



ACCA考试《审计与认证业务F8》知识辅导6本文由高顿ACCA整理发布,转载请注明出处GOING CONCERNIt is essential that candidates preparing for the Paper F8 exam understand the respective responsibilities of auditors and management regarding going concern. This article discusses these responsibilities, as well as the indicators that could highlight where an entity may not be a going concern, and the reporting aspects relating to going concernCandidates attempting Paper F8, Audit and Assurance will need to have a sound understanding of the concept of going concern. Among other syllabus requirements, candidates must ensure they are aware of the respective responsibilities of auditors and management regarding going concern. The provisions in ISA 570, Going Concern deal with the auditor’s responsibilities in relation to management’s use of the going concern assumption in the preparation of the financial statements.THE CONCEPT OF GOING CONCERNAn entity prepares financial statements on a going concern basis when, under the going concern assumption, the entity is viewed as continuing in business for the foreseeable future. The term ‘foreseeable future’ is not defined within ISA 570, but IAS 1, Presentation of Financial Statements deems the foreseeable future to be a period of 12 mont hs from the entity’s reporting date.The concept of going concern is an underlying assumption in the preparation of financial statements, hence it is assumed that the entity has neither the intention, nor the need, to liquidate or curtail materially the scale of its operations. If management conclude that the entity has no alternative but to liquidate or curtail materially the scale of its operations, the going concern basis cannot be used and the financial statements must be prepared on a different basis (such as the ‘break-up’ basis)。

ACCA F8科目考试重点分析

ACCA F8科目考试重点分析

ACCA F8科目考试重点分析本文由高顿ACCA整理发布,转载请注明出处Part 1:理论知识部分(一)assurance engagement:五个要素四种鉴证业务及其提供的鉴证业务的水平这部分考试基本会在选择题或者是单纯的知识点书写的题目中出现,不太容易联系题目中的情景,因此要对这部分的知识熟记于心。

(二)Corporate Governance:Chairman&ceo : segregation of dutiesED&NED:BalanceNED supervise ED’s work Audit committee Remuneration committee Nomination committee Risk committee关于公司治理方面,一般以情景题的形式考察大家对于知识点的理解,因此在读题目的时候,凡是违背CG要求的都是公司治理的薄弱环节,提出的改善意见就是我们介绍的CG 的准则。

(三)Professional Ethics:IntegrityObjectivesCompetence and due careConfidentialProfessional behavior对应的在这部分要掌握的还有五个threat:FamiliaritySelf-interestSelf-reviewAdvocacyIntimidation与之相对应的safeguard:Disposal(股票等资产),independent third party review,report to audit committee,rotation,resignation,refuse这部分内容每年必考,首先对于五个基本的职业道德,你要会解释定义,另外,五种威胁你要会判断并且写出相应的safeguard。

Part 2:审计实践第一步:Acceptance of a clientLowballing的概念Client screening的概念Engagement letter:written form,terms of responsibilities of mgt and auditors, known by mgt and auditors.基础的概念要了解是什么意思,会写定义,对于审计鉴证业务约定书,要明确这个约定书的内容以及签订的目的第二步:Understanding the business需要掌握的知识点有:Fraud:区别fraud与human error的,明确mgt和external auditors对于fraud 的不同责任interim audit与final audit的区别Business risk与audit riskmateriality:定义,计算基准,benchmarkDocumentation: permanent和current audit files的区别这部分知识点经常在历年考题的Q3中出现,给你一个情景,让你找到这个被审计客户的audit risk并且写出审计人员的应对方案,我们说凡是涉及到企业的新的改变,比如上马一套新的应用系统,制定一个新的策略,都是我们审计需要关注的地方,都是audit risk容易产生的地方,尤其要对涉及到的相应的会计准则的处理非常熟悉。





Audit is a subject where sharp minds can excel. What is really demanded of us is understanding ‘materiality’. As simple as it sounds, it can be the reason why many students might fail paper F8. The first question was about Audit Strategy. And ‘materiality’ was definitely a part of it. Do you know the role of the audit strategy and audit plan in defining materiality?Audit strategy and materialityAn audit strategy outlines the OBJECTIVES of the audit that is to be performed – like crafting the skeleton of a body. The details are yet to be filled in.Once the internal control environment and the risk assessment system of the entity is understood, the independent auditor then needs to define an OVERALL materiality level. This consists of two important components:Performance Materiality, andTolerable Misstatement ErrorThe auditor defines each of the two components. The performance materiality as well as the tolerable misstatement error differs from organisation to organisation, market to market and economy to economy.Audit plan and materialityThe audit plan is an important document. ISA 300 is the governing standard here. The audit plan provides guidance on:The directionThe supervision, andThe review of audit proceduresWhile going through ISA 320 – Audit Materiality in the study text, I ran a few searches online, discovering that the US regulates its audit procedures under Statements on Auditing Standards (SAS). These are a collection of Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS).I opened SAS 122, section 320, which was titled Materiality in Planning and Performing an Audit. There, I found what I was looking for – the audit plan:Helps give the auditor insight regarding the effect of the nature of an organisation in defining materiality.Helps outline situation-based factors influencing the materiality.Allows the auditor to take in account several other factors to establish effective materiality levels.Lets the auditor document any changes/revisions in the materiality levelinitially defined by the auditor if crucial evidence is found later on at the performance stage.Takes into account any possible changes to the performance materiality level following any change/revision in the overall materiality level.As part of the ACCA student network, we all need to understand the basics of audit firmly to excel in our careers. I believe ACCA studies do not just keep you confined to one book in your bag, but demand you to research on your own.I would love to hear your thoughts on this. Let me know if this article has helped you on your path to success in Paper F8.获取更多ACCA考试知识点可关注中公财经培训网。





Audit is a subject where sharp minds can excel. What is really demanded of us is understanding ‘materiality’. As simple as it sounds, it can be the reason why many students might fail paper F8. The first question was about Audit Strategy. And ‘materiality’ was definitely a part of it. Do you know the role of the audit strategy and audit plan in defining materiality?Audit strategy and materialityAn audit strategy outlines the OBJECTIVES of the audit that is to be performed – like crafting the skeleton of a body. The details are yet to be filled in.Once the internal control environment and the risk assessment system of the entity is understood, the independent auditor then needs to define an OVERALL materiality level. This consists of two important components:Performance Materiality, andTolerable Misstatement ErrorThe auditor defines each of the two components. The performance materiality as well as the tolerable misstatement error differs from organisation to organisation,market to market and economy to economy.Audit plan and materialityThe audit plan is an important document. ISA 300 is the governing standard here. The audit plan provides guidance on:The directionThe supervision, andThe review of audit proceduresWhile going through ISA 320 – Audit Materiality in the study text, I ran a few searches online, discovering that the US regulates its audit procedures under Statements on Auditing Standards (SAS). These are a collection of Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS).I opened SAS 122, section 320, which was titled Materiality in Planning and Performing an Audit. There, I found what I was looking for – the audit plan:Helps give the auditor insight regarding the effect of the nature of an organisation in defining materiality.Helps outline situation-based factors influencing the materiality.Allows the auditor to take in account several other factors to establish effective materiality levels.Lets the auditor document any changes/revisions in the materiality level initially defined by the auditor if crucial evidence is found later on at the performance stage.Takes into account any possible changes to the performance materiality level following any change/revision in the overall materiality level.As part of the ACCA student network, we all need to understand the basics of audit firmly to excel in our careers. I believe ACCA studies do not just keep you confined to one book in your bag, but demand you to research on your own.I would love to hear your thoughts on this. Let me know if this article has helped you on your path to success in Paper F8.获取更多ACCA考试知识点可关注中公财经培训网。

关于ACCA F8 fraud(舞弊)知识点解析

关于ACCA F8 fraud(舞弊)知识点解析

关于ACCA F8 fraud(舞弊)知识点解析本文由高顿ACCA整理发布,转载请注明出处Fraud-an intentional act by one or more individuals among management,those charged with governance,employees,or third parties,involving the use of deception to obtain an unjust or illegal advantage.Fraud risk factors-events or conditions that indicate an incentive or pressure to commit fraud or provide an opportunity to commit fraud.Types of FraudFraudulent Financial ReportingFraudulent financial reporting involves misstatements or omissions of amounts or disclosures intended to deceive users of financial statements.It includes:Manipulation,falsification,forgery or alteration of accounting records or supporting documents.Misrepresentation,or intentional omission,of disclosure of significant events,transactions,balances or other information.Deliberate misapplication of accounting principles affecting the measurement,recognition and disclosure of elements of the financial statements.Misappropriation of AssetsMisappropriation of assets includes the theft or misuse of company assets.When perpetrated by employees,the amounts involved are often not material.When perpetrated by management,the amounts are often material and can be difficult to detect.Misappropriation of assets is often motivated by persons “living beyond their means”。



《审计与认证业务(F8)》课程教学大纲一、课程基本信息课程代码:16086904课程名称:审计与认证业务(F8)英文名称:AUDIT AND ASSURANCE课程类别:专业课学时:64学分:4适用对象:ACCA考核方式:考试先修课程:Financial Accounting二、课程简介中文简介:课程目的是提高学生对审计实务的认知和理解,理解在国家治理现代化中,审计监督的重要意义,掌握审计监督更好服务于建设中国特色社会主义的理论和方法。










英文简介The purpose of the F8 syllabus is to develop knowledge and understanding of the process of carrying out the assurance engagement and its application in the context ofthe professional regulatory framework. The syllabus is divided into five main sections.(a) Audit framework and regulationThe syllabus introduces the concept of assurance engagements, such as the external audit and the different levels of assurance that can be provided. You need to understand the purpose of an external audit and the respective roles of auditors and management. This part of the syllabus also explains the importance of good corporate governance within an entity. The regulatory framework is also explained, as well as the key area of professional ethics.(b) Planning and risk assessmentPlanning and risk assessment are key stages of the external audit because it is the information and knowledge gained at this time that determine the audit approach to take. We also develop further the concept of materiality which was introduced briefly in the first part of the syllabus.(c) Internal controlIn this part of the syllabus you need to be able to describe and evaluate information systems and internal controls to identify and communicate control risks and their potential consequences to the entity's management, making appropriate recommendations to mitigate those risks. We cover key areas of purchases, sales, payroll, inventory, cash and non-current assets.(d) Audit evidenceAudit conclusions need to be supported by sufficient and appropriate audit evidence. This area of the syllabus assesses the reliability of various types and sources of audit evidence and also examines in detail the audit of specific items (non-current assets, inventory, receivables, bank and cash and payables).(e) Review and reportingTowards the end of an external audit, the auditor needs to consider the concept of going concern and subsequent events which could impact on the financial statements. We also look at the audit evidence provided by written representations from management and consider the impact of any uncorrected misstatements on theaccounts.三、课程性质与教学目的F8 builds on the knowledge and understanding gained from Paper F3 Financial Accounting.You must possess good technical knowledge of audit and financial reporting but one of the key skills youwill need is to be able to apply your knowledge to the question.Section A of the exam will consist of multiple choice questions. These questions can cover any part of thesyllabus, so it is important to gain a precise knowledge of each of the syllabus areas.Section B of the exam will comprise four 10-mark written questions and two 20-mark questions. It isimportant to read the question requirements carefully and make sure that you answer the question set.Another important skill you will need is to be able to explain key ideas, techniques or approaches.Explaining means providing simple definitions and including the reasons why these approaches have been developed. Your explanations need to be clearly focused on the particular scenario in the question四、教学内容及要求第一章Chapter 1 Audit and other assurance engagements(一)目的与要求1.In the first section of this chapter we consider why there is a need for assurance in relation to financial and non-financial information. The main reason an assurance service such as an external audit is required is the fact that the ownership and management of a company are not necessarily one and the same.2.In Section 2 we introduce the concepts of agency, accountability and stewardship and consider reporting as a means of communication to the different stakeholders who are interested in the financial statements of the company. It is important to understand what other assurance services exist in addition to the external audit and these services are discussed3. in Section 3. The key assurance services which the F8 syllabus concentrates on are the external audit (statutory and non-statutory), review engagements and internal auditassignments. The effect of audits and reviews is that the stakeholders of an entity are given a level of assurance as to the quality of the information in the accounts. The degrees of assurance provided by external audits and other engagements are discussed 4.in Section 4.The remainder of the Study Text builds on the themes introduced in this chapter.(二)教学内容第一节Objective of external audit1.Statutory and non-statutory audits2.Statutory and non-statutory audits3.Advantages of the non-statutory audit第二节Accountability, stewardship and agency1.The nature and development of audit and other assurance engagements 2.Elements of an assurance engagement3. Objectives of an assurance engagement第三节Types of assurance services1 Other assurance engagements2.Types of review engagemen(三)思考与实践1 What level of assurance is provided by a review engagement?Answer: Negative assurance2 Which of the following assurance engagements provides the highest level of assurance?Answer: An external audit provides the higher level of assurance, since a positive opinion is used to provide reasonable assurance that the financial statements are not materially misstated. The negative assurance given in a review engagement is a lower level of assurance, since the practitioner only states that nothing has come to their attention that indicates that the financial information is materially misstated.3 What are the five elements of an assurance engagement?(a) A three party relationship. The three parties are the intended user, the responsible party and the practitioner.(b) A subject matter. This is the data to be evaluated that has been prepared by the responsible party. It can take many forms, including financial performance (eg historical financial information), nonfinancial performance (eg key performance indicators), processes (eg internal control) and behaviour (eg compliance with laws and regulations).(c) Suitable criteria. The subject matter is evaluated or measured against criteria in order to reach an opinion.(d) Evidence. Sufficient appropriate evidence needs to be gathered to support the required level of assurance.(e) An assurance report. A written report containing the practitioner's opinion is issued to the intended user, in the form appropriate to a reasonable assurance engagement or a limited assurance engagement.(四)教学方法与手段课堂讲授、多媒体教学第二章Statutory audit and regulation(一)目的与要求This chapter describes the aims and objectives of the statutory audit and theregulatory environment within which it takes place.The regulatory framework for auditors discussed in this chapter and theregulation of auditors by bodies such as the ACCA are very important.This chapter considers in detail the regulatory aspects of the appointment,removal and resignation of auditors.It ends with an examination of International Standards on Auditing whichauditors must comply with when carrying out an external audit.(二)教学内容第一节Objective of statutory audits and the audit opinion1 The statutory audit opinion2 Small company audit exemption3 Auditor rights and duties第二节Appointment, removal and resignation of auditors1 Appointment2.Remuneration3.Resignation and removal第三节Regulation of auditors1 National level2 EU member states3 International level(三)思考与实践1.What is the function of IFAC?Answer:The function of IFAC is to initiate, co-ordinate and guide efforts to achieve international technical, ethical and educational pronouncements for the accountancy profession.(四)教学方法与手段课堂讲授、多媒体教学第三章Corporate governance(一)目的与要求The concept of corporate governance was introduced in Chapter 1. In this chapter we will look at the codes of practice that have been put in place to ensure that companies are well managed and controlled. The UK Corporate Governance Code is an internationally recognised code which we will use as an example of a code of best practice. The audit carried out by the external auditors is a very important part of corporate governance, as it is an independent check on what the directors are reporting to the shareholders. Auditors of all kinds have most contact with the audit committee, a subcommittee of the board of directors. External auditors liaise with the audit committee over the audit, and internal auditors will report their findings about internal control effectiveness to it. We shall look at audit committees in Section 2 and internal control effectiveness in Section 3. We end this chapter with a consideration of the importance of auditors communicating with those charged with governance in an entity. ISA 260 Communication with those charged with governance provides guidance for auditors in this respect.(二)教学内容第一节Codes of corporate governance1.The importance of corporate governance2 OECD Principles of Corporate Governance3 The UK Corporate Governance Code第二节Audit committees1 Role and function of audit committees2 Relationship with the board3 Drawbacks of audit committees第三节Communication with those charged with governance1 Importance of internal control and risk management2 Directors' responsibilities for internal control3 Auditors' responsibilities for internal control(三)思考与实践Why are internal controls important in a company? International Standards on AuditingAnswer:Internal controls contribute to: Safeguarding company assetsPreventing and detecting fraudSafeguarding the shareholder's investment(四)教学方法与手段课堂讲授、多媒体教学第四章Professional ethics and quality control procedures(一)目的与要求we looked at some of the regulations surrounding the external audit. Here we look at the ethical requirements of the RSBs, specifically the ACCA's Code of ethics and conduct, which is based on the IESBA's Code of ethics for professional accountants. The ethical matters covered in this chapter are very important. They could arise in almost every type of exam question and you must be able to apply the ACCA's guidance on ethical matters to any given situation, but remember that common sense is usually a good guide. First we examine the five fundamental principles of professional ethics as defined in the ACCA's Code of ethics and conduct.We then look at the five main threats to compliance with these principles and the sorts of safeguards that can be put in place to mitigate these threats. Sections 2 and 3 of this chapter are concerned with obtaining audit.(二)教学内容第一节Fundamental principles of professional ethics1.The fundamental principles2.Obligatory disclosure3. V oluntary disclosure第二节Threats to independence and objectivity1 Self-interest2 Self-review threat3 Advocacy threat第三节Conflicts of interest1 Conflicts between members' and clients' interests2 Conflicts between the interests of different clients3.Enforcement mechanisms(三)思考与实践1.Match each ethical principle to the correct definition.(a) Integrity(b) Objectivity(c) Professional competence and due care(d) Confidentiality(e) Professional behavior(i) Not allow bias, conflicts of interest or undue influence of others to override professional or business judgements(ii) Have a continuing duty to maintain professional knowledge and skill at a level required to ensure that a client or employer receives competent professional service based on current developments in practice, legislation and techniques. Act diligently and in accordance with applicable technical and professional standards when providing professional services.(iii) Be straightforward and honest in all business and professional relationships. (iv) Comply with relevant laws and regulations and avoid any action that discredits the profession.(v) Respect the confidentiality of information acquired as a result of professional and business relationships and should not disclose any such information to third parties without proper or specific authority or unless there is a legal or professional right or duty to disclose. Confidential information acquired as a result of professional and business relationships should not be used for the personal advantage of members or third parties.Answer:(a) (iii)(b) (i)(c) (ii)(d) (v)(e) (iv)(四)教学方法与手段课堂讲授、多媒体教学第五章Internal audit(一)目的与要求Internal audit is a function established by management to assist in corporate governance by assessing internal controls and helping in risk management. It can be a department of employees or can be outsourced to expert service providers. Internal auditing is different from external auditing, although the techniques used by both are very similar. While the techniques used may be similar, the focus and reasons behind the audit are different.Various assurance assignments may be undertaken by internal auditors and these are outlined in Section 4. The role of internal audit with regard to fraud is also discussed briefly. The chapter ends with a consideration of outsourcing the internal audit function– this is very common in the real world and we discuss the potential benefits and drawbacks of doing so.(二)教学内容第一节Internal audit and corporate governance1 Introduction2 Internal audit and corporate governance3 Assessing the need for internal audit第二节Distinction between internal and external audit June 09, June 12, Specimen Exam1.egulation of internal auditors2. Limitations of the internal audit function3.Financial audits第三节Scope of the internal audit function1 Business risk2 The role of internal audit3 Responsibility for fraud and error第四节Scope of the internal audit function1 Value for money audits2 Information technology audits3Best value audits(三)思考与实践1Name three key differences between internal and external audit.Answer:(1) External auditors report to members, internal auditors report to directors.(2) External auditors report on financial statements, internal auditors report on systems, controls and risks.(3) External auditors are independent of the company, internal auditors are often employed by it.(四)教学方法与手段课堂讲授、多媒体教学第六章Risk assessment(一)目的与要求This chapter covers the aspects of the external audit which will be considered atthe earliest stages, during planning.Firstly we introduce the concept of risk and look in detail at audit risk and its components (control risk, inherent risk and detection risk) and at how audit risk is managed by the auditor. The distinction between audit risk and business risk is also made. We discuss the concept of materiality for the financial statements as a whole and performance materiality and the methods used for calculating them. It is important to understand that the calculation of materiality is a matter of judgement and that materiality must be reviewed during the course of the audit and revised if necessary. The importance of understanding the entity being audited and its environment is a key aspect of audit planning and helps the auditor to identify potential risk areas to focus on. Various techniques can be used here, such as enquiry, analytical procedures, observation and inspection. The risk assessment stage allows the auditor to respond with a proposed audit approach which may be controls based or totally substantive. The auditor also needs to consider the risks of fraud and non-compliance with laws and regulations in the audit and this is examined towards the end of this chapter. This chapter covers the aspects of the external audit which will be considered at the earliest stages, during planning. Firstly we introduce the concept of risk and look in detail at audit risk and its components (control risk, inherent risk and detection risk) and at how audit risk is managed by the auditor. The distinction between audit risk and business risk is also made. We discuss the concept of materiality for the financial statements as a whole and performance materiality and the methods used for calculating them. It is important to understand that the calculation of materiality is a matter of judgement and that materiality must be reviewed during the course of the audit and revised if necessary. The importance of understanding the entity being audited and its environment is a key aspect of audit planning and helps the auditor to identify potential risk areas to focus on. Various techniques can be used here, such as enquiry, analytical procedures, observation and inspection. The risk assessment stage allows the auditor to respond with a proposed audit approach which may be controls based or totally substantive. The auditor also needs to consider the risks of fraud and non-compliance with laws and regulations inthe audit and this is examined towards the end of this chapter.(二)教学内容第一节Introduction to risk1 The overall objectives of the auditor2 Professional scepticism, professional judgement and ethical requirements3 Audit risks第二节Determining and calculating materiality and performance materiality when planning the audit1. Professional scepticism, professional judgement and ethical requirements2. Revision of materiality3 Documentation of materiality第三节Assessing the need for internal audit1.Why do we need an understanding?2 What do we need an understanding of?3 How do we gain an understanding?第四节Assessing the risks of material misstatement1 Identifying and assessing the risks of material misstatement2Significant risks3.Responding to the risk assessment(四)思考与实践1.Which procedures might an auditor use in gaining an understanding of the entityANSWER: Enquiry, analytical procedures, observation and inspection(四)教学方法与手段课堂讲授、多媒体教学第七章Audit planning and documentation(一)目的与要求In this chapter, we introduce the fundamental auditing concept of audit evidence. Audit evidence is required to enable the auditor to form an opinion on the financial statements. Therefore such evidence has to be sufficient and appropriate. We alsoexplain the financial statement assertions for which audit evidence is required. These will be particularly important when we consider detailed testing later in this Study Text, since audit tests are designed to obtain sufficient appropriate evidence about the assertions for each balance or transaction in.(二)教学内容第一节Audit planning1. The importance of planning2 The overall audit strategy and the audit plan3.The audit strategy第二节Audit documentation1 The objective of audit documentation2 Form and content of working papers3 Standardised and automated working papers(三)思考与实践1What is the general rule for audit documentation?2 State two advantages of standardised working papers.Answer:1.What would be necessary to provide an experienced auditor, with no previous connection to the audit,with an understanding of the nature, timing and extent of the audit procedures performed, the results ofaudit procedures, audit evidence obtained, significant matters arising during the audit and conclusions reached.2Advantages of standardised working papers(1) Facilitate the delegation of work(2) Means of quality control(四)教学方法与手段课堂讲授、多媒体教学第八章Introduction to audit evidence(一)目的与要求In this chapter, we introduce the fundamental auditing concept of audit evidence. Audit evidence is required to enable the auditor to form an opinion on the financialstatements. Therefore such evidence has to be sufficient and appropriate.We also explain the financial statement assertions for which audit evidence is required. These will be particularly important when we consider detailed testing later in this Study Text, since audit tests are designed to obtain sufficient appropriate evidence about the assertions for each balance or transaction in the financial statements.(二)教学内容第一节Audit evidence1. The need for audit evidence2 Sufficient appropriate audit evidence3.Management's expert第二节Financial statement assertionsrmation produced by the entity2. Selecting items to test3.Inconsistencies and doubts over reliability(三)思考与实践1.Define sufficiency and appropriateness as they relate to audit evidence.2 State the financial statement assertions.3 State five procedures which auditors can use to obtain audit evidence.4 Explain what 'reperformance' is.Answer:1.Sufficiency is the measure of the quantity of audit evidence.Appropriateness is the measure of the quality/reliability of audit evidence.2.Existence, rights and obligations, occurrence, completeness, valuation, accuracy, classification and understandability, cut-off, allocation.3.Any five from:InspectionObservationEnquiryConfirmationRecalculationReperformanceAnalytical procedures4. Reperformance is the auditor's independent execution of procedures or controls that were originally performed as part of the entity's internal control.(四)教学方法与手段课堂讲授、多媒体教学第九章Internal control(一)目的与要求In this chapter, we introduce the internal control concept. The auditor generally seeks to rely on the internal controls within the entity in order to reduce the amount of testing of final balances.The auditor will assess the risks of material misstatement arising and may respond to those risks by carrying out tests of controls. If he concludes that he can rely on the controls in place, the level of substantive audit testing required can be reduced.We also look at the ways in which auditors can document the internal control systems using narrative notes, flowcharts, questionnaires and checklists, focusing particularly on the use of questionnaires.We shall examine the detailed controls that businesses operate and the tests that the auditors may carry out in specific areas.(二)教学内容第一节Internal control systems1. Control environment2 Entity's risk assessment process3. Information system relevant to financial reporting4. Control activities5. Monitoring of controls6. Small companies – the problem of control7. Limitations of accounting and control systems第二节The use of internal control systems by auditors1. Recording accounting and control systems第三节The evaluation of internal control components1.Confirming understanding2. Tests of control3. Revision of risk assessment, audit strategy and audit plan4. Communication of deficiencies in internal control第四节Internal controls in a computerised environment1. General controls2. Application controls(三)思考与实践1. Explain why an auditor needs to obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit2 Describe and explain the five components of an internal control systemAnswer:1. Internal control is the process designed and effected by those charged with governance, management, and other personnel to provide reasonable assurance about the achievement of the entity's objectives with regard to reliability of financial reporting, effectiveness and efficiency of operations and compliance with applicable laws and regulations.Having determined which controls are relevant, and are adequately designed to aid in the prevention of material misstatements in the financial statements, the auditor can then decide whether it is more efficient to seek reliance on those controls and perform tests of controls in that area, or more efficient to perform substantive testing over that area.If the controls are not adequately designed, the auditor needs to perform sufficient substantive testing over that financial statement area in light of the apparent lack of control and increased risk. Any deficiencies are noted and, where appropriate, these will be communicated to management2. Internal control has five components:The control environment;The entity's risk assessment process;The informationsystem relevant to financial reporting;Control activities;Monitoring of controls In obtaining an understanding of internal control, the auditor must understand the design of the internal control and the implementation of that control. In the following sub-sections, we look at each of the elements of internal control in turn.(四)教学方法与手段课堂讲授、多媒体教学第十章Tests of controls(一)目的与要求In this chapter we will lookat how tests of controls might be applied in practice. We will examine each major component of a typical accounting system.We have already stated that the auditors must establish what the accounting system and the system of internal control consist of. The auditors will then decide which controls, if any, they wish to rely on and plan tests of controls to obtain the audit evidence as to whether such reliance can be warranted. For each of the major transaction systems we will look at the system objectives the auditors will bear in mind while assessing the internal controls and give examples of common controls. We shall then go on to look at a 'standard' programme of tests of controls.(二)教学内容第一节The sales system1. Sales system: Control objectives, controls and tests of controls第二节The purchases system1. Control objectives, controls and tests of controls第三节The inventory system1. Introduction2. Control objectives, controls and tests of controls第四节The bank and cash system第五节The payroll system1. Control objectives, controls and tests of controls第六节Revenue and capital expenditure1. Controls and tests of controls2. Tests of controls and substantive testing(三)思考与实践1. Explain, analyse and provide examples of internal control procedures andcontrol activities2 Give an example of a control which helps to ensure the completeness of non-current assets. Suggest how the auditor can test that the control is operating effectively.Answer:1. The tests of controls in the sales system will be based around:Selling (authorisation)Goods outwards (custody)Accounting (recording)The tests of controls in the purchases system will be based around:– Buying (authorisation)– Goods inwards (custody)– Accounting (recording)Inventory controls are designed to ensure safe custody. Such controls include restriction of access, documentation and authorisation of movements, regular independent inventory counting and review of inventory condition.2. You could have come up with a number of controls that help ensure completeness of non-current assets, but a common one is the regular reconciliation of the non-current asset register with the general ledger to ensure all items on the register have been recorded. The test of this control would be to obtain a copy of the reconciliation and ensure all discrepancies are followed up and resolved on a timely basis.(四)教学方法与手段课堂讲授、多媒体教学第十一章Audit procedures and sampling(一)目的与要求In this chapter we look at various audit procedures and the use of audit sampling. First we consider substantive testing which encompasses tests of detail and the use of analytical procedures as substantive tests. These methods form the basis for the next five chapters which examine the detailed testing for various financial statement account areas such as cash and inventory.We also examine the audit of accounting estimates. We have mentioned in previous chapters that judgement has to be used in accounting for some of the figures in the accounts. Examples of accounting estimates include depreciation and provisions.We will look in detail at audit sampling, which is an important aspect of the audit. We consider different types of audit sampling and the evaluation of errors.Computer-assisted audit techniques (CAATs) are an important tool in the audit and we examine the two main types of CAATs, audit software and test data.Finally in this chapter we will look at how the auditor can make use of the work of others as a source of audit evidence. We consider the use of auditor's experts, the work of internal audit and the use of service organisations in this regard.We shall examine the detailed controls that businesses operate and the tests that the auditors may carry out in specific areas.(二)教学内容第一节Substantive procedures1. Types of audit tests2 Directional testing3. Analytical procedures第二节Accounting estimates1.The nature of accounting estimates2. Risk assessment procedures3. Risk identification and assessment4. Responding to the assessed risks。







希望能够对大家有所帮助;我们知道从去年的ACCA F8改革之后,前面的30分变成了10分*3题的基于情景的选择题,而这部分题目每题所占分值比较小,所以比较适合用来考察大家对于一些零散的知识点.在更改考纲前曾经热门的5个道德准则,不再出现在大题重点。



主题一、Risk Assessment在Risk Assessment部分,由于在2016年的12月已经考过了关于财务指标的计算,所以至少在未来的一年中Ratio的计算出现的概率都非常低了,综合去年最后两次的考试来看,这次3月的全球考,在Risk Assessment部分较大概率会出现关于审计风险的辨析(Risk identification)和风险的应对(Risk response)以及关于内审(Internal Audit)的概念辨析,还有其与外审的异同,所以大家对于内审这个章节的知识应该稍微侧重一些。

主题二、Internal control在Internal control的Cycle这一部分,去年9月份和12月的两次考试,主要集中在Cash、Sales、以及Payroll这三个内控循环,所以理所当然,「神秘黑视力」会认为在今年3月的考试中,其余的Purchase cycle、Inventory cycle的内控循环会有更大概率出现在一部分,重点压Purchase cycle。

本次的考试中一般都会是考察我们对于其内控循环的缺陷辨析(Deficiency identification),以及要求我们提出相应地改进或解决方案(Recommend)。

2015年ACCA F8审计与认证业务考试大纲

2015年ACCA F8审计与认证业务考试大纲

2015年ACCA F8审计与认证业务考试大纲本文由高顿ACCA整理发布,转载请注明出处2015年ACCA考试大纲发布,根据简章获悉,2015年ACCA F8审计与认证业务考试大纲出现了哪些小变化?针对这些变化,高顿网校小编为您进行详细解读分析。

ACCA 2014 All rights reserved.Audit and Assurance (F8)December 2014 to June2015This syllabus and study guide is designed to helpThis syllabus and study guide is designed to helpwith planning study and to provide detailedinformation on what could be assessed inany examination session.THE STRUCTURE OF THE SYLLABUS ANDSTUDY GUIDERelational diagram of paper with other papersThis diagram shows direct and indirect linksbetween this paper and other papers preceding orfollowing it. Some papers are directly underpinnedby other papers such as Advanced Performance Management by Performance Management. These links are shown as solid line arrows. Other papers only have indirect relationships with each other such as links existing between the accounting and auditing papers. The links between these are shown as dotted line arrows. This diagram indicates where you are expected to have underpinning knowledge and where it would be useful to review previous learning before undertaking study.Overall aim of the syllabusThis explains briefly the overall objective of the paper and indicates in the broadest sense the capabilities to be developed within the paper.Main capabilitiesThis paper’s aim is broken down into several main capabilities which divide the syllabus and study guide into discrete sections.Relational diagram of the main capabilitiesThis diagram illustrates the flows and links between the main capabilities (sections)of the syllabus and should be used as an aid to planning teaching and learning in a structured way.Syllabus rationaleThis is a narrative explaining how the syllabus is structured and how the main capabilities are linked. The rationale also explains in further detail what the examination intends to assess and why.Detailed syllabusThis shows the breakdown of the main capabilities (sections)of the syllabus into subject areas. This is the blueprint for the detailed study guide.Approach to examining the syllabusThis section briefly explains the structure of the examination and how it is assessed.Study GuideThis is the main document that students, learningand content providers should use as the basis oftheir studies, instruction and materials. Examinations will be based on the detail of the study guide which comprehensively identifies what could be assessed in any examination session.The study guide is a precise reflection and breakdown of the syllabus. It is divided into sections based on the main capabilities identified in the syllabus. These sections are divided into subject areas which relate to the sub-capabilities includedin the detailed syllabus. Subject areas are broken down into sub-headings which describe the detailed outcomes that could be assessed in examinations. These outcomes are described using verbs indicating what exams may require students to demonstrate, and the broad intellectual level at which these may need to be demonstrated(*see intellectual levels below)。





Audit is a subject where sharp minds can excel. What is really demanded of us is understanding ‘materiality’. As simple as it sounds, it can be the reason why many students might fail paper F8. The first question was about Audit Strategy. And ‘materiality’ was definitely a part of it. Do you know the role of the audit strategy and audit plan in defining materiality?Audit strategy and materialityAn audit strategy outlines the OBJECTIVES of the audit that is to be performed – like crafting the skeleton of a body. The details are yet to be filled in.Once the internal control environment and the risk assessment system of the entity is understood, the independent auditor then needs to define an OVERALL materiality level. This consists of two important components:Performance Materiality, andTolerable Misstatement ErrorThe auditor defines each of the two components. The performance materiality aswell as the tolerable misstatement error differs from organisation to organisation, market to market and economy to economy.Audit plan and materialityThe audit plan is an important document. ISA 300 is the governing standard here. The audit plan provides guidance on:The directionThe supervision, andThe review of audit proceduresWhile going through ISA 320 – Audit Materiality in the study text, I ran a few searches online, discovering that the US regulates its audit procedures under Statements on Auditing Standards (SAS). These are a collection of Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS).I opened SAS 122, section 320, which was titled Materiality in Planning and Performing an Audit. There, I found what I was looking for – the audit plan:Helps give the auditor insight regarding the effect of the nature of an organisation in defining materiality.Helps outline situation-based factors influencing the materiality.Allows the auditor to take in account several other factors to establisheffective materiality levels.Lets the auditor document any changes/revisions in the materiality level initially defined by the auditor if crucial evidence is found later on at the performance stage.Takes into account any possible changes to the performance materiality level following any change/revision in the overall materiality level.As part of the ACCA student network, we all need to understand the basics of audit firmly to excel in our careers. I believe ACCA studies do not just keep you confined to one book in your bag, but demand you to research on your own.I would love to hear your thoughts on this. Let me know if this article has helped you on your path to success in Paper F8.获取更多ACCA考试知识点可关注永和九年,岁在癸丑,暮春之初,会于会稽山阴之兰亭,修禊事也。

ACCA F8 知识点总结

ACCA F8 知识点总结

ACCA考试《审计与认证业务F8》知识点总结ISA 315 (REVISED),IDENTIFYING AND ASSESSING THE RISKS OF MATERIAL MISSTATEMENT THROUGH UNDERSTANDING THE ENTITY AND ITS ENVIRONMENTOne of the major revisions of ISA 315 relates to the inquiries made by external auditors of the internal audit function since internal auditors have better knowledge and understanding of the organisation and its internal control. This article addresses and highlights the components of internal controlThe International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB)issues International Standard on Auditing (ISA)for international use. From time to time, ISAs are revised to provide updated standards to auditors. In order to enhance the overall quality of audit, IAASB published a consultation draft on a proposed revision to ISA 315. The objective in revising ISA 315 is to enhance the performance of external auditors by applying the knowledge and findings of an entity’s internal audit function in the risk assessment process, and to strengthen the framework for evaluating the use of internal auditors work to obtain audit evidence.In March 2012, ISA 315 (Revised)was approved and released. One of the major revisions of ISA 315 relates to the inquiries made by external auditors of the internal audit function since internal auditors have better knowledge and understanding of the organisation and its internal control. This article addresses and highlights the components of internal control.OBJECTIVES IN ESTABLISHING INTERNAL CONTROLSGenerally speaking, internal control systems are designed, implemented and maintained by the management and personnel in order to provide reasonable assurance to fulfil the objectives – that is, reliability of financial reporting, efficiency and effectiveness of operations, compliance with laws and regulations and risk assessment of material misstatement. The manner in which the internal control system is designed, implemented and maintained may vary with the entity’s business nature, size and complexity, etc. Auditors focus on both the audit of financial statements and internal controls that relates to the three objectives that may materially affect financial reporting.In order to identify the types of potential misstatements and to determine the nature, timing and extent of audit testing, auditors should obtain an understanding of relevantinternal controls, evaluate the design of the controls, and ascertain whether the controls are implemented and maintained properly.The major components of internal control include control environment, entity’s risk assessment process, information system (including the related business processes, control activities relevant to the audit, relevant to financial reporting, and communication)and monitoring of controls.ACCACONTROL ENVIRONMENTThe control environment consists of the governance and management functions and the attitudes, awareness and actions of the management about the internal control. Auditors may obtain an understanding of the control environments through the following elements.1. Communication and enforcement of integrity and ethical values It is important for the management to create and maintain honest, legal and ethical culture, and to communicate the entity’s ethical and behavioral standards to its employees through policy statements and codes of conduct, etc.2. Commitment to competence It is important that the management recruits competent staff who possess the required knowledge and skills at competent level to accomplish tasks.3. Participation by those charged with governance An entity’s control consciousness is influenced significantly by those charged with governance; therefore, their independence from management, experience and stature, extent of their involvement, as well as the appropriateness of their actions are extremely important.4. Management’s philosophy and operating style Management’s philosophy and operating style consists of a broad range of characteristics, such as management’s attitude to response to business risks, financial reporting, information processing, and accounting functions and personnel, etc. For example, does the targeted earning realistic? Does the management apply aggressive approach where alternative accounting principles or estimates are available? These management’s philosophy and operating style provide a picture to auditors about the management’s attitude about the internal control.5. Organisational structure The organisational structure provides the framework on how the entity’s activities are planned, implemented, controlled and reviewed.6. Assignment of authority and responsibility With the established organisational structure or framework, key areas of authority andreporting lines should then be defined. The assignment of authority and responsibility include the personnel that make appropriate policies and assign resources to staff to carry out the duties. Auditors may perceive the implementation of internal controls through the understanding of the organisational structure and the reporting relationships.7. Human resources policies and practices Human resources policies and practices generally refer to recruitment, orientation, training, evaluation, counselling, promotion, compensation and remedial actions. For example, an entity should establish policies to recruit individuals based on their educational background, previous work experience, and other relevant attributes. Next, classroom and on-the-job training should be provided to the newly recruited staff. Appropriate training is also available to existing staff to keep themselves updated. Performance evaluation should be conducted periodically to review the staff performance and provide comments and feedback to staff on how to improve themselves and further develop their potential and promote to the next level by accepting more responsibilities and, in turn, receiving competitive compensation and benefits.With the ISA 315 (Revised),external auditors are now required to make inquiries of the internal audit function to identify and assess risks of material misstatement. Auditors may refer to the management’s responses of the identified deficiencies of the internal controls and determine whether the management has taken appropriate actions to tackle the problems properly. Besides inquiries of the internal audit function, auditors may collect audit evidence of the control environment through observation on how the employees perform their duties, inspection of the documents, and analytical procedures. After obtaining the audit evidence of the control environment, auditors may then assess the risks of material misstatement.ENTITY’S RISK ASSESSMENT PROCESSAuditors should assess whether the entity has a process to identify the business risks relevant to financial reporting objectives, estimate the significance of them, assess the likelihood of the risks occurrence, and decide actions to address the risks. If auditors have identified such risks, then auditors should evaluate the reasons why the risk assessmentprocess failed to identify the risks, determine whether there is significant deficiency in internal controls in identifying the risks, and discuss with the management.THE INFORMATION SYSTEM, INCLUDING THE RELEVANT BUSINESS PROCESSES, RELEVANT TO FINANCIAL REPORTING AND COMMUNICATIONAuditors should also obtain an understanding of the information system, including the related business processes, relevant to financial reporting, including the following areas:? The classes of transactions in the entity’s operations that are significant to the financial statements. The procedures that transactions are initiated, recorded, processed, corrected as necessary, transferred to the general ledger and reported in the financial statements.? How the information system captures events and conditions that are significant to the financial statements.? The financial reporting process used to prepar e the entity’s financial statements.? Controls surrounding journal entries.? Understand how the entity communicates financial reporting roles, responsibilities and significant matters to those charged with governance and external – regulatory authorities.CONTROL ACTIVITIES RELEVANT TO THE AUDITAuditors should obtain a sufficient understanding of control activities relevant to the audit in order to assess the risks of material misstatement at the assertion level, and to design further audit procedures to respond to those risks. Control activities, such as proper authorisation of transactions and activities, performance reviews, information processing, physical control over assets and records, and segregation of duties, are policies and procedures that address the risks to achieve the management directives are carried out.MONITORING OF CONTROLSIn addition, auditors should obtain an understanding of major types of activities that the entity uses to monitor internal controls relevant to financial reporting and how the entityinitiates corrective actions to its controls. For instance, auditors should obtain an understanding of the sources and reliability of the information that the entity used in monitoring the activities. Sources of information include internal auditor report, and report from regulators.LIMITATIONS OF INTERNAL CONTROL SYSTEMSEffective internal control systems can only provide reasonable, not absolute,to achieve the entity’s financial reporting obje ctive due to the inherent limitations of control – for example, management override of internal controls. Therefore, auditors should identify and assess the risks of material misstatement at the financial statement level and assertion level for classes of transactions, account balances and disclosures.CONCLUSIONAs internal auditors have better understanding of the organisation and expertise in its risk and control, the proposed requirement for the external auditors to make enquiries of internal audit function in ISA 315 (Revised)will enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of audit engagements. External auditors should pay attention to the components of control mentioned above in order to make effective andefficient enquiries. An increase in the work of internal audit functions is also expected because of such proposed requirement.Raymond Wong, School of Accountancy, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Dr Helen Wong, Hong Kong Community College, Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityReference ISA 315 (Revised),Identifying and Assessing the Risks of Material Misstatement Through Understanding the Entity and Its Environment。

ACCA F8知识点Logical thinking in audit procedure

ACCA F8知识点Logical thinking in audit procedure

Logical thinking in audit procedureAra Shen沈璐萍各位学员,大家好,新的考季又开始了,考前我们来简单梳理下审计流程中关键步骤的逻辑思路。









说白了就是通常审计关注的六大块企业活动,我们以大家喜闻乐见的Sales cycle为例子,来看看企业赚钱的过程中,我们作为一个第三方的公证人,如何验证他的真实公允。

民间审计的主旨是在确保Audit risk在审计师可接受的范围内,在Sales环节,我们首先会通过Test of control来验证Sales流程没有重大fraud及error,确保Audit risk 中的RMM在可接受范围内;如果合格,我们就执行正常的实质性程序,如果TOC不合格,则后续的实质性程序就会增加,以降低Detection risk。



《安徽水利财会》2016年第3期知识视窗A C C A Paper F8(英国特许公认会计师协会资格认证考试科目之审计与鉴证业务)的考官为了全面考查考生对于期末复核阶段审计知识点的掌握情况,倾向于在最后一道案例分析题中将期后事项(subsequent event)的判断和审计以及持续经营能力的评价和审计这两个重要的知识点进行轮换出题。


一、期后事项的内涵和期后事项对财务报表的影响(一)期后事项影响财报的判断流程根据国际会计准则第10号(1A Sl0)的界定,期事项是指在财务报表日和财务报表批准报出日这一时段之间发生的经济事项。



期后事项包括调整事项(adj ust m gevent)和非调整事项(non-adj ust m gevent)。






ACCA F8 | 大神带你全面复习+重难点梳理+必考知识点讲解东方立品F8讲师孟超F8 审计与鉴证业务,无疑是F阶段最难以把握的一科,很多同学都在这门课面前望而却步。






Audit and Assurance 全章节的内容都可以归纳到这一张图里。




1、Part A部分,Audit framework and regulation主要是关于审计基本概念、理论和原理的介绍,主要包括了Audit,Assurance Engagement ,Corporate Governance,Professional Ethics ,Conceptual Framework,Internal Audit 的相关内容。

这部分内容比较零散,相互之间比较独立,算是记忆性的内容,主要是对后面章节系统化的内容做好知识铺垫,其中Professional Ethics知识点较固定,较简单,容易掌握,因此也是同学们势在必得的分数。



2015年ACCA考试《审计与认证业务F8》知识点分析(6)本文由高顿ACCA整理发布,转载请注明出处ISA 315 (REVISED), IDENTIFYING AND ASSESSING THE RISKS OF MATERIAL MISSTATEMENT THROUGH UNDERSTANDING THE ENTITY AND ITS ENVIRONMENTOne of the major revisions of ISA 315 relates to the inquiries made by external auditors of the internal audit function since internal auditors have better knowledge and understanding of the organisation and its internal control. This article addresses and highlights the components of internal controlThe International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) issues International Standard on Auditing (ISA) for international use. From time to time, ISAs are revised to provide updated standards to auditors. In order to enhance the overall quality of audit, IAASB published a consultation draft on a proposed revision to ISA 315. The objective in revising ISA 315 is to enhance the performance of external auditors by applying the knowledge and findings of an entity’s internal audit function in the risk assessment process, and to strengthen the framework for evaluating the use of internal auditors work to obtain audit evidence.In March 2012, ISA 315 (Revised) was approved and released. One of the major revisions of ISA 315 relates to the inquiries made by external auditors of the internal audit function since internal auditors have better knowledge and understanding of the organisation and its internal control. This article addresses and highlights the components of internal control.OBJECTIVES IN ESTABLISHING INTERNAL CONTROLSGenerally speaking, internal control systems are designed, implemented and maintained by the management and personnel in order to provide reasonable assurance to fulfil the objectives – that is, reliability of financial reporting, efficiency and effectiveness of operations, compliance with laws and regulations and risk assessment of material misstatement. The manner in which the internal control system is designed, implemented and maintained may vary with the entity’s business natu re, size and complexity, etc. Auditors focus on both the audit of financial statements and internal controls that relates to the three objectives that may materially affect financial reporting.In order to identify the types of potential misstatements and to determine the nature, timing and extent of audit testing, auditors should obtain an understanding of relevant internal controls, evaluate the design of the controls, and ascertain whether the controls are implemented and maintained properly.The major components of internal control include control environment, entity’s risk assessment process, information system (including the related business processes, control activities relevant to the audit, relevant to financial reporting, and communication) and monitoring of controls.ACCACONTROL ENVIRONMENTThe control environment consists of the governance and management functions and the attitudes, awareness and actions of the management about the internal control. Auditors may obtain an understanding of the control environments through the following elements.1. Communication and enforcement of integrity and ethical values It is important for the management to create and maintain honest, legal and ethical culture, and to communicate the e ntity’s ethical and behavioral standards to its employees through policy statements and codes of conduct, etc.2. Commitment to competence It is important that the management recruits competent staff who possess the required knowledge and skills at competent level to accomplish tasks.3. Participation by those charged with governance An entity’s control consciousness is influenced significantly by those charged with governance; therefore, their independence from management, experience and stature, extent of their involvement, as well as the appropriateness of their actions are extremely important.4. Management’s philosophy and operating style Management’s philosophy and operating style consists of a broad range of characteristics, such as manage ment’s attitude to response to business risks, financial reporting, information processing, and accounting functions and personnel, etc. For example, does the targeted earning realistic? Does themanagement apply aggressive approach where alternative accounting principles or estimates are available? These management’s philosophy and operating style provide a picture to auditors about the management’s attitude about the internal control.5. Organisational structure The organisational structure provides the framework on how the entity’s activities are planned, implemented, controlled and reviewed.6. Assignment of authority and responsibility With the established organisational structure or framework, key areas of authority andreporting lines should then be defined. The assignment of authority and responsibility include the personnel that make appropriate policies and assign resources to staff to carry out the duties. Auditors may perceive the implementation of internal controls through the understanding of the organisational structure and the reporting relationships.7. Human resources policies and practices Human resources policies and practices generally refer to recruitment, orientation, training, evaluation, counselling, promotion, compensation and remedial actions. For example, an entity should establish policies to recruit individuals based on their educational background, previous work experience, and other relevant attributes. Next, classroom and on-the-job training should be provided to the newly recruited staff. Appropriate training is also available to existing staff to keep themselves updated. Performance evaluation should be conducted periodically to review the staff performance and provide comments and feedback to staff on how to improve themselves and further develop their potential and promote to the next level by accepting more responsibilities and, in turn, receiving competitive compensation and benefits.With the ISA 315 (Revised), external auditors are now required to make inquiries of the internal audit function to identify and assess risks of material misstatement. Auditors may refer to the management’s responses of the identified deficiencies of the internal controls and determine whether the management has taken appropriate actions to tackle the problems properly. Besides inquiries of the internal audit function, auditors may collect audit evidence of the control environment through observation on how the employees perform their duties, inspection of the documents, and analytical procedures. After obtaining the audit evidence of the control environment, auditors may then assess the risks of material misstatement.ENTITY’S RISK ASSESSMENT PROCESSAuditors should assess whether the entity has a process to identify the business risks relevant to financial reporting objectives, estimate the significance of them, assess the likelihood of the risks occurrence, and decide actions to address the risks. If auditors have identified such risks, then auditors should evaluate the reasons why the risk assessment process failed to identify the risks, determine whether there is significant deficiency in internal controls in identifying the risks, and discuss with the management.THE INFORMATION SYSTEM, INCLUDING THE RELEVANT BUSINESS PROCESSES, RELEVANT TO FINANCIAL REPORTING AND COMMUNICATIONAuditors should also obtain an understanding of the information system, including the related business processes, relevant to financial reporting, including the following areas:? The classes of transactions in the entity’s operations that are significant to the financial statements. The procedures that transactions are initiated, recorded, processed, corrected as necessary, transferred to the general ledger and reported in the financial statements.? How the information system captures events and conditions that are significant to the financial statements.? The financial reporting process used to prepare the entity’s financial statements.? Controls surrounding journal entries.? Understand how the entity communicates financial reporting roles, responsibilities and significant matters to those charged with governance and external – regulatory authorities.CONTROL ACTIVITIES RELEVANT TO THE AUDITAuditors should obtain a sufficient understanding of control activities relevant to the audit in order to assess the risks of material misstatement at the assertion level, and to design further audit procedures to respond to those risks. Control activities, such as proper authorisation of transactions and activities, performance reviews, information processing, physical control over assets and records, and segregation of duties, are policies and procedures that address the risks to achieve the management directives are carried out.MONITORING OF CONTROLSIn addition, auditors should obtain an understanding of major types of activities that the entity uses to monitor internal controls relevant to financial reporting and how the entity initiates corrective actions to its controls. For instance, auditors should obtain an understanding of the sources and reliability of the information that the entity used in monitoring the activities. Sources of information include internal auditor report, and report from regulators.LIMITATIONS OF INTERNAL CONTROL SYSTEMSEffective internal control systems can only provide reasonable, not absolute, assurance to achieve the entity’s financial reporting objective due to the inherent limitations of internal control – for example, management override of internal controls. Therefore, auditors should identify and assess the risks of material misstatement at the financial statement level and assertion level for classes of transactions, account balances and disclosures.CONCLUSIONAs internal auditors have better understanding of the organisation and expertise in its risk and control, the proposed requirement for the external auditors to make enquiries of internal audit function in ISA 315 (Revised) will enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of audit engagements. External auditors should pay attention to the components of internal control mentioned above in order to make effective andefficient enquiries. An increase in the work of internal audit functions is also expected because of such proposed requirement.Raymond Wong, School of Accountancy, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Dr Helen Wong, Hong Kong Community College, Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityReference ISA 315 (Revised), Identifying and Assessing the Risks of Material Misstatement Through Understanding the Entity and Its Environment更多ACCA资讯请关注高顿ACCA官网:。

ACCA F8知识点讲解:梳理审计流程

ACCA F8知识点讲解:梳理审计流程

ACCA F8的知识点比较多,考试更注重细节,往往会让很多考生措手不及。

2018年三月考季,ACCA F8的考试通过率更是惨不忍睹,以39%的通过率,“稳坐”F阶段通过率末尾。

ACCA考试以大学生为重要主体,没有实操经验,在ACCA F8这样对实务经验要求比较高的科目来说,这样的通过率和考试成绩也算正常。



上图就是一个完整的审计流程,通俗来解释:Tendering就是审计师和客户合作的开始;为了增进合作关系,就有了client acceptance procedure;确定唯一的合作关系,需要用appointment and engagement letter来证明;通过audit planning更加深入的了解彼此,当在相处过程中发现一些似是而非的问题(ROMM),会通过更加细致的调查(substantive procedure)和确认(audit review),最终确认和解决。


各位同学们不要被F8历年惨淡的考试通过率吓到,只要用对方法,ACCA F8将不再是你的“拦路虎”。


  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。