Methods for measuring piezoelectric, elastic, and dielectric coefficients of crystals and ceramics




电子元件标准规范中英文对照[转帖2006.08.31 11:08:37]字号:大中小电子元件标准规范中英文对照1 GB/T 1772-1979 电子元器件失效率试验方法Determination of failure rate of electronic elements and components2 GB/T 2036-1994 印制电路术语Terms for printed circuits3 GB/T 2413-1980 压电陶瓷材料体积密度测量方法Piezoelectric ceramic materials--Measuring methods for determination of volume density4 GB/T 2470-1995 电子设备用固定电阻器、固定电容器型号命名方法Type designation system for fixed resistors and fixed capacitors for use in electronicequipment5 GB/T 2471-1995 电阻器和电容器优先数系Preferred number series for resistors and capacitors6 GB/T 2472-1981 电子设备用固定式电容器工作电压系列Fixed capacitors for electronic equipments--Working voltage series7 GB/T 2473-1981 电子设备用矩形金属外壳电容器外形尺寸系列Capacitors with rectangular metal enclosure for electronic equipments--Outline dimensions series8 GB/T 2474-1981 电子设备用圆形金属外壳电容器外形尺寸系列Capacitors with disc metal enclosure for electronic equipments--Outline dimensions series9 GB/T 2658-1995 小型交流风通用机技术条件A.C. miniature blowers, general specification for10 GB/T 2693-1990 电子设备用固定电容器第一部分: 总规范(可供认证用) Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment—Part 1: Generic specification11 GB/T 2775-1993 手控电子元件的轴端尺寸Dimensions of spendle ends for manually operated electronic components12 GB/T 3351-1982 人造石英晶体的型号命名Designations for synthetic quartz crystals13 GB/T 3388-1982 压电陶瓷材料型号命名方法Designations for types of piezoelectric ceramics14 GB/T 3389.3-1982 压电陶瓷材料性能测试方法居里温度Tc的测试Test methods for the properties of piezoelectric ceramics--Test for Curie temperature Tc15 GB/T 3389.4-1982 压电陶瓷材料性能测试方法柱体纵向长度伸缩振动模式Test methods for the properties of piezoelectric ceramics--Longitudinal lengthextension vibration mode for rod16 GB/T 3389.7-1986 压电陶瓷材料性能测试方法强场介电性能的测试Test methods for the properties of piezoelectric ceramics--Test for dielectric properties inhigh electric field17 GB/T 3389.8-1986 压电陶瓷材料性能测试方法热释电系数的测试Test methods for the properties of piezoelectric ceramics--Test for the pyroelectriccoefficient18 GB/T 3664-1986 电容器非线性测量方法Method of measurement of non-linearity in capacitors19 GB/T 3788-1995 真空电容器通用技术条件General specification for vacuum capacitors20 GB/T 4071-1983 光致荧光粉测试方法Measuring method for the phosphor excited by light21 GB/T 4072-1983 阴极射线致荧光粉测试方法Measuring method of the phosphor excited by cathod rays22 GB/T 4098.1-1983 射频电缆电晕试验方法Test method of corona for radio-frequency cables23 GB/T 4098.2-1983 射频电缆电容和电容不平衡测量方法Methods of measurement of capacitance and capacitance unbalance for radio-freguency cables24 GB/T 4098.3-1983 射频电缆特性阻抗测量方法Methods of measurement of characteristic impedance for radio-frequency cables25 GB/T 4098.4-1983 射频电缆衰减常数测量方法Methods of measurement of attenuation constant for radio-frequency cables26 GB/T 4098.5-1983 射频电缆电容稳定性试验方法Test method of capacitance stability for radio-frequency cables27 GB/T 4098.6-1983 射频电缆衰减稳定性试验方法Test method of attenuation stability for radio-frequency cables28 GB/T 4098.7-1983 射频电缆高温试验方法Test method of high-temperature for radio-frequency cables29 GB/T 4098.8-1983 射频电缆低温试验方法Test method of low-temperature for radio-frequency cables30 GB/T 4098.9-1983 射频电缆流动性试验方法Test method of flow for radio-frequency cables31 GB/T 4098.10-1983 射频电缆尺寸稳定性试验方法Test method of dimensional stability for radio-frequency cables32 GB/T 4165-1984 电子设备用可变电容器的使用导则Guide to the use of variable capacitors in electronic equipment33 GB/T 4166-1984 电子设备用可变电容器的试验方法Methods of test of variable capacitors in electronic equipment34 GB/T 4210-1984 电子设备用机电元件名词术语Terms of electromechanical components for electronic equipment35 GB/T 4475-1995 敏感元器件术语Terms of sensor36 GB/T 4588.1-1996 无金属化孔单双面印制板分规范Sectional specification:single and double sided printed boards with plain holes37 GB/T 4588.2-1996 有金属化孔单双面印制板分规范Sectional specification:single and double sided printed boards with plated-through holes38 GB/T 4588.3-1988 印制电路板设计和使用Design and use of printed boards39 GB/T 4588.4-1996 多层印制板分规范Seetional spocification--Multilayer printed boards40 GB/T 4588.10-1995 印制板第10部分: 有贯穿连接的刚挠双面印制板规范Printed boards--Part 10: Specification for flex-rigid double-sided printed boards withthrough connections41 GB/T 4596-1984 电子设备用三相变压器形铁心E-cores for three-phase transformers for use in electronic equipment42 GB/T 4677.1-1984 印制板表层绝缘电阻测试方法Test method of surface insulation resistance for printed boards43 GB/T 4677.2-1984 印制板金属化孔镀层厚度测试方法微电阻法Micro-resistance test method of plating thickness of platedthrough holes for printed boards44 GB/T 4677.3-1984 印制板拉脱强度测试方法Test methods of pull strength for printed boards45 GB/T 4677.4-1984 印制板抗剥强度测试方法Test methods of peel strength for printed boards46 GB/T 4677.5-1984 印制板翘曲度测试方法Test methods of platness for printed boards47 GB/T 4677.6-1984 金属和氧化覆盖层厚度测试方法截面金相法Test methods for thickness of metal and oxide coating by microscopical examination of cross-section48 GB/T 4677.7-1984 印制板镀层附着力试验方法胶带法Test method of plating adhesion by adhesive type for printed boards49 GB/T 4677.8-1984 印制板镀涂覆层厚度测试方法β反向散射法Test method of plating and coating thickness by beta backscattering for printed boards50 GB/T 4677.9-1984 印制板镀层孔隙率电图象测试方法The electrographic test method of plating porosity for printed boards51 GB/T 4677.10-1984 印制板可焊性测试方法Test method of solderability for printed boards52 GB/T 4677.11-1984 印制板耐热冲击试验方法Test methods of thermal shock for printed boards53 GB/T 4677.12-1988 印制板互连电阻测试方法Test method of interconnection resistance for printed boards54 GB/T 4677.13-1988 印制板金属化孔电阻的变化热循环测试方法Test method of change in resistance of plated-through holes--Thermal cycling for printed boards55 GB/T 4677.14-1988 印制板蒸汽-氧气加速老化试验方法Test method of steam/oxygen accelerated ageing of printed board56 GB/T 4677.15-1988 印制板绝缘涂层耐溶剂和耐焊剂试验方法Test method for solvent and flux resistance of insulating coating on printed boards57 GB/T 4677.16-1988 印制板一般检验方法General examination method for printed boards58 GB/T 4677.17-1988 多层印制板内层绝缘电阻测试方法Test method for insulation resistance within inner layers of multilayer printed boards59 GB/T 4677.18-1988 多层印制板层间绝缘电阻测试方法Test method for insulation resistance between layers of multilayer printed boards60 GB/T 4677.19-1988 印制板电路完善性测试方法Test method for electrical integrity of printed boards61 GB/T 4677.20-1988 印制板镀层附着性试验方法摩擦法Test method for plating adhesion of printed boards--Burnishing62 GB/T 4677.21-1988 印制板镀层孔隙率测试方法气体暴露法Test method for plating porosity of printed boards--The gas exposure method63 GB/T 4677.22-1988 印制板表面离子污染测试方法Test method for surface ionic contamination of printedboards64 GB/T 4677.23-1988 印制板阻燃性能测试方法Test method for flammability of printed boards65 GB/T 4721-1992 印制电路用覆铜箔层压板通用规则General rules for copper-clad laminated sheets for printed circuits66 GB/T 4722-1992 印制电路用覆铜箔层压板试验方法Test methods for copper-clad laminated sheets for printed circuits67 GB/T 4723-1992 印制电路用覆铜箔酚醛纸层压板Phenolic cellulose paper copper-clad laminated sheets for printed circuits68 GB/T 4724-1992 印制电路用覆铜箔环氧纸层压板Epoxide cellulose paper copper-clad laminated sheets for printed circuits69 GB/T 4725-1992 印制电路用覆铜箔环氧玻璃布层压板Epoxide woven glass fabric copper-clad laminated sheets for printed circuits70 GB/T 4779.1-1984 彩色显象管用荧光粉Y22-G3荧光粉Phosphors for color picture tubes use--Phosphor Y22-G371 GB/T 4779.2-1984 彩色显象管用荧光粉Y22-B2荧光粉Phosphors for color picture tubes use--Phosphor Y22-B272 GB/T 4779.3-1984 彩色显象管用荧光粉Y22-R4荧光粉Phosphors for color picture tubes use--Phosphor Y22-R473 GB/T 4825.1-1984 印制板导线局部放电测试方法Test method for partial discharge of conductors on printed boards74 GB/T 4825.2-1984 印制板导线载流量测试方法Test method for current carrying capacity of conductors on printed boards75 GB/T 4874-1985 直流固定金属化纸介电容器总规范Generic specification for fixed metallized paper dielectric capacitors for direct current76 GB/T 5076-1985 具有两个轴向引出端的圆柱体元件的尺寸测量Measurement of the dimensions of a cylindrical component having two axial terminations77 GB/T 5077-1985 电容器和电阻器的最大外形尺寸Maximum case dimensions for capacitors and resistors78 GB/T 5078-1985 单向引出的电容器和电阻器所需空间的测定方法Method for the determination of the space required by capacitors and resistors withunidirectional terminations79 GB/T 5489-1985 印制板制图Printed board drawing80 GB/T 5594.1-1985 电子元器件结构陶瓷材料性能测试方法气密性测试方法Test methods for properties of structure ceramic used in electronic components--Testmethod for gas-tightness81 GB/T 5594.2-1985 电子元器件结构陶瓷材料性能测试方法杨氏弹性模量、泊松比测试方法Test methods for properties of structure ceramic used in electroniccomponents--Test method for Youngs elastic modulus and Poisson ratio82 GB/T 5594.3-1985 电子元器件结构陶瓷材料性能测试方法平均线膨胀系数测试方法Test methods for properties of structure ceramic used in electronic components--Test method for mean coefficient of linear expansion83 GB/T 5594.4-1985 电子元器件结构陶瓷材料性能测试方法介质损耗角正切值的测试方法Test methods for properties of structure ceramic used in electroniccomponents--Test method for dielectric loss angle tangent value84 GB/T 5594.5-1985 电子元器件结构陶瓷材料性能测试方法体积电阻率测试方法Test methods for properties of structure ceramic used in electronic components--Test method for volume resistivity85 GB/T 5594.6-1985 电子元器件结构陶瓷材料性能测试方法化学稳定性测试方法Test methods for properties of structure ceramic used in electronic components--Test method for chemical durability86 GB/T 5594.7-1985 电子元器件结构陶瓷材料性能测试方法透液性测定方法Test methods for properties of structure ceramic used in electronic components--Testmethod for liquid permeability87 GB/T 5594.8-1985 电子元器件结构陶瓷材料性能测试方法显微结构的测定Test methods for properties of structure ceramic used in electronic components--Determination of microstructure88 GB/T 5598-1985 氧化铍瓷导热系数测定方法Test method for thermal conductivity of beryllium oxide ceramics89 GB/T 5729-1994 电子设备用固定电阻器第一部分: 总规范Fixed resistors for use in electronic equipment--Part 1: Generic specification90 GB/T 5730-1985 电子设备用固定电阻器第二部分: 分规范: 低功率非线绕固定电阻器(可供认证用) Fixed resistors for use in electronic equipment--Part 2:Sectional specification: Fixed low-power nonwire wound resistors91 GB/T 5731-1985 电子设备用固定电阻器第二部分: 空白详细规范: 低功率非线绕固定电阻器评定水平E (可供认证用) Fixed resistors for use in electronic equipment--Part 2: Blank detail specification: Fixed low-power non-wirewound resistors--Assessment level E 92 GB/T 5732-1985 电子设备用固定电阻器第四部分: 分规范: 功率型固定电阻器(可供认证用) Fixed resistors for use in electronic equipment--Part 4: Sectionalspecification: Fixed power resistors93 GB/T 5733-1985 电子设备用固定电阻器第四部分: 空白详细规范: 功率型固定电阻器评定水平E (可供认证用) Fixed resistors for use in electronic equipment--Part4: Blank detail specification: Fixed power resistors Assessment level E94 GB/T 5734-1985 电子设备用固定电阻器第五部分: 分规范: 精密固定电阻器(可供认证用) Fixed resistors for use in electronic equipment--Part 5: Sectionalspecification: Fixed precision resistors95 GB/T 5735-1985 电子设备用固定电阻器第五部分: 空白详细规范: 精密固定电阻器评定水平E (可供认证用) Fixed resistors for use in electronic equipment--Part 5:Blank detail specification: Fixed precision resistors--Assessment level E96 GB/T 5838-1986 荧光粉名词术语Terms for phosphors97 GB/T 5966-1996 电子设备用固定电容器第8部分: 分规范: 1类瓷介固定电容器Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment--Part 8: Sectional specification:Fixed capacitors of ceramic dielectric, class 198 GB/T 5967-1996 电子设备用固定电容器第8部分: 空白详细规范1类瓷介固定电容器评定水平E Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment--Part 8: Blankdetail specification Fixed capacitors of ceramic dielectric, class 1--Assessment level E99 GB/T 5968-1996 电子设备用固定电容器第9部分: 分规范2类瓷介固定电容器Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment--Part 9: Sectional specificationFixed capacitors of ceramic dielectric, class 2100 GB/T 5969-1996 电子设备用固定电容器第9部分: 空白详细规范2类瓷介电容器评定水平E Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment--Part 9: Blank detailspecification Fixed capacitor of ceramic dielectric, class 2 --Assessment level E101 GB/T 5993-1986 电子设备用固定电容器第四部分: 分规范固体和非固体电解质铝电容器(可供认证用) Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment--Part 4:Sectional specification--Aluminium electrolytic capacitors with solid and non-solid electrolyte 102 GB/T 5994-1986 电子设备用固定电容器第四部分: 空白详细规范非固体电解质铝电容器评定水平E (可供认证用) Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment--Part 4: Blank detail specification--Aluminium electrolytic capacitors with non-solid electrolyte--Assessment level E103 GB/T 6252-1986 电子设备用A类调谐可变电容器类型规范Type specification for variable tuning capacitors--Type A in electronic equipments104 GB/T 6253-1986 电子设备用B类微调可变电容器类型规范Type specification for variable trimmer capacitors--Type B in electronic equipments105 GB/T 6254-1986 电子设备用C类预调可变电容器类型规范Type specification for variable preset capacitors--Type C in electronic equipments106 GB/T 6346-1986 电子设备用固定电容器第11部分: 分规范: 金属箔式聚乙烯对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯膜介质直流固定电容器(可供认证用) Fixed capacitors for use inelectronic equipment--Part 11: Sectional specification: Fixed polyethylene-terephthalate film dielectric metal foil D.C.capacitors107 GB/T 6347-1986 电子设备用固定电容器第11部分: 空白详细规范: 金属箔式聚乙烯对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯膜介质直流固定电容器评定水平E(可供认证用) Fixed capacitorsfor use in electronic equipment--Part 11: Blank detail specification: Fixed polyethylene-terephthalate film dielectric metal foil D.C. capacitors--Assessmentlevel E108 GB/T 6429-1986 石英谐振器型号命名方法The rule of type designation for quartz crystal units109 GB/T 6430-1986 晶体盒型号命名方法The rule of type designation for crystal holders (enclosures)110 GB/T 6452-1986 吸气用锆铝合金粉Zirconium-Aluminium alloy powders for getter111 GB/T 6453-1986 吸气用锆铝合金复合带材Zirconium-Aluminium alloy combined strips for getter112 GB/T 6454-1986 吸气用锆铝合金环件和片件Rings and tablets of zirconium-aluminium alloy for getter113 GB/T 6455-1986 释汞吸气用复合带材Mercury releasing combined strips for getter114 GB/T 6591-1986 电子设备用电容器和电阻器名词术语Terms of capacitor and resistor for electronic equipment115 GB/T 6625-1986 掺氮吸气剂含氮量测试方法Test methods for nitrogen content of nitrogen-doped getter116 GB/T 6626.1-1986 释汞吸气剂性能测试方法释汞吸气剂释汞特性的测试方法Test methods for the characteristics of getter-mercury dispenser--Test methods formercury yield characteristic of getter-mercury dispenser117 GB/T 6626.2-1986 释汞吸气剂性能测试方法释汞吸气剂含汞量的测试方法Test methods for the characteristics of getter-mercury dispenser--Test method formercury content of getter-mercury dispenser118 GB/T 6626.3-1986 释汞吸气剂性能测试方法释汞吸气剂放气量的测试方法Test methods for the characteristics of getter-mercury dispenser--Test method for gasemission of getter mercury dispenser119 GB/T 6626.4-1986 释汞吸气剂性能测试方法释汞吸气剂压粉牢固度的检验方法Test methods for the characteristics of getter-mercury dispenser--Method for peeloff test of getter-mercury dispenser120 GB/T 6627-1986 人造石英晶体棒材型号命名方法Designations for lumbered synthetic quartz crystals121 GB/T 6643-1986 通用硬同轴传输线及其法兰连接器总规范General purpose rigid coaxial transmission lines and their associated flange connectors--Genericspecification122 GB/T 6663-1986 直热式负温度系数热敏电阻器总规范(可供认证用) Generalspecification for the directly heated negative temperature coefficient thermistors123 GB/T 6664-1986 直热式负温度系数热敏电阻器空白详细规范评定水平E(可供认证用) Blank detail specification for directly heated negative temperaturecoefficient thermistors--Assessment level E124 GB/T 6832-1986 头戴耳机测量方法Methods of measurement on headphones125 GB/T 7016-1986 固定电阻器电流噪声测量方法Method of measurement of current noise generated in fixed resistors126 GB/T 7017-1986 电阻器非线性测量方法Method of measurement of non-linearity in resistors127 GB/T 7153-1987 直热式阶跃型正温度系数热敏电阻器总规范(可供认证用) Generic specification for the directly heated positive step-function temperaturecoefficient thermistors128 GB/T 7154-1987 直热式阶跃型正温度系数热敏电阻器空白详细规范评定水平E (可供认证用) Blank detail specification for the directly heated positive step-function temperature coefficient thermistors--Assessement level E129 GB/T 7213-1987 电子设备用固定电容器第十五部分: 分规范非固体或固体电解质钽电容器(可供认证用) Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment--Part 15:Sectional specification--Fixed tantalum capacitors with non-solid or solid electrolyte130 GB/T 7214-1987 电子设备用固定电容器第十五部分: 空白详细规范固体定电解质和多孔阳极钽电容器评定水平E (可供认证用) Fixed capacitors for use inelectronic equipment--Part 15: Blank detail specification--Fixed tantalum capacitors with solid electrolyte and porous anode--Assessment level E131 GB/T 7265.1-1987 固体电介质微波复介电常数的测试方法微扰法Test method for complex permittivity of solid dielectric materials at microwave frequencies--Perturbation method132 GB/T 7265.2-1987 固体电介质微波复介电常数的测试方法"开式腔"法Test method for the complex permittivity of solid dielectric materials at microwavefrequencies--" Open cavity" method133 GB/T 7332-1996 电子设备用固定电容器第2部分: 分规范: 金属化聚乙烯对苯二甲酸酯膜介质直流固定电容器Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment--Part2: Sectional specification--Fixed metallized polyethylene-terephthalate film dielectric d.c.capacitors134 GB/T 7333-1996 电子设备用固定电容器第2部分: 空白详细规范金属化聚乙烯对苯二甲酸酯膜介质直流固定电容器评定水平E Fixed capacitors for use in electronicequipment--Part 2: Blank detail specification--Fixed metallized polyethylene-terephthalate filmdielectric d.c.capacitors--Assessment level E135 GB/T 7338-1996 电子设备用固定电阻器第6部分: 分规范各电阻器可单独测量的固定电阻网络Fixed resistors for use in electronic equipment--Part 6: Sectionalspecification--Fixed resistor networks with individually measurable resistors136 GB/T 7339-1987 电子设备用固定电阻器第六部分: 空白详细规范: 阻值和功耗相同, 各电阻器可单独测量的固定电阻网络评定水平 E (可供认证用) Fixed resistors foruse in electronic equipment--Part 6: Blank detail specification--Fixed resistor networks with individually measurable resistors, all of equalvalue and equaldissipation--Assessment level E137 GB/T 7340-1987 电子设备用固定电阻器第六部分: 空白详细规范: 阻值和功耗不同, 各电阻器可单独测量的固定电阻网络评定水平 E (可供认证用) Fixed resistors foruse in electronic equipment--Part 6: Blank detail specification--Fixed resistor networks with individually measurable resistor of either different resistancevalues or different rated dissipations--Assessment level E138 GB/T 7345-1994 控制微电机基本技术要求General requirements for electrical micro machine for automatic control system139 GB/T 7423.1-1987 半导体器件散热器通用技术条件Heat sink of semiconductor devices--Generic specification140 GB/T 7423.2-1987 半导体器件散热器型材散热器Heat sink of smiconductor devices--Heat sink, extruded shapes141 GB/T 7423.3-1987 半导体器件散热器叉指形散热器Heat sink of semiconductor devices--Heat sink, Staggered fingers shapes142 GB/T 7556-1987 对称电缆60路载波系统进网特性要求General characteristics complying with the network performance objectives for 60 channel carriertelephone systems on symmetric cable pairs143 GB/T 7557-1987 1.2/4.4mm标准同轴电缆300路载波系统进网特性要求General characteristics complying with the network performance objectives for 300 channelcarrier telephone systems on standardized 1.2/4.4mm coaxial cable pairs144 GB/T 7613.1-1987 印制板导线耐电流试验方法Test method for current proof of conductors on printed boards145 GB/T 7613.2-1987 印制板表层耐电压试验方法Test methods for voltage proof of surface layers on printed boards146 GB/T 7613.3-1987 印制板金属化孔耐电流试验方法Test methods for current proof of plated-through holes on printed boards147 GB/T 7614-1987 校准测耳机用的宽频带型仿真耳An artificial ear of wide band type for the calibration of earphones used in audiometry148 GB/T 8553-1987 晶体盒总规范Holders (Enclosures), crystal, general specification for149 GB/T 8977-1988 调频、电视广播接收机用300Ω/75Ω平衡-不平衡阻抗变换器300Ω/75Ωbalun for FM and TV broadcast receiver150 GB/T 9020-1988 视频同轴连接器总规范Visual-frequency--Coaxial connectors, generic specification of151 GB/T 9023-1988 射频同轴电缆屏蔽效率测量方法(转移阻抗法) Methods of measurement of screening efficiency for radio-frequency coaxial cables (Test methodfor transfer impedance)152 GB/T 9024-1988 印制板用频率低于3MHz的连接器总则和制订详细规范的导则Connectors frequencies below 3 MHz for use with printed boards--Geneneral rules andguide for the preparation of detail specilications153 GB/T 9315-1988 印制电路板外形尺寸系列Series for printed boards outside dimension 154 GB/T 9320-1988 电子设备用固定电容器第八部分(1): 分规范1类高压瓷介电容器(可供认证用) Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment--Part 8(1):Sectional specification: Fixed classs 1 high voltage ceramic dielectric capacitors155 GB/T 9321-1988 电子设备用固定电容器第八部分(1): 空白详细规范1 类高压瓷介电容器评定水平E (可供认证用) Fixed capacitors for use in electronicequipment--Part 8(1): Blank detail specification: Fixed class 1 ceramic dielectric capacitors--Assessment level E156 GB/T 9322-1988 电子设备用固定电容器第九部分(1): 分规范2 类高压瓷介电容器(可供认证用) Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment--Part 9(1):Sectional specification: Fixed class 2 high voltage ceramic dielectric capacitors157 GB/T 9323-1988 电子设备用固定电容器第九部分(1): 空白详细规范2类高压瓷介电容器评定水平E (可供认证用) Fixed capacitors for use in electronicequipment--Part 9(1): Blank detail specification: Fixed class 2 ceramic dielectric capacitors--Assessment level E158 GB/T 9324-1996 电子设备用固定电容器第10部分: 分规范多层片式瓷介电容器Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment--Part 10: Sectionalspecification--Fixed multilayer ceramic chip capacitors159 GB/T 9325-1996 电子设备用固定电容器第10部分: 空白详细规范多层片式瓷介电容器评定水平E Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment--Part 10: Blankdetail specification Fixed multilayer ceramic chip capacitors Assessment level E160 GB/T 9489.1-1988 刚玉粉分析方法通则General rule for analytical method of alundum powder161 GB/T 9489.2-1988 刚玉粉中氧化钙、氧化镁、二氧化硅、三氧化二铁、二氧化钛的电感耦合高频等离子体发射光谱法测定Determination of CaO,MgO,SiO2,Fe2O3,TiO2 inalundum powder by ICP-AES162 GB/T 9489.3-1988 刚玉粉中三氧化二铁、氧化钙、氧化镁、氧化钠、氧化钾的原子吸收分光光度测定法Determination of Fe2O3,CaO,MgO,Na2O and K2O in alundum powderby atomic absorption spectrophotometry163 GB/T 9489.4-1988 刚玉粉中三氧化二铝含量的络合滴定氟化物释放测定法Determination of Al2O3 in alundum powder by complexometric titration164 GB/T 9489.5-1988 刚玉粉中二氧化硅的比色测定法Determination of SiO2 in alundum powder by colorimetry165 GB/T 9489.6-1988 刚玉粉中二氧化钛的比色测定法Determination of TiO2 in alundum powder by colorimetry166 GB/T 9489.7-1988 刚玉粉中氯根的目视比浊测定法Determination of chloride in alundum powder by visual turbidimetry167 GB/T 9489.8-1988 刚玉粉中碳和硫的测定方法Methods for determination of carbon and sulphur in alundum powder168 GB/T 9489.9-1988 刚玉粉PH值的测定方法Methods for determination of pH in alundum powder169 GB/T 9489.10-1988 刚玉粉灼烧失重的测定方法Method for determination of ignition loss of alundum powder170 GB/T 9506.1-1988 吸气剂性能测试方法通则Generic rules for test method of getter properties171 GB/T 9506.2-1988 蒸散型钡吸气剂得钡量测试方法Test method for barium yield of barium flash getter172 GB/T 9506.3-1988 蒸散型钡吸气剂载料和模中钡量的测定Test method for barium content in getter fill and getter film of barium flash getter173 GB/T 9506.4-1988 吸气剂放气量测试方法Test method for amount of gas evolved from getter174 GB/T 9506.5-1988 掺氮吸气剂释氮吸气动态曲线测试方法Test method for nitrogen-released and gas-absorbed dynamic curve of nitrogen-doped getter175 GB/T 9506.6-1988 掺氮吸气剂钡膜分布测试方法Test method for barium film distribution of nitrogen-doped getter176 GB/T 9506.7-1988 蒸散型钡吸气剂吸气性能测试方法Test method for gettering properties of barium flash getter177 GB/T 9506.8-1988 非蒸散型吸气剂吸气性能测试方法Test method for gettering properties of non-evaporable getter178 GB/T 9506.9-1988 吸气剂装载量测试方法Test method for amount of filling getter179 GB/T 9506.10-1988 吸气剂压制或烧结牢固度测试方法Test method for firmness of getter by pressure or sinter180 GB/T 9506.11-1988 吸气剂支架焊接强度测试方法Test method for weld strenght of getter support181 GB/T 9530-1988 电子陶瓷名词术语Terms for electronic ceramics182 GB/T 9531.1-1988 电子陶瓷零件技术条件General specification for electronic ceramic parts183 GB/T 9531.2-1988 A 类瓷件技术条件Specification for ceramic parts,type A184 GB/T 9531.3-1988 B 类瓷件技术条件Specification for ceramic parts,type B185 GB/T 9531.4-1988 C 类瓷件技术条件Specification for ceramic parts,type C186 GB/T 9531.5-1988 D 类瓷件技术条件Specification for ceramic parts,type D187 GB/T 9531.6-1988 E 类瓷件技术条件Specification for ceramic part,type E188 GB/T 9531.7-1988 F 类瓷件技术条件Specification for ceramic parts,type F189 GB/T 9532-1988 铌酸锂、钽酸锂、锗酸铋、硅酸铋压电单晶材料型号命名方法Designations for LiNbO3, LiTaO3, Bi12, GeO20, Bi12 SiO20 piezoelectric crystals190 GB/T 9533-1988 微波固体电介质材料介电特性测试方法同轴终端短路法Test method for the determination of the dielectric properties of solid dielectricmaterials at microwave frequencies--The method of coaxial terminal short circuit191 GB/T 9534-1988 毫米波频段固体电介质材料介电特性测试方法准光腔法Test method for complex permittivity of solid dielectric materials at millimeter wavefrequencies using "Quasi-Optic Cavity" technique192 GB/T 9536-1995 电子设备用机电开关第1部分: 总规范Electromechanical switches for use in electronic equipment--Part 1: Generic specification193 GB/T 9537-1988 电子设备用键盘开关第一部分: 总规范(可供认证用) Keyboard switches for use in electronic equipment--Part 1: Generic specification194 GB/T 9538-1988 带状电缆连接器总规范General specification of flat cable connector195 GB/T 9546-1995 电子设备用固定电阻器第8部分:分规范:片式固定电阻器Fixed resistors for use in electronic equipment--Part 8: Sectional specification: Fixedchip resistors196 GB/T 9547-1994 电子设备用固定电阻器第八部分: 空白详细规范片式固定电阻器评定水平E Fixed resistors for use in electronic equipment--Part 8: Blank detailspecification--Fixed chip resistors--Assessment level E197 GB/T 9597-1988 电子设备用固定电容器分规范: 1类高功率瓷介电容器(可供认证用) Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment--Sectional specification--Fixed high reactive power--Classl 1 ceramic dielectric capacitors198 GB/T 9598-1988 电子设备用固定电容器空白详细规范: 1 类高功率瓷介电容器评定水平E(可供认证用) Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment--Blankdetail specification--Fixed high reactive power--Classl 1 ceramic dielectric capacitors assessment level E199 GB/T 9623-1988 通信用电感器和变压器磁芯第一部分: 总规范(可供认证用) Inductor and transformer cores for telecommunications--Part 1: Genericspecification200 GB/T 9624-1988 通信用电感器和变压器磁芯第二部分: 分规范电感器用磁性氧化物磁芯(可供认证用) Inductor and transformer cores for telecommunications--Part2: sectional specification: Magnetic oxide cores for inductor applications201 GB/T 9625-1988 通信用电感器和变压器磁芯第二部分: 空白详细规范电感器用磁性氧化物磁芯评定水平A (可供认证用) Inductor and transformer cores fortelecommunications--Part 2: Blank detail specification: Magnetic oxide cores for inductor applications--Assessment level A202 GB/T 9626-1988 通信用电感器和变压器磁芯第三部分: 分规范宽带变压器用磁性氧化物磁芯(可供认证用) Inductor and transformer cores for telecommunications--Part 3: Sectional specification:Magnetic oxide cores for broad-band transformers203 GB/T 9627-1988 通信用电感器和变压器磁芯第三部分: 空白详细规范宽带变压器用磁性氧化物磁芯评定水平A和B (可供认证用) Inductor and transformer cores fortelecommunications--Part 3: Blank detail specification: Magnetic oxide cores for broad-band transformers--Assessment levels A and B204 GB/T 9628-1988 通信用电感器和变压器磁芯第四部分: 分规范电源变压器和扼流圈用磁性氧化物磁芯(可供认证用) Inductor and transformer cores fortelecommunications--Part 4: sectional specification: Magnetic oxide cores for transformers and chokes for power applications205 GB/T 9629-1988 通信用电感器和变压器磁芯第四部分: 空白详细规范电源变压器和扼流圈用磁性氧化物磁芯评定水平A(可供认证用) Inductor and transformer coresfor telecommunications--Part 4: Blank detail specification: Magnetic oxide cores for transformers and chokes for power applications--Assessment level A206 GB/T 9630-1988 磁性氧化物制成的罐形磁芯及其附件的尺寸Dimensions of pot-cores made of magnetic oxides and associated parts207 GB/T 9632-1988 通信用电感器和变压器磁芯测量方法Measuring methods of cores for inductors and transformers for telecommunications208 GB/T 9633-1988 微波频率应用的旋磁材料性能测试方法Measuring methods for properties of gyromagnetic materials intended for application at microwavefrequencies209 GB/T 9634-1988 磁性氧化物零件外形缺陷极限规范的指南Guide to the specification of limits for physical imperfections of parts made from magnetic oxides210 GB/T 9635-1988 天线棒测量方法Measuring methods for aerial rods211 GB/T 9636-1988 磁性氧化物制成的圆天线棒和扁天线棒Aerial rods and slabs made of magnetic oxides212 GB/T 10185-1988 电子设备用固定电容器第7部分:分规范: 金属箔式聚苯乙烯膜介质直流固定电容器Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment--Part 7:Sectional specification: Fixed polystyrene film dielectric metal foil d.c. capacitors213 GB/T 10186-1988 电子设备用固定电容器第7部分: 空白详细规范:金属箔式聚苯乙烯膜介质直流固定电容器评定水平E (可供认证用) Fixed capacitors for use in。



专利名称:METHOD FOR MANUFACTURINGPIEZOELECTRIC ELEMENT, ANDPIEZOELECTRIC ELEMENT MANUFACTUREDBY THE METHOD发明人:MATSUDA, SHINYA申请号:EP10843004申请日:20101221公开号:EP2525423A4公开日:20140122专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:A stress relaxing layer L22 composed of MgO is formed on the upper surface of a substrate layer L1 in order to alleviate stress acting on a piezoelectric layer L3, the stress relaxing layer L22 is removed while leaving behind a region D1 where the piezoelectric layer L3 is to be formed, and the single crystal piezoelectric layer L3 is formed on the upper surface of the stress relaxing layer L22. As a result, the stress relaxing layer L22 in a region D2 where the piezoelectric layer L3 is not to be formed is preliminarily removed, the region D1 where the piezoelectric layer L3 is to be formed is reduced in size, and stress acting on the piezoelectric layer L3 attributable to the difference in lattice constant between the stress relaxing layer L22 and the piezoelectric layer L3 and thermal expansion is alleviated, thereby enabling favorable single crystallization of the piezoelectric layer L3.申请人:KONICA MINOLTA HOLDINGS, INC.更多信息请下载全文后查看。


发明人:KOIZUMI, Takaaki,YAMAGUCHI, Hirofumi,TANAKA, Ritsu
申请号:J P 2006304 335 申请日:20060307 公开号:WO06/095716P1 公开日:2ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ060914
申请人:KOIZUMI, Takaaki,YAMAGUCHI, Hirofumi,TANAKA, Ritsu 地址:2-56, Suda-cho, Mizuho-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi 4678530 JP,c/o NGK INSULATORS, LTD., 2-56, Suda-cho, Mizuho-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi 4678530 JP,c/o NGK INSULATORS, LTD., 2-56, Suda-cho, Mizuho-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi 4678530 JP,c/o NGK INSULATORS, LTD., 2-56, Suda-cho, Mizuho-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi 4678530 JP 国籍:JP,JP,JP,JP 代理机构:WATANABE, Kazuhira 更多信息请下载全文后查看
摘要:Disclosed is a piezoelectric ceramic composition containing at least Nb, Ta and one or more alkali metal elements. The ratio (molar ratio) among Nb, Ta and alkali metal elements is expressed as a nonstoichiometric composition ratio. This piezoelectric ceramic composition enables to obtain a piezoelectric device having excellent piezoelectric characteristics which is denser and more excellent in crystallinity than the conventional ones even when it is fired under low temperature conditions.



专利名称:PIEZOELECTRIC ACTUATOR AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING A PIEZOELECTRICACTUATOR发明人:HEINZE, Thomas,LENK, Andreas申请号:EP2007052107申请日:20070307公开号:WO07/104678P1公开日:20070920专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:The invention relates to a piezoelectric actuator and to a method for producing a piezoelectric actuator (20, 70) having a piezo stack (1'', 1''') and two outer electrodes (11, 12, 11', 12') which are arranged on the outside (5) of the piezo stack (1'', 1'''). A fully active piezo stack (1) comprising a plurality of alternately successive piezoelectric layers (2) and continuous inner electrode layers (3, 4) is first of all provided. The outside (5) of the fully active piezo stack (1) is provided with trenches (7, 8) in regions in which the inner electrode layers (3, 4) are intended to be electrically insulated from the outer electrodes (11, 12, 11', 12'), with the result that the trenches (7, 8) shorten the inner electrode layers (3, 4) in these regions from the outside (5) of the piezo stack (1) inwards. The trenches (7, 8) are then filled with an electrically insulating material (9) and the two outer electrodes (11, 12, 11', 12') are applied to the outside (5) of the piezo stack (1'', 1'''), with the result that the two outer electrodes (11, 12, 11', 12') are alternately electrically connected to the inner electrode layers (3, 4).申请人:HEINZE, Thomas,LENK, Andreas地址:DE,DE,DE国籍:DE,DE,DE代理机构:CONTINENTAL AUTOMOTIVE GMBH 更多信息请下载全文后查看。

Piezoelectric actuator and method for producing th

Piezoelectric actuator and method for producing th

专利名称:Piezoelectric actuator and method forproducing the same发明人:Jun Isono申请号:US11809992申请日:20070604公开号:US07514855B2公开日:20090407专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:A piezoelectric actuator includes a first ceramic sheet having an individualelectrode formed thereon, a second ceramic sheet having a common electrode formed thereon, a top ceramic sheet having a surface electrode for the individual electrode and asurface electrode for the common electrode formed thereon, wherein the surface electrode for the common electrode is divided by a plurality of slits into a plurality of electrode-portions each having a area of not more than a predetermined area. Accordingly, when these ceramic sheets are calcinated to be integrated together, this construction makes it possible to lower the affect due to difference in the amount of thermal shrinkage between the surface electrode for the common electrode and the top ceramic sheet, thereby suppressing the arching deformation of the top ceramic sheet.申请人:Jun Isono地址:Nagoya JP国籍:JP代理机构:Reed Smith LLP更多信息请下载全文后查看。

Piezo-electric stretching detector and method for

Piezo-electric stretching detector and method for

专利名称:Piezo-electric stretching detector andmethod for measuring stretchingphenomena using such a detector发明人:Bruno Schläpfer,Dario Mächler,MatthiasTanner申请号:US09554574申请日:20000516公开号:US06435034B1公开日:20020820专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:The present invention relates to a piezo-electric stretching detector which isused for measuring the positive and negative stretching on the surfaces of rigid structures using electric signals, wherein said detector can be attached by a force connection onto said surfaces in a compressible or non-removable relation. This stretching detector has a high sensitivity in all stretching directions and is made of a piezo-ceramic material which is applied in a thin layer on at least one surface of a flexible metal sheet or which is fixedly attached to said metal sheet in the shape of a moulded body. At least one of said stretching detectors can be arranged on the free abutting end of at least one resilient pressure body which is imbedded in the reception housing of a stretching sensor. The stretching sensor further comprises members for pressing the reception housing onto the surface to be measured. According to one method for measuring the positive and negative stretching on the surfaces of rigid structures using a stretching detector or sensor, the piezo-electrically emitted charges are amplified in charge amplifiers so as to obtain output signals which can be used by the controllers and have a voltage proportional thereto. The charge amplifier can also be switched rapidly from reduced charge ranges to very wide charge ranges.申请人:HERA ROTTERDAM B.V.代理机构:Bachman & LaPointe, P.C.更多信息请下载全文后查看。



专利名称:PIEZOELECTRIC ACTUATOR AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING A PIEZOELECTRICACTUATOR发明人:HEINZE, THOMAS,LENK, ANDREAS申请号:EP07726665.8申请日:20070307公开号:EP1997160B1公开日:20130130专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:The invention relates to a piezoelectric actuator and to a method for producing a piezoelectric actuator (20, 70) having a piezo stack (1'', 1''') and two outer electrodes (11, 12, 11', 12') which are arranged on the outside (5) of the piezo stack (1'', 1'''). A fully active piezo stack (1) comprising a plurality of alternately successive piezoelectric layers (2) and continuous inner electrode layers (3, 4) is first of all provided. The outside (5) of the fully active piezo stack (1) is provided with trenches (7, 8) in regions in which the inner electrode layers (3, 4) are intended to be electrically insulated from the outer electrodes (11, 12, 11', 12'), with the result that the trenches (7, 8) shorten the inner electrode layers (3, 4) in these regions from the outside (5) of the piezo stack (1) inwards. The trenches (7, 8) are then filled with an electrically insulating material (9) and the two outer electrodes (11, 12, 11', 12') are applied to the outside (5) of the piezo stack (1'', 1'''), with the result that the two outer electrodes (11, 12, 11', 12') are alternately electrically connected to the inner electrode layers (3, 4).申请人:CONTINENTAL AUTOMOTIVE GMBH,CONTINENTAL AUTOMOTIVE GMBH,CONTINENTAL AUTOMOTIVE GMBH地址:DE国籍:DE更多信息请下载全文后查看。



专利名称:PIEZOELECTRIC ACTUATOR AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING A PIEZOELECTRICACTUATOR发明人:HEINZE, THOMAS,LENK, ANDREAS申请号:EP07726665.8申请日:20070307公开号:EP1997160B1公开日:20130130专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:The invention relates to a piezoelectric actuator and to a method for producing a piezoelectric actuator (20, 70) having a piezo stack (1'', 1''') and two outer electrodes (11, 12, 11', 12') which are arranged on the outside (5) of the piezo stack (1'', 1'''). A fully active piezo stack (1) comprising a plurality of alternately successive piezoelectric layers (2) and continuous inner electrode layers (3, 4) is first of all provided. The outside (5) of the fully active piezo stack (1) is provided with trenches (7, 8) in regions in which the inner electrode layers (3, 4) are intended to be electrically insulated from the outer electrodes (11, 12, 11', 12'), with the result that the trenches (7, 8) shorten the inner electrode layers (3, 4) in these regions from the outside (5) of the piezo stack (1) inwards. The trenches (7, 8) are then filled with an electrically insulating material (9) and the two outer electrodes (11, 12, 11', 12') are applied to the outside (5) of the piezo stack (1'', 1'''), with the result that the two outer electrodes (11, 12, 11', 12') are alternately electrically connected to the inner electrode layers (3, 4).申请人:CONTINENTAL AUTOMOTIVE GMBH,CONTINENTAL AUTOMOTIVE GMBH,CONTINENTAL AUTOMOTIVE GMBH地址:DE国籍:DE更多信息请下载全文后查看。

Piezoelectric element and method of producing the

Piezoelectric element and method of producing the

专利名称:Piezoelectric element and method ofproducing the same发明人:Akira Ando,Koichi Hayashi,Masahiko Kimura申请号:US09773951申请日:20010201公开号:US06424080B1公开日:20020723专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:A piezoelectric element contains a piezoelectric ceramic body having a layered perovskite structure, and has the C axis selected and oriented in the thickness direction.In the piezoelectric ceramic body, line shaped electrodes are formed perpendicular tothe C axis selected and oriented. The electrodes exposed at both of the end faces of the piezoelectric ceramic body are covered with conductive materials and insulation materials. The piezoelectric ceramic body is polarized in the opposite directions on both of the sides of electrodes arranged in the width direction. Moreover, external electrodes are formed on the faces where the conductive materials and the insulation materials are formed, whereby two groups of the electrodes are arranged in an interdigital electrode form.代理机构:Ostrolenk, Faber, Gerb & Soffen, LLP更多信息请下载全文后查看。



专利名称:PIEZOELECTRIC ACTUATOR AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING A PIEZOELECTRICACTUATOR发明人:HEINZE, THOMAS,LENK, ANDREAS申请号:EP07726665.8申请日:20070307公开号:EP1997160A1公开日:20081203专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:The invention relates to a piezoelectric actuator and to a method for producing a piezoelectric actuator (20, 70) having a piezo stack (1'', 1''') and two outer electrodes (11, 12, 11', 12') which are arranged on the outside (5) of the piezo stack (1'', 1'''). A fully active piezo stack (1) comprising a plurality of alternately successive piezoelectric layers (2) and continuous inner electrode layers (3, 4) is first of all provided. The outside (5) of the fully active piezo stack (1) is provided with trenches (7, 8) in regions in which the inner electrode layers (3, 4) are intended to be electrically insulated from the outer electrodes (11, 12, 11', 12'), with the result that the trenches (7, 8) shorten the inner electrode layers (3, 4) in these regions from the outside (5) of the piezo stack (1) inwards. The trenches (7, 8) are then filled with an electrically insulating material (9) and the two outer electrodes (11, 12, 11', 12') are applied to the outside (5) of the piezo stack (1'', 1'''), with the result that the two outer electrodes (11, 12, 11', 12') are alternately electrically connected to the inner electrode layers (3, 4).申请人:CONTINENTAL AUTOMOTIVE GMBH地址:Wittelsbacherplatz 2 80333 München DE国籍:DE更多信息请下载全文后查看。



专利名称:PIEZOELECTRIC ACTUATOR AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING A PIEZOELECTRICACTUATOR发明人:HEINZE, THOMAS,LENK, ANDREAS申请号:EP07726665.8申请日:20070307公开号:EP1997160A1公开日:20081203专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:The invention relates to a piezoelectric actuator and to a method for producing a piezoelectric actuator (20, 70) having a piezo stack (1'', 1''') and two outer electrodes (11, 12, 11', 12') which are arranged on the outside (5) of the piezo stack (1'', 1'''). A fully active piezo stack (1) comprising a plurality of alternately successive piezoelectric layers (2) and continuous inner electrode layers (3, 4) is first of all provided. The outside (5) of the fully active piezo stack (1) is provided with trenches (7, 8) in regions in which the inner electrode layers (3, 4) are intended to be electrically insulated from the outer electrodes (11, 12, 11', 12'), with the result that the trenches (7, 8) shorten the inner electrode layers (3, 4) in these regions from the outside (5) of the piezo stack (1) inwards. The trenches (7, 8) are then filled with an electrically insulating material (9) and the two outer electrodes (11, 12, 11', 12') are applied to the outside (5) of the piezo stack (1'', 1'''), with the result that the two outer electrodes (11, 12, 11', 12') are alternately electrically connected to the inner electrode layers (3, 4).申请人:CONTINENTAL AUTOMOTIVE GMBH地址:Wittelsbacherplatz 2 80333 München DE国籍:DE更多信息请下载全文后查看。


发明人:Yoshiaki Amano 申请号:US12203035 申请日:20080902 公开号:US20090077781A1 公开日:20090326 专利附图:
摘要:Methods are disclosed for manufacturing tuning-fork type piezoelectric vibrating devices. In an exemplary method a metal film is formed on both surfaces of a ezoelectric wafer, followed by application of photoresist. A first metal-film-etching
step etches the metal film after removal of the photoresist layer outside the profile outline of the devices. A first piezoelectric-etching step etches the wafer surface but not through to the rear surface; thus, outside the profile outline the metal film is removed. A second metal-film-etching step etches the metal film after removal of the photoresist layer from first groove regions. A second piezoelectric-etching step etches outside the profile outline and the groove regions through to the rear surface.
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I. INTRODUCTION T HE FUNDAMENTAL PROPERTIES of interest in a piezoelectric crystal or electrostrictive ceramic are the piezoelectric or "equivalent" piezoelectric constant of the material, the dielectric constant and dielectric loss of the material, the elastic constants and elastic losses of the materials, and the variations of these properties with temperature, humidity and pressure, as well as frequency and amplitude of signal. Dependence on the latter two is of significance primarily in ferroelectric materials, whose properties moreover may show marked dependence on previous history. A number of methods have been used to measure these properties and it is the purpose of this paper to describe the advantages and disadvantages of these methods and to recommend certain preferred methods. By using such methods as fundamental standards it is the hope that the measured properties of new crystals and electrostrictive ceramics made by different investigators will be more comparable and reliable.
III. MEASUREMENTS ON LARGE-SIZED CRYSTALS A. Capacitance Measurements at Low and High Fre-
II. METHODS FOR INVESTIGATING SMALL SIZE SPECIMENS time and effort necessary to measure and Since the grow large-sized piezoelectric crystals are very considerable, and since special growing techniques are often re-quired for specific crystals, it is a matter of some importance to obtain methods for eliminating nonpromising crystals in the small-grain size state, since these are rather easily grown in beakers by spontaneous seeding. Two methods have been used for this purpose, the click oscillator and a balanced capacity bridge method.
For the click oscillator,' a number of grains of the substance are inserted between two electrodes which are placed across the plates of the oscillator as shown by Fig. 1. The frequency of the oscillator is changed by varying the tuning condenser C, and if a resonance of one of the piezoelectric crystals occurs near the oscillator frequency, the frequency of the oscillator will be briefly controlled by the crystal resonances. As the condenser is turned further, the frequency jumps from the crystal frequency to that determined by the condenser.
1 This method was first discovered by W. G. Cady ("The piezoelectric resonator," PROC. I.R.E., vol. 10, pp. 83-114; 1922) and has been applied systematically by E. Giebe and A. Scheibe ("A simple method for qualitative indication of piezoelectricity in crystals," Zs. Ph., vol. 33, pp. 760-766; 1925) to obtain a qualitative indication of piezoelectric properties. 2 "Piezoelectric Crystals and Their Application to Ultrasonics," W. P. Mason, D. Van Nostrand & Co., New York, N. Y., pp. 49-50;
Summary-This paper considers methods for measuring the piezoelectric, dielectric, and elastic coefficients of crystals and ceramics and recommends certain preferred methods of measurement. Static measurements are not considered to be as satisfactory as dynamic measurements. Of the dynamic methods, measurements of the resonant and anti-resonant frequencies, the low frequency capacitance and the resistance at resonance appear to be the simplest and most accurate method, provided that the ratio of Qlr is high. Quasi-static methods are useful for crystals having a low ratio of Qlr, for determining the sign of the piezoelectric coefficients, and for production checks. Hydrostatic methods are useful for complicated crystals such as monoclinic types and for measuring a sum of two of the coefficients of electrostrictive ceramics. This measurement can be carried out for odd-shaped samillator circuit.
This jump in frequency is accompanied by a change in the plate current, so that a pair of head phones or a loud speaker attached to the plate circuit of the oscillator will produce an acoustic click. By following the tube with an audio amplifier, weaker clicks can be heard. By changing the oscillator frequency over a wide range, a number of possible resonances will be determined. This is a qualitative method since the loudness of the clicks cannot be related to the electromechanical coupling in the crystal or the crystal's Q. The bridge method, (Fig. 2, p. 922) consists in placing a number of crystal grains between two electrodes which are in one arm of a capacitance bridge. An oscillator is connected to the input and a sensitive detector to the output of the bridge. The capacitance Ci is balanced outside the crystal-resonance range so that a minimum of current occurs in the detector. As the frequency is changed, the bridge becomes unbalanced as a crystal resonance is approached and the amount of unbalance can be shown2 to be determined by the ratio of