



12.已知2230m x -+=是关于x 的一元一次方程,则m =.
15.如图,点C 是线段AB 上一点,点M 是线段AB 的中点,点N 是线段 AC 的中点. 若线段MN 的长为4,则线段BC 的长度是.
正方形四个顶点上的数字之和相等.现有如图2所示的“幻方”,则()m n x y --的值是.



福建省福州市台江区福州华伦中学2023-2024学年八年级下学期月考数学考试试题一、单选题1.下列图形中,既是轴对称图形又是中心对称图形的是( )A .B .C .D .2.关于x 的一元二次方程20ax bx c ++=,若420a b c -+=,则该方程必有一个根是( ) A .2x =- B .2x = C .12x =- D .12x = 3.某种芯片实现国产化后,经过两次降价,每块芯片单价由128元降为88元.若两次降价的百分率相同,设每次降价的百分率为x ,根据题意,可列方程A .128(1 - x 2)= 88B .88(1 + x )2 = 128C .128(1 - 2x )= 88D .128(1 - x )2 = 884.如图,44⨯方格中的ABC EFD △∽△,则相似比为( ).A .12 B C .25 D 5.某兴趣小组有5名成员,身高(厘米)分别为:161,165,169,163,167.增加一名身高为165厘米的成员后,现兴趣小组成员的身高与原来相比,下列说法正确的是( ) A .平均数不变,方差不变B .平均数不变,方差变小C .平均数不变,方差变大D .平均数变小,方差不变.6.在如图所示的正方形网格中,以点O 为位似中心,作△ABC 的位似图形,若点D 是点C 的对应点,则点A 的对应点是( )A .EB .FC .GD .H7.某校学生期末操行评定奉行五育并举,五方面按32212∶∶∶∶确定最终成绩.王林同学本学期五方面得分如图所示,则王林期末操行最终得分为( )A .9.2B .9.1C .9.3D .9.48.在平面直角坐标系中,抛物线22y x =保持不动,将x 轴向上平移1个单位(y 轴不动),则在新坐标系下抛物线的解析式是( )A .221y x =+B .221y x =-C .()221y x =-D .()221y x =+ 9.如图,在ABC V 中,135BAC ∠=︒,将ABC V 绕点C 逆时针旋转得到DEC V ,点A ,B 的对应点分别为D ,E .当点A 、D 、E 在同一条直线上时,下列结论不正确...的是( )A .ABC DEC ≌△△B . AE AB CD =+C . AD = D . AB AE ⊥10.如图,在Rt ABC △中,90,BAC AD BC ∠=︒⊥于点,D ACB ∠的平分线CE 交AB 于点E ,交AD 于点F .若,,BD a DF b DC c ===,则关于x 的一元二次方程240ax bx c ++=的根的情况( ).A .有两个相等的实数根B .有两个不相等的实数根C .只有一个实数根 D .无实数根二、填空题11.如果2x =是一元二次方程210ax bx ++=的一个解,则2a b +的值是.12.如图,五线谱是由等距离、等长度的五条平行横线组成的,同一条直线上的三个点 ,,A B C 都在横线上,若线段4AB =,则线段BC 的长为.13.如图,△COD 是△AOB 绕点O 顺时针旋转38︒所得到的图形,点C 恰好在AB 上,AOD 90∠=︒,则B ∠的度数是.14.小明用()()()22221210133310S x x x ⎡⎤=-+-++-⎣⎦L 计算一组数据的方差,那么12310x x x x ++++=L .15.如图,在ABCD Y 中,23AE AD =,连接BE ,交AC 于点F ,10AC =,则CF 的长为.16.如图,抛物线y =ax 2与直线y =bx +c 的两个交点坐标分别为A (﹣4,8),B (2,2),则关于x 的方程ax 2﹣bx ﹣c =0的解为.三、解答题17.解方程:(1)22x x =;(2)2220x x --=.18.已知关于x 的一元二次方程226910x mx m -+-=.(1)求证:方程有两个不相等的实数根;(2)设此方程的两个根分别为1x ,2x ,且12x x <.若2123x x =-,求m 的值.19.如图,已知在四边形ABCD 中,ADB ACB ∠=∠,延长AD 、BC 相交于点E .求证:AC DE BD CE ⋅=⋅20.我市某校为了解九年级学生体育备考情况,对全校九年级240名男生进行了体育测试,并随机抽取甲、乙两个班(两班男生人数相同)各10名男生的跳绳测试成绩并整理、描述、分析.【收集数据】甲、乙两班10名男生的跳绳成绩(单位:次)如下:甲:135 149 198 150 160 123 155 160 137 186乙:100 132 133 146 146 152 164 173 197 210【分析数据】根据以上数据,得到以下统计量.根据以上信息,回答下列问题:(1)表格中的=a ,b =,c =;(2)综合上表中的统计量,你认为哪一个班的男生成绩较好,并说明理由:(3)洛阳市2024年中招体育考试九年级终结性评价评分标准规定:跳绳男子满分标准为150次,估计该校本次测试成绩满分的男生人数.21.直播带货新平台“西方甄选”所推销的大米成本为每袋40元,当售价为每袋80元时,每分钟可销售100袋,为了吸引更多顾客,“西方甄选”采取降价措施,据市场调查反映:销售单价每降1元,则每分钟可多销售5袋,设每袋大米的售价为x 元(x 为正整数),每分钟的销售量为y 袋.(1)求出y 与x 的函数关系式;(2)设“西方甄选”每分钟获得的利润为w 元,当销售单价为多少元时,每分钟获得的利润最大,最大利润是多少?22.在ABC V 中,90C ∠=︒,()045CAB αα∠=︒<<︒,将ABC V 绕点A 逆时针旋转,旋转角为()0180ββ︒<<︒,记点B ,C 的对应点分别为D ,E .(1)若ABC V 和线段AD 如图所示,请在图中作出ADE V (要求;尺规作图,不写作法,保留作图痕迹);(2)M 是AB 的中点,N 是点M 旋转后的对应点,连接MN ,CD ,BD ,则是否存在β与α的某种数量关系,使得无论α取何值时,都有MN CD =?若存在,请说明理由,并直接写出此时BC 与BD 的数量关系;若不存在,也请说明理由.23.为了加强视力保护意识,欢欢想在书房里挂一张测试距离为5m 的视力表,但两面墙的距离只有3m .在一次课题学习课上,欢欢向全班同学征集“解决空间过小,如何放置视力表问题”的方案,其中甲、乙两位同学设计方案新颖,构思巧妙. 图例(1)甲生的方案中如果大视力表中“E ”的高是3.5cm ,那么小视力表中相应“E ”的高是多少?(2)乙生的方案中如果视力表的全长为0.8m ,请计算出镜长至少为多少米.24.如图1,在ABC V 中,90,,BAC AB AC D ∠=︒=是AB 边上不与,A B 重合的一个定点.AO BC ⊥于点O ,交CD 于点E .DF 是由线段DC 绕点D 顺时针旋转90︒得到的,,FD CA 的延长线相交于点M .(1)求证:ADE FMC △∽△;(2)求ABF ∠的度数;(3)若N 是AF 的中点,如图2.求证:ND NO =. 25.已知抛物线2y x mx n =++,其中m ,n 为实数.(1)若抛物线经过点(),9m n ,请判断抛物线与x 轴的交点个数:(2)抛物线经过点()1,0x ,()2,0x ,()1,a ,()3,b . ①若211x x -=时,求a b +的取值范围;②若1213x x <≤<,当ab 取得最大值时,求抛物线的解析式.。





第一部分必须用2B 铅笔作答;第二部分必须用黑色字迹的签字笔作答。


Ⅰ. 单项选择1、— Excuse me, could you tell me ?— Sorry, sir. I wasn't there at that time yesterday.A.how the accident happens B.how does the accident happenC.how the accident happened D.how did the accident happen2、–– I am so glad that you are safe now.––Thank you! When I realized I couldn’t ______ the fire, I ran at once.A.give out B.put out C.clear out3、—Are you clear about the job of a policeman, Ben?—Yes, to keep people ________ and the society in good order.A.busy B.safeC.lucky D.healthy4、—What kind of books do you like?—I like funny storybooks. They're very_.A.boring B.lazy C.quiet D.interesting5、A walk every day is enough to keep you healthy and in good shape.A.30-minute B.30-minutes C.30 minute's D.30-minutes'6、—What do you think of the movie you saw last night?—I think it is worth ________.A.seeing B.sees C.to see7、Mike looked the girl up and down.He wondered ______.A.where does he meet her B.where had he met herC.where he meets her D.where he had met her8、— How often do I need to feed my pet dog, Mr Henry?—Once or twice a day.A.go for a walk with B.give food to C.take care of9、It’s very hot. But I think it’s impolite to _____ your clothes in public.A.set off B.turn offC.take off D.get off10、―WeChat has made a great difference to people's life.―. We can use it to communicate with others easily.A.Completely B.Possibly C.Probably D.ExactlyⅡ. 完形填空11、It’s 12 o’clock. A man goes into a fast food restaurant for 1 . “Hi!” a waiter says. “Can I 2 you?” “I’d like some French fries, a 3 and a medium Coke,” says the man. “What 4 foods would you like? ” asks the waiter. “No,” the man answers. “That’s 5 .” “For here or to go?” asks the waiter. “To go, please,” says the man.The man 6 his lunch and the waiter puts the food into a bag. Then the man goes away 7 the bag. He goes out of the restaurant. He looks 8 and finds a beautiful park over there. So he walks to the park. He sits down and opens the bag to enjoy his delicious food. Suddenly(突然) he stops eating. He finds that there is also some9 in the bag. “Oh! That’s the money for my lunch,” says the man. Then he goes back to the restaurant because he doesn’t want to 10 his lunch for free.1.A.breakfast B.lunch C.dessert D.dinner2.A.ask B.call C.help D.answer3.A.bread B.meat C.dumpling D.hamburger4.A.other B.the other C.another D.any5.A.all B.her C.them D.me6.A.cuts down B.looks at C.eats out D.pays for7.A.of B.with C.from D.on8.A.for B.at C.like D.around9.A.money B.apples C.soup D.pancake10.A.play B.give C.get D.bringⅢ. 语法填空12、One sunny afternoon Bernard Shaw was having a walk in the quiet field. The air was fresh and the view was beautiful. While he 1.(walk), a bike rider ran into him. Mr Shaw 2.(fall) to the ground. The rider was very sorry. He got off his bike 3.(help) Mr Shaw get up. Luckily, Mr Shaw 4.(not hurt). "I'm so sorry!" said the rider. "Oh, no," said Bernard Shaw. "I should 5.(say) sorry. I'm sorry for not 6.(give) luck to you." Mr Shaw looked at the puzzled rider and added, "If you killed me, you know, you would be famous all over the world."Ⅳ. 阅读理解A13、Several days ago, Brend a had a car accident that led to one of her legs being cut off. Since then she didn’t talk to anyone.“I wish I could bring her friends to visit her,” said Brenda’s mother. “But it’s a long bus trip.” The nurse smiled, “Don’t worry. We have a plan.”Later that day, the nurse had taken Brenda to another room. “Here’s your new roommate, Annie Wiggle-Do,” the nurse introduced a dark-hair teenager on the other bed.As soon as the nurse left, she jumped out of her bed with her only foot and sat at the other end of Brenda’s bed, “I lost my leg from bone cancer,” she said. “What happened to yours?” Brenda was so shocked that she couldn’t say a word. “You’re lucky.” Annie continued. “You’ve still got your knee. They had to take mine.”“I’d like to have a chat with you, but my friends are coming any time now, so I have to get ready.” Annie said when she took off her hair! Her head was completely bald(秃头的).“Oh, I forgot to tell you, the medicine they gave me to kill the cancer also killed my hair.” Annie looked out he r wigs(假发), brown and yellow, short and long, straight and curly.“That’s why I thought up ‘Annie Wiggle-Do’.” Annie smiled. “Get it? Any wig will do? Annie Wiggle-Do?” “When Annie’s friends came, she introduced Brenda to them all. Before long, Brenda star ted chatting with Annie and her friends. They didn’t make her feel like a strange person at all!The girls shared their names with each other. When it was time to go to bed, Brenda said, “Good night,Annie-Wiggle-Do. Can’t wait till morning.”1.We can infer that no friends visited Brenda because ________.A.she had no friends at school B.she didn’t want to see her friendsC.her friends were very busy D.her friends knew she had an accident2.In order to cheer Brenda up, the nurse planned to ________.A.introduce some healthy friends to herB.let her share the same room with AnnieC.show her some more seriously injuredD.move her to a room filled with light and music3.When Brenda first saw Annie, she ________.A.discovered that Annie’s head was baldB.t hought up “Annie-Wiggle-Do”C.was too surprised to say anythingD.shared her dream with Annie4.Which of the following about Annie is true?A.She has different kinds of wigs. B.She thinks she is strange.C.Her sin cancer killed her hair. D.She lost both her legs.5.Which of the following words can best describe Annie?A.Patient. B.Careful C.Polite D.BraveB14、Do you enjoy visiting a museum? Did you ever make a plan before a visit? Every museum must have something that attracts you. And there are many possible ways to enjoy yourself in a museum.If you follow these steps below, you'll know what is worth seeing and doing, so that you can make the most of your time at the museum.Decide what museum you will visit. There are so many different kinds of museum and you first need to find one that you like. It's easy for you to choose one and start an enjoyable visit!Do some research online. Every museum now has a website which allows you to look through the information about it. On the website, you may look for such things as:The exhibits.See what is on show at the museum at all times, and what special exhibitions are held for a short time.The history of the museum—There will often be very interesting stories about the exhibits and the benefactors(捐赠者).That can make your visit more interesting.Activities—See whether there are talks, tours or special activities on the day when you visit. Many museums hold some activities that meet the interests of all age groups.Cost, food and storage—It’s impo rtant to know how much the visit will cost. Y ou hate to decide whether or not you can eat there. You might also need to find out about our transportation needs, as well as storage for coats, bags etc.. Learn at least one thing on your visit. It’s always go od to take away something new from your visit.Plan breaks into your visit.When you walk around, standing here and studying exhibits there, you may become very tired. So it’s important to take breaks. A break is a good opportunity for you to think of what you have seen and what else you might want to do in the museum.Take a friend of two. Visiting museums is always a lot more fun when you are with someone else. You can talk over what you’re seeing. A friend also brings another way of thinking when you talk about the exhibits.1.According to the passage, we should first ________.A.do some research online B.make a plan for lunchC.decide on a museum to visit D.choose a friend to go with2.To make our visit more interesting, we can ________.A.organize activities like special shows and talksB.read the stories about exhibits and benefactorsC.learn about the interests of all age groupsD.walk around the museum without breaks3.If we visits museum with friends, we can ________.A.share the experience with them B.come up with strange ideasC.cut down the cost of the visit D.discuss the next visit plan4.What does the passage mainly talk about?A.What to do in a museum. B.When to visit a museum.C.Where to find a museum. D.How to enjoy a museum.C15、When I was in primary school, I got into a major argument(争论) with a boy named Michael in my class. I have forgotten what the argument was about, but I have never forgotten the lesson I learned that day.I was convinced that I was right and he was wrong, and Michael was just as convinced that I was wrong and he was right. The teacher decided to teach us a very important lesson. She brought us up to the front of the class, placed Michael on one side of her desk and me on the other. In the middle of her desk was a large, round object. I could clearly see that it was black. And she asked Michael what color the object was, “White,” he answered.I couldn’t believe he said the object was white, when it was obviously black! Another argument started between Michael and me, this time about the color of the object.The teacher told me to go stand where Michael was standing and told him to come and stand where I had been. We changed places, and now she asked me what the color of the object was. I had to answer, “White.” It was an ob ject with two differently colored sides, and from his viewpoint(视角)it was white. Only from my side it was black.My teacher taught me a very important lesson that day. You must stand in the other person’s shoes and look at the situation through their eyes in order to truly understand their perspective.1.What was the argument about between the author(作者) and Michael at first?A.The color of the object. B.The answer of a math question.C.The author was not sure. D.The time of beginning class.2.The author fe el ________ when he heard Michael’s answer.A.happy B.unbelievable C.tired D.helpless3.What’s the meaning of the word underlined in Paragraph 2?A.确信B.辩解C.怀疑D.猜测4.What did the teacher put in the middle of her desk?A.A round and colorful object. B.A white and black bottle.C.An object with two mirrors D.An object with two colors.5.What’s the best title for the passage?A.An Argument B.My School LifeC.My Friend-Michael D.Different ViewpointsD16、Last week, Chicago became the first ci ty in the US to join the “Lights Out Plan”. People turned off the lights in the city’s tallest buildings, so that thousands of birds could get to their winter homes. Every year in autumn, some birds fly over Chicago on their way to the south, and come back the next spring.Lights mean danger to birds. Birds find their way by looking at the stars in the sky. Lights in tall buildings are so bright that birds may mistake them as stars. This means they can not find the right way to go home.This month, about 300 types of birds are flying over Chicago to go back to the south to live through the cold winter. Birds fly to warmer places for a few reasons. Many birds cannot live in the cold, so they fly to warmer places. But there are other reasons,too. Birds need to look for food in the south. Another reason is that they want to have baby birds. Many birds like to have their baby birds in the same “house” they lived in last year, so they fly back there.There are about 9,000 kinds of birds in the world, and about 600 kinds of birds migrate(迁徙). Some birds can fly a very long way. Sometimes they fly to other countries. We have fewer birds today because there are fewer places for birds.1.Why did people in Chicago turn off their lights last week?A.Because people wanted to save money.B.Because people liked the dark night.C.Because people were afraid that birds would make much noise.D.Because people were afraid that birds would lose their way.2.Today we have fewer birds because __________.A.lots of birds are often ill B.people kill lots of birdsC.there are fewer places for birds D.other animals eat them3.Which of the following statements is NOT true?A.All birds fly to warmer places every year.B.Some birds have to fly to warmer places in autumn.C.Some birds can fly a long way to other countries.D.About 600 kinds of birds migrate in the world.E17、Most people may think that people who write computer code (代码) must be good at Maths and logical (逻辑的) thinking. However, people who write computer code say that creativity is also important for writting code.Software developers (开发者) in the USA have created a game called Osmo Coding Jam. The game is designed to help children use the creative side of their minds when learning to code. Children can play the game on iPads.Tanya Dodge is the mother of two children who play the game. According to her, these activities give her children important skills for the future. “It’s an analytical (分析的) skill,” said Dodge.But the developers believe writing code is not just an analytical skill. “We want to explore the creative side of coding that I think is often not as explored,” said Felix Hu, an Osmo engineer. Hu added, “The coolest part is that we’re teaching kids how to be creative with code and that’s a really important thing that kids should get comfortable with because coding is creative.”Hu also sees many parents who feel that software code is a second language that children need to learn to succeed in future jobs. Tanya Dodge agrees. She said, “l think you’re going to have to understand the idea of coding will work well in the future.” Hu also explains that very often kids grow up not understanding how a computer works. He says by breaking it down to a lower level, kids can understand that the computer isn’t as smart as they think it is.1.What is Osmo Coding Jam designed for?A.Training kids’ logical thinking.B.Helping kids learn to code fast.C.Helping children learn Maths well. D.Helping kids become more creative.2.What does Tanya Dodge think of Osmo Coding Jam?A.It needs to be improved. B.It can help kids play well.C.It is of great help to today’s kids.D.It is not perfect in training kids’ analytical skills.3.What can we learn from the passage?A.If someone doesn’t learn Maths well, he or she can’t write code.B.Creativity comes from writing code in daily life.C.Writing code is just a skill which helps kids to analyze things well.D.A lot of parents agree that software code will be useful for their kids’ future jobs.4.The writer wrote this passage __________.A.to tell how to learn to code well B.to tell about a new game for kidsC.to encourage kids to learn to study well D.to show the importance of creativityF18、Mails, games, music, news, chat rooms and shopping ! The Internet is part of the way we live to day. It’s very useful and it's easy to get onto the Internet. The only thing we need to do is to use a modem which is used for connecting a computer to a telephone line. The Internet is changing and growing all the time.More and more people have computers or cellphones(手机) and use the Internet. Using the Internet means using the World Wide Web (That’s “www”you always hear about.) The Web (网) has a lot of websites in it. They are the places you go to get information and do things.Where do these websites come from ? They are made by web designers(设计者). What happens when you click on a word or a picture ? You are sent to another page. It’s all because of the web designer. Web designers do a lot of work by using a computer programming language.Is Web design a ll about computer programming ? No. It’s about making something new. Web designers must imagine a lot when they are making a website. It must look good and be fun to use. A big part of Web design is art. They choose the best pictures and colors to make the website look good. They also write the things that you see on the website. An important part of their job is to share ideas with the website manager about how to design the website well. 1.This passage is mainly about ___________ .A.computer programming language B.the web designers’ workC.the website manager’s work D.the way to get onto the Internet2.More and more people are using the Internet because it’s _________ .A.easy and useful B.beautiful and funnyC.colorful and hopeful D.changing and growing3.Which of the following is wrong?A.“www” means “World Wide Web”.B.There’re a few websites on the web.C.The Internet has changed people’s lives.D.We can do things like shopping on the Internet.4.The web designers do a lot of work except _______.A.making the websites new and beautiful B.writing things on the InternetC.doing the computer programming D.following the manager’s ideasⅤ.书面表达19、书面表达:假定你是李华,你的英国朋友Mike得知你们开展了“做生态小公民,建设美丽家乡”的活动,他来信表示很感兴趣并想了解具体细节,请给Mike写一封回信向他描述你(们)曾经做过的一件事或参与的一次活动。



福建省福州市台江区福州华伦中学2023-2024 学年八年级下学期月考数学试题一、单选题1.如图标志既是轴对称图形又是中心对称图形的是( ) A .B .C .D .2.端午前夕,学校食堂调查学生对豆沙粽、蛋黄粽、肉粽这三种粽子的喜爱程度,以决定最终的采购方案.下面统计量中,最值得关注的是( ) A .平均数B .方差C .中位数D .众数3.如图,AD BE CF ∥∥,若2AB =,4BC =,5EF =,则DE 的长是( )A .3B .5C .4D .2.54.已知一组数据23,27,20,18,x ,12,若它们的中位数是21,那么数据x 是( ) A .23B .22C .21D .20二、多选题5.如图,在平面直角坐标系中,AOB V 与COD △是以原点为位似中心的位似图形,若2OC OA =,点B 的坐标为()1,3,则点D 的坐标为( )A .()2,6B .()2,6--C .()3,9D .()3,9--三、单选题6.如图,在ABC V 中,30A ∠=︒,将ABC V 绕点C 逆时针旋转得到A B C ''△,点A ,B 的对应点分别是A ',B ',边A B ''经过点B ,若42BCA '∠=︒,则ABC ∠的大小为( )A .62︒B .65︒C .70︒D .72︒7.甲、乙、丙、丁四位学生进行“汉字拼写”训练,每位同学五次训练成绩的平均数均为90,方差分别为211.6S =甲,229.2S =乙,211.2S =丙,2 1.2S =丁.若要从中选择一名发挥稳定的学生参加比赛,应选择( ) A .甲B .乙C .丙D .丁8.如图,在ABC V 中,E 、F 分别是AB 、AC 上的点,EF BC ∥,且12AE EB =,若AEF △的面积为2,则四边形EBCF 的面积为( )A .16B .14C .12D .89.如图,D 是ABC V 的边AB 上的一点,那么下列四个条件不能单独判定ABC ACD V V ∽的是( )A .B ACD ∠=∠ B .ADC ACB ∠=∠ C .AC ABCD BC= D .2AC AD AB =g10.小红从图所示的二次函数2y ax bx c =++的图象中.观察得出了下面五条信息:①0b >;②0abc >;③0a b c -+>;④230a b -=;⑤40c b ->,你认为其中正确信息的个数有( )A .2个B .3个C .4个D .5个四、填空题11.在平面直角坐标系中,点(1,2)-关于原点对称的点的坐标是.12.已知抛物线()220y ax ax c a =-+>,且经过点()12,y -,()23,y -,试比较1y 和2y 的大小:1y 2y (填“>”、“<”或“=”).13.若一组数据1x ,2x ,3x ,…,n x 的平均数为4,方差为2,则122024x -,222024x -,322024x -,…,22024n x -的方差为.14.若m 是一元二次方程230x x --=的根,则325m m m +-的值为15.某种型号的小型飞行器着陆后滑行的距离(S 单位:米)关于滑行的时间(t 单位:秒)的函数解析式是2100.25S t t =-,此飞行器滑行的最大距离是米.16.如图,在正方形ABCD 中,点O 是对角线AC BD ,的交点,点E 在边CD 上,连接BE ,交OC 于点G ,过点C 作CF BE ⊥,垂足为点F ,连接OF .现给出以下结论: ①45BFO ∠=︒; ②BE 平分CBD ∠; ③BOF BED V V ∽;④若2DE CE =,则点G 是OC 的中点. 其中正确的是 .(写出所有正确结论的序号)五、解答题 17.解方程: (1)220x x +=; (2)24410x x -+=.18.如图,有一池塘,要测池塘两端A B ,的距离,可先在平地上取一个点C ,从点C 不经过池塘可以直接到达点A 和B ,连结AC 并延长到点D ,使12CD AC =,连结BC 并延长到点E ,使12CE BC =,连结DE .量得DE 的长为15米,求池塘两端A B ,的距离.19.已知关于x 的一元二次方程()2330x m x m -++=.(1)求证:无论m 取任何实数,方程总有实数根;(2)若一元二次方程的两根为1x ,2x ,且满足22121219x x x x +-=,求m 的值. 20.如图,在平面直角坐标系中,ABC V 的三个顶点坐标为(34)A -,,(42)B -,,(21)C -,,ABC V 绕原点逆时针旋转90︒,得到111A B C △,111A B C △向右平移6个单位,再向上平移2个单位得到222A B C △.(1)画出111A B C △和222A B C △;(2)(,)P a b 是ABC V 的AC 上一点,ABC V 经旋转、平移后点P 的对应点为2P ,则点2P 的坐标是.(3)若ABC V 直接旋转得到222A B C △,则旋转点M 坐标是.21.公安部门提醒市民,骑车出行必须严格遵守“一盔一带”的规定. 某头盔经销商统计了某品牌头盔4月份到6月份的销量,该品牌头盔4月份销售1500个,6月份销售2160个,且从4月份到6月份销售量的月增长率相同. (1)求该品牌头盔销售量的月增长率;(2)按照这个增长率,预计7月份该品牌头盔销售量是多少?22.青少年是国家的未来,他们的健康关系到国家富强和民族的昌盛,体育是学校培养全方面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人的一项主要教育内容,在新课程理念下,上好初中体育课至关重要.某校为了解学生体育运动的情况,对全校男生投掷铅球进行测试,测试结束后,随机抽取了30名男生的成绩(单位:米),并对成绩进行整理得到下表:请你根据统计表提供的信息解答下列问题:(1)表中=a ______,所抽取男生成绩的中位数落在______组; (2)求所抽取的这30名男生投掷铅球的平均成绩;(3)若该校有600名男生,请估计该校男生投掷铅球成绩不小于9米的学生人数. 23.根据以下素材,探索完成任务.1从喷水口喷出的喷水时的截面示意图,喷出的水柱在离喷水口水平距花坛是花坛,调整喷水口的高度,喷出的水柱形状与原来相24.如图1,矩形EBGF 和矩形ABCD 共顶点,且绕着点B 顺时针旋转,满足34BC BG AB BE ==.(1)DFAE的比值是否发生变化,若变化,说明理由;若不变,求出相应的值,并说明理由; (2)如图2,若点F 为CD 的中点,且8AB =,6AD =,连接CG ,求△FCG 的面积. 25.已知二次函数2y ax c =+的最小值为0,且其图象过点()2,1-. (1)求,a c 的值;(2)已知点()()0,1,0,0P O .①若直线21733y t t ⎛⎫=≤≤ ⎪⎝⎭与抛物线2y axc =+相交于()()1122,,,A x y B x y 两点,求2124x x -的最大值;②已知点Q 是抛物线2y ax c =+上异于其顶点的任意一点,过Q 作QT 垂直x 轴于T ,OT 的中点为M ,请证明QM 平分PQT ∠.。



2025届福建福州市台江区华伦中学七年级数学第一学期期末达标检测模拟试题注意事项:1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。

2.选择题必须使用2B 铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用0.5毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。



一、选择题(每小题3分,共30分) 1.以下问题,适合用普查的是( ) A .调查某种灯泡的使用寿命 B .调查中央电视台春节联欢会的收视率 C .调查我国八年级学生的视力情况 D .调查你们班学生早餐是否有喝牛奶的习惯2.下列方程变形中正确的是( ) A .2x-1=x+5移向得2x+x=5+1 B .+=1去分母得3x+2x=1C .(x+2)-2(x-1)=0,去括号得x+2-2x+2=0D .-4x=2,系数化为1得 x=-2 3.2的绝对值是( ). A .2B .-2C .-12D .±24.有理数a ,b 在数轴上的位置如图所示,则下列式子错误的是( )A .ab <0B .a +b <0C .|a |<|b |D .a ﹣b <|a |+|b |5.在数轴上,到表示5-的点的距离等于5个单位的点所表示的数是( ) A .10 B .10-C .0或10-D .10-或106.已知12a b +=,则代数式223a b +﹣的值是( ) A .2B .-2C .-4D .132- 7.两根同样长的蜡烛,粗烛可燃4小时,细烛可燃3小时,一次停电,同时点燃两根蜡烛,来电后同时熄灭,发现粗烛的长是细烛的2倍,则停电的时间为( ) A .2小时B .2小时20分C .2小时24分D .2小时40分8.2020年某市各级各类学校学生人数约为1 580 000人,将1 580 000 这个数用科学记数法表示为( ) A .0.158×107 B .15.8×105 C .1.58×106D .1.58×1079.OB 是∠AOC 内部一条射线,OM 是∠AOB 平分线,ON 是∠AOC 平分线,OP 是∠NOA 平分线,OQ 是∠MOA 平分线,则∠POQ ∶∠BOC =( )A .1∶2B .1∶3C .2∶5D .1∶410.已知关于x 的方程250x m -+=的解是3x =-,则m 的值为( ) A .1B .1-C .11-D .11二、填空题(本大题共有6小题,每小题3分,共18分)11.若关于x 的方程2x +a =1与方程3x -1=2x +2的解相同,则a 的值为________. 12.如果+5表示收入5元.那么-1表示__________________.13.某书店把一本新书按标价的八折出售,仍获利30%,若该书的进价为40元,则标价为_____元. 14.当a =_________时,两方程232x a +=与22x a +=的解相同. 15.按一定顺序的一列数叫做数列,如数列:12,16,112,120,,则这个数列前2019个数的和为____.16.某校报名参加甲、乙、丙、丁四个兴趣小组的学生人数如图所示,那么报名参加甲组和丙组的人数之和占所有报名人数的百分比为 .三、解下列各题(本大题共8小题,共72分)17.(8分)我们知道:若数轴上点A ,点B 表示的数分别为a ,b ,则A ,B 两点之间的距离ABa b ,如图1,数轴上点A 表示的数为10-,点B 表示的数为20,点P 从点A 出发,以每秒3个单位长度的速度沿数轴向右匀速运动,同时点Q 从点B 出发,以每秒2个单位长度的速度向右匀速运动,设运动时间为t 秒(0)t >(1)①A ,B 两点间的距离AB = .②用含t 的代数式表示:t 秒后,点P 表示的数为 ,点Q 表示的数为 . (2)求当t 为何值时,点P 追上点Q ,并写出追上点C 所表示的数; (3)求当t 为何值时,15PQ AB =拓展延伸:如图2,若点P 从点A 出发,点Q 从点M 出发,其它条件不变,在线段AB 上是否存在点M ,使点P 在线段AM 上运动且点Q 在线段MB 上运动的任意时刻,总有32PM BQ =?若存在,请求出点M 所表示的数;若不存在,请说明18.(8分)如图1,将一段长为60cm 绳子AB 拉直铺平后折叠(绳子无弹性,折叠处长度忽略不计),使绳子与自身一部分重叠.(1)若将绳子AB 沿M 、N 点折叠,点A 、B 分别落在A '、B '处. ①如图2,若A '、B '恰好重合于点О处,MN = cm ;②如图3,若点A '落在点B '的左侧,且20cm A B ='',求MN 的长度;③若cm A B n ''=,求MN 的长度.(用含n 的代数式表示)(2)如图4,若将绳子AB 沿N 点折叠后,点B 落在B '处,在重合部分B N '上沿绳子垂直方向剪断,将绳子分为三段,若这三段的长度由短到长的比为3:4:5,直接写出AN 所有可能的长度.19.(8分)下表是中国电信两种”4G 套餐”计费方式.(月基本费固定收,主叫不超过主叫时间,流量不超上网流量不再收费,主叫超时和上网超流量部分加收超时费和超流量费)月基本费/元主叫通话/分钟上网流量MB 接听主叫超时部分/(元/分钟)超出流量部分/(元/MB )(1)若某月小萱主叫通话时间为220分钟,上网流量为800MB,则她按方式一计费需元,按方式二计费需元;若她按方式二计费需129元,主叫通话时间为240分钟,则上网流量为MB.(2)若上网流量为540MB,是否存在某主叫通话时间t(分钟),按方式一和方式二的计费相等?若存在,请求出t 的值;若不存在,请说明理由.(3)若上网流量为540MB,直接写出当月主叫通话时间t(分钟)满足什么条件时,选择方式一省钱;当每月主叫通话时间t(分钟)满足什么条件时,选择方式二省钱.20.(8分)某水果商店以每箱200元价格从市场上购进一批苹果共8箱,若以每箱苹果净重30千克为标准,超过千克数记为正数,不足千克数记为负数,称重后记录如下:1.5, 3.5,2,2.5, 1.5,4,2,1+-++---+(1)这8箱苹果一共中多少千克,购买这批苹果一共花了多少钱?(2)若把苹果的销售单价定为每千克x元,那么销售这批苹果(损耗忽略不计)获得的总销售金额为_____元,获得利润为____________元(用含字母x的式子表示);32.75,请你通过列方程并求出x的值.(3)在(2)条件下,若水果商店计划共获利0021.(8分)一种商品按销售量分三部分制定销售单价,如表:(1)若买100件花元,买300件花元;买350件花元;(2)小明买这种商品花了338元,列方程求购买这种商品多少件?(3)若小明花了n元(n>250),恰好购买0.45n件这种商品,求n的值.22.(10分)某铁路桥长1000米.现有一列火车从桥上匀速通过.测得火车从开始上桥到完全通过桥共用了1分钟(即从车头进入桥头到车尾离开桥尾),整个火车完全在桥上的时间为40秒.(1)如果设这列火车的长度为x米,填写下表(不需要化简):(2)求这列火车的长度.23.(10分)已知M、N在数轴上,M对应的数是﹣3,点N在M的右边,且距M点4个单位长度,点P、Q是数轴上两个动点;(1)直接写出点N所对应的数;(2)当点P到点M、N的距离之和是5个单位时,点P所对应的数是多少?(3)如果P、Q分别从点M、N出发,均沿数轴向左运动,点P每秒走2个单位长度,先出发5秒钟,点Q每秒走3个单位长度,当P、Q两点相距2个单位长度时,点P、Q对应的数各是多少?24.(12分)解方程:(1) 5x-6=3x-4 (2) 123173x x-+-=参考答案一、选择题(每小题3分,共30分)1、D【分析】根据被调查对象较小时,宜使用普查,可得答案.【详解】解:A、调查某种灯泡的使用寿命,不能使用普查,错误;B、调查中央电视台春节联欢会的收视率被调查的对象都较大,不能使用普查,错误;C、调查我国八年级学生的视力情况被调查的对象都较大,不能使用普查,错误;D、调查你们班学生早餐是否有喝牛奶的习惯被调查的对象较小,故D宜使用普查;故选:D.【点睛】本题考查了全面调查与抽样调查,被调查对象较小时宜使用普查.2、C【解析】将各项中方程变形得到结果,即可做出判断.【详解】A、2x-1=x+5,移项得:2x-x=5+1,错误;B 、+=1去分母得:3x+2x=6,错误;C 、(x+2)-2(x-1)=0去括号得:x+2-2x+2=0,正确;D 、-4x=2系数化为“1”得:x=-,错误. 故选C . 【点睛】此题考查了解一元一次方程,其步骤为:去分母,去括号,移项合并,把未知数系数化为1,求出解. 3、A【解析】根据绝对值的含义指的是一个数在数轴上的点到距离,而正数的绝对植是一个正数,易找到2的绝对值. 【详解】A 选项根据正数的绝对值是它本身得∣2∣=2,正确;B 选项-2是2的相反数,错误;C 选项 12-是2的相反数的倒数,错误;D 选项既是2的本身也是2的相反数,错误. 故选:A . 【点睛】本题考查的知识点是绝对值的概念,牢记绝对值的概念并能与相反数、倒数等概念加以区分是关键. 4、D【分析】根据图形可知0b a <<,且||||b a >,对每个选项对照判断即可. 【详解】解:由数轴可知b <0<a ,且|b |>|a |, ∴ab <0,答案A 正确; ∴a +b <0,答案B 正确; ∴|b |>|a |,答案C 正确;而a ﹣b =|a |+|b |,所以答案D 错误; 故选:D . 【点睛】本题考查的有理数及绝对值的大小比较,把握数形结合的思想是解题的关键. 5、C【分析】借助数轴可知这样的点在-5的左右两边各一个,分别讨论即可.【详解】若点在-5左边,此时到表示5-的点的距离等于5个单位的点所表示的数是-5-5=-10; 若点在-5右边,此时到表示5-的点的距离等于5个单位的点所表示的数是-5+5=0; 综上所述,到表示5-的点的距离等于5个单位的点所表示的数是-10或0 故选:C . 【点睛】本题主要考查数轴与有理数,注意分情况讨论是解题的关键. 6、B【分析】把2a+2b 提取公因式2,然后把12a b +=代入计算即可. 【详解】∵()22323a b a b +-=+-, ∴将12a b +=代入得:12322⨯-=- 故选B . 【点睛】本题考查了因式分解的应用,把一个多项式化成几个整式的乘积的形式,叫做因式分解.因式分解常用的方法有:①提公因式法;②公式法;③十字相乘法;④分组分解法. 7、C【分析】设停电x 小时.等量关系为:1-粗蜡烛x 小时的工作量=2×(1-细蜡烛x 小时的工作量),把相关数值代入即可求解.【详解】解:设停电x 小时. 由题意得:1﹣14x =2×(1﹣13x ), 解得:x =2.1. 2.1h =2小时21分.答:停电的时间为2小时21分. 故选:C . 【点睛】本题考查了一元一次方程的应用,把蜡烛长度看成1,得到两支蜡烛剩余长度的等量关系是解题的关键. 8、C【分析】将原数写成10n a ⨯的形式,a 是大于等于1小于10的数. 【详解】解:61580000 1.5810=⨯. 故选:C . 【点睛】本题考查科学记数法,解题的关键是掌握科学记数法的表示方法. 9、D【分析】依据OM 是∠AOB 平分线,OQ 是∠MOA 平分线,可得∠AOQ=12∠AOM=14∠AOB ,依据ON 是∠AOC平分线,OP 是∠NOA 平分线,可得∠AOP=12∠AON=14∠AOC=14(∠AOB+∠BOC ),进而得出∠POQ :∠BOC=1:1.【详解】解:∵OM 是∠AOB 平分线,OQ 是∠MOA 平分线,∴∠AOQ=12∠AOM=14∠AOB , ∵ON 是∠AOC 平分线,OP 是∠NOA 平分线, ∴∠AOP=12∠AON=14∠AOC=14(∠AOB+∠BOC ), ∴∠POQ=∠AOP-∠AOQ=14(∠AOB+∠BOC )-14∠AOB , =14∠BOC , ∴∠POQ :∠BOC=1:1, 故选D . 【点睛】本题主要考查了角平分线的定义的运用,解决问题的关键是利用角的和差关系进行推算. 10、B【分析】根据一元一次方程的解定义,将3x =-代入已知方程列出关于m 的新方程,通过解新方程即可求得m 的值. 【详解】∵关于x 的方程250x m -+=的解是3x =- ∴()2350m ⨯--+= ∴1m =- 故选:B 【点睛】本题考查了一元一次方程的解.方程的解的定义,就是能够使方程左右两边相等的未知数的值.二、填空题(本大题共有6小题,每小题3分,共18分) 11、-5【解析】分别解出两方程的解,两解相等,就得到关于a 的方程,从而可以求出a 的值.【详解】解方程21x a +=,得12ax -=, 解方程3122x x -=+,得3x =,∴132a-=, 解得:5a =-. 故答案为:5-. 【点睛】此题考查同解方程的解答,解决的关键是能够求解关于x 的方程,同时正确理解“解相同”的含义. 12、支出1元【分析】此题主要用正负数来表示具有意义相反的两个量,根据正数与负数的意义即可得出. 【详解】收入与支出是具有相反意义的量, 若+5表示收入5元,则-1表示支出1元, 故答案为:支出1元. 【点睛】本题考查了正数与负数的意义,掌握与理解正数与负数的意义是解题的关键. 13、65【分析】根据题意,实际售价=进价+利润,八折即标价的80%;可得一元一次的等量关系式,求解可得答案. 【详解】设标价是x 元,根据题意有: 0.8x =40(1+30%), 解得:x =65. 故标价为65元. 故答案为65. 【点睛】考查一元一次方程的应用,掌握利润=售价-进价是解题的关键. 14、53【分析】先求出每个方程的解,根据同解方程得出关于a 的方程,求出即可. 【详解】解2x+3=2a 得:232a x -=, 解2x+a=2得:22ax -=, ∵方程2x+3=2a 与2x+a=2的解相同,∴22322a a --=, 解得:53a = .【点睛】本题考查了一元一次方程相同解问题,根据两个方程的解相同建立关于a 的方程是解决本题的关键. 15、20192020【分析】根据数列得出第n 个数为()11n n +,据此可得前2019个数的和为111 (122320192020)+++⨯⨯⨯,再用裂项求和计算可得.【详解】解:由数列知第n 个数为()11n n +,则前2019个数的和为:11111...26122020192020+++++⨯ =111...122320192020+++⨯⨯⨯ =11111111...2233420192020-+-+-++-=112020-=20192020故答案为:20192020.【点睛】本题主要考查数字的变化类,解题的关键是根据数列得出第n 个数为()11n n +,并熟练掌握裂项求和的方法.16、40%【解析】试题分析:从条形统计图可知:甲、乙、丙、丁四个兴趣小组的总人数为200人,甲、丙两个小组的人数为80人,所以报名参加甲组和丙组的人数之和占所有报名人数的百分比为80÷200×100%=40%.三、解下列各题(本大题共8小题,共72分)17、(1)①30;②103t -+;202t +;(2)30()t s =;C 点表示的数是80;(3)24t s =或36s ;拓展延伸:存在;点M 所表示的数是8.【分析】(1)①利用题目中给出的距离公式计算即可;②利用代数式表示即可;(2)根据题意列方程,点P 追上点Q 时,多运动30个单位长度;(3)分类讨论,P 、Q 两点相距15AB 时,可能在相遇前也可能在相遇后; 拓展延伸:根据两点间距离公式,再找出等量关系列方程求解即可.【详解】解:(1)①=-10-20=30ABa b , 故填:30;②点P 表示的数为:103t -+,点Q 表示的数为:202t +,故填:103t -+,202t +;(2)依题意得,3302t t =+解得:30t =此时,C 点表示的数是80(3)依题意得情况1:相遇前12303305t t +-=⨯ 解得,24t =情况2:相遇后13(230)305t t -+=⨯ 解得:36t =所以24t s =或36s 时,15PQ AB =拓展延伸: 32PM BQ = 3()2AM AP AB AM MQ -=-- 33(302)2AM t AM t -=-- 18AM =所以点M 所表示的数是8.【点睛】本题考查了数轴、绝对值与一元一次方程的应用,是一个综合问题,解题的关键是掌握点的移动与点所表示的数之间的关系,根据题目给出的条件,找出合适的等量关系列出方程,进而求解.18、(1)①30;②40cm ;③(30)2ncm +或(30)2n cm -;(2)AN 所有可能的长度为:25cm ,27.5cm ,32.5cm ,35cm .【分析】(1)①根据折叠可得,AM OM BN ON ==,再利用线段的和差即可得出MN 的长度;②根据折叠可得,AM A M BN B N ''==,再利用线段的和差即可得出MN 的长度;③分点A '落在点B '的左侧时和点A '落在点B '的右侧两种情况讨论,利用线段的和差即可得出MN 的长度;(2)分别计算出三段绳子的长度,再分类讨论,利用线段的和差即可得出AN 的长度.【详解】解:(1)①因为A '、B '恰好重合于点О处,所以,AM OM BN ON ==, ∴11()3022MN OM ON OA OB AB =+=+==cm , 故答案为:30; ②由题意得:,AM A M BN B N ''==,因为60AM A M A B B N BN AB ''''++++==cm,所以220260A M B N ''++=cm,即20A M B N ''+=cm ,所以40MN A M B N A B cm ''''=++=;③当点A '落在点B '的左侧时,由②得6060()22A B n A M B N cm ''--''+==, 60(30)22n n MN A M B N A B n cm -''''=++=+=+; 当点A '落在点B '的右侧时,如下图,可知2260A M B N A B cm ''''+-=,所以60()2n A M B N cm +''+=, 所以(30)2nMN A M B N A B cm ''''=+-=-,综上所述,MN 的长度是(30)2ncm +或(30)2n cm -; (2)根据题意,这三段长度分别为:3456015,6020,6025121212cm cm cm ⨯=⨯=⨯=, 所以AN 的长度可以为:2015252cm +=; 251527.52cm +=; 252032.52cm +=; 152027.52cm +=; 152532.52cm +=; 2025352cm +=; 故AN 所有可能的长度为:25cm ,27.5cm ,32.5cm ,35cm .【点睛】本题考查线段的和差.掌握数形结合思想,能结合图形分析是解题关键.注意分情况讨论.19、(1)1;2;3;(2)见解析;(3)见解析.【解析】(1)根据表中数据分别计算两种计费方式,第三空求上网流量时,可设上网流量为xMB ,列方程求解即可; (2)分0≤t <200时,当200≤t≤250时,当t >250时,三种情况分别计算讨论即可;(3)本题结论可由(2)中结果直接得出.【详解】(1)方式一:49+0.2(220﹣200)+0.3(800﹣500)=49+0.2×20+0.3×300 =49+4+901.方式二:69+0.2(800﹣600)=69+0.2×200 =69+40=2.设上网流量为xMB ,则69+0.2(x ﹣600)=129解得x =3.故答案为1;2;3.(2)当0≤t <200时,49+0.3(540﹣500)=61≠69∴此时不存在这样的t .当200≤t ≤250时,49+0.2(t ﹣200)+0.3(540﹣500)=69解得t =4.当t >250时,49+0.2(t ﹣200)+0.3(540﹣500)=69+0.15(t ﹣250)解得t =210(舍).故若上网流量为540MB ,当主叫通话时间为4分钟时,两种方式的计费相同.(3)由(2)可知,当t <4时方式一省钱;当t >4时,方式二省钱.【点睛】本题考查了一元一次方程的应用,找准等量关系,正确列出一元一次方程是解题的关键.本题难度中等偏大.20、 (1)这8箱苹果一共重236千克,购买这批苹果一共花了1600元.(2)236x ;2361600x -;(3) 若水果商店要获利0032.75,则销售单价应定为9元每千克.【分析】(1)将8筐苹果质量相加可得出购进苹果的总重量,再利用总价=每筐价格×8可得出购买这批苹果的总钱数; (2)根据销售总价=销售单价×数量,以及结合利润=销售总价-成本,即可得出结论;(3)由(2)的结论结合水果商店共获利0032.75,即可得出关于x 的一元一次方程,解之即可得出结论.【详解】解:(1)由题意得,8箱苹果一共重:830( 1.5 3.52 2.5 1.5421)⨯++-++---+=236(千克)购买这批苹果一共花了20081600⨯=(元)答:这8箱苹果一共重236千克,购买这批苹果一共花了1600元.(2)已知苹果的销售单价定为每千克x 元,依题意得销售金额为236x 元;获得利润为(2361600x -)元;(3)由题意得:002361600160032.75x -=⨯解得9x =(元)答:若水果商店要获利0032.75,则销售单价应定为9元每千克.【点睛】本题考查一元一次方程的应用以及列代数式,解题的关键是首先根据数量关系,列式计算;然后根据各数量之间的关系,利用含x的代数式表示出总销售金额及利润;最终找准等量关系,正确列出一元一次方程即可.21、(1)250;690;790;(2)140件;(3)1【分析】(1)根据总价=单价×数量结合表格中的数据,即可求出分别购买100件、300件、350件时花费的总钱数;(2)设小明购买这种商品x件,由250<338<690可得出100<x<300,根据100×2.5+(购买件数-100)×2.2=总钱数(338元),即可得出关于x的一元一次方程,解之即可得出结论;(3)分250<n<690及n>690两种情况,找出关于n的一元一次方程,解之即可得出结论.【详解】(1)250;690;790(2)设小明购买这种商品x件∵250<338<690,∴100<x<300根据题意得100×2.5+(x﹣100)×2.2=338解得x=140答:小明购买这种商品140件(3)当250<n<690时,有250+2.2(0.45n﹣100)=n解得:n=3000(不合题意,舍去)当n>690时,有690+2(0.45n﹣300)=n,解得:n=1.答:n的值为1【点睛】本题考查了一元一次方程的应用,解题的关键是:(1)根据总价=单价×数量结合表格中的数据,列式计算;(2)根据100×2.5+(购买件数-100)×2.2=总钱数,列出关于x的一元一次方程;(3)分250<n<690及n>690两种情况,列出关于n的一元一次方程.22、(1)1000+x,100060x+,1000-x,100040x-;(2)200米【分析】(1)根据题意列出代数式即可.(2)通过理解题意可知本题存在两个等量关系,即整列火车过桥通过的路程=桥长+车长,整列火车在桥上通过的路程=桥长-车长,根据这两个等量关系可列出方程求解.【详解】解:(1)火车行驶过程 路程(米) 速度(米/秒) 完全通过桥 1000x + 100060x + 整列车在桥上1000x -100040x - (2)解:设这列火车的长度为x 米依题意得100010006040x x +-= 解得200x =答:这列火车的长度为200米.【点睛】本题考查了一元一次方程以及速度公式的应用.解题关键是弄清题意,合适的等量关系,列出方程.弄清桥长、车长以及整列火车过桥通过的路程,整列火车在桥上通过的路程之间的关系.23、(3)3;(2)﹣3.3或3.3.(3)P 对应的数﹣43,点Q 对应的数﹣2.【分析】(3)根据两点间的距离公式即可求解;(2) 分两种情况: ①点P 在点M 的左边; ②点P 在点N 的右边; 进行讨论即可求解;(3) 分两种情况: ①点P 在点Q 的左边;②点P 在点Q 的右边; 进行讨论即可求解.【详解】解:(3)﹣3+4=3.故点N 所对应的数是3;(2)(3﹣4)÷2=0.3,①﹣3﹣0.3=﹣3.3,②3+0.3=3.3.故点P 所对应的数是﹣3.3或3.3.(3)①(4+2×3﹣2)÷(3﹣2)=32÷3=32(秒),点P 对应的数是﹣3﹣3×2﹣32×2=﹣37,点Q 对应的数是﹣37+2=﹣33;②(4+2×3+2)÷(3﹣2)=36÷3=36(秒);点P 对应的数是﹣3﹣3×2﹣36×2=﹣43,点Q 对应的数是﹣43﹣2=﹣2.【点睛】本题考查的是数轴,注意分类导论思想在解题中的应用.24、(1)x=1;(2)x=-1.【分析】(1)方程移项合并,把x 系数化为1,即可求出解;(2)方程去分母,去括号,移项合并,把x 系数化为1,即可求出解.【详解】(1) 5x -6=1x -4解:5x -1x =-4+62x =2x =1 (2) 123173x x -+-= 解:()()3122173x x --=+3621721x x --=+6721213x x --=+-1339x -=3x =-【点睛】本题考查的是一元一次方程的解法,解题中注意移项要变号,去括号是要注意括号前的符号,去分母时防止漏乘是关键.。







一、单选题1.小强同学在探究串联电路电流规律的实验中,按下图连接好了电路,闭合开关S后,观察实验,两灯均不发光.为检测出电路故障,他做了以下操作:将电压表接到b、c两点,观察电压表、电流表均无示数.将电压表接到a、b两点,观察电压表有明显示数,而电流表示数几乎为零,则电路故障可能是A.灯L2断路B.灯L2短路C.电流表烧坏了D.灯L1断路2.如图所示,电源电压不变,小灯泡L标有“6V 3W”字样。

闭合开关S后,当滑片P移至某一位置时,小灯泡L 恰好正常发光,此时滑动变阻器R消耗的功率为P1;当滑片P移至某一端点时,电流表示数为0.3A,电压表示数变化了3V,此时滑动变阻器R消耗的功率为P2,且125 6PP,下列判断正确的是A.电源电压为12VB.滑动变阻器的最大阻值10ΩC.小灯泡L正常发光时,滑片P刚好位于滑动变阻器R的中点位置D.滑动变阻器R消耗的功率由P1变为P2的过程中,小灯泡L消耗的功率减少了2.1W 3.根据你所学的物理知识判断,下列说法中正确的是()A.粗导线的电阻一定比细导线的电阻小B.用电器通电时间越长,它的电功率越小C.电流做功的过程就是消耗电能的过程D.并联电路的各支路电流是不可能相等的4.甲、乙两电热丝电阻之比为3:2,通电时间之比为3:5,它们产生的热量之比为18:5,则通过它们的电流之比为A.2:1 B.1:4 C.4:1 D.1:25.家庭每月用电量的计量单位是A.库仑B.瓦特C.焦耳D.千瓦时6.由欧姆定律公式I=UR可变形得到R=UI,对此,下列说法中正确的是A.通过导体的电流越大,则导体的电阻越小B.某段导体两端电压为0时,其电阻为0C.导体两端的电压跟通过导体电流的比值等于这段导体的电阻D.导体电阻的大小跟导体两端的电压成正比,跟通过导体的电流成反比7.通过大量实验研究得出电流与电压之间关系的科学家是A.安培B.伏特C.欧姆D.焦耳8.为了能自动记录跳绳的次数,某科技小组设计了一种自动计数器,其简化电路如图甲所示.R1是一种光敏元件,每当绳子挡住了射向R1的红外线时,R1的电阻会变大,自动计数器会计数一次,信号处理系统能记录AB间每一时刻的电压.若已知电源电压为12V,某一时段AB间的电压随时间变化的图象如图乙所示,则下列说法正确的是()A.AB两端电压为6V时,跳绳自动计数器会计数一次B.绳子挡住了射向R1的红外线时,R1和R2的阻值相等C.绳子没有挡住射向R1的红外线时,R1的阻值是R2的3倍D.绳子挡住了射向R1的红外线时,R1的阻值会变为原来的5倍二、多选题9.在图所示的电路中,闭合开关后两个灯泡正常发光,则A.通过A点的电流大于通过B点的电流B.通过A点的电流等于通过C点的电流C.A、B两点间的电压一定小于A、C两点间的电压D.A、B两点间的电压一定等于B、C两点间的电压10.关于温度、热量和内能,下列说法正确的是()A.物体的温度越高,所含热量越多B.物体的内能增大可能是吸收了热量C.用做功的方法可以改变物体的内能D.物体吸收热量时内能一定增加,但温度可能不变三、填空题11.某定值电阻两端电压由8V变为12V时,通过的电流增加了0.2A,该电阻的阻值为_______Ω;若它两端电压变为0V,则该电阻中电流为_______A,此时电阻为_______Ω。





第一部分必须用2B 铅笔作答;第二部分必须用黑色字迹的签字笔作答。


Ⅰ. 单项选择1、The number “23,456” can be read as “________”.A.twenty-three thousand, four hundred and fifty-sixB.twenty-three thousand and four hundred fifty-sixC.two three thousand and four five sixD.two three thousand, four and five six2、Both of them had the same opinion. They reached a(n) ______ quickly.A.organization B.victory C.situation D.agreement3、— Do you know our new manager?—Yes. He _______ to be a friend of my brother’s.A.turns up B.turns onC.turns off D.turns out4、Teenagers should ________ to take care of themselves from a young age.A.educate B.be educating C.have educated D.be educated5、Don't keep _________ when you are asked some questions in class.A.silent B.generous C.forgetful D.private6、—Susan has bought a large house with a swimming pool.—It ________ be very expensive. I never dream about it.A.must B.might C.can’t D.shouldn’t7、When I got into the room, Green was talking _________ the phone.A.on B.with C.to D.in8、—Now more and more people are paying attention to protecting the environment.—So we believe ________ there will be less pollution in the future.A.wrongly B.hardly C.strongly D.impossibly9、- excellent work you have done! -It's very kind of you to say so.A.What an B.How C.What D.How an10、--Could you tell me ?--Next Monday.A.when you will go to Beijing B.when will you go to BeijingC.how will you go to BeijingⅡ. 完形填空11、"Where is the university?" This is a question that many visitors to Cambridge(剑桥)ask. But no one can give thema 1 answer, for there is no wall to be found 2 the university. The university is the city. You can find classroom buildings, 3 , museums and offices of the university all over the city. And most of 4 members are the students and 5 of the thirty-one colleges.Cambridge was already a 6 town long before the first students and teachers arrived 800 years 7 .It grew up by the river Grant, and the river once 8 the Cam. A 9 was built over the river as early as 875. 10the town got its name "Cambridge".In the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries more and 11 land was used for college buildings. The town grew much 12 in the nineteenth century after the opening of the railway in 1845. Cambridge became a 13 in 1951 and now it has a population of over 100, 000.Many young students in 14 countries 15 to study at Cambridge. Thousands of people from all over the world come to visit the university town. It has become a famous place all around the world. 1.A.clean B.clear C.right D.real2.A.around B.in C.near D.by3.A.cinemas B.parks C.zoos D.libraries4.A.their B.his C.its D.my5.A.parents B.farmers C.workers D.teachers6.A.interesting B.usual C.developing D.common7.A.before B.ago C.later D.after8.A.said B.called C.spoken D.talked9.A.bridge B.building C.station D.house10.A.Because B.But C.And D.So11.A.less B.fewer C.more D.bigger12.A.smaller B.slower C.faster D.cleaner13.A.city B.college C.university D.country14.A.another B.other C.the other D.others15.A.stop B.hate C.hope D.needⅢ. 语法填空12、Mary is 1.eight-year-old girl. Every day she washes clothes, looks after2.(she) younger sister and works 3.(hardly) on the farm. Mary wants to go to school, but her mother needs her help at home. So Mary stays at home instead of 4.(go) to school.Do you want to help Mary? Well, join Save the Children, please! Just 6 yuan a day, you can 5.(helpful) a child like Mary. With your help, children like Mary will be able 6.(have) enough food and have chances to go to school.Save The Children is an organization to help poor children like Mary. It has been in service since 1932. The money from kind people will 7.(use) to build schools, hospitals and other necessary 8.(build)9.you are a volunteer, there are many wonderful things waiting for you — letters from the children, their photos and subject reports. Now, if you are interested10.the application form, and then you can donate some money. In this way, you can help a child like Mary!Ⅳ. 阅读理解A13、Rita stepped into the cool, moving water. She pushed a black inner tube in front of her. She had a worried look on her face because she had never floated down a river before.“Let me hold your tube while you climb on,” said her father. He smiled at her. “There’s not a cloud in the sky. It’s a great day to be in the river, isn’t it?”Rita looked out across the water. People were floating by on tubes. Some talked and laughed as they____easily down the river. Others leaned back with hats pulled over their faces. None of them looked terrified.“We’ll stay together,” said Rita’s father. “I’ll hold on to your rope.”“Will we go very fast?” Rita asked.“No,” said Dad. “We’ll move slowly for a while, and then it will get a little faster near the river’s bend. Don’t worry, Rita. You’ll be fine.”Rita looked at her tube. It gently moved up and down in the water. She saw a girl of her own age float by. The girl seemed to be having fun. Suddenly Rita’s worries disappeared.“I’m ready to climb on and ride, Dad,” she said.1.The underlined word “floated” in the reading means “________”.A.漂浮B.乘坐C.划船2.What is Rita’s problem in this story?A.She doesn’t like to be in cool water.B.She is afraid to try something new.C.She is worried that she will get sunburned .3.Wha t’s the weather like in the story?A.Cloudy. B.Rainy. C.Sunny.4.Which of these happened last in the story?A.Rita pushed her black tube.B.Rita saw a girl of her own age.C.Rita stepped into the water.5.What’s the best title for this passage?A.Rit a’s Ride.B.Rita’s Trip.C.Rita’s Visit.B14、Many Chinese students think American students enjoy more freedom than them at school. But American schools also have their rules. If the students break the rules, they will get punishment(惩罚), too.On the first day of a new term, 128 students were sent home for wearing the wrong clothes. There are altogether l, 200 students in the school. Usually only 20 students break the school dress rule every day. So the headmaster Theresa Mayerik said it was the worst new term she had seen.At Morton High School, students' favorite clothing such as baggy(宽大)trousers, low-necked and tank tops(紧身短背心)are not allowed in classroom. Some students think they have the right to choose what to wear, but the headmaster doesn't think so. "I'm supportive if half the students were sent home because 99% will get the message that our school are for education." "Freedom" doesn't mean "free of restrictions(约束)".That is to say there is no total freedom in the world, no matter in the U.S.A or in China.1.Many Chinese students think that _______________.A.American students are very free at schoolB.American students are not so clever as themC.American students don't love their school at allD.American students obey their school rules2.128 Students of Morton High School were sent home for___________.A.not finishing their homework B.being late for schoolC.not wearing the right clothes D.not cleaning the classroom3.Some students in Morton High School think that they have the right to __________.A.decide when to go to school B.choose what to wearC.eat and drink in class D.do what they want4.What does the underlined word "supportive" mean in Chinese?A.高兴的B.支持的C.害怕的D.难过的5.What's the writer's attitude to the school dress rule?A.Agree. B.Disagree. C.Not sure. D.Not mentioned.C15、阅读下面的图表,做两个小题。



福建省福州市台江区福州华伦中学2023-2024学年七下英语期末达标检测试题满分120分,时间90分钟一、单项选择(共10小题,满分10分)1、—It’s ________ today. Let’s go to the beach.—Sounds great! Don’t forget your sunglasses.A. rainyB. cloudyC. sunnyD. snowy2、The teachers often tell their students ________ their pen in class.A. not to playB. not to play withC. to playD. to play with3、—Linda, your phone is ringing all the time.—Oh, _________ from my friends on the Wechat.A. messagesB. newsC. noticesD. information4、—What __________ Mike __________?—He is tall and thin.A. does; likeB. does; look likeC. is; look likeD. is; look5、—Would you like some dumplings?—________. I’m hungry.A. Yes, pleaseB. No problemC. No, thanksD. Yes, I’d love to6、Listen! Someone ________ at the door of the meeting-room.A. knockedB. knocksC. is knockingD. was knocking7、Our science teacher often tells us it’s very ________ to leave much personal information on the Internet.A. helpfulB. excitingC. dangerousD. careless8、The dress is very nice, but it’s not ________.A. enough cheapB. cheap enoughC. enough cheaperD. cheaper enough9、A. sad B. shake C. travel D. happen10、— Wow, our head teacher is singing the song so beautifully.— Yes, I never heard her ________ like this before.A. singB. singingC. to singD. sang二、短文填空(10分)11、阅读下面短文,根据短文内容从方框中选出恰当的单词或短语填空,使语意通顺完整。



福建省福州市台江区福州华伦中学2024届中考数学模试卷注意事项1.考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回.2.答题前,请务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用0.5毫米黑色墨水的签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡的规定位置.3.请认真核对监考员在答题卡上所粘贴的条形码上的姓名、准考证号与本人是否相符.4.作答选择题,必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应选项的方框涂满、涂黑;如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案.作答非选择题,必须用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔在答题卡上的指定位置作答,在其他位置作答一律无效.5.如需作图,须用2B铅笔绘、写清楚,线条、符号等须加黑、加粗.一、选择题(每小题只有一个正确答案,每小题3分,满分30分)1.下列运算正确的是()A.a﹣3a=2a B.(ab2)0=ab2C.8=22±D.3×27=92.2017上半年,四川货物贸易进出口总值为2 098.7亿元,较去年同期增长59.5%,远高于同期全国19.6%的整体进出口增幅.在“一带一路”倡议下,四川同期对以色列、埃及、罗马尼亚、伊拉克进出口均实现数倍增长.将2098.7亿元用科学记数法表示是()A.2.098 7×103B.2.098 7×1010C.2.098 7×1011D.2.098 7×10123.已知x1、x2是关于x的方程x2﹣ax﹣2=0的两根,下列结论一定正确的是()A.x1≠x2B.x1+x2>0 C.x1•x2>0 D.x1<0,x2<04.若a与5互为倒数,则a=()A.15B.5 C.-5 D.15-5.如图,平行四边形ABCD中,E,F分别为AD,BC边上的一点,增加下列条件,不一定能得出BE∥DF的是()A.AE=CF B.BE=DF C.∠EBF=∠FDE D.∠BED=∠BFD6.如图,田亮同学用剪刀沿直线将一片平整的树叶剪掉一部分,发现剩下树叶的周长比原树叶的周长要小,能正确解释这一现象的数学知识是()A.垂线段最短B.经过一点有无数条直线C.两点之间,线段最短D.经过两点,有且仅有一条直线7.下列计算正确的是()A.a2+a2=2a4B.(﹣a2b)3=﹣a6b3C.a2•a3=a6D.a8÷a2=a48.在一个不透明的口袋里有红、黄、蓝三种颜色的小球,这些球除颜色外都相同,其中有5个红球,4个蓝球.若随机摸出一个蓝球的概率为13,则随机摸出一个黄球的概率为()A.14B.13C.512D.129.如图,已知点A在反比例函数y=kx上,AC⊥x轴,垂足为点C,且△AOC的面积为4,则此反比例函数的表达式为()A.y=4xB.y=2xC.y=8xD.y=﹣8x10.如果解关于x的分式方程2122m xx x-=--时出现增根,那么m的值为A.-2 B.2 C.4 D.-4二、填空题(共7小题,每小题3分,满分21分)11.已知一组数据1,2,x,2,3,3,5,7的众数是2,则这组数据的中位数是.12.二次函数y=ax2+bx+c的图象如图所示,以下结论:①abc>0;②4ac<b2;③2a+b>0;④其顶点坐标为(12,﹣2);⑤当x<12时,y随x的增大而减小;⑥a+b+c>0中,正确的有______.(只填序号)13.如图,已知双曲线经过直角三角形OAB斜边OA的中点D,且与直角边AB相交于点C.若点A的坐标为(,4),则△AOC的面积为.14.如图,在⊙O中,点B为半径OA上一点,且OA=13,AB=1,若CD是一条过点B的动弦,则弦CD的最小值为_____.15.如图,身高是1.6m的某同学直立于旗杆影子的顶端处,测得同一时刻该同学和旗杆的影子长分别为1.2m和9m.则旗杆的高度为________m.16.已知A(0,3),B(2,3)是抛物线上两点,该抛物线的顶点坐标是_________.17.某商场将一款品牌时装按标价打九折出售,可获利80%,这款商品的标价为1000元,则进价为________元。







Ⅰ. 单项选择1、— Do you think that I can win the final?— ________. Everyone stands a chance.A.Y ou never know B.Y ou got itC.Y es, I do D.Y ou bet2、一Jim, is physics difficult to learn?一Sure, but all subjects can be learned well hard work.A.for B.from C.with D.through3、-- ________ coming earlier, we can easily find a good seat in the theater.-- You made a wise decision.A.Instead of B.Thanks to C.As for D.Except for4、— Should I give medicine to my baby as soon as it catches a cold?— Not really. Our bodies can ______ the cold, so sometimes we just give it some water to drink.A.fight B.hide C.cause D.keep5、Lily’s father often ________ newspapers after dinner.A.looks B.sees C.reads D.watches6、My father wants me to____ doing my homework as soon as I come home from school.A.win the heart of B.take care ofC.get into the habit of D.stay in touch with7、—Why don’t you like winter in Beijing?—Because it is __________ winter in Guangzhou.A.as cold as B.much colder thanC.not so clod as D.not colder than8、— Tom, which subject do you like ______, math or English?— Math.A.well B.better C.best D.the best9、At last his parents ___ him to move to the south alone for a job.A.agreed B.suggested C.hoped D.encouraged10、The lyrics(歌词)“If you care enough for ____ living, make it ___ better place for you and for me.” in the song Healing the World really touches me.A.the, a B.a, the C.the, the D.a, aⅡ. 完形填空11、One Saturday afternoon, Sarah went to buy something for her sister and herself. As Sarah was coming out of a 1 , a young lady walked towards her. She said she was Miss Green —a good friend of Sarah’s sister’s. Sarah 2 her. Then she called a taxi to send Sarah home. She told the driver where he should go. Sarah was 3 that it was not in the direction of her home.“Why?” Sarah asked. The lady smiled.When they came to a quiet road, a big rough man 4 on the road. He stopped the taxi driver, knocked him down, tied him and threw him out of the taxi. At the same time, Miss Green took out a knife and 5 Sarah. She asked Sarah to keep 6 . The man then started the taxi. “Oh, God! I’m being kidnapped (绑架),” Sarah said to herself.She tried to escape, but not succeeded. Suddenly an 7 came to her. She took out a lipstick (口红) from her pocket, wrote “SOS” on the windo w, and covered the word with her 8 . A few minutes later, a police car passed and the policemen saw the 9 . When the kidnappers saw the policemen, they stopped the taxi, jumped into the grass, and ran away.The policemen then picked up Sarah and sent her home. When her parents knew what had happened, they were greatly surprised. But they were also 10 because their daughter had finally come back safely.1.A.school B.taxi C.shop2.A.knew B.believed C.thanked3.A.pleased B.excited C.surprised4.A.drove B.climbed C.appeared5.A.frightened B.played C.helped6.A.healthy B.alive C.quiet7.A.idea B.answer C.interest8.A.fingers B.back C.dress9.A.picture B.map C.sign10.A.worried B.happy C.afraidⅢ. 语法填空12、阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。



2024年福建省福州市华伦中学九年级数学第一学期开学调研模拟试题题号一二三四五总分得分A 卷(100分)一、选择题(本大题共8个小题,每小题4分,共32分,每小题均有四个选项,其中只有一项符合题目要求)1、(4分)某班要从9名百米跑成绩各不相同的同学中选4名参加4×100米接力赛,而这9名同学只知道自己的成绩,要想让他们知道自己是否入选,老师只需公布他们成绩的()A .平均数B .中位数C .众数D .方差2、(4分)已知三条线段的长分别为1.5,2,3,则下列线段中,不能与它们组成比例线段的是()A .l B .2.25C .4D .23、(4分)在△ABC 中,AB=3,BC=4,AC=2,D ,E ,F 分别为AB ,BC ,AC 中点,连接DF ,FE ,则四边形DBEF 的周长是()A .5B .7C .9D .114、(4分)下列实数中,能够满足不等式30x -<的正整数是()A .-2B .3C .4D .25、(4分)若2230x px q -+=的两根分别是3-与5,则多项式2246x px q -+可以分解为()A .()()35x x +-B .()()35x x -+C .()()235x x +-D .()()235x x -+6、(4分)计算2221111⎛⎫÷+ ⎪--+⎝⎭x x x 的结果是()A .2B .21x +C .21x -D .-27、(4分)如图:15DAE DAF ︒∠=∠=,//DE AB ,DF AB ⊥,若6AE =,则DF 等于()A .5B .4C .3D .28、(4分)下列图形中,不属于中心对称图形的是()A .圆B .等边三角形C .平行四边形D .线段二、填空题(本大题共5个小题,每小题4分,共20分)9、(4分)命题”两条对角线相等的平行四边形是矩形“的逆命题是_____.10、(4分)已知关于x 的一次函数y=(3a-7)x+a-2的图像与y 轴的交点在x 轴的上方,且y 随x 的增大而减小,则a 的取值范围为__________.11、(4分)如果关于x 的分式方程2133m x x =---有增根,则增根x 的值为_____.12、(4分)等腰三角形的一个内角是30°,则另两个角的度数分别为___.13、(4分)已知关于x 的方程2322x m x x +=--会产生增根,则m =__________.三、解答题(本大题共5个小题,共48分)14、(12分)如图,在足够大的空地上有一段长为a 米的旧墙MN ,某人利用旧墙和木栏围成一个矩形菜园ABCD ,其中AD≤MN ,已知矩形菜园的一边靠墙,另三边一共用了100米木栏.(1)若a=20,所围成的矩形菜园的面积为450平方米,求所利用旧墙AD 的长;(2)求矩形菜园ABCD 面积的最大值.15、(8分)为迎接4月23日的世界读书日,某书店制定了活动计划,如表是活动计划的部分信息:(1)杨经理查看计划时发现:A 类图书的标价是B 类图书标价的1.5倍.若顾客用540元购买图书,能单独购买A 类图书的数量恰好比单独购买B 类图书的数量少10本.请求出A 、B 两类图书的标价.(2)经市场调查后,杨经理发现他们高估了“读书日”对图书销售的影响,便调整了销售方案:A 类图书每本按标价降低a 元(0<<3a )销售,B 类图书价格不变.那么书店应如何进货才能获得最大利润.16、(8分)为了积极响应国家新农村建设,某市镇政府采用了移动宣讲的形式进行宣传动员.如图,笔直公路MN 的一侧点A 处有一村庄,村庄A 到公路MN 的距离为800米,假使宣讲车P 周围1000米以内能听到广播宣传,宣讲车P 在公路MN 上沿PN 方向行驶时:(1)请问村庄能否听到宣传,并说明理由;(2)如果能听到,已知宣讲车的速度是每分钟300米,那么村庄总共能听到多长时间的宣传?17、(10分)如图,ABC 中,D 是BC 上的一点,若10AB =,6BD =,8AD =,17AC =,求ABC 的面积.18、(10分)如图,在平面直角坐标系中,一次函数y =kx+b 的图象与x 轴交点为A (﹣3,0),与y 轴交点为B ,且与正比例函数y =x 的图象交于点C (m ,4)(1)求m 的值及一次函数y =kx+b 的表达式;(2)观察函数图象,直接写出关于x 的不等式x≤kx+b 的解集;(3)若P 是y 轴上一点,且△PBC 的面积是8,直接写出点P 的坐标.B 卷(50分)一、填空题(本大题共5个小题,每小题4分,共20分)19、(4分)在学校的卫生检查中,规定各班的教室卫生成绩占30%,环境卫生成绩占40%,个人卫生成绩占30%.八年级一班这三项成绩分别为85分,90分和95分,求该班卫生检查的总成绩_____.20、(4分)已知反比例函数4y x =的图象经过点()1,b -,则b 的值为______.21、(4分)如图,每一幅图中均含有若干个正方形,第1幅图中有1个正方形;第2幅图中有1+4=5个正方形;第三幅图中有1+4+9=14个正方形;…按这样的规律下去,第4幅图中有_____个正方形.22、(4分)在平面直角坐标xOy 中,点O 是坐标原点,点B 的坐标是(m ,m-4),则OB 的最小值是__________.23、(4分)如图,在ABC ∆中,ABC ∠和ACB ∠的角平分线相交于O 点,若125BOC ∠=︒,则A ∠的度数为______.二、解答题(本大题共3个小题,共30分)24、(8分)某校“六一”活动购买了一批A ,B 两种型号跳绳,其中A 型号跳绳的单价比B 型号跳绳的单价少9元,已知该校用2600元购买A 型号跳绳的条数与用3500元购买B 型号跳绳的条数相等.(1)求该校购买的A ,B 两种型号跳绳的单价各是多少元?(2)若两种跳绳共购买了200条,且购买的总费用不超过6300元,求A 型号跳绳至少购买多少条?25、(10分)先化简,再求值11x x x x +⎛⎫-÷ ⎪⎝⎭,其中1x =.26、(12分)甲、乙两名射击运动员进行射击比赛,两人在相同条件下各射击10次,射击的成绩如图所示.根据图中信息,回答下列问题:(1)甲的平均数是,乙的中位数是;(2)分别计算甲、乙成绩的方差,并从计算结果来分析,你认为哪位运动员的射击成绩更稳定?参考答案与详细解析一、选择题(本大题共8个小题,每小题4分,共32分,每小题均有四个选项,其中只有一项符合题目要求)1、B【解析】总共有9名同学,只要确定每个人与成绩的第五名的成绩的多少即可判断,然后根据中位数定义即可判断.【详解】要想知道自己是否入选,老师只需公布第五名的成绩,即中位数.故选B.2、D【解析】对于四条线段a、b、c、d,如果其中两条线段的比(即它们的长度比)与另两条线段的比相等,如ab=cd(即ad=bc),我们就说这四条线段是成比例线段,简称比例线段.据此求解可得.【详解】解:A.由1×3=1.5×2知1与1.5,2,3组成比例线段,此选项不符合题意;B.由1.5×3=2.25×2知2.25与1.5,2,3组成比例线段,此选项不符合题意;C.由1.5×4=3×2知4与1.5,2,3组成比例线段,此选项不符合题意;D.由1.5×3≠2×2知2与1.5,2,3不能组成比例线段,此选项符合题意;故选:D本题主要考查了成比例线段的关系,判定四条线段是否成比例,只要把四条线段按大小顺序排列好,判断前两条线段之比与后两条线段之比是否相等即可,求线段之比时,要先统一线段的长度单位,最后的结果与所选取的单位无关系.3、B【解析】试题解析:∵D、E、F分别为AB、BC、AC中点,∴DF=12BC=2,DF∥BC,EF=12AB=32,EF∥AB,∴四边形DBEF为平行四边形,∴四边形DBEF的周长=2(DF+EF)=2×(2+3 2)=1.故选B .4、D 【解析】将各项代入,满足条件的即可.【详解】A 选项,-2不是正整数,不符合题意;B 选项,330-=,不符合题意;C 选项,430->,不符合题意;D 选项,230-<,符合题意;故选:D.此题主要考查不等式的正整数解,熟练掌握,即可解题.5、C 【解析】先提取公因式2,再根据已知分解即可.【详解】∵x 2-2px+3q=0的两根分别是-3与5,∴2x 2-4px+6q=2(x 2-2px+3p )=2(x+3)(x-5),故选:C .考查了解一元二次方程和分解因式,注意:能够根据方程的解分解因式是解此题的关键.6、A 【解析】根据分式的混合运算法则进行计算即可得出正确选项。



2023-2024学年九年级(上)11月考卷姓名____________班级____________座号____________一、选择题(每小题4分,共40分)1.下列函数中,y 是关于x 的反比例函数的是()A.2y x =B.8y x=C.21y x =- D.21y x=-2.反比例函数ky x=的图象如图所示,则k 的值可能是()A.0B.1C.1-3.若两个相似三角形的相似比为1:2,则它们的面积比为()A.1:2B.1:4C.1:8D.1:164.二次函数2(2)3y x =+-的图象的顶点坐标是()A.(2,3)B.(2,3)--C.(2,3)- D.(2,3)-5.如果一元二次方程20x px q ++=能用公式法求解,那么必须满足的条件是()A.240p q -≥ B.240p q -≤ C.240p q -> D.240p q -<6.如图,在O 中,弦AB 的长为8,圆心O 到AB 的距离4OE =,则O 的半径长为()A.4B. C.5D.7.如图,一次函数y ax b =+与反比例函数(0)ky k x=>的图象交于点(1,2)A ,(,1)B m -.则关于x 的不等式kax b x+>的解集是()A.2x <-或01x <<B.1x <-或02x <<C.20x -<<或1x > D.10x -<<或2x >8.若图中的双曲线解析式均为6y x=,则阴影面积为12的是()A. B. C. D.9.如图,已知点(1,0)A -,(0,2)B ,A 与A '关于y 轴对称,连结A B ',现将线段A B '以A '点为中心顺时针旋转90︒得A B '',点B 的对应点B '的坐标为()A.(3,1)B.(2,1)C.(4,1)D.(3,2)10.已知O 的半径为2,点P 是O 内一点,且OP =,过P 作互相垂直的两条弦AC 、BD ,则四边形ABCD 面积的最大值为()A.4B.5C.6D.7二、填空题(每小题4分,共24分)11.若圆锥的底面半径是2,母线长为3,则这个圆锥的侧面积是______.12.已知反比例函数4y x=,当2y <时,自变量x 的取值范围是______.13.已知点()12,A y -,()21,B y ,()33,C y 在反比例函数3y x-=的图象上,则1y ,2y ,3y 的大小关系是______.(用<号连接)14.已知O 的半径为2,弦AB =,弦AC =BOC ∠的度数为______.15.某医药研究所开发一种新药,成年人按规定的剂量服用,服药后每毫升血液中的含药量y (亳克)与时间t (时)之间的函数关系近似满足如图所示曲线,当每毫升血液中的含药量不少于0.8毫克时治疗有效,则服药后治疗疾病的有效时间为______小时.16.设O 为坐标原点,点A 、B 为抛物线22y x =上的两个动点,且OA OB ⊥.连接点A 、B ,过O 作OC AB ⊥于点C ,则点C 到y 轴距离的最大值为______.三、解答题(本题共9小题,共86分)17.用配方法解方程:22630x x --=.18.如图,在ABC △中,点D ,E 分别是边AB ,AC 上的点,180BDE C ︒∠+∠=.求证:ADE ACB △∽△.19.已知122y y y =+,1y 与(2)x -成正比例,2y 与x 成反比例,且当1x =时,1y =-;当2x =时,3y =.求y 关于x 的函数解析式;20.如图,四边形ABCD 的四个顶点都在O 上,其中AB CD =,DB 平分ADC ∠,连接OC ,且OC BD ⊥.若5CD =,8BD =,求O 的半径.21.如图,一次函数3y x =+的图象与反比例函数ky x=的图象交于点(1,)A m ,与x 轴交于点B ,与y 轴交于点C .(1)求反比例函数的龙达式;(2)已知点P 为反比例函数ky x=图象第一象限上一点,2OBP OAC S S =△△,求点P 的坐标.22.如图,点E 在边长为4a 正方形ABCD 中边BC 上一点,CE a =.(1)请用直尺与圆规在CD 边上画一点F ,使得DFA CEF FEA △∽△∽△(保留作图痕迹、不写作法);(2)根据图中F 点的位置,证明(1)中结论成立.23.已知抛物线22222y x mx m m =-++-,直线1l :y x m =+,直线2l :y x m b =++(1)当0m =时,若直线2l 经过此拋物线的顶点,求b 的值(2)将此拋物线夹在1l 与2l 之间的部分(含交点)图象记为C ,若302b -<<,判断此拋物线的顶点是否在图象C 上,并说明理由;24.如图,已知ABC △内接于O ,AB 是直径,点D 在O 上,//OD BC ,过点D 作DE AB ⊥,垂足为E ,连接CD 交OE 边于点F.(1)求证:DOE ABC △∽△;(2)求证:ODF BDE ∠=∠;(3)连接OC ,设DOE △的面积为1S ,四边形OCBD 的面积为2S ,若122 S S n=,求BCAB (含n ).25.某景区正在修建一条到主景点的步行道改步行道两侧的游客休息区、沿途小观景点等附属设施.把步行道的入口记为A ,步行道上某点P 到入口A 的道路长度记为l (单位:m ),把从入口A 处到P 处的步行道面积与此段步行道两侧的所有附属设施的占地面积之和记为S (单位:2m ).设P 处的步行道宽度为x (单位:m ),根据景区对主景点的规划,步行道出口的宽度为2m.用矩形面积估计不规则图形的面积是一种比较有效的方法。











下列说法错误的是A.一段时间后可观察到铁丝网生锈B.瓶内压强减小导致彩色水沿导管流入罐头瓶C.该实验可说明铁生锈同时需要氧气和水D.若改用食盐水浸湿铁丝网,则相同时间进入瓶中的水更多8.下列对比实验的设计不能达到相应实验目的的是A.A B.B C.C D.D9.“人造树叶”是一种新型材料。



福建省福州市台江区华伦中学2024年九上数学开学联考模拟试题题号一二三四五总分得分A 卷(100分)一、选择题(本大题共8个小题,每小题4分,共32分,每小题均有四个选项,其中只有一项符合题目要求)1、(4分)能判定四边形ABCD 是平行四边形的是()A .AD //BC ,AB =CD B .∠A =∠B ,∠C =∠D C .∠A =∠C ,∠B =∠D D .AB =AD ,CB =CD 2、(4分)某经销商销售一批多功能手表,第一个月以200元/块的价格售出80块,第二个月起降价,以150元/块的价格将这批手表全部售出,销售总额超过了2.7万元,则这批手表至少有()A .152块B .153块C .154块D .155块3、(4分)如图,矩形ABCD 的顶点A ,C 分别在直线a ,b 上,且a ∥b ,∠1=50°,则∠2的度数为()A .30°B .40°C .50°D .60°4、(4分)()A .B C D .5、(4分)货车行驶25千米与小车行驶35千米所用时间相同,已知小车每小时比货车多行驶20千米,求两车的速度各为多少?设货车的速度为x 千米/小时,依题意列方程正确的是()A .253520x x =-B .253520x x =-C .253520x x =+D .253520x x=+6、(4分)甲,乙,丙,丁四人进行射击测试,记录每人10次射击成情,得到各人的射击成绩方差如表中所示,则成绩最稳定的是()统计量甲乙丙丁方差0.600.620.500.44A .甲B .乙C .丙D .丁7、(4分)设max{a ,b }表示a ,b 两个数中的最大值,例如max{0,2}=2,max{12,8}=12,则关于x 的函数y =max{2x ,x +2}可以是()A .()2(2)22x x y x x +<⎧=≥⎨⎩B .()2(2)22x x y x x <⎧=+≥⎨⎩C .2y x =D .2y x =+8、(4分)在平面直角坐标系中,点P (﹣3,2)在()A .第一象限B .第二象限C .第三象限D .第四象限二、填空题(本大题共5个小题,每小题4分,共20分)9、(4分)化简a b b a a b +--的结果是______10、(4分)某大学自主招生考试只考数学和物理,计算综合得分时,按数学占60%,物理点40%计算.已知孔明数学得分为95分,综合得分为93分,那么孔明物理得分是__________分.11、(4分)当x =__________时,代数式223x x -+取得最小值.12、(4分)已知菱形ABCD 的对角线AC=10,BD=24,则菱形ABCD 的面积为__________。








Ⅰ. 单项选择1、Life is full of ups and downs, and without the downs, the ups will meanA.something B.everything C.anything D.nothing2、---Would you mind showing me how to open micro-blog?---Sure.It’s a piece of cake.Do it.A.in the way B.in this way C.by the way D.on the way3、— Who did it better, Bill or Henry?— I think Bill did just _______ Henry.A.as well as B.as good asC.as better as D.more badly than4、—I have passed my driving test.—_________ So you are going to buy a car.A.Y ou did! B.Good idea! C.That’s OK.D.I’m glad t o hear that.5、—Ann, do you know what happened to Mike?—He fell down when he _______ the school bus this morning.A.went off B.turned off C.took off D.got off6、— There is a lot of wind in North China.— Well, more trees ________ every year to stop the wind.A.must be planted B.can plantC.should planted D.must been planted7、-Many boy students think math is ______ English.-I agree. I’m weak in English.A.much difficult than B.so difficult asC.less difficult than D.more difficult than8、---If your parents wanted to have a ______ child, would you agree?---Of course. But they should make it in _____ yeas’ time.A.second; second B.two; two C.second; two D.two;second9、—________ delicious cakes your mother made for us!—I am glad that you enjoyed them.A.How B.What C.How a D.What a10、— Mike, ______ you answer this question?—Of course I can. It’s so easy.A.can B.may C.must D.needⅡ. 完形填空11、Riding a Mobike on the street, you might hear some people speaking Chinese aloud. Turning to the right, you see a Sichuan-style restaurant. After walking into a store, you see that Huawei smart phones are 1 . But you' re not in China--you' re in Manchester in Britain. In fact, you might see 2 things in many other cities. Chinese products have been 3 worldwide.Chinese food has been enjoyed in Western countries for a long time. To 4 local people's tastes, Chinese restaurants have made some changes to the 5 .Unlike Chinese, Australian people don't like to eat meat with the bone 6 so Chinese restaurants there provide big pieces of meat without bones, 7 for fish.Some Chinese brands are also becoming more 8 . In many cities in Europe, stores sell TCL televisions, Haier fridges and LenOvo computer. And more than half of US-owned drones (无人机)are Chinese models. They're not simply made in China, but designed and developed in the 9 . In the past, most Western people thought Chinese products were cheap and not dependable. But now, things have changed greatly. “Made in China" becomes cool.More and more people 10 Chinese brands.1.A.for fun B.at work C.on sale2.A.similar B.common C.unusual3.A.stored B.received C.accepted4.A.copy B.meet C.spread5.A.kitchens B.services C.dishes6.A.up B.in C.on7.A.even B.still C.just8.A.practical B.traditional C.popular9.A.country B.field C.town10.A.sell B.trust C.improveⅢ. 语法填空12、In one’s life, one usually has little understanding of oneself. When you succeed, you may be very proud. When you 1., you may lose heart. If you don’t get a thorough understanding of yourself, you may miss lots of 2.(chance) in life.To get a thorough understanding of yourself is to know well 3.yourself. Y ou may know your strong points and weak 4.(one). You may hope for a wonderful future, but be sure not to expect too much because not all dreams can 5.(realize). You may be confident enough to meet challenges, but first you should know what to do.To get a thorough understanding of yourself, you should have a real sense of self-appreciation. Maybe you think you are not a tall tree 6.just small grass, as long as you get full confidence, you are sure to face any trouble.To get a thorough understanding of yourself also 7.to look after yourself. When you are angry, find a quiet place so that you won’t be hurt. When you are sad, tell your friends about it to 8.the mood into a good one. When you are tired, get a good sleep. If you don’t take good care of yourself, you won’t be able to stay away from 9.(ill).So if you get a thorough understanding of yourself, you 10.(get) a full control of yourself and find your life full of color.Ⅳ. 阅读理解A13、Libraries give kids a quiet and safe place to read and learn. For over 100 years, libraries have played an important role in Americans’ education. But how are these book-filled buildings changing with the times? You may be surprised to find out.Benjamin Franklin famously founded America’s first lending library in 1731. But the public library system got its biggest development in the American history in the lat e 1800’s. Businessman Andrew Carnegie donated millions of dollars to help build free public libraries across the country. Between 1886 and 1919, Carnegie’s donations helped build 1,679 new libraries.Carnegie believed that libraries could offer the chances to Americans, young and old. He knew that the more libraries there were, the more people would have opportunities to read and use books, speeches and news.If you can easily find a public library in your community, you’ll get more chances. After all, the United States has 9,225 public libraries. Today, libraries keep growing. Seven tenths of the libraries have free Internet. It provides much more information and opportunities to ask for jobs online.Libraries are also teaching kids about the fun of reading. The new program Read! Build! Play! adds reading into playtime. As kids listen to a book that is being read aloud, they use Legos (乐高积木) to build images(图像)from the story happily. Today’s libraries are always looking for creative programs to bring people into the library.Benjamin Franklin once said, “The doors of wisdom are never shut.” As long as the doors of public libraries are open, what he said is most certainly correct!1.How many public libraries have free Internet in the US now?A.2767. B.6458. C.9225. D.1679.2.What is the right order of the following statements?①The public library system in America developed fast.②The first lending library was founded.③Libraries provide information and chances to ask for job online.④Libraries try to bring people into the library by using creative programs.A.②①③④B.②③④①C.③④①②D.①②③④3.What does the last paragraph mainly tells us?A.Libraries have played an important role in Americans’ education.B.Public libraries in the US should never close the doors.C.The writer doesn’t agree with Benjamin Franklin.D.Libraries help people to open the doors of wisdom.4.What would be the best title for the passage?A.The Libraries in the WorldB.Libraries And OpportunitiesC.Libraries Teach Kids to Read And LearnD.The Development of the American LibrariesB14、The idea for the book Harry Potter and the philosopher’s Stone came to Joanne Kathleen Rowling in 1990. It took her seven years to finish writing it. During those seven years she had a number of jobs, including one job as an English teacher in Portugal.Rowling sent the book to four publishers before one of them bought it. She was very happy to sell her book because it was her life’s dream to be a published writer. Before she sold her book, Rowling w as short of money, living in a small apartment with her daughter. She could not afford heat in the winter.Harry Potter became very successful with children and adults in England. The book also really took off in the United States. After her second and third books were published, the three Harry Potter books filled the top three places on many newspapers’ lists of best-sellers. Then the books were made into popular movies. Without question, Rowling’s life had completely changed, in just three years.Harry Potter has now sold more than 30 million books around the world and has been translated into more than thirty-five languages. In 1997, she earned £70 (about US$110) a week. By the end of 2001, she had earned over £150 million ($250 million), making her one of the most successful female writers of all time.1.Rowling’s dream was .A.to be a book seller B.to make a movieC.to have her books published D.to be an English teacher2.Which sentence is TRUE about the first Harry Potter book?A.Four publishers bought it. B.It took the writer many years to finish it.C.It was first published in Portugal. D.Rowling got the idea from her daughter.3.Harry Potter has been translated into languages.A.about 50 B.more than 35 C.about 70 D.more than 1504.This reading is about .A.the writer’s life B.Harry Potter’s lifeC.how the book became a movie D.why Harry Potter is popularC15、How fit are your teeth? Are you lazy about brushing them? We brush our teeth every day but few people know how well we're brushing. Today, a French company has introduced an electric toothbrush, which can work wirelessly(无线地)with a smartphone. It's called the Kolibree toothbrush. It has different models, and will cost from$99 to$200 .The US is the first target market.Users download an app and connect via Bluetooth, and the Kolibree will record: 1 .the time you spent brushing teeth. 2.whether all areas of your mouth are reached.3 .whether you brush up and down instead of just side to side. Then it will send the information to a mobile phone via Bluetooth, telling you whether you have brushed in a proper way. The Kolibree records your progress and scores your brushing way to help you improve brushing habits. It's kind of like having a private dentist actually watch your brushing on a day-to-day basis.The toothbrush can also talk to other apps on your phone, so developers could create a game controlled by your toothbrush. When you brush your teeth, you can score your points for beating the monsters in your teeth. That's really very interesting. The Kolibree toothbrush is created to be smart but also fun.The Kolibree toothbrush was invented by Thomas Serval. He says the idea of inventing it came from his experience as a father. He would come home from work and ask his kids if they had brushed their teeth. They always answered "yes", but Thomas used to find their toothbrush heads dry. He decided that a kind of brush was needed to tell him how well they brushed their teeth.Thomas says that one day, it'll be possible to use a brushing unit with a camera. The camera can even examine holes in your teeth while you brush.1.The Kolibree toothbrush was invented by_ .A.a French companyB.Thomas ServalC.Thomas Serval's father2.How much is the Kolibree toothbrush?A.From$99 to$200.B.From$90 to$200.C.From$20 to$900.3.What can the Kolibree toothbrush do?A.It can record how often you brush your teeth.B.It can tell you what time you should brush your teeth.C.It can score your brushing way.4.What's the reason for inventing the Kolibree toothbrush?A.Its inventor was interested in toothbrushes.B.The toothbrush heads were too dry.C.Its inventor wanted to know whether the kids brushed their teeth.5.What will the Kolibree toothbrush probably be like in the future?A.The Kolibree toothbrush will be able to talk to other apps.B.There will be a game controlled by the Kolibree toothbrush.C.A camera will be installed(安装)in the Kolibree toothbrush.D16、February4,2017 must be an important day for Yao Ming.His No.11 jersey(球衣)was officially retired(退休)on that day.It means no players in Houston Rockets will wear the number in any future basketball competition.Retiring a jersey is a special way to praise a player’s performance.It has been a great honor for Yao Ming,one of the China’sbest-known athletes.Yao Ming,who was born in Shanghai in 1980,started playing for Shanghai Sharks as a teenager.In2002,Yao was chosen to play for Houston Rockets of the NBA.So he went to the United States and made his career(事业)take off until he retired in 2011. He was chosen to start for the Western Conference in the NBA All-Star Game eight times. After the retirement,Yao Ming was also elected(选举)to the Hall of Fame.Dary1 Morey.the Rocket general manager,thinks highly of Yao Ming.“Yao had a sense of humor, a great attitude and sense of responsibility.I hope we can continue his culture in the NBA.”In 2011,the foot and leg disease made him put an end to his basketball career.When Y ao decided to end his career as a basketball player,he said,“I’ve been thinking about my future over and over again.It’s miserable that I can’t go onplaying basketball ,but one door is closing and another is opening.”Yao was right.Life is full of surprises.He was chosen an the chairman of Chinese Basketball Association(CBA).We all believe Yao Ming will make greater achievement in the future.1.Which of the following is True about Dary1 Morey?A.He is Yao Ming’s coach in the Rocket.B.He speaks highly of Yao Ming.C.He plays basketball with Yao Ming in the NBA,too.D.He is a big fan of NBA.2.The underlined world“miserable”means .A.wonderful B.peaceful C.painful D.thankful3.Yao Ming retired at the age of .A.29 B.31 C.33 D.35E17、Languages are always changing.As time goes by,some new words are created and becoming more and more popular.Search on Baidu,and you can find some hot net words in China today.“Tuhao”,a Chinese word,which originally meant a rich and powerful person or family in a certain town or area,nowadays,has become a general term used by people to describe those who look really rich,and especially those who live beyond their means.The term“dama”is almost the same as“big mama’in Chinese.referring to those middle-aged Chinese women who crazily bought gold in jewelry shops in HK.“Wo huodai”is short for a sentence meaning“My little friends and I are shocked.”Its actual roots lie in an article written by a pupil.The school student said his little friends and he were shocked after finding out where the Chinese rice dumpling originated from.Since then,the sentence is often used to describe people’s shock after discovering a new o r hot fact.“Male woman”refers to a boyish girl or a woman with strong body or strong mind.In August 2013,one Russian beauty’s photos got great popularity online.The woman has a very pretty face and an extremely strong body.“Buming jueli”,a Chinese term,i s short for a sentence which means “I don’t quite get it,but I think you are reallyterrific.”Suppose Stephen Hawking gave us a speech on the origin of the universe.although I didn’t understand it,I still felt it was wonderful.This four-word Chinese term“Leijue buai”is short for an expression meaning “being too tired to love.”The year 2013 saw many period dramas appear on Chinese TV screens and some of them were very long.People loved them at thebeginning,but then became too confused and tired to keep up with.This term described viewers’feelings towards those TV shows.The term also refers to one’s fading love for another.“Renjian buchai’’stands for the phrase“Life is so hard.Don’t hurt me with the truth.”This sentence originally comes from Taiwan singer L in Youjia’s song“Lei.”Now it is used to describe that one can not face a hard truth.1.(小题1)How many net words does this passage mention?A.6 B.7 C.8 D.92.(小题2)Miss Zhang is a pretty woman,but she can do lots of things usually for men,we can call her a _______.A.dama B.tuhaoC.female man D.male woman3.(小题3)The Chinese meaning of the underlined word“terrific”in this passage is probably _______.A.极好的B.可怕的C.糟糕的D.可以理解的4.(小题4)Which is the following NOT true according to the passage?A.If my classmate Tom buys an iphone 5s,he can be called Tuhao.B.Renjian buchai comes from an article written by a pupil.C.The long boring soap opera made me feel“Leijue buai”.D.If the top one student Tina failed the English exam,“wo huodai” could describe her classmates’ feeling.F18、The more you travel, the more you want to. Here are the top five places I want to travel to in 2015.India I’ve wanted to go to India for years. I am crazy about the Taj Mahal. My family are going there in October, so I finally get a chance to visit my dream place.Greece I’d like to go to Greece in summer to enjoy white beaches, white houses, tasty food and delicious wine. For years Greece has been popular with people who look for a cheap holiday.ChinaI want to go to China because it has a long and rich history. I would like to visitthe Great Wall and the Forbidden City. I’m going to the Museum of TerracottaWarriors and Horses.ScotlandI’ve visited it a few times. In 2015 I’d like to visit the country side there. Thepeople in Scotland are always so much fun.The Maldives As a lover of scuba-diving and fresh seafood, I hope 2015 will be my year to visit the Maldives. White beaches and wooden houses, I am coming.1.Where has the writer been several times?A.China. B.Greece.C.Scotland. D.The Maldives.2.Which of the following is true according to the passage?A.The writer wants to dive in the Maldives.B.The world’s largest palace is in Greece.C.The writer will visit the central part of Scotland.D.The writer became interested in India two years ago.Ⅴ.书面表达19、书面表达(15分)前一段时间,我国一些学校相继出现了甲型H1N1流感疫情。













2025届福建省福州市华伦中学数学九上开学复习检测试题题号一二三四五总分得分A 卷(100分)一、选择题(本大题共8个小题,每小题4分,共32分,每小题均有四个选项,其中只有一项符合题目要求)1、(4分)一个六边形ABCDEF 纸片上剪去一个角∠BGD 后,得到∠1+∠2+∠3+∠4+∠5=430°,则∠BGD=()A .60°B .70°C .80°D .90°2、(4分)如图,在ABC ∆中,D 是BC 边的中点,AE 是BAC ∠的角平分线,AE CE ⊥于点E ,连接DE ,若7AB =,1DE =,则AC 的长度是()A .5B .4C .3D .23、(4分)下列是最简二次根式的是()A .BCD .4、(4分)下列函数图象不可能是一次函数y =ax ﹣(a ﹣2)图象的是()A .B .C .D .5、(4分)如图是九(1)班45名同学每周课外阅读时间的频数直方图(每组含前一个边界值,不含后一个边界值).由图可知,人数最多的一组是()A .2~4小时B .4~6小时C .6~8小时D .8~10小时6、(4分)若x y >,则下列不等式成立的是()A .55x y +>+B .1155x y <C .88x y ->-D .1010x y ->+7、(4分)如图,CE ,BF 分别是△ABC 的高线,连接EF ,EF=6,BC=10,D 、G 分别是EF 、BC 的中点,则DG 的长为()A .6B .5C .4D .38、(4分)某服装制造厂要在开学前赶制3000套校服,为了尽快完成任务,厂领导合理调配加强第一线人力,使每天完成的校服比原计划多20%,结果提前4天完成任务,问:原计划每天能完成多少套校服?设原来每天完成校服x 套,则可列出方程()A .300030004(120%)x x +=+B .30003000420%x x -=+C .300030004(120%)x x =++D .300030004(120%)x x-=+二、填空题(本大题共5个小题,每小题4分,共20分)9、(4分)因式分解:224a a -=___.10、(4分)如果一组数据的方差为9,那么这组数据的标准差是________.11、(4分)如图,正方形ABCD 和正方形CEFG 中,点D 在CG 上,BC=1,CE=3,H 是AF 的中点,那么CH 的长是______.12、(4分)若分式33x x -+的值为0,则x 的值为_________;13、(4分)已知2m ﹣2n =16,m +n =8,则m ﹣n =________.三、解答题(本大题共5个小题,共48分)14、(12分)某商店在销售中发现:某品牌童装平均每天可售出20件,每件盈利40元.商场决定采取适当的降价措施,扩大销售量,增加盈利,尽量减少库存.经市场调查发现:如果每件童装每降价4元,那么平均每天就可多售出8件.如果要盈利1200元,那每件降价多少元?15、(8分)如图,一次函数y =kx +b 的图象经过点A (8,0),直线y =-3x +6与x 轴交于点B ,与y 轴交于点D ,且两直线交于点C (4,m ).(1)求m 的值及一次函数的解析式;(2)求△ACD 的面积.16、(8分)如图,E 是矩形ABCD 的边BC 延长线上的一点,连接AE ,交CD 于F ,把ABE ∆沿CB 向左平移,使点E 与点C 重合,ADF CBG ∆≅∆吗?请说明理由.17、(10分)如图,在平行四边形ABCD 中,过AC 中点O 作直线,分别交AD 、BC 于点E 、F .求证:△AOE ≌△COF .18、(10分)某校八年级在一次广播操比赛中,三个班的各项得分如下表:服装统一动作整齐动作准确八(1)班808487八(2)班977880八(3)班907885(1)填空:根据表中提供的信息,在服装统一方面,三个班得分的平均数是_________;在动作准确方面最有优势的是_________班(2)如果服装统一、动作整齐、动作准确三个方面按20%、30%、50%的比例计算各班的得分,请通过计算说明哪个班的得分最高.B 卷(50分)一、填空题(本大题共5个小题,每小题4分,共20分)19、(4分)若30a b ab +-=,则11a b +=____.20、(4分)如图,OABC 是一张放在平面直角坐标系中的矩形纸片,O 为原点,点A 在x 轴的正半轴上,点C 在y 轴的正半轴上,OA=10,OC=8,在OC 边上取一点D ,将纸片沿AD 翻折,使点O 落在BC 边上的点E 处,则D 点的坐标是.21、(4分)如图,在菱形ABCD 中,1AB =,120ADC =∠︒,以AC 为边作菱形11ACC D ,且11120AD C ∠=︒;再以1AC 为边作菱形122AC C D ,且22120AD C ∠=︒;.……;按此规律,菱形201820192019AC C D 的面积为______.22、(4分)如图,将直线y x =-沿y 轴向下平移后的直线恰好经过点(2,4)A -,且与y 轴交于点B ,在x 轴上存在一点P 使得PA PB +的值最小,则点P 的坐标为.23、(4分)如图,已知四边形ABCD 是平行四边形,将边AD 绕点D 逆时针旋转60°得到DE ,线段DE 交边BC 于点F ,连接BE .若∠C+∠E =150°,BE =2,CD =,则线段BC 的长为_____.二、解答题(本大题共3个小题,共30分)24、(8分)先化简再求值:(11x x x --)÷22x x x -+,其中x =11.25、(10分)已知∆ABC 为等边三角形,点D 、E 分别在直线AB 、BC 上,且AD =BE .(1)如图1,若点D 、E 分别是AB 、CB 边上的点,连接AE 、CD 交于点F ,过点E 作∠AEG =60°,使EG=AE ,连接GD ,则∠AFD =(填度数);(2)在(1)的条件下,猜想DG 与CE 存在什么关系,并证明;(3)如图2,若点D 、E 分别是BA 、CB 延长线上的点,(2)中结论是否仍然成立?请给出判断并证明.26、(12分)目前节能灯在城市已基本普及,今年山东省面向县级及农村地区推广,为响应号召,某商场计划购进甲,乙两种节能灯共1200只,这两种节能灯的进价、售价如下表:进价(元/只)售价(元/只)甲型2530乙型4560(1)如何进货,进货款恰好为46000元?(2)设商场购进甲种节能灯x 只,求出商场销售完节能灯时总利润w 与购进甲种节能灯x 之间的函数关系式;(3)如何进货,商场销售完节能灯时获利最多且不超过进货价的30%,此时利润为多少元?参考答案与详细解析一、选择题(本大题共8个小题,每小题4分,共32分,每小题均有四个选项,其中只有一项符合题目要求)1、B 【解析】∵六边形ABCDEF 的内角和为:180°×(6-2)=720°,且∠1+∠2+∠3+∠4+∠5=430°,∴∠GBC+∠C+∠CDG=720°-430°=290°,∴∠G=360°-(∠GBC+∠C+∠CDG )=70°,故选B .2、A 【解析】延长CE ,交AB 于点F ,通过ASA 证明△EAF ≌△EAC ,根据全等三角形的性质得到AF=AC ,EF=EC ,根据三角形中位线定理得出BF=1,即可得出结果.【详解】解:延长CE ,交AB 于点F .∵AE 平分∠BAC ,AE ⊥CE ,∴∠EAF=∠EAC ,∠AEF=∠AEC ,在△EAF 与△EAC 中,EAF EAC AE AE AEF AEC∠=∠⎧⎪=⎨⎪∠=∠⎩∴△EAF ≌△EAC (ASA ),∴AF=AC ,EF=EC ,又∵D 是BC 中点,∴BD=CD ,∴DE 是△BCF 的中位线,∴BF=1DE=1.∴AC=AF=AB-BF=7-1=5;故选A .此题考查的是三角形中位线定理、全等三角形的判定与性质等知识;熟练掌握三角形中位线定理,证明三角形全等是解题的关键.3、B 【解析】直接利用二次根式的性质分别化简即可得出答案.【详解】A =,故不是最简二次根式,故此选项错误;B 、是最简二次根式,符合题意;C 、2=,故不是最简二次根式,故此选项错误;D 153=,故不是最简二次根式,故此选项错误;故选:B .此题主要考查了最简二次根式,正确化简二次根式是解题关键.4、B 【解析】A :a >0且-(a -2)>0,即0<a <2,可能;B :a <0且-(a -2)<0,a 无解,不可能;C :a <0且-(a -2)>0,即a <0,可能;D :a >0且-(a -2)<0,即a >2,可能;故选B.点睛:本题关键在于根据图像判断出参数的范围.5、B【解析】试题分析:根据条形统计图可以得到哪一组的人数最多,从而可以解答本题.由条形统计图可得,人数最多的一组是4~6小时,频数为22,考点:频数(率)分布直方图6、A 【解析】根据不等式的基本性质逐一判断即可.【详解】A .将已知不等式的两边同时加上5,得55x y +>+,故本选项符合题意;B .将已知不等式的两边同时乘15,得1155x y >,故本选项不符合题意;C .将已知不等式的两边同时乘()8-,得88x y -<-,故本选项不符合题意;D .x y >不能得出1010x y ->+,故本选项不符合题意.故选A .此题考查的是不等式的变形,掌握不等式的基本性质是解决此题的关键.7、C 【解析】连接EG 、FG ,根据斜边中线长为斜边一半的性质即可求得EG =FG =12BC ,因为D 是EF 中点,根据等腰三角形三线合一的性质可得GD ⊥EF ,再根据勾股定理即可得出答案.【详解】解:连接EG 、FG ,EG 、FG 分别为直角△BCE 、直角△BCF 的斜边中线,∵直角三角形斜边中线长等于斜边长的一半∴EG =FG =12BC=12×10=5,∵D 为EF 中点∴GD ⊥EF ,即∠EDG =90°,又∵D 是EF 的中点,∴116322DE EF ==⨯=,在Rt EDG ∆中,4DG ===,故选C.本题考查了直角三角形中斜边上中线等于斜边的一半的性质、勾股定理以及等腰三角形三线合一的性质,本题中根据等腰三角形三线合一的性质求得GD ⊥EF 是解题的关键.8、C 【解析】由实际每天完成的校服比原计划多20%得到实际每天完成校服x (1+20%)套,再根据提前4天完成任务即可列出方程.【详解】∵原来每天完成校服x 套,实际每天完成的校服比原计划多20%,∴实际每天完成校服x (1+20%)套,由题意得300030004(120%)x x =++,故选:C .此题考查分式方程的实际应用,正确理解题意是解题的关键.二、填空题(本大题共5个小题,每小题4分,共20分)9、2a (a-2)【解析】2242(2)-=-a a a a 10、3【解析】求出9的算术平方根即可.【详解】∵S ²=9,,故答案为3本题考查的是标准差的计算,计算标准差需要先知道方差,标准差即方差的算术平方根.【解析】根据正方形的性质求出AB =BC =1,CE =EF =3,∠E =90°,延长AD 交EF 于M ,连接AC 、CF ,求出AM =4,FM =2,∠AMF =90°,根据正方形性质求出∠ACF =90°,根据直角三角形斜边上的中线性质求出CH 12=AF .在Rt △AMF 中,根据勾股定理求出AF 即可.【详解】∵正方形ABCD 和正方形CEFG 中,点D 在CG 上,BC =1,CE =3,∴AB =BC =1,CE =EF =3,∠E =90°,延长AD 交EF 于M .连接AC 、CF ,则AM =BC +CE =1+3=4,FM =EF ﹣AB =3﹣1=2,∠AMF =90°.∵四边形ABCD 和四边形GCEF 是正方形,∴∠ACD =∠GCF =45°,∴∠ACF =90°.∵H 为AF 的中点,∴CH 12=AF .在Rt △AMF 中,由勾股定理得:AF ===,∴CH =.本题考查了勾股定理,正方形的性质,直角三角形斜边上的中线的应用,解答此题的关键是能正确作出辅助线,并求出AF 的长和得出CH 12=AF ,有一定的难度.12、3【解析】根据分式的值为0,分子为0,分母不为0,可得x -3=0且x +3≠0,即可得x =3.故答案为:x =3.13、2【解析】根据平方差公式即可得出答案.∵()()2216m n m n m n -=+-=,8m n +=∴16=28m n -=故答案为2.本题考查的是平方差公式,熟知平方差公式是解题的关键.三、解答题(本大题共5个小题,共48分)14、每件童装应降价1元.【解析】设每件童装应降价x 元,原来平均每天可售出1件,每件盈利40元,后来每件童装降价4元,那么平均每天就可多售出8件.要想平均每天销售这种童装上盈利110元,由此即可列出方程(40-x )(1+2x )=110,解方程就可以求出应降价多少元.【详解】如果每件童装降价4元,那么平均每天就可多售出8件,则每降价1元,多售2件,设降价x 元,则多售2x 件.设每件童装应降价x 元,依题意得(40-x )(1+2x )=110,整理得x 2-30x+10=0,解之得x 1=10,x 2=1,因要减少库存,故x=1.答:每件童装应降价1元.首先找到关键描述语,找到等量关系,然后准确的列出方程是解决问题的关键.最后要判断所求的解是否符合题意,舍去不合题意的解.15、(1)一次函数的解析式为y=32x-12(2)36【解析】分析:(1)先把点C (4,m )代入y=-3x+6得求得m=-6,然后利用待定系数法确定一次函数的解析式;(2)先确定直线y=-3x+6与x 轴的交点坐标,然后利用S△ACD =S △ABD +S △ABC 进行计算.(1)∵y=-3x+6经过点C (4,m)∴m=-6.点C的坐标为(4,-6)又∵y=kx+b过点A(8,0)和C(4,-6),所以8046k bk b+=⎧⎨+=-⎩,解得3212kb⎧=⎪⎨⎪=-⎩∴一次函数的解析式为y=32x-12;(2)∵y=-3x+6与y轴交于点D,与x轴交于点B,∴D点的坐标为(0,6),点B的坐标为(2,0),过点C作CH⊥AB于H,又∵点A(8,0),点C(4,-6)∴AB=8-2=6,OD=6,CH=6,ΔACDΔABDΔABC 1111s S S AB·OD AB·CH666636.2222=+=+=⨯⨯+⨯⨯=点睛:本题考查了两直线平行或相交的问题:直线y=k1x+b1(k1≠0)和直线y=k2x+b2(k2≠0)平行,则k1=k2,直线y=k1x+b1(k1≠0)和直线y=k2x+b2(k2≠0)相交,则交点满足两函数的解析式,也考查了待定系数法求一次函数的解析式.16、见解析【解析】根据平移的性质得到∠GCB=∠DAF,然后利用ASA证得两三角形全等即可.【详解】解:△ADF≌△CBG;理由:∵把△ABE沿CB向左平移,使点E与点C重合,∴∠GCB=∠E,∵四边形ABCD是矩形,∴∠E=∠DAF,∴∠GCB=∠DAF,在△ADF与△CBG中,90 D GBC GCB DAF BC AD ︒⎧∠=∠=⎪∠=∠⎨⎪=⎩,∴△ADF≌△CBG(ASA).本题考查了矩形的性质及全等三角形的判定等知识,解题的关键是了解矩形的性质与平移的性质,难度不大.17、见详解.【解析】根据平行四边形的性质可知:OA=OC,∠AEO=∠OFC,∠EAO=∠OCF,所以△AOE≌△COF 【详解】证明:∵四边形ABCD是平行四边形,∴AD∥BC∴∠EAO=∠FCO又∵∠AOE和∠COF是对顶角,∴∠AOE=∠COF∵O是AC的中点,∴OA=OC在△AOE和△COF中,EAO FCOOA OC AOE COF ∠=∠⎧⎪=⎨⎪∠=∠⎩∴△AOE≌△COF18、(1)89;八(1);(2)八(1)班得分最高.【解析】(1)用算术平均数的计算方法求得三个班的服装统一的平均数,找到动作准确的分数最高即可;(2)利用加权平均数分别计算三个班的得分后即可得解.【详解】解:(1)服装统一方面的平均分为:++8097903=89分;动作准确方面最有优势的是八(1)班;故答案为:89;八(1);(2)∵八(1)班的平均分为:8020%8430%8750%⨯+⨯+⨯=84.7分;八(2)班的平均分为:9720%7830%8050%⨯+⨯+⨯=82.8分;八(3)班的平均分为:9020%7830%8550%⨯+⨯+⨯=83.9分;∴得分最高的是八(1)班.本题考查了平均数和加权平均数的计算.要注意,当所给数据有单位时,所求得的平均数与原数据的单位相同,不要漏单位.一、填空题(本大题共5个小题,每小题4分,共20分)19、1【解析】由a+b-1ab=0得a+b 11333a b ab ab a b ab ab +=+===,.【详解】解:由a+b-1ab=0得a+b=1ab ,113a b ab a b ab ab ++===1,故答案为1.本题考查了分式的化简求值,熟练运用分式的混合运算法则是解题的关键.20、(0,5)【解析】试题分析:先由矩形的性质得到AB=OC=8,BC=OA=10,再根据折叠的性质得AE=AO=10,DE=DO ,在Rt △ABE 中,利用勾股定理可计算出BE=6,则CE=BC ﹣BE=4,设OD=x ,则DE=x ,DC=8﹣x ,在Rt △CDE 中根据勾股定理有x 2=(8﹣x )2+42,解方程求出x ,即可确定D 点坐标.解:∵四边形ABCD 为矩形,∴AB=OC=8,BC=OA=10,∵纸片沿AD 翻折,使点O 落在BC 边上的点E 处,∴AE=AO=10,DE=DO ,在Rt △ABE 中,AB=8,AE=10,∴BE=6,∴CE=BC ﹣BE=4,设OD=x ,则DE=x ,DC=8﹣x ,在Rt △CDE 中,∵DE 2=CD 2+CE 2,∴x 2=(8﹣x )2+42,∴x=5,∴D 点坐标为(0,5).故答案为(0,5).21、40192或201932⨯.【解析】根据题意求出每个菱形的边长以及面积,从中找出规律.【详解】解:当菱形的边长为a ,其中一个内角为120°时,其菱形面积为:2a 2,当AB=1,易求得ABCD 的面积为:2=2×1,当时,易求得AC 1=3,此时菱形面积ACC 1D 1的面积为:2=2×2,当AC 1=3时,易求得AC 2,此时菱形面积AC 1C 2D 2的面积为:932=32×4,……,由此规律可知:菱形AC 2018C 2019D 2019的面积为2×2×2019=201932⨯.,故答案为:40192或201932⨯.本题考查规律型,解题的关键是正确找出菱形面积之间的规律,本题属于中等题型.22、(23,0)【解析】如图所示,作点B 关于x 轴对称的点B',连接AB',交x 轴于P ,则点P 即为所求,【详解】解:设直线y=﹣x 沿y 轴向下平移后的直线解析式为y=﹣x+a ,把A (2,﹣4)代入可得,a=﹣2,∴平移后的直线为y=﹣x ﹣2,令x=0,则y=﹣2,即B (0,﹣2)∴B'(0,2),设直线AB'的解析式为y=kx+b ,把A (2,﹣4),B'(0,2)代入可得,422k b b -=+⎧⎨=⎩,解得32k b =-⎧⎨=⎩,∴直线AB'的解析式为y=﹣3x+2,令y=0,则x=23,∴P (23,0).23、【解析】过C 作CM ⊥DE 于M ,过E 作EN ⊥BC 于N ,根据平行四边形的性质得到BC ∥AD ,根据平行线的性质得到∠BFE=∠DFC=∠ADE ,根据旋转的性质得到∠BFE=∠DFC=∠ADE=60°,推出∠DCM=∠EBN ,根据相似三角形的性质得到CM=BN ,DM=EN ,得到FM=BN ,设FM=BN=x ,EN=y ,则DM=y ,x ,根据勾股定理即可得到结论.【详解】解:过C 作CM ⊥DE 于M ,过E 作EN ⊥BC 于N ,∵四边形ABCD 是平行四边形,∴BC ∥AD ,∴∠BFE =∠DFC =∠ADE ,∵将边AD 绕点D 逆时针旋转60°得到DE ,∴∠BFE =∠DFC =∠ADE =60°,∴∠FCM =∠FBN =30°,∵∠DCF+∠BEF =150°,∴∠DCM+∠BEN =90°,∵∠BEN+∠EBN =90°,∴∠DCM =∠EBN ,∴△DCM ∽△EBN ,∴CM DM CD BN EN BE ===2∴CM ,DM EN ,在Rt △CMF 中,CM ,∴FM =BN ,设FM =BN =x ,EN =y ,则DM y ,CM x ,∴CF =2x ,EF =3y ,∵BC =AD =DE ,y+x+3y =2x+33y+x ,∴x =233y ,∵x 2+y 2=4,∴y =2217,x =477,∴BC =,故答案为:.【点评】本题考查了平行四边形的性质,相似三角形的判定和性质,勾股定理,旋转的性质,正确的作出辅助线是解题的关键.二、解答题(本大题共3个小题,共30分)24、12﹣【解析】先计算括号内分式的减法、除法转化为乘法同时因式分解,再将x 的值代入计算可得.【详解】原式=2(1)12x x x x x x -+⋅=+-,当x =11﹣时,原式=11+1=12.本题主要考查分式的混合运算,解题的关键是熟练掌握分式混合运算顺序和运算法则.25、(1)∠AFD=60°(2)DG=CE ,DG//CE ;(3)详见解析【解析】(1)证明△ABE ≌△CAD(SAS),可得∠BAE=∠ACD ,继而根据等边三角形的内角为60度以及三角形外角的性质即可求得答案;(2)由(1)∠AFD=60°,根据∠AEG=60°,可得GE//CD ,继而根据GE=AE=CD ,可得四边形GECD 是平行四边形,根据平行四边形的性质即可得DG=CE ,DG//CE ;(3)延长EA 交CD 于点F ,先证明△ACD ≌△BAE ,根据全等三角形的性质可得∠ACD=∠BAE ,CD=AE ,继而根据三角形外角的性质可得到∠EFC=60°,从而得∠EFC=∠GEF ,得到GE//CD ,继而证明四边形GECD 是平行四边形,根据平行四边形的性质即可得到DG=CE ,DG//CE.【详解】(1)∵△ABC 是等边三角形,∴AB=AC ,∠BAC=∠ABC=60°,在△ABE 和△CAD 中,AB CA B CAD BE AD =⎧⎪∠=∠⎨⎪=⎩,∴△ABE ≌△CAD(SAS),∴∠BAE=∠ACD ,∵∠BAE+∠EAC=∠BAC=60°,∴∠ACD+∠EAC=60°,∴∠AFD=∠ACD+∠EAC=60°,故答案为60°;(2)DG=CE ,DG//CE ,理由如下:∵△ABC 是等边三角形,∴AB=AC ,∠BAC=∠ABC=60°,在△ABE 和△CAD 中,AB CA B CAD BE AD =⎧⎪∠=∠⎨⎪=⎩,∴△ABE ≌△CAD(SAS),∴AE=CD ,∠BAE=∠ACD ,∵∠BAE+∠EAC=∠BAC=60°,∴∠ACD+∠EAC=60°,∴∠AFD=∠ACD+∠EAC=60°,又∵∠AEG=60°,∴∠AFD=∠AEG ,∴GE//CD ,∵GE=AE=CD ,∴四边形GECD 是平行四边形,∴DG=CE ,DG//CE ;(3)仍然成立延长EA 交CD 于点F ,∵△ABC 为等边三角形,∴AC=AB ,∠BAC=∠ABC=60°,∴∠DAC=∠ABE=120°,在△ACD 和△BAE 中,DAC=ABE AC AB AD BE =⎧⎪∠∠⎨⎪=⎩,∴△ACD ≌△BAE(SAS),∴∠ACD=∠BAE ,CD=AE ,∴∠EFC=∠DAF+∠BDC=∠BAE +∠AEB=∠ABC=60°,∴∠EFC=∠GEF ,∴GE//CD ,∵GE=AE=CD ,∴四边形GECD 是平行四边形,∴DG=CE ,DG//CE.本题考查了等边三角形的性质,平行四边形的判定与性质,全等三角形的判定与性质,熟练掌握相关知识是解题的关键.注意数形结合思想的运用.26、(1)乙型节能灯为800;(2)=w 1018000x +-;(3)购进乙型节能灯750只时的最大利润为13500元.【解析】(1)设商场购进甲型节能灯x 只,则购进乙型节能灯(1200−x)只,根据两种节能灯的总价为46000元建立方程求出其解即可;(2)设商场应购进甲开型节能灯x 只,根据题意列出函数解析式即可;(3)根据(2)的结论解答即可.【详解】(1)设商场应购进甲型节能灯x 只,则乙型节能灯为(1200)x -只.根据题意得,2545120046000x x +-()=,解得400x =,所以乙型节能灯为:1200400800-=;(2)设商场应购进甲型节能灯x 只,商场销售完这批节能灯可获利w 元.根据题意得,30256045)1200w x x -+--=()(()51800015x x +-=1018000x +=-;(3)商场销售完节能灯时获利最多且不超过进货价的30%,10180002545120030%[]x x x ∴+≤+-⨯(),450x ∴≥.1018000100w x k +=,=<,w ∴随x 的增大而减小,450x ∴=时,w 最大13500=元.∴商场购进甲型节能灯450只,购进乙型节能灯750只时的最大利润为13500元.此题考查一次函数的应用,一元一次不等式的应用,解题关键在于列出方程.。


























Ⅰ. 单项选择1、----What did you think of our performance(表演) on the charity show?----Wonderful!I don’t think I can see a ______one.A.bad B.worse C.good D.better2、The sky in Zhengzhou these days is even , so we don’t have to wear the masks.A.more clearly B.more clearlier C.fresher D.more fresher3、—Remember to write the key words here.— ______.A.With pleasure B.That’s right C.Not at all D.Sure, I will4、They have been good friends_________ten years.A.for B.on C.about D.since5、—It’s said that shopping online is safe.—. You’d better be careful.A.I think so B.No problem C.That depends6、—What about the fire happened yesterday?—Not serious. Before the firemen came, it had been ______________ by the villagers.A.put away B.put up C.put on D.put out7、—How many letters have you got from your online friends since last year?—_______. We’re just chatting with each other when we’re free.A.Nothing B.None C.No D.No one8、Tony is my cousin. He is two years______ than me.A.old B.older C.oldest D.the oldest9、Young people today should develop the habit of thinking by .A.himself B.them C.themselves10、-- - My backpack __. --- Don't worry. Let's go to the Lost & Found.A.is missing B.has found C.is broken D.is forgetⅡ. 完形填空11、Crabs(螃蟹) are very interesting creatures. If you put several of them in a bucket, the moment one of them starts crawling out, the other crabs will pull him back down. So none of the crabs ever 1 in getting out. They just keep stopping each other from climbing higher than the rest of them. We humans are 2 more like crabs than we think.We try to get even with our enemies, and ahead of our 3 But we have to realize that "when we're green withenvy(嫉妒) , we're also ripe for problems".Whether we admit it or not, most of us want other people to be just a little less successful than we are. Friends are always 4 about your success, as long as you're not more successful than they are ! But one of the first secrets to success is not to compare your life with others. It's strange that many of us seem to know 5 to live everybody else's lives but our own. Even though what happens in someone else's life has 6 to do with ours.Successful people look at life through a telescope and see how great it can be, 7 jealous people look at life through a microscope and only see the faults and mistakes of others. Being jealous of others is just a slow way of suicide (自杀) that will 8 both your health and happiness.You have a special 9 and personality that no one else has. So use yours the best way possible. Stop comparing yourself with others. Birds don't 10 Pigs don't climb trees. And crabs don't fly. Enjoy your own natural abilities and develop your own style.1.A.succeeds B.arrives C.checks D.gives2.A.hardly B.perhaps C.nearly D.still3.A.classmates B.meighbours C.friends D.families4.A.worried B.happy C.serious D.mad5.A.where B.when C.what D.how6.A.something B.anything C.nothing D.everything7.A.and B.or C.so D.but8.A.kill B.protect C.separate D.improve9.A.ability B.mermory C.skill D.thought10.A.sing B.fly C.swim D.sleepⅢ. 语法填空12、Tyler was a troublesome student. He sat in the back row. Every time I called him to answer questions, he’d r1.with a flip(轻率的) answer. If he got it wrong, he would get very angry.Usually kids could sit q2.in class. However, Tyler was just loud. One day, Tyler was talking while I was teaching. I said to him, “Tyler, why not join in our discussion i3.of having one of your own?” He got up from his chair, pushed it over, and s4.something I can’t remember. I sent him to the office and he received a week’s out-of-school punishment.The week was a wonderful time for me, but when it came to an e5., I began to feel worried. So I came up with a plan. On the day of his r6., I told him I wanted to start over with him. If he felt like he was going to lose control(控制) in class, he could step o7.the door for a moment.From then on, Tyler was a changed s8.in my classroom. In fact he was a smart child and he even stopped a fight between two students one day. And he never used the privilege(特权) to leave the class for a moment. I believe that just letting him decide for h9.made all the difference.When the year was over, he wrote me a thank-you note about h10.good the year had been for him. I still have it today and find it very moving to reread when I get stressed(有压力的) about teaching.Ⅳ. 阅读理解A13、It was another day to jump rope in gym class. Lynn and Mike turned the long rope in big, slow circles. The whole class hurried to get in line to wait for their turn to jump. Millie stood at the back of the line and____.Nick went first. He watched the rope and ran in at just the right time. Everyone counted. He made it all the way to 30 jumps. One after another, the kids watched the ro pe, ran in and jumped. Then it was Millie’s turn. She watched the rope go around and around, but she didn’t move. She felt like everyone was looking at her.Millie’s friends cheered: “Go, Millie, go!”Millie’s face turned red. At last, she gave it a try, b ut she failed.The truth was that Millie had been jumping rope at home every day. With a short rope, she could jump 100 times without missing. She just didn’t know how to run in and start jumping with a long rope. Since she was the only kid on her street, there was no one to help turn the long rope.Just then, Ms. Miles, the gym teacher, brought out a bunch of short jump ropes.“Let’s see how long each one of you can jump without missing.” she said as she gave each student a short rope. “Ready, set. Go!”Millie smiled for the first time ever in gym class. As she jumped, she sang rhymes quickly to herself.After a while, Millie realized that everyone was cheering. “Go. Millie, go!”She was the only one still jumping rope! The surprise almost made her miss a step, but she kept going. When at last she was too tired to go on, she stopped. The whole class cheered. Everyone was looking at her and smiling. Millie smiled back!1.(小题1)Which word is the opposite of the underlined word frowned?A.Sat. B.Hid. C.Smiled. D.Cried.2.(小题2)What problem did Millie have at the beginning of the story?A.She didn’t have any friends in her class.B.She felt sad because Nick made fun of her.C.She didn’t know the cheers that the other kids knew.D.She didn’t know how to start jumping with a long rope.3.(小题3)Why did Millie smile for the first time in gym class?A.She did something well at last.B.She knew the class would cheer for her.C.She thought that she was going t make a friend.D.She believed that she would be the winner of the contest.4.(小题4)Which sentence can be put in the underline?●Millie was nervous about jumping.● She tried the long rope but failed.●Ms Miles brought out short ropes.● ___________________________A.The class decided to play baseball.B.Millie was the last one still jumping rope.C.Nick won the rope-jumping contest.D.Millie tried to hide in the back of the line.B14、If you have only three minutes to get something that you can take from your home, and the other thing are lost forever, what will you take? The following information will help you.Things in a B.O.B.A sleeping bag, or at least a thin quilt.Drinking water.High-calorie foods, such as chocolate and biscuits.Necessary medicines.Something for making a fire, and a small pot to boil water or cook.A few basic tools like a knife and some ropes.A flashlight.Money.A copy of all your important papers.(Be sure to make a B.O.B.as light as possible.Places to keep a B.O.B.You should put a B.O.B at a place where you can get it conveniently when disasters happen. Your home, your car, or your office can be a good place to put it.A B.O.B.is very helpful to the people in need. You’d better prepare more than one B.O.B.if possible. Then think of the difference a B.O.B.will make if those disasters happen. So prepare one now.1.A B.O.B.has a collection of things _____ in it.A.for research B.for traffic C.for life D.for study2.Many people run away from their homes with a B.O.B.because____ .A.they have to same many people’s lives B.they have no other useful things to takeC.they will be able to return in a short time D.they need to continue to live after disasters happen3.People should make a B.O.B.as_____ as they can.A.huge B.light C.common D.heavy4.People had better NOT put a B.O.B._______A.at home B.in the car C.at the office D.on the road5.According to the passage, “_____ ” is right.A.Expensive things should be put in a B.O.B.safely.B.People should take a B.O.B.with them everywhere.C.It’s better to prepare more than one B.O.B.if possible.D.People are advised to put some more clothes in a B.O.B.C15、Mona Island is an amazing place to take a vacation. Some of the animals living there can’t be found anywhere else inthe world. There are beautiful beaches and caves to explore. The sea around the island has colorful fishes. Why is Mona Island unusual? Mona Island is very small. The government of Puerto Rico takes care of the island and has made it a natural reserve. That means the island’s animals and plants are protected from being harmed by people. M ona Island is different from most places because people are not allowed to live there. Only a few park rangers(公园管理员)are able to stay. The park rangers’ job is to keep Mona Island safe and beautiful. They insist that rules are followed. One rule is that only 100 people at a time can visit the island. That way, the park rangers can make sure the land and animals remain safe. What is there to See on Mona Island? One thing that most people enjoy is getting to see the Mona Island iguana(美洲热带大蜥蜴). This type of reptile(爬行动物) lives only on Mona Island. Almost 2,000 of these iguanas live on Mona Island. People also come to the island to get a close-up view of many kinds of fish and other sea life. They can swim far below the surface. They use special equipment to be able to breathe underwater. The water is almost transparent. Through the clear water, divers can see the bright colors of the fish. Visitors can also explore caves. Some of the caves even have paintings and drawings on the walls. This artwork was made by the Arawak and Taíno Indians who lived on the island hundreds of years ago. After a full day of fun activities, visitors can settle in, listen to the night sounds, and view the stars in the huge sky. Because the island is far away from other places, it is surrounded by darkness, and the stars are easier to see. Visitors say that watching the stars is amazing. It’s the perfect end to a perfect day.1.What do park rangers on Mona Island do?A.Protect the land and animals.B.Offer some help to visitors.C.Feed animals on Mona Island.D.Drive a boat between Puerto Rico and Mona Island.2.Which of the following best explains the word “transparent”?A.so d ifficult that you can’t finishB.so clear that you can see throughC.too deep to be reachedD.too bright to be seen3.Where can artwork be seen on Mona Island?A.On the beaches. B.In a museum.C.In the caves. D.On the wall of the hotel.4.Which sentence can be filled in the first blank?A.Mona Island is very small.B.Watching the stars on Mona Island is amazing.C.Visitors can settle in after a full day on Mona Island.D.Mona Island is far from other places and darkness is all around it.5.What is the most possible reason the author wrote this article?A.To explain why animals live on the island.B.To show readers where the island is located.C.To tell about a place that some people might enjoy.D.To give facts about people who work on the island.D16、Molly Daniels opened the door so hard that the door nearly broke it. Then she looked through the window at her neighbor across the yard. “She is in my garden again. Those are my strawberries, not hers. Maybe I should call the police.”Her friend, Doris, was sitting at the table with a cup of coffee in her hands. “ You want to call the police because she picks your strawberries?” she asked.“Of course,” Molly answered angrily. “ What would you do if your neighbor walked into your yard without your permiss ion and picked your strawberries?”“ I would say, better her than the bees.”“ The bees don’t take my strawberries.”“But the birds do,” Doris continued. “ That old lady only picks a few strawberries every year, and the only ones she picks are those you le ave to the birds. Why don’t you pick some of your good strawberries and give them to her?”“ Are you crazy? What are you thinking?’“ Don’t you remember what happened when you were in hospital last year? She went to see you and gave you a pot full of chick en soup. When you give her the strawberries you can tell her that you still remember that.”Molly was shocked. She had almost forgotten that little kindness because she was too angry. Then she picked a basket of good strawberries and went out. Through the window, Doris could see that the anger on Molly’s face changed into a bright smile.1.Molly opened the door very hard because _____A.she was very angryB.she was very happyC.she didn’t like eating strawberriesD.Doris wasn’t friendly2.The underline word “permission” in the passage means “_____” in Chinese.A.感谢B.许可C.命令D.警告3.Which sentence is similar to the sentence “I would say, better her than the bees.”?A.It’s better to let the neighbor pick the strawberries than to give them to the bees.B.The bees are better than the neighbor.C.The bees like strawberries more than the neighbor does.D.The neighbor is good at picking strawberries.4.From the last paragraph, we can infer(推断)what Molly did at last with a basket of good strawberries.A.She called the police to drive the neighbor away.B.She happily gave a basket of good strawberries to the neighbor.C.She ate up the strawberries herself.D.She let the birds take her strawberries.E17、The weather is getting hotter. You are thirsty after playing basketball or riding home from school. A cold drink may be just the thing. But be careful of what you are drinking. Something that looks cool may not be good for our health. There are plenty of "energy drinks" on the market. Most of them have beautiful colors and cool names. The lists on them tell you they are helpful to your health. Sounds great!But after a careful check you may find that most energy drinks have lots of caffeine (咖啡因) in them. These drinks are especially aimed at young people, students, busy people and sports players. Makers sometimes say their drinks make you better at sports and can keep you awake. But be careful not to drink too much.Caffeine makes your heart beat fast. Because of this, the International Olympic Committee has limited(限制) its use. Caffeine in most energy drinks is at least as strong as that in a cup of coffee or tea. Possible health dangers have something to do with energy drinks. Just one box of energy drink can make you nervous, have difficulty sleeping and can even cause heart problems. Scientists say that teenagers should be discouraged from taking drinks with a lot of caffeine in them.1.Many people like drinking energy drinks because of the following EXCEPT that ______.A.they have beautiful colors and cool namesB.they have lots of caffeineC.they can keep them awake and better at sportsD.they are said to be helpful to health2.The main reason for people not to drink too much energy drinks is that they may cause ______.A.heart problems B.nervousness C.sleeping difficulty D.possible health dangers3.Which of the following can take the place of the underlined word “discouraged”A.encouraged B.stopped C.helped D.disliked4.From the passage we can know that ______.A.advertisements are important in getting people to buy energy drinksB.energy drinks are helpful to teenagers' studyC.sports players need to drink a lot of energy drinksD.energy drinks are especially aimed at teenagers5.The best title of the passage is ______.A.Energy Drinks Are Useful B.Energy Drinks Help TeenagersC.Energy Drinks Be careful D.Energy Drinks Good for HealthF18、I shook hands with my father in the truck, and for a long time he looked straight ahead and didn't say a word.But I knew he was going to say a little to me."I can't tell anything." he finally said.“I never went to college, and none of your brothers went to college.I can't say don't do this and do that, because everything is different and I don't know what is going to come up.I can't help much with money either, but I think things will work out.”He gave me a new check-book(支票簿).“If things get pushing, write a small check.But when you write one, send me a letter and let me know how much.There are some things we can always sell.” In four years all the check s I wrote were less than a thousand dollars.My part-time jobs such as reading to the blind student and sitting with the teachers' kids filled in the_______."You know what you want to be, and they'll tell you what to take," my father went on.“When you get a job, be sure it's honest, and work hard.” I knew that soon I would be alone in the big town, and I would be missing the cool winds and a life where your thinking was done for you.Then my dad reached down beside his seat and brought the old, broken Bible(圣经)that he had read so often, the one he used when he wanted to look something up in a friendly quarrel with one of the neighbours.I knew he would miss it.I knew, though, that I must take it.He didn't say read this every morning.He just said," This can help you if you will let it.”Did it help? I got through college without being a burden(负担)on the family.I have been able to make money since.1.What is the writer's main purpose(目的)in writing this passage?A.To tell the readers his life story.B.To tell people what kind of person his father was.C.To let people know how poor he was.D.To tell the readers what present he got from his father.2.Why did the father not ask his son not to do this and do that?A.Because he felt quite confident of his son.B.Because he was born from a poor family.C.Because he was a man of few words.D.Because he didn't want to be much too strict with his son.3.What would someone learn from this passage?A.How to live by oneself.B.How to stand on one's own feet.C.What a good father should do.D.What the self-important is like.4.What may be the proper Chinese for the underlined part in the passage?A.闲暇时光B.学费C.经济不足D.精神空虚5.What kind of book did the Bible seem to be to the writer's father?A.It was a book which told you how you should get on well with others.B.There were many good examples for you to copy in it.C.It was a book that told you how to get a good job and a good future.D.It was a good book that could help you when you were in trouble.Ⅴ.书面表达19、你校的英语俱乐部将举行周末游西湖活动,但是对于如何出行大家意见不一:骑自行车?乘私家车?乘地铁……? 假如你是其中一员,请谈谈你的想法,你觉得怎么游西湖最合适?为什么?注意:1. 文中不得出现任何姓名、校名以及其它相关信息,否则不予评分。

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1. 佘(shé)、区(ōu)、华(huà)、仇(qiú),姓的读音2.小丽看到某同学衣服非常漂亮,应该怎样说?(大概意思)A.这件衣服还算漂亮。


D.这件衣服真漂亮啊!3. 求梯形面积来源求梯形面积的那个,因为两个三角形的底角是45°,所以就是等腰三角形,而两个等腰三角形腰相加刚好是6cm,梯形的上底+下底就是两个等腰三角形的腰相加,而S梯形=(上底+下底)×高÷2,所以就是6×6÷2=18家小的同学是第一场的,据说第一场这题高是8cm,那就是8×8÷2=32 来源4. “2”、“3”、“4”、“5”、“6”,从这些数中随机抽中偶数的概率是多少?A. 60%B.80%C.20D.40%5.机器人那个第二场的题目是:周四周五说真话,周二说假话,每天问它的名字,前六天的回答分别是:小明小白小明小白小强小白。

问第七天会说什么?A.小明B.小白C.小强D.机器人6. 哪个不能算出24的是?a.5,4,1,6b.2,4,6,8c.9,6,9,6d.3,8,3,87. She dose likes( )A:play the piano B:playing the piano C:playing piano8.【卷1】一个长20厘米,宽16厘米的长方形,剪去一个长10厘米,宽6厘米的长方形,剪完以后,周长最大是多少?【卷2】一个长20厘米,宽16厘米的长方形,剪去一个长10厘米,宽8厘米的长方形,剪完以后,周长最大是多少?9. (A卷)2013个2013相乘,个位数是多少。


A.9B.7C.1D.310. Jack is a twenty-year-old young man.Two years ago,when he finished middle school,he found work in a ually he works until ten o'clock in the evening.He is very tired when he gets home.After a quick supper he goes to bed and soon falls asleep.His grandma who lives downstairs is satisfied with(满意) him.One day,on his way home,he met Marry.They were both happy.He asked the girl to his house,she agreed happily.He bought some fruit and drinks for her.And they talked about their scholl,teachers,classmates and their future(未来)They talked for a long time."Have a look at your watch,please,"said the girl."What time is it now?""Sorry,something is wrong with my watch,"said Jack."Where is yours?""I left it at home."Jack thought for a moment and found a way.He began to stamp his foot on the floor."Bang!Bang!Bang!"The sound work his grandma up.The old woman shouted downstairs,"It's twelve o'clock at night,Jack.Why are you still junping stairs?" 来源( )1.Jack was ____when he finished middle scholl. A.sixteen B.eighteen C.twenty D.fifteen( )2.The old woman is satisfied with Jack because____. A.he's her grandma B.he's clever C.he can keep quiet(安静) D.he gets home on time( )3.Form the story ,we can know that Marry is Jack's_____. A.classmate B.colleague(同事) C.aunt D.wife( )4.Jack stamped his foot on the floor in order(为了)____.A.to wake his grandma upB.to make his grandma angryC.that his grandma was going to tell him the timeD.that his grandma was going to buy him a watch11.下面几组对话中,那组态度好?(大意)A.甲:谢谢你生日送我那支笔。



乙:你知道我付出了多大的代价,我天天写日记!C.甲:请问你能教我这道题吗?乙:请先等我这道题做完,然后再一起讨论,好吗?D.甲:你怎么上课讲话?乙:他上课也讲话,你怎么不批评他?12.小明写一组等差数列,写出来后是:11,18,32,39,46 仔细核对后发现漏写了一个,写错了一个,问错的是哪个?A.25B.32C.37D.4613.在一个面积是100cm²的正方形上画一个最大的圆,问这个圆的面积是多少?A.314B.78.5C.62.8(好像是)D.(也是六十多,具体多少忘了)14.27个小正方体拼成一个大正方体,在拼成的大正方体表面涂上红色,问三面涂色的有几个?A.16B.8C.6D.415.下列古诗修辞正确的是A.白发三千丈,缘愁似个长。


——拟人C.(有一个什么大海的,形容动作,都有个()着(),排比)D.(还有一个夸张的)16.有一个选正确古诗的,对的是学过的一个《清平乐·村居》辛弃疾的17.【第二场A卷】小明买了一本笔记本和一支圆珠笔,共花去11元,已知一本笔记本比一支圆珠笔贵10元,问一支圆珠笔多少钱?A.?B.5.5C.0.5D.10.5(顺序不一定,家小说是0.5元)【第一场B卷】小明到文具店买笔,一支圆珠笔是一支钢笔的3分之1,共花12元,问你一支钢笔几元来源18. 一套课桌椅,桌子100元,椅子50元,华伦中学的台江校区买了20套,仓山校区买了30套,下面哪个列式是错的?来源A.(100+50)×(20+30)B.100×20+100×30+50×20+50×30C.100×50+20×30D.100×20+50×20+100×30+100×2019. 18瓶木糖醇称重,其中有一个是次品,比起他的重。





】来源22.______ rice do we need?----Just a little,please. 来源A.How muchB.WhatC.How many23.语文有一题是语序的。




反正这样排的话就是25143】A:54321 B:25143 C:23154 D:42135 来源24.【第二场A卷】Mr Black works in a hospital (医院). As a good 1 , the people in the town like him. He’s often 2 to the patients (病人) and looks them o ver carefully. 3 he’s always busy and has little time to rest.One morning Mr Black got to the hospital and saw there was a fat woman in the 4 . He called her into his office and asked, “ 5 , madam?”“It was my birthday yesterday, sir”, said the woman. “My husband gave me a 6 . But I couldn’t push my way in (挤进) it.”“ 7 , madam,” said Mr Black, “You must lose some weight (减肥). You’ll be able to 8 your coat, if you do all that I say.”“You’re 9 , sir,” said the rich woman. “He bought me not a coat, but an expensive 10 .”( ) 1. A. farmer B. doctor C. teacher( ) 2. 2. A. saw B. looked at C. watched( ) 3. A. How do you do B. How are you C. What’s the matter( ) 4. A.bring B.? C.gave( ) 5. A.bike B. car C. truck25.英语有一个好像是说一个人夸另一个人房子漂亮,问该怎么回答。
