






图1 安全光栅工作示意图图1.1 发射器/接收器1.1传感器发射器是发光单元的组合,作用是发射光信号。


KS06G型安全光栅符合下列标准的要求欧盟指令机械安全指令2006/42/EC、EMC指令2014/30/EU欧洲标准EN 61496-1、EN 61496-2、EN 13849-1国际标准IEC 61496-1、IEC 61496-2、ISO 13849-1国家标准GB/T 19436.1、GB/T 19436.2、GB 4584安全注意事项指令和标准适用于各种类型的压力机械,如冲床、压力机、液(油)压机、锻床、注塑机、剪板机、折弯机、切纸机等的人身安全防护。



应用场合扫码下载详细版说明书2 规格型号整机规格型号发射器/接收器规格型号传输线规格型号图 1.3.2 KS06G 型单端传输线序号安装方式安装支架代码1正侧装一体安装方式ZC 2管装支架侧装方式GC 3双臂支架侧装-带减振器安装方式SCJ 4双臂支架侧装-T 型槽安装方式SCT 5T 型槽侧装方式TC 6防护罩侧装方式FC 7防护罩正装方式FZ 8管装支架配防护罩方式GF 9双臂支架配防护罩方式SF 10磁吸安装方式CX 11防护罩落地安装方式FL 12磁吸防护罩正装方式CFZ 13磁吸防护罩侧装方式CFC 14双旋臂支架侧装方式G115板状支架-磁吸安装方式ZBC 16板状支架-螺钉安装方式ZBL3 产品安装方式:注1:E 型光幕光束数:04、06、08……40,光轴间距仅有40mm; 保护长度:4~16光束为0~40m,18~40光束为0~30m。

海格电气 HBC系列塑壳断路器

海格电气 HBC系列塑壳断路器

HNE016 HNE020 HNE025 HNE032 HNE040 HNE050 HNE063 HNE080 HNE100
HNE017 HNE021 HNE026 HNE033 HNE041 HNE051 HNE064 HNE081 HNE101
Icu = 80 kA
额定 电流
690 V AC
产品编号 产品编号
690 V AC
产品编号 产品编号
690 V AC
产品编号 产品编号
690 V AC
产品编号 产品编号
16 HNE016 HNE017 20 HNE020 HNE021 25 HNE025 HNE026 32 HNE032 HNE033 40 HNE040 HNE041 50 HNE050 HNE051 63 HNE063 HNE064 80 HNE080 HNE081 100 HNE100 HNE101
h100bc Icu : 80 kA Ue : 380/400 V AC Ui : 690 V
10 A 1 16 A 1 20 A 1 25 A 1 32 A 1 40 A 1 50 A 1 63 A 1 80 A 1 100 A 1
HBC系列塑壳断路器 100A 壳架附件
HEE016 HEE020 HEE025 HEE032 HEE040 HEE050 HEE063 HEE080 HEE100
250 320 400
400 500 630





KA01.暴风雨扩展条款KA02.台风、飓风扩展条款KA03.龙卷风扩展条款KA04.洪水扩展条款KA05.冰雹扩展条款KA06.雷击扩展条款KA07.暴雪、冰凌扩展条款KA08.沙尘暴扩展条款KA09.泥石流、崩塌、突发性滑坡扩展条款KA10.地面突然下陷下沉扩展条款KA13.飞行物体及其他空中运行物体坠落扩展条款KA14.水箱、水管爆裂扩展条款KA15.自燃扩展条款KA16.盗窃、抢劫扩展条款KA17.罢工、暴乱及民众骚乱扩展条款KA18.恶意破坏扩展条款KA19.自动喷淋系统水损扩展条款KA20.碰撞扩展条款KA21.供应中断扩展条款AKA22.供应中断扩展条款BKA23.供应中断扩展条款CKA24.供应中断扩展条款DKA25.烟熏扩展条款KA28.承保全部盗窃条款KA29.虫蛀、鼠咬损失扩展条款KA30.存货变质条款KA31.山崩和下陷条款KA32.海潮保险条款KA33.供水、供气、管道破裂损失条款KA34.公用设施故障条款KA35.导线“舞动”损失扩展条款KA36.“污闪”损失扩展条款KA37.水暖管爆裂条款KA38.液体泄漏条款KA39.污染风险扩展条款KA39.意外污染条款KA41.烟损条款KA42.液体渗漏条款KA43.霉变条款KB01.油气管道损坏扩展条款KB02.玻璃破碎扩展条款KB03.建筑物外部附属设施扩展条款AKB04.建筑物外部附属设施扩展条款BKB05.露天存放及简易建筑内财产扩展条款AKB06.露天存放及简易建筑内财产扩展条款BKB07.冷库扩展条款KB07.冷库条款KB08.锅炉、压力容器扩展条款KB09.铁路机车车辆扩展条款KB10.起重、运输机械扩展条款KB11.建筑物变动扩展条款KB12.铁路机车车辆露天存放、脱轨或冲突扩展条款KB13.玻璃破碎扩展条款KB14.财产流动条款(存货及机械设备)KB15.仓库、库房储存保管条款KB17.电路电器设备损失条款KB18.电气损害条款KB19.供电故障导致畜禽损失条款KB20.广告霓虹灯扩展条款KB21.贵重文件条款KB22.贵重物品、古董和艺术品条款KB23.机动车辆条款KB24.计算机及附属设备条款KB25.计算机设备保险财产项目保险特约条款KB26.建筑物变动条款KB27.金银珠宝钻石玉器翡翠首饰条款KB28.建筑物外部附属设施扩展条款KB29.检修扩展条款KB30.草木特约条款KB31.仓储财产损失特别条款KB32.扩展车辆测试条款KB33.流动机械扩展条款KC01.复制费用扩展条款KC02.灭火费用扩展条款AKC03.灭火费用扩展条款BKC04.消防队灭火费用扩展条款KC05.临时保护措施扩展条款KC06.清理残骸费用扩展条款KC07.专业费用扩展条款KC08.特别费用扩展条款KC09.空运费扩展条款KC09.空运费扩展条款KC10.公共当局扩展条款KC11.建筑物未受损部分额外费用扩展条款KC12.重新安装费用条款KC13.额外费用条款KC14.加快费用条款KC15.建筑费用增加条款KC16.建筑师、检验师、顾问、法律和其它专业费用条款KC18.水道清理条款KC19.重新装嵌机器条款KC20.疏散费用扩展条款KC21.拆开、拆卸机器设备及重新安装费用条款KC22.残余物及污染清除费用条款KC23.清理排水道费用条款KD01.厂区间临时移动扩展条款KD02.车辆装载物扩展条款KD03.临时移动扩展条款KD04.委托加工扩展条款KD05.内陆运输扩展条款AKD06.内陆运输扩展条款BKD07.厂内迁移条款KD08.场所外财产条款KD09.车载货物条款KD10.新获取财产条款KD11.自动扩展承保新增地点条款KD12.自动承保新地址与未指明仓储地址条款KD13.场外维修、保养及改造条款KD14.自动售货机扩展条款KD15.临时移动条款KD16.内陆运输条款KE03.便携式设备扩展条款KE04.雇员个人物品扩展条款KE05.其他物品扩展条款KE06.看护、保管和管理财产条款KE07.个人财产条款KE08.被保险人照顾、监管及控制标的物范围附加条款KE09.租户财产责任扩展条款KE10.内部物品条款KE11.所有其它内部设备条款KE12.租赁财产条款KE13.扩建、改建及维修条款KE14.手提电脑及照相摄像器材条款KE15.在建工程(含保险期内新增工程)扩展条款KE16. 媒介物扩展条款KF05.地域调整特别条款KF06.防止损失扩大条款KF07.通货膨胀条款KF08.不使失效条款(二)“KF03.85%扩展条款”的收费不低于主险保费的5%。

MKE06P80M48SF0 Cortex-M0数据手册

MKE06P80M48SF0  Cortex-M0数据手册
• 安全性和完整性模块 – 每个芯片拥有 80 位唯一标识(ID)号 • 人机接口 – 最多 71 个通用输入/输出(GPIO) – 两个 32 位键盘中断(KBI)模块 – 外部中断(IRQ)模块 • 模拟模块 – 一个 16 通道,12 位 SAR ADC,可工作在停止模 式,可选硬件触发源(ADC) – 两个包含 6 位 DAC 和可配置参考输入的模拟比 较器(ACMP) • 定时器 – 一个 6 通道 FlexTimer/PWM (FTM) – 两个 2 通道 FlexTimer/PWM (FTM) – 一个 2 通道周期性中断定时器(PIT) – 一个脉宽计数器(PWT) – 一个实时时钟(RTC) • 通信接口 – 两个 SPI 模块(SPI) – 三个 UART 模块(UART) – 两个 I2C 模块(I2C) – 一个 MSCAN 模块(MSCAN) • 封装选项 – 80 引脚 LQFP – 64 引脚 QFP/LQFP – 44 引脚 LQFP
Freescale reserves the right to change the detail specifications as may be required to permit improvements in the design of its products. © 2013–2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
主要功能 • 工作范围 – 电压范围:2.7 至 5.5 V – Flash 编程电压范围:2.7 至 5.5 V – 温度范围(环境) :-40 至 105°C • 性能 – 最高 48 MHz 的 ARM® Cortex-M0+内核 – 单周期 32 位 x 32 位乘法器 – 单周期 I/O 访问端口 • 存储器和存储器接口 – 最高 128 KB 的 Flash – 最高 16 KB 的 RAM • 时钟 – 振荡器(OSC) - 支持 32.768 kHz 晶振或 4 MHz 至 24 MHz 晶振或陶瓷谐振器;可选择低功耗或高增 益振荡器 – 内部时钟源(ICS) - 内部 FLL,集成内部或外部基 准时钟源、37.5 kHz 预校准内部基准时钟源,可 用于 48 MHz 系统时钟 – 内部 1 kHz 低功耗振荡器(LPO) • 系统外设 – 电源管理模块(PMC)有三个功率模式:运行、待 机和停止 – 可复位、中断并带可选跳变点的低压检测(LVD) – 带独立时钟源的看门狗(WDOG) – 可配置循环冗余校验(CRC)模块 – 串行线调试(SWD)接口 – SRAM 位操作映射区域(BIT-BAND) – 位处理引擎(BME)

基本参数 卡宴 06款 Caye

基本参数 卡宴 06款 Caye

基本参数卡宴 06款 Cayenne 3.2 MT卡宴 06款 Cayenne 3.2 AT卡宴 06款 Cayenne S 4.5 MT卡宴 06款 Cayenne S 4.5 AT基本参数卡宴 06款 Cayenne Turbo 4.5卡宴 06款 Cayenne Turbo S 4.5车型名称:卡宴 06款 Cayenne 3.2 MT 卡宴 06款 Cayenne 3.2 AT 卡宴 06款 Cayenne S 4.5 MT 卡宴 06款 Cayenne S 4.5 AT 车型名称:卡宴 06款 Cayenne Turbo 4.5 卡宴 06款 Cayenne Turbo S 4.5厂商指导价(元): 79.00万 79.00万 102.00万 102.00万厂商指导价(元): 149.00万169.80万厂商:保时捷保时捷保时捷保时捷厂商:保时捷保时捷级别: SUV SUV SUV SUV 级别: SUV SUV发动机: 3.2L 250马力 V6 3.2L 250马力 V6 4.5L 340马力 V8 4.5L 340马力 V8 发动机:4.5T 450马力 V8 4.5T 521马力 V8变速箱: 6挡手动 6挡手自一体 6挡手动 6挡手自一体变速箱: 6挡手自一体 6挡手自一体长×宽×高(mm): 4782*1928*1699 4782*1928*1699 4782*1928*1699 4782*1928*1699 长×宽×高(mm): 4786*1928*1699 4786*1928*1699车身结构: 5门5座SUV 5门5座SUV 5门5座SUV 5门5座SUV 车身结构: 5门5座SUV 5门5座SUV最高车速(km/h): 214 214 242 242 最高车速(km/h): 266 270官方0-100加速(s): 9.1 9.7 6.8 7.2 官方0-100加速(s): 5.6 5.2实测0-100加速(s): - - - - 实测0-100加速(s): - -实测100-0制动(m): - - - - 实测100-0制动(m): - -实测油耗(L): - - - - 实测油耗(L): - -工信部综合油耗(L):工信部未公布工信部未公布工信部未公布工信部未公布工信部综合油耗(L):工信部未公布工信部未公布整车质保:两年不限公里两年不限公里两年不限公里两年不限公里整车质保:两年不限公里两年不限公里车身卡宴 06款 Cayenne 3.2 MT卡宴 06款 Cayenne 3.2 AT卡宴 06款 Cayenne S 4.5 MT卡宴 06款 Cayenne S 4.5 AT车身卡宴 06款 Cayenne Turbo 4.5卡宴 06款 Cayenne Turbo S 4.5长度(mm): 4782 4782 4782 4782 长度(mm): 4786 4786宽度(mm): 1928 1928 1928 1928 宽度(mm): 1928 1928高度(mm): 1699 1699 1699 1699 高度(mm): 1699 1699轴距(mm): 2855 2855 2855 2855 轴距(mm): 2855 2855前轮距(mm): 1647 1647 1647 1647 前轮距(mm): 1647 1641后轮距(mm): 1662 1662 1662 1662 后轮距(mm): 1662 1656最小离地间隙(mm): 217 217 217 217 最小离地间隙(mm): 217 157整备质量(Kg): 2160 2170 2225 2245 整备质量(Kg): 2355 2355车身结构: SUV SUV SUV SUV 车身结构: SUV SUV车门数(个): 5 5 5 5 车门数(个): 5 5座位数(个): 5 5 5 5 座位数(个): 5 5油箱容积(L): 100 100 100 100 油箱容积(L): 100 100行李箱容积(L): 540 540 540 540 行李箱容积(L): 540 540发动机卡宴 06款 Cayenne 3.2 MT卡宴 06款 Cayenne 3.2 AT卡宴 06款 Cayenne S 4.5 MT卡宴 06款 Cayenne S 4.5 AT发动机卡宴 06款 Cayenne Turbo 4.5卡宴 06款 Cayenne Turbo S 4.5发动机型号: BFD BFD M48/00 M48/00 发动机型号: M48/50 M48/50汽缸容积(cc): 3189 3189 4511 4511 汽缸容积(cc): 4511 4511排量(L): 3.2 3.2 4.5 4.5 排量(L): 4.5 4.5工作方式:自然吸气自然吸气自然吸气自然吸气工作方式:涡轮增压涡轮增压汽缸排列形式: V V V V 汽缸排列形式: V V汽缸数(个): 6 6 8 8 汽缸数(个): 8 8每缸气门数(个): 4 4 4 4 每缸气门数(个): 4 4压缩比: 11.5 11.5 11.5 11.5 压缩比: 9.5 9.5气门结构: DOHC DOHC DOHC DOHC 气门结构: DOHC DOHC缸径: - - - - 缸径: - 93冲程: - - - - 冲程: - 83最大马力(Ps): 250 250 340 340 最大马力(Ps): 450 521最大功率(kW): 184 184 250 250 最大功率(kW): 330 383最大功率转速(rpm): 6000 6000 6000 6000 最大功率转速(rpm): 6000 5500最大扭矩(N·m): 310 310 420 420 最大扭矩(N·m): 636 720最大扭矩转速(rpm): 2500 2500 2500 2500 最大扭矩转速(rpm): 2250 2750发动机特有技术:可变气门正时可变气门正时可变气门正时可变气门正时发动机特有技术:可变气门正时可变气门正时燃料形式:汽油汽油汽油汽油燃料形式:汽油汽油燃油标号: 97号 97号 97号 97号燃油标号: 97号 97号供油方式:多点电喷多点电喷多点电喷多点电喷供油方式:多点电喷多点电喷缸盖材料:铝铝铝铝缸盖材料:铝铝缸体材料:铁铁铁铁缸体材料:铁铁环保标准:欧IV 欧IV 欧IV 欧IV 环保标准:欧IV 欧IV变速箱卡宴 06款 Cayenne 3.2 MT卡宴 06款 Cayenne 3.2 AT卡宴 06款 Cayenne S 4.5 MT卡宴 06款 Cayenne S 4.5 AT变速箱卡宴 06款 Cayenne Turbo 4.5卡宴 06款 Cayenne Turbo S 4.5简称: 6挡手动 6挡手自一体 6挡手动 6挡手自一体简称: 6挡手自一体 6挡手自一体挡位个数: 6 6 6 6 挡位个数: 6 6变速箱类型:手动变速箱(MT) 自动变速箱(AT) 手动变速箱(MT) 自动变速箱(AT) 变速箱类型:自动变速箱(AT) 自动变速箱(AT)底盘转向卡宴 06款 Cayenne 3.2 MT卡宴 06款 Cayenne 3.2 AT卡宴 06款 Cayenne S 4.5 MT卡宴 06款 Cayenne S 4.5 AT底盘转向卡宴 06款 Cayenne Turbo 4.5卡宴 06款 Cayenne Turbo S 4.5驱动方式:前置四驱前置四驱前置四驱前置四驱驱动方式:前置四驱前置四驱前悬挂类型:超大前双摇臂独立悬挂超大前双摇臂独立悬挂超大前双摇臂独立悬挂超大前双摇臂独立悬挂前悬挂类型:超大前双摇臂独立悬挂超大前双摇臂独立悬挂后悬挂类型:多连杆独立悬架多连杆独立悬架多连杆独立悬架多连杆独立悬架后悬挂类型:多连杆独立悬架多连杆独立悬架助力类型:电子液压助力电子液压助力电子液压助力电子液压助力助力类型:电子液压助力电子液压助力车体结构:承载式承载式承载式承载式车体结构:承载式承载式车轮制动卡宴 06款 Cayenne 3.2 MT卡宴 06款 Cayenne 3.2 AT卡宴 06款 Cayenne S 4.5 MT卡宴 06款 Cayenne S 4.5 AT车轮制动卡宴 06款 Cayenne Turbo 4.5卡宴 06款 Cayenne Turbo S 4.5前制动器类型:通风盘式通风盘式通风盘式通风盘式前制动器类型:通风盘式盘式后制动器类型:通风盘式通风盘式通风盘式通风盘式后制动器类型:通风盘式盘式驻车制动类型:脚刹脚刹脚刹脚刹驻车制动类型:脚刹脚刹前轮胎规格: 235/65 R17 235/65 R17 255/55 R18 255/55 R18 前轮胎规格: 255/55 R18 275/40 R20后轮胎规格: 235/65 R17 235/65 R17 255/55 R18 255/55 R18 后轮胎规格: 255/55 R18 275/40 R20备胎规格:全尺寸全尺寸全尺寸全尺寸备胎规格:全尺寸全尺寸安全装备卡宴 06款 Cayenne 3.2 MT卡宴 06款 Cayenne 3.2 AT卡宴 06款 Cayenne S 4.5 MT卡宴 06款 Cayenne S 4.5 AT安全装备卡宴 06款 Cayenne Turbo 4.5卡宴 06款 Cayenne Turbo S 4.5驾驶座安全气囊:● ● ● ● 驾驶座安全气囊:● ●副驾驶安全气囊:● ● ● ● 副驾驶安全气囊:●●前排侧气囊:● ● ● ● 前排侧气囊:● ●后排侧气囊:● ● ● ● 后排侧气囊:● ●前排头部气囊(气帘):● ● ● ● 前排头部气囊(气帘):● ●后排头部气囊(气帘):● ● ● ● 后排头部气囊(气帘):● ●膝部气囊: - - - - 膝部气囊: - -胎压监测装置: - - ● ● 胎压监测装置:● ●零胎压继续行驶: - - - - 零胎压继续行驶: - -安全带未系提示: - - - - 安全带未系提示: - -发动机电子防盗:● ● ● ● 发动机电子防盗:● ●车内中控锁:● ● ● ● 车内中控锁:● ●遥控钥匙: - - - - 遥控钥匙: - -无钥匙启动系统: - - - - 无钥匙启动系统: - -操控配置卡宴 06款 Cayenne 3.2 MT卡宴 06款 Cayenne 3.2 AT卡宴 06款 Cayenne S 4.5 MT卡宴 06款 Cayenne S 4.5 AT操控配置卡宴 06款 Cayenne Turbo 4.5卡宴 06款 Cayenne Turbo S 4.5ABS防抱死:● ● ● ● ABS防抱死:● ●制动力分配(EBD/CBC等): - - - - 制动力分配(EBD/CBC等): - -刹车辅助(EBA/BAS/BA等): - - - - 刹车辅助(EBA/BAS/BA等): - -牵引力控制(ASR/TCS/TRC等):● ● ● ● 牵引力控制(ASR/TCS/TRC等):● ● 车身稳定控制(ESP/DSC/VSC等): - - - - 车身稳定控制(ESP/DSC/VSC等): - - 自动驻车/上坡辅助: - - - - 自动驻车/上坡辅助: - -陡坡缓降: - - - - 陡坡缓降: - -可调悬挂: - - - - 可调悬挂: - -空气悬挂: - - - - 空气悬挂: - -主动转向系统: - - - - 主动转向系统: - -外部配置卡宴 06款 Cayenne 3.2 MT卡宴 06款 Cayenne 3.2 AT卡宴 06款 Cayenne S 4.5 MT卡宴 06款 Cayenne S 4.5 AT外部配置卡宴 06款 Cayenne Turbo 4.5卡宴 06款 Cayenne Turbo S 4.5电动天窗: - - ● ● 电动天窗:● ●全景天窗: - - - - 全景天窗: - -运动外观套件: - - - - 运动外观套件: - -铝合金轮毂:● ● ● ● 铝合金轮毂:● ●电动吸合门: - - - - 电动吸合门: - -内部配置卡宴 06款 Cayenne 3.2 MT卡宴 06款 Cayenne 3.2 AT卡宴 06款 Cayenne S 4.5 MT内部配置卡宴 06款 Cayenne Turbo 4.5卡宴 06款 Cayenne Turbo S 4.5真皮方向盘:● ● ● ● 真皮方向盘:● ●方向盘上下调节:● ● ● ● 方向盘上下调节:● ●方向盘前后调节:● ● ● ● 方向盘前后调节:● ●方向盘电动调节: - - - - 方向盘电动调节: - -多功能方向盘:● ● ● ● 多功能方向盘:● ●方向盘换挡: - - - - 方向盘换挡: - -定速巡航: - - ● ● 定速巡航:● ●泊车辅助: - - ● ● 泊车辅助:● ●倒车视频影像: - - - - 倒车视频影像: - -行车电脑显示屏: - - - - 行车电脑显示屏: - -HUD抬头数字显示: - - - - HUD抬头数字显示: - -座椅配置卡宴 06款 Cayenne 3.2 MT卡宴 06款 Cayenne 3.2 AT卡宴 06款 Cayenne S 4.5 MT卡宴 06款 Cayenne S 4.5 AT座椅配置卡宴 06款 Cayenne Turbo 4.5卡宴 06款 Cayenne Turbo S 4.5真皮/仿皮座椅:● ● ● ● 真皮/仿皮座椅:● ●运动座椅:● ● ● ● 运动座椅:● ●座椅高低调节:● ● ● ● 座椅高低调节:● ●腰部支撑调节:● ● ● ● 腰部支撑调节:● ●肩部支撑调节: - - - - 肩部支撑调节: - -前排座椅电动调节:● ● ● ● 前排座椅电动调节:● ● 第二排靠背角度调节: - - - - 第二排靠背角度调节: - - 第二排座椅移动: - - - - 第二排座椅移动: - -后排座椅电动调节: - - - - 后排座椅电动调节: - -电动座椅记忆: - - - - 电动座椅记忆: - -前排座椅加热: - - - - 前排座椅加热: - -后排座椅加热: - - - - 后排座椅加热: - -座椅通风: - - - - 座椅通风: - -座椅按摩: - - - - 座椅按摩: - -后排座椅整体放倒: - - - - 后排座椅整体放倒: - -后排座椅比例放倒:● ● ● ● 后排座椅比例放倒:● ● 第三排座椅: - - - - 第三排座椅: - -前座中央扶手:● ● ● ● 前座中央扶手:● ●后座中央扶手:● ● ● ● 后座中央扶手:● ●后排杯架:● ● ● ● 后排杯架:● ●电动后备箱: - - - - 电动后备箱: - -多媒体配置卡宴 06款 Cayenne 3.2 MT卡宴 06款 Cayenne S 4.5 MT卡宴 06款 Cayenne S 4.5 AT多媒体配置卡宴 06款 Cayenne Turbo 4.5卡宴 06款 Cayenne Turbo S 4.5GPS导航系统: - - - - GPS导航系统:● ●定位互动服务: - - - - 定位互动服务: - -中控台彩色大屏:● ● ● ● 中控台彩色大屏:● ●人机交互系统: - - - - 人机交互系统: - -内置硬盘: - - - - 内置硬盘: - -蓝牙/车载电话: - - - - 蓝牙/车载电话: - -车载电视: - - - - 车载电视: - -后排液晶屏: - - - - 后排液晶屏: - -外接音源接口(AUX/USB/iPod等): - - - - 外接音源接口(AUX/USB/iPod等): - - CD支持MP3/WMA: - - - - CD支持MP3/WMA: - -单碟CD: - - - - 单碟CD: - -虚拟多碟CD: - - - - 虚拟多碟CD: - -多碟CD系统:● ● ● ● 多碟CD系统:● ●单碟DVD: - - - - 单碟DVD: - -多碟DVD系统: - - - - 多碟DVD系统: - -2-3喇叭扬声器系统: - - - - 2-3喇叭扬声器系统: - -4-5喇叭扬声器系统: - - - - 4-5喇叭扬声器系统: - -6-7喇叭扬声器系统: - - - - 6-7喇叭扬声器系统: - -≥8喇叭扬声器系统:● ● ● ● ≥8喇叭扬声器系统:● ●灯光配置卡宴 06款 Cayenne 3.2 MT卡宴 06款 Cayenne 3.2 AT卡宴 06款 Cayenne S 4.5 MT卡宴 06款 Cayenne S 4.5 AT灯光配置卡宴 06款 Cayenne Turbo 4.5卡宴 06款 Cayenne Turbo S 4.5氙气大灯:● ● ● ● 氙气大灯:● ●日间行车灯: - - - - 日间行车灯: - -自动头灯: - - - - 自动头灯: - -转向头灯(辅助灯): - - - - 转向头灯(辅助灯): - -前雾灯:● ● ● ● 前雾灯:● ●大灯高度可调: - - - - 大灯高度可调: - -大灯清洗装置:● ●● ● 大灯清洗装置:● ●车内氛围灯: - - - - 车内氛围灯: - -玻璃/后视镜卡宴 06款 Cayenne 3.2 MT卡宴 06款 Cayenne 3.2 AT卡宴 06款 Cayenne S 4.5 MT卡宴 06款 Cayenne S 4.5 AT玻璃/后视镜卡宴 06款 Cayenne Turbo 4.5卡宴 06款 Cayenne Turbo S 4.5前电动车窗:● ● ● ● 前电动车窗:● ●后电动车窗:● ● ● ● 后电动车窗:● ●车窗防夹手功能:● ● ● ● 车窗防夹手功能:● ●防紫外线/隔热玻璃: - - - - 防紫外线/隔热玻璃: - -后视镜电动调节:● ● ● ● 后视镜电动调节:● ●后视镜加热:● ● ● ● 后视镜加热:● ●后视镜自动防眩目:● ● ● ● 后视镜自动防眩目:● ●后视镜电动折叠: - - - - 后视镜电动折叠: - -后视镜记忆: - - - - 后视镜记忆: - -后风挡遮阳帘: - - - - 后风挡遮阳帘: - -后排侧遮阳帘: - - - - 后排侧遮阳帘: - -遮阳板化妆镜:● ● ● ● 遮阳板化妆镜:● ●后雨刷:● ● ● ● 后雨刷:● ●感应雨刷:● ● ● ● 感应雨刷:● ●空调/冰箱卡宴 06款 Cayenne 3.2 MT卡宴 06款 Cayenne 3.2 AT卡宴 06款 Cayenne S 4.5 MT卡宴 06款 Cayenne S 4.5 AT空调/冰箱卡宴 06款 Cayenne Turbo 4.5卡宴 06款 Cayenne Turbo S 4.5手动空调: - - - - 手动空调: - -自动空调:● ● ● ● 自动空调:● ●后排独立空调: - - - - 后排独立空调: - -后座出风口:● ● ● ● 后座出风口:● ●温度分区控制: - - - - 温度分区控制: - -空气调节/花粉过滤: - - - - 空气调节/花粉过滤: - -车载冰箱: - - - - 车载冰箱: - -高科技配置卡宴 06款 Cayenne 3.2 MT卡宴 06款 Cayenne 3.2 AT卡宴 06款 Cayenne S 4.5 MT卡宴 06款 Cayenne S 4.5 AT高科技配置卡宴 06款 Cayenne Turbo 4.5卡宴 06款 Cayenne Turbo S 4.5自动泊车入位: - - - - 自动泊车入位: - -并线辅助: - - - - 并线辅助: - -主动刹车/主动安全系统: - - - - 主动刹车/主动安全系统: - - 整体主动转向系统: - - - - 整体主动转向系统: - -夜视系统: - - - - 夜视系统: - -中控液晶屏分屏显示: - - - - 中控液晶屏分屏显示: - -自适应巡航: - - - - 自适应巡航: - - 全景摄像头: - - - - 全景摄像头: - -。






序号产品名称一般扩展责任类附加险KA01暴风雨扩展条款KA02台风、飓风扩展条款KA03龙卷风扩展条款KA04洪水扩展条款KA05冰雹扩展条款KA06雷击扩展条款KA07暴雪、冰凌扩展条款KA08沙尘暴扩展条款KA09泥石流、崩塌、突发性滑坡扩展条款KA10地面突然下陷下沉扩展条款KA11地震扩展条款KA12财产保险地震责任扩展条款KA13飞行物体及其他空中运行物体坠落扩展条款KA14水箱、水管爆裂扩展条款KA15自燃扩展条款KA16盗窃、抢劫扩展条款KA17罢工、暴乱及民众骚乱扩展条款KA18恶意破坏扩展条款KA19自动喷淋系统水损扩展条款KA20碰撞扩展条款KA21供应中断扩展条款AKA22供应中断扩展条款BKA23供应中断扩展条款CKA24供应中断扩展条款DKA25烟熏扩展条款KA26恐怖活动扩展条款KA27扩展恐怖主义风险责任条款KA28承保全部盗窃条款KA29虫蛀、鼠咬损失扩展条款KA30存货变质条款KA31山崩和下陷条款KA32海潮保险条款KA33供水、供气、管道破裂损失条款KA34公用设施故障条款KA35导线“舞动”损失扩展条款KA36“污闪”损失扩展条款KA37水暖管爆裂条款KA38液体渗漏扩展条款AKA39液体渗漏扩展条款BKA40污染风险特别条款KA41意外污染扩展条款KA42烟损扩展条款KA43霉变条款特定标的扩展责任类附加险KB01油气管道损坏扩展条款KB02玻璃破碎扩展条款AKB03玻璃破碎扩展条款BKB04建筑物外部附属设施扩展条款AKB05建筑物外部附属设施扩展条款BKB06露天存放及简易建筑内财产扩展条款A KB07露天存放及简易建筑内财产扩展条款B KB08冷库扩展条款KB09锅炉、压力容器扩展条款KB10铁路机车车辆扩展条款KB11起重、运输机械扩展条款KB12建筑物变动扩展条款KB13铁路机车车辆露天存放、脱轨或冲突扩展条款KB14财产流动条款(存货及机械设备)KB15仓库、库房储存保管条款KB16冷库条款KB17电路电器设备损失条款KB18电气损害条款KB19供电故障导致畜禽损失条款KB20广告霓虹灯扩展条款KB21贵重文件条款KB22贵重物品、古董和艺术品条款KB23机动车辆条款KB24计算机及附属设备条款KB25计算机设备保险财产项目保险特约条款KB26金银珠宝钻石玉器翡翠首饰条款KB27检修扩展条款KB28草木特约条款KB29仓储财产损失特别条款KB30扩展车辆测试条款KB31流动机械扩展条款KB32扩展叉车责任条款KB33锅炉爆炸、倒塌保险条款KB34企业铁路自备车保险条款扩展费用类附加险KC01复制费用扩展条款KC02灭火费用扩展条款AKC03灭火费用扩展条款BKC04消防队灭火费用扩展条款KC05临时保护措施扩展条款KC06清理残骸费用扩展条款KC07专业费用扩展条款KC08特别费用扩展条款KC09空运费扩展条款AKC10空运费扩展条款BKC11公共当局扩展条款KC12建筑物未受损部分额外费用扩展条款KC13重新安装费用条款KC14额外费用条款KC15加快费用条款KC16建筑费用增加条款KC17建筑师、检验师、顾问、法律和其它专业费用条款KC18水道清理条款KC19重新装嵌机器条款KC20疏散费用扩展条款KC21拆开、拆卸机器设备及重新安装费用条款KC22残余物及污染清除费用条款KC23清理排水道费用条款KC24索赔费用条款扩展标的地点类附加险KD01厂区间临时移动扩展条款KD02车辆装载物扩展条款KD03临时移动扩展条款KD04委托加工扩展条款KD05内陆运输扩展条款AKD06内陆运输扩展条款BKD07厂内迁移条款KD08场所外财产条款KD09车载货物条款KD10新获取财产条款KD11自动扩展承保新增地点条款KD12自动承保新地址与未指明仓储地址条款KD13场外维修、保养及改造条款KD14自动售货机扩展条款KD15临时移动条款KD16内陆运输条款扩展标的类附加险KE01增加资产扩展条款AKE02增加资产扩展条款BKE03便携式设备扩展条款KE04雇员个人物品扩展条款KE05其他物品扩展条款KE06看护、保管和管理财产条款KE07个人财产条款KE08被保险人照顾、监管及控制标的物范围附加条款KE09租户财产责任扩展条款KE10内部物品条款KE11所有其它内部设备条款KE12租赁财产条款KE13扩建、改建及维修条款KE14手提电脑及照相摄像器材条款KE15在建工程(含保险期内新增工程)扩展条款KE16媒介物扩展条款KE17其他财产条款扩展赔偿基础类附加险KF01自动升值扩展条款KF02合同价格扩展条款KF0385%扩展条款KF04放弃代位追偿扩展条款KF05地域调整特别条款KF06防止损失扩大条款KF07通货膨胀条款KF08不使失效条款AKF09不使失效条款BKF10放弃比例分摊扩展条款KF1180%扩展条款限制类附加险X01暴风雨除外条款X02台风、飓风除外条款X03龙卷风除外条款X04洪水除外条款X05沙尘暴除外条款X06碰撞除外条款X07自燃除外条款X08简易建筑除外条款X09感应雷击除外条款规范类附加险G01仓储财产申报特约条款G02自动恢复保险金额条款G03重置价值条款G04定值保险条款G05错误和遗漏条款G06不受控制条款G07违反条件条款G08成对或成套设备条款G0972小时条款G10赔款接受人条款G11抵押权条款G12指定公估人条款G13预付赔款条款AG14预付赔款条款BG15索赔单据条款G16紧急抢险条款G17货运险、财产险分摊条款(50:50条款)G18分期付费条款AG19分期付费条款BG20消防保证条款G21仓储物特约条款G22水位线特约条款G23防洪保证条款G24建筑物消防保证条款G25配对成套条款G26成对和成套财产条款G27商标及标签条款G28保险人提前30天通知解除保险单条款G29保险人提前60天通知解除保险单条款G30保险人提前90天通知解除保险单条款G31共同被保险人条款G32改造、装修、维修免通知条款G33免检条款G34赔偿基础条款G35改造装修维修免通知条款一、一般扩展责任类KA01.暴风雨扩展条款经双方同意,由于暴风、暴雨造成保险标的的损失,保险人按照本保险合同的约定负责赔偿。

Freescale Kinetis E 系列 KE06 微控制器开发板用户指南说明书

Freescale Kinetis E 系列 KE06 微控制器开发板用户指南说明书

Freescale Semiconductor User’s Guide1FRDM-KE06 hardware overviewThe FRDM-KE06 Freedom development platform microcontroller board is assembled with the following features:•Kinetis E series KE06 MCU in an 80-pin LQFP package•On-board serial and debug adapter (OpenSDA)•I/O headers for easy access to MCU I/O pins •Freescale inertial sensor, MMA8451Q •Reset push button •RGB LED•Infrared communication •One thermistor•Motor control function for simple BLDC motor control on APMOTOR56F8000E •CAN communication Figure 1 shows a block diagram of the FRDM-KE06 board.Document Number:FRDMKE06UGRev. 0, 03/2014Contents1.FRDM-KE06 hardware overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.FRDM-KE06 hardware description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23.Serial and Debug Adapter (OpenSDA) . . . . . . . . . . . 4Freedom KE06 User’s Guideby: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.FRDM-KE06 hardware descriptionFigure1. FRDM-KE06 block diagramThe FRDM-KE06 features two microcontrollers, the target MCU and a serial and debug adapter (OpenSDA) MCU. The target MCU is a Kinetis E series KE06 family device. The OpenSDA MCU is a Kinetis K series K20 family device, the K20DX128VFM5.2FRDM-KE06 hardware description2.1Power supplyThe FRDM-KE06 offers a design with multiple power supply options. It can be powered from the USB connector, the V IN pin on the I/O header, an off-board 1.71-3.6V supply from the 3.3V pin on the I/O header or 3.3V from motor control board. The USB and V IN supplies are regulated on-board using a 3.3V linear regulator to produce the main power supply. The other two sources are not regulated on-board. Note that KE06 on FRDM board can be powered by 5V or 3.3V.The following figure shows the schematic drawing for the power supply inputs and the on-board voltage regulator.FRDM-KE06 hardware descriptionFigure 2. FRDM-KE06 power supplyTable 1 provides the operational details and requirements for the power supplies.Note that the OpenSDA circuit is only operational when a USB cable is connected and supplying power to J6. However, the protection circuitry is in place to allow multiple sources to be powered at once.Table 1. Power supply requirementsSupply Source Valid RangeOpenSDA Operational?Regulated on-board?OpenSDA USB (J6)5VYes Yes V IN Pin on I/O header 4.3-9V Yes Yes 3.3V Pin on I/O header 1.71-3.6V Yes No 3.3V Pin on motor control header3.3VYesNoTable 2. Power suppliesPower Supply Name DescriptionVDD_PERIPHPeripheral power supply, including RGB LED, Key buttons, infrared, thermistor, reset circuit.J14 Pin1&2 connected, 3.3V power supply;J14 Pin2&3 connected, 5V power supply.Serial and Debug Adapter (OpenSDA)Notes:1.J9 and J10 are not populated by default on the production version. The two pins of these headers are shorted together by 0 ohm resistor R12 and R26 on the PCB. To measure the energyconsumption of either the KE06 or the OpenSDA MCU, the 0 ohm resistor between these pins must first be cut. A current probe or a shunt resistor and voltage meter can then be applied to measure the energy consumption on these rails. When the MCU current measurement is done, this 0 ohm resistor can be soldered on again.2.To better get ADC accuracy on KE06, it is recommended that a 0 ohm resistor R13 be soldered on. Ensure there is no power supply from P3V3_MOTOR and P3V3 sourced from I/O headers.3Serial and Debug Adapter (OpenSDA)OpenSDA is an open-standard serial and debug adapter. It bridges serial and debug communications between a USB host and an embedded target processor as shown in Figure 3.VDD_KE06KE06 MCU power supply.Header J9 provides a convenient means for KE06 energy consumption measurements.Header J14 for KE06 power supply selection: 3.3V or 5V.J14 Pin1&2 connected, 3.3V power supply,J14 Pin2&3 connected, 5V power supply.P3V3_SDAOpenSDA circuit power supply. Can be 3.3V only.Header J10 provides a convenient means for K20 energy consumption measurements.P5V_SDA INPUT [J6 Pin1] Input 5V Power supplied from the OpenSDA USB connector. P5-9V_VIN INPUT [J4 Pin16] Power supplied from the V IN pin of the I/O headers.P3V3_MOTOR INPUT [J2 Pin13] Input 3.3V power supplied from motor control header.P5V_USB OUTPUT[J4 Pin10] Output 5V to the I/O headers.Sourced from J6 USB (P5V_SDA) supply through a back drive protection Schottky diode.Table 2. Power suppliesSerial and Debug Adapter (OpenSDA)Figure3. OpenSDA block diagramOpenSDA is managed by a Kinetis K20 MCU built on the ARM® Cortex™-M4 core. The OpenSDA circuit includes a status LED (D4) and a reset pushbutton (SW1). The pushbutton asserts the reset signal to the KE06 target MCU. It can also be used to place the OpenSDA circuit into Bootloader mode by holding down the reset pushbutton while plugging the USB cable to USB connector J6. Once the OpenSDA enters bootloader mode, other OpenSDA applications such as debug app can be programmed. SPI and GPIO signals provide an interface to the SWD debug port of the KE06. Additionally, signal connections are available to implement a UART serial channel. The OpenSDA circuit receives power when the USB connector J6 is plugged into a USB host.3.1Debugging InterfaceSignals with SPI and GPIO capability are used to connect directly to the SWD of the KE06. These signals are also brought out to a standard 10-pin (0.05”) Cortex Debug connector (J7) as shown in Figure 4. It is possible to isolate the KE06 MCU from the OpenSDA circuit and use J7 to connect to an off-board MCU. To accomplish this, cut the 0 ohm resistor R58. This will disconnect the SWD_CLK pin to the KE06 so that it will not interfere with the communications to an off-board MCU connected to J7.When KE06 on FRDM board is 5V powered, and the OpenSDA is power off, there need to connect an external debugger to debug KE06 on board.Serial and Debug Adapter (OpenSDA)Figure4. SWD debug connector to KE063.2Virtual Serial PortA serial port connection is available between the OpenSDA MCU and UART1 pin PTC7 (TXD1) and PTC6 (RXD1) of KE06. Several of the default OpenSDA applications provided by Freescale, including the MSD Flash Programmer and the P&E Debug Application, provide a USB Communications Device Class (CDC) interface that bridges serial communications between the USB host and this serial interface on the KE06.3.3KE06 Microcontroller3.3.1Clock SourceThe Kinetis KE06 microcontrollers feature an on-chip oscillator compatible with two ranges of input crystal or resonator frequencies: 32 kHz (low frequency mode), 4-20 MHz (high frequency mode).The KE06 on the FRDM-KE06 is clocked from an 8 MHz crystal.3.3.2Serial PortThe serial port interface signals used with OpenSDA are UART1 pin PTC7 (TXD1) and PTC6 (RXD1). These signals are also connected to I/O header J1.3.3.3ResetThe PTA5/RESET signal on the KE06 is connected externally to a pushbutton SW1. The reset button can be used to force an external reset event in the target MCU. The reset button can also be used to force the OpenSDA circuit into bootloader mode when plugging the USB cable to J6. See Section3, “Serial and Debug Adapter (OpenSDA)” section for more details.Serial and Debug Adapter (OpenSDA)3.3.4DebugThe sole debug interface on all Kinetis E Series devices is a Serial Wire Debug (SWD) port. The primary controller of this interface on the FRDM-KE06 is the onboard OpenSDA circuit. However, a 2x5-pin (0.05”) Cortex Debug connector, J7, provides access to the SWD signals for the KE06 MCU. The following table shows SWD connector signals description for KE06:3.4ThermistorOne thermistor (RT1) is connected to two ADC inputs (PTF4/ADP12, PTF5/ADP13) of KE06 for evaluating the ADC module.Figure 5. Thermistor connectionTable 3. ARM JTAG/SWD mini Connector DescriptionPin FunctionConnection to KE061VTref 3.3V or 5V KE06 power supply (VDD_KE06)2SWDIO/TMS PTA4/SWD_DIO 3GNDGND4SWDCLK/TCK PTC4/SWD_CLK 5GND GND 6SWO/TDO NC 7NC NC 8TDI NC 9NC NC10RESETPTA5/RESETSerial and Debug Adapter (OpenSDA)3.5Infrared PortOne infrared Rx port and one Tx port (as shown in the following figure) are connected to ACMP0 input pin (ACMP0_IN1) and UART0 TXD0 pin of KE06 to demonstrate the capability of SCI0 modulated by a flextimer to generate infrared signals and use ACMP0 as a filter to receive the SCI data via infrared signal.Figure6. Infrared connection3.6Key buttonsTwo key buttons are connected to PTH3/4 to demonstrate KBI function of KE06, which can capture both falling edge and rising edge of key button input, as shown in the following figure.Serial and Debug Adapter (OpenSDA)Figure7. Key buttons connection3.7Three-axis accelerometerA Freescale MMA8451Q low power, three-axis accelerometer is interfaced through an I2C bus and two GPIO signals as shown in the following table. By default, the I2C address is 0x1D (SA0 pulled high).Table4. Accelerometer signal connectionsMMA8451Q KE06SCL PTA3SDA PTA2INT1 PTD4INT2 PTD3Serial and Debug Adapter (OpenSDA)Figure8. Accelerometer connection3.8RGB LEDThree PWM-capable pins are connected to a red, green, blue LED. The signal connections are shown in the table below.Table5. RGB LED Signal ConnectionsRGB LED KE06Red Cathode PTG5/FTM2CH3Green Cathode PTG6/FTM2CH4Blue Cathode PTG7/FTM2CH5Serial and Debug Adapter (OpenSDA)Figure9. GB LED connection3.9CANThe CAN phy on KE06 FRDM board is 3.3V powered.Table6. CAN signal connectionCAN Phy KE06D CAN_TXR CAN_RXSerial and Debug Adapter (OpenSDA)Figure10. CAN3.10Input/Output HeadersThe KE06 microcontroller is packaged in an 80-pin LQFP. Some pins are utilized in on-board circuitry, but many are directly connected to one of four I/O headers (J1, J2, J3, J4 and J5). J1 and J2 also function as motor control headers to provide access to a motor control board such as simple BLDC motor driving board APMOTOR56F8000E.Serial and Debug Adapter (OpenSDA)Figure11. I/O headers3.11Arduino CompatibilityThe I/O headers on the FRDM-KE06 are arranged to allow compatibility with peripheral boards (known as shields) that connect to Arduino and Arduino-compatible microcontroller boards. The pins on the headers share the same mechanical spacing and placement as the I/O headers on the Arduino Uno Revision 3 board design. See Figure11 for compatible signals.Document Number:FRDMKE06UG Rev. 003/2014Information in this document is provided solely to enable system and software implementers to use Freescale products. There are no express or implied copyright licenses granted hereunder to design or fabricate any integrated circuits based on the information in this document.Freescale reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. Freescale makes no warranty, representation, or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does Freescale assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental damages. “Typical” parameters that may be provided in Freescale data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications, and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “typicals,” must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. Freescale does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. Freescale sells products pursuant to standard terms and conditions of sale, which can be found at the following address: /SalesTermsandConditions.How to Reach Us:Home Page:Web Support:/supportFreescale, the Freescale logo, and Kinetis, are trademarks of FreescaleSemiconductor, Inc., Reg. U.S. Pat. & Tm. Off. All other product or service names arethe property of their respective owners. ARM and Cortex are the registered trademarksof ARM Limited. ARMCortex-M4 is the trademark of ARM Limited.© 2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.。



• • • • • • C0 = A + B AUC = A/α + B/β K = C0 / AUC k21 = α.β/K k12 = α + β - k21 - K Cl = K.V
竞争性拮抗药的作用强度常用拮抗参数pA2表示, pA2中的2是激动药浓度乘2倍才能达到原先效应。 pA2是在实验中加入一定量的拮抗药,能使激动药 浓度增加一倍而效应仍保留在原水平,这时激动 药的摩尔浓度的负对数即为pA2。pPA2的意义: 1. pA2值越大,表示拮抗药与相应受体亲和力越大, 对拮抗 药的拮抗作用越大。 2. pA2值是分析药物与受体作用的工具。如果两个激 动药作用同一受体,则它们可被同一竞争性拮抗 药拮抗。并且有相同的pA2,
50 Conc (µg/L) 30
10 5 3 0 4 8 12 16 20 24
100 50 30 Conc (µg/L) B = 9.3 µg/L 10 5 3
得出直线回归方程,直 线和Y轴交点即B,直线 斜率为-β,T1/2β= ln2/β.所以获得全部消 除相参数。?
t ½β = 12.5h 10 4 8 12 16 20 Time (h) 24

A Workshop of MIT-RTG

A Workshop of MIT-RTG

Here are several broad goals of the workshop we could keep in mind:1)Understand equivalence between constructible sheaves and Fukaya category of cotangent bundle.Consider applications such as homological characterizations of com-pact exact branes,mirror symmetry for toric varieties,and Springer theory.In the first two cases,sheaves help us understand branes;in the third case,branes help us understand sheaves.All of the material here is available in the literature.2)Understand what the above equivalence should imply about quantizations of more general exact symplectic targets arising in representation theory.For example,we should be able to see the relation between quantizations of Slodowy slices in the form of the Fukaya category and in the form of modules over W-algebras.To my knowledge, this is not completely mapped out by the literature.3)Discuss directions for further investigation of relations between Fukaya categories and categories in representation theory.Starting point:Fukaya categories of cotangent bundles toflag varieties,D-modules on moduli spaces of bundles.Here the literature points to many open questions.1.Singularities and constructible sheaves.1.1.Tame geometry.Subanalytic geometry.Defining functions.Whitney stratifica-tions and triangulations.Thom isotopy lemmas.Example of real line.Build up the notion of subanalytic subset of a real analytic manifold by starting with the real line and then considering standard operations(with an emphasis on the special role of the image of a map).Explain relation between closed subanalytic subsets and zeros of subanalytic functions.Discuss axioms of Whitney stratifications and results about stratifying and triangulating subanalytic sets.Discuss Thom iso-topy lemmas,in particular the assertion:if f:M→N is a proper stratified map, then stratum-preserving homeomorphisms of N(smooth along each stratum)lift to stratum-preserving homeomorphisms of M(smooth along each stratum).Describe local structure of Whitney stratifications as iterated cone bundles along strata.This lecture should contain many simple counterexamples.For example,to illustrate the Whitney conditions,one could discuss the Whitney umbrella and cusp.Refs:[BM88],[VM96]1.2.Homotopical categories.Differential graded and A∞-categories.Functors and modules.Linear structure:shifts and cones.Localization with respect to collection of morphisms.Homological perturbation theory.This lecture should approach categories as multi-pointed versions of algebras.In fact,we should have in mind the case where the number of points isfinite so that in the end we could think in terms of algebras.Introduce chain complexes and basic notions:tensor and hom,shift,sum and sum-mand,cone,quasi-equivalence,...Introduce strong notion of algebra(differential graded12algebra)and weak notion of algebra(A∞-algebra).Draw operadic pictures for A∞-categories and functors between them.Describe equivalence of differential graded cate-gories and A∞-categories via homological perturbation theory.Explain what is gained (and perhaps lost)in the stabilization(Morita theory)of A∞-categories by passing to perfect modules:idempotent-completion of complexes of representable functors to chain complexes.Reminder that triangulated categories arise in nature as the under-lying discrete categories of stable A∞-categories.Describe localization of a category (basic example:passing from modules over an algebra to modules over a localization of the algebra).Refs:[Ke06],[S],[L]1.3.Constructible sheaves.Differential graded category of sheaves.Functoriality under maps.Standard triangles and bases.Relation to constructible functions.This lecture can be in the more traditional language of triangulated categories as long as it is understood that all of the constructions and results can be lifted to the differential graded setting.Fix Whitney stratification S of real analytic manifold X.Introduce differential graded category of S-constructible complexes.Discuss case where S consists of one stratum X itself(local systems and complexes with locally constant cohomology).In-troduce Grothendieck’s6operations(f∗,f∗),(f!,f!),⊗,H om and Verdier duality.Con-struct standard triangles associated to pair of an open U⊂X and closed V=X\U. Calculate morphisms between standard extensions of constant sheaves on strata of S. Possibly include:informal discussion of exit-path simplicial category of a Whitney stratification,and constructible sheaves asfinitely-generated modules over the exit-path category.Explain how stalk Euler characteristic identifies Grothendieck group of constructible sheaves with constructible functions.Refs:[KS84],[GM83]1.4.Examples.Constructible sheaves on R stratified with a single marked point.Con-structible sheaves on S1stratified with a single marked point.Constructible sheaves on A1stratified with a single marked point.Constructible sheaves on P1stratified with a single marked point.The aim here is to give quiver presentations of categories of constructible sheaves in some simple examples.By choosing enough functionals,we can describe a category with the description depending on the functionals.For the above examples,choose various functionals and describe resulting quivers.Describe objects representing the functionals considered.For example,first construct quiver arising from considering generic stalk and stalk at marked point,then construct quiver using generic stalk and vanishing cycles at marked point.Further example:a three stratum space such as A2with a marked singular curve.2.Microlocal geometry of sheaves2.1.Cotangent bundles.Exact symplectic structure.Geodesicflow.Examples of Lagrangians:conormals,graphs and generalizations.Conormals to stratifi-grangian correspondences.3 Summary of basic structures in exact symplectic geometry with emphasis on the case of cotangent bundles,including Liouvilleflow,contact hypersurfaces,compatible almost complex structures,exact Lagrangians,...Explain meaning of basic objects in terms of classical mechanics.Describe graph Lagrangians and conormal Lagrangians and their hybrids.Construct Lagrangian correspondences of cotangent bundles from maps of base manifolds,emphasizing case of projection and inclusion.Refs:[A],[KS84]2.2.Characteristic cycles.From constructible sheaves to conical Lagrangian cycles. Functoriality under maps.Introduce group of conical Lagrangian cycles.Construct characteristic cycle of con-structible sheaf on a manifold.Calculate everything in case when manifold is real line or complex line.Explain functoriality for Grothendieck’s6operations(f∗,f∗),(f!,f!),⊗,H om and Verdier duality.Show characteristic cycle construction descends to iso-morphism between group of constructible functions and group of conical Lagrangian cycles.Refs:[KS84],[SV96]2.3.Intersection of Lagrangian cycles.Perturbations near infinity.Intersections of characteristic cycles:compatibility with ext-pairing of constructible sheaves and corresponding pairing of constructible functions.Index theorems.Describe framework of perturbing conical Lagrangians by normalized geodesicflow near infinity.Discuss Z/2-grading on intersections of conical Lagrangian cycles.Show characteristic cycle takes pairing on constructible functions to intersection of conical Lagrangian cycles.Dubson-Kashiwara index formula(generalization of Poincar´e-Hopf index formula):calculate global Euler characteristic of constructible sheaf as intersec-tion with zero section.Construct automorphisms of group of conical Lagrangian cycles via motions of pieces of support.Example of Dehn twist on conical Lagrangian cycles in T∗S1.This topic is logically independent of the preceding but is reasonable to discuss at this juncture.Refs:[GrM97],[NZ09]2.4.Riemann-Hilbert correspondence.Differential operators as quantization of functions on cotangent bundle.Algebraic model of constructible sheaves:regular holo-nomic D-modules.Explain Riemann-Hilbert correspondence between regular holonomic D-modules and constructible sheaves.Discuss the failure of an abelian version and the resulting notion of a perverse sheaf.Introduce the singular support of a D-module and its relation to characteristic cycles.Illustrate everything with the case of A1stratified by a single marked point.Refs:[Be],[Kap]3.Exact Lagrangians in cotangent bundles3.1.Morse category of submanifolds.Gradient tree A∞-category of submanifolds with local systems.Equivalence with constructible sheaves.4This lecture should explain how the differential graded category of constructiblesheaves on a manifold can be reformulated in terms of a Morse A∞-category whoseobjects are locally closed submanifolds equipped with local systems.Basic case:explain equivalence of de Rham algebra of compact manifold with MorseA∞-algebra.This will provide opportunity to interpret A∞-operad in terms of trivalentgraphs.Show how Morse theory provides geometric ingredients to apply homologicalperturbation theory.(For bonus points:mention other sources of parallel geometricingredients such as Hodge theory.)Main topic:interpret constructible sheaves in termsof Morse theory.Explain how Thom’s isotopy lemma allows one to replace locally closedsubmanifolds with singular boundary with open submanifolds with smooth boundary.Draw vectorfields for constructible sheaves and calculate morphisms,for example forR stratified with a single marked point,and A1stratified with a single marked point. Possible further topic:explain some of Grothendieck’s6operations in terms of MorseA∞-category.Refs:[HL01],[KS01],[NZ09]3.2.Exact Floer-Fukaya theory.Fukaya category of compact exact Lagrangians inexact symplectic target.Brane structures.Moduli spaces of anization intoA∞-category.This lecture should be an introduction to Fukaya categories of exact targets.Seidel’sbook provides the foundations and the speaker should choose appropriate highlights.Itis likely more worthwhile that we understand the broad picture than the analytic details.We should know what brane structures are and why that is what they are(gradingsof intersections and orientations of moduli spaces).We should hear enough about thebehavior of moduli of disks to see the A∞-structure(most prominently,there shouldbe a discussion of the A∞-equations coming from the boundary of moduli).We shouldhear enough about continuation maps to believe that everything is well-defined.Thelecture can restrict to compact Lagrangians as we will be hearing about non-compactones soon enough.Should discuss the Piunikhin-Salamon-Schwarz(PSS)calculationof endomorphisms of compact branes.Resolutions of du Val singularities and theirdeformations would be a good example to illustrate the theory(and will appear inlater talks).Refs:[S]3.3.Infinitesimal Fukaya category of cotangent bundle.Noncompact branes:perturbations,tameness,bounds on parisons with directed and wrappedFukaya categories.Equivalence of subcategory of standard branes with Morse categoryof submanifolds.This talk should consist of roughly two halves:general theory of Fukaya categorieswith non-compact branes and example of the cotangent bundle.First half.Survey general techniques for dealing with disks along noncompact branes:energy bounds,tameness,diameter estimates.For exact target withfixed energy func-tion,introduce the infinitesimal Fukaya category where small Hamiltonian perturba-tions of branes are used near infiparisons could be made with directed Fukaya-Seidel categories of Lefschetzfibrations,and also wrapped Fukaya categories where theHamiltonian perturbations are not small but rather linear near infinity.5 Second half.Explain why the Morse A∞-version of constructible sheaves embeds in the infinitesimal Fukaya category of the cotangent bundle.Here the main ingredient is Fukaya-Oh’s analytic equivalence between gradient trees and pseudo-holomorphic disks (or alternatively,hybrid moduli spaces interpolating between them).Refs:[S],[Sik94],[FO97],[NZ09],[Nspr]3.4.Equivalence of sheaves and branes.Formalism of Yoneda lemma and bimod-ules.Beilinson’s argument.Decomposition of diagonal.Noncharacteristic motions.The aim of this talk is to prove that the infinitesimal Fukaya category of the cotangent bundle is equivalent to constructible sheaves.At this point,what is left to prove is that the standard branes coming from standard sheaves indeed generate.Begin with general discussion of the Yoneda lemma,functors and bimodules,and the formalism of generators.Introduce Beilinson’s construction of generators for coherent sheaves on projective space as guiding example.Bulk of talk should be devoted to applying this argument to the infinitesimal Fukaya category of the cotangent bundle. Here the main ingredient is the notion of non-characteristic propagation.Thom’s iso-topy lemma should be reinterpreted in the language of non-characteristic maps.An analogous lemma for continuation maps of branes should be formulated.Finally,we should see at least a sketch of Beilinson’s argument in the setting of the infinitesimal Fukaya category.Application:homological characterization of compact exact branes in cotangent bundle.Refs:[B78],[N09],[Nspr]4.Some examples and applicationsThis day’s talks are more independent of each other and the specific material covered can be determined by the speaker’s taste.4.1.Mirror symmetry for toric varieties.Fukaya category of cotangent bundle of torus.Consider torus(S1)n=R n/Z n.Introduce alternative viewpoints on symplectic geometry of(C×)n T∗(S1)n via two projections T∗(S1)n→(S1)n and T∗(S1)n→(R∨)n.Describe branes arising from considering a toric compactification of(C×)n. Explain how to think about them in terms of constructible sheaves.Discuss mirror symmetry and dual description of coherent sheaves in terms of constructible sheaves. Extra credit:equivariant generalization.If we understand nothing else,we should at least understand mirror symmetry be-tween A-model of T∗S1and B-model of P1.Refs:[FLTZ]and related papers.4.2.Springer theory.Fukaya category of cotangent bundle of Lie algebra.Fourier transform from Floer perspective.Describe basic diagram of Springer theory arriving at Springer brane in T∗g.Intro-duce Fourier dual perspective and Fourier transform for branes.Deduce consequences for Springer brane.Interpret preceding in classical language of constructible sheaves.Refs:[BoM81],[Nspr]64.3.Microlocalization and Hamiltonian reduction.Formalism of microlocaliza-tion and Hamiltonian reduction.Introduction to crepant resolutions,their deformations and quantizations.This talk and the one that follows could be planned in tandem.One approach would be to have thefirst talk cover theory,and the second cover examples.In any event,the speakers should strategize together.We should see that many important examples of exact symplectic manifolds(sym-plectic resolutions with C×-action)arising in representation theory can be constructed from conical open subsets of cotangent bundles via Hamiltonian reduction.We should learn how to think about categories(Fukaya,modules over deformation quantization) associated to such targets and their deformations can be arrived at from categories (Fukaya,microlocal constructible sheaves and D-modules)associated to conical open subsets of cotangent bundles via Hamiltonian reductions.4.4.W-algebras from topological viewpoint.Fukaya category beyond compact branes in Slodowy slices.This talk could map out the relation between branes in Slodowy slices and their deformations,sheaves onflag manifolds(or equivalently,regular holonomic D-modules onflag manifolds),and modules over W-algebras.The specific example of du Val resolutions could be discussed concretely.Refs:[KhS],[SS],[Ma],[Lo]among many related papers.5.Further directions5.1.Gauge theory setting.Hitchin integrable system.Relation to talks of previous day.Challenge of quantization offibers.Refs:[BD],[KW],[Kap]5.2.Where to go from here.References[A]Arnold,V.I.“Mathematical methods of classical mechanics.”Translated from the Russian byK.Vogtmann and A.Weinstein.Graduate Texts in Mathematics,60.Springer-Verlag,New York-Heidelberg,1978.x+462pp.ISBN:0-387-90314-3[B78]A.A.Be˘ılinson,“Coherent sheaves on P n and problems in linear algebra,”(Russian)Funktsional.Anal.i Prilozhen.12(1978),no.3,68–69;English translation:Functional Anal.Appl.12(1978), no.3,214–216(1979).[BD]A.Beilinson and V.Drinfeld,“Quantization of Hitchin Hamiltonians and Hecke Eigensheaves,”preprint.[Be]J.Bernstein,“Algebraic theory of D-modules.”/~mitya/langlands/Bernstein/[BM88]E.Bierstone and man,“Semianalytic and subanalytic sets,”Inst.Hautes´Etudes Sci.Publ.Math.67(1988),5–42.[FLTZ]Bohan Fang,Chiu-Chu Melissa Liu,David Treumann,Eric Zaslow.“T-Duality and Homolog-ical Mirror Symmetry of Toric Varieties”,arXiv:0811.1228[BoM81]W.Borho and R.MacPherson,“Repr´e sentations des groupes de Weyl et homologie d’intersection pour les vari´e t´e s nilpotentes,”C.R.Acad.Sci.Paris S´e r.I Math.292(1981),no.15,707–710.7 [FO97]K.Fukaya and Y.-G.Oh,“Zero-loop open strings in the cotangent bundle and Morse homo-topy,”Asian.J.Math.1(1997)96–180.[FSS]Kenji Fukaya,Paul Seidel,Ivan Smith,“The symplectic geometry of cotangent bundles from a categorical viewpoint”.arXiv:0705.3450.[GM83]M.Goresky and R.MacPherson.“Intersection homology.II.”Invent.Math.72(1983),no.1, 77–129.[GrM97]M.Grinberg and R.MacPherson.“Euler characteristics and Lagrangian intersections.”Sym-plectic geometry and topology(Park City,UT,1997),265–293,IAS/Park City Math.Ser.,7, Amer.Math.Soc.,Providence,RI,1999.[HL01]F.R.Harvey and wson,Jr.,“Finite Volume Flows and Morse Theory,”Annals of Math.vol.153,no.1(2001),1–25.[Kap]A.Kapustin,“A-branes and noncommutative geometry,”arXiv:hep-th/0502212.[KW]A.Kapustin and E.Witten,“Electric-Magnetic Duality And The Geometric Langlands Pro-gram,”arXiv:hep-th/0604151.[KS84]M.Kashiwara and P.Schapira,Sheaves on manifolds.Grundlehren der Mathematischen Wis-senschaften292,Springer-Verlag(1994).[Ke06]B.Keller,On differential graded categories.arXiv:math.AG/0601185.International Congress of Mathematicians.Vol.II,151–190,Eur.Math.Soc.,Z¨u rich,2006.[KhS]Mikhail Khovanov,Paul Seidel“Quivers,Floer cohomology,and braid group actions”, arXiv:math/0006056.[KS01]M.Kontsevich and Y.Soibelman,“Homological Mirror Symmetry and Torus Fibrations,”Sym-plectic geometry and mirror symmetry(Seoul,2000),203–263,World Sci.Publ.,River Edge,NJ, 2001.[Lo]I.Losev,“Finite W-algebras”,arXiv:1003.5811.[L]J.Lurie,“Stable Infinity Categories,”arXiv:math/0608228.[Ltft]J.Lurie,“On the Classification of Topological Field Theories,”arXiv:0905.0465[Ma]Ciprian Manolescu“Link homology theories from symplectic geometry”,arXiv:math/0601629. [N09]D.Nadler,“Microlocal Branes are Constructible Sheaves,”Selecta Math.15(2009),no.4,563–619.[Nspr]D.Nadler,“Springer theory via the Hitchinfibration”,arXiv:0806.4566.[NZ09]D.Nadler,E.Zaslow,“Constructible sheaves and the Fukaya category.”J.Amer.Math.Soc.22(2009),no.1,233–286.[SV96]W.Schmid and K.Vilonen,“Characteristic cycles of constructible sheaves,”Invent.Math.124 (1996),451–502.[S]P.Seidel,Fukaya Categories and Picard-Lefschetz Theory.[SS]Paul Seidel,Ivan Smith“A link invariant from the symplectic geometry of nilpotent slices”, arXiv:math/0405089.[STZ]N.Sibilla,D.Treumann,E.Zaslow,“Ribbon Graphs and Mirror Symmetry I”,arXiv:1103.2462. [Sik94]J.-C.Sikorav,“Some properties of holomorphic curves in almost complex manifolds,”in Holo-morphic Curves in Symplectic Geometry,Birkh¨a user(1994),165–189.[Sl80]P.Slodowy,Simple singularities and simple algebraic groups.Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 815.Springer,Berlin,1980.[VM96]L.van den Dries and ler,“Geometric categories and o-minimal structures,”Duke Math.J.84,no.2(1996),497–539.。



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10 HEE010M 16 HEE016M 20 HEE020M 25 HEE025M 32 HEE032M 40 HEE040M 50 HEE050M 63 HEE063M 80 HEE080M 100 HEE100M
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100A壳架 额定电流:10A~100A 分断能力:35kA,50kA,80kA 额定绝缘电压:690V





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我在KP06里输入数据3000 KP26输入800
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可调整KP26 KP06
新建利润中心ke51 又提示容差问题



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1.2 企业画像类别内容行业非金属矿物制品业-石膏、水泥制品及类似制品制造资质一般纳税人产品服务空1.3 发展历程2工商2.1工商信息2.2工商变更2.3股东结构2.4主要人员2.5分支机构2.6对外投资2.7企业年报2.8股权出质2.9动产抵押2.10司法协助2.11清算2.12注销3投融资3.1融资历史3.2投资事件3.3核心团队3.4企业业务4企业信用4.1企业信用4.2行政许可-工商局4.3行政处罚-信用中国4.5税务评级4.6税务处罚4.7经营异常4.8经营异常-工商局4.9采购不良行为4.10产品抽查4.12欠税公告4.13环保处罚4.14被执行人5司法文书5.1法律诉讼(当事人)5.2法律诉讼(相关人)5.3开庭公告5.4被执行人5.5法院公告5.6破产暂无破产数据6企业资质6.1资质许可6.2人员资质6.3产品许可6.4特殊许可7知识产权7.1商标7.2专利7.3软件著作权7.4作品著作权7.5网站备案7.6应用APP7.7微信公众号8招标中标8.1政府招标8.2政府中标8.3央企招标8.4央企中标9标准9.1国家标准9.2行业标准9.3团体标准9.4地方标准10成果奖励10.1国家奖励10.2省部奖励10.3社会奖励10.4科技成果11 土地11.1大块土地出让11.2出让公告11.3土地抵押11.4地块公示11.5大企业购地11.6土地出租11.7土地结果11.8土地转让12基金12.1国家自然基金12.2国家自然基金成果12.3国家社科基金13招聘13.1招聘信息感谢阅读:感谢您耐心地阅读这份企业调查分析报告。



麦类作物学报 2023,43(9):1149-1154J o u r n a l ofT r i t i c e a eC r o p s d o i :10.7606/j.i s s n .1009-1041.2023.09.08网络出版时间:2023-07-06网络出版地址:h t t ps ://k n s .c n k i .n e t /k c m s 2/d e t a i l /61.1359.S .20230705.1403.008.h t m l 东北春小麦赤霉病抗性鉴定及抗病基因F h b 1检测收稿日期:2022-09-15 修回日期:2023-06-07基金项目:黑龙江省自然科学基金(L H 2020C 092);国家现代农业产业技术体系建设专项(C A R S -03-12);黑龙江省省属科研院所科研业务费重点项目(C Z K Y F 2021-2-B 007);黑龙江省农业科学院创新工程资助项目(C X 23G G 03);黑龙江省现代农业产业技术小麦协同创新推广体系第一作者E -m a i l :d o n g d o n g415@126.c o m 通讯作者:辛文利(E -m a i l :x i n w e n l i 1966@126.c o m );宋庆杰(E -m a i l :136********@139.c o m );张春利(z c l w h e a t @126.c o m )刘东军,宋维富,杨雪峰,赵丽娟,仇琳,宋庆杰,张春利,辛文利,肖志敏(黑龙江省农业科学院作物资源研究所,黑龙江哈尔滨150086)摘 要:为明确东北春小麦赤霉病抗性水平和抗源分布,本研究对1592份东北春小麦品种/系进行赤霉病抗性鉴定和抗病基因F h b 1检测㊂赤霉病抗性鉴定结果发现:在供试材料中,赤霉病中抗材料仅29份,占1.82%;中感材料549份,占34.48%;高感材料1014份,占63.69%㊂分子标记结果显示:供试材料中未检测到赤霉病抗性基因F h b 1,推测29份材料抗性来源于其它抗性基因㊂东北春小麦抗性材料遗传基础不明,抗病基因F h b 1缺失㊂因此,挖掘当地小麦赤霉病抗性基因以及加强F h b 1基因的应用,对于提升东北春小麦赤霉病抗性水平十分重要㊂关键词:东北春小麦;赤霉病;F h b 1;抗性鉴定中图分类号:S 512.1;S 330 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-1041(2023)09-1149-06I d e n t i f i c a t i o no f F u s a r i u m H e a dB l i g h tR e s i s t a n c e o f S p r i n g W h e a t a n dD e t e c t i o no f F h b 1i nN o r t h e a s t e r nC h i n aL I UD o n g j u n ,S O N G W e i f u ,Y A N GX u e f e n g ,Z H A OL i j u a n ,Q I UL i n ,S O N G Q i n g ji e ,Z H A N GC h u n l i ,X I N W e n l i ,X I A OZ h i m i n(I n s t i t u t e o fC r o p R e s o u r c e s ,H e i l o n g j i a n g A c a d e m y o fA g r i c u l t u r a l S c i e n c e s ,H a r b i n ,H e i l o n g j i a n g 150086,C h i n a )A b s t r a c t :I no r d e r t o c l a r i f y f u s a r i u mh e a d b l i g h t (F H B )r e s i s t a n c e o f s p r i n g wh e a t a n d t h e d i s t r i b u t i o n o f r e s i s t a n c e r e s o u r c e s i nN o r t h e a s t e r nC h i n a .F H Br e s i s t a n c eo f 1592w h e a t v a r i e t i e s /l i n e sw e r e i -d e n t i f i e da n d t h e r e s i s t a n c e g e n e F h b 1w a s d e t e c t e d i n t h i s s t u d y.T h e r e s u l t s o f r e s i s t a n c e i d e n t i f i c a -t i o n s h o w e d t h a to n l y 29v a r i e t i e s /l i n e sw e r e m o d e r a t e l y r e s i s t a n t t oF H B ,a c c o u n t i n g f o r1.82%;549v a r i e t i e s /l i n e sw e r em o d e r a t e l y s u s c e p t i b l ew i t h a f r e q u e n c y of 34.48%;a n d 1014v a r i e t i e s /l i n e s w e r eh igh l y s u s c e p ti b l ew i t ha f r e q u e n c y of 63.69%.T h er e s u l t so fm o l e c u l a rm a r k e rs h o w e dt h a t F h b 1w a s n o t d e t e c t e d i nt h e t e s t e dc u l t i v a r s /l i n e s .T h eg e n e t i cb a s i so fF H Br e s i s t a n c e i su n c l e a r ,a n d th e r e si s t a n c e g e n e F h b 1i s a b s e n t .T h e r e f o r e ,i t i s o f i m p o r t a n c e t o i d e n t i f y F H B r e s i s t a n c e g e n e a n ds t r e n g t h e n t h e a p p l i c a t i o n o f F h b 1g e n e f o r i m p r o v i n g t h e r e s i s t a n c e o f s p r i n g wh e a t i nN o r t h e a s t -e r nC h i n a .K e y w o r d s :N o r t h e a s t e r n ;W h e a t ;F u s a r i u mh e a db l i g h t ;F h b 1;R e s i s t a n c e i d e n t i f i c a t i o n 小麦赤霉病(F u s a r i u m h e a db l i gh t ,F H B )是由禾谷镰孢菌(F u s a r i u m g r a m i n e a r u m S c h w a -b e s p e c i e s c o m pl e x )等多种镰孢菌引起的一种全球性真菌病害[1]㊂近年来,赤霉病暴发越来越频繁,范围越来越广泛,危害越来越严重[2]㊂赤霉病不仅显著降低了小麦的产量和品质[3],而且,病原菌在侵染过程中产生的有毒代谢产物单端孢霉烯族毒素(t r i c h o t h e c e n e)被列为第三类致癌Copyright ©博看网. All Rights Reserved.物,对食品安全和人畜健康构成严重威胁[4-5]㊂培育抗性品种是解决赤霉病危害的根本方法,抗源是培育抗性品种的基础㊂但是,赤霉病抗源十分匮乏㊂我国育种工作者通过大量工作筛选出了一些中抗品种(系),如:西农511㊁扬麦22㊁宁麦18㊁扬辐麦2号㊁皖麦32等[6-14]㊂由于小麦赤霉病抗性遗传基础非常复杂,通过遗传群体定位的赤霉病抗性数量性状基因位点(q u a n t i t a t i v e t r a i t l o c i,Q T L s)多达432个,覆盖小麦21对染色体[15],培育抗性品种难度极大㊂当前,赤霉病达到中抗水平的品种非常少,难以满足生产需求㊂因此,我国赤霉病主要防治方法仍是选用中抗(感)品种结合化学防治[16]㊂目前,赤霉病已经命名的抗性基因有F h b1-F h b7㊂其中,F h b1基因来源于普通小麦,F h b7基因是来源于长穗偃麦草(T h i n o p y r u me l o n g a t u m),二者均已被克隆,且可显著减轻赤霉病危害[24-26]㊂近年来,随着全球气候变暖㊁雨热同步效应逐年加强,赤霉病已经成为东北春麦区第一大病害㊂与长江中下游麦区相比,东北春小麦赤霉病抗源极端匮乏,抗性遗传基础研究相对滞后,难以满足当前小麦赤霉病抗性育种需求㊂因此,本研究对东北春小麦种质资源进行了赤霉病抗性鉴定,同时对来源于普通小麦且抗性效应明确的F h b1基因进行了检测,以期筛选出优异赤霉病抗性种质,加速东北春小麦赤霉病育种进程,提升东北春小麦赤霉病抗性水平㊂1材料与方法1.1试验材料供试材料为1592份东北春小麦种质资源㊂其中包括农家品种15份㊁推广品种275份和优良品系1302份㊂另外引入材料7份(农林34㊁农林45㊁13D P33㊁13D P36㊁13D P38㊁13D P39和13D P40)㊂对照品种为苏麦3(中抗)㊁龙麦36(中抗)㊁龙麦26(中感)㊁龙麦35(中感)㊁龙麦33(高感)和龙麦15(高感)㊂龙麦㊁龙辐麦和龙春系列小麦品种由黑龙江省农业科学院作物资源研究所提供,克丰㊁克旱㊁克涝和克春系列品种由黑龙江省农业科学院克山分院提供,东农系列品种由东北农业大学提供,垦大系列品种由八一农垦大学提供,垦九系列品种由九三农业科学研究所提供,垦红系列品种由红兴隆农业科学研究所提供,松花江系列品种由黑龙江种质资源库提供㊂师大系列材料由哈尔滨师范大学提供,辽春系列来源辽宁省农业科学院农作物种质资源库㊂1.2试验方法1.2.1赤霉病抗性鉴定赤霉病抗性鉴定于2019-2021年在黑龙江省农业科学院民主科技园区的田间病圃和鉴病大棚同时进行㊂每个材料种植1行,行长1.5m,行距0.3m,株距5c m,设3次重复㊂赤霉病菌为当地赤霉病优势致病镰孢菌混合菌,由黑龙江省农业科学院植保研究所提供㊂田间病圃鉴定方法:于小麦扬花初期使用注射器进行单花滴注接种,每个品种选取10个发育时期相近的单穗接种,选取穗中部露出黄色花药小花注入10μL分生孢子悬浮液(1ˑ104个㊃m L-1),减去穗顶部作为标记,记录接种日期,接种后喷雾保湿㊂鉴病大棚鉴定方法:采用分生孢子喷雾法进行接种㊂采用分生孢子喷雾法2d接种1次,接种3~4次,鉴病大棚接种后每天喷雾保湿㊂接种21d调查病小穗率㊂按N Y/T2954-2016‘小麦区域试验品种抗赤霉病鉴定技术规程“标准划分抗性水平和小麦赤霉病严重度㊂田间单花滴注接种鉴定和大棚弥雾接种鉴定取严重度高的结果为准㊂1.2.2F h b1基因分子检测在小麦三叶期取叶片,采用C T A B法提取小麦基因组D N A[27],用分子标记鉴定F h b1㊂采用S u等[28]开发的分子标记,T a H R C-S T S-F:5'-A T T C C T A C T A G C C G C C T G G T-3',T a H R C-S T S-R:5'-A C T G G G G C A A G C A A A C A T T G-3',目标片段大小为1.3k b㊂P C R体系中包含1ˑP C R缓冲液(10mm o l㊃L-1T r i s-H C l p H8.8,50 mm o l㊃L-1K C l),1.5mm o l㊃L-1M g C l2,0.2 m o l㊃L-1d N T P s,0.1m o l㊃L-1引物,r T a q D N A聚合酶5U㊃μL-1,40~60n g模板D N A㊂P C R反应在P C R仪(E T C811,东胜创新生物科技有限公司,中国)上进行㊂P C R扩增条件:94ħ,5m i n; 95ħ,30s,55ħ,60s,72ħ,90s,35个循环;72ħ, 8m i n㊂P C R扩增产物用1.0%(g㊃m L-1)的琼脂糖凝胶,以120V恒压电泳分离,溴化乙啶染色,凝胶成像系统(E s s e n t i a lV6,U V I t e c,法国)进行照相分析㊂其中,以苏麦3号为阳性对照㊂2结果与分析2.1小麦赤霉病抗性鉴定如表1所示,2019年,通过分生孢子喷雾法和㊃0511㊃麦类作物学报第43卷Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.单花滴注法鉴定578份材料,其中,中抗材料9份,占1.56%;中感材料191份,占33.04%;高感材料378份,占65.40%㊂13D P 33㊁13D P 36㊁13D P 38㊁13D P 39㊁13D P 40表现出中抗,均来源于长江中下游麦区㊂2020年,鉴定501份材料,其中,中抗材料11份,占2.20%;中感材料116份,占23.15%,高感材料374份,占74.65%㊂2021年,鉴定材料513份,其中,中抗材料9份,占1.75%;中感材料242份,占47.17%;高感材料262份,占51.07%㊂龙15-1557-1㊁龙17-4342-2㊁龙04-4230㊁龙10-0870和克春9在两年均表现中抗㊂三年表型鉴定中抗材料共29份(表2),占1.82%;中感材料549份,占34.48%;高感材料1014份,占63.69%,赤霉病抗性种质资源较为匮乏,筛选出的29份材料为当地小麦抗性育种提供了宝贵的种质资源㊂2.2 F h b 1基因分子检测结果分子标记检测结果(图1)发现,在来源于日本的农林34㊁农林45和我国长江中下游麦区的13D P 33㊁13D P 36㊁13D P 38㊁13D P 39和13D P 40中均检测出F h b 1基因;1592份东北春小麦材料中均未检测到F h b 1基因,表明赤霉病抗性抗性基因F h b 1在东北春小麦种质资源中极其匮乏㊂29份中抗材料的抗性可能来源于其它赤霉病抗性基因㊂表1 2019-2021年赤霉病抗性鉴定结果T a b l e 1 I d e n t i f i c a t i o n r e s u l t s o f F H Br e s i s t a n c e d u r i n g 2019-2021年份Y e a r 中抗M o d e r a t e l y r e s i s t a n t 份数N u m b e r 比例P e r c e n t a g e /%中感M o d e r a t e l y s u s c e p t i b l e 份数N u m b e r 比例P e r c e n t a g e /%高感H i g h l y s u s c e p t i b l e 份数N u m b e r 比例P e r c e n t a g e /%合计T o t a l 201991.5619133.0437865.405782020112.2011623.1537474.65501202191.7524247.1726251.07513平均A v e r a ge 291.8254934.48101463.691592表2 东北春小麦赤霉病抗性种质资源筛选T a b l e 2 I d e n t i f i c a t i o no f F H B i nn o r t h e a s t s p r i n g wh e a t 年份Y e a r中抗材料M o d e r a t e l yr e s i s t a n tw h e a t c u l t i v a r s /l i n e s 2019龙13-3550㊁龙03-3718-1㊁龙15-1557-1㊁龙17-4024-2-1㊁龙17-4342-2㊁龙17-7296㊁龙10-0870㊁2017师大-29㊁2017师大-30L o n g 13-3550,L o n g 03-3718-1,L o n g 15-1557-1,L o n g 17-4024-2-1,L o n g 17-4342-2,L o n g 17-7296,L o n g10-0870,2017S h i d a -29,2017S h i d a -302020龙18-9151㊁龙19-9614㊁龙14-7158-2㊁克06-486㊁龙17-7196㊁龙17-7365㊁龙17-7387㊁龙14-6209-1㊁品16-505㊁龙16-3105-1㊁龙16-6435L o n g 18-9151,L o n g 19-9614,L o n g 14-7158-2,K e 06-486,L o n g 17-7196,L o n g 17-7365,L o n g 17-7387,L o n g 14-6209-1,P i n16-505,L o n g 16-3105-1,L o n g 16-64352021龙19-9718㊁龙19-9719㊁龙春208㊁克春5㊁龙19-9170㊁龙04-4230㊁克14-891㊁龙09-9109㊁克春9L o n g 19-9718,L o n g 19-9719,L o n g c h u n 208,K e c h u n 5,L o n g 19-9170,L o n g 04-4230,K e 14-891,L o n g09-9109,K e c h u n9 M :D L 2000;A 图,1:龙19-9718;2:龙19-9719;3:龙春208;4:13D P 33;5:13D P 36;6:13D P 38;7:克春5;8:龙19-9170;9:龙麦15(阴性对照);10:苏麦3号(阳性对照);11:龙10-0870;12:龙04-4230;13:克14-891;14:农林34;15:农林45;16:龙09-9109;17:克春9;18:龙麦36;19:13D P 39;20:13D P 40㊂B 图,1:龙麦23;2:龙麦24;3:龙麦26;4:龙麦27;5:龙麦29;6:龙麦30;7:龙麦31;8:龙麦32;9:龙麦15(阴性对照);10:苏麦3号(阳性对照);11:龙麦33;12:龙麦35;13:龙麦36;14:龙麦37;15:龙麦39;16:龙麦40;17:龙麦51;18:龙麦59;19:龙麦60;20:龙麦67㊂M :D L 2000;F i g .A ,1:L o n g 19-9718;2:L o n g 19-9719;3:L o n g c h u n 208;4:13D P 33;5:13D P 36;6:13D P 38;7:K e c h u n 5;8:L o n g19-9170;9:L o n g m a i 15(n e g a t i v ec o n t r o l );10:S u m a i 3(p o s i t i v ec o n t r o l );11:L o n g 10-0870;12:L o n g 04-4230;13:K e14-891;14:N o n g l i n34;15:N o n g l i n45;16:L o n g 09-9109;17:K e c h u n9;18:L o n g m a i 36;19:13D P 39;20:13D P 40.F i g .B ,1:L o n g m a i 23;2:L o n g m a i 24;3:L o n g m a i 26;4:L o n g m a i 27;5:L o n g m a i 29;6:L o n g m a i 30;7:L o n g m a i 31;8:L o n g m a i 32;9:L o n g m a i 15(n e ga t i v ec o n -t r o l );10:S u m a i 3(p o s i t i v e c o n t r o l );11:L o n g m a i 33;12:L o n g m a i 35;13:L o n g m a i 36;14:L o n g m a i 37;15:L o n g m a i 39;16:L o n g m a i 40;17:L o n g m a i 51;18:L o n g m a i 59;19:L o n g m a i 60;20:L o n gm a i 67.图1 小麦赤霉病抗性基因F h b 1分子标记F i g .1 M o l e c u l a rm a r k e r a n a l ys i s o f F H Br e s i s t a n c e g e n e F h b 1o fw h e a t ㊃1511㊃第9期刘东军等:东北春小麦赤霉病抗性鉴定及抗病基因F h b 1检测Copyright ©博看网. All Rights Reserved.3讨论3.1拓宽东北春小麦赤霉病抗性种质资源库极为迫切随着全球气候变暖,小麦赤霉病的发生愈加频繁和严重㊂从赤霉病防治角度来看㊂培育赤霉病抗性品种是减轻赤霉病危害的最根本㊁最经济的方法㊂抗源是培育小麦赤霉病抗性品种根本,我国针对抗源筛选进行了大量研究,并取得了一些进展,2017-2021年,翟文玲等[7]鉴定了642份小麦种质资源的赤霉病抗扩展性,从中筛选出高抗种质9份,占比1.40%,中抗种质81份,占比12.62%㊂曹淑琳等[29]从江苏省主推和新育成的280个小麦品种中,筛选到中抗及以上小麦种质85份,占比30.36%㊂胡文静等[10]发现黄淮麦区71个主栽小麦品种(系)中,7份为中抗,占比7.0%,17份材料为中感,占比24%㊂然而,东北春小麦赤霉病种质资源中,中抗品种/系29份,占比仅1.82%,显著低于长江中下游麦区㊁黄淮麦区以及我国平均比例,表明东北春小麦赤霉病抗性种质资源十分匮乏㊂当前,赤霉病危害越来越严重,利用外引赤霉病抗性种质拓宽东北春小麦赤霉病抗性种质资源库十分迫切㊂3.2加强赤霉病抗性基因在东北春小麦中的利用目前,多项研究发现F h b1基因可显著降低赤霉病危害㊂张宏军等[30]将F h b1导入周麦16(赤霉病高感品种),通过对携带和不携带F h b1基因的近等基因系的赤霉病抗性鉴定结果发现:F h b1显著提升了小麦赤霉病抗性㊂许峰等[31]和马红勃等[32]将F h b1基因导入感病品种矮抗58中,显著提高了株系赤霉病的抗扩展能力㊂代旭冉等[33]发现含F h b1基因后代株系平均病小穗数和严重度均低于对照和轮回亲本㊂此外,山东农业大学发现来源于长穗偃麦草(T h i n o p y r u m e l o n g a-t u m)F h b7可降低赤霉病危害[26],提升小麦赤霉病抗性水平㊂通过小麦赤霉病表型鉴定发现:江苏省59份小麦品种(系)中,9份携带F h b1,占比15.25%[34]㊂四川省153份小麦品种/系中,12份含F h b1,占比7.8%[35]㊂宁麦系列23个品种中,携带F h b1材料11个,占比高达48.6%[36]㊂本研究中,除外引材料外,1592份东北春小麦品种/系均未检测到F h b1㊂因此,在东北春麦区,可加强赤霉病抗性基因F h b1㊁F h b7等应用来提升赤霉病抗性水平㊂目前,本团队利用分子标记和选择性回交技术将F h b1基因导入东北优质强筋春小麦遗传背景中㊂3.3东北春小麦赤霉病抗性遗传基础有待发掘胡文静等[31]发现,长江中下游地区小麦赤霉病抗性达到中感及以上水平的品种,携带F h b1基因仅占26.9%,说明F h b1基因并非解决小麦赤霉病的唯一选择㊂翟文玲等[8]对抗性种质资源的分子标记发现:抗性种质,如浩麦1号㊁冀师7225-28㊁南农13Y110㊁石优17和武农6号等不携带目前已知抗赤霉病基因或Q T L s[8]㊂廖森等[34]发现抗性种质,如:宁麦1529㊁镇麦13322㊁K122㊁宁麦17320㊁宁麦17110和宁麦15219均不含F h b1㊁F h b2㊁F h b4㊁F h b5和Q F h s.c r c-2D L等已知抗性基因,表明可能存在着其他未被发掘的赤霉病抗性基因㊂本研究中的29份中抗材料均未检测到抗病基因F h b1,推测可能存在其他赤霉病抗性基因,有待于进一步研究㊂参考文献:[1]王科,刘芳,蔡磊.中国农业植物病原菌物常见种属名录[J].菌物学报,2022,41(3):361.WA N G K,L I U F,C A I L.An a m e l i s t o f c o mm o n a g r i c u l t u r a l p h y t o p a t h o g e n i cf u n g i i n C h i n a[J].M y c o s y s t e m a,2022,41 (3):361.[2]程顺和,张勇,别同德,等.中国小麦赤霉病的危害及抗性遗传改良[J].江苏农业学报,2012,28(5):938.C H E NSH,Z H A N G Y,B I ETD,e t a l.D a m a g e o fw h e a t f u-s a r i u mh e a d b l i g h t(F H B)e p i d e m i c s a n d g e n e t i c i m p r o v e m e n t o fw h e a t f o r s c a br e s i s t a n c e i nC h i n a[J].A c t aA g r i c u l t u r a e o f J i a n g s u,2012,28(5):938.[3]马鸿翔,王永刚,高玉姣,等.小麦抗赤霉病育种回顾与展望[J].中国农业科学,2022,55(5):837.MA H X,WA N A GYG,G A OYJ,e t a l.R e v i e wa n d p r o s p e c t o nt h eb r e e d i n g f o r t h er e s i s t a n c e t o f u s a r i u m h e a db l i g h t i n w h e a t[J].S c i e n t i aA g r i c u l t u r aS i n i c a,2022,55(5):837.[4]P I E C Z U L K,HO R O S Z K I E W I E Z-J A N K AJ,P E R E K A,e ta l.T h er i s ko f p r o d u c t i o no fm y c o t o x i n s i nc e r e a l g r a i n sb y t h ec h e m o t y p e so f f u s a r i u ms p p[J].F r e s e n i u sE n v i r o n m e n-t a lB u l l e t i n.2015,24(8):2527.[5]Y I NY,L I UX,L I B,e t a l.C h a r a c t e r i z a t i o n o f s t e r o l d e m e t h y-l a t i o n i n h i b i t o r-r e s i s t a n t i s o l a t e so f F u s a r i u m a s i a t i c u m a n d g r a m i n e a r u m c o l l e c t e df r o m w h e a t i n C h i n a[J].P h y t o p a-t h o l o g y,2009,99(5):487.[6]张善磊,于成功,刘晓飞,等.小麦抗赤霉病种质筛选与F h b1基因分布研究[J].江西农业学报,2021,33(4):9.Z H A N GSL,Y U C G,L I U X F,e ta l.S c r e e n i n g o f s c a b-r e-s i s t a n tw h e a t g e r m p l a s m s a n dd i s t r i b u t i o no f F h b1g e n e[J].A c t aA g r i c u l t u r a eJ i a n g x i,2021,33(4):9.[7]翟文玲,刘彩云,刘颖,等.小麦赤霉病新抗源的发掘与抗性㊃2511㊃麦类作物学报第43卷Copyright©博看网. 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上电复位操作。3,LVD 重复操作。4,低电压警告
系统杂项控制(MCM) 提供了大量的多种多样的控制功能
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位处理引擎(BME) 支持读-修改-写内存的操作
看门狗(WDOG) 系统故障时重启系统
ARM Cortex_M0+
Cortex_M 系列最新的成员,兼容 M3、M4。32 位 指令集,48MHz CPU 频率
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通过各种异步中断将系统从 STOP 模式中唤醒。唤 醒源有:RESET 管脚,低电压警告,键盘中断,IRQ 管脚,不可屏蔽管脚,ADC,ACMP, I2C, UART, SPI, RTC, MSCAN. 高速单循环访问外设, 快速 GPIO 在 IOPORT 接口上实现
内存和内存 接口
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x000输入端子外部输入点x000X000X000图6-1(a) 输入继电器等效电路输入继电器的地址编号采用八进制。




Y000Y000Y000Y0001负载电源Y000图6-1(b) 输出继电器等效电路3.辅助继电器M辅助继电器可分为:通用型、断电保持型和特殊辅助继电器三种,辅助继电器按十进制编号。

(1)通用辅助继电器M0 ~ M499(500点)(2)断电保持辅助继电器M500~M1023(524点)。

(3)特殊辅助继电器M8000~M8255(256点)PLC内的特殊辅助继电器各自具有特定的功能:1)只能利用其触点的特殊辅助继电器,线圈由PLC自动驱动,用户只利用其触点M8000:运行监控用,PLC运行时M8000接通M8002:仅在运行开始瞬间接通的初始脉冲特殊辅助继电器M8012 :产生100ms时钟脉冲的特殊辅助继电器2)可驱动线圈型特殊继电器,用于驱动线圈后,PLC作特定动作M8030:鲤电池电压指示灯特殊继电器M8033:PLC停止时输出保持特殊辅助继电器M8034:止全部输出特殊辅助继电器M8039:时扫描特殊辅助继电器4.状态继电器S状态继电器S是编制步进控制顺序中使用的重要元件,它与步进指令STL配合使用状态继电器有下列五种类型:1)初始状态继电器:S0~S9共10点2)回零状态继电器:S10~S19共10点3)通用状态继电器:S20~S499共480点4)保持状态继电器:S500~S899共400点5)报警用状态继电器:S900~S999共100点5.定时器T定时器在PLC中的作用相当于一个时间继电器,它有一个设定值寄存器,一个当前值寄存器以及无限个触点。


定时器可以用用户程序存储器内的常数k 作为设定值,也可以用数据寄存器D的内容作为设定值。


定时器的工作原理K123设定值(累积)X000设定值K 计数器1&X000输出触点计数数据输入10ms时钟脉冲比较器T200T200图6-2 定时器的工作原理(2)积算定时器T246~T2551ms积算定时器:T246~T249共4点,每点设定值范围为0.001~32.767s100ms积算定时器:T250~T255共6点,每点设定值范围为0.1~3276.7s积算定时器的工作原理RSTT250K345X000X001T250设定值K计数器1&100ms时钟脉冲输出触点X002X001计数数据输入T250图6-3 积算定时器的工作原理图6.计数器C计数器可分为普通计数器和高速计数器(1)16位加计数器(设定值:1~32767)有两种16位加/减计数器:通用型:C0~C99共100点断电保持型:C100~C199共100点其设定值K在1~32767之间。


加计数器的动作过程示例RSTC0C0Y000X010X011C0K10012345678910X010X011Y000当前数据图6-4 加计数器的动作过程(2)32位双向计数器(设定值:-2147483648~ +2147483647)有两种32位加/减计数器:通用计数器:C200~C219共20点保持计数器:C220~C234共15点计数方向由特殊辅助继电器M8200~M8234设定。

加减计数方式设定:对于C△△△,当M8 △△△△接通(置1)时,为减计数器,断开(置0)时,为加计数器。



加减计数器的动作过程示例M8200X012Y001C200X013RSTC200C200X014K-5012345当前数据43210-1-2-4-5-3-6-7-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1若输出已经接通Y001X012X013X014加加减图6-5 加减计数器的动作过程(3)高速计数器高速计数器C235~C255共21点共享PLC上6个高速计数器输入(X000~X005)。










一、逻辑取和输出线圈指令LD、LDI、OUTLD:取指令,用于常开触点与母线的连接指令LDI:取反指令,用于常闭触点与左母线连接OUT:线圈驱动指令,也叫输出指令LD、LDI、OUT指令的使用说明图6-6 LD、LDI、OUT指令的使用说明二、触点串联指令AND、ANIAND:与指令,用于单个常开触点的串联,完成逻辑“与”运算ANI:与非指令,用于单个常闭触点的串联,完成逻辑“与非”运算AND、ANI指令的使用说明图6-7 AND、ANI指令使用说明三、触点并联指令OR、ORIOR:或指令,用于单个常开触点的并联,完成逻辑“或”运算ORI:或非指令,用于单个常闭触点的并联,完成逻辑“或非”运算OR、ORI指令的使用说明图6-8OR、ORI指令的使用说明四、串联电路块的并联指令ORBORB:块或指令。

用于两个或两个以上的触点串联连接的电路之间的并联,称之为串联电路块的并联连接ORB指令的使用说明图6-9 ORB指令使用说明五、并联电路块的串联指令ANBANB:块与指令。

用于两个或两个以上触点并联连接的电路之间的串联,称之为并联电路块的串联连接ANB指令的使用说明0LD X0005AND X0051ORI X0016ORB2LD X0027ORI X0063AND X0038ANB4LD X0049OUT Y001图6-10ANB指令使用说明六、栈指令MPS 、MRD 、MPPMPS 、MRD 、MPP 这三条指令分别为进栈、读栈、出栈指令,用于多重输出电路MPS 、MRD 、MPP 指令的使用说明0LD X0046OUT Y0031MPS7MRD2AND X0058OUT Y0043OUT Y0029MPP4MRD10AND X0045AND X00311OUT Y005X004Y005Y004X003Y003X005X004Y002图6-11 栈存储器与输出指令的使用说明七、主控及主控复位指令MC 、MCRMC :主控指令,用于公共串联触点的连接;MCR :主控复位指令,即作为MC 的复位指令MC 、MCR 指令的使用说明之一0LD X0001MC N0SP M1004LD X0015OUT Y0016LD X0027OUT Y0028MCR N010LD X00311OUT Y003X000MCN0M100MCRN0X003Y003X002Y002N0M100X001Y001图6-12 MC 、MCR 指令的使用说明之一使用MC/MCR指令说明:1)与主控指令MC相连的触点必须用LD或LDI指令,使用MC指令后,母线移到主控触点的后面,MCR使母线回到原来的位置。



MC、MCR指令说明之二图6-13MC、MCR指令说明之二八、置位与复位指令SET、RST SET:置位指令,是动作保持RST:复位指令,使操作保持复位SET、RST指令的说明图6-14SET、RST指令的使用说明(a)梯形图(b)语句表(c)波形RST指令用于计数器的使用说明图6-15 RST指令用于计数器的使用说明RST指令使用说明:1)RST指令既可用于计数器复位,使其当前值恢复至设定值,也可用于复位移位寄存器,清除当前内容。





PLS 、PLF 指令的使用说明0LD X0011PLS M0←2步指令3LD M04SET Y0005LD X0026PLF M1←2步指令8LD M19RST Y000T0扫描周期T0扫描周期Y000M1M0X001X002X001M0SET Y000X002PLF M1M1RST Y000PLS M0图6-16 PLS 、PLF 指令的使用说明使用PLS 、PLF 指令说明:4)使用这两条指令时,要特别注意目标元件。
