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1. 从语义上看,如果两个或多个句子所表示的意义具有同 等重要性,这些分句就构成并列句,如果两个或多个句子之 间语义上有主次之分,则构成复合句; 2. 从结构上看,并列句中各分句之间是平等的并列关系,而 复合句中各分句之间则是从属关系,从句属于主句结构的一 部分。
Compound Sentences
解析:本句 yet 连接两个形容词,表示转折。 其主语是the reason for their actions. 译文:引发他们行动的原因是一个简单而有 力的认识:环境足迹和经济足迹殊途同归。
That's both an opportunity and a warning for the best highereducation in the world.(2012.6)
解析:复合句。主句 more and more older Americans are decling the retirement dinner in favor of staying on the job。主句前,buoyed by laws and court decisions是过 去分词作原因状语;主句后,thereby lessening employement...workers则是现在分词作结果状语。 译文由于受到法律和法庭裁决的支持,越来越多的美国老年人拒 绝退休,选择继续工作——因而导致就业率降低,年轻人的晋升 机会减少。
解析:本句是一个简单句,该句主语是most students.not only ,but also, and在这里连接了两 个并列成分. 译文:然而现如今,大多数毕业生最终都在学术界之 外工作,不仅在产业领域,而且还在像科学政策、通 信和专利法这样的职业领域。
Getting enough to eat and enjoying the safty and comfort of living fully on the grid is certainly a good thing --but it does carry an environment price.(2014.12)
Such lasting effects may be due to girls ’ realizing not only how they were being influenced but also who was benefiting from the societal pressure to be thin. (2009 年 6月)
解析:本句并列连词 both,and 连接 两个并列成分。
译文:这是一个机遇,也是对世界上 最好的高等教育的一个警告。
Complex Sentences
Buoyed by laws and court decisions, more and more older Americans are declining the retirement dinner in favor of staying on the job-thereby lessening employment and promotion opportunities for younger workers. (2006.6. )
But schools rarely dig down to find out what really makes an applicant succeed, to create a class which also contains diversity of attitude and approach – arguably the only diversity that, in a business context, really matters.(2011.6)
解析:本句为复合句,主架为„ effects may be due to„。girls’ realizing为动名词作宾语。 realizing后接了两个由并列结构not only„ but also„ 连接的宾语从句,分别是how they were being influenced和who was benefiting„ to be thin。 译文:这些持续的效果可能是因为女孩们不仅意 识到了她们是如何受到影响的,还意识到了谁从 这些让大家感到应该瘦身的社会压力中受益。
I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards. ( America)
1 、 并列句 ——句子成分都由单词或短语担任,但有两个
解析:复合句,主句是Talent,charm,and...,从句时as far as...,其中包括了who引导的定语从句。 译文:天资、魅力以及非凡的职业道德很少能够汇 聚于某个人身上,而这位曾在密西西比州乡村遭人 虐待的未成年母亲正是凭借着这些成为世界上最成 功的娱乐偶像之一,并且成为美国首位非裔女亿富 翁。
解析:复合句。本句中主句是schools rarely dig down to find out...,what引导的宾语从句,不定式表示目的。
译文:但是学校很少深入研究是什么让申请者申请 成功的,以便创造一个包含多样化态度与方法的课 堂——这可以说是在商业背景下唯一真正重要的多 样化
Talent,charm,and an exceptional work ethic have rarely hurled anyone as far as they have this former abusedteenage mother from rural Mississppi who became one of the world 's most successful entertainment icons and the first African-American female billionaire. (2014.6)
Bu today,most gtaduats end up working outside academia,not only industry but also in careers such as sciencce policy,communications,and patnt law.(2013.12)
译文:能够衣食无忧地享受城市生活的安全与舒 适当然是件好事,但不可避免的是要付出牺牲环 境的代价。
The reason for their actions is a simpple yet powerful realisation that the environmental and economic footprints fit welltogether.(2014.12)
解析:本句是if 引导的条件状语从句,or在这里连接了主句的两 个并列选择成分。 lowering costs even before you start saving on bills是现在分词结构做状语,表明了这样做的好处。
译文:最先进的绝热技术遵循回报不断增加的规律:如果你采取了足够的 措施,就可以减少甚至取消空调设备,在开始节省开支之前就已经减少了 开支。
thank you
The most advanced insulation follows the law of increasing returns: if you add enough, you can scale down or even eliminate heating and air-conditioning equipment, lowering costs even before you start saving on bills. (2007.6)
They will serve as modern Magellans,mapping out the solar system for whatever explorers follow,whether man or machine.(2013.6)
解析:复合句。主句是 they will serve as modern Magellans。现代分词mapping out引导的句子的逻 辑主语是they,其中还包括了whatever、whether引 导的宾语从句。 译文:它们将成为现代麦哲伦,为接下来的探 索者 —— 不论是人还是机器 —— 详细标注太阳 系。