<天使> Paly 1=C 4/4 Capo 2----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------前奏|C- - G- -|Am- - F- -|C- -G- -| C- - -C Am F |G C Am F |G -你就是我的天使-保护著我的天使-从此我再没有忧伤- - -你就是我的天使-给我快乐的天使-甚至我学会了飞翔|Am Em |F C |F |G |C G |Am Em飞过人间的无常才懂爱才是宝藏不管世界变得怎么样只要有你就会是天堂【-像孩子依赖著肩膀-像眼泪依赖著脸庞|F C |F G |C G |Am Em |F C |F G-你就像天使一样给我依赖给我力量-像诗人依赖著月亮-像海豚依赖海洋你是天使你是天使你是我最初和最后天|C G间奏(尾奏) ︱----2--︱F C G|堂- - -|Am- - F- -|C- -G- -| C- - -(你就是) 堂- - -| Em- - -|Dm- - -|G- - -|-像孩子依赖--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<天使的翅膀>Paly 1=G 4/4 Capo 2-----前奏|Em - - -|Em - - - |-------间奏|C- -D- -|Bm- - Em- - |Cmaj7- -D- -|Em- - -Em D C C D Bm C D D Em C D Em CD落叶随风将要去何方只留给天空美丽一场曾飞舞的声音像天使的翅膀划过我幸福的过往相信你还在这里爱曾经来到过的地方依昔留着昨天的芬芳那熟悉的温暖像天使的翅膀划过我无边的心上Bm Em Cmaj7 D G C D Bm Em Cmaj7 D Em |C- -D- -|从不曾离去我的爱像天使守护你若生命直到这里从此没有我我会找个天使替我去爱你(间奏)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<有没有人告诉你>Paly 1=C 4/4 Capo 2 (End)----前奏(间奏)尾奏Em- - - Am- - - D- - - G- - - Em- - - Am- - - D- - - Em(Bm)----------------------Em Am D G Em Am D B7 当火车开入这座陌生的城市那是从来就没有见过的霓虹我打开离别时你送我的信件-忽然感到无比的思念Em Am D G Em Am D Em 看不见雪的冬天不夜的城市我听见有人欢呼有人在哭泣早习惯穿梭充满诱惑的黑夜--但却无法忘记你的脸Em Am D G Em Am D Em 有没有人曾告诉你我很爱你有没有人曾在你日记里哭泣有没有人曾告诉你我很在意-在意这座城市的距离------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<命中注定> Paly 1=G 4/4 Capo 2--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------G Em Am7 D G Em Am7 D G Em Am7 D C - - - D-忽然大雨-我们有缘相遇-你也在这里-被雨淋湿-小小的屋檐-就这样变成| -你--我的|伞- - -|G Em Am7 D G Em Am7 D G Em Am7 D C D G Am -萍水相逢-我们还很陌生-你说人和人-有一种缘份-很像晚风轻轻吹拂街上人们面容-那么轻松- - - -|C Bm AmD G Am C Bm Em Am C D-你让我相信有命中注定你问我雨后可有彩虹- - - | -这样的大雨这样的相遇你很纯真我被打动- -|/----------------------------------2-------------------/-人的一生中机遇常常有并非每段都有感动- -|G Em Am7 D G Em Am7 D G Em Am7 D C D G Em AmD-人的心中-都有个孩子-特别容易-和纯真接近-奇怪的是地球几亿几千万个人我特别想你- YE-- - - -间奏/G- - Em - -/Am- -D /(DS3)--/C- -D- -/G- -Am/-(你让我相信)尾奏(DS4) /G- - Em - -/Am- -D /---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<诺言> Paly 1=D 4/4--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------前奏(间奏) DS3 /Bm- -Em- - / A- -Bm- - / Em- - A- - /Bm- - -主音二弦②5-s-7-7-5G A |D |G A |D |Bm Em |A Bm |Em A |Bm- - -|-慢慢地睁开双眼|④|-时针指在午夜两点|④|我的心有些孤单|-想起有你的夜晚|④|Em A |Bm-为何我整夜难眠||-多希望你在身边||我的梦还很遥远|-我只有继续向前||-我相信会有一天|④-为何你视而不见||-每一天都在改变||我的梦总会实现|-再给我一点时间||-再把我抱紧一点|G D #F Bm G D A A-我要你重新走进我的世界-我要你再次回到我身边-给你听我的音乐-让歌声伴你入眠|- - - ba-by give me one more chanceG D #F Bm G A |Bm-别忘了世纪末的那个夜晚-你我用小指勾下的诺言-不管前路多遥远-我们都坚持到那一|天- - - |间奏Bm- -EmG A |D |G Am |D |Bm Em |A Bm |Em A |Bm |Em A |Bm |Em A |Bm -慢慢地睁开双眼|④|-你还是没有出现|④|我的心在|轻轻呼唤|-快回到我的身边|④|-快回到我的身边|④|-让我再爱你一|遍------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<还有我> Paly 1=G 4/4-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<前奏> 主音吉他一弦①7---10—s—12 间奏|C- - D- - |G- - Em- -|C- - D- -|G- - (你装做-)G Em C D G Em C D G Em C D看着你有些累想要一个人静一会你的眼含着泪我的心也跟着碎你为那个人憔悴为他扛下所以罪你装做无所谓其实你痛撤心扉没想象中的坚强坚强的面对是与非想要给你的安慰你淡淡笑着拒绝G Em C D C D G Em C D G我为你执迷不悔整夜无法入睡DS就算全世界离开你还有一个我来陪怎么舍得让你受尽冷风吹满身伤痕的爱情不值得你付出一切Chorus就算全世界在下雪就算候鸟已南飞还有我在这里痴痴等你归(间奏)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<二月十四>Paly 1=C 4/4C Am Dm G C Am Dm G-我看见鲜艳的玫瑰芬芳遍地-我感觉这些情景是那么熟悉-我惊异满街的情人如此甜蜜-我记得这一天你是那么美丽-我想可以抽完这支烟就忘记-我想可以喝完这杯酒就忘记-我想可以听完这首歌就忘记-我想可以不闭上眼就不想起-我会去那棵榕树下等着你-我会去那唱片店里等候你-我会在今夜梦中等候你-2月14夜晚你会在哪里?C Am Dm G C Am Dm G红玫瑰黄玫瑰盛开|在2月14 DS2也许你|还记得也许你|已忘记|我的情歌曾为你|夜夜唱起红玫瑰黄玫瑰哪一|束不会枯萎Chorus也许你|还记得也许你|已忘记|爱情是生命的|一道痕迹C Am Dm G也许会|遇见你让一切|再继续|我的心在原地|等待奇迹。
Am 梦 F 你说烟快灭了 G 烟快灭了 Em Am 舍不得你走 F G Am 你说再抱紧我吧让我感觉到疼 F 你说走的时候 G 不要回头 Em Am 我看着你走 F G 你说亲爱的我看着你走看着你 AM 走
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<<知足>>C G Am Em怎麼去拥有一道彩虹F C F G怎麼去拥抱一夏天的风C G Am Em天上的星星笑地上的人F C Dm7 C总是不能懂不能知道足够C G Am Em F C F G如果我爱上你的笑容要怎麼收藏要怎麼拥有C G Am Em F C Dm7 C 如果你快乐不是为我会不会放手其实才是拥有F G C Am当一阵风吹来风筝飞上天空F G C Am为了你而祈祷而祝福而感动F G C Am Dm7 F G 终於你身影消失在人海尽头才发现笑著哭最痛《你不知道的事》前奏C(53231323) F(43231323)C F C G蝴蝶眨几次眼睛才学会飞行C F C G夜空洒满了星星但几颗会落地F G我飞行当你坠落之际F G很靠近还听见呼吸F G C Dm7对不起我却没捉紧你C F G你不知道我为什么离开你Em Am我坚持不能说放任你哭泣F G你的泪滴像倾盆大雨碎落满地Am C在心里清晰F G你不知道我为什么狠下心Em Am 盘旋在你看不见的高空里F G C多的是你不知道的事《彩虹》C F 哪里有彩虹告诉我C AM 能不能把我的愿望还给我F C 为什么天这么安静F G 所有的烟都跑到我这里C F 有没有口罩一个给我C AM 释怀说了太多就成真不了F C 也许时间是一种解药F G 也是我现在正服下的毒药C G 看不见你的笑我怎么睡得着F C 你的身影这么近我却抱不到Bm AM 没有地球太阳开始环绕F G 没有理由我也能自己逃C AM 你要离开我知道更简单F C 你说依赖是我们的阻碍C F C AM 就算放开那能不能别没收我的爱F G C 当作我最后才明白RAPC 看不见你的笑要我怎么睡得着AM 你的身影这么近我却抱不到F 没有地球太阳开始环绕环绕G 没有理由我也能自己走掉C 是我说了太多就成真不了AM 也许时间是一种解药解药F C 也是我现在正服下的毒药《是非题》F C每段故事 都有一篇剧情Dm Am 每段爱情 都像动人旋律bB F Gm C一颗真心 却只向着你前进 也许爱越单纯着迷 F C你是窗外 另外一片风景Dm Am 在你眼里 我是什么关系bB F Gm C你的呼吸 存在我的爱情里 何时能诚实面对自己 F Am我们从不开口那个言语Dm Am 那一句 我爱你 永远像少了勇气 bB F Dm别人都说我和你之间的关系bB C 没有人相信 只有关系F Am 我们从不证实那个问题Dm Am 那一些是非题 总让人伤透脑筋 bB F C Dm我会期待爱盛开那一个黎明bB F 一定会有 美丽的爱情《爱很简单》C G Am 忘了是怎么开始Am Am7 也许就是对你一种感觉C G 忽然间发现自己Am Am7 已深深爱上你真的很简单Am EM 爱的地暗天黑都已无所谓F C 是是非非无法抉择Am Em 没有后悔为爱日夜去跟随F G那个疯狂的人是我喔~C Am F GI LOVE YOU 无法不爱着你BABY 说你也爱我C Am F GI LOVE YOU 永远不愿意BABY 失去你C G Am Am7不可能更快乐只要能在一起做什么都可以C G Am Am7虽然世界变个不停用最真诚的心让爱变的简单C Am F GI LOVE YOU 我一直在这里一直在爱你C Am F GI LOVE YOU(yes I do)永远都不放弃这爱的权利F C F G如果你还有一些困惑Oh No 请贴着我的心倾听Dm7 F G听我说着爱你(yes I do)我爱你G我爱你《天使》c你就是我的天使am保护着我的天使f g从此我再没有忧伤c你就是我的天使am给我快乐的天使f g甚至我学会了飞翔am em飞过人间的无常f c才懂爱才是宝藏f不管世界变得怎么样g只要有你就会是天堂c g像孩子依赖着肩膀am em像眼泪依赖着脸庞f c你就像天使一样f g给我依赖给我力量c g像诗人依赖着月亮am em像海豚依赖海洋f c你是天使你是天使f g c 你是我最初和最后的天堂《温柔》G Em走在风中今天阳光突然好温柔Am D天的温柔地的温柔像你抱著Bm Em然后发现你的改变孤单的今后Am D G如果冷该怎麼渡过G Em天边风光身边的我都不在你眼中Am D你的眼中藏著什麼我从来都不懂Bm Em没有关系你的世界就让你拥有Am D G不打扰是我的温柔G Bm 不知道不明了不想要为什麼我的心C D明明是想靠近却孤单到黎明G Bm 不知道不明了不想要为什麼我的心C D那爱情的绮丽总是在孤单里Am D再把我的最好的爱给你G Em不知不觉不情不愿又到巷子口Am D我没有哭也没有笑因为这是梦Bm Em没有预兆没有理由你真的都说过Am D G如果有就让你自由D G这是我的温柔《突然好想你》C E7/B Am Am/G F Dm7 G最怕空气突然安静最怕朋友突然的关心F G Em Am Dm7 G C 最怕回忆突然翻滚绞痛著不平息最怕突然听到你的消息C E7/B Am Am/G F Dm7 G想念如果会有声音不愿那是悲伤的哭泣F G Em Am Dm7 G C事到如今终於让自己属於我自己只剩眼泪还骗不过自己F G Em Am F G C突然好想你你会在哪里过得快乐或委屈F G Em /D Am Dm7 G C突然好想你突然锋利的回忆突然模糊的眼睛C E7/B Am Am/G F Fm7 G我们像一首最美丽的歌曲变成两部悲伤的电影F G Em Am Dm7 G C 为什麼你带我走过最难忘的旅行然后留下最痛的纪念品Fmaj7 E7 Dm7我们那麼甜那麼美那麼相信那麼疯那麼热烈的曾经G为何我们还是要奔向各自的幸福和遗憾中老去F G Em Am Dm7 G C 最怕此生已经决心自己过没有你却又突然听到你的消息。
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My Chemical RomanceMy Chemical RomanceTom: EE|---------------0-0-0-0-0------------/A|-7-7-7-7-7- 7--7-7-7-7-7------------/ (2 Vezes) D|-9-9-9-9-9- 9--9-9-9-9-9------------/G|-9-9-8-8-11-11-9-9-9-9-9------------/B|---------------0-0-0-0-0------------/e|---------------0-0-0-0-0------------/ETurn awayB C#mIf you could get me a drinkAmOf water cause my lips are chapped and fadedECall my aunt MarieB C#mHelp her gather all my thingsand bury meAmIn all my favorite colours,A F#7 BMy sisters and my brothers, still,Cm C#m AmI will not kiss you,F#m BCause the hardest part of this,EIs leaving you.ENow turn away,B C#mCause I'm awful just to seeAmCause all my hairs abandoned all my body,All my agony,B C#mKnow that I will never marry,AmBaby I'm just soggy from the chemo,A F#7B But counting down the days to goCm C#mIt just ain't livingAmAnd I just hope you knowE5That if you say,G#Good-bye today,C#m B5 A5 A/G#I'd ask you to be true,F#m BCause the hardest part of thisC#m C#m/C B5 A5/G#Is leaving you...F#m BCause the hardest part of thisEIs leaving you...MARRIED WITH CHILDREN OASISD F# Bm GThere's no need for you to say you're sorryF E DGoodbye, I'm going homeD F# Bm GI don't care no more so don't you worryF E DGoodbye, I'm going homeG D GI hate the way that even tho' you know your wrongDYou say you're rightG DI hate the books you read and all your friendsE GF DYour music's shite it keeps me up all night, up all nightRepeat (1)I hate the way that you are so sarcasticAnd you're not very brightYou think that everything you've done's fantasticYour music's shite it keeps me up all night, up all nightBm F#m G DAnd it will be nice to be alone for a week or twoBm F#m G ABut I know then I will be right, right back here with youG F#m E A G F# EWith you, with you, with you, with you, with you, with you-ou,Repeat (1)******************************************************************************* **********The above is solely MY INTERPRETATION of this great song, in a format aimed at learning guitarists.No attempt has been made to copy or reproduce the artist's or publisher's sheet music for the song,if such exists.It can be used for INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. To play the song as it should be played, you shouldpurchase the official sheetmusic for the song. You should also purchase and listen to the song to learnthe rhythm and timing of the song - this is essential if you wish to play the song with any degree of accuracy******************************************************************************* **********PERFECT DAY LOU REEDE (E Em E) Am E ( E Em E ) AmAm D G CSuch a perfect day, drink sangria in the parkF Dm ELater when it gets dark, we'll go homeAm D G CJust a perfect day, feed animals in the zoo,F Dm EThen later we'll eat too, and then homeA D Amaj7 D (D Dmaj7 D6 ) Oh it's such a perfect day, I'm glad I spent it with youA E F#m E DJust a perfect day, you just keep me hangin' on,F#m E DYou just keep me hangin' onJust a perfect day, problems all left aloneWeekenders, on our own, such funJust a perfect day, you made me forget myselfI thought I was someone else, someone goodChorusF#m E D F#m E DF#m E D F#m E DAmaj7 G D (D Dmaj7 D6) AYou're gonna reap just what you sow (x6)D6=xxx200******************************************************************************* **********The above is solely MY INTERPRETATION of this great song, in a format aimed at learning guitarists.No attempt has been made to copy or reproduce the artist's or publisher's sheet music for the song,if such exists.It can be used for INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. To play the song as it should be played, you shouldpurchase the official sheetmusic for the song. You should also purchase and listen to the song to learnthe rhythm and timing of the song - this is essential if you wish to play the song with any degree of accuracy******************************************************************************* **********UntitledSimple PlanSimple PlanTom: F#(intro) F#(4x)E|-------------------------------|B|---------9-11-9-11-------------|G|----11-------------------------|D|---11-11-----------------------|A|-9-----------------------------|E|-------------------------------|(guitarra 1)F#E|-------------------||B|-------------------||G|-------------3-----||D|-----4---6---------||A|---4---4---4---4---||E|-2-----------------||(guitarra 2)E|---------|B|---------|G|---------|D|-----4-6-|A|---4-----|D|-4-------|D#m C# B E|------------------||------------------||-------------------|B|--------------7---||---------6--------||----------4--------|G|-----8---10-------||-----6--------6---||-----4--------4----|D|---8---8----8---8-||---6---6----6---6-||---4---4----4---4--|A|-6----------------||-4----------------||-2-----------------|E|------------------||------------------||-------------------|D#m5I open my eyes I try to see but I'm blindedF#5By the white lightD#m5I can't remember how I can't remember whyF#5 C#5I'm lying here tonightB5 C#5And I can't stand the painD#m5 F#5And I can't make it go awayB5 C#5No I can't stand the painF#5How could this happen to me?D#m5I made my mistakesB5Got no where to runC#5The night goes onF#5As I'm fading awayD#m5I'm sick of this lifeB5I just wanna screamC#5 F#5How could this happen to me?(riffs das guitarras 1 & 2)D#m5Everybody's screaming I try to make a soundF#5But no one hears meD#m5I'm slipping off the edge I'm hanging by a thread F#5 C#5I wanna start this over againB5 C#5So I try to hold ontoD#m5 F#5A time when nothing matteredB5 C#5And I can't explain what happenedD#m5 F#5 B5 And I can't erase the things that I've doneC#5No I can'tF#5How could this happen to me?D#m5I made my mistakesB5Got no where to runC#5The night goes onF#5As I'm fading awayD#m5I'm sick of this lifeB5I just wanna screamC#5How could this happen to me?(solo) B5 C#5 D# F#5 B5 C#5 D5 F#5E|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------9/11/9------|B|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------9/11/9------|G|---------------------------------------------------13b-11-13-11~~--16-15-11~-----------------| D|--------------------------------------------11-13------------------------------11------------|A|---------------11h13-11-9-11~~--9-11-13------------------------------------------------------| E|---7---7/11-14-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|F#5 D#m5I made my mistakesB5Got no where to runC#5The night goes onF#5As I'm fading awayD#m5I'm sick of this lifeB5I just wanna screamC#5 F#5How could this happen to me?。