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1.Your Honor Mr.Mayor,thank you very much for your extraordinary arrangements and hospitality.In the short period of the two week study tour,we have travelled much of your country.// Those were indeed exciting and unforgettable days.We have experienced the warm reception,the utmost courtesy and genuine friendship of the Chinese people.// We have been deeply impressed by the diversity,dynamism,and progress of China under the policies of reform and opening up to the outside world.// We are glad that we are part of the dramatic process of your change from the planned economy to the market-oriented economy.The cooperative relations between our two countries have become so extensive that they have affected almost all areas of economy.// 尊敬的市长先生,感谢您的精心安排与好客。
// 那些日子确实别人激动,令人难忘。
// 中国在改革开放政策引导下,气象万千,充满活力,不断进步,这些给我们留下了极为深刻的印象。
// 贵国正处于一个由计划经济向市场经济转轨的过程,我们很高兴能参加与这个富有戏剧性的转轨过程。
// 英国和澳大利亚的有关公司与专家对本次研讨会的成功召开给予了很大的帮助,对此我谨致以诚挚的谢意。
// 海外一些发达国家在推动英特网服务事业方面积累了不少经验,值得我们借鉴和学习,通过交流,我们可以得到更多的信息与体会。
// 我相信,本次研讨会
// Mr.Chairman,ladies and gentlemen,I declare open the International Symposium on Internet Service.I’d like to extend a warm welcome to our guests from various circles.// I wish to express our sincere thanks to the British and Australian companies and their specialists whose generous help has made possible the successful commencement of this symposium.// Some overseas developed countries have accumulated much experience in promoting Internet service.And their experience deserves our reference and study.Through exchange,we will be able to acquire more information and knowledge.// I believe the symposium will be constructive and significant in popularizing the use of Internet service in China.I wish the symposium a complete success.// 3.我谨代表我们一行的全体成员,感谢董事长先生的盛情邀请,参加你们的圣诞晚会。
// 圣诞节确实是一年中的一段美好时光。
// 今年庆祝圣诞节对我们所有人来说更有意义,因为今年我们的合资企业的销售有了显著增长。
// 我希望我们能保持这种务实的合作关系,使明年的业绩更加辉煌。
// On behalf of all the members of my group,I’d like to thank you,Mr.Chairman,for y our gracious invitation for us to attend such an enjoyable Christmas party.// Christmas is really a wonderful time of a year.The christmas get-together party is symbolic of the warmth,union,and decication of mankind.// The celebration of Christmas this year is more meaningful to all of us,because our joint venture has had a remarkable sales growth this year.// I hope we will be able to maintain this practical cooperative relationship and make the coming new year a more fruitful year.May I ask you to make a toast with me to a better business in the coming year.4.今晚,我
// It gives us great pleasure to play host tonight to our old friends,Dr.and Mrs.Green in Beijing University once again.//On behalf of the faculty ,students and staff of the university ,I wish to extend our warm welcome to Dr.and Mrs.Green and other distinguished New Zealand guests.//I am convinced that Dr.Green’s current visit to our university will surely make an important contribution to further strengthening the friendly relations and cooperation between our two countries.//Our distinguished guests will leave for Nanjing and Shanghai tomorrow.I wish you all a pleasant journey.//
The financial and economic crisis sweeping the globe is dealing a heavy blow to the world economy.It is forecast that the global trade volume will drop by about 9 percent, indicating the most severe situation for 60 years.经济危机考验着各国政府的经济管理能力,考验着人类的智慧。
The economic crisis is testing the economic management capabilities of governments as well as the wisdom of mankind.亚洲作为这次危机被波及的地区正深受其害,面临着出口下降、就业减少、外汇储备风险加大等威胁。
Asia is being impacted profoundly as the region is affected by the sprawling crisis, challenged by decrease of export, decline
in employment, and rising risks in forex reserves.但亚洲也是这次危机中比较幸运的地区,受危机的直接冲击比美、欧要小,内需潜力巨大,资金和外汇储备比较充裕。
However, Asia is comparatively a fortunate region in the crisis in that its direct impact is less serious than the U.S.and Europe, its potential domestic demand is enormous, and its capital and forex reserves are abundant.除少数发达国家和地区外,多数国家和地区处于工业化、城市化快速推进的过程中。
With the exception of a few developed economies, most of the countries and regions are in the process of accelerated industrialization and urbanization.扩大亚洲的经济合作,把亚洲各国工业化、城市化进程与发达国家的技术和区域内外的资金结合起来,可以形成巨大的需求。
By expanding economic cooperation in Asia, combining industrialization, urbanization of Asia with the technologies of developed countries as well as capitals from within and outside the region, tremendous demands will take shape.这种需求一旦变成现实购买力和进口能力,对拉动全球经济走出危机影响,将会起到举足轻重的作用。
Once the demands are translated into real purchase power and import power, they can play a vital role in driving the global economy out of the shadow of crisis.主席先生,女士们,先生们:Mr.President, Ladies and Gentlemen,首先,我谨代表中国政府向第三次世界气候大会的成功召开表示热烈的祝贺!
To start with, I wish to express, on behalf of the Chinese Government, warm congratulations on the successful opening of the Third World Climate Conference!
Climate is the natural environment which the mankind
depends on for living and the important basic resources for sustainable economic and social development.The global climate change, mainly characterized by climate warming, is an unequivocal reality.气候变化导致灾害性气候事件频发,冰川和积雪融化加速,水资源分布失衡,生物多样性受到威胁,对人类经济社会生活和可持续发展带来深刻和长远的影响。
Climate change leads to frequent occurrence of disastrous climate events, accelerated melting of glaciers and snow covers, unbalanced distribution of water resources and endangered biodiversity, and has profound and long-lasting impact on economic and social livelihood and sustainable development of human beings.可以说,气候和气候变化问题,从来没有像今天这样受到各国政府的高度关切和重视,从来没有像今天这样受到全球民众的高度关心和忧虑,从来没有像今天这样受到各类国际组织的高度关注和思考。
Never before have the issues of climate and climate change received so much concern and attention from all governments, been so much cared and worried about by people around the world, and been so much focused on and thought about by various international organizations.气候变化问题事关人类的福祉和全球的可持续发展,需要国际社会共同积极应对。
The issue of climate change calls for common and active responses from the international community, as it concerns the well-being of all peoples and the global sustainable development.中国是一个气候条件复杂、生态环境脆弱、自然灾害频发、易受气候变化影响的国家。
China, with complex climatic conditions, fragile ecological environment and frequent natural disasters, is vulnerable to climate change.中国政府十分重视气象工作和气候服务,建立了国家、省、市、县多层次的气候服务网络,服务范围遍及全国。
The Chinese Government attaches great importance to
meteorological work and climate services, and has established a multi-level climate service network at national, provincial, city and county levels, providing services throughout the country.气候变化是人类面临的共同挑战。
Climate change is the common challenge faced by the mankind.As the largest developing country in the world, China faces enormous tasks in developing its economy, eradicating poverty and improving people's livelihood, but it still attaches great importance to climate change.中国作为一个负责任的国家,主张通过切实有效的国际合作,携手努力,共同应对气候变化。
As a responsible country, China maintains that the international community should work together to jointly address climate change through effective international cooperation.尽管国际金融危机严重冲击世界经济,中国经济也受到很大影响,但我们应对气候变化的决心没有改变,行动没有松懈。
The international financial crisis has seriously affected the global economy, and China's economy has also been greatly impacted.Nevertheless, our determination to address climate change remains unchanged, and we will not slacken our efforts.中国将坚定不移地走可持续发展道路,实施强有力的国内政策、措施和行动,承担与发展阶段、应负责任和实际能力相称的国际义务,与国际社会一道共同呵护人类共有的地球家园。
China will be firmly committed to the road of sustainable development, implement vigorous domestic policy-measures and actions, assume international obligations that are commensurate with our development stage, due responsibilities and actual capacities, and work with the international community to look after the planet Earth-the common home of the mankind.祝第三次世界气候大会取得圆满成功!谢谢!I wish the WCC-3 a
complete success!Thank you all
World Media Summit Joint Statement
Themed “Cooperation, Action, Win-Win and Development”, we held extensive and in-depth discussions on eight topics, which analyzed the current situation, assessed the development trends of the global media industry on a series of crucial issues confronting media organizations against the backdrop of the international financial crisis, fast changing audience demands and the rapid advancement of emerging technologies.我们相信本次峰会深化了认识,扩大了共识,加强了合作,取得了积极成果。
Through the summit we believe to have achieved positive results by producing great insights, enhancing consensus and strengthening cooperation.我们关注,当今世界正经历着复杂而深刻的变革,经济全球化、全球信息化、传播技术新型化以及世界文化多样性与共通共融,为世界传媒业的发展提供了广阔前景,也为媒体报道世界事件和全球问题构建了重要舞台。
We note that the world is undergoing complicated and profound changes.Economic globalization, the information explosion, and the prevalence of new communication technologies, plus the diversity and integration of world cultures, have provided great opportunities for global media development and set up an important platform.for media organizations to cover world events and global issues.我们希望,世界各地媒体向全世界传播真实、客观、公正、公平的新闻信息,促进政府和公共机构的透明度和公信力,促进世界不同国家和地区人民间的相互理解和交流。
We hope that media organizations around the world will provide accurate, objective, impartial and fair coverage of the world's news events, and promote transparency and accountability of governments and public institutions, and thus facilitate the mutual understanding as well as exchange of views and ideas among peoples from different countries and regions.我们密切关注国际金融危机给全球经济,特别是给世界传媒业造成的严重冲击。
We pay close attention to the impact of the international financial crisis on the global economy--the media industry in particular.We also exchanged ideas about the media sector's strategies and experiences in coping with the crisis and seeking renewal and development.我们认为,数字化、网络化时代,世界传媒业的环境与格局正在发生着深刻变化。
We believe that in the current digital and network age, the global media industry is experiencing profound changes in their operating environments and structures.Though challenges and opportunities co-exist, there are more opportunities than challenges.积极适应时代发展潮流,充分应用高新技术成果,加强与用户的互动,鼓励受众的参与,将有助于推动世界传媒业变革和进步。
Adapting to the developing trends and engaging consumers and encouraging participation by taking full advantage of advanced technologies will help push forward reforms and progress in the global media industry.我们希望,在世界传媒业发展进程中扮演着重要角色的各种形态媒体,相互学习,相互借鉴,功能互补,不断创新,共同发展。
We hope all forms of media which are playing an important role in global media development, to seek common development
by deepening cooperation between each other, learning from each other, drawing on each other's experiences and complementing each other with new ideas.我们相信,通过世界媒体峰会搭建的有效平台,各媒体之间加强沟通与交流,开展信息交流、人员交流、技术交流和经验交流,增进相互了解,分享机遇与成果。
We think that through the platform.built by the World Media Summit, media institutions around the world would enhance communication, share information, carry out personnel and technology exchanges, and share their opportunities and experience.我们确信,本次峰会的举行将对世界传媒业产生广泛、积极和深远的影响,推动世界各地媒体共同应对挑战、增进彼此合作、实现共赢发展。
We believe that the World Media Summit will have a widespread, positive and far-reaching effect on the global media industry and prompt media organizations in the world to work together against challenges, enhance collaboration and achieve common development.本次峰会由新华通讯社、新闻集团、美联社、路透社、俄塔社、共同社、英国广播公司、时代华纳特纳广播集团和谷歌共同倡议发起,新华通讯社承办。
The summit was launched at the joint proposal of Xinhua News Agency, News Corporation, the Associated Press, Reuters, ITAR-TASS, Kyodo, BBC, Turner Broadcasting System and Google, and was hosted by Xinhua News Agency.世博口译:
Distinguished Representatives, Ladies and Gentlemen, Good morning!
At this pleasant time of spring, I am greatly delighted to have
this opportunity to meet here with you, representatives from international organizations, and brief you on the preparation progress of the Shanghai 2010 World Expo。
Known as a grand gathering of the world in economy, culture, science and technology, the World Expo boasts a track record of more than 150 years.她一直关注人类的交流与发展,寄托人们的思想与愿望,展示创造的经验与成就,促进国际的合作与友谊。
With its long-time focus on human communication and development, it has embodied people’s ideas and ideals, presented innovative experience and accomplishments, and enhanced cooperation and friendship among different countries.The World Expo shares common goals with many international organizations。
// The 21st century will be an inportant period for urban evolution.The vision and perspectives concerning the future urban living are a common issue of global concern in which every nation has a stake, regardless of their level of development.2010年上海世博会是第一次在发展中国家举办注册类世界博览会。
// The Shanghai 2010 World Expo will be the first registered international exhibition to be held in a developing country.上海世博会的主题是“城市,让生活更美好”。
我们希望在这一主题下,各参展者能够展示城市文明成果、交流城市发展经验、传播先进城市理念,Given its theme “Better City, Better Life”,Expo Shanghai is expected to be a forum for every exhibitor to showcase achievements in urban civilization, exchange experience for urban developments, and share advanced views on urban living,
// …so as to explore brand-new models of human habitation, life and work in the new century and to provide vivid examples of building an ecologically harmonious society for the sustainable development of humankind。
Dear friends, The Chinese government has solemnly pledged to the international community to make Expo Shanghai a successful, splendid and unforgettable one.It is also a major priority for Shanghai municipality, the Expo organizer, in the next five years.我们将努力邀请200个左右的国家和国际组织参展,吸引海内外7000万人次游客前来参观,使2010年上海世博会真正成为一次伟大的聚会。
We will make every effort to attract around 200 countries and international organizations as exhibitions and 70 million visitors from home and abroad to make the Shanghai 2010 World Expo a truly magnificent gathering。
We sincerely hope that more countries and international organizations will confirm with us soon and join our efforts to make Expo Shanghai a real forum for people from all over the world to share historical experience, insights and lessons, and visions of the future, and a platform.for dialogue of equals, greater understanding and closer partnership among different countries。
Thank you!
// Harmony is a defining/core value of China's cultural tradition.It is an ideal that the Chinese nation has never ceased to pursue.“以和为贵”就是说国家之间、民族之间、人与人之间要以团结互助、友好相处为最高境界。
“Harmony is most precious”.This means that mutual help and friendly co-existence between states, nations and people should be our ultimate pursuit.“和实生物”就是说只有不同文明之间相互吸收借鉴,才能文物化新,推进文明的进步。
“Harmony generates vitality”.This means that only with mutual interaction and enrichment can different civilizations rejuvenate and continue to grow.要建设一个和谐世界,应坚持民主平等,实现协调合作;坚持和睦互信,实现共同安全;坚持公正互利,实现共同发展;坚持包容开放,实现文明对话。
// To build a harmonious world, we should uphold democracy and equality to enhance cooperation and coordination;ensure amity/fertility and mutual trust to achieve common security;uphold justice and mutual benefit to advance common development;and stay open to facilitate dialogue among civilizations.一个和谐的国家是法治的国家,稳定的国家,和平的国家,繁荣的国家。
A harmonious country should be one of laws and stability, peace and prosperity.A harmonious world should be one of democracy, peace, justice and tolerance.中国人提倡“海纳百川,有容乃大”,主张吸纳百家优长、兼集八方精义。
// We Chinese hold that one should be as tolerant/encompassing as the vast ocean which admits hundreds of rivers and should draw upon other's strengths.中国真诚愿意兼收并蓄、博采各种文明之长//
China is eager to draw on/upon the strengths of other civilizations.其它有关“和谐”的词组速记:
Harmony rallys strength and leads to great successes.和而不同 harmony in diversity/harmony without uniformity 和谐共赢 all-win harmony;harmony and all winners 实现社会公平与正义 ensure equity and justice
廉政文化建设 foster a culture of clean government 减少社会不平等现象 reduce social inequalities 和谐相处 live in harmony 和谐社会的内涵 the characteristics of a harmonious society 和实生物,同则不继(西周周太史史伯)Harmony generates and sameness stops/stifles vitality 和为贵Harmony is most precious;Peace is to be cherished.和也者,天下之达道也(《中庸》)Harmony is the Way to be.(The Doctrine of the Mean) 君子和而不同 Gentlemen seek harmony but not uniformity.和则两利 Reconciliation benefits both;Peace benefits both.和则生谐Reconciliation leads to harmony.天人合一the unity of man/human and nature;Heaven-Man Oneness(书面);Heaven and man are one.(
2011年中国经济进入高铁时代(ushers in a new era of high speed train).高铁在促进城市发展,产业升级,具有显而易见的优势(High speed train plays a significant role in promoting urban expansion and industrial upgrade).值得一提的是(it’s worth mentioning that)目前,中国铁路在高速动车组、高速铁路基础设施建造技术等方面都达到了世界先进水平,已经形成集设计、施工、制造、运营管理于一体的成套先进技术,其在铁路研发、建设、管理过程中形成的一整套高铁技术,(China now boasts world-beating technologies in the design, construction, operation and management of high-speed train.或者China’s high-speed train
technology is on par with that of development countries.) 以上海为核心的长三角区域为例(Take Yangtze River Delta as an example),沪宁高铁的开通,首先,推动长三角区域产业升级和转型。
南京将逐渐成为上海的副中心城市(With the advent of high-speed train, Nanjing will become a what experts call “sub-city” of Shanghai),由于高铁使沪杭之间的距离“缩短”,(greatly shorten distance between major cities in the region增加沪宁之间的人员流动,(promote the free flow of people flow and ideas)将有大量人群转至南京工作,促使南京人流、物流和信息的集中,为南京带来商贸commerce、物流logistics、金融finance、传媒media、酒店restaurant、餐饮catering等行业发展。
此外,高铁沿线城市将迎接产业转移的机遇,沪宁高铁沿线地带交通便利,地价相对上海较低low property cost,而且劳动力更廉价low labor cost,大批企业为降低成本,把总部和研发中心留在核心城市——上海,而将生产部门转移至高铁沿线城市,(companies will move their investment inland, which will in turn promote the economic growth of these regions)这就带动了沿线城市的经济发展(invigorate economic growth in areas along the high speed train),促进上海及其他城市的产业专业升级转型。
上海逐渐形成总部基地集群,而其他企业将形成服务业与制造业集群(to build a cluster of world-class service industries)。
(Huge investment in high-speed train will bring huge financial burden to the government, which eventually will hamper China’s economic development)也有人认为中国已经有了动车组bullet train,高铁实际是重复建设duplicated construction,浪费纳税人的钱waste of tax-payer’s money。
但是我认为随着时间的推移,高铁的社会效益会逐渐体现出来,建高铁肯定是利大于弊的(its demerits will be overshadowed by the benefits it brings
to China’s modernization drive.)
2011中高级口译口试十大话题之转基因食物(genetically modified food).由于世界人口越来越多rapid population growth,而耕地面积日益缩减arable land is diminishing 各国政府不得不通过科技手段来增加粮食的产量。
Increase grain output by applying advanced technology.(注:饥荒famine)转基因食品通过基因重组,re-engineering of the DNA of crops使得农作物具有抗害虫的能力more pest-resistant,从而增加亩产,因此被认为可以解决世界粮食危机to cope with global food crisis,保证食品供应的安全。
Ensure food security/safety.目前,许多人对转基因食品对其毒性问题、营养问题、对抗生素的抵抗作用以及环境威胁等问题都抱有质疑态度。
People are skeptical about the GM food’s toxicity, nutritional value and resistance against antibiotics as a result of being excessively used
客观来讲Objectively speaking,每一件新生事物,都有它比经一个成长过程。
One should be more tolerant to new things 目前转基因技术,尚处于研究的初级起步阶段starting phase。
消费者对其安全性十分担忧people are concerned about the grave threat of GM food such as soybean。
Humankind should be more careful when dealing with nature.其实,有时候,确实不必如此these concerns are legitimate but not necessary。
The possible ill effects of GM food could spin out of control.如果我们的质量检测部门应该加强质量检测。
Strengthen the oversight of GM food.确保消费者的身体健康,ensure health of people公众也应该有权知晓,他们在超市购买的食物是否是转基因的。
The right to know whether
the food they buy and consume is genetically modified or organic.2011中高级口译口试十大话题之天灾(Calamity)。
就中国而言,我们经历的自然灾害有:地震、泥石流mudslide triggered by heavy rainfall in Zhouqu、沙尘暴 sandstorm、干旱draught、水灾、暴风雪snow storm/blizzard等
首先,为何自然灾害频发,这是一个很复杂的问题,既有自然原因,也有人为原因,人为原因原因越来越成为主要原因,由于人类对生态环境的破坏human activity accelerate the environmental degradation,对大气的污染等等破坏自然的活动,导致我们所生活的环境日益恶化,像二氧化碳等温室气体green house gas的增多,臭氧层的减少depletion of ozone layer都会带来一系列问题 all bring fatally consequences to humankind,这几年自然灾害的增多,也是大自然对人类的报复Mother nature is seeking her revenge。
Hold nature in awe.近年来世界范围频发的重大自然灾害及影响已引起国际社会的高度关注massive natural disasters have drawn concern form governments around the world,重大自然灾害事件应急与救援的国际化已成为一个国际合作的重要趋势。
The world should get united in the face of natural disasters.面对灾难,我们众志成城 get united in the fight when disasters strike.面对灾难,政府和民众都要为可能出现最坏的情况做好一切准备embrace ourselves for the worst。
就我国而言,在目前人口大规模流动massive migration 和城市化发展加快against the backdrop of rapid urbanization、自然灾害时常发生的情况下,防止人口居住和住宅建筑密度过大densely populated cities and buildings,以及交通、通信、电力等公共基础设施过于集中,应成为各地方城市发展规划与建设的重要考量when making city planning, top priority should be given to of the safety of infrastructures such as transport, telecommunications and power supply.,并要健全相应的灾害应急救援和处置机制set up。