新概念第二册48课Lesson 48(共29张PPT)

cotton wБайду номын сангаасol
collect (1) 收藏;收集
• (2): • I am going to collect my father from the airport • 接孩子 • 取篮球 • 取货物
• collection • (1) 取走 • There are two collections a day from this letter-box • Rubbish collection • (2) 收藏品, 收集品 • A collection of stamps • A collection of paintings • A collection of poems
• To get to the town center, you can go along the footpath by the river or you can go along the road. You can go _____ way.
• _____ Tom’s parents is English. His father is Italian and his mother is • Australian.
• In answer to these questions I either nodded or made strange noises.
• Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the tooth
• had been. • both • either • neither
New Concept English
Lesson 48 Did you want to

新概念英语第二册逐句精讲语言点第48课(1)48课 Did you want to tell me somethingDentists always ask questions when it is impossible for you to answer. My dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and had told me to rest for a while. I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton wool. He knew I collected match boxes and asked me whether my collection was growing. He then asked me how my brother was and whether I liked my new job in London. In answer to these questions I either nodded or made strange noises. Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the tooth had been. I suddenly felt very worried, but could not say anything. When the dentist at last removed the cotton wool from my mouth, I was able to tell him that he had pulled out the wrong tooth.精讲笔记:1. Dentists always ask questions when it is impossible for you to answer.牙科医生们总是在你无法作出回答的时候向你提出问题。

新概念英语第二册第48课课文重难点Further notes on the text1.Dentists always ask questions when it is impossible for you to answer. 牙科医生们总是在你无法作出回答的时候向你提出问题。
在when引导的时间状语从句中,it为先行主语,代指后面的不定式,for+人称代词/名词说明不定式表示的动作是谁做的: It is not hard for you to help them. 你帮助他们并不难。
It was a mistake for me to come to the party. 我来参加晚会是错误的。
impossible通常不以人作主语,而以不定式或从句作主语: It is impossible for him to help you. 他不可能帮你。
It is impossible that he will help you. (译文同上) 2.In answer to these questions I either nodded or made strange noises. 作为对这些问题的回答,我不是点头,就是发出奇怪的声音。
(1)in answer to为固定短语,在这里表示"作为对……的回答": In answer to my question, Dan shook his head. 作为对我的问题的回答,丹摇了摇头。
这个短语的另一个含义是"响应……的请求": In answer to my request, he wrote a letter to George. 应我的请求,他给乔治写了封信。
(2)made strange noises, 发出奇怪的声音。

21、要知道对好事的称颂过于夸大,也会招来人们的反感轻蔑和嫉妒。——培根 22、业精于勤,荒的节省。——马克思 24、意志命运往往背道而驰,决心到最后会全部推倒。——莎士比亚
51、没有哪个社会可以制订一部永远 适用的 宪法, 甚至一 条永远 适用的 法律。 ——杰 斐逊 52、法律源于人的自卫本能。——英 格索尔
53、人们通常会发现,法律就是这样 一种的 网,触 犯法律 的人, 小的可 以穿网 而过, 大的可 以破网 而出, 只有中 等的才 会坠入 网中。 ——申 斯通 54、法律就是法律它是一座雄伟的大 夏,庇 护着我 们大家 ;它的 每一块 砖石都 垒在另 一块砖 石上。 ——高 尔斯华 绥 55、今天的法律未必明天仍是法律。 ——罗·伯顿

• 2, In answer to these questions I either nodd ed or made strange noises.
• in answer to„ 作为对„„的回答;响应„„的请 求
• In answer to my request, he wrote a letter to George.
Listen and answer the questions
• Why did the writer become very worried ?
Dentists always ask _____ when it is ______ for you to answer. My dentist had just ______ one of my teeth and had told me to rest ______. I tried to say something, but my mouth ______ cotton wool. He knew I _____ match boxes and asked me whether my collection was _____. He then asked me how my brother was and ______ I liked my new job in London. In answer to these questions I either ______or made strange______. Meanwhile, my tongue was busy _______out the hole where the tooth had been. I _________ felt very worried, but could not say anything. When the dentist at last ________ the cotton wool from my mouth, I was able to tell him that he had pulled out the ______tooth.

Tazieff has often risked his life in this way. risk one’s life 冒着生命危险 • 她冒着生命危险来帮助一个残疾人 • She risked her own life to help a disabled man. • take a risk of… 冒着……的危险 • 冒着被杀害的危险,他仍然什么也没有说。 • Take the risk of being killed, he still didn’t say anything. • risk doing sth. 冒着危险做 • 你把这个给Ken看太冒险了。 • You're taking a big risk showing this to Ken.
escape (run away) • ① vt. 逃脱 • escape death • escape doing sth. 逃脱做某事 • 他逃过了惩罚。 • He escape punishment/being punished. • ② n. 逃脱 • narrow escape 九死一生 They had three escapes from the prison this year. 越狱事件
manage v. 设法 (manager) • manage to do sth. • = succeed in doing sth.=was able to do sth. • 设法做成某事 • 我能把这件事办好 • I can manage it. • = I can manage it myself. • = I can do it. • 我总算下了车. • I managed to get off the bus. • 那栋房子你最后找到了没有? • Did you manage to find the house?

或者……或者 既不…..也不 不但….而且 两者都…….
Either…..or Neither…nor Not only…but also… Both…and…
早餐我想吃面包或蛋糕。 I would like to have either bread or cake for breakfast.
早餐我不想吃面包也不想吃蛋糕。 I would like to have neither bread nor cake for breakfast.
My dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and had told me to rest for a while.
我的牙科医生刚刚给我拔掉了一颗牙,叫我休息一会儿。 • rest n. 剩余的部分,休息,支撑物,休止符 The rest of rice___i_s_____(be) bad.
tooth. 我突然非常着急起来,但却什么也说不出来。当那位牙医最后将药棉
从我嘴中取出时,我总算有可能告诉他,他拔错了牙。 • at last=finally=in the end • remove remove可以表示“拿去,除去,去掉”,通常结构为“remove +名词 +from”,也可以单独使用。
1. We can_____ see ____touch the air. D
A .not only ,but also B .both, and
C .either ,or
D . neither ,nor
2. You can____ stay at home _____ go to my hometown with me. D
新概念第二册Lesson 48课件

either…or… 或者…或者… CCaannyyoouuspsepaekaekitheeitrhEenrglEisnhgolrish or Frreenncchh??
1.Workbook L48 2. Listening&reading L48 3.Prepare for the dictation& recitement 4.Preview L49
New words and expressions Grammar Text & Key points
Listen to the audio
Answer the questions.
According to the writer,when do dentists always ask questions?
• 3. phrases of make/do(lesson 40) • 4. phrases of put/ call/ look/ pick/
catch/ pay
pull out rest for a while be full of in answer to make noise search out remove…from
…when it is impossible for you to answer.
impossible (adj.) 不可能的
Nothing is impossible.
In answer to these questions I either nodded or made strange noises.
新概念第二册Lesson48 ppt课件

Listen to the tape
• Why can’t the man say anything?
Comprehension questions
1 When do dentists always ask questions? When it's impossible for us to answer.
2 Have you just had a tooth out? Yes, I have.
3 Who pulled it out for you? My dentist did.
4 What did he tell you to do afterwards? To rest for a while.
v. 拔
cotton wool n. 药棉
v. 搜集
collection n. 收藏品,收集品
v. 点头
meanwhile adv. 同时
• ① vt.&vi. 拉,拖,牵,扯(反义词push vt. 推)
• 我感觉有人拉着我的胳膊。 • I felt someone pulling my arm.
• ★collect v. 搜集 • collect salary 领工资 • collect stamps 集邮 • collect money 筹集资金 • collect children 收养孩子
nod v. 点头 • ① vt.&vi. 点头,点头示意/招呼 • 当我们在办公室见面的时候,他总是向我点

新概念英语第二册第48课课文重难点Further notes on the text1.Dentists always ask questions when it is impossible for you to answer. 牙科医生们总是在你无法作出回答的时候向你提出问题。
在when引导的时间状语从句中,it为先行主语,代指后面的不定式,for+人称代词/名词说明不定式表示的动作是谁做的:It is not hard for you to help them. 你帮助他们并不难。
It was a mistake for me to come to the party. 我来参加晚会是错误的。
impossible通常不以人作主语,而以不定式或从句作主语:It is impossible for him to help you. 他不可能帮你。
It is impossible that he will help you. (译文同上)2.In answer to these questions I either nodded or made strange noises. 作为对这些问题的回答,我不是点头,就是发出奇怪的声音。
(1)in answer to为固定短语,在这里表示"作为对……的回答":In answer to my question, Dan shook his head. 作为对我的问题的回答,丹摇了摇头。
这个短语的另一个含义是"响应……的请求":In answer to my request, he wrote a letter to George. 应我的请求,他给乔治写了封信。
(2)made strange noises, 发出奇怪的声音。


1、最灵繁的人也看不见自己的背脊。——非洲 2、最困难的事情就是认识自己。——希腊 3、有勇气承担命运这才是英雄好汉。——黑塞ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้4、与肝胆人共事,无字句处读书。——周恩来 5、阅读使人充实,会谈使人敏捷,写作使人精确。——培根
16、人民应该为法律而战斗,就像为 了城墙 而战斗 一样。 ——赫 拉克利 特 17、人类对于不公正的行为加以指责 ,并非 因为他 们愿意 做出这 种行为 ,而是 惟恐自 己会成 为这种 行为的 牺牲者 。—— 柏拉图 18、制定法律法令,就是为了不让强 者做什 么事都 横行霸 道。— —奥维 德 19、法律是社会的习惯和思想的结晶 。—— 托·伍·威尔逊 20、人们嘴上挂着的法律,其真实含 义是财 富。— —爱献 生

接着他又问我的兄弟近来如何,问我是否喜欢伦敦的 新工作。
3. In answer to these questions I either nodded or made strange noises.
Can you translate the sentences?
11..牙De科n医tis生ts们al总wa是y在s a你s无k q法u做es出tio回n答s w的h时en候it向is imp你o提ss出ib问le题fo。r you to answer.
2.接He着t他he又n问as我ke的d兄m弟e h近o来w如m何y b,ro问th我e是r w否a喜s and欢w伦h敦eth的e新r I工lik作ed。my new job in London.
It is + adj. + for / of sb. to do sth. 1) It is impossible _f_o_r me to finish the job. 2) It’s kind _o_f_ you to help. 3) It was careless _o_f _ the girl to leave her bag on
7.dentist n. ['dentist] 7. 牙医
8.remove v. [ri'mu:v] 8. 拿去,除去,去掉
Useful expressions
1. It is+adj.+for sb.+to do sth. 1. 对某人来说做某事…
新概念2Lesson 48 Do you want to tell me something教学课件

2 cotton ['kɔtn] 药棉
pull [pul] v.拔
【拓展】 1) v. 拔(草,瓶塞,钉子等),拔掉,拉开 pull out a nail 拔出钉子 pull out a stopper 拔出塞子 have the decayed tooth pulled out 请(牙医)拔掉蛀牙 pull out the wrong tooth 拔错了牙 eg. This kind of carrot won't pull easily. 这种胡萝卜不容易拔 。
新概念2册 Lesson 48
Did you want to tell me something?
单项选择。 a. His mother’s strict with him, so he ____ smoking. A. gives in B. gives away C. gives up b. Our teacher suggests that we ____learn the text ahead of time. A. must B. can C. should
nod [nɔd] v.点头
2) v. 打盹 例: I nodded off during the class today. 今天我在课堂上打盹了。 3)V. (不留神)弄错,失误(罕见) eg. Homer sometimes nods. 智者千虑必有一失。(谚)
1) n. 收藏品,收藏物,集合(的东西)
collection [kə'lekʃən] n.收藏品,收集品
eg. This gallery has a fine collection of modern pictures. 这家美术馆收藏一批珍贵的现代画。 a large collection of stamps 一大批收藏的邮票
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3. I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton wool. 我想说点什么,但我嘴里塞满了药棉。 cotton wool本意是指“原棉”的意思,也就是棉花最初 的状态。在英国英语中,多用来指代“药棉”。
• Try to do尽力做某事 未必会成功 • Manage to do 尽力做某事 一定会成功 • be fullof=be fillded with Eg: 1.But my mouth was filled with cotton wool.
• Don't pull my leg any more.
• You are kidding. You are joking • 你在开玩笑
★② vt.&vi. 拔,抽 • 他把一个地址本从他口袋里掏出来了。 • He pulled an address book from his pocket. ★collect v. 搜集 • collect salary 领工资 • collect stamps 集邮 • collect money 筹集资金 • collect children 收养孩子
New words and expressions 生词和短语
v. 拔
cotton wool 药棉
v. 搜集
collection n. 收藏品,收集品
v. 点头
meanwhile adv. 同时
Dentists always ask questions when it is impossible for you to answer. // My dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and had told me to rest for a while.// I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton wool.// He knew I collected match boxes and asked me whether my collection was growing.// He then asked me how my brother was and whether I liked my new job in London.// In answer to these questions I either nodded or made strange noises. // Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the tooth had been.// I suddenly felt very worried, but could not say anything.// When the dentist at last removed the cotton wool from my mouth, I was able to tell him that he had pulled out the wrong tooth.
8 What was your tongue busy doing? Searching out the hole where the tooth had been.
9 How did you feel suddenly? Very worried.
1. Dentists always ask questions when it is impossible for you to answer. 牙科医生们总是在你无法作出回答的时候向你 提出问题。
与之相反的动作就是push了,表示“推”。我们经常在 门把手上看到这两个词,如果写着pull,就表示你拉门就 开了。如果写着push,就表示推门门就开了。 课文这里pull out表示“拔出”的意思。 补充:pull one's leg是表示“开玩笑”。 引体向上就是“pull up”。 for a while 一会儿,片刻。
Comprehension questions
1 When do dentists always ask questions? When it's impossible for us to answer.
2 Have you just had a tooth out? Yes, I have.
3 Who pulled it out for you? My dentist did.
4 What did he tell you to do afterwards? To rest for a while.
5 Did you try to say something? Yes, I did.
6 You couldn't, could you? No, I couldn't.
7 Why couldn't you? My mouth was full of cotton wool.
这里it是形式主语,真正的主语是to answer。 • impossible通常不以人作主语,而以不定式或从
句作主语 • It is +adj+for/of sb+to do sth • It is+adj+that +句子
2. My dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and had told me to rest for a while. pull做动词是表示“拖、拉、拔”的意思。
• ① vt.&vi. 拉,拖,牵,扯(反义词push vt. 推)
• 我感觉有人拉着我的胳膊。
• I felt someone pulling my arm.
• You are pulling my leg. • pull one's leg 开某人玩笑 • 你在开我玩笑 • 不要再开我玩笑