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1.W: When do you usually get up?

M: I usually get up at 6 in the morning. But this morning I get up at 6:15.

Question: What time did the man get up this morning?

2.M: Who runs fastest in your school?

W: Sally runs faster than Millie. But Millie runs faster than May.

Question : Who runs fastest in your school?

3.M: Excuse me, Can you tell me the way to the post office?

W: OK. Walk along the street, take the first turning on your left and then yo u’ll see a cinema. It’s on the right of the cinema.

Question: Where is the post office?

4.W: What would Daniel like to drink, tea or coffee?

M: I have no idea.

Question: Does the man know what Daniel would like to drink?

5.M: Where are you going, Miss Green?

W:I’m going to send a letter home.

Question: Where is Miss Green going?

6.M: When will the meeting begin?

W:It’s only 6:30. It will begin in half an hour.

Question: When will the meeting begin?

7.W: What should the visitors remember to do?

M: They should remember to take their umbrellas with them.

Question: What should the visitors remember to do?

8.W: What did you do yesterday?

M: I bought three English books. Peter bought three Chinese books and two geography books.

Question: How many books did they buy yesterday?

9. W: Lily, your bag is too heavy.

M:Yes, but Tom’s bag is heavier than mine , his sister’s is heavier than his.

Question: Whose bag is the heaviest?

10. W: Andy, I hear your bike was not here.

M:Mine was here. , but Jane’s wasn’t.

Question: Whose bike was here?


W: What are you going to do this weekend, Bob?

M: I have no idea. What about you, Amy?

W:I don’t know. Do you want to do something together?

M: Sure. What do you want to do?

W: How about going fishing on Saturday?

M: OK! Where are we going to meet?

W:Let’s meet at my house. My uncle has a boat. He can teach us fishing on the lake.

M: What time shall we meet?

W:Let’s leave early in the morning. Fishing is good at that time.

M: Great! It will be very funny. See you on Saturday.

W: See you then.


New York is a very dangerous city, especially at night. Many people didn’t go out alone in the street after dark. This problem is even worse for a woman like Miss Brown. As a singer, she had to drive home after the show. She needed a friend when she was driving. She found a man a shaped balloon named Bob and put him in the back seat of his car when she drove at night. People in the street thought the woman driver had a man with her, and she felt safe.

(Made by Huang Caizhen)
