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1. skin ski skip sky heaven skirt skate bone muscle flesh
1. skin [ skin ] n.皮, 皮肤 Be careful of him. He is said to be a wolf in a sheep’s skin. 要提


2. ski [ ski:, Fi: ] n. 滑雪橇 vi.滑
雪 Thousands of people go skiing in Liaoning province in winter. 冬天成千上万的人到辽宁去滑雪。

3. skip [ skip ] v. 跳, 蹦, 跳读 Skip the passage to hunt for the necessary information.跳读短

4. sky [ skai ] n.天, 天空How I wish to fly in the blue sky!我多希望在蓝天里飞翔!
5. heaven [ 5hevEn ] n. 天, 天空, 天堂 Good heavens! Is that your creation?天啊!那是你的
6. skirt [ skE:t ] n. 裙子 Men wear skirts in that tribe. 在那个部落里男子们穿裙子。

7. skate [ skeit, skit ] vi.滑冰, 滑过 You can’t go skating! The ice is too thin to support you!
8. bone [ bEun ] n. 骨 What a lazy bone!好一个懒骨头!
9. muscle [ 5mQsl ] n. 肌肉 What strong muscle he has!他的肌肉多结实!
10. meat [ mi: t ] n. (食用)肉, 肉
类 Monks never eat meat for they hold the idea that it’s wrong to kill animals. 和尚从不吃肉,因为他们认为杀动物是不对的。

11. flesh [ fleF ] n.肉, 肉体, 肉欲 The flesh of the rabbit is so fresh!兔子肉很鲜美。

Good heavens! The girl with black skin is skating on the thin ice of the river. She should have be en skiing on the hill, which is safer! Besides, the girl is so thin that she has little muscle around her bones and the skirt seems so loose.
2. smoke smoker smoking tobacco cigar cigarette match strike chimney
1. smoke [ smEuk ] n.烟, 烟尘, 烟幕 v.抽烟, 吸
烟 Cooking smoke winds its way into the sky.炊烟凫凫升空。

言: There is no smoke without fire. 无风不起浪。

2. smoker [ 5smEukE ] n. 吸烟者 When did he turn smoker?他什么时候成了吸烟的人?
3. smoking [ 5smEukiN ] n.吸
烟 Smoking do harm not only to the smoker but also people near him. 吸烟不但危害吸

4. tobacco [ tE5bAkEu ] n.烟草, 烟草制
品 To develop the economy, the government won’t forbid growing tobacco. 为了发展经济,政府是不会禁止种植烟草的。

5. cigar [ si5^B: ] 音似“雪茄”,n. 雪茄 Would you like a cigar? 你要来支雪茄吗?
6. cigarette [ si^E5ret ] cigar-ette, 对称后缀ette表示“小”,n. 香烟, 纸
烟It’s ruled that no cigarette be sold to children under fifteen. 按规定香烟不能卖给十五年以下的孩子。

7. match [ mAtF ] n. 火柴 The man struck a match to light his cigarette. 男子擦了根火柴来

8. strike [ straik ] vt. 擦, 打, 撞击, 冲击, 罢工, 打
动 His story of struggle struck us a great deal.他奋斗的故事深深地打动了我们。

言: Strike while the iron is hot.趁热打铁。

9. chimney [ 5tFimni ] n. 烟囱 Santa Claus is said to get in through the chimney. 据说圣诞

10. smog [ smC^ ] smoke + fog n.烟雾 Heavy smog floats over the city.浓浓的烟雾漂浮在

Mr. Wang is such a heavy smoker that he smokes cigarette, cigar and even tobacco a little now a nd a little then. You can often find him strike a match. Some of us call him Chimney Wang.
3. soap soup
1. soap [ sEup ] n. 肥
皂 When washing clothes, some people prefer soap to washing powder. 一些人洗衣服

2. soup [ su:p ] u联想盛汤的碗, n. 汤 Some soup after meal help you digest well. 饭后喝

Before you eat the soup, wash your hands with some soap.
4. soft soften software Microsoft Kingsoft gentle hard hardware diamond
1. soft [ sCft ] adj. 软的, 柔软的, 温和的, 温柔的, 不含酒精的 The sofa is soft to sit in. 沙

2. soften [ 5sC(:)fn ] v.(使)变柔软, (使)变柔和 Iron softens with heat. 加热后铁会变软。

3. software [ 5sCftwZE ] n.软件 Without software, the computer is useless. 电脑没有软件

4. Microsoft n.微软公
司 Microsoft is the largest software company in the world set up by Bill Gates. 微软公司是比尔盖茨创建的世界上最大的软件公司。

5. Kingsoft n.金山公司 Kingsoft is a well-known software company in China. 金山公司是

6. gentle [ 5dVentl ] adj. 温和的, 文雅的 She gives us lessons in her sweet gentle voice. 她

7. hard [ hB:d ] adj. 硬的, 坚固的 The diamond is so hard that it is used to cut glass.钻石很

8. hardware [ 5hB:dwZE ] n. 硬
件 Hard disk is an indispensable hardware of a personal computer. 硬盘是个人电脑里

9. diamond [ 5daiEmEnd ] n. 钻石 South African is famous for its diamond production. 南非

Microsoft is the largest software company in the world while Kingsoft is an outstanding one in C hina. They mainly don’t deal in hardware of computers. The gentlemen in the companies may be s oft to you, however, they are hard on themselves when concerned with the products. Their product s are as valuable as diamonds.
5.stair upstairs downstairs ladder stare glare glance glimpse scan
1. stair [ stZE ] n. (阶梯的某)一级, 楼梯Don’t stand on the stairs. 不要站在楼梯上。

2. upstairs [ 5Qp5stZEz ] adv.向楼上, 在楼上, 上
楼 The boy is studying upstairs in his study. 男子在楼上他的书房里学习。

3. downstairs [daJn5steEz] adv.在楼下, 往楼下, 下
楼 Hearing his voice, she rushed downstairs to meet him. 听到他的声音,她冲下楼去迎接他。

4. ladder [ 5lAdE ] n. 梯子, 阶梯 I will fetch a ladder to pick the best apple in the tree. 我将

5. stare [steE(r)] n. (~ at) 凝视, 盯着
看 Why are you staring at me? Is there anything unusual?你为什么盯着我?有什么不
6. glare [ ^lZE ] ( ~ at) n. 怒目而视 The workers glared at the foreman, saying nothing.工人

7. glance [ ^lB:ns ] vi. 扫视, 匆匆一看 n. 一瞥, 眼光, 匆匆一
看 Glancing at the paper, he exclaimed that the boy copied another’s answers. 他瞥了一眼试卷,声称男孩抄了他人的答案。

8. glimpse [ ^limps ] vi. 一瞥, 一看n. 瞥
见 Suddenly, I got a glimpse of Mr. Li among the crowd. 突然,我在人群中看到了李先生。

9. scan [ skAn ] To look over quickly and systematically n.审视,浏览,扫
描 He scanned the newspaper while having his breakfast . 他吃早饭时扫了一眼报纸。

Jordon went upstairs and caught a glimpse of the garden where a man was on a ladder. He stared at the man and found the man was picking his apples. He glared at the man. The man glanced in hi s direction, climbed down the ladder and ran away.
6. station stay stationary stationery stop pause
1. station [ 5steiFEn ] n.位置, . . . 局, . . . 站 vt. 驻
扎 The troops were stationed near the bus station. 军队驻扎在车站附近。

2. stay [ stei ] v. & n.在, 暂住, 保持 He stayed calm all through the fire. 在火灾中他保持着

3. stationary [ 5steiF(E)nEri ] -ary 为形容词后缀;adj. 固定的,静止
的 The satellite will be stationary relative to the earth. 卫星相对地球保持静止。

4. stationery [ 5steiF(E)nEri ] n.文具, 信
纸 There is a stationery shop near the school. So you can get a pen there. 在学校附近有一家文具店。


5. stop [ stCp ] n. & v. 停止 The bus stopped at the bus stop. 公共汽车在停车站停了。

6. pause [ pC:z ] vi.暂停, 中止, 停顿 n.暂
停 He paused, drank some tea, and continued his speech. 他停了一下,喝了口茶,然后继续他的演讲。

The police were stationed near the railway station. They stayed there to stop people crowding into the trains that paused only to let off some passengers. There was a stationery shop near the station . Everything was stationary around it at the moment.
I promised my girlfriend a gold necklace for her birthday, but when the jeweler quoted a price for one we liked, I let out a long, low whistle. "And how much are they then?" I asked, pointing to an other tray.
"You, sir," replied the jeweler, "about three whistles."
7.step walk approach pace stop prevent keep
1. step [ step ] n.脚步, 步幅, 步骤, 措施 v. 走, 举步 Listening is to be improved step by step.

格言:Knowledge advances by steps and not by leaps.

2. walk [ wC:k ] vi. 步, 行, 走 n. 步行, 散步It’s a fine day for a walk.今天是个散步的好日

3. approach [ E5prEutF ] n.接近, 方法, 途径 vt.接近, 动手处
理 She tried to approach the manager to find out the secret of the company. 她设法接近

4. pace [ peis ] n. (一)步, 速度, 步调, 步法 vi.踱步, 缓慢的
走 We must keep pace with time. 我们必须与时俱进。

5. stop [ stCp ] vt. 阻止 Nothing can stop me loving her.什么也阻止不了我爱

stop sb. (from) doing sth.
6. prevent [ pri5vent ] pre-, 先;vent, 出现;prevent, 先出现,预防,v. 防止, 预
防 How can we prevent accidents happening again? 我们怎样才能防止事故的再次发
生呢? prevent sb. (from) doing sth.
7. keep [ ki:p ] vt. 保持(keep doing sth. ), 保存,阻止
(keep sb. from doing sth. ) The deadly silence kept us from speaking. 死一般的沉寂使

He walked out with a firm step. Nothing could stop/prevent him from carrying out his plan. He would keep himself working all along in his own pace.
8.stick (to) chopstick insist (on) keep(on) continue go on
1. stick [ stik ] n. 棍, 棒, 手杖 v. 粘住, 粘贴 stick to坚持(观点、原则等)
He stuck to the point that some sticks should be used to strengthen the support.他坚持认

言: A stick is quickly found to beat a dog with. 欲加之罪, 何患无辞。

2. sticky [ 5stiki ] adj. 粘的 How could I open the door with a sticky finger?我手指粘粘的,
3. chopstick [ 5tFCpstik ] n. 筷子 Joe has got used to eating with chopsticks. 乔已经习惯于

4. insist [ in5sist ] v. 坚持, 强调 insist on doing sth. 坚持要做某事。

Mr. Li insisted that he was right and that the meeting be put off. 李先生坚持认为他是对

5. keep [ ki:p ] n.保持,坚持 keep (on) doing sth. 坚持做某事,不
停 Marx kept on learning foreign languages in his fifties. 马克思五十多岁还坚持学外

6. continue [ kEn5tinju: ] v. 继续, 连续, 延伸 The work must continue. 工作得继续干下

7. go on 继续下去 The boy went on writing his research paper though very late.虽然非常迟

go on doing sth. 继续做下去;go on to do sth. 接着要做某事。

They insist on raising the pay first. If the present pay continues/goes on, they will keep on fighti ng for their rights. They stick to their rules.
9.store storage restore stove shop chain stores storm story star stare
1. store [ stC:, stCE ] vt. 贮藏, 贮备, 存储 n. 商店, 贮备 Squirrels store food for winter. 松

2. storage [ 5stCridV ] n.贮藏(量), 贮藏库, 存
储 I think we have enough storage of water. 我认为我们贮藏了足够的水。

3. restore [ ris5tC: ] vt. 恢复, 使回复, 修
复You’re too tired. You had better have some rest to restore your energy. 你太累了。


4. stove [ stEuv ] n. 炉 We cook our meal on the stove at times. 我们有时在炉子上做吃的。

5. shop [ FCp ] n.商店, 店铺vi.买东西, 购
货It’s not hard to set up a shop while it’s not easy to run well a shop. 开一家商店不难,而管理好一家商店不易。

6. chain store n. 连锁商
店 The pattern of chain stores can increase the influence of the store. 连锁店的方式可以

7. storm [ stC:m ] n. 暴风雨, 暴风雪 v. 狂怒咆
哮 She stormed angry words at her chicken-hearted husband.她向胆小的丈夫咆哮如

格言: After a storm comes a calm.暴雨之后必有宁静。

8. story [ 5stC:ri ] n. 故事, 小说, 经历 Can you tell us something of your own stories?你能
9. star n.星, 恒星, 明星,It’s hard to count the stars in the sky.天上的星星很难数。

10. stare [steE(r)] vi. (~ at) 凝视, 盯着
看 Staring at the stars, he wondered how far they were. 他凝视着星星,想知道它们有多远。

After storing the goods in the store/shop, the general manager went out and stared at the stars in t he sky. From his own story, he could tell there was going to be a storm the following day. He won dered what the managers in his chain stores would do with it.
10.straight vertical bent street strict string strange stranger estrange
1. straight [ streit ] adj.直的, 率直的 adv.直, 直
接 Why not draw a straight line crossing the two points?为什么不画条穿过这两点的直线呢?
2. vertical [ 5vE:tikEl ] adj.垂直的, 直立
的 The tower where Galileo did the famous experiment of falling objects in Pisa is not ve rtical. 伽利略在比萨做著名的落体实验的塔不是垂直的。

3. bent [ bent ] adj.弯的 There lie a few bent wires there. 那儿有一些弯弯的金属线。

4. street [ stri:t ] n. 街, 街道The traffic is too heavy in the street. 大街上车辆太拥挤了。

5. strict [ strikt ] adj.严格的, 严谨
的 The parents hope that the teachers are strict with their children in their study.家长希

be strict with sb. in sth. 在某事上对某人严格要求。

6. string [ striN ] n.线, 细绳, 一串, 一
行 The boy put forward a string of questions, which annoyed his teacher.男子提供到一

7. strange [ streindV ] adj.陌生的, 奇怪的, 奇异的It’s strange that he should be so late!真
8. stranger [ 5streindVE ] n. 陌生人, 门外
汉 Tell your child not to open the door for a stranger. 告诉孩子不要为陌生人开门。

9. estrange [ is5treindV ] e-strange v.疏远 Frequent quarrels estranged them. 频繁的争吵使

How strange it was that the strict teacher told a stranger to go straight ahead along the street whe n the bus stop was just around the corner!
11. such much so too such as such that so that
1. such [ sQtF, sEtF ] adj. 这样的, 这种 pron. 这样的人(们)或
物 Such is Albert Einstein, a great but simple man in the world. 这就是世界上伟大而

2. much [ mQtF ] adj. 许多的, 大量的 adv. 非
常 Much to our disappointment, it is always rainy these days.使我们非常失望的是,这些日子总在下雨。

3. so [ sEu; sE ] conj.因而, 所以, 那么, 这样看来 adv.如此 How could he be so foolish?
4. enough [ i5nQf ] n. adj. & adv.足
够 Keep away from me. I have enough to do at present.走开。


enough 常放在所修饰的形容词或副词的后面: good enough 足够好。

enough for, enough to do sth.
5. too [ tu: ] adv. 也, 太过份 He looks too old for his age. 他看上去比实际年龄老。

for 对……过分 too … to 太……而不能
6. such as 例如. . . ,象这种
的 Some flowers, such as roses and mums, give off pleasant smell. 一些花,比如玫瑰和菊花,发出怡人的香味。

He is such a friendly boy as can get on well with everyone. 他是一个与每个人都能很好相处的友好的人。

7. such that conj. 如此……以至于 such 后接名词短
语: such a good book He is such a friendly boy that he can get on well with everyone.

8. so that conj.如此……以至于 so 后接形容词、副词或前有表示“多少”的名词短语。

so good a book 那么好的书 so many books那么多的
书 He is so friendly a boy that he can get one well with everyone. 他非常友好,可以与每个人很好相处。

He is such a careless boy/so careless (a boy) that he makes so many mistakes again and again. Mu ch to our surprise, he can draw such a beautiful picture as can be on show in the city. It is too stran ge to believe.
12. suddenly sudden immediate immediately gradual gradually final finally
1. sudden [ 5sQdn ] adj. 突然的, 意外的 His sudden appearance made me surprised.他的突

all of a sudden 突然
2. suddenly [5sQdEnlI] adv. 突然 The light went out suddenly. 灯突然熄灭了。

3. immediate [ i5mi:djEt ] adj.马上的,立刻
的 The workers demanded an immediate answer. 工人们要求马上得到答复。

4. immediately [ i5mi:djEtli ] adv.马上,立
刻We’d better immediately set out immediately a message comes. 我们最好消息一到

5. gradual [ 5^rAdjuEl ] grad e-ual adj.渐渐的,逐渐
的It’s a gradual process to make progress in English.英语的进步是个逐渐的过程。

6. gradually [5^rAdjJElI] adv.渐
渐 He found his eyes gradually wet while seeing the film. 看电影的时候他发觉他的眼睛渐渐湿了。

7. final [ 5fainEl ] adj.最后的 Who has the final say in your family?你家谁有最终发言
8. finally [5faInElI] adv.最后 Everything became clear finally. 最后一切都水落石出。

9. eventually [I5ventjJElI] adv.最后, 终于 We defeated Japanese in the war eventually.在战

Quantitative change is a gradual process while qualitative change is sudden. But it is not final. N ew quantitative change begins immediately.
"Dad, I will act as the big bear in the circus."
"Then what should I do?"
"You will act as the uncle who plays with the bear and keeps feeding delicious things into my mou th."
13. surprise puzzle astonish shock amaze excite interest move please worry tire touch disturb
1. surprise [ sE5praiz ] n.惊奇, 诧异, 惊人之事vt. 使惊
奇 What I will say is sure to surprise some people here. 我要说的话肯定会让这儿的一些人吃惊。

2. puzzle [ 5pQzl ] puz-zle zz表示曲折难解;puzzle, 怕是曲折难解的, n. 难题, 谜 v. (使)
迷惑, (使)为难, 迷惑不
解 From his puzzled face we could see that the situation was puzzling.我们从他为难的脸上看出形势是令人困惑的。

3. astonish [ Es5tCniF ] a-ston e-ish 一块石头横在路中,令人惊
讶 To fill with sudden wonder or amazement vt.使惊
讶 Everyone was astonished at his astonishing judgment.大家对他惊人的判断深感惊

4. shock [ FCk ] To strike with great surprise and emotional disturbance. vt. 使震动, 使休
克, 使受电击, 震
惊 Father was shocked at the shocking news that the whole country had been seized. 听

5. amaze [ E5meiz ] a-maze maze, n.曲径, 迷宫amaze, 一个迷宫,令人惊
讶 To affect with great wonder; astonish vt. 使吃
惊 Mrs. White was amazed to find his amazing truth.怀特夫人发现了他的真相倍感惊讶。

6. excite [ ik5sait ] ex-cite 叫出声来,vt. 刺激, 使兴奋, 使激
动 The exciting news came at last!终于传来了激动人心的消息!
7. interest [ 5intrist ] inter-est 最里面最内幕的东西,令人感兴趣 n. 兴趣, 利息,利益vt.使
发生兴趣I have a great interest in PC games. 我对电脑游戏很感兴趣。

8. move [ mu:v ] vt.移动, 感
动 The story of his devotion to the girl moved all the audience to tears.他对那女孩的爱的故事把观众感动得流出了眼泪。

9. please [ pli:z ] n.使喜欢, 中. . . 的意, 使满足, 取
悦 He did what he could to please his boss in order that he could get a rise. 他尽力让老

10. worry [ 5wQri ] vt. 使烦恼, 使焦虑 His sudden departure worried the old couple.他突然

格言:It is not work that kills,but worry.工作不会伤身,伤身乃是忧虑。

11. tire [ 5taiE ] vt. 使疲倦, 使厌烦 Well, the repeated words tired me a lot. 好了,反复的话

12. touch [ tQtF ] vt. 接触, 感动 The girl was touched by his honey words.女孩被他的甜言

13. disturb [ dis5tE:b ] dis-turb vt. 弄乱, 打乱, 打扰, 扰
乱 The General Secretary Anan felt disturbed at the news. 秘书长安南听到消息后感到

Life is so various that you can experience any kind of feelings: surprising news makes you surpris ed; puzzling problems make you puzzled; worrying results make you worried, tiring lectures make you tired; disturbing noise makes you disturbed and shocking tragedies make you shocked. It’s as tonishing to see that astonished people are often at a loss. Yet there is something moving: pleasant parties make you pleased; interesting films make you interested; touching stories make you touche d, amazing performances make you amazed and exciting experiences make you excited!
14. taxi cab tax taxpayer fax fox truck lorry traffic vehicle
1. taxi [ 5tAksi ] n.出租汽车It’s too late to find a taxi. 太晚了,找不到出租车了。

2. cab [ kAb ] n. 出租马车, 出租汽车, 计程车 A cab can take you to the gym. 计程车可以

3. tax [ tAks ] n. 税, 税款, 税金 vt.对. . . 征税 No one can be free from taxes.没有人可以

4. taxpayer [ 5tAks7peiE ] n.纳税
人 The government should apologize to its taxpayers if the money is wasted. 如果钱浪费了的话,政府应该向纳税人道歉。

5. fax [ fAks ] n. & vt. 传真 I will send you the form by fax. 我将把表格给你电传过去。

6. fox [ fC:ks ] n. 狐狸 The fox is believed to be very clever or sly.人们相信狐狸非常聪明

7. truck [ trQk ] n. 卡车, 敞棚货车 A truck can carry all the furniture to your new home. 卡

8. lorry [ 5lCri ] n. 卡车(英) Lorry is the British way of saying truck. Lorry是英国人说的卡

9. traffic [ 5trAfik ] n. 交通, 通行 The policeman is regulating the traffic at present.警察正

10. vehicle [ 5vi:ikl ] n.交通工具, 车辆, 媒介
物His novels are a vehicle for his political views. 他的小说是他表达政治观点的媒介。

11. transportation [ 7trAnspC:5teiFEn ] n. 交通, 运输, 输
送The transportation by railroad is well developed in China. 铁路交通在中国很发达。

The traffic tax is drawn from any vehicle: cars, taxis/cabs, trucks or lorries, and so on.
15. tea team term tear teach sea pea
1. tea n. 茶(叶), 茶树茶水; 饮料 Usually people in China drink tea rather than coffee. 在中

2. team [ ti:m ] n. 队, 组 We shall form a football team. Will you be interested?我们要组建

3. term [ tE:m ] n. 学期, 期限, 条款, 术
语 We have learned scores of botanical terms this term. 我们这学期学习了几十个植物

4. tear vt. 扯, 撕, 撕破[ tiE ] n.眼
泪 Seeing the girl’s tears, he was so regretful that he tore the letter into pieces. 他看到女

5. teach [ ti:tF ] v.讲授, 教授 Miss Gao teaches us English this term.高老师这学期教我们

格言:Teaching others teaches yourself.教学相长。

6. sea n. 海 When you are blue, go to see the broad sea. 当你郁闷时候,对看看辽阔的大海

7. pea [ pi: ] n.豌豆 The peas we sowed are growing very well. 我们播下的豌豆长势很好。

This term he teaches the sailing team how to make tea. Then they can have some drink instead of bursting into tears when they want tea at sea.
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