Coulomb blockade for an oscillating tunnel junction
Coulomb blockade effects in driven electron transport

a r X i v :c o n d -m a t /0606457v 2 [c o n d -m a t .m e s -h a l l ] 19 A p r 2007EPJ manuscript No.(will be inserted by the editor)Coulomb repulsion effects in driven electron transportFranz J.Kaiser,Peter H¨a nggi,and Sigmund KohlerInstitut f¨u r Physik,Universit¨a t Augsburg,Universit¨a tsstraße 1,D-86135Augsburg,Germany19April 2007Abstract.We study numerically the influence of strong Coulomb repulsion on the current through molec-ular wires that are driven by external electromagnetic fields.The molecule is described by a tight-bindingmodel whose first and last site is coupled to a respective lead.The leads are eliminated within a pertur-bation theory yielding a master equation for the wire.The decomposition into a Floquet basis enables an efficient treatment of the driving field.For the electronic excitations in bridged molecular wires,we find that strong Coulomb repulsion significantly sharpens resonance peaks which broaden again with increasing temperature.By contrast,it has only a small influence on effects like non-adiabatic electron pumping and coherent current suppression.PACS.05.60.Gg Quantum transport –85.65.+h Molecular electronic devices –72.40.+w Photoconduction and photovoltaic effects –73.63.-b Electronic transport in mesoscopic or nanoscale materials and structures1IntroductionRecent experiments on the conductance of single organic molecules opened a new direction in mesoscopic trans-port [1–3].Of particular interest is thereby the influence of electronic and vibronic excitations of the molecules which leave their fingerprints in the resulting current-voltage characteristics.At low temperatures,these effects become more pronounced [4].Much of our knowledge about excita-tions of molecules is based on spectroscopy,i.e.the optical response to light.In the context of molecular conduction,it has been proposed to study as well the signatures of such excitations in the transport quantifiers like the cur-rent [5–7]and its fluctuations [8].Such experiments are at present attempted,but clearcut evidence for the proposed effects is still missing because the irradiation also causes unwanted thermal effects in the contacts,which in today’s setups seem to dominate.One possibility to protect the contacts against the radiation is using the evanescent light at the tip of a near-field optical microscope.Coupled quantum dots represent a setup with proper-ties similar to those of molecular wires [9,10],albeit at dif-ferent length and energy scales.As compared to molecular wires,they are more stable and tunable,but have the dis-advantage that only a few dots can be coupled coherently.The transport properties of these “artificial molecules”can be significantly modified by microwaves [10].It has for example been demonstrated experimentally that res-onant excitations between the levels of double quantum dots result in the so-called photon-assisted transport,i.e.a significant enhancement of the dc current [11,12].In addition to photon-assisted transport [13],other less intuitive phenomena have been predicted in this context.For example the so-called coherent suppression of tun-nelling in a double-well potential due to a time-dependent dipole force can also be found in ac driven transport through coupled quantum dots:For characteristic ratios between the amplitude and the frequency of the driving,it has been predicted that the dc current [14–16]and the shot noise [17]will be suppressed.A further prominent effect is adiabatic electron pumping,which is the generation of a dc current by means of a periodic variation of the con-ductor parameters in the absence of any net bias [18–21].It has been proposed [22,23]and experimentally demon-strated [10,11]that pumping is more effective at internal resonances,i.e.,beyond the adiabatic limit where,in addi-tion,the pump current possesses a surprisingly low noise level [24].Periodically time-dependent quantum systems can be described very efficiently within a Floquet theory which originally has been derived for driven closed quantum sys-tems [25]and later been generalised to dissipative quan-tum systems [26,27].Furthermore,it is possible to derive Floquet theories for the description of transport through mesoscopic conductors which are connected to external leads.For cases in which electron-electron interactions do not play any role,one can derive a Floquet scatter-ing theory that provides exact expressions for the cur-rent [17,28]and its noise [8,17].Treating the coupling between the conductor and the leads perturbatively,one can obtain a master equation for the reduced density oper-ator of the wire.This enables a rather efficient treatment of time-dependent transport after decomposing the wire density operator into a Floquet basis.Then it is possi-ble to study relatively large driven conductors [29]and to include also electron-electron [30]and electron-phonon interactions [31].If the time-dependent field consists of2Franz J.Kaiser et al.:Coulomb repulsion effects in driven electron transportFig. 1.Bridged molecular wire model consisting of N=5sites with internal tunnelling matrix elements∆and effectivewire-lead coupling strengthsΓL/ or a few laser pulses,it is possible to obtain the den-sity operator by propagating the Liouville-von Neumannequation[32].In this work,we derive in Sections2and3a Flo-quet master equation formalism that captures situationsin which strong Coulomb repulsion restricts the excesscharge residing on the conductor to a single electron.Forlater reference,we adapt in Section4our approach tothe case of spinless electrons and non-interacting elec-trons.We then investigate in Section5the role of strongCoulomb repulsion for photon-assisted transport throughbridged molecular wires,non-adiabatic electron pumping,and coherent current suppression.2The wire-lead modelThe system of the driven wire,the leads,and the couplingbetween the molecule and the leads,as sketched in Fig.1,is described by the HamiltonianH(t)=H wire(t)+H leads+H wire-leads.(1)The wire is modelled within a tight-binding description bythe molecular orbitals|n ,n=1,...,N,so thatH wire(t)= n,n′,s H nn′(t)c†ns c n′s+U[H wire(t)+H leads,ρ(t)](8)1−Franz J.Kaiser et al.:Coulomb repulsion effects in driven electron transport3 Here thefirst term corresponds to the coherent dynam-ics of both the wire electrons and the lead electrons,whilethe second term describes resonant electron tunnelling be-tween the leads and the wire.The tilde denotes operatorsin the interaction picture with respect to the molecule andthe lead Hamiltonian without the molecule-lead coupling,X(t,t′)=U†0(t,t′)X U0(t,t′),where U0is the propagatorwithout the coupling.The net(incoming minus outgoing)electrical current through the left contact is given by mi-nus the time-derivative of the electron number in the leftlead multiplied by the electron charge−e.From Eq.(8)follows for the current in the wide-band limit the expres-sionI L(t)=e tr[˙ρ(t)N L]=−e ΓLd t |ϕα(t) =ǫα|ϕα(t) ,(12)whose solution allows one to construct via Slater deter-minants many-particle Floquet states.In analogy to thequasimomenta in Bloch theory for spatially periodic po-tentials,the quasienergiesǫαcome in classesǫα,k=ǫα+k Ω,k∈Z,(13)of which all members represent the same physical solutionof the Schr¨o dinger equation.Thus we can restrict ourselvesto states within one Brillouin zone like for example0≤ǫα< Ω.For the computation of the current it is convenient tohave an explicit expression for the interaction picture rep-resentation of the wire operators.It can be obtained fromthe(fermionic)Floquet creation and annihilation opera-tors[36]defined via the transformationcαs(t)= n ϕα(t)|n c ns.(14)The inverse transformationc ns= α n|ϕα(t) cαs(t)(15)follows from the mutual orthogonality and the complete-ness of the Floquet states at equal times[27].Note thatthe right-hand side of Eq.(15)becomes time independentafter the summation.The Floquet annihilation operator(14)has the inter-action picture representation˜cαs(t,t′)=U†0(t,t′)cαs(t)U0(t,t′)(16)=e−i(ǫα+UN wire)(t−t′)/ cαs(t′),(17)with the important feature that the time difference t−t′enters only via the exponential prefactor.This will allowus to evaluate theτ-integration of the master equation(8)after a Floquet decomposition.Relation(17)can easily beshown by computing the time derivative with respect to twhich by use of the Floquet equation(12)becomesd(ǫα+UN wire)˜cαs(t,t′).(18)Together with the initial condition˜cα(t′,t′)=cα(t′)fol-lows relation(17).Note that the time evolution inducedby H wire(t)conserves the number of electrons on the wire.3.2.2Master equation and current formulaIn order to make use of the Floquet ansatz,we decomposethe master equation(8)and the current formula(9)intothe Floquet basis derived in the last subsection.For that4Franz J.Kaiser et al.:Coulomb repulsion effects in driven electron transport purpose we use the fact that we arefinally interested inthe current at asymptotically large times in the limit of alarge interaction U.The latter has the consequence thatonly wire states with at most one excess electron play arole,so that the density operatorρwire can be decomposedinto the2N+1dimensional basis{|0 ,c†αs(t)|0 },where|0 denotes the wire state in the absence of excess electronsand s=↑,↓.Moreover,it can be shown that at large times,the density operator of the wire becomes diagonal in theelectron number N wire.Therefore a proper ansatz readsρwire(t)=|0 ρ00(t) 0|+ α,β,s,s′c†αs|0 ραs,βs′(t) 0|cβs′.(19)Note that we keep terms withα=β,which means that wework beyond a rotating-wave approximation.Indeed in anon-equilibrium situation,the off-diagonal density matrixelementsραβwill not vanish and neglecting them mightlead to artefacts[8,37].In the context of molecular wires,such a treatment of strong Coulomb repulsion by a re-striction to at most one excess electron has recently alsobeen applied to incoherent[38–40]as well as to coherenttransport[41].By inserting the decomposition(19)into the masterequation(8),we obtain an equation of motion for the ma-trix elementsραs,βs′= 0|cαsρwire c†βs′|0 .We evaluate thetrace over the lead states and compute the matrix element0|cαs(t)...c†βs′(t)|0 .Thereby we neglect the two-particleterms which are of the structure c†αs c†βs |0 0|cβs cαs.For-mally,these terms drop out in the limit of strong Cou-lomb repulsion because they are accompanied by a rapidly oscillating phase factor exp(−i UN wireτ/ ).Then theτ-integration results in a factor f L(ǫα,k+U)which vanishes in the limit of large U.Since the total Hamiltonian(1)is diagonal in the spin index s,wefind that the density ma-trix elementsραs,βs′are spin-independent as well so that after a transient stageρα↑,β↑(t)=ρα↓,β↓(t)≡ραβ(t)(20)andρα↑,β↓=0.Moreover,at large times,the density op-erator(19)will acquire the time periodicity of the driving field[8]and,thus,can be decomposed into the Fourier seriesραβ(t)= k e−i kΩtραβ,k(21)andρ00(t)accordingly.After some algebra,we arrive at a set of N2coupled equations of motion forραβ(t)which in Fourier represen-tation readi(ǫα−ǫβ−k Ω)ραβ,k=ΓL2 α′,k′,k′′ ϕα,k′+k′′|1 1|ϕα′,k+k′′ ρα′β,k′¯f L(ǫα′,k+k′′)−ΓLRe α,k β,k′ ϕβ,k′+k|1 1|ϕα,k ραβ,k′¯f L(ǫα,k)− k′ ϕα,k′+k|1 1|ϕα,k ρ00,k′f L(ǫα,k) .(24) Physically,the second contribution of the current formula (24)describes the tunnelling of an electron from the left lead to the wire and,thus,is proportional toρ00f L which denotes the probability that a lead state is occupied while the wire is empty.Thefirst terms corresponds to the re-versed process namely the tunnelling on an electron from site|1 to the left lead.The results of this section allow us the numerical com-putation of the dc current through a driven conductor in the the following way:First,we solve the quasienergy equation(12)which provides the coefficients ϕα,k|n .Next, we solve the master equation(22)and insert the solution into the current formula(24).4Separating interaction and spinIn order to determine the role of a strong interaction, we shall compare below our results to the non-interacting case.Moreover,a particular consequence of strong Cou-lomb repulsion is the mutual blocking of different spin channels.This motivates us to also compare to the case of spinless electrons which is physically realised by spin po-larisation.In this section,we adapt our master equation approach to these situations.Franz J.Kaiser et al.:Coulomb repulsion effects in driven electron transport5 4.1Spinless electronsIn order to describe spinless electrons,we drop in the ini-tial Hamiltonian all spin indices.Physically,this limit isrealised by a sufficiently strong magneticfield that po-larises all electrons contributing to the transport.By thesame calculation as in Section3,we then obtain for thecurrent also the expression(24)but without the prefactor2.The factor2is also no longer present in the normalisa-tion condition(23)which now readstrρwire(t)=ρ00(t)+ αραα(t)=1.(25)4.2Non-interacting electronsIn the absence of interactions,U=0,each spin degree offreedom can be treated separately.Still one has to considerfor each spin projection up to N electrons so that therelevant Hilbert space has the dimension2N.Therefore,it is more efficient to consider the single-particle densitymatrixRαβ(t)= c†αs(t)cβs(t) t=R∗βα(t)= k e−i kΩt Rαβ,k,(26)which is of dimension N2and nevertheless contains allrelevant information.The Fourier decomposition in thelast expression uses the fact that,at asymptotically largetimes,Rαβ(t)becomes time-periodic.We express the time derivative of Rαβ(t)with the mas-ter equation(8)and insert for˜cα(t,t−τ)the Floquetrepresentation(18).After some algebra,we obtain for theFourier coefficients Rαβ,k the equationi(ǫα−ǫβ+k Ω)Rαβ,k=ΓLα,k Reβ,k′ϕβ,k′+k|1 1|ϕα,k Rαβ,k′−| 1|ϕα,k |2f L(ǫα,k) .(28)For a detailed derivation see Ref.[36].5Interplay of dipole radiation and CoulombrepulsionIn our model Hamiltonian(1)we have already specifiedthe interaction,the lead Hamiltonian,and the wire-leadcoupling.By contrast,for the Hamiltonian of the drivenwire,we have thus far only assumed that the externalfieldis periodic in time.In the following we focus on modelswhere the single-particle dynamics is determined by theN-site tight-binding HamiltonianH nn′(t)=−∆N−1n=1(|n n+1|+|n+1 n|)+Nn=1{E n+Ax n cos(Ωt)}|n n|.(29)Neighbouring sites are coupled by a tunnel matrix element∆.The onsite energies E n are modulated by a harmon-ically time-dependent dipole force,where the amplitudeA is given by the electricalfield amplitude multiplied bythe electron charge and the distance between neighbour-ing sites.x n=16Franz J.Kaiser et al.:Coulomb repulsion effects in driven electron transportU =∞spinless00.10.2I [10−3e Γ/¯h ]89101112Ω[∆/¯h ]∞U =,spinless U =0,Fig.2.Photon-assisted current in a bridged molecular wirewith length N =8and height E B =10∆.Leads with a chemi-cal potential difference eV =5∆couple to the wire with an ef-fective strength Γ=0.1∆.The driving amplitude is A =0.3∆.For U =∞,the current for spinless electrons coincides with the one for real electrons.a factor 2.The electron dynamics within the wire,how-ever,is described by the coherent first term of the master equation (8)which is spin-independent.Consequently,we expect that the spin only plays a minor role whenever the tunnelling from the donor to the acceptor becomes the bottleneck for the electrons.This is indeed the case for the transport across a barrier considered here.As compared to the non-interacting case,one notices that strong Coulomb repulsion modifies the shape of the peaks:They become slightly higher and much sharper.This effect is more pronounced for large wires.A closer look at the resonance peaks for wires with up to N =10sites (not shown)indicates that the resonance widths scale roughly like 1/N .This is possibly caused by the fact that the Coulomb repulsion reduces the number of available (many-particle)wire states and,thus,the number of decay channels.This relates to the observation made in Ref.[41],namely that Coulomb repulsion can improve quantum co-herence and thereby enhance the current.Since quantum coherence is also temperature depen-dent,it is natural to ask whether the resonance peaks become sharper for lower temperatures.Figure 3shows the width of the central peak of Fig.2as a function of the temperature.While in the non-interacting case,the peak widths are essentially temperature independent,the sit-uation changes for strong Coulomb repulsion:There one finds that with an increasing temperature,the peaks be-come roughly twice as broad once the temperature exceeds T =∆/k B .We attribute this behaviour to the reduced coherence for thermal energies that are larger than the tunnelling matrix element.5.2Non-adiabatic electron pumpingAnother well studied phenomenon in driven transport is coherent electron pumping,i.e.,the creation of a non-vanishing dc current by ac fields in the absence of any net bias.For adiabatically slow driving,this effect exists onlyU =∞U =0,spinless00.050.10.15F W H M [∆/¯h ]0.0010.010.1110100T [∆/k B ]Fig.3.Temperature dependence of the widths of the reso-nance peaks at Ω≈9.71∆/ .The graph shows the full widths at half of the maximum.All other parameters are as in Fig.2.For U =∞,the values for spinless electrons and real electrons coincide.Fig.4.Tight-binding model for two coupled quantum dots in pump configuration, the absence of a bias voltage but with an internal bias E 2−E 1=0which breaks reflection the absence of time-reversal symmetry [18–20].Beyond the adiabatic regime,this is no longer the case:For fast,time-periodic driving fields,it can be shown that the rele-vant symmetry is the so-called generalized parity which is defined as the invariance under spatial reflection in com-bination with a time shift by half a driving period [8].Non-adiabatic electron pumping is particularly interesting because at internal resonances of the central system the pump current can assume rather large values [10,22,35],while at the same time the current noise is remarkably low [24].For studying the influence of strong Coulomb repulsion on non-adiabatic electron pumping,we consider the setup sketched in Fig.4.Of particular interest is the parameter regime with large internal bias and intermediate dot-lead coupling because in this regime,the current-to-noise ratio is most favourable [24].The currents obtained for the three considered approaches are shown in Fig.5.Again we find that the spin degree of freedom is not of major influence,which indicates that the transport is governed by internal excitations;cf.the discussion in the preceeding subsection.The influence of the Coulomb repulsion is a modifica-tion of the current peak height up to 5%.This means that interactions are here much less important than for photon-assisted transport:The reason for this is that for our pump configuration,one energy level lies below the Fermi energyFranz J.Kaiser et al.:Coulomb repulsion effects in driven electron transport 700.10.20.3I [e Γ/¯h ]1234567Ω[∆/¯h ]U =∞U =∞,spinless U =0,spinlessFig.5.Pump current for strong Coulomb repulsion and fornon-interacting electrons as a function of the frequency.The dot levels with energies E 1=−2.5∆and E 2=2.5∆are couple to the leads with strength Γ=0.3∆.The driving amplitude is A =3.7∆and the temperature k B T =0.005∆.while the other lies well above.Thus in equilibrium for a sufficiently small dot-lead coupling,the left site is occu-pied while the right site is empty,whatever the interaction strength.Thus,the double dot is populated with only one electron so that interactions become irrelevant.Unless the driving amplitude is huge,this occupation is altered only slightly.Consequently interactions do not modify the cur-rent significantly.We emphasise that for strong dot-lead coupling Γand finite interaction U ,these arguments no longer hold true.5.3Coherent current controlAn intriguing example of quantum control is the so-called coherent destruction of tunnelling in a double-well po-tential by a suitable driving field [43],which can be ex-plained within a rotating-wave approximation:In the driv-ing dominated regime,the tunnel matrix element is es-sentially replaced by an effective tunnel matrix element ∆eff=J 0(A/ Ω),where J 0is the zeroth order Bessel function of the first kind and A the driving amplitude [44,45].Related effects have been predicted for driven tight-binding lattices [46].For driven transport between two leads,the corresponding situation has been investi-gated only recently:It has been found that driving fields that suppress tunnelling in a closed driven system,also suppress the current through the corresponding open sys-tem [14,47].A setup in which this coherent current suppression can be studied is sketched in Fig.6.It is characterized by the fact that all internal levels lie within the voltage window,i.e.below one chemical potential and above the other.For this system,strong interaction has already a significant influence on the current in the absence of any driving field [41]:For U =0,the system is half filled,which means it is populated by N/2electron,and the current is independent of N .By contrast for U =∞,the stationary population is N/(N +1)and the current becomes I ∝1/(N +1).Fig.6.Triple quantum dot configuration for coherent current control:A large bias voltage and the unbiased dot levels with E n =0ensure optimal transport in the absence of the driving.N =5N =300.20.40.6I [e Γ/¯h ]5101520253035A [∆]U =∞U =∞,spinless U =0,spinless00.20.40.6I [e Γ/¯h ]U =∞U =∞,spinless U =0,spinlessFig.7.Coherent current suppression as a function of the driv-ing amplitude A for a wire that consists of N =3sites.The applied voltage is eV =50∆,the driving frequency Ω=5∆,and the wire-lead coupling Γ=0.5∆.Figure 7shows the influence of Coulomb repulsion on the current suppression studied in Ref.[17].Independent of the interaction,one finds that the current almost van-ishes whenever the ratio A/ Ωmatches a zero of the Bessel function J 0.If the driving amplitude is far from the values for which the current is suppressed,we observe the behaviour found for the static situation,namely that Cou-lomb repulsion reduces the current by a factor 1/(N +1)for spinless electrons [41].If one considers the spin,this factor becomes 2/(2N +1).In the vicinity of the current suppressions,by contrast,the influence of both the inclu-sion of the spin and the interaction is less pronounced.In this regime,the effective tunnel matrix element ∆effis small,so that tunnelling along the wire happens at a low rate.This again indicates that whenever the transport is limited by the dynamics within the wire,the influence of interaction is rather small.8Franz J.Kaiser et al.:Coulomb repulsion effects in driven electron transport6ConclusionsWe studied the influence of strong interaction on the trans-port properties of ac-driven coherent conductors.In par-ticular,we compared the strongly interacting case with the opposite extreme of non-interacting electrons.Moreover, we worked out the relevance of the spin degree of free-dom for weak wire-lead coupling.In our studies,we con-sidered three archetypical effects,namely photon-assisted tunnelling through bridged molecular wires,non-adiabatic electron pumping,and coherent current suppression.The most significant effect is found for photon-assisted tunnelling where Coulomb repulsion renders the resonance linewidths much sharper.Thus unfortunately,interactions might contribute to the difficulties in photon-assited tun-nelling experiments with molecular wires.By contrast, Coulomb repulsion is not too relevant for electron pump-ing in double quantum dots.For coherent current suppres-sion,the same holds true only for parameters for which the current is already significantly reduced.Outside this region,onefinds that Coulomb repulsion reduces the cur-rent essentially in the same way as in the absence of driv-ing.The two extreme cases of zero and very strong interac-tion do not necessarily allow a simple interpolation.Thus, it is desireable to extend the present studies tofinite values of the interaction strength,which requires the generalisa-tion of our formalism to at least a second excess electron. Moreover,the dc current is certainly not the only relevant quantity for the characterisation of the electron transport. Investigating the influence of Coulomb repulsion on,e.g., the current noise would complement the picture drawn above.We thank M.Strass and A.Nitzan for interesting discussions. This work has been supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemein-schaft through SFB484and SPP1243.One of us(FJK)ac-knowledges funding by Bayerisches Staatsministerium f¨u r Wis-senschaft,Forschung und Kunst through Elitenetzwerk Bay-ern.References1.M.A.Reed,C.Zhou,C.J.Muller,T.P.Burgin,and J.M.Tour,Science278,252(1997).2.X.D.Cui et al.,Science294,571(2001).3.J.Reichert,R.Ochs, D.Beckmann,H. B.Weber,M.Mayor,and H.von L¨o hneysen,Phys.Rev.Lett.88,176804 (2002).4.J.Reichert,H. B.Weber,M.Mayor,and H.vonL¨o hneysen,Appl.Phys.Lett.82,4137(2003).5.S.Kohler,J.Lehmann,S.Camalet,and P.H¨a nggi,IsraelJ.Chem.42,135(2002).6. A.Keller,O.Atabek,M.Ratner,and V.Mujica,J.Phys.B35,4981(2002).7. 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In the realm of human anatomy,the facial features known as the five senses play a crucial role in our daily interactions and experiences.These features include the eyes, ears,nose,mouth,and tongue,each serving distinct functions that contribute to our perception of the world around us.Eyes:The Windows to the SoulThe eyes are often referred to as the windows to the soul.They are the primary organs for vision,allowing us to perceive our surroundings through the sense of sight.They detect light and color,enabling us to appreciate the beauty of nature,read,and recognize faces. The eyes are composed of various parts,including the cornea,iris,pupil,lens,and retina, each with a specific role in the process of vision.Ears:The Receivers of SoundEars are the organs of hearing and balance.They capture sound waves and convert them into electrical signals that the brain interprets as sound.The ear is divided into three parts: the outer ear,middle ear,and inner ear.The outer ear collects sound waves,the middle ear amplifies them,and the inner ear,specifically the cochlea,translates them into nerve impulses.Nose:The Sense of SmellThe nose is responsible for the sense of smell,which is closely linked to the sense of taste. It contains olfactory receptors that detect different odors and send signals to the brain, allowing us to enjoy the aroma of food and beverages,and also to detect potentially harmful substances.The nose also plays a role in respiration,helping to filter,warm,and humidify the air we breathe.Mouth:The Gateway for Speech and TasteThe mouth is a multifunctional organ that serves as the entry point for food and the source of speech.It contains the tongue,teeth,and palate,which work together to facilitate chewing,tasting,and articulating words.The tongue,in particular,is covered with taste buds that can detect sweet,sour,salty,bitter,and umami flavors. Tongue:The Taster and ArticulatorThe tongue is a muscular organ that plays a central role in both the gustatory and speech functions.It moves food around the mouth for chewing and mixing with saliva,which aids in digestion.The tongues flexibility and muscle control are also essential for clear speech,as it shapes the mouth to produce different sounds.The Interconnectedness of the SensesWhile each of the five senses operates independently,they are interconnected in waysthat enhance our overall sensory experience.For example,the sense of smell can intensify the flavors we taste,and the sense of sight can influence our perception of taste as well.The integration of these senses allows us to have a rich and complex understanding of the world.In conclusion,the five senses are integral to our existence,providing us with the means to navigate,communicate,and enjoy life.They are a testament to the complexity and wonder of human biology,and their proper functioning is essential for a high quality of life.。
21版:(步步高) (闽渝鄂粤冀京) Unit 2 English around the world

Ⅰ.阅读理解Seattle’s Pike Place Market stretches for four city blocks.It includes a collection of old buildings,bunches of stalls and street musicians and afters that draw both locals and visitors.The themed market wakes up each day at 5:00 am.Among the first to arrive are flower vendors and fish mongers(小贩) like Jason Scott.My stand is known for its tradition of throwing fish before wrapping it up for a customer.I came back out of high school and I’ve been here ever since.I’m 46 now.Many Pike Place Market stores are family-run and have been around for generations.Russian-speaking immigrants opened Piroshky bakery 25 years ago.Not a lot of people understand what Piroshky is.People think sometimes it’s a last name,so we do have to educate people a lot.If you go to Russia and you go to a market like this,you could hear the latest scream out—Piroshky,Piroshky and that’s why we call it Piroshky.Next to Piroshky is a Chinese bakery called Mee Sum pastry.It’s owned by the third generation of the Fong family.They call their signature pastry,the best and biggest combos(套餐) in towns.Like Chinese hamburger,you can put chicken or puppy kibble or crispy even vegetable in it.But in this sprawling(无序扩展的) market,one of the most unusual places isn’t a food or craft stall.It’s the gum wall where people can stick their tiny chewed-up clump on a roll.Apparently,they don’t give it much thought,trying to be original.This gum wall started about 20 years ago when the theater asked people not to bring gum inside because they didn’t want it under the seats,so people would put gum up on the outside.Market officials initially tried to clear the sticky stuff off the wall,but new gum always reappeared so they finally gave up.The gum wall quickly became a tourist attraction.And just like that,the gum wall turned into an attraction,highlighting a more unusual side of Seattle that locals and visitors love.语篇解读本文是一篇说明文。

生活大爆炸第2季中英字幕1300:00:05,300 --> 00:00:06,800先生们我告诉你们哟Gentlemen,I put it to you:200:00:06,830 --> 00:00:11,830最难吃西米布丁也好过其他口味优质布丁the worst tapioca pudding is better than the best pudding of any other flavor.300:00:13,000 --> 00:00:17,300首先明眼人都知道这话错的因为最好的布丁是巧克力口味First off,that is axiomatically wrong because the best pudding is chocolate.400:00:17,790 --> 00:00:22,360其次西米的有机结构使布丁黏糊糊摇晃晃有潜在致命危险Secondly,the organic structure of tapioca makes it a jiggling bowl of potential death.500:00:22,380 --> 00:00:23,730是从植物里提取...It is extracted from the plant...600:00:23,760 --> 00:00:26,930嘿我在考虑留点胡子Hey,I'm thinking of growing a mustache.700:00:28,100 --> 00:00:29,150不是吧?No kidding?800:00:29,180 --> 00:00:31,160傅满洲那样的? 八字胡又尖又长?Fu Manchu,a handlebar,pencil?900:00:31,180 --> 00:00:32,600- 是从植物中提取 - 还没想好呢- It's extracted from the plant. - I'm not sure yet.1000:00:32,610 --> 00:00:35,140乔治·克鲁尼现在也留胡子呢You know,George Clooney has one now.1100:00:35,150 --> 00:00:38,930真的? 我看到过他在拉夫斯超市买龙舌兰酒Really? I once saw him shopping at Ralph's. He was buying tequila.1200:00:39,620 --> 00:00:43,070你以为他们会有仆人跑腿买酒吗?You'd think a guy like that would have some kind of booze lackey.1300:00:47,590 --> 00:00:48,580好啦太残忍了All right,this is cruel.1400:00:48,620 --> 00:00:51,370我们还是让他说完不然人家要爆头了We'd better let him finish before his head explodes.1500:00:51,710 --> 00:00:53,490好吧谢尔顿为啥西...All right,Sheldon,why is tap...1600:00:53,510 --> 00:00:56,030西米由食用木薯根茎提取而成Tapioca is extracted from the root of the plant manihot esculenta!1700:00:56,050 --> 00:00:57,580由于富含高浓度的氰化物Due to a high concentration of cyanide,1800:00:57,600 --> 00:01:01,180其本身有毒性如加工不当即食用会致命it is poisonous in its raw form and lethal if prepared improperly!1900:01:04,190 --> 00:01:05,820现在爽了吧?Feel better now?2000:01:05,830 --> 00:01:09,250同时可可豆也是巴西的从中能提取巧克力做最好的布丁It is also indigenous to Brazil as is the coa bean,from which we get chocolate,the best pudding.2100:01:09,270 --> 00:01:12,150求你们别再耍我了!And you promised you wouldn't do that anymore!2200:01:13,560 --> 00:01:15,300嘿霍夫施塔特Hey,Hofstadter.2300:01:15,310 --> 00:01:16,070嘿 KripkeHey,Kripke.2400:01:16,090 --> 00:01:18,720听说你最新的反质子衰变实验了Heard about your latest anti-proton decay experiment.2500:01:18,740 --> 00:01:22,060收集两万数据却没啥有用的结果20,000 data runs and no statistically significant results.2600:01:22,090 --> 00:01:24,660灰常了得Very impressive.00:01:26,320 --> 00:01:27,550蠢货一个What a jerk.2800:01:27,560 --> 00:01:31,060别气馁莱纳德没用的结果也是结果Don't feel bad,Leonard. Negative results are still results.2900:01:31,070 --> 00:01:34,510- 就算两万又算啥 - 行啦!- Even 20,000 of them. - All right!3000:01:35,360 --> 00:01:36,960求你们别在给我打气了Please don't cheer me up anymore.3100:01:36,970 --> 00:01:39,280别呀不要让他打击到你 Kripke哪根葱Come on. Don't let him get to you. It's Kripke.3200:01:39,290 --> 00:01:42,270对呀大蠢蛋一个Yeah,he's a ginormous knob.3300:01:42,280 --> 00:01: 46,610所以他孤单用餐而不能坐到这酷酷的桌子来That's why he eats by himself instead of sitting here at the cool table.3400:01:47,200 --> 00:01:49,560说得对呀For shizzle.3500:01:52,070 --> 00:01:56,860确实啊 Kripke确实缺乏咱固有的那种基本社交技巧It's true Kripke lacks the basic social skills that we take for granted.3600:01:57,400 --> 00:02:00,070但他还操控着新的开放科学网格计算机But he also controls the new open science grid computer3700:02:00,100 --> 00:02:04,160而我需要它来模拟宇宙早期的结构形态that I need to use to run some simulations of structure formation in the early universe.3800:02:04,180 --> 00:02:05,710看你有没有那命用上吧Well,good luck getting time on it.3900:02:05,730 --> 00:02:08,150他可只让他的朋友使用The only people he lets use it are his friends.4000:02:08,170 --> 00:02:10,420那解决办法很简单嘛Well,then,the solution is simple.4100:02:10,440 --> 00:02:12,260我去和他做朋友I shall befriend him.4200:02:12,270 --> 00:02:13,720Kripke!Kripke!4300:02:14,430 --> 00:02:16,400啥事?Yeah?4400:02:16,430 --> 00:02:19,800你觉得我们交个朋友如何?What would you say to the idea of you and I becoming friends?4500:02:19,830 --> 00:02:23,910我觉得木有啥兴趣哟I would say I have no interest in becoming your friend.4600:02:25,020 --> 00:02:26,130当真?Really?4700:02:26,160 --> 00:02:31,350你个里里外外不受欢迎的家伙目光还真是相当短浅呀That seems rather shortsighted coming from someone who is generally considered altogether unlikable.4800:02:32,610 --> 00:02:35,000不如重新考虑下吧?Why don't you take some time to reconsider?4900:02:35,030 --> 00:02:37,330行呀我去想想Yeah,I'll do that.5000:02:38,940 --> 00:02:42,040看来咱这开局不错啊Well,I think we're off to a terrific start.5100:03:08,700 --> 00:03:09,440好了There you go.5200:03:09,470 --> 00:03:12,840现在所有沃尔伍兹发来的邮件都会直接进入垃圾箱Now any e-mail from Wolowitz will go right into your spam folder.5300:03:14,110 --> 00:03:18,840多谢其实骚扰邮件倒没啥他穿浴衣的度假照比较雷人Thanks. I mean,the e-mail doesn't bother me as much as the vacation pictures of him in a bathing suit.5400:03:19,600 --> 00:03:24,980是呀我也收到了那可不是浴衣是晒痕Yeah,I got the same one,and that's not a bathing suit. It's a tan line.5500:03:30,090 --> 00:03:32,700你好我是谢尔顿·库珀Hello,this is Sheldon Cooper.5600:03:32,710 --> 00:03:36,250这是给贝瑞·克里帕奇的留言I am leaving a message for Barry Kripke.5700:03:36,270 --> 00:03:40,850贝瑞很高兴在食堂与你邂逅Barry,it was pleasant seeing you today in the cafeteria.5800:03:40,860 --> 00:03:44,230我注意到你买了推荐沙拉I saw that you purchased the chef's salad.5900:03:44,250 --> 00:03:49,690显然你不知道推荐沙拉是食堂的杂碎肉骗人把戏Apparently,you did not know that the chef's salad is kitchen trickery to utilize scrap meat.6000:03:51,340 --> 00:03:54,070不过呢我希望你用餐愉快Nevertheless,I hope you enjoyed it.6100:03:54,100 --> 00:04:00,060我在追踪待定友谊的发展状况期待你来电给它定位哟I'm following up on our pending friendship and I look forward to hearing from you regarding its status.6200:04:01,210 --> 00:04:03,750我是谢尔顿·库珀Sheldon Cooper.6300:04:05,530 --> 00:04:08,040胆小发明家又咋了?What's up with Ichabod?6400:04:08,590 --> 00:04:10,490他在交友呢Uh,he's trying to make a new friend.6500:04:10,510 --> 00:04:12,030真的? 不错嘛Oh,really? Well,good for him.6600:04:12,040 --> 00:04:16,100除非他像杰佩托做出皮诺曹不然没戏的Well,unless he makes one out of wood like Geppetto,I don't think it's gonna happen.6700:04:18,350 --> 00:04:20,180那你们咋成为朋友的?How did you guys become friends?6800:04:20,200 --> 00:04:23,250大学公告板上的一张传单There was a flyer on the bulletin board at the university:6900:04:23,260 --> 00:04:26,950"招募室友吹口哨的勿扰""Roommate wanted.Whistlers need not apply."7000:04:27,560 --> 00:04:28,950你就搬进去了?And you moved in anyway?7100:04:28,970 --> 00:04:30,800我以为他说着玩的I assumed he was joking.7200:04:30,820 --> 00:04:34,790你绝对想不到有多少量子物理学家都有反复无常的一面You'd be surprised how many particle physicists have a whimsical side.7300:04:35,600 --> 00:04:38,330霍华德和拉吉呢? 我是说他咋和他们好上的?What about Howard and Raj? I mean,how did he become friends with them?7400:04:38,340 --> 00:04:41,410不知道碳原子是如何构成苯环的?I don't know. How do carbon atoms form a benzene ring?7500:04:41,420 --> 00:04:44,280价电子亲近Proximity and valence electrons.7600:04:45,220 --> 00:04:48,270是呀你这样说也是哈Well,sure,when you put it that way.7700:04:48,550 --> 00:04:50,720但相处的也不错是吧But it all worked out,right?7800:04:50,740 --> 00:04:54,160差不多吧尽管我很怀念口哨I suppose. I do miss whistling,though.7900:04:54,440 --> 00:04:56,610不是吧?Oh,come on. Really?8000:04:56,620 --> 00:04:59,120警告一次First warning.8100:05:02,330 --> 00:05:05,740佩妮佩妮佩妮Penny? Penny? Penny?8200:05:06,660 --> 00:05:09,160给你的This is for you.8300:05:09,170 --> 00:05:12,000你好谢尔顿Hello,Sheldon.8400:05:15,140 --> 00:05:16,300这是啥?What is this?8500:05:16,330 --> 00:05:17,730我设计的调查表It's a questionnaire I devised.8600:05:17,750 --> 00:05:20,770我和一位同事交友遇到点困难I'm having some difficulty bonding with a colleague at work8700:05:20,800 --> 00:05:25,000所以我想做些小调查更好的了解为什么我目前的朋友们喜欢我so I'm doing a little research to better understand why my current friends like me.8800:05:26,390 --> 00:05:29,570嗯这个问题值得考虑Yes,well,that is a good question.8900:05:29,580 --> 00:05:32,340但你确定这是最好的办法了?But is this really the best way to figure it out?9000:05:32,380 --> 00:05:35,700问得好社会学家很大程度是忽悠I agree. The social sciences are largely hokum.9100:05:35,710 --> 00:05:40,240但又不能插一个电极到你的大脑探测你对我友谊问题的反应But short of putting electrodes in your brain and monitoring your response to my companionship,9200:05:40,250 --> 00:05:43,010就这方法还凑合了this is the best I can do.9300:05:43,020 --> 00:05:48,620好 "问题1: 按吸引力程度给谢尔顿·库珀以下各方面排序Okay,"Question one: "Rank the following aspects of Sheldon Cooper "in order of appeal:"9400:05:48,640 --> 00:05:54,770聪明洁癖有趣 Java程序编写?"Intelligence;ruthless attention to hygiene;playfulness; JAVA applet writing"?9500:05:56,470 --> 00:05:59,080也许头一个问题答案过分明显I know,I may have started out with a fairly obvious one;9600:05:59,090 --> 00:06:03,770谁不知道我最吸引人的特质之一有趣an aspect of my most appealing trait: playfulness.9700:06:03,780 --> 00:06:05,850你直接把它排到1号吧Why don't you just go ahead and rank that number one?9800:06:05,880 --> 00:06:07,600恐怕剩下的我不能指导你了I'm afraid you're on your own for the rest.9900:06:07,630 --> 00:06:09,710用不了三个小时就可以完成It should take you no more than three hours.10000:06:09,730 --> 00:06:12,380等下这玩意儿有多少个问题呀?Well,wait. How many questions are on this thing?10100:06:12,390 --> 00:06:14,810区区211个Only 211.10200:06:15,260 --> 00:06:19,700别担心为了照顾你这份高中毕业就能读懂Don't worry. In deference to you,I kept them all at a high school graduate reading level.10300:06:21,180 --> 00:06:22,560还得谢你哥们儿Thanks,pal.10400:06:22,580 --> 00:06:25,250客气啥...姐们儿You got it... buddy.10500:06:26,270 --> 00:06:31,390谢尔顿亲爱的你有没有考虑过通过让人开心来交友啊?Sheldon,honey,did you ever consider making friends by being,I don't know,pleasant?10600:06:32,210 --> 00:06:34,820那当然是一个发人深思的假设Well,that's certainly a thought-provoking hypothesis.10700:06:34,870 --> 00:06:38,620我看你论文写这题目好了May I suggest it as the topic for your essay?10800:06:43,720 --> 00:06:47,180你的调查问卷十分让人失望呀Your questionnaire,very disappointing.10900:06:50,160 --> 00:06:52,010我逢题必答呀谢尔顿I answered every question,Sheldon.11000:06:52,030 --> 00:06:54,870你选择题很有规律嘛You answered the multiple choice questions in a pattern:11100:06:54,880 --> 00:06:59,720A B B A C A B B A CA- B-A-C.A- B-A-C.11200:07:01,590 --> 00:07:03,920你发现了哈Oh,you picked up on that,huh?11300:07:04,630 --> 00:07:06,150我怎么会发现不了?How could I not?11400:07:06,180 --> 00:07:08,560行行好超过200个问题Come on. There's over 200 questions.11500:07:08,570 --> 00:07:10,430看有些问题吧And look at some of these things.11600:07:10,460 --> 00:07:14,980"谢尔顿之于友谊如同太空梭之于什么?""Sheldon is to camaraderie as the space shuttle is to blank?"11700:07:15,450 --> 00:07:17,510这里有些适合的答案呀There are a number of acceptable answers.11800:07:17,530 --> 00:07:19,730例如 C近地运输机For example,Near-Earth transport."11900:07:19,740 --> 00:07:23,250但绝对不是B鳄梨种植工But certainly not Avocado rancher."12000:07:24,460 --> 00:07:29,580你在论文里还说等到赛昂人接管地球我在交友方面会更有运气And your essay suggesting that I'd have better luck making friends if I wait till the Cylons take over?12100:07:30,930 --> 00:07:32,650请别Please.12200:07:32,660 --> 00:07:34,700等等那篇我可是认真写的Now hold on. I put some real work into that.12300:07:34,710 --> 00:07:37,300是呀可比沃尔伍兹好多了Yes,well,it's better than what Wolowitz did.12400:07:37,330 --> 00:07:41,810他画了一个大阴囊的发情浣熊He drew a raccoon with what appears to be a distended scrotum.12500:07:43,960 --> 00:07:46,340还真有点可爱哟It's kinda cute.12600:07:46,640 --> 00:07:48,440只要不看它那玩意儿Until you get to the scrotum.12700:07:49,250 --> 00:07:52,140我怎么会有希望建立新的友情关系?What hope do I have for establishing new relationships given that12800:07:52,150 --> 00:07:56,510现存的朋友们都舍不得用他们漫长生命的少许小时来帮助我my current friends apparently could not take a few hours out of their lives to help me?12900:07:56,530 --> 00:07:59,390谢尔顿我没打算为大蛋蛋浣熊说话Sheldon,I'm not going to defend a big-balled raccoon.13000:08:00,670 --> 00:08:02,770我看不出你能做到Well,I don't see how you could.13100:08:02,780 --> 00:08:08,690我想说的是或许你不能把这些当作纯粹智力习题来对待What I'm trying to say is that maybe you can't approach this as a purely intellectual exercise.13200:08:09,040 --> 00:08:11,420你什么意思?What do you mean?13300: 08:11,440 --> 00:08:16,010还记得你怎么在网上学游泳吗?Well,remember when you tried to learn how to swim using the Internet?13400:08:17,250 --> 00:08:19,750我是学过游泳Ididlearn how to swim.13500:08:19,770 --> 00:08:21,940在地板上学的On the floor.13600:08:21,960 --> 00:08:24,740技巧是相通的The skills are transferable.13700:08:24,750 --> 00:08:27,400我只是不想到水里去I just have no interest in going in the water.13800:08:27,410 --> 00:08:28,990那你为啥要学游泳呀?Then why learn how to swim?13900:08:29,000 --> 00:08:30,650冰盖在融化呀莱纳德The ice caps are melting,Leonard.14000:08:30,670 --> 00:08:33,690未来游泳是不可避免的In the future,swimming isn't going to be optional.14100:08:34,380 --> 00:08:36,620但你给了我灵感But you do bring up an interesting point.14200:08:36,650 --> 00:08:38,570我用不着做新的研究I don't have to break new ground here.14300:08:38,600 --> 00:08:40,990肯定很多研究结果是现存的I'm sure much of the research already exists.14400:08:41,020 --> 00:08:44,790不不我想说的是如果你想学如何交友No,no,my point is,if you want to learn how to make friends,14500:08:44,810 --> 00:08:47,970到咖啡店或者博物馆去then just go out to a coffee shop or a museum.14600:08:47,990 --> 00:08:49,120认识些人和他们交流Meet people. Talk to them.14700:08:49,130 --> 00:08:52,160了解下人家的生活Take an interest intheirlives.14800:08:52,170 --> 00:08:54,880疯了呗That's insane on the face of it.14900:08:55,500 --> 00:08:56,960- 走吧 - 我们去哪儿?- Come on. - Where are we going?15000:08:56,970 --> 00:08:58,240你载我去卖场You're driving me to the mall.15100:08:58,250 --> 00:09:02,920我要去买本现存交友领域的理论大全I'm going to acquire a book that summarizes the current theories in the field of friend-making.15200:09:04,370 --> 00:09:07,880你干嘛不直接躺地上游过去呢?Why don't you just lie down on the floor and swim there?15300:09:12,090 --> 00:09:15,090<如何面对至爱的离去>Coping with the Death of a Loved One.15400:09:15,900 --> 00:09:18,500- 节哀顺变 - 感谢你- My condolences. - Thank you.15500:09:19,420 --> 00:09:21,510- 家人还是朋友? - 家人- Family or friend? - Family.15600:09:21,520 --> 00:09:23,080太遗憾了Too bad.15700:09:23,110 --> 00:09:26,700如果是朋友我刚好可以填补空缺If it had been a friend,I'm available to fill the void.15800:09:31,590 --> 00:09:34,640没关系她满身卫生球味道It's just as well. She smelled like mothballs.15900:09:35,190 --> 00:09:39,120好吧要是你在这嗅人玩我去买点热脆饼Okay,if you're gonna start sniffing people,I'm gonna go get a hot pretzel.16000:09:40,630 --> 00:09:41,810劳驾Excuse me.16100:09:41,840 --> 00:09:44,910有交友的书吗?Do you have any books about making friends?16200:09:44,930 --> 00:09:47,250嗯有但都是写给小孩子的Um,yeah,but they're all for little kids.16300:09:47,260 --> 00:09:50,470我想技巧可以推断道理相通嘛I assume the skills can be extrapolated and transferred.16400:09:50,500 --> 00:09:53,980可能吧就在木火车那边I guess. They're right over there by the wooden train set.16500:09:54,940 --> 00:09:57,290我爱火车I love trains.16600:09:58,470 --> 00:10:01,070你当然喜欢了I bet you do.16700:10:02,950 --> 00:10:06,050哎呀还真粘Oh,my,that's awfully sticky.16800:10:08,360 --> 00:10:11,710好了我来瞧瞧哈...All right,let's see...16900:10:14,500 --> 00:10:17,680<兔子波尼有两个爸爸了>Bernie Bunny Has Two Daddies Now.17000:10:18,380 --> 00:10:21,780估计是同志兔子的故事That's probably about homosexual rabbits.17100:10:22,320 --> 00:10:25,780<沙鼠杰瑞和恶霸在公车上>Gerry the Gerbil and the Bullies on the Bus.17200:10:25,790 --> 00:10:28,320读过了没啥用Read it. Not helpful.17300:10:28,900 --> 00:10:31,790哦有了Oh,here we go.17400:10:31,810 --> 00:10:35,480<动物园的新成员鹦鹉斯图>Stu the Cockatoo Is New at the Zoo.17500:10:36,380 --> 00:10:40,980莎拉·卡朋特作现与其爱人朋友马克以及鹦鹉斯图"Author Sarah Carpenter lives in Fort Wayne,Indiana17600:10:40,990 --> 00:10:46,390居住于印第安纳州韦恩堡"with her husband and best friend,Mark,and their cockatoo Stu."17700:10:47,300 --> 00:10:50,670没有点交友专家的样子你说是吧?Hardly makes her an expert in making friends,wouldn't you agree?17800:10:50,680 --> 00:10:53,200我不喜欢鸟类它们多吓人I don't like birds. They scare me.17900:10:53,710 --> 00:10:56,340我也是诶Me,too.18000:10:56,740 --> 00:10:59,730很多人都意识不到Most people don't see it.18100:11:01,480 --> 00:11:02,870你读啥呢?What are you reading?18200:11:02,900 --> 00:11:04,130<好奇的乔治>Curious George.18300:11:04,140 --> 00:11:06,220哦猴子我可喜欢Oh,I do like monkeys.18400:11:06,230 --> 00:11:08,020好奇乔治就是猴子Curious George is a monkey.18500:11:08,040 --> 00:11:11,480算是人格化的但没错Somewhat anthropomorphized,but yes.18600:11:12,230 --> 00:11:18,170或许啥时候咱俩去看个猴子呗你觉得好不?Say,maybe sometime you and I could go see monkeys together. Would you like that?18700:11:18,180 --> 00:11:19,650好哇Okay.18800:11:19,680 --> 00:11:21,910谢尔顿你干嘛呢?Sheldon,what are you doing?18900:11:21,920 --> 00:11:25,040我和这小女孩交朋友呢你叫什么名字?I'm making friends with this little girl. What's your name?19000:11:25,050 --> 00:11:26,060瑞贝卡Rebecca.19100:11:26,080 --> 00:11:28,300嗨瑞贝卡我是你的新朋友谢尔顿Hi,Rebecca. I'm your new friend,Sheldon.19200:11:28,310 --> 00:11:30,750不别搞了走吧No,you're not. Let's go.19300:11:31,110 --> 00:11:34,860- 我俩聊得正投机呢 - 别抬头上面有摄像头- We were really hitting it off. - Don't look up. There's cameras.19400:11:38,500 --> 00:11:41,270我想知道哈在"你有多了解谢尔顿"那项********the "How well do you know Sheldon" section,19500:11:41,280 --> 00:11:44,350他最喜欢的氨基酸你们填的啥?what did you put for his favorite amino acid?19600:11:45,330 --> 00:11:46,360- 赖氨酸 - 赖氨酸- Lysine. - Lysine.19700:11:46,370 --> 00:11:49,150完了我本来写了赖氨酸又改了Damn it,I had lysine and changed it.19800:11:49,160 --> 00:11:51,210太好了时间刚刚好Oh,good,you're just in time.19900:11:51,230 --> 00:11:55,130我想我解开了交友解题步骤I believe I've isolated the algorithm for making friends.20000:11:55,530 --> 00:11:58,610谢尔顿交友哪有解题步骤啊Sheldon,there is no algorithm for making friends.20100:11:58,630 --> 00:12:00,360得了听他讲完要是真有啥发现Well,hear him out. If he's really onto something,20200:12:00,370 --> 00:12:03,870咱就在动漫大会上弄个展台赚他一笔we could open a booth at Comic-Con.Make a fortune.20300:12:04,630 --> 00:12:07,770是这样我最初和Kripke搭话就跟See,my initial approach to Kripke had the same deficiencies20400:12:07,780 --> 00:12:11,560鹦鹉斯图刚到公园时一样有着缺陷as those that plagued Stu the Cockatoo when he was new at the zoo.20500:12:12,880 --> 00:12:14,390鹦鹉斯图?Stu the Cockatoo?20600:12:14,400 --> 00:12:17,140没错他是动物园新成员Yes. He's new at the zoo.20700:12:17,490 --> 00:12:18,460超赞的书It's a terrific book.20800:12:18,490 --> 00:12:23,070我摘录它的精华制作了流程图来指导我I've distilled its essence into a simple flow chart that will guide me through the process.20900:12:23,670 --> 00:12:27,960有没有考虑过出门时把他装进大木箱里?Have you thought about putting him in a crate while you're out of the apartment?21000:12:28,830 --> 00:12:31,450你好 Kripke? 我是谢尔顿·库珀Hello,Kripke? Sheldon Cooper here.21100:12:31,460 --> 00:12:34,470我想到哈你没回我的电话It occurred to me that you hadn't returned any of my calls21200:12:34,490 --> 00:12:38,220是因为我没为发展友情提出实际建议because I hadn't offered any concrete suggestions for pursuing our friendship.21300:12:38,260 --> 00:12:42,620或许咱俩该一起吃个饭Perhaps the two of us might share a meal together.21400:12:43,770 --> 00:12:44,990了解I see.21500:12:45,020 --> 00:12:49,150那有没有时间喝个热饮?Well,then perhaps you'd have time for a hot beverage?21600:12:49,160 --> 00:12:52,450最受欢迎的有茶咖啡可可Popular choices include tea,coffee,cocoa.21700:12:53,060 --> 00:12:55,300了解了解别先别挂I see. No,no,no,wait. Don't hang up yet.21800:12:55,310 --> 00:12:58,330那娱乐娱乐怎么样呢?What about a recreational activity?21900:12:58,360 --> 00:13:00,780我们肯定有共同爱好I bet we share some common interests.22000:13:00,790 --> 00:13:03,410说说你有啥兴趣爱好Tell me an interest of yours.22100:13:03,420 --> 00:13:06,980真的呀? 骑真马?Really? On actual horses?22200:13:08,610 --> 00:13:11,520再说个兴趣爱好Tell me another interest of yours.22300:13:11,530 --> 00:13:15,860抱歉不到逼不得已我才不下水游泳I'm sorry. I have no desire to get in the water till I absolutely have to.22400:13:15,870 --> 00:13:18,140再说个兴趣爱好Tell me another interest of yours.22500:13:18,170 --> 00:13:20,090哦这问题要无限循环下去了Uh-oh,he's stuck in an infinite loop.22600:13:20,110 --> 00:13:22,280我来搞定I can fix it.22700:13:22,880 --> 00:13:27,480有意思但口技不是个人娱乐项目吗?Interesting,but isn't ventriloquism by definition a solo activity?22800:13:27,490 --> 00:13:30,680再说个兴趣爱好Yeah. Tell me another interest of yours.22900:13:32,520 --> 00:13:35,370你喜不喜欢猴子呀?Is there any chance you like monkeys?23000:13:35,760 --> 00:13:39,410你咋回事嘛? 人人都喜欢猴子What is wrong with you? Everybody likes monkeys.23100:13:40,260 --> 00:13:43,200别挂 KripkeHang on,Kripke.23200:13:43,750 --> 00:13:48,320没办法时选择不太讨厌的项目A loop counter and an escape to the least objectionable activity.23300:13:48,350 --> 00:13:50,380霍华德聪明啊Howard,that's brilliant.23400:13:50,390 --> 00:13:52,950你居然想到了I'm surprised you saw that.23500:13:53,860 --> 00:13:57,600天呀谢尔顿咋交不到朋友呢?Gee,why can't Sheldon make friends?23600:13:57,930 --> 00:14:01,270好了 Kripke 你刚说那兴趣爱好是我不太讨厌的All right,Kripke,that last interest strikes me as the least objectionable,23700:14:01,310 --> 00:14:04,980我提议咱一起去玩and I would like to propose that we do that together.23800:14:04,990 --> 00:14:07,300明天Tomorrow.23900:14:07,310 --> 00:14:10,900是的我付钱好的拜拜Yes,I'll pay. All right,good-bye.24000:14:11,560 --> 00:14:16,240好啦该学学攀岩了All right. Time to learn rock climbing.24100:14:24,150 --> 00:14:27,650要知道我超喜欢口技哟You know,I am a fan of ventriloquism.24200:14:27,930 --> 00:14:31,380要不你我还有你的小假人去喝个热饮Maybe you,me and your dummy could go get a hot beverage.24300:14:31,390 --> 00:14:33,690你喝时他表演He could talk while you drink.24400:14:34, 580 --> 00:14:37,260不鸟我想攀岩Nope. I wanna climb some rocks.24500:14:41,990 --> 00:14:47,180这家伙比在电脑上看起来大啊This appears significantly more monolithic than it did on my laptop.24600:14:48,070 --> 00:14:52,410想看原始人怎么用骨头当武器呢One expects to see hominids learning to use bones as weapons.24700:14:52,940 --> 00:14:54,200你恐高啊库珀?You afraid of heights,Cooper?24800:14:54,210 --> 00:14:57,240哪能啊恐高完全不合理Hardly. A fear of heights is illogical.24900:14:57,560 --> 00:15:01,130然而害怕掉下来才是有发展眼光的说法A fear of falling,on the other hand,is prudent and evolutionary.25000:15:01,420 --> 00:15:06,830你说要巩固我们的友情我最少要爬多高呀?What would you say is the minimum altitude I need to achieve to cement our newfound friendship?25100:15:06,840 --> 00:15:10,700好啦这开生日会呢小盆友都爬Come on,they have birthday parties here. Little kids climb this.25200:15:12,230 --> 00:15:15,100小原始人吧Little kid hominids perhaps.25300:15:18,410 --> 00:15:23,240你工作就干这点事啊? 父母一定很骄傲哈So is this your entire job? Your parents must be so proud.25400:15:24,500 --> 00:15:27,460- 来啊库珀 - 来了 Kripke- Let's go,Cooper. - I'm coming,Kripke.25500:15:27,900 --> 00:15:31,440好的绳子貌似很结实Okay,the harness seems to be secure.25600:15:32,060 --> 00:15:36,150刚才有点不能自制但网上说那是正常情况A small amount of incontinence just now,but the Web site said that's to be expected.25700:15:40,090 --> 00:15:45,210也不咋难嘛像是垂直游泳this isn't so bad. It's like vertical swimming.25800:15:46,350 --> 00:15:48,570嘿瞧瞧库珀都爬到一半了Hey,look at you,Cooper. You're almost halfway to the top.25900:15:48,580 --> 00:15:50,900是吗?I am?26000:15:52,390 --> 00:15:56,300我错了我恐高I was wrong. It is a fear of heights.26100:15:56,310 --> 00:15:57,540你还好吗库珀?You all right there,Cooper?26200:15:57,570 --> 00:15:58,790不太好Not really.26300:15:58,810 --> 00:16:02,730感觉像是反正切曲线接近渐近线了I feel somewhat like an inverse tangent function that's approached an asymptote.26400:16:02,740 --> 00:16:04,100你是说你卡住了?Are you saying you're stuck?26500:16:04,110 --> 00:16:08,110反正切曲线接近渐近线哪个字你不明白啊?What part of inverse tangent function approaching an asymptote did you not understand?26600:16:08,120 --> 00:16:12,030我都明白我又不是白痴接着爬啦I understood all of it. I'm not a moron. Just keep going.26700:16:12,600 --> 00:16:13,940我想我做不到Yeah,I don't think I can.26800:16:13,970 --> 00:16:16,510那就爬下去Well,then climb back down.26900:16:16,830 --> 00:16:19,810不行更没可能了No,that doesn't seem any more likely.27000:16:19,820 --> 00:16:21,710你打算咋办库珀?What's your plan,Cooper?。

关于我想参加俱乐部的英语作文不少于lo句全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Big Dream of Joining the Science ClubHi there! My name is Tommy and I'm a 4th grader at Oakwood Elementary School. I wanted to tell you all about my big dream of joining the Science Club this year. It's gonna be so cool if I can be a part of it!You see, I've always loved science for as long as I can remember. When I was really little, I used to beg my parents to take me to the science museum every weekend. I was totally fascinated by all the dinosaur skeletons, the planetarium shows about galaxies far away, and all the hands-on experiment stations. I could spend hours just playing with the levers and pulleys, mixing up pretend potions, and looking through the big microscopes. Science is just so awesome!Then in 1st grade, we started learning about the basics of science in school like the different states of matter, life cycles of plants and animals, and the planets in our solar system. My favorite units were the ones on electricity and magnetismbecause we got to do cool experiments. I'll never forget when we made our own simple circuits and made a little light bulb glow. It was magical! From that point on, I was hooked on science.In 2nd grade, we went on some really neat field trips to learn about science too. We visited an aquarium and got to see all kinds of marine animals up close. We even got to touch a small shark in the petting tank area! We also went to an observatory and looked through a massive telescope at stars and planets. I could barely believe my eyes when I saw the rings around Saturn. Science is so amazing!Last year in 3rd grade, we started doing more advanced science lessons and experiments. We learned all about physics concepts like motion, gravity, and simple machines. We had to design our own rubber band car models and see whose would go the farthest. I also loved the unit on chemistry where we studied different substances and got to mix together safe chemicals to see what weird and wacky reactions would happen. Sometimes they'd fizz up, change colors, or make weird smells. It was a blast!Now that I'm in 4th grade, I've heard so many awesome things about the Science Club from the older kids. Apparently they meet once a week after school and get to do the mostincredible experiments and activities all about science. Just a few of the things they've done include building model rockets and launching them, dissecting owl pellets, and even programming their own simple robots! It sounds like an absolute dream for a science lover like me.Some of the best parts about Science Club that I've heard are:You get to do way more hands-on activities and experiments than you'd ever get to do in regular science class.You can explore your own science interests and curiosities by picking cool projects to work on.There are science competitions and fairs you can enter and maybe even win prizes!You get to go on interesting field trips to places like laboratories, nature reserves, and museums.Most importantly, you're around other kids who are just as passionate about science as you!I've been counting down the days until I'm finally old enough to join the Science Club this year. My friends think I'm a total science nerd and they're probably right! But that's 100% okay with me because science is my absolute favorite. I lovelearning about how the world works, coming up with questions, and doing experiments to find the answers. Science makes the world make sense.My parents have been super supportive and encouraging about my science obsession too. They're actually the ones who first told me about the Science Club at my school and said I should definitely join once I'm in 4th grade. They know how much I love anything science-related and want to feed that passion and curiosity. I'm really lucky to have parents who care so much about nurturing my interests instead of thinking science isn't cool.I already talked to the Science Club teacher advisors, Mrs. Evans and Mr. Patel, and they seemed just as excited about me joining as I am! They said the first meeting this year will be in a couple weeks where they assign the first experiment and let new members sign up. I've got my pencil and experiment notebook ready to go! I can hardly wait.If for some reason I don't get into the Science Club this year, I'll be pretty devastated. But no way will that stop me from exploring my love of science. I've already started researching easy experiments I can do at home by myself, like growing colourful crystals and building a potato battery. And I've askedfor a chemistry set and telescope for my next birthday so I can keep on discovering. Science isn't just a subject to me - it's a way of life! I'll never stop being curious, asking questions, and finding things out.Joining the Science Club is my absolute biggest goal right now. I can already picture myself in the club room mixing up solutions, peering through microscopes at critters, and making hypotheses before mind-blowing results. I'll finally be around other kids my age who grooveontothequantumfieldtheory like Ido. This is gonna be the opportunity of a lifetime! I can feel it in my bio-neurons. Wish me luck, because this future scientist is ready to explode into the world of science!篇2I Really Really Want to Join the Art Club!Hi there! My name is Jamie and I'm 9 years old. I'm in 4th grade at Oakdale Elementary School. I love art sooooo much and I really really really want to join the after-school art club this year!Last year, I couldn't join the art club because it was only for 5th graders. But this year, they're letting 4th graders join too! I was super duper excited when I found out. As soon as I heard the news, I ran around the house yelling "The art club! The art club! Iget to join the art club!" My little sister thought I was being crazy but I didn't care one bit.You see, art is my absolute favoritest thing in the whole wide world. I love love love drawing and painting and making things. Whenever I have free time, that's what I do - grab some paper and crayons or markers or paints and get creative! My drawings and paintings are always so pretty and colorful. My mom says I'm a little artist.At school, art is my favoritest subject and I'm really good at it too. Whenever we have art class, I get so so so excited! While the other kids are messing around and goofing off, I'm 100% focused on whatever we're making that day. I follow all the directions perfectly and my art projects always turn out amazing. I'm the best artist in my whole class!That's why I desperately want to join the art club this year. In art club, I'll get to do bunches and bunches of super cool art projects and activities. We'll make all sorts of neat things like clay sculptures, stamped greeting cards, weavings, printmaking, jewelry, and so much more! The art teacher Ms. Rowland is really nice and talented too. Under her guidance, I just know I'll become an even better artist!Being in art club will also allow me to spend more time on my art, which is my absolute favoritest thing ever. In regular art class, we only get like an hour once a week. But art club meets twice a week for a whole two hours each time! That's so so so much more time to draw, paint, sculpt, and create masterpieces. I'll be in total heaven surrounded by art supplies and creative kids just like me.Plus, all my best friends are joining art club too so we'll have a blast together! Chloe and Emma are my two bestestfriends and they're just as artsy and creative as me. We're like a little trio of artists. We always collaborate on games we invent at recess that involve drawing or making things. Like last week, we spent every recess making environmental posters about saving the rainforests and oceans. Chloe is an amazing painter, Emma is a sculpting wiz, and of course you already know I'm the best drawer ever!So in art club, Chloe, Emma, and I will get to work together on all kinds of fun group projects. We'll make up dance routines about art history, put on costume fashion shows, design crazy hats and masks, and put together performances with choreographed movement while holding our artwork. It's goingto be a party of creativity and artistic expression! The three of us can't wait.I really really really hope I get into art club this year. I've been practicing my drawing and painting skills like crazy all summer. I even took a kids pottery class at the craft center. My bedroom is overflowing with all my latest masterpieces. I have figured clay animals, abstract watercolor splatter paintings, collages made from magazine clippings, you name it! When it's time for tryouts, I'll wow the judges for sure.If for some crazy reason I don't make it into art club, I'll be absolutely devastated. Crushed. Heartbroken. It will be the saddest, most tragic thing ever in my whole life so far! My world will be shattered into a million pieces of crayon wax. I can't even imagine how I'll go on. Art is my life, my oxygen, my everything! Without art club, I'll slowly turn into a limp, lifeless husk. Like a deflated balloon. Like a dried up tulip baking in the sun. Art club HAS to accept me!But I'm trying to stay positive and not think negative thoughts like that. I'm sure if I keep working hard on my skills, art club will definitely let me in this year. I can already picture myself there, wearing a colorful smock, sitting at the art table andletting my creativity flow. This is my year, I can feel it in my bones! Art club, here I come! Woo-hoo!篇3My Super Awesome Club DreamClubs are the coolest! Did you know there are all kinds of awesome clubs you can join? At my school, there's a art club, a science club, a robotics club, and even a yo-yo club! How neat is that?I really want to join a club this year. It sounds like so much fun to get together with other kids who like the same things you do. In a club, you can learn new skills, make cool projects, and just have a blast!I'm really into sports, so I've been thinking about joining the soccer club or the basketball club. Can you imagine how epic it would be to play games and learn tricks with a bunch of other sports lovers? We could practice drills, learn about being good teammates, and maybe even enter some tournaments! That would be the best.Or maybe I'll join the cooking club instead. My mom is an amazing cook and I'd love to learn more about making deliciousfoods. We could bake yummy treats, learn to chop veggies properly, and who knows - maybe I'll become a famous chef one day!Whichever club I pick, I know it's going to make this year at school even more fantastic. Clubs just seem like such a fun way to explore your interests and make new friends. I can't wait to pick one and get started!篇4My Big Dream to Join the Awesome Art Club!Hi there! My name is Jamie and I'm in 5th grade at Oakwood Elementary School. I really, really, REALLY want to join the Art Club at my school this year and I'm going to tell you all about why. Get ready for an EPIC story!First of all, I just LOVE art sooooo much! Ever since I was a tiny kiddo, I've been drawing pictures, coloring, painting, you name it. My parents still have a huge stack of all my crayon and marker masterpieces from when I was little. I would sit for hours quietly working on making the most perfect rainbow or trying to draw our family dog Bingo.Mom says when I was 3 years old, I used to take my crayons and start scribbling on the walls if no one gave me paper fast enough! She would find me in the hallway or living room, sitting on the floor surrounded by a million bright colors covering the walls. Hehe, sorry about that Mom! I just got too excited about making art.In preschool, arts and crafts time was my ultimate favorite part of every single day. I would get so pumped up about getting to make something with glue, glitter, pom poms, pipe cleaners...anything! The teachers always used to laugh because I would have glitter and bits of construction paper all over my clothes and in my hair from working so hard.When I started kindergarten, my parents signed me up for an after-school art class for little kids. That's when I really started learning actual techniques like how to draw shapes, mix colors, and work with different materials like clay and charcoal. I brought home so many fun projects from that class - puppets, masks, vases, you name it. My bedroom is totally decorated with all my artwork!Art is just the most awesome thing in the world to me. I love being creative and making something out of nothing. It's like magic! You start off with a blank piece of paper or plain chunk ofclay and poof - with some colors and a little work, it transforms into this entire new masterpiece. Too cool!Which brings me to why I desperately want to join the Art Club at school this year. I've been hearing about it forever from my older brother and sister who joined when they were in 5th grade. They always went on and on about the amazing projects they got to work on and all the fun materials the club had, Like real artists quality stuff!From what I know, the Art Club meets a couple times a week after school to learn about different artists and try out their techniques. One week you might study Pablo Picasso and get to make cubist portraits using weird shapes. The next week, you could be splattering paint like Jackson Pollock! How awesomely epic is that?!They also have opportunities to display your artwork in shows at school and even enter contests. Hello, future famous artist here! Oh, and apparently there are fun art-themed parties and field trips too. One year, they got to go to an actual art museum and see incredible masterpieces in real life - GASP! They even got to try sculpting in the museum studio. I'm kidding you not.Honestly, I dream about being in the club every single night.I lie awake vividly picturing myself in the magical art room, an enormous space overflowing with every kind of color, texture, and material you could imagine. Crayons, paints, brushes,cray-pas, chalk, markers, modeling clay, origami paper, stamps, stencils... I want to swim in a pool of art supplies like a dolphin!In my fantasies, I'm painting huge colorful murals on the walls, sculpting massive clay pots, and turning canvases into modern masterpieces faster than you can say "art gallery." I feel like such a vividly creative art force to be reckoned with!Thinking about it now is making me grin so big with pure joy and excitement. I can't tell you how much it means to me and how much I want to experience being part of that magical community of creative souls. We art kids have got to stick together, you know?That's why I have been practically living and breathing the Art Club requirements this whole year, making sure I work hard to meet them. You have to get excellent grades, havenear-perfect attendance, and get along brilliantly with everyone around you. No problemo! I am an A+ student who never misses school and I'm basically friends with the entire Universe. Check, check, and check!I've also already starting working on my entrance portfolio, which is a whole bunch of your best artwork to show what an amazing artist you are. My collection has got a little bit of everything - colorful self-portraits, clay animal sculptures, abstract splatter paintings, you name it. I add to it every week.It's going to be astounding!So that's pretty much my super-hyped, incredibly passionate, mega-epic saga about joining the Art Club this year. My heart and soul is so deeply devoted to making this dream a reality. I absolutely CANNOT WAIT for audition day to arrive so I can wow everyone with my skills and get accepted!Once I'm in the club, you better believe I'm going to soak up every second of that creative, inspiring environment. I'm going to work harder than I ever have, take chances, experiment boldly, think outside the box, and push myself artistically. Who knows, I could become the next Frida Kahlo or Andy Warhol!Well, there you have it - my crazy obsession with joining Art Club! Wish me luck, keep those fingers crossed, and pray to the art gods for me! Thanks for reading my story. I gotta go practice my shading techniques. Laters!篇5My Super Awesome Club IdeasHi there! My name is Jamie and I'm in the 4th grade. I really, really, really want to join a club this year. Clubs are the coolest! You get to do fun activities with your friends and learn about new things. Plus, clubs have the best snacks at their meetings. I'm going to tell you all about the amazing club ideas I have. Get ready, because these clubs would be OFF THE HOOK!First up, my brilliant idea for a Candy Inventors Club. In this club, we would experiment with creating new candy flavors and types. Can you imagine how insanely delicious that would be? We could mix crazy things together to make mind-blowingly tasty treats. Gummy bears with a pickle filling? You got it! Chocolate bars filled with mac and cheese? Let's do this! The possibilities are straight up endless when you combine sugar and weirdness.We would take field trips to candy factories to learn from the experts. And of course, we'd have epic candy taste-testing parties at every meeting. Ranking all our wacky new candy creations from "Is this even food?" to "THIS IS THE GREATEST THING I'VE EVER EATEN!" would be a blast. I'm drooling already just thinking about it. Candy, candy, candy for life!Next, my idea that would definitely get tons of kids joining - a Video Game Champions Club. We would have tournaments for all the hottest new games, from Mario Kart to Fortnight. Players would square off head-to-head for ultimate gaming glory. Smack talk and victory dances would be extremely encouraged at our meetings.We could have different skill level events so both beginners and pros could compete. Coaching sessions would help everyone level up their gaming prowess. And of course, we'd hands-down have the sickest snack spreads ever with pizza, chicken nuggets, and all the best gamer fuel. Our club would be video game euphoria!But that's not all, folks! I also have an amazingly awesome idea for a Circus Skills Club. Can you imagine how fun it would be to learn crazy circus tricks? We could practice walking on stilts, juggling, plate spinning, tightrope walking - you name it! Our club meetings would be like having a miniature circus come to school every week. Hilarious failed attempts and massively painful face-plants would definitely happen, but that's all part of the fun.We could invite guest instructors who are real circus performers to teach us their most mind-boggling stunts. Howepic would it be to have a fire-eater or sword-swallower show us what they've got? We'd be a smash hit at the school talent shows with our crazy tricks. This club would be insanely cool and something nobody else has!Phew, I'm getting so hyped just writing about my genius club concepts! A Candy Inventors Club, Video Game Champions Club, AND a Circus Skills Club? That's like the triple crown of awesome right there. I would join them all in a heartbeat if they actually existed. Hmmm...maybe I should run for student council and make it happen!Somebody seriously needs to let me start one of these clubs immediately. We would have incredible fun, makeccraaaaazy memories, and get to do things most kids only dream about. Eating piles of candy creations for homework? Becoming a gaming master? Learning real circus tricks? What's not to love?! These clubs would be the highlight of everyone's life from now until forever.So that's my 4000% ultimate, incredibly amazing, super important reason why we need clubs like these at our school. In fact, schools everywhere should have clubs like these! Kids' minds would be blown on the regular. We'd be known as the coolest school of all time. And most importantly, we would neverbe bored again because our club activities are just that unbelievably epic!I'm counting on you to spread the word about my club schemes, because the world needs this degree of awesomeness. Who's with me?! Let's make Candy Inventors, Video Game Champs, and Circus Skills clubs a reality! Clubs rock!篇6My Big Dream of Joining the Science ClubHave you ever dreamed of being a famous scientist when you grow up? Like Albert Einstein with his crazy hair, or Marie Curie who discovered radium? Well, that's my biggest dream! I want to make amazing discoveries and invent incredible things that can help the world. That's why I really, really want to join the Science Club at my school. Let me tell you all about it!The Science Club meets every Friday after school in the big science lab. When you walk in, there are tables filled with super cool science experiments and tools. Last week, I peeked through the window and saw the members making little volcanos out of baking soda and vinegar. They were erupting everywhere! The week before that, they were launching rockets made from plastic bottles outside on the field. How awesome is that?Mrs. Johnson, the science teacher, is the club leader. She's the nicest teacher and knows everything about science. I'll never forget when she taught us about the life cycle of butterflies last year. She even brought in real caterpillars and we got to watch them build cocoons and transform into butterflies. It was magical! With Mrs. Johnson leading the Science Club, I just know we'll get to do the most incredible experiments.There are only 12 kids in the club right now since you have to be in 4th grade or above to join. That's why I've been waiting so long for this year! As a 4th grader, I'm finally old enough to apply. My best friend Michael is in the club and he's always telling me the cool things they do. Last month, they had a famous doctor come and let them look through a real microscope at cheek cells. How crazy is that?Joining the Science Club will also help me reach my dream of becoming a scientist way easier. We'll learn about important scientists from history and what they discovered. We'll get to design our own experiments and learn the scientfic method. We might even enter contests or science fairs! Just thinking about presenting my own project to judges makes me shake with excitement. It will be such awesome practice for my future career.More than anything though, I really want to join because I'm obsessed with science. I've loved it ever since I was a little kid watching Bill Nye the Science Guy episodes. My favorite was the one about electrons - I'll never forget how he used a rubber band shooting across a room to demonstrate their movement. Science is just so fascinating and helps explain the world around us. There's nothing better than learning through fun, hands-on experiments and activities. That's exactly what the Science Club provides!I really hope I get accepted because it would mean absolutely everything to me. I've been dreaming about becoming a mad scientist for years now. Just imagine me in a few years, maybe even as a kid genius, making the next big breakthrough! Who knows, I could even discover the cure for cancer or a way to stop global warming. That would be so incredible. With the Science Club helping me pursue my passion, I know I'll be one step closer to changing the world. Wish me luck!。

初二练习题制作巴西肉末炖豆配藜麦英语作文Yo, peeps! Today I wanna share with y'all this bomb recipe I whipped up the other day Brazilian Feijoada with Quinoa. Yeah, I know, sounds fancy, but trust me, it's super easy to make. And guess what? It tastes like a party in your mouth!First off, gather your squad of ingredients black beans, some pork or beef chunks, onions, garlic, and those secret spices you love (for me, it's cumin and paprika). Throw 'em all in a pot with some water and let it simmer till the meat ishella tender and the flavors have mixed and mingled like old pals.While that's doing its thang, get your quinoa game on. Rinse that bad boy, then cook it up fluffy and light like a cloud in a pan. Quinoa's gonna add that extra oomph and make your meal healthier than your average Tuesday dinner.Once everything's ready, plate up that feast. Scoop some of that savory feijoada on a bed of quinoa, sprinkle with fresh herbs if you're feeling extra fancy, and you're good to go.So, whatcha waiting for? Get your cook on and let me know how it turns out! Hit me up with your thoughts or questions I'm all ears. Let's get this foodie convo started!。
SO(3) Gauge model for neutrino masses and oscillations

This effective Lagrangian can be resulted from integrating out heavy particles. LSM ¯ i (x) = (¯ denotes the lagrangian of the standard model. L νi , e ¯i )L (i=1,2,3) are the SU(2)L i doublet leptons and eR i (i = 1, 2, 3) are the three right-handed charged leptons. Ai µ (x)t ′ (i = 1, 2, 3) are the SO (3)F gauge bosons with ti the SO (3)F generators and g3 is the corresponding gauge coupling constant. Here φ1 (x) and φ2 (x) are two Higgs doublets, ϕT = (ϕ1 (x), ϕ2 (x), ϕ3 (x)) and ϕ′T = (ϕ′1 (x), ϕ′2 (x), ϕ′3 (x)) are two SO (3)F Higgs triplets, χ(x), χ′ (x) and χ′′ (x) are three singlet scalars. The couplings c, ca , c′a (a = 0, 1) and c′′ 1 are dimensional constants. The structure of the above effective lagrangian can be obtained by imposing an additional U(1) symmetry [6]. After the symmetry SO(3)F ×SU(2)L ×U(1)Y is broken down to the U(1)em symmetry, mass matrices of the neutrinos and charged leptons get the following forms
高考英语一轮复习 语法填空训练 (四)高三全册英语试题

(2015·惠州市二模)French and American doctors have done an operation together in which the doctors were outside the operating room. This kind of operation __1__(know) as a robotic operation.Doctor Marescaux did the operation in __2__ office in New York City last month. However, a sixtyyearold woman patient was in a hospital in Strasbourg, France.Two doctors in Strasbourg got the patient ready. __3__ placed medical tools and a small video camera in her stomach. Meanwhile, Doctor Marescaux in New York watched her on a video screen and then sent messages to the robot machine __4__ the computer. The robot moved the tools that cut the woman's gall bladder away. __5__(short) after the operation, the woman made a full recovery and left the hospital two days later.Doctors hold the belief __6__ such a robotic operation will make safer and better operations in the future and will improve doctor training as well. __7__, it will also mean that doctors could do an operation on people in __8__(danger) places far away. More importantly, people could have operations __9__(do) by top doctors without having to travel to the city __10__ the doctors work.1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______6.______ 7.______ 8.______ 9.______ 10.______文章大意:这是一篇故事。

可乐吹气球六百字英文作文回答例子1:Coca-Cola is one of the most popular soft drink brands in the world. It's consumed by millions of people every day, and it's a staple at parties, picnics, and other social events. But did you know that Coca-Cola can also be used to blow up balloons? In this article, we'll explore the science behind using Coca-Cola to inflate balloons and how you can do it at home.First, let's talk about why Coca-Cola can inflate balloons. The answer lies in the carbonation process that gives the soft drink its signature fizz. When you open a can or bottle of Coca-Cola, the carbon dioxide gas that's been dissolved in the liquid is released into the air. This is what creates the bubbles and makes the drink taste fizzy. When you pour Coca-Cola into a balloon, the same thing happens. The carbon dioxide gas expands and fills up the balloon, causing it to inflate.So, how can you use Coca-Cola to inflate balloons at home? Here's a simple step-by-step guide:1. Gather your materials: You'll need a bottle of Coca-Cola, some balloons, and a funnel (optional).2. Open the Coca-Cola bottle and let it sit for a few minutes. This will allow some of the carbon dioxide gas to escape, making it easier to pour into the balloon.3. Stretch the balloon out a few times to make it more pliable.4. Using a funnel (or just pouring carefully), pour some Coca-Cola into the balloon. Don't fill it up all the way –you'll need some space for the gas to expand.5. Pinch the balloon closed and give it a few shakes to distribute the Coca-Cola evenly.6. Set the balloon aside for a few minutes and watch as it inflates!One thing to keep in mind is that Coca-Cola isn't the most efficient way to inflate balloons. It takes a lot of soda to inflateeven one balloon, and you'll need to be careful not to overfill the balloon or it could burst. Additionally, the sugar and other ingredients in Coca-Cola can make a mess if the balloon pops.In conclusion, using Coca-Cola to inflate balloons is a fun and quirky science experiment that you can try at home. While it may not be the most practical method, it's a great way to show off the carbonation process and impress your friends. So grab a bottle of Coca-Cola and some balloons, and get ready to blow up some fun!回答例子2:Title: The Fascinating Art of Inflating Balloons with ColaIntroduction:The art of inflating balloons with cola is a unique and captivating practice that combines the joy of balloon-making with the fizzy excitement of cola. In this article, we will explore the process, the science behind it, and the joy it brings to people of all ages.Paragraph 1: The Process of Inflating Balloons with ColaInflating balloons with cola involves a simple yet intriguingprocess. First, you will need a bottle of cola, preferably a fizzy one. Next, attach a balloon to the mouth of the cola bottle. Slowly invert the bottle, allowing the cola to flow into the balloon. As the cola enters the balloon, it creates an effervescent reaction, causing the balloon to inflate. Finally, when the balloon reaches the desired size, carefully remove it from the bottle, tie it off, and enjoy the delightful creation.Paragraph 2: The Science Behind ItThe science behind inflating balloons with cola lies in the carbon dioxide (CO2) gas present in the carbonated beverage. When the cola is poured into the balloon, the carbon dioxide is released from the liquid in the form of gas. This gas fills the balloon, causing it to expand. The fizziness and effervescence of the cola are due to the high concentration of dissolved carbon dioxide. This unique reaction makes it possible to inflate balloons in a fun and unconventional way.Paragraph 3: The Joy and Entertainment ValueInflating balloons with cola is not only a scientific experiment but also a source of joy and entertainment. This activity can be enjoyed by people of all ages, from children atbirthday parties to adults at social gatherings. The process of inflating the balloons with cola creates an element of surprise and wonder, as people watch the balloons grow before their eyes. Additionally, the fizzy sound and the sight of the balloons floating in the air add to the overall excitement and amusement.Paragraph 4: Creativity and PersonalizationInflating balloons with cola also allows for creativity and personalization. By using different flavors of cola, such as cherry or lemon, you can create balloons with a unique scent and color. Furthermore, you can experiment with various balloon shapes and sizes, adding a touch of personal flair to your creations. This aspect of customization adds an extra layer of enjoyment to the activity, as individuals can express their creativity while having fun.Conclusion:Inflating balloons with cola is a fascinating and entertaining practice that combines the elements of science, joy, and creativity. The process of inflating the balloons withcola and witnessing their growth brings a sense of wonder and excitement to both children and adults. So, the next time you have a bottle of fizzy cola, grab some balloons and indulge in this delightful activity that is sure to bring smiles to everyone's faces.。

我的朋友做饭英语作文Title: My Friend's Cooking Adventure。
Cooking is an art that my friend has mastered like a maestro. From sizzling stir-fries to decadent desserts, their culinary skills never fail to amaze me. Let me take you on a journey through my friend's cooking adventures.One of the things that sets my friend apart in the kitchen is their fearlessness to experiment. They are not afraid to mix unconventional ingredients or try new cooking techniques. I remember one particular instance when they decided to make a fusion dish combining Italian pasta with traditional Chinese flavors.It all started with a craving for both spaghetti and Chinese stir-fry. Instead of choosing one over the other, my friend decided to combine the two. They cooked the spaghetti al dente and set it aside while preparing a savory stir-fry with bok choy, shiitake mushrooms, andthinly sliced beef.Once the stir-fry was ready, my friend tossed the cooked spaghetti into the wok, along with a generousdrizzle of oyster sauce and a sprinkle of red pepper flakes for heat. The result? A mouthwatering fusion of flavorsthat left everyone at the dinner table speechless.But my friend's culinary adventures don't stop at fusion cuisine. They also have a knack for baking, andtheir desserts are nothing short of heavenly. One time, they decided to tackle the challenge of making a croquembouche, a French dessert consisting of cream-filled pastry balls piled into a tower and bound together with caramel.The process was intricate and time-consuming, requiring precise measurements and delicate handling of the pastry. But my friend approached it with determination and skill. They whipped up choux pastry dough, piped it into small balls, and baked them to golden perfection.Next came the filling, a luscious vanilla pastry cream that oozed out with each bite. My friend carefully filled each pastry ball before assembling them into a towering cone. Then came the most nerve-wracking part: making the caramel.With steady hands, my friend melted sugar until it reached a deep amber color, then carefully drizzled it over the pastry tower, creating a glossy caramel shell. Thefinal result was a masterpiece worthy of a patisserie window display.But what truly sets my friend apart as a cook is not just their skill in the kitchen, but their passion for bringing people together through food. Whether it's a cozy dinner party with friends or a lavish feast for a special occasion, my friend puts their heart and soul into every dish they create.Their joy is contagious, and it's impossible not to be swept up in the excitement as they plate up their latest culinary creation. From the first tantalizing aroma to thelast satisfying bite, my friend's cooking is a celebration of flavors, creativity, and above all, friendship.In conclusion, my friend's cooking journey is a testament to the power of passion and creativity in the kitchen. Through fearless experimentation, meticulous attention to detail, and a whole lot of heart, they have transformed ordinary ingredients into extraordinaryculinary delights. And I, for one, feel incredibly lucky to be along for the ride.。
金蝶兰白卡 英语表达

金蝶兰白卡英语表达English:The Golden Butterfly Orchid, also known as the White Orchid, is a stunningly beautiful and fragrant flower. It is often used in traditional Chinese medicine for its healing properties, as well as in ornamental gardens for its elegant and graceful appearance. The delicate white petals and intricate golden markings make this orchid a sought-after choice for special occasions and celebrations. Its subtle scent and long-lasting blooms add a touch of luxury to any setting, making it a popular choice for floral arrangements and gifts. In addition to its aesthetic value, the Golden Butterfly Orchid also holds cultural significance in many Asian countries, symbolizing purity, grace, and beauty.中文翻译:金蝶兰,又称白兰,是一种极美丽而香气悠扬的花朵。

奇葩词语介绍英文作文Paragraph 1:"Yogurt" is a peculiar word that has gained popularityin recent years. This term refers to a type of fermentedmilk product that is thick and creamy in texture. It isoften flavored with fruits or sweeteners to enhance its taste. Yogurt is known for its probiotic properties, which promote a healthy gut and aid in digestion. This quirkyword adds a touch of uniqueness to the culinary world and has become a staple in many people's diets.Paragraph 2:"Quokka" is a fascinating word that describes a small marsupial native to Australia. These adorable creatureshave become famous for their friendly and photogenic nature. Quokkas are known for their smiling faces, which haveearned them the title of the "happiest animal on Earth." This quirky term perfectly captures the charm and appeal ofthese lovable creatures, making it a favorite among animal enthusiasts and photographers.Paragraph 3:"Kaleidoscope" is a whimsical word that brings to mind images of vibrant colors and intricate patterns. This term refers to a cylindrical optical instrument that contains mirrors, lenses, and colored glass or beads. When you look through a kaleidoscope and rotate it, you are treated to a mesmerizing display of ever-changing shapes and colors. This quirky word perfectly captures the magic and wonder of this artistic device, making it a popular choice for creative individuals and dreamers.Paragraph 4:"Whimsy" is a delightful word that encapsulates the essence of playfulness and imagination. This term describes a quality or concept that is fanciful, quirky, and out of the ordinary. Whimsy can be found in various forms, such as in art, literature, fashion, and even in everyday life. Itadds a touch of joy and whimsicality to our mundane routines, reminding us to embrace our inner child and find beauty in the unexpected. This quirky word is often used to describe anything that brings a smile to our faces and sparks our imagination.Paragraph 5:"Serendipity" is a charming word that captures the concept of finding something valuable or delightful by chance. This term refers to the occurrence of fortunate events or discoveries that happen unexpectedly. Serendipity often brings a sense of joy and excitement, as it allows us to stumble upon something wonderful without actively seeking it. This quirky word perfectly encapsulates the beauty of life's surprises and the joy that comes from unexpected encounters. It reminds us to stay open to new experiences and embrace the magic of serendipitous moments.。

Strawberry cake is a delightful dessert that never fails to bring a smile to anyones face. The cake itself is typically made from a soft and fluffy sponge, which is moist and tender to the touch. Its the perfect base for the sweet and tangy strawberries that are often the star of the show.The sponge is usually vanillaflavored, providing a neutral canvas for the vibrant red strawberries. When you cut into the cake, youre greeted with layers of these luscious fruits, sliced and arranged in a visually appealing pattern. The strawberries are not just for show, though their natural sweetness and slight acidity balance out the richness of the cake.Between the layers of sponge and strawberries, youll often find a layer of whipped cream or buttercream. This adds a creamy texture that complements the fruit and cake. The cream is light and airy, melting in your mouth and leaving a smooth, velvety sensation.On top of the cake, a generous dollop of whipped cream or a layer of frosting is spread, sometimes with more strawberries arranged in a decorative manner. The frosting can be a simple sugarbased glaze or a more elaborate buttercream, depending on the bakers preference. It adds a glossy finish to the cake, making it look even more appetizing.A dusting of powdered sugar over the top gives the cake an elegant, snowy appearance. It also adds a subtle sweetness that enhances the overall flavor profile of the dessert. Strawberry cake is best enjoyed fresh, with each bite offering a harmonious blend of flavors and textures. The sponge is soft and cakey, the strawberries are juicy and sweet, and the cream is rich and creamy. Its a dessert thats both comforting and indulgent, perfect for celebrations or just as a sweet treat to brighten your day.。

高一练习题制作巴西肉末炖豆配椰子英语作文In Brazil, Feijoada is a traditional dish that consists of black beans stewed with various types of pork and beef. This hearty meal is often served with rice, greens, and farofa. Today, we will explore a variation of this classic Brazilian dish by creating a recipe for Brazilianstyle minced meat stewed beans, paired with a refreshing coconut twist.To start off, gather the following ingredients:500g minced beef2 cans of black beans1 onion, diced3 cloves of garlic, minced2 tomatoes, chopped1 green bell pepper, diced1 tablespoon of cumin1 tablespoon of paprikaSalt and pepper to taste1 can of coconut milkFresh cilantro for garnishInstructions:1. In a large pot, heat some oil over medium heat and sauté the diced onions until they turn translucent.2. Add the minced garlic and cook for another minute until fragrant.3. Next, add the minced beef to the pot and cook until it's browned and cooked through.4. Stir in the chopped tomatoes and green bell pepper, allowing them to soften.5. Add the black beans (rinsed and drained) to the pot and mix well with the meat and vegetables.6. Season the mixture with cumin, paprika, salt, and pepper, adjusting the seasonings according to your taste.7. Pour in the coconut milk and bring the stew to a gentle simmer.8. Let the stew simmer for about 2030 minutes to allow the flavors to meld together.9. Once the stew has thickened slightly, it is ready to be served.10. Garnish with fresh cilantro before serving.This Brazilian minced meat stewed beans, infused with the rich and creamy coconut milk, offers a delightful twist on the traditional Feijoada. The combination of savory minced beef andtender black beans, complemented by the tropical sweetness of coconut, creates a harmonious blend of flavors that is sure to tantalize your taste buds. Enjoy this dish with a side of fluffy white rice and perhaps some crunchy farofa for a complete Brazilian culinary experience. Bon appétit!。

沧州高三练习题制作法式巧克力松露球英语作文Hey guys, have I got a treat for you today a mouthwatering adventure in the world of crafting French chocolate truffles! Picture this: you're in the bustling city of Cangzhou, surrounded by the hustle and bustle of high school life, but for a moment, let's escape into the realm of decadent sweetness.So here's the deal we're diving headfirst into the art of making French chocolate truffles. But hold on, we're going beyond just a recipe. We're delving into the emotions, the sensations, the little details that make this experience truly unforgettable.Imagine the rich aroma of cocoa dancing around you as you gather the ingredients velvety dark chocolate, smooth cream, a splash of vanilla essence. Your hands eagerly dive into the mixing bowl, the chocolate melting into a glossy pool of perfection. Each stir is like a mesmerizing dance, blending flavors and textures seamlessly.As you shape the truffle mixture into delicate spheres, your fingers caress the silky surface, creating tiny masterpieces of indulgence. But wait, it's not just about appearances. It's about the anticipation, the eagerness to taste the first bite of heaven that you've crafted with your own hands.And finally, as you take that first bite, a symphony of flavors unfolds on your palate the bittersweet chocolate, the creamy richness, the hint of vanilla. It's a moment of pure bliss, a fleeting escape from the rigors of high school life.But here's the twist let's turn this into a challenge for your friends. Host a trufflemaking competition, where each of you brings your own unique twist to the classic recipe. Share laughter, stories, and maybe a few friendly jabs as you craft your chocolatey creations.So there you have it, folks a journey into the world of French chocolate truffles, right in the heart of Cangzhou. Let your senses guide you, let your creativity flow, and most importantly, let the sweetness of this experience linger long after the last truffle has been devoured. Cheers to indulgence, cheers to friendship, and cheers to the magic of crafting something truly special.。

高三测试题制作土耳其肉饼夹羊脑英语作文In Turkey, köfte, or Turkish meatballs, are a popular dish enjoyed by many. Traditionally made with ground meat, herbs, and spices, köfte is a versatile dish that can be prepared in various ways. In this recipe, we will explore how to make köfte and serve it in a unique and traditional style – stuffed with lamb brains.To start, let's gather our ingredients. For the köfte, you will need:500g of ground beef or lamb1 onion, grated2 cloves of garlic, minced1/4 cup of breadcrumbs1 egg1 teaspoon of cumin1 teaspoon of paprikaSalt and pepper to tasteOlive oil for cookingFor the lamb brains filling, you will need:300g of lamb brains, soaked and cleaned1 onion, finely chopped1 tablespoon of butter1 teaspoon of sumacSalt and pepper to tasteTo prepare t he köfte mixture, combine the ground meat, grated onion, garlic, breadcrumbs, egg, cumin, paprika, salt, and pepper in a bowl. Mix the ingredients well until they are fully combined. Shape the mixture into small patties or balls, depending on your preference.For the lamb brains filling, heat butter in a pan over medium heat. Add the chopped onion and cook until translucent. Add the cleaned lamb brains to the pan and sauté until they are cooked through. Season with sumac, salt, and pepper, adjusting the seasoning to your taste.Take each köfte patty and flatten it slightly. Place a spoonful of the lamb brains filling in the center of the patty. Fold the edges of the köfte over the filling, shaping it into a ball or patty once again to enclose the lamb brains inside.Heat olive oil in a skillet over mediumhigh heat. Cook the stuffed köfte patties until they are golden brown on both sides and cooked through.Serve the Turkish meatballs stuffed with lamb brains hot, accompanied by a side salad, yogurt sauce, or pita bread. Thisunique twist on a classic Turkish dish is sure to impress your family and friends with its rich flavors and delicious combination of textures.In conclusion, making Turkish meatballs stuffed with lamb brains is a creative and flavorful dish that showcases the culinary traditions of Turkey. By incorporating this unique ingredient into a classic recipe, you can elevate your cooking skills and experience a taste of Turkish cuisine in your own kitchen. Give this recipe a try and enjoy a delicious and memorable meal that will delight your taste buds.。

制作土耳其肉饼夹羊脑英语作文Title: Making Turkish Meatballs Stuffed with Lamb BrainTurkish cuisine is known for its rich flavors and unique dishes that combine various spices and ingredients to create a delightful culinary experience. One such dish that stands out is Turkish meatballs stuffed with lamb brain, a delicacy that showcases the creativity and complexity of Turkish cooking.To make these delectable meatballs, a combination of ground meat, spices, breadcrumbs, and of course, lamb brain is used. The process begins by preparing the meat mixture, whichtypically consists of a blend of ground beef and lamb. This mixture is seasoned with a variety of spices such as cumin, paprika, and garlic to enhance the flavor profile of the meatballs.The next step in the process involves the preparation of the lamb brain filling. The lamb brain is carefully cleaned and seasoned with salt and pepper before being cooked to perfection. Once the lamb brain is cooked, it is finely chopped and mixed with herbs and spices to create a flavorful and aromatic filling for the meatballs.After the meat mixture and lamb brain filling are prepared, it's time to assemble the meatballs. A small portion of the meat mixture is flattened in the palm of the hand, and a spoonful of the lamb brain filling is placed in the center. The meat is thencarefully folded over the filling and shaped into a ball to encase the lamb brain inside.Once all the meatballs are assembled, they are cooked to perfection either by frying or baking, depending on personal preference. The meatballs are typically served hot and garnished with fresh herbs and a squeeze of lemon juice to enhance the flavors.In conclusion, Turkish meatballs stuffed with lamb brain are a unique and flavorful dish that exemplifies the diversity and creativity of Turkish cuisine. The combination of savory meat, aromatic spices, and rich lamb brain creates a dish that is sure to tantalize the taste buds and leave a lasting impression on those who have the opportunity to enjoy it.。

Exercising in the bedroom is a convenient and efficient way to maintain a healthy lifestyle without the need for a gym membership or even leaving the house. Heres a stepbystep guide on how to set up and engage in a productive workout routine in the comfort of your own bedroom.1. Clear the Space:Start by decluttering your bedroom. Remove any unnecessary furniture or items that might obstruct your movement. A clean and uncluttered space can motivate you to exercise and help prevent accidents.2. Set Up Your Equipment:Depending on your fitness goals, you may need some basic equipment. Yoga mats, resistance bands, dumbbells, or even a stability ball can be easily stored in a bedroom. Place them in a corner or against a wall when not in use.3. Create a Comfortable Environment:Ensure your bedroom is a comfortable place to exercise. Adjust the lighting to create a calming atmosphere, and consider using a fan or air conditioner to regulate temperature.4. Choose Your Workout:Select exercises that suit your fitness level and goals. You can do bodyweight exercises like pushups, squats, and lunges. For a more intense workout, incorporate dumbbells or resistance bands.5. WarmUp:Always start with a warmup to prepare your body for the workout. This could be a few minutes of light cardio, such as jumping jacks or jogging in place.6. Follow a Routine:Develop a routine that includes a mix of cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises. For example, you might start with a 10minute cardio session, followed by 20 minutes of strength training, and end with a 5minute cooldown and stretching.7. Stay Motivated:Keep yourself motivated by setting achievable goals, tracking your progress, and rewarding yourself when you reach milestones. You can also play your favorite music or watch a workout video to keep your spirits up.8. Stay Consistent:Consistency is key to seeing results. Aim to exercise at least three to five times a week,and try to make it a habit by setting a specific time for your workouts.9. Cool Down and Stretch:After your workout, take a few minutes to cool down and stretch. This helps to reduce muscle soreness and improve flexibility.10. Reflect and Adjust:Regularly reflect on your workouts and make adjustments as needed. If you find certain exercises too easy or too difficult, modify them accordingly.Exercising in the bedroom can be a great way to start your day with energy or wind down at night. Its a personal space where you can exercise at your own pace without the pressure of others watching. With the right setup and mindset, your bedroom can become your personal fitness sanctuary.。

Unit 2 Text A再现疾病:今天遁形无踪,明日卷土重来?桑塔亚纳有句格言:“不能铭记过去的人注定要重蹈覆辙”,这句话用在生物学上就有这样一个推论:人们相信我们已经征服了古老的微生物这个敌人,这种信念让我们惊人地脆弱,很易受他们的攻击。
按照第一种选择去做,10 年之后头条新闻要么报道国会里你死我活的争吵,要么报道哪位运动员签了几百万的合约。
而另一方面,第二种选择的结果是出现这样的标题:“新型流感变种在蔓延:死亡人数已达五十万”1969 年,美国卫生局局长威廉·斯图尔特在国会听证时说,我们可以“给传染病画上句号了。
”就在这期特刊中,有个报告对日益严重的传染病构成的威胁进行了量化:1980 年到 1992 年间,美国传染病的死亡率增加了 58%,其中艾滋病占了一半略多一点,而其他一些疾病,特别是呼吸道感染,也有显著贡献。
“战争胜利了,” 最近有位科学家嘲弄道,“是对方(传染病)获胜。
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a r X i v :0806.0547v 1 [c o n d -m a t .m e s -h a l l ] 3 J u n 2008Coulomb blockade for an oscillating tunnel junctionN.Pauget and F.PistolesiUniversit´e Joseph Fourier,Laboratoire de Physique et Mod´e lisation des Milieux Condens´e s,C.N.R.S.B.P.166,38042Grenoble,FranceM.HouzetINAC/SPSMS,CEA Grenoble,17,rue des Martyrs,38054Grenoble Cedex 9,France(Dated:June 4,2008)We consider a tunnel junction formed between a fixed electrode and an oscillating one.Accu-mulation of the charge on the junction capacitor induces a force on the nano-mechanical oscillator.The junction is voltage biased and connected in series with an impedance Z (ω).We discuss how the picture of Coulomb blockade is modified by the presence of the oscillator.Quantum fluctuations of the mechanical oscillator modify the I -V characteristics particularly in the strong Coulomb blockade limit.We show that the oscillator can be taken into account by a simple modification of the effective impedance of the circuit.We discuss in some details the case of a single inductance Z (ω)=iLωand of a constant resistance Z (ω)=R .With little modifications the theory applies also to incoherent transport in Josephson junctions in the tunneling limit.PACS numbers:73.23.-b,85.85.+j,74.50.+rI.INTRODUCTIONThe improved ability to build electronic devices on the nanometer scale opens the perspective to exploit and study the coupling between electronic transport and me-chanical degrees of freedom.1,2The elementary system typically considered in nano-electromechanics is the har-monic oscillator coupled in some way to the electronic degrees of freedom.A widely studied device is the single-electron transistor which consists in a small metallic is-land connected to the leads through two tunnel barriers.The oscillating part of the device can be either a nearby gate electrode,or the island itself.The motion of the device modifies mainly two quantities:the capacitances and the (bare)tunneling rates.According to which de-pendence dominates,several effects have been predicted or observed.When only the capacitance is modified by the oscillation,it has been shown in the weak coupling limit that the variance of the oscillator position satis-fies the equipartition theorem with the voltage bias re-placing the temperature.3Under specific conditions,the system may also undergo dynamical instabilities.4,5,6In the strong coupling limit,a new kind of current block-ade (Frank-Condon blockade)has been predicted.7,8,9,10This effect also persists in the classical limit.11,12,13When the oscillation modifies the distance between the metal-lic leads,it has been shown that a dynamical instability can occur.14,15,16,17,18,19,20This instability (called shuttle instability)is characterized by a synchronization of the electronic transport with the mechanical oscillations,as is clearly seen from the full counting statistics of charge transport.21,22Observation of shuttling is difficult,since the distance between the metallic leads must be com-parable with the tunneling length in order to producea measurable current.23,24,25,26Very recently indications of shuttling have been found by the authors of Ref.27probably in an intermediate regime between tunneling and field emission.The wide interest for the single elec-tron transistor comes from its high sensitivity to a small variation of the gate voltage.Thus,it can be used,for in-stance,as a sensitive displacement detector 28and it has been shown to reach the quantum back action limit.29An even simpler device is the single tunnel junc-tion where the distance between the two metals con-stitutes the mechanical degree of freedom.The effect of the position dependence of the tunneling resistance has been already considered in the literature,30,31,32both for the current and the noise of the device.In this case,the force acting on the oscillator originates from the electron-momentum transfer.Recently,the position fluctuation has been detected by measuring the current fluctuations.33This experiment probed the back action of the current crossing the tunnel junction on the oscillator.Apparently,the position dependence of the tunneling ma-trix elements is not sufficient to explain the intensity of the back action.To our knowledge,the effect of the force coming from the variation of the capacitance C as a func-tion of the distance between the leads has not been con-sidered in this context so far.A particularly interesting case is when the device is voltage biased in series with an impedance Z (ω)leading,under certain conditions,to the Coulomb blockade physics.34Then,similarly to what happens for the single electron transistor,one can expect that a small position dependence of the capacitance can affect the current-voltage characteristics of the device.In this paper,we consider the effect of the mechani-cal oscillator on the I -V curve.We will work within the assumptions of the standard Coulomb blockade theory.342 Specifically,we assume that the tunneling resistance issufficiently large so that the oscillator and the electro-magnetic environment have time to relax to equilibriumbetween two tunneling events.This is the opposite limitwith respect to the one considered in Refs.31,32for thetunneling dependent Hamiltonian.There,the tunnelingis so frequent that the system may reach a stationaryoff-equilibrium state.Restricting to the linear couplingof the oscillator with the electromagnetic modes,we willdiscuss the effect of the quantumfluctuations of the me-chanical oscillator on the current.The paper is organized as follows.In Sect.II we de-scribe the model and its range of validity.We show thatwithin a linear approximation the mechanical oscillatorcan be accounted by an effective impedance.In Sect.IIIwe consider two specific cases of Z(ω)and discuss theresulting conductance at zero temperature.In Sect.IVwe consider the case of an oscillating Josephson junctionby extending the results of previous sections to the su-perconducting case.Section V gives our conclusions.II.MODELWe consider the electronic transport through a circuitcomposed of a tunnel junction in series with an arbitraryimpedance Z(ω)and biased with an ideal voltage sourceV.We assume that one of the two metallic leads formingthe tunnel junction is free to oscillate and can thus mod-ify its distance with respect the other one.The singledegree of freedom describing the oscillation is given byx,the oscillator position.Its effective mass and springconstant are m and k,respectively.The tunneling sur-face is very small.Thus,it is important to account forthe effective capacitor forming at the tunnel barrier.Itscapacitance C(x)depends on the position of the oscilla-tor.The tunneling resistance R T(x)may also depend onx.In the following we will neglect this dependence byshowing that its effect is negligible with respect to thatof C(x)in the regime of rare tunneling events that weare considering.The device is depicted schematically inFig.1.A.Time scalesoR T xAs anticipated in the Introduction we will work withinthe same hypothesis that are commonly used to de-scribe Coulomb blockade.Specifically,we assume thatthe relaxation times for the electromagnetic environment,1/γRC=RC,and for the oscillator,1/γ,are shorterthan the average time between two tunneling events,τT∼eR T/V.Here,R∼Re[Z]is the typical resistanceassociated with the impedance Z andγis the damp-ing coefficient of the mechanical oscillator with frequencyωm=3we may safely neglect the position dependence of the tun-neling matrix elements.Wewill come backto this point at the end of Section III.B.Derivation of the general expression for thecurrentThe Hamiltonian describing the system is the follow-ing:H =H j +H osc +H EM .(2)where H j = k ξk c †k c k + q ξq c †q c q +H T with H T =A +A †and A =k,q t kq e iφ(t )c †k c q .Here,k and q label the femionic eigenstates in the fixed and oscillating elec-trode,respectively,c k is a destruction operator in state k ,with energy ξk ,and t kq the tunneling matrix element.The phase φ(t )is obtained by integrating the voltage dif-ference at the junction:φ(t )= t−∞(eV J (t ′)/ )d t ′.For a constant voltage biased junction φ(t )=eV t/ .How-ever,due to the impedance in series with the junction,the voltage fluctuates and,in general,V J is different from V .The Coulomb blockade physics stems from the behav-ior of the phase φand,specifically,from its correlation function.The current through the junction can be ob-tained by perturbation theory in H T .The operator for the current from the mobile electrode to the fixed one reads I =−ie (A −A †)/ .Linear response theory gives:I =e2πe J (t )−J (0)+iEt/ .(5)The function P (E )gives the probability that the envi-ronment absorbs a quantity of energy equal to E duringthe tunneling process.Finally the current in terms of P (E )reads:34I =11−e −βE,(6)where R T is the tunneling resistance in the absence of the environment [i.e.when P (E )=δ(E )].In order to find the behavior of the device we need to determine the function P (E )in the presence of the os-cillator.Since we will restrict to the quadratic part of the Hamiltonian,we can obtain the quantum phase cor-relation function J (t )from the classical response func-tion of the phase to a current source at the junction.Specifically we add to the total Hamiltonian (2)the term−I ext (t )˜φint (t ) /e ,where ˜φint (t )is the phase in the inter-acting picture.The linear response to the external field I ext gives˜φ(t ) =− +∞−∞d t ′χ(t −t ′)I ext (t ′) [˜φint (0),˜φint (t )] θ(t ).Using the fluctuation-dissipation theorem one can show thatJ (ω)=−2Im[χ(ω)]2C ′(x )˙φ2L n(φe −φn −φ)+I ext (t )eL n(φe −φn −φ).(12)Here x p and φn are the degrees of freedom of the envi-ronment,φe (t )=eV t/ is due to the constant externalvoltage source and we choose the zero of x as the equi-librium position of the oscillator when V =0.We also define C ′(x )=dC/dx .4For I ext =0,this system of equations has a stationarysolution given by x =x eq =C ′(x eq )V 2/2k ,˙φ=eV/ ,x p =x eq and φn =0.This solution is unique for a given gauge.We thus expand the equations around this solution and consider the quadratic fluctuations of the fields only:x (t )=x eq +˜x (t ),x p (t )=x eq +˜x p (t ),and φ(t )=eV t/ +˜φ(t ).Let us introduce the Laplace transform for the fluctuating fields.For example,for x it reads:˜x (s )= +∞0dte −st ˜x (t ),with Re[s ]>0and˜x (t )= +i ∞+a−i ∞+a (ds/2πi )e st ˜x (s )with a >0.The sys-tem of differential equations then becomes an algebraic system of equations.We are interested in the response function.Thus,we can neglect transient terms.Keeping only linear terms in the fluctuating fields,and solving first for the degrees of freedom of the environment one finds:s 2+γ(s )s +ω2m ˜x=C ′V+I ext (t )empk psL nsωRe[Z t (ω)]1−e βω(15)withZ t (ω)=iωC +Z (ω)−1+C ′2V 2iω/mLC .The pureelectromagnetic case is dis-cussed in the review paper Ref.34.Due to the couplingwith the mechanical mode two resonant frequencies ap-pear,as can be seen by finding the poles of Z t (ω)[cfr.Eq.(16)]:ω2±=ω2m +ω2LC +ω2I ± 2.(17)Here we introduced the “coupling frequency”ω2I =C ′2V 2/Cm .The real part of Z t reduces to a sum of four delta functions Re[Z t (ω)]2[δ(ω−ωσ)+δ(ω+ωσ)](18)with ρ±=(E C / ω±)|ω2±−ω2m |/|ω2±−ω2∓|.It is convenient to express the coupling of mechanical and electronic degrees of freedom in terms of a parameter that depends only on the device and does not depend on5the voltage bias.The reason is that it is easy to vary experimentally the voltage for a given device.A phys-ically relevant parameter is the variation of the elastic energy E e when the oscillator is displaced by a distance ∆x =E C (C ′/C )/k in response to the Coulomb force generated by a single electron on the capacitor.With this definition we haveE e =E 2C (C ′/C )2/2kand ω2I =ω2m E e (eV )2/E 3C .(19)For a junction made of a STM tip on top of a suspended carbon nanotube,an electromechanical coupling with the radial breathing mode of the tube was reported 37,38.In this context,ωm and E c were of the same order of mag-nitude (around 10meV ).Thus,we estimate the cou-pling parameter E e /E c ∼(x 0/L c )2,where x 0is the zero-point motion of the mode (a fraction of Angstr¨o m)andL c =C/C ′(a fraction of nm).In the following,we as-sume a (rather optimistic)ratio of E e /E c 0.1For small value of E e /E C and ωm =ωLC the newfrequencies ω′m and ω′LC are only weakly modified by the interaction with respect to their bare values:ω′2m /ω2m =1+ω2I /(ω2m −ω2LC )(20)ω′2LC /ω2LC =1−ω2I /(ω2m −ω2LC )(21)(note that ω′m =ω+if ωm >ωLC and ω′m=ω−if ωm <ωLC )and the weights of the poles simplify:ρm ≈E C(ω2LC −ω2m)2≪ρLC ≈E C2(cos(ωσt )−1)−i sin(ωσt ).(23)We consider now the zero temperaturelimit.In this case,the function P (E )obtained from Eq.(5)has a simple expression in terms of an infinite series:P (E )=∞n,n ′=0p n (ρm )p n ′(ρLC )δ(E −n ω′m −n ′ ω′LC )(24)where p n (ρ)=e −ρρn/n !.The differential conductance G =dI/dV can be ob-tained from the current (6).Neglecting the weak V -dependence of ρσand ωσin the derivative we obtain:R T G (V )=nω′m + n ′ω′LC <eVp n (ρm )p n ′(ρLC ).(25)It leads to a double series of steps spaced by ωm and ωLC .If ρm =0,one recovers the usual sequence of steps1234eV/E C0.51R T G (V )No coupling¯h ωm =0.5E C ,E e =0.1E CFIG.2:Differential conductance of the device as a function of the bias voltage for the case Z =iωL .The bare oscillating frequencies are ωm =0.5E C and ωLC =E C .The elec-tromechanical coupling is E e =0(full line)and E e =0.1E C (dashed line)(in this case,signatures of mechanical coupling are not visible for ωm below 0.5E C ).with a suppression of the conductance at low voltage and R T G =1for eV ≫E C .The interesting situation is when ρLC is of the order of 1.In this case steps are clearly visible for eV ∼E C (cf Fig.2).If ρm =0and ωm <ωLC the mechanical oscillator manifests itselfas a series of additional steps of width ω′m particularly visible at the beginning of each step of the LC circuit.In practice the picture is slightly more complex due to the dependence on V of the four parameters ρσand ωσ.The renormalization of the frequency and the change of ρintroduces a shift of the steps and a weak smooth V -dependence of the conductance plateaux,as shown in Fig. 2.The presence of the mechanical oscillator thus gives a similar result to what has been predicted for a single electron transistor 7with Frank-Condon steps and a reduction of the current at low voltage.This result is found here in a much simpler structure:a single tunnel junction coupled in series with an external inductance.B.Ohmic case Z (ω)=RLet us now consider the pure Ohmic case for the exter-nal impedance Z (ω)=R .The first step is again to find the poles of Z t (ω).For γ(ω)constant,three poles arepresent:one is pure imaginary,iγ′RC ,and the two otherones are complex,ω±=±ω′m +iγ′/2.In the relevant limit of small coupling ωI ≪ωm ,γRC and low mechani-6 cal dampingγ≪ωm,γRC we get:γ′RC=γRC−ω2IγRC2ωmω2I8ωm+...,(27)γ′=γ+γRCω2IR Q =E CγRC[L(ω−ω′m,γ′)+L(ω+ω′m,γ′)] (29)withǫ=γ′RC/γRC,and L(ω,γ)=(γ/2)/(ω2+γ2/4)/π. Since the coupling is weak,the damping of the me-chanical mode is also very small and the Lorentzian function can be approximated by a Dirac delta-function [L(ω,γ→0)=δ(ω)].At zero temperature this gives for the phase correlation function:J(t)−J(0)=E Cωm γ′x(x2+1)d x is thecorrelation function of the circuit in the absence of the mechanical oscillator.P(E)thus reads:P(E)=∞ n=0p n(ρm)2π +∞−∞d te iEt/ +(E C/π γRC)j o(tγRC)(32) is the function P(E)in the absence of the oscillator.For the case at hand of small g the function P o(E)is peaked at E≈E C with a width∼(E C/π) E C/E e(Eqs.(21)and(29))the mechanical coupling is negligible and one recovers the usual picture of Coulomb blockade,with a single peak at E≈E C.For larger values of eV/E C new peaks ap-pear and their positions slowly drift as a function of V towards higher energies.Thefirst peak instead drifts to-wards smaller energies,due to theǫfactor in(31).Since γ′RC reduces for larger values of V,the width of the peaks also reduces.In Fig.4we show the same function,but for a higher mechanical frequency ωm/E C=0.5.It shows the ap-pearance of the peaks and their shrinking.An important case is g→0,for which P o(E)=δ(E−E C).This is clearly the most favorable case to ob-serve the quantumfluctuations of the oscillator directly in the I-V characteristics.Indeed,even in the weak elec-tromechanical coupling the sharpness of the peaks gives rise to steps in G(V),like in the case of a purely electro-magnetic resonator.The conductance has thus the form (again neglecting the small voltage dependence ofρm and ωm in performing the derivative):R T G(V)= nω′m<eV−ǫE C p n(ρm)(33)the result is plotted in the insert of Fig.5for E e/E C= 0.1and g=10−4.For the general case the conductance can be obtained numerically by integrating P(E).It is shown for three different values of the ratio E e/E C in Fig.5.The pres-ence of the mechanical coupling introduces oscillations of the conductance on the scale eV∼ ωm that are pre-cursors of the step behavior in the extreme g=0case. The small increase of the conductance at low voltage is the consequence of the renormalisation of E C due to the electromechanical coupling(theǫfactor).A last comment is in order for the resistive case.EvenFIG.4:P (E )is obtained numerically for different values of V for g =0.015, ωm =0.5E C and E e =0.1E C .eV/E C0.R T G (V )FIG.5:Main plot:G (V )for the same parameters as in Fig.(3)(dashed line)and Fig.(4)(dot-dashed line)and for vanishing coupling (full line).Inset:G (V )for g =10−4from the analytical expression (33)for ωm =0.1E C ,E e =0(full line)and E e =0.1E C (dashed line).The conductance is much more sensitive to the electromechanical coupling in presence of a high impedance environment.if this system is described by a very similar electric cir-cuit to that used for a single electron transistor without gate,some differences should not be overlooked.In the single electron transistor the two resistance are tunnel junctions,while here one is a tunnel junction and one a ohmic resistor.A tunnel junction is substantially dif-ferent from a ohmic resistor,since in the first case the charge can be transferred only by a sudden tunneling event,while in the second the charge slowly leaks through the resistor.The charge quantization is thus not enforced by the Ohmic resistor,and this has consequences also on the time dependence of the force acting on the mobile part.For these reasons our results complement thoseobtained by others authors for suspended single electron transistors.3,4,5,7,8,9,11,12,13C.Range of validityLet us return to the comparison of position dependence of the tunneling and capacitive ing the explicit expression (28)for γ′,we find that the condition to ne-glect the effect of the tunneling force (case γRC ≪ωm )is:1≫γT λT2ωm R Q E 3CE C≫4+∞−∞d t′e 2iφ(t ),e −2iφ(t ′)e 2ieV t1234V C/e0.¯h I (V )/πE 2J eNo coupling ¯h ωm =0.1E C ,E e =0.1E C ¯h ωm =0.5E C ,E e =0.1E CFIG.6:I (V )is plotted for g =0.065.We distinguish the case E e =0(full line),E e =0.1E C with ωm =0.1E C (dashed line)and E e =0.1E C with ωm =0.5E C (dot-dashed line).As long as ωm remains smaller than the width of the peak,the coupling manifests itself in a broadening of the Coulomb peak.For ωm /E C =0.5,contributions of the mechanical oscillator clearly appear.One can thus express the current again in terms of the Fourier transform of the phase correlator:I (V )=πE 2J e912C.B.Doiron,W.Belzig,and C.Bruder,Phys.Rev.B74, 205336(2006).13F.Pistolesi and barthe,Phys.Rev.B76,165317 (2007).14L.Y.Gorelik,A.Isacsson,M.V.Voinova,B.Kasemo, R.I.Shekhter,and M.Jonson,Phys.Rev.Lett.80,4526 (1998).15Y.Gorelik, A.Isacsson,Y.Galperin,R.Shekhter,and M.Jonson,Nature411,454(2001).16A.D.Armour and A.MacKinnon,Phys.Rev.B66,035333 (2002).17T.Novotny,A.Donarini,and A.-P.Jauho,Phys.Rev.Lett.90,256801(2003).18F.Pistolesi and R.Fazio,Phys.Rev.Lett.94,036806 (2005).19L.M.Jonsson,L.Y.Gorelik,R.I.Shekhter,and M.Jon-son,Nanoletters5,1165(2005).20F.Pistolesi and R.Fazio,New Jour.of Phys.8,113(2006). 21F.Pistolesi,Phys.Rev.B69,245409(2004).22A.Romito and Y.V.Nazarov,Phys.Rev.B.70,212509 (2004).23H.Park,J.Park,A.Lim,E.Anderson,A.Alivisatos,and P.McEuen,Nature407,57(2000).24A.Erbe,C.Weiss,W.Zwerger,and R.H.Blick,Phys.Rev.Lett.87,096106(2001).25D.Scheible and R.Blick,Appl.Phys.Lett.84,4632 (2004).26A.N.Pasupathy,J.Park, C.Chang, A.V.Soldatov, S.Lebedkin,R.C.Bialczak,J.E.Grose,L.A.K.Donev, J.P.Sethna,D.C.Ralph,et al.,Nanoletters5,203(2005). 27H.S.Kim,H.Qin,and R.H.Blick,arXiv:0708.1646 (2007)Haye,O.Buu,B.Camarota,and K.C.Schwab, Science304,74(2004).29A.Naik,O.Buu,Haye,A.D.Armour,A.A.Clerk,M.P.Blencowe,and K.C.Schwab,Nature443, 193(2006).30N.F.Schwabe,A.N.Cleland,M.C.Cross,,and M.L.Roukes,Phys.Rev.B52,12911(1995).31A.A.Clerk and S.M.Girvin,Phys.Rev.B70,121303(R) (2004).32J.Wabnig,J.Rammer,and A.L.Shelankov,Phys.Rev.B75,205319(2007).33N.E.Flowers-Jacobs,D.R.Schmidt,and K.W.Lehnert, Phys.Rev.Lett.98,096804(2007).34G.L.Ingold and Y.V.Nazarov,in Single Charge Tun-neling,edited by H.Grabert and M.H.Devoret(Plenum, New-York,1992).35U.Weiss,Quantum Dissipative Systems,vol.10of Series in Modern Condensed Matter Physics(World Scientific Pub-lishing Co.Pte.Ltd.,P O Box128,Farrer Road,Singapore 912805,1999),2nd ed.36C.Altimiras,U.Gennser,A.Cavanna,D.Mailly,,andF.Pierre,Phys.Rev.Lett.99,256805(2007).37B.J.Leroy,S.G.Lemay,J.Kong,and C.Dekker,Nature 432,371(2004).38B.J.LeRoy,J.Kong,V.K.Pahilwani,C.Dekker,and S.G.Lemay,Phys.Rev.B72,075413(2005).39O.Naaman,W.Teizer,and R.C.Dynes,Phys.Rev.Lett.87,097004(2001).40J.-X.Zhu,Z.Nussinov,and A.V.Balatsky,Phys.Rev.B 73,064513(2006).。