
nominal rigidities and the dynamic effects of a shock to monetary policy

nominal rigidities and the dynamic effects of a shock to monetary policy

Nominal Rigidities and the Dynamic Effects of a Shockto Monetary Policy∗Lawrence J.Christiano†Martin Eichenbaum‡Charles L.Evans§August27,2003AbstractWe present a model embodying moderate amounts of nominal rigidities that ac-counts for the observed inertia in inflation and persistence in output.The key featuresof our model are those that prevent a sharp rise in marginal costs after an expansion-ary shock to monetary policy.Of these features,the most important are staggeredwage contracts which have an average duration of three quarters,and variable capitalutilization.JEL:E3,E4,E5∗Thefirst two authors are grateful for thefinancial support of a National Science Foundation grant to the National Bureau of Economic Research.We would like to acknowledge helpful comments from Lars Hansen and Mark Watson.We particularly want to thank Levon Barseghyan for his superb research assistance,as well as his insightful comments on various drafts of the paper.This paper does not necessarily reflect the views of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago or the Federal Reserve System.†Northwestern University,National Bureau of Economic Research,and Federal Reserve Banks of Chicago and Cleveland.‡Northwestern University,National Bureau of Economic Research,and Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.§Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.1.IntroductionThis paper seeks to understand the observed inertial behavior of inflation and persistence in aggregate quantities.To this end,we formulate and estimate a dynamic,general equilibrium model that incorporates staggered wage and price contracts.We use our model to investigate what mix of frictions can account for the evidence of inertia and persistence.For this exercise to be well defined,we must characterize inertia and persistence precisely.We do so using estimates of the dynamic response of inflation and aggregate variables to a monetary policy shock.With this characterization,the question that we ask reduces to:‘Can models with moderate degrees of nominal rigidities generate inertial inflation and persistent output movements in response to a monetary policy shock?’1Our answer to this question is,‘yes’.The model that we construct has two key features.First,it embeds Calvo style nominal price and wage contracts.Second,the real side of the model incorporates four departures from the standard textbook one sector dynamic stochastic growth model.These depar-tures are motivated by recent research on the determinants of consumption,asset prices, investment and productivity.The specific departures that we include are habit formation in preferences for consumption,adjustment costs in investment and variable capital utilization. In addition,we assume thatfirms must borrow working capital tofinance their wage bill.Our keyfindings are as follows.First,the average duration of price and wage contracts in the estimated model is roughly2and3quarters,respectively.Despite the modest nature of these nominal rigidities,the model does a very good job of accounting quantitatively for the estimated response of the US economy to a policy shock.In addition to reproducing the dynamic response of inflation and output,the model also accounts for the delayed,hump-shaped response in consumption,investment,profits,productivity and the weak response of the real wage.2Second,the critical nominal friction in our model is wage contracts,not price contracts.A version of the model with only nominal wage rigidities does almost as well as the estimated model.In contrast,with only nominal price rigidities,the model performs very poorly.Consistent with existing results in the literature,this version of the model cannot generate persistent movements in output unless we assume price contracts of extremely long duration.The model with only nominal wage rigidities does not have this problem.Third,we document how inference about nominal rigidities varies across different spec-ifications of the real side of our model.3Estimated versions of the model that do not in-1This question that is the focus of a large and growing literature.See,for example,Chari,Kehoe and McGrattan(2000),Mankiw(2001),Rotemberg and Woodford(1999)and the references therein.2In related work,Sbordone(2000)argues that,taking as given aggregate real variables,a model with staggered wages and prices does well at accounting for the time series properties of wages and prices.See also Ambler,Guay and Phaneuf(1999)and Huang and Liu(2002)for interesting work on the role of wage contracts.3For early discussions about the impact of real frictions on the effects of nominal rigidities,see Blanchardcorporate our departures from the standard growth model imply implausibly long price and wage contracts.Fourth,wefind that if one only wants to generate inertia in inflation and persistence in output with moderate wage and price stickiness,then it is crucial to allow for variable capital utilization.To understand why this feature is so important,note that in our modelfirms set prices as a markup over marginal costs.The major components of marginal costs are wages and the rental rate of capital.By allowing the services of capital to increase after a positive monetary policy shock,variable capital utilization helps dampen the large rise in the rental rate of capital that would otherwise occur.This in turn dampens the rise in marginal costs and,hence,prices.The resulting inertia in inflation implies that the rise in nominal spending that occurs after a positive monetary policy shock produces a persistent rise in real output.Similar intuition explains why sticky wages play a critical role in allowing our model to explain inflation inertia and output persistence.It also explains why our assumption about working capital plays a useful role:other things equal,a decline in the interest rate lowers marginal cost.Fifth,although investment adjustment costs and habit formation do not play a central role with respect to inflation inertia and output persistence,they do play a critical role in accounting for the dynamics of other variables.Sixth,the major role played by the working capital channel is to reduce the model’s reliance on sticky prices.Specifically,if we estimate a version of the model that does not allow for this channel,the average duration of price contracts increases dramatically.Finally,wefind that our model embodies strong internal propagation mechanisms.The impact of a monetary policy shock on aggregate activity continues to grow and persist even beyond the time when the typical contract in place at the time of the shock is reoptimized.In addition,the effects persist well beyond the effects of the shock on the interest rate and the growth rate of money.We pursue a particular limited information econometric strategy to estimate and evaluate our model.To implement this strategy wefirst estimate the impulse response of eight key macroeconomic variables to a monetary policy shock using an identified vector autoregres-sion(V AR).We then choose six model parameters to minimize the difference between the estimated impulse response functions and the analogous objects in our model.4 The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.In section2we briefly describe our estimates of how the U.S.economy responds to a monetary policy shock.Section3 displays our economic model.In Section4we discuss our econometric methodology.Our empirical results are reported in Section5and analyzed in Section6.Concluding commentsand Fisher(1989),Ball and Romer(1990)and Romer(1996).For more recent quantitative discussions, see Chari,Kehoe and McGrattan(2000),Edge(2000),Fuhrer(2000),Kiley(1997),McCallum and Nelson (1998)and Sims(1998).4Christiano,Eichenbaum and Evans(1998),Edge(2000)and Rotemberg and Woodford(1997)have also applied this strategy in the context of monetary policy shocks.are contained in Section7.2.The Consequences of a Monetary Policy ShockThis section begins by describing how we estimate a monetary policy shock.We then re-port estimates of how major macroeconomic variables respond to a monetary policy shock. Finally,we report the fraction of the variance in these variables that is accounted for by monetary policy shocks.The starting point of our analysis is the following characterization of monetary policy:R t=f(Ωt)+εt.(2.1)Here,R t is the Federal Funds rate,f is a linear function,Ωt is an information set,andεt is the monetary policy shock.We assume that the Fed allows money growth to be whatever is necessary to guarantee that(2.1)holds.Our basic identifying assumption is thatεt is orthogonal to the elements inΩt.Below,we describe the variables inΩt and elaborate on the interpretation of this orthogonality assumption.We now discuss how we estimate the dynamic response of key macroecomomic variables to a monetary policy shock.Let Y t denote the vector of variables included in the analysis. We partition Y t as follows:Y t=[Y1t,R t,Y2t]0.The vector Y1t is composed of the variables whose time t elements are contained inΩt,and are assumed not to respond contemporaneously to a monetary policy shock.The vector Y2t consists of the time t values of all the other variables inΩt.The variables in Y1t are real GDP, real consumption,the GDP deflator,real investment,the real wage,and labor productivity. The variables in Y2t are real profits and the growth rate of M2.All these variables,except money growth,have been logged.We measure the interest rate,R t,using the Federal Funds rate.The data sources are in an appendix,available from the authors.With one exception(the growth rate of money)all the variables in Y t are include in levels.Altig,Christiano,Eichenbaum and Linde(2003)adopt an alternative specification of Y t,in which cointegrating relationships among the variables are imposed.For example,the growth rate of GDP and the log difference between labor productivity and the real wage are included.The key properties of the impulse responses to a monetary policy shock are insensitive to this alternative specification.The ordering of the variables in Y t embodies two key identifying assumptions.First,the variables in Y1t do not respond contemporaneously to a monetary policy shock.Second,the time t information set of the monetary authority consists of current and lagged values of the variables in Y1t and only past values of the variables in Y2t.Our decision to include all variables,except for the growth rate of M2and real profits in Y1t,reflects a long-standing view that macroeconomic variables do not respond instanta-neously to policy shocks(see Friedman(1968)).We refer the reader to Christiano,Eichen-baum and Evans(1999)for a discussion of sensitivity of inference to alternative assumptions about the variables included in Y1t.While our assumptions are certainly debatable,the anal-ysis is internally consistent in the sense that we make the same assumptions in our economic model.To maintain consistency with the model,we place profits and the growth rate of money in Y2t.The V AR contains4lags of each variable and the sample period is1965Q3-1995Q3.5 Ignoring the constant term,the V AR can be written as follows:Y t=A1Y t−1+...+A4Y t−4+Cηt,(2.2)where C is a9×9lower triangular matrix with diagonal terms equal to unity,andηt is a9−dimensional vector of zero-mean,serially uncorrelated shocks with diagonal variance-covariance matrix.Since there are six variables in Y1t,the monetary policy shock,εt,is the7th element ofηt.A positive shock toεt corresponds to a contractionary monetary policy shock. We estimate the parameters-A i,i=1,...,4,C,and the variances of the elements ofηt-using standard least squares ing these estimates,we compute the dynamic path of Y t following a one-standard-deviation shock inεt,setting initial conditions to zero.This path, which corresponds to the coefficients in the impulse response functions of interest,is invariant to the ordering of the variables within Y1t and within Y2t(see Christiano,Eichenbaum and Evans(1999).)The impulse response functions of all variables in Y t are displayed in Figure1.Lines marked‘+’correspond to the point estimates.The shaded areas indicate95%confidence intervals about the point estimates.6The solid lines pertain to the properties of our structural model,which will be discussed in section3.The results suggest that after an expansionary monetary policy shock there is a:•hump-shaped response of output,consumption and investment,with the peak effect occurring after about1.5years and returning to their pre-shock levels after about three years,•hump-shaped response in inflation,with a peak response after about2years,•fall in the interest rate for roughly one year,•rise in profits,real wages and labor productivity,and5This sample period is the same as in Christiano,Eichenbaum and Evans(1999).6We use the method described in Sims and Zha(1999).•an immediate rise in the growth rate of money.Interestingly,these results are consistent with the claims in Friedman(1968).For example, Friedman argued that an exogenous increase in the money supply leads to a drop in the interest rate that lasts one to two years,and a rise in output and employment that lasts from two tofive years.Finally,the robustness of the qualitative features of ourfindings to alternative identifying assumptions and sample sub-periods,as well as the use of monthly data,is discussed in Christiano,Eichenbaum and Evans(1999).Our strategy for estimating the parameters of our model focuses on only a component of thefluctuations in the data,namely the portion that is due to a monetary policy shock. It is natural to ask how large that component is,since ultimately we are interested in a model that can account for the variation in the data.With this question in mind,the following table reports variance decompositions.In particular,it displays the percent of the variance of the k−step forecast error in the elements of Y t due to monetary policy shocks, for k=4,8and20.Numbers in parentheses are the boundaries of the associated95% confidence interval.7Notice that policy shocks account for only a small fraction of inflation. At the same time,with the exception of real wages,monetary policy shocks account for a non-trivial fraction of the variation in the real variables.This last inference should be treated with caution.The confidence intervals about the point estimates are rather large. Also,while the impulse response functions are robust to the various perturbations discussed in Christiano,Eichenbaum and Evans(1999)and Altig,Christiano,Eichenbaum and Linde (2003),the variance decompositions can be sensitive.For example,the analogous point estimates reported in Altig,Christiano,Eichenbaum and Linde(2003)are substantially smaller than those reported in Table1.3.The Model EconomyIn this section we describe our model economy and display the problems solved byfirms and households.In addition,we describe the behavior offinancial intermediaries and the monetary andfiscal authorities.The only source of uncertainty in the model is a shock to monetary policy.7These confidence intervals are computed based on bootstrap simulations of the estimated VAR.In each artificial data set we computed the variance decompositions corresponding to the ones in Table1.The lower and upper bounds of the confidence intervals correspond to the2.5and97.5percentiles of simulated variance decompositions.3.1.Final Good FirmsAt time t,afinal consumption good,Y t,is produced by a perfectly competitive,representative firm.Thefirm produces thefinal good by combining a continuum of intermediate goods, indexed by j∈[0,1],using the technologyY t=·Z10Y jt1f dj¸λf(3.1) where1≤λf<∞and Y jt denotes the time t input of intermediate good j.Thefirm takes its output price,P t,and its input prices,P jt,as given and beyond its control.Profit maximization implies the Euler equationµP t jt¶λfλf−1=Y jt t.(3.2)Integrating(3.2)and imposing(3.1),we obtain the following relationship between the price of thefinal good and the price of the intermediate good:P t=·Z10P11−λf jt dj¸(1−λf).(3.3) 3.2.Intermediate Good FirmsIntermediate good j∈(0,1)is produced by a monopolist who uses the following technology:Y jt=½kαjt L1−αjt−φif kαjt L1−αjt≥φ0otherwise(3.4) where0<α<1.Here,L jt and k jt denote time t labor and capital services used to produce the j th intermediate good.Also,φ>0denotes thefixed cost of production.We rule out entry and exit into the production of intermediate good j.Intermediatefirms rent capital and labor in perfectly competitive factor markets.Profits are distributed to households at the end of each time period.Let R k t and W t denote the nominal rental rate on capital services and the wage rate,respectively.Workers must be paid in advance of production.As a result,the j thfirm must borrow its wage bill,W t L jt, from thefinancial intermediary at the beginning of the period.Repayment occurs at the end of time period t at the gross interest rate,R t.Thefirm’s real marginal cost iss t=∂S t(Y)∂Y,where S t(Y)=mink,l©r k t k+w t R t l,Y given by(3.4)ª,where r k t=R k t/P t and w t=W t/P t.Given our functional forms,we haves t=µ1¶1−αµ1¶α¡r k t¢α(w t R t)1−α.(3.5)Apart fromfixed costs,thefirm’s time t profits are:·P jt P t−s t¸P t Y jt,where P jt isfirm j’s price.We assume thatfirms set prices according to a variant of the mechanism spelled out in Calvo(1983).This model has been widely used to characterize price-setting frictions.A useful feature of the model is that it can be solved without explicitly tracking the distribution of prices acrossfirms.In each period,afirm faces a constant probability,1−ξp,of being able to reoptimize its nominal price.The ability to reoptimize its price is independent across firms and time.If afirm can reoptimize its price,it does so before the realization of the time t growth rate of money.Firms that cannot reoptimize their price simply index to lagged inflation:P jt=πt−1P j,t−1.(3.6) Here,πt=P t/P t−1.We refer to this price-setting rule as lagged inflation indexation.Let˜P t denote the value of P jt set by afirm that can reoptimize at time t.Our notation does not allow˜P t to depend on j.We do this in anticipation of the well known result that, in models like ours,allfirms who can reoptimize their price at time t choose the same price (see Woodford,1996and Yun,1996).Thefirm chooses˜P t to maximize:∞X l=0¡βξp¢lυt+l h˜P t X tl−s t+l P t+l i Y j,t+l,(3.7)E t−1subject to(3.2),(3.5)and.(3.8)X tl=½πt×πt+1×···×πt+l−1for l≥11l=0In(3.7),υt is the marginal value of a dollar to the household,which is treated as exogenous by thefiter,we show that the value of a dollar,in utility terms,is constant across households.Also,E t−1denotes the expectations operator conditioned on lagged growth rates of money,µt−l,l≥1.This specification of the information set captures our assumption that thefirm chooses˜P t before the realization of the time t growth rate of money.To understand (3.7),note that˜P t influencesfirm j’s profits only as long as it cannot reoptimize its price.The probability that this happens for l periods is¡ξp¢l,in which case P j,t+l=˜P t X tl.The presence of¡ξp¢l in(3.7)has the effect of isolating future realizations of idiosyncratic uncertainty in which˜P t continues to affect thefirm’s profits.3.3.HouseholdsThere is a continuum of households,indexed by j∈(0,1).The j th household makes a sequence of decisions during each period.First,it makes its consumption decision,its capital accumulation decision,and it decides how many units of capital services to supply.Second, it purchases securities whose payoffs are contingent upon whether it can reoptimize its wage decision.Third,it sets its wage rate afterfinding out whether it can reoptimize or not. Fourth,it receives a lump-sum transfer from the monetary authority.Finally,it decides how much of itsfinancial assets to hold in the form of deposits with afinancial intermediary and how much to hold in the form of cash.Since the uncertainty faced by the household over whether it can reoptimize its wage is idiosyncratic in nature,households work different amounts and earn different wage rates.So, in principle,they are also heterogeneous with respect to consumption and asset holdings.A straightforward extension of arguments in Erceg,Henderson and Levin(2000)and Woodford (1996)establish that the existence of state contingent securities ensures that,in equilibrium, households are homogeneous with respect to consumption and asset holdings.Reflecting this result,our notation assumes that households are homogeneous with respect to consumption and asset holdings but heterogeneous with respect to the wage rate that they earn and hours worked.The preferences of the j th household are given by:∞X l=0βl−t[u(c t+l−bc t+l−1)−z(h j,t+l)+v(q t+l)].(3.9)E j t−1Here,E j t−1is the expectation operator,conditional on aggregate and household j idiosyn-cratic information up to,and including,time t−1;c t denotes time t consumption;h jt denotes time t hours worked;q t≡Q t/P t denotes real cash balances;Q t denotes nominal cash balances.When b>0,(3.9)allows for habit formation in consumption preferences.The household’s asset evolution equation is given by:M t+1=R t[M t−Q t+(µt−1)M a t]+A j,t+Q t+W j,t h j,t(3.10)+R k t u t¯k t+D t−P t¡i t+c t+a(u t)¯k t¢.Here,M t is the household’s beginning of period t stock of money and W j,t h j,t is time t labor income.In addition,¯k t,D t and A j,t denote,respectively,the physical stock of capital,firm profits and the net cash inflow from participating in state-contingent securities at time t. The variableµt represents the gross growth rate of the economy-wide per capita stock of money,M a t.The quantity(µt−1)M a t is a lump-sum payment made to households by the monetary authority.The quantity M t−P t q t+(µt−1)M a t,is deposited by the household with afinancial intermediary where it earns the gross nominal rate of interest,R t.The remaining terms in(3.10),aside from P t c t,pertain to the stock of installed capital, which we assume is owned by the household.The household’s stock of physical capital,¯k t, evolves according to:¯k=(1−δ)¯k t+F(i t,i t−1).(3.11)t+1Here,δdenotes the physical rate of depreciation and i t denotes time t purchases of invest-ment goods.The function,F,summarizes the technology that transforms current and past investment into installed capital for use in the following period.We discuss the properties of F below.Capital services,k t,are related to the physical stock of capital byk t=u t¯k t.Here,u t denotes the utilization rate of capital,which we assume is set by the household.8 In(3.10),R k t u t¯k t represents the household’s earnings from supplying capital services.The increasing,convex function a(u t)¯k t denotes the cost,in units of consumption goods,of setting the utilization rate to u t.3.4.The W age DecisionAs in Erceg,Henderson and Levin(2000),we assume that the household is a monopoly sup-plier of a differentiated labor service,h jt.It sells this service to a representative,competitive firm that transforms it into an aggregate labor input,L t,using the following technology:L t=·Z10h1λjt dj¸λw.The demand curve for h jt is given by:h jt=µW t jt¶λwλw−1L t,1≤λw<∞.(3.12) Here,W t is the aggregate wage rate,i.e.,the price of L t.It is straightforward to show that W t is related to W jt via the relationship:W t=·Z10(W jt)11−λw dj¸1−λw.(3.13) The household takes L t and W t as given.8Our assumption that households make the capital accumulation and utilization decisions is a matter of convenience.At the cost of a more complicated notation,we could work with an alternative decentralization scheme in whichfirms make these decisions.Households set their wage rate according to a variant of the mechanism used to model price setting byfirms.In each period,a household faces a constant probability,1−ξw, of being able to reoptimize its nominal wage.The ability to reoptimize is independent across households and time.If a household cannot reoptimize its wage at time t,it sets W jt according to:W j,t=πt−1W j,t−1.(3.14) 3.5.Monetary and Fiscal PolicyWe assume that monetary policy is given by:µt=µ+θ0εt+θ1εt−1+θ2εt−2+...(3.15)Here,µdenotes the mean growth rate of money andθj is the response of E tµt+j to a time t monetary policy shock.We assume that the government has access to lump sum taxes and pursues a Ricardianfiscal policy.Under this type of policy,the details of tax policy have no impact on inflation and other aggregate economic variables.As a result,we need not specify the details offiscal policy.93.6.Loan Market Clearing,Final Goods Clearing and EquilibriumFinancial intermediaries receive M t−Q t from households and a transfer,(µt−1)M t from the monetary authority.Our notation here reflects the equilibrium condition,M a t=M t. Financial intermediaries lend all of their money to intermediate goodfirms,which use the funds to pay for L t.Loan market clearing requiresW t L t=µt M t−Q t.(3.16) The aggregate resource constraint isc t+i t+a(u t)≤Y t.We adopt a standard sequence-of-markets equilibrium concept.In the appendix we discuss our computational strategy for approximating that equilibrium.This strategy involves taking a linear approximation about the non-stochastic steady state of the economy and using the solution method discussed in Christiano(2003).For details,see the previous version of this paper,Christiano,Eichenbaum and Evans(2001).In principle,the non-negativity constraint on intermediate good output in(3.4)is a problem for this approximation.It turns out that the constraint is not binding for the experiments that we consider and so we ignore it.Finally, it is worth noting that since profits are stochastic,the fact that they are zero,on average, 9See Sims(1994)or Woodford(1994)for a further discussion.implies that they are often negative.As a consequence,our assumption thatfirms cannot exit is binding.Allowing forfirm entry and exit dynamics would considerably complicate our analysis.3.7.Functional Form AssumptionsWe assume that the functions characterizing utility are given by:u(·)=log(·)z(·)=ψ0(·)2.(3.17)v(·)=ψq(·)1−σqqIn addition,investment adjustment costs are given by:F(i t,i t−1)=(1−Sµi t i t−1¶)i t.(3.18) We restrict the function S to satisfy the following properties:S(1)=S0(1)=0,andκ≡S00(1)>0.It is easy to verify that the steady state of the model does not depend on the adjustment cost parameter,κ.Of course,the dynamics of the model are influenced byκ. Given our solution procedure,no other features of the S function need to be specified for our analysis.We impose two restrictions on the capital utilization function,a(u t).First,we require that u t=1in steady state.Second,we assume a(1)=0.Under our assumptions,the steady state of the model is independent ofσa=a00(1)/a0(1).The dynamics do depend onσa.Given our solution procedure,we do not need to specify any other features of the function a. 4.Econometric MethodologyIn this section we discuss our methodology for estimating and evaluating our model.We partition the model parameters into three groups.Thefirst group is composed ofβ,φ,α,δ,ψ0,ψq,λw andµ.We setβ=1.03−0.25,which implies a steady state annualized real interest rate of3percent.We setα=0.36,which corresponds to a steady state share of capital income equal to roughly36percent.We setδ=0.025,which implies an annual rate of depreciation on capital equal to10percent.This value ofδis roughly equal to the estimate reported in Christiano and Eichenbaum(1992).The parameter,φ,is set to guarantee that profits are zero in steady state.This value is consistent with Basu and Fernald(1994),Hall (1988),and Rotemberg and Woodford(1995),who argue that economic profits are close to zero on average.Although there are well known problems with the measurement of profits, we think that zero profits is a reasonable benchmark.。

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In general, the analysis of stability is more di cult for transformations with N = 4 such as the tetragonal to monoclinic transformations studied in this paper and N = 6 since the additional wells give the crystal more freedom to deform without the cost of additional energy. In fact, we show here that there are special lattice constants for which the simply laminated microstructure for the tetragonal to monoclinic transformation is not stable. The stability theory can also be used to analyze laminates with varying volume fraction 24 and conforming and nonconforming nite element approximations 25, 27 . We also note that the stability theory was used to analyze the microstructure in ferromagnetic crystals 29 . Related results on the numerical analysis of nonconvex variational problems can be found, for example, in 7 12,14 16,18,19,22,26,30 33 . We give an analysis in this paper of the stability of a laminated microstructure with in nitesimal length scale that oscillates between two compatible variants. We show that for any other deformation satisfying the same boundary conditions as the laminate, we can bound the pertubation of the volume fractions of the variants by the pertubation of the bulk energy. This implies that the volume fractions of the variants for a deformation are close to the volume fractions of the laminate if the bulk energy of the deformation is close to the bulk energy of the laminate. This concept of stability can be applied directly to obtain results on the convergence of nite element approximations and guarantees that any nite element solution with su ciently small bulk energy gives reliable approximations of the stable quantities such as volume fraction. In Section 2, we describe the geometrically nonlinear theory of martensite. We refer the reader to 2,3 and to the introductory article 28 for a more detailed discussion of the geometrically nonlinear theory of martensite. We review the results given in 34, 35 on the transformation strains and possible interfaces for tetragonal to monoclinic transformations corresponding to the shearing of the square and rectangular faces, and we then give the transformation strain and possible interfaces corresponding to the shearing of the plane orthogonal to a diagonal in the square base. In Section 3, we give the main results of this paper which give bounds on the volume fraction of the crystal in which the deformation gradient is in energy wells that are not used in the laminate. These estimates are used in Section 4 to establish a series of error bounds in terms of the elastic energy of deformations for the L2 approximation of the directional derivative of the limiting macroscopic deformation in any direction tangential to the parallel layers of the laminate, for the L2 approximation of the limiting macroscopic deformation, for the approximation of volume fractions of the participating martensitic variants, and for the approximation of nonlinear integrals of deformation gradients. Finally, in Section 5 we give an application of the stability theory to the nite element approximation of the simply laminated microstructure.



[856.20328+2.356*17.39*sqrt(1+4.5389992), 856.20328-2.356*17.39*sqrt(1+4.5389992) ] =[ 759.77809, 952.51758] 均值E(Y0)的置信区间: 856.20328+2.356*17.39*sqrt(4.5389992), 856.20328-2.356*17.39*sqrt(4.5389992) ] =[ 768.58,943.82]
yt xt
• 作为数理经济学模型是正确的,作为计量经济学模型则 不是正确的。计量经济学模型中必须包含随机误差项。 (2) y xt

正确。作为计量经济学模型它是正确的。该模型是经济计量模型的 理论模型,理论模型由被解释变量、解释变量、随机误差项、待估 计的参数和运算符构成。
• 7.下列假设模型是否属于揭示因果关系的计量经济模型?为什 么? • (1)St=112.0+0.12Rt • 其中St为第t年农村居民储蓄增加额(亿元), Rt为第t年城镇居 民可支配收入总额(亿元)。 • (2)St-1=4432.0+0.30Rt • 其中St-1为第t-1年农村居民储蓄增加额(亿元),Rt为第t年农村 居民可支配收入总额(亿元)。 • 解: (1)式不是揭示因果关系的计量经济模型。根据经济学理 论,储蓄额是由收入决定的,农村居民的储蓄额应由农村居民的 纯收入总额决定,而不是由城镇居民可支配收入总额决定。 (2)式中还存在时间动态上的逻辑错误,当年的收入不可能确 定上一年的储蓄,即今日事件确定昨日(已经发生)的事件。 1
. adjust x1=35 x2=20000,ci stdf Dependent variable: y Command: regress Covariates set to value: x1 = 35, x2 = 20000


2008年 序号 1 2 3 4
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Two Illustrations of the Quantity Theory of Money-Breakdowns and Revivals

Two Illustrations of the Quantity Theory of Money-Breakdowns and Revivals

American Economic Review 101 (February 2011): 109–128/articles.php?doi =10.1257/aer .101.1.109109Robert E. Lucas Jr. (1980) used near unit slopes of univariate regressions of moving averages of inflation and interest rates on money growth for the United States for the period 1953–1977 to illustrate “two central implications of the quan-tity theory of money: that a given change in the rate of change in the quantity of money induces (i ) an equal change in the rate of price inflation; and (ii ) an equal change in nominal rates of interest.’’ Lucas said that those two quantity-theoretic propositions…possess a combination of theoretical coherence and empirical verification shared by no other propositions in monetary economics. By “theoretical coherence,’’ I mean that each of these laws appears as a characteristic of solutions to explicit theoretical models of idealized economies, models which give some guidance as to why one might expect them to obtain in reality, also as to conditions under which one might expect them to break down (emphasis added ) (1980, p. 1005).This paper extends Lucas’s analysis to a longer US dataset and uses an explicit the-oretical model to identify conditions on monetary policy that cause the unit slopes to “obtain in reality’’ as well as to “break down.” We find that Lucas’s l ow-frequencyTwo Illustrations of the Quantity Theory of Money:Breakdowns and RevivalsBy Thomas J. Sargent and Paolo Surico*By extending his data , we document the instability of low-frequency regression coefficients that Lucas (1980) used to express the quantity theory of money. We impute the differences in these regression coef-ficients to differences in monetary policies across periods. A DSGE model estimated over a subsample like Lucas’s implies values of the regression coefficients that confirm Lucas’s results for his sample period. But perturbing monetary policy rule parameters away from the values estimated over Lucas’s subsample alters the regression coefficients in ways that reproduce their instability over our longer sample. ( JEL C51, E23, E31, E43, E51, E52)* Sargent: Department of Economics, New York University, 19 W. Fourth Street, New York, NY 10012-1119, and Hoover Institution (e-mail: ts43@ ); Surico: Department of Economics, London Business School and CEPR, Department of Economics, London Business School, Regent’s Park, London NW1 4SA (e-mail: psurico@ ). We wish to thank Tim Besley, Efrem Castelnuovo, Martin Ellison, William Fuchs, Lars Peter Hansen, Peter Ireland, Dirk Krueger, Robert E. Lucas Jr., Haroon Mumtaz, Ed Nelson, David Romer, James Stock, Roman Sustek, Harald Uhlig, Francesco Zanetti, and three anonymous referees for very useful suggestions, and seminar participants at the European University Institute, University of Chicago, NBER Monetary Economics Program meeting held in November 2008, University of Cambridge, University of Oxford, London School of Economics, University College London, London Business School, University of Warwick, EIFE, and ESSIM 2009 for com-ments. Sargent thanks the Bank of England for providing research support when he was a Houblon-Norman Fellow. The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Bank of England or the Monetary Policy Committee.110THE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW FEBRuARy 2011 regression slopes are not stable over time, an empirical outcome that we explain in terms of quantitative versions of our theoretical “break down’’ conditions. In our theoretical model, the regression coefficients on moving averages depend on mon-etary policy.1 By freezing all nonmonetary policy structural parameters at values estimated over a sample period approximating Lucas’s, we display variations in two parameters of a monetary policy rule that push the population values of those low frequency slopes over a range that covers the empirical outcomes found in our extended sample. In this way, we construct different monetary policy rules that, in the context of our structural model, can explain the differences over time in the esti-mated low-frequency regression slopes.2Why have we written this paper now? For most of the last 25 years, the quantity theory of money has been sleeping, but during the last year, unprecedented growth in leading central banks’ balance sheets has prompted some of us to worry because the quantity theory has slept before, only to reawaken. Our DSGE model tells us that what puts those quantity-theoretic unit slopes to sleep is a monetary policy rule that responds to inflationary pressure aggressively enough to prevent the emer-gence of persistent movements in money growth, and that what awakens them is a monetary policy rule that accedes to persistent movements in money growth by responding too weakly to inflationary pressure. It seems timely to characterize the features of monetary policy rules needed to arrest the reemergence of the empirical patterns that Lucas takes as tell-tale signs of the quantity theory.To set the stage for our empirical findings, Section I recounts Charles H. Whiteman’s (1984) observation that the slope of Lucas’s scatter plot estimates the sum of coefficients in a long two-sided distributed lag regression, then indicates how the population value of that slope is linked to the parameters of a state space representation for either a vector autoregression or a DSGE model. Section II reports scatter plots and sums of distributed lag coefficients constructed from estimates of both time-invariant and time-varying vector autoregressions. These document substantial instability of Lucas’s two scatter plot slopes. Section III uses Bayesian methods to estimate our DSGE model over a subperiod approxi-mating Lucas’s, verifies that the estimated structural parameters confirm Lucas’s unit slope findings over his sample, and then, by perturbing monetary policy while freezing other model parameters, indicates how variations in the conduct of monetary policy cause outcomes to break down in ways that can account for the1 Lucas interpreted his unit slope findings as measuring “…the extent to which the inflation and interest rate experience of the postwar period can be understood in terms of purely classical, monetary forces’’ (italics added). Lucas’s purpose, including the qualification we have italicized, was precisely to indicate that the unit slope finding depends for its survival on maintenance of the monetary policy in place during the 1953–1977 period.2 Why, among the list of possible structural parameters in our model, do we confine ourselves to the monetary policy rule when searching for the cause of observed instability in the two low-frequency regressions? We have carried out robustness exercises (e.g., perturbed values for nonmonetary policy rule parameters within the structural model presented in the text and even experiments within a calibrated version of a quite different structural model of Lucas 1975), and these have pushed us toward emphasizing the monetary policy rule as the most likely cause of the low-frequency regression coefficient instabilities that we are trying to explain. Furthermore, DSGE models like the one we are using were intentionally designed as devices to use the cross-equation restrictions emerging from rational expectations models in the manner advocated by Lucas (1972) and Sargent (1971), to interpret how regres-sions involving inflation would depend on monetary and fiscal policy rules. We think that we are using our structural model in one of the ways its designers intended.111SARGENT AND SuRICO: ILLuSTRATIONS OF THE QuANTITy THEORy VOL. 101 NO. 1observed range of instability in the slopes of the scatter plots. Section IV offers concluding remarks.I. Lucas’s and Whiteman’s MethodsFor US data over 1955–1975, Lucas (1980) plotted moving averages of inflation and a nominal interest rate on the y axis against the same moving average of money growth on the x axis. In this section, we revisit Whiteman’s (1984) argument that the slope of the regression through the scatter plot of Lucas’s moving averages can be approximated as the sum of distributed lag coefficients, and that this sum can be com-puted using the spectral density implied by a state space representation of the data.A. The Slope of Scatter Plots of Filtered SeriesFor a scalar series x tand β ∈ [0, 1), Lucas (1980) constructed moving averages_ x t (β) = α ∑ k =− nn β |k | x t +k where choosing α according to α = (1 − β ) 2 /(1 − β2 − 2 β n +1 (1 − β)) made the sum of weights equal one.Whiteman (1984) observed that fitting straight lines through scatter plots of mov-ing averages is an informal way of computing sums of coefficients in long two-sideddistributed lag regressions. Let { y t, z t } be a bivariate jointly covariance stationary process with unconditional means of zero and consider the two-sided infinite least-squares projection of y t on past, present, and future z ’s:(1) y t = ∑ j =− ∞∞h j z t−j + ϵ t ,where ϵ t is a random process that satisfies the population orthogonality conditions E ϵ t z t −j = 0 ∀j . Let the spectral densities of y and z be denoted S y(ω) and S z (ω), respectively, and let the cross-spectral density be denoted S y z (ω). Let the Fourier trans-form of { h j } be ˜ h (ω) = ∑ j =− ∞ ∞ h j e − i ωj . Then (2)˜ h (ω) = S yz (ω) _ S z(ω)and the sum of the distributed lag regression coefficients is (3)∑ j =− ∞ ∞h j= ˜ h (0) = S yz (0) _ S z(0) .Whiteman (1984) showed that for β close to 1, the regression coefficient b f of aLucas moving average _ y t (β) on a Lucas moving average _ x t (β) satisfies (4)b f ≈ S yz (0) _ S z(0) = ˜ h (0).112THE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW FEBRuARy 2011B. Mappings from VAR and DSGE Models to ˜ h (0)Time-invariant versions of our V ARs and of our log-linear DSGE models can bothbe represented in terms of the state space system (5)X t +1 = A X t + B W t +1 ,y t +1 = C X t + D W t +1 ,where X t is an n X × 1 state vector, W t +1 is an n W × 1 Gaussian random vector withmean zero and unit covariance matrix and that is distributed identically and inde-pendently across time, y t is an n y × 1 vector of observables, and A , B , C , D arematrices, with the eigenvalues of A being bounded strictly above by unity (A can be said to be a “stable” matrix ). DSGE models make elements of the matrices A , B , C , D be (nonlinear ) functions of a vector of structural parameters η, some of which describe monetary policy.The spectral density matrix of y is 3(7)S y (ω) = C (I − Ae − i ω ) − 1 BB ′(I − A ′ i ω ) − 1 C ′ + DD ′.The Fourier transform of the population regression coefficients ˜ h (ω) can be com-puted from formula (2) where S y z(ω), the cross spectrum between y and z , and S z (ω), the spectrum of z , are the appropriate elements of S y (ω). In figures 6 and 7 inSection III, we summarize the mapping to ˜ h (0) from the elements of the parametervector η that govern monetary policy.II. Scatter Plots and RegressionsIn this section, we present data and extend Lucas’s scatter plots of moving averages of money growth and inflation as well as money growth and the nominal interest rate. Then we compute regressions on filtered data and sums of distributed lag coefficients by applying “temporary” versions of formulas (2) and (7) to a V AR with drifting coeffi-cients and stochastic volatility. Both the scatter plots and the regressions point to instabil-ity in the two low-frequency relationships that Lucas took to signify the quantity theory.4A. DataWe use quarterly US data. Real and nominal GDP (M2 stock ) are available from the FRED database since 1947:I (1959:I ). Prior to that, we apply backward the3The spectral density matrix is the Fourier transform of the sequence of autocovariance matrices E y t y t −j ′ , j = − ∞, … , − 1, 0, 1, … , + ∞ whose typical element can be recovered from S y (ω) via the inversion formula(6) E y t y t −j ′ = ( 1_ 2 π)∫− π π S y(ω) e i ω jd ω.4Rather than estimating ˜ h (1) by first estimating a V AR as we do, another worthwhile strategy would be to apply the dynamic ordinary least squares or the dynamic generalized least squares estimator of James H. Stock and MarkW. Watson (1993) to estimate ˜ h (1) as the simple regression coefficient of _ y t on _ z t. Procedures of Peter C.B. Phillips (1991) can also be applied to estimate ˜ h (1) viewed as a regression coefficient.113SARGENT AND SuRICO: ILLuSTRATIONS OF THE QuANTITy THEORy VOL. 101 NO. 1growth rates on the real GNP and M2 series constructed by Nathan S. Balke and Robert J. Gordon (1986).5 As for the nominal short-term interest rate, we use the six-month commercial paper rate available from Balke and Gordon (1986) until 1983 and from the FRED database afterwards. Figure 1 displays year-on-year first differences of logs of raw variables. The interest rate is displayed in level. Figure 2 reports moving averages of the raw data using Lucas’s β = 0.95 filter. The shaded regions in these two filters isolate the 1955–1975 period that Lucas focused on.These figures reveal some striking patterns.• Figure 1 reveals that for money growth, inflation, and output growth, but not for the interest rate, volatility decreased markedly after 1950.• The filtered data in Figure 2 indicate that the shaded period studied by Lucas exhibits persistent increases in money growth, inflation, and the interest rate. These features let Lucas’s two quantity-theoretic propositions leap off the page. However,• For the filtered data, the shaded Lucas sample observations are atypical.5As for M2, Balke and Gordon (1986) build upon Milton Friedman and Anna J. Schwartz (1963).Figure 1. M2 Growth, GNP /GDP Deflator Inflation, 6-Month Commercial Paper Rate,and Real GNP /GDP Growth.(Sample : 1900:I–2005:IV )20100−10−2020100−10−20161412108642151050−5−10−15−201900 1920 1940 1960 1980 20001900 1920 1940 1960 1980 20001900 1920 1940 1960 1980 20001900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000Money growthIn ationInterest rateOutput growthLucas’s original sample:1955–75-------------------------114THE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW FEBRuARy 2011B. Scatter PlotsFigures 3 and 4 show scatter plots of second quarter observations of each year of filtered series over selected subperiods in the sample 1900–2005. We selected the subsamples to include Lucas’s subperiod, 1955–1975. In addition, we follow John F. Boschen and Christopher M. Otrok’s (1994) comment on Mark E. Fisher and John J. Seater (1993) and split the sample around the Great Depression. To emphasize the link between Lucas’s calculations and monetary policy regimes, we also present results for the periods 1960–1983 and 1984–2005, which are typically the focus of the literature on the great moderation. Altogether, we display six subperiods in different panels in figures 3 and 4. In subsection D, we show that the subsample instabilities presented in this section do not depend on the particular sample selection used here.These graphs reveal the following patterns to us. The scatters of points can be said to align with the two quantity propositions in the 1955–75 and 1960–83 subperiods, and to a lesser extent between 1976 and 2005: the points adhere to lines that at least seem to be parallel to the 45 degree line. But for the other three subperiods there are substan-tial deviations from unit slopes. The inflation on money growth scatter is steeper than 45 degrees during 1900–1928, flatter during 1929–1954, and even negative duringFigure 2. β = 0.95-Filtered Series for M2 Growth, GNP /GDP Deflator Inflation, 6-Month CommercialPaper Rate, and Real GNP /GDP Growth6420−2−41900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000Money growth: lter β = 0.95 In ation: lter β = 0.95Interest rate: lter β = 0.95 Output growth: lter β = 0.95Lucas’s original sample:1955–75-----6420−2543210543210−1−2−31900 1920 1940 1960 1980 20001900 1920 1940 1960 1980 20001900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000----------------115SARGENT AND SuRICO: ILLuSTRATIONS OF THE QuANTITy THEORy VOL. 101 NO. 11984–2005; while the interest on money growth scatter is flatter than the 45 degree line during 1900–1928 and negatively sloped during 1929–1954 and 1984–2005.6C. Regressions on Filtered DataTable 1 reports regression coefficients of inflation and the nominal interest rate on money growth for filtered data using different values of β ranging from 0.95 to 0.As in Lucas’s graphs, the entries of Table 1 reveal that the closer is β to one (and therefore the smoother are the series ) the larger are the regression slopes of filtered data. However, with a few exceptions concentrated in the 1955–75 and 1960–1983 periods, most estimates are significantly different from one and they span values between − 0.03 and 1.13 for money growth and inflation at β = 0.95, and − 0.08 and 0.75 for money growth and the nominal interest rate. In the Appendix, we show6We obtain similar results using the band-pass filter proposed by Lawrence Christiano and Terry Fitzgerald (2003), and also employed by Luca Benati (2005), on frequency above eight or 20 years.Figure 3. Scatter Plots of Filtered Inflation and Filtered Money Growth Using Lucas’s Formula Note: Results are reported for the second quarter of each year.−20246−20246Annual rate of money growthA n n u a l r a t e o f i n f l a t i o n1900−1928β = 0.9545 line π on ∆m−4−2246−4−20246Annual rate of money growthA n n u a l r a t e o f i n f l a t i o n1929−1954β = 0.95012345Annual rate of money growthA n n u a l r a t e o f i n f l a t i o n1955−1975012345Annual rate of money growthA n n u a l r a t e o f i n f l a t i o n1976−2005012345Annual rate of money growth A n n u a l r a t e o f i n f l a t i o n1960−1983012345Annual rate of money growthA n n u a l r a t e o f i n f l a t i o n1984−2005116THE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW FEBRuARy 2011that the message from Table 1 is not altered by using different measures of inflation, money, or short-term interest rate.D. Evidence from a Time-Varying VARIn this section, we use a time-varying V AR with stochastic volatility to construct“temporary” estimates of ˜ h (0) that vary over time.7 There are at least three goodinterconnected reasons to allow for such time variation. First, the dynamics of money growth, inflation, nominal interest rate, and output growth have exhibited substan-tial instabilities over a century that witnessed two world wars, a Great Depression,7The description of the statistical model is presented in Sargent and Surico (2008), who followed Timothy Cogley and Sargent (2005) and Giorgio Primiceri (2005), and therefore it will not be repeated here. The full sample is 1875:1–2007:IV . A training sample of 25 years is used to calibrate the priors. Results are based on 500,000 Gibbs sampling repetitions.Figure 4. Scatter Plots of Filtered Short-Term Interest Rate and Filtered Money GrowthUsing Lucas’s FormulaNote : Results are reported for the second quarter of each year.−20246−20246Annual rate of money growthS h o r t −t e r m i n t e r e s t r a t e1900−1928β = 0.95 45 line R on ∆m−4−20246Annual rate of money growthS h o r t −t e r m i n t e r e s t r a t e1929−1954012345Annual rate of money growthS h o r t −t e r m i n t e r e s t r a t e1955−1975012345Annual rate of money growthS h o r t −t e r m i n t e r e s t r a t e1976−2005012345Annual rate of money growthS h o r t −t e r m i n t e r e s t r a t e1960−1983012345Annual rate of money growthS h o r t −t e r m i n t e r e s t r a t e1984−2005117SARGENT AND SuRICO: ILLuSTRATIONS OF THE QuANTITy THEORy VOL. 101 NO. 1the great inflation, and then a great moderation. Second, our long sample arguably transcends several monetary regimes, starting with a gold standard and ending with the fiat standard supported by a dual mandate to promote high employment and stable prices that succeeded Bretton Woods. Third, the results in the previous sec-tion are based on a subsample selection that, while consistent with Lucas (1980) and Boschen and Otrok (1994), is admittedly arbitrary.In Figure 5, we report as red solid lines the central 68 percent posterior bands of the following object constructed from our time-varying V AR:(8)˜ h y x,t | T (0) = S y x , t | T (0)_S x , t | T(0) ,namely, the temporary cross-spectrum divided by the temporary spectrum at t ,formed from the smoothed estimates of the time-varying V AR conditioned on the dataset 1, … , T . We compute the temporary spectral objects by applying formulas (7) and (3) and to the (t , T ) versions of A , B , C , D .We view equation (8) as a local-to-date t approximation of equation (3). Ideally, when extracting the low-frequency relationships, we should also account for the fact that the parameters drift going forward from date t . But this is computationally chal-lenging because it requires integrating a high-dimensional predictive density across all possible paths of future parameters. Adhering to a practice in the learning litera-ture (referred to as “anticipated-utility” by David Kreps 1998), we instead updatethe elements of θ t , H t , and A t period-by-period and then treat the updated values asif they would remain constant going forward in time.For comparison, we also report as blue dotted (solid ) lines the 68 percent pos-terior bands (median values ) based on the estimates for the full-sample from a fixed-coefficient V AR in money growth, inflation, the nominal interest rate, and output growth, whose details can be found in Sargent and Surico (2008).The medians of the distributions of the ˜ h (0)s display substantial time variation.The posteriors reveal substantial uncertainty about the ˜ h (0)s, however, and in someepisodes like the 1970s, ˜ h (0) values of zero and one are simultaneously inside theposterior bands in both panels. The most recent 20 years as well as the 1940s are char-acterized by the lowest values of the median estimates and the smallest uncertainty. The 1970s, in contrast, are associated with the highest values and the largest uncertainty.Table 1—Coefficients of the Regressions on Filtered Data, 1900–2005Data–m : M2; p : GNP /GDP deflator; R: 6-month commercial paper rateπ on ΔmR on Δm β0.950.80.500.950.80.501900–20050.580.570.560.540.–1928 1.13 1.18 1.21 −0.011929–19540.390.390.370.34 −0.08 −0.07 −0.06 −0.061955–19750.860.690.360.220.620.450.130.001976–20050.480.450.380.320.750.740.660.561960–20050.590.520.360.270.520.450.280.181960–1983 1.010.530.06−0.040.700.26−0.18−0.251984–2005−0.03−0.04−0.05− Numbers in bold are not statistically different from one at 10 percent significance level using heteroskedastic-ity and autocorrelation consistent standard errors.118THE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW FEBRuARy 2011The median estimates of ˜ h π, Δm (0) and ˜h R , Δm (0) based on the fixed coefficient multivariate BV AR for the full sample are 0.55 and 0.25 respectively.As for the unit coefficients associated with the quantity theory of money, the value of one is outside the posterior bands for most of the sample, with exceptions typi-cally concentrated in the 1970s. A comparison over different subperiods between the results based on the time-varying V AR and the straight lines from the fixed-coefficient V AR reveals that the two models can yield very different results.III. Interpreting the Observed Instabilities with a DSGE ModelTo investigate the extent to which changes in monetary policy can account for observed changes in our˜ h (0) statistics between nominal variables, we proceed in three steps. First, we describe a version of what is currently a popular model form onetary policy analysis, a model that under the appropriate monetary policies is Figure 5. Median and 68 Percent Central Posterior Bands for ˜ h π, Δm (0) and ˜ h R , Δm (0)Based on a Fixed-Coefficient V AR over the Full Samples and a V AR with Time-Varying Coefficientand Stochastic V olatility1900192019401960198020000.511.52Inflation and money growth190019201940196019802000−0.500.511.52Interest rate and money growthwell within the class of models capable of illustrating Lucas’s two quantity theory propositions. Second, we estimate the parameters of the model over a post–World War II subsample that, arguably, was characterized by a homogenous policy regime. Third, we lock all except the monetary policy parameters at their estimated values from the post–World War II subsample and then vary the coefficients describing the policy response to inflation and output over a broad range of values.8 Then, for each pair of policy coefficients, we compute the implied ˜h (0) statistics. By proceeding in this way, we aim to assess how well, within our estimated DSGE model, changes in monetary policy alone can account for the changes observed in the low frequency relationships between money growth and inflation, and money growth and the nomi-nal interest rate.9A. A Model for Monetary Policy AnalysisIn this section, we lay out the log-linearized version of a model with sticky price, price indexation, habit formation, and unit root technology shocks derived by Peter Ireland (2004). While our results are not sensitive to this particular choice, it makes sense to frame our analysis within a model that has become popular in some policy and academic circles.10The structure of the economy is:(9)πt= θ (1− απ)E tπt+1+ θ αππt−1+ κ x t− 1_τe t,(10)x t= (1− αx)E t x t+1+ αx x t−1− σ( R t− E tπ t+1)+ σ (1− ξ)(1− ρa)a t,(11)Δ m t= πt+ z t+ 1_σγΔ x t− 1_γΔ R t+ 1_γ(Δ χt− Δ a t),(12)˜y t= x t+ ξ a t, Δ y t= ˜y t− ˜y t−1+ z t,where πt, x t, Δ m t, and R t are inflation, the output gap, nominal money growth, and the short-term interest rate, respectively. The level of detrended output is ˜y t,and Δ y t refers to output growth. The rate of technological progress is z t. Equation (9) is an example of a new Keynesian Phillips curve, while (10) is called the new Keynesian8 Friedman and Schwartz (1963) documented significant changes in the monetary operations of the US gov-ernment and, after 1914, the Fed over the first half of our sample period. More recently, Ibrahim Chowdhury and Andreas Schabert (2008) have shown that the systematic component of a Fed money supply rule shifted significantly during the early 1980s. As for interest rate rules, Richard Clarida, Jordi Galí, and Mark Gertler (2000), Thomas Lubik and Frank Schorfheide (2004), and Jesus Fernandez-Villaverde, Pablo Guerrón, and Juan F. Rubio-Ramirez (2009), among many others, have argued that the new policy regime established by Paul V olcker during the first years of his mandate as Fed chairman represented an unprecedented break in the conduct of US monetary policy.9 Other factors such as financial innovation may have also contributed to the instabilities documented in Section II. Investigating the role of diminishing financial frictions, however, would require a different model relative to the current workhorse, and it is beyond the scope of this paper.10 Sargent and Surico (2008)show that changes in monetary policy induce significant changes in the low-frequency relationships between nominal variables also in a neoclassical model à la Lucas (1975) that was also featured by Whiteman (1984).。



Lesson 1exacerbated=deteriorated 恶化came into force=took effect 生效objective=purpose 目标buoyant=brisk 上涨的scope=opportunity 机会accelerating=speeding up 加速outcome=result 结果breakdown=analysis record 分类overhang=threat 威协reinforce 加强concessionary 优惠的减让的recognition=realization 认识到surplus=excess 盈余industrialization programme 工业化项目national income 国民收入volume of foreign trade 对外贸易额visible trade account 有形贸易收支invisible trade account 无形贸易收支growth rate 增长率foreign exchange 外汇trade fair 贸易展览会trade surplus 贸易顺差compensation trade 补偿贸易joint venture 合资企业planned economy 计划经济export quota 出口定额growth point 增长点high tech industries 高科技产业most favored nation status/treatment最惠国地位/待遇current account 经常项目stock taking=evaluating 盘点Production goods 生产资料customs duties 关税capital stock 实际资本infrastructure 基础设施foreign trade reserves 外汇储备customer goods 消费品saturation point 饱和点showpiece 优秀样品industrial crops 经济作物special economic zone 经济特区income tax rate 所得税税率technology transformation 技术改造technology transfer 技术转让capital equipments 资本设备preferential tax rate 优惠税率cooperative enterprise 合作企业imports of capital 资本进口services industry 服务业foreign exchange control 外汇管制capital intensive investment 劳动密集型投资Lesson 3farfetched=improbable 不大可能的nose=move slowly 缓慢的bound=heading 满载dynamic=booming 有活力的radiates=spreads 辐射bustling=booming 繁荣的surpass=exceed 超越slight=neglect 轻视bloc=group 集团laggard=backward 落后的per capita 人均preferred status 优先权competitive advantage 竞争优势trade bloc 贸易集团newly raising enterprise 新兴企业container plant 集装箱工厂consortium 国际财团bounce back 反弹free market 自由市场Lesson 4stagnated=stopped 停滞的aggregate=total 总计robust=strong 强健的meun=arrangements 安排adverse=unfavorable 不利的dampened=reduced 减小降低slackened= weakened 变缓慢deflator=index 指数curtailing=cutting off 消减catch up=competition 竞争in a row= in succession 连续的per capita income 人均收入hard currency 硬通货commodities market 商品市场portfolio investment 证券投资nominal terms 名义价constant terms 不变价debt restructuring 债务调整deinflationary policies 反通胀政策anti-inflationary monetary policy 反通胀货币政策industrial and agricultural productiobnuoyed=supported 支撑domestic demands 国内需求工农业生产Lesson 2assembled=formed 形成incentives=inducements 诱因promulgated=announced 发布couple with=together with 结合cope with=deal with 处理,应付uniform=same 统一的waive=exempt 免除afflicting=troubling 困扰的deftly=cleverly 巧妙地passage=pass 通过reaping=harvesting 收获gross national product 国民生产总值economic power 经济强国punitive import tariff 惩罚性进口关税securities and real estate markets 证券和房地产市场conglomerate 跨行业工公司private business 私人企业high tech,high wage econom高y科技高薪经济commercial hub 商业中心transfer component 资本转移部分direct investment 直接投资budget deficit 预算赤字interest rate 利率primary commodity price 初级产品价格high rates of growth 高增长率the group of seven 7 国集团workers remittance 工人侨汇monetary policies 货币政策primary goods 初级产品per capita GDP 人均国内生产总值Lesson 5retaliating=taking revenge 报复sanctions=punishments 制裁misgivings=doubt 疑惑expires=become due 期满underpinnings=evidence 根据,证据divergent=different 有分歧的seething=troubled 困惑的peeved=irritated 恼怒的mollify=relieve 减轻amenable=responsive 有责任的trade sanctios 贸易制裁trade barriers 贸易壁垒trade agreements 贸易协议government procurement 政府采购North America Free Trade Agreement 北美自由贸易协定trade priority 贸易优先权trade partner 贸易伙伴trade in deficit 贸易赤字trade discrimination 贸易歧视trade concession 贸易让步unblock 扫除……障碍stall 拖延turn up 升级live with consequence 承担后果bully 威吓instigate 挑动Lesson 6dour=severe 严厉的soured=worsened 恶化directive=instructions 指令over-nigh=suddenly 突然justifications=reasons 正当的理由wind up=end 结束skidding=reducing suddenly 急剧下降breach=breaking 违反European community 欧共体European union 欧盟the single market 统一大市场free trade zone 自由贸易区plant modernization 工厂现代化European integration 欧洲一体化economic integration 经济一体化political integration 政治一体化barrier-freed market 无壁垒市场economic benefits 经济利益anticipate 预料accomplish 完成实现stake 利害关系merger 兼并Lesson 7die down=disappear 消失foreshadows=predicts 预示capitulating=giving in 屈服geared=adapted 使……适应amplified=strengthened 增强的withstood=resisted 经受misconceived=misunderstood 设想错误的caved in=given in 屈服come up with=put forth 拿出obtain access to a market 获得市场准入机会trade reprisal 贸易报复trade representative 贸易代表import targets 进口指标fiscal packages 财政一揽子计划multilateral rules 多边规则quantifiable results 定量结果managed trade 管理贸易trade balance 贸易差额trade deficit 贸易赤字market share 市场份额white paper 白皮书bilateral surplus 双边顺差be bound to 肯定be opposed to 反对compound 加重Lesson 8poised=ready 作好准备的delve=study 钻研puts=expresses 解释trendy=fashionable 时髦的volatile=changeable 不稳定的clout=influence 影响力shuddered=trembled 战栗edge=advantage 优势eroding=disappearing 消融beset=troubled 困扰bolstered=supported 支撑siphon=draw out 抽取state of the a rt=markedly advanced 目前最先进的sprawl 规模庞大petrochemical complex 石油化工综合企业glistening 闪闪发光的jostle with 贴近eke out 勉强维持routinely 按常规chaebol 大企业集团know how 技术技能leviathan zaibatsu 大财团The lion ’s share 最大的份额antidumping 反倾销annual growth rates 年增长率investment capital 投资资本tax breaks 税额优惠financial system 金融体制embargo 禁运economic liberalization 经济自由化market force 市场力量Lesson 9was outed from=was d riven out 离开soaring=rising 上涨wary=cautious 谨慎的compromise=harm 妥协、危害materialise=realize 实现impressive=great 印象深刻unduly=excessively 过份地seesawed=rised and fell 动荡head off =prevent 阻止capacity expansion 生产能力扩张loss leader 亏本出售的商品carbon tax 双重税CECF 中国出口商品交易会impose import surcharge 征进口附加税re-export 再出口certifications of origin 产地证明书Lesson 10spur=promote 促进squandered=wasted 浪费bedeviled=perplexed 困惑的allowing for=taking … …intoconsideration 考虑到detached=disconnected 分离的pose a threat=form 形成一种威胁sensible=reasonable 合理的awkward=improper 不适宜的countervailing duty 反补贴税intellectual property rights 知识产权trade in service 服务贸易common agriculture polic共y 同农业政策on a conservative estimate据保守估计economic growth 经济增大the Uruguay round talk 乌拉圭回合谈判farm protection 农业保护Lesson 11proceeds=earnings 收入steered=introduced 引导convertible=exchangeable 可变的antiquated=old fashioned 过时tap=choose 选择camouflage=disguised 违装的perpetuate=make everlasting 持续的access=opportunity 机会convertible currency 可兑换货币debt service 偿还贷款counterpurchase 反向购买debtor nations 债务国creditor nations 债权国reformulation 重新配方franchise 特许经销权coupons 优惠券exclusive contract 独家经销合同bottler 经销商test market 试销市场market share 市场份额Lesson 13eightfold=eight times 八倍outlets=markets 市场promote sales 促销商品USDA 美国农业部luck dray 幸运抽奖competitive edge 竞争优势Lesson 14yields=profits 利润elapsed=passed 时间消逝tumble=slump 下降boost=accelerate 促进impeded=hindered 阻碍的offset=balance 分支volatility=fluctuation 价格变化spin-offs 副产品liquid assets 流动资产surplus produce 生产过剩financial futures 期货currency movements 货币流通price index 价格指数soft commodities 软商品UNCTAD 贸发会incentive=stimulus 激励monopolize= dominate 垄断discrimination=prejudice 偏见located=found 建立balance of payment 国际收支closing price 收盘价merge of banks 银行兼并brain trust 智囊团good resistance 良好的性耐性cash crops 经济作物equivalent value 等值short supply 供应短缺the world bank 世界银行productivity 生产力exchange revenue 外汇收入import duty 进口税profit remittance 利润汇款vested interests 既得利益buzzword 专业术语insolvency 破产take title 取得所有权market regulation 市场规则public tender 公开投标market power 市场动力transferor/assignor 转让人entrepreneurship 企业家精神headquarters 总部the new and expanding industry新兴工业trade balance 贸易平衡/差额The international financial institutiop n rice cutting war削价战国际金融机构currency reserves 货币储存currency exchange 货币交换clearing agreements 清算协定compensation agreements 补偿协定leverage 杠杆机构Lesson 12live up to=tally with 符合precipitate=accelerate 促成flagship=no.1 佼佼者poses=offerspony up=pay 付账gauge=judge 衡量take it hands down 轻易接受niches=status 合适的地位soft drink 软饮料retail sales 零售investment funds 投资基金export quota system 出口配额制度Lesson 15aggravated=worsened 恶化prompted=exacerbate 加剧rallied=increase after a fall 渐缓eased=fell 下跌dampened=reduced 挫伤undertone=underlying trendat origin=at the place of origin underpinned=supported 支撑spot market 现货市场futures market 期货市场base metal 贱金属precious metals 贵金属discount rate 贴现率历年。



外国文学作选读Selected Reading of Foreign Literature现代企业管理概论Introduction to Modern Enterprise Managerment电力电子技术课设计Power Electronics Technology Design计算机动画设计3D Animation Design中国革命史China’s Revolutionary History中国社会主义建设China Socialist Construction集散控制DCS Distributed Control计算机控制实现技术Computer Control Realization Technology计算机网络与通讯Computer Network and CommunicationERP/WEB应用开发Application & Development of ERP/WEB数据仓库与挖掘Data Warehouse and Data Mining物流及供应链管理Substance and Supply Chain Management成功心理与潜能开发Success Psychology & Potential Development信息安全技术Technology of Information Security图像通信Image Communication金属材料及热加工Engineering Materials & Thermo-processing机械原理课程设计Course Design for Principles of Machine机械设计课程设计Course Design for Mechanical Design机电系统课程设计Course Design for Mechanical and Electrical System 创新成果Creative Achievements课外教育Extracurricular education。





经验分析(Empirical Analysis):在规范的计量分析中,用数据检验理论、估计关系式或评价政策有效性的研究。

确定遗漏变量、测量误差、联立性或其他某种模型误设所导致的可能偏误的过程线性概率模型(LPM)(Linear Probability Model, LPM):响应概率对参数为线性的二值响应模型。


有限分布滞后(FDL)模型(Finite Distributed Lag (FDL) Model):允许一个或多个解释变量对因变量有滞后效应的动态模型。

布罗施-戈弗雷检验(Breusch-Godfrey Test):渐近正确的AR(p)序列相关检验,以AR(1)最为流行;该检验考虑到滞后因变量和其他不是严格外生的回归元。

布罗施-帕甘检验(Breusch-Pagan Test)/(BP Test):将OLS 残差的平方对模型中的解释变量做回归的异方差性检验。



在模型中包含对立模型的拟合值,并使用对拟合值的t 检验来实现。

回归误差设定检验(RESET)(Regression Specification Error Test, RESET):在多元回归模型中,检验函数形式的一般性方法。

它是对原OLS 估计拟合值的平方、三次方以及可能更高次幂的联合显著性的F 检验。

怀特检验(White Test):异方差的一种检验方法,涉及到做OLS 残差的平方对OLS 拟合值和拟合值的平方的回归。

这种检验方法的最一般的形式是,将OLS 残差的平方对解释变量、解释变量的平方和解释变量之间所有非多余的交互项进行回归。

Reducing Carbon Emissions The Relative Effectiveness of Different Types of Environmental Ta

Reducing Carbon Emissions The Relative Effectiveness of Different Types of Environmental Ta

Reducing Carbon Emissions? The Relative Effectiveness of Different Types of Environmental Tax: The Case of New ZealandFrank G. Scrimgeour a , Les Oxley b,c and Koli Fatai aa Department of Economics, University of Waikato,b Department of Economics, University of Canterburyc Adjunct Professor, Department of Economics, University of Western Australia Abstract: Although countries experiences on environmental taxation differ, discussions in New Zealand coincide with the recent announcement by the government of a new carbon tax and a new energy tax to be introduced before the first phase of the Kyoto protocol. This paper provides preliminary simulation results that may help answer some policy-related questions including the relative micro- and macro-level impacts of energy taxes or carbon taxes and the likely impacts of the carbon taxes on the competitiveness of energy intensive industries.Keywords: Carbon tax, greenhouse gas emissions, CGE model1.IntroductionRecent debates in the literature (Parry, 1995, Parry, 1999; Bovenberg and Goulder, 1996) on the likely economic and social impacts of alternative types of environmental taxation have highlighted the importance of issues including externalities, environmental concerns, double dividend, revenue neutrality and equity. The recent Kyoto Protocol (henceforth, KP), has further reinforced the importance of these issues. The issues also raise the need for empirical-based analysis to guide policy makers. Indeed, it is partly this need that has generated a vast amount of literature studying some of the environmental and economic issues relating to international agreements such as the Kyoto Protocol. A challenge for many of the studies is to find options that ‘maximize society welfare’ and at the same time reduce greenhouse gas emissions (henceforth, GHG) and its likely costs.In the New Zealand context, some of the recent discussion has focused on conceptual issues relating to for example, revenue recycling, double dividends. Furthermore, there has been discussion of the likely impact of the KP on the environment, economic performance (eg. economic growth, competitiveness, employment, investment etc.) and income distribution. To date the New Zealand government seems to favour a combination of energy taxes, fuel taxes and carbon taxes. Additionally, there is on-going discussion related to the alignment of the government’s favoured policies with their implementation and governance, and the economic and social instruments that may be used to pursue those policies. Introducing a carbon tax may result in welfare losses. Does this imply that a policy committed to their introduction means that the macro and micro-economic impacts of an energy tax or fuel tax are more acceptable to New Zealanders? Are all sectors in the New Zealand economy likely to bear, equally, the adjustment costs as New Zealand ratifies the KP? What is the likely impact on economic growth, employment, investment and other macro-economic variables? What are the likely impacts on firms? This paper attempts to answer some of these questions using a CGE model of the New Zealand economy. The model is specifically designed to focus on the energy sector and can simulate the effects of, in particular, three types of GHG taxes: an energy tax on all fossil fuels, a carbon tax and finally a fuel tax on petroleum products.The paper is constructed as follows. Section 2 discusses the economics of carbon taxes and some international experiences. Section 3 briefly outlines the structure of the CGE model used and Section 4 discusses the simulation results. The final section concludes and summarizes the findings.2.The economics of carbon taxes and related issuesThe fundamental theoretical basis of environmental taxes have been well documented (early discussions include Baumol, 1972; Baumol and Oates, 1971, 1988) and will only bebriefly discussed in this section. TheThTT This early literature showed that society’s welfare would be improved if there were a tax on a good whose consumption or production resulted in a negative externality. Baumol and Oates (1971) further argue that an environmental tax would minimize the costs to society and at the same time achieve an ‘environmental greening’ objective when a negative externality to society existed. However, there is still no general consensus on the effectiveness of alternative instruments available to policy makers where they include, energy taxes, carbon taxes, subsidies and transfers. The main issue here is ‘which instrument or combination of instruments would be optimal?’ A carbon tax may be regressive as it may affect poorer households disproportionaly (Ekins and Parker, 2001). With any regressive tax, however, this may be resolved by reducing other taxes or the introduction of transfers, which may offset the negative impact of carbon taxes on poor households. Poor households may have the tendency to buy cheaper and perhaps less energy-efficient appliances than richer households. A carbon tax may also be advantageous to the economy if it lowered other taxes that are perceived to be more distortionary. This may include labour income taxes see for example, (Barker, 1995). On the other hand, Goulder (1995) argues that a carbon tax is more distortionary than labour tax because of too narrow tax base, the possibility of double taxation (i.e. on both intermediate input and final output) and its non-uniform content in energy products. Furthermore, Gaskins and Weyant (1993) have argued that the introduction of a carbon tax may create more distortions because of the extent to which a carbon tax or environmental change affects the prices faced by both consumers and producers. Thus, the debate on the effectiveness of a carbon tax remains active and ongoing.A recent survey by Ekins and Barker (2001) on carbon tax and carbon emission trading concluded that “market based instruments of carbon control will achieve a given level of emissions reduction at lower cost than regulations.” (p.368). Studies on the effectiveness of a carbon tax have generally concluded, however, that it generally achieves its objective of reducing GHG emissions.2.1.Carbon Taxes and InternationalExperienceAlthough a carbon tax is a relatively new option for to New Zealand, many other countries for example, The Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Switzerland introduced such taxes in the early 1990s. In fact, the majority of EU member states have used carbon taxes at some stage to reduce GHG emissions. The literature on this is extensive see Ekins and Barker (2001) for a review and will not be discussed in detail here.The experiences of European countries, however, may have important lessons for New Zealand where special importance may be attached to the so called “eco-leaders,” Denmark, Netherlands, Norway and Sweden. Other countries for example, Austria, Belgium, Finland, Germany and Switzerland have made small, but continuing steps towards a greater role to be played by CO2taxes in their economy. These countries may also offer important lessons, but currently they are typically less important than those from the “eco-leaders” on which we will now concentrate.The introduction of the carbon taxes by the “eco-leaders” generally involves three components. First, subsidies and taxes that may be distortionary are either modified or removed. Secondly, taxes are restructured including legislation to align them with environmental objectives. Thirdly, the new green taxes are introduced (Ekins and Barker, 2001). With these three main aspects identifies, a few observations and lessons may bee drawn from the literature.Bruce et. al.(1996) and Barker and Kohler (1998) have shown that eco-taxes can be regressive using data for OECD countries. Especially vulnerable are poorer households who may be hard hit by eco-taxes. However, the experience of the eco-leaders is that it is possible for the regressive tendency of eco-taxes to be moderated. In addition, eco-taxes may have trade-offs that are absent in other forms of taxation. In some European countries (eg. Norway, Finland, Austria and Denmark) for example, there is no leaded gasoline as high taxes have eliminated it from their respective markets (Ekins and Parker, 2001). This results in a change in consumption patterns where consumers substitute leaded gasoline for high GHG products, but at the same time keeping a large tax base (i.e. unleaded gasoline).From the literature discussed above, one can perhaps conclude that the experiences of the European eco-leaders seem to show that countries like New Zealand should not expect the eco-taxes to yield significant revenues, but should be encouraged by the fact that eco-taxes are likely to achieve environmental goals rather than fiscal objectives. However, one can argue that environmental taxes to reduce GHG can be used to reduce labour costs and, with revenues recycled back to industries and households, this is possible to cut energy consumption, create jobs and at the same time remain competitive.2.2New Zealand Government’s PreferredPolicyThe New Zealand government seems to prefer a combination of energy taxes, fuel taxes, carbon taxes and other measures. Other measures may include the new waste strategy announced in March 2002 introduced specifically to reduce the GHG emissions from the waste sector. In addition, other measures may also include an announcement that the government intends to fund measures to save electricity in the public sector by about 15%. Current policies as outlined in the government’s Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategy, are estimated to cut GHG emissions by 25 million tonnes.The target for New Zealand, however, is to reduce emissions by about 365 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent in the first phase. This may be achieved by a range of measures including sink credits and environmental taxation. The government seems to support carbon taxes as in May 2002 they announced a new carbon tax to be introduced by 2007. The revenue from the carbon tax is expected to be recycled back through the tax system. The government does not plan to use the revenue to improve its own fiscal position. The introduction of the new carbon tax may result in an increase in the price for fuels. For example, if the price of carbon dioxide is NZ$25 a tonne tax, then this would raise retail petrol prices by around six percent, diesel by around 12 percent, electricity by around nine percent, gas by around eight percent and coal by around 19 percent.In addition to the new carbon tax, the government is also planning to introduce a new energy tax, which might be introduced by 2007.3The ModelThe model used here follows Dixon (1982) with the extensions by McDougall (1999), Truong (1999) and Hamasaki and Truong (1999) where there is an emphasis on modelling an energy sector which allows inter-fuel and capital-energy substitution possibilities. Furthermore, the model has structures that support both long-run and short-run analysis following McDougall (1999). The model also has various enhancements that enable it to be more detailed than the standard CGE model. We will concentrate on the comparative static side of the model to shed light on some of the issues raised above. The model represents an energy version of ORANI (Dixon 1982; McDougall, 1999), where investment is modelled in a way such that its initial value is proportional to the size of investments at the end of the simulation period. In turn, the size of the capital stock at the end of the period may be affected by exogenous shocks. The change in the size of the capital stock at the end of a simulated period causes changes in the growth rate of the capital stock. This treatment of investment follows closely with the suggestions by Horridge (1985).The main sectors in the model are the government, households and industries. The government sector is modelled as a collector of taxes, which are partially transferred to households. There is a constraint in the government such that its expenditure, including transfers, is equated with tax revenue. This is achieved by using two variables to model the government’s budget balance following McDougall (1999). The introduction of these two variables constrain the government’s expenditure to not only equal tax revenue but also, constrain the choice of tax rate should to achieve a certain tax revenue to balance the government’s account.The household sector is modelled such that it is the sole owner of all the factors including land and capital which means the sector has several sources of income. In addition to the standard household disposable income, households also receive income from other factors and non-labour income. The net wealth of the household is therefore determined by the value of income from labour, land and capital as well as their savings rate at the end of a simulation period. The values of the land and capital are given (exogenous) in the model. The balance between these three items represents the household’s net debt. This formulation determines how domestic physical capital is financed where it can either be financed internally by household’s net wealth or financed externally. In the second case, household’s net debt might increase.The household sector also has a consumption function, which is simply the value of the product of the household’s total labour income and the household’s propensity to consume. The household labour income is assumed to be net disposable income where income tax is deducted from the household’s gross disposable income. Household’s total income, however, is the sum of the income from land, capital and labour and transfers from government.The other main sector in the model is the industry sector. Here we follow closely the structure of production presented in McDougall (1999) and Abayasirisilva and Horridge (1996). Industries are modelled so that they can use the given factors to produce either a single or multi products. As each industry can either produce multi- or a single product with a number of different inputs, the modelling task is to allowfor the separation of these products and inputs(Abayasirisilva and Horridge, 1996). The separability assumption allows flexibility in the production sector and also makes it easier to estimate the parameters as it reduces the number of parameters to be estimated. In this model, the separable function of the output is derived from a constant elasticity of transformation aggregation function. The input separable function is divided into a number of nests. At the top of the nests for the input function, there is a composite commodity, which is a combination of the primary factor and ‘other’ costs. The composite commodities are combined using a Leontief production function. This implies that all inputs are used in proportion to Y, an index of the activity in that industry. Like many other CGE models, the Armington (1969) assumption is used. This means that the composite commodity produced is a constant elasticity of substitution function of either a domestic good or its imported equivalent.The composite input of the primary factor is a constant elasticity of substitution combination of land, capital and composite labour. The composite labour is a constant elasticity of substitution of skilled and unskilled labour. This combination of composite primary input is the same across all the industries, (in our case 22). However, this does not imply the same composite input and labour combination for every product produced because the input combination and the behavioural parameters are not the same across the 22 industries.Production and consumption in the household and industrial sector are affected by ‘bad commodities’, which are oil, gas, coal and electricity through the environmental taxes imposed on these ‘bad commodities.’ This is achieved by the introduction of three environmental taxes: carbon taxation, energy taxation and petroleum taxation. These taxes form part of the ad valorem commodity tax.The impact of these ‘bad’ taxes depends on the value of the intensity coefficients. The intensity coefficients for each of the taxes are the proportion of the ‘bad contents’ to the market value of the commodities. The ‘bad content’ is the energy content of the three types of taxes discussed. It is possible that the ‘bad content’ can be disaggregated into different types of fuels. For example, electricity can be disaggregated into steam turbine, hydroelectricity, gas turbine, coal generators and so forth. Coal, a fossil fuel, can also be disaggregated into lignite (brown coal) and briquettes. In this model, however, disaggregation of fossil fuels is left to a later study and not discussed further here.4Simulation and Results The simulations undertaken included the introduction of an energy tax, a carbon tax and a petroleum tax and measure the impact of each on the economy when the rate of taxation is set so that each type tax collects revenue equivalent to 0.6 percent of GDP in the base-case. Table 1 presents the tax rate set for each of the taxes. As the table shows, the tax rates for both the energy and carbon tax are not very different.The tax rate is highest for the energy commodity with the high energy intensity as well as high emission coefficients. The highest ad valorem tax rates are for coal while the lowest tax rates are for petroleum, oil and gas products. The simulation results were constructed to consider, in particular, the existence of likely significant differences in the micro and macro impacts of an energy tax, a carbon tax and a petroleum tax. The emphasis was particularly on understanding both the greenhouse impact and the non-greenhouse impact of the various environmental taxes.Table 1: Ad valorem tax rates on fossil fuels (%)Energytax Carbon taxPetroleumproducts tax Coal 131 123 0Gas 56 51 0Oil 14 18 0 Petroleumproducts 8 9 15The results of the impact of each of the environmental taxes on the carbon emissions and fossil fuel consumption shows that both the volume of carbon emissions and fossil fuel consumed declined (Table 2). The carbon tax, for example, leads to a reduction in energy consumption and carbon emission of about 14 and 18 percent respectively. The impact of the energy tax and carbon tax in reducing energy consumption and carbon emission are almost the same. An energy tax reduces energy consumption by 13 percent compared to 14 percent for the carbon tax. It also reduces carbon emissions by approximately 16 percent compared with 18 percent for the carbon tax. On the other hand, a petroleum tax is less effective in reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions as it reduces carbon emission and energy consumption by approximately 0.9 and 1.9 percent, respectively.Table 2: Estimated effects of each of the three taxes on fossil fuel energy consumption and carbon emissionsEnergy tax CarbontaxPetroleumproducts taxCarbonDioxideEmissions -14 -18 -0.9Fossil fuelenergy use -13 -16 -1.9 Turning to the macro effects of the three types of taxes, the impact of both the carbon and the energy taxes on some macro variables are similar, as shown by Table 4. Real household consumption falls by 0.1percent for the carbon tax and 0.09 percent of the energy tax. However, for the petroleum tax, consumption falls by 0.2 percent. Additional tax will incur a high penalty for the economy, with little effect on the environment.Table 3: Estimated effects of energy,carbon and petroleum products taxeson selected macro variablesPetroleum product tax Energytax Carbon taxIncome tax rate -0.82 -0.62 -0.68 Householdconsumption -0.2 -0.09 -0.1 Capital(working) -0.82 -1.12 -1.26 Volume ofexports -1.62 -1.54 -1.7Capital (fixed) -0.75 -1.58 -1.62 Investment -0.32 -0.51 -0.54 GDP -0.29 -0.38 -0.39 Volume ofimports -0.91 -0.78 -0.89 Like many CGE models that model the impact of energy and carbon emission reduction programmes, the impact of both the energy tax and the carbon tax is to reduce GDP by approximately 0.385 percent. The impact of the petroleum tax is slightly less, at 0.29 percent. The fall in GDP is associated with the fall in capital stock. As the capital stock is reduced investment also falls. The impact of the energy tax and the carbon tax on investment is approximately 0.51 and 0.54 respectively with the carbon tax having a slightly higher effect than the carbon tax.In addition, we can consider the impact in selected sectors, as shown in Table 4. The sectoral effects presented here relate to the energy intensive industries, mining, metal products, electricity and gas sectors. The impact on these energy intensive sectors exceeds, on average, 2 percent.For example, for mining there is a reduction of 4.1 and 4.5 percent with the energyand carbon tax respectively. The impact of the petroleum tax on mining is slightly less at approximately 2 percent. The impact on the metals’ sector and the electricity, gas and water sectors is also a decline of, an average, 3.8 percent for the metal sector and an average reduction of about 2.7 for the electricity, gas andwater sector. The slightly less than average impact on the electricity, gas and water sector isdue to the 1.2 percent increase in electricity, gasand water sector usage with a corresponding reduction in usage for the energy and carbon taxes. The other sectors are slightly less energy intensive than the previous three sectors discussed so the impacts of the three taxes areless than those of the energy intensive sectors. Generally, the impact of the energy taxes and the carbon taxes are greater than the petroleum taxes.Table 4: Estimated effects of energy, carbon and petroleum products on activity of selected sectorsPetroleumproduct taxEnergytax Carbon tax Services -0.26 0 0 Petroleum prod. -1.62 -1.52 -1.34 Construction -0.62 -0.93 -0.8 Mining -2 -4.12 -4.51 Transport -0.71 -0.55 -0.5 Wood products -0.41 -0.43 -0.52 Transport equip. -0.64 -0.52 -0.43 Electricity 1.27 -3.21 -3.62 Textiles 0 0 0 Non-metal products -0.81 -0.72 -0.91 Agriculture -0.4 -0.31 -0.42 Metal products -3.12 -3.66 -3.92 Food Products -0.11 0 0In addition to the output impacts on the above selected sectors, there are also employment effects. Table 5 shows the impact of the threetaxes on employment broadly divided into skilled an unskilled. The impact of the taxes iffelt most heavily on the unskilled workers with a reduction of 0.23 percent for the energy tax and0.28 for carbon tax.Table 5: Estimated effects of energy, carbonand petroleum products on employmentEnergytaxCarbontaxPetroleumproduct taxSkilled Workers 0.15 0.16 0.02 Unskilled Workers -0.23 -0.28 -0.06 OverallEmployment 0.00 0.00 0.00On the other hand, there is an increase in the level of employment of skilled workers. This may signal a change in the structure of the economy where firms prefer to substitute labour for less energy intensive capital.5ConclusionsThis paper attempts to assess the relative effectiveness of an energy tax, a carbon tax and a petroleum tax on the New Zealand economy. From the European experience we have learned that targeting carbon dioxide can be an efficient way to achieve environmental goals although efforts should be made to reduce the emissions of other harmful GHG such as sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxide and methane as they are more effective in trapping heat in the earth’s atmosphere.This exercise has demonstrated that an energy tax based on the energy content of fossil fuel might be an effective instrument to reduce carbon emissions although the energy tax is not as effective as a carbon tax. Policy instruments such as a carbon tax might reduce the stock of both fixed and working capital. The reduction in the economy’s stock of capital might lead to reductions in GDP, household consumption (an indicator of welfare change) exports and investment. Therefore, some important trade-offs exist and require consideration.6. AcknowledgementsAll three authors wish to thank the New Zealand Public Good Science Fund, grant number UOWX:0010, Energy Resources and Energy Resource Economics, for supporting this research. The usual disclaimer applies.7.ReferencesAbayasiri-Silva, K. and Horridge, M. (1996) Economies of Scale and ImperfectCompetition in an Applied GeneralEquilibrium Model of the AustralianEconomy. Working Paper No. OP-84,March 1996.Armington (1969) A Theory of Demand for Products Distinguished by Place ofProduction, International Monetary FundStaff Paper Vol. 16, pp. 159-176. Barker, T. (1995). Taxing pollution instead of employment: greenhouse gas abatementthrough fiscal policy in the UK. Energyand Environment, 6,1,1-28. Barker, T. and J. Kohler (1998), Equity and Ecotax reform in the EU: Achieving a10% reduction in CO2emissions usingExcise Duties. Environmental FiscalReform. Working Paper No.10,University of Cambridge, Cambridge. Baumol, W. 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财务管理中的数学模型—CAPM及其应用杨进红(安阳师范学院数学与统计学院,河南安阳455000)摘要:资本资产定价模型(CAPM:Capital Asset Pricing Model)自提出以后,即受到众多经济学家的青睐,被广泛应用于经济及管理的许多方面,但同时也受到很大的质疑。


关键词:资本资产定价模型,CAPM,贝塔,风险溢价,证券定价,普通股成本1 引言资产定价理论源于马柯维茨(Harry Markowitz)的资产组合理论的研究。



到了60年代初期,金融经济学家们开始研究马柯维茨的模型是如何影响证券估值,这一研究导致了资本资产定价模型(Capital Asset Price Model,简称为CAPM)的产生。

现代资本资产定价模型是由夏普(William Sharpe ,1964年)、林特纳(Jones Lintner,1965年)和莫辛(Moss in,1966年)根据马柯维茨最优资产组合选择的思想分别提出来的,因此资本资产定价模型也称为SLM模型。


2、CAPM模型的提出CAPM是诺贝尔经济学奖获得者威廉·夏普(William Sharpe) 于1970年在他的著作《投资组合理论与资本市场》中提出的。



Graduates to apply for the quantitative analysis of changes in number of graduatestudents一Topics raisedIn this paper, the total number of students from graduate students (variable) multivariate analysis (see below) specific analysis, and collect relevant data, model building, this quantitative analysis. The number of relations between the school the total number of graduate students with the major factors, according to the size of the various factors in the coefficient in the model equations, analyze the importance of various factors, exactly what factors in changes in the number of graduate students aspects play a key role in and changes in the trend for future graduate students to our proposal.The main factors affect changes in the total number of graduate students for students are as follows:Per capita GDP - which is affecting an important factor to the total number of students in the graduate students (graduate school is not a small cost, and only have a certain economic base have more opportunities for post-graduate)The total population - it will affect the total number of students in graduate students is an important factor (it can be said to affect it is based on source)The number of unemployed persons - this is the impact of adirect factor of the total number of students in the graduatestudents (it is precisely because of the high unemployment rate,will more people choose Kaoyan will be their own employment weights)Number of colleges and universities - which is to influenceprecisely because of the emergence of more institutions of higherlearning in the school the total number of graduate students is nota small factor (to allow more people to participate in Kaoyan)二 Establish ModelY=α+β1X1+β2X2+β3X3+β4X4 +uAmong them, theY-in the total number of graduate students (variable)X1 - per capita GDP (explanatory variables)X2 - the total population (explanatory variables)X3 - the number of unemployed persons (explanatory variables)X4 - the number of colleges and universities (explanatory variables)三、Data ExplainHere, using the same area (ie, China) time-series data were fitted2.Data collectionTime series data from 1986 to 2005, the specific circumstances are shown in Table 1Table 1:Y X1X2X3X41986110371963107507264.4105419871201911112109300276.6106319881127761366111026296.2107519891013391519112704377.910751990930181644114333383.210751991881281893115823352.210751992941642311117171363.9105319931067712998118517420.1106519941279354044119850476.4108019951454435046121121519.6105419961633225846122389552.8103219971763536420123626576.81020199819888567961247615711022199923351371591257865751071200030123978581267435951041200139325686221276276811225200250098093981284537701396200365126010542129227800155220048198961233612998882717312005978610140401307568391792四、Model parameter estimation, inspection and correction1.Model parameter estimation and its economic significance, statistical inference test. twoway(scatter Y X1)2000004000006000008000001.0e +06twoway(scatter Y X2)2000004000006000008000001.0e +06twoway(scatter Y X3)2000004000006000008000001.0e +06twoway(scatter Y X4)2000004000006000008000001.0e +0graph twoway lfit y X1200000400000600000800000F i t t e d v a l u e sgraph twoway lfit y X2-20000020000040000060000F i t t e d v a l u e sgraph twoway lfit y X3200000400000600000800000F i t t e d v a l u e sgraph twoway lfit y X42000004000006000008000001000000F i t t e d v a l u e s_cons 270775.2 369252.9 0.73 0.475 -516268.7 1057819 X4 621.3348 46.72257 13.30 0.000 521.748 720.9216 X3 -366.8774 157.9402 -2.32 0.035 -703.5189 -30.23585 X2 -7.158603 3.257541 -2.20 0.044 -14.10189 -.2153182 X1 59.22455 6.352288 9.32 0.000 45.68496 72.76413 Y Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] Total 1.3040e+12 19 6.8631e+10 Root MSE = 18535 Adj R-squared = 0.9950 Residual 5.1533e+09 15 343556320 R-squared = 0.9960 Model 1.2988e+12 4 3.2471e+11 Prob > F = 0.0000 F( 4, 15) = 945.14 Source SS df MS Number of obs = 20. reg Y X1 X2 X3 X4Y = 59.22454816*X1- 7.158602346*X2- 366.8774279*X3+621.3347694*X4(6.352288) (3.257541) (157.9402) (46.72256)t= (9.323341)(-2.197548)(-2.322889)(13.29839)+ 270775.151(369252.8)(0.733306)R2=0.996048 Adjusted R-squared=0.994994 F=945.1415DW=1.596173Visible, X1, X2, X3, X4 t values are significant, indicating that the per capita GDP, the total population of registered urban unemployed population, the number of colleges and universities are the main factors affecting the total number of graduate students in school. Model coefficient of determination for 0.996048 amendments coefficient of determination of 0.994994, was relatively large, indicating high degree of model fit, while the F value of 945.1415, indicating that the model overall is significant。

高级计量经济学 第七章 截取模型

高级计量经济学 第七章 截取模型

删改:样本来自总体, 但观察结果不完整,或 报告的信息简化。
例2:对电影票 的需求
从统计技术角度讲,由于两种情况均导致随机变 量的分布形式发生变化,并引起丢失解释变量错 误,因而利用OLS方法估计模型会出现估计系数 偏差。
在很多应用工作中,人们常常利用受限因变量模 型处理存在上限、下限或上下限的数据,而不去 认真考虑究竟数据体现何种性质。
Pr(y=0)=Pr(y*0)= (-)=1- ()
GNSit = a0 + a1GNQit + a2 (GNQit)2 + a3APGNit + a4TAPGNit + a5NYDRit + a6POPit + a7HLEDit + a8MKTDt + eit
式中: GNS=实际出售的粮食数量 GNQ=粮食生产量 APGN=农民得到的粮食价格(村级平均)
需要注意的是,总体的确定具有相对性,例如我们将 贫困人口作为总体时,例1的情况不再属于截取。
若样本在总体中的分布具有代表性,但当数据由于报告制 度而使某些信息被高度简化时,我们遇到“删改数据”情况 。


payments Indebtedness
About international Reserve
The concept Key currency and inconvertible currency
The meaning of equilibrium
Surplus and deficit About net error and omission Overall balance and autonomous
Real interest parity and inflation
intervene foreign exchange market
Spot Forward A case of speculation attack
Market efficiency and rational expectation
The covered interest parity
The opportunity cost of agent (forward; spot- invest; lend- spot- invest)
The meaning of Premium and discount The equation (4.10) The conditions of CIP
On the background of international finance On the metheod of studies On the Referrences
What is the real exchange rates
人民币实际汇率:文献回顾与重新界 定.doc
What is the relationship between Real exchange rates and PPP



Table 1: Wealth Dynamics in Income Fluctuation Problems Necessary Condition Deterministic Income Stochastic Income Wealth Dynamics Diverging Diverging Stationary Diverging Stationary Stationary
Review Incomplete-market Model with CARA Preference
Policy Function General Equilibrium Numerical Example
De…ne the Laplace transform ζ (k) =
exp (kz) dv (z)
By modifying the third assumption, we study the compactness of the state space and the necessary condition for existence of stationary equilibrium. Note that In the partial equilibrium, interest rate is exogenous given. When the horizon is …nite, the state space is obviously compact regardless of risk and interest rate. This is because agents consume all of their wealth towards the end of life. In the general equilibrium models with many overlapping generations, each of which faces an income ‡uctuation problem, have become popular tools to analyze policy reforms, from social security reform to fundamental tax reform.



计量经济学英文解释English:Econometrics is a branch of economics that applies statistical methods and mathematical models to analyze and quantify the relationships between economic variables. It aims to provide empirical evidence and test economic theories by using real-world data. By employing various econometric techniques, such as regression analysis, time series analysis, and panel data analysis, econometricians are able to estimate and measure the parameters of economic models, assess the significance of different factors, and make predictions or forecasts about future economic outcomes. Econometrics plays a crucial role in several areas of economics, including macroeconomics, microeconomics, finance, and labor economics, as it helps in understanding economic phenomena, formulating economic policies, and making informed decisions. In addition to its theoretical applications, econometrics also has practical applications in business, government, and research institutions where data-driven decision-making is important. Overall, econometrics provides a systematic and quantitative approach toeconomics, allowing economists to study and analyze economic behavior and relationships in a rigorous and scientific manner.中文翻译:计量经济学是经济学的一个分支,它应用统计方法和数学模型来分析和量化经济变量之间的关系。



一、英译domestic business 国内贸易ecomomic globalisation 经济全球化host country 东道主国家intellectual property 知识产权non-tariff barriers 非关税贸易壁垒portfolio investment 证券certificate deposit大额存单management contract 管理合同 contract manufacturing 承包生产Turkey project 交钥匙工程wasted interests 既得利益 BOBOT(build,operate,transfer)建设personal advancement个人晋升service industry 服务产业National product 国民产值per capita GDP 人均国内生产总值staple goods大路货 organization of economic and development 经济合作commonwealth of idpendent States 独立国家联合体 creditor country 债权国 ASEAN东南亚国家联盟 PPP(pu organization of petroleum exporting countries(OPEC)north 石油输出国组织 American free trade agre economic integration 经济一体化 common market 共同市场 sovereign state 主权国家 political entity day to day running 日常管理 the parent MNE 多国公司母公司 National economic welfare 国self-sufficient 自给自足的 farm produce 农产品 the endowments of Nature 自然禀赋 peproduction capability 生产能力 consumption preference 消费偏好 cost advantage 成本优势customs clearance 结关 EDI 电子数据交换 incoterms 国际贸易术语解释通则 destination potrade fair 交易会 international trunk call 国际长途 the business line 业务范围 forceleverage 杠杆作用 trade credit account 贸易信贷往来账户 centrally planned economy 中央计划经济 com financial market 金融市场 vertically related 纵向关联的 procession trade 加工贸易 leasing trade 租to open account 开立账户 consignment transaction 寄售交易 a usance draft 远期汇票 documentary colle periodic payments 分期付款 clean draft 光票 insurance policy 保险单 documents against acceptance 承impeccable documents 正确无误单据 correspondent bank 往来行 advising bank 通知行 confirming bank 保credit-worthiness 信誉 opening bank 开证行 the paying bank 付款行 the negotitation 议付行 partial irrevocable credit 不可撤销的信用证 sight credit 及期信用证 deferred payment credit 推迟付款信用证face value 面值 net proceeds 净值 discount charges 贴现费 non-trade settlement 非贸易结算 revolving consignor 托运人 consular invoice 领事发票 notify party 被通知人 credit terms 信用证条款 terms of p time lag 时差 claim on goods 对货物的索赔 all risks 一切险 premium 保险费 insurer 保险人 common poo settlement of a claim 理赔 freight forwarder 货运代理行 utmost good faith 最大诚信原则 valued polic exchange rate 汇率 balance of payment 收支平衡 directo quote 直接标价 buying rate 买入价 financial gold standard 金本位制 gold par value 金平价 interaction of supply and demand 供求关系变化 foreig fixed exchange rate 固定汇率 par value 平价 the international bank of reconstruction and developm reserve currency 储备货币 the special drawing right 特别提款权 favorable balance of payment 贸易顺financial resources 资金 retained capital 预留资金 grace period 宽限期、优惠期 a specialized mand the international monetary fund 国际货币基金组织 IDA the international development association 国际private sector 私营经济 tax holiday 免税期 Greenfield strategy 绿地战略 customer mobility 客户流动 VER,voluntary export restriction 自动出口限制 after-sale service 售后服务 distribution network 销售government stock 政府债券 market maker 股票经营商 standing committee 常务委员会 underlying securit long-term capital 长期资本 fixed interest stocks 定息股 SEAQ(stock,exchange,automated,quotatio the domestic equity market 国内普通股市场 the gilt-edged market 金边证券市场 the trade options mark listed market 过牌证券交易市场 VAT(value added tax)增值税 institutional investors 事业机构投资商a uniform tariff system 统一关税体系 the optional use of the resources 资源的最佳利用 a provisional non-discriminate principle 非歧视原则 export subsidy 出口补贴 escape clause 豁免条款 a new economic UNGA(united nations general assembly)联合国大会 principle of a differential treatment 差别待遇原trade and development board 贸易发展理事会 income distribution 收入分配 infrastructure基础设施 for free trade area 自由贸易区 European union 欧盟 Asia-Pacific economic co-operation(OPEC)亚太经合组shareholder股东 manufacturing facilities 生产设施 international economic environment 国际经济环境 productive resources 生产资源 ready markets 现成的市场 continued survival 持续生存 the distributi the theory of comparative advantage 比较利益理论 the multual beneficial trade 互利贸易 the reserves CIF 肩负运费保险费货架 trade terms 贸易条款 amendment to the letter of credit 修改信用证 container bill of lading 提单 quotation 报价to make an offer 发盘 the validity periodi有效期 mode of payment付bilateral agreement双边协议 barter易货贸易 vertical combination垂直合并、纵向组合 hyperinflation极go bankrupt 破产 lead to loss of business 导致损失业务 open account 记账交易 commercial letter of c confirmed credit保兑信用证 usance credit远期信用证 face value票面价值 capital turnover资金周转 con port of shipment 装运港 commercial invoice商业发票 customs invoice海关发票 consular invoice 领事发 net weight 净重 Gross weight 毛重 primitive mode of production原始的生产方式 the free movement of commercial intercourse 商业交流 margin保证金 investment in stocks股票投资 cargo insurance货物保险 vhandmaiden 起服务作用的事物 subrogation代位追偿 the doctrine of proximate近因原则 opefreight fowarder 运输代理行 utmost good faith 最大诚信(原则)life or personal accident insurance人world capital market世界资本市场 the cost of borrowing(lending)借贷成本 net earning净收入 equity IFC,international finance corporation 国际金融公司 official reserves 官方储备 voting power 投票权 stand by arrangement 备用(贷款)安排 mid-term loans 中期贷款 joint venture合资公司 acquisition并购sales volume 销售量 existing debts 现存的债务 backward equipment陈旧的设备 out-moded management pro the issue and trading of securities证券的发行与交易 a consultative mechanism协商机制 bilateral nemultilateral trade system多边贸易体系 the general agreement on tariff and trade关税及贸易总协定 technology transfer技术转让 commodity agreement商品协议 preferential优惠关税 the new internation compensatory measures补偿措施 collaboration 合作二、barrier——things that prevents or controls progress or movement;hindrancelicence——official document showing that permission has been given to own,use or do something;pe patent——the right to be the only maker and seller of articleprofit——money left over as earning after all expences have been paidfranchise——formal permission to sell a company‘s goods or services in a particular area potentia——what sb. Or sth. Is capable ofclue——fact,idea,etc. that suggest a possible answer to a problemspur——to urge or encourageproximity——nearnesshemisphere——half a sphere;half the earthwitness——be present at and see;give evidence ofautonomy——self-government,freemdomlandmark——event,Discovery,change,etc. that marks a stage or turning-pointveto——right to reject or forbid somethingcommissioner——member of a commission,sep. one with particular dutiesacclaim——welcome with shouts of approval;applaud loudlyadverse——unfavorable;contrary or hostilecontroversial——likely to cause controversypredominance——superiority in strength,numbers,etc.intervene——interfere so as to prevent sth. Or change the resultdistribution——the movement of goods and materials from place to placedefine——state precisely the meeaning ofefficiency——competency in performancescarce——insufficient in number or amount to meet a demand readilyendowment——money;property,etc. given to provide an incomeperishable——esp.of food quickly or easy going badcoincide——(of ideas,etc.)be in harmony or agreementrefund——pay back money to sbconcession——conceding,that which is conceded,esp. after discussion,a difference ofimpose——lay or place tax,duty,etc. onclimate——a prevailing attitude,atmosphere,or conditionsdegenerate——deterioraterespective——belonging to each of those in questionsinterpretation——explanationrevise——changebinding——compulsoryconfirmation——approvalto set forth——to detailclaim——a demand for something that is legally duerefusal——turning downdrastically——violentlysophisticated——complex,complicated,intricatephenomenon——a fact ,occurrence,or circumstance observed or observable concurrently——simultaneously,meanwhile,at the same timeliterally——in accordance with the strict meaning of the Word or textdebtor——a person who owes moneydraft——an unconditional order to someone to pay a sun of moneyfluctuation——irregular movement of(prices,exchange rates etc.)ban——prohibit,forbiddrawee——the person to whom a draft is drawncredit-worthiness——being believed or accepted by others as reliable in making paymentapplicant of an L/C——the importer that goes to a bank for the establishment of an L/C beneficiary——the company that can make use of an L/C to get paid for its export discrepancy——difference,absence of agreementreimburse——pay back to somebody for the expense he has spentimpeccable——faultlessinsolvent——unable to pay debtsmaturity——becoming duemiddle man——trader through whom goods pass between the producer and the consumersustain——suffercertificate of inspection——a document certifying that merchandise was in good condition at the ti shiping advice——a written notice from the exporter to the importer after shipment for taking deli certificate of weight——a document stating the weight of a shopmentconformity——action,behavior,in agreement with what is usually accepted or requiredcarrier——a personnel or organizations whose business is carrying goods from one place to another primitive——being the first or earliest of the kindintercours——dealings or communications between individuals or between countries entrepreneur——a person who organize and manages an enterpriselimelight——a position at the center of public attentionshackle——a fastening or coupling devicecompensation——sth. Given or received as an equivalent for losssurvey——to know or study in a comprehensive waycircumstance——existing conditions or state of affairsclient——customerunderwriter——insurance company,the insurercrucial——vital or decisive importanceplatinum——gray,untarnishable metal used for jewellerynegligent——careless and differencediminish——to make or become smaller or lessbrand-new——quite new,as if freshly stamped with a brandpeg——to keep fixed or unchangedredeem——to repay or pay off, stock,debentures and preference shares or stock settlement——the act of paying a bill,debt,charge, rate——the price at which one currency can be exchanged for another currency fluctuation——upward and downward movements in the economic systemguarantee——a formal promise or assurancecharter——written description of an organization's functionmitigation——the act of making less seriousto sponsor——to put up the money forconvention——a formal agreementacquisition——company expansion through the purchase of other businessrebate——reducetax holiday——a period of time which tax is not leviedreturn——the gain from an investment,either as income or yield or as profit on the sale of the in access——a way by which a place,esp. property of other businessstatue——a law enacted by the action of the legislaturepractitioner——someone involved in a usually skilled job or activitysophisticated——highly developed and complexstandard——of recognized and permanent valueexpertise——expert skill,knowledge or judgmentdraft——preliminary versionpreamble——opening statementunanimous——in complete agreementoptimal——best or most favourablebiennial——recurring every two yaersperennial insistence——repeatedly demandingexploitation——taking advantage of others for one's own benefitto adapt to——to adjust tocooperation——working togethercolony——a country controlled politically by another powerful country三、英对expertise——expert knowledge or skilljoint venture——a commercial undertaking by two or more people,differing from a partnership in th partnership——a contractual relationship between two or more people in a joint enterprise,who agr distribution——a person who sends goods from those who uuse themportfolio——the entire collection of investment in the form of stocks,bonds,or certificate of de assess——to judge an amount or valuespur——to urge or encourageinfrastructure——large-scale public service,such as water and power supplies,road,rail and radi PPP——purchasing power parityconsumerism——considerable desire to make purchase for consumptionliberalize——of trade ,the act of government in lifting control over imports and expo detour——route that void a blocked road;deviationerode——wear away ,eat intointegration——combine into a wholeenvisage——pictures in the mind sa a future possibility;imageaffliate MNC——it is associated or controlled by its parent MNVwithout losing its own identity profit——the money gained in a business deal,especially the difference between the amount earned a inflation——a general rise in prices within an economy,accompanied by a reduction of the value of revenue——the money received by a firm from selling its output of goods or servises or money earne host country——in international trade ,the country in which a multinational corporation is active,international trade——the exchange of goods and services between countries through exports and imp absolute advantage——an advantage possessed by a country engaged in international trade when,usin specialization——to restrict one's economic activities to certain particular fields intuitive——relating to the power of the immediate understanding of something without reasoning or capital——the contribution to productive activity made by investment in physical capital and in hudemand——the desire of consumers to obtain goods and serviceseconomies of scale——the long run reduction in average costs that occurs as scale of the firm's ou cost——the amount of money paid a charged for goods or servicetariff——a form of tax that is levied on imports。

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STATISTICAL MODELING OF MONETARY POLICY AND ITSEFFECTSCHRISTOPHER A.SIMSA BSTRACT.The science of economics has some constraints and tensions that set it apart from other sciences.One reflection of these constraints and tensions is that,more than in most other scientific disciplines,it is easy tofind economists of high reputation who disagree strongly with one another on issues of wide public interest.This may suggest that economics,un-like most other scientific disciplines,does not really make progress.Its theories and results seem to come and go,always in hot dispute,rather than improving over time so as to build an increasing body of knowledge. There is some truth to this view;there are examples where disputes of ear-lier decades have been not so much resolved as replaced by new disputes. But though economics progresses unevenly,and not even monotonically, there are some examples of real scientific progress in economics.This es-say describes one—the evolution since around1950of our understand-ing of how monetary policy is determined and what its effects are.The story described here is not a simple success story.It describes an ascent to higher ground,but the ground is still shaky.Part of the purpose of the essay is to remind readers of how views strongly held in earlier decades have since been shown to be mistaken.This should encourage continu-ing skepticism of consensus views and motivate critics to sharpen their efforts at looking at new data,or at old data in new ways,and generating improved theories in the light of what they see.We will be tracking two interrelated strands of intellectual effort:the methodology of modeling and inference for economic time series,and the Date:January3,2012.c 2012by Christopher A.Sims.This document is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike3.0Unported License.http:// /licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/.1STATISTICAL MODELING OF MONETARY POLICY AND ITS EFFECTS2 theory of policy influences on business cyclefluctuations.Keynes’s anal-ysis of the Great Depression of the1930’s included an attack on the Quan-tity Theory of money.In the30’s,interest rates on safe assets had been at approximately zero over long spans of time,and Keynes explained why, under these circumstances,expansion of the money supply was likely to have little effect.The leading American Keynesian,Alvin Hansen in-cluded in his(1952)book A Guide to Keynes a chapter on money,in which he explained Keynes’s argument for the likely ineffectiveness of mone-tary expansion in a period of depressed output.Hansen concluded the chapter with,“Thus it is that modern countries place primary emphasis onfiscal policy,in whose service monetary policy is relegated to the sub-sidiary role of a useful but necessary handmaiden.”Jan Tinbergen’s(1939)book was probably thefirst multiple-equation, statistically estimated economic time series model.His efforts drew heavy criticism.Keynes(1939),in a famous review of Tinbergen’s book,dis-missed it.Keynes had many reservations about the model and the meth-ods,but most centrally he questioned whether a statistical model like this could ever be a framework for testing a theory.Haavelmo(1943b),though he had important reservations about Tinbergen’s methods,recognized that Keynes’s position,doubting the possibility of any confrontation of theory with data via statistical models,was unsustainable.At about the same time,Haavelmo published his seminal papers explaining the ne-cessity of a probability approach to specifying and estimating empirical economic models(1944)and laying out an internally consistent approach to specifying and estimating macroeconomic time series models(1943a). Keynes’s irritated reaction to the tedium of grappling with the many numbers and equations in Tinbergen’s bookfinds counterparts to this day in the reaction of some economic theorists to careful,large-scale probabil-ity modeling of data.Haavelmo’s ideas constituted a research agenda that to this day attracts many of the best economists to work on improved successors to Tinbergen’s initiative.Haavelmo’s main point was this.Economic models do not make pre-cise numerical predictions.Even if they are used to make a forecast that is a single number,we understand that the forecast will not be exactly correct.Keynes seemed to be saying that once we accept that models’predictions will be incorrect,and thus have“error terms”,we must give up hope of testing them.Haavelmo argued that we can test and compareSTATISTICAL MODELING OF MONETARY POLICY AND ITS EFFECTS3 models,but that to do so we must insist that they include a characteri-zation of the nature of their errors.That is,they must be in the form of probability distributions for the observed data.Once they are given this form,he pointed out,the machinery of statistical hypothesis testing can be applied to them.In the paper where he initiated simultaneous equations modeling(1943a), he showed how an hypothesized joint distribution for disturbance terms is transformed by the model into a distribution for the observed data,and went on to show how this allowed likelihood-based methods for estimat-ing parameters.1After discussing inference for his model,Haavelmo explained why the parameters of his equation system were useful:One could contemplate intervening in the system by replacing one of the equa-tions with something else,claiming that the remaining equations would continue to hold.This justification of—indeed definition of—structural modeling was made more general and explicit later by Hurwicz(1962). Haavelmo’s ideas and research program contained two weaknesses that persisted for decades thereafter and at least for a while partially discred-ited the simultaneous equations research program.One was that he adopted the frequentist hypothesis-testing framework of Neyman and Pearson. This framework,if interpreted rigorously,requires the analyst not to give probability distributions to parameters.This limits its usefulness in con-tributing to analysis of real-time decision-making under uncertainty,where assessing the likelihood of various parameter values is essential.It also inhibits combination of information from model likelihood functions with information in the beliefs of experts and policy-makers themselves.Both these limitations would have been overcome had the literature recognized the value of a Bayesian perspective on inference.When Haavelmo’s ideas were scaled up to apply to models of the size needed for serious macroe-conomic policy analysis,the attempt to scale up the hypothesis-testing theory of inference simply did not work in practice.1The simultaneous equations literature that emerged from Haavelmo’s insights treated as the standard case a system in which the joint distribution of the disturbances was unrestricted,except for havingfinite covariance matrix and zero mean.It is in-teresting that Haavelmo’s seminal example instead treated structural disturbances as independent,as has been the standard case in the later structural VAR literature.STATISTICAL MODELING OF MONETARY POLICY AND ITS EFFECTS4 The other major weakness was the failure to confront the conceptual difficulties in modeling policy decisions as themselves part of the eco-nomic model,and therefore having a probability distribution,yet at the same time as something we wish to consider altering,to make projec-tions conditional on changed policy.In hindsight,we can say this should have been obvious.Policy behavior equations should be part of the sys-tem,and,as Haavelmo suggested,analysis of the effects of policy should proceed by considering alterations of the parts of the estimated system corresponding to policy behavior.Haavelmo’s paper showed how to analyze a policy intervention,and did so by dropping one of his three equations from the system while maintaining the other two.But his model contained no policy behavior equation.It was a simple Keynesian model,consisting of a consumption behavior equation,an investment behavior equation,and an accounting identity that defined output as the sum of consumption and investment. It is unclear how policy changes could be considered in this framework. There was no policy behavior equation to be dropped.What Haavelmo did was to drop the national income accounting identity!He postulated that the government,by manipulating“g”,or government expenditure (a variable not present in the original probability model),could set na-tional income to any level it liked,and that consumption and investment would then behave according to the two behavioral equations of the sys-tem.From the perspective of1943a scenario in which government ex-penditure had historically been essentially zero,then became large and positive,may have looked interesting,but by presenting a policy inter-vention while evading the need to present a policy behavior equation, Haavelmo set a bad example with persistent effects.The two weak spots in Haavelmo’s program—frequentist inference and unclear treatment of policy interventions—are related.The frequen-tist framework in principle(though not always in practice)makes a sharp distinction between“random”and“non-random”objects,with the for-mer thought of as repeatedly varying,with physically verifiable prob-ability distributions.From the perspective of a policy maker,her own choices are not“random”,and confronting her with a model in which her past choices are treated as“random”and her available current choices are treated as draws from a probability distribution may confuse or annoy her.Indeed economists who provide policy advice and view probabilitySTATISTICAL MODELING OF MONETARY POLICY AND ITS EFFECTS5 from a frequentist perspective may themselvesfind this framework puz-zling.2A Bayesian perspective on inference makes no distinction between random and non-random objects.It distinguishes known or already ob-served objects from unknown objects.The latter have probability distri-butions,characterizing our uncertainty about them.There is therefore no paradox in supposing that econometricians and the public may have probability distributions over policy maker behavior,while policy mak-ers themselves do not see their choices as random.The problem of econo-metric modeling for policy advice is to use the historically estimated joint distribution of policy behavior and economic outcomes to construct accu-rate probability distributions for outcomes conditional on contemplated policy actions not yet taken.This problem is not easy to solve,but it has to be properly posed before a solution effort can begin.I.K EYNESIAN ECONOMETRICS VS.MONETARISMIn the1950’s and60’s economists worked to extend the statistical foun-dations of Haavelmo’s approach and to actually estimate Keynesian mod-els.By the mid-1960’s the models were reaching a much bigger scale than Haavelmo’s two-equation example model.Thefirst stage of this large scale modeling was reported in a volume with25contributors(Duesen-berry,Fromm,Klein,and Kuh,1965),776pages,approximately150esti-mated equations,and a50×75cm foldoutflowchart showing how sectors were linked.The introduction discusses the need to include a“param-eter”for every possible type of policy intervention.That is,there was no notion that policy itself was part of the stochastic structure to be es-timated.There were about44quarters of data available,so without re-strictions on the covariance matrix of residuals,the likelihood function would have been unbounded.Also,in order to obtain even well-defined single-equation estimates by standard frequentist methods,in each equa-tion a large fraction of the variables in the model had to be assumed not to enter.There was no analysis of the shape of the likelihood function or of the model’s implications when treated as a joint distribution for all the observed time series.2An example of a sophisticated economist struggling with this issue is Sargent(1984). That paper purports to characterize both Sargent’s views and my own.I think it does characterize Sargent’s views at the time,but it does not correctly characterize my own.STATISTICAL MODELING OF MONETARY POLICY AND ITS EFFECTS6 The1965volume was just the start of a sustained effort that produced another volume in1969,and then evolved into the MIT-Penn-SSRC(or MPS)model that became the main working model used in the US Federal Reserve’s policy process.Important other work using similar modeling approaches and methods has been pursued in continuing research by Ray Fair described his1984book,as well as in several central banks. While this research on large Keynesian models was proceeding,Mil-ton Friedman and Anna Schwartz(1963b,1963a)were launching an al-ternative view of the data.They focused on a shorter list of variables, mainly measures of money stock,high-powered money,broad price in-dexes,and measures of real activity like industrial production or GDP, and they examined the behavior of these variables in detail.They pointed out the high correlation between money growth and both prices and real activity,evident in the data over long spans of time.They pointed out in the1963b paper that money growth tended to lead changes in nom-inal income.Their book(1963a)argued that from the detailed histori-cal record one could see that in many instances money stock had moved first,and income had followed.Friedman and Meiselman(1963)used single-equation regressions to argue that the relation between money and income was more stable than that between what they called“autonomous expenditure”and income.They argued that these observations supported a simpler view of the economy than that put forward by the Keynesians: monetary policy had powerful effects on the economic system,and in-deed that it was the main driving force behind business cycles.If it could be made less erratic,in particular if money supply growth could be kept stable,cyclicalfluctuations would be greatly reduced.The confrontation between the monetarists and the Keynesian large-scale modelers made clear that econometric modeling of macroeconomic data had not delivered on Haavelmo’s research program.He had pro-posed that economic theories should be formulated as probability distri-butions for the observable data,and that they should be tested against each other on the basis of formal assessments of their statisticalfit.This was not happening.The Keynesians argued that the economy was com-plex,requiring hundreds of equations,large teams of researchers,and years of effort to model it.The monetarists argued that only a few vari-ables were important and that a single regression,plus some charts and historical story-telling,made their point.The Keynesians,pushed bySTATISTICAL MODELING OF MONETARY POLICY AND ITS EFFECTS7 the monetarists to look at how important monetary policy was in their models,found(Duesenberry,Fromm,Klein,and Kuh,1969,Chapter7, by Fromm,e.g.)that monetary policy did indeed have strong effects. They argued,though,that it was one among many policy instruments and sources offluctuations,and therefore that stabilizing money growth was not likely to be a uniquely optimal policy.Furthermore,neither side in this debate recognized the centrality of in-corporating policy behavior itself into the model of the economy.In the exchanges between Albert Ando and Franco Modigliani(1965)on the one hand,and Milton Friedman and David Meiselman on the other,much of the disagreement was over what should be taken as“autonomous”or“exogenous”.Ando and Modigliani did argue that what was“au-tonomous”ought to be a question of what was uncorrelated with model error terms,but both they and their adversaries wrote as if what was con-trolled by the government was exogenous.Tobin(1970)explained that not only the high correlations,but also the timing patterns observed by the monetarists could arise in a model where erratic monetary policy was not a source offluctuations,but he did so in a deterministic model,not in a probability model that could be con-fronted with data.Part of his story was that what the monetarists took as a policy instrument,the money stock,could be moved passively by other variables to create the observed statistical patterns.I contributed to this debate(1972)by pointing out that the assumption that money stock was exogenous,in the sense of being uncorrelated with disturbance terms in the monetarist regressions,was testable.The monetarists regressed in-come on current and past money stock,reflecting their belief that the re-gression described a causal influence of current and past money stock on current income.If the high correlations reflected feedback from income to money,future money stock would help explain income as well.It turned out it did not,confirming the monetarists’statistical specification.The monetarists’views,that erratic monetary policy was a major source offluctuations and that stabilizing money growth would stabilize the economy,were nonetheless essentially incorrect.With the right statistical tools,the Keynesians might have been able to display a model in which not only timing patterns(as in Tobin’s model),but also the statistical exo-geneity of the money stock in a regression,would emerge as predictions despite money stock not being the main source offluctuations.But theySTATISTICAL MODELING OF MONETARY POLICY AND ITS EFFECTS8 could not do so.Their models were full of unbelievable assumptions3of convenience,making them weak tools in the debate.And because they did not contain models of policy behavior,they could not even be used to frame the question of whether erratic monetary policy behavior ac-counted for much of observed business cycle variation.II.W HAT WAS MISSINGHaavelmo’s idea,that probability models characterize likely and less likely data outcomes,and that this can be used to distinguish better from worse models,fits neatly with a Bayesian view of inference,and less com-fortably with the Neyman-Pearson approach that he adopted.Since stan-dard statistics courses do not usually give a clear explanation of the differ-ence between Bayesian and frequentist inference,it is worth pausing our story briefly to explain the difference.Bayesian inference aims at produc-ing a probability distribution over unknown quantities,like“parameters”or future values of variables.It does not provide any objective method of doing so.It provides objective rules for updating probability distributions on the basis of new information.When the data provide strong informa-tion about the unknown quantities,it may be that the updating leads to nearly the same result over a wide range of possible initial probability distributions,in which case the results are in a sense“objective”.But the updating can be done whether or not the results are sensitive to the initial probability distribution.Frequentist inference estimates unknown parameters,but does not pro-vide probability distributions for them.It provides probability distribu-tions for the behavior of the estimators.These are“pre-sample”probabil-ities,applying to functions of the data before we observe the data.We can illustrate the difference by considering the multiplier-accelerator model that Haavelmo4used to show that probability-based inference on these models should be possible.Though it is much smaller than the Keynesian econometric models that came later,at the time much fewer 3This fact,which everyone in some sense knew,was announced forcefully by Liu (1960),and much later re-emphasized in my1980b paper.4Haavelmo’s model differs from the classic Samuelson(1939)model only in using current rather than lagged income in the consumption function.STATISTICAL MODELING OF MONETARY POLICY AND ITS EFFECTS9data were available,so that even this simple model could not have been sharply estimated from the short annual time series that were available. The model as Haavelmo laid it out wasC t=β+αY t+εt(1)I t=θ(C t−C t−1)+ηt(2)Y t=C t+I t.(3) He assumedεt∼N(0,σ2c)andηt∼N(0,σ2i)and that they were indepen-dent of each other and across time.He suggested estimating the system by maximum likelihood.He intended the model to be useful for predicting the effect of a change in government spending G t,though G t does not appear in the model.This was confusing,even contradictory.We will expand the model to use data on G t in estimating it.He also had no constant term in the investment equation.We will be using data on gross investment,which must be non-zero even when there is no growth,so we will add a constant term.Our modified version of the model,then,isC t=β+αY t+εt(1 )I t=θ0+θ1(C t−C t−1)+ηt(2 )Y t=C t+I t+G t(3 )G t=γ0+γ1G t−1+νt(4)We will confront it with data on annual real consumption,gross private investment,and government purchases from1929to1940.5The model does not make sense if it implies a negative multiplier—that is if it implies that increasing G within the same year decreases Y.It also does not make sense ifθ1,the“accelerator”coefficient,is negative. Finally,it is hard to interpret ifγ1is much above1,because that implies explosive growth.We therefore restrict the parameter space toθ1>0,γ1< 1.03,1−α(1+θ1)>0.The last of these restrictions requires a positive multiplier.The likelihood maximum over this parameter space is then at5We use the chain indexed data,which did not exist when Haavelmo wrote.We construct Y as C+I+G,since the chain indexed data do not satisfy the accounting identity and we are not using data on other GDP components.STATISTICAL MODELING OF MONETARY POLICY AND ITS EFFECTS10αβθ0θ1γ0γ10.56616663.00.00010.70.991Note that the maximum likelihood estimator(MLE)forθ1is at the bound-ary of the parameter space.At this value,the investment equation of the model makes little sense.Furthermore,the statistical theory that is used in a frequentist approach to measure reliability of estimators assumes that the true parameter value is not on the boundary of the parameter space and that the sample is large enough so that a random sample of the data would makefinding the MLE on the boundary extremely unlikely.A Bayesian approach to inference provides a natural and reasonable re-sult,though.The probability density over the parameter space after see-ing the data is proportional to the product of the likelihood function with a prior density function.If the prior density function is muchflatter than the likelihood,as is likely if we began by being very uncertain about the parameter values,the likelihood function itself,normalized to integrate to one,characterizes our uncertainty about the parameter values.With mod-ern Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods,it is a straightforward matter to trace out the likelihood and plot density functions for parameters,func-tions of parameters,or pairs of parameters.Under aflat prior,the density function forθ1has the shape shown in Figure1.While the peak is at zero, any value between0and.25is quite possible,and the expected value is .091.The system’s dynamics withθ1=.2would be very different from dynamics withθ1close to zero.So the data leave substantively important uncertainty about the value ofθ1and do not at all rule out economically significant accelerator effects.The within-year multiplier in this model, that is the effect of a unit change in G t on Y t,is1/(1−α(1+θ1)).Its flat-prior posterior density is shown in Figure2.Note that the maximum likelihood estimate of the multiplier,shown as a vertical line in thefigure, is2.30,well to the left of the main mass of the posterior distribution.This occurs because the multiplier increases withθ1,and the MLE at zero is unrepresentative of the likely values ofθ1.In calculating the“multiplier”here,I am looking at the impact of a change in G t,in the context of a model in which G t is part of the data vector for which the model proposes a probability distribution.There are several ways of thinking about what is being done in this calculation. One is to say that we are replacing the“policy behavior equation”(4) by the trivial equation G t=G∗,holding the other equationsfixed,andSTATISTICAL MODELING OF MONETARY POLICY AND ITS EFFECTSθ1 probability densityN = 100000 Bandwidth = 0.007981F IGURE 1.considering variations in G ∗.Another,equivalent,way to think of it is that we are considering choosing values of νt ,the disturbance to the policy equation.The latter approach has the advantage that,since we have an estimated distribution for νt ,we will notice when we are asking about the effects of changes in νt that the model considers extremely unlikely.6While there is nothing logically wrong with asking the model to predict the effects of unlikely changes,simplifying assumptions we have made in setting up the model to match data become more and more questionable as we consider more extreme scenarios.Neither of these ways of looking at a multiplier on G is what Haavelmo did in his hypothetical policy experiment with the model.In fact he did not calculate a multiplier at all.He instead suggested that a policy-maker could,by setting G (which,recall,was not in his probability model),achieve any desired level Y ∗of total output.He recognized that this implied the policy-maker could see εt and ηt and choose G t so as to offset their effects.6This is the point made,with more realistic examples,by Leeper and Zha (2003).STATISTICAL MODELING OF MONETARY POLICY AND ITS EFFECTS 12234560. density of multiplierN = 100000 Bandwidth = 0.03035F IGURE 2.He noted that under these assumptions,the effects of changes in Y ∗on C t and I t could be easily calculated from equations (1)and (2).He said that what he was doing was dropping the accounting identity (3)and replac-ing it with Y t =Y ∗,but one cannot “drop”an accounting identity.What he was actually doing was replacing an implicit policy equation,G t ≡0,with another,G t =Y ∗−C t −I t ,while preserving the identity (3 ).Since policy-makers probably cannot in fact perfectly offset shocks like ηt and εt ,and since they are more likely to have seen themselves as controlling G t than as directly controlling Y t ,this policy experiment is rather artificial.If Haavelmo had tried to fit his model to data,he would have had to confront the need to model the determination of his policy variable,G t .My extension of Haavelmo’s model in (1 )-(4)specifies that lagged val-ues of C t and I t do not enter the G t equation (4)and that the disturbance of that equation is independent of the other two disturbances.This im-plies,if this equation is taken as describing policy behavior,that G t was determined entirely by shifts in policy,with no account being taken ofSTATISTICAL MODELING OF MONETARY POLICY AND ITS EFFECTS13 other variables in the economy.This would justify estimating thefirst two equations in isolation,as Haavelmo suggested.But in fact the data contain strong evidence that lagged C t and I t do help predict G t.7If the model was otherwise correct,this would have implied(quite plausibly) that G t was responding to private sector developments.Even to estimate the model properly would then have required a more complicated ap-proach.This discussion is meant only as an example to illustrate the difference between frequentist and Bayesian inference and to show the importance of explicitly modeling policy.It is not meant to suggest that Haavelmo’s model and analysis could have been much better had he taken a Bayesian approach to inference.The calculations involved in Bayesian analysis of this simple model(and described more fully in the appendix)take sec-onds on a modern desktop computer,but at the time Haavelmo wrote were completely infeasible.And the model is not a good model.The esti-mated residuals from the MLE estimates show easily visible,strong serial correlation,implying that the data have richer dynamics than is allowed for in the model.In large macroeconomic models it is inevitable that some parameters —some aspects of our uncertainty about how the economy works—are not well-determined by the data alone.We may nonetheless have ideas about reasonable ranges of values for these parameters,even though we are uncertain about them.Bayesian inference deals naturally with this situation,as it did with the prior knowledge thatθ1should be positive in the example version of Haavelmo’s model.We can allow the data, via the likelihood function,to shape the distribution where the data are informative,and use pre-data beliefs where the data are weak.When we are considering several possible models for the same data, Bayesian inference can treat“model number”as an unknown parameter and produce post-sample probabilities over the models.When a large model,with many unknown parameters,competes with a smaller model, these posterior probabilities automatically favor simpler models if theyfit as well as more complicated ones.7I checked this by byfitting bothfirst and second order VAR’s.。
