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An Introduction to

Use-Case Modeling



Fred Brooks

User-centered development–重点是理解关联人员的需求。

Use-case modeling–使用业务事件(business events )、发起事件的人(actor),以及系统如何响应这些事件(system responds to those events)。来建模系统功能的过程。


Benefits of Use-Case Modeling






Benefits of Use-Case Modeling (continued)






Use case– a behaviorally related sequence of steps (scenario), both automated and manual, for the purpose of completing a single business task.



Use-case diagram:用例图

Use-case narrative:用例描述

Use case– subset of the overall system functionality


Actor– anyone or anything that needs to interact with the system to exchange information.

•human, organization, another information system,

external device, even time.

Temporal event– a system event triggered by time.

•The actor is time.

Association–a relationship between an actor and a use case in which an interaction occurs between them.

•有箭头的表示参与者发起用例. (1)

•Association lacking arrowhead indicates a receiver actor. (2)



Use Case Extends Relationship(扩展关系)

Extension use case–一个用例可能包含多个步骤的复杂功能,使得用例难以理解。为了简化,将较复杂的步骤提取成专门用例,成为扩展用例,它与原用例间是扩展关系。


•Labeled <>.

Use Case Uses Relationship


Abstract use case–多个用例包含相同的功能步骤,把公共步骤提取成抽象用例,代表某种形式的“复用”



●Labeled <>

Use Case Depends On Relationship(依赖关系)

Depends On–use case relationship that specifies which other use cases must be performed before the current use case.




Use Case Inheritance Relationship(继承关系)






1.Identify business actors.

2.Identify business use cases.

3.Construct use-case model diagram.

4.Documents business requirements use-case narratives.


•Who or what provides inputs to the system?

•Who or what receives outputs from the system?

•Are interfaces required to other systems?




Step 2: Identify Business Requirements Use Cases

Business Requirements Use Case - a use case created during requirements analysis to capture the interactions between a user and the system free of technology and implementation details.

•一个系统可能包含许多用例,在需求分析阶段,出于时间和经费的考虑,我们仅粗略关注最关键、最复杂的用例,常称为基本用例(Essential Use Case)

•When looking for use cases, ask the following questions:


•What information does the actor need form the system?

•What information does the actor provide to the system?



•Use cases 通常使用动词词组命名(i.e. 提交订单)

Step 3: 构建用例模型图(Use Case Diagram)

Step 4: 记录业务用例需求描述(Use-Case Narratives)

•首先在高层(high level)记录,以便尽快理解系统的事件和量级


Use Cases and Project Management

•Use-case model 可以驱动整个系统开发过程


•To determine importance of use cases, will create:

•Use-case ranking and evaluation matrix

•Use-case dependency diagram

Use-Case Ranking and Priority Matrix(用例分级)

•In most projects, the most important use cases are developed first.

Use-case ranking and priority matrix–a tool used to evaluate use cases and determine their priority.

•Evaluates use cases on 1-5 scale against six criteria.
