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【摘要】Based on the satellite imagery, surface observation data, sounding data and NCEP reanalysis data (resolution 1ºí1º), the large-scale persistent severe precipitation on the main landing field from 25 to 28 June 2012 is analyzed. Results show that the severe precipitation occurred when the cold air met southwestly warm and humid air. There was southwest current ahead of the trough at 500 hPa and the northeast-southwest shear line at the 850 hPa. The surface cold front turned to ground trough. The temperature and humidity of atmosphere were high with convective instability. The invasion of severe cold air took place in the lower levels. The cold air met warm, damp air so as to form the convergence and updraft meanwhile the ascending movement of the warm, damp air was strengthened and the precipitation increased. Owing to the severe warm and damp currents, the cold air weakened during moving southward and the velocity slowed down. The Okhotsk blocking ridge was dynamically stabile so that the cold air and warm air confronted each other for a long time in the lower reaches of the main landing field, therefore, the severe precipitation maintained persistently leading to an abnormal precipitation event.%利用卫星资料、航天主着陆场区观探测资料和
结果表明:极端降水是在异常偏强的冷、暖空气交汇对峙过程中产生的;500 hPa 为贝加尔湖低涡东南部西南气流,850 hPa为东北-西南向冷切变,高空构成北槽
1.神舟七号载人飞船主着陆场区一次雹暴过程综合分析 [J], 王红军;何武贵;杨学艺;余运河
2.载人飞船主着陆场区强对流天气成因 [J], 王红军;胡英华;刘培宁;杨学艺
3."神舟七号"飞船主着陆场区强对流天气的大尺度环流特征 [J], 王红军;刘培宁;刘文菁;潘维玉
4.2016年11月18日内蒙古主着陆场区轻雾天气特征分析 [J], 岳甫璐;朱亚光;陆长安;李建卫;郭兴亮
5.中国首次载人航天航天员主着陆场区医疗保障及救护 [J], 岳茂兴;邹德威;闵庆旺;牛恩喜;杨善芝;张坚;刘志国;崔少杰;方伟武;周雪峰;高铁山;化楠