Mutation and genetic variation




9号染色体片段缺失的原因1. 结构变异(Structural Variation):结构变异是指染色体内部的基因序列发生插入、缺失、倒位等突变。

9号染色体上的 structural variation 可能导致其中一片段的基因丢失或缺失。

2. 遗传突变(Genetic Mutation):遗传突变是指DNA序列发生了错误的突变,导致基因产生异常。


3. 染色体重排(Chromosomal Rearrangement):染色体重排是指染色体上各部分的重新排列,可能导致染色体其中一片段的基因丢失。


4. 染色体缺失(Chromosomal Deletion):染色体缺失是指染色体上的一部分或多部分基因丢失。


5. 染色体损伤(Chromosomal Damage):染色体损伤是指染色体DNA受到物理或化学因素的损害。


6. 染色体不稳定性(Chromosomal Instability):染色体不稳定性是指细胞染色体的遗传物质发生连续的重排和错配。


7. 染色体重复(Chromosomal Duplication):染色体重复是指染色体上的一部分基因序列被复制,并插入到其他位置。






遗传和变异观察作文英文回答:Genetics and Mutation Observation.Genetics is the study of how traits are passed from parents to offspring through the transmission of genes. It plays a crucial role in understanding the diversity and variation in living organisms. On the other hand, mutation refers to a change in the DNA sequence, which can lead to variations in traits.Genetic observation involves studying the inheritance patterns of traits in different generations. For example, my family has a history of curly hair. My father has curly hair, and so do I. This observation suggests that the trait for curly hair is likely to be inherited from one generation to the next. It is fascinating to see howcertain traits can be passed down through generations, creating a sense of familial connection.Mutation observation, on the other hand, involves studying the occurrence of genetic changes within a population. Mutations can occur spontaneously or can be induced by external factors such as radiation or chemicals. These changes can result in new traits or variations in existing traits. For instance, in a population of butterflies, a mutation might occur that leads to the development of a new wing pattern. This variation can then be observed and studied to understand its impact on the survival and adaptation of the species.Understanding genetics and mutation is essential in various fields, including medicine, agriculture, and evolutionary biology. In medicine, knowledge of genetic disorders and mutations helps in diagnosing and treating diseases. In agriculture, understanding genetic variations can aid in developing crops with desirable traits, such as disease resistance or increased yield. In evolutionary biology, studying mutations and genetic variations helps in understanding the process of natural selection and how species adapt to their environments.中文回答:遗传和变异观察。



大学生物遗传学名词解释1. 遗传学(Genetics)是研究物种内遗传特征的科学,包括遗传的法则、遗传变异的机制、遗传信息的传递和遗传信息的表达等。

2. 基因(Gene)生物体中控制特定遗传特征的基本单位。


3. 表现型(Phenotype)个体在特定环境条件下所显示的形态、生理和行为特征。

4. 基因型(Genotype)个体在基因层面上的遗传信息组合,由基因组成。

5. 染色体(Chromosome)细胞核中的结构,携带着细胞的遗传物质DNA,是遗传信息的主要载体。

6. 突变(Mutation)遗传物质发生的突发性变异,导致基因或染色体结构和功能的改变。

7. 交叉互换(Crossing Over)染色体在减数分裂过程中的重组事件,导致染色体上的遗传信息重新组合。

8. 遗传变异(Genetic Variation)种群个体间在遗传特征上的差异,是进化的基础。

9. 遗传漂变(Genetic Drift)随机因素导致种群个体在遗传特征上的变化,通常发生在小种群中。

10. 自交(Self-fertilization)个体自身花药中的花粉与个体的雌蕊相结合,使个体自行对自己进行受精。

11. 杂交(Hybridization)来自不同个体或群体的个体进行交配产生的后代,通常具有更广泛的遗传多样性。

12. 突变率(Mutation Rate)在一定时间内个体基因发生突变的频率,用来衡量突变的发生概率。

13. 迁移(Migration)个体或种群之间的基因流动,导致遗传物质的交换和混合。

14. 选择(Selection)环境中某些表现型或基因型的个体具有较高适应度,从而更有可能在繁殖中传递其基因。

15. 群体(Population)一定地理范围内相同物种个体的集合体,具有一定程度的基因流动和遗传变异。

16. 进化(Evolution)生物种群中遗传特征的长期改变,是生物多样性的基础。

(精品) 医学遗传学课件:基因突变与遗传多态性

(精品) 医学遗传学课件:基因突变与遗传多态性
任一碱基发生置换而导致剪辑和加工异常, 不能形成正确的mRNA分子。
2.移码突变(frame-shift mutation)
基因组DNA链中插入或缺失1个或几 个碱基对,从而使自插入或缺失的那一 点以下的三联体密码的组合发生改变, 进而使其编码的氨基酸种类和序列发生 变化。
碱基对插入和(或)缺失的数目和方式不同, 对其后的密码组合的改变的影响程度不同。
一般而言,生物遗传性状的形成,是在长期的进化过程中 与其赖以生存的自然环境相互适应的结果,是自然选择的 产物。而对这些性状具有决定性意义的基因一旦发生突变, 通常都会对生物的生存带来消极或不利的影响,即有害性。
生殖细胞或受精卵中基因的突变是绝大多数人类遗传病发 生的根本原因;体细胞突变则常常是肿瘤发生的病理遗传 学基础。
吖啶类和焦宁类等扁平分子构型的芳香族化 合物可以嵌入DNA的核苷酸序列中,导致碱基插 入或丢失的移码突变。
病毒 风疹、麻疹、流感、疱疹等 真菌和细菌 毒素
第三节 基因突变的形式
静态突变 动态突变
一、静态突变(static mutation)
是在一定条件下生物各世代中以相 对稳定的频率发生的基因突变。
电磁辐射 高温 严寒 微重力
可使胞嘧啶(C)的化学成分发生改变,而 不能正常地与鸟嘌呤(G)配对,而改为与腺嘌 呤(A)互补。经两次复制后,C-G碱基对就变 换成T-A碱基对。
基因突变不仅是生物界普遍存在的一种遗 传事件,而且,对于任何一种生物,任何 一个个体,任何一个细胞乃至任何一个基 因来说,突变的发生也都是随机的。



遗传学名词解释●law of segregation(分离定律):一个遗传性状的两个等位基因在配子形成过程中是分离的,最终形成不同的配子●law of independent assortment(自由组合定律):应当具有两对(或更多对)相对性状的亲本进行杂交,在子一代产生配子时,在等位基因分离的同时,非同源染色体上的非等位基因表现为自由组合。

●The Law of Dominance(显性定律):在杂合子中,一个等位基因可以隐藏另一个等位基因的存在。


●test cross(测交):是一种特殊形式的杂交,是杂交子一代个体(F1)再与其隐性或双隐性亲本的交配,是用以测验子一代个体基因型的一种回交。



●Complete dominance(完全显性):发生在杂合子和显性纯合子表型相同的情况下。

●incomplete dominance(不完全显性):f1杂种的表型介于两个亲本的表型之间。


●multiple allele(复等位基因):一个基因有两个以上的等位基因。

●allele frequency(等位基因频率):基因的每个等位基因占基因拷贝总数的一个百分比,这个百分比称为等位基因频率。

●monomorphic genes(单型的基因):这种基因只有一种常见的野生型等位基因。

●polymorphic genes(多态性基因):有些基因有一个以上的等位基因。


●Recessive epistasis(隐性上位)隐性等位基因需要隐藏另一个基因的作用,这种掩蔽现象称为隐性上位。



医学遗传学名词解释1..移码突变(frame-shift mutation):一种由于基因组DNA多核苷酸链中碱基对的插入或缺失,以致自插入或缺失点之后部分的或所有的三联体遗传密码子组合发生改变的基因突变形式。

2.静态突变static mutation:生物世代中基因突变的发生,总是以相对稳定的一定频率发生,并且能够使得这些突变随着世代的繁衍、交替而得以传递。

3.动态突变(dynamic mutation):三核苷酸的重复次数可随着世代交替的传递而呈现逐代递增的累加突变效应。

4.遗传负荷(genetic load):是由群体中导致适合度下降的所有有害基因的构成,主要包括突变负荷和分离负荷,受近亲婚配和环境因素的影响。

5.. X染色质(X chromatin):在间期细胞核中显示出来的一种特殊结构,正常女性的间期细胞核中有1个X染色质,正常男性则没有X染色质。



8.罗伯逊易位(Robertsonian translocation):两个近端着丝粒染色体在着丝粒部位或着丝粒附近部位发生断裂后,二者的长臂在着丝粒处接合在一起,形成一条由长臂构成的亚中着丝粒染色体,两个短臂则构成一个小染色体,并往往在第二次分裂时丢失。

9.标记染色体(marker chromosome):如果一种异常的染色体较多的出现在某种肿瘤的细胞内,就称为标记染色体,如慢粒中的Ph小体。

10.基因诊断(gene diagnosis):利用分子生物学的技术,检测体内DNA或RNA结构或表达水平变化,从而对疾病做出诊断的方法称为基因诊断。





以下是对一些常见遗传学名词的解释:1. 基因(Gene)基因是DNA中的一个特定部分,它包含了编码特定蛋白质或者非编码RNA的遗传信息。


2. 突变(Mutation)突变是指基因序列发生突然而非正常的改变。



3. 染色体(Chromosome)染色体是在有丝分裂或减数分裂过程中能够便于染色和观察的染色质结构,在带有遗传信息的DNA丝中包含了基因。


4. 遗传变异(Genetic Variation)遗传变异指基因型和表型之间的差异。



5. 有性生殖(Sexual Reproduction)有性生殖是通过两个亲本的遗传物质的组合来产生后代的生殖方式。


6. 无性生殖(Asexual Reproduction)无性生殖是一种不依靠泛性细胞的生殖方式,通常只有一个亲本参与。


7. 个体(Person)个体比喻原始生物通过自身不断变异,进而发展壮大。


8. 表型(Phenotype)表型是个体基因型在某种环境中所表现出来的外在形态和内在特征。




1.2 来 源
• 自发无性系变异 • 诱导无性系变异
• 培养基的选择:MS培养基或B5培养基,做一些定性或 者定量的变动。激素的作用。
• 外植体的选择:突变的频率不同(分化程度较高变异少)。
1.2 来源
• 诱变培养:筛选符合目的要求的突变体
• 诱变因素主要有两类:
• 物理诱变:各种射线; • 化学诱变:甲基磺酸乙酯(MMS),乙基磺酸乙酯(EMS) • 激素
2.1. Point mutation 的类型 2.2. 突变发生的机理 (自发突变,诱发突变) 2.3. 保证遗传稳定的机制 2.4. 基因重组交换的分子生物学 2.5. 遗传变异(DNA) 的检测
Genetic mutation
Chromosome mutation
chromosome number chromosome structure dNt point mutation
• 体细胞无性系变异:是指植物外植体经组 织、细胞培养的脱分化和再分化过程,表 现于再生植株中的变异。
• 已经观察到体细胞无性系变异的农作物有 甘蔗、香蕉、马铃薯、小麦、水稻、水晶 掌等上百种。
• 当复制进行到损伤处时,发生短时间的停顿,然后 越过损伤处,又以一种未知的机制起始DNA复制, 这样在子链上就会产生一个缺口。
• 另一条DNA互补链则正常完成复制形成双链。 Recombinative—Repair
• 两条新链间发生重组,带有缺口的子链以正 常互补母链为模板完成修复,而带损伤的母 链则与一条正常的子链配对。



生物的变异(Biological variation)Teaching target1. understand the phenomenon of biological variation and its universality on the basis of understanding the phenomenon of heredity.2. through the analysis of the specific causes of variation phenomenon, understand the variation types and variation of different types, so that students have a more comprehensive understanding of the role of genetic material in biological, genetic variation in. At the same time, the education of dialectical views is made through the correlation between heredity and variation.3. to understand the practical significance of variation in human production activities.Key and difficult analysis1. the causes of genetic variation are the focus of this lesson. In the section of biological heredity, the teaching materials have spent a considerable amount of time helping students understand why the biology is inherited and what the genetically determined material is. Therefore, students understand the roles of nucleic acids (DNA), genes, and chromosomes in the inheritance of traits. Genetic material is not only related to heredity, but also the material basis of biological variation. This should be helpful to students in this lesson. The stability and continuity of genetic material determines the biological and genetic variability, geneticmaterial and biological can mutate, and biological traits caused by changes in the genetic material of the changes can be passed on to offspring. In the course of teaching, we should pay attention to the practical examples and introduce the influence of environmental factors on the change of genetic material, which will lay the foundation for the study of biological evolution and the two chapter of biology and environment in the future.2., the application of variation in agriculture is a difficult point in the teaching of this section. It is difficult for students to contact selection and breeding, so it is difficult to understand the knowledge. This paper introduces three ways of breeding species, artificial selection, cross breeding and radiation breeding (artificial mutation breeding). It is suggested that teachers give more examples, especially the examples of students' lives around them, beginning with perceptual knowledge, to understand the knowledge and significance of breeding selection, and to understand the different breeding methods. Characteristics of seed selection methods.In addition, with the development of biotechnology, the cultivation of new varieties by genetic engineering has been applied to agricultural breeding work, students may have received this information from the introduction of a variety of media, but can not understand. If there is time, teachers can also introduce this aspect of knowledge, arouse students' interest in new scientific technology.3. examples of genetic variation and non heritable variationin two cases. The selection of genetic variation, therefore, is inherited by color blindness. Color blindness is inherited by sex, but it is not easily understood in textbooks. Therefore, I think the upper eyelid, double fold eyelid as an example, it is more appropriate to analyze.Teaching process designI. introduction:In our last study, we discussed the genetic problems of the upper eyelid. In this class, we begin with the study of new problems from the genetic problems of the human upper eyelid.There was a couple who had two children. The eyes of father and mother are double fold. Two children, one child with double eyelids, and the other a single eyelid. That is, children with double fold inherit the traits of their parents. This phenomenon is called heredity. Another child's upper limit is different from his parents' face. Is it also called heredity? If hereditary, why is it different from that of parents? If not, what is it called?Another phenomenon of life associated with genetic phenomena is variation.Two, research topic:Second variations of living things(1) the phenomenon and concept of variationIn nature, like genetic phenomena, variation is common.Question and discussion: what phenomena can we see around us? According to the students' discussion, what is called variation? Please make a brief summary.Variation: the difference in character between biological parents and offspring, between offspring and offspring, is called variation. Or biological differences in the reproductive process, between the upper and lower generations, and the offspring.Question: compare the two concepts of heredity and variation. What are the similarities between the two concepts? What are the differences?The inheritance and variation of organisms are achieved through the reproductive process of the organism. In the process of biological reproduction, the similarity between the upper and lower generations is genetic. But the offspring of biology will not and cannot be exactly the same as their ancestors. There are also some differences in the main characteristics of offspring when they are inherited from parents. These differences are called variations. So, what we call variation is the variation on the basis of heredity, and variation is within a certain range. The kitten is different from the big cat, but the kitten is still a cat and has not changed into anything else.Ask the question: why is variation based on genetic variation?Is there any basis for this statement?(two) the causes of variation1., the impact of external environment:Some of the variations we observed were caused by the external environment. In the variation we just mentioned, which ones belong to this category?Question and discuss: the same kind of wheat is planted in different fields. The wheat ear has big ear and spikelet, which causes the big spike and spikelet How do you justify these differences as a result of environmental impact? Plant the seeds on large spikes and spikelets and plant them into fields separately. How will their offspring be?Summary: variation of large panicle and Spikelet in wheat fields is caused by environmental changes, which are generally heritable.Question: what causes the variation that can be passed on to future generations? Let's look at another situation.2. changes in genetic material:Question and discuss: a child with one eyelid. But his parents were double fold, and how did this mutation come about? Can this variation be passed on to future generations?As we have learned from the previous section, if the child isa single eyelid, the genetic makeup of his double fold parents must be Aa, Aa. The difference between a child and a parent is that in the course of reproduction, the parents pass on the gene that determines the single eyelid. That is to say, his genetic material composition is different from that of his parents, thus producing traits different from those of his parents. This trait can be passed on to his offspring through the process of reproduction.Summary: this variation is caused by changes in genetic material that can be inherited.According to the above variance, we divided the variation into two categories:Genetic variation: the mutation is determined by genetic material;Non heritable variation: caused by external environmental influences.Two examples, please. (1) a couple with normal color vision gave birth to a color blind son. (2) a brother of two people, his brother worked outdoors for a long time, and his brother worked indoors for a long time. My brother looks darker than his brother. Which variation can be inherited? Why?Ask the question: are the changes caused by the environment the genetic variance?Some environmental factors may also alter genetic material. Ifenvironmental changes cause genetic changes, such changes can be passed on to future generations. According to this principle, human beings can make use of some special environmental factors to change genetic material and produce genetic variation for human use.Therefore, genetic material is the material basis of genetic and variation of this life activity.Ask questions: what impact does variability have on biological individuals and on the biological world?(three) the influence of variation on biological individualsAre mutations beneficial or detrimental to individual organisms? It depends on whether the mutation is beneficial to the survival of the organism. Let's look at two examples.In order to obtain high yield of wheat, people tend to use more fertilizer and more watering. More fat, more water, wheat stalks will grow taller, stems high, wheat mature easily lodging, and will lead to grain production. In this kind of wheat, dwarf wheat can be resistant to lodging, but it will not affect the growth of wheat in the case of more fat and more water.Some maize plants mutate and appear albino seedlings without chlorophyll. The growth of green plants requires photosynthesis, and the albino seedlings are unable to survive.Question: tall stalk wheat changed into dwarf wheat, greenmaize seedlings changed into albino seedlings, which are all variation. How do they affect the survival of living organisms?The former is conducive to survival, the latter is not conducive to survival.According to whether variation is beneficial to biological survival, we can classify variation into two categories: favorable variation and adverse variation.(four) the significance of variation in biological evolutionVariation is important to evolution.The environment on the earth is complex and varied. A variety of creatures can adapt to different environments.In addition, organisms evolved from simple to complex, low to advanced, and biological variability provided the raw material for evolution.The importance of variation to evolution, and we will continue to learn in the next chapter.(five) the application of variation in agricultural productionHuman beings began to pay attention to heredity and variation in ancient times, and used the phenomenon of genetic variation, especially in the production of agriculture and animal husbandry. Such as the spring and Autumn period of "Chu Ci" recorded in the "horse mare father, son said to win", meaningthat the advantages of a horse and a donkey, mule showed great.There are several ways in which humans use variability in agriculture:(1) in crops, poultry and livestock, there are many variations that are beneficial to humans. Humans can choose, cultivate, and acquire new breeds, such as beef cattle and milk cows.(2) with the method of hybridization, the characters of different biological individuals can be reassembled to form new combinations of new characters. For example, wheat with high yield and lodging resistance, which is not high in yield but resistant to lodging, can be recombined and mutated by the genetic material of two kinds of wheat. Thus, new wheat varieties with high yield and lodging resistance can be developed.(3) in order to cultivate new varieties, environmental factors can also be changed to affect genetic material, to produce biological variation, to select variation, and to breed new varieties. If the seeds of plants are treated with radiation or with drugs, the seeds are mutated and selected, and the variants which are favorable for production are selected to be bred into new varieties.By using the above methods, many species have been bred.With the development of science and technology, scientists use genetic engineering to change biological genes, thus changing biological characters and creating new organisms. If willdetermine the human growth hormone gene, determine human insulin gene by genetic engineering method into Escherichia coli cells to Escherichia coli mutants, synthesis of required growth hormone or insulin, for the benefit of mankind.Summary: in this class, we mainly discuss what is variation, what causes biological changes, and how to use biological variation to breed new species that are suitable for human needs. The development of science can benefit mankind, but if it does not follow the laws of nature, it will bring disaster. So we must be careful when we create new species and species.facts on fileMethods for breeding new varieties:There are many ways to breed new varieties. Here are some main methods.(1) select breeding method: Based on the natural variation, select the genotype that conforms to the human needs according to the individual phenotype, and achieve the goal of improving the variety after a long period of accumulation.(2) cross breeding method: after the hybrids were obtained by different varieties, the hybrids were selected to breed new varieties that met the requirements of production. This method is widely used and effective breeding method.(3) mutation breeding: refers to the artificial use of a variety of physical, chemical, biological and other factors to inducebiological variation, and then according to the goal of breeding, from the variant offspring breeding new varieties.(4) haploid breeding: it is often used in plant breeding. In general, tissue and cell cultures are used to culture anthers (pollen), unfertilized ovaries, ovules, and haploid plants for breeding. The combination of the breeding method and the conventional cross breeding method can improve the breeding efficiency.(5) polyploid breeding: the use of physical or chemical methods to double the number of chromosomes in plant cells and to obtain polyploid plants. Using this breeding method, new species of polyploid can be obtained by crossbreeding between different species.(6) genetic engineering (genetic engineering): the manipulation of genes according to a predetermined blueprint for biological engineering in order to achieve directional change in biological properties. Specifically, is to use "surgery" to the people in need of a biological gene (gene) through certain methods into B biological cells, make the introduction of gene is able to reproduce and correct expression in B cell biology. New biological varieties are obtained in this way.。



Heredity:A procedure that living things duplicate themselves in a model similar to their parents.遗传:一个生物从亲本中获得相似模式的过程。

Variation:The differences of individuals resulted from genetic recombination, environmental modification and genetic mutation.变异:由于遗传重组、环境修饰和基因变异导致的个体差异。

Gene: A hereditary unit; a sequence of chromosomal DNA that is required for the production of a functional product.基因:一种遗传单位;一种用于产生功能性产品所需的染色体序列。

Genome: The complete DNA sequence, containing the entire genetic information, of a gamete, an individual, a population, or a species.基因组:完整的DNA序列,包含一个配子,一个人,一个群体,或一个物种的整套基因信息。

Genomics: The field of genetics concerned with structural and functional studies of the genome.基因组学:研究基因组结构和功能的遗传学领域。

Allele: One of the different forms of a gene pair. At each autosomal locus an individual possessed two alleles, one inherited from mum and one from dad.等位基因:基因对的不同形式之一。



第一节 基因突变的时期和特征 基因突变: 突变体: 突变率:
某一个基因内部所发生的从一种等位形式改变为 另一种等位形式的变化称为基因突变,或称基因 的点突变(point mutation)。
任何离开野生型等位基因的变化称为正向突变 (forward mutation), a+→a 。而a → a+称为 反突变(reverse mutation)或称回复突变(back mutation)
野生型基因突变成为突变型基因,而突变型基因也可以 通过突变成为原来的野生型状态。
但真正的回复突变是很少发生的。多数回复突变是指突 变体所失去的野生型性状可以通过第二次突变而得到恢 复,即原来的突变位点依然存在,但它的表型效应被第 二位点的突变所抑制。所以回复突变率总是显著低于正 向突变率。
his+ 2×10-6 his-
第四节 基因突变的分子基础
一、基因突变的分子机制 二、突变的修复
第五节 基因突变的诱发
一、物理因素诱变 二、化学因素诱变
• 突变的类型
1. Morphological mutation 突变主要影响生物体的外在 可见的形态结构,故又称visible mutation。
⒉ Biochemical mutation 突变影响生物的代谢过程, 导致一个特定的生化功能的改变或丧失。
• 红色面包霉的检出
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Cy 致死
Cy 卷翅
Cy 卷翅







遗传性 variation 是由基因突变、基因重组等导致的,如人类身高、眼睛颜色、血型等特征的差异。

非遗传性 variation 是由环境因素引起的,如孪生兄弟在成长过程中出现的身高差异。

生物学家通过研究 variation 可以更好地理解进化过程、物种的适应性和生物多样性。

二、统计学中的variation统计学中的 variation 主要涉及到数据的变异程度和分布。

在统计学中,variation 通过一系列的指标来衡量,如方差、标准差、离散程度等。


例如,在市场调研中,通过分析产品价格的 variation 可以评估市场竞争程度,为企业制定合适的价格策略提供参考依据。

三、遗传学中的variation遗传学中的 variation 主要研究基因型的变异与性状表型的关系。

在基因组研究中,科学家通过分析不同基因型之间的variation 可以揭示基因与性状之间的关联,如疾病易感性、药物反应等。

此外,遗传学中的 variation 还涉及到基因的突变、基因重组等变异过程的研究,有助于深入了解物种的进化和适应过程。

四、数学中的variation在数学中,variation 指代的是数列、函数等数学对象的变化和变异规律。

数学家通过分析数列或函数中的 variation 可以推导出其性质和规律,这些规律有助于解决计算问题、推导数学定理等。



变异的小短文作文英语全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Mutation is a common phenomenon in the world of biology. It refers to the sudden change in the genetic material of an organism, resulting in characteristics that are different from those of its parents. These changes can occur due to various reasons, such as exposure to radiation, chemicals, or even natural errors during cell division.One of the most famous examples of mutation is the case of the peppered moth during the Industrial Revolution in England. Before the industrialization, the majority of peppered moths had light-colored wings, perfectly blending with the light-colored trees they lived on. However, as a result of pollution from factories, the trees became darkened, causing light-colored moths to stand out and be easily targeted by predators. A mutation occurred, giving rise to a dark-colored variant of the peppered moth, which thrived in the polluted environment as it could camouflage with the dark trees. This example of natural selection at work is a classic illustration of how mutation can lead to adaptation and evolution.In humans, mutations can also occur and have various effects. Some mutations may be harmful, leading to genetic disorders or diseases, while others may be neutral or even advantageous. For example, the mutation that causes sickle cell anemia in humans is harmful when inherited from both parents, but is advantageous when inherited from only one parent as it confers resistance to malaria. Thus, mutations play a crucial role in the genetic diversity of populations and the process of natural selection.Aside from natural mutations, scientists have also been able to induce mutations in the laboratory through techniques such as gene editing. This has opened up new possibilities for studying gene function and developing treatments for genetic diseases. One of the most famous examples of gene editing is the CRISPR-Cas9 system, which allows for precise and efficient editing of DNA sequences. This technology has the potential to revolutionize medicine and agriculture by providing new tools for modifying genes and creating desired traits in organisms.Overall, mutations are an essential part of the biological process, driving evolution and genetic diversity. While some mutations may have negative consequences, others can lead to adaptation and innovation. Understanding the mechanisms andeffects of mutations is crucial for advancing our knowledge of genetics and harnessing the potential of genetic engineering. Mutations may be unpredictable and sometimes uncontrollable, but they are also a source of endless possibilities and opportunities for the future of life on earth.篇2Mutation is a natural process in the evolution of living organisms. It refers to the sudden change in the genetic makeup of an organism, which can result in new characteristics or traits. These mutations can be caused by various factors, such as exposure to radiation, chemicals, or errors during DNA replication.One of the most famous examples of mutation is the peppered moth. Before the industrial revolution, the majority of peppered moths had a light coloration to blend in with the lichen-covered trees. However, as the industrial revolution caused pollution and darkened the trees with soot, a new,dark-colored variant of the peppered moth emerged. This new variant had a survival advantage in the polluted environment, as it was better camouflaged from predators. Over time, thedark-colored variant became more prevalent in the population.In humans, mutations can also lead to genetic disorders and diseases. For example, cystic fibrosis is caused by a mutation in the CFTR gene, which affects the transportation of chloride ions across cell membranes. This leads to the production of thick, sticky mucus in the lungs and other organs, causing respiratory and digestive problems. While mutations like these can have detrimental effects on an individual's health, they can also be beneficial in certain circumstances.Mutation is a driving force behind the diversity of life on Earth. Without mutations, there would be no genetic variation for natural selection to act upon, and species would not be able to adapt to changing environments. In fact, some of the most important evolutionary innovations, such as the development of wings in birds or the formation of the human brain, are thought to have arisen from mutations.In the field of genetics, mutations are studied for their potential role in disease prevention and treatment. For example, researchers are investigating how mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes increase the risk of breast and ovarian cancer, with the hope of developing targeted therapies to treat these mutations. Additionally, the study of mutations in bacteria hasled to the development of antibiotics that target specific genetic mutations in harmful pathogens.Overall, mutations are a fundamental aspect of biology and play a crucial role in the evolution of living organisms. While some mutations can have negative consequences, others can lead to the emergence of new traits and adaptations that drive the diversity of life. By studying mutations, scientists can gain insights into the genetic basis of disease and develop innovative treatments to improve human health.篇3Mutation is a natural phenomenon that occurs in every living organism. It is defined as a change in the DNA sequence of an organism, leading to new traits or characteristics. Mutations can occur spontaneously or can be induced by external factors such as radiation, chemicals, or viruses.One of the most famous examples of mutation is the case of the peppered moth in England during the Industrial Revolution. Before the Industrial Revolution, the peppered moth was predominantly light-colored, which helped it blend in with the light-colored lichen on trees. However, with the rise of industrial pollution, the lichen died off, exposing the dark-colored bark ofthe trees. As a result, a mutation occurred in some peppered moths, causing them to become dark-colored. This new trait allowed them to blend in with the trees and escape predators more effectively. Over time, the dark-colored moths became more prevalent in the population.Mutation plays a crucial role in evolution by providing genetic variation within a population. Natural selection acts on this variation, favoring traits that increase an organism's chances of survival and reproduction. Mutations that provide a selective advantage are more likely to be passed on to future generations, leading to the evolution of new species.In addition to driving evolution, mutations can also have negative consequences for an organism. Some mutations can disrupt the normal functioning of genes, leading to diseases such as cancer or genetic disorders. However, mutations are also the source of genetic diversity, which is essential for thelong-term survival of a species.Humans have long been aware of the potential benefits of mutations and have used them to their advantage. For example, selective breeding in agriculture has been used to create new crop varieties with desirable traits such as disease resistance or higher yields. In the field of medicine, mutations are studied tounderstand the genetic basis of diseases and develop new therapies.In recent years, advancements in genetic engineering have allowed scientists to manipulate DNA more precisely than ever before. This technology has the potential to revolutionize fields such as medicine, agriculture, and environmental conservation. However, it also raises ethical concerns about the potential consequences of altering the genetic makeup of organisms.In conclusion, mutations play a crucial role in the natural world, driving evolution and providing genetic diversity. While mutations can have negative consequences for an organism, they also have the potential to create new opportunities for adaptation and survival. As our understanding of genetics continues to grow, we must carefully consider the ethical implications of manipulating the genetic code of organisms.。


(4) 烷化剂:这是一类具有一个或多个活性烷基的化合物。常见的 烷化剂有甲基磺酸乙酯(EMS)、硫酸二乙酯(DES)、乙烯亚胺(EI)等。
可使胞嘧啶(C)的化学成分发生改变,而不能 正常地与鸟嘌呤(G)配对,而改为与腺嘌呤(A) 互补。经两次复制后,C-G碱基对就变换成T-A碱基 对。
脱嘌呤是自发化学变化中最常见的一种,它是由 于碱基和脱氧核糖间的糖苷键断裂,从而引起一个鸟 嘌呤或一个腺嘌呤从DNA分子上脱落下来。
研究发现,在37℃条件下培养一个哺乳动物细胞 20小时,会有数以千计的嘌呤通过脱嘌呤作用自发地 脱落。如果这种损伤得不到修复,就会引起很大的遗 传损伤,因为在DNA复制过程中,无嘌呤位点将没有 特异碱基与之互补,而可能随机地选择一个碱基插进Biblioteka 去,结果导致突变。一、静态突变
一、静态突变(static mutation)
是在一定条件下生物各世代中以相对稳定 的频率发生,并且能够使之随着世代的繁衍、 交替而得以稳定传递的基因突变。
点突变(point mutation)
DNA链中单个碱基或碱基对的改变,包括 两种形式:碱基替换和移码突变。
碱基替换(base substitution)
DNA分子中原有的某一特定碱基或碱基对 被其他碱基或碱基对置换、替代的突变形式。



自然选择和进化是不同的,自然选择 是一个过程,而进化是随着时间流逝而产 生变化的历史记录,是一个结果。只有变 异具有遗传基础的情况下,自然选择才会 导致进化。
Selection to Avoid Predators. 逃避捕食者的选择
硫磺蝶的幼虫经常全身都是单调的鲜绿色,当它 们吃紫花苜蓿时,这是非常完美的保护色。而亮蓝色 变体出现的概率非常小,因为这种颜色在植物上非常 显眼,这会使得它们容易被捕食者发现。 陆生蜗牛以相同的方式,通过壳的花纹与其居住 环境背景色一致作为伪装来避免被捕食。
逃避捕食者的选择 适应气候状况的选择
自然选择发生并导致进化,必须达 到以下3个条件
1.Variation must exist among individuals in a population. 种群中的个体必须存在着变异。 2 .Variation among individuals results in differences in number of offspring surviving in the next generation. 个体间的变异导致后代生存数目的差异。 3.Variation must be genetically inherited. 变异必须是可以遗传的。
the course of evolution can be affected by mutation, gene flow, nonrandom mating, and genetic drift.
单个种群中基因的组成和进化的过程,受 到突变、基因流动、非随机交配和遗传漂变等 因素的影响。
5. Selection 选择
Some individuals leave behind more progeny than others, and the rate at which they do so is affected by phenotype and behavior. We describe the results of this process as selection and speak of both artificial selection and natural selection. 一些个体留下的后代数量多于其他个体,而且 多的程度受其表现型和行为的影响。这一过程的结果 称为选择。

variant 中文术语

variant 中文术语

variant 中文术语Variant(变体)是指在某一特定领域内具有某种共同特征的不同形式或版本。



一、生物学中的Variant1. 基因突变(gene mutation):指基因序列发生的变化,包括点突变、插入突变、缺失突变等。


2. 生物个体差异(individual variation):同一物种中个体间的差异,包括形态差异、生理差异、行为差异等。


二、医学中的Variant1. 突变基因(mutated gene):指发生突变的基因,突变基因可能与遗传疾病的发生相关。

2. 病例变异(case variation):指同一种疾病在不同患者中的表现差异,包括症状差异、病程差异等。


三、计算机科学中的Variant1. 变量(variable):指在程序中可以存储和修改数据的一个名称,变量在计算机程序中具有重要作用。

2. 变体类型(variant type):指在编程语言中用于表示多种类型数据的一种数据类型,变体类型可以存储不同类型的数据。

四、社会学中的Variant1. 变异(variation):指社会现象在不同时间、地点或群体中的差异。


2. 变体(variant):指在社会结构、社会规范、社会习俗等方面的不同形式或版本。


五、语言学中的Variant1. 语言变体(linguistic variant):指同一语言中不同地区、社会群体或使用场合中的语言差异。


2. 语音变体(phonetic variant):指同一语言中不同语音发音的差异。


六、统计学中的Variant1. 变异系数(coefficient of variation):指数据的离散程度相对于其平均值的相对大小。

Genetic Variation in Plant Species

Genetic Variation in Plant Species

Genetic Variation in Plant Species Genetic variation in plant species is a crucial aspect of their survival and adaptation to changing environmental conditions. It refers to the differences in the genetic makeup of individuals within a species, which can lead to diverse traits and characteristics. This variation is influenced by a range of factors including natural selection, mutation, genetic drift, and gene flow. Understanding genetic variation in plant species is essential for conservation efforts, crop improvement, and ecological studies. One of the key factors contributing to genetic variation in plant species is natural selection. This process involves the differential survival and reproduction of individuals with certain advantageous traits, leading to the accumulation of those traits in a population over time. For example, in a population of wildflowers, individuals with traits that make them more resistant to herbivory may have a higher chance of survival and reproduction, leading to an increase in the frequency of those traits in the population. This process ultimately contributes to the genetic diversity of the species, as different populations may be subjected to different selection pressures, leading to the evolution of distinct traits. Another important factor influencing genetic variation in plant species is mutation. Mutations are random changes in the DNA sequence of an organism, which can lead to the creation of new genetic variants. While most mutations are neutral or harmful, some can be beneficial and provide the basis for evolutionary change. For example, a mutation in a gene responsible for drought tolerance in a crop species could lead to the development of a new, more resilient variety. Over time, these mutations can accumulate and contribute to the genetic diversity of plant populations. Genetic drift is another factor that can influence genetic variation in plant species. This process refers to the random fluctuations in the frequency of genetic variants in a population, which can occur due to chance events such as genetic bottlenecks or founder effects. Genetic drift is particularly important in small, isolated populations, where chance events can have a significant impact on the genetic makeup of the population. For example, a small population of rare orchids may experience genetic drift, leading to the loss of certain genetic variants and a decrease in overall genetic diversity. In addition to natural selection, mutation, and genetic drift,gene flow also plays a crucial role in shaping genetic variation in plant species. Gene flow refers to the movement of genes between populations, which can occur through the dispersal of seeds or pollen. This process can lead to the transfer of genetic variants between populations, increasing genetic diversity and reducing the potential for genetic differentiation. For example, gene flow betweendifferent populations of a tree species can lead to the exchange of genetic variants, promoting the adaptation of populations to changing environmental conditions. Understanding genetic variation in plant species is essential for a range of applications, including conservation efforts. Maintaining genetic diversity within plant populations is crucial for their long-term survival, as it provides the raw material for evolutionary change and adaptation to new environmental conditions. For example, in the face of climate change, plant species with higher genetic diversity may have a better chance of surviving and thriving in new habitats. Conservation efforts aimed at preserving genetic variation in plant species often focus on protecting diverse populations and promoting gene flow between isolated populations to prevent the loss of genetic diversity. Furthermore, genetic variation in plant species is also important for crop improvement. Plant breeders often rely on genetic diversity to develop new varieties with improved traits such as disease resistance, drought tolerance, or higher yields. By understanding the genetic variation present in crop species, breeders can identify valuable traits and incorporate them into new varieties through selective breeding or genetic engineering. For example, the genetic variation present in wild relatives of crop species can be utilized to introduce novel traits into cultivated varieties, improving their resilience and productivity. In conclusion, genetic variation in plant species is a complex and dynamic process that is influenced by a range of factors including natural selection, mutation, genetic drift, and gene flow. Understanding and preserving genetic diversity in plant populations is essential for their long-term survival, as well as for applications such as conservation and crop improvement. By studying the genetic variation present in plant species, scientists and conservationists can gain valuable insights into their evolutionary history and potential for adaptation to changing environmental conditions. Ultimately, genetic variation isa fundamental aspect of plant biology that shapes the diversity and resilience of plant species.。

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Types of mutations

A mistake that changes one base on a DNA molecule is called a point mutation. Two forms:
– Transition: one pyrimidine (T or C) substituted for the other pyrimidine or one purine substituted for the other purine (A or G). – Transversion: purine substituted for pyrimidine or vice versa

Where do new alleles come from?

DNA made up of sequence of nucleotides. Each nucleotide includes a sugar, phosphate and one of four possible nitrogenous bases (adenine and guanine [both purines], and thymine and cytosine [both pyrimidines]).
Mutation rates

Some mutations cause readily identified phenotypic changes. E.g. Achrondoplastic dwarfism is a dominant disorder. An Achrondoplastic individual’s condition must be the result of a mutation, if his parents do not have the condition.
Mutation rates

Most data on mutations comes from analysis of loss-of-function mutations. Loss-of-function mutations cause gene to produce a non-working protein. Examples of loss-of-function mutations include: insertions and deletions, mutation to a stop codon and insertion of jumping genes.

Mutation rates

Roundworms can self-fertilize so researchers tracked 74 family lines derived from one female and followed each for 214 generations. At end sequenced 771,672 base pairs of mitochondrial DNA. Found 26 mutations giving rate of 1.6X10-7 mutations per site per generation. Ten mutations were insertion/deletions and 16 substitutions.

Types of mutations

Another type of mutation occurs when bases are inserted or deleted from the DNA molecule. This causes a change in how the whole DNA strand is read (a frame shift mutation) and produces a nonfunctional protein.

Mutation can produce new alleles, but new genes are also produced and gene duplication appears to be most important source of new genes.
Gene duplication
Globin genes

Ancestral globin gene duplicated and diverged into alpha and beta ancestral genes about 450-500 mya. Later transposed to different chromosomes and followed by further subsequent duplications and mutations.

Mutation rates

Human estimate is 1.6 mutations/genome/generation. In Drosophila rate is only 0.14 m/g/g, but when corrected for number of cell divisions needed to produce sperm (400 in humans 25 in Drosophila) mutation rates per cell division are very similar.
Mutation and genetic variation

Mutations are raw material of evolution. No variation means no evolution and mutations are the ultimate source of variation.
Where do new alleles come from?

Sequence of bases in DNA codes for protein structure as each three base sequence codes for one amino acid in the protein chain. [To refresh yourself on basic DNA structure and protein synthesis see any Introductory Biology textbook]

Mutation rates

Applying mutation rates to entire genome gives estimate of approximately 15 mutations/individual/generation.
Where do new genes come from?

Gene duplication

Extra sections of DNA are duplicates and can accumulate mutations without being selected against because the other copies of the gene produce normal proteins. Gene may completely change over time so gene duplication creates new possibilities for gene function.
Where do new alleles come from?

When DNA is synthesized an enzyme called DNA polymerase reads one strand of DNA molecule and constructs a complementary strand. If DNA polymerase makes a mistake and it is not repaired, a mutation has occurred.

Mutation rates

These rates are underestimates as they are based on loss-of-function mutations. Direct estimate of number of mutations of all kinds made for roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans by sequencing mitochondrial DNA.
4 + 4.1d 4.1b .
Where do new alleles come from?

The opposite strands of the DNA molecule are complementary because the strands are held together by bonds between the opposing bases and adenine bonds only with thymine and cytosine only with guanine. Thus, knowing the sequence on one strand enables one to construct the sequence on the other strand.
Types of mutations

Not all mutations cause a change in amino acid coded for. These are called silent mutations. Mutations that do cause a change in amino acid are called replacement mutations.