

精选高中3Unit3 Revision (共25张PPT)公开PPT课件

精选高中3Unit3 Revision (共25张PPT)公开PPT课件

1) The famous artist ___ birds kept in cages in order to have the pleasure of setting them free.
A. is said to be buying B. is said to have bought
C. had said to buy
5)W__it_h_s_o_m_u_c_h_w_o_rk__to_d_o_(由于有那么多工 作要做), I had to get up early and hurried to the workshop.
6)W_i_th__so__m_u_ch__w_o_rk_d_o_n_e(因为做完了那么 多的工作), I went home happily.
14.___tr_ia_l__n.审讯,实验__t_ry____vt.审讯,尝试 15.__p_o_is_o_n_n毒药,毒物_p_o_is_o_n_o_us adj.有毒的,有
1.做…感到幸运 feel lucky to
6._w_e_a_lth_y_adj.富有的,富裕的__w_e_al_th__n.钱财,财 物
7._g_ra_d_ua_l_ly_adv.逐渐地__g_r_ad_u_a_l _adj.逐渐的 8.__c_u_ltu_r_a_l adj.文化_c_u_lt_u_re__n.文化 9.__r_em__ai_ns_n.遗址__r_em__ai_n_vt.剩下,留下_re_m_ai_ni_ng adj.剩余的
23..U获听s得讲ef一座ul 席ex之pr地essiaowtntiesnnad palalecceture



到了收麦的时候,麦田里便是人声鼎沸。收麦的人们手拿镰刀,头戴草帽,脖子上搭条毛巾,猫着腰,边收边把收倒的麦子用少许麦秆做绳(叫麦腰)捆起来。后面有专门负责把麦捆立成小堆的人, 还有拉麦子的,有用铁耙搂地下遗撒的乱麦子的,人人都是挥汗如雨,割一亩麦,一般人都得多半天。
那时候比较先进的收麦工具叫芟(shan)子,也叫竿子。竿子由竿把、木刀、抱撸和拖绳组成。为了减轻工具的重量,木刀和竿把通常都用桐木做成,抱撸用竹子及竹条做成,它是用来盛载每次割 下来的麦子的。拖绳一头系在木刀中间,一头系在抱撸上,它是用来助力和平衡用的。木刀上安装着长长的镰刃,是用来割麦子的。收起麦来,右手拽着拖绳左手紧握竿把,两手同时用力,轮起来一收 一大片,然后竿子向后一翻转,割下来的麦子便倒在麦地里。操作起来需要有力气且要有一定的技术,技术好的,收麦一般不打落麦粒且收过的茬低,倒地的麦子也端直如线,便于捆绑。竿子手一般都 是身强力壮的男劳力操作。一个竿子手后面跟一个手脚麻利的妇女捆麦子,两个人合作,收麦的速度比用镰刀收要快好几倍!十四岁那年,我也掌握了这项技术了。如果遇到长势特别好的稠麦子或者倒 伏的麦子,当然就只能用镰刀收了。

那年月,土地都是集体经营。每个生产队都有一片打碾麦Байду номын сангаас的麦场。每到麦子将要成熟的时节,不算提前准备收麦用的各种农具,光是拾掇麦场就得好长时间。麦子开始灌浆不久,队里就安排劳力 利用下过雨后土壤松软的时机,铲锄杂草,在场里铺上去年的烂麦草,赶着牲口拉碌碡碾压麦场,边碾压边清扫。为了保证麦场光洁瓷实,此后到收麦开始前这段时间里,每下一次雨,都要安排劳力、 牲口碾压、清扫一次。有时候遇到干旱无雨的年份,生产队就发动男女老少抬水泼洒麦场,待土壤墒情合适时然后碾压清扫。12博体育


突然有那么一天,小州通知我到颜如玉家里去,说是他想了一奇招,看能否让小陵从天上回到地面来。一桌好菜,全是小陵爱吃的,酒,也是小陵爱喝的老酒汗。颜如玉显然是特意打扮过,头发不 再是一条黄河浪打浪了,染回了一头青丝,褪去了身上所有的金光闪闪,穿一条蓝色的连衣裙,略施脂粉,打扮得甚是青纯,仿佛又回到了当年的颜如玉。
他说,士为知己者死,我将余生托付给这把“老巴哈”了。她如果不想离婚,先叫她爱上我的小号和音乐再说吧。他还说,他最向往一对他所认识的东北情侣,两人开一辆吉普车,小妹妹妹唱歌郎 奏琴,天涯海角,无拘无束地去追逐自己心中的音乐。那天晚上,他三句不离小号和音乐,把我们也搞得满脑子都是音乐了。金沙银河bbin
小陵一看,就愣了。推杯换盏间,我们提议小陵来一段。小陵非常潇洒地拿起了“老巴哈”,甩了甩长发便开吹。我们知道,肯定又是《斯卡布罗集市》。果然如此,不同的是,他一吹奏,一个清 丽的女声就跟着伴唱了起来。

高中英语必修三教案:unit3 revision3

高中英语必修三教案:unit3 revision3
③His writings __________________________.
①the influence of television on children
②have a bad influence on her
③have influenced the lives of millions
For her, happiness consists in watching television and reading magazines.
Theory should consist with practice.
A. seatedB. seating
C. to seatD. seat
A句意:女士们,先生们,请在飞机完全停下来之后再离开座位。考查非谓语动词作表语。remain“仍然是,保持不变”,是连系动词,后接不定式表示将要发生的动作;seat是及物动词,“使某人就座”为seat oneself,故用过去分词作表语。
M3U3 Back to the past
1.Learn the new words and phrases in this unit.
2.Learn how to use these words and phrases in exercises
Don't let me influence your decision.


老嫲嫲喝酒。想起了儿时对地黄的称呼,就想起了奶奶在黑暗中独自抽烟,苦中作乐给自己解乏的情景。生活中,多少普通的家庭妇女,就像这素颜低垂的地黄花啊,当然也有爱美之心,但她们追 求的是勤劳奉献的美,把更多的精力用于照顾家庭,培育后代。她们没有明星的靓丽,却以默默无闻的奉献支撑壮大着一个个小家,把浮躁的社会打造成一个和美的世界。立博与威廉 两个在公园挖野菜的中年妇女,也发现了路边的地黄,高兴地议论起来。 我最喜欢这婆婆奶花了,像喇叭花却比它的花期长,像泡桐花又比泡桐花厚实耐看。 另一人也赞许地说,你看它的叶子,翠绿饱满,带着精气神;花朵低垂,又像是谦虚的样子,真得好看、耐看。 每次去公园,都会特别去留意路边的那几棵地黄。高兴的是,它们一直都很健旺地长在那里。“在竹篱虚处,密栽甘橘,荆桥斜畔,疏种香梅。山芋芼羹,地黄酿粥,冬後春前皆可栽。门通水,荷 汀蓼渚,足可徘徊。”王质诗中所描摹的生活,其实也是我想要的。不过,不用专门去栽,野生的地黄,继续生长在贫瘠的田间砾石间,也来到了美丽的城市公园。 地黄总葳蕤,素颜向地开。在微微的风中摇曳生姿,这朴实的野花总是生机勃勃。
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人教版英语必修三Unit 3 revision

人教版英语必修三Unit 3 revision

• 最近,你班同学展开了一场讨论,主题是: Wealth & Health。请你根据下表提供的信息, 写一篇100词左右的文章,介绍一下你们讨论的 情况。 一些人认为财富更重要 一些人认为健康更重要 1. 没有钱万万不行 2. 想办法多挣钱 3. 健康是本钱 4. 要爱惜身体 个人看法:更看重健康。身体不好,钱再多也无济 于事。
1. As a matter of fact, he was spotted by accident by the guard as he entered the office. 2. As the earth was shaking, people screamed:” It’s an earthquake.” 3. Willion bowed to the lady and offered her a box inside which was a genuine diamond.
• 令人惊异的是李华这学期在学习方 面取得那么大的进步,尤其自他有 了自己的学习方法以后。 • It is amazing how much progress Li Hua has made in his studies this term, especially since he had his way of learning.
• It is Henry Adams, an American businessman, who is lost in London and does not know what he should do. • 就是林小姐,我的英语老师,她是一个善 良的人,当我遇到困难的时候,她总是帮 助我。 • It is Miss Li,my English teacher, who is a warm-hearted woman and always helps me when I am in trouble.

人教高中英语必修3 Unit3 Revision(共15张PPT)

人教高中英语必修3 Unit3 Revision(共15张PPT)
⑴当主语是the reason 或者是why引导的主语从句时, 常用that引导表语从句,不用because。 eg:
Why we decided to put off the football match is that the weather was too bad.
⑵在引导表语从句时,whether不能被if 替换。
eg: His first questt.
⑶that is why…是why引导的表语从句,表示:那 就是… 的原因。 the reason why …is that …中why 引导的是定语 从句,that引导的是表语从句,表示:...的原因 是…。
Step 3 Predicative clause
• 1.表语从句的定义:在主从复合句中做表语的从句, 叫做表语从句。
• 2.基本结构:主语+系动词+表语从句
• 3.关联词 • 从属连词:that,whether,as if/though,as • 连接代词:who,what,which,whom,whose
Bay Fault Spot Passage Patience Envelope bring up by accident stare at account for
Step 2 Lead-in
Look at some exercises
• This is ( why) Lily was late for the meeting. • This is ( how) they overcome the difficulties. • The problem is ( whether) he has enough time.



必修三 Unit3 Revision一. 单词拼写1 They _________(寻找) for somewhere to shelter but in vain.2. Why should I say sorry when it’s not my ______ (过错)?3.I have run out of _________ (耐心)with her.4. She covered her mouth to stop her ___________(尖叫).5. Mark Twain wrote many __________ (冒险) novels .6.Can I have some fruit instead of the ________(甜点).7.She spent a large __________ (数量) of money on clothes .8.It is good_________(礼貌) to shake hands in China.9. I bought a/an _______________(信封) in the new market yesterday.10. You shouldn’t go to the lab without the teacher’s ___________(许可).二.短文改错One day in the restaurant where I worked, I am serving 1. _________kind of fish .Three plate were already on the table when 3. __________the name of the fish on it. Before I could answer him, he三.单项选择1. _____________ in the newspaper that the Japanese minister will arrive next Monday.A.It saysB. It is saidC. It has saidD. He is said2.She is very dear to us. We have been prepared to do ____it takes to save her life.A.whicheverB. howeverC. whateverD. whoever3. . _____________I saw him, he was talking to the boss.A. The first timeB. First timeC. For the first timeD.T o the first time4.He was about to tell me the secret _______someone patted him on the shoulder.A. asB. untilC. whileD. when5. —They___ be doing the experiment in the lab.—Why?—Because the lights are still burning.A. couldB. canC. mustD. would6.---When can I come for the photos ? I need them tomorrow afternoon.---They _____be ready by 12 : 00 .A. canB. shouldC. mightD. need7.With so much work on hand, you ____to see the game last night.A. mustn’t goB. could have goneC. shouldn’t goD. shouldn’t have gone8.There was plenty of time. She ____.A. mustn’t have hurriedB. couldn’t have hurriedC. must not hurryD. needn’t have hurried9.–I saw Mary in the library yesterday.--You_____ her. She is still abroad.A. mustn’t seeB. can’t have seenC. mustn’t have seenD. couldn’t see10. Think twice before you do it. In my opinion, it’s not worth _____.A. take chanceB. to take a chanceC. taking chancesD. taking the chance11.We had a really good _____ of the whole stage from where we were sitting.A. sightB. viewC. sceneD. scenery12. ---Does she like shopping?-- Well, she would rather spend time _______ at home than ___ in the street.A. read,; wanderB. reading; wanderC. in reading; to wanderD. reading; to wander13. They didn’t fight, but stood there _____ each other.A. staring atB. stared atC. glaring atD. glared at14. He is a man who is always _______fault with other people.A. puttingB. seekingC. findingD. looking for15.It was along the Mississippi River ____ Mark Twain spent much of his childhood.A. howB. whichC. thatD. where16. Do you think it is _____good manners to he ar other’s conversation in _____ curious manner?A. the; aB. /; /C. /;aD. the; the17. ______ of coal _____ used in this plat every year.A. A plenty; wasB. Large amounts; wasC. A large number ; wasD. Large amounts ; were18.Mr. Smith found his wife ___ in letters. Just have a little______.A. buried; lookedB. burying; lookingC. burying; lookedD. butried; looking19. ---I can’t find my purse anywhere.---You ______have lost it while shopping. 〔〕A. mayB. canC. shouldD. would20.----Are you coming to Jeff’s party?----I’m not sure. I _____ go to the concert instead.A. mustB. wouldC. shouldD. Might参考答案一、单词拼写 1. sought 2. fault 3.patience 4. screaming 5. adventure6. dessert7.amount8. manners9. evelope 10. permission二、10.stared 后加 at三、单项选择 1-5 BCADC 6-10 BDDBC 11-15 BBCCC 16-20 CDDAD。

人教版高中英语必修3 Unit3 Revision and reinforcement 名师教学设计

人教版高中英语必修3 Unit3 Revision and reinforcement 名师教学设计

Unit3 Revision and reinforcement 名师教学设计1. Teaching Analysis 教情分析1.1 Teaching objectives-教学目标In and after this period, students will be able to1.1.1 organize and clarify all the language knowledge in a mind map1.1.2 apply the key vocabulary, phrases and grammar in exercises, writing and speaking, etc.1.1.3 learn to do the summary and checking yourself1.1.4 practice speaking, listening and writing skills.1.2 Important & difficult teaching points-教学重难点1.2.1 Important teaching points-教学重点Using a mind map to clarify the language knowledge.Review the vocabulary, the story and the structure of this unit.1.2.2 Difficult teaching points-教学难点Summarize all the important points that students have learned in this unit by using the main-map.2. Student analysis学情分析2.1 Fundamental state基本情况本课时是单元总结课时,主要目的在于梳理知识,并且联系高考,积极运用知识。



Unit3 Revision and reinforcement名师教学设计1. Teaching Analysis 教情分析1.1 Teaching objectives-教学目标In and after this period, students will be able to1.1.1 organize and clarify all the language knowledge in a mind map1.1.2 apply the key vocabulary, phrases and grammar in exercises, writing and speaking, etc.1.1.3 learn to do the summary and checking yourself1.1.4 practice speaking, listening and writing skills.1.2 Important & difficult teaching points-教学重难点1.2.1 Important teaching points-教学重点Using a mind map to clarify the language knowledge.Review the vocabulary, the story and the structure of this unit.1.2.2 Difficult teaching points-教学难点Summarize all the important points that students have learned in this unit by using the main-map.2. Student analysis学情分析2.1 Fundamental state基本情况本课时是单元总结课时,主要目的在于梳理知识,并且联系高考,积极运用知识。

精选高中3Unit3 Revision 公开PPT课件

精选高中3Unit3 Revision 公开PPT课件

C.to solve D.solve
2.Rain had been forecast for the weekend, but it
_____ quite fine that weekend.
A.turned up
B.turned out
C.turned down D.turned off
3.With the production _________ during the
financial crisis, a lot of workers were dismissed .
A.cut down
B.cutting down
C.cutted down D.to cut down
❖ 4.It surprised his parents that he preferred to start his own company after graduation rather than ___________ the family business.
take up the song 继续把歌唱下去
(1) I _to_o_k_b_a_c_k_______what I said.
(2) I will__ta_k_e_d_ow__n_ her address .consider (3) Mrs. Robinson is considering doing sth
13.stop 14.play
sb. key
from roles
doing in history
• 15.be thought of as
• 16.be in ruins
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Translation 1.抚养,提出 2.允许某人做某事 3.偶然,无意中 4.盯着看 5.导致 6.正相反 7.冒险 8.打赌 9.在现场 10.这全是我的错。
1.bring up 2.permit sb to do… 3.by accident 4.stare at 5.account for… 6.on the contrary 7.take a chance 8.mame to himself, he found himself A to hospital. _____ A. sent B. being sent C. having sent D. to send 7.It was rude ____ A you to stare at a stranger for a long time. A. of B. to C. for D. with C 8.After hour’s hard work, now I’m feeling tired,___. A. though B. anyway C. indeed D. however 9.There is little doubt ___ C he will pass the exam. A. whether B. if C. that D. which 牛牛文档分 享Spelling
1.Your laziness can a______ ccount for your total failure. 2.It is bad manners to keep on s_______ at someone. taring potted him in the crowd because 3.I easily s_______ he was very tall. 4.We all think it wrong to judge a person by his a________. ppearance 5.Why should I say sorry when it’s not my f______? ault

4.---Aren’t you tired of doing the same work day after day? B I enjoy doing it very much. ---_____, A. On the other hand B. On the contrary C. Now and then D. For one thing 5.___ B the water pollution, the local government has taken measures to deal with it. A. In addition to B. As for C. According to dents had their hair cut at the same b________ near the school last weekend. arber’s 7.The man has been s______ eeking for a job ever since he lost his job. 8.It’s good m_______ anners to say goodbye to the host when leaving. 9.Listen to the teacher carefully in class. Try not to let your mind w______. ander 10.Many shop owners don’t p______ ermit parking cars in front ofan unpaid hand 11.做义工 12.as a matter of fact/ in fact 12.实际上,事实上 13.in rags 13.衣衫褴褛 14.earn one’s passage 14.挣船费 15.without permission 15.未经许可 16.take …into account/ consideration 16.考虑… take account of … 17.seek toey had just finished doing some cleaning ____ A the bell for class rang. A. when B. while C. after D. since D with 2.The boss always likes to find ____ everyone in his company , which is annoying. A. error B. mistake C. failure D. fault 3.The fact is that I earned my tuition by working B my busy in my spare time, which ____ college life. A. makes up for B. accounts for C. turictation 1.小说 2.现场,场面 3.允许,许可 4.漫步,漫游 5.认出,发现 6.忍耐,耐心 7.信封 8.难以置信的 9.过错 10.冒险 11.导致 12.正相反 13.未经许可 14.偶然 15.抚养,提出 16.衣衫褴褛 17.冒险 18.做义工 1