Denon AVR-S650HAV接收机


Yamaha AV RECEIVER 使用手册说明书

Yamaha AV RECEIVER 使用手册说明书

目录 连接- 连接扬声器 播放 设置 故障排除附录 补充信息A V RECEIVER使用手册DRX-3.2≫≫≫≫≫≫≫≫包装箱中的物品 5零件名称 6前面板 6显示屏 8后面板 9遥控器 11连接连接扬声器 13扬声器安装 14扬声器连接“Speaker Setup”设置 32扬声器组合 45连接电视 46连接 ARC 电视 47连接非 ARC 电视 48连接播放设备 49连接装有 HDMI 接口的 AV 设备 49连接无 HDMI 接口的 AV 设备 50连接音频组件 51连接视频摄像机等 52连接单独房间中的 AV 设备(多区域连接) 53连接电视 (ZONE 2) 53连接前置主放大器 (ZONE 2) 54连接天线 55网络连接 56连接外部控制设备 57 IR IN/OUT 端口 57 12V TRIGGER OUT 接口 58连接电源线 59播放AV 设备播放 61基本操作 61 BLUETOOTH®播放 62基本操作 62网络电台 63播放 63 AirPlay® 65基本操作 65 DTS Play-Fi® 66播放 66 FlareConnect TM 67播放 67 USB 存储设备 68基本操作 68设备和支持的格式 70播放 PC 和 NAS(Music Server)上的文件 71 Windows Media® Player 设置 71播放 72支持的音频格式 74 Play Queue 75初始设置 75添加 Play Queue 信息 75排序和删除 76播放 76收听 AM/FM 电台 77调谐至一个无线电台 77预设无线电台 79使用 RDS(澳大利亚及亚洲产品类型) 81多区域功能 82切换遥控模式 (Zone 2) 83切换遥控模式 (Zone 3) 84播放 85便利功能 87调整音调 87聆听模式 88选择聆听模式 88聆听模式效果 90可选聆听模式 93设置Setup 菜单 102菜单列表 102菜单操作 1041. Input/Output Assign 1052. Speaker 1093. Audio Adjust 1134. Source 1145. Listening Mode Preset 1156. Hardware 1167. Multi Zone 1298. Miscellaneous 130 Quick Menu 131菜单操作 131 Web Setup 133菜单操作 133 Firmware Update 134本机中的更新功能 134通过网络更新固件 135通过 USB 更新 137使用自动启动向导进行 Initial Setup 139操作 139故障排除当本机错误运行 143故障排除 144附录关于 HDMI 152一般规格 1541. 主机 (1) Array2. 遥控器 (RC-912R) (1)3. 扬声器设置麦克风 (1)• 在 Initial Setup 过程中使用。

ONKYO AV接收机 TX-NR708 说明书

ONKYO AV接收机 TX-NR708 说明书
操作说明中包括的控制功能,因为如果调整不 当可能导致设备损坏,就需要维修技工花费大 量的工作时间将设备恢复到正常的状态。 E. 设备曾被跌过或是外壳已被损毁。 F. 设似乎不能正常操作,或者显示出在性能上有 明显的改变。 16. 固体与液体进入机器 应该小心不要让物体或是液体透过个洞孔倒泻入
4. 电源 警告 第一次接通电源之前,请仔细阅读以下说明。 因为各国之间交流电的电压不同,请确认您所在 地区的电压与产品后面板上标明的要求相符 (即:AC230V,50Hz,或 AC120V,60Hz)
电源线插头平时是不连接到交流电源上的。请确 认电源插头是否随时可以使用 (很方便地插 上)。
按下 ON/STANDBY 按钮选择待机模式时,请不 要完全关闭主机。并没有完全关闭设备。如果长 时间不使用设备,请拔掉电源线。 5. 预防收听失真 注意 来自耳机和听筒的过分声压会导致声音失真。 6. 电池与散热 警告 电池 (电池包装或电池安装)不要放置在强光暴 晒,火源等过热的地方。 7. 严禁湿手触摸机器—湿手状态下,严禁接触机器 或机器的电源连接线。如有水或其他液体进入机 器,请与 Onkyo 的经销商联系进行检修。 8. 搬运注意事项 • 如需要运输设备,请使用原包装材料,按照购
等边三角形内带惊叹号的指示标识,用于警告用 户存在与设备相关的重要的操作与维护〔服务〕 指示信息。
1. 阅读说明。
2. 保存好说明书。
3. 注意所有警告信息。
4. 按照说明进行操作。
5. 不要在靠近水的地方使用本设备。
6. 只能用干布清洁。
7. 不要挡住通风口,根据厂家的指示说明进行安

ONKYO AV 接收机 TX-NR509 说明书

ONKYO AV 接收机 TX-NR509 说明书
连接 AV 接收机.......................................................................................11 连接扬声器................................................................... 11 关于 AV 连接................................................................ 14 将设备与 HDMI 连接..................................................... 15 连接您的设备 ............................................................... 16 连接 Onkyo V 设备..................................................... 17 连接录制设备 ............................................................... 17 正在连接天线 ............................................................... 18 连接电源线................................................................... 18
为减少火灾Leabharlann 电击的危险,不要将设备暴露在雨 中或潮湿的环境中。
为减少电击的危险,不要取下设备的外壳(或后 盖)。内部没有用户可用的组件。请向合格的技 术服务人员谘询,并寻求帮助。



AVR-X4500H INTEGRATED NETWORK AV RECEIVER 操作说明书附件9安装电池10遥控器的操作范围10特点11高音效11高性能14简易操作18部件名称与功能19前面板19显示屏23后面板25遥控器29连接方法扬声器安装33连接扬声器41连接扬声器之前41扬声器配置和“放大器分配”设置45连接5.1声道扬声器47连接7.1声道扬声器48连接9.1声道扬声器52连接11.1声道扬声器60连接7.1声道扬声器:前置扬声器的双功放连接66连接7.1声道扬声器:第二对前置扬声器67连接多区域扬声器68连接电视机73连接1 : 配备了HDMI端子并兼容ARC(Audio Return Channel)/ eARC(Enhanced Audio Return Channel)的电视机74连接2 : 配备了HDMI端子且不兼容ARC(Audio Return Channel)/ eARC(Enhanced Audio Return Channel)的电视机76连接3 : 未配备HDMI端子的电视机77连接播放设备78连接机顶盒(卫星调谐器/有线电视)79连接DVD播放机或蓝光碟片播放机80连接兼容Denon Link HD功能的蓝光碟片播放机81连接摄像机或游戏机82连接电唱机83将USB存储设备连接至USB端口84连接FM/AM天线85连接至家庭网络(LAN)87有线LAN87无线局域网88连接外部控制设备89 REMOTE CONTROL插孔89 TRIGGER OUT 插口90连接电源线91播放基本操作93开启电源93选择输入源93调节音量94暂时关闭声音(静音)94播放DVD播放机/蓝光碟片播放机94播放USB存储设备95播放储存在USB存储设备上的文件96在蓝牙设备上收听音乐99从蓝牙设备播放音乐100与其他蓝牙设备配对102从蓝牙设备重新连接至本机103收听FM/AM广播104收听FM/AM广播105通过输入频率来进行调谐(直接调谐)106更改调谐模式(调谐模式)107自动调谐到电台并进行预设(自动预设记忆)107预设当前广播电台(预设记忆)108收听预设电台108指定预设广播电台的名称(预设名称)109跳过预设的广播电台(跳过预设)110取消跳过预设111收听网络电台112收听网络电台113播放存储在计算机或NAS中的文件114播放存储在计算机或NAS中的文件115获取 HEOS App118 HEOS账户119从流媒体音乐服务播放120在多个房间聆听相同的音乐123 AirPlay功能127从iPhone、iPod touch或iPad播放歌曲128从iTunes播放歌曲128使用本机的遥控器进行iTunes的播放操作129在多个同步设备上播放iPhone、iPod touch或 iPad上的曲目 (AirPlay 2)130 QPlay功能131在本机上播放QQ音乐曲目131便捷功能132添加到HEOS最爱收藏133播放HEOS最爱收藏133删除HEOS最爱收藏134调节各声道的音量以与输入源相符(声道电平调节)135调节音调(音调)136音频播放过程中播放所需视频(视频选择)137根据您的观看环境调节图片质量(画面模式)138在所有区域中播放相同的音乐(所有区域立体声)139选择声音模式140选择声音模式141直通播放142纯直通播放143自动环绕播放143声音模式类型介绍144可为每个输入信号选择的声音模式148 HDMI控制功能152设置步骤152智能菜单功能153睡眠定时器功能155使用睡眠定时器156快速选择附加功能157调用设置158更改设定159面板锁定功能160禁用所有键的按键操作160禁用除VOLUME之外的所有按键操作160取消面板锁定功能161远程锁定功能162禁用遥控器的感应窗功能162启用遥控感应窗功能162网络控制功能163通过网络控制对本机进行控制163在ZONE2(区域2)/ZONE3(区域3)(另一房间)中播放165连接区域165 ZONE2 (区域2) / ZONE3 (区域3)播放171设置菜单图173菜单操作177音频178中置电平调节178低音炮音量调节178低音同步179环绕参数179 Restorer185音频延迟186音量187 Audyssey®188图形 EQ191视频193画质调整193 HDMI设置195输出设置200分量视频输出204屏幕显示204 4K信号格式205 TV格式207输入208输入分配208源重命名210隐藏源210输入源电平211输入选择211扬声器212 Audyssey®设置212扬声器的设定步骤(Audyssey®设置)214出错信息220检索Audyssey®设置设定222手动设置223放大器分配223扬声器配置231距离236电平237交叉238低音239前置扬声器240双声道回放240网络243信息243连接243 Wi-Fi设置244设置246网络控制248友好名称248诊断249HEOS账户250您尚未登录250您已经登录250常规251语言251 ECO251区域2设置 / 区域3设置255区域重命名257快速选择名称257触发器输出1 / 触发器输出2258前显示屏258固件259信息262使用率数据263保存和读取264设置锁定264重置265通过遥控器操作外部设备266注册预设代码267操作设备270初始化注册的预设代码273指定使用遥控器的操作区域273重设遥控器273提示提示275故障诊断277电源无法开启 / 电源关闭278使用遥控器无法执行操作279本机显示屏不显示内容279不发出声音280所需声音没有发出281声音中断或出现噪音284电视机上不显示视频285菜单屏幕不显示在电视机上287电视机上所显示菜单画面和操作内容的颜色与正常时不同287 AirPlay无法播放288USB存储设备无法播放289无法播放蓝牙设备290网络电台无法播放291计算机或NAS上的音乐文件无法播放292无法播放各种在线服务293 HDMI控制功能无效293无法连接至无线LAN网络294使用HDMI ZONE2时,设备无法正确运行295更新/升级错误消息296恢复出厂设置297恢复网络设置298保修和修理299附录关于HDMI300视频转换功能303播放USB存储设备305播放蓝牙设备306播放保存在计算机或NAS中的文件307播放网络收音机308个人记忆附加功能308最新功能记忆308声音模式和声道输出309声音模式和环绕参数311输入信号的类型和对应的声音模式314术语解释317商标信息326规格329索引335感谢您选购本款Denon产品。


2 产品介绍
安徽农村中小学远程教育工程的卫星接收机型号为 DVS-398F+,如下图:
图表 2-1 前面板图
图表 2-2 后面板图
2.1 产品特点
该机具有以下特点: (1) 中文、英文可切换电视屏幕菜单显示 克服以往只有英文菜单的缺陷; (2) PID 码输入手动搜索,区别以往的手动搜索更加省时省力; (3) 最多可存贮 700 个频道,解决频道存储的瓶颈; (4) 天线信号强度显示和快速选台功能,可以显示信号输入强度; (5) 初始频道设置功能,断电记忆,断电后机器有存储功能方便保存用户设置参数; (6) MCPC、SCPC 节目兼容,C/KU 波段兼容,可用于两个波段; (7) 所有功能可直接前面板操作,手动一样操作简便; (8) 预置国内上星的数字频道,用户可自行增减。
屏幕显示“无 1。天线电缆未接好, 卫星信号” 2。卫星、转发器设定参数不对
1。接好 RF 输入电缆 2。正确设置卫星、转发器的参数
扬声器无声 音
1。音频电缆没有接好或接错 2。声音关闭 3。输出声道不对
1。对照接线图重新连接 2。打开声音,调节音量到合适大小 3。按<SOUND>,尝试其它声道模式
1 设备简介 .......................................................................................................................... 2 2 产品介绍 .......................................................................................................................... 2




准备拆开包装3概览4音质4设计4操作4特性与功能5充电7开启电源9关闭电源9连接方法蓝牙操作10配对10连接101 :首次连接112 :重新连接已配对的设备133 :重新连接NFC设备14同时连接多个蓝牙设备(多点功能)15操作调节音量16进行基本操作16使用有线连接听音乐17使用Envaya Mini进行免提通话操作18故障诊断提示20故障诊断22更改显示在蓝牙设备上的Envaya Mini设备名称27重新启动Envaya Mini28附录播放蓝牙设备29关于防飞溅功能的说明29商标信息30规格31索引33感谢您购买本产品。

使用Envaya Mini前请务必阅读本操作说明书。

拆开包装打开Envaya Mini的包装并检查是否包含以下项目。


概览音质0尽管Envaya Mini体积紧凑,通过使用磁路中的钕磁铁并利用无源辐射器中的独创环绕声形状,可产生强劲的播放声音。

0Envaya Mini兼容各种编码,包括高音质的aptX、AAC和SBC 编码。

Envaya Mini自动为您的蓝牙设备(智能手机或平板电脑)选择高级兼容编码,因此让您可以欣赏高级无线传输的声音。


设计0Envaya Mini采用纤细棒形设计,便于携带。


因此可以采取更多的使用方式,如在户外使用Envaya Mini。

操作0使用Envaya Mini上的按钮可进行基本操作(播放/暂停/跳过)。

0通过与蓝牙兼容手机进行配对,可使用Envaya Mini进行免提通话。

Envaya Mini配备CVC(清晰语音捕捉)技术以实现回声极小的低噪音通话。

0Envaya Mini可与多个蓝牙设备配对,并且带有NFC功能的移动设备可更轻松的配对和连接,将需配对设备一碰Envaya Mini的顶部即可。

denon PMA-60 操作说明书

denon PMA-60 操作说明书

PMA-60 INTEGRATED AMPLIFIER 操作说明书附件4功能5高音效5高性能6部件名称和功能7前面板7显示屏9后面板10遥控器11连接安装本机15水平安装15垂直安装16使用遥控器前18遥控器的操作范围19连接扬声器20扬声器连接21连接PC或Mac22连接带有数字音频输出端子的设备23连接带有模拟音频输出端子的设备24连接电源线25播放基本操作27接通电源27切换电源至待机27选择输入源28调节主音量29暂时关闭声音(静音)29切换显示屏亮度29播放设备30连接和播放计算机(USB-DAC)30通过数字连接(COAXIAL/OPTICAL-1/OPTICAL-2)聆听音乐39通过模拟接线聆听音乐(AUX)40在蓝牙设备上聆听音乐41设置步骤菜单图49 Source Direct51 Bass51 Treble51 Balance51 H/P AMP Gain51 Bluetooth52 Auto Standby52提示提示54故障诊断55重置为出厂设置62保修和修理63附录支持的音频格式规格64数模转换器64播放蓝牙设备64蓝牙通信64术语解释65商标信息66规格67索引70感谢您购买本Denon产品。




功能高音效0配备一个高质量D类放大器放大器部分采用Qualcomm的Qualcomm® DDFA TM技术。



Qualcomm DDFA 是 Qualcomm Technologies International, Ltd. 的产品。

Qualcomm 是高通公司在美国和其他国家/地区注册的商标,经授权使用。

Denon天龙 AVR-X518CI入门级5.2声道AV接收机

Denon天龙 AVR-X518CI入门级5.2声道AV接收机
规 开 关 功 放 原 理 相 比 ,HD — A MP 1 不 会 在 功 放 模 块 的 输 出 中 提 取 反 馈 信 号 ,而 是 在 L C滤 波 级 之 后 提 取 信 号 。 若 在 L C滤 波 器
D e n o n 天 龙
A V R— X 5 1 8 CI 入 门级 5 . 2 声道A V 接 收 机
利 用 内 置 无 线 蓝 牙 连 接 功 能 ,用 户 可 以轻松连 接具 有蓝 牙功 能的智 能手机 , 串 流 喜 欢 的 音 频 曲 目并 在 A V R — X 5 1 8 CI 上以 高 音 质 播 放 。 该 接 收 机 可 以记 住8 个 配 对 蓝
A V R — X 5 1 8 CI 以 高 性 价 比 提 供 超 凡 的 声 音 保 真 度 , 沿 袭 众 多 高 级 功 能 。 它 完 全支 持H DC P 2 . 2 t  ̄S ' Y . ,支持最新 H DMI 规 格 : 内 置 无 线 蓝 牙 串流 功 能 ,伴 随独 特 的B l u e t o o t h A p p 控制技术。
A V R — X 5 1 8 C I 搭 载 国 际 专 业 级 自 动 房
间 声 学校 准 A u d y s s e y , 让 您 在 任 何 环 境 下
都 可 以 拥 有 专 业 的 影 音 效 果 。 它 附 带 设 置 测 量 麦 克 风 ,可 调 节 关 键 系 统 参 数 , 为 不 同 扬 声 器 系 统 和 收 听 空 间 提 供 量 身 定 制 的 顶级音频保真度。 A V R — X 5 1 8 C [ 配备4 个 快 速 选 择 功 能按 钮 , 方便 用 户 选 择 最 常 用 的 输 入 源 。 还 可 以通过B l u e t o o t h Ap p 或 人 体 工 程 学 遥 控 器 选择 这些按钮 。可 以使用独特 的B l u e t o o t h A p p ( De n o n 5 0 0 S e r i e s R e mo t e Ap p) 从 任 何 蓝 牙设 备 控 制 A V R — X 5 1 8 C l 。

DENON 收音环绕扩音机 AVR-2106 操作说明书

DENON 收音环绕扩音机 AVR-2106 操作说明书

• 不能用報紙、桌布、窗簾等物品覆蓋通風口,以免妨 礙通風。 • 不能用报纸、桌布、窗帘等物品覆盖通风口,以免妨 碍通风。
• 應注意電池處置的環保問題。 • 应注意电池处置的环保问题。 • The use of apparatus in tropical and/or moderate climates. • 在熱帶和/或溫帶氣候下使用設備。 • 在热带和/或温带气候下使用设备。
Hold the plug when unplugging the cord.
避免在本機附近噴灑殺蟲劑,也勿用 苯、稀釋劑抹拭機箱。 避免在本机附近喷洒杀虫剂,也勿用 苯、稀释剂抹拭机箱。
• 留意電源線。 從插座拔出插頭時應抓住插頭將 其拔出。 • 留意电源线。 从插座拔出插头时应抓住插头将 其拔出。
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序言 欢迎选购DENON AVR-2106 收音环绕扩音机。经过我们的精心设计,本品能通过您的家庭影院试 听系统,如DVD产生无与伦比的超值的环绕试听享受,同时还能高保真的重现您所喜爱的音乐。 由于本品提供了阵容强大的功能,我们建议您在安装和使用前,请仔细阅读本说明书的内容。 序言
· 如图所示将遥控器指向主机上的遥感传感器。 · 遥控器可以在离主机约7米的直线距离内使用。不过,如果遥控器与传感器之间有障碍物或 没有对准遥感传感器,这个距离会缩短。 · 遥控器可在与遥感传感器水平30度角内使用。
人员进行维修。 等边三角形中有箭头闪电标号的图形表示警告使用者在产品内有非绝缘的“危险电压”,可能 会对人体造成很大的电击危险。 等边三角形中有感叹号的图形表示警告使用者该设备在操作与维护(维修)方面应严格按照所附 设备说明书。

ONKYO AV 接收机 TX-NR808 说明书

ONKYO AV 接收机 TX-NR808 说明书

为减少火灾或电击的危险,不要将设备暴露在雨 中或潮湿的环境中。
为减少电击的危险,不要取下设备的外壳(或后 盖)。内部没有用户可用的组件。请向合格的技 术服务人员谘询,并寻求帮助。
等边三角形内带箭头的闪电指示标识,用于警告 用户在产品内部有非绝缘的危险电压存在,可能 造成电击的危险。
4. 电源 警告 第一次接通电源之前,请仔细阅读以下说明。 因为各国之间交流电的电压不同,请确认您所在 地区的电压与产品后面板上标明的要求相符 (即:AC230V,50Hz,或 AC120V,60Hz)
电源线插头平时是不连接到交流电源上的。请确 认电源插头是否随时可以使用 (很方便地插 上)。
按下 ON/STANDBY 按钮选择待机模式时,请不 要完全关闭主机。并没有完全关闭设备。如果长 时间不使用设备,请拔掉电源线。 5. 预防收听失真 注意 来自耳机和听筒的过分声压会导致声音失真。 6. 电池与散热 警告 电池 (电池包装或电池安装)不要放置在强光暴 晒,火源等过热的地方。 7. 严禁湿手触摸机器—湿手状态下,严禁接触机器 或机器的电源连接线。如有水或其他液体进入机 器,请与 Onkyo 的经销商联系进行检修。 8. 搬运注意事项 • 如需要运输设备,请使用原包装材料,按照购
开启 / 关闭 AV 接收机..........................................................................24 开启 ............................................................................. 24 关闭 ............................................................................. 24

Denon AVR-X3700H集成网络AV接收器快速入门指南说明书

Denon AVR-X3700H集成网络AV接收器快速入门指南说明书
1-855-MY.DENON (USA) 1-855-693-3666 1-800-668-0652 (Canada)
Monday – Friday 10:00AM to 10:00PM E.S.T Saturday 12:00PM to 8:00PM E.S.T
Important: External Antennas
The removable external antennas are required for both Bluetooth and Wireless network connectivity. Please make sure to connect the antennas before attempting to use the Bluetooth or Wi-Fi features of the AVR-X3700H.
The HEOS App allows you to explore, browse, and play music from many online streaming services or from your own music library.
• When connecting this unit to a device that is compatible with the 8K and 4K 120Hz video, use a “Ultra High Speed 48 Gbps HDMI cable” that displays the HDMI logo.
Wireless LAN
When connecting to wireless LAN (Wi-Fi), follow the instructions in “Connecting the external antennas for Bluetooth / Wireless connectivity” and connect the antennas.

Denon AVR-X1700H 7.2通道8K AV接收器说明书

Denon AVR-X1700H 7.2通道8K AV接收器说明书

Powering 80W per channel, the Denon AVR-X1700H 7.2 channel 8K AV receiver supports the latest in 3D audio formats, including Dolby Atmos®, Dolby Atmos Height Virtualization T echnology, DTS:X®, and DTS Virtual:X™. It features the latest HDMI specifications such as 8K/60Hz, select 4K/120Hz pass-through, VRR, ALLM, Dolby Vision™, HDR10+, and eARC support. With HEOS® Built-in, stream music wirelessly from Spotify®,Pandora®, Amazon Music HD, TIDAL, Deezer, and more. Works with Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, Apple Siri, and for seamless voice control.7.2ch 8K AV receiver with 3D audio, voice control, and HEOS ® Built-inHIGHLIGHTSYOUR BENEFITSHigh-performance discrete seven-channel amplifier Delivers maximum performance and 80W per channel to provide the classic and dynamic Denon sound experience.Enjoy 8K quality videoThree 8K inputs and one output allow for 8K/60Hz and 4K/120Hz pass-through. 8K upscaling available on all six HDMI inputs..Supports the latest HDR formats Compatible with HDR10, HDR10+, HLG, Dolby Vision, and Dynamic HDR to provide the greatest picture brightness, clarity and contrast.Enjoy immersive 3D audioCompatible with sources like Dolby Atmos®, Dolby Atmos Height Virtualization, DTS:X®, and DTS Virtual:X™.Enhanced Audio Return Channel (eARC) HDMI supportConnect your eARC HDMI-supported TV through the AVR-X1700H's main HDMI output to allow uncompressed and object-based audio formats like Dolby Atmos and DTS:X to directly send from your smart TV app to your AV receiver.The next generation in movie immersion8K/60Hz pass-through and upscaling, Dynamic HDR, and Quick Media Switching (QMS) give you crystal clear picture quality.Enhanced gaming experiences4K/120Hz pass-through, Variable Refresh Rate (VRR), Auto Low Latency Mode (ALLM), and Quick Frame Transport (QFT) enhance your gaming experience with amazing imaging as well as reduced lag and latency.Works with your favorite voice servicesUse your voice to control the AVR-X1700H and wireless music services as well as Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, Apple Siri, and streaming from the most popular music services Enjoy music services like Spotify®, Pandora®, Amazon Music HD, TIDAL, SiriusXM, Deezer, and more.HEOS® Built-in wireless multi-room music streaming technologyListen from any room for a connected, whole-home audio experience. The AVR-X1700H also works with the newly introduced Denon Home speakers to let you enjoy great Denon sound throughout your home.SINCE 1910 |DEFINING AUDIO EXCELLENCEDENON AVR-X 1700HHey GoogleHEOS logo is trademark or registered trademark in the US and/or other countries. Availability of music services may vary by region. Not all services may be available at time of purchase. Some services may be added or discontinued from time to time based on decisions of the music service providers or others. Visit /music for announcements and details. HEOS app and brand is not affiliated with any manufacturer of any smart phone. The Bluetooth word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by D&M Holdings Inc. is under license.Ultimate home theater experience – 8K readyThe AVR-X1700H delivers the ultimate home theater experience with 8K/60Hz pass-through and 4K/120Hz pass-through, as well as support for the latest HDMI specifications. The new AVR-X1700H lets you build the best 4K home theater today and is 8K ready when you are. Enjoy the highest quality 3D audio and video for even the most demanding entertainment needs.Powerful seven-channel amplifier with the latest home cinema specss Featuring discrete high-current amplifiers on all channels, theAVR-X1700H delivers high-power performance of 80W per channel (8 ohms, 20Hz-20kHz, THD: 0.08%, 2 channels driven). Lowimpedance drivers can accommodate a wide range of speakers for balanced, tonal sound.Full 3D audio supportImmerse yourself in 3D audio with Dolby Atmos®, Dolby Atmos Height Virtualization Technology, DTS:X®, and DTS Virtual:X™. Set up a 5.1.2 Dolby Atmos surround system using Dolby Atmos elevation speakers, or dedicated overhead speakers, for theultimate home theater experience. DTS:X gives your movies, games and music a realism unmatched by traditional 5.1 surround sound. Dolby Atmos Height Virtualization Technology and DTS Virtual:X provide immersive audio without height channels, creating virtual height effects in a 7.1, 5.1, or 2.1 speaker arrangement.Advanced 8K hdmi video section to support various HDR formats For the best picture quality available, the AVR-X1700H features an advanced HDMI section (6 in/1 out) with three 8K inputs supporting 8K/60Hz and 4K/120Hz video pass-through sporting 40Gbps. All HDMI inputs feature 4:4:4 Pure Color sub sampling, HDR10, HDR10+, Dolby Vision, Hybrid Log-Gamma (HLG), Dynamic HDR, 3D, and BT.2020 pass-through support for exceptional picture quality. Enjoy 8K upscaling as well as HDCP 2.3 processing to play copy-protected content uninhibite d.HEOS® Built-In multi-room streamingEnjoy your favorite music in any room of your home wirelessly with HEOS® Built-in technology. Play the same song in every room or select a different song for each connected room. Also works with Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, Apple Siri, and to provide cutting-edge voice control for all your home entertainment. Connect your Denon Home speakers for a whole-home audio experience. HEOS also supports free and premium Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music HD, TuneIn, SoundCloud, SiriusXM, TIDAL, and more. (Not all music services available in all regions.)Easy setup and automatic HDMI renameThe included AVR-X1700H Quick Start Guide provides simple, clear instructions for how to get started. Once you connect your TV to theAVR-X1700H via HDMI, the exclusive Denon Setup Assistant appears on your TV screen to walk you through setup, step by step. On the back of the AV receiver, a row of color-coded speaker connections is laid out horizontally, making organizing and connecting speaker wires simple. The AVR-X1700H renames HDMI inputs automatically when connected or you can rename manually for your convenience.Audyssey room correctionUsing the featured Audyssey MultEQ XT room acousticmeasurement system and supplied microphone, the AVR-X1700H it precisely analyzes the output of each speaker to optimize every channel. Plus, the additional Audyssey MultEQ Editor app (available for purchase) allows advanced users to go “under the hood” for further adjustment and customization of your audio environment. The app is available for both iOS and Android.Apple AirPlay 2 built-inUse AirPlay 2 to stream Apple music wirelessly to the AV receiver, or group with other AirPlay compatible speakers to fill your home with music.Built-in bluetooth and Wi-Fi capabilityThe heart of your wireless network, the Denon AVR-X1700H is equipped with an advanced dual antenna transceiver system for robust Bluetooth and Wi-Fi wireless streaming even in congested urban environments. Enjoy listening to your favorite audio content wirelessly from your smart devices.Phono input for turntable/vinyl supportWith the built-in phono input, the AVR-X1700H lets you connect your turntable and play vinyl records. Enjoy your vintage collection with exceptional quality and sound.Amazing sound built on 110 years of innovationAs Japan’s first audio electronics manufacturer with a deep legacy of firsts, Denon is the defining audio company of Japan. Founded in 1910, we enable the moments that matter through the relentless pursuit of quality, innovation, and audio performance. We innovate for a better experience.Brilliant color–universal compatibility, HDR10+, and dynamic HDR The AVR-X1700H supports High Dynamic Range video format, HDR10, Dolby Vision, and HLG (Hybrid Log Gamma). Dolby Vision transforms the viewing experiences with astonishing brightness, contrast, and color. HLG offers HDR technology over broadcastcontent for a crisper, cleaner image. The AVR-X1700H also supports HDR10+, which sends dynamic meta data to TV for more realistic images, as well as Dynamic HDR. (Some technologies are not available on all televisions.)Enhanced Audio Return Channel (eARC) supportThe main output of the AVR-X1700H supports eARC (enhanced Audio Return Channel) to enable uncompressed and object-based audiotransmission directly from your smart TV apps to your AV receiver.The latest technology for enhanced movie experiencesWith the new AVR-X1700H, enjoy all your entertainment with latest technology available and watch your movies in unrivaled clarity. Enjoy your movies in 8K with 8K/60Hz pass-through and upscaling, as well the latest in AV receiver technology like Dynamic HDR and Quick Media Switching (QMS), which eliminates video delay in movies.The next generation in gamingEnjoy gaming to its full potential with the new AVR-X1700H. Play with 4K/120Hz pass-through, as well as Variable Refresh Rate (VRR), Quick Frame Transport (QFT), and Auto Low Latency Mode (ALLM), which reduces or eliminates lag and frame tearing for a smoother, lag-free gaming experience.Works with Amazon AlexaControl the AVR-X1700H hands-free with Amazon Alexa and your voice. Adjust the volume, skip to the next track, switch inputs for your different media players, and more—“Just Ask.” Download the HEOS Home Entertainment Skill to enable Amazon Alexa voice commands for your AVR-X1700H, HEOS devices and other select Denon products.Works with Google AssistantStart music in the HEOS app, then ask your Google Assistant to control volume, play, pause, skip tracks, and more.Works with offers flexible voice control for nearly any aspect of your day-to-day experience and entertainment environment. Use voice commands to control the thermostat, lights, home appliances, speakers, AV receiver, and more. is installed by custom integrators and accessed through an app on your phone or tablet. Works with iOS and Android devices.Multi-source, multi-roomWith the Denon AVR-X1700H, it’s possible to enjoy multi-channel surround sound in one room and a separate source or music stream in another. Watch a movie in one room while another family member listens to music in a different zone without interruption.All zone TV audioPlay the audio from your TV to all zones. Enjoy full discrete audio such as Dolby Atmos in the main zone for a totally immersiveexperience while playing the same source in the second zone. The AVR-X1700H supports both HDMI and digital sources for your second zone when set to “Source.”。

Denon AVR-S540BT 5.2 通道 AV 接收器说明书

Denon AVR-S540BT 5.2 通道 AV 接收器说明书

|V01|The Bluetooth ® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by D&M Holdings Inc. is under license. Dolby, Dolby Atmos, and the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories. • DTS, the Symbol, DTS in combination with the Symbol, DTS:X, and the DTS:X logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of DTS, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. • The Spotify software is subject to third party licenses found here: /connect/third-party-licenses • Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.Denon is a trademark or registered trademark of D&M Holdings, Inc.* All specs can be subject to changeHigh-Performance Discrete 5-Channel AmplifierFeaturing discrete power output devices on all channels, the AVR-S540BT delivers a maximum of 140 watts per channel. It’s equipped with low impedance drive capability for operational stability within a wide range of speakers.Advanced HDMI Video SectionThe advanced HDMI video section of the AVR-S540BT lets you enjoy your favorite movies and shows with the best picture quality available. All five HDMI inputs support 4:4:4 Pure Color sub-sampling, HDR, BT.2020 pass-through, Dolby Vision compatibility and HLG (Hybrid Log-Gamma); full 4K Ultra HD with 60Hz pass-through and HDCP 2.2 processing is available on three HDMI ports to support copy-protected content.Easy Setup ExperienceThe included AVR-S540BT Quick Start Guide provides simple, clear instructions for how to get started. Once you connect your TV to the AVR-S540BT via HDMI, the exclusive Denon Setup Assistant appears on your TV screen to walk you through setup, step by step. A row of color-coded speaker connections is laid out horizontally, making organizing and connecting speaker wires simple.Bluetooth Built-inYour favorite tracks, at your fingertips. Stream music from your computer or smart devices with the AVR-S540BT and built-inBluetooth. It can remember up to eight paired Bluetooth devices, so invite family and friends to share their music and enjoy the audio quality of the AVR-S540BT. To stream via Bluetooth, simply select the Denon AVR-S540BT from the Bluetooth menu on your smart device.Quick Selects for User-Friendly Audio TuningThe Denon AVR-S540BT front panel features four Quick Select buttons that store your preferred audio settings for each source. Switch between television, Blu-Ray, pre-amplifiers and more, and the AVR-S540BT adjusts the EQ settings to your preferences for that media source. Use the buttons on the front panel or opt for the same Quick Selects on the AVR remote for faster control.Front USB Port for High-Resolution AudioIn addition to numerous analog and digital AV connectors, the AVR-S540BT features a USB port on the front panel for convenient audio playback. It’s compatible with a wide range of portable USB devices and supports MP3, WMA, FLAC and MPEG-4/AAC tracks. Whether you want to listen to your latest MP3 download or soak in the fidelity of audiophile-quality FLAC recordings, you have quick access to your favorite songs.Denon 500 Series Remote AppBetter control in your back pocket. The Denon 500 Series Remote app for iOS and Android makes using the AVR-S540BT even easier —adjust volume, turn it on or off, mute the music, and select a source. Download the Denon 500 Series Remote app patible with Denon HEOS LinkControl the Denon AVR-S540BT with your Smart TV remote via the HDMI CEC functionality associated with your Smart TV. Simply set “HDMI Control” to ON in your receiver, then set “Smart Menu” to ON and begin controlling the AVR-S540BT with your TV remote. The Smart Menu home screen provides you quick access to source and surround mode selections, the AVR’s setup menu and four Smart Selects.100+ Years of Firsts in Audio TechnologyFounded in 1910, Denon has a deep heritage of “firsts” in audio technology — from Japan’s first audio electronics manufacturer, to producing the world’s first commercial CDs. This focusedinvestment in audio R&D ensures you get the latest technology and highest quality with every listening experience.Denon 1 Viper Way Vista, CA 。

天龙杜比AC-3 THX5.1一体化AV放大器

天龙杜比AC-3 THX5.1一体化AV放大器

天龙杜比AC-3 THX5.1一体化AV放大器

新产品AVC-Al-N(价格330000日元)就是这类集杜比AC-3和THX4.1功能于一体的AV 环绕功放。



1.很有音乐味的AV放大器DENON(天龙)AVR-1910AV放大器 [J], 魏珏
2.兼容杜比AC-3的AV功放 [J], 蒲勇
3.DENON AVR-3300(AVC-A1D普及版)——得到杜比数码(AC-3)及DTS音效确认的AV接收器 [J], 意音
4.MusicCast+杜比全景声YAMAHA RX-A850AV放大器的全能身手 [J], DK
5.天龙AVP-X/POA-X3/X2——最新视听中心,杜比AC-3与THX创新组合 [J], 胡军

Yamaha RX-A6A 9.2-通道 AV 接收器 MusicCast 产品说明书

Yamaha RX-A6A 9.2-通道 AV 接收器 MusicCast 产品说明书

R X -A 6ARX-A6AThis AV Receiver is compatible with AirPlay 2. iOS 11.4 or later is required. Use of the Works with Apple badge means that an accessory has been designed to work specifically with the technology identified in the badge and has been certified by the developer to meet Apple performance standards. Apple, AirPlay, Apple TV, Apple Watch, iPad, iPad Air, iPad Pro, iPhone, and Lightning are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. MusicCast CONTROLLER will turn your smart phone into a Wi-Fi enabled remote control for select Yamaha network products. This MusicCast CONTROLLER App can be downloaded from App Store or Google Play. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc. Google Play is a trademark of Google LLC. Dolby, Dolby Atmos, Dolby Surround, Dolby Vision, and the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories. For DTS patents, see . Manufactured under license from DTS, Inc. DTS, the Symbol, DTS in combination with the Symbol, DTS:X, and the DTS:X logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of DTS, Inc. in the United States and / or other countries. © DTS, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The terms HDMI, the HDMI Logo, and High-Definition Multimedia Interface are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC in the United States and other countries. The Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™ Logo is a certification mark of Wi-Fi Alliance®. The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Yamaha Corporation is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners. Pandora, the Pandora logo, and the Pandora trade dress are trademarks or registered trademarks of Pandora Media, Inc. Used with permission. Napster and the Napster logo are registered trademarks of Rhapsody International Inc registered in the United States and other countries. Sirius, XM and all related marks and logos are trademarks of Sirius XM Radio Inc. All other marks, channel names and logos are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved. Spotify and Spotify logo are registered trademarks of the Spotify Group. Qobuz and its logo are registered trademarks of Xandrie S.A. TIDAL and TIDAL logo are registered trademark of Aspiro AB in the European Union and other countries. Deezer and Deezer logo are international trademarks of Deezer S.A., registered in France and other countries. Amazon, Amazon Music and all related logos are trademarks of , Inc. or its affiliates. Music streaming services listed may not be available in your region. View Yamaha product website for details.R X -A 6ASurround:AI™This artificial intelligence analyzes the DSP parameters and optimizes the surround effect of distinct sound elements such as background music, dialogue, and sound effects. It’s like having a professional sound engineer tune the sound according to the scene. 64-bit processing with Qualcomm® QCS407.8K60AB *, 4K120AB * and 4K60This feature offering enables a higher resolution and refresh rate, giving you a smoother and more realistic viewing experience.HDR10+* and Dolby Vision™The latest enhancement for HDR provides deeper contrast and more realistic images that stay true to the creators' intent. Support for Dolby Vision, Hybrid-Log Gamma and BT-2020 included.Enhanced Gaming Features (ALLM, VRR, QMS and QFT)*New enhanced gaming/media features offer seamless motion and transitions to enhance your performance.Future Support for Multiple HDMI Inputs*These HDMI inputs will equally support the latest HDMI technology to allow several next-gen gaming consoles to be connected at the same time.YPAO™-R.S.C. with Multipoint Measurement and Precision EQYPAO (Yamaha Room Acoustic Optimizer) analyzes your room acoustics and measures speaker characteristics to optimize every channel of your home theater. R.S.C. (Reflected Sound Control) also optimizes sound parameters for maximum performance from CINEMA DSP, Dolby Atmos ® and DTS:X™. This feature includes low frequency mode.Compatible with Wireless Surround SoundGo wire-free with MusicCast Surround, letting you create a 5.1-channel surround sound system without the need to run wires to the back of the room. Connect wirelessly byconnecting one MusicCast 50 or two MusicCast 20 wireless speakers to this AV receiver.Dynamic and CompellingDesignClassic Yamaha craftsmanship meets cutting-edge design. Every piece has been carefully crafted to ensure this AV receiver looks and sounds perfect in your home.High-Quality Digital ComponentsThe Qualcomm® QCS407 takes your AV receiver’s audio performance to the next level with support for Dolby Atmos® and DTS:X®. SABRE ES9026 PROs minimize noise to make even the most delicate sounds rich, while SABRE ES9007S Premier Audio DAC provides superior signal-to-noise ratio and up to 120dB of dynamic range for professional quality audio.Crafted for ClarityThe newly designed Anti-ResonanceTechnology (A.R.T.), H-shaped CrossFrame and mechanical structure are a rock-solid defense against internal and external vibrations that affect the sound. Experience crystal clear sound that moves you, all while your AV receiver stays perfectly still. A double-bottom plate ensures stabilityfor unnecessary vibrations.R X -A 6AMORE KEY SPECS*These functions are available via future update9ch / 150 W High Slew Rate AmplifierHDMI 7 inputs / 3 outputsDTS:X™Streaming ServiceCINEMA DSP HD311ch Pre OutMulti-room AudioAirPlay 2Dolby Atmos®Playback in Multiple ZonesXLR Input TerminalAURO-3D*Bring your entertainment experience to the next level with immersiveaudio that accurately reproduces 3D sound with superior effect across any content. Gain entry into a world where every breath-taking moment is not only heard but also felt.*This function is available via future update.MusicCast AppExplore the power of multi-room audio, access your sources and streaming devices, and control your AV receiver, all through your smartphone.Voice ControlWorking with Alexa and Google Assistant, your AV receiver is always at your command. Through AirPlay 2, you can stream your music via voice control operation Siri from Apple iOS device.AV Setup Guide AppThis app offers expert guidancethrough installation, cable connections, and various other settings.Third Party ControlThis receiver includes integration with third party control partners, including Crestron, URC, RTI, Control4 and more.。

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Denon AVR-S650H
AV 接收机
Denon 最新AV 接收机AVR-S650H 拥有Denon 传奇的放
大和音质效果以及一流的连接性能,采用新的Dolby Height
Virtualization Technology (杜比增高虚拟技术)、无线多房
间音乐串流HEOS 、语音控制,改良了设置体验。

新的S 系列
AVR 为音乐和电影爱好者提供升级传统回音壁的简单而实惠的

诸如自动室内校准、音频优化、业内领先音质等特 点,让S 系列成为改善家庭影院的绝佳途径。

今年,Denon 通
过添加杜比增高虚拟技术、eARC 和ALLM 支持(用于游 戏),提高了A/V 性能。

音乐串流传输技术以及Siri 语音助手支持,以便轻松控制音
in-akustik STOIC
Marantz NR-1510
超薄AV 接收机
新款NR1510超薄4K 超高清AV 接收机采用

新AVR 与所有
Marantz 产品一样,经过Marantz 音响大师深
度调谐,带来Marantz 标志性高音质,足以令

高电流分离式功率放 大器段为电影和音乐产生非凡的声音。

道都能带来85W 功率输出(6Q ),具有低阻抗

NR1510配置6个HDMI 输入接口,
4K 超高清60Hz 视频、4:4:4纯色子采样、Dolby Vision, HLG 、HDR10和BT.2020直通。


STOIC 分挂墙式和独立式底座 两类,无比坚固,有效防止振动和共振,适合

akustikSTOIC 将回放设备完全退耦,与来自地


STOIC 并非弹 簧式连接,非常坚硬,不产生摆动。

支撑板手工制作;而木材和石板属于天然材 料,与工业制品截然不同。

