BC Investment Agriculture Foundation公元前农业投资基金会
| Agriculture |IntroductionA s the world’s most populous nation and one ofthe largest consumers of agricultural products,China prioritizes the modernization of its agri-culture sector as a top national strategic objective to ensure the nation’s food security. Improving domestic productivity with new technology and securing stable sources from international markets are a vital part of the solution. AmCham China welcomes China’s goal set out in the 12th Five-Year Plan to modernize the country’s agricul-ture industry. US agricultural companies are well positioned to cooperate with China to realize that goal.Over the past year, China continued to see strong growth in agricultural trade, with a rise in both imports and exports. The US-China trade relationship continued to deepen, with China becoming an increasingly important market for US agricultural exports. Between 2009 and 2012, exports of US agricultural products to China increased by more than 110 percent, from US $11.1 billion to US $23.4 billion annually. Moreover, agriculture comprises about 25 percent of total US exports to China, which positions bilateral US-China agricul-tural trade as a pillar in the US-China economic partnership.Since its accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO), China has made noteworthy progress in liberalizing agricul-tural trade. Important work remains to be done, however. Restrictions on foreign investment in agriculture, market restrictions not based on sound science, and non-transparent, discriminatory trade polices prevent China from fully bene-fiting from open trade and investment. Such benefits include productivity and efficiency gains, increased food security and sustainability, and lower food prices. AmCham China applauds the progress made so far, and remains optimistic that China will continue to improve transparency and fair enforcement of rules.Ongoing Regulatory Issues Restrictions on Foreign Investment in AgricultureThe National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) published the updated “Guiding Catalogue on Foreign Investment in Industry” in December 2011. Across many sectors, the updated catalogue increased restrictions on how foreign enterprises can participate in and aid in the develop-ment of China’s agricultural industry.Additional restrictions were introduced in areas such as seed production, grain origination and storage, oilseeds processing and corn processing. Grain logistics was added to the restricted list. Restrictions on corn processing were expanded in practice to value-added downstream products. Restrictions on seed production were expanded beyond field crops, and restriction on oilseeds processing were also expanded beyond soybean to all oilseeds crops. At a time when China’s agriculture industry lags far behind other industries in terms of attracting foreign investment, the growing restrictions on foreign investment in China’s agricultural sector block farmers’ access to advanced tech-nologies, and consumers’ access to safe and affordable agricultural products. It is also at odds with the objectives in China’s 12th Five-Year plan, which emphasizes the need to shift more resources to agriculture and food production in order to improve people’s lives and meet China’s food security and safety needs. AmCham China is concerned that China’s restrictions on foreign investment in the agricultural sector limit competition and efficiency, and ultimately lead to underinvestment, a lack of innovation, slower industry development, and higher prices for food products. Importantly, the revised FDI catalogue has taken out the restriction on seeds distribution and retailing from the restricted category. In September 1997, four ministries including the Ministry of Agriculture and State Planning Commission jointly issued the Administration of Approval and Registration of Foreign-Invested Crop Seed Enterprises (1997 Administrative Statement). The 1997 Administrative Statement still prohibits multinational corporations from establishing foreign-invested companies engaged in seeds distribution and retailing, or WFOEs in the overall crop seeds business. China has committed to liberalizing the distribution and retailing sector for all industries. AmCham China requests that Chinese government modify the 1997 Administrative Statement to align it with the revised FDI catalogue and allow greater foreign investment in the agricultural industry in China. This will foster stronger China-US trade relations, and will help introduce qualityAgriculture|农 业|引 言作为全球第一人口大国,以及全球最大的农产品消费国之一,中国已经将实现农业现代化定为国家首要战略目标之一,以保证国家的粮食安全。
71March 2024THE concept that "the people are the foundation of a state" is the best expression of the people-centered philoso-phy of ancient China. Past Chinese sages and philosophers reached this conclusion in their study of state governance amid the rise and fall of dynasties over thousands of years. Based on the belief that the people'sBy LI CUIPeople — Foundation of a StateOnly when the foundation is strong will the state be safe and stable.support of state power is vital for its success, this precept has inspired policies and practices aimed at nur-turing, benefiting and enriching the people throughout Chinese history.A Core Tenet of State Governance"The people are the foundation of a state" is a line from Shangshu , or the Book of Documents . It appeared in the section talking about Taikang, the third ruler of the Xia Dynasty (C.2100-1600 BC) who was known for his penchant for extravagance and negligence of duty. Once Taikang put state affairs aside and went on a hunting trip along the Luoshui Riv-er (a tributary of the Yellow River) that lasted for more than 100 days, causing strong discontent among his people. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Hou Yi, a clan leader, occupied a strategic position on the Yellow River, blocking the emperor’s way back to the capital on the other side of the river. Desperate and exasperated, Taikang's mother and five brothers drove a carriage to the place where the Luoshui River flowed into the Yellow River to wait for his return. There the five broth-ers recited the exhortation of Yu the Great, founding father of Xia, in the hope that it would arouse Taikang to his senses. The message they con-veyed was: A ruler must maintain aFarmers are harvesting wood ear mushrooms in Zhulinping Village of Xintian Coun-ty, Yongzhou City in Hunan Province on January 11, 2024.close relationship with his people, and must not take them lightly, as the people are the foundation of the state; only when the foundation is strong will the state be safe and stable.The fall of Xia and Shang helped the rulers of the succeeding West-ern Zhou Dynasty (C 1100-771 BC) realize the important role the people play in the ruling of a state. As a result, they put forward the idea of valuing virtues and protecting the people in the same way parents take care of newborn babies. The Duke of Zhou even proposed that rulers should take public sentiment as a measure of their performance. This clearly demonstrates that the philosophy of a people-centered governance had emerged by this time.During the Spring and AutumnPeriod (770-476 BC), this thinkingwas further enriched. Confuciuspreached that when the people arebetter-off, their rulers are better-off. Laozi said that a virtuous mantakes the will of the people as hisown will. Mencius went a step fur-ther and said, “The people are themost important element in a state;next are the gods of land and grain;least is the ruler himself.” Xunzialso compared the relationshipbetween the ruler and his subjectto that of a boat and water: "Theruler is the boat; the people are thewater. Water carries the boat, butcan also sink it.” These remarks allunderscore the importance of thewill and power of the people.Drawing on lessons of previousperiods, the wise rulers and officialsin Chinese history realized the closeconnection between people's liveli-hood and the fate of their country.They hence applied the conceptthat "the people are the foundationof a state" into their policies, creat-ing such measures that encouragedagriculture and animal husbandry,reduced corvée and taxes, grantedland to farmers, built water conser-vancy projects, and provided relieffor disaster victims.The people-centered philosophyalso influenced the perception of re-lationship between officials and thepublic. For instance, Liu Zongyuan(773-819) of the Tang Dynasty heldthe view that officials are servantsof the residents residing in theirprecincts. Wang Fuzhi (1619-1692)of the late Ming and early Qing dy-nasties argued that the governmentshould be strict with its officials butlenient with the people.In addition, under this philoso-phy ancient regimes incorporatedmoral education into their efforts toimprove people’s wellbeing. Duringthe Han Dynasty (206 BC- AD 220),primary-level officials were appoint-ed to promote feudal ethics. By theNorthern Song Dynasty (960-1127)a term “xunli” was coined to refer toofficials who were honest and con-cerned about the people’s wellbeing.These officials focused more of theirefforts on conducting moral educa-tion than imposing punishment,and effectively maintained socialstability by spreading Confuciusteachings such as the ideas of loveand benevolence.At the same time, it must benoted that despite such people-focused thinking and policies, aver-CULTURE / ANCIENT CHINESE VISTASAn aerial viewof Yuduo Townof QianxiCity, GuizhouProvince, onJanuary 14,2024.72CHINA TODAYage people in ancient China still remained in a subordinate position to the monarch of the day. In no monarchy had the people-centered philosophy brought them the rights as principal players in state politics. The monarchs made the decision whether to implement this phi-losophy, and to what extent, and it served their interests first and last. As a result, this philosophy never became a reality in those days. Foundation of Modern Democratic TheoriesThe concept of the people as the basis of a state was greatly expand-ed during the late Ming and early Qing dynasties. Many thinkers at-tempted to implement it into real-ity through redesigning the political system. Huang Zongxi (1610-1695), for example, put forward the idea that the people are the host and the ruler is the guest, pointing out that the people should play the princi-pal role in managing state affairs while the emperor is supposed to serve their interests. Yan Fu (1854-1921) and Tan Sitong (1865-1898) also redefined the relationship between the ruler and the people, saying that the ruler is selected by the people to manage public affairs, and therefore can be removed from power if he fails the people. All these propositions focus on checks and balances for the powers of the monarch, with the goal of making him rule for the people instead of ruling over the people.After the Reform Movement of 1898 and the Revolution of 1911, people's livelihood, democracy and civil rights gradually became the rallying call of China's political movements. Liang Qichao (1873-1929), for instance, interpreted theword “guomin” (meaning nationalcitizens in Chinese, with guo forcountry and min for people) in thisway, “A country is the public prop-erty owned by all its people.” Dr.Sun Yat-sen believed that the goalof democracy is to let the peopleshare state power. The ProvisionalConstitution of the Republic of Chi-na, issued in 1912, made it clear inChapter I General Provisions, “TheRepublic of China is composed ofthe Chinese people. The sovereigntyof the Chinese Republic is vestedin the people.” These developmentsindicate that the traditional people-centered philosophy began to beincorporated into national institu-tions and took on democratic ele-ments. Although at this time aver-age people were still excluded fromthe operations of their state, thischange was significant, as it pavedthe way for the ideal’s realization inChina in later times.A Valuable Asset ofChinese PoliticalCivilizationThe Communist Party of China(CPC) embraces the theory of his-torical materialism that “it is thepeople who make history.” It hasinfused new vitality into the tradi-tional people-centered philosophyand given it new meaning. Its Con-stitution declares, “The CommunistParty of China has remained true toits original aspiration and foundingmission of seeking happiness forthe Chinese people and rejuvena-tion for the Chinese nation.” Andthe Party has made wholeheartedlyserving the people its fundamentalpurpose as well as that of the Chi-nese government. Finally the age-old idea that people are the founda-tion of a state was adopted in thepolitical sphere.Since the 18th CPC NationalCongress in 2012, General SecretaryXi Jinping has reiterated on severaloccasions, “The CPC has its founda-tions in the people and maintains aclose bond with the people.” He hasalso made a series of expositionsand decisions on people-centereddevelopment. In this spirit, Chinahas introduced a raft of measures toimprove people’s livelihood, cover-ing such aspects as income distribu-tion, social security, education, andmedical care. China has eliminatedabsolute poverty, built a moderatelyprosperous society in all respects,and is striving to realize commonprosperity for all. The concept that"the people are the foundation of astate" is still relevant today, and hasprovided rich cultural nourishmentfor the Chinese modernizationdrive.The people are the foundation ofa country and only when the peo-ple lead a good life can the countrythrive. As a key idea of politicalphilosophy and a core tenet of stategovernance in ancient China, thisconcept also laid the foundationof China’s democratic theories inmodern times. After the foundingof the People’s Republic of China, ithas become a valuable asset of Chi-na’s political civilization, and hasbeen creatively transformed anddeveloped in the new era of social-ism with Chinese characteristics.It has provided strong support forthe continuous development of theChinese nation. CLI CUI is a research fellow at China Confu-cius Research Institute.foundationThe peopleare the foun-dation of acountry andonly whenthe peoplelead a goodlife can thecountrythrive.73March 2024。
农业技术英语作文Agricultural Technology: The Key to Sustainable Farming。
Agriculture has been the backbone of human civilization since time immemorial. As the world population continues to grow, the demand for food is increasing at an unprecedented rate. However, the land available for agriculture islimited and the soil is becoming less fertile due to excessive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. In such a scenario, agricultural technology is the key to sustainable farming.Agricultural technology refers to the use of scientific methods and tools to improve agricultural productivity and efficiency. It encompasses a wide range of practices, including crop breeding, soil management, water management, pest control, and post-harvest management. By adopting the latest agricultural technologies, farmers can increasetheir yield, reduce their costs, and minimize their impact on the environment.Crop breeding is one of the most important aspects of agricultural technology. By developing new crop varieties that are resistant to pests and diseases, drought-tolerant, and high-yielding, farmers can increase their productivity and profitability. The use of genetic engineering has revolutionized crop breeding, allowing scientists to transfer desirable traits from one plant to another and create crops that are better suited to specific growing conditions.Soil management is another critical aspect of agricultural technology. Soil is the foundation of agriculture, and its health is essential for the growth of crops. By adopting practices such as conservation tillage, crop rotation, and cover cropping, farmers can improve soil health, reduce erosion, and conserve water. In addition, the use of precision agriculture technologies such as GPS-guided tractors and drones can help farmers optimize their use of fertilizers and pesticides, reducing waste and minimizing environmental impact.Water management is also a crucial area of agricultural technology. As water resources become scarcer, farmers need to adopt practices that conserve water and improveirrigation efficiency. Technologies such as drip irrigation, soil moisture sensors, and weather forecasting can help farmers optimize their water use, reduce water waste, and minimize the risk of crop failure due to drought.Pest control is another area where agricultural technology can make a significant difference. Traditional pest control methods rely on the use of chemical pesticides, which can be harmful to the environment and human health. However, by adopting integrated pest management (IPM) practices, farmers can reduce their reliance on chemical pesticides and use a combination of biological, cultural, and chemical methods to control pests. IPM practicesinclude crop rotation, biological control, and the use of pheromone traps.Post-harvest management is the final stage ofagricultural technology. After crops are harvested, they need to be stored, processed, and transported to markets.By adopting modern post-harvest technologies, such as cold storage, vacuum packaging, and irradiation, farmers can extend the shelf life of their crops, reduce post-harvest losses, and ensure that their produce reaches the market in good condition.In conclusion, agricultural technology is the key to sustainable farming. By adopting the latest technologies, farmers can increase their productivity, reduce their costs, and minimize their impact on the environment. However, the adoption of agricultural technology requires investment in research and development, as well as training and education for farmers. Governments, international organizations, and private companies need to work together to promote the adoption of agricultural technology and ensure that it benefits both farmers and consumers.。
ADSL, Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line非对称数字用户线APEC, Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation亚太经济合作组织AQ, Adversity Quotient逆境商数ATM, Automatic Teller Machine自动取款机BBS, Bulletin Board System公告牌系统/电子公告板BSS, Base Station System基站系统CARM, Chinese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine中国康复医学会CATV, Cable Television有线电视CBD, Central Business District中央商务区CCEL, China Certification Committee for Environment Labelling Production中国环境标志产品认证委员会CD-ROM, 光盘只读存储器CET, 英文College English Test的缩写,即大学英语语测试。
CFO, 英文Chief Finance Officer的缩写,即首席财务主管。
CGFNS, 英文Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools的缩写,即外国护士毕业生委员会。
CGO, 英文Chief Government Officer的缩写,即首席沟通主管,主要负责与政府机构之间的交流与沟通。
China NET, 英文China Network的缩写,即中国公用计算机网,它是政府建立的计算机网络之一,与之相对应的有中国教育网等。
CI, 英文Corporate Identity的缩写,即企业形象统一战略,指对企业的独特性和目标加以明确化和统一化,并在企业内外公众之中为建立这种印象而开展的有组织的活动。
关于乡村振兴的英语作文80词左右高中Rural revitalization is a national strategy proposed by the Chinese government to promote the integrated development of agriculture, rural areas, and farmers in order to achieve common prosperity and well-being of the rural population. It aims to improve the living standards of rural residents, boost agricultural productivity, promote rural modernization, and balanceurban-rural development.To revitalize the countryside, the Chinese government has implemented a series of policies and measures, such as supporting agricultural technology innovation, improving rural infrastructure, developing rural industries, promoting rural tourism, and strengthening environmental protection in rural areas. These efforts have led to significant progress in improving the living conditions of rural residents, increasing agricultural productivity, optimizing rural industrial structure, and promoting rural sustainable development.However, there are still challenges and obstacles in the process of rural revitalization, such as insufficient investment in agriculture and rural areas, unbalanced development between regions, inadequate rural public services, and environmental degradation in rural areas. It is necessary to further strengthenpolicy support, increase investment, enhance coordination and cooperation among different sectors, and mobilize the enthusiasm and creativity of rural residents in order to achieve the goal of rural revitalization.In conclusion, rural revitalization is of great significance for promoting the integrated development of agriculture, rural areas, and farmers, realizing common prosperity and well-being of the rural population, and building a beautiful countryside. With joint efforts from the government, society, and rural residents, we can create a better future for rural development in China.。
家庭农场注资流程(中英文版)Title: Family Farm Investment Process家庭农场注资流程是一个涉及投资和农业的复杂过程。
The process of injecting capital into a family farm is a complex one that involves both investment and agriculture.Firstly, it is necessary to clarify the purpose and expected returns of the farm investment.This may include improving land quality, purchasing advanced agricultural equipment, expanding planting areas, or increasing production efficiency.在注资之前,投资者需要进行彻底的市场调研和风险评估。
Before injecting capital, investors need to conduct thorough market research and risk assessments.This includes understanding current market trends, competitors, potential market demand, as well as possible risks and challenges.This helps ensure that investment decisions are wise and sustainable.接下来,投资者需要与家庭农场所有者进行详细的讨论,明确投资的具体用途和期望的回报。
第二章 时政文本翻译翻译补充材料
其次,我们必须关注重要的中央会议,跟 踪了解国家政策措施和相应术语,为提出 新译文做准备。 例如,近两年部分城市房价过快增长,房 地产调控政策措施成了总理政府工作报告 的重要话题,我们就应该注意各类住房的 新词汇新提法。
1.普通商品房(中低价位、中小套型的住房) small- and medium-sized condominiums(公寓) to be sold at low and medium price levels 2.自主性住房(非投资性住房) homes for non-investment purpose 3.投机性购房 speculative housing purchase 4.经济适用房(住房的价格比同期商品房低) low-cost housing 5.公租房(非个人所有,由公共机构出租) public rental housing
简评:“行百里者半九十”出自西汉刘向 所著《战国策· 秦策五》:“诗云:‘行百 里者半九十。’此言末路之难也。”比喻 事情愈接近成功愈困难,愈要认真对待。 常用以勉励人们做பைடு நூலகம்要善始善终。在英语 中,“fall by the wayside” 也是一句古谚 语,表示半途而废的意思。此处译员用英 语中的成语翻译中国古语,对接十分巧妙。
例4. 今年经济社会发展的主要预期目标是:国内生产总值增 长7.5%;城镇新增就业900万人以上,城镇登记失业率控 制在4.6%以内;居民消费价格涨幅控制在4%左右;进出 口总额增长10%左右,国际收支状况继续改善。 译文:The main targets for this year‟s economic and social development are as follows:to increase GDP by 7.5%,create more than 9 million new jobs in towns and cities, keep the registered urban unemployment rate at or below 4.6%, hold increase in the CPI to around 4%, increase the volume of total exports and imports by around 10%, and continue to improve our international balance of payments.
中国在阿根廷投资英语作文China's investment in Argentina has been steadily increasing in recent years. The two countries have established strong economic ties, with Chinese companies investing in various sectors such as energy, infrastructure, and agriculture.The investment from China has brought about significant benefits for Argentina, including job creation, technology transfer, and economic growth. Chinese companies have also contributed to the development of local communities through corporate social responsibility initiatives.Despite the positive impact of Chinese investment,there have been concerns raised about issues such as environmental sustainability, labor rights, and transparency. Both Chinese and Argentine authorities are working together to address these challenges and ensurethat investments are made in a responsible and sustainable manner.The cultural exchange between China and Argentina has also been growing, with more opportunities for people from both countries to learn about each other's traditions, language, and customs. This cultural exchange has helped to strengthen the relationship between the two nations and promote mutual understanding.Overall, China's investment in Argentina has played a significant role in boosting economic development and fostering closer ties between the two countries. It is important for both sides to continue working together to address challenges and maximize the benefits of this partnership.。
中国的农业发展史英文版China's Agricultural Development HistoryAgriculture has been the foundation of China's economy for thousands of years. From the early days of cultivating rice and millet to the modern advancements in technology and farming practices, China's agricultural history is a testament to the resilience and innovation of its people. This essay will explore the key developments and challenges that have shaped the evolution of China's agricultural sector over time.In ancient times, Chinese farmers relied on manual labor and traditional farming methods to cultivate the land. The invention of the ox-drawn plow and the development of irrigation systems allowed for more efficient and productive farming. The introduction of new crops, such as soybean and sugarcane, further diversified the agricultural landscape. During the Han Dynasty (206 BC - 220 AD), the government implemented policies to encourage the expansion of cultivated land and the adoption of advanced farming techniques, leading to a significant increase in food production.The Tang Dynasty (618 - 907 AD) saw the widespread use of thewater wheel and the introduction of new fertilizers, which significantly improved crop yields. The Song Dynasty (960 - 1279 AD) witnessed the development of more sophisticated irrigation systems and the cultivation of mulberry trees for silk production. These advancements, combined with the expansion of trade and the growth of urban centers, contributed to a flourishing agricultural economy during this period.The Ming Dynasty (1368 - 1644 AD) brought about significant changes in China's agricultural landscape. The government implemented land reform policies, such as the "equal-field system," which aimed to redistribute land and promote more equitable access to agricultural resources. This period also saw the introduction of new crops, such as maize and sweet potatoes, which became important staple foods.The Qing Dynasty (1644 - 1912 AD) saw the continued expansion of cultivated land and the introduction of new farming tools and techniques. The government also implemented policies to promote the development of cash crops, such as tea and cotton, to meet the growing demand for these products both domestically and internationally.The 20th century brought about significant challenges and transformations in China's agricultural sector. The establishment ofthe People's Republic of China in 1949 led to the implementation of collectivization policies, which aimed to centralize agricultural production and distribution. While these policies initially led to increased food production, they also resulted in significant social and economic disruptions.The reform and opening-up period that began in the late 1970s marked a turning point in China's agricultural development. The introduction of the household responsibility system, which gave farmers more autonomy in their farming decisions, and the gradual liberalization of agricultural markets, led to a surge in agricultural productivity and a significant improvement in the living standards of rural populations.In recent decades, China has made significant investments in agricultural research and development, leading to the development of new crop varieties, improved farming techniques, and the adoption of advanced technologies, such as precision farming and biotechnology. These advancements have helped to increase crop yields, improve food security, and reduce the environmental impact of agricultural activities.However, China's agricultural sector still faces significant challenges, such as the need to address the impact of climate change, the depletion of natural resources, and the need to ensure thesustainable use of agricultural land. The government has implemented a range of policies and initiatives to address these challenges, including the promotion of sustainable farming practices, the development of water-saving technologies, and the investment in research and development to develop more resilient and environmentally-friendly agricultural systems.In conclusion, China's agricultural development history is a complex and multifaceted story that reflects the country's resilience, innovation, and commitment to ensuring food security and sustainable development. From the early days of manual labor and traditional farming methods to the modern advancements in technology and farming practices, China's agricultural sector has continuously evolved to meet the changing needs of its people and the global economy. As China continues to navigate the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century, its agricultural sector will undoubtedly play a crucial role in shaping the country's future.。
What is Organic Farmers EditionFunded in part by the Investment Agriculture Foundation of B.C. through the Agri-Food Futures Fund, Emerging Sectors Initiative, a provincial trust funded from money under the former federal-provincial safety nets framework.What isorganic agriculture?“Organic Agriculture is a production system thatsustains the health of soils, ecosystems and people.It relies on ecological processes, biodiversity andcycles adapted to local conditions, rather thanthe use of inputs with adverse effects. OrganicAgriculture combines tradition, innovation andscience to benefit the shared environment andpromote fair relationships and a good quality of lifefor all involved.” – International Federation of OrganicAgriculture MovementsWhat is Organic - Farmers Edition 1What would I have to do?How can I give up fertilizers?Soil fertility can be achieved by means other thansynthetic NPK fertilizers. Organic techniquesencourage the life within the soil to provide thenutrient cycling. Green manures, compostedanimal manures and sound crop rotations feed thesoil.What about the weeds?Weeds are a natural part of the environment,and organic producers often find they have togive up their notions of weed-free fields. Thatdoesn’t mean that weeds are given free rein. Weedmanagement techniques include rotations, greenmanures, tillage, grazing, and so much more.Critics suggest that tillage will destroy the soil,but scientists are finding that systems with goodorganic matter, green manures and a diversityof soil organisms can withstand increased tillagewith less damage. Many people find that once thenitrogen levels are no longer excessive, the weedgrowth is less rank.What about pests?Pest problems are usually the result of one or afew species getting out of balance, escaping thenatural predators and diseases that normally keepit in check. Organic systems encourage a diversityof organisms, in balanced ecological communities. Organic producers focus on choosing appropriate crops and varieties to reduce pest problems.What about my livestock?Organic agriculture fosters animal health andwell being, by reducing stress and providing adequate space, appropriate organic food, and the opportunity to socialize. Livestock production isa vital component of an organic mixed farm, and brings benefits in terms of weed management, fertility, diversity, and economic stability.What is Organic - Farmers Edition 54 Certified Organic Associations of British ColumbiaWhat are the benefits of farming organically?For the earth?The chemical synthesis of nitrogen fertilizer is thelargest source of greenhouse gases in agriculture.In organic production, nitrogen-rich crops aregrown and returned to the soil, to provide biologicalrather than synthetic fertility. Organic producersuse biological and cultural methods of pest controlas their first line of defence. Only as a last resort dothey turn to a very limited list of products that are,or mimic, naturally occurring pesticides. In addition,organic farms tend to have a greater diversity ofplants, insects, and birds enriching our world.For farmers?Farmers often become organic over some sort ofincident – someone they love gets a chemical relateddisease; their partners challenge them to “comeclean”; they can’t afford their agrochemical bills;they come to resent the role of corporate agriculturein their livelihoods. For all these reasons, organicagriculture appeals to them. Once they make theswitch, they are often surprised by the benefits: greater engagement and fun in planning thefarm system. They find the challenge of avoiding agronomic problems through planning moreexciting than simply applying a recommended chemical to make the problems go away. Organic methods result in healthier and safer landscapes for them and their family and more resilient systemsthat cope better with weather weirdness andmarket disruptions. They also earn the gratitude of their customers.For consumers?Organic consumption continues to grow. Since1990 consumption has risen on average by 20% per year. Consumers appreciate food produced without toxic persistent pesticides and genetically modified organisms; they consider it healthier for them, their families and their communities.For my bank balance?Once consumers are onside, the economics usuallysort themselves out. Organic production is a wayof differentiating product in the marketplace. Most certified organic products are seen as premiumquality[r1], and thus gain a premium in the marketplace. While labour costs may be higher in organic production, other input costs are general reduced. Reliance on the agrochemical industry isalso reduced.What is Organic - Farmers Edition 32 Certified Organic Associations of British ColumbiaHow do I begin?Using COABC’s searchable directory, or theYoung Agrarians’ U-Map find an organic farmerand have a chat. You may be surprised at whatyou discover. COABC’s website offers a variety ofinformation, including the rules for organics, andcontacts for further information.The organic movementMembers of the organic community came togetherto provide and connect with delicious, nutritious,and sustainable food– food that nurtures people,soils, plants and animals, and that protects workersand communities. Join the organic community,contribute your voice and your passion, and makethe world a better place a few acres at a time.5 What is Organic - Farmers Edition。
英国农业 English Agriculture
English AgricultureBritain's agriculture is characterized by a small proportion of the population engaged in agricultural activities with a high degree of mechanization. Farming used to employ a great many people in Britain, but nowadays, with advanced machinery, just a few people can run a farm consisting of thousands of hectares.The climate of Britain is classified as temperate, with warm summers and cool winters and plentiful precipitation throughout the year. The mild climate provides the country with a favorable environment for agriculture and stock raising.The development of Britain’s agriculture is from the neglect agriculture into modern agricultural. 18th century, the capitalist mode of production is in the absolute dominance of agriculture, agriculture in the UK at that time a leading position in Europe. To the early 19th century, Britain was still a relatively well-developed agriculture, food self-sufficiency in the country. Known as the "world factory" in the United Kingdom, and then transformed into the "British industry, agriculture in other countries," the international division of labor. Neglect of agricultural policy in the induction, gradual decline of agriculture, the United Kingdom in the food supply is heavily dependent on world markets. 70s in the 19th century, the domestic production of food to supply 79% of the population at that time, but during the First World War, the British produced food to feed only 36% of the population. During World War II, Blocked transport of food imports to make it difficult for the domestic food supply. British government have to introduced food rationing had in favor of intervention to strengthen the agriculture, take measures to the attention of agriculture. After the war, Britain spent nearly 15 years, reversing the situation of the agricultural recession, the progressive realization of agricultural modernization.After World War II, the development of United Kingdom’s agricultural mechanization is very rapid. In 1944, only 173,400 agricultural tractors, 2500 combine harvesters in Britain. In 1993, the United Kingdom has more than 50 million units of agricultural tractors, 47,000 combine harvests, the average agricultural labor force has a tractor, combine harvester 0.5 units. Currently, the farm of grow vegetables and chicken farms and pig farms in the United Kingdom have achieved mechanization. Supporting the British agricultural machinery, agricultural machinery and complete, from cultivation to harvest, into the warehouse, each program has a corresponding machinery. Cultivator, planter, mower, bundles of grass machines, threshers and other agricultural machinery has been widely used. Britain now use tractors, most of the big horsepower and hydraulic drive, and equipped with electronic surveillance and air conditioning equipment. Sugar beet and potato harvesting operations and a single multi-line operating segments and other machinery, can be adapted to operate in a variety of conditions.More emphasis on the Britain’s agricultural land productivity and increased yield per unit area, wheat, barley, oats and potato yields have increased substantially. In 1992, the United Kingdom the average yield of 6,940 kg grain pre ha, higher than the corresponding yields in Europe and the United States. The structure of English agricultural production, stock raising is the largest share, ant then the planting. From the production perspective, stock raising accounts for about 2 / 3, farming accounts for only 1 / 5. Planting grain crops, horticultural crops, tuber crops and forage crops are the main planting of Britain. High value horticultural crops grown in the UK industry occupies an important position. The development of Britain’s stock raising industry was from the16th century "enclosure movement". The earliest development in the sheep industry is to provide raw materials for the domestic textile industry, and later with the increase of urbanpopulation, the development of the meat, milk and egg production . Britain's fishing industry is well developed. Britain has a 10,509 kilometers coastline, it is one of the world's longest coastline countries, the continental shelf area up to 48.6 square kilometers. British Islands and surrounding ocean are less than 200 meters water depth of the continental shelf, not only for growth and reproduction of fish, and easy fishing. British Isles coastline, so there are many fishing boats anchored harbour can be used as ground for the fishing industry provides a good condition. Currently the UK marine fisheries technology got rapid development, radar, sonar, and other advanced navigation system into the field of marine fisheries, with an integrated computer system technology to probe ocean fishing all of the UK automated.Chinese agriculture is a changing and complex industry. In the thousands of years that farming has been practiced in China, the Chinese have refined and perfected their agricultural techniques. Traditional Chinese agriculture is labor intensive; the emphasis is on using many workers to increase the crop yield per unit of land rather than on increasing the productivity of the individual worker. Chinese agricultural practices have been shaped by the shortage of farmland in the country, at least relative to the population. The level of modernization of agricultural production in China is lower than United Kingdom. Rural problem is the issue of special that the Chinese government concern in these years.The common characteristics Britain and China is more people, but the weak foundation of agriculture, agricultural development by the various resource constraints, should pay special attention to agricultural science and technology, improve the land productivity. China and Britain strongly complementary in agricultural trade has great potential.The cooperation between Britain and China in the field of agricultural science and technology is very broad. Cooperation in the development of sustainable agriculture projects, our country can learn from the British "no-till" farming techniques, and in China and the United Kingdom of "technology Agriculture" concrete implementation of pilot projects on the feasibility of investment to ease the implementation of the 21st century in China items on the agenda of the financial difficulties of sustainable agriculture. In addition, crop pest control technology, quality and reliability analysis of vegetable varieties, dwarf fruit trees and virus-free cultivation techniques, resource protection and registration of plant varieties, etc., in livestock, fisheries and agricultural technology transfer to establish a joint venture with the UK study of agency or joint ventures, or send groups and study visits.。
农业再生英语作文Here is an essay on the topic of "Regenerative Agriculture" with a word count of over 1000 words, written in English without any additional titles or unnecessary punctuation marks.Regenerative agriculture is a holistic approach to farming that aims to improve the overall health and productivity of the land. Unlike conventional agriculture, which often relies on synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and monoculture cropping systems, regenerative agriculture seeks to work in harmony with natural ecosystems, restoring soil health, increasing biodiversity, and enhancing the resilience of agricultural systems.At the heart of regenerative agriculture is the principle of building soil organic matter. Healthy, fertile soil is the foundation of a thriving agricultural system, and regenerative farmers use a variety of techniques to enhance soil health. This includes the use of cover crops, which help to prevent soil erosion, fix nitrogen, and increase soil organic matter. Crop rotation and the integration of livestock into the farming system also play a crucial role, as they help to diversify the ecosystem and break the cycles of pests and diseases.Another key aspect of regenerative agriculture is the emphasis on minimizing tillage. Conventional farming often relies heavily on plowing and tilling the soil, which can disrupt the delicate balance of soil microorganisms and lead to the loss of valuable organic matter. Regenerative farmers, on the other hand, aim to minimize soil disturbance, using techniques such as no-till or reduced-till farming, which help to preserve the soil structure and promote the growth of beneficial soil organisms.In addition to improving soil health, regenerative agriculture also has the potential to mitigate the effects of climate change. By sequestering carbon in the soil through the growth of deep-rooted plants and the incorporation of organic matter, regenerative farming practices can help to remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere and store them in the ground. This has led to a growing interest in the use of regenerative agriculture as a tool for climate change mitigation and adaptation.One of the key benefits of regenerative agriculture is its ability to improve the resilience of agricultural systems in the face of environmental challenges. As climate change continues to bring more extreme weather events, such as drought, flooding, and unpredictable rainfall patterns, regenerative farming practices can help to increase the ability of farms to withstand these stresses. By building healthy, diverse ecosystems, regenerative farmers can createagricultural systems that are less vulnerable to pests, diseases, and other environmental threats.Moreover, regenerative agriculture has the potential to improve the livelihoods of farmers and rural communities. By reducing the reliance on expensive synthetic inputs and promoting the use of on-farm resources, regenerative farming can help to lower production costs and increase profitability. Additionally, the emphasis on diversified cropping systems and the integration of livestock can provide farmers with a wider range of income streams, reducing their vulnerability to market fluctuations and helping to ensure the long-term sustainability of their operations.Despite the many benefits of regenerative agriculture, there are also some challenges that must be addressed. One of the primary challenges is the need for farmers to adapt their practices and learn new skills, which can be a significant barrier, especially for those who have been relying on conventional farming methods for many years. Additionally, the transition to regenerative agriculture can be a slow process, and it may take several years for the full benefits to be realized.Another challenge is the need for greater support and investment in research and extension services to help farmers implement regenerative practices effectively. While there is a growing body ofevidence demonstrating the benefits of regenerative agriculture, there is still a need for more comprehensive data and practical guidance to help farmers make the transition.Despite these challenges, the potential of regenerative agriculture to transform the way we approach food production is immense. By working in harmony with natural ecosystems, regenerative farmers can not only improve the health and productivity of their land but also contribute to the broader goals of environmental sustainability and climate change mitigation.As the world faces the increasing threats of climate change, soil degradation, and the loss of biodiversity, the adoption of regenerative agriculture practices has never been more crucial. By embracing this holistic approach to farming, we can build a more resilient and sustainable food system that benefits both people and the planet.。
知识链接:中央汇金投资有限责任公司中央汇金投资有限责任公司(Central Huijin Investment Ltd.) ,简称汇金公司,是中国目前最大的金融投资公司,2003年12月16日注册成立,注册资金3724.65亿元人民币,性质为国有独资,办公地点位于东城区新保利大厦16层。
农业发展英语作文The Development of Agriculture。
Agriculture is the foundation of human civilization and the backbone of national economy. With the increasing demand for food and the rapid growth of the world's population, the development of agriculture has become more important than ever. In recent years, many countries have attached great importance to the development of agriculture, and have made remarkable achievements in this field.The development of agriculture is not only the foundation of national economy, but also the foundation of people's livelihood. It is the most important industry in the world, providing food, clothing, and shelter for people. With the development of science and technology, agriculture has made great progress. New varieties of crops have been developed, and new agricultural technologies have been widely used, greatly improving the yield and quality of agricultural products.In addition, the development of agriculture has also promoted the development of other industries. Agriculture provides raw materials for many industries, such as food processing, textile, and pharmaceutical industries. It also creates job opportunities for a large number of people, especially in rural areas. The development of agriculture not only promotes the prosperity of rural areas, but also drives the development of the national economy.In recent years, the Chinese government has attached great importance to the development of agriculture, and has implemented a series of policies to support agriculture. The government has increased investment in agriculture, and has provided subsidies for farmers to purchase agricultural machinery and equipment. It has also encouraged the development of modern agriculture, and has supported the construction of agricultural infrastructure such as irrigation facilities and rural roads. As a result, the yield and quality of agricultural products have beengreatly improved, and the income of farmers has increased significantly.In the future, the development of agriculture will face many challenges. With the rapid growth of the world's population, the demand for food will continue to increase. At the same time, the shortage of arable land and water resources will become more and more serious. In order to meet the growing demand for food, we need to make greater efforts to develop agriculture. We need to develop new varieties of crops that are resistant to pests and diseases, and can adapt to different climate and soil conditions. We also need to develop new agricultural technologies that can improve the efficiency of agricultural production andreduce the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. In addition, we need to protect the environment and conserve natural resources, so that we can ensure the sustainable development of agriculture.In conclusion, the development of agriculture is of great significance to the national economy and people's livelihood. It is the foundation of human civilization and the cornerstone of national prosperity. With the joint efforts of the government, the agricultural industry, andthe whole society, we can achieve the sustainable development of agriculture, and ensure food security for the whole world.。
关于农作物英语作文Title: The Vital Role of Agriculture in Sustaining Our World。
Agriculture, the backbone of civilization, encompasses the cultivation of crops and the rearing of livestock to meet the ever-growing demands of humanity. It serves as the foundation of our sustenance, providing food, fiber, andfuel essential for survival and prosperity. In this essay, we will delve into the significance of agriculture, its challenges, and the innovative solutions shaping its future.First and foremost, agriculture is indispensable for ensuring food security. Through the cultivation of various crops such as grains, fruits, and vegetables, farmers feed billions of people worldwide. Moreover, the livestocksector contributes significantly to protein-rich diets, essential for human health. Without agriculture, global hunger would prevail, leading to dire consequences for human well-being and societal stability.Furthermore, agriculture plays a pivotal role in economic development. It serves as a source of livelihood for millions of people, especially in rural areas. The agricultural sector not only provides employment opportunities but also fosters entrepreneurship and drives economic growth through trade and investment. Additionally, agriculture contributes to the prosperity of related industries, including food processing, agribusiness, and agritech, thereby fueling overall economic development.Despite its vital importance, agriculture faces numerous challenges in the modern world. Climate change, characterized by unpredictable weather patterns and extreme events, poses a significant threat to agricultural productivity. Prolonged droughts, floods, and heatwaves disrupt crop cycles, leading to yield losses and food insecurity. Moreover, soil degradation, water scarcity, and loss of biodiversity further exacerbate the challenges confronting agriculture.To address these challenges, innovative solutions areimperative. Sustainable agriculture practices such as conservation tillage, crop rotation, and agroforestry help mitigate the adverse effects of climate change while preserving natural resources. Additionally, advancements in agricultural biotechnology, including genetically modified crops and precision farming technologies, enhance productivity and resilience in the face of environmental stressors.Furthermore, digital agriculture emerges as a game-changer in modernizing the agricultural sector. Information and communication technologies (ICTs) enable farmers to make data-driven decisions regarding crop management, irrigation, and pest control. Moreover, blockchain technology enhances transparency and traceability in agricultural supply chains, ensuring food safety andquality standards.In conclusion, agriculture remains the cornerstone of human civilization, providing sustenance, economic prosperity, and livelihoods for billions of people worldwide. However, it faces formidable challenges in theform of climate change, resource depletion, and technological constraints. Nonetheless, through innovation, collaboration, and sustainable practices, agriculture can overcome these challenges and continue to nourish and sustain our world for generations to come.。
BC Investment Agriculture Foundation公元前农业投资基金会PPT精品文档28页
Natalie Bragg, D.V.M., M.Sc., Animal Health and Production Canadian Food Inspection Agency
SRM Disposal
• Intent of regulatory enhancements
Proposed Regulations - Exemptions
• Permits would not be required for on-
farm disposal of SRM or dead stock
► …does not apply in respect of specified risk material that was removed from cattle slaughtered on a farm or ranch.. Or was removed from or is contained in, the carcasses of cattle that die on a premises, if neither any of the carcasses nor any part of any of the carcasses is removed from the premises.
SRM or carcass will not be used as food for humans or animals and will not enter the environment in such a way that it could contaminate any water or food supply….
would find an investment of $2.75 per hen per week on feed would yield an average of 3-4 eggs. These could then be sold wholesale for 30 cents a dozen.As for livestock, the hogs could be sold for 6-9 cents per pound (live weight) and six week old pigs at $3 each. Beef brought 7-10 cents per pound by carcass. Orchard products fetched $26 per ton for apples and $30 for pears.Commercialization did not progress significantly until after the combined colonies of Vancouver Island and British Columbia joined Confederation in 1871. Domestic production of agricultural products did not overtake imports until 1911. Imported agricultural products from June 1893 - June 1894 totalled $2,422,374 and included imports from other countries AND other provinces. In 1992, that figure is $1,646,095 million! Over the same period international exports totalled $82,049. British Columbia now exports $1,247,722 million of agricultural products.Today, the agriculture and food industry is a major contributor to the British Columbia economy. It generates over $1.5 billion at the farm gate, and over $11 billion in food retail sales. There are about 200,000 people employed directly or indirectly in British Columbia's agri-food industry. It truly has come a long way since the early days of recorded agriculture last century.Agriculture in British Columbia was first developed to provision the fur trade. In 1811 Daniel Harmon of the North West Company started a garden at Stuart Lake, and later HBC factors planted small gardens on Vancouver Island, at Fort St James, Fort Fraser and Fort George. The HBC also helped establish the Puget's Sound Agricultural Company to assist in provisioning. Commercial demand for agricultural products was spurred by gold rushes after 1858. However, while ranching was established in the interior along the Thompson and Nicola valleys and some farming settlement occurred, newcomers were more attracted to the lure of gold than to agricultural opportunities. Production lagged far behind demand.Railway production camps in the early 1880s provided a domestic market for agricultural products, but the establishment of Canadian rail linkages destroyed the early wheat industry, which could not compete with Prairie wheat, either in quality or in price. In the 1890s the establishment of the Boundary and Kootenay mining industries created new markets. Lumbering and fish-packing industries also stimulated agriculture although producers dependent on local industry suffered when lumber camps moved on or mines or canneries closed. Large-scale farming continued in districts such as the Cariboo and Similkameen, while smaller-scale specialized agriculture developed in the Okanagan and Fraser valleys. By the 1880s the Okanagan Valley had developed a specialized fruit industry while market gardening and dairying flourished in the lower Fraser V alley as urban markets increased.。
关于世界粮食危机的英语文章含翻译Title: The Global Food Crisis: A Looming Challenge for Humanity标题:全球粮食危机:人类面临的严峻挑战Introduction:With the world's population steadily increasing, the specter of a global food crisis is becoming more pronounced. The delicate balance between food production and the growing demand for sustenance is under threat. In this article, we explore the factors contributing to the world food crisis, its consequences, and the urgent need for sustainable solutions.简介:随着全球人口的稳步增长,全球粮食危机的阴影变得更加明显。
Factors Contributing to the Global Food Crisis:1. Climate Change: Extreme weather events, such as droughts, floods, and heatwaves, disrupt agricultural production, leading to crop failures and reduced yields.2. Population Growth: The world's population is expected to reach 9 billion by 2050, intensifying the demand for food and putting immense pressure on agricultural systems.3. Land Degradation: Soil erosion, deforestation, and improper land management practices contribute to the degradation of arable land, reducing its productivity.4. Water Scarcity: Depleting water resources, coupled with inefficient irrigation practices, hinder agricultural activities, particularly in water-stressed regions.导致全球粮食危机的因素:1. 气候变化:极端天气事件,如干旱、洪水和热浪,扰乱了农业生产,导致作物歉收和产量减少。
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► or remove, receive, process, use, export or destroy the carcasses of cattle that died or that were condemned before slaughter for human consumption.
Please note that wild animals have not been considered. Also, no other potential implications on public health, animal health and the environment posed by these disp7osal methods were considered.
SRM or carcass will not be used as food for humans or animals and will not enter the environment in such a way that it could contaminate any water or food supply….
CFIA Working Policy on Assumed Acceptable Methods
• Methods of disposal for SRM will include:
► Methods of treatment or containment that have been assessed by CFIA science branch to present negligible to very low risk of transmission of BSE to domestic ruminions - Exemptions
• Permits would not be required for on-
farm disposal of SRM or dead stock
► …does not apply in respect of specified risk material that was removed from cattle slaughtered on a farm or ranch.. Or was removed from or is contained in, the carcasses of cattle that die on a premises, if neither any of the carcasses nor any part of any of the carcasses is removed from the premises.
Scope of Disposal Risk Assessments
The scope is to evaluate the risk associated with new cases of BSE arising in cattle and other domestic ruminants emanating from various disposal methods of raw and/or rendered SRM. They provide: An evaluation of risks arising from BSE via Release and Exposure pathways, in connection with domestic ruminant population only.
Proposed Regulations - Exemptions
• Consideration
being given to exemption of SRM taken as laboratory specimens and being sent to a laboratory of appropriate biosecurity.
SRM Disposal
• Intent of regulatory enhancements
►minimize the risk of BSE transmission associated with the adulteration or crosscontamination of ruminant feeds during manufacture and distribution and misuse of feed on farm
Risk Estimate
• The qualitative range used in the estimation of risk reflects the uncertainties associated with the BSE agent throughout the process.
−removing SRM from feed and fertilizer supplies −controlling the disposal of SRMs
Proposed Regulations
• Except in accordance with a permit issued by the Minister, no person shall
Proposed Regulations
• The Minister shall not issue a permit for the destruction of SRM or carcasses unless the destruction is to be by:
► incineration; ► or another method, that will ensure that the