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( 1 )

--You looked worried this evening, dear. What’s the trouble?

-- I’m going through the telephone b__(1)__. It’s over 10 pounds. But last month it was u_(2)___ 7 pounds.

-- I don’t think we’ve used the telephone more than u___(3)___, have we?

-- But the price of l___(4)____ calls is very high. Who made these expensive calls to London? I don’t remember making them. Do you know a__(5)___ in London?

-- Oh, they must be Jack’s calls. Anne was staying in London with her uncle in O___(6)___, and Jack r__(7)____ her up nearly every evening.

-- Oh, did he? Well, he should pay for the calls, then.

-- Jack’s only e___(8)____ 30 pounds a month.

-- What long t __(9)_____ they must have had!

-- Yes, but do remember they are young. I’ll pay for Jack’s calls to Anne. Father sent me a c__(10)____ for Christmas, you remember. I haven’t spent it all yet.

(1) bill (2) under (3) usual (4) long-distance (5) anyone (6) October (7) rang (8) earning (9) talks (10) check

( 2 )

-- Customer Service. Grant speaking. How can I help you?

-- I can’t believe this is happening. I called and ordered a 32-inch bag last Friday. But today I found that you sent the 24-inch one. I was planning to use the bag d__(1)____ our vacation in Mexico. But it doesn’t seem possible any more b__(2)____ we are taking off on Saturday. It’s only two days a__(3)____. What am I supposed to do?

-- I’m really sorry, Madam. I’ll c__(4)____ right away. Would you please tell me your o_(5)___ number?

-- It’s CA29888.

-- Just a minute. I do apologize, Madam. There seems to be a mistake. I have the c_(6)_____ size bag and send to you by overnight mail right away. It will arrive in time for your Saturday trip. A__(7)___ I apologize for any inconvenience c__(8)___ by our mistake. I p__(9)____ it won’t happen again.

-- Ok, well, thank you.

-- Thank you, Madam, for c___(10)____ Linch’s Mail. I hope you will have a wonderful vacation. (1) during (2) because (3) away (4) check (5) order

(6) correct (7) Again (8) caused (9) promise (10) choosing



M: Can you get a baby-sit for tonight?.

W: I don’t know. Why?

M: Well, I thought we could go out for d_____ and go to a movie afterwards.

W: I can call Susan and see if she has time.

M: Who is Susan?

W: She lives next d________ to us. She is a university student.

M: Do you think she will agree ?

W: Well, we h______ asked her yet. She once m______ that she didn’t like to sit d_______ the weekend .

M: But today is the weekend.

W: That’s w_____ I say she may be able to come.

M: All right. Do that, and t______ call me at the office if you have any luck.

W: Okay, but don’t get your hopes too high. It’s h_____ to find a good baby-sitter these days. When do you expect her to come?

M: Will six o’clock be too e______ ?

W: No. She n_____ a while to get along with our baby.

1. dinner

2. door

3. haven’t

4. mentioned

5. during

6. why

7. then

8. hard

9. early 10.needs


M: Good morning, Ms Yang. Thank you for accepting my invitation. Could I ask you a few questions?

W: Sure. Go ahead.

M. Do you use English when you write songs?

W: You won’t believe it, but a_____ we use English almost everywhere in our work and life. The songs we listen to and the m______ we watch are mostly English ones. The instruments and software we use are all in English. We c________ with singers almost in English. English is just too important.

M: What s_______ did you hate or love when you were in school?

W: I loved Chinese and physics. But I was good at biology.

M: What do you want to say to those students who dream of b_____ musicians and singers?

W: Studying should be the first thing to c_______. The music industry is full of risk. Think t______ before you step in.

M: Do you mean they had b____ stop this dream?

W: No, I just mean the job is full of c_______ and it’s not easy to be a good musician or singer. But
