Unit10Handling Personal FinancesTheme:personal financesLanguage functions:Agreeing and disagreeingObjectives:Students shall be able to talk about money-related issues and build skills in managing personal finances.In addition,students should be able to express agreement or disagreement when they discuss and debate how to earn,save,and spend money wisely.Warm-upProcedures:1.Give students one minute to identify the messages contained in the cartoon.Students may have their interpretations,but generally:1)college tuition is quite high;2)the mother is encouraging her daughter to make good use of the pocket money.2.Then,organize a free discussion on the two questions below the cartoon.3.Invite a few students to share their answers about how they pay for college and what they use their allowance for.Activity11.ConversationIn the dialogue,the two students are exchanging their ideas on how to manage personal finance.Their discussion highlights issues many students face—balancing expenses with limited budgets.Lead the students through the dialogue for language points,expressions on agreements and disagreements,and expressions on giving/taking/rejecting advice.Then ask students to have a look at the functional expressions in the Language Bank.Language points:●Agreement:That’s the point./That’s exactly my problem.●Partial agreement:Life at college should indeed be colorful,but we have to draw a linebetween what we need and what we want.●Disagreement:Come on…●Asking for advice:What’s your secret?/Tell me how./What shall I do?●Giving advice:I wouldn’t do that if I were you.●Rejecting advice:That never works for me!2.Discussion●Focus:This task is designed to have students reflect on their financial situations andspending habits.Through the discussion,students can gain greater self-awareness of sensible consumption and learn practical strategies from their peers.●Procedures:1.Divide students into small groups of four.Ask them to take turns to share in groups if they can live within their monthly budget and what actions they take when short on money.2.Then discuss in groups what they believe are healthy financial habits for students.Each member should contribute1-2ideas.3.Bring the class back together.Invite a few representatives to summarize their discussions.4.On the board,make a list of healthy financial habits for students based on their discussion. End up by encouraging students to cultivate healthy financial habits.Additional Resources for Teachers:Here are some suggested healthy financial habits for college students:-Make a budget and track spending:Know where your money is going each month and plan based on income and expenses.-Prioritize needs over wants:Spend money on necessities like food,housing,transportation first before entertainment,shopping,etc.-Save a portion of income:Put aside a percentage of any money you receive into savings. Having an emergency fund is important.-Limit eating out:Eating at the university cafeteria is much cheaper than dining out frequently.-Find free or low-cost entertainment:Take advantage of free events,student discounts,and splitting costs with friends.-Look for freebies and deals:Get free samples,use coupons and loyalty programs.-Establish a fun money allowance:Budget a set amount each week for non-essential spending.-Pay with cash:Studies show people spend less with cash.-Avoid impulse purchases:Give yourself time to think through a purchase.-Earn extra income:Get a part-time job or freelance work to supplement your budget.-Live within your means:Don’t try to keep up with others’spending.Focus on needs.3.Pair work●Focus:This task is designed to have students analyze proverbs related to personalfinances in pairs.This exchange allows students to articulate their financial philosophies while being open-minded to other stances.●Procedures:1.Ask students to review the list of money-related proverbs and select the one they most strongly connect with or find insightful.Students can also discuss one that is not on the provided list.2.Divide students into pairs.Explain to students that they will take turns to share their selected proverb and interpretation with their partner.They may agree or disagree with each other,but they should try to use the expressions that have been introduced.3.Then the teacher may ask some volunteers to share their understanding of a particular proverb with the whole class and see if others would agree or disagree with them.●Suggested Answers:Here are some suggested answers:No one is poor unless he thinks himself so.The proverb tries to persuade people never to be beaten by troubles or difficulties in life or lose hope and confidence in winning their fortune.As long as we believe in ourselves and work hard,we can one day realize our dreams and achieve what we want.Be penny-wise and pound-foolish.Don’t focus so much on saving pennies and nickels that you miss out on bigger opportunities. Being overly frugal about small expenses is counterproductive if you waste money in more significant ways.A fool can earn money,but it takes a wise man to save and dispose of it to his advantage. Financial wisdom involves more than just earning money.Knowing how to budget,save,and use money wisely is more beneficial in the long term.Invest for the future.Neither a borrower nor a lender be.Avoid both relying heavily on borrowed money and lending money to others.Too much debt burdens the borrower.Lending money can also strain relationships sometimes.4.Group work●Focus:This task provides an opportunity for students to research the financial situationsof their peers.●Procedures:1.Divide students into groups of four.Explain to students that each group will survey student expenditures.2.Ask students to review the survey template provided.They can add or modify questions as desired.3.Give students sufficient time to conduct the survey and gather results.Suggest a minimum sample size.4.In groups,students calculate and analyze the survey results.5.Each group should prepare a summary of key findings from their survey and the implications for money management.6.Each group will present their survey methodology,results,analysis,and recommendations to the class.7.After presentations,lead a class discussion reflecting on spending habits and budgeting needs revealed from survey outcomes.8.Optional:Have students write an individual reflection on how they might adjust their own finances and spending based on the survey findings.Activity21.ConversationThis dialogue depicts a married couple,Nick and Janet,arguing over their household finances and inability to budget effectively.They are frustrated by their lack of savings and mounting expenses.The conversation reveals issues stemming from their different spending habits, incomes,and attitudes about money management.This dialogue presents an opportunity for students to analyze techniques for successful financial collaboration in relationships.2.Pair work●Focus:This creative task requires students to analyze the core issues in the couple’sdispute over finances and find reasonable compromises that address each one’s concerns.Through this task,students will demonstrate empathy,communication skills,and problem-solving skills as they work to resolve the conflicting approaches to household budgeting.●Procedures:1.Have students work in pairs.Explain to students that they will play the role of Nick and Janet and resolve the couple’s budget dispute.Give students one minute to re-read the dialogue and analyze the issues presented.2.Have students act out their extended conversation.Remind them to reach a reasonable compromise.The dialogue should end with the couple agreeing on a household budget and financial plan. This may involve:-Deciding on overall savings goals-Creating spending categories with assigned amounts-Agreeing on a system for tracking expenses-Compromising on discretionary spending items3.Invite a few volunteers to perform their completed dialogues for the class.4.Lead a short discussion reflecting on the budget solutions presented.Which compromises were most reasonable?What communication tactics worked best?5.Optional:Have students write a short reflection on what they learned about managing finances as a couple.Sample DialogueNick:I still think we need to control our spending.What if we each have an allowance to spend entirely at our discretion?Janet:But we need transparency,not separation.I don’t want to ask you for money when I need it.Nick:You’re right,that doesn’t work.Hmm,what if we have a shared account for bills and household expenses that we both contribute to based on our incomes?Then the rest ispersonal spending money.Janet:That’s better,but it doesn’t address our different attitudes about what’s worth spending on.For example,you think my books are useless.Nick:Okay,true.I suppose I should be less critical about your minor purchases if you could attempt to somewhat reduce your larger expenses.Janet:Fair enough.And we should agree on our savings goals for the year.Let’s aim to save$5000for vacations and$3000for the kids’college.Nick:Alright,it’s a deal.Should we use an app to track where all the money is going each month?That way we can catch any leaks early.Janet:Definitely.Having it all visible will help us make better choices together rather than pointing fingers.As long as we’re open to each other and work as a team,I think we can do this!Nick:Me too.I’m sorry.This is new to us but I’m glad we talked it out.Janet:Apology accepted.Now,ready to go over these credit card statements?Full transparency!Nick:You got it!Let’s do this.3.Role-play●Focus:This role-play task is designed to have students practice managing householdfinances through an improvised dialogue.The goal is to collaboratively track expenses and deposits to gain skills in household money management.●Procedures:1.Have students work in pairs.In each pair,one student should be the“big spender”and the other be the“miser.”2.Explain to students that they will play the role of a married couple who will review the monthly account book together.Remind them to take on the opposing attitudes of their roles.3.Give students a few minutes to review the account book and prepare for the role-play.The big spender should be ready to justify lavish purchases.The miser should express concern over unnecessary spending.4.Invite a few pairs to present their role-plays for the class.Pairs should aim to reconcile their different spending habits and agree on a reasonable budget and financial plan.5.Lead a discussion on the challenges of synchronizing financial viewpoints with a partner and effective strategies to enhance communication.Sample DialogueMiser:Okay,let’s go over these expenses line by line.RMB557at the shopping center?! That seems extremely high.What did you buy?Big Spender:I got some new clothes for work and a nice pair of shoes.Can’t I treat myself every once in a while?Miser:I suppose,but we need to stick to our budget.RMB80for a football ticket also seems excessive when we could watch it at home.Big Spender:It was a special event!I got to see it live with my friends.Miser:Let’s try to limit recreational spending to RMB100a month going forward.Now,the RMB200at the beauty parlor?!What’s that about?Big Spender:A girl’s got to look good!It was for a haircut and highlights.I can’t help it if the salon is pricey.Miser:Maybe try a less expensive place next time.I think we can cut this category in half. As for the RMB120movie—watching at home is way cheaper.Big Spender:Okay,I see your point.I can cut back on some of these extra treats.But could I still get some personal fun money that I don’t need to justify?Miser:That’s fair.How about we each get RMB200in discretionary spending?And we’ll save more by cooking at home and looking for free entertainment.Big Spender:It’s a deal!I want us to reach our savings goals.And I appreciate that you keep us on track.Miser:Thanks for being open to compromise.Together we’ve got this budget thing down! Activity31.How much money does a student need per month?This text discusses appropriate monthly allowances for college students in China.It centers on a university student dissatisfied with her RMB2,000monthly stipend from her parents, which she argues prevents her from indulging in luxuries like her peers.The author counters that this amount should sufficiently cover a student’s needs,citing a survey showing average undergraduate expenses in major cities were under RMB2,000.Experts advise students to adjust consumption based on family income and remember that education is the priority over material comforts.The issue reflects a generation gap in attitudes toward money, consumption values,and life priorities between Chinese youth and their elders.It also highlights the challenges of managing personal finances independently for the first time as a young adult.The text provides broader commentary on the importance of developing healthy spending habits.2.Discussion●Focus:Through this task,students will analyze their financial attitudes and deepen theirunderstanding of responsible money management and consumption habits.●Procedures:Divide students into groups of four and ask them to share their answers to the questions with group members.Remind students that they should have one member take notes of the major points that group members have made.After the group discussion,the note-takers would report their group discussion to the class.3.Role-play●Focus:This role-play scenario aims to provide an interactive way for students tointernalize the text’s themes revolving around fiscal responsibility and independence.Students could also practice agreeing and disagreeing,as well as offering and accepting suggestions through talking about money issues.Procedures:1.Divide students into pairs.In each pair,one student should be Student A and the other be Student B.2.Give students two minutes to read their role cards and get into character.Students should think about how they would act in their assigned role and improvise conversation based on their role descriptions.3.After five minutes of role-playing,the teacher will invite some students to present their role-play to the class.5.To conclude,students share their experiences and discuss what they learned about from this activity,and the teacher will summarize the insights gained.Sample Dialogue:Student A:I can’t believe my parents haven’t bought me a laptop yet.How do they expect me to do my schoolwork without one?It’s ridiculous that they haven’t provided me with this basic necessity for studying.Student B:I’m sorry to hear you don’t have a laptop,but maybe your parents can’t afford one right now.My parents give me a monthly allowance that’s usually enough,but lately, I’ve been donating some of it to charity so I’m short on cash.Student A:Well,if I were you,I’d tell my parents to give me more money.They should be responsible for making sure you have everything you need as a student.Student B:I disagree.I think we need to learn to be independent and make sacrifices sometimes.Your parents probably want you to focus on your studies rather than expensive gadgets.Student A:I guess you have a point.I don’t need the latest laptop.I should be grateful that my parents provide for my basic needs.It’s admirable that you’re donating your own money to help others in need.Student B:Thank you.But now I’m worried about covering my expenses.Do you have any ideas on how I could earn some extra money?Student A:Hmm...you could tutor younger students or get a part-time job on campus.Let me know if you need help!Student B:Those are great suggestions!Thanks for your advice!Supplementary Activity1.Learn to spend sustainablyThe passage offers advice for developing healthy spending habits and avoiding financial issues stemming from overspending.It targets readers who struggle with impulse purchases or have trouble differentiating between wants and needs.2.Discussion●Focus:This discussion aims to have students reflect on their spending habits andevaluate the effectiveness of the tips for avoiding impulsive purchases.●Procedures:1.Explain to students that the goal of this discussion is to reflect on their spending habits and evaluate strategies for controlling impulsive purchases.Encourage students to be open about sharing their experiences.2.Invite a few volunteers to describe a time they made an impulsive e probing questions to understand their motivations.3.After a few students have shared,facilitate a whole-class discussion on the effectiveness of the tips provided in the passage.Ask students to explain their perspectives.4.Invite students who have tried any of the techniques to describe their experiences implementing them.Did the strategies help manage spending?Have each student identify one tip they would be willing to try and explain why they think it would work for them.5.Leave five minutes at the end for students to reflect individually on new insights they have gained about sustainable spending habits.Definition:Impulsive buying,or impulsive spending,is the tendency of a customer to buy goods and services without planning.When a customer makes such buying decisions at the spur of the moment,it is usually triggered by emotions and feelings.Description:Impulsive buying can’t be categorized for one specific product category. Impulsive buying can be seen in products such as chocolates,clothes,and mobile phones and in big-ticket items such as cars,jewelry,etc.Impulsive buying means making an unplanned purchase.It is based on an irrational thinking.Marketers try to tap this behavior of customers to boost sales.There is a great likelihood that customers end up making a purchase ofproducts after entering the hypermarket without any actual intent of doing so.Many mobile phone makers tend to exploit this trait in customers by introducing products that can be add-on gadgets for their mobiles such as fitness bands,etc.。
前言学弟学妹们,当你们看到这篇复习资料的时候, 学长已经在文档上传的当天上午参加了国际金融的考试, 本复习资料主要针对对象为成都信息工程学院(CUIT)英语系大三学生, 且立足教材也基于托马斯·A ·普格尔(Thomas A. Pugel)先生所著国际金融英文版·第15版, 其他版本或者相似教材也可作为参考, 本资料的整理除了参考维基百科,百度百科以及MBA 智库百科,当然最重要的是我们老师的课件. 为了帮助同学们顺利通过考试, 当然是拿到高分, 希望此资料能够帮助你们节省时间, 达到高效复习的效果.外国语学院2011级,陈爵歌(Louis) 2014年1月6日晚于宿舍 Chapter 2Transnationality Index (跨国化指数)(TNI ) is a means of ranking multinational corporations that is employed by economists and politicians. (反映跨国公司海外经营活动的经济强度,是衡量海外业务在公司整体业务中地位的重要指标) Foreign assets to total assets(外国资产占总资产比)Foreign sales to total sales(海外销售占总销售)Foreign employees to total employees(外籍雇员占总雇员)跨国化指数的构成联合国跨国公司与投资司使用的跨国化指数由三个指标构成:国外资产对公司总资产的百分比;国外销售对公司总销售的百分比;国外雇员人数对公司雇员总人数的百分比关于TNI 的计算公式:International Economic Integration( 国际经济一体化)International economic integration refers to the extent and strength of real -sector and financial -sector linkages among national economies.(国际经济一体化是指两个或两个以上的国家在现有生产力发展水平和国际分工的基础上,由政府间通过协商缔结条约,让渡一定的国家主权,建立两国或多国的经济联盟,从而使经济达到某种程度的结合以提高其在国际经济中的地位)Real Sector(实际经济部门): The sector of the economy engaged in the production and sale of goods and services(指物质的、精神的产品和服务的生产、流通等经济活动。
)本成有持( yrraC-fo-tsoC )数因换转( rotcaF noisrevnoC )算清额净同合( gnitteN lautcartnoC )士瑞所交期洲欧( serutuF FNOC )易交续连( gnidarT suounitnoC )小大约合( eziS tcartnoC
)问顾易交品商( rosivdA gnidarT ytidommoC
)扣折( gnitnuocsiD
)�行央国德�行银邦联志意德( knabsednuB ehcstueD
)格价算结日( ecirP tnemeltteS yliaD )算结日每( tnemeltteS yliaD
)金证保通流的前目( nigraM gnitadiuqiL tnerruC )求请叉交( tseuqeR ssorC )型模坦斯宾鲁-斯罗-斯克考( ledoM nietsnibuR-ssoR-xoC )权期购认兑备( llaC derevoC )方手对( ytrapretnuoC )度曲凸( ytixevnoC )换转( noisrevnoC )票息( nopuoC )险避叉交( egdeH ssorC )易交叉交( edarT ssorC
)约合月即( tcartnoC tnorF
)场市部内围范大( tekraM edisnI dednetxE )位仓行执( noitisoP desicrexE )权期行执( noitpO desicrexE )行执( esicrexE )除排( noisulcxE )认确行执( noitamrifnoC noitucexE )格价行执( ecirP desicrexE )期到( noitaripxE
)权期内价( noitpO yenom-eht-nI )码编别识券证际国( rebmuN noitacifitnedI seitiruceS lanoitanretnI )差价品产跨( daerpS tcudorp-retnI )品产间区( tcudorP lavretnI
以下是整理的关于保险的⾦融英语⼝语,欢迎阅读!1.关于保险的⾦融英语⼝语 1.he is a holder of an insurance policy. 他是保险单持有⼈. 2.How long is the period from the commencement to termination of insurance? 保险责任起⽌期限是多长? 3.Insurance companies insured ships and their cargoes against loss at sea. 保险公司为船舶和船货承保了海损险. 4.Mr.rodman is the most heavily insured man in the world, carrying $4,000,000 insurance on his life. 罗德曼先⽣是世界上投保最多的⼈,为⾃⼰投了4,000.000 美元的⼈寿险. 5.One kind of insurance policy is the one that covers a named person. 有⼀种保险单是记名保险单. 6.what cover will you take out? 你们准备投保那些险别? 7.what do your insurance clauses cover? 你们的保险条款规定了那些险种?2.练好英语⼝语的要点 1、学习⽬的和意义。
商务英语口语900句Part11、We'd like to express our desireto establishbusinessrelationshipwith you on thebasisof quality,mutual benefit and exchange ofneeded goods、我们希望在保证质量、互惠互利以及交易彼此需要得货物得基础上与您们建立业务关系。
2、Inorder to extendourexport business toyour country we wishto enter into direct business relations with you、为了扩大我们在贵国得出口业务,我们希望与您们建立直接贸易关系。
3、Our hope isto establishmutuallybeneficial trading relationsbetween us、希望在我们之间能够建立互惠互利得贸易关系。
4、We lookforwardto further extensions of pleasantbusiness relations、我们期待进一步保持愉快得业务关系。
5、It’sour hope tocontinue with considerable businessdealingwith you、我们得希望就是与您们保持可观得生意往来。
6、Welookforward toreceivingyourquotation verysoon、我们期待尽快收到您们得报价单。
7、I hopeyou see from the reduction that we arereally doing our utmost、我希望您能够瞧到我们事实上已经作出了最大程度得让价.8、We hopetodiscuss businesswith you at your earliestconvenience、我们希望在您方便得时候与您洽谈业务.9、We wish to express ourdesire to trade withyou in leather shoes、我们非常希望与您进行皮鞋得买卖生意。
New Words新单词agenda n.议事日程term n.条款agreement n.协议account n.帐户bonus n.奖金,红利payment n.支付,付款duplicate n.副本,复印本,抄件manager n.经理tourist n.施行者,观光者sightseeing n.观光,游览Phrases & Expressions短语resident student住宿生1.Do they leave home at seven o'clock in the morning?1.他们是否早晨7点钟离开家?Yes, they do.是,他们7点走。
2.Do we still have time to discuss the agenda for our meeting? 2.我们是否还有时间讨论我们会议的议事日程?No, I have a meeting now. Let's do it tomorrow morning.现在不行,我有会议。
3.Do I need to bring "the Terms of the Agreement" to the meeting?3.我需要把协议条款带去开会吗?Yes, we need it.是,会上要用。
4.Do you want to close the old account and open a new one?4.你要不要把旧结帐清后再开一个新帐户?Please wait until next month to make the change.请等到下一个月再换吧。
5.Do they want to change the date of payment?5.他们是否要改变支付的日期?Yes, they want it changed to next month.是的,他们提出到下一个月再支付。
ABS 函數........................................................................................................................................ 12 ASC 函數........................................................................................................................................ 12 ATN 函數........................................................................................................................................ 13 CBOOL 函數.................................................................................................................................. 13 CDATE 函數.................................................................................................................................. 13 CDBL 函數.................................................................................................................................... 14 CHR 函數.......................................................................................................................................14 CINT 函數......................................................................................................................................15 CLNG 函數..................................................................................................................................... 15 CLOSE 語句................................................................................................................................... 15 CONST 語句................................................................................................................................... 16 COS 函數........................................................................................................................................ 17 CSNG 函數...................................................................................................................................... 17 CSTR 函數..................................................................................................................................... 17 CVAR 函數.................................................................................................................................... 18 DATE 函數...................................................................................................................................... 18 DAY 函數....................................................................................................................................... 19 DIM 語句....................................................................................................................................... 19 DO...LOOP 語句.............................................................................................................................. 20 END 語句........................................................................................................................................ 20
� Account Type (账户类型) Accrued Interest (应计利息) Additional Margin (额外保证金) Alpha (阿尔法估算) American-style Option (美式期权) Application Programming Interface (应用程序接口) Arbitrage (套利) Ask (卖盘价) At-the-money Option (平价期权)
� Raw Data (原始数据) Reference Price (参考价格) Release (版本) Release Method (释放方法) Relevant Trades (相关交易) Remaining Lifetime (距离到期时间) Repurchase Transaction ("Repo") (回购交易)
� Omega (欧米加值) Opening (开盘) Opening Interest (未平仓量) Opening of a Position (开仓) Optimization (最优化) Option (期权) Option Premium (期权金) Option Price (期权价格) Option Pricing Model (OPM) (期权定价模式) Option Seller (期权卖出者) Order (指令) Order Book (指令簿) Order Type (指令类型) OTC Trades (Over-the-Counter Trades) (场外交易) Out-of-the-money Option (价外期权) Overdue Trade-Fail (延期交易未能履约)
� Back Month(s) (远期月份) Basis (基差) Basis Point Value (基点价值) Basis Trade (基差交易) Batch (批) Bear Spread (熊市跨价) Beta (贝塔系数) Bid (买盘价) Binomial Model (二项式模型) Block Trade (大宗交易) Bobl Futures (欧洲期交所德国中期债券期货) Bond (债券) Broker (经纪人) Bull Spread (牛市跨价) Bund Futures (欧洲期交所德国长期债券期货) Buxl® Futures (欧洲期交所德国联邦政府 30 年期国债期货)
金融专业英语词汇大全一、基本金融术语1. 金融(Finance):指货币的筹集、分配和管理活动。
2. 银行(Bank):提供存款、贷款、支付结算等金融服务的机构。
3. 证券(Securities):代表财产所有权或债权的凭证,如股票、债券等。
4. 投资(Investment):将资金投入到某个项目或资产,以获取收益的行为。
5. 债务(Debt):借款人向债权人承诺在一定期限内偿还本息的义务。
6. 股票(Stock):股份有限公司发行的,代表股东对公司所有权和收益分配权的凭证。
7. 债券(Bond):债务人向债权人发行的,承诺按一定利率支付利息并在到期日偿还本金的债务凭证。
8. 利率(Interest Rate):资金的价格,反映资金借贷的成本。
9. 汇率(Exchange Rate):一种货币兑换另一种货币的比率。
10. 通货膨胀(Inflation):货币购买力下降,物价普遍持续上涨的现象。
二、金融衍生品词汇1. 金融衍生品(Financial Derivatives):基于现货金融工具派生出来的新型金融工具。
2. 期货(Futures):双方约定在未来某一时间、按约定的价格买卖某种标的物的合约。
3. 期权(Options):买卖双方在未来一定期限内,按约定价格买入或卖出某种标的物的权利。
4. 掉期(Swap):双方约定在未来某一时间,相互交换一系列现金流的合约。
5. 远期合约(Forward Contract):双方约定在未来某一时间、按约定的价格买卖某种标的物的合约。
三、金融机构及监管部门词汇1. 中央银行(Central Bank):国家金融政策制定和执行的机构,如中国人民银行。
2. 商业银行(Commercial Bank):以盈利为目的,提供存款、贷款、支付结算等金融服务的银行。
3. 证券公司(Securities Company):从事证券经纪、投资咨询、资产管理等业务的金融机构。
银行英语口语对话金融英语口语对话银行英语口语对话银行英语口语对话银行英语情景对话(1):A:Hi,Mike,long time no see.I am glad to meet you here,How are you B:Fine,thanks.What are you doing here A:I want to open an account in the bank. What about you B:I’d like to deposit some money in my account. Oh ,It’s my turn, waiting for a moment. A:Ok. C:What can I do for you, sir B: I“d like to deposit 5,000 RMB yuan in my account. 我想在我的账户上存5,000元人民币。
C:Please give me your money with the passbook. 请把您的钱和存折递过来B:All right. Here you are. 好,给您C:Oh,we find it is a counterfeit note. 噢,我们发现这是一张假钞。
B:ReallyI don“t remember where I got it from.Please return it to me. 是真的吗我记不起是从哪儿得来的。
C:Well,according to the regulation, a counterfeit note should be confiscated. 嗯,根据规定,假钞须没收。
B:Then I"ll loss a note of 100 RMB yuan. 那我就要损失100元人民币。
C:It"s the only way we could do, but we’ll issue a receipt to you that shows the note you presented to us has been proved counterfeit and has been confiscated by our bank. 我们只能这样做,但我们将开一张收据给您,证明您交给我们的那张纸币是假币,被我行没收。
常用的金融英语口语对话带翻译提高英语口语能力,是学习金融英语的一个重点环节,下面店铺为大家带来常用的金融英语口语对话,欢迎大家学习!常用金融英语口语对话篇一T:We are happy to have Mr. David Long here with us today.教:今天我们很高兴地请到了英国某商业银行的大卫.朗先生。
Mr. Long is from a merchant bank in Britain. He will be talking about the organization of hisbank.朗先生给大家介绍一下他所在银行的组织体系。
L:I feel honoured to be talking with you today. I'd like to begin with your questions.朗:我今天非常荣幸地与大家在一起聚谈聚谈。
S:Where is your bank located?学:请问贵银行位于什么地方?L:In London, the capital of Britain.朗:伦敦,英国的首都。
S:Could you give us a brief overview of your bank's history?学:您能给我们讲讲贵银行的历史概况吗?L:Yes, of course. We were established as long ago as 1869.朗:当然行啦!我们的银行早在1869年就有了。
Now, it is being operated as one of the major merchant banks in the City.现在它是伦敦几家最重要的商业银行之一了。
S:How is your bank organized?学:请问贵行是如何组成的呢?L:Well, that is really a big question.朗:啊,这可是一个很大的问题呀!S:Let me put it in this way. How many divisions are there inyour bank?学:我就这么问吧。
a/an 【ə; en】o一个;任何;每(个)able 【eibl】有能力的;能干的about 【ə'baʊt]】关于;在…周围above 【ə'bʌv】上面 prep.在..上面accept 【ək'sept】接受,收领,承担accident 【'æksidənt] 】 偶然的事;意外的事accuse 【[ə'kjuːz]】谴责;控告, 告发across 【ə'krɔs, ə'krɔ:s】横过;在…对面act 【ækt]】 行动;见效 n.行为activist 【'æktɪvɪst】 (政治活动的)积极分子actor 【'æktə】 男演员;演剧的人add 【æd】 添加,附加,掺加administration 【əd,mini'streiʃən】 行政管理,管理机关admit 【əd'mit】承认;准许…进入adult 【'ædʌlt, ə'dʌlt】成年人 adj.成年的advise 【əd'vaiz】忠告,劝告,建议affect 【ə'fekt, 'æfekt】影响;感动;假装afraid 【ə'freid】[表]害怕; [口]恐怕after 【ftə, 'æf】在..之后ad.在后again 【ə'ɡen, -'ɡein】又,再一次,此外against 【ə'ɡenst, ə'ɡeinst】倚在;逆,对着age 【eidʒ】年龄;时代 vt.变老agency 【'eidʒənsi】 经办;代理;代理处aggression 【ə'ɡreʃən】侵略ago 【ə'ɡəu】以前, 以住agree 【ə'gri】同意;持相同意见agriculture 【'ægrɪkʌltʃə】农业,农艺;农学aid 【eid】帮助(者);援助aim 【eim】瞄准;目的(在于)air 【εə】使...通风 n.空气air force 【εə fɔs】.空军airplane 【'eəpleɪn】飞机airport 【'εəpɔ:t】.航空站;民航飞机场album 【æl bəm】粘贴簿;相册;文选alcohol 【'ælkəhɔl】 酒精,乙醇alive 【ə'laɪv】 活着的,有生命的all 【ɔ:l】 全部ally 【'ælai, ə'lai】 .盟国,同盟者,伙伴almost 【'ɔ:lməust】 几乎;差不多alone 【ə'ləun】 (只作表语)单独的along 【ə'lɔŋ】 继续;一起 prep.沿already 【ɔ:l'redi】 早已,已经also 【'ɔ:lsəu】 亦,也;而且,还although 【ɔl'ðəʊ】 .尽管,虽然always 【'ɔ:lweiz, -wiz】 总是,一直;永远ambassador 【æm'bæsədə】大使;特使,代表amend 【ə'mend】 修改,更正ammunition 【æmju'niʃən】 军火, 弹药among 【ə'mʌŋ】 在...之中,中间amount 【ə'maunt】 总数,数量 v.累计anarchy 【'ænəki】 无政府(状态);混乱ancestor 【'ænsestə】 祖宗,祖先ancient 【'einʃənt】 古代的;古老的and 【ənd, ən】 和;假如;一...就anger 【'æŋɡə】 怒,愤怒 vt.使发怒animal 【'æniməl】动物;畜牲 a.动物的anniversary【æni'və:səri】 周年纪念(日) announce 【ə'nauns】 宣告;宣布;发表another 【ə'nʌðə】 再一(个..)answer 【'ɑ:nsə, 'æn】 回答;响应;适应any 【'eni】 什么,一些;任何的apologize【ə'pɔlədʒaiz】道歉,谢罪,认错appeal 【ə'pi:l】请求;呼吁;上诉appear 【ə'pɪə】 出现;显得;好象appoint 【ə'pɔint】 任命,委任;约定approve 【ə'pruv】 赞成,称许;批准archeology 【,kɪ'lədʒɪ】 考古学area 【'eərɪə】 (区)域,面积,方面argue 【gju】 争论,争辩,辩论arms 【a:mz】 n武器army 【'a:mi】 军队;陆军around 【ə'raund】 周围,四面,四处arrest 【ə'rest】 逮捕 n.逮捕;停止arrive 【ə'raiv】 到达;来临;达到art 【a:t】 艺术;美术;艺术品artillery 【a:'tiləri】 炮兵部队as 【æz】 同样地,象..一样ash 【æʃ】 .灰;灰烬,灰堆ask 【a:sk, æsk】 问;要求;邀请;讨价assist 【ə'sist】.援助,帮助;搀扶astronaut 【æstrənɔat】.宇宙航行员,宇航员astronomy 【ə'strɔnəmi】 天文学asylum 【ə'sailəm】 收容所;政治避难at 【æt,】 在…里;在…时ate eat 的过去式atmosphere 【'ætmə,sfiə】 大气;空气;气氛attach 【ə'tætʃ】 附;使隶属;使依恋attack 【ə'tæk】 攻击,进攻attempt 【ə'tempt】 v尝试,试图 n.企图attend 【ə'tend】 出席;照顾,护理automobile 【'ɔtəməbi】[美]汽车;机动车autumn 【'ɔtəm】 秋天;秋季average 【'ævəridʒ】 平均的 n.平均数avoid 【ə'vɔid】 避免;回避,躲开awake 【ə'weik】 醒来,醒悟 adj.醒的award 【ə'wɔ:d】 授予 n.奖品;判定away 【ə'wei】 去,远离,在远处baby 【'beibi】 n.一家中年龄最小的人back 【bæk】 (使)倒退,退后bad 【bæd】 坏的,恶的;严重的balance 【'bæləns】 使平衡;称 n.天平ball 【'bæl(ə)ns】球,球状物;舞会balloon 【bə'lu:n】气球,玩具气球ballot 【bælət】投票;抽签ban 【bæn】禁止;谴责bank 【bæŋk】 堤岸,河边;埂,垄bar 【ba:】酒吧间;条,杆;栅barrier 【'bæriə】栅栏,屏障;障碍base 【base】 基础;基地,根据地battle 【'bæt(ə)】 战役;斗争 vi.作战be 【bi:, 】 是,在,做beat 【bi:t】 打,敲;打败beaten 【'bi:tn】 beat 的过去分词beauty 【'bju:ti】 美丽;妙处;美人became 【bɪ'keɪm】 become 的过去式because 【bi'kɔz】 由于,因为become 【bi'kʌm变成;成为,变得bed 【bed】 床,床位;圃;河床before 【bɪ'fɔ】 在…以前began 【bi'ɡæn】 begin 的过去式begin 【bɪ'gɪn】 开始,着手,开端behind 【bɪ'haɪnd】 在后;落后于believe 【bi'li:v】 相信;信任;以为bell 【bel】 钟,铃,门铃;钟声belong 【bi'lɔŋ】 属于,归(某人)所有below 【bi'ləu】 在…下面(以下) best 【best】 最好的adv.最好地betray [bi'trei】 .背叛;辜负;泄漏better 【betə】 更好的adv.更好地between 【bi'twi:n】为..共有ad.当中big 【biɡ】 巨大的;重要的;大bill 【bil】 帐单 vt.给..开帐单biology 【bai'ɔlədʒi】 生物学;生态学bird 【bə:d】 鸟,禽类bite 【bait】 .咬,叮,螫;剌穿black 【blæk】黑色的 n.黑色;黑人blame 【bleim 责备;非难;挑剔blanket 【'blæŋkit】 毛毯,毯子,羊毛毯bleed 【bli:d】 出血,流血;泌脂blew 【blu:】 blow 的过去式blind 【blaind】 百叶窗;窗帘;遮帘block 【blɔk】 街区 vt.堵塞,拦阻blood 【blʌd]】 血;血统;气质;脾气blow 【bləu】吹;爆炸 n.打;打击blown 【bləun】 blow 的过去分词blue 【blu:】 .蓝色boat 【bəut】 小船;艇;小轮船body 【'bɔdi】 .物体;(液)体;实质boil 【bɔil】 煮沸bomb 【bɔm】 炸弹;突发事件bone 【bəun】 .骨头;尸骸;骨制品book 【bʊk】 书;惯例;卷 vt.预订border 【'bɔ:də】 边缘;领地 vt.镶边born 【bɔ:n】 出生的,天生的borrow 【'bɔrəu】借,借用,借人both 【bəuθ】 两个(人)都bottle 【'bɔtl】 瓶子;酒;一瓶的量bottom 【'bɔtəm】 底,基础 a.底下的bought 【bɔ:t】 buy 的过去式(分词) box 【bɔks】 盒子;一拳 v.拳击boy 【baɪ】 男孩;男服务员;儿子boycott 【'bɔikɔt】 联合抵制brain 【brein】 脑(子);脑力,智能brave 【breiv】 勇敢的 v.冒着bread 【bred】 面包;食物,粮食break 【breɪk】 打破;损坏;破坏breathe 【briað】 呼吸;说出;低声说bridge 【bridʒ】 桥(梁);鼻梁;桥牌brief 【bri:f]】 简短的;短暂的bright 【braɪt】 色彩鲜艳的,明亮的bring 【briŋ】 拿来;带来;取来broadcast 【'brɔ:dka:st】 广播,播音broke 【brəuk】 break 的过去式broken 【'brəukən】 adj.破碎的,毁坏了的brother 【'brʌðə】 兄弟;同事,同胞brought 【brɔt】 bring 的过去式(分词)brown 【braun】 棕色的,咖啡色的budget 【bʌdʒit】 (做)预算;安排build 【bild】 建造;构成 n.构造building 【'bildiŋ】 建筑物,大楼;建筑built 【bilt】 build 的过去式(分词)bullet 【'bulit】 枪弹,子弹,弹丸burn 【bə:n】 燃烧,烧焦,烧伤burst 【bə:st】 破裂;爆炸vt.冲破bury 【'beri] 埋藏,掩蔽,埋葬bus 【bʌs】 总线,信息通路business 【'biznis】 事;商业;生意;企业busy 【'bizi】 adj.忙碌的,热闹的but 【bʌt】 但buy 【bai】 购买,雇用,博得by 【bai】 靠,用,乘(表示方法)cabinet 【'kæbinit】 橱,柜;内阁call 【kɔ:l】 叫喊;打电话给…calm 【ka:lm】 .(使)平静下来came 【keim】 come 的过去式camera 【'kæmərə】 照相机,摄影机camp 【kæmp】 .帐篷,野营 n.宿营campaign 【kæm'pein】 战役;行动 vi.从军can 【kæn】 能,会,可能cancel 【'kænsəl】 取消,撤消;删去cancer 【'kænsə】 癌,癌症,肿瘤candidate 【'kændideit】 .候选人;参加考试者capital 【'kæpitəl】 资本,资金;首都capitalism 【'kæpitəlizəm】 资本主义capture 【'kæptʃə】 捕获;俘获;夺取car 【ka:】汽车,小汽车,轿车care 【kεə】 关心,介意 n.小心careful 【'keəfʊl】 小心的;仔细的Carry 【'kæri】 携带;运载;传送case (court) 【keis】 箱(子),盒(子),套case (medical) 【keis】 病例cat kæt】 猫,猫科,猫皮catch 【kætʃ】捉;抓住 vi.接caught 【kɔ:t】 catch的过去式(分词)cause 【kɔ:z】 v引起 n.原因,缘由ceasefire 【sisfaɪɚ】 停火;停战celebrate 【'selibreit】 庆祝;歌颂,赞美center 【'sentə】 中心,中央;中心区century 【'sentʃuri】 世纪,百年;一百个ceremony 【'seriməuni】 典礼,仪式;礼节chairman 【'tʃεəmən】 主席;议长,会长champion 【['tʃæmpiən】 冠军,拥护者,勇士chance 【tʃa:ns】 机会,机遇;可能性change 【tʃeindʒ】 兑换charge 【tʃɑ:dʒ]】 索价;控告 n.费用chase 【tʃeis】 .追逐;追赶;寻觅cheat 【tʃi:t】 骗子 vt.骗 vi.欺诈cheer 【tʃiə】(使)振奋;高兴chemicals 【'kemikəl】 化学物质,化学制品chemistry 【'kemistri】化学chief 【tʃi:f】 主要的,为首的child 【tʃaild】 小孩,儿童;儿子children 【'tʃildrən】 n. more than onechild n.(child的复数形式) choose 【tʃu:z】 选择,挑选;情愿chose 【tʃəuz】 choose 的过去式chosen 【['tʃəuzən】 choose 的过去分词circle 【'sə:kl]】 圆,圈,循环,周期citizen 【sitizən】 公民;市民,居民city 【'sɪtɪ】 市;城市;都市civil 【'sivəl】公民权利civilian 【sɪ'vɪlj(ə)n】 平民 a.平民的claim 【kleim】 (据权利提出的)要求clash 【klæʃ】 碰撞声;抵触,冲突clean 【kli:n】 擦干净,把..弄干净clear 【kliə】清除clergy 【'klə:dʒi】 .牧师;教士climate 【'klaimit】 .气候;特殊气候地带climb 【klaɪm】攀登,爬 vt.爬clock 【klɔk】 .时钟,计时器,同步close 【kləʊs】 关闭,闭合 a.紧密的cloth 【klɔθ】 衣料;布块;桌布clothes 【kləuðz】衣服,服装;被褥cloud 【klaud】云;一缕v.遮住;诽谤coal 【kəul】 煤,煤块coalition 【kəuə'liʃən】 .同盟;结合体;结合;联合coast 【kəust】 海岸,海滨(地区) coffee 【'kɔfi]】 咖啡,咖啡茶cold 【kəuld】 冷的;冷淡的 n.冷collect 【kə'lekt】 收集;搜集 vi.聚集college 【'kɔlidʒ】 (综合大学中的)学院colony 【'kɔləni】 菌落,群体;殖民地color 【'kʌlə】 颜色,色彩,(彩)色combine 【kəm'bain】 (使)结合;联合企业come 【kʌm】 到来;变得;到达command 【kə'mɑ:nd】 指挥;控制;统率comment 【'kɔment】 评论;评注;注意committee 【kə'miti】 委员会;委员会的委员common 【'kɔmən】 普通的;一般的communicate 【kə'mju:nikeit】通讯;传达;传播community 【kə'mju:niti】 团体,共同体,群体company 【'kʌmp(ə)ni】 公司;陪伴 v.交际compare 【kəm'pεə】 比较,对照;比作compete 【kəm'pi:t】 比赛;竞争;对抗complete 【kəm'pli:t】 完全的,彻底的complex 【'kɔmpleks】 复杂的 n.综合企业compromise 【'kɔmprəmaiz】 妥协,和解computer 【kəm'pju:tə】 计算机,电子计算机concern 【kən'sə:n】关心 v.涉及,有关系condemn 【kən'dem】 谴责,指责;判刑condition 【kən'diʃən】 条件,情况 vt.调节conference 【'kɒnf(ə)r(ə)ns】 讨论(会);会谈confirm 【kən'fə:m】 证实,使...更坚定conflict 【kən'flikt, 'kɔnflikt】 争论;冲突;斗争congratulate 【kən'ɡrætʃu,leit】 祝贺,向…道喜Congress 【'kɔŋɡres, kən'ɡres】 大会;国会,议会connect 【kə'nekt】 连接;联想;接通电话conservative 【kən'sə:vətiv】 有保存力的,防腐的consider 【kən'sidə】 .考虑;认为;考虑到constitution 【kanstɪ'tjuaʃ(ə)n】 章程;体质;构造contain 【kən'teɪn】 .包含,容纳;等于container 【kən'teinə】 .容器;集装箱continent 【'kɔntinənt]】 节制的 n.大陆continue 【kən'tinju】继续,连续;延伸control 【kən'trəu】 控制,克制 n.控制convention 【kən'venʃən】 公约,(换俘等)协定cook 【kuk】 烹调,煮,烧cool 【ku:l】 (使)凉快,冷却cooperate [kəu'ɔpəreit】 合作,协作;配合copy 【'kɔpi】 .抄件 vt.抄写,复制corn 【kɔ:n】 谷物;(英)小麦correct 【kə'rekt】 正确的,恰当的cost 【kɔst】 值(多少钱) n.成本cotton 【'kɔtən】 棉花,棉布,棉纱count 【kaunt】 计算 vi.数,计数country 【'kʌntri】 国家,国土;农村court 【kɔ:t】法院,法庭;庭院cover 【'kʌvə】 覆盖 n.盖子,罩子cowcrash 【kræʃ】 碰撞,坠落 n.碰撞create 【kri'eit]】 创造;创作;引起creature【'kri:tʃə】 创造物;生物;动物credit 【'kredit】 荣誉;信任 vt.相信crew 【kru:】 (飞机等的)全体人员crime 【kraim】 罪,罪行;犯罪criminal 【'kriminəl】 犯人,罪犯,刑事犯crisis 【kraisis】 转折点;骤变;危机criticize 【'krɪtɪ,saɪz】 .批评;评论;非难crops 【krɔp】 农作物,庄稼;一熟cross 【kras】 十字架 vt.&vi.穿过crowd 【kraʊd】 人群 vi.拥挤 vt.挤crush 【krʌʃ】 压碎,碾碎;镇压cry 【kraɪ】 叫(卖);哭;喊culture 【'kʌltʃə】 文化,文明;教养cure 【kjuə】医治;消除 n.治愈curfew 【'kə:fju】 宵禁current 【'kʌrənt】 当前的;通用的custom 【'kʌstəm】 常规的,惯例 n.用户customs 【'kʌstəmz】 海关的;定做的(衣)cutcut 【kʌt】 .割,切,削减,切断dam 【dæm】 水坝,水堤;障碍物damage 【'dæmidʒ】 损害,毁坏 n.损害dance 【dans】 跳舞 n.舞蹈;舞会danger 【'deindʒə】 n 危险;危险事物dark 【dark】 a.暗的 n.暗处;黄昏date 【deit】 写日期daughter 【'dɔatə】女儿day 【dei】 白天,(一)天,(一)日dead 【ded】 死的;无生命的deaf 【def】 聋的;不愿听的deal 【dial】 买卖;待遇 vt.给予debate 【di'beit】 争论;辩论debt 【det]】 债(务), 借款, 欠款decide 【di'said】 vi.&vt.决定;下决心declare 【di'klεə】 断言;声明;表明decrease 【di'kri:s】 减少,降低,缩短deep 【dip】 深深的 ad.深深地defeat 【di'fi:t】 战胜, 击败 n.失败defend 【di'fend】 保卫;防御;辩护deficit 【'defisit】 .缺乏, 赤字, 亏空define 【di'fain】 下定义,界定,规定degree 【di'ɡri:】 度数;学位;程度delay 【di'lei】 延迟,耽误delegate 【'deliɡət】 代表,委员,特派员demand 【di'mɑ:nd】 要求;需要;询问democracy 【di'mɔkrəsi】 民主,民主政体demonstrate 【'demənstreit】 说明;论证;表露denounce 【di'nauns】 谴责,声讨;告发deny di'nai】 否认, 否定;拒绝depend 【dɪ'pend】 随...而定,取决于deplore 【di'plɔ:】 哀悼, 悲叹deploy 【di:'plɔi】 散开;布置depression 【di'preʃən】 沮丧;不景气,萧条describe 【di'skraib】形容;描写,描绘desert 【'dezət】 沙漠 vt.离弃;擅离design 【dɪ'zaɪn】 设计 n.设计;图样desire 【di'zaiə】 相望;要求 n.愿望destroy 【di'strɔi】 破坏;消灭;打破detail 【'di:teil】 细节;枝节;零件develop 【di'veləp】 发展;形成;开发device 【di'vais】 设备,器件,装置dictator 【dik'teitə】 独裁者,专政者die 【dai】 死亡;枯死;熄灭diet 【'daiət】 饮食,食物different 【'difərənt】 不同的,各种各样的difficult 【'dɪfɪk(ə)lt】 困难的;难对付的dig 【diɡ】 挖掘,采掘,探究dinner 【'dinə】 正餐(午饭或晚饭) diplomat 【'dipləmæt】外交官;善交际的人direct 【di'rekt】 支配,指挥,对准direction 【di'rekʃən】 方向;方面;指导dirt 【də:t】 尘,土;污物,污垢disappear 【,disə'piə】 不见,失踪;消失disarm 【,dis'a:m】 解除武装;裁军discover 【dis'kʌvə】 发现,看出;暴露discuss 【dis'kʌs】 讨论,谈论;论述disease 【di'zi:z】 疾病,弊病,变质dismiss 【dɪs'mɪs】 解散;下课;解雇dispute 【dɪ'spjut;】 争论,争执 n.争论dissident 【'disidənt】 意见不同;异议distance 【['distəns】 距离;远景;时间间隔dive 【'di:vei】 跳(潜)水;俯冲divide 【dɪ'vaɪd】 划分;使不合;[数]除do 【du:】 助动词(无词意)doctor 【dɔktə】 医生;博士 vt.医治document 【'dakjʊm(ə)nt】公文,文件;证件dog 【dag】 狗,犬,犬科动物dollar 【'dɔlə】 元(美国货币单位)door 【dɔ/dor】 .门; (一)家;途径down 【daun】 沿着;沿…而下drank 【dræŋk】 drink 的过去式dream 【dri:m】 梦;梦想v.梦想;做梦drew 【dru】 draw 的过去式drink 【driŋk】 喝;吸收 n.饮料;酒drive 【draiv】 驱;驾驶n.开车;运动driven 【drivən】 drive 的过去分词drop 【drɔp】 掉下;例下,坐下drove drəuv】 drive 的过去式drown 【draun】 溺死;淹死;淹没drug 【drʌɡ】 药[毒]品v.(使)吸毒drunk 【drʌŋk】 a.(常作表语)醉的dry 【draɪ】干的;枯燥的 v.使干dug 【dʌɡ】 dig 的过去式(分词) during 【'djuəriŋ】.在...的期间dust 【dʌst】 尘土,粉末 v.掸土duty 【'dju:ti】 义务;责任;税;职务each 【i:tʃ】 各个;每件early 【'ə:li】 早 a.早的,早期的earn 【ə:n】 挣得,博得,赢得earth 【ə:θ】 土;泥;地球;大地earthquake 【'ə:θkweik】 地震;大震荡ease 【i:z】 安逸,熟练 vt.放松east 【i:st】 东,东方 adj.东方的easy 【'i:zi】 容易的,轻松的eat 【i:t】 吃;腐蚀;蛀坏;喝汤eaten 【'i:tən】 eat 的过去分词ecology 【i:'kɔlədʒi】 生态学;个体生态学economy 【i'kɔnəmi】 经济;节约,节省edge 【edʒ】 边缘;刀刃 v.使锐利education 【edju:'keiʃən】教育;训导;教育学effect 【ɪ'fekt]】 后果,效力 v.导致effort 【'efət】 努力;成果;工作计划egg 【eɡ]】 蛋;卵;卵形物either 【'aiðə,】 推选;决定 a.选出electricity 【ilek'trisəti]】 电,电学;电流embassy 【'embəsi】 大使馆;大使的职务emergency 【i'mə:dʒənsi】 紧急情况,突然事件emotion 【i'məuʃən】 感情;情绪;激动employ 【im'plɔi】 雇用,使用 n.使用empty 【'empti】 空虚的vt.弄空;腾空end 【end]】末端;目标 vt.结束enemy 【'enimi】敌人;危害 a.敌人的energy 【'enədʒ】精力,活力,能量enforce 【in'fɔ:s]】 实施,执行;强制engine 【'endʒin】 发动机,引擎;机车engineer 【endʒi'niə】 工程师;火车司机enjoy 【in'dʒɔi】 喜欢;享受...乐趣enough 【i'nʌf】 充分地enter 【entə】走进,进入;参加environment 【in'vai ə r ə n m ə n t】 环境,外界;围绕equal 【'i:kwəl】 .等于,相等 n.等号equipment【i'kwipmənt】 装备,设备,配备escape 【i'skeip】 逃跑;逸出 n.逃跑especially 【i'speʃəli】 特别,尤其,格外establish 【i'stæbliʃ】 建立,设立;确立estimate 【'estimeit】 估计,评价 n.估计ethnic 【'eθnik】 种族的;人种的evaporate 【ɪ'væpəreɪt】 使脱水vi.发散蒸气even 【'i:vən】 甚至;甚至更,还event 【i'vent】 事件,大事;事变ever 【'evri】 .曾经,总是,究竟every 【'evri】 每一;一切;充分的evidence 【'evidəns】 根据;证据,证人evil 【'i:vəl】 邪恶;祸害 a.坏的exact 【iɡ'zækt】 .确切的;准确的examine 【iɡ'zæmin】 检查,细看,考试example 【iɡ'za:mpl】 例子,实例;模范excellent 【'eksələnt]】 极好的,优秀的except 【ik'sept】 除...之外,除非exchange 【iks'tʃeindʒ】 .交换;交流 n.交换excuse 【ɪk'skju】 .原谅;免除 n.借口execute 【'eksikju:t】 执行;表演;演奏exercise 【'eksəsaiz】 .锻炼,训练vi.练习exile 【'eɡzail】 放逐,充军,流亡exist 【iɡ'zist】 存在;生存,生活expand 【ik'spænd】 张开;膨胀;扩大expect 【ik'spekt】 期望;予期;料想expel 【ik'spel】 .驱逐,开除;排出experience 【[ik'spiəriəns】 经验 vt.经历, 体验experiment 【ik'speriment】 .&vi做试验;进行实验expert 【'ekspə:t】 .专家 a.熟练的explain 【ik'splein】 .解释;说明;辩解explode 【ik'spləud】 爆炸;发作;驳倒explore 【ik'splɔ:】 .勘探;探索;探查export 【ik'spɔ:t】 .输出,出口;运走express 【ik'spres】 .表示 n.快车,快递extend 【ik'stend】 使)伸长;(使)扩展extra 【'ekstrə】 附加物;额外的人手extreme 【ik'stri:m】 .极度的,极端的extremist 【ik'stri:mist】 极端主义者face 【feis】 n.脸,正面 v.面对fact 【fækt】 事实;实际,实情factory 【'fæktəri】 工厂,制造厂fail 【feil】 失败,不及格,不能fair 【fεə】 市集;庙会;展览会fall 【fɔ:l】 落下;跌倒;陷落fallen 【'fɔ:lən】 fall 的过去分词false 【fɔ:ls】.不真实的;伪造的family 【fæmɪlɪ】 家,家庭;家族Famous 【'feɪməs】 著名的,出名的far 【fa:】 .远的 ad.远,遥远farm 【fa:m】 .农场,农庄;饲养场fast 【fa:st】 快的;偏快的 ad.快fat 【fæt]】 脂肪 adj.肥胖的father 【'fa:ðə】 父亲;神父;创始人fear 【fiə】 害怕,恐惧federal 【fedərəl】 .联盟的;联邦的feed 【fi:d】 馈给,(打印机)进纸feel 【fil】 触;感觉 vi.有感觉fell 【fel]】 vt.砍倒(树等);砍伐felt 【felt】 feel 的过去式(分词) female 【'fi:meil】 .雌性的动物;女子fence 【fens]】 .围栏 v.击剑;搪塞fertile 【'fə:tail】 肥沃的;有繁殖力的few 【fju:】 少数的 n.很少数field 【'fi:ld】 田野;范围 a.野外fierce 【fiəs】 凶猛的,猛烈的fight 【faɪt】 .打仗,战斗,作斗争fill 【fil】 装满,盛满;占满film 【film】 电影;胶卷 v.拍电影final 【'fainl】 .最后的;决定性的financial 【fai'nænʃəl】 金融的,财政的find 【faind】 找到;发觉 n.发现fine 【fain】 好的;天气晴朗的finish 【fɪnɪʃ】 完成,结束 n.结束fire 【'faiə】 火焰 vt.燃烧;射击fireworks 【'faiəwə:ks】 [pl.]爆竹,焰火firm 【'fə:m】 稳固的,不易改变的first 【fə:st】 第一的 adv.首先fish 【fiʃ】 鱼;鱼肉 vi.钓鱼fit 【'fit】 适合的;能胜任的fix fiks使固定,注视;牢记flag 【flæg】 旗子flat 【flæt】 一套房间;单元住宅flee 【fli:】 逃走, 逃离, 逃避flew 【flu: 】 fly 的过去式float 【fləut】 漂浮物;浮标,木筏flood 【flʌd】 水灾 v.淹没;充满floor 【flʌd】 (房间、门廊等)地面flow 【fləu】 v. to move like aliquid vi.,n.流,流动,流畅flower 【'flauə】花,花卉;开花flown 【fləun】 fly 的过去分词fluid 【'flu(:)id】 液体 adj.流动的fly 【flai】 放(风筝,飞机模型) fog 【fɔɡ】 .雾;烟雾,尘雾follow 【'fɔləu】 .跟随;(时间等)接着food 【fu:d】 食物,食品,养料fool 【fu:l】 蠢人,傻子 vt.欺骗foot 【fut】 脚;最下部;英尺for 【fɔ:】 .(时间等)达;计force 【fɔ:s】 .力量 vt.强迫;勒索foreign 【'fɔrin】 .外国的,对外的forest 【'fɔrist】 森林;森林地带forget 【fə'gt]】 忘记,疏忽,没想到forgive 【fə'ɡiv】 原谅,饶恕,宽恕forgot 【fə'ɡɔt】 forget 的过去式forgotten 【fə'ɡɔtn】 forget的过去分词form 【fɔ:m】 形式;形状 vt.形成former 【'fɔ:mə】 从前的,前任的forward 【'fɔ:wəd】 向前,将来vt.转递fought 【fɔ:t】 fight 的过去式[分词]free 【fri:】 自由的;免于vt.释放freedom 【'fri:dəm】 自由;直率;放肆freeze 【fri:z】 冻;结冻vt.使结冰fresh 【freʃ】 (水)淡的;新鲜的friend 【frend】 朋友;支持者, 同伴frighten 【'fraitən】 使害怕,使惊骇from 【frɔm】front 【frʌnt】 装饰(建筑物的正面) fruit 【fru:t】 水果;果实 v.结果实fuel 【'fjuəl】 燃料 vt.给…加燃料full 【ful]】 全(的),满fun 【fʌn】 有趣的事;玩笑;娱乐funeral 【'fju:nərəl】 葬礼,丧礼,丧葬future 【'fju:tʃə】 将来,未来;前途game 【ɡeim】 游戏,玩耍,运动会gas 【ɡæs】 煤气;气油;天然气gather 【'ɡæðə】 聚集;集合vt.收集gave 【ɡeiv】 give 的过去式general 【'dʒenərəl】总的;一般的n.将军gentle 【'dʒentl】 柔和的,轻柔的get 【ɡet】 变得,成为;到达gift 【ɡift】 礼物;才能 vt.给予girl 【ɡə:l】 女孩子,姑娘;女儿give 【ɡiv】 给出,赋予,发生given 【'ɡivən】 (give的过去分词)glass 【ɡla:s】 玻璃;眼镜;望远镜go 【ɡəu】 .离开;移动;运行goal 【ɡəul】 (足球)球门;目标god 【gɑd】 上帝;造物主;偶像gold 【ɡəuld】 金;钱财 a.金制的gone 【ɡɔn】 vi.(go的过去分词)good 【ɡud】 好的 n.利益;好处goods 【ɡudz】 货物,商品,动产got 【ɡɔt】 get 的过去式[分词]govern 【'ɡʌvən】 统治,治理;支配government 【'ɡʌvənmənt】 政府;治理;政治grain 【ɡrein】 谷物,颗粒,一点点granddaughter 【'ɡræn,dɔ:tə】孙女,外孙女grandfather 【'ɡrænd,fɑ:ðə】(外)祖父;祖先grandmother 【'ɡrænd,mʌðə】 祖母,外祖母grandson 【ɡrændsʌn】 孙子,外孙子grass 【ɡrɑ:s】 草地;草原;牧场gray 【grei】 灰色的 n.灰色great 【ɡreit】 伟大的;很大的green 【ɡri:n]】 绿的,没有经验的grew 【ɡru】 grow 的过去式grind 【ɡraind】 碾碎,磨快,折磨ground 【ɡraund】 地面;根据;基础group 【ɡru:p】 .群,团体v.归类,集合grow 【ɡrəu】 生长;种植;渐渐变得grown 【ɡrəun】 grow 的过去分词guarantee 【ɡærən'ti:】 保证;担保 vt.允诺guard 【ɡa:d】 守卫;看守 n.卫兵guerrilla 【ɡə'rilə】 游击队;游击战guide 【ɡaid】 导游者 vt.给…导游guilty 【'ɡilti】 .有罪的,内疚的gun 【ɡʌn】 枪,炮,手枪hair 【hεə】 n.头发,毛发;毛half 【ha:f】 半;一半;半个halt 【hɔ:lt】 停止;立定 n.停住hang 【hæŋ】 笼罩(与over连用) happen 【'hæpən】发生;碰巧,恰好happy 【hæpi】 幸福的;快乐的Hard 【ha:d】 努力地,艰苦地;硬harm 【ha:m】伤害,损害 vt.损害harvest 【hæt】 收获(物);收割hat 【hæt】 帽子(一般指带边的) hate 【heit】 憎恨;不愿,不喜欢have 【hæv】 (主格)他head 【hed】 用头顶(球)vi.出发headquarters 【hed'kwɔ:təz】 总部(署), 司令部heal 【hi:l】 治愈 v.i.痊愈health 【helθ】 健康;健康状况;卫生hear 【hiə】 听见;审讯;听说heard 【hə:d】 hear 的过去式(分词)heat 【hi:t】 热;激烈 v.(使)变热heavy 【'hevi】重的;大的;充满的held 【held】 hold 的过去式(分词)helicopter 【'helikɔptə】 直升飞机help 【help】 .帮助;援助 n.帮手here 【hiə】 这里;此刻, 这时hero 【hiərəu】 男主角;英雄;勇士hid 【hid】 hide 的过去式(分词) hidden 【'hidən】 a.隐藏的,秘密的hide 【haɪd】 把…藏起来;隐瞒high 【hai】 高的;高级的 ad.高hijack 【'haidʒæk】 动持,劫机hill 【hil】 小山,山岗;丘陵history 【'histəri】 .历史;历史学;经历hit 【hit】 轰动一时的人(或事) hold 【həuld】 怀有,持有(见解等) hole 【həul】 洞;孔眼,裂开处holiday 【'halɪdeɪ】假日,节日;假期holy 【'həuli】 神圣的,圣洁的home 【home 】 .回家,在家 n.家honest 【'anɪst】 诚实的,正直的honor 【'ɔnə】 荣誉,名誉 v.尊敬hope 【həup】 希望 n.希望, 愿望horrible 【'hɔrəbl】 可怕的;极讨厌的horse 【hɔas】 马; [体育]木马hospital 【'hɔspitəl】 .医院,兽医院hostage 【'hɔstidʒ】 人质,抵押品hostile 【'hɔstail,】 有敌意的,不友好的hot 【hɔt】 热的;刺激的;辣的hotel 【həu'tel】 旅馆, 宾馆hour 【'auə】 小时;时间,时刻house 【hauz】 房子;机构vt.给住宿how 【hau】 多少;怎样;多么however 【hau'evə】 然而,可是;仍然huge 【hju:dʒ】 庞大的,巨大的human 'hju:mən】 人的,人类的humor 【'hju:mə】 .幽默(感),心情hunger 【'hʌŋɡə】 .饿,饥饿;渴望hunt 【hʌnt】 追猎;追赶 vi.打猎hurry 【'hʌri】 仓促, 急迫 v.催促hurt 【hə:t】 使受伤,使痛,伤害husband 【'hʌzbənd】 丈夫ice 【ais】 冰vt.使成冰vi.结冰idea 【ai'diə】 主意, 念头, 想法identify 【ai'dentifai】 认出,识别,鉴定if 【if】 如果,虽然,是否illegal 【i'li:gəl】 不合法的,非法的imagine 【i'mædʒin】 想象,设想;料想immediate 【i'mi:diət】 立即的,最近的import 【im'pɔ:t】 进口,引进 n.进口货important 【im'pɔ:tənt】 重要的;有势力的improve 【im'pru:v]】改进, 改善;增进in 【in】 里ad.进,入incident 【'insidənt】 小事件;插曲;事变incite 【in'sait】 引起;激动;煽动include 【in'klu:d】 包括,包含increase 【in'kri:s】 增加 n.增加;增大independent 【indi'pendənt】 独立的,不受约束的individual 【indi'vidjuə】 个别的;单个的industry 【'indəstri】 工业,产业;勤劳infect 【in'fekt】传染;使受影响inflation 【in'fleiʃən】 通货膨胀,物价飞涨influence 【'influəns】 影响;势力 vt.影响inform 【in'fɔ:m】 告诉,通知,报告information 【infə'meiʃən】 通知;情报;信息inject 【in'dʒek】 注射;注满;喷射injure 【'indʒə】伤害,损害,损伤innocent 【inəsənt】 清白的,幼稚的insane 【in'sein】 ad. mentally sicka.患神经病的;疯狂的insect 【'ɪnsekt】 虫,昆虫inspect 【ɪn'spekt】 检查,审查;检阅instead 【in'sted】 代替,顶替;反而instrument 【'instrumənt】 仪器;工具;乐器insult 【in'sʌlt】 侮辱,凌辱intelligence 【in'telidʒəns】 智力;理解力;情报intelligent 【in'telidʒent】 聪明的,明智的intense 【in'tens】 强烈的,极度的interest 【'intrist】 使发生兴趣 n.兴趣interfere 【,intə'fiə】 使发生兴趣 n.兴趣interfere 【,intə'fiə】 干涉,干预;妨碍international 【intə'næʃənəl】 .国际的,世界(性)的intervene 【intə'vi:n】 干涉,干预;播进invade 【in'veid】 侵入;侵略;侵犯invent 【in'vent】 发明,创造;捏造invest 【in'vest】 .对...投资investigate 【in'vestiɡeit】 调查,调查研究invite 【in'vait】 邀请,聘请;招待involve 【in'vɔlv】 卷缠;包括;使专注iron 【'aiən】 铁;烙铁 vt.烫(衣) island 【'ailənd】 岛,孤立地区issue 【'iʃju:, 】问题;发行 vt.发行it 【it】 pron.这,那,它jail 【dʒeil】 .监狱;监禁jewel 【'dʒu:əl】 宝石 vt.镶以宝石job 【dʒɔb】 职业;工作;零活join 【dʒɔin】 连接,并(运算)joint 【dʒɔint】 .接合(处) a.连接的joke 【dʒəuk】 笑话;玩笑vi.开玩笑judge 【dʒʌdʒ】 法官,裁判 v.审判jump 【dʒʌmp】 .跳;暴涨 vt.跳过jury 【'dʒuəri】 陪审团;评判委员会just 【dʒʌst]】 刚刚;只不过;仅仅keep 【ki:p】 vt.保存,保持;留住kept 【kept】 keep 的过去式(分词)kick 【kik】 踢 n.快感;后座力kidnap 【kidnæp】 杀死;扼杀;消磨kind 【kaind】 仁慈的 n.种;实物kiss 【kis】 .吻 vi.接吻 n.吻knew 【nju:】 know 的过去式knife 【naif】 小刀,刀,餐刀know 【nəu】 知道;认识;通晓knowledge【'nɔlidʒ】 知识,学识;知道known 【nəun】 know 过去分词labor 【'leibə】 分娩;劳动 vi.工作laboratory【lə'bɔrətəri】 实验室;研究室(所)lack 【læk】缺乏,没有laid 【leid】 lay 的过去式(分词) lain 【lein 】 lie 的过去分词lake 【leik】 湖泊,湖水land 【lænd】 陆地;土地 vi.上岸language 【'læŋɡwidʒ】 国语;语言;代码large 【lɑrdʒ】 巨大;广博;重要的last 【la:dʒ】 持续 a.最后的late 【leit】 迟(的),晚的laugh 【la:f】 大笑,发笑 n.笑launch 【lɔ:ntʃ】 .发射;发动(战争等)law 【lɔ】 法例,法令,法律lay 【lei】 .放;安排;铺设;覆盖lead 【li:d】 引导,领先,率领leak 【li:k】 漏;泄露 n.漏洞learn 【lə:n】 学习;听到;认识learnt 【lə:nt】 learn 的过去式(分词)leave 【liv】 离开;剩下 vi.离去led 【li:v】 lead 的过去式(分词) left 【[left】 左边;左 adj.左边的legal 【'li:ɡəl】 法律(上)的;合法的legislature 【'ledʒisleitʃə】 立法机关lend 【lend】 借给,出借 vi.贷款lent 【lent】 lend 的过去式(分词) less 【les】 更少的 adv.较小let 【let】 容许,使得,假设letter 【'letə】 字母;信;证书;文字level 【evəl】 标准 vt.使成水平liberal 【'libərəl】 心胸宽大的;慷慨的lie 【lai】说谎,欺骗 n.谎话life 【laif】 .生命;一生;寿命lift 【lift】 提起,提高 n.电梯light 【'lait】点燃;照亮vi.点着lightning 【'laitniŋ】 .闪电,闪电放电like 【laik】 .喜欢n.同样的人(物) limit 【'limit】 .界限 vt.限制;限定line 【lain】 线;生产线;排,行link 【liŋk】 环;联系人 vt.连接liquid 【'likwid】 液体 adj.液体的list 【list】 名单 vt.列表;编目listen 【'lisən】 听,留神听;听从literature 【litərətʃə】 文学;文献;著作little 【'litl】 小的,一点,少的live 【lʌv】 居住,生存 adj.活的load 【ləud】 负载,负担 v.装载loan 【ləun】 .贷款;暂借 vt.借出local 【'ləukə】 .地方的,当地的lonely 【'ləunli】 孤独的;寂寞的long 【lɔŋ】 .长的;远的 ad.长久look 【luk】.看;期待n.外观;神色lose 【lu:z】失去;迷失;输掉lost 【lɔst,】lose过去式 a.失去的loud 【laud】 大声地(的)love 【lʌv】 爱情 vt.爱;爱好low 【ləu】低的;浅的;矮的loyal 【'lɔiəl】 忠诚的,忠贞的luck 【lʌk】 运气;好运,幸运machine 【mə'ʃi:n】 机器 vt.机器制造made 【meid】 make 的过去式(分词)magazine 【mæɡə'zi:n】 杂志, 期刊;仓库mail 【meil】 邮件;邮递 vt.邮寄main 【mein】 主要的n.主要部分major 【meidʒə】 主要的,多数的majority 【mə'dʒɔriti 多数;大多数make 【meik】 (产品)来源 vt.制造male 【meil】 男的,雄的 n.男子man 【mæn】 部下,兵士,男人manufacture 【mænju'fæktʃə】 制造 n.制造;产品many 【meni】 许多的 pron.许多map 【mæp】 .地图;图;天体图march 【ma:tʃ】 行进;行程 v.行进mark 【ma:k】 斑点;记号 vt.标明market 【'ma:kit】 市场;销售 v.做买卖marry 【'mæri】 娶,嫁,为...主婚mass 【mæs】 (聚成一体的)团,块mate 【meit 】 有经验的;老练的 material 【m ə'ti əri əl 】 .材料;素材a.物质的mathematics 【mæθə'mætiks 】 数学 matter mæt ə】事情;物质 vi.要紧 may 【mei 】 .可能;可以,祝 mayor 【'mεə】 市长;镇长meal 【mi:l 】 (一)餐,(一顿)饭食 mean 【mi:n 】打算;低劣的;中等的 meant 【ment 】 mean 的过去式(分词)measure 【me ʒə】 .量度; 范围 vt.测量meat 【mi:t 】 (猪、牛、羊等的)肉 media 【'mi:di ə】 (新闻,传播)媒介medicine 【medisin 】 医学; 内科;药剂meet 【mi:t 】 遇到;会见;满足;符合melt 【melt 】.融化;融合 n.熔解 member 【'memb ə】 成员,会员,社员memorial 【mi'm ɔ:ri əl, -'m əu-】纪念的,追悼的memory 【'mem əri 】 记忆力; 回忆; 纪念mental 【'ment əl 】 精神的;脑力的 mercy 【'm ə:si 】 怜悯;宽恕;仁慈message 【mesid ʒ】 信息,消息;启示 met 【met 】 meet 的过去和过去分词metal 【'met əl 】 金属 vt.用金属包 method 【'meθəd 】 方法,办法;教学法microscope 【'maikr əsk əup 】 显微镜 middle 【'midl 】 .中间的;中级的 militant 【'milit ənt 】 战斗性的,好斗的military 【'milit əri 】 军事的,好斗的milk 【milk 】 乳,牛奶 vt.挤(奶) mind 【maind 】 介意 vt.注意,当心mine 【main 】 我的n.矿藏v.开矿mineral 【min ər əl 】 矿物 adj.矿物的 minister 【'minist ə】 部长; 大臣 v.伺候minor 【'main ə】 a.较小的 n.未成年者minority 【mai'n ɔr əti,】少数(民族); 未成年minute 【minit 】 分;备忘录 a.微小的miss 【mis 】 惦记,想念;错过 missile 【'misail 】 n 发射物;导弹 missing 【'misiŋ】 丢失的,缺少的 mistake 【mi'steik 】 错误 vi.误解,弄错mix 【miks 】 掺和; 混淆 n.迷惑 mob 【m ɔb 】 暴民,乌合之众 model 【m ɔd əl 】 模型;模式;模特儿moderate 【'm ɔd ər ət 】 适度的n.温和主义者modern 【'm ɔd ən 】 近代的;现代的money 【'm ʌni 】 货币;金钱,财富month 【m ʌnθ】 月份; 一个月的时间moon 【mu:n 】 月球,月亮;卫星 moral 【'm ɔr əl 】 道德的;合乎道德的more 【m ɔ:】 更多的,更 adv.更 morning 【'm ɔ:niŋ】 早晨;上午 most 【m əust 】 最多;十分 n.大多数mother 【m ʌðə】 母亲; 根源 vt.产生motion 【m əu ʃən 】 手势 vt....打手势mountain 【mauntin 】 高山; 山脉; 山状物mourn 【m ɔ:n 】 悲伤;哀悼;悲哀地说move 【mu:v 】 移动;感动 n.动movement 【'mu:vm ənt 】 动作,活动;。
金融专业英语词汇大全1.a flat percentage rate of income 一致比率的所得税税率2.a long position多头部位,利多局势3.a long position多头寸;买进的期货合同4.a put option on a debt security 债务证券的卖出期权5.a sales slip签购单据,售货清单6.a short position空头部位,欠缺头寸7.a short position空头;卖出的期货合同8.a tax return税务申报表9.abnormal depreciation特别折旧10. abnormal spoilage非正常破坏11. aboriginal cost原始成本12. acceptance bank单据承兑行13. acceptance method承兑方式14. acceptance risks承兑风险15. accepting bank承兑银行16. accessory risks附带保险,附带险17.accident insurance不测保险(不包含海上,火灾和人寿险)18. accommodation of funds资本融通19. accompany vt.附带,陪伴,陪伴20. account charges账户花费21. account current (A/C,a/c)来往帐户22. account number (A/N)帐号23. account statement帐户清单24. accounting exposure会计风险25. accounting risks会计风险26. accounting value帐面价值27. accounts of assured保险帐户28. accrued bond interest应计债券利息29. accrued depreciation应计折旧30. accrued dividend应计股利31. acknowledgement of declaration (under op预定保险申报确认书32. active securities热头股票,活跃的证券33. actual cash value(保险用语)实质现金价值34. actual rate实质汇率35. adaptive expectations适应性预期36. additional insurance加保,附带保险37. additional reserve追加准备金38. adjustable policy可调整的保险单39. adjustable premium可调整的保险费40. adjusted debit balance已调整的借方余额41. advance payment of premium预缴保险费42. advance-decline theory涨跌理论43. adverse exchange逆汇、逆汇兑44. advice of drawing45. advising bank46. affiliated bank47. affiliated person48. aftermarket49. agent for collection50. Agricultural Bank of China51. agricultural loans52. agricultural(animal husbandry)tax53. allowance for doubtful debt54. alternative (either/or) order55. American Express card56. American terms57. amount in figures58. amount in words59. annual membership dues60. application form for a banking account提款通知书通知银行联行关系人次级市场托收代理银行中国农业银行农业贷款农(牧)业税备抵呆帐款项选择指令运通卡美国标价法小写金额大写金额年费银行开户申请书61. appointed bank外汇指定银行62. appreciation of exchange rate汇率增值63. arbitrage套利64. arbitrage套购,套利,套汇65. arbitrage of exchange套汇66. arbitrage of exchange or stock套汇或套股67. arbitrage opportunity套价时机68. arbitrage risks套汇风险69. as agent做代理70. as principal做自营71. Asian Development Fund (ADB)亚洲开发银行72. ask price = asking price = offer price 销售价,报价,开价,出价73. ask-bid system竞价系统74. assessment of loss估损75. assets insurance财富保险76. assignment of policy保单转让77. assumption of risk肩负风险78. asymmetry不对称79. at owner's risk风险由货主负担80. at-the-close order收盘指令81. at-the-market按市价82. at-the-money平值期权83. at-the-opening (opening only) order开盘指令84. auction marketplace拍卖市场85.automated teller machines (24 hours a day)自动取款机( 24 小时服务)86. automatic transfers between accounts自动转帐87. average均匀数88. baby bond小额债券89. back spreads反套利90. back wardation现货溢价91. balance n.结余,差额,均衡92. bank balance存款余额93.bank balance over required reserves 高出法定(必备)贮备的银行存款余额94. bank deposit银行存款95. Bank of China中国银行96. Bank of Communications交通银行97. bank of deposit存款银行98. bank of the government政府的银行99. banker's association银行协会100.banker's bank中央银行101.banker's guarantee银行担保102.bank's buying rate银行买入价103.bank's selling rate银行卖出价104.banks with business dealing with the center中央银行的来往银行105.Barclay card巴克莱银行信誉卡106.base rate基本汇价107.basis order基差订单108.basis risk基差风险109.bear market熊市110.bear operation卖空行为111.bear raiders大批抛空者112.beneficial owner得益全部人113.beneficiary of insurance保险金得益人114.best-efforts offering全力销售(代销)刊行115.bid and ask prices买入和卖出价116.bid and ask spread买卖差价117.bid price = buying price买价118.bid-ask spread递盘虚盘差价119.big board大行情牌120.big slump大衰败(狂跌)121.bill-paying services代付帐款122.black market黑市123.black market financing黑市筹资124.black money黑钱125.blanket mortgage总括抵押126.block positioner大宗头寸商127.blowout热销128.blue-chip stocks蓝筹股129.board of arbitration仲裁委员会130.board of governors理事会131.bond fund债券基金132.borrowing from affiliates向联营公司借钱133.borrowing power of securities证券贷款能力134.borrowing risks借钱风险135.bought deal包销136.bread and butter business基本业务137.breadth index宽度指数138.break-even不亏不盈,进出相抵139.breakout打破140.bridging finance过渡性融资141.broker经纪人,掮客142.brokerage经纪人佣金143.brokerage经纪业;付给经纪人的佣金144.brokerage firm经纪商(号)145.broker's loan经纪人贷款146.broking house经纪人事务所147.building agreement拥有拘束力的协议148.building tax (tax on construction)建筑税149.bullish行情看涨150.business insurance公司保险151.business risk营业风险152.business savings公司积蓄153.business tax营业税154.business term loan公司长久贷款155.bust-up risks破产风险156.buyer's risks买方风险157.call (option)买方期权,看涨期权158.call and put options买入期权和卖出期权159.call for funds控股、集资160.call loan transaction短期拆放来往161.call market活期存款市场162.call money拆放款163.call options on an equity权益(证券)的买入期权164.call-options认购期权165.cancellation撤消166.cancellation money解约金167.cap带利率上限的期权168.capital assets资本财富169.capital lease资本租借170.capital market信贷市场、资本市场171.capital resources资本根源172.capital surplus资本盈利173.capital transfer资本转移174.capital turnover rate资本周转率175.card issuing institution发卡单位176.carefully selected applicant经认真选定的申请人177.cargo insurance货物保险178.cash现金,现款 v.兑现,付现款179.cash a cheque支票兑现180.cash account现金帐户181.cash advance差旅预付款182.cash against bill of lading凭提单付现183.cash against documents(C.A.D. )凭据付现,凭据据付现金 =document against cash184.cash and carry 付现自运;现金交易和运输自理;现购自运商铺185.cash and carry wholesale付现自运批发186.cash assets现金财富187.cash audit现金审查188.cash audit现金审查,现金审计189.cash balance现金余额,现款结存190.cash basis现金制191.cash basis现金制,现金基础192.cash basis accounting现金收付会计制193.cash before delivery(C.B.D.)空货前付款,付款后交货,付现款交货194.cash bonus现金盈利195.cash book现金簿;现金帐;现金出纳帐196.cash boy送款员197.cash budget现金估算198.cash card1(银行)自动提款卡199.cash card2现金卡200.cash claim现金索赔201.cash collection basis收现法,收现制202.cash credit活期信誉放款,现金付出203.cash credit slip现金支出传票204.cash currency现金通货205.cash cycle现金循环,现金周期206.cash day付款日207.cash debit slip现金收入传票208.cash department (商业机构中的)出纳部 =counting-house 209.cash deposit现金存款;保证金210.cash deposit as collateral保证金,押金211.cash desk(商铺、饭店的)付款处212.cash disbursements现金支出213.cash discount (c.d.)现金折扣,付现折扣=settlement discount 214. cash dispenser(美)自动提款机=cashomat215.cash dividend现金股利216.cash down即付,付现217.cash equivalent value现金等值,现金相等价值218.cash flow资本流动219.cash flow现金流动220.cash flow stream现金流(量)221.cash holdings库存现金222.cash holdings库存现金223.cash in advance (c.i.a.)预付现金224.cash in bank存银行现金,银行存款225.cash in hand(商行的)手头现金,库存现金=cash on hand 226.cash in transit在途现金,在运现金227.cash in transit policy现金运送保险单228.cash in treasury库存现金229.cash invoice现购发票230.cash items现金帐项,现金科目231.cash journal现金日志簿232.cash liquidity现金流动(状况);现金周转233.cash loan现金贷款234.cash management services现金管理业务235.cash market现金交易市场,现货市场,付现市场236.cash nexus现金交易关系237.cash on arrival货到付现,货到付款238.cash on bank银行存款;银行付款;现金支票付款239.cash on deliver (C.O.D) (英)交货付款,现款交货= collect on delivery240.cash on delivery (COD)交割付款241.cash order(C/O)现金订货242.cash paid book现金支出簿243.cash payment现金支付244.cash payment现金付款,现付245.cash payments journal现金支出日志帐246.cash position头寸247.cash position现金状况,现金头寸248.cash price现金售价,现金付款价钱249.cash purchase现购,现金购置250.cash railway(商铺中的)货款传递线251.cash ratio现金比率252.cash receipts (CR)现金收入253.cash receipts journal现金收入日志帐254.cash records现金记录255.cash register现金登记机,现金收入记录机,收银机256.cash remittance汇款单;解款单257.cash remittance note现金解款单,解款单258.cash requirement现金需要量259.cash reserve现金贮备(金)260.cash resources现金资源,现金根源261.cash resources (reserves)现金准备262.cash sale现售,现金销售 =sale by real cash 263.cash sale invoice现销发票,现售发票264.cash settlement现金结算,现汇结算265.cash short and over现金尾差,盘点现金余差;现金短溢266.cash slip现金传票267.cash statement现金报表,(现金)库存表268.cash ticket现销票,门市发票269.cash transaction现金交易270.cash verification现金核实,现金核查271.cash voucher现金凭据;现金收条272.cash with order (c.w.o., C.W.O.订货时付款,订货付现,落单付现273.cash without discount付现无折扣274.cash yield discount现金赢利率,现金利润率275.cash-and-carry arbitrage现货拥有套利276.cashier出纳员,进出员277.cashier's cheque (C.C.)银行本票 =cashier's order278.central rate中心汇率(一国钱币对美元的汇率,并据此计算对其余钱币的汇率)279.certificate of balance存款凭据280.Certificate of Deposits (CDs)大额按期存款单281.certificated security实人证券282.certificates of deposit (CDs)大面额存款单283.certifying bank付款保证银行284.change hands互换,换手285.chartered bank特许银行286.chattel动产287.chattel mortgage动产抵押288.chattel mortgage动产抵押289.chattel mortgage bond(美)动产抵押(公司)债券290.chattel personal(个人)动产291.chattel real准不动产(土地权等)292.check certificate查考证明书293.check deposit支票存款294.check list(查对用的)清单295.check sheet对帐单296.checking account支票帐户297.checking deposits支票存款,活期存款298.checking reserve支票现金贮备299.checkstand(超级市场的)点货收款台300.cheque (payable) to bearer来人支票,不记名支票301.cheque book支票簿302.cheque book stub支票簿存根303.cheque card支票卡304.cheque collection支票兑取305.cheque collector支票兑取人306.cheque crossed划线支票307.cheque crossed generally一般划线支票308.cheque crossed specially特别划线支票309.cheque deposit支票存款310.cheque drawer支票出票人311.cheque holder支票执票人312.cheque only for account转帐支票313.cheque payable at sight见票即付支票314.cheque protector支票银码机315.cheque rate 单据汇兑汇率,票汇价钱 =sight rate ,short rate 316.cheque register支票登记簿317.cheque returned退票,退回的支票318.cheque signer支票署名机319.cheque stub支票存根320.cheque to order记名支票,指定人支票321.China Investment Bank中国投资银行322.circulation risks流通风险323.circulation tax (turnover tax)流转税324.city bank城市银行325.claim a refound索赔326.clean collections光票托收327.clearing bank清理银行328.clearing house清理所329.clearinghouse清理公司,单据互换所330.close out平仓,结清(账)331.closed and mortgage闭嘴抵押332.closing order收市价订单333.closing rate收盘价334.closing transaction平仓交易335.collar带利率上下限的期权336.collateral loan抵押借钱337.collecting bank托收银行338.collecting bank托收银行339.collecting bank代收行340.collection instructions拜托(托收的)单据341.collection items托收业务,托收项目342.collection of trade charges托收货款343.collection on clean bill光票托收344.collection on documents跟单托收345.collection order托收拜托书346.collection risk托收风险347.collection risks托收风险348.collection service托收伏务349.collective-owned enterprise bonus tax集体公司奖金税350.collective-owned enterprise income tax集体公司所得税mercial and industrial loans工商贷款mercial deposit商业存款mercial paper商业单据mercial paper house经营商业单据的商号mercial risk商业风险mercial terms商业条件mission佣金modity futures商品期货modity insurance商品保险mon collateral共同担保mon fund共同基金mon stock一般股mon trust fund共同信托基金pensatory financing赔偿性融资petitive risks竞争风险posite depreciation综合折旧pound interest复利pound rate复利率pound rate deposit复利存款prehensive insurance综合保险371.condominium公寓私有共有方式372.confirming bank保兑银行373.congestion area震荡区374.congestion tape一致自动行情显示375.conservatism and liquidity稳重性与流动性376.consortium bank银团银行377.constructure risk建设风险378.consumer financing花费融资379.contingent risks或有风险380.contract money合同保证金381.contract size合约容量382.contracts of difference差别合约383.contractual value合同价钱384.controlled rates控制的汇率385.converge集聚,(为共同利益而)联合一同386.conversion汇兑、兑换387.convertible currency可兑换的钱币388.cooling-off period等候期389.cooperative financing合作金融390.cornering the market操控市场391.corners垄断392.corporate deposits法人存款393.correspondent代理行394.cost of maintenance维修费395.counter-inflation policy反通货膨胀对策396.cover填补,补进(卖完的商品等)397.cover 填补(损失等);负担(开销);补进(商品或股票等);保险398.coverage承保险别;保险总数;范围保险399.coverage ratio偿债能力比率400.cover-note暂保单;投保通知单401.credit信誉,信贷402.credit account (C.A., C/A)赊帐 =open account2 403.credit agreement信贷协议404.credit amount信贷金额;赊帐金额;信誉证金额405.credit analysis信誉剖析406.credit balance贷方余额,结欠,贷余407.credit bank信贷银行408.credit beneficiary信誉证得益人409.credit business赊售,信誉买卖410.credit buying赊购411.credit capital信贷资本412.credit cards信誉卡413.credit control信誉控制414.credit control instrument信誉调理手段415.credit expansion信誉扩充416.credit extending policy融资目标417.credit facility信誉透支418.credit limit信誉额度419.credit restriction信誉限额420.credit risk信誉风险421.credit union信誉合作社422.creditor bank债权银行423.crop up (out)出现,体现424.cross hedge交错套做425.cross hedging交错保值426.cum dividend附息427.cum rights含权428.cumulative preferred stock积累优先股429.currency futures外币期货430.currency futures contract钱币期货合约431.current fund流动基金432.current futures price现时的期货价钱433.current ratio流动比率434.customize按顾客的详细要求制作435.customs duty(tariffs)关税436.D/D (Banker's Demand Draft)票汇437.daily interest日息438.daily limit每天涨(跌)停板439.date of delivery交割期440.dealers批发商441.death and gift tax遗产和赠与税442.debt of honour信誉借钱443.debtor bank借方银行444.decision-making under risk风险下的决议445.deed契约446.deed tax契税447.deferred savings按期存款448.deficit covering填补赤字449.deficit-covering finance赤字财政450.deflation通货收缩451.delivery date交割日452.demand pull inflation需求拉动通货膨胀453.demand-deposit or checking-accounts活期存款或支票帐户454.deposit account (D/A)存款帐户455.deposit at call通知存款456.deposit bank存款银行457.deposit money存款钱币458.deposit rate存款利率459.deposit turnover存款周转率460.depreciation risks贬值风险461.derivative deposit派生计款462.derived deposit派生计款463.designated currency指定钱币464.deutsche marks (=DM)西德马克465.devaluation of dollar美元贬值466.developer发展商467.Development Bank开发银行468.development financing发展融资469.devise遗赠470.die intestate死时没有遗言471.Diners card大莱信誉卡472.direct exchange直接汇兑473.direct financing直接融资474.direct hedging直接套做475.direct leases直接租借476.direct taxation直接税477.discount credit贴现融资478.discount market贴现市场479.discount on bills单据贴现480.discount paid已付贴现额481.discounted cash flow净现金量482.discounting bank贴现银行483.dishonour risks拒付风险484.disintermediation脱媒485.distant futures远期期货486.diversification分别投资487.dividends盈利488.document of title物权单据489.documentary collection跟单托收490.Documents against Acceptance,D/A承兑交单491.Documents against Payment,D/P付款交单492.domestic correspondent国内通汇银行493.domestic deposit国内存款494.domestic exchange国内汇兑495.double leasing两重租借496.double mortgage两重抵押497.double option双向期权498.Dow Jones average道·琼斯均匀数499.down payment首期500.downgrade降级501.downside降落趋向502.downtick跌点交易503.Dragon card龙卡504.draw提款505.draw cheque签发单据506.drawee bank付款银行507.drawing account提款帐户508.dual exchange market两重外汇市场509.dual trading两重交易510.due from other funds应收其余基金款511.due to other funds对付其余基金款512.dumping甩卖513.early warning system预警系统514.easy credit放松信贷515.economic exposure经济风险516.efficient portfolio有效证券组合517.electronic accounting machine电子记帐机518.electronic cash电子现金519.electronic cash register电子收款机520.electronic debts电子借贷521.electronic funds transfer电子资本转帐522.electronic transfer电子转帐523.emergency tariff特别关税524.encumbrance债权(在不动产上设定的债权)525.endorsement for collection托收背书526.engage in arbitrage (to)套汇527.entity n.单位,整体,个体528.entrance fee申请费529.equalization fund(外汇)均衡基金530.equipment leasing services设备租借业务531.equity portfolio股票财富532.establishing bank开证银行533.ethics risks道德风险534.Euro-bank欧洲银行535.Eurocard欧洲系统卡536.European terms欧洲标价法537.evaluation of property房产估价538.evasion of foreign currency逃汇539.exception clause免责条款540.excess insurance超额保险541.exchange adjustment汇率调整542.exchange alteration改正汇率543.exchange arbitrage外汇套利544.exchange bank外汇银行545.exchange broker外汇经纪人546.exchange brokerage外汇经纪人佣金547.exchange business外汇业务548.exchange clearing agreement外汇结算协议549.exchange clearing system汇结算制550.exchange competition外汇竞争551.exchange contract外汇成交单552.exchange control外汇管束553.exchange convertibility外汇兑换554.exchange customs交易所老例555.exchange depreciation外汇降落556.exchange dumping汇率畅销557.exchange fluctuations汇价改动558.exchange for forward delivery远期外汇业务559.exchange for spot delivery即期外汇业务560.exchange freedom外汇自由兑换561.exchange loss汇率损失562.exchange parity外汇平价563.exchange position外汇头寸564.exchange position外汇头寸;外汇动向565.exchange premium外汇升水566.exchange profit外汇利润567.exchange proviso clause外汇保值条款568.exchange quota system外汇配额制569.exchange rate汇价570.exchange rate fluctuations外汇汇价的颠簸571.exchange rate parity外汇兑换的固定汇率572.exchange rate risks外汇汇率风险573.exchange reserves外汇贮备574.exchange restrictions外汇限制575.exchange risk外汇风险576.exchange risk兑换风险577.exchange settlement结汇578.exchange speculation外汇谋利579.exchange stability汇率稳固580.exchange surrender certificate外汇移转证581.exchange transactions外汇交易582.exchange value外汇价值583.exchange war外汇战584.excise货物税,花费税585.exercise date履行日586.exercise price, striking price履约价钱,认购价钱587.expenditure tax支出税588.expenditure tax regime支出税税制589.expenses incurred in the purchase购置物业开销590.expiration date到期日591.export and import bank出入口银行592.export gold point黄金输出点593.exposure风险594.external account对外帐户595.extraneous risks附带险596.extrinsic value外在价值597.face value面值598.facultative insurance暂时保险599.fair and reasonable公正合理600.far future risks长久期风险601.farm subsidies农产品补助602.farmland occupancy tax耕地占用税603.favourable exchange顺汇604.fax base税基605.feast tax筵席税606.feathered assets掺水财富607.fee不动产608.fee interest不动产产权609.fictions payee虚假仰头人610.fictitious assets虚假财富611.fictitious capital虚假资本612.fiduciary a.信托的,信誉的,受信托的(人)613.fiduciary field信誉领域,信托领域614.finance broker金融经纪人615.financial advising services金融咨询服务616.financial arrangement筹资安排617.financial crisis金融危机618.financial forward contract金融远期合约619.financial futures金融期货620.financial futures contract金融期货合约621.financial insolvency无力支付622.financial institutions' deposit同业存款623.financial lease金融租借624.financial risk金融风险625.financial statement analysis财务报表剖析626.financial system金融系统627.financial transaction金融业务628.financial unrest金融动乱629.financial world金融界630.first mortgage第一抵押权631.fiscal and monetary policy财政金融政策632.fixed assets固定财富633.fixed assets ratio固定财富比率634.fixed assets turnover ratio固定财富周转率635.fixed capital固定资本636.fixed costs固定成本637.fixed deposit (=time deposit)按期存款638.fixed deposit by installment零存整取639.fixed exchange rate固定汇率640.fixed par of exchange法定汇兑平价641.fixed savings withdrawal按期积蓄提款642.fixed-rate leases固定利率租借643.flexibility and mobility灵巧性与灵巧性644.flexibility of exchange rates汇率伸缩性645.flexible exchange rate浮动汇率646.floating exchange rate浮动汇率647.floating policy流动保险单648.floating-rate leases浮动利率租借649.floor带利率下限的期权650.floor broker场内经纪人651.fluctuations in prices汇率颠簸652.foregift权益金653.foreign banks外国银行654.foreign correspondent外国代理银行655.foreign currency futures外汇期货656.foreign enterprises income tax外国公司所得税657.foreign exchange certificate外汇兑换券658.foreign exchange crisis外汇危机659.foreign exchange cushion外汇缓冲660.foreign exchange dumping外汇畅销661.foreign exchange earnings外汇收入662.foreign exchange liabilities外汇欠债663.foreign exchange loans外汇贷款664.foreign exchange parity外汇平价665.foreign exchange quotations外汇行情666.foreign exchange regulations外汇条例667.foreign exchange reserves外汇贮备668.foreign exchange restrictions外汇限制669.foreign exchange retaining system外汇保存制670.foreign exchange risk外汇风险671.foreign exchange services外汇业务672.foreign exchange transaction centre外汇交易中心673.forward exchange期货外汇674.forward exchange intervention期货外汇干涉675.forward exchange sold卖出期货外汇676.forward foreign exchange远期外汇汇率677.forward operation远期(经营)业务678.forward swap远期掉期679.fraternal insurance相助保险680.free depreciation自由折旧681.free foreign exchange自由外汇682.freight tax运费税683.fringe bank边沿银行684.full insurance定额保险685.full payout leases充足偿付租借686.full progressive income tax全额累进所得税687.fund资本、基金688.fund account基金帐户689.fund allocation基金分派690.fund appropriation基金拨款691.fund balance基金结存款692.fund demand资本需求693.fund for relief救援基金694.fund for special use专用基金695.fund in trust信托基金696.fund liability基金欠债697.fund obligation基金负担698.fund raising基金筹备699.fundamental insurance基本险700.funds statement资本表701.futures commission merchants期货经纪公司702.futures contract期货合约703.futures delivery期货交割704.futures margin期货保证金705.futures market期货市场706.futures price期货价钱707.futures transaction期货交易708.FX futures contract外汇期货合约709.galloping inflation恶性通货膨胀710.gap跳空711.general endorsement不记名背书712.general fund一般基金713.general mortgage一般抵押714.Giro bank汇划银行715.given rate已知汇率716.go long买进,多头717.go short欠缺;卖空,空头718.going away分批买进719.going rate现行汇率720.Gold Ear Credit Card金穗卡ernment revenue政府收入722.graduated reserve requirement分级法定准备金723.Great Wall card长城卡724.gross cash flow现金总流量725.guarantee of payment付款保证726.guaranteed fund保证准备金727.hammering the market打压市场728.handling charge手续费729.harmony of fiscal and monetary policies财政政策和金融政策的协调730.hedge套头交易731.hedge against inflation为防通货膨胀而套购732.hedge buying买进保值期货733.hedge fund套利基金734.hedging mechanism躲避体制735.hedging risk套期保值风险736.hire purchase租购737.hit the bid点头成交738.hoarded money储藏的钱币739.holding the market托盘740.horizontal price movement横盘741.hot issue热门证券742.hot money deposits游资存款743.hot stock热门股票744.house property tax房产税745.hypothecation抵押746.idle capital闲置资本747.idle cash (money)闲散现金,游资748.idle demand deposits闲置的活期存款749.immobilized capital固定化的财富750.immovable property不动产751.import regulation tax入口调理税752.imposition收税;税;税款753.imprest bank account定额银行存款专户754.in force(法律上)有效的755.in the tank跳水756.inactive market不活跃市场757.income in kind实物所得758.income tax liabilities所得税责任,所得税债务759.income taxes所得税760.indemnity赔偿,赔偿761.indirect arbitrage间接套汇762.indirect finance间接金融763.indirect hedging间接套做764.indirect leases间接租借(即:杠杆租借)765.indirect rate间接汇率766.indirect taxation间接税767.individual income regulation tax个人调理税768.individual income tax个人所得税769.individual savings个人积蓄770.Industrial and Commercial Bank of China 中国工商银行771. industrial financing工业融资772.industrial-commercial consolidated tax 工商一致税773.industrial-commercial income tax工商所得税774.industrial-commercial tax工商税775.inflation通货膨胀776.inflation rate通货膨胀率777.inflationary spiral螺旋式上涨的通货膨胀778.inflationary trends通货膨胀趋向779.infrastructure bank基本建设投资银行780.initial margin初始保证金781.initial margin期初保证权782.initial margins初始保证金783.initial reserve早期准备金784.insider内情人785.installment savings零存整取积蓄786.institution机构投资者787.insurance appraiser保险损失评论人788.insurance broker保险经纪人789.insurance contract保险契约,保险合同790.insurance saleman保险外勤791.insurance services保险业务792.insure against fire保火险793.insured被保险人794.interbank market银行同业市场795.inter-business credit同行放帐796.interest on deposit存款利息797.interest per annum年息798.interest per month月息799.interest rate futures contract利率期货合约800.interest rate policy利率政策801.interest rate position利率头寸802.interest rate risk利率风险803.interest restriction利息限制804.interest subsidy利息补助805.interest-rate risk利息率风险806.interim finance中间金融807.intermediary bank中间银行808.intermediate account中间帐户809.internal reserves内部准备金810.international banking services国际银行业务811.International Investment Bank (IIB)国际投资银行812.international leasing国际租借813.in-the-money有内在价值的期权814.intraday日内815.intrinsic utility内在功效816.intrinsic value实质价值,内部价值817.inward documentary bill for collection入口跟单汇票,入口押汇(汇票)818.isolation of risk风险隔绝819.issue bank刊行银行820.JCB card JCB 卡821.joint financing共同贷款822.key risk重点风险823.kill a bet停止赌博nd use tax土地使用税rge deposit大额存款rge leases大型租借tent inflation潜伏的通货膨胀tent inflation潜伏的通货膨胀829.lease agreement租约830.lease and release租借和停租831.lease broker租借经纪人832.lease financing租借筹租833.lease immovable租借的不动产834.lease in perpetuity永租权835.lease insurance租借保险836.lease interest insurance租借权益保险837.lease land租借土地838.lease mortgage租借抵押839.lease out租出840.lease property租借财富841.lease purchase租借购置842.lease rental租借费843.lease territory租借地844.leaseback回租845.leasebroker租借经纪人846.leased immovable租借的不动产847.leasehold租借土地848.leasehold租借期,租借营业,租借权849.leasehold property租借财富850.leaseholder租借人851.leaseholder承租人,租借人852.leases agent租借代理853.leases arrangement租借安排854.leases company租借公司855.leases structure租借构造856.leasing出租857.leasing agreement租借协议858.leasing amount租借金额859.leasing asset出租财富,租借财富860.leasing clauses租借条款861.leasing consultant租借顾问862.leasing contract租借合同863.leasing cost租借成本864.leasing country承租国865.leasing division租借部866.leasing equipment租借设备867.leasing industry租借业868.leasing industry (trade)租借业869.leasing money租借资本870.leasing period租借期871.leasing regulations租借条例872.legal interest法定利息873.legal tender法定钱币874.legal tender本位钱币,法定钱币875.lessee承租人,租户876.lessor出租人877.letter of confirmation确认书878.letter transfer信汇879.leveraged leases杠杆租借880.lien扣押权,抵押权881.life insurance人寿保险882.life of assets财富寿命883.limit order限价指令884.limited floating rate有限浮动汇率885.line of business行业,营业范围,经营种类886.liquidation清仓887.liquidity流动性888.liquidity of bank银行财富流动性889.listed stock上市股票890.livestock transaction tax牲口交易税891.loan account贷款帐户892.loan amount贷款额893.loan at call拆放894.loan bank放款银行895.loan volume贷款额896.loan-deposit ratio寄存款比率897.loans to financial institutions金融机构贷款898.loans to government政府贷款899.local bank地方银行900.local income tax (local surtax)地方所得税901.local surtax地方附带税902.local tax地方税903.long arbitrage多头套利904.long position多头头寸905.long position多头寸;买进的期货合同906.long-term certificate of deposit长久存款单907.long-term credit bank长久信誉银行908.long-term finance长久资本融通909.loss leader特价商品,损失大项910.loss of profits insurance利润损失保险911.loss on exchange汇兑损失912.low-currency dumping低汇畅销913.low-currency dumping低汇畅销914.M/T (= Mail Transfer)信汇915.main bank主要银行916.maintenance margin最低保证金,保持保证金917.major market index主要市场指数918.management risk管理风险919.managing bank of a syndicate财团的经理银行920.manipulation操控921.margin保证金922.margin call保证金通知923.margin call追加保证金的通知924.margin money预收保证金,开设信誉证保证金925.margin rate保证金率926.markdown贬价927.market discount rate市场贴现率928.market expectations市场预期929.market makers造市者930.market order市价订单931.market risk市场风险932.marketability流动性933.market-clearing市场结算934.Master card万事达卡935.matching搭配936.mature liquid contracts到期合约937.maximum limit of overdraft透支额度938.measures for monetary ease金融和缓举措939.medium rate中间汇率940.medium-term finance中期金融941.member bank会员银行lion card百万卡943.minimum cash requirements最低现金拥有量(需求)944.minimum reserve ratio法定最低准备比率945.mint parity法定平价946.monetary action金融举措947.monetary aggregates钱币流通额948.monetary and credit control钱币信誉管理949.monetary and financial crisis钱币金融危机950.monetary area钱币区951.monetary assets钱币性财富952.monetary base钱币基础953.monetary circulation钱币流通954.monetary device金融调理手段955.monetary ease银根松动956.monetary market金融市场957.monetary market金融市场958.monetary risk钱币风险959.monetary stringency银根奇紧960.monetary unit钱币单位961.money capital钱币资本962.money collector收款人963.money credit钱币信誉964.money down付现款965.money equivalent钱币等价966.money paid on account定金967.money-flow analysis钱币流量剖析968.money-over-money leases钱币加成租借969.moral hazard道德风险970.mortgage bank抵押银行971.motor vehicle and highway user tax灵巧车和公路使用税972.movables all risks insurance动产综合保险973.movables insurance动产保险974.multinational bank跨国银行975.multiunit公寓楼976.mutual insurance company互相保险公司977.national bank国家银行978.nationalized bank国有化银行979.near money准钱币980.nearby contracts近期合约981.nearby futures近期期货982.nearby risks近期风险983.negotiability流通性984.negotiating bank议付银行985.nesting配套 settlement status净结算状况,净结算头寸987.neutral money中介钱币988.neutrality of the central bank中央银行的中立性989.nominal account名义帐户990.nominal deposit名义存款991.non-member bank非会员银行992.non-resident account非居民存款993.notional principal名义本金994.notional sum名义金额995.off-balance-sheet表外业务996.offer rate卖出汇率997.official borrowing政府借钱998.official devaluation法定贬值999.official rate (of exchange)官方汇价1000.official short-term credit官方短期信誉。
最新 金融专业英语词汇大全汇总表(带音标下载版)
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金融专业英语词汇大全汇总表(带音标下载版)(共2346个) 2019.21.meanwhile[ˈmiːnwaɪl] adv. 同时,其间; n. 其间,其时【单词助记】相同意思:in the meantime,at the same time2.xerox[ˈzɪrɑːks] v. 复印【单词助记】 xe"影印xerox"成了ox———by Arthur3.preface[ˈprefəs] n. 序言,前言,开端【单词助记】【记】pre前,face脸-书前面的脸-序言4.tackle[ˈtækl] v. 处理,对付,(足球等比赛中)阻截; n. 滑车,用具,阻截【单词助记】我用{滑车等装备}把它 [带走]tack "了"le,因为我能{处理}这事情plete[kəmˈpliːt] adj. 完整的,完成的; v. 完成,使齐全【单词助记】 plet,ple,plen,pli=full,fill,表示"满,填满"。
complete a 完全的(com 全部+plete 满→全满→完全的)6.worthwhile[ˌwɜːrθˈwaɪl] adj. 值得(花时间、精力)的,有意义的【单词助记】 worthwhile 有价值的那一会儿=值得花时间的7.talent[ˈtælənt] n. 才能,天赋【单词助记】【音】太能的;天才就是太能的人8.sympathy[ˈsɪmpəθi] n. 同情,同感【单词助记】谁怕谁——不和你斗,我不是怕你,我是同情你9.mean[miːn] n. 平均值,方法; v. 意味着; adj. 下贱的,卑鄙的,平均的,吝啬的【单词助记】 mean;连串记忆"平均"意味着""卑鄙"10.woollen[ˈwʊlən] adj. 羊毛(制)的,羊毛的【单词助记】「谐音」我冷。
需要羊毛衫11.synthesis[ˈsɪnθəsɪs] n. 合成【单词助记】 thesis,thet=setting,表示"放置"。
A:The City Bank. May I help you, sir?花旗银⾏。
先⽣,我可以帮你吗?B:Yes, I'd like to close my account.是的,我想销户。
A:May I have your name, please?请问你的名字是什么?B:Adam Smith.亚当史密斯。
A:Alright, what's your address?好的,你的地址是哪⾥?B:56 Edison Ave, Apartment 39, Los Angeles.洛杉矶爱迪⽣⼤街56号39号公寓。
A:When would you like your account closed?你想什么时候销户呢?B:Next Friday.下个星期五。
A:Okay. Where would you like to have your last bill sent to you?⾏。
最后⼀笔钱你想寄到哪⾥去?B:14 May flower Ave, Los Angeles.洛杉矶五⽉花号⼤街4号。
A:Alright, We'll take care of that.好的,我们会处理的。
1.City Bank 花旗银⾏美国⼀家银⾏,也是⽬前世界上零售业务最为出⾊的⾦融服务集团,其前⾝是美国纽约城市银⾏,通过资产扩张和组合,成为银⾏。
2.close account 注销账户You need your ID card to open and close your bank account.⽆论是银⾏开户,还是注销账户,都需要⾝份证。
3.take care of 照顾,注意,处理Taking care of any potential danger is needed when take care of a toddler.在照顾⼀个蹒跚学步的孩⼦时,需要时刻注意任何潜在的危险。
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金融英语口语大全(MP3+双语字幕)第15期 New Words
broke adj.
penniless adj.
overdraft n.
grant n.
embassy n.
Phrases & Expressions
by the way
not again
in the black
in the red
A:Hi, Lao Li. How are you?
L:Fine. Thank you. How are you?
A:Not bad. Er, Lao Li, I wonder whether I could ask you a favor?
L:Go ahead.
A:Well, you see... I'm broke. Do you think you could lend me some money until next Friday?
L:I'd like to help you, Abbey, but I'm a bit short myself.
I've only got£10 to last me until the end of the week. I am sorry.
A:Never mind. It can't be helped. By the way, have you opened an account yet?
L:No, not yet.
A:It looks like I'll have to borrow some money from the bank. Why don't you come with me?
L:Yeah, I think I will.
Bank Clerk:Good morning, Miss Abbey. We haven't seen you for a while.
A:Yes, it seems that I only visit you when I'm penniless.
Clerk:Not again!
A:I'm afraid so. Do you think the bank could lend me£20
until my grant comes through next week?
Clerk:But you already have an overdraft, Miss Abbey. In fact, your account is very rarely in the black for long.