










四、采用冷热电联供的意义1. 实现能量综合梯级利用,提高能源利用效率具有发电、供热、制冷、能量梯级利用等优势,年平均能量的综合利用率高达80~90%图4.6-2 燃气热能的梯级综合利用流程关系示意图2.集成供能技术,系统运行灵活可靠三联供系统是供冷、供热、供电的技术集成,设备优化配置,集成优化运行,实现既按需供应,又可靠运行。













目次1总则 (1)2术语 (2)3基本规定 (4)4城市用电负荷 (5)4.1城市用电负荷分类 (5)4.2城市用电负荷预测 (5)4.3负荷预测指标 (6)5城市供电电源 (8)5.1城市供电电源种类和选择 (8)5.2电力平衡与电源布局 (8)5.3城市发电厂规划布局 (9)5.4城市电源变电站布局 (9)6城市电网 (11)6.1规划原则 (11)6.2电压等级和层次 (11)7城市供电设施 (13)7.1一般规定 (13)7.2城市变电站 (13)7.3开关站 (16)7.4环网单元 (16)7.5公用配电室 (16)7.6城市电力线路 (17)本规范用词说明 (20)引用标准名录 (21)Contents1General Provisions (1)2Terms (2)3Basic Requirements (4)4Urban Electricity Load (5)4.1Urban electricity Load Classification (5)4.2Urban electricity Load Forecast (5)4.3Load Forecast Index (6)5Urban Power Supply Sources (8)5.1Urban Power Supply Sources Type and Choice (8)5.2Power Balance and Power Source Layout (8)5.3Urban Power Plant Plan Layout Principle (9)5.4Urban Power Source Substation Layout Principle (9)6Urban Power Network (11)6.1Plan Principle (11)6.2Voltage Rank and Level (11)7Urban Power Supply Facility (13)7.1General Requirement (13)7.2Urban Substation (13)7.3Switching Station (16)7.4Ring Main Unit (16)7.5Public Distribution Room (16)7.6Urban Power Circuit (17)Explanation of Wording in This Code (20)List of Quoted Standards (21)1总则1.0.1为更好地贯彻执行国家城市规划、电力、能源的有关法规和方针政策,提高城市电力规划的科学性、合理性和经济性,确保规划编制质量,制定本规范。


摘 要 : 与 普 通 能 源利 用形 式相 比 , 冷 热 电联 供 型 微 电 网具 有 能 源 利 用 效 率 高 、 利 用 形 式 多样 、 就 地 解 决 综 合 能 源 需 求 等
特点 . 可 以很 好 地 满 足 综 合 能 源 用 户 的 需 求 目前 在 运 或 在 建 的 冷 热 电联供 项 目往 往存 在 设 备 配 置 比例 不合 理 , 设备利用 率 低 或 无 法 实现 较 高 的 能 源 利 用 效 率 介 绍 了几 种典 型 的 联供 型 微 电 网形 式 ,进 行 了微 电 网客 量 规 划 优 化 建模 ,并 在
经 典 的“ 以热 定 电” 或“ 以 电定 热 ” 原 则并 不 能 给 出较
优 的 系 统 配 置策 略 已投 入 商 业 应 用 的设 计 软 件 如 De S T c 和 HO ME R也 只能 简单 的依 据峰 值 负 荷 信息
和 简单 的 比例 原则 给 出系统 的设 备 配置 方案 和设 计 冷 热 电联 供 型微 电网供 能形 式 多样 . 设 备 组合 策
进 行 验证 , 结 果 显示 该 规 划 模 型 通 用 性较 强 . 且 规 划
图 1 典 型 联 供 型 微 电网 类 型 一
类 型二 与类 型一 的主要 区别 在 于类 型 二联 供 型
微 电 网包 含 蓄能 罐 / 箱. 在 夏季 可 以 蓄冷 . 冬 季可 以蓄
热. 如图 2 【 所 示

第 3 2卷 第 3期 3 9
J i a n g s u El e c t r i c a l En g i ne e r i ng
冷热 电联 供型微 电 网容量规划 优化研究











































































考虑供热系统建模的综合能源系统最优能流计算方法张义志;王小君;和敬涵;高文忠【摘要】随着社会经济的发展与技术的进步,综合能源系统已成为未来能源领域变革的重要发展趋势之一,其中以热电联供为代表的电热耦合综合能源系统发展迅速.电热系统的联合优化可以提高燃料利用效率,节省运行成本,但当前电热耦合系统能流研究主要针对于电力系统,对供热系统的管网特性、热负荷与用户温度需求的关联特性考虑得还不够精细,无法充分反映电热系统的实际运行特性.该文基于热力管网支路特性及散热器、换热器等关键设备的稳态模型,考虑供热系统能量传输与管网约束,建立了供热系统稳态能流计算的精细化模型.在此基础上,以热电联供机组电热出力与电锅炉出力为调节变量,提出了一种基于内点法的电热耦合综合能源系统最优能流求解方法,能够更加准确地反映系统运行特性并实现系统经济运行.最后进行算例测试,验证所提最优能流计算方法的可行性与有效性.【期刊名称】《电工技术学报》【年(卷),期】2019(034)003【总页数】9页(P562-570)【关键词】供热系统模型;综合能源系统;最优能流;内点法【作者】张义志;王小君;和敬涵;高文忠【作者单位】北京交通大学电气工程学院北京 100044;北京交通大学电气工程学院北京 100044;北京交通大学电气工程学院北京 100044;北京交通大学电气工程学院北京 100044;丹佛大学电气与计算机工程系科罗拉多 80208【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TM732近年来,以能源互联为特征的能源革命已经蓄势待发,以电网为核心主干平台,包含多种能源形式的耦合互补互联系统快速发展,其中以热电联产机组作为核心能源中枢的电热耦合综合能源系统应用最为广泛,是能源互联互补的主要表现形式之一,也是目前我国能源结构调整的重要发展方向。



















综合能源系统冷热电负荷预测模型的构建方法Building a comprehensive energy system load forecasting model is crucial for maximizing the efficiency and sustainability of energy production and utilization. 建立一种综合能源系统负荷预测模型对于最大化能源生产和利用的效率和可持续性至关重要。

By accurately predicting the cold, heat, and electricity demands of a system, operators can optimize the distribution of resources and improve overall performance. 通过准确预测系统的冷、热、电需求,运营商可以优化资源分配,提高整体性能。

However, developing such a forecasting model involves combining various data sources, understanding complex energy interactions, and utilizing advanced analytical techniques. 然而,开发这样的预测模型涉及整合各种数据源,理解复杂的能量相互作用,并利用先进的分析技术。

One approach to constructing a comprehensive energy system load forecasting model is to utilize historical data and statistical methods to identify trends and patterns. 建立综合能源系统负荷预测模型的一种方法是利用历史数据和统计方法来识别趋势和模式。






在综合能源系统中,以能量来源为依据,热泵被分为空气源、水源、土壤源及余热 4类,对作为供能单元的 4 种热泵分别进行描述;按照储能类型,热泵可被分为储热(冷)及储电 2 种。




在 2020 年 9 月召开的第七十五届联合国大会上,中国提出“二氧化碳排放力争于 2030 年前达到峰值,努力争取 2060 年前实现碳中和”的目标。


截至 2020 年,石油仍占全球能源结构最大份额,约占 31. 2%;煤炭为第二大能源,占一次能源消费总量的27. 2%;天然气和可再生能源份额分别升至 24. 7% 和 5. 7%。



IES 在一定区域内利用先进的物理信息技术和创新管理模式,整合区域内煤炭、石油、天然气、电能、热能等多种能源,实现多种异质能源子系统之间的协调规划、优化运行、协同管理、交互响应和互补互济,在满足系统内多元化用能需求的同时,有效地提升能源利用效率,促进能源可持续发展。



电力系统2019.4 电力系统装备丨81Electric System2019年第4期2019 No.4电力系统装备Electric Power System Equipment 从20世纪70年代末开始,由于天然气的迅速发展,让区域型分布式冷热电联供能源系统也迎来了发展契机。


现在,我国正在加快城市化建设的脚步,而想要做好这方面的工作,就一定要提升能效、减排CO 2。




1 区域能源终端需求的内涵和集成优化潜力1.1 工业和商住能源终端需求的内涵1.1.1 工业用能在化工、建材等“过程工业”终端用能当中,各种温位的热量占大多数,另外就是用在驱动泵等方面的电力;机械、轻工等“离散制造业”的终端用能以电力为主,其余的则是厂房供冷供暖,也要拥有一些蒸汽。

1.1.2 商住用能商住用能一共具有两种类型:一是由建筑物面积所决定的。





1.2 区域能源终端需求集成优化潜力过去的供能方式始终是分产分供。





(19)中华人民共和国国家知识产权局(12)发明专利申请(10)申请公布号 (43)申请公布日 (21)申请号 201710826813.X(22)申请日 2017.09.14(71)申请人 同济大学地址 200092 上海市杨浦区四平路1239号(72)发明人 黄子硕 于航 彭震伟 (74)专利代理机构 上海科盛知识产权代理有限公司 31225代理人 宣慧兰(51)Int.Cl.G06Q 10/06(2012.01)(54)发明名称一种园区级综合能源系统规划评估方法(57)摘要本发明涉及一种园区级综合能源系统规划评估方法,用于园区级综合能源系统规划报告质量等级的评估,该方法包括如下步骤:(1)建立树状评估模型,至少包括三层,顶层为总评价指标,第二层包括多个中间评价指标,每个中间评价指标包括多个分支评价指标并逐层向下形成树状结构,每一层中的评价指标均为一个节点;(2)对树状评估模型最底层节点进行评分,然后从树状评估模型底部第二层开始由下向上获取每一层节点的评分值,直至树状评估模型的顶层获得总评价指标评分;(3)将总评价指标评分与预先设定的等级划分表对比确定园区级综合能源系统规划报告质量等级。


权利要求书2页 说明书4页 附图1页CN 107730078 A 2018.02.23C N 107730078A1.一种园区级综合能源系统规划评估方法,用于园区级综合能源系统规划报告质量等级的评估,其特征在于,该方法包括如下步骤:(1)建立树状评估模型,至少包括三层,顶层为总评价指标,第二层包括多个中间评价指标,每个中间评价指标包括多个分支评价指标并逐层向下形成树状结构,每一层中的评价指标均为一个节点;(2)对树状评估模型最底层节点进行评分,然后从树状评估模型底部第二层开始由下向上获取每一层节点的评分值,直至树状评估模型的顶层获得总评价指标评分;(3)将总评价指标评分与预先设定的等级划分表对比确定园区级综合能源系统规划报告质量等级。



2021年1月电工技术学报Vol.36 No. 1 第36卷第1期TRANSACTIONS OF CHINA ELECTROTECHNICAL SOCIETY Jan. 2021 DOI:10.19595/ki.1000-6753.tces.200386考虑多元储能差异性的区域综合能源系统储能协同优化配置刁涵彬李培强吕小秀刘小龙李欣然(湖南大学电气与信息工程学院长沙 410082)摘要储能作为综合能源系统融合的纽带,如何配置电/热/冷多能存储是综合能源系统规划中的重要研究内容。





关键词:综合能源系统电/热/冷多能存储储能差异化建模协同优化配置中图分类号:TM715Coordinated Optimal Allocation of Energy Storage in Regional Integrated Energy System Considering the Diversity of Multi-Energy StorageDiao Hanbin Li Peiqiang Lü Xiaoxiu Liu Xiaolong Li Xinran (College of Electrical and Information Engineering Hunan University Changsha 410082 China)Abstract Energy storage is the link of integrated energy system integration. How to allocate multiple types of energy storage is an important research content in integrated energy system planning.A collaborative energy storage configuration method for regional integrated energy systems consideringdifferential modeling of electricity/heat/cold multi-energy storage is proposed. The basis of the multi-energy storage collaborative configuration is the description of coupling energy flow and energy storage characteristics. On the coupling energy flow, the integrated energy system structure containing three energy forms of electricity, heat and cold is defined, and the electricity-thermal network model is established.Based on the unified model of energy storage, the reactive power model of electrical energy storage and the refined model of thermal /cold energy storage were established, and the multi-energy storage comprehensive efficiency was defined to control the influence of different types of energy storage efficiency on the comprehensive energy utilization efficiency and economy. The multi-energy storage collaborative configuration model is established, which is used to get the multi-energy storage rated capacity, power and other planning schemes. With the goal of economy and environmental protection, it organically integrates the typical daily optimal operation. The hybrid algorithm combining genetic algorithm and Gurobi solver is used to solve the model. The example shows that the cooperative国家自然科学基金(51677059)和国家重点研发计划(2018YFB0905304)资助项目。





热电厂建设规模为2χ22Ot 循环流化床锅炉,发电机容量为2χ50MW,单台汽机最大供汽能力IlOt/h。



表1园区企业用电、用热情况统计年用电量/亿kWh 热负荷/(ι∕h)企业名称现状近期新增现状近期新增企业1 1.04 —15 —企业2 ().60 0.22 12 5企业3 0.3«0.15 17 8企业4 0.53 —14 —企业5 0.93 —13 —企业6 。

一83 0.11 13 2企业7 0.74 —10 —3企业8 0.58 0.23 尸5企业9 0.65 — 6 —企业0.15 0.15 3 —企业H 1.02 0.35 4 3企业12 0.85 — 4 —企业13 0.33 — 3 —企业14 0.21 — 1 —企业15 —0,63 —10企业16 —().35 —8企业17 —0.55 — 5企业】8 —0.41 —1()企业19 —().52 —9企业2() —<).41 — 6企业21 —0.31 — 3企业22 —0.32 — 2合计8.84 4.72 120 81 22家企业的电负荷、热负荷和冷负荷情况如下:工业区企业用电量较大,其中主要用户有高端橡胶制品、高端纺织、高端食品等企业,现有企业年累计用电量达8.84亿kWh。












IES能源系统的耦合关系首先由瑞士ETH(苏黎世理工学院)提出的energy hub,EH进行描述,此后国内外研究人员基于此项基础概念开展了相关研究,从不同角度对能源离合器进行了建模,从能源流动角度对公共汽车进行了建模,并以电力线、热流道、冷藏车和烟道等形式将IES中的电力系统连接起来,从而明确了电力系统之间的地方联系。



























1. 规划的背景与目标随着能源结构的不断升级和变化,城市能源需求正不断增加。












3. 实现方案1)建立能源数据采集与监测系统,获取城市能源的实时数据,为制定最佳配电网方案提供数据支持。

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Comprehensive power-supply planning for active distribution system considering cooling,heating and power load balanceXinwei SHEN 1,Yingduo HAN 1,Shouzhen ZHU 1,Jinghong ZHENG 1,Qingsheng LI 2,Jing NONG 2Abstract An active distribution system power-supply planning model considering cooling,heating and power load balance is proposed in this paper.A regional energy service company is assumed to be in charge of the investment and operation for the system in the model.The expansion of substations,building up distributed combined cooling,heating and power (CCHP),gas heating boiler (GHB)and air conditioner (AC)are included as investment planning options.In terms of operation,the load scenarios are divided into heating,cooling and transition periods.Also,the extreme load scene is included to assure the power supply reliability of the system.Numerical results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed model and illustrate the economic benefits of applying distributedCCHP in regional power supply on investment and operation.Keywords Active distribution system,Combined cooling,heating and power (CCHP),Power-supply planning,Load balance1IntroductionActive distribution system (ADS)[1,2]is a distribution system that can control and manage distributed energy resources (DER)within the network.DER includes dis-tributed generation (DG),energy storage system,controllable load [2],where DG consists of clean energy like distributed photovoltaic,wind generation and gas-turbine combined cooling,heating and power (CCHP).Compared with traditional distribution system planning [3–7],ADS planning must take effects of DER into con-sideration,including the variation of power flow [8],node voltage [9,10],even power reliability [11]and steady-state security [12]of the distribution network.The research on ADS planning integrated with the planning of DG has drew lots of researchers’attention since years ago.Many effective methods have been applied for ADS expansion planning and reconfiguration,sitting and sizing of DG,such as genetic algorithm [13]and simulated annealing algorithm [14],mixed integer programming model [15],bi-level programming model [16].In the aspect of power-supply planning of ADS,it is obvious that building up CCHP in urban area could be beneficial in improving energy efficiency and economy of operation,reducing CO 2emission [17].With the growth of CCHP in ADS,it’s necessary to consider the impact on their capability on supplying cooling and heating load.However,Received:1July 2015/Accepted:15September 2015/Published online:19November 2015©The Author(s)2015.This article is published with open access at &Xinwei SHENcxw10@Yingduo HANhanyd@ Shouzhen ZHUzsz@ Jinghong ZHENGjhzheng@ Qingsheng LI lqs98@ Jing NONG454673495@1State Key Lab of Control and Simulation of Power Systems and Generation Equipments,Department of Electrical Engineering,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China 2Grid Planning &Research Center,Guizhou Power Grid Cooporation,CSG,Guiyang 550002,ChinaJ.Mod.Power Syst.Clean Energy (2015)3(4):485–493DOI 10.1007/s40565-015-0164-5related research was on the sizing of CCHP system itself.A comprehensive review was given in[18]on models con-sidering the optimization and planning of CCHP in a short-term(a given time period)or long-term(over the plant useful life)level,most of which aimed at optimizing the energy cost or CO2emissions of CCHP itself.For example,[19]pre-sented an approach to CCHP planning based on evaluating how different energy vectors can be transformed into equivalent electricity and heat loads.[20,21]studied the impacts brought by the uncertainties of energy loads and prices’evolution on the cogeneration system planning which spans a multi-year time interval.There were also researches on the operation optimization [22–24]and planning[25–28]of microgrid and distribution system containing CCHP.The multiple energy system expansion planning approach including“Energy Hub”,which consists of combined heat and power,natural gas furnaces and other infrastructures has been proposed and proved to be effective in[26].In[27],a model was proposed to minimize the annual cost of distribution power grid company.The distributed wind turbine,photovoltaic and CCHP were con-sidered as environmental-friendly planning options to balance the increasing load.Similarly,a multi-objective planning model was proposed with variable weight coefficient to solve the optimal sizing and siting problem of DG in distribution system in[28].However,the expansion planning cost of distribution system was not considered in previous research except in[26].Besides,the cost of equipment supplying cooling load,e.g.air conditioner(AC),was not included,as well as the cooling load balance condition.Therefore,a power-supply planning model considering cooling,heating and power load balance implemented for ADS is proposed in this paper.The main contributions are as follows.1)Offering an approach to evaluate the probable benefitof a company which is in charge of the ADS regional energy service considering its investment and opera-tion cost.In terms of ADS planning,expansion of substations,CCHP,gas heating boiler(GHB)and AC are all considered as investment options.2)In terms of ADS operation,the scenario analysis isformulated with the division of heating,cooling and transition period in time interval.The extreme load scenario is also included to ensure system energy-supply reliability.Thus the operation cost is calculated more accurately.The remainder of this paper is organized as follows:Sec-tion2outlines the framework of the model.Detailed model formulation is in Section3,where the objective function and constraints are described.Numerical cases are discussed in Section4to illustrate and prove the effectiveness of the model. Further discussion and conclusions are in Section5.2Proposed planning approach and scheme The proposed approach of comprehensive power-supply planning for ADS considering cooling,heating and power load balance is illustrated as follows.Step1:Get the urban planning data of the region. Step2:Predict the cooling,heating and power load based on the plan of land use and construction area. Step3:Divide the whole area into several blocks.Plan energy-supply equipment,including the sizing of CCHP, transformer in substations,AC,GHB for each block based on the proposed model.Step4:Location selection for the construction of big equipment.Step5:Plan the network of distribution feeders and hot, cold water pipeline based on the selected location for each equipment.Step1and2are preliminary work.It should be noted that urban land planning and corresponding heating,cooling, power load prediction in Step1and2are essential for common urban planning,thus is not discussed in this paper. Besides,the power load prediction data does not include the load of AC and electric heating boiler here.Moreover,Step 4,5must be implemented by taking actual construction condition survey into consideration,which will not be dis-cussed in this paper.Proposed comprehensive power-supply planning scheme of ADS considering cooling,heating and power load balance in Step3is shown in Fig.1.Overall,loads need to be balanced are categorized as power,cooling and heating load,respectively.The load scenes include transition period,cooling period and heating period.The cooling period(heating period),which is usually summer time(winter time)of a year,refers to the period in each year when there is significant cooling load (heating load)to be supplied.The transition period refers to other time of a year when there is only electric power load needs to be supplied.It’s assumed that power,cooling and heating load of this area are balanced by trading electric power from substa-tions or operating CCHP and GHB,and the fuel of which is natural gas.The power-supply options are as follows. 1)Constructing new substations or expanding old sub-stations to satisfy part of the power load2)Investing on AC,the power of which is supplied by thesubstations,to satisfy part of the cooling load.3)Building up CCHP,which is able to generate power,supply cooling and heating load at the same time. 4)Building up GHB to supply part of the heating load.Therefore,the variables in the model are categorized as follows.486Xinwei SHEN et al.1)Investment decision variables,most of which are binary variables,including decisions on substationexpansion x SUB ;building up CCHP x CCHP d ;D ;GHB x GHBd ;D ;where the subscript d means in block d ,and D stands for the sizing selection of equipment.The investment on AC is continuous variable,because obviously there is no sizing selection problem involved.2)Operation strategy variables,which are all continuous variables,including the power trading from substa-tions g SUBs in load scene s ,the power generated byCCHP g CCHPs ;cooling load supplied by AC q AC c ;CCHP q CCHP cin cooling period,heating load supplied by GHB q GHB h ;CCHP q CCHP hin heating period.The mathematical model is summarized as in Fig.2.It’s noteworthy that the economy of operation is eval-uated by typical load scene in three periods:transition period (s =t ),cooling period (s =c ),and heating period (s =h ).Meanwhile,an extreme load scene (s =e )is from cooling period,which is usually summer peak hours according to common sense,to ensure the power-supply reliability in extreme conditions.3Problem formulation3.1ObjectiveThe objective of the proposed planning model is the minimum of investment and operation cost on supplying the power,cooling and heating load in this area.Thus,the objective function can be categorized as:1)Investment cost C INVThe investment cost C INV includes the cost of substa-tion expansion,building up CCHP,building up GHB,and investment on AC,which is shown asC INV ¼XJ 2u SUBM SUB J x SUBJ þX d 2X XD 2u CCHPdM CCHP d ;D x CCHP d ;D þX d 2X XD 2u GHBdM GHB d ;D x GHB d ;D þMACXd 2Xx AC dð1Þwhere M SUBJis the substation expansion cost scheme J ;x SUB Jthe corresponding binary decision variable,which means that corresponding construction scheme isimplemented if x SUB J ¼1;X the set of blocks;and u CCHP d,u GHB dthe sets of sizing options for CCHP and GHB,respectively.Thus M CCHP d ;D or M GHBd ;D represents cost of building up CCHP or GHB in block d for sizing optionD .x CCHP d ;D ,x GLd ;D are related binary variables.The unit of AC is much smaller than that of other equipment,thus its investment cost is set to be continuous variable x AC d ,then multiplied by the per-unit cost M AC :2)Operation cost C OPEThe operation cost C OPE ignored the maintenance and depreciation cost of facilities,mainly focused on the fuel cost of CCHP,GHB and the cost of purchasing electric power from the utility grid:C OPE ¼X y y y X d 2X Xs ¼c ;h ;te s ðP GAS V fuel s ;d þP SUB g SUBs ;d Þð2Þwhere y is the planning years,Pyyð1þi Þycalculates thetotal present value coefficient of the operation cost for each year,with the discount rate i ;and e s is the proportion of load scene s in the whole planning period.Take a municipality in China as an example,its heating period is from 15November to 15March each year,hence e s ¼4=12¼0:333;the cooling periodisFig.2Proposed comprehensive power-supply planning mathemati-calmodelFig.1Proposed comprehensive power-supply planning scheme of ADS considering cooling,heating and power load balanceComprehensive power-supply planning for active distribution system considering cooling,heating 487assumed from15June to15September,hence e s¼3=12¼0:25:The rest of load scene are transition period,e s¼5=12¼0:417:For load scene s of block d,V fueld;sis the gas fuel consumption per-unit time, consisting of the gas consumed by the GHB and CCHP,which could be calculated as:V fuel s;d ¼XD2u CCHPdV CCHPs;d;DþXD2u GHBdV GHBs;d;Dð3Þwhere g SUBs;dis the power trading from utility grid through substation per unit time,and P GAS,P SUB are the prices of natural gas and utility grid electric power, respectively,which already consider the coefficient converter the per-unit time to the total time of the planning period.3)Value of lost load C VOLLC VOLL¼P VOLLXd2XXs¼c;h;t;er s;dð4Þwhere P VOLL is the price of lost load’s value,and r s;d is the load not served in load scene s in block d.It should be noted that P VOLL should be set to a relatively high constant to avoid load-shedding in any load scene.In summary,the objective function is:min C INVþC OPEþC VOLLð5Þ3.2Constraints3.2.1Power,cooling,heating load balanceThere should be load balance constraints in every block d.However,there would be some difference between dif-ferent type of load and load scene s.1)Power load balanceðs¼c;h;t;eÞr s;dþg SUBs;d ¼l s;dþl AC s;dÀg CCHPs;dð6ÞThis constraint should be set up for every load scene s, where l s;d is the power load without load of AC l ACs;d.The ability of CCHP supply power between different blocks is ignored in this paper.2)Cooling load balanceðs¼c;eÞCooling load is supplied by AC and the lithium bromide refrigeration unit of CCHP.Thus we can get:q Load s;d ¼q CCHPs;dþq AC s;dð7ÞThis constraint should be set up in load scene s¼c;e,where q Loads;d is the cooling load demand;q CCHPs;dis theload supplied by the lithium bromide refrigeration unitof CCHP,and q ACs;dis the load supplied by AC.3)Heating load balanceðs¼hÞHeating load is supplied by CCHP and GHB.q Loads;d¼q CCHPs;dþq GHBs;dð8ÞThis constraint should only be set up in load scenes¼h,where q Loadh;dis the heating load demand;q CCHPh;dthe heating load supplied by CCHP,and q GLh;dtheheating load supplied by GHB.3.2.2CCHP modeling and constraints3.2.2.1Internal-combustion engine The main workingprinciple of gas internal-combustion engine(ICE)CCHPis:burning fuel gas to generate power and waste heat offlue gas and cylinder water.The influence of altitude andenvironment temperature on CCHP’s character is not sig-nificant,which can be ignored in the planning model.Therefore,the characteristic function of ICE is linearizedand summarized as follows[28,29].1)Burning fuel gas:Q CCHPs;d;D¼V CCHPs;d;Dh LHV3:6ð9Þ2)Power generation:g CCHPs;d;D¼a GE d;D Q CCHPs;d;Dþb GE d;Dð10Þ3)Available waste heat value offlue gas:q GASs;d;D¼a GASd;DQ CCHPs;d;Dþb GASd;Dð11Þ4)Available waste heat value of cylinder water:q WAs;d;D¼a WA d;D Q CCHPs;d;Dþb WA d;Dð12ÞThe relationship between per-unit-time fuel gas inflowsV CCHPs;d;D(m3/h)and per-unit-time fuel heat Q CCHPs;d;D(MJ/h)ispresented in(9).h LHV is the low heating value of fuel gas(32.967MJ/m3for natural gas),which is a knownparameter.The relationship of fuel gas heating value andgenerated power,available waste heat is described in(10)∼(12).q GASs;d;D;q WA s;d;D are available heat power offlue gasand cylinder water in ICE,respectively.α,b are knowncharacteristic parameters of ICE.5)Minimum,maximum power output limitsXD2u CCHPdx CCHPd;Dg CCHPmin;d;Dg CCHPd;DXD2u CCHPdx CCHPd;Dg CCHPmax;d;Dð13Þ488Xinwei SHEN et al.where g CCHPmin ;g CCHPmaxare minimum and maximum limits ofCCHP’s power output g CCHPd;D:And(13)is related withplanning decision variable x CCHPd;D:6)Planning option constraintXD2u CCHPd x CCHPd;D1ð14ÞIf there’s limited space for placing power-supply devices,at most one type of CCHP will be built up in one block d in the whole planning period. bromide absorption chiller heater The lithium bromide absorption chiller heater(Li-Br ACH)ofCCHP can use available waste heat q R(kW)to produce cooling value q c or heating value q h:These characteristics are illustrated with cooling and heating coefficient of per-formance(COP),i.e.g BR COP;c;g BR COP;h:Cooling:q c¼g BR COP;c q Rð15Þq c;min q c q c;maxð16ÞHeating:q h¼g BR COP;h q Rð17Þq h;min q h q h;maxð18Þwhere q c;q h(kW)is the cooling/heating value produced by Li-Br ACH,and q c;max;q c;min;q h;max;q h;min are their limits.According to actual engineering experience,g BRCOP;c¼1:2;g BR COP;h¼0:9:We could further obtain:q R q GASþq WAð19Þ3.2.3Gas heating boilerThe operation efficiency of the boiler is related to the load rate.If the load rate is under80%or above100%of rated power of GHB,the efficiency would be significantly reduced.Without linearity loss of the planning model,the operation of GHB is limited between80%and100%of the rated power,the rated efficiency of which can be0.92. Thus the constraints are generated as:Q GHB h;d;D ¼V GHBh;d;Dh LHV3:6ð20Þq GHB h;d;D ¼0:92Q GHBh;d;Dð21ÞXD2u GHBd x GHBd;Dq GHBmin;d;Dq GHBh;dXD2u GHBdx GHBd;Dq GHBmax;d;Dð22ÞXD2u GHBdx GHBd;D1ð23ÞEquation(23),which is similar to(14),can guaranteethat only one type of GHB will be built up in one block d inthe whole planning period.3.2.4Air conditionerq AC s;d¼g AC COP l AC s;dð24Þx AC d!l AC e;dð25Þwhere g AC COP is the COP of AC,which is usually set to be4,and q ACs;d;l AC s;d are the cooling load and power load in cor-responding block d and load scene s.Eq.(25)denotes thatthe total AC investment should be larger than the amountwhich is essential to supply the cooling load in the extremescene.3.2.5SubstationsThe key to modeling substation is that the total supplycapacity should be within the range of the product of loadand corresponding capacity-load ratio c min$c max:cming SUBsg SUBþXJ2u SUBx SUBJg SUBJc max g SUBsð26ÞXJ2u SUBx SUBJ1ð27Þwhere(26)should be set up in extreme load scene s(s¼e),in which g SUBis the initial capacity of substation,PJ2u SUBx SUBJg SUBJis the expansion capacity decided byinvestment decision variable x SUBJand planning optionsg SUBJselected from the set u SUB.We used c min¼1:8,cmax¼2:1according to Planning Guidelines of State GridCorporation of China.Eq.(27)guarantees that only oneoption of expansion for substations will be implemented.4Case study4.1Case conditionsThe case study was based on an actual demonstrationproject in a new development zone of a municipality city inChina.The division of blocks and load data has beenobtained as in Fig.3and Table1.Note that power load inTable1doesn’t include the load of AC.Comprehensive power-supply planning for active distribution system considering cooling,heating489The power-supply planning options for these blocks are shown in Table 2.The characteristic coefficients of CCHP [29,30]are listed in Table 3.Other parameters include 32.967MJ/m 3heating value of natural gas,which is Ұ3.23m 3,and the average price of utility grid power is Ұ0.9923kWh.The total planning time is set to be 10years,and the discount rate on operation cost for each year,i ,is set to be 5%.P VOLL is set to be Ұ100009106/MW in each case.4.2Calculation methodThe model is formulated with the YALMIP tool in MATLAB and calculated with the optimization software Gurobi Optimizer.Numerical test was carried on a laptop computer with CPU intel I5-3230M 2.6GHZ,the total consumption time of modeling and optimization is less than 30s.The convergence index is the relative gap between upper bound and lower bound of MIP is less than 0.001%.4.3Results and analysesTwo cases are compared in Table 4.Case 1:No CCHP is integrated.Case 2:CCHP is considered as planning options.For the initial investment,in Case 2,there would be one 9.5MW CCHP built up in each of the 7blocks,which adds Ұ718.29106in total.As a result,the expansions of substations could be reduced from 6950to 3950MVA,and Ұ249106would be HP is exploited to replace part of AC when supplying cooling load,thus Ұ52.889106cost of AC is reduced.Meanwhile,part ofTable 2Candidate planning options for cooling,heating and power supply Expansion of substations CCHP Gas heating boiler (GHB)ACOptions Expansion (MVA)Cost (Ұ)Options Rated power (MW)Cost (Ұ)Options Rated heating power (MW)Cost (Ұ)Cost (Ұ/MW cooling power)11950891061112910615028.5791068591042295016910622249106210057.1491063395024910633359106315085.71910644950329106455491064200114.391065595040910659.5102.69106–––66950489106––––––Table 1Loads of different blocks in different load scenes (MW)BlockCooling period Heating period Transition period Cooling period extreme scene PowerCooling Power Heating Power Power Cooling A 22.736.922.733.622.726.852.8B 27.745.927.741.827.732.565.6C 35.965.735.959.235.941.993.9D 27.757.227.750.527.732.181.8E 13.481.413.468.613.413.2116.3F 32.2144.632.2129.832.233.8206.6G28.2132.728.2117.128.229.4189.6GEBACDF3Block division of the new development zone490Xinwei SHEN et al.GHB is replaced by CCHP when supplying heating load, thus anotherҰ285.789106is reduced.However,the total investment cost of Case2is stillҰ355.549106,which is more than that of Case1.In the operation,during the whole planning period (10years),the fuel cost of CCHP isҰ4355.349106in Case2.The power generated from CCHP is used to replace part of power from utility grid,thus the cost of purchasing electric power is reduced byҰ6118.549106.The fuel cost of GHB is also reduced byҰ522.369106.As a result,the total operation cost of Case2isҰ2285.569106,which is less than that of Case1.Above all,with the integration of CCHP,the total cost of power-supply on infrastructure investment and operation could be reduced byҰ1930.029106.5ConclusionA power-supply planning model for ADS considering cooling,heating and power load balance is proposed in this paper.A regional energy service company is assumed to be in charge of the investment and operation for the system in the model.On the aspect of infrastructure investment,the expansion of substations,building up CCHP,GHB and AC are included as planning options.On the aspect of opera-tion,the load scenarios are divided into heating,cooling and transition periods,the extreme load scene is included to assure the power supply reliability of the system.Thus, the total cost of planning and operation are calculated more accurately.Here it’s assumed that ADS can contribute to the smart control of a variety offlows like electric power, cooling and heatingflow,producing an optimal energy supply system.Numerical tests based on a demonstration project in China prove the effectiveness of the proposed model and illustrate the economic benefits of applying distributed CCHP in regional power supply on investment and oper-ation.It should be noted that whether CCHP can reduce the power-supply cost depends on complex factors such as the property of CCHP,the price of utility gird power and natural gas.The proposed planning model,which is closely associ-ated with latest Chinese reform policy on power systems, can measure and optimize the comprehensive energy con-sumption and the cost of some urban area with the assumption that a regional power-supply company is established.Moreover,the model has offered a novel ideaTable3Parameters of internal combustion engine in CCHP Rated power(MW)Characteristic coefficientsa GE(kW(MJ/h))b GE(kW)a GAS(kW(MJ/h))b GAS(kW)a WA(kW(MJ/h))b WA(kW)1.00.4211−222.410.21143.620.149181.732.00.4662−657.420.219413.640.151790.743.00.4790−758.940.208494.380.1532173.565.00.4729−896.260.2073125.830.1498204.83 9.50.4702−915.260.2042130.260.1462220.15Table4Comparison of two casesOptimal planning results Case1:Without CCHP Case2:9.5MW CCHP in every block Difference of costs Investment cost(Ұ)CCHP0718.29106−718.29106 GHB714.359106428.579106285.789106Substations489106249106249106AC479.779106426.88910652.889106Total1242.1291061597.659106−355.549106 Operation cost(Ұ)CCHP04355.349106−4355.349106 Utility power19397.8910613279.2691066118.549106GHB3424.0591062901.699106522.369106Total22821.85910620536.391062285.569106 Total cost(Ұ)24063.97910622133.9591061930.029106 Comprehensive power-supply planning for active distribution system considering cooling,heating491that with the integration of balance on electric power, cooling and heating load,respectively,the traditional approaches of distribution system planning such as sub-station expansion planning can be significantly improved. The proposed model has ignored the difference of invest-ment on distribution lines between power-supply schemes.A further research that is related to the concept of“Com-prehensive Energy Network”promoted by some researchers should be carried out in the future,which can explicitly research on the co-optimization of electric, cooling,heating,gas network planning and operation. Acknowledgement This project is supported by National High Technology Research and Development Program of China(863Pro-gram)(No.2014AA051902).Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Crea-tive Commons Attribution 4.0International License(http:// /licenses/by/4.0/),which permits unrestricted use,distribution,and reproduction in any medium,provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s)and the source,provide a link to the Creative Commons license,and indicate if changes were made. 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