新闻道德与法规第二讲 中西新闻道德规范的形成与发展

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3. 功利原则(续)
Jeremy Benthan & John Stuart Mill:
❖ We are to deternime what is right or wrong by considering what will yield the best ratio of good to bad for the general society.
The Print Media (continued)
职业新闻记者协会 SPJ
Society of Professional Journalists
SPJ Code (1973,1984,1987,1 996):
❖ Four Principles
SPJ Code
❖Four main priciples:
Standards of Practice (1924)
➢ Contracts ➢ Credit extension ➢ Unfair tactics ➢ The creative side
of advertising ➢ Provisions
✓ Prohibiting misleading price claims
❖ 自由主义报刊理论(天赋人权论) The Libertarian Theory
❖ 共产主义报刊理论(阶级斗争论) The Developmental Theory
❖ 社会责任报刊理论(社会责任论) The Responsibility Theory
2. Broadcasting
美国全国广播工作者协 会 NAB
✓ Offensive statements
✓ The circulation of harmful rumors about a competitor
The Advertising Industry (continued)
美国广告协会与国际 商业促进机构
Amarican Advertising Federation &
6. 个人道德决定的模式
定义 价值 原则 忠诚 行动
• To establish the key facts • To clarify values • To state principles:
❖ The principle of the golden mean ❖ The categorial imperative ❖ The principle of utility
❖ We should structure our actions to protect the most vulnerable members of society.
5. 自我决断原则
Judeo-Christian ethic & Kant:
❖ “Love your neighbor as yourself.” ❖ Human beings have unconditional value
No under 17 admitted
4. The Advertising Industry
The American Association of Advertising Agencies
从业准则 (1924)
Standards of Practice (1924)
3. Motion Pictures (continued)
美国电影协 会评级系统 MPAA Rating System
3. Motion Pictures (continued)
Five Categories of Films:
G PG PD-13
Suitable for general audiences
1. 中庸之道
Aristotle: ❖ Too much food as well
as too little food spoils health. ❖ Moderation was the key.
1. 中庸之道(续)
In ethical dilemmas, the proper way of behaving lies between doing too much and doing too little.
2. 绝对命令原则(续)
Immanuel Kant: ❖ Right is right and
should be done, no matter what the consequences. ❖ Concience informs us what is right.
3. 功利原则
Utility: ❖ The greatest benefit for the greatest number
2. 绝对命令原则
Principles: ❖ What is right for one is right for all.
❖ Categorical imperatives: all forms of perative might be wrong and must be avoided.
❖ A reporter should not represent himself or herself as anything other than a reporter when gathering information for a story.
全国广播协会 NBA
The National Association of Broadcasters
自愿节目安排原则( 1990)
Voluntary programming principles
Four key areas: ✓ Children’s TV ✓ Indecency ✓ Violence ✓ Drug and substance abuse
✓ Described what should be avoided in order for filmmakers to get their movies past existing censorship boards
✓ Listed what topics should be handled carefully so as not to tile exsting pressure groups.
The National Association of Broadcasters
正确业务准则(1929) Code of Good Practice
Two parts: ✓ Advertising ✓ General program
2. Broadcasting (continued)
Utilitarianism: ❖ Calculate all the consequences, both good
and bad, that would result from each of our options ❖ Choose the alternative that maximizes value or minimizes loss
4. 无知之幕
Justice is blind. For makings of mass media: ❖ Behind the veil, all newsmakers would be
the same. ❖ The reporter must treat all audience
members the same.
apart from any and all circumstaces.Their basic right to self-dtermination should not be violated by using them as simply a means to accomplish a goal.
美国报纸编辑协会 ASNE
American Society of Newspaper Editors
新闻业准则 ( 1923)
Canons of Journalism (1923)
Canons of Journalism (1923)
✓ Responsibility ✓ Freedom of the press ✓ Independence ✓ Accuracy ✓ Impartiality ✓ Fair play ✓ Decency
2. 绝对命令原则(续)
Immanuel Kant: ❖ We act according to
rules that we would want to see universally applied. ❖ Categorical means unconditional—no extenuating circumstaces, no exceptions.
3. Motion Pictures
Film Industry in 1920s 美国电影制片人与发行人协会 MPPDA ❖ Will Hays
3. Motion Pictures (continued)
❖ 电影制作准则 (1930) The Motion Picture Production Code
• To determine loyalties
(二)行为准则 Performance Codes
印刷媒介 The Print Media 广播电视 Broadcasting 电影 Motion Pictures 广告 Advertising Industry
1. The Print Media
4. 无知之幕(续)
John Rawls:
❖ Justice emerges when everyone is treated without social differentiations.
❖ All parties concerned in a problem situation should be placed behind a barrier where roles and social differentiations are gone and each participant is treated as an equal member of society as a whole.
5. 自我决断原则(续)
No one should allow himself or herself to be treated as a means to someone else’s ends.
The rights, values, and decisions of others must always be respected.
(一)个人道德规范 Personal Ethics
道德原则 Ethical Principles
➢ 中庸之道 The Principle of Golden Means ➢ 绝对命令原则 The Categorical Imperative ➢ 功利原则 The Principle of Utility ➢ 无知之幕 Veil of Ignorance ➢ 自我决断原则 Self-determination
Parental guidance suggested
Some content may be objectionalble for children under 13 (a new category added in 1984)
Resricted to persons over age 17 unless accompaned by parent or adult guardian
✓ Seek the truth and report it. ✓ Minimize harm. ✓ Act independently. ✓ Be accountalbe.
The Print Media (continued)
理论基础——与新闻道德的发展密切相 关的报业四种理论:
❖ 集权主义报刊理论(国家统治论) The Authoritarian Theory