《材料科学与工程基础》双语教学实践探索 材料科学与工程基础第二版答案




第1章绪论1.材料科学与工程的四个基本要素解:制备与加工、组成与结构、性能与应用、材料的设计与应用2.金属﹑无机非金属材料﹑高分子材料的基本特性解:①金属材料的基本特性: a. 金属键; b. 常温下固体,熔点较高; c. 金属不透明,具有光泽; d. 纯金属范性大、展性、延性大; e. 强度较高; f. 导热性、导电性好; g. 多数金属在空气中易氧化。

②无机非金属材料的基本性能:a. 离子键、共价键及其混合键;b. 硬而脆;c. 熔点高、耐高温,抗氧化; d. 导热性和导电性差; e. 耐化学腐蚀性好; f. 耐磨损; g. 成型方式:粉末制坯、烧结成型。

③高分子材料的基本特性: a. 共价键,部分范德华键; b. 分子量大,无明显熔点,有玻璃化转变温度( Tg)和粘流温度( Tf ); c. 力学状态有三态:玻璃态、高弹态和粘流态; d. 质量轻,比重小; e. 绝缘性好; f. 优越的化学稳定性; g. 成型方法较多。

第 2 章物质结构基础1 .在多电子的原子中,核外电子的排布应遵循哪些原则解:泡利不相容原理、能量最低原理、洪特规则2.电离能及其影响电离能的因素解:电离能:从孤立原子中,去除束缚最弱的电子所需外加的能量。

影响因素:①同一周期,核电荷增大,原子半径减小 , 电离能增大;②同一族,原子半径增大,电离能减小;③电子构型的影响,惰性气体;非金属;过渡金属;碱金属;3.混合键合实例解:石墨:同一层碳原子之间以共价键结合,层与层之间以范德华力结合;高分子:同一条链原子之间以共价键结合,链与链之间以范德华力结合。

4.将离子键,共价键,金属键按有无方向性进行分类,简单说明理由有方向性:共价键无方向性:离子键,金属键③ 金属键:正离子排列成有序晶格,每个原子尽可能同更多的原子相结合,形成低能量的密堆结构,正离子之间相对位置的改变不破坏电子与正离子间的结合力,无饱和性又无方向性。

②共价键:共用电子云最大重叠,有方向性③离子键:正负离子相间排列,构成三维晶体结构,无方向性和饱和性5. 简述离子键,共价键,金属键的区别6. 为什么共价键材料密度通常要小于离子键或金属键材料金属密度高的两个原因:第一,金属有较高的相对原子质量。

《材料科学基础》第二版 (张联盟 著)课后习题答案 武汉理工大学出版社

《材料科学基础》第二版 (张联盟 著)课后习题答案  武汉理工大学出版社

2-13 根据半径比关系,说明下列离子与O2—配位时的配位数各是多少?已 知rO2-=0.132nm,rSi4+=0.039nm,rK+=0.131nm,rAl3+=0.057nm,rMg2+=0.078nm。
2-14 为什么石英不同系列变体之间的转化温度比同系列变体之间的转化温度高得多?
2-15 有效离子半径可通过晶体结构测定算出。在下面NaCl型结构晶体中,测得MgS和MnS的晶胞参数均 为a=0.520nm(在这两种结构中,阴离子是相互接触的)。
2 S
2-25 钛酸钡是一种重要的铁电陶瓷,其晶型是钙钛矿结构,试问:(1)属于什么点阵?(2)这个结构 中离子的配位数为若干?(3)这个结构遵守鲍林规则吗?请作充分讨论。
2-5 依据结合力的本质不同,晶体中的键合作用分为哪几类?其特点是什么?
2-6 等径球最紧密堆积的空隙有哪两种?一个球的周围有多少个四面体空隙、多少个八面体空 隙?
2-7 n个等径球作最紧密堆积时可形成多少个四面体空隙、多少个八面体空隙?不等径球是如何进行堆积 的?
2-8 写出面心立方格子的单位平行六面体上所有结点的坐标。
2-14 为什么石英不同系列变体之间的转化温度比同系列变体之间的转化温度高得多?
答: 石英同一系列之间的转变是位移性转变,不涉及晶体结构中键的破裂和重建,仅是键长、键角的调 整、需要能量较低,且转变迅速可逆;而不同系列之间的转变属于重建性转变,都涉及到旧键的破裂和新键 的重建,因而需要较的能量,且转变速度缓慢;所以石英不同系列之间的转化温度比同系列变体之间转化的 温度要高的多。

《材料科学基础》第二版 (张联盟 著)课后习题答案 武汉理工大学出版社

《材料科学基础》第二版 (张联盟 著)课后习题答案  武汉理工大学出版社
2-29 根据Mg2[SiO4]在(100)面的投影图回答:(1)结构中有几种配位多面体,各配位多面体间的连接 方式怎样?(2)O2-的电价是否饱和?(3)晶胞的分子数是多少?(4)Si4+和Mg2+所占的四面体空隙 和八面体空隙的分数是多少?
2-30 石棉矿如透闪石Ca2Mg5[Si4O11](OH)2具有纤维状结晶习性,而滑石Mg3[Si4O10](OH)2却具 有片状结晶习性,试解释之。
2-21 (1)画出O2-作面心立方堆积时,各四面体空隙和八面体空隙的所在位置(以一个晶胞为结构基元 表示出来);(2)计算四面体空隙数、八而休空隙数与O2-数之比
2-22 根据电价规则,在下面情况下,空隙内各需填入何种价数的阳离子,并对每一种结构举出—个例子。 (1)所有四面体空隙位置均填满;(2)所有八面体空隙位置均填满;(3)填满—半四面体空隙位置; (4)填满—半八面体空隙位置。
2-3 在立方晶系晶胞中画出下列晶面指数和晶向指数:(001)与[ ],(111)与[ 与[111],( )与[236],(257)与[ ],(123)与[ ],(102),[
2-4 定性描述晶体结构的参量有哪些?定量描述晶体结构的参量又有哪些?
答: 最紧密堆积原理是建立在质点的电子云分布呈球形对称以及无方向性的基础上的,故只适用于典型的 离子晶体和金属晶体,而不能用最密堆积原理来衡量原子晶体的稳定性。另外,金刚石的单键个数为4,即 每个原子周围有4个单键(或原子),由四面体以共顶方式共价结合形成三维空间结构,所以,虽然金刚石 结构的空间利用率很低(只有34.01%),但是它也很稳定。
答: 定性:对称轴、对称中心、晶系、点阵。定量:晶胞参数。 2-5 依据结合力的本质不同,晶体中的键合作用分为哪几类?其特点是什么?













United 1 材料科学与工程材料在我们的文化中比我们认识到的还要根深蒂固。










这个大约是过去的60 年中获得的认识使得材料的性质研究成为时髦。
















《材料科学与⼯程基础》英⽂影印版习题及思考题及答案《材料科学与⼯程基础》英⽂习题及思考题及答案第⼆章习题和思考题Questions and Problems2.6 Allowed values for the quantum numbers ofelectrons are as follows:The relationships between n and the shell designationsare noted in Table 2.1.Relative tothe subshells,l =0 corresponds to an s subshelll =1 corresponds to a p subshelll =2 corresponds to a d subshelll =3 corresponds to an f subshellFor the K shell, the four quantum numbersfor each of the two electrons in the 1s state, inthe order of nlmlms , are 100(1/2 ) and 100(-1/2 ).Write the four quantum numbers for allof the electrons inthe L and M shells, and notewhich correspond to the s, p, and d subshells.2.7 Give the electron configurations for the followingions: Fe2+, Fe3+, Cu+, Ba2+,Br-, andS2-.2.17 (a) Briefly cite the main differences betweenionic, covalent, and metallicbonding.(b) State the Pauli exclusion principle.2.18 Offer an explanation as to why covalently bonded materials are generally lessdense than ionically or metallically bonded ones.2.19 Compute the percents ionic character of the interatomic bonds for the followingcompounds: TiO2 , ZnTe, CsCl, InSb, and MgCl2 .2.21 Using Table 2.2, determine the number of covalent bonds that are possible foratoms of the following elements: germanium, phosphorus, selenium, and chlorine.2.24 On the basis of the hydrogen bond, explain the anomalous behavior of waterwhen it freezes. That is, why is there volume expansion upon solidification?3.1 What is the difference between atomic structure and crystal structure?3.2 What is the difference between a crystal structure and a crystal system?3.4Show for the body-centered cubic crystal structure that the unit cell edge lengtha and the atomic radius R are related through a =4R/√3.3.6 Show that the atomic packing factor for BCC is 0.68. .3.27* Show that the minimum cation-to-anion radius ratio for a coordinationnumber of 6 is 0.414. Hint: Use the NaCl crystal structure (Figure 3.5), and assume that anions and cations are just touching along cube edges and across face diagonals.3.48 Draw an orthorhombic unit cell, and within that cell a [121] direction and a(210) plane.3.50 Here are unit cells for two hypothetical metals:(a)What are the indices for the directions indicated by the two vectors in sketch(a)?(b) What are the indices for the two planes drawn in sketch (b)?3.51* Within a cubic unit cell, sketch the following directions:.3.53 Determine the indices for the directions shown in the following cubic unit cell:3.57 Determine the Miller indices for the planesshown in the following unit cell:3.58Determine the Miller indices for the planes shown in the following unit cell:3.61* Sketch within a cubic unit cell the following planes:3.62 Sketch the atomic packing of (a) the (100)plane for the FCC crystal structure, and (b) the (111) plane for the BCC crystal structure (similar to Figures 3.24b and 3.25b).3.77 Explain why the properties of polycrystalline materials are most oftenisotropic.5.1 Calculate the fraction of atom sites that are vacant for lead at its meltingtemperature of 327_C. Assume an energy for vacancy formation of 0.55eV/atom.5.7 If cupric oxide (CuO) is exposed to reducing atmospheres at elevatedtemperatures, some of the Cu2_ ions will become Cu_.(a) Under these conditions, name one crystalline defect that you would expect toform in order to maintain charge neutrality.(b) How many Cu_ ions are required for the creation of each defect?5.8 Below, atomic radius, crystal structure, electronegativity, and the most commonvalence are tabulated, for several elements; for those that are nonmetals, only atomic radii are indicated.Which of these elements would you expect to form the following with copper:(a) A substitutional solid solution having complete solubility?(b) A substitutional solid solution of incomplete solubility?(c) An interstitial solid solution?5.9 For both FCC and BCC crystal structures, there are two different types ofinterstitial sites. In each case, one site is larger than the other, which site isnormally occupied by impurity atoms. For FCC, this larger one is located at the center of each edge of the unit cell; it is termed an octahedral interstitial site. On the other hand, with BCC the larger site type is found at 0, __, __ positions—that is, lying on _100_ faces, and situated midway between two unit cell edges on this face and one-quarter of the distance between the other two unit cell edges; it is termed a tetrahedral interstitial site. For both FCC and BCC crystalstructures, compute the radius r of an impurity atom that will just fit into one of these sites in terms of the atomic radius R of the host atom.5.10 (a) Suppose that Li2O is added as an impurity to CaO. If the Li_ substitutes forCa2_, what kind of vacancies would you expect to form? How many of thesevacancies are created for every Li_ added?(b) Suppose that CaCl2 is added as an impurity to CaO. If the Cl_ substitutes forO2_, what kind of vacancies would you expect to form? How many of thevacancies are created for every Cl_ added?5.28 Copper and platinum both have the FCC crystal structure and Cu forms asubstitutional solid solution for concentrations up to approximately 6 wt% Cu at room temperature. Compute the unit cell edge length for a 95 wt% Pt-5 wt% Cu alloy.5.29 Cite the relative Burgers vector–dislocation line orientations for edge, screw, andmixed dislocations.6.1 Briefly explain the difference between selfdiffusion and interdiffusion.6.3 (a) Compare interstitial and vacancy atomic mechanisms for diffusion.(b) Cite two reasons why interstitial diffusion is normally more rapid thanvacancy diffusion.6.4 Briefly explain the concept of steady state as it applies to diffusion.6.5 (a) Briefly explain the concept of a driving force.(b) What is the driving force for steadystate diffusion?6.6Compute the number of kilograms of hydrogen that pass per hour through a5-mm thick sheet of palladium having an area of 0.20 m2at 500℃. Assume a diffusion coefficient of 1.0×10- 8 m2/s, that the concentrations at the high- and low-pressure sides of the plate are 2.4 and 0.6 kg of hydrogen per cubic meter of palladium, and that steady-state conditions have been attained.6.7 A sheet of steel 1.5 mm thick has nitrogen atmospheres on both sides at 1200℃and is permitted to achieve a steady-state diffusion condition. The diffusion coefficient for nitrogen in steel at this temperature is 6×10-11m2/s, and the diffusion flux is found to be 1.2×10- 7kg/m2-s. Also, it is known that the concentration of nitrogen in the steel at the high-pressure surface is 4 kg/m3. How far into the sheet from this high-pressure side will the concentration be 2.0 kg/m3?Assume a linear concentration profile.6.24. Carbon is allowed to diffuse through a steel plate 15 mm thick. Theconcentrations of carbon at the two faces are 0.65 and 0.30 kg C/m3 Fe, whichare maintained constant. If the preexponential and activation energy are 6.2 _10_7 m2/s and 80,000 J/mol, respectively, compute the temperature at which the diffusion flux is 1.43 _ 10_9 kg/m2-s.6.25 The steady-state diffusion flux through a metal plate is 5.4_10_10 kg/m2-s at atemperature of 727_C (1000 K) and when the concentration gradient is _350kg/m4. Calculate the diffusion flux at 1027_C (1300 K) for the sameconcentration gradient and assuming an activation energy for diffusion of125,000 J/mol.10.2 What thermodynamic condition must be met for a state of equilibrium to exist? 10.4 What is the difference between the states of phase equilibrium and metastability?10.5 Cite the phases that are present and the phase compositions for the followingalloys:(a) 90 wt% Zn–10 wt% Cu at 400℃(b) 75 wt% Sn–25wt%Pb at 175℃(c) 55 wt% Ag–45 wt% Cu at 900℃(d) 30 wt% Pb–70 wt% Mg at 425℃(e) 2.12 kg Zn and 1.88 kg Cu at 500℃(f ) 37 lbm Pb and 6.5 lbm Mg at 400℃(g) 8.2 mol Ni and 4.3 mol Cu at 1250℃.(h) 4.5 mol Sn and 0.45 mol Pb at 200℃10.6 For an alloy of composition 74 wt% Zn–26 wt% Cu, cite the phases presentand their compositions at the following temperatures: 850℃, 750℃, 680℃, 600℃, and 500℃.10.7 Determine the relative amounts (in terms of mass fractions) of the phases forthe alloys and temperatures given inProblem Determine the relative amounts (interms of volume fractions) of the phases forthe alloys and temperatures given inProblem 10.5a, b, and c. Below are given theapproximate densities of the various metalsat the alloy temperatures:10.18 Is it possible to have a copper–silveralloy that, at equilibrium, consists of a _ phase of composition 92 wt% Ag–8。




关键词:材料科学;双语教学;教学目标;教学活动中图分类号:G642.4?摇文献标志码:A ?摇文章编号:1674-9324(2013)03-0085-022001年,教育部在《关于加强高等学校本科教学工作提高教学质量的若干意见》中明确要求:为适应经济全球化和科技革命的挑战,本科教育要创造条件使用英语等外语进行公共课和专业课教学。


双语教学(Bilingual Teaching)是指用两种语言作为教学媒介语言,即使用母语和另外一种不同的语言同时教授一门课程,通过学习科目知识达到掌握语言的目的,在我国主要指的是同时使用汉语和英语[2]。
















间的原子键合2.7.影响离子化合物和共价化合物配位数的因素有那些?2-8.试解释表2.3-1中,原子键型与物性的关系?2-9.0°C时,水和冰的密度分别是1.0005 g/cm3和0.95g/cm3,如何解释这一现象?2.10.当CN=6时,K+离子的半径为0.133nm(a)当CN=4时,半径是多少? (b)CN=8时,半径是多少?2-11 .(a)利用附录的资料算出一•个金原子的质量?(b)每mm3的金有多少个原子?(c)根据金的密度,某颗含有10由个原子的金粒,体积是多少?(d)假设金原子是球形(E=0.1441nm), 并忽略金原子之间的空隙,则10刀个原子占多少体积?(e)这些金原子体积占总体积的多少百分比?12.—个CaO的立方体晶胞含有4个Ca*离子和4个O?-离子,每边的边长是0.478nm, 则CaO的密度是多少?-硬球模式广泛的适用于金属原子和离子,但是为何不适用于分子?14.计算(a)面心立方金属的原子致密度;(b)面心立方化合物NaCl的离子致密度(离子半径r Na+=0.097,心=0.181);(C)由计算结果,可以引出什么结论?2-15.铁的单位品胞为立方体,品格常数a=0.287nm,请由铁的密度算出每个单位品胞所含的原子个数。



































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1. 什么是材料科学?材料科学是研究材料的结构、性能、制备和应用的学科,它涉及金属、陶瓷、高分子材料等各种材料的研究和开发。

2. 材料的分类有哪些?材料可以分为金属材料、无机非金属材料和有机高分子材料三大类,每一类又可以进一步细分。

3. 材料的性能指标有哪些?材料的性能指标包括力学性能、物理性能、化学性能、热学性能等多个方面。


1. 什么是晶体?晶体是由原子或分子按一定的规则排列而成的固体,具有规则的几何形状和周期性的结构。

2. 晶体结构的分类有哪些?晶体结构可以分为离子晶体、共价晶体、金属晶体和分子晶体四种类型,每一种类型都有其特定的结构特点和性质。

3. 晶体缺陷对材料性能有何影响?晶体缺陷会对材料的机械性能、热学性能、电学性能等产生影响,了解晶体缺陷对材料设计和制备具有重要意义。


1. 材料的密度如何影响其性能?材料的密度直接影响其质量和体积,对材料的力学性能、热学性能等有重要影响。

2. 材料的热膨胀系数是什么?材料的热膨胀系数是材料在温度变化时长度变化的比例,对材料的热胀冷缩性能有重要影响。

3. 材料的导热性能和电导率有何关系?材料的导热性能和电导率都与材料内部的电子、原子结构密切相关,了解二者之间的关系对材料的应用具有指导意义。


1. 材料的弹性模量是什么?材料的弹性模量是材料在受力时表现出的弹性变形能力,是衡量材料刚度的重要参数。

2. 材料的屈服强度和抗拉强度有何区别?材料的屈服强度是材料在受力时开始产生塑性变形的应力值,而抗拉强度是材料在拉伸断裂时所承受的最大应力值。

3. 材料的硬度测试方法有哪些?材料的硬度测试方法包括布氏硬度、洛氏硬度、维氏硬度等多种方法,每种方法都有其适用的范围和特点。




关键字:双语教学;材料科学基础中图分类号:G642 文献标识码:A双语教育在很多国家受到重视,特别是美国、加拿大、新加坡等一些移民国家。













工程材料科学与设计原书第2版课后习题答案4—8章Solutions to Chapter 41. FIND: What material has a property that is hugely affected by a small impurity level?SOLUTION: Electrical conductivity spans a wide range. Incorporation of a few parts per million impurities can change electrical conductivity orders of magnitude. Small cracks in brittle materials decrease their tensile strength by orders of magnitude. Small additions of impurity can change the color of gems. COMMENTS: These are but a few examples. 2. COMPUTE: The temperature at which the vacancy concentration is one half thatof 25o C.GIVEN: C 2 = C C 25v C 35vo oEQUATION:⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛RT Q - = C fv v expwhere C v = vacancy concentrationQ fv = activation energy for vacancy information R = gas constant 8.314 J/mole-KT = absolute temperatureIn the present problem C)25(C = C C);35(C = C o v 2v o v 1vand T 1 = 35 + 273 = 308KT 2 = 25 + 273 = 298K⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛RT Q + RT Q - = C CRT Q - RT Q -= C CRT Q = CRT Q = C 2fv 1fv 2v 1v2fv 1fv 2v1v 2fv 2v1fv 1vexp exp exp exp expalso C v(35o C) = 2C v(25o C)Thus, Solving for Q fv we get Q fv = 52893.5 J/mole.Using this value of Q fv , the C v (25o C) can be calculatedThe problem requires us to calculate the temperature at which the vacancy concentration is ½ C v (25o C).½ C v (25o C) = 2.675 x 10-10Thusfor solving T, we get: T = 288.63K or 15.63o C.3. COMPUTE:C)80( C 3 = (T) C ov vGIVEN: C) 80( C 41 = C) 25( C o v ov EQUATION:⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛298.R Q - C) 25( C Sv o v expDividing (1) by (2) we get:⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎣⎡⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡91784Q 308 + Q 298- R 1 = 2R(298)Q + R(308)Q - = C)25( C C)25( C 2fv fv fv fv ov o v exp exp10 x 5.35 = C)25(C 298 x 8.3152893.5- = C)25(C 10-o v ov ⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛exp ⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛T x 8.3152893.5- = 10 x 2.67510-ex p⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛353.R Q - = C) 80( C ov ex pSolving for Q, we get:Q = 22033.56 J/mole= exp(-7.511)= 5.46 x 10-4The problem requires computing a temperature at which C v = 3C v (80o C).3C v (80o C) = 3 x 5.46 x 10-4= 1.63 x 10-3⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛T x 8.3122033.56- = 10 x 1.633-ex psolving for T, we get:T = 413.05K or 140.05o C4.5. FIND: Are Al and Zn completely soluble in solid solution?If Al-Zn system obeys all the Hume-Rothery rules. Then it is expected to show complete solubility.(i) The atomic radii of Al and Zn are 0.143nm and 0.133 nm respectively. Thedifference in their radii is 7.5% which is less than 15%.(ii) The electronegativities of Al and Zn are 1.61 an 1.65 respectively which arealso very similar.(iii) The most common valence of Al is +3 and +2 for Zn.(iv) Al has an FCC structure where Zn has a HCP structure.It appears that Al-Zn system obeys 3 out of 4 Hume-Rothery rules. In this case they are not expected to be completely soluble.⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛3531 - 2981 R Q - = 41= C) 80( C C) 25( C ov ov exp ⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛353 x 8.3122033.56- = C) 80(C ov ex p6. SHOW: The extent of solid solution formation in the following systems usingHume-Rothery Rules.(a) Al in NiSize: r(Ni) = 0.125nm; r(Al) = 0.143nm difference = 14.4%Electronegativity: Al = 1.61; Ni = 1.91Most Common Valence: Al3+; Ni2+Crystal Structure: Al: FCC; Ni:FCCThe crystal structure of Al and Ni are the same and the most common valencies are also comparable. However, the size difference is close to 15% and the difference is electronegativities is rather significant.Based on this, it appears that Ni and Al would not form a solid solution over theentire compositional range.(b) Ti in NiSize: r(Ti) = 0.147 nm, r(Ni) = 0.125nm difference = 17.6%Electronegativity: Ti: 1.54; Ni: 1.91Valence: Ti4+; Ni2+Crystal Structure: Ti:HCP; Ni FCCTi in Ni would not exhibit extensive solid solubility(c) Zn in FeSize r(Zn) = 0.133nm; r(Fe) - 0.124nm difference = 7.25%Electronegativity: Zn = 1.65; Fe = 1.83Most Common Valence: Zn2+; Fe2+Crystal Structure: An: HCP; Fe: BCCSince electronegativities and crystal structures are very different, Zn - Fe will notexhibit extensive solid solubility.(d) Si in AlSize r(Si) = 0.117 nm; r(Al) = 0.143nm; difference = 22.2%Electronegativity: (Si) = 1.90; Al = 1.61Valence: Si4+; A;3+Crystal Structure: Si: Diamond Cubic; Al: FCCSince the size difference is greater than 15%, and the crystal structures are different, Si-Al would not exhibit extensive solid solubility.(e) Li in AlSize r(li): 0.152, r(Al): 0.143; difference - 6.29%Electronegativity: Li: 0.98; Al: 1.61Most Common Valence: Li1+; Al3+Crystal Structure: Li:BCC; Al: FCCSince electronegativity and crystal structures are very different, Li-Al will not exhibit extensive solid solubility.(f) Cu in AuSize r(Cu) = 0.125nm; r(au) = 0.144nm; difference = 12.5% Electronegativity: Cu = 1.90; Au = 1.93Most Common Valence: Cu+; Au+Crystal Structure: Cu:FCC; Au:FCCCu-Au will exhibit extensive solid solubility.(g) Mn in FeSize r(Mn) = 0.112, r(Fe) = 0.124 difference = 10.71%Electronegativity: Mn 1.55; Fe 1.83Most Common Valence: Mn2+; Fe2+Crystal Structure: Mn:BCC; Fe BCCThe difference in electronegativity is high but Mn-Fe does obey the other 3Hume-Rothery rules. Therefore, it will form solid solutions but not over the entire compositional range.(h) Cr in FeSize r(Cr) = 0.125nm, Fe = 0.144nm difference = 12.5%Electronegativity: Cr = 1.66; Fe = 1.83Most Common Valence: Cr3+; Fe2+Crystal Structure: Cr:BCC; Fe:BCCCr in Fe will exhibit extensive solid solubility but not over the entire compositional range since it obeys only 3 of 4 Hume-Rothery rules.(i) Ni in FeSize r(Ni) = 0.125nm, r(Fe) = 0.124nm difference = 0.8%Electronegativity: Ni: 1.91; Fe 1.83Most Common Valence: Ni3+; Fe3+Crystal Structure: Ni:FCC; Fe: BCCNi and Fe obeys 3 of the 4 Hume-Rothery rules therefore, extensive solid solutionwill be exhibited but not over the entire compositional range.7. (a) When one attempts to add a small amount of Ni to Cu, Ni is the solute and Cuis the solvent.(b) Based on the relative sizes of Ni and Cu, radius of Ni = 0.128nm, radius of Cu =0.125nm, these two are expected to form substitutional solid solutions.(c) Ni and Cu will be completely soluble in each other because they obey all fourHume-Rothery rules.8. FIND: Predict how Cu dissolves in Al.DATA: Cu Alatomic radius (A) 1.28 1.43electronegativity 1.90 1.61valence 1+,2+ 3+crystal structure FCC FCCSOLUTION: All of Hume-Rothery's rules must be followed for a substitutionalsolution. In this case, the valences do not match. Cu will not go into substitutional positions in Al to a large extent.COMMENTS: This principle is often used to precipitation harden Al using Cu.9. What type of solid solution is expected to form when C is added to Fe?The radius of carbon atom is 0.077nm and that of an Fe atom is 0.124nm. The size difference between these two is ~61% which is much grater than ~15%. Thus,these two are not expected to form substitutional solid solution.If we compare the size ratio of C to Fe atoms with the size of tetrahedral andoctahedral interstitial sites in BCC iron, we find that C does not easily fit into either type of interstitial position. C, however, forms an interstitial solid solution with Fe but the solubility is limited.10. FIND: Calculate the activation for vacancy formation in Fe.GIVEN: The vacancy concentration at 727 C = 1000K is 0.00022.SOLUTION: We use equation 4.2-2 to solve this problem:C v = exp (-Q fv/RT)Solving for Q fv:Q fv = -RT ln C v = -(8.31 J/mole-K)(1000K) ln 0.00022 = 7.0 x 104 J/mole11. SHOW: A Schottky and Frenkel defect in MgF2 structuresA 2-D representation of the MgF2 structure containing a Schottky defect and aFrenkel defect is shown below.12. Explain why the following statement is incorrect: In ionic solids the number ofcation vacancies is equal to the number of anion vacancies.In ionic crystals, even in the presence of vacancies, the charge neutrality must bemaintained. Therefore, single vacancies do not occur in ionic crystals sinceremoval of a single ion would lead to charge imbalance. Instead the vacanciesoccur in a manner such that the anion: cation vacancy ratio render the solidelectrically neutral. This, however, does not mean that the anion vacancies areequal to cation vacancies. For example, a Schottky defect in MgCl2 or MgF2involves two Cl- or F- cation vacancies for every Mg2+ anion vacancy to maintainelectrical neutrality.The number of cation vacancies equals the number of anion vacancies only for thelimiting case where the chemical formula of the compound is MX.13. Calculate the number of defects created when 2 moles of NiO are added to 98 molesof SiO2. Also, determine the type of defect created.GIVEN: Neglect interstial vacanciesWe have 2 moles of NiO and 98 moles of SiO2. Since NiO is a 1:1 compound there are 2 moles of Ni2+ ions and 2 moles of O2- ions present. SiO2 on the other hand is a 1:2 compound; therefore, there are 98 moles of Si4+ and 196 moles of O2-. Thetotal number of each type of ion isN Ni = 2 molesN Si = 98 molesN O2 = 196 molesThe total number of moles of ions in the system isN T = N Ni + N Si + N O = 2 + 98 + 196 = 196 molesEach substitution of an Ni2+ for Si4+ results in a loss of 2 positive charges. If nointerstitials are created, this loss of positive charge is balanced by the creation ofanion vacancies. Charge neutrality requires one oxygen vacancy created for every Ni 2+ ion. Therefore, the number of oxygen vacancies isN Ov = N Ni = 2 molesThere are 2 moles of oxygen ion vacancies created with the addition of 2 moles of NiO to 98 moles of SiO 2. 14. Calculate the number of defects created when 1 mole of MgO is added to 99 moles ofAl 2O 3.MgO is a 1:1 compound, therefore there is 1 mole of Mg 2+ ions and 1 mole of O 2- ions in the system.From Al 2O 3, there are 198 moles of Al 3+ ions and 297 moles of O 2- ions in the system.Each substitution of an Mg 2+ ion for Al 3+ ion results in a loss of one positive charge. This loss of positive charge is balanced by oxygen vacancy. Charge neutrality requires one oxygen vacancy to be created for every two Mg 2+ ion 3. Therefore thenumber of oxygen ion vacancies created is0.5 moles of oxygen ion vacancies are created by the addition of 1 mole of MgO to 99 moles of Al 2O 3. 15.COMPUTE: Relative concentration of cation vacancies, anion vacancies and cation interstitials.GIVEN: Q Cv = 20kJ/moleQ Av = 40kJ/mole Q CI = 30kJ/moleASSUMPTION: assume room temperatureT = 298KConcentration of cation vacancies, C Cv is given by0.5moles = 21= 2N= N Mg O vSimilarly for anion vacancies and for cation interstitials16. (a) Describe a Schottky defect in U 2(b) Would you expect to find more cation or anion Frenkel defects in this compound? Why?UO 2 has a fluorite structure with U 4+ ions occupying FCC lattice sites and O 2- occupying tetrahedral interstitial sites.(a) A Schottky defect in UO 2 will involve one U 4+ cation vacancy and 2 O 2- anion vacancies.(b) In general cation Frenkel defects are more common than anion Frenkel defects because cations are usually smaller. In this case, the radii of U 4+ is 0.106nm and that of O 2- is 0.132nm. The U 4+ cation is smaller than the O 2- anion. However, the size difference is not very high. Still, cation Frenkel defects are expected to be more.17. Ionic compound Li 2O(a) Describe a Schottky defect (b) Describe a Frenkel defectLi 2O has an antifluorite structure. O 2- ions occupy FCC lattice sites and Li + occupies tetrahedral interstitial sites.10 x 3.108 = (-8.0763) = C 298 x 8.3120,000- = RT Q - = C 4-Cv cv Cv exp exp exp ⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛10 x 9.6 = (-16.152) = 298 x 8.3140,000- = C 8-AV ex p ex p ⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛ 10 x 5.48 = (-12.114) = 298 x 8.3130,000- = C 6-CIex p ex p ⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛(a) A Schottky defect in Li2O involves 2 Li2+ cation vacancies and one O2- anion vacancy(b) The ionic radii of Li+ and O2- are 0.078nm and 0.132nm respectively. Thismaterial is most likely to exhibit cation Frenkel defect since the size of the cation is much smaller than the anion.18. DETERMINE:(a) Interstitial Na+ ions(b) Interstitial O2- ions(c) Vacant Na+ sites(d) Vacant O2- sites in Na2OGIVEN: r(Na+) = 0.098nmr(O2-) = 0.132nmNa2O structure is similar to antifluorite structure. Na+ ions occupy tetrahedralinterstitial sites and O2- ions occupy FCC lattice sites.Since the ratio of Na:0 is 2:1 for this materials, a Schottky defect results in 2 cation vacancies for every one anion vacancy.no. of vacant Na+ sites = 2 x no. of vacant O2- sitesA cation Frenkel defect is more likely to occur in this material(a) Interstitial Na+ ions = 1(b) Interstitial O2- ions = 0(c) Vacant Na+ sites = 2(d) Vacant O2- sites = 119. SOLVENT: AuSOLUTE: N, Ag or CsDETERMINE: (a) which element is most likely to form an interstitial solidsolution.(b) which element is most likely to form a substitutional solid solution.r(Au) = 0.144nmr(N) = 0.071nmr(Ag) = 0.144nmr(Cs) = 0.265nm(a) Based on atomic radii N is most likely to form are interstitial solid solutionwith Au as solvent.(b) Ag is most likely to form a substitutional solid solution because the size difference between Au & N and Au & Cs is more than 15%.In addition, Au and Ag have similar valence, and crystal structure. Theelectronegativities are not quite similar, but since Ag-Au system obeys 3 out of 4 of the Hume-Rothery rules, Ag is the most likely element with which Au forms a substitutional solid solution.Section 4.4 Diffusion20. Under what condition can Fick’s first law be used to solve diffusion problems.The Fick’s first law can be used to solve diffusion problems provided the concentration gradient does not change with time.21. GIVEN: 1 wt% B is added to Fe.FIND: (a) if B would be present as an interstitial impurity or substitutionalimpurity, (b) fraction of sites occupied by B atoms, (c) if Fe containing B were to be gas carburized, would the process be faster or slower than for Fe which has no B? Explain.r(B) = 0.097nm r(Fe) = 0.124nm(a) Based on the atomic radii B would be present as an interstitial impurity(b) amount of B present = 1 wt%As a basis of calculation assume 100gms of material.Determine the no. of moles of Fe and B present.Total no. of moles of Fe and B = 1.773 + 0.092 = 1.865 moles.Fraction of sites occupied by B atoms = 1.8650.092= mole fraction of B = 0.049Thus, B roughly occupies 5% of the sites.mole 0.092 = 10.8111= B of molesmoles 1.773 = 55.8599=Fe of wt mol.Feof gms= Fe of moles(c) If Fe containing B were to be gas carburized the process would be slower than for Fe which has no B simply because the presence of B atoms already in interstitial sites leave fewer sites for interstitial C to diffuse through. 22.Determine which type of diffusion would be easier (a) C in HCP Ti (b) N in BCC Ti (c) Ti in BCC Tir(C) << r(Ti) so we can predict that diffusion occurs via an interstitial mechanism r(N)<<r(Ti). In this case the diffusion also occurs via interstitial mechanism.Ti in BCC Ti is a case of self-diffusion and self-diffusion occurs via a vacancy mechanism. In general the activation energy for self diffusion is higher than interstitial mechanism because vacancy mechanism involves two steps. One is to create a vacancy and second is to promote a vacancy/atom exchange. Thus Ti in BCC Ti will be the slowest.The activation energy for diffusion via interstitial mechanism is just the energy necessary to move an atom into a neighboring interstitial site. An open crystal structure, as opposed to a dense structure, should have a lower activation energy. Between BCC Ti and HCP Ti, BCC Ti has a more open structure (lower APF) than HCP Ti.Thus, N in BCC Ti diffusion would be the easiest by virtue of its lowest activation energy.23. GIVEN:C 1 = 0.19 at % at surfaceC 2 = 0.18 at % at 1.2mm below the surfaceD = 4 x 10-14 m 2/sec a o = 4.049 A oCOMPUTE: Flux of copper atoms from surface to interior.We must first calculate the concentration gradient in terms of [copperatoms/cm 3/cm]. It can be calculated as follows:The concentration gradient is thencm / atoms 10 x 4.60 = 10 x 6.02 x 63.54] / 2.70) x [(0.0018= C cm / atoms 10 x 4.86 = 10 x 6.02 x 63.54] / 2.70) x [(.0019= CN x Cu] wt at / FCCAl) of density x [(a/oCu = C 319232319231AV24.FIND: Predict whether diffusion is faster in vitreous or crystalline silica.GIVEN: Diffusion is the movement of atoms through the material one step at a time. The ease of movement is in part determined by the amount of space that surrounds each atom. In more open or less dense structures, atoms have an increased chance of being able to squeeze past a neighbor into a new position. SOLUTION: Diffusion can be thought of as an Arrhenius process. The activation energy is that required to move an atom from one position to another, as shown in Fig. 2.3-2. In a crystal the activation energy will be greater than in a glass, since the density is higher and there is less free, or unoccupied, volume. Thus, we expect diffusion to be slower in crystal than in glasses at the same temperature.COMMENTS: When a noncrystalline material is raised to a temperature above the glass transition temperature, diffusion increases enormously. In metals this brings about rapid crystallization. In some ceramic and polymer systems, crystallization may be slow or absent.25.FIND: Do textile dyes more readily penetrate crystalline or noncrystalline regions? GIVEN: Most textile fibers are semicrystalline, containing both crystalline andnoncrystalline regions. The density of the noncrystalline regions is less than that of the crystalline regions. Often dyeing is conducted at a temperature at which the noncrystalline regions are above their glass transition temperature.SOLUTION: Dye penetration through the glass will be greater than that through the crystal; however, the rate of dyeing is not sufficiently high to be commercially feasible. The temperature must be raised so that the noncrystalline polymer is in the rubber state. Diffusion becomes rapid (radially inward) into the small fibers.secsec cm atoms10 x 8.5 = Jcm atoms 10 x 2.125-m cm 10 x m 10 x 4- =dx dc D - = Jcm / atoms 10 x 2.125- = 0.1210 x 2.55- =0.1210 x 4.86) - (4.60 = dx dc 29419224214-4191819⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛COMMENTS: One of the key lessons that dye houses learn is that a sufficient amount of noncrystalline poorly oriented polymer must be present in the fiber. The temperature of the dye bath needs to be above the glass transition temperature. Sometimes water and carriers are used to swell the noncrystalline regions to get yet a greater diffusion rate. The dyes may attach to the polymer using ionic bonds or covalent bonds. Unattached dye may wash out later. 26.CALCULATE: The factor by which the diffusion coefficient of Al in Al 2O 3 change when temperature is increased from 1800o C to 2000o C GIVEN: T 1 = 1800o C = 2073KT 2 = 2000o C = 2273KEQUATION: ⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛RT Q - D = D o ex pdividing (1) by (2), we getfrom table 4.4-1 of the text Q = 477kJ/mole and R = 8.31 J/mole-K⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛RT Q - D = D 1o 1exp ⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛RT Q - D = D 2o 2exp ⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛ T 1 - T 1 R Q - = RT Q + RT Q - = D D 212121exp expThus, the diffusion coefficient of Al in Al 2O 3 changes by a factor of 11.43 when thetemperature is increased from 1800o C to 2000o C.27. FIND: Temperature at which a specimen of Fe must becarburized for two hours to achieve the same diffusion result asat 900o C for 15 hrs.GIVEN: T 1 = 900o C = 1173K; Q = 84000 J/molet 1 = 15 hrs; D o = 2.00 x 10-6 m 2/sec. t 2 = 2 hrs; R = 8.31 J/mole-KThe value of flux J is in units of cm 2 per sec.Flux per cm 2 J f = Jx time 3600 x 15 x dxdcD - = J 11f(1)We need the same result in 2 hours.D 11.43 = D 0.0871= D 0.087 = D D0.087= [-2.436]=22731 - 20731 8.31477000- = D D 1122121exp exp ⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛dxdcD - = J./ m 10 x 3.62 =1173 x 8.3184000- 10 x 2.00 = RT Q - D = D 1210-6-o1sec exp exp ⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛ 3600 x 2 x dx dc D - = J 22f,J = J 2f 1f dividing (1) by (2).28. GIVEN:D = 4 x 10-4 m 2/s @ 20o CC 1 = 2.2 x 10-3 k mol/m 3wall thickness = 3mm, diameter = 50cm height = 10cmCOMPUTE: Initial rate of mass loss through cylinder.Initially the concentration of He outside the cylinder, C 2, is zero. First, we need to convert the concentration of He from kmol/m 3 into (atoms/cm 3)/cm.C 1 = 2.2 x 10-3 kmol/m 3 = 2.2mol/m 3 = 2.2 x 10-6 mol/cm 3 = 2.2 x 10-6 mole/cm 3In terms of (atoms/cm 3)/cm0.00135 = T 10108.3-T 8.3184000- 10 x 2.00 = 10 x 2.7RT Q - D = D / m 10 x 72. = D x 7.5 = D 7.5 = D D7.5 x D D = 1226-9-2o229-2121221⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛exp exp exp sec C.1258 =1531K = T 6.60310108.3 = T6.603- = )1n(0.00135 = T 10108.3-o 222The concentration gradient isThe flux of atoms per second per cm 2 is obtained by using Fick’s first law ofdiffusionThe rate of mass loss is 1.766 x 1019atoms/cm 2 sec. The total surface area of the cylinder is 2πr(r+h) where r = radius and h = height.Total surface area = 2π x 25 (25 + 10) = 5497.79 cm 2The rate of mass loss per secondNote:(i ) The steady state mass loss is calculated because the initial rate of mass loss (i.e., rate of mass loss at time t = 0) is 0. (ii ) It is assumed that the curvature of the cylinder is large enough to calculate J using the expression for plate geometry. 29. Diffusion across a polymer membrane depends not only on size of the diffusing species but also the polarity of the diffusing species. A polar membrane may pass nonpolar species but serve as a barrier to polar species.Saran wrap contains highly polar atoms making it a polar membrane which serves as a barrier to water which is a polar compound. thus, there is no diffusion of water through the package unlike polyethylene, which is a nonpolar membrane and allows diffusion of water molecules which form ice. 30.COMPUTE: Temperature required to yield a carbon content of 0.5% at a depthcmatoms 10 x 1.324 = mole atoms 10 x 6.02 x cm mole102.2x = C 3182336-1 cm atoms/ 10 x 4.415- = 0.310 x 1.324 - 0 = dx dcxC - C = dx dc 4181812 .cm atoms/ 10 x 1.766 )10 x (-4.415 )10 x 10 x (4- = dxdcD - = J 2191844-sec secsec secmoles0.16 = .atoms 10 x 9.709 =cm 5497.79 x - cm atoms10 x 1.766 =222219of 0.4mn below the surface of the rod in 48 hours. GIVEN: Carbon concentration the interior = 0.2w/oCarbon concentration in the furnace = 1.0w/oBase material: HCP TiEQUATION: In this problem c(x, t) = 0.5wt%c o = 0.2 wt%c s = 1.0 wt%From figure 4.4-11, when⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛Dt 2x erf - 1 = ]c - c []c - t) (x, [cRT Q- D = D o s o o ex p0.625=0.375 - 1 = Dt .04 erf Dt .04 erf - 1 = 0.375Dt 2.04cm erf - 1 = 0.2 - 1.00.2 - 0.5⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡From Metals Handbook, Desk Edition, Pg. 28.66 for C diffusion in Ti, D o = 3.02 x 10-3 cm 2/sec, Q = 20,000 cal/mole = 83682 J/mole. 31.The diffusion process through vacancy-interchange mechanism depends on creation of vacancies and vacancy/atom interchange.At comparable homologous temperatures, for Ge and Cu the diffusion coefficientfor that material which has a higher vacancy concentration would be higher.A covalent bond as opposed to a metallic bond is stronger and directional. It isalso difficult to create vacancies in a covalently bonded material due to its strongbonding. Therefore, the activation energy for vacancy creation in a covalentlybonded material such as Ge is larger than Cu which has a weak metallic bond.The directional nature of a covalent bond places geometrical restrictions on thevacancy atom interchange which again results in an increase in the activationenergy.sec /cm 10 x 2.33 = DDt = 0.630.040.630 = Dt0.040.630 = Z0.625 = (Z) erf 28-2⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛ C 582 = T855K = T11.18-10065.2 = T11.18- = T10065.2-10 x 7.72 = T 10065.2- T x 8.31483682- 10 x 3.02 = 10 x 2.33 = D e 83682J/mol = mole 20,000cal/ = Q /cm 10 x 3.02 = D o 6-3-8-2-3o ⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛exp exp secTherefore, at comparable temperatures the diffusion coefficient for Ge will belarger.32. FIND: Describe the energy and entropy in Fig. 4.4-5a, b, and c.SOLUTION: The order in part a is high. The materials is perfect. There is only one way to arrange the atoms in such a system. The entropy is low. In part b there is less order, more disorder, and the entropy has increased. Part c is nearly random. It has low order and high entropy. Energy contains a contribution from entropy: E = H -TS, where E is energy, T is absolute temperature, and S is entropy. Assuming all other contributions to energy change negligibly (T and H), the energy of part c is the low, part a is high and part b is intermediate.COMMENTS: What is shown in going from a to c is the entropy of mixing.33. GIVEN: After 10 hrs at 550o C an oxide layer of thickness 8 μm is formed.COMPUTE: Thickness after 100 hrs. Using the definition of effective penetration distance and equation 4.4-11 of text,with γ = 2 we have Dt 2 x eff ≈.In this case34. GIVEN: D w = 1.0 x 10-12 m 2/s (water)D dc = 1.0 x 10 (dye carrier)D d = 1.0 x 10-14 m 2/s (dye)COMPUTE:(a) Times required for the water, dye and carrier to penetrate to the center of the fiber. m25.3 = x 100hr 10hr = x m8t t = t D t D = x x100hr = t 10hr = t? = x m 8 = x 2eff 2eff2122111eff 1eff 212eff 1eff μμμ(b) Same as (a) but fiber diameter doubles(c) If thermal diffusivity of PET is secm 10 x 828-how long will it take for the heat to penetrate to the center of a 50μm diameter fiber.(a) using equation 4.4-11 of text with γ = 2.for water,for dye carriersimilarly for dye t = 6.25secs.(b) If the diameter fiber is doubled x eff = 50 x 10-6 mfor water, Dt 2 = x eff minutes2.60 or secs 156 = tt x 10 x 1.0 = 10 x 625.00t x 10 x 1.0 = 2)10 x (25.0m 10 x 25 = x/s m 10 x 1.0 = D 12-12-12-6-26-eff 2-12w ⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛ minutes26.04 = secs 15.63 = tm 10 x 25 = x/s m 10 x 1.0 = D 6-eff 2-13dcsimilarly for dye carriert = 6250 secsand for dyet = 6.25 x 104 secs(c) Substituting D with D th , we can use the same equation to calculate the timerequired for heat to penetrate the center of fiber diameter = 50μm.Note: The units of thermal diffusivity is m 2/sec and notK - m Watt as printed in text35. FIND: How long will it take to case carburize a steel chain to a depth of 1/16 inch?GIVEN: It requires 4 hours to carburize a plate of similar composition to a depthof 1/16 inch.ASSUMPTIONS: All carburization conditions are the same in both treatments.SOLUTION: Equation 4.4-11 is used to solve the problem:secs.625 = 10 x 1.0)10 x 50 ( = tt x D = 2)10 x (5010 x 50 = x/s m 19 x 1.0 = D 12-26-26-6-eff 2-12wsecs0.00195 = t10x 81 x 210 x 25 = _tt x 10 x 8 = 210 x 25t x D 2 = x 8-6-28-6-2th eff ⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛。


【 探索与实践 】
“ 材 料工程基础 ” 课程 全英语教学 的实践 与思考

( 上海 理工 大学

2 0 0 0 9 3 )
材 料 科学 与工 程学 院 , 上海
摘要: 介 绍 了在 材 料 科 学与 工 程 专 业低 年 级 本 科 生 中开设 “ 材 料 工 程基 础 ” 全英 语教 学课 程 的 实践 与 经 验 。通 过 教 师 的 精 心 准备 , 激 发 学生 的 学 习兴 趣 , 采取 多媒 体 教 学 并 结合 讨 论 、 互动 等 灵 活 教 学 手段 , 是保 障全 英 语 授 课教 学质 量 的 重
仅要选用国外优秀 的英文原版教材作为主教材 , 制作使用 英 文课 件 , 用英 语 讲授 课 程 内容 , 而且 需 要布 置并 批 阅英 文 作业 , 考 试 采用 英 文命 题 并要 求 学生 用英 文 答题 。因此 , 全 英 语 教 学 与 双语 授 课 有 显 著 的不 同 , 教 学 难 度 比双 语 课程 大, 要求也更 高。另外 , 全英语课程 的设立 , 目的在于传授 专业 知识 , 而非 学 习 英语 本身 , 因此 , 其 与专 业 英 语 课 程也
择 全英 语课 程 的关键 l l 】 。而有 的研究 者在 教学 实践 中发现 , 即使通 过英 语 六级 考试 的学 生 ,也不 一定 能适应 全英 语 教 学 。 对此 , 复旦 大学蔡 基 刚教授 认 为 , 具有 大学 英语 四级 水 平 以上 的学 生 , 具 备上 全英 语课 程 的能力 , 关 键 在于坚 持 和 信 心l 。在全 英语课 堂 教学 中, 如何 克 服学 生对语 言本 身 的 畏 难情 绪 , 提 高其对 课程 内容 的兴趣 , 是 影 响教学 效果 的重



热点和重点。为适应教学形势的发展 , 我们提出了在材料成型及控 制工程专业开展《 材料科学基础》 课程的双语教学。根据应用型本 科人才 的培养 目标 , 结合本课程的特点开展包括课程改革 、 理论与
实验教学方法改革 、 教学手段改革等在内的一系列研究与实践工作实现教学 内容更加丰富 、 生动 、 理论联系实际和易于接受 的教学 目的 , 使学生更好地理解和掌握材料科学的基础知识。 2 双语教学的必要- 陛 双语教学 , 对于加深概念的理解 , 掌握最新的知识 , 提高综合素 质等方面都具有显著的作用。通过教学方法 的改革与实践 , 以使 可
多、 覆盖面广 、 理论和概念比较集中。课程 中引入的语言 w rs n od d a lnu g )概 念 (ocps 、 理 (r c l )性 能 (rp re ad ag ae 、 cnet) 原 pi i e 、 np s po et s n i p r r ne 等 , ef mac ) 需要学生透彻理解 , o 牢固掌握 。 对于我校材料成型及控制工程专业所培养的学生 , 毕业后绝大
多数充实到工厂 、 企业生产 的第一线 , 少数将进入科研院所或继续 深造 。学生具有较高的科技英语及外文资料查阅的能力对学习和 工作都将有很大的帮助 , 采用英语教学方式传授给学生的不是英语,
而是专业 的核心知识和核心理论 , 这是因为材料科学基础课程 的概 念、 理论 、 术语都来 自西方 , 有时翻译会有偏差 , 有些较新 的专业名
F n a nas u d me t ,Mir — t c u a v lp n ,P o e t s l c o sr t r l De e o me t r p ri ,Ma e i l u e tr s a
教育部 20 年明确提出要在高校积极推动使用英语等外语进 01 行教学 , 中本科教育要首先创造条件 , 其 力争外语教学课程达到所 开课程的 5 1% %~ 0 。双语教学是我 国高等教育与国际接轨的重要 手段 , 是我国高等教育改革发展的必然趋势 , 也是当前教育改革的












材料科学与工程专业英语第二版 翻译答案 老师整理的知识分享

材料科学与工程专业英语第二版 翻译答案  老师整理的知识分享



2. 实际上,固体材料的所有重要性质可以概括分为六类:机械、电学、热学、磁学、光学和腐蚀降解性。

3. 除了结构和性质,材料科学和工程还有其他两个重要的组成部分:即加工和性能。

4. 工程师与科学家越熟悉材料的结构-性质之间的各种相互关系以及材料的加工技术,根据这些原则,他或她对材料的明智选择将越来越熟练和精确。

5. 只有在极少数情况下材料在具有最优或理想的综合性质。


3. 汉译英Interdispline dielectric constantSolid materials heat capacityMechanical properties electro-magnetic radiationMaterials processing elasticity modulus1.直到最近,科学家才终于了解材料的结构要素与其特性之间的关系。

It was not until relatively recent times that scientists came to understand the relationship between the structural elements of materials and their properties .2.材料工程学主要解决材料的制造问题和材料的应用问题。

Material engineering mainly solve the problems of materials processing and materials application.3.材料的加工过程不但决定了材料的结构,同时决定了材料的特征和性能。









2-6.按照杂化轨道理论,说明下列的键合形式:(1)CO2的分子键合(2)甲烷CH4的分子键合(3)乙烯C2H4的分子键合(4)水H2O的分子键合(5)苯环的分子键合(6)羰基中C、O间的原子键合2-7.影响离子化合物和共价化合物配位数的因素有那些?2-8.试解释表2-3-1中,原子键型与物性的关系?2-9.0℃时,水和冰的密度分别是1.0005 g/cm3和0.95g/cm3,如何解释这一现象?2-10.当CN=6时,K+离子的半径为0.133nm(a)当CN=4时,半径是多少?(b)CN=8时,半径是多少?2-11.(a)利用附录的资料算出一个金原子的质量?(b)每mm3的金有多少个原子?(c)根据金的密度,某颗含有1021个原子的金粒,体积是多少?(d)假设金原子是球形(rAu=0.1441nm),并忽略金原子之间的空隙,则1021个原子占多少体积?(e)这些金原子体积占总体积的多少百分比?2-12.一个CaO的立方体晶胞含有4个Ca2+离子和4个O2-离子,每边的边长是0.478nm,则CaO的密度是多少?2-13.硬球模式广泛的适用于金属原子和离子,但是为何不适用于分子?2-14.计算(a)面心立方金属的原子致密度;(b)面心立方化合物NaCl的离子致密度(离子半径rNa+=0.097,rCl-=0.181);(C)由计算结果,可以引出什么结论?2-15.铁的单位晶胞为立方体,晶格常数a=0.287nm,请由铁的密度算出每个单位晶胞所含的原子个数。

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[1]王英.黑龙江教育. xx.7-8.126-128.

[4 ]孙友谊,时华,王燕,白培康,董英鸽,梁敏洁.长江大学学报(社科版),xx.1.238-240.
