of each day.1. Use thread sealant on all pipe threads.2. Ensure the meter is installed so that rotor shafts are always in a horizontal plane. Flow is bi-directional.3. OMEGA recommends use of flexible connections.4. Extreme care must be taken when installing the meter. Pipe strain or overtightening the meter connections can cause meter damage.Your meter is equipped with both a Hall Effect sensor and a Reed Switch sensor. The equipment you are sending the pulse signal to will determine which sensor you use. The wires for the unused sensor will not be used. Refer to page 2 for specifications and wir-ing connections.▲12Hall Effect 0 VDCSIG + VDCReceiving Instrument Power Supply Signal GND 1.8k Ω 24 VDCValue depends on voltage. Check if receiving instrument has internal Pull Up resistor.Output TypeWire Function Wire Function Wire Function Note Reed SwitchGreen Yellow No Polarity Required Hall Effect Red +VDC Black Gnd (0 V) White SignalNPN Open Collector Sensor Wiring Connections CharacteristicSymbol Notes Rating Units Voltage SupplyV CC 30 V Reverse Supply VoltageV RCC -30 V Output Off VoltageV OUT 30 V Reverse Output VoltageV ROUT -0.5 V Output CurrentI OUTSNK 25 mA Magnetic Flux DensityB Unlimited G Operating Ambient TemperatureT A Range L -40 to 150 ° C Maximum Junction TemperatureT J (MAX) 165 ° C Storage Temperature T STG -65 to 170 ° C Hall Effect Specifications (Absolute Maximum Ratings)the fluid meter to be repaired.CAUTIONEnsure the fluid line is depressurized before commencing repairs.CAUTION electrical disconnected ing repairs.CAUTION To prevent damage to the meter dur-re-commissioning, piping system with fluid before start-ing the pumping system.CAUTION Refer to the Sensor Wiring section for CAUTIONConditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit Magnetic Properties:Pull-In at 20°C 36.5 AT Test Equipment KMS-03Special Product Data:Contact Rating Any DC combination of V & A notto exceed their individual max.’s 10 WSwitching Voltage DC or Peak AC 30 VDCOperating Ampere DC or Peak AC 0.5 ASwitching Current DC or Peak AC 0.5 ASensor Resistance Measured with 40% overdrive 360 mOhmHousing Material Celanex 3216Case Color BlackSealing Compound Epoxy Resin Environmental Data:Operating Temperature -5 130 °CStorage Temperature -20 130 °C Cable Specifications:Cable Type Single WiresTemp. Range Unmoved -30 130 °CTemp. Range Moved -5 130 °CCable Material FEP Cross Section AWG 28Reed Switch Specifications32. Fit the O-ring into the O-ring groove in the meter body.4Allignment MarksMeter CapBodyRotorsO-RingLegend PlateScrewsPulse Meter Disassembly1. Loosen and remove four Phillips head or cap head screws (see Figure 2).2. Remove the meter cap and O-ring.3. Remove the rotors. Note the position of the rotor with the magnet or grub screws.4. Clean and inspect all components, replace as necessary.Pulse Meter Reassembly 1. Replace the rotors. Refer to Figure 3 or Figure 4 for correct orientation. Rotate the rotors by hand to ensure correct engagement.3. Replace the meter cap.NOTE: Ensure all the alignment marks are lined up with the mark on the body (see Figure 2).4. Replace and tighten the four bolts to the required torque. Refer to Bolt Torque in the Specifications section for details.5. Check meter function using low air pressure.6. Restore the fluid and reconnect the wiring as detailed in the Installation and Pulser Details sections.Rotors with Magnets Models: FPD1001B & FPD1201B Models: FPD1002B, FPD1003B, FPD1102B,FPD1103B, FPD1202B & FPD1203B 5Symptom Probable Cause Corrective ActionFLUID WILL NOT 1. Foreign matter blocking Dismantle meter, clean rotors. Strainer must FLOW THROUGH rotors be fitted in-line.THE METER 2. Line strainer blocked Clean strainer.3. Damaged rotors Replace rotors. Strainer must be fitted in-line.4. Meter connections over- Readjust connections.tightened REDUCED FLOW 1. Line strainer partially Clean strainer.THROUGH THE blocked METER 2. Fluid is too viscous Maximum viscosity 1000 centipoise.METER READING 1. Fluid flowrate is too low See specifications for minimum and maximum INACCURATE or too high flowrates.2. Air in fluid Bleed air from system.3. Excess wear caused by Check meter body and rotors.incorrect installation METER NOT 1. Faulty Hall Effect sensor Replace meter cap.GIVING A PULSE or Reed Switch SIGNAL 2. Faulty magnet Replace rotors.3. Rotors installed in wrong Refer to correct rotor positioning and positionassembly instructions.TROUBLESHOOTINGComponent Wetted Materials Body:FPD1001B, FPD1002B & FPD1003B AluminumFPD1102B & FPD1103B PPSFPD1201B, FPD1202B & FPD1203B 316L Stainless SteelShafts:FPD1001B, FPD1002B, FPD1003B, 316 Stainless Steel FPD1201B, FPD1202B & FPD1203BFPD1102B & FPD1103B Hastalloy (optional) Rotors:FPD1001B, FPD1002B, FPD1003B, PM Stainless Steel FPD1201B, FPD1202B & FPD1203BFPD1102B & FPD1103B PPS Bushings:FPD1001B, FPD1201B, FPD1002B, CarbonFTB1003B, FPD1102B, FPD1103B,FPD1202B & FPD1203BInner Plate / Meter Cap:FPD1001B, FPD1002B, FPD1003B, PPSFPD1102B & FPD1103BFPD1201B, FPD1202B & FPD1203B Stainless Steel Magnet:All models Samarium Cobalt67Item Rec. Part or Set No. Qty.Parts (Order from this column only) Part Description1 1 MS600NS Meter Body & Shafts NPT Stainless Steel1 1 MS605NS Meter Body & Shafts NPT Aluminum2 1 u MS1180AS Meter Cap (FPD1001B)2 1 u MS1180-1AS Meter Cap (FPD1201B)3 4 MS1228S Screws, Aluminum3 4 MS12138 Screws, Stainless Steel4 1 MS601S Rotor Assembly Stainless Steel5 1 BS029VS O-Ring (FKM) 5 1 BS029PS O-Ring (Perfluoroelastomer)14523Models: FPD1001B FPD1201Bu = Recommended Spare Parts (See Figure 2).Bold Text = Indicates Stainless Steel model parts.Stainless Steel Models Aluminum Models Port Size 1/8 in. 1/8 in.Accuracy of Reading ± 1% ± 1%Maximum Viscosity 1000 Centipoise 1000 CentipoiseFlow Ranges (LPH or GPH)Above 5 centipoise 0.5 to 50 / 0.132 to 13.2 0.5 to 50 / 0.132 to 13.2Below 5 centipoise 2 to 50 / 0.528 to 13.2 2 to 50 / 0.528 to 13.2K-Factor (Pulses per Liter/Gallon)1552 / 5875.32 1552 / 5874.32Max. Operating Pressure SS = 5500 kPa / 800 PSI / 55 Bar 1000 kPa / 150 PSI / 10 Bar Strainer Size (Recommended)200 Mesh 200 MeshBolt Torque SS = 80 in-lb. 17.7 in-lb.Min. Operating Temperature -10°C / +14°F -10°C / +14°FMax. Operating Temperature 120°C / 248°F 60°C / 176°FPulse Type Hall Effect Sensor/Reed Switch Hall Effect Sensor/Reed Switch Cable Length 1 meter / 3.28 feet 1 meter / 3.28 feetWeight 602 g / 21.23 oz. 308 g / 10.86 oz. Dimensions (W x D x H)60mm x 50mm x 50mm 60mm x 50mm x 50mmFace to Face 67mm / 2.63 in. 60mm / 2.36 in.89Item Rec. Part or Set No. Qty.Parts (Order from this column only) Part Description1 1 MS1S-2S Meter Body & Shafts NPT Stainless Steel1 1 MS1AL-2S Meter Body & Shafts NPT Aluminum1 1 MS1R-2C Meter Body & Hast Shafts NPT PPS2 1 MS6-1S Rotor Assembly Stainless Steel2 1 MS6S Rotor Assembly PPS3 4 MS1228S Screws, Aluminum/PPS3 4 MS1213S Screws, Stainless Steel4 1 u MS1180AS Meter Cap (FPD1002B)4 1 u MS1180-1AS Meter Cap (FPD1202B)4 1 u MS11870RAS Meter Cap (FPD1102B)5 1 BS029VS O-Ring (FKM) 5 1 BS029PSO-Ring (Perfluoroelastomer)12543Models: FPD1002B FPD1202B FPD1102B u = Recommended Spare Parts (See Figure 2).Bold Text = Indicates Stainless Steel model parts.Stainless Steel & PPS ModelsAluminum Models Port Size1/4 in. 1/4 in.Accuracy of Reading± 1% ± 1%Maximum Viscosity1000 Centipoise 1000 Centipoise Flow Ranges (LPH or GPH)Above 5 centipoise2 to 100 / 0.53 to 26.4 2 to 100 / 0.53 to 26.4 Below5 centipoise5 to 100 / 1.32 to 26.4 5 to 100 / 1.32 to 26.4K-Factor (Pulses per Liter/Gallon)1000 / 3785 1000 / 3785Max. Operating PressureSS = 5515 kPa /800 PSI / 55 Bar 1000 kPa/ 150 PSI / 10 BarPPS = 500 kPa / 75 PSI / 5 Bar Strainer Size (Recommended)200 Mesh 200 Mesh Bolt TorqueSS = 80 in-lb. 17.7 in-lb.PPS = 8.8 in-lb. Min. Operating Temperature-10°C / +14°F -10°C / +14°F Max. Operating TemperatureSS = 120°C / 248°F 80°C / 176°FPPS = 80°C / 176°F Pulse TypeHall Effect Sensor/Reed Switch Hall Effect Sensor/Reed Switch Cable Length1 meter / 3.28 feet 1 meter / 3.28 feet WeightSS = 240 g / 8.5 oz. 310 g / 11 oz.PPS = 600 g / 21.2 oz.Dimensions (W x D x H)60mm x 50mm x 50mm 60mm x 50mm x 50mm Face to FaceSS = 67mm / 2.63 in. 60mm / 2.36 in.PPS = 64mm / 2.52 in.1011Item Rec. Part or Set No. Qty. Parts (Order from this column only)Part Description1 1 MS2S-2S Meter Body & Shafts NPT Stainless Steel1 1 MS2AL-2S Meter Body & Shafts NPT Aluminum1 1 MS2R-2C Meter Body & Hast Shafts NPT PPS2 1 u MS1180AS Meter Cap (FPD1003B)2 1 u MS1180-1AS Meter Cap (FPD1203B)2 1 u MS1180RAS Meter Cap (FPD1103B)3 4 MS1228S Screws, Aluminum3 4 MS1213S Screws, Stainless Steel4 1 MS814S Rotor Assembly Stainless Steel4 1 MS813S Rotor Assembly PPS4 1 MS814HS Rotor Assembly Stainless Steel High Viscosity5 1 BS029VS O-Ring (FKM) 5 1 BS029PS O-Ring (Perfluoroelastomer)14523Models: FPD1003B FPD1203B FPD1103Bu = Recommended Spare Parts (See Figure 2).Bold Text = Indicates Stainless Steel model parts.Stainless Steel & PPS ModelsAluminum Models Port Size1/4 in. 1/4 in.Accuracy of Reading± 1% ± 1%Max. Viscosity1000 Centipoise 1000 Centipoise High Viscosity OptionYes Yes Flow Ranges (LPH or GPH)Above 5 centipoise15 to 500 / 4 to 32 15 to 500 / 4 t o 32 Below 5 centipoise25 to 500 / 6 to 132 25 to 500 / 6 to 132K-Factor (Pulses per Liter/Gallon)400 / 1514 400 / 1514Max. Operating PressureSS = 5515 kPa/800 PSI/55 Bar 1000 kPa/150 PSI/10 BarPPS = 500 kPa/75 PSI/5 Bar Strainer Size (Recommended)200 Mesh 200 Mesh Bolt TorqueSS = 80 in-lb. 17.7 in./lbs.PPS = 8.8 in-lb. Min. Operating Temperature-10°C / +14°F -10°C / +14°F Max. Operating TemperatureSS = 120°C / 248°F 80°C / 176°FPPS = 80°C / 176°F Pulse TypeHall Effect Sensor/Reed Switch Hall Effect Sensor/Reed Switch Cable Length1 meter / 3.28 feet 1 meter / 3.28 feet Weight240 g / 8.5 oz. 320 g / 12 oz.600 g / 21.2 oz. (PPS)Dimensions (W x D x H)60mm x 50mm x 50mm 60mm x 50mm x 50mm Face to FaceSS = 67mm / 2.63 in. 60mm / 2.36 in. PPS = 64mm / 2.52 in.12M-4686 / 0611。

OMEGA FMA-700A 和 FMA-800A 系列流量计与控制器说明书

OMEGA FMA-700A 和 FMA-800A 系列流量计与控制器说明书
mA Output Models: 15 Vdc (±5%) or 24 Vdc (±15%)
Current Consumption: FMA-800A: <45 mA DC FMA-700A: <250 mA DC
Dimensions: mm (in); Weight: kg (lb)
Model No.
FMA-78C50 208 15 m (50') interconnect cable with connectors
75 15 Vdc power supply**
Note: All flow ranges are specified for nitrogen or air. When used for other gases, a correlation factor is used to determine flow rate.
Power: 117 Vac ±10%, 50 to 60 Hz, 50 Watts Dimensions: 215.9 W x 123.8 H x 247.7 mm D (81⁄2 x 47⁄8 x 93⁄4") Display: 0 to 102.4%
Rate Indicators/Electronics Boxes
FMA-700A/800A Series Starts at
FMA-775A, $2998.
ߜ ±1% Accuracy (Up to 500 SLM), ±0.2% Repeatability








多相流量计的主要优势在于对被测油气水混合物不用进行相分离, 现场安装工艺简洁, 结构紧凑, 占空间小; 测量为实时、连续测量, 基本上可以做到无人值守, 不用人员干预; 仪表具有良好的可靠性和适用的准确度; 一次投资和维护费用低, 在采油生产中, 尤其在海洋石油和油井测试中具有很大的经济效益。

多相流量计的功能就是在不分离的情况下, 依赖一些流体参数的测量以给出三相流的油、水、气流量。

其基本原理是通过确定每一种组分的瞬时速度和截面占有率, 从而确定每一组分的量。





常用测量方法有伽玛相分率、互相关测量方法以及Vent uri 流量计的优化组合将是最有希望成功的多相流量计。

海默多相流计工作原理及技术特点海默多相流量计采用伽玛传感器测量相分率,采用互相关、文丘里流量计, 或互相关+文丘里结合的方法测量相流速。


能适应每一种流型。 流型对多相流测量有很大的影响。不对流动进行混合的在线仪表需要知道是什么流 型以便能解释测量结果。这对互相关法尤其重要,因为互相关法是确定气体和液体的速度 来测量混合物的速度和含气率。如果流型和模型不一致,输出结果就不正确。互相关对于 相对稳定的条件不太可靠(泡状流,一些条件的环状流) 。而文丘里测量方法较适用于这 种条件。 介电测量可能会受流型的影响,对于给定的气液混合物,分布不同,其结果不同。 伽玛射线衰减不受流型的影响,但却是高度非线性,与相分数的指数有关。间歇流型对伽玛 相分仪表的结果有很大的影响, 因此除了选用合适源强度以外, 还需要进行正确的平均计算。 一些流型影响,尤其是由高黏度临时乳化引起,可能会导致错误的计量。两种重要 的影响是粘性膜的沉积物和翻腾流的影响。在三相环状流、分层/环状流和塞状流中已经 观察到高黏度的油水乳化厚膜。这在计量系统中有几方面的影响。一个影响是在相成分测 量点会留下实际上静止但可测量的膜。这就会使油水分数增加,再乘上速度后会得出太大 的油水流量。水平管中的情况会比竖直管中的情况更严重。 翻腾流出现在竖直管中, 会尤其影响使用互相关的计量。 实际流动速度可能是相当慢, 但由于大的波动向上速度和大的波动向下速度,其结果却完全不同。因此可能其误差会比 速度自身的差还要大。 流型变化还对仪表取样带来了要求。 流型变化快, 而仪表取样速度不适应将影响测量。 1.4.2 相分布对多相流测量的影响 1)连续相 三相流的计量常常受油水相分布的影响,水为连续相或者油为连续相。相转换点指油为 连续相转换为水为连续相时液相中的含水率,通常相转换时的含水率在 40%到 60%之间,液 体不同相转换点不同。使用低频介电测量的仪表中,连续相非常重要。在油为连续相的条件 下,可用电容传感器区分油和水,因此测出含水率。这是最准确的测量含水率的技术之一, 含气率对其影响很小,但在相转换点处无法应用,因为在高传导的液体水中,电容传感器不 起作用。 在水为连续相的条件下, 必须使用电感和电导传感器, 虽然不象电容测量那样敏感, 但仍能给出较准确的结果, 尤其在较高含气率的情况下如此。 因此一些仪表会需要两种类型 的传感器和能很好响应的探测手段。 在相转换区域, 流动可能会在油为连续相和水为连续相 间切换,这种仪表不适合这一区域的测量。 连续相同样会影响高频介电测量(即微波) ,但相同的传感器可用于油为连续相或水为

Omega 流量传感器 FLMG、FLMH 和 FLMW 系列 -MA 选项用户指南说明书

Omega 流量传感器 FLMG、FLMH 和 FLMW 系列 -MA 选项用户指南说明书

Flow TransmittersFLMG, FLMH and FLMW Serieswith the -MA OptionUser’s GuideShop online ate-mail:**************For latest product manuals:regulations that apply. OMEGA is constantly pursuing certification of its products to the European New Approach Directives. OMEGA will add the CE mark to every appropriate device upon certification.The information contained in this document is believed to be correct, but OMEGA accepts no liability for any errors it contains, and reserves the right to alter specifications without notice.WARNING: These products are not designed for use in, and should not be used for, human applications.Illustration 10Illustration 11Illustration 12(11)NOTES:_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________(12)Direct all warranty and repair requests/inquiries to the OMEGA Customer Service Department. BEFORE RET URNING ANY PRODUCT(S) T O OMEGA, PURCHASER MUST OBT AIN AN AUT HORIZED RET URN (AR) NUMBER FROM OMEGA’S CUST OMER SERVICE DEPART MENT (IN ORDER T O AVOID PROCESSING DELAYS). T he assigned AR number should then be marked on the outside of the return package and on any correspondence.The purchaser is responsible for shipping charges, freight, insurance and proper packaging to prevent breakage in transit.FOR WARRANTY RETURNS, please have the following information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:1.Purchase Order number under whichthe product was PURCHASED,2.Model and serial number of the productunder warranty, and3.Repair instructions and/or specificproblems relative to the product.FOR NON-WARRANTY REPAIRS,consult OMEGA for current repair charges. Have the following information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:1. Purchase Order number to cover theCOST of the repair,2.Model and serial number of theproduct, and3.Repair instructions and/or specific problemsrelative to the product.OMEGA’s policy is to make running changes, not model changes, whenever an improvement is possible. This affords our customers the latest in technology and engineering.OMEGA is a registered trademark of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.© Copyright 2005 OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. All rights reserved. This document may not be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.Where Do I Find Everything I Need for Process Measurement and Control?OMEGA…Of Course!Shop online at TEMPERATUREⅪߜThermocouple, RTD & Thermistor Probes, Connectors, Panels & AssembliesⅪߜWire: Thermocouple, RTD & ThermistorⅪߜCalibrators & Ice Point ReferencesⅪߜRecorders, Controllers & Process MonitorsⅪߜInfrared PyrometersPRESSURE, STRAIN AND FORCEⅪߜTransducers & Strain GagesⅪߜLoad Cells & Pressure GagesⅪߜDisplacement TransducersⅪߜInstrumentation & AccessoriesFLOW/LEVELⅪߜRotameters, Gas Mass Flowmeters & Flow ComputersⅪߜAir Velocity IndicatorsⅪߜTurbine/Paddlewheel SystemsⅪߜTotalizers & Batch ControllerspH/CONDUCTIVITYⅪߜpH Electrodes, Testers & AccessoriesⅪߜBenchtop/Laboratory MetersⅪߜControllers, Calibrators, Simulators & PumpsⅪߜIndustrial pH & Conductivity EquipmentDATA ACQUISITIONⅪߜData Acquisition & Engineering SoftwareⅪߜCommunications-Based Acquisition SystemsⅪߜPlug-in Cards for Apple, IBM & CompatiblesⅪߜDatalogging SystemsⅪߜRecorders, Printers & PlottersHEATERSⅪߜHeating CableⅪߜCartridge & Strip HeatersⅪߜImmersion & Band HeatersⅪߜFlexible HeatersⅪߜLaboratory HeatersENVIRONMENTALMONITORING AND CONTROLⅪߜMetering & Control InstrumentationⅪߜRefractometersⅪߜPumps & TubingⅪߜAir, Soil & Water MonitorsⅪߜIndustrial Water & Wastewater TreatmentⅪߜpH, Conductivity & Dissolved Oxygen Instruments M-4157/0305。

OMEGA DPF700流量计设置与安装指南说明书

OMEGA DPF700流量计设置与安装指南说明书

OMEGA DPF700 flow meter settings and installation guide for IGA Shawinigan for MTA V5.0.6 MT Item no 23-0215 to be installed with a FTB6110-PS (60 pulses/gal) (MT 23-0214)by Roger LegaultFor the following settingPower : 115VMode : Rate (flow)Analogue 4-20mA output for a 0.00-50.00 gpm rangeIf the number of decimal digit needs to be change you must reprogram An LO and An HI setting Front-panel buttons enabled.All programming enabledRECALL button enabledFigure 2 – Back panel of the controllerSignal power : TB2-1 (12.4VDC)Pulse input +: TB2-2Pulse input –: TB2-3 (GND)Output 4-20mA +: J1-2Output 4-20mA -: J1-1A 255 ohms 1% resistor must be used to close the 4-20mA current loop. To do so place such aresistor between GND and U input of the sensor node.Table 1Switch/Jumper Status DescriptionS1-1 S1-2 Open Open Excitation output is set to 12.4 V. S1-3 Open High hysteresis = 1.5 V. S1-4Close Threshold is shifted to positive. S1-5 Open No 12 Hz low pass filter.For reading >12 gpmS1-6 Open No pull-down 1k resistor. S1-7 Close 3K pull-up resistor to excitation. S1-8 Open Trigger edge = Negative (high to low transition). S1-9 Open No 120Hz signals internally connects to the input. S1-10 Open Don’t maintain digital display during a dc power operation. S2 Position B All program unlocked S3 Position A Enables front-panel buttons. S4 Position A Enables RECALL button.Main boardIf your power requirement is 115 Vac, install solder jumpers W1 and W2, but do not install jumper W3.W1, W2, W3 solder jumperProgrammingIf at power-up the display doesn’t show or the flow is not shown with the 0.00 format or 4-20mA output don’t work in the proper range you must redo this programming.1. Press the MENU button. The meter shows "Func".2. Press the >ADV button. The meter shows actual mode. If the mode is not “rAtE” press^SET button to change it to “rAtE”3. Press the MENU button. The meter shows "SCALE".4. Press the ^SET button. The meter shows "In .SC" or "In/SC", with the multiply (.) ordivide by (/) symbol flashing. Press the ^SET button until the meter shows "IN .SC".5. Press the >ADV button. The meter shows actual scale value, with left-most digit flashing.The flashing display indicates the position or function may be modified.6. Set the value at "1.00000". Press the >ADV button to move through the display. Pressthe ^SET button to change the flashing digit's value or flashing decimal point position.7. Once the meter shows the correct scale value, press the MENU button to store to volatilememory. The meter shows "OFFSEt".8. Press the >ADV button. The meter shows actual offset value. Set the value at "000000.".9. Press the MENU button again to show "dEC Pt".10. Press the >ADV button. The meter shows current measurement decimal point position11. Press the >ADV button (if required) to change from "AUto" to "F.FFFFF".12. Press the ^SET button until the meter shows "FFFF.FF".13. Press the MENU button to save this decimal point to volatile memory. The meter shows"COnFIG".14. Press the >ADV button. The meter shows current analog configuration. Set the left digitin configuration to 0 for 4-20 mA (0XXXXX).15. Press the MENU button again to show "An LO". This is a write only parameter. Skip thenext step if you don’t want to change this value.16. Press the >ADV* button. “0000.00” is shown. The previously entered value is nevershown. Set the flow value which will output 4 milliamps (leave it to 0000.00 for 0gpm).17. Press the MENU button again to show "An HI". This is a write only parameter. Skip thenext step if you don’t want to change this value.18. Press the >ADV* button. “0000.00” is shown. The previously entered value is nevershown. Set the flow value which will output 20 milliamps (i.e 0050.00 for 50gpm).19. Press the MENU button. The meter shows "noStor".20. Press the ^SET button to save the changes in nonvolatile memory. The meter shows"StorE".21. Press the MENU button to confirm saves. If signal were connected to the input, the meterwould begin counting input pulses.Press the RESET button at any time to cause the meter to start counting with the latest changes in effect, but these changes will not be stored in the nonvolatile memory.Once you have performed coarse adjustment (step 16 and 18), proceed to fine adjustment as follows (you must be connected to the sensor node to make a good fine adjustment):1. Adjust the input to show a value equal to "An LO" (0 gpm). Adjust R38 potentiometer atthe back of the board (refer to Figure 2) for 4 milliamp output (1.0 volts).2. Adjust the input to show a value equal to "An HI" (50 gpm). Adjust R37 potentiometer atthe back of the board for 20 milliamp output (5.0 volts).3. Repeat fine adjustment as necessary.An easy way to set the display to 50 gpm is to set the offset temporarily to "000050." in nonvolatile memory while there is no input signal.In MT AllianceYou must create this sensor modelThe Flow type don’t work properly for this range of flow in Alliance V5.0.6You won’t see the gpm unit on the view. % must be interpreted as gpm even when the default flow unit is set to L/sThe 255 ohms shunt resistor is mandatorySuggested alarm limit configurationClick on Pick defined Alarm Setting and create this default setting for this custom application.Revision historyREV Description Revised by Date0.1 Document creation 72-GEN-1001 RL 12 apr 20061.0 English translation for consistency RL 17 apr 2006 1.1 MT Alliance installation detail added PUID ch to 72-PHW-1001 RL 20 apr 2006 1.2 Cover page and formatting ER 13-Apr-2015。

Omega FL-1900系列旋阀流量表操作手册说明书

Omega FL-1900系列旋阀流量表操作手册说明书

FL-1900 Series Rotameters Operator’s Manual:INSTRUCTIONSHEET M0360/0201SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION1.1GENERAL DESCRIPTIONOMEGA®Series FL-1900 Rotameters provide aneconomical and efficient means of flow rate indicationwhen accuracy is not critical. Typical applicationsinclude purging, seal oil systems, bearing lubrication,and cooling water flow indication.Engineering design makes them especially suitablefor use with corrosive liquids and gases, andinstallation in corrosive atmospheres.The Series FL-1900 Rotameters are furnished with acontrol valve, but are available without the valve.Indicator body and supported frame are constructedfrom stainless steel. Sealing parts are manufacturedfrom vinylidene fluoride resin (Kynar). O-ring sealsare Viton-A. The meter is totally enclosed within acover of high impact polycarbonate (Lexan).1.2SPECIFICATIONThe following specifications apply to all models.CAUTIONDo not use this meter in excess of the specified values PRESSURE RATINGS:200 psig maximumTEMPERATURE RATING:250°F maximumREPEATABILITY:±0.5 % of full scaleACCURACY: Meter specified to have an accuracyof ±10 % of maximum scale from100 % to 10% of scale reading.Conforms to ISA R.P. 16.1,Specification 10-S-10DIMENSION:See Figure 1.1METERING TUBE:Borosilicate glassEND FITTINGS:316SSWINDOW SHIELD:High Impact PlasticFLOA T STOPS:T eflonTUBE P ACKING:VitonO - RINGS:VitonSCALE:65mm direct reading for air or water SECTION 2 INSTALLATION2.1RECEIPT OF EQUIPMENTWhen the equipment is received, the outside packingcases should be checked for any damage incurredduring shipment. If the packing case is damaged, thelocal carrier should be notified at once regarding hisliability.Remove the envelope containing the shipping list.Carefully remove the equipment from the packingcase. Make sure spare or replacement parts are notdiscarded with the packing material. Inspect fordamaged or missing parts.2.2RETURN SHIPMENTDo not return any merchandise without an AuthorizedReturn (AR) number. Call OMEGA Customer ServiceDepartment at (203) 359-1660.CAUTIONIt is recommended that this publication be read in its entirety beforeperforming any operation. Failure to understand and follow theseinstructions could result in serious personal injury and/or damageto the equipmentWARNINGGlass metering tubes are designed for operation up to the maximum operating pressures and temperatures as specified herein. Due to the inherent brittle characteristic of glass and conditions beyond our control, tube breakage could result below specified operating conditions. Possible glass tube breakage represents a potential hazard to operating personnel; therefore, operator protection should be supplied where operating pressures may exceed 50 psig.. A safety shield constructed of 1/2inch acrylic plastic may be used or the glass tube meter maybe replaced with an all metal (armored)meter.Figure 1.1 Dimension Diagram2.3FILTER INSTALLATIONIt is recommended that a filter with a rating of two (2) micronsbe installed on the inlet side of the meter. This filter will reducethe amount of foreign matter that could impair operation ofmeter.2.4INSTALLATION OF METERa.Check the control valve is fully closed.b.Check the valve body is fully seated in meterframe. Finger tighten if necessary.c.Slowly tip meter back and forth and check thatfloat has freedom to move.d.Remove dust covers from the inlet and outlet connections.e.Install inlet and outlet line connections. Inletconnection is at the zero end of the meter.2.5CONTROL V AL VE REPOSITIONING PROCEDUREThe user may desire to change the control valve fromthe inlet side of the meter to the outlet side. If meteris installed in the line, make sure that flow is stoppedto the meter. Failure to do this may result in a safetyhazard.a.Disconnect inlet and outlet lines to meter.b.Remove metering tube and seal spindle. Refer toparagraph 4.3c.Remove check ball from inside seal spindle.Retain check ball for future use.d.Install seal spindle in meter body. Refer toparagraph 4.4e.Turn meter 180°from original position so controlvalve is now on outlet and seal spindle is on inlet.f.Install metering tube. Refer to paragraph 4.4g.Connect inlet and outlet lines to meter.SECTION 3 OPERATION3.1GENERALAfter the meter has been installed it is ready foroperation. During operation make sure that metertemperature and pressure specifications are not exceeded,as stated in paragraph 1.2When the valve stem knob is turned counterclockwise tothe stop, the valve is fully open. Flow indication ismeasured using the center of the float as the referencepoint. A check valve is incorporated within the sealspindle. The check valve prevents reverse flow throughthe meter when upstream flow is stopped. When thecontrol valve is installed on the outlet of the meter, thecheck valve is not included.SECTION 4 MAINTENANCE4.1GENERALNo periodic maintenance, oiling, or cleaning is requiredfor the meter or meter components when it is used innormal applications. It may be necessary to remove themetering tube and components for cleaning when variousliquids have stained or left a deposit.It is recommended that the meter and meter componentsbe ultrasonically cleaned if possible. If ultrasonic cleaningis not available, use a suitable solvent. Tube and float maybe cleaned with a pipe cleaner or similar accessory.Figure 4.2 Float Stop Installation DiagramModel No.Float RangeGPH W A TER*PressureDrop Inches W ater **FL-1951 FL-1952 FL-1953 FL-1954 FL-1955 FL-1956 FL-1957 FL-1958 FL-1959 FL-1960 FL-1961 FL-1962Glass316SS316SSGlass316SSGlass316SSGlass316SSGlass316SSCarboloy0.01 - 0.140.05 -0.50.1 - 1.00.05 - 0.70.10 - 1.60.2 - 2.00.5 - 4.01.0 - 9.02.0 -171.0 - 112.0 - 203.0 -301.84.019.522.318.318.745109385132525890Air Flow Given At 14.7 psia and 700 F**Pressure Drops Are ApproximateFigure 5.1 Exploded View, FL-1900。

Omega FMA7400 7500 多范围多气体流量计与控制器说明书

Omega FMA7400 7500 多范围多气体流量计与控制器说明书

DMulti-Range Multi-gas FlowMeteRs and ContRolleRs FMA7400/7500U In-Process ProgrammingU Programmable Full ScaleU 50:1 TurndownU RS485 StandardU 316 SS VCRFitting Available U F ast ResponseTime <1 Second U M ultiple Native GasCalibration Reference U C onfigurableOmega ®Fma7400/7500(elastomer seal) and (-SS) (metal seal) thermal mass flow meters and controllers achieve unprecedented performance, reliability, and flexibility in many gas flow measurement and control applications. The Fma7400/7500 is designed to overcome a long-standing limitation of many thermal mass flow units when changing gas types, a simple correction factor, such as the ratio of heat capacities between the calibration gas and new gas, cannot account for accuracy- robbing viscosity and density differences.The Omega Fma7400/7500 database is built on thousands of native gas runs to establish correction functions that account for both thermal and physical differences among gases making the Fma7400/7500 series among the most accurate and flexible mass flow designs available today. The Fma7400/7500 series is the perfect choice for customers who use thermal mass flowmeters or controllers on a variety of gases, who need to change gas type frequently, or who need to re-range while preserving gas measurement and control accuracy.The Omega Fma7400/7500 series features a corrosion- resistant Hastelloy ®C-22 sensor for durable, long-term operation. SPeCIFICATIoNS Full Scale Flow Range: 3 sccm to 50 slm (depending on model number)Flow Accuracy: ±1% set-point 35 to 100%, ±0.35% full scale 2 to 35%, ±3% with selected gas feature Repeatability and Reproducibility: < 0.2% S.P .Linearity: ±0.5% full scale (included in accuracy)Response Time (Settling Time): <1 second (within 2% for steps 0 to 10 through 0 to 100%)Control Range: 2 to 100% (normally closed valve)Number of Bins: 10 bins Valve Shut Down: < 1% of full scale (normally closed valve)Zero Stability: < ±0.5% full scale per year Pressure Coefficient: 0.03% per psi (0 to 50 psi N2)Attitude Sensitivity: <0.25% span change @ 90º after re-zeroing (N2 @ 50 psi)Auto Zero: Optional Reference Temperature: 0ºC (standard), 15, 20 or 21.1ºC (optional)operating Temperature Range: 5 to 50ºC (41 to 122ºF)Maximum operating Pressure: 150 psig (10 bar)Differential Pressure Range: 3 to 860 sccm = 7 to 45 psid, 861 to 7200 sccm = 15 to 45 psid, 7201 to 50000 sccm = 25 to 45 psid Note:High density gases require additionaldifferential pressure. Example: Argon gasapplications require an additional 10 psid differential pressure.FMA7400 shownsmaller than actual size.Settling time is less than a second and full scale accuracy is 1%, this ensures that the Fma7400/7500 will provide reliable flow measurement or flow control in demanding gas flow applications. Both Fma7400/7500 and the (-SS) version achieve excellent internal to external leak integrity for challenging process gases as found in CVD, solar, and other processes. a major advancement over traditional single point gas conversion factors, Omega delivers up to a three times improvement in process gas accuracy. This is achieved through advanced gas modeling plus extensive actual gas testing protocols that provide extremely accurate compensation. This also allows the device to be quickly and easily configured for another gas and/or flow range without sacrificing accuracy or range-ability. Selecting a new gas automatically creates a new calibration curve, establishes optimized PID settings for dynamic control, compensates for gas density and viscosity effects, and ensures smooth, overshoot-free transitions between flow rates with excellent steady state stability supplying unparalleled flexibility. Re-programming is simple and fast; a new gas and range can beprogrammed in under 60 seconds.elastomerseal 1x10-9 atm. cc/sec He, metal seal1x10-10 atm. cc/sec HeValve Type: Normally closed(controllers only), normally openwith automatic shut-off (optional)Fitting: ¼" compression (standard),¼" VCR (standard for -SS models)Downstream Conditions:atmosphere (standard), vacuum orpositive pressure (optional)Primary Wetted Materials:316 stainless steel, hastelloy C-22,17-7 PH, 430 SSexternal Seals: FKm (standard)optional: Buna, Perfluroelastomer,ePDm or Neoprene, 316 SS(standard for -SS)Internal Seals/Valve Seat: FKm(standard), PFa (standard for -SS)optional: Buna, Perfluroelastomer,ePDm or NeopreneelectricalDiagnostic/Service Port: all variationshave an RS485 diagnostic/service portvia 2.5 mm jackRS485/Analog (Standard)Digital Communication Protocol:Proprietary protocol based on HaRT®command setelectrical Connection: 1 x 15-pin maleSub-D, (a), aUX valve drive (ReLaY)Analog I/o: 0 to 5V (standard),0 to 10V, 0 to 20 ma, or 4 to 20 ma(optional)Power: 12 to 24 Vdc/normaloperation 7 watt maximum purge 8 wattProfibus (optional)electrical Connection: 1 x 15-pin malesub-D/1 x 9-pin female sub-DAnalog I/o: 0 to 5V, 0 to 20 maor 4 to 20 maPower: ±13.5 Vdc to ±27 Vdc/7 wattmaximum, purge 8 wattDeviceNet (optional)electrical Connection: 1 x m12 withthreaded coupling nut (B)Analog I/o: 0 to 5VPower: ±11 Vdc to ±25 Vdc/7 wattmaximum, purge 8 wattDiagnostics and DisplayStatus Lights: Controller health,network statusAlarms: Sensor output, control valveoutput, over temperature, power surge/sag, network interruptionComplianceenvironmental: Ce, RoHS。

Omega DPF701 电子流量计 累计计说明书

Omega DPF701 电子流量计 累计计说明书

M-51⁄8 DPF701, el sensor de caudal FP7001A para U M ide el caudal de 0,5 Hz a 30 kHzU T otaliza hacia arriba o hacia abajo desde -99.999 hasta 999.999 o actúa como cronómetro de aceleraciónU L ED de 7 segmentos y 6 dígitos de 14,2 mm H (0,56")Opciones de entrada de señal ( s c onmutador DIP)U Compatible con TTL con protección a 25 V U Nivel inferior (25 mV rms) U S eñales de nivel superior protegidas a 115V U NAMUR U Colector abierto PNP o NPN Comunicaciones y control U Salida RS232 opcional U Relés C con forma 5A doble opcional U S alida analógica, escalable, de 4 a 20 mA, de 0 a 20 mA, de 0 a 10V (opcional)El medidor de caudal/totalizador DPF701 permite que el usuario realice la programación mediante 5 teclas del panel frontal. El factor de escala puede programarse de -99.999 a 999.999 (cualquier punto decimal, multiplicar o dividir), mientras que el calibrado puede programarse de -99.999 a 999.999 (cualquier punto decimal).Los programas se almacenan en una memoria no volátil, con tres niveles de bloqueo de programa paraseguridad. Las características opcionales incluyen puntos de referencia superior o inferior para control o alarma, más comunicación RS232. El punto decimal fijo o automático es estándar.ESPECIFICACIONES Funciones: Mide el caudal y totaliza según selección de menúPantalla: LED rojo de 7 segmentos y 6 dígitos Entradas Tipo: Entrada simple. Colector abierto TTL, CMOS, NPN, compatible con cierre de contactos y captación magnética; seleccionado mediante conmutador DIP . No aislada.Nivel: Máx. 60V; mín. 25 mV rms Frecuencia: 30 kHz máx Excitación: Regulada , 5,0, 8,2 o 12,5V seleccionada mediante conmutador DIP , 100 mA máx.Precisión: ±0,5 LSD del total; 0,01% del caudal ±1,5 LSD Puntos de referencia: Dos, opcional Salidas de alarma: Opcional Comunicación: RS232, salida analógica, opcional Técnica de medición del caudal: 1/x Intervalo de sincronización: 0,30 seg.Punto decimal: Programable o automático Pendiente desencadenante: Seleccionable mediante conmutador DIP Ceros no significativos: En blanco Potencia: 115 o 230 ±15% Vca Dimensiones: 48 de alto x 96 de ancho x 152 mm de profundidad (1,9 x 3,8 x 6")Corte del panel: 45 de alto x 92 mm de profundidad (1,8 x 3,6")Peso: 454 g (1 libra)BL (azul), GR (verde), RD (rojo), OR (anaranjado), VL (violeta) o WH (blanco). Completo de serie con BANDA PROTECTORA de caucho y manual del operador.Ejemplos de pedidos: DPF701, más DPF700-A, placa de salida analógica DPF702, más DP40-BB-YL, BANDA PROTECTORA amarilla.DP40-BB-YL es una banda protectora amarilla para los medidores de 1⁄8 DIN.Medidor de caudal de 1⁄8 diN y 6 d ígitos/totalizadores Bezel desigN es uNa Marca registrada Serie DPF701。



文丘里流量计 ——在多相流量计中的应用
ρmix = r g GVF r L (1 GVF )
➢ ρg—— 工况条件下气体密度 (计算值),kg/m3;
➢ GVF——工况条件下流体的含气率(单能γ传感器测量 值);
➢ ρL—— 工况条件下液体密度(计算值), kg/m3。
CEd 2
CEd 2
Qv ——体积流量, m3/h; Qm ——质量流量, kg/h; C—— 流出系数(Discharge coefficient); E—— 渐进速度系数; E 1/ 1 4 d—— 节流元件内径, mm; ε—— 流束膨胀系数,对于液体ε=1; ρ1——节流件上游流体工作状态下的密度, kg/m3; ΔP——节流件前后的压差, Pa; β—— 节流件内径与测量管内径之比 β=d/D; D—— 测量管内径, mm。
α Single-Gamma Ray
Flow Conditioner
Dual-Gamma Ray WLR
Pressure & Temperature Measurement
PVT Data
PVT Calculations
文丘里流量计 ——在多相流量计中的应用
ρL= rW RW r0 (1 RW )



SPX SPTGEnERAL InFORMATIOn, FEATuRES, SPEcIFIcATIOnS FEATuRESThread-in Sensor, Field Replaceable,6-24 Vdc pulse Removable Lens Assembly These versatile impeller flowmeters are available in 3/8", 1/2”, 3/4”, and 1" nominal pipe sizes with female NPT threads (SAE optional). They employ jewel bearings to allow for very low minimum flow rates and superior life.With a body material of polypropylene, the SPX is an economi-cal choice for metering water or low corrosion fluids. The lens cover is available in a choice of materials: acrylic for visual flow indication of low-corrosive fluids; polypropylene when more corrosion resistance is needed. The standard rotor as-sembly is Kynar with tungsten carbide shaft (ceramic shaft optional). The O-ring is EPDM.The SPT offers greater chemical resistance with a Teflon body and cover, Teflon-coated Viton O-ring, and standard Kynar/ce-ramic rotor assembly (carbide shaft optional).The pulse output of these meters is compatible with many different types of controls, including a full range of Seametrics rate displays and controls. The Seametrics FT420 provides flow rate and total flow indication, with 4-20 mA ouput capabil-ity. The FT415 is a battery-operated rate & total display. For metering pump pacing or interfacing with lowspeed counters, the PD10 pulse divider is recommended. The AO55 may be used for blind 4-20mA transmission.SPX shown(Internal)Jewel bearingsKynar/Carbide or Kynar/Ceramic Rotor Assembly EPDM (SPX) or Teflon-coated Viton (SPT) O-ringPage 23/8”, 1/2”, 3/4”, 1”, Female NPT thread (SAE optional)18 feet standard (Maximum cable run 2000 ft.)TFE Teflon PVDF (Kynar)Zirconia ceramic (silicon carbide optional)Teflon-coated Viton (EPDM or Kalrez optional)Ruby ring and ball TFE Teflon 160˚ F (70˚ C)150 PSI (10 bar)+1% of full scale 5-24 Vdc, 2 mA minCurrent sinking pulse, 6-24 Vdc Mark (Standard Power Only)3/8”, 1/2”, 3/4”, 1”, Female NPT thread (SAE optional)18 feet standard (Maximum cable run 2000 ft.)Polypropylene PVDF (Kynar)Nickel tungsten carbide (zirconia ceramic optional)EPDM (Kalrez or Teflon-coated Viton optional)Ruby ring and ball Acrylic (Polypro optional)160˚ F (70˚ C)150 PSI (10 bar)+1% of full scale 5-24 Vdc, 2 mA minCurrent sinking pulse, 6-24 Vdc Mark (Standard Power Only)connection Ports Sensor cable Materials Body Rotor Shaft O-Ring BearingscoverMaximum Temperature Maximum Pressure Accuracy Power Outputs RegulatorySPXSPTSPEcIFIcATIOnS**Specifications subject to change • Please consult our website for current data ().cOnnEcTIOnSconnecting to non-Seametrics control Devices. It is often desirable to connect an SPX/SPT flow sensor to a PLC or industrial computer board, and the sensors are well suited for this. Typically it can be connected directly, or with a single resistor added. The pickup sensors arecurrent sinking (NPN) GMR devices that require 5-24 Volts DC and 2 mA current. They can connect directly to a PLCIf the PLC input only accepts current sourcing devices, a pull-up resistor must be added (See Fig. 2). Typically, on a 24 Vdc input a 2.2 K Ohm resistor will be effective.FollowFigure 1Figure 2Input Designed for CurrentSinking (NPN) DevicesInput Designed for Current Sourcing (PNP) DevicesNPN DeviceNPNDeviceInSTALLATIOn, cOnnEcTIOnSFigure 1Figure 2Input Designed for Current Sinking (NPN) Devices Input Designed for Current Sourcing (PNP) Devices NPNDevice NPN Device Figure 2Input Designed for Current NPN DevicePNP DeviceFigure 1Input Designed for Current NPN Device NPN DevicePiping Requirements. Standard fittings are female NPT. If the piping connected to the meter is metallic, care should be taken not to overtighten. Straight pipe of at least five diameters upstream of the meter is recommended. Verti-cal, horizontal, or inverted (lens down) installations are all acceptable.InSTALLATIOnK-FACTOR ON LAbELK-Factor. The meter is factory calibrated. The K-factor is found on the label on the meter body and must be input into the control/display for accurate reading.Page 3Sensor Replacement. The sensor ordinarily does not need replacement unless it is electrically damaged. If replace-ment is necessary, unthread the sensor by hand. Thread the replacement sensor in and tighten by hand.LT-65200067-B6/25/10Seametrics Incorporated • 19026 72nd Avenue South • Kent, Washington 98032 • uSA(P) 253.872.0284 • (F) 253.872.0285 • 1.800.975.8153 • SPX/SPT PARTS LISTInGREPAIR, MAInTEnAncE REPAIRRotor Replacement. There is only one moving part to this meter. The bearings are made of ruby, which rarely wears out or needs replacement unless they have been physically damaged by severe shock. The shaft is integrally molded into the rotor, and shaft and rotor are replaced as one part. (You may wish to replace the bearings, using the bearing removal tool, while the meter is disassembled for rotor re-placement). To replace the rotor, disconnect the meter and remove the four screws that hold the cover in place. Lift the cover and remove the rotor (see parts diagram below).When putting in the new rotor, be sure that the ends of the shaft are in both bearings before tightening the cover. The rotor can be easily dropped into the bottom bearing. Starting the shaft into the upper bearing requires a bit of care. It is easier if the rotor is spinning, which can be done by lightly blowing into a port. When the upper bearing plate drops into place, hold it down and check for free spinning (by blowing lightly) before replacing the cover. Check that the O-ring is in its seat on the bearing plate before replacing the cover. Replace the cover, insert the four cap screwsand tighten.SES SENSOR CONNECTIONSPXSPT1 Body-038 16471 25104 -050 16472 25103 -075 16473 25102 -100 16474 251012 Flow Direction Label 19036 190363 Bearing Assembly (2 required) 16772 16772 Bearing Removal Tool (not shown) 26108 261084 Rotor with ShaftKynar/ceramic (2 magnet) 11127 11127 Kynar/carbide (2 magnet) 11129 11129 Kynar/ceramic (6 magnet, high res) 11132 11132 Kynar/cabide (6 magnet, high res) 11130 111305 O-Ring EPDM 25081 Teflon-coated Viton® 314036 cover before 5/05 After 5/05 before 5/05 After 5/05Polypro 16018 31007 Acrylic 16022 31006 TFE Teflon 26174 310057 cover Screws (4 required) Hexscrew 25370 Screw (use with hexnut 07705) 07685Hexnut (use with screw 07685) 077058 Sensor Standard 26310 26310Micropower 2995329953Reconnect the sensor according to the diagram below.218345367Page 4。



节流件:是文丘里流量计的测量元件,被测量的 流体在经过节流件时产生差压,此差压与节流件 的类型、流量有关。 截止阀:用于将差压、引压管等与文丘里主体隔 离。以便于在不停止生产的情况下对引压系统做 维护。
引压管:链接在文丘里上下游取压孔与压差之间 ,将由流体经过文丘里产生的高低压力引导传递 给差压变送器。 隔离管:内部充装甘油,由于甘油密度较大将被 测介质与差压变送器隔离开。防止原油中的含蜡 、砂子等杂质损坏差压的膜盒。
三阀组:利用其平衡阀和关断阀,可以调整差压 变送器的零位。
1.节流件 2.截止阀 3.引压管 4.隔离罐 5.三阀组 6.差压变送器
➢ 是将所有测得的数据进行处理,得出需要 的数据。
文丘里流量计是一种标准的压差式流量计。 它的组成包括节流件,截止阀,引压管,隔离管 ,三阀组,差压变送器。其工作原理是在充满流 体的圆管中设置孔板或喷嘴之类的节流件,当流 体流经节流件时,在其上、下游就会产生静压力 差,该静压力差与流过的流量之间有一个固定的 函数关系。只要测得静压力差就可以由流量公式 求得流量。
伽马传感器的外泄露剂量当量率: 距传感器表面5cm处外泄露剂量当量率为≤0.52 Sv/h 距传感器表面100cm处泄露剂量当量率为≤0.14 Sv/h 国家规定的标准是 距传感器表面5cm处外泄露剂量当量率为≤2.5 Sv/h 距传感器表面100cm处外泄露剂量当量率为≤0.25 Sv/h 如果两个人每天在一米的距离内相处6个小时,那么一年两个人就会 对对方产生50 Sv的剂量。

Endress+Hauser FHX50级流量计与显示器说明书

Endress+Hauser FHX50级流量计与显示器说明书

Products Solutions ServicesSpecial Documentation Remote display FHX50Level and flow measurementSD01007F/00/EN/07.1771375956Remote display FHX50Table of contents Table of contents1Safety instructions (4)2Connectable transmitters (4)3Scope of delivery (5)4Technical data (7)4.1Dimensions (7)4.2Additional data (7)5Materials (8)5.1FHX50 (8)5.2Mounting bracket (9)6Required tools (10)7Mounting (11)7.1Wall mounting (11)7.2Mounting at a 1"/2" pipe (11)8Electrical connection (12)8.1Connection with M12 plug (12)8.2Connection with customer-suppliedcable (15)8.3Potential equalization (20)9Disposal (20)Endress+Hauser3Safety instructions Remote display FHX504Endress+Hauser1 Safety instructionsL WARNINGDanger of dust explosion ‣The version with M12 plug must not be used in dust explosion-hazardous areas.Do not retrofit transmitters with •Approval for use in areas with combustible dusts (Dust-Ex approval)•Type of protection Ex nAChange of the marking of the explosion-proof electrical apparatus (Ex marking)‣If a device is retrofitted, the Ex marking at the device has to be updated and documented.The change of the Ex marking depends on the respective device and is specified in the Safety Instructions (XA) of the device. The new Ex marking can be documented on an additional plate, for example.Change of order code ‣If a device is retrofitted, the specification of the order code at the device has to be updated and documented. Feature 030 "Display, Operation" of the order code changes to L (in the case of M12 connection) or M (in the case of custom connection), respecitvely. The new designation can be documented on an additional plate, for example.2Connectable transmitters •Micropilot FMR5x •Micropilot FMR6x •Levelflex FMP5x •Prowirl 200 / 7x2B, 7x2C •Promass 200 / 8x2B, 8x2C •Promag 200 / 5x2B •Prosonic Flow 200 / 9x2BFor transmitters with approval, application of the FHX50 may be restricted. A device may only be retrofitted with the FHX50 if option L or M ("Prepared for FHX50") is quoted under Basic specifications , position 4 "Display, operation" in the associated Safety Instructions (XA).In addition to this, observe the Safety Instructions (XA) of the FHX50.Remote display FHX50Scope of delivery Endress+Hauser53 Scope of deliveryThe scope of delivery is dependent on the device version according to the product structure.The following table shows which items are contained in the scope of delivery for specific options.Scope of delivery Remote display FHX506Endress+HauserRemote display FHX50Technical data Endress+Hauser 74Technical data 4.1 Dimensions4.2 Additional dataIngress protection IP68, NEMA 6PAmbient temperature –40 to 80 °C (–40 to 176 °F)Storage temperature –40 to +80 °C (–40 to +176 °F)Climate class DIN EN 60068-2-38 (test Z/AD)Vibration resistance DIN EN 60068-2-64 / IEC 68-2-64: 20 to 2 000 Hz, 1 (m/s 2)2/HzElectromagnetic compatibility (EMC)Electromagnetic compatibility to all relevant requirements of the EN 61326 seriesand NAMUR recommendation EMC (NE21). For details see declaration of conformity.Materials Remote display FHX508Endress+Hauser5Materials 5.1 FHX505423617A0019191Remote display FHX50Materials Endress+Hauser 91)Feature 030 of the product structure5.2Mounting bracketRequired tools Remote display FHX50 6 Required toolsGeneral partsLocking clamp of the lid 3 mm Allen keyGrounding screws (interior and exterior)PZ2 cross-head screwdriverConnection with M12 plugM12 plug at the connection cable14 mm wrenchConnection with customer-supplied cableM16 cable gland (for 316L housing)22 mm wrenchM16 cable gland (for plastics PBT housing)19 mm wrenchClamp for cable screen PZ1 cross-head screwdriverTerminals2,5 x 0,4 mm slot-head screwdriver10Endress+HauserRemote display FHX50Mounting 7 Mounting7.1 Wall mountingDimensions for wall mounting: → 77.2 Mounting at a 1"/2" pipe6FHX50 mounting variantsA Cable entry parallel to pipeB Cable entry perpendicular to pipeMounting hints: SD00334FThe mounting bracket can directly be ordered with the FHX50 (Feature 620 "AccessoryEnclosed", Option AA "Mounting bracket, pipe 1"/2" ").It is also available as a separate accessory. Order code: 71132890Electrical connection Remote display FHX50 8 Electrical connection8.1 Connection with M12 plug8.1.1 Prepare transmitterThis section is irrelevant if the transmitter is already prepared for the FHX50 remotedisplay (feature 030: "Display", option L or M). In this case the FHX50 can directly beconnected to the transmitter → 14.Remote display FHX50Electrical connectionElectrical connection Remote display FHX50Terminal assignmentTerminal12345678 Color of strand white brown green yellow gray pink blue red8.1.2 Connect FHX50 to transmitterTorque: 0.4 Nm (0.3 lbf ft)If the transmitter has a plastic housing (GT19), the metallic part of the plug or cable gland has to be covered by a non-metallic shield (e.g. insulating tape) in order to avoid electrostatic discharges.Remote display FHX50Electrical connection8.2 Connection with customer-supplied cable8.2.1 Cable specificationConductor cross-section0.08 to 0.5 mm2 (28 to 20 AWG)Outer diameter 6 to 10 mm (0.24 to 0.4 in)Max. cable length60 m (197 ft)Stripping length 5 to 6 mm (0.2 to 0.24 in)We recommend EtherLine®-P CAT.5e of the LAPP company.8.2.2 Connect transmitterA Transmitter not prepared for FHX50 (feature 030 "Display, Operation", option A, C or E)B Transmitter prepared for FHX50 (feature 030 "Display, Operation", option L or M)Electrical connection Remote display FHX50Remote display FHX50Electrical connectionConnect FHX508.2.3Electrical connection Remote display FHX50Disposal Remote display FHX50 8.3 Potential equalizationThe potential equalization must be connected at the transmitter and at the FHX50. If potential gradients are to be expected, it might be advisable to install a potential equalization line between the FHX50 and the transmitter.9 DisposalObserve the following notes during disposal:•Observe valid federal/national regulations.•Ensure proper separation and reuse of the device components.*71375956*71375956。



可同时处理两路(Am241)单能伽玛传感器信号,具有自动稳峰功能。其最大计 数值达 232。两只指示灯 SGM1/SGM2 可由软件控制,分别指示两只传感器信 号的情况,灯的亮度与计数率有关。指示灯 ADJ1/ADJ2 用于显示稳峰电路的 工作状态。

CEd 2
Qv ——体积流量, m3/h; C—— 流出系数(Discharge coefficient); E—— 渐进速度系数; E 1 / 1 4 d—— 节流元件内径, mm; ε—— 流束膨胀系数,对于液体ε=1; ρ1——节流件上游流体工作状态下的密度, kg/m3; ΔP——节流件前后的压差, Pa; β—— 节流件内径与测量管内径之比 β=d/D; D—— 测量管内径, mm。
每 道 计 数
低能峰 高能峰
步骤一:单击菜单[工具] [能谱图],进入高低 能能谱图显示界面,如下图。
步骤二:先选择流量计,然后点击[开始],即可 在线观察每分钟的能谱图。图形显示在界面左 边;每一道的计数显示在界面右边的列表框; 界面下部显示当前单双能计数,及双能高能峰 的道数和波谷的道数。所有数据均一分钟刷新 一次。 步骤三:观察完毕点击[停止],然后点击[关闭]退 出界面。
关于双能能谱图 (count波形图)
1—橡胶垫片 2—压盖 3—弹簧 4—四芯插头 5—探头后护圈 6—探头防护筒 7—探头 8—探头前护圈 9—探头侧压螺 10—铍垫 11—密封垫(聚四氟乙烯或PEEK) 12—伽马传感器壳体 13—“O”形密封圈 14—紧定螺钉 15—源仓 侧压螺 16—顶丝 17—橡胶源垫 18—低能放射源 19—源防护盖 20—顶丝 21—双能源仓 22—单孔套 23—压紧螺母 24—橡胶垫 25—调节球阀





























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2、连接成功后,打开“haimo multiphase flow meter”程序。

点击tools---get version,



Well name下拉菜单中选择需要进行测量或调试的井口。

Test leg selection根据油井产量选择相应的大液路或小液路。







4、若需要导出数据,点击test report---exoprt,


Flow(S m3/d)。
