






)1.具有高度责任心应做到( )。

(A)忠于职守,精益求精(B)不徇私情,不谋私利(C)光明磊落,表里如一(D)方便群众,注重形象2.锉刀按用途不同,分为( )、异型锉和整型锉。

(A)普通钳工锉(B)平锉(C)三角锉(D)圆锉3.在斜面上钻孔,为防止钻头偏斜、滑移,可采用( )的方法。

(A)减小进给量(B)增大转速(C)减小转速(D)铣出平面再钻孔4.下列措施不能通过减小惯性力来减少机床受迫振动的是( )。

(A)正确调整换向装置(B)降低换向时的加速度(C)消除换向机构的间隙(D)正确调整调速装置5.研磨铰刀用的研磨套的材料最好选用( ),其他碳素结构钢也可以。

(A)灰口铸铁(B)球墨铸铁(C)白口铸铁(D)可锻铸铁6.滚动轴承装配时,负荷愈重,其配合( )。

(A)间隙量愈小(B)过盈量愈小(C)间隙量愈大(D)过盈量愈大7.下列选项中,不属于链传动类型的有( )。

(A)传动链(B)运动链(C)起重链(D)牵引链8.V带的截面为( ),两侧面为工作面。

(A)圆形(B)矩形(C)齿形(D)梯形9.在攻制螺纹时,丝锥折断在孔内部分露出孔时,应( )。

(A)敲打强取(B)直接用钳子拧出(C)用錾子錾出(D)用电火花蚀除10.錾子的回火是利用本身的余热进行,把錾子从水中取出时颜色是白色,待其由白色转为蓝色时再将錾子全部浸入水中冷却的方法称为( )。

(A)白火(B)红火(C)黄火(D)蓝火11.精车螺纹试验的目的是( )。

(A)检验车床加工螺纹传动的精度(B)检验横向导轨直线性(C)检验主轴垂直度(D)检验导轨在竖直平面内的直线度12.对燕尾形导轨副的刮研一般采用( )的方法进行。

(A)以大平面配刮小平面(B)以小平面配刮大平面(C)以角度面配刮平面(D)成对交替配刮13.静不平衡旋转体的主惯性轴与旋转轴线( )。















每小题1分,共20分)1、下列机构中不属行政执法主体的是(B )A、×市税务局B、×县公安局治安科C、×省质量技术监督局D、×县人民政府2、行政权力的核心是(C)。

A、政府权利B、政府属性C、政府责任D、政府能力3、下列关于法的效力表述不正确的有(D )A、法律的效力高于行政法规、地方法规、规章B、地方性法规的效力高于本级和下级地方政府规章C、部门规章之间、部门规章与地方政府规章之间具有同等效力,在各自的权限范围内施行。


4、关于行政许可的设定方式,不正确的是(D )A、尚未制定法律的,行政法规可以设定行政许可B、必要时国务院可以采用发布决定的方式设定行政许可C、省、自治区、直辖市人民政府规章可以设定临时性的行政许可D、地方政府规章设定的临时性行政许可实施满一年需要继续实施的,应当提请国务院制定行政法规5、关于行政许可实施机关正确的说法是:(B)A、凡是国家行政机关都可以对公民、法人或者其他组织实施行政许可B、行政机关具有的行政许可权应当在其法定职权范围内实施C、受委托的组织以委托行政机关的名义行使实施行政许可,也可以再委托其他组织实施行政许可D、行政机关可以将自己的行政许可权委托给具有管理公共事务职能的组织行使6、行政处罚的功能在于:(B)。



Problems 37 - 39: Solve the problem. Assume projectile is ideal, launch angle is measured from the horizontal, and launch is over a horizontal surface, unless stated otherwise. 24) An ideal projectile is launched from level ground at a launch angle of 26° and an initial speed of 48 m/sec. How far away from the launch point does the projectile hit the ground? A) ≈ 60 m B) ≈ 230 m C) ≈ 290 m D) ≈ 185 m 25) A projectile is fired with an initial speed of 528 m/sec at an angle of 45°. What is the greatest height reached by the projectile? Round answer to the nearest tenth of a meter. A) 7111.8 m B) 76.2 m C) 69,696.0 m D) 28,447.3 m Find the unit tangent vector of the given curve. 26) r(t) = (5 + 2t7 )i + (4 + 10t7 )j + (8 + 11t7 )k A) T(t) = C) T(t) = 2 2 11 i+ j+ k 15 3 15 2 2 11 i+ j+ k 225 45 225 B) T (t) = 14 14 77 i+ j+ k 15 3 15

2020年全国职业院校技能大赛高职组 “数控机床装调与技术改造”实操比赛样题3

2020年全国职业院校技能大赛高职组 “数控机床装调与技术改造”实操比赛样题3









如果工作人员排除故障的时间超过15 分钟,由裁判记录时间并酌情加时,每场次赛项放弃项最多不超过三次。








1. Jason has received payment for a debt that had been written off as irrecoverable. What debit and credit should be used to record the correct journal entry for this transaction?.Cash Receivables controlaccountIrrecoverable debtsDebitCredit2. Which of the following organisations provides guidance to the International Accounting Standards Board on the implications of proposed standards for users and preparers of financial statements?The International Financial Reporting Standards Interpretations CommitteeThe International Financial Reporting Standards FoundationThe International Financial Reporting Standards Advisory CouncilThe International Federation of Accountants3. Which of the following statements about directors are true?(1) The directors of a company are responsible for the preparation of the financial statements of that company(2) The directors and external auditors of a company have joint responsibility for the governance of that company(3) The directors of a company must act honestly in what they consider to be the best interests of their fellow directors(4) The directors of a company should seek to create wealth for the shareholders of the company as their main aim1 and 4 only1, 2 and 41 and 32, 3 and 44. Which of the following statements regarding the qualitative characteristics of financial information is FALSE?Information is verifiable if different, knowledgeable and independentobservers could reach consensus that a particular depiction is a faithfulrepresentationInformation will only be useful if it is relevant and faithfully representedUnderstandability means that points that are too complex for non-expert users should be excludedIf information is timely then its usefulness is enhanced5. On 3 December, a credit customer returned goods of $3,500 to Gerry. Gerry returned goods of $4,100 to his credit supplier on 2 December.What is Gerry's correct journal entry to record these two returns?Dr Payables $3,500 Cr Returns outwards $3,500Dr Returns inwards $4,100 Cr Receivables $4,100Dr Payables $4,100 Cr Returns outwards $4,100Dr Returns inwards $3,500 Cr Receivables $3,500Dr Returns outwards $3,500 Cr Payables $3,500Dr Receivables $4,100 Cr Returns inwards $4,100Dr Returns outwards $4,100 Cr Payables $4,100Dr Receivables $3,500 Cr Returns inwards $3,5006. Katie sold goods with a list price of $18,500 to Marta on 22 May 20X0. Katie allowsa trade discount of 15% and a further discount of 5% if payment is made within seven days.How much should Katie record in the sales ledger control account in respect of this sale?$2,775$15,725$14,800$3,7007. If Marta pays within seven days, the further discount of 5% will be recorded in Katie's accounts as a discount allowed, which is an expense in the statement of profit or loss.Which of the following statements about petty cash is/are true?(1) If a business makes all of its sales on credit, it has no need to maintain a petty cash book(2) If petty cash transactions are very small, they do not need to be recorded(3) Petty cash records should be compared to the bank statement to confirm that payments made from petty cash are recorded1, 2 and 33 only1 and2 onlyNone of the statements are true8. On 31 May 20X0, Charmaine counted her closing inventory for the year ended 31 May 20X0. Its valuation at cost amounted to $459,204. Several days later, she realised that she had included inventory of $5,130 which was in the despatch area and was to be returned to the supplier as it was faulty. Additionally, certain inventory items with a cost of $6,700 were obsolete and only had a net realisable value of $6,150.What should the adjustments be to profit and closing inventory in the financial statements for the year ended 31 May 20X0?.Increase by $5,680 Reduce by $5,680ProfitClosing inventory9. Which TWO of the following statements about IAS 2 Inventories are correct?The costs of purchase of inventory should include any import duties paid, less any trade discounts receivedAverage cost and last in first out are both acceptable methods of arriving atthe cost of inventoryInventory should be valued at the lower of cost and net realisable valueVariable production overheads should not be included in the cost ofinventory10. What should the balance on the revaluation surplus be immediately after the revaluation?$11. ABK Co bought a property on 31 December 20X3 for $340,000. At the date of purchase, ABK estimated the useful life of the property to be 32 years.On 31 December 20X5, the property was revalued to $410,000. There was no change in its useful life.On 30 June 20X7, ABC Co sold the property for $485,000.ABK Co depreciates property on a straight line basis, with a proportional charge in the years of purchase and disposal.What is the profit on disposal of the property that should be recorded in ABK Co's financial statements at 31 December 20X7?12. Daisy Co owns a non-current asset which cost $75,000 on 1 June 20X6. It had a useful life of 10 years and an expected residual value of $5,000. Non-current assets are depreciated using the straight line method.On 1 June 20X8, Daisy Co estimated that the remaining life of the asset was now only five years with an expected residual value of $3,000.What should the depreciation charge be for the financial year ending 31 May 20X9?13. What amount should be capitalised as development expenditure in the year ended 30 November 20X7?$277,400 $362,050 $265,500 $014. Anders is analysing his accounts for the year ended 31 May 20X0. He has not yet made adjustments for the following:(1) Electricity expenses for the three months to 31 May 20X0 are estimated to be $250(2) Insurance of $528 for the 12 months to 31 December 20X0 was paid on 1 January 20X0What is the net impact on profit when the appropriate adjustments are made?Decrease of $558Decrease of $58Increase of $30Increase of $5815.Which of the following statements is true?Redeemable preference shares are disclosed as a liability in the statement of financial positionIssued shares are included in the statement of financial position at theirmarket valuePreference shares give the holders a right to vote at company meetingsHolders of ordinary shares will always receive an annual dividend16. The share capital and reserves of Bondai on 1 January 20X8 were as follows:$Share capital ($1 shares) 52,000Share premium 21,000Retained earnings 25,65998,659On 1 April 20X8, Bondai issued 1,500 shares in a bonus issue utilising the share premium account.On 1 May 20X8, Bondai issued 5,000 $1 shares for $1.50 per share.What is the balance of share capital and share premium after both share transactions have taken place?.$22,000 $23,500 $57,000 $58,500Share premiumShare capital17. Mary has the following ledger balances in her general ledger:$Capital 6,260Cash at bank 890Discounts allowed 1,500Discounts received 2,300Expenses 15,910Non-current assets (carrying amount) 31,845Opening inventory 4,820Purchases 71,470Payables 6,930Receivables 15,870Sales 126,970What is the balance required in a suspense account to make Mary's trial balance agree?$155 Dr$155 Cr$1,445 Cr18. Which of the following would cause the totals of the debit column and the credit column of a trial balance not to agree?(1) A sale of $600 was recorded only as a credit in the sales account(2) A purchase invoice was recorded as a debit of $965 in the purchases account and a credit of $956 in payables(3) A payment of $440 was omitted from the ledger accounts entirely1, 2 and 31 and 3 only1 and2 only2 and3 only19. Emily's payables ledger control account shows a balance of $24,903 which does not agree with the payables ledger. She has found three errors:(1) A purchase invoice has been entered into the purchase day book as $594 rather than $495(2) The purchase day book has been undercast by $200(3) Discounts received of $150 from credit suppliers have not been entered in the control accountWhat is the corrected payables ledger control account balance?$24,654$24,854$24,95220. The following are Hubble's transactions for the month of May:$Opening payables 64,199Opening receivables 84,122Purchases 122,914Purchase returns 6,192Sales 154,610Sales returns 8,112Cash paid to suppliers 100,032Cash received from customers 132,011Contra between purchase ledger and sales ledger 2,912All sales and purchases are made on credit.What should the balance on the purchase ledger control account be at the end of May?21. The following information relates to a business's bank balance at 30 November 20X7:$Balance in cash book 25,050 DrCheques not yet presented at bank 8,612Deposits not yet cleared at bank 11,665Cheques paid to suppliers on 29 November not yet recorded in the cash2,157 bookCheque received on 27 November recorded twice in the cash book 620Cheque received on 1 December 20X7 1,019What is the correct bank balance to be included in the financial statements at 30 November 20X7?22. Which of the following errors would lead to the creation of a suspense account?An error of omission An error of principle A compensating error A transposition error23. Which of the following statements describes a suspense account?An account used to record period end adjustments such as accruals and prepaymentsA ledger account which records non-standard accounting entries A temporary account used when the business is not sure where an accounting entry should be postedAn account used to record the balances extracted from the ledger accounts at the period end24. Below is an extract of ADC Co's trial balance, after adjustments.Dr ($)Cr ($) Cash at bank 2,500Receivables3,750Allowances for receivables550Irrecoverable debts200What entries would be made in ADC Co's statement of financial position in relation to these items?Current assets $3,400Current liabilities $2,500Current assets $3,750Current liabilities $3,050Current assets $3,200Current liabilities $2,500Current assets $3,750Current liabilities $2,85025. Albert Co is preparing accounts for the year ended 31 May 20X0. The tax charge has been estimated as $112,500 for the year. In the previous financial year, the tax expense was estimated to be $99,400 and the company actually paid $102,600 when the tax expense was agreed with the tax authorities.What should the tax expense be in the statement of profit or loss for the year ended 31 May 20X0?$26. Which of the following statements about disclosure notes is/are correct?(1) IAS 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets requires remotecontingent liabilities to be disclosed if they are material(2) IAS 2 Inventories requires the disclosure of the amount of inventories carried atnet realisable value(3) IAS 16 Property, Property, Plant and Equipment requires disclosure of whetheran independent valuer was involved in the valuation of revalued assets1 and 22 and 31 and 32 only27. Dresden Co makes all sales on credit. At 30 November 20X9, the total receivables balance amounted to $136,400.The following information has come to light a few days after the 30 November 20X9 year end.(1) Fred Willis, who owed Dresden Co $44,300 at the year end, has been declaredbankrupt. The liquidators have stated that the maximum Dresden Co will receive is $18,000 of the debt owed (2)Flora Bailey, who owed Dresden Co $22,500 at the year end, has left the country and has no intention of ever settling her debtFollowing the principles in IAS 10, Events after the Reporting Period, what should Dresden Co include in the statement of financial position for receivables at 30 November 20X9? $28. On 1 January 20X9, Shelter Co had 100,000 $1 ordinary shares. On 1 April 20X9, Shelter Co issued 50,000 $1 ordinary shares for $1.25 per share and on 1 October 20X9, made a bonus issue of $20,000 $1 ordinary shares.On 1 January 20X9, Shelter Co had $65,000 outstanding in bank loans which had increased to $92,000 by the end of the financial year.On 1 January 20X9, Shelter Co had non-current asset investments of $40,000. Shelter Co purchased a further $10,000 of investments during the year and received $3,000 of interest income on investments.In the statement of cash flows for the year ended 31 December 20X9, what is the net cash flow from financing activities?$35,500 inflow$82,500 inflow$89,500 inflow$109,500 inflow29. Carmela purchased goods for resale in March of $86,000. All sales are at a gross margin of 20%. Carmela had opening inventory of $22,000 and closing inventory of $16,000.What should Carmela's revenue be for March?30. Colin has not kept accounting records for his first year of trading. He has purchased $65,000 of goods during the year and has $5,000 of goods left in inventory at the end of the year. All sales are made at a mark-up on cost of 40%.What is Colin's gross profit for his first year of trading?31. Which of the following statements is true?The interpretation of an entity's financial statements using ratios is onlyuseful for potential investorsRatios based on historical data can predict the future performance of anentityThe analysis of financial statements using ratios provides useful information when compared with previous performance or industry averagesAn entity's management will not assess an entity's performance usingfinancial ratios32. The draft accounts of a limited company include the following assets and liabilities at the end of an accounting period.Current assets $ $ $ Inventory 201,000Less: Allowance for obsolescence (16,900)184,100Trade receivables 150,500Less: Allowance for irrecoverable debts (11,200)139,300Total current assets 323,400 Current liabilitiesBank overdraft 18,500Trade payables 174,200Accruals 9,300Total current liabilities 202,000 Which of the following is the company's Quick (Acid Test) Ratio?1.60: 10.75: 10.69: 1None of these33. The auditor of Four Co, a manufacturing company, has noted an increase in total sales value but a decrease in the company's gross profit percentage for 20X9, as compared to the previous year.Which of the following is consistent with, and adequately explains, the decrease?Sales commission payable to the company's sales force increased in relation to sales values as compared to 20X8Sales volumes have decreased as compared to 20X8During 20X9, due to a scarcity of supply the company had to pay higher prices when purchasing componentsDuring 20X9, a major component supplier withdrew the settlement discounts previously granted34. Florida Co had an on-going litigation claim which had been brought against the company for damage to a public road allegedly caused by one of its lorries. At 1 October 20X2, Florida Co had disclosed a contingent liability of $120,000.Due to new developments in the court case, the latest correspondence with the solicitors at 30 September 20X3 suggests it is now probable that Florida Co will lose and have to pay damages of $150,000.What is the impact of the above provision on the total statement of profit or loss expense for the year ended 30 September 20X3?$150,000Nil$30,000$120,00036. BackgroundClaus, a limited liability company, acquired 75% of Rolph's voting share capital on 1 October 20X1 for $1.50 per share.Rolph's share capital comprised 1 million $1 ordinary shares.Task 1 4 marks Complete the following sentencesClaus has acquired abe accounted for in the consolidated financial statements as at 31 March 20X2 asThe cost of the investment in Rolph will appear inAny investment income Claus receives from Rolph will be recorded inTask 28 marksClaus purchased 75% of the voting capital of Rolph on 1 October 20X1. The additional information relates to the year ended 31 March 20X2.The following information is relevant:(1) On 1 October 20X1 Rolph's retained earnings were $475,000.(2) At the date of acquisition, the fair value of Rolph's property, plant and equipment was equal to its carrying amount with the exception of Rolph's land which had a fair value of $200,000 in excess of its carrying amount. The fair value has not been reflected in Rolph's individual financial statements.(3)Included in Claus' receivables is a balance of $11,000 due from Rolph. This agrees with the corresponding figure shown in Rolph's balances.Complete the following extracts from the consolidated statement of financial position as at 31 March 20X2:Tasks 3 and 4 3 marks The following year, trading between Claus and Rolph continues. There is no change to Claus' shareholding in Rolph.Claus makes sales of $240,000 to Rolph during the year, at a mark up of 60%.30% of the items have been sold to a third party by the year end.Task 3 2 marks What is the journal entry in the consolidated statement of financial position to record the elimination of the unrealised profit?.Debit Credit No debit or creditInventoryGroup retained earningsNon-controlling interestGoodwill: Net assets at acquisitionTask 4 1 mark What is the amount of the unrealised profit in inventory at the year end?37. BackgroundExtracts from the trial balance of Desmond, a limited liability company, for the year ended 30 September 20X8 are shown below:The intangible assets were purchased on 1 April 20X8 and have a useful life of five years from that date. Amortisation is calculated on a monthly basis.Task 1 3 marks What is the carrying amount of intangible assets at 30 September 20X8?How will this balance be classified in the statement of financial position?Task 2 4 marks On 30 September 20X8, Desmond disposed of an item of plant for $12,000. The plant originally cost $24,000 and had accumulated depreciation of $9,000 at 1 October20X7.Plant is depreciated at 25% per annum using the reducing balance method. A full year's depreciation is charged in the year of acquisition and no depreciation is charged in the year of disposal.What is the profit or loss on disposal of the plant?What is the correct calculation for the depreciation expense on the remaining plant for the year ended 30 September 20X8 (all figures are in $’000)?Correct Answer $’000 Proceeds12 Carrying amount (24 – 9) 15 Loss3The carrying amount of the asset exceeds the sale proceeds by $3,000 therefore Desmond has made a loss.As Desmond uses the reducing balance method depreciation on the remaining plant is based on net book value (cost – accumulated depreciation). The balances provided for both cost and accumulated depreciation at 1 October 20X7 must be adjusted to reflect the disposal.Tasks 3 and 45 marksThe buildings were revalued on 1 October 20X7 to $620,000.Task 32 marksWhat is the journal entry to record the revaluation of buildings? .Debit Credit No debit or creditBuildings - accumulated depreciationRevaluation surplusBuildings - costDepreciation expenseTask 4 3 marks The buildings are depreciated at 5% per annum on cost or valuation. Desmond’s policy is to make an annual transfer of the excess depreciation from the revaluation surplus to retained earnings.What is the depreciation expense to be charged in the statement of profit or loss for the year ended 30 September 20X8?$What amount should be transferred for excess depreciation from the revaluation surplus to retained earnings for the year ended 30 September 20X8?Task 53 marksThe trade receivables balance has been reviewed at the year end and the following adjustments are required:(1) An irrecoverable debt of $6,000 is to be written off.(2) The allowance for receivables needs to be adjusted to 2% of the remaining receivables.Complete the following statements:The irrecoverable debt willThe impact of the movement in the allowance for receivables for the year ended30 September 20X8 will。




















1. Jason has received payment for a debt that had been written off as irrecoverable. What debit and credit should be used to record the correct journal entry for this transaction?. Cash R eceivables controlaccountIrrecoverable debtsDebitCredit2. Which of the following organisations provides guidance to the International Accounting Standards Board on the implications of proposed standards for users and preparers of financial statements?The International Financial Reporting Standards Interpretations CommitteeThe International Financial Reporting Standards FoundationThe International Financial Reporting Standards Advisory CouncilThe International Federation of Accountants3. Which of the following statements about directors are true?(1) T he directors of a company are responsible for the preparation of the financial statements of that company(2) T he directors and external auditors of a company have joint responsibility for the governance of that company(3) T he directors of a company must act honestly in what they consider to be the best interests of their fellow directors(4) T he directors of a company should seek to create wealth for the shareholders of the company as their main aim1 and 4 only1, 2 and 41 and 32, 3 and 44. Which of the following statements regarding the qualitative characteristics offinancial information is FALSE?Information is verifiable if different, knowledgeable and independentobservers could reach consensus that a particular depiction is a faithfulrepresentationInformation will only be useful if it is relevant and faithfully represented Understandability means that points that are too complex for non-expert users should be excludedIf information is timely then its usefulness is enhanced5. On 3 December, a credit customer returned goods of $3,500 to Gerry. Gerryreturned goods of $4,100 to his credit supplier on 2 December.What is Gerry's correct journal entry to record these two returns?Dr Payables $3,500 Cr Returns outwards $3,500Dr Returns inwards $4,100 Cr Receivables $4,100Dr Payables $4,100 Cr Returns outwards $4,100Dr Returns inwards $3,500 Cr Receivables $3,500Dr Returns outwards $3,500 Cr Payables $3,500Dr Receivables $4,100 Cr Returns inwards $4,100Dr Returns outwards $4,100 Cr Payables $4,100Dr Receivables $3,500 Cr Returns inwards $3,5006. Katie sold goods with a list price of $18,500 to Marta on 22 May 20X0. Katie allowsa trade discount of 15% and a further discount of 5% if payment is made within seven days.How much should Katie record in the sales ledger control account in respect of this sale?$2,775$15,725$14,800$3,7007. If Marta pays within seven days, the further discount of 5% will be recorded in Katie's accounts as a discount allowed, which is an expense in the statement of profit or loss.Which of the following statements about petty cash is/are true?(1) I f a business makes all of its sales on credit, it has no need to maintain a petty cash book(2) If petty cash transactions are very small, they do not need to be recorded(3) P etty cash records should be compared to the bank statement to confirm that payments made from petty cash are recorded1, 2 and 33 only1 and2 onlyNone of the statements are true8. On 31 May 20X0, Charmaine counted her closing inventory for the year ended 31 May 20X0. Its valuation at cost amounted to $459,204. Several days later, she realised that she had included inventory of $5,130 which was in the despatch area and was to be returned to the supplier as it was faulty. Additionally, certain inventory items with a cost of $6,700 were obsolete and only had a net realisable value of $6,150.What should the adjustments be to profit and closing inventory in the financial statements for the year ended 31 May 20X0?. Increase by $5,680 Reduce by $5,680 ProfitClosing inventory9. Which TWO of the following statements about IAS 2 Inventories are correct?The costs of purchase of inventory should include any import duties paid, less any trade discounts receivedAverage cost and last in first out are both acceptable methods of arriving atthe cost of inventoryInventory should be valued at the lower of cost and net realisable valueVariable production overheads should not be included in the cost ofinventory10. What should the balance on the revaluation surplus be immediately after the revaluation?$11. ABK Co bought a property on 31 December 20X3 for $340,000. At the date ofpurchase, ABK estimated the useful life of the property to beOn , the property was . There was no change in its useful life.On 30 June 20X7, ABC Co sold he property for $485,000.ABK Co depreciates property on a , with a proportional charge in the years of purchase and disposal.What is the of the property that should be recorded in ABK Co's financial statements at e er 7?95500$12. Daisy Co owns a non-current asset which cost $75,000 on 1 June 20X6. It had auseful life of and an expected residual value of $ . Non-current assetsare depreciated using the straight line method.On Daisy Co estimated that the remaining life of the asset was now only fi e y a s with an expected residual value of .What should the be for the financial year ending11600 $13. What amount should be capita is d s d v opment exp nd tu in the yearended$277,400$362,050$265,500 $014. Anders is analysing his accounts for the year ended 31 May 20X0. He has not yet made adjustments for the following:(1) E lectricity expenses for the three months to 31 May 20X0 are estimated to be $250(2) I nsurance of $528 for the 12 months to 31 December 20X0 was paid on 1 January 20X0What is the net impact on profit when the appropriate adjustments are made?Decrease of $558Decrease of $58Increase of $30Increase of $5815.Which of the following statements is true?Redeemable preference shares are disclosed as a liability in the statement of financial positionIssued shares are included in the statement of financial position at theirmarket valuePreference shares give the holders a right to vote at company meetingsHolders of ordinary shares will always receive an annual dividend16. The share capital and reserves of Bondai on 1 January 20X8 were as follows:$Share capital ($1 shares) 52,000Share premium 21,000Retained earnings 25,65998,659On 1 April 20X8, Bondai issued 1,500 shares in a bonus issue utilising the share premium account.On 1 May 20X8, Bondai issued 5,000 $1 shares for $1.50 per share.What is the balance of share capital and share premium after both share transactions have taken place?. $22,000 $23,500 $57,000 $58,500 Share premiumShare capital17. Mary has the following ledger balances in her general ledger:$Capital 6,260Cash at bank 890Discounts allowed 1,500Discounts received 2,300Expenses 15,910Non-current assets (carrying amount) 31,845Opening inventory 4,820Purchases 71,470Payables 6,930Receivables 15,870Sales 126,970What is the balance required in a suspense account to make Mary's trial balance agree?$155 Dr$155 Cr$1,445 Cr18. Which of the following would cause the totals of the debit column and the creditcolumn of a ?(1) A sa e f $600 was recorded only as a credit in the sales account(2) A purchase invoice was recorded as a debi of $965 in the purchases account and a in payables(3) A payment of i from the ledger accounts entirely1, 2 and 31 and 3 only1 and2 only2 and3 only19. Emily's payables ledger control account shows a balance of $24,903 which doesnot agree with the payables ledger. She has found three errors:(1) A rc a i has been entered into the purchase day book as a e than $495(2) The purchase day book has beenfrom credit suppliers have not been entered in the (3)control accountWhat is the corrected payables ledger balance?$24,654$24,854$24,95220. The following are Hubble's transactions for the month of May:$Opening l 64,199Opening receivables 84,122 Purchases 122,914 Purchase returns 6,192Sales 154,610Sales returns 8,112Cash paid to suppliers 100,032Cash received from customers 132,011Contra between purchase ledger and sales ledger 2,912All sales and purchases are made on credit.What should the balance on the purchase ledger control account be at the end of77977$21. The following information relates to a business's bank balance at 30 November$ Balance in cash book 25,050 Dr Cheques not yet presented at bank 8,612i i on 29 November not yet recorded in the2,157 bookCheque received on recorded twice in the cash book 620 Cheque received on ,What is the to be included in the financial statements at22273$22. Which of the would lead to the account?An error of o isAn error of princ p eA compensating errorA error23. Which of the following statements describes a suspense account?An account used to record such as accruals andprepaymentsA ledger account which rec rds non-standard accounting entriesA emp rary account used when the business is not sure where anAn account used to extracted from the at the period end24. Below is an extract of ADC Co's trial balance, after adjustments.Dr ($) Cr ($)Cash at bank 2,500Receivables 3,750Allowances for receivables 550Irrecoverable debts 200What entries would be made in ADC Co's in relation to these items?Current assets $3,400Current liabilities $2,500Current assets $3,750Current liabilities $3,050Current assets $3,200Current liabilities $2,500Current assets $3,750Current liabilities $2,85025. Albert Co is preparing accounts for the year ended 31 May 20X0. The tax chargehas been estimated as a . In the previous financial year, the taxexpense was estimated to be $99,400 and the company actually paid $102,600 whenthe tax expense was agreed with the tax authorities.What should the tax expense be in the s at ment f p o t o oss for the year ended 31 May 20X0?$26. Which of the following statements about dis osu e notes is/are c r e t?(1) IAS 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets requires remotecontingent liabilities to be disclosed if they are material(2) IAS 2 I v nto es equi s h d sc osu of the amount of inventories carried atnet realisable value(3) IAS 16 Property, Property, Plant and Equipment of whethern ind pend nt v lue was involved in the valuation of revalued assets1 and 22 and 31 and 32 only27. Dresden Co makes all sales on credit. At 3 ov m X , the total e v b sbalance amounted to $136,400.The following information has come to light a few days after the 3 emyear end.(1) Fred Willis, who owed Dresden Co , at the year end, has been declaredb n upt. The liquidators have stated that the maximum Dresden Co willreceive is $18,000 of the debt owed(2) F lora Bailey, who owed Dresden Co at the year end, has left the country and has no intention of ever settling her debtFollowing the principles in IAS 10, Events after the Reporting Period, what should Dresden Co include in the statement of financial position for r e e a November 20X9?87600$28. On a 9, Shelter Co had 0 ordinary shares. On i 20Shelter Co issued 50,000 $1 ordinary shares for $1.25 per share and on 1 October, made a bonus issue of ordinary shares.On 1 January 20X9, Shelter Co had $65,000 outs and ng n ank oans which had increased to by the end of the financial year.On 1 January 20X9, Shelter Co had a e i of 0 . ShelterCo purchased a further $10,000 of investments during the year and received $3,000 of i on investments.In the statement of cash fl ws for the year ended 31 December 20X9, what is the net c from financing activities?$35,500 inflow$82,500 inflow$89,500 inflow$109,500 inflow29. Carmela goods for resale in March of All sales are at a grossmargin of 20%. Carmela had open ng i ventor o $22,000 and closing inventory of$16,000.What should a l e e e be for a ?115000$30. Colin has for his first year of trading. He hasc a $ of goods during the year and has f left ininventory at the end of the year. All sales are made at a mark-up on cost of 40%. What is Colin's g r for his first year of trading?24000$31. Which of the following statements is true?The interpretation of an entity's financial statements using ratios is onlyuseful for i lbased on i can predict the future performance of an entityThe analysis of financial statements using ratios provides use ul info m t on when compared with previous performance or industry averagesAn entity's management will not assess an entity's performance using financial ratios32. The of a limited company include thel a l at the end of an accounting period.Current assets $ $ $ Inventory 201,000Less: for obsolescence (16,900)184,100Trade receivables 150,500Less: Allowance for irrecoverable debts (11,200)139,300TotalCurrent liabilitiesBank o erdra t 18,500Trade payables 174,2009,300Total current liabilities 202,000 Which of the following is the company's Quick (Acid Test) Ratio?1.60: 10.75: 10.69: 1None of these33. The auditor of Four Co, a manufacturing company, has noted an increase in totalbut a decrease in the company's for 20X9, ascompared to the previous year.Which of the following is , and adequately explains, the decrease?to the company's sales force increased in relationto sales values as compared to 20X8Sales volumes have decreased as compared to 20X8During 20X9, due to a the company had towhen p c a g componentsDuring 20X9, a major component supplier i lpreviously granted34. Florida Co had an i li i i which had been the company for damage to a public road allegedly caused by one of its lorries. At 1Florida Co had disclosed a .Due to new developments in the court case, the latest correspondence with the solicitors at 30 September 20X3 suggests it is now probable that Florida Co will lose and have to pay damages ofWhat is the impact of the above provision on the total statement of profit or loss for the year ended 30 September 20X3?$150,000Nil$30,000$120,00036. Backgrounda , a limited liability company, acquired % f l voting share capital on 1 October 20X1 for $1.50 per share.Rolph's comprised ordinary shares.Task 1 4 marks Complete the following sentences75%*1m*1.5shareClaus has acquired a in Rolph. Therefore Rolph must be accounted for in the consolidated financial statements as at 31 March 20X2 as subsidiaryThe cost of the investment in Rolph will appear inindividual statement of financial position of Claus onlyThe formula for calculating the cost of the investment isAny investment income Claus receives from Rolph will be recorded inTask 2 8 marks Claus of the voting capital of Rolph onThe additional information relates to the year ended 31 March 20X2Statement of financial position as atClaus Rolph$'000 $'000 Non-current assetsProperty, plant and equipment , Investments 1,125 0Current assetsInventory 300 162Cash 102 04,958 1,989 Equity1,000 Retained earnings 1,616 690Non-current liabilities 150 200 Current liabilitiesPayables 192 71 Overdraft 0 284,958 1,989 The following information is relevant:(1) On er 1 Rolph's i e i were $ 5(2) A t the date of acquisition, the fair value of Rolph's property, plant andwith the exception of Rolph's l nd which had a fair value f 0 in excess of its carrying amount. The fair value has not been reflected in Rolph's individual financial statements.(3) Included in is a balance of . Thisagrees with the corresponding figure shown in Rolph's balances. Complete the following extracts from the consolidated statement of financial position as at 31 March 20X2:$'0005035Property, plant and equipmentReceivables4123000Share capitalRetained earnings1777.25252PayablesRevaluation surplusTasks 3 and 4 3 marks The following year, trading between Claus and Rolph continues. There is no change to Claus' shareholding in Rolph.Claus makes sales of ,0 t R lph during the year, at a ma up o .30% of the items have been sold to a third party by the year end.Task 3 2 marks What is the journal entry in the onsolidate st men o nan i l posit on to record the elimination of the unrealised profit?. Debit Credit No debit or credit InventoryGroup retained earningsNon-controlling interestGoodwill: Net assets at acquisitionTask 4 1 mark What is the amount of the unrealised profit in inventory at the year end?$ '00037. BackgroundExtracts from the trial balance f Desmond, a limited liability company, for the year ended are shown below:$'000 $'000 Intangible assets 50Plant at cost at 1 October 20X7 176Plant accumulated deprec a on at 1 October88 20X7Buildings at cost at 1 October 20X7 580Buildings accumulated depreciation at 148 October 20X7Inventory at 30 September 20X8 60256A lowa ce for receivables at 1 October 20X7 8 The were purchased on l and have a useful life of fiyears from that date. Amortisation is calculated on a monthly basis.Task 1 3 marks What is the a g a i a g le a at 3 e 0 ?45$ ,000How will this balance be classi ed in the statement f nancia posi on?NCATask 2 4 marks On , Desmond an item of plant for The plant originally c 0 and had accumulated depreciation of $9 at 1 October20X7.Plant is r i per annum using the r i l . A full year's depreciation is charged in the year of acquisition and no depreciation is charged in the year of disposal.What is the pr t o loss on d sp s of the plant?$ ,000What is the correct calculation for the deprecia ion expense on the remaining plant for the year ended 30 September 20X8 (all figures are in $’000)?Correct Answer$’000Proceeds 12Carrying amount (24 – 9) 15Loss 3The carrying amount of the asset exceeds the sale proceeds by $3,000 therefore Desmond has made a loss.As Desmond uses the reducing balance method depreciation on the remaining plant is based on net book value (cost – accumulated depreciation). The balances provided for both cost and accumulated depreciation at 1 October 20X7 must be adjusted to reflect the disposal.Tasks 3 and 4 5 marks The buildings were revalued on 1 October 20X7 to $620,000.2 marks Task 3What is the journal entry to record the revaluation o bu d gs?. Debit Credit No debit or credit Buildings - accumulated depreciationRevaluation surplusBuildings - costDepreciation expenseTask 4 3 marks The buildings are depreciated at 5% per annum on cost or valuation. Desmond’s policy is to make an annual transfer of the excess depreciation from the revaluation surplus to retained earnings.What is the depreciation expense to be charged in the statement of profit or loss for the year ended 30 September 20X8?$ ,000What amount should be transferred for excess depreciation from the revaluation surplus to retained earnings for the year ended 30 September 20X8?$ ,0003 marks Task 5The trade receivables balance has been reviewed at the year end and the following adjustments are required:(1) An irrecoverable debt of $6,000 is to be written off.(2) T he allowance for receivables needs to be adjusted to 2% of the remaining receivables.Complete the following statements:The irrecoverable debt will the net profit for the year.The impact of the movement in the allowance for receivables for the year ended30 September 20X8 will the net profit for the year by。















03 蓝桥杯图形化编程sctrach样题练习卷3

03 蓝桥杯图形化编程sctrach样题练习卷3






评判标准:10分:运行程序舞台上没有显示;30分:能实现点击舞台后,在鼠标指针的位置画出一个正五角星图; 50分:画出三个正五角星且完全符合题目要求。


编程实现:1)运行程序后,Jaime Walking出现在舞台左下角,两把钥匙出现在舞台右上区域的随机位置;(钥匙只能出现在黑框内随机位置。





























二、单选题(每题1分,共10分)1.会展在城市经济的发展中起着重要作用,一般认为,会展活动拉动经济的比为( D )A.1:5B.1:6C.1;8D.1:102.展会有的时间较短,有的时间较长。

BIE的注册博览会时间可长达 ( B )天A.100B.250C.200D.1503.“大自然的智慧”是在日本( C )举办的世博会主题A.冲绳B.大阪C.爱知县D.筑波4.会议日程表的设计要充分考虑的其中一个因素是 ( C )A.会议流程B.会议的主题C.会议时间应长短适中D.会议活动5.按国际公认的标准,在商业展览会中,要有( A )以上的展出者、观众来自国外。






)1.研磨的孔呈椭圆形或锥度,其原因是研磨时( A )。

A、没有变更方向B、研磨剂太厚C、工件温度过高D、选用研磨液不当2.箱体第二次划线是在机械加工后,主要是划各 ( A )的加工线和十字线。

A、轴孔B、螺孔C、定位孔D、油孔3.键装入轴槽中应与槽底和侧面贴紧,键长方向与轴槽有( C )间隙A、 B、 C、 D、4.卧式车床装配,主轴采用三支承结构,中间支承处所装轴承为( B )。

A、双向推力角接触球轴承B、双列圆柱滚子轴承C、圆锥滚子轴承D、圆柱滚子轴承5.倾斜度误差的测量大都在( A )上进行。

A、V型铁B、方箱C、平板D、工作台6.装配工艺规程需确定( A )的内容。

A 工序和安装 B、工位和工步 C、工序和工位 D、工序和工步7.对外圆试切件外径D的要求是 ( A )。

A、D要大于或等于车床最大切削直径的1/8B、D要小于或等于车床最大切削直径的1/8C、D要大于或等于车床最大切削直径的1/6D、无具体要求8.双管显微镜不适于测量 ( C )。

A、RzB、RyC、规则表面的SD、不规则表面的Dm9.研磨环内径应比被研磨工件外径大( C )mm。

A、~B、~C、~D、~10.由于蜗杆传动机构的特点,齿侧间隙一般要用( C )测量A、压熔丝B、塞尺C、百分表D、铜片11.滚动轴承装配时,轴颈或壳孔台肩处的圆孤半径应( C )轴承的圆弧半径。

A、等于B、大于 C小于 D、大于或小于均可12.检验车床主轴轴线对溜板移动的平行度时,所得平行度误差为 ( D )。

A、四次测量结果代数差之半B、三次测量结果代数和之半C两次测量结果代数差之半 D、两次测量结果代数和之半13.根据碳存在的形式不同,铸铁可以分为白口铸铁,( D )和麻口铸铁。

A、可锻铸铁B、球墨铸铁C、蠕墨铸铁D、灰口铸铁14.带轮孔与轴的连接为( A )配合。



电工中级理论知识试卷3《电工》中级工试题样题3一. 选择题1. 在以ωt为横轴的电流波形图中,取任一角度所对应的电流值叫该电流的()值A. 瞬时B. 有效C. 平均D. 最大2. 为提高功率因数常在感性负载两端()A. 串联一个电感B. 并联一个电感C. 并联适当电容器D. 串联一个电容器3. 三相对称电路中线电压超前相应相电压()度A. 90B. 180C. 45D. 304. 异步电动机空载时的效率为()A. 0B. 25~30%C. 铭牌效率的30%D. 空载电流与额定电流之比5. 保护接地指的是电网中性点不接地设备外壳()A. 不接地B. 接地C. 接零D. 接零或接地6. 保护接零适用于()A. 中性点不接地B. 无中性线C. 中性点直接接地D. 中性点小电流接地7. 纯电感电路的感抗与电路的频率()A. 成反比B. 成正比或反比C. 成正比D. 无关8. 三相电源绕组的尾端接在一起的方式叫做()A. 角接B. 星接C. 短接D. 对称型9. 我国规定电力系统姐弟的方式有()种A. 6B. 5C. 4D. 310. 已知两个正弦量i1=10sin(314t+900), i2=10sin(628t+ 300)则()A. i1超前i2 600B.i1滞后i2 600C. i1超前i2 900D. 不能判断相位差11. 单相交流电路无功功率的计算公式是()A. P Q =UIcosФB. P Q =UIsinФC. P Q =UID. P Q =12R12. 电能单位度与焦耳的换算关系是1度等于()焦耳A. 360B. 3600C. 3.6x106D. 3.613.星型接法接线电压220V的三相对称电路中,其各相电压为()A. 220伏B. 380伏C. 127伏D. 110伏14. 标注“100欧,24瓦”和“100欧,25瓦”的两个电阻并联时,允许通过的最大电流是()A. 0.7安B. 1安C. 1.4安D. 0.4安15. 电力工业中为了提高功率因数,常在感性负载两端()A. 串一电容B. 并一适当电容C. 串一电感D. 并一电感16. 在纯电感交流电路中,电压有效值不变,增加电源频率时,电路中电流会()A. 增大B. 减小C. 不变D. 增大或减小17. 一个满偏电流500微安,内阻200欧的磁电系测量机构,要制成300V量程电压表,应串联()欧的附加电阻A. 60000B. 59800C. 300D. 5950018. 在交流电流表中经常采用的是()测量机构A. 磁电系B. 电磁系C. 静电系D. 感应系19. 扩大电流表量程的方法是()A. 串联分流电阻B. 并联分流电阻C. 串联分压电阻D. 并联分压电阻20. 兆欧表表头可动部分的偏转角只随被测()而改变A. 电流B. 电压C. 电阻D. 功率21. 用直流单臂电桥测量电阻时,被测电阻值等于比较臂和比率臂的()A. 和B. 差C. 积D. 商22. 三相无功功率表可进行()测量A. 单相无功功率B. 三相无功功率C. 三相有功功率D. 三相视在功率23. 容性负载电路中电流相位()电压相位A. 超前B. 滞后C. 等于D. 不能确定24. 下列关于示波器的使用()是正确的A. 示波器通电后即可使用B. 示波器长期不用也不会影响其正常工作C. 示波器工作中间因某种原因将电源断开后,可立即再次启动仪器D. 示波器在使用中不应经常开闭电源25. 万用表测电阻时,()情况下换挡后需要重新校准调整A. 由高档位到低档位B. 由低档位到高档位C. 在使用前将所有档位校验后D. 任何情况下都需要26. 下列关于摇表的使用,()是正确的A. 用摇表测试高压设备的绝缘时,应由两人进行B. 测量前应对摇表进行开路、短路校验C. 测试前必须对被测电路或电气设备接地放电D. 测试完毕应先停止摇动摇表,在拆线27. 乙类功率放大器所存在的一个主要问题是()A. 截止失真B. 饱和失真C. 交越失真D. 零点漂移28. 单相晶闸管内部有()个PN结A. 2个B. 3个C. 4个D. 多于4个29. 用万用表测试好的晶闸管时,A-K极间正反向电阻应该()A. 都不大B. 都很大C. 都很小D. 一小一大30. 下列()场合不适宜放置交流耐压设备及仪器仪表A. 无污染B. 无腐蚀C. 无强电场D. 潮湿31. 使用交流电压表测定变压器变比除规定仪表精度和测读方法外,还有()规定A. 用220V电源B. 三相平衡C. 施加电压小于输入侧额定电压的25%D. 低压侧额定电压的1~25%32. 常用检查三相变压器连接组别的试验方法是()A. 双电压表法B. 直流法C. 相位桥法D. 含A、B、C33. 测量变压器介质损失角正切值,用()A. 电压降法B. 屏蔽法C. 直流电桥法D. QSI型交流电桥法34. 电力电缆进行泄漏电流试验时,应在加压0.25,0.5,0.75,和1.0试验电压时,每点停留()分钟读取泄漏电流A. 0.5B. 1C. 2D. 335. 对于无分路电阻的FS型避雷器,测绝缘电阻的主要目的是检查()A. 绝缘电阻是否正常B. 是否由密封不严使内部受潮C. 绝缘电阻是否损坏D. 绝缘电阻是否有裂纹36. 测量接地装置的接地电阻采用()A. 接地摇表B. 兆欧表C. 电桥D. 欧姆表37. DB-45型新绝缘油,用目测检查油样时,()炭粒和机械杂质A. 不应发现有B. 允许含有微量C. 允许含有一定量D. 允许含有少量38. 雷电通过电力网或设备直接放电而引起的过电压称为()A. 雷的放电B. 感应过电压C. 直击雷过电压D. 大气放电39. 管型避雷器由()组成A. 产气管,内部间隙和外部间隙B. 火花间隙和非线性电阻串联C. 产气管,内部间隙和非线性电阻串联D. 火花间隙和产气管40. 避雷针防雷接地电阻越小越好,一般规定不大于()A. 5欧B. 10欧C. 20欧D. 25欧41. 高压与高压同杆架设时,转交或分支横担距下横担应为()mmA. 300B. 450C. 600D. 80042. 电缆管弯制时,一般弯曲程度不大于管子外径的()A. 10%B. 30%C. 50%D. 100%43. 电缆直流耐压试验,每相试验完毕后,应按下列()操作A. 先将调压器退回零位再切断总电源B. 先将调压器退回零位再切断调压器电源C. 先将调压器退回零位再切断调压器电源再切断总电源D. 先再切断调压器电源,再切断总电源44. 导线界面选择应符合()条件A. 发热条件和电压损失B. 经济电流密度C. 机械强度和工作电压D. 以上都正确45. 三相铁芯式变压器由铁轭把三相()联在一起的三相变压器A. 绕组B. 铁芯C. 绕组和铁芯D. 上述都不对46. 变压器的初、次级电动势E1和E2和初、次级匝数N1和N2之间的关系为()A. E1/E2=N1/N2B. E1/E2 =N2/N1C. E1/E2 =N12/ND. 无明显规律47. 电能质量通常用()项指标来衡量A. 电压偏差和负序电压系数B. 电压波动和闪变C. 电压正弦波畸变率D. 以上都正确48. 变压器并联运行的短路电压允许差值为()A. ±5%B.±8%C. ±10%D. ±15%49. 电力变压器并联运行是将满足条件的两台或多台电力变压器一次侧和二次侧同极性端子之间通过()母线分别互相连接A. 同一条B. 两条C. 一条或两条D. 无规定50. 高压电动机过负荷保护,其保护接线可采用()A. 两相不完全星接B. 两相差接C. A或BD. 无规定51. 零序电流保护装置的动作电流应作用于()A. 报警B. 光子牌C. 开关与信号D. 开关52. 对于大容量变压器通常采用()连接A. Y,DB. Y,ynC. D,yD. D,D53. 室外变压器的正常过负荷值不得超过其额定容量的()A. 增大有功功率B. 减少有功功率C. 增大无功电能消耗D. 减少无功电能54. 带有瓦斯继电器的变压器,安装时其顶盖沿瓦斯继电器方向的升高坡度为()A. 1~5%B. 1~15%C. 1~25%D. 1~30%55. 调整高压开关的触头时,常用()的塞尺检查触头接触面得压力A. 0.04mmx10mmB. 0.05mmx10mmC. 0.06mmx10mmD. 随意56. 接触器自锁控制电路中的自锁能力由接触器的()部分完成A. 主触头B. 辅助动和触头C. 辅助动断触头D. 线圈57. 下述()方法不能改变异步电动机转速A. 改变电源频率B. 改变磁极对数C. 改变转差率D. 改变功率因数58. 有换向极的并励电动机改变转向时,如果改变励磁绕组电流方向,则()A. 只需改变电枢绕组的电流方向B.只需改变换向极绕组C.需同时改变换向极绕组和电枢绕组的电流方向D.勿需改变电枢绕组的电流方向59. 下列属于直流电机调速方法的是()A. 改变电枢回路电阻调速B.改变励磁电流调速C.改变电源电压调速D.改变供电网频率调速60.下列数据中,属于用电特性指标的资料数据是()A. 月平均负荷B. 最大负荷利用小时数C.日负荷率D.负荷逐月变化曲线二. 判断题61. ()交流电的无功功率是指电感元件所消耗的电能62. ()电能就是电功,它的单位是“瓦特”63. ()三相负载三角形连接的电路,线电流是指流过相线的电流64. ()纯电容电路中电压超前电流90度65. ()三相负载如何连接应根据负载的额定电压和三相电源电压的数值而定66. ()对三相异步电动机,三相电源的接线与其转动方向无关67. ()三相电路中,三相有功功率等于任何一相有功功率的三倍68. ()两个电阻串联后接在适当的电压下,则额定功率较大的电阻发热量大69. ()用交流电压表测得交流电压的数值是平均值70. ()万用表用电磁系测量机构做表头较好71. ()测量三相有功功率可以用一表法,二表法,三表法和三相有功功率表进行测量72. ()电能表接线时应遵守“发电机端”原则73. ()相序表是检测电源相位的电工仪表74. ()使用单臂电桥进行测量时,应先按下电源按钮,然后按下检流计按钮75. ()当仪表的工作偏离的正常工作条件或工作位置不正及受到外电场等的影响,都会产生测量误差76. ()仪表读数应尽可能正确,以减小测量所产生的系统误差77. ()放大电路放大的实质就是用输出信号控制输入信号78. ()共集电极接法放大器又称射极输出器输入Ib,输出Ic79. ()三相半波可控整流电路中,可控硅承受正向电压时即导通80. ()在晶闸管电路中使用的晶闸管应具有过电压,过电流和短路保护81. ()晶闸管门极电压消失,晶闸管立即关断82. ()交流耐压设备是鉴定电气设备绝缘强度的最有效,最直接的方法83. ()交流耐压试验时,试验变压器高压输出端应接保护电阻,以限制被试品闪络时出口的短路电流84. ()直流耐压试验变压器输出的电压经高压整流器整流后变成直流电压加在被试品上85. ()交直流耐压试验的额高压回路与接地体得距离必须留有足够的裕度86. ()为使阀型避雷器不受冲击,一般只做一次工频放电电压试验即可确定其工频放电电压值87. ()绝缘油的闪点越低越好88. ()运行的绝缘油中,不允许含有任何微量水分89. ()绝缘油的电气试验一般要做电气强度试验和介质损失角正切值试验90. ()管型避雷器的外间隙必须安装牢固,应垂直安装91. ()转角杆的拉线应位于转角二等分线的垂直线上92. ()低压架空绝缘导线中,交链聚乙烯绝缘线的介电性能最差93. ()低压配电线路常用的低压四线铁横担的长度一般为1500mm94. ()护卫户内电缆终端头的制作工艺基本相同,所以可以互换作用95. ()变压器进行滤油或换油工作属于其大修项目96. ()运行中的电力变压器若发生放电的“噼啪”声,可能是其内部接触不良或出现绝缘击穿现象97. ()母线发热可用普通温度计测试98. ()有一台鼠龙式三相异步电动机额定转矩TN为263.45牛米,过载系数λ=2.2,其最大转矩Tm为579.59牛米99. ()一般额定电压为380V的三相异步电动机,绝缘电阻应大于兆欧以上才可使用100. ()定滑轮只能改变力的方向。

普林斯顿样题 3

普林斯顿样题 3
5. --- social nesting birds that build their nests in trees and on cliffs. (A) The most storks (B) Most are storks (C) Most storks are (D) Storks most 答案:C 分析:空格处缺少句子的主语和谓语,故(C)正确。 (A)使句子缺少谓语; (B)使句子宾语重复; (D)使句子缺少谓语。 参考译文:绝大多数的鹳都群居并且筑巢,它们的巢建在树和悬崖上。
2. --- who was the first Black woman to run for the office of President of the United States in1972. (A) Shirley S. Chisholm (B) It was Shirley S. Chisholm (C) Shirley S. Chisholm was (D) When Shirley S. Chisholm 答案:B 分析:该句为强调句型,It is ……who……答案为(B)。 另外,也可以认为本句有 who,从句主谓完整,所以缺主句的主谓。 (A)、(C)、(D)使句子结构混乱。 参考译文:1972 年 Shirley S. Chisholm 成为第一位竞选美国总统的黑人妇女。
普林斯顿样题 3
1. Cobalt resembles iron and nickel in tensile strength, appearance, ---. (A) is hard (B) although hard (C) has hardness (D) and hardness 答案:D 分析:介词后为平行结构,是名词成分,正确答案为 D。 (A)两个谓语动词,使句子结构混乱; (B)although 为连词,后面不能接形容词; (C)理由同(A)。 参考译文:钴在张力、外观和硬度方面同铁和镍类似。



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3.竞赛环境物理机 (HOST):文件夹路径:虚拟机:[datastore1](VMware ESXI)ISO 镜像:[DATA]ISO/(VMware ESXI)软件:D:\软件 (Host)二、竞赛时间竞赛时间为4小时。

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2. 请根据大赛所提供的比赛环境,检查所列的硬件设备、软件清单、材料清单是否齐全,计算机设备是否能正常使用。



托福普林斯顿样题(3)1——10 DCBCB ADCAA11——20 BBACC AADAC21——30 DCBBD CDDCD31——40 DACBD BDCAC41——50 BCADB BBDBCTOEFL LISTENING TEXT普林斯第三套样题1.- M: Would you like to stop for a rest now?- W: Oh, let’s keep going. We’re almost at the top of the hill.What does the woman want to do?2.-M: I can’t seen to get the copy machine to work.- W: Have you checked the switch?What does the woman imply?3.-M: I found a expensive---looking ring in the locker room this morning.- W: If I were you, I’d turn it in to the security office. It’s behind the administration building. What does the man suggest the women do?4.- M: Those trees next to your house are beautiful.- W: Yeah, and they’re useful. They cut down on the need for air conditi oning.What does the man mean?5.- M: I’m going to get my tickets through that discount travel agency.- W: They definitely have some good deals.What does the man mean?6.-M: We’ve going over to the cafeteria now. aren’t you coming?- W: I’m waiting for a phone call.What does the man imply?7.-M: We really ought to take some of the furniture ort of here.- W: Maybe we should look for a bigger apartment.What problem do the women have?8.-M: Why does Carol have to spend so much time at the library?- W: to finish her papers before exams begin.What does the man say about Carlo?9.-M: I’m afraid I’ll have to work late again tomorrow night.- W: Why don’t you just tell them you’re not going to?What does the woman suggest the man do?10.- W: I hear yo u’re joining that expedition across Alaska. Did you get much funding for it?- M: You must be joking! I have to pay my own airfare and contribute toward the cost of supplies.What does the man say about the expedition?11.- M: I don’t like the sound of t hat car engine.- W: I’m certain it’s nothing to worry about. I just had it serviced a few day a go.What does the woman mean ?12.- W: It’s going to tale over two weeks to get all the data I need for my research project.- M: Good ting it’s not due until the end of the semester.What does the man mean?13.- W: Look at this mess! And the guests will be here soon!- M: T ake it easy. I’ll make sure the house is spo tless.What does the man mean?14.- M: Peter wasn’t in class today.- W: I heard. What I wa nt to know is if he’s still coming to my party tonight.What does the woman mean?15.- M: Weren’t you the only one in the School of Engineering to graduate with honors?- W: Not exactly. There were a number of others.What does the woman mean?16.- M: They’ve just announced the flight has been delayed until four o’clock.- W: Oh no! How are we going to kill two hours?What does the woman imply?17.- W: When would you like to go over that report?- M: Now’s as good a time a s any.What does the man mean?18.- M: Have you found a position yet?- W: I’m still checking the papers.What can be inferred about the man?19.- M: This is the most fascinating article that I’ve ever read.- W: Oh, really? I would have thought that anything about electronics would be tedious. What does the man imply?20.- M: I’m going out to pick up a sandwich. Can I get you something?- W: Hmm. I’ve been eating too much lately. I’ll just have the yogurt I brought, but thanks for the offer.What does the woman imply?21.- W: Tim really seems to go through a lot of money, doesn’t he?- M: Like water, and he has nothing to show for it.What does the man mean?22.- M: We’ve out of cream and sugar. If you want any coffee, you’ll have to drink it black.- W: I’ll pass, then.What is the woman going to do?23.- M: I can’t even think with all that construction going on outside.- W: What this building needs is better soundproofing.What does the woman imply?24.- M: Are you up to helping me with the economics assignment?- W: I’ve already looked at it. It’s over my head.What does the man mean?25.- M: Does George still smoke?- W: I haven’t seen him light up since the baby was bo rn.What does the woman imply?26.- M: Just look at that downpour.- W: The paper said it should clear up this afternoon.What does the woman mean?27.- M: I haven’t seen you like this in weeks.- W: The committee finally reached a decision, and I couldn’t have hoped for a better outc ome. What does the woman mean?28.- M: What’s that green badge y ou have on?- W: Oh, this. Teaching assistants in the psychology department had to wear them to the faculty orientation.What can be inferred about the woman?29.- M: I heard that they’re hiring part-time sales help at the bookstore.- W: Great! I could use some extra cash!What is the man probably going to do?30.- M: Did you know that Sarah won first prize in the photo contest?- W: So she did enter.What had the man assumed about Sarah?-Questions 31-34. Listen to a discussion between two college student.- M: I really don’t know what to do this summer. I can’t afford to be any jobs available.- W: Why don’t you try house-sitting? Last summer my friend Margaret house-sat for the Dodds when they went away on vacation. Mr. Dodd hired Margaret to stay in their house because he didn’t want it left impty.- M: You mean the Dodds paid Margaret just to live in their house?- W: It wasn’t that easy. She had to mow the lawn and water the house-plants. And when Eric house-sat for Dr. Cohen, he had to take care of her pets.- M: House-sitting sounds like a good job. I guess it is a little like baby-sitting---except you’re taking care of a house instead of children.- W: The student employment office still has a few jobs posted.- M: Do I just have to fill out an application?- W: Margaret an d Eric had to interview with the homeowners and provide three references each.- W: That seems like a lot of trouble for a summer job.- W: Well, the homeowners want some guarantee that they can trust the house sitter. You kno w they want to make sure you’re not the type who’ll throw wild parties in their house, or move a group of friends in with you.- M: House-sitters who do that sort of thing probably aren’t paid then.- W: Usually they’re paid anyway just because the homeowners don’t want to make a fuss. But if the homeowner reported it, then the house-sitter wouldn’t be able to get another job. So why don’t you app ly?- M: Yeah, I think I will.31. What does the man want to do this summer?32. What did the Dodds do when they went away last summer?33. What is one responsibility the house-sitter probably wouldn’t have?34. How do homeowners determine the reliability of a house-have?-Questions 35-38. Listen to a telephone conversation between two students.- M: Hello. University Books. Tim Weber speaking.- W: Hi. Tim, this is Ruth.- M: Oh, hi, Ruth. What’s up?- W: Well, the Student Federation needs a couple of volunteers to give guided tours to the new students during orientation next week. Would you be able to help out?- M: that depends on the days you had in mind. I’m working here full-time before classes begin. It’s really busy now, with all the textbook orders coming in, but I do have some time off.- W: What about Saturday? Most new students arrive on the weekend.- M: Sorry, I have to work all day Saturday. How about Thursday and Friday? I’ve got both mornings free.- W: I don’t have the schedule on me…Ken’s got it. Maybe you can set something up with him. - M: I’ll only be able to spare a couple of hours though.- W: No problem. I’ll ask ken to get in touch with you later today. Will you be at this number? - M: Yeah, till for…Look. I’ve got to go. I have to get all the orders out before I leave to day. - W: Ok, thanks Tim. Bye.35.. Why did Ruth call Tim?36. What does Ruth say about the new students?37. What does Tim offer to do?38. What will probably happen as a result of this conversation?-Questions 39-41. Listen to a radio-talk about fossil fuels.- M: Today I want to discuss fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and n atural gas. The term “fossil fuel” refers to the trapped remains of plants and animals in sedimentary rock. You see, living plants trap energy from the Sun by the process of photosynthesis, and they store the energy in their chemical compounds. Most of that energy is released when the plant dies and decays. However, sometimes organic matter is buried before it decays completely, in this way some of the solar energy becomes trapped in rocks---hence the name fossil fuel. Although the amount of organic matter trapped in any one growing season is small, the accumulated remains from millions of years are considerable. Because the accumulation rate is so slow-millions of times slower than the rate at which we now dig up this organic mather and burn it for energy-we must consider fossil fuels as nonrenewable resources. Tomorrow we’ll be discussing alternatives to fossil fuels that can be renewed.39.40.41.-Questions 42-46. Listen to a talk given I pottery class.- W: We’ve been together now in this pottery class for several weeks, and I feel you are doing very well. I thought you might be interested in hearing about a ceramics workshop that will be held here at the college next month. Kate Ferguson, who was recently named by Ceramics Monthly as one of the dozen best potters in the world, will be at the recreation center for an intensive seven-day workshop. Participants in the workshop will, Kate has assure me, make a lot of pots and be able to work closely with her on refining their techniques and skill. There’s only room for eighteen potters $1175, which includes all your materials, and a picnic, which is usually attended by all of the participants at the end of the workshop a $50 deposit is required ahead of time, with the rest of the tuition due by May fifteenth. I should mention that this workshop is cosponsored by the Van Howe Chemical Company, which is donating the clay. If you want to register for the workshop you should call the recreation center a 555-3080. You should really consider taking advantage of this opportunity.42. Who is Kate Ferguson?43. What will take place at the end of the work shop?44. Why does the speaker mention the Van Howe Chemical Company?45. How can the students register for the workshop?46. Why does the speaker encourage students to take the workshop?-Questions 47-50. Listen to a psychologist talk about sleep problems.- W: You might think that most of the patients at sleep clinics are being treated for sleeplessness, commonly referred to as insomnia, but that is not the case. The majority of sleep-clinic patients suffer from disorders of excessive sleep—or “hypersomnia.” While most insomniacs somehow manage to drag themselves through the day and function at acceptable, although not optimal levels, this is not so for people who suffer from hypersomnia. They are incapacitated by irresistible urges to sleep during the day, often in inappropriate, situations ---at business meetings, in supermarkets or at parties. Even more dangerous is their failure to remain awake when driving or operating machinery. Falling asleep in such situations couldobviously be life-threatening. Many hpersomniacs suffer from narcolepsy, for which the primary symptom is excessive daytime sleepiness. Though not apparent in childhood, this symptom most often appears for the first time during the teen years and continues throughout a person’s life. The sleep attacks may occur as many as fifteen to twenty times during the course of the day and last for periods form fifteen minutes up to two hours. What can be done to help those suffering from narcolepsy? There are certain drugs that can help, and specialists suggest voluntary napping to decrease the frequency of such sleep attacks.47. What is “hypersomnia”?48. What does the speaker say about sleep-clinic patients?49. When does narcolepsy usually first become apparent?50. What can a narcoleptic do to prevent sleep attacks?。



听力原文Section OneM: Hello Linda.W: Hello Rob.M: Hi, Linda. The festive season is over —so, did all your holiday shopping break the bank?W: Do you mean that I spent too much money? Yes I did.M: Well,did you show rooming?W: You mean visiting shops and try products before buying them online? Yes, of course I did.M: You see technology is changing the way we shop and it could spell disaster — or be very bad for — the high street.W: The high street? Those shops that we normally see in our town centers? Things like shoe shops, news agents, supermarkets,M: Yes, the high street is competing with the internet. But I often buy things like CDs, electrical goods and food online.W: Ah, but have you ever tried 'show roomed' before, Rob?M: Yes,Once I show roomed and then bought a camera at a knock-down price online. I know I'm not alone in doing this. Research found 24% of people show roomed during Christmas shopping last year.W: And a market research company also found one third of consumers around the world said they used this type of shopping.M: There are reasons why many people like show rooming.W: Really? What are the reasons?M: Some people are short of time and money, and they want reassurance. W: Yes, they want to know what a product really looks like and they want to be confident they are buying the right thing.M:That's true, If you go to a shop and look at the real thing, you get a much better idea of what it's like — but I also want a bargain.W: Using the internet is really a good way for shopping around.M: Exactly, you can look around for the best deal online. Using a smartphone is an increasingly popular way to do this.W: Smartphones are also useful for getting product reviews, such as browsing customers’ comments or just looking around without buying the product.M: Yes, you can also use smartphones to scan the bar code of a product and compare prices.W: Since shopping online is becoming increasingly popular, does this mean the death of the high street?M: Not likely. Of course, conventional shops do have to adapt to the new situation and make changes.Section TwoThe Chinese Premier has used his time at thepodium to promise Chinawill continue to safeguard the UN system, as well as the international order based on it. "The some 70 years of world peace has not comeeasily, it proves the effectiveness of the current UN-led international system and the international norms which are based on the UN Charter.They must be resolutely safeguarded, they not only fit wellwith our shared interest, but also safeguard the realization of the sustainable developmentgoals. All countries should put the purposes and principles of the UN Charter into practice, and support the UN and the Security Council to play a leading role in international issues."This year marks the 45th anniversary of the restoration of China's seat in the UN, which the Premier notes makes China a major beneficiary of the post-war international structure, and as such, one of its firm supporters.Li Keqiang has suggested any reversion toward a time of armed conflict puts the world in a dangerous position."It has been proved over time that military solutions can only lead to more hatred and violence, no one will win by this way. All warring sides in regional conflicts should abandon the zero-sum mentality, solve their conflict through dialogues, resolve their differences through negotiations and pursue reconciliation with the spirit of forgiveness."When it comes to specifics in his address to the UN General Assembly, Premier Li Keqiang has repeated China's call for a denuclearization of the Korean peninsula to maintain its peace and security.On Syria, Li Keqiang suggests the international community needs to push all parties in the Syrian conflict toward a political solution as soon as possible.The Chinese premier also says terrorism must be combated resolutely, but with no double standards.Development and economic issues dominated much of Li Keqiang's speech, underlying Chinese concerns about a rise in anti-globalization attitudes and trade protectionism."The globalization process represented by the liberalization and facilitation of trade and investment has been the major driving force of world economic growth in the past few decades. Of course, certain countries, industries and communities are more exposed and vulnerable to the side effects of globalization. What we should do is to take active measures to solve the problem, instead of in a Chinese saying goes giving up eating for fear of choking."Li Keqiang is now in Ottawa for an official visit to Canada.From there, he'll travel to Cuba to meet that country's leaders before heading back to China. For CRI, I'm Su Yi in New York.Section ThreeGWEN IFILL: The CEO of Wells Fargo appeared on Capitol Hill and faced a barrage of questions about the bank's conduct under his leadership,and why employees opened nearly two million phony accounts. Regulators say employees, under pressure to meet sales goals, had secretly created unauthorized bank and credit card accounts for customers, since 2011, without their knowledge.Today, bank chairman John Stumpf apologized before the Senate Banking Committee.JOHN STUMPF, CEO Wales Fargo: I am deeply sorry that we failed to fulfill on our responsibility to our customers, to our team members and to the American public. We never directed, nor wanted our team members to provide products and services to customers that they didn't want.That is not good for our customers, and that is not good for our business. It is against everything we stand for as a company.GWEN IFILL: More than 5,000 workers, mostly lower-level, have been fired. But senators on both sides of the aisle said it was Stumpfwho should be paying the price.Massachusetts Democrat Elizabeth Warren:SEN. ELIZABETH WARREN (D-Mass.): So, you haven't resigned. You haven't returned asingle nickel of your personal earnings. You haven't fired a single senior executive.Instead, evidently, your definition of accountable is to push the blame to your low-level employees who don't have the money for a fancy P.R. firmto defend themselves. It's gutless leadership.You squeezed your employees to the breaking point, so they would cheat customers and you could drive up the value of your stock and put hundreds of millions of dollars in your own pocket. And when it all blew up, you kept your job. You kept your multimillion-dollar bonuses GWEN IFILL: We turn now to Michael Corkery, who's been reporting on the story for The New York Times.Michael, you were in the room today, in the hearing chamber today, and you saw the outrage that was expressed by Republicans and Democrats, not just Elizabeth Warren, but also David Vitter. Outrage is easy. What's the fix that — the fix they're asking for?MICHAEL CORKERY, The New York Times: Well, I think they want more accountability.I mean, this fraud was extraordinary for how widespread it was. I mean, it affected thousands of customers. We're talking upwards of two million potentially fake —they created—accounts by Wells Fargo employees; 5,300 bank workers, mostly low-level, low-paid bank workers have been fired, but I think what the committee was focused on and what Elizabeth Warren in particular was taking up the charge for was that none of the senior executives seem to have been affected, either losing their jobs or taking back some of their compensation.GWEN IFILL: How long have senior executives known about thisMICHAEL CORKERY: Well, John Stumpf said he knew — he first knew about it in 2013, though the problems may have gone back to 2011.But even 2013, this problem has been going on for three years in some form or another. Those employees that have been fired have been fired over a period of five years. And, you know, even up to this year, people were being fired at the bank for this behavior, low-level workers.So I think, again, the committee was focused on, why didn't you do more sooner to take care of this problem and get rid of it?GWEN FILL: Now, some employees said that this problem propped up because of a culture of competition at Wells Fargo. What are they talking about?MICHAEL CORKERY: Wells is a very hard-driving bank. It's very successful, very profitable.Stock has been on a tear. What they say is that employees were under these —enormous pressure to meet these sales goals, to open as many new accounts as they can. In fact, JohnStumpf wanted all bank customers — one of his goals was to have every bank customer have eight accounts, eight products with Wells Fargo.It's an enormous amount of products. I mean, if you think, well, you have got a loan, or a checking account, a savings account. And so these employees thought they were unrealistic. They said they were totallyAnd in order to meet them, not just to gain big bonuses, but just to keep their jobs, they felt compelled to meet these. And in order to do that, many of these former employees said they needed to bend the rules, they need to fake them.GWEN IFILL: Is there a dollar number you can put on a number of accounts, the dollar impact on actual account holders who found out that they held a lot more accounts in their name than they realized?MICHAEL CORKERY: Right now, regulators, particularly the CFPB, started by Elizabeth Warren, has put the number at about $2 million.It's not a big number, when you consider the extent of the fraud. And that's what's kindof weird here, is that, yes, these fees meant things to people. These were overdraft fees. Thesewere late fees on credit cards they didn't know they had.But, again, it was happening in ways where sometimes a bank employee would open up an account for someone, the person didn't know it, and then two days later they would close it.And they would just do it just to get credit for the sale. And it suggests that this sellingculture was so broken, that it wasn't even making the bank money. It was just meeting goalsfor the sake of meeting goals.GWEN IFILL: But some of the sympathy in the hearing today seemed tobe for employeeswho were fired, who they think were treated as scapegoats?MICHAEL CORKERY: Yes.I think if —they kept coming back to this point over and over, again, 5,000 employees. Andthese are people mostly who make about $12 an hour. Those are the ones who have beenfired. At this point, other than the few, as John Stumpf said quite vaguely, managers andmanagers of managers, nobody in the C suite, no big, top executive has lost their job. And I think that has the optics at least of the little guy gets squeezed and gets hurt and takesthe fall, and the big CEOs get off.GWEN IFILL: Michael Corkery of The New York Times, thank you very much.MICHAEL CORKERY: Thank you.。



编译原理样题一选择题[]1. 型文法也称为正规文法。

[A] O [B] 1 [C] 2 [D] 3[]2. 文法不是LL(I)的。

[A]递归 [B]右递归 [C] 2型 [D]含有公共左因子的【]3.文法E-E+E∣E*E∣i的句子i*i+i*i的不同语法分析树的总数为。

[A]l [B]3 [C]5 [D]7[]4.四元式之间的联系是通过实现。

[A]临时变量 [B]指示器 [C]符号表[D]程序变量[1 5.同心集合并可能会产生的新冲突为 O[A]二义[B]移进/移进[C]移进/归约[D]归约/归约[]6.代码优化时所依据的是 o[A]语法规则[B]词法规则 [C]等价变换规则 [D]语义规则1]7.表达式a-(-b) *c的逆波兰表示为 o[A]a-b@c* [B]abθc*- [C]ab0- [D]ab0c-* (注:©为单目减运算符)[]8.过程的D:ISPLAY表记录了。


2.词法分析阶段的任务式从左到右扫描,从而逐个识别 o3.对于文法Gl和G2,若有,则称文法Gl和G2是等价的。

4.对于文法 G[E] : E→T∣E+T T→F∣T*F F→P^F∣ P PT(E)I i,句型 T+T*F+i 的句柄是,最左素短语是 O所谓素短语是指这样的一个短语,它至少含有一个终结符,并且,除它自身之外不再含任何更小的素短语。


如,P*P和i是句型P*P+i的素短语,而P*P 是它的最左素短语。


6.规范规约中的可规约串是,算符优先分析中的可规约串是 o7. (AV B) A (CV -I DA E)的逆波兰式是 o8.在属性文法中文法符号的两种属性分别称为和 O9.符号表的每•项是由名字栏和两个栏目组成。



试题编号:3-1鉴定点:360°顺时针自旋飞行操作1. 任务描述飞机悬停高度为眼睛平视或向上 60°范围高度内,做原地360°顺时针自旋,要求自旋过程高度误差不超过 2 米,无人机自旋开始后,中途动作需连贯,不可停顿,时间不低于 8s,水平偏差不超过 2 米。

顺时针自旋1) 遥控器对码①确保多旋翼无人机处于无螺旋桨状态;②将 3S 电池接上多旋翼无人机,确保无人机处于上电状态;③用小螺丝刀或其他工具按压遥控器接收机的 SET键,直到接收机开始闪灯,松开工具;④打开天地飞 7 遥控器的电源开关,找到遥控器的对码设置菜单,按确定键即完成对码操作。


⑤重新启动遥控器和无人机 ( 无桨 ),检查对码是否成功。

2) 检查遥控器设置①检查遥控器油门、副翼、方向、升降通道是否正常;②检查遥控器油门、副翼、方向、升降通道正反设置是否正常。

检查飞机、安装螺旋桨①用内六角螺丝刀检查 F450 多旋翼无人机的机臂、电机的安装螺丝是否有松动;②目视和手动检查 F450 多旋翼无人机的电调杜邦连接线是否安装正确和安装到位,确保没有松动。

③目视和手动检查F450 多旋翼无人机的GPS安装杆是否有松动, GPS接口是否安装到位。


试飞检查②将电池安装到 F450 上,用绑带绑紧,确保电池在飞行过程中不会掉落;③接通电源,观察飞控指示灯,等待起飞。


F450 多旋翼无人机360°自旋飞行操控①控制 F450 飞机进行360°自旋顺时针飞行;②控制 F450 飞机进行360°自旋逆时针飞行。

2. 实施条件3. 考核时量 : 本项目考核时量为 30 分钟。

4. 评价标准。



医护英语水平考试第三级Medical English Test System (METS)Level 3姓名__________ 准考证号__________ 时间:120分钟考生须知13.严格遵守考场规则,考生得到监考人员指令后方可开始答题。








===================================================I ListeningPart 1Questions 1 – 5• You will hear five extracts from conversations in different clinical departments.•For questions 1-5, choose from the list A-F to show which case each doctor is talking about. Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use.•You will hear each recording twice.Doctor 1 Doctor 2 Doctor 3 Doctor 4 Doctor 5 A The patient has difficulty in coughing up phlegm.BThe patient ‘s got some lumps of fibrous tissue on the womb which are causing the bleeding.CThe patient ‘s family members are prone to develop gastroesophageal reflux problem.DThe patient needs some treatments to prevent further deterioration of the kidney illness.E The patient has to be hospitalized and isolated.F The patient had better choose a non-surgical treatment for his condition.Questions 6 – 13•You will hear a conversation between two doctors.•Are the following statements ―R ight‖ or ―W rong‖? If there is not enough information to answer ―R ight‖ or ―W rong‖, choose ―Not Menti oned.‖•You will hear the recording twice.6 Dr. Harry Drabkin is an expert who has been carrying out enterological research.A RightB WrongC Not Mentioned7 There are nearly 40,000 people who develop kidney cancer in the U. S. every year.A RightB WrongC Not Mentioned8 With kidney cancer, back pain and blood in the urine are the common symptomsoccurring at the early stage.A RightB WrongC Not Mentioned9 Small tumors in the kidney tend to be benign.A RightB WrongC Not Mentioned10 Spots in the lung may suggest late tumors of the kidney.A RightB WrongC Not Mentioned11 Visible blood in the urine can also signal other diseases but does not require animmediate visit to the doctor.A RightB WrongC Not Mentioned12 Laparoscopic-based operation on small tumors involves long and midline incision.A RightB WrongC Not Mentioned13 Tumors at more advanced stage as well as early tumors can be removed bylaparoscopic surgery.A RightB WrongC Not MentionedQuestions 14 – 20•You will hear a discussion among a supervising physician and two medical students. •For questions 14-20, choose the best answer.•You will hear the discussion twice.14 Clinton developed aA gastric disease.B cardiovascular disease.C renal disease.15 Clinton‘s disease was treated byA acupuncture.B chemotherapy.C surgery.16 Clinton had experienced the following exceptA angina.B heartburn.C tightness in the chest.17 Which is not the risk factor for coronary heart disease?A Fatigue.B Hypertension.C Heredity.18 Doughnut isA a vegetable containing lots of fiber.B a high-calorie snack.C a delicious fruit rich in vitamin C.19 What lesson can be drawn from Clinton case?A Public figures should inform the people of their illness.B Patients should undergo annual screening test.C Patients can halt the drug if there is improvement.20 Which of the following statements about Clinton is true?A Clinton underwent high standard medical screening test every year.B Clinton always followed the doctor‘s advice.C An unhealthy diet was mainly responsible for Clinton‘s disease.Questions 21 – 25●You will hear a speech on the killer American diet that‘s sweeping the world.•For questions 21–25, complete the notes. In each space write only one word. •You will hear the speech twice.Notes:the (21) …………… of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, preventable by changing diet and lifestyleglobal illness examples:●Asia (from having one of the lowest rates of heart disease, obesity anddiabetes to one of the highest)●Africa (cardiovascular disease equals the HIV and AIDS death)make a difference in diet and practice (22) …………… medicine on a global scale●heart and blood vessel disease still kill more people, preventable and(23) ……………●prostate cancer, progression stopped and reversed, 70 percent regressionor (24) …………… of tumor growth●diabetes, two thirds of adults and 15 percent of kids, increased 70 percent inthe past 10 years, pitiful and preventablewhat we can do●an Asian diet can reverse heart disease and cancer●work with big food companies (McDonald's,and PepsiCo, and ConAgra), makean Asian salad, two-thirds revenue from better foods●free up resources for drugs, treat AIDS, HIV and malaria, prevent(25) …………… flu.II ReadingPart 1Questions 1 – 10•Read the following article about young athletes‘ sport injuries.•For questions 1–5, choose the most suitable heading from the list A–F for each part (1–5) of the article. For questions 6–10, choose the best answer for each space from the list A–F for each sentence (6–10).•Mark the correct letter A–F on your answer sheet.Young Athletes: Injuries and Prevention1High profile events like the Olympics bring the hope that witnessing and celebrating dedicated athletes at the top of their game, will inspire young people to take up sport and physical activities that help them develop confidence, lead more satisfying lives, and not least, secure long-term health by reducing their risk for developing chronic illness like diabetes, obesity, cancer and cardiovascular diseases.But unfortunately, if they don't take appropriate measures, young athletes can instead, end up in pain, on a different path to poor health, due to avoidable sport injury.2According to the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, which is part of the National Institutes of Health in the US, the most common sport injuries are due to accidents, poor training practices or using the wrong gear or equipment. People can also hurt themselves because they are not in shape or because they don't warm up or stretch enough. Some injury experts in the US have said they are also seeing more and more young athletes injured because of overuse and doing too much, and this may partially explain the growing numbers that drop out of sport by the eighth grade. The most common sport injuries are: knee injuries, sprains and strains, swollen muscles, Achilles tendon injuries, pain along the shin bone, and fractures and dislocations. 3Prehabilitation, is a relatively new idea in sports medicine and therapy. It is a personalized exercise program that is individually designed for athletes to help them prevent injury in their given sport. The aim of prehab is to avoid injury by compensating for the repetitive movements and stresses of regular, often daily, training. In some respects, you can view athletic training for peak performance in a sport as a form of repetitive strain, with the potential to result in injury in much the same way as computer operators can get occupational injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome and shoulder problems. With repetitive use, muscles become tight, the body develops imbalances in strength and muscle coordination. These happen naturally during activity, but because training is repetitive, they become repeatedly reinforced with each workout, unless that workout also incorporates some compensating activity, such as in a prehab routine.4To ensure the best chance of success with prehab, the athlete should start practising it before injury occurs. But unfortunately the usual route to prehab is via injury. A typical scenario is the athlete injures him or herself, goes to a sport therapist or specialist trainer for rehabilitation (rehab), and the therapist then persuades them to sign up for prehab to stop it happening again. Another way to keep prehab useful and working for the athlete, is to ensure it continually evolves with the needs and changing fitness and ability of the individual. The exercises should be progressive and re-evaluated regularly. There is also the important need to challenge and motivate the athlete, and stop them becoming bored, or habituated to the program.5 A successful prehab program is one that forms a regular part of an athlete's training routine. The therapist needs to have a detailed knowledge of the athlete's sport, theirstrengths and weaknesses, and be able to have frank, open conversations with the individual.1 Paragraph 1 _____2 Paragraph 2 _____3 Paragraph 3 _____4 Paragraph 4 _____5 Paragraph 5 _____6 If they don't take appropriate measures, young athletes can end up in pain due toavoidable __________.7 More and more young athlete injuries may partially explain the __________ that dropout of sport by the eighth grade.8 The aim of prehab is to avoid injury by compensating for the __________ andstresses of regular, often daily, training.9 The athlete injures him or herself, goes to a sport therapist or specialist trainer for__________.10 A successful prehab program should form a regular part of an athlete's __________.A extreme limitsB sport injuryC growing numbersD rehabilitationE training routineF repetitive movementsPart 2Questions 11 – 17•Read the following article about life of student doctors.•For questions 11–17, choose the answer (A, B, C or D)which you think fits best according to the text.•Mark your answers on the answer sheet.Student DoctorsIn comparison with the lives of other postgraduate students, the life of a student doctor is far from easy. Despite the heavy workload, it seems that the more you learn, the more you realize what you still need to study. As a result, it is not unusual for students to drop out. Misguided teachers attempt to simplify matters in an environment that demands the very best of its practitioners.The situation is little better in the year or two years after qualifying. Poorly paid for such long hours, many junior doctors find themselves becoming disillusioned with medicine. The more depressed they become, the more likely they are to look elsewhere for a career, wasting up to sever years of training and education. An unfortunate statistic is that of those that qualify as doctors, 18% do not remain in the profession for more than three years.The problem can be more clearly defined by considering specific examples. In New Zealand and Britain, for example, the exodus of medical graduates is leaving the remaining newly qualified doctors with responsibilities that are beyond their capacity. In statistics from 1998 over half the graduates from one medical school in New Zealand left the country immediately after qualifying, and hospitals are really beginning to feel the shortage. Certain hospitals in Auckland, for example, do not have enough staff to cover the timetable, and some of the newly qualified doctors are finding themselves on call for 48 hours straight. In Britain, the situation is equally bleak.The structure of the health service itself is the most important factor to be taken into account when considering the number of migrating British medical graduates. Junior doctors are required to take mentors, more senior doctors (often consultants), to act as supervisors. They are entrusted with the educational supervision of doctors in their first year of practice and are responsible for ensuring the application of the principles of good medical practice. However, when interviewed, slightly less than 60% of junior doctors had any positive feedback on the relationship. The remaining respondents described situations in which a consultant was accused of making unreasonable demands, bullying, being unfair, or being sexist. In more extreme cases, the consultant was portrayed as incompetent, insensitive or negligent towards patients.In New Zealand, the situation, although having essentially the same effect of fewer junior doctors, has different causes. There are two main factors which explain this mass migration of medical graduates from New Zealand. The first factor is the student loans system where a medical graduate can leave university having accumulated a loan of anything up to NZ$60,000 in the course of training. By leaving the country, such graduates have the option of at least delaying the repayment of those loans. The other reason is the long hours. The stories of working hours a week being almost in the three-figure mark are often not exaggerated, and this is a situation which is worsening the fewer junior doctors there are.11 The reasons why some student doctors don‘t want to remain in their professioninclude all the following except _________.A heavy workloadB high demand of the professionC being poorly paidD no chance for career development12 According to the passage, teachers of student doctors _________ the complexity oftheir living condition.A overestimateB underestimateC know exactlyD ignore13 For student doctors, which of the following is not true?A Medical courses are more difficult than many other postgraduate courses.B The more they learn, the more they realize what they still need to learn.C A number of graduates are not remaining in the medical field.D Once qualified, the situation for junior doctors slightly improves.14 What does the word ―exodus‖ (Line 2, in the 2nd sentence of the 3rd paragraph) mean?A Declaration.B Expression.C Departure.D Deduction.15 What is the main factor for the migrating of student doctors in Britain?A The structure of the health service.B Full work timetable.C Dissatisfaction with their mentors.D Incompetence for their work.16 According to the interview, _________ student doctors had nothing positive to sayabout their mentors.A slightly less than 60%B slightly more than 60%C slightly less than 40%D slightly more than 40%17 The root of the problem in New Zealand and Britain is _________.A essentially the sameB similarC quite differentD analogousPart 3Questions 18 – 25•Read the following article on the organization, Doctors Without Borders.•Are sentences 18–25on the next page ―Right‖ or ―Wrong‖? If there is not enough information to answer ―Right‖ or ―Wrong‖, choose ―Not Mentioned‖.•For each sentence 18–25, mark one letter A–C on your answer sheet.Doctors Without BordersDoctors Without Borders, French Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), is an international humanitarian group dedicated to providing medical care to victims of political violence or natural disasters, as well as to those who lack access to such treatment. The group was awarded the 1999 Nobel Prize for Peace.Doctors Without Borders was founded in 1971 by 10 French physicians who were dissatisfied with the neutrality of the Red Cross. The doctors believed they had the right to intervene wherever they saw a need for their assistance, rather than waiting for an invitation from the government, and they also felt they had a duty to speak out about injustice, even though it might offend the host government. In 1972 Doctors Without Borders conducted its first major relief effort, helping victims of an earthquake in Nicaragua. Other significant missions were undertaken to care for victims of fighting in Lebanon (1976), and Afghanistan (1979). Doctors Without Borders has continued to work to relieve famine, offer medical care to casualties of war, and deal with the problem of refugees in many countries throughout the world. In 2003 Doctors Without Borders was a founding partner in the organization Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative (DNDi), which works to create medicines for such diseases as malaria, tuberculosis, and HIV/AIDS.Doctors Without Borders works in more than 70 countries. Headquartered in Brussels, the organization has offices in some 20 countries. It was an integral part of the emergency relief efforts in Haiti after the earthquake of 2010, though all three of the organization‘s hospitals in that country had been destroyed by the quake.In addition to providing medical assistance, Doctors Without Borders has a reputation as a highly politicized group, particularly skillful in achieving publicity for its efforts. Its vocal opposition to perceived injustice led to its expulsion from several countries.Doctors Without Borders is a neutral and impartial humanitarian organization that aims first and foremost to provide high-quality medical care to the people who need it the most. It does not promote the agenda of any country, political party, or religious faith, and, as such, endeavors to communicate its history, background, and capabilities to all parties in a given situation so that it may gain the necessary access to populations in need. ―It is saving a lot of people–children and adults–who might otherwise have died, from malnutrition or from preventable causes. There are no other agencies anywhere near here, and we are the only organization providing assistance–in terms of both health care and food–in this region. We have been doing this for years.‖18 Doctors Without Borders is a governmental organization, known for its continuousefforts in providing medical care around the world.A RightB WrongC Not Mentioned19 Doctors Without Borders believes that all people have the right to medical careregardless of race, religion, creed or political affiliation.A RightB WrongC Not Mentioned20 Doctors Without Borders was once a branch of the Red Cross, but later cut its tieswith it because of financial problems.A RightB WrongC Not Mentioned21 Doctors Without Borders was founded in Paris, France in 1971. Its principles aredescribed in the organization's founding charter.A RightB WrongC Not Mentioned22 The first major mission conducted by Doctors Without Borders were to care forvictims of fighting in Nicaragua.A RightB WrongC Not Mentioned23 Doctors Without Borders, headquartered in Brussels, has offices in more than 70countries.A RightB WrongC Not Mentioned24 Because all three of the organization‘s hospitals in Haiti had been destroyed by thequake of 2010, Doctors Without Borders failed to give medical relief.A RightB WrongC Not Mentioned25 As a highly politicized group, Doctors Without Borders is not welcomed by allcountries.A RightB WrongC Not MentionedPart 4Questions 26 – 30•Read the following text about sadness. Five sentences have been removed from the article.•Choose from the sentences A–F the one which fits each space (26–30). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.•For each space (26–30), mark one letter A–F on your answer sheet.When Sadness Is a Good ThingIn the 1960s, the pharmaceutical company Sandoz marketed its new tranquilizer Serentil with ads in medical journals suggesting the drug be prescribed to ―the newcomer in town who can't make friends, the woman who can't get along with her new daughter-in-law or the executive who can't accept retirement.‖ But the FDA stopped the ads. Drugs are supposed to treat illnesses, the agency said, not the vicissitudes of living.Isn't that a quaint idea?(26)…………….But today 7% of Americans are on antidepressants (many more have tried them), and ads have touted the drugs for ordinary problems like fatigue, loneliness and sadness. Still, drug companies aren't the (sole) villain in this story. As Allan Horwitz and Jerome Wake-field point out in their incisive new book.The Loss of Sadness: How Psychiatry Transformed Normal Sorrow into Depressive Disorder, we now have a ―legal drug culture‖ built around the widely accepted idea that feeling blue is an illness.Horwitz, dean of social and behavioral sciences at Rutgers, and Wakefield, an expert on mental-illness diagnosis at New York University, agree that depression can have biological roots. (27)……………. They also point out that the human capacity to feel sad is an evolutionarily selected trait that we might not want to drug away.We've been living in an age of melancholy for at least two decades. Outpatient treatment of depression rose 300% between 1987 and 1997. But while it‘s tempting to blame our culture—fear of terrorists, too much caffeine, living by BlackBerry—there's a more straightforward explanation for the boom in dejection. In 1980 the American Psychiatric Association published a new definition of depression in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders—usually shortened to DSM—the compendium used by mental-health professionals to make diagnoses.(28)……………The much longer 1980 definition (which is still used, with slight modifications) omitted the requirement that symptoms be ―excessive‖ in proportion to cause. In fact, the revised manual said nothing about causes and listed symptoms instead.To be diagnosed with major depressive disorder today, you need have only five symptoms for two weeks, which can include such common problems as depressed mood, weight gain, insomnia, fatigue and indecisiveness. The DSM does make an exception for bereavement: if you recently lost a loved one, such symptoms are not considered disordered. But the manual doesn't make exceptions for other things that make us sad—divorce, financial stress, a life-threatening illness.Still, is there anything wrong with medicating normal sadness if you don't mind side effects? Horwitz and Wakefield take no position on this.(29)……………But the authors also note that ―loss responses are part of our biolog ical heritage‖. Nonhuman primates separated from sexual partners or peers have physiological responses that correlate with sadness, including higher levels of certain hormones. Human infants express despair to evoke sympathy from others.(30)……………It also teaches us that whatever prompted the sadness—say, getting fired because you were always late to work—is behavior to be avoided. This is a brutal economic approach to the mind, but it makes sense: we are sometimes meant to suffer emotional pain so that we will make better choices.A These sadness responses suggest sorrow is genetic and that it is useful attracting socialsupport, protecting us from aggressors.B The FDA was worried back then about an overmedicated society; in 1956, 5 % ofAmericans were on tranquilizers.C But they persuasively argue that many instances of normal sadness—the kind thatdescends after you lose a job or get dumped—are now misdiagnosed as depressive disorder.D The new definition was a radical departure from the old one, which had described―depressive neurosis‖ as ―an excessive reaction of depression due to an internal conflict or to an identifiable event such as the loss of a love object.‖E If you struggle with constipation or diarrhea, something is wrong and you are contributing tothe toxic overload and poisoning of your body.F They point out that women giving birth take painkillers even though pain is a normal part ofthe process.Part 5Questions 31 – 40•Read the following text on administering medications.•Choose the best word (A, B, C or D) for each space.•For each space 31–40, mark one letter A–D on your answer sheet.31A over B beyond C through D on32A desired B great C contrast D fast33A additive B placebo C contrary D adverse34A for B as C with D on35A as B through C against D for36A commission B omission C emissions D transmission 37A Because B Whereas C Although D Despite38A frequently B consequently C definitely D undoubtedly 39A conscious B ignoring C neglecting D aware40A refined B dominated C noticed D definedIII WritingQuestion 41●Write an essa y of about 150 words on the topic ―Should Doctors and Nurses Lie?‖ You shouldbase your essay on the clues given below.●Please write your essay on the Answer Sheet.Should Doctors and Nurses Lie?1. 医生、护士向绝症病人撒谎隐瞒病情的现象很常见2. 但有些医生护士对此持反对观点3. 你的看法METS第三级考试听力录音文本This is METS 3 Listening Test.There are four parts in the test. Parts One, Two, Three, and Four.You will hear each part twice.We will now stop for a moment before we start the test.Please ask any questions now because you must not speak during the test.Pause (10 seconds)Now, look at the instructions for Part One.Pause (3 seconds)You will hear five extracts from conversations in different clinical departments.For questions 1-5, choose from the list A-F to show which case each doctor is talking about. Use the letter only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use. You will hear each recording twice.Pause (3 seconds)Now we are ready to start.Pause (3 seconds)Conversation 1Hello, Mr. Hartley. Come and sit down. The tests show that it is probably a condition called chronic glomerulonephritis which has damaged the kidney. The condition is irreversible – nothing can be done to put it right at this stage I‘m afraid. You‘ve undoubtedly had it for a long time. We‘ll need to keep an eye on you. There are fortunately treatments to make up for the kidney damage.Pause (30 seconds)Conversation 2Well, the X-ray doctor found irritability and distortion of the duodenum although there was no actual ulcer visible on the X-ray. This does not necessarily mean that you have no ulcer. We have to decide the best way of treating it. There are two ways: medical and surgical. In young people we try to avoid operations and we hope that medical means will help. There is no risk attached to the operation and most patients get better after it and have no side effects. But with young people we usually persist with medical treatment.Pause (30 seconds)Conversation 3I can‘t find anything seriously wrong with you. I think this is due to the weakness of the muscle at the lower end of your gullet which is allowing acid to come back into your gullet. We‘d better do an X-ray of the stomach and gallbladder as you have this tendency in your family. We‘ll check on the blood as well. Avoid bending. The stomach should not be empty of food for too long. Try to eat little and often. I‘ll give you some medicine to take after meals. I‘ll see you in three weeks when I‘ve got the results of the X-rays and tests.Pause (30 seconds)Conversation 4Well, one of these would clear the chest in the morning. All you do is shake it and puff. One puff isusually sufficient. You must not have more than two puffs and no more for three hours. These are absolutely safe if you stick to that dose. This would help to clear your chest and before you go up a hill you could have a puff. I‘ll write to your doctor about that, shall I?Pause (30 seconds)Conversation 5It‘s difficult to say just now exactly what‘s wrong. Try to relax and keep calm. Now I would like to transfer you to the Isolated Ward. Please wait until we get the result of the blood test and the X-ray. If you are suffering from SARS indeed, you will be all right after proper treatment in most conditions, although the process may be slow.Pause (30 seconds)Now you’ll hear Part 1 again.This is the end of Part OnePause (3 seconds)Now look at Part Two.You will hear a conversation between two doctors.Are the following statements “R ight” or “W rong”? If there is not enough infor mation to answer “R ight” or “W rong”, choose “Not M entioned.”You will hear the recording twice.Pause (3 seconds)Doctor A: I am Dr. Linda Austin. I am interviewing Dr. Harry Drabkin who is the Chief of Hematology-Oncology here at the Medical University of South Carolina. Dr.Drabkin, I know that your own area of specialty is in kidney cancer, or renalcancer. How common is that cancer?Doctor B: Approximately, I would say, 35,000 to 38,000 cases in the U.S. every year. And it tends to be a fairly silent disease. It is an internal organ. It is not something thatyou feel getting bigger. Most people have fairly no symptoms with early disease.The symptoms they develop are usually late, things like back pain. Blood in theurine, I would say, probably is one of the more common things for late diseases,when the tumors are large. Many tumors today are discovered incidentallybecause of a CT scan that was done for some other reason. It is a greattechnique. It is very accurate. We are picking up more and more small tumors.Those tumors, by and large, tend to be not metastatic. So, the ones that I see,that have spread to some place else, like the lung, or bones, or liver, or someplace like that, are these late tumors. It is much like ovarian cancer in terms of notproducing symptoms until it is very late.Doctor A:So I guess one take-home point, then, is anytime one has visible blood in the urine, it certainly is time to call your doctor right away.Doctor B:Absolutely. And it doesn‘t have to be kidney cancer. It could be a bladder infection. It could be a stone in the bladder. It could be a tumor somewhere in thesystem from the bladder to the ureters, to the kidney, whatever. But the importantthing is, it should never be left alone, always should be looked at.Doctor A:You mentioned that often these tumors are picked up incidentally. The doctor may have ordered a scan for something else and sees a small tumorin the kidney that has not spread. In that case, is it a pretty simple matter ofjust operating on it?Doctor B:It is a simple matter. And the surgery these days for small tumors is pretty simple.For the most part, it can be laparoscopic-based. So, instead of having a bigincision, you have a couple of small holes in your belly where the surgeons go in,stick the scopes, fill the belly up with air and take these tumors out. People are out。

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Lawrence G. Roberts发表第一篇关于ARPANET设计的论文Multiple Computer Networks and Intercomputer Communication。


位于英国Middlesex的国家物理实验室(NDL)在D. W. Davies的主持下开发了国家物理实验室数据网络,D. W. Davies是首先使用包(packet)这个术语的人。

三、WINDOWS操作共5题(共计15分)第1题(3.0分)--------------------------------------------------------------------- 请在打开的窗口中,进行下列操作,完成所有操作后,请关闭窗口。




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--------------------------------------------------------------------- 1、将sub文件夹重命名为“测试”,并设置其属性为“隐藏”。



第3题(3.0分)--------------------------------------------------------------------- 请在打开的窗口中,进行下列操作,完成所有操作后,请关闭窗口。





第4题(3.0分)--------------------------------------------------------------------- 请在打开的窗口中,进行下列操作,完成所有操作后,请关闭窗口。




第5题(3.0分)--------------------------------------------------------------------- 请在打开的窗口中,进行下列操作,完成所有操作后,请关闭窗口。









---------------------------------------------------------------------1、将主页另存为“目录”2、将主页添加到收藏夹,名称为“目录”五、WORD操作共2题(共计20分)第1题(10.0分)--------------------------------------------------------------------- 请在打开的WORD的文档中,进行下列操作。


---------------------------------------------------------------------1、设置第1段标题“商业智能”样式为“标题1”,样式格式的中文字体为“黑体”,字形为“加粗”、字号为“二号”、英文字体为“Times New Roman”,对齐方式为“居中”,段前、段后间距各为“18磅”。

2、设置第4段“商业智能是重要的投资方面”和第8段“Office Excel 12”的子标题样式为“标题2”,对齐方式为“左对齐”,项目编号为“一、二、”。

3、设置除第1、4、8段外的所有段首行缩为“2 字符”,段后间距为“12 磅”。

4、设置上、下、左、右页边距均为“58 磅”。

5、插入艺术字,样式为“第三行第一个”,内容为“Excel 12”;字形为“加粗、倾斜”,字号为“40”,环绕方式为“浮于文字上方”,位置参照样张图片。

第2题(10.0分)--------------------------------------------------------------------- 请在打开的WORD的文档中,进行下列操作。




