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Unit 7Can I speak to Wang Yang? 教学内容:

Unit 7: Lead in; Listening and Speaking; Reading and Writing; Language in use 语言知识目标:学生能够理解并运用正确的打电话用语,并正确使用现在进行时态表达正在进行的动作,了解部分与体育相关的词汇。









Lesson One

教学内容:Lead in; Listen and Speaking Dialogue A 教学目标:

1知识目标:words and expressions; Making and answering a phone call 2能力目标:Understand talks about sports.Describe actions

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教学重点:Understand an e-mail on sports games; Write a report on a famous player教学难点:Four-skill words and expressions






Step One:Presentation

教师活动:Look and match.看图,将下列北京奥运会的运动项目图标与项目名称搭配。

volleyballbaseball Step 2Lead in

学生活动:Read and tick.选出每组中更适合用于打电话的语句。

(1)() A. Hello!() B. How do you do?

(2)()A. Can I speak Ben Bush?() B. I want to talk to Ben Bush. (3) ()

A. Who are you?()

B. Who is that?

(4) () A. I am Ben Bush.() B. This is Ben Bush speaking. (5) () A. Is that Ben Bush?() B. Are you Ben Bush? Step 3listening and speaking

教师活动:Can I speak to Wang Yang?

学生活动: Listen and choose.听录音,选择正确答案。

They will go to __________ restaurant.AYueguang

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Listen and tick.再听录音,选择正确的表述。

The phone call is between __________.

a. Tang Hua and her father

b. Tang Hua and Wang Yang

c. Tang Hua and Wang Yang's father

Listen and tick.再听录音,勾出正确的便条。BMeiwei badmintonfootball table tennisbasketballswimming文案大全From: Tang HuaCome to school this afternoon to play basketball. From: Tang HuaCome to school this afternoon to play football. From: Tang HuaCome to school tomorrow to play football.

Read and underline.阅读对话,用下画线标出打电话和接听电话的语句。

Wang Yang's mother: Hello!

Ben: Hello! This is Ben. Can I speak to Wang Yang?

WangYang'smother:Thisishismotherspeaking.WangYangisn'tinatthe moment. May I take a message?

Ben:OK,thanks.Pleasetellhimtocometoschoolthisafternoon. I want

to play basketball with him.

Wang Yang's mother: All right. I'll tell him.

Ben: Thank you. Good-bye!

Wang Yang's mother: You're welcome. Bye!

师生活动:Explain the language points:重点词汇和句型

This is Ben.我是Ben。


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Eg:Who's that?你是谁?Is that Wang Yang?你是王洋吗?This is his mother speaking.直译为“这是他的妈妈在说话。”在打电话时意为“我是他的妈妈。”He isn't in at the moment.他现在不在家。in在这里意为“在家”。

May I take a message?可以捎个口信吗?take a message “捎口信”学生活动: Listen and repeat.跟读对话,学说选出的语句。

Step 5Sum(小结)

板书设计:Unit 7 Can I speak to Wang Yang? 文案大全

Wang Yang's mother: Hello!

Ben: Hello! This is Ben. Can I speak to Wang Yang?

WangYang'smother:Thisishismotherspeaking.WangYangisn'tinatthe moment. May I take a message?

Ben:OK,thanks.Pleasetellhimtocometoschoolthisafternoon. I want

to play basketball with him.

Wang Yang's mother: All right. I'll tell him.

Ben: Thank you. Good-bye!

Wang Yang's mother: You're welcome. Bye!

Homework:(家庭作业)Recite the dialogue A. Feedback:(教学反馈)

Lesson Two

教学内容:Listen and Speaking Dialogue B 教学目标:
