



E-mail: s upport@ CC-A80 android系统安装指南文档版本作者V-1.0Parker [parker@]E-mail: s upport@内容目录 (2)硬件要求 (3)下载刷机工具和固件 (3)刷机步骤 (3)3.1 开启刷机工具,选好固件 (3)3.2连接板子和电脑 (4)系统体验和简单设置 (6)4.1 系统上电 (6)4.2 界面一览 (7)4.3 系统设置 (9)附CC-A80接口图 (10)E-mail: s upport@硬件要求CC-A80板子一块、一条USB3.0线、一台运行windows系统(win8以下版本)或linux系统的电脑。


刷机步骤注:这里以ubuntu12.04操作系统为例子,进行说明3.1 开启刷机工具,选好固件进入到Bin目录双击打开刷机工具,点击Image选择刚才下载的CC-A80android固件。

E-mail: s upport@3.2连接板子和电脑如下图,选择好刷机固件后,按住板子的BOOT键,然后用USB3.0线,把板子和电脑连接起来。

E-mail: s upport@这时,可以看到板子的电源指示灯亮起,刷机工具弹出格式化的对话框,松开BOOT键。

点击 “Y es”后,等待刷机完成。

E-mail: s upport@系统体验和简单设置4.1 系统上电当固件烧写成功后,我们可以上电开机了。


E-mail: s upport@系统默认HDMI的显示级别最高,当系统检测不到HDMI插入的时候,就会从VGA显示输出。



维宏®数控系统NCSTUDIO V5.4软件使用手册目录升级纪录............................................................................................................................ I I 目录.. (I)1概述 (1)1.1软件特性 (1)2系统安装与连接 (3)2.1N CSTUDIO™的系统基本配置 (3)计算机主机 (3)操作系统 (3)2.2N CSTUDIO™系统的安装 (4)安装Ncstudio™软件 (5)安装Ncstudio™运动控制卡 (8)重新启动计算机 (8)2.3其他安装问题 (8)2.4卸载N CSTUDIO™系统 (9)2.5N CSTUDIO™控制卡与驱动系统的连接 (10)3NCSTUDIO™基本概念 (11)3.1操作模式与状态 (11)操作模式 (11)操作状态 (12)3.2机床坐标系 (13)机械坐标系 (13)工件坐标系 (13)4NCSTUDIO™操作界面 (15)4.1标题栏 (16)4.2菜单栏 (17)4.3工具栏 (18)4.4数控信息栏 (19)4.5状态栏 (19)4.6数控状态窗口 (19)加工状态和时间信息 (20)当前位置 (20)进给速度 (21)机床控制 (22)4.7自动操作窗口 (23)4.8手动操作窗口 (25)4.9加工轨迹窗口 (28)三维视图模式 (28)上下文菜单 (31)设置个性化参数 (31)4.10系统日志窗口 (32)4.11程序管理窗口 (33)4.12系统参数窗口 (34)加工参数 (35)厂商参数 (38)4.13程序编辑窗口 (41)4.14输入输出状态(I/O状态)窗口 (42)5NCSTUDIO™菜单系统 (44)5.1“文件”菜单 (44)打开并装载 (44)卸载 (45)新建加工程序 (46)打开并编辑 (46)编辑当前加工程序 (46)保存 (46)另存为 (46)关闭 (47)最近装载的加工程序 (47)最近编辑的加工程序 (47)退出 (47)5.2“编辑”菜单 (48)5.3“查看”菜单 (49)工具栏 (50)状态栏 (50)全屏 (50)显示加工程序行号 (51)跟踪加工程序当前行 (51)加工程序信息 (52)5.4“操作”菜单 (52)单步执行 (53)设置当前点为工件原点 (53)设置当前点工件坐标 (54)回工件原点 (54)开始 (55)暂停 (56)停止 (56)进入仿真模式并开始仿真 (56)高级开始 (57)断点继续 (57)执行加工指令 (58)微调 (61)对刀 (62)回机械原点 (62)复位 (63)5.5“机床”菜单 (64)5.6“窗口”菜单 (64)5.7“帮助”菜单 (65)6操作步骤 (66)6.1开机 (66)6.2机械复位(可选) (66)6.3载入加工程序 (66)6.4手动操作 (67)6.5确定工件原点 (67)6.6执行自动加工 (68)6.7直接定位功能 (69)7操作时的注意事项 (70)7.1多任务执行注意事项 (70)7.2回机械原点注意事项 (70)8最终用户软件许可协议 .................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

Adobe Connect 8 安装核对清单说明书

Adobe Connect 8 安装核对清单说明书

ADOBE® CONNECT™ 8安装核对清单目录Adobe Connect 8 安装核对清单安装前. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1最终用户的系统要求. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2安装. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2安装后. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2疑难解答. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Adobe Connect 资源 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Adobe Connect 8 安装核对清单安装前开始安装 Adobe® Connect™之前,请确认您的资源满足以下安装要求:•操作系统要求•Microsoft Windows Server® 2008R2 和 2003 SP2;32 位或 64 位;巴西葡萄牙语、简体中文、荷兰语、英语、法语、德语、意大利语、日语、韩语、西班牙语和俄语。











准备工作:1.去中兴官网下载一个V880 T卡升级包和指导书,里面有联通定制版原版ROOM 下载地址可以把网址复制粘帖到浏览器的地址栏里。



3.下载一个R E管理器并安装用来删除联通定制软件和安装包。

ROOT具体经过:1.确认你之前有没有用过Universal Androot操作过临时权限如果有,请先执行Universal Androot,点Unroot操作。

清除Universal Androot创建的文件(重启卸载Universal Androot)2.备份你需要备份的数据,电话本啊,短信啊啥的,基本没什么必要先重启下手机(非必要)建议先用文件结束那些非必需的进程,腾出足够的内存和cpu资源。

3..执行VISIONary +(以下非常重要,严格按照此教程操作)打开后,勾选Run after root和set system r/w root 执行Temproot now 等待结束返回ok你应该已经取得了临时root权限了。


如果不行再次执行以下Temproot now (多试几次一定可以的)4.取得永久root。



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长虹窗式空调使用说明书篇二:长虹白板软件使用说明书长虹白板软件使用说明书用户使用手册(v1.6.3)目录一. 系统特点 ............................................................................. ...............................................................................4二. 系统安装 ............................................................................. ...............................................................................62.1. 运行环境 ............................................................................. . (6)2.2. 系统安装 ............................................................................. . (7)三. 基础操作 ............................................................................. ...............................................................................83.1. 运行程序 ............................................................................. . (8)3.2. 基本操作 ............................................................................. . (9)3.2.1 切换模式 ............................................................................. .. (9)3.2.2 关闭白板软件 ............................................................................. (9)3.2.3 快捷功能区 ............................................................................. .. (10)3.3. 工具条操作 ............................................................................. . (11)3.4. 主要功能 ............................................................................. (12)3.4.1 书写功能 ............................................................................. (12)3.4.2 绘图功能 ............................................................................. (14)3.4.3 工具功能 ............................................................................. (20)3.4.4 背景功能 ............................................................................. (27)3.4.5 管理页面 ............................................................................. (29)3.4.6 素材 ............................................................................. ................................................................................293.4.7 资源 ............................................................................. ................................................................................323.4.8 实验 ............................................................................. ................................................................................353.4.9 题库 ............................................................................. ................................................................................383.5. 对象编辑 ............................................................................. .. (39)3.6. 页面缩放 ............................................................................. .. (42)3.7. 文件功能 ............................................................................. .. (42)3.8. 异常退出自动恢复功能 ............................................................................. (43)前言一、东方中原互动教学支撑系统的介绍东方中原互动教学支撑系统(以下简称东方中原白板软件)可以结合电子白板或液晶平板通过与电脑、投影机,组成一个交互式的协作会议或教学环境,配备的电子笔可代替鼠标和粉笔,在电子白板或液晶平板上书写、绘图、直接操控电脑。

Visual Components产品家的安装与许可指南说明书

Visual Components产品家的安装与许可指南说明书

User Guide Installation and Licensing Visual Components Product FamilyContentsIntroduction (3)System requirements (3)Installation Requirements (3)Installation (3)Installing Visual Components (3)Uninstalling Visual Components (6)Licensing (8)Evaluation license (8)Commercial license (10)Standalone product key (10)Online Activation (10)Offline Manual Activation (13)KUKA OLP Activation (14)Register Product Key (18)Updating Registration Information (21)Online Deactivation (22)Offline Manual Deactivation (24)Deactivation limit/Transfer limit (24)Activation renewal (26)Network License (27)Online Activation (27)Using a Network License Key (28)Manual Activation (29)Deactivation (29)Activation renewal (29)Upgrade License (30)Command line deployment (31)Installation/Uninstallation (31)Frequently Asked Questions (32)IntroductionThis User Guide has been designed to assist users who are installing and activating software license keys for a Visual Components product. Should any user still require assistance, then please contact Visual Components Support via email at **************************** System requirementsThe updated system requirements for using a Visual Components product can be found at: https:///system-requirements/Installation RequirementsFor a successful installation you will need:•Visual Components product installer•Software license keyA software license key can only be activated for a specified product and version. We recommend that prior to installation, you confirm for which product and version your license key is intended. InstallationTo install Visual Components, you will first need to download an installer from the website. Installing Visual Components1.Begin by visiting the downloads page to download the Installer for your Visual Componentsproduct and run the installer.2.On the Welcome dialog, click Next.3.On the License Agreement dialog, read and accept the agreement, and then click Next.4.Review the Privacy Policy and click Next.5.On the Installation Folder dialog, accept or change the location for storing your VisualComponents program files, and then click Next.6.Then click Finish.Uninstalling Visual Components1.Depending on your device and version of Windows, use the Control Panel to access theUninstall a program screen.2.In the Uninstall or change a program panel find and select the Visual Components productyou wish to remove, and then click Uninstall.3.On the Uninstall Visual Components product dialog, click Next.4.On the License Deactivation dialog, choose whether you wish to deactivate any standalonelicenses that are currently active on your device, and then click Next.5.On the Uninstallation Successful dialog, click Finish.Important: We recommend deactivation of a product key during uninstallation to avoid possible future issues when re-installing the software on a different computer.LicensingThe first time you run a Visual Components application you will be prompted to provide either a standalone software license key or the address to a Visual Components Network License Server. Refer to the Commercial License section for more information.Important: Your computer and network must allow traffic from Visual Components software, so you may need to modify your firewall settings. For more information, refer to the FAQ section. Evaluation licenseEvaluation licenses are software license keys with a specific number of activation days. Once activated on a standalone computer system, they cannot be deactivated, nor can they be transferred to another system.The activation of the evaluation license will expire automatically after the specified number of days. After the evaluation period, the user is required to purchase a Commercial License to continue using the Visual Components product.1.To start your evaluation period, download and install your Visual Components applicationand activate your evaluation license key.2.When starting your application, from the Evaluation License dialog, you can eitherUpgrade or continue to Evaluate the software.NOTE! You can use this dialog to track how many days remain of your evaluation period.3.Selecting the Evaluate option allows you to continue using the software within theevaluation period.4.To upgrade during the evaluation period, select the FILE tab to access the Backstage view,then select Info and License.5.And from the Application License tab click Upgrade.Commercial licenseA commercial license is either a time limited or perpetual license key that can be found in your shipping note.Standalone product keyOnline ActivationTo use your commercial product key to activate a Visual Components product, follow these steps:1.Run your Visual Components application.2.On the Welcome dialog, click Next.3.On the License type dialog, select I have a standalone product key, and then click Next.4.On the Standalone license dialog, enter your 16-digit product key, and then click Next.5.If there is an error or issue with the license, contact Visual Components licensing supportvia email at ******************************.6.Following product activation, use the Registration dialog to create a licensing accountusing an email address and password. Or you can select Skip and register an account later, using the steps outlined in the Register Product Key section.NOTE! Registration requires an active Internet connection and the password you create must be at least eight characters in length, and include the following:•At least one lower case letter.•At least one upper case letter.•At least one special character.•At least one number.7.Once you have registered your product you can use the account to manage your softwarelicenses online in the Customer Portal at and requestCustomer Support at .8.Click Finish to complete licensing.Offline Manual ActivationFor detailed information on how to manually activate your copy of Visual Components, please use this link Manually Activate a Standalone License to view a detailed video guide on the Visual Components Academy.KUKA OLP ActivationThe KUKA OLP Add On is available for users of Visual Components Premium. To activate the Add On follow these steps:1.Start your Visual Components Premium application.2.Select the FILE tab to access the Backstage view, then select Options and Add On.3.From the View and mange Add-Ons section for KUKA OLP click Enable.4.On the KUKA OLP panel, select your license type Standalone license, and then click Next.5.Then enter your KUKA OLP License key and click Activate.6.Once the KUKA OLP Add On has been enabled, the status will change toKUKA OLP – restart required, so then click OK below.7.Then select the FILE tab to access the Backstage view and use Exit to close the application.8.Then restart the application and your KUKA OLP add on will be enabled.NOTE: To manage or check the status of the Add On, use the FILE tab to access theBackstage view, then select Options and Add On. And under View and mange Add-Ons, refer to the KUKA Option packages section.9.To check the status of your KUKA OLP Add On license, use the FILE tab to access theBackstage view, then select Info and License and the Add-On Licenses tab.NOTE: Should you ever need to transfer your software licenses to another VisualComponents Customer Account, any Add-On Licenses you have activated will also be transferred. For more information refer to the Updating Registration Information section.Register Product KeyIf you skipped the product Registration option while activating your software license key, you can register using the following options:1.Select the FILE tab to access the Backstage view, then select Info and License. And underRegistration Information click Register.2.You can then Register by either selecting Yes, I have an account and signing in using theemail and password for an existing account. Or create a new account by choosingNo, create one for me now.3.And to create a new account complete the registration form.NOTE! The password you create must be at least eight characters in length, and include the following:•At least one lower case letter.•At least one upper case letter.•At least one special character.•At least one number.4.Then once your account has been added, your account details will appear underRegistration Information in the License section of the Backstage view.5.Once the product key has been registered, you can check the activation history of yoursoftware license keys online in the Customer Portal at .NOTE: Network License keys are not visible through the Customer Portal.Updating Registration InformationShould you ever need to update your registered user information or transfer your product licenses to another account, visit the Registration Information section, enter your account password, and click Change registration.And then use either the Transfer to another account or Update current user information options.NOTE: Transferring your product licenses will also include any currently activated Add-On Licenses e.g. KUKA OLP Add On.Online DeactivationYou can deactivate a standalone license for use on a different machine. For more information, refer to the Deactivation limit/Transfer limit section below.1.Select the FILE tab to access the Backstage view, then select Info and License. And underProject License Settings click Deactivate.2.In the Deactivate dialog, click Deactivate.3.If your license was successfully deactivated, on the Deactivation status dialog, do one ofthe following:•To complete deactivation, click Close.•To configure a new license, click Configure.4.To configure a new license refer to the Online Activation section of this document.Offline Manual DeactivationFor detailed information on how to manually deactivate your copy of Visual Components, please use this link Manually Deactivate a Standalone License to view a detailed video guide on the Visual Components Academy.Deactivation limit/Transfer limitA perpetual standalone software license key can be activated and deactivated up to 3 times during a 30-day period. This transfer limit is defined in our End User License Agreement (EULA). Once this limit is reached, the date on which the next transfer is possible will be displayed in an error message.If there is a requirement to transfer a key more than 3 times in a month, you will need to upgrade to a Network License. Contact your Sales Representative to upgrade from a standalone to a Network License Key.If you have Registered your product key, you can check the activation history of your software licenses online in the Customer Portal at .1.To view the activation history of an individual license, from the My Product Keys page clickon the Product Key link.2.Then in the Details page for that specific Product Key, you can examine its Activationhistory.NOTE: Network License keys are not visible through the Customer Portal.Activation renewal• A standalone license is activated for example, for 90 days.•Upon expiration of the current activation period, the product key will attempt to automatically re-activate when you launch the application.•This requires your computer to be connected to the internet.•If online renewal fails, you will receive a notification that asks you to renew the license manually.To view the renewal date of your active License, select the FILE tab to access the Backstage view, then select Info and License. And under Project License Settings refer to the Online renewal date.Network LicenseManagement of Network License keys for Visual Components is managed by the Visual Components License Server Management Console that is installed on a centralized server PC inside an organization’s network. And a client PC needs to be inside the same network to access a Visual Components product using a Network License key.To download the Visual Components License Server Management Console and the User Guide visit the Network License Server section of the Visual Components downloads page.Online ActivationTo activate a Network License, your License Admin should already have setup a Network License Server.NOTE: For information on setting up your License Admin, refer to the Upgrade License section below•To install the Network License Server application, download the installer from the downloads page here.•To manage Network Licenses refer to the Network License Server User Guide available from the downloads page here.•To configure your network to support a Network License Server refer to the FAQ section of this document.Using a Network License KeyTo use your Network License key to activate a Visual Components product follow these steps:1.Run your Visual Components application.2.On the Welcome dialog, click Next.3.On the License type dialog, select My organization is using network floating licenseserver, and then click Next.4.On the Floating license server settings dialog, type in your Floating network license serverhost name or IP address and keep the Floating network license server port number as 5093 (if not modified in the Network License), and then click Next.5.Click Finish to complete the Network license setup.Manual ActivationFor instructions on how to manually activate your Network License, refer to page 14 of the Network License Server User Guide available here.DeactivationTo deactivate a Network License refer to pages 15 and 16 of the Network License Server User Guide available here.Activation renewalTo renew a Network License refer to page 17 of the Network License Server User Guide available here.Upgrade LicenseSoftware license upgrades requires a designated License Admin User. The License Admin is a first point of contact and the only person in your organization entitled to request version upgrades.•You only need to register a License Admin once.•Only one License Admin User per company can be registered.•You must provide a valid email address for the License Admin.•To register a License Admin User, please submit a request at/license-managementWhen upgrading your software license(s) please note the following:• A new software license key is required to install and activate Visual Components 4.7. And you can upgrade your current license free of charge, if you have a valid maintenancecontract.• A Visual Components product key can only be used for the specified version. For example, a4.7 Premium product key can be used only for Visual Components Premium 4.7. Therefore,every version needs a separate product key.•Users with valid maintenance, can upgrade to the latest version for free, for example VC Product1 4.0/4.1/4.2 to VC Product 4.7.•To request an upgrade your License Admin should submit a request at/upgrade-license/•Upgrade requests are validated and upgraded keys will be delivered to the registered License Admin User only.•Requests will be answered within 2 working days.•Please note when upgrading to the new version, your old perpetual keys will become inactive after 90 days, and time-limited keys will become inactive after 30 days.•Before upgrading license keys, the Admin User should check that their Network License Server installation is up to date. To install the latest version of the Network License Server application, visit the Network License Server section of the Visual Components download page.1 VC Product refers to Visual Components Essentials/Visual Components Professional/Visual Components Premium application.Command line deploymentA command line interface can be used to deploy Visual Components product.Installation/UninstallationName Parameters DescriptionNormal Mode None The installer interacts with the user and installs3rd-party libraries (.NET, DirectX and SQL Server)if required on the machine.Example:<Installer Name>.exeSilent Mode Silent Similar to Normal and Auto Update modeswithout requiring interactions from user. AnyVisual Components 4.7 version running on adevice will be terminated silently. Duringinstallation, a standard dialog box will bedisplayed, thereby allowing a user to cancelsetup.Example:<Installer Name>.exe Silent Silent Mode with config file /S,[IniFile] Similar to Silent mode but no screens or dialogsare shown to user.Example:<Installer Name>.exe /SAn INI file can be passed as an optional argumentfor implementing custom configurations. Youmust give the absolute path of the INI file, andthe file should be formatted as follows:[SetupValues]%AppFolder%=C:\Program Files\<Product Name>Example:C:\<Installer Name>.exe /S:"C:\setupvars.ini"Note: /S accepts absolute paths only.Uninstall Silent Mode /U, /S Uninstalls Visual Components 4.7 silently from adevice in which the /U parameter is responsiblefor passing the absolute path to the uninstall.xmlfile located in program's Uninstall folder.Example:C:\Program Files\<Company Name>\<ProductName>\uninstall.exe /U:"C:\ProgramFiles\<Company Name>\<ProductName>\Uninstall\uninstall.xml" /SFrequently Asked Questions•Do I need to configure a firewall on my network to access Visual Components Network License Server?work Access: Firewall needs to be configured to allow UDP traffic on the chosenport (default is 5093).b.Internet Access: Access to the Internet (HTTPS) is required on the server for automaticlicense activation.Additionally:c.Every client needs to be able to access the local network server through the definedaccess point to use Visual Components products with network licenses.d.Distributing network licenses over the Internet is explicitly not supported by thenetwork license server as stated in the End User License Agreement (EULA) for VisualComponents products.•How do I create a Visual Components Customer Account that I can use to register my software license keys?a.You can create a Customer Account using Visual Components software, refer to theRegister Product Key section.b.Or you can create a Customer Account online through the Visual Components CustomerPortal at .。



Strength CBS 8.0 用 户 手 册目录第一章StrengthCBS介绍 (3)1.产品概述 (3)1.1 CBS8.0概述 (3)2.系统组成 (4)2.1 StrengthCBS软件组成 (4)3.StrengthCBS各模块功能介绍 (4)3.1前端界面管理程序 (5)3.2中心服务器: (5)3.3存储服务器: (5)3.4备份客户端服务器 (5)3.5应用代理: (5)第二章安装与卸载 (6)1.安装准备 (6)1.1 Strength CBS环境检查 (6)1.2 Strength CBS服务帐户 (7)2.系统要求 (7)2.1 Strength CBS系统要求 (7)3.安装说明 (7)3.1 主程序安装 (7)3.2代理安装 (13)4.卸载程序 (13)4.1 Strength CBS8.0卸载 (13)第三章StrengthCBS入门 (13)1.连接Strength CBS 8.0 (13)2. 启动Strength CBS 8.0 (14)第四章StrengthCBS配置和管理 (14)1.License 服务配置 (14)1.1配置中心服务模块的License服务器地址 (15)1.2配置备份客户代理的License服务器地址 (16)2.登录系统 (17)2.1登录系统 (17)3.注销 (17)3.1注销 (17)4.License注册信息查看 (18)4.1License注册信息查看 (18)5.视图管理 (19)5.1视图管理 (19)6.系统选项配置 (19)6.1界面配置 (19)7.界面风格切换 (20)7.1界面风格切换 (20)8.资源管理 (20)8.1 备份客户端 (20)8.2 存储服务器 (22)8.3 介质池 (23)8.4 设备 (26)8.5 介质 (29)8.6 消息模板 (31)9.作业管理 (35)9.1 备份作业 (35)9.2 恢复作业 (43)9.3 运行作业 (46)9.4 查看正在运行作业 (47)10.历史管理 (48)10.1 查看历史作业 (48)11.事件管理 (49)11.1 历史事件保留时间设置 (49)11.2 历史事件查看 (49)12.报表管理 (51)12.1 历史作业报表 (51)12.2 服务器信息报表 (52)12.3介质信息报表 (52)12.4设备信息报表 (52)13.服务器自动搜索 (53)13.1 搜索等待时间设置 (53)13.2 搜索局域网内的CBS服务器 (53)14.配置导入导出 (54)14.1 配置导出 (54)14.2 配置导入 (55)15.用户管理 (55)15.1 用户组 (55)15.2 用户管理 (57)16.中心服务器配置 (59)16.1 启动配置程序 (59)16.2 基本参数配置 (60)16.3 日志参数配置 (60)16.4 保存设置 (61)17.存储服务器配置 (61)17.1 启动存储服务器配置程序 (61)17.2 基本参数配置 (62)17.3 日志参数配置 (63)17.4 设备管理 (64)18.备份客户端配置 (66)18.1 基本参数配置 (66)18.2 基本参数配置 (67)18.3 日志参数配置 (68)18.4 应用代理参数配置 (69)18.5 保存设置 (75)20.服务管理工具 (76)20.1 打开服务管理工具主界面 (76)20.2 设置定时检测服务状态时间 (76)20.3 启动服务 (76)20.4 停止服务 (76)20.5 重启服务 (76)21.高级使用 (77)21.1 介质编录 (77)第一章StrengthCBS介绍1.产品概述1.1C B S8.0概述S t r e n g t h C B S存储备份管理软件是由深圳思创科达技术有限公司开发的可以运行于L i n u x,W i n d o w s,U n i x等操作系统平台下的数据存储备份软件系统(注:目前S t r e n g t h C B S8.0只支持W i n d o w s操作系统),是国内第一款基于模块化设计的跨平台备份和恢复的网络存储备份软件 .网络版软件采用多线程、多任务的存储管理解决方案,适合异构平台的服务器和客户端的数据集中管理有效备份与恢复,为中小企业数据管理、数据保护量身定做,它为企业提供了基于多平台和网络结构的高性能数据管理解决方案,能为整个网络中的服务器和工作站提供高速、可靠的备份和恢复能力,从而确保您宝贵的财富“数据”得到保护。

9.7寸飞思卡尔A8 Android2.2系统平板电脑常见问题解答

9.7寸飞思卡尔A8 Android2.2系统平板电脑常见问题解答

家家通9.7寸IPS屏飞思卡尔A8 Android2.2系统平板电脑常见问题汇总:目前很多客户问到一些问题,归纳起来做下简单解答。




(1) 点触“USB已连接”栏。

(2) 在系统弹出的界面中,点触“打开USB存储设备”。


(3) 点触“确定”,系统即进入如下界面。

(4) 此时打开PC"我的电脑",即可显示TF卡和内置闪存文件夹(“我的电脑”中显示为"可移动存储"盘符)。


(5) 断开与PC的连接时,请首先从PC端安全删除USB硬件后,再点触上图的即可。

3、插入TF卡为何无反应,在哪里找到TF卡的内容?把TF卡缓缓插入TF卡槽中,然后打开ES文件浏览器,默认的打开的是机器内部的4G 存储空间。

此时按左上角的/ 斜杠进入根目录,根目录下的extsd文件夹即外插TF卡的路径。
























例如,想要修改初始地区,语言为中文,修改以下两行即可1. nguage=zh2. ro.product.locale.region=CN复制代码如果你想加入自己的大名,那么就修改下面这行:1. ro.modversion=你的大名/rom信息复制代码其他的,大家可以自己摸索,本人就不详细叙述了。



8A07软件升级说明声明:请尽量使用非串口升级方式升级主程序和UBOOT程序8A07系列机器有两部分程序可以进行后续升级:主程序和UBOOT程序,主程序对应nand flash主程序芯片,位号U172中程序,UBOOT程序对应spi flash引导程序芯片,位号U158中程序;可以有四种方式对nand flash主程序芯片,位号U172 进行升级;方式一:本地U盘或SD卡手动升级;将升级压缩包存入U盘或SD卡的根目录,开机后插入存储有主程序的U盘或SD 卡,进入“高级设置”→“本地升级”,然后根据菜单提示,选择要升级的主程序进行升级;用这种方式进行升级时, OSD会提示系统自动关机,此时不能对电视进行操作,请等待电视自动重启,重启后才进入真正的升级阶段,此时OSD显示ANDROID机器人和升级进度;升级完成后会自动对电视机重启;方式二:在线升级;首先保证电视机网络畅通;开机后插入外接存储设备U盘或SD卡,需有足够放置升级文件压缩包的存储空间,默认下载位置为SD卡或USB的根目录,进入“高级设置”→“在线升级”,会启动在线升级检测流程;系统会自动检测当前网络后台挂载的系统软件程序版本信息,以及任务管理器中升级文件压缩包的下载情况,给予提示,执行下载任务;下载任务完成后,会弹出提示信息,可以通过再次点击在线升级,或点击任务管理器中系统软件升级包对应的安装按钮,启动升级对话框;点击确定按钮后将会使用下载的升级文件压缩包进行系统升级如果放弃升级请点击取消按钮;方式三:使用USBBOOT开关自动升级方式;详见下文第一部分说明;方式四:使用串口命令方式升级;详见下文第二部分说明;可以有两种方式对spi flash引导程序芯片,位号U158进行升级;方式一:使用USBBOOT开关自动升级方式详见下文第一部分说明方式二:使用串口命令方式升级详见下文第二部分说明第一部分:使用USBBOOT开关升级主程序和UBOOT程序主程序和UBOOT程序都可以采用U盘自动升级的方式进行;首先要保证U盘最好是4G以下的u盘,并且不要分区,否则有可能识别不到根目录下存有aml_autoscript 文件,如果需要升级主程序,就将文件以及文件存入U盘根目录;如果需要升级UBOOT 程序,就将2c文件存入U盘根目录,请注意,如果U盘根目录下同时存有2c和,则会先升级2c,然后再升级,也就是说,两个程序一次性完成升级,因此,在插入U盘前请先确定需要升级的文件是哪个;升级方法为:1. 将所有需要升级的程序拷贝到U盘根目录下;2. 打开USBBOOT开关;方法有两个:方法一:开机,音量减到零,按住键控板上的音量减键的同时按遥控器上的屏显键或返回键进入工厂模式;进入“高级设置”选项密码为123456,将“USBBOOT”改为“开”;或者使用工厂模式菜单首页的“复位初始化”功能,此功能也包含了打开USBBOOT开关的操作此方式仅适用于生产线返工的情况;方法二:使用串口打开USBBOOT开关;首先进入UBOOT命令行状态如何进入该状态请参见第三部分“如何使用串口”的第三部分,然后顺序输入下面两个命令:set usbboot 1save每一行代表一个命令,每个命令都以回车结束,命令可以通过复制的方式输入;输入这两个命令后,USBBOOT开关就打开了,等同于在工厂模式菜单中修改“USBBOOT”选项;3. 交流关机,插入u盘请插在最下方的USB端口,拔掉其他usb接口上的usb设备,交流开机;4. 如果是升级UBOOT程序,开机后会比平时黑屏时间略长一点;如果是升级主程序,则会在电视界面上出现android机器人,其下方有升级进度,主程序升级完成后会自动重启;升级后第一次重启的阶段由于会进行数据拷贝因此开机速度会比平时长3-5分钟,请勿在这个阶段关机,以避免由于数据拷贝出错导致的系统异常;5. 电视开机后,重新进入工厂菜单,检查所升级软件的版本,如果是升级主程序,请看工厂菜单第一行“CPU:”,如果升级UBOOT程序,请看看工厂菜单第三行“引导程序版本”,进行版本确认;然后再进入高级设置查看“USBBOOT”选项,升级成功后,“USBBOOT”选项应该为“关”;请务必核对这两项,如果不正确则表示没有升级成功,请重新操作步骤1-5.请注意如果曾经进行过将USBBOOT选项设为“开”的操作,在将电视交给客户之前一定要保证USBBOOT选项为“关”,否则在用户手中将产生无法预料的后果;如果没有升级成功,请先确认USBBOOT项是否为开,并检查是否插在最下方的端口上只有这个端口可以进行自动升级,然后再确认u盘是否符合要求并且根目录下存在需要的文件文件名必须是aml_autoscript、、和2c;或者使用其他u盘再试一下;第二部分:使用串口命令方式升级首先进入UBOOT命令行状态如何进入该状态请参见第三部分“如何使用串口”的第三点;主程序升级步骤如下:将插有文件请注意升级文件名必须为,如果拿到的程序名不同,请自行修改为和文件的U盘插到最下方USB端口中,并输入命令“run recoverynand”本命令不包含引号在内,然后回车,就可以进行主程序的升级了;正常的升级界面是android机器小人下方有进度条;升级完成后系统会自动重启电视;注:1.有时系统会提示“请在U盘根目录下插入,并按确认键升级”,或者其他错误提示,比如提示按左键或者之类的提示,而实际上U盘里已经存有文件,这种情况往往是由于U盘格式问题,可以将U盘格式化一下,再拷贝进入重新进行上述1、2步骤;2.最好使用4G以下U盘,并且U盘内不要分区,否则有可能识别不到文件;3.如果run recoverynand命令升级不成功,可以尝试run recoveryspi命令;UBOOT升级程序如下:UBOOT程序是系统启动程序,除非有明确收到需要升级UBOOT的通知,否则不要对此程序进行升级;1.将2c存入U盘,并插入USB端口;2.交流开机,迅速敲击回车键直至出现命令符M2_SOCKET;3.依次输入如下命令:usb startfatload usb 0:1 2csf probe 2sf erase 0 200000sf write 0 2000004.输完最后一个命令后,等到再次出现命令符M2_SOCKET后,关闭电视电源后重启;请注意:输入命令过程中不能断电,因为此时spi flash已经被清空,如果在写入完成之前断电,spi flash将无法执行系统启动的功能,只能换spi flash了;输入命令后,一定要等到命令符M2_SOCKET再次出现后才能输入下一条命令,有的命令输入后要等待一段时间才能完成,请耐心等待;第三部分:如何使用串口一、升级线准备可以使用与8A01串口升级同样的线和小电路板,连接线一端插在小电路板上CN2_A接口,另一端插在电视的VGA接口;小电路板上的开关选择UART,如图所示也可使用其他USB转VGA电路:二、升级软件准备1.首先要保证电脑上安装了USB转串口驱动或其他USB转VGA串口电路的驱动程序;2.安装SecureCRT串口通信工具,将压缩包里解压出来的SecureCRT目录拷贝至自己的目录即可,里面的可以直接使用;3.配置SecureCRT;首先双击,为新启动的会话起一个名字,然后进入下图界面以后在进入可以在“选项”中选择“会话选项”,也能进入这个界面:请根据上图配置串口,右侧画红圈部分三个勾都要去掉,全部不选,波特率选择115200;关于端口,请在插好USB转串口线后,在“我的电脑”图标上按右键,选择“属性”,再选择“硬件”中的“设备管理器”,查询里面的“端口”即可知道本机使用的是哪个端口,请根据自己的电脑配置情况选择端口号如果是非XP系统,请自行设法找到“设备管理器”;如下图所示;请注意,如果每次使用同一个USB口,那么端口号应该不会变,如果插在了不同的USB口上,端口号需要重新配置;如果出现无法连接的情况,往往是由于端口号不正确造成的;只要不换端口,会话选项只需第一次配置即可,以后每次都会沿用上次配置;配置好以后会看到光标闪烁;三、进入UBOOT命令行状态将串口和电视连接好,然后电视交流开机后迅速敲击回车键,直至secureCRT界面出现了“M2_SOCKET”字样,就进入了UBOOT命令行状态,此时可以对电视输入一些命令,进行文件升级;如下图所示:。



泛泰A850 ROOT/Recovery/刷机一条龙详细教程2013年1月6日15:40泛泰A850怎么ROOT呢?怎么刷Recovery,又怎么刷机呢?昨天小编的一个朋友拿过来一个泛泰A850,大家都知道泛泰的手机在国内都是水货,而且相关的教程也很少,小编摸索了半天,终于还是搞定了。







附件:【 下载】2、手机打开USB调试,打开USB调试(方法上面已经给大家介绍过了)。







Android系统操作指南二〇一〇年十月目录一、常用软件列表 (1)二、基本操作 (27)1、桌面管理 (27)2、添加删除联系人 (28)3、信息功能 (29)4、通话记录 (30)5、快捷键操作 (31)6、飞行模式功能 (31)7、锁屏功能 (32)8、恢复出厂设置 (33)三Android手机软件安装攻略 (33)1、安装官方软件 (33)2、安装非官方软件 (34)四、上网设置 (38)1、定制机 (38)2、非定制机 (38)3、非定制机上网设置........................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

3.1 HTC Desire(G7),3G上网设置 (38)五、常用设置及使用技巧介绍 (40)1、Android手机壁纸设置新手教程 (40)2、Android手机如何设置铃声 (43)3、Android系统手机USB驱动程序安装教程 (45)4、Android手机邮箱的设置方法 (47)一、常用软件列表必装软件介绍:1、乐媒内容简介:2009年底,中国联通在京发布了基于传统彩信的“乐媒”业务。



下载地址:2、手机QQ内容简介:手机 QQ Android 版是腾讯公司专为 Android 平台用户打造的一款随时随地聊QQ 的手机即时通讯软件,漂亮的主题皮肤设置,触屏手机专业的触屏交互体验,让您和好友得沟通仅在一指之间,处处透出您的生活精彩。

下载地址:http:// 3、墨迹天气内容简介:墨迹天气,一款以预报准确,覆盖城市广,流量少,界面华丽等为特点的桌面天气软件,墨迹天气能使用户能体验到更加华丽的界面以及DIY 的乐趣。

下载地址:/4、UC 浏览器内容简介:UC 浏览器是一款免费软件。

Adobe Connect 8 安装检查列表说明书

Adobe Connect 8 安装检查列表说明书

ADOBE® CONNECT™ 8 Installation ChecklistContentsAdobe Connect 8 Installation ChecklistPre-installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 System requirements for end users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Post-installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Adobe Connect Resources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Adobe Connect 8 Installation ChecklistPre-installationBefore you begin installing Adobe® Connect™, verify that your resources match the following installation requirements:•Operating system requirements•Microsoft Windows Server® 2008R2 and 2003 SP2; 32-bit or 64-bit; Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese Simplified, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, and Russian.•Virtual environments•VMWare® ESX™ 4.0. For more information, see the white paper at /go/learn_cnn_vmware_en.•Citrix® XenApp™ 6. For more information, see the white paper at /go/learn_cnn_vmware_en.•Minimum hardware requirements•3GHz dual-core Intel Xeon® processor (2GHz quad-core Intel Xeon or faster recommended)• 4 GB of RAM•DVD-ROM drive• 2 GB of disk space available for installation•150 GBs of disk space for content files (320 GBs recommended)Additional space is required to store more content files.•NTFS file system (FAT32 file systems are not supported)•Database requirements•Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Standard Edition with SP1 (English version)•Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition with SP3 (English version)SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition or SQL Server 2008 Standard Edition is required for clusters and multi-processor machines with hyper threading and is strongly recommended for production environments. For redundancy, set up a SQL Server mirror or a SQL Server cluster.Note: Adobe Connect includes Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with SP3. Use Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition only in testing and development environments.•Network requirements•100 Mbps Ethernet (full-duplex). 1 Gbps recommended.• A fully qualified domain name (FQDN)•SSL certificates (if SSL is configured)•SSL configuration requires a unique IP address, FQDN, and public SSL certificate for each meeting server in a cluster and one IP address, FQDN, and public SSL certificate for all application servers in a cluster to share.(Each Adobe Connect contains a meeting server and an application server.)•Port requirements—inbound•Port 1935 for RTMP•Port 80 or another port for HTTP•Port 443 if SSL is enabled•Port 8506 if Adobe Connect Edge Server is part of your deployment•Port requirements—outbound•Port 25 for SMTP (optional, but recommended). Used for communication between Adobe Connect and a mail server inside the firewall.•Port 1433 for SQL Server (if the database server is not located on the same host as Adobe Connect). For more information, see the SQL Server documentation.For complete system requirements, see Adobe Connect 8 Tech specs.System requirements for end usersFor end user requirements, see /go/learn_cnn_sysreqs_en.InstallationAs you begin the installation process, do the following:•Have your serial number available to enter when prompted by the installer. You can get your serial number from .•Have access to an Internet connection that allows access to sites outside your network. You must download a license file from Adobe and install it on the server hosting Adobe Connect.•Answer the prompts as they appear in the Installer.For more information, see Migrating, Installing, and Configuring Adobe Connect 8.Post-installationAfter the installation is complete, do the following:•Complete any remaining configuration and integration tasks as described in Migrating, Installing, and Configuring Adobe Connect 8.•Start the database engine, if needed.•Start and stop each Adobe Connect application to verify that your installation was successful and all features are functional as described in Migrating, Installing, and Configuring Adobe Connect 8. TroubleshootingIf you encounter unexpected results after installing Adobe Connect, do the following:•Consult the TechNotes in the Adobe knowledgebase at /support/connect.TechNotes are based on the FAQs and technical issues that come to the attention of Adobe staff.•Review the topics in the Adobe Online Forums at .These forums are the Adobe Community’s peer-to-peer discussions of Adobe products. These forums are a useful source of information, user tips, and best practices. These forums are not an official customer support channel for Adobe.•Contact your Adobe Support representative at /support/programs/connect. You must have your serial number to access this site.Adobe Connect Resources•Adobe Connect Help and Support Center, at /support/connect, contains documentation, articles, tutorials, TechNotes, and troubleshooting information.•Adobe Connect User Community, at , contains video tutorials, forums, and information about Adobe Connect user groups and events.•Support for Adobe Connect, at /support/programs/connect, contains information about support plans and how to contact Adobe Support.Copyright© 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated and its licensors. All rights reserved.Adobe® Connect™ 8 Installation ChecklistThis installation checklist is licensed for use under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 3.0 License. This License allows users to copy, distribute, and transmit the guide for noncommercial purposes only so long as(1) proper attribution to Adobe is given as the owner of the guide; and (2) any reuse or distribution of the guide containsa notice that use of the guide is governed by these terms. The best way to provide notice is to include the following link. To view a copy of this license, visit /licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/.Adobe, the Adobe logo, and Adobe Connect, are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. Intel and Intel XEON are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. Microsoft, Microsoft Server, and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Adobe Systems Incorporated, 345 Park Avenue, San Jose, California 95110, USA.。



IndexAccessoriesInstallation.................................. 105ACCESSORY (Ignition KeyPosition)........................................ 50AddingAutomatic TransmissionFluid........................................ 149Brake Fluid................................. 151Clutch Fluid................................ 153Engine Coolant........................... 144Engine Oil................................... 138Manual Transmission Fluid..... 150Power Steering Fluid................. 153Windshield Washer Fluid......... 148Additional Safety Information........ 16Door Locks................................... 16Driving with Pets......................... 17Seat-back Position........................ 16Storing Cargo Safely................... 17Additives, Engine Oil..................... 140AdjustmentsMirrors.......................................... 61Seats.............................................. 53Steering Wheel. (45)Airbag (SRS)...................................... 9Air Cleaner..................................... 154Air Conditioning............................... 74Maintenance............................... 162Usage............................................. 72Air Outlets (Vents).......................... 72Air Pressure, Tires........................ 164Alcohol and Drugs........................... 24Alcohol in Gasoline.......................... 98Antenna, Cleaning......................... 178Antifreeze....................................... 140Anti-lock Brakes (ABS)Description................................. 216Indicator Light..................... 34, 119Operation.................................... 118Anti-theft Steering ColumnLock............................................... 50Appearance Care........................... 181Ashtray.............................................. 66Audio System................................... 79Automatic Speed Control................ 46Automatic Transmission............... 113Capacity, Fluid........................... 215Checking Fluid Level................ 149Shifting........................................ 113Shift Lever Positions.. (113)Shift Lock Release (116)BatteryCharging System Light............... 33Jump Starting............................. 197Maintenance............................... 157Specifications............................. 215Before Driving................................. 97Belts, Seat........................................... 5Body Repair.................................... 187BrakesAnti-lock System (ABS)............ 118Break-in, New Linings................. 98Fluid............................................ 151Light, Burned-out...................... 174Parking.......................................... 63System Indicator.......................... 33Wear Indicators......................... 117Brakes, ABSDescription................................. 216Operation.................................... 118System Indicator.................. 34, 119CONTINUEDIndexBraking System.............................. 117Break-in, New Car........................... 98Brightness Control,Instruments.................................. 43Brights, Headlights......................... 42Bulb ReplacementBack-up Lights........................... 174Brake Lights............................... 174Front Parking Lights................. 170Front Side Marker Lights......... 171Headlights.................................. 169High-mount Brake Light.......... 173License Plate Lights.................. 176Rear Side Marker Lights.......... 175Specifications............................. 215Turn Signal Lights..................... 172Bulbs, Halogen. (169)Cables, Jump Starting With.......... 198Capacities Chart............................. 214Carbon Monoxide Hazard.............. 25Cargo, Loading............................... 106Cassette PlayerCare (94)Operation...................................... 87CAUTION, Explanation of............... ii Certification Label......................... 212Chains............................................. 168Change OilHow to......................................... 141When to....................................... 132Changing a Flat Tire..................... 191Changing Engine Coolant............. 146Charging System Indicator.... 33, 202Check Engine Light................ 34, 203CheckingAutomatic TransmissionFluid........................................ 149Battery Condition...................... 157Brake Fluid................................. 151Clutch Fluid................................ 153Drive Belts.................................. 163Engine Coolant........................... 144Engine Oil................................... 138Fuses........................................... 205Manual Transmission Fluid..... 150Power Steering Fluid................. 153Checklist, Before Driving............. 108Child Safety...................................... 18Cigarette Lighter.. (65)Cleaner, Air.................................... 154CleaningAluminum Wheels..................... 183Antenna....................................... 182Carpeting.................................... 185Exterior....................................... 182Fabric.......................................... 185Interior........................................ 185Leather........................................ 185Seat Belts.................................... 185Vinyl............................................ 185Washing...................................... 182Waxing........................................ 183Windows..................................... 186CLEAN Light................................... 94Clock, Setting the............................ 64Clutch Fluid.................................... 153CO in the Exhaust......................... 221Cold Weather, Starting in............. 110Compact Spare............................... 190Consumer Information.................. 227Controls, Instruments and.............. 29CoolantAdding......................................... 144Checking..................................... 144Proper Solution..........................144IndexTemperature Gauge.................... 40Corrosion Protection..................... 186Crankcase Emission ControlSystem......................................... 221Cruise Control Operation............... 46Customer Relations Office.. (227)DANGER, Explanation of................. ii Dashboard........................................ 30Daytime Running Lights................. 42Dead Battery, What to Do............ 197Defects, Reporting Safety............... 26Defogger, Rear Window................. 58Defrosting the Windows................. 78DEXRON ® II AutomaticTransmission Fluid.................... 150Dimensions..................................... 214Dimming the Headlights................ 42DipstickAutomatic Transmission........... 149Engine Oil................................... 138Directional Signals........................... 43Disabled, Towing Your Car If...... 210Disc Brake Wear Indicators (117)Disposal of Used Oil...................... 143DoorsLocking and Unlocking............... 51Power Door Locks....................... 51DOT Tire Quality Grading........... 219Downshifting, 5-speed ManualTransmission.............................. 111Drive Belts...................................... 163Driving............................................ 107Economy..................................... 104In Bad Weather.......................... 120In Foreign Countries. (99)Economy, Fuel............................... 104Emergencies on the Road............. 189Battery, Jump Starting.............. 197Changing a Flat Tire................. 191Charging System Indicator...... 202Check Engine Light.................. 203Checking the Fuses................... 206Low Oil Pressure Indicator...... 201Malfunction Indicator Lamp.... 203Manually Closing Sunroof........ 204Overheated Engine. (199)Emergency Brake............................ 63Emergency Flashers....................... 58Emission Controls......................... 221EngineBelts............................................. 163Check Light.......................... 34, 203Coolant Temperature Gauge ..... 40Malfunction IndicatorLamp................................. 34, 203Oil Pressure Indicator......... 33, 201Oil, What Kind to Use............... 139Overheating................................ 199Specifications............................. 214Ethanol in Gasoline ......................... 99Evaporative Emission Controls.... 221Exhaust Fumes................................ 25Expectant Mothers, Use of SeatBelts by........................................... 8Exterior, Cleaning the. (182)Fabric, Cleaning............................. 185Fan, Interior.. (74)CONTINUEDIndexFan, Radiator.................................... 27Features, Comfort andConvenience................................. 71Filling the Fuel Tank..................... 100FiltersFuel.............................................. 155Oil................................................ 141First Gear, Shifting........................ 1115-speed Manual Transmission,Checking Fluid Level................ 150Shifting the................................. 111Flashers, Hazard Warning.............. 58Flat Tire, Changing a.................... 191FluidsAutomatic Transmission........... 149Brake........................................... 151Clutch.......................................... 153Manual Transmission............... 150Power Steering........................... 153Windshield Washer................... 148FM Stereo RadioReception...................................... 81Folding Rear Seat............................ 57Foreign Countries, Driving in........ 99Four-way Flashers (58)Four Wheel Steering (4WS)Description................................. 217Indicator Light............................. 35Operation.................................... 119Front End, Towing byEmergency Wrecker................. 210Fuel.................................................... 98Fill Door and Cap....................... 100Filter............................................ 155Gauge............................................ 38Octane Requirement................... 98Oxygenated.................................. 98Tank, Filling the......................... 100Fuses, Checking the. (205)Gas Mileage, Improving................ 104Gasohol............................................. 98Gasoline............................................ 98Filter............................................ 155Gauge............................................ 40Octane Requirement................... 98Tank, Filling the......................... 100Gas Station Procedures.. (100)GaugesEngine Coolant Temperature .... 40Fuel................................................ 40Gearshift Lever PositionsAutomatic Transmission........... 1135-speed ManualTransmission.................... 111Glass Cleaning............................... 186Glove Box.. (64)Halogen Headlight Bulbs.............. 169Hazard Warning Flashers............... 58HeadlightsDaytime Running Lights............. 42High Beam Indicator................... 36High Beams, Turning on............ 42Low Beams, Turning on............. 42Reminder Chime.......................... 42Replacing Halogen Bulbs......... 169Turning on.................................... 42Heating and Cooling........................ 72High Altitude, Starting at.............. 110High-Low Beam Switch.................. 42Hood, Opening the........................101IndexHorn................................................... 49Hot Coolant, Warning about........ 144Hydraulic Clutch............................ 153Hydroplaning. (121)Identification Number,Vehicle........................................ 212If Your Car Has to be Towed....... 210IgnitionKeys............................................... 49Switch............................................ 50Timing Control System............. 222Indicator Lights, InstrumentPanel.............................................. 31Infant Restraint................................ 19Inflation, Proper Tire .................... 164Inside Mirror.................................... 61Inspection, Tire.............................. 165Instrument Panel............................. 30Instrument Panel Brightness......... 43Interior Cleaning............................ 185Interior Lights.................................. 68Introduction.........................................iJacking up the Car......................... 193Jack, Tire........................................ 191Jump Starting.................................197Keys...................................................49Label, Certification........................ 212Lane Change, Signaling.................. 43Lap/Shoulder Belts........................... 6Leaking of Exhaust into Car.......... 25Lighter, Cigarette............................ 65LightsBulb Replacement..................... 169Indicator........................................ 31Parking.......................................... 42Turn Signal................................... 43Loading Cargo................................ 106LOCK (Ignition Key Position)....... 50LocksAnti-theft Steering Column (50)Fuel Fill Door............................. 100Glove Box..................................... 64Power Door.................................. 51Trunk............................................ 52Low Coolant Level......................... 144Lower Gear, Downshifting to a.... 111Low Oil Pressure Indicator.... 33, 201Lubricant Specifications Chart.... 214Luggage (106)Maintenance................................... 127Periodic Items............................ 136Record................................. 134 - 135Schedule.............................. 130 - 133Manual Transmission.................... 111Manual Transmission Fluid......... 150Maximum Shift Speeds......... 112, 115Meters, Gauges................................ 38Methanol in Gasoline...................... 98Mirrors, Adjusting (61)CONTINUED。


Version 11.3

如何使用本指南............................................................................................................................................................ 5 NVivo 和定性研究.............................................................................................................................................. 5 支持您所选择的方法.......................................................................................................................................... 5 了解 NVivo 版本................................................................................................................................................. 6 NVivo 关键术语 ........................................................................................................................................................................6 发掘示例项目...................................................................................................................................................... 7 如何探索我的研究项目?................................................................................................................................. 7



CAA安装CAA安装 (1)1. 安装虚拟光驱 (2)2. 安装CATIA V5 R16 (8)3. 配置Internet Information Service (22)4. 安装VS2003 (32)5. 安装CAA_API (56)6. 安装CAA_API sp4补丁 (58)7. 安装RADE (60)8. 破解CATIA (64)9. 破解CAA (66)1.安装虚拟光驱在路径D:\CATIA二次开发软件中找到文件daemon4303-lite.exe 。







2.安装CATIA V5 R16打开虚拟光驱,载入CATIA的安装镜像文件,如下图所示选择如下镜像文件,点击打开。


打开我的电脑------双击虚拟光驱盘符,进入镜像文件,如下图所示双击图标,开始CA TIA的安装。





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MagicSmokeWallpapers.apk---------------------------魔幻动态壁纸(可以删除)mobile_beidou_client----------------------------------北斗移动客户端(可以删除)MTKAndroidSuiteDaemon.apk--------------------------联发科安卓套件精灵(可以删除)MTKLogger.apk--------------------------------------MTK移动日志记录器(可以删除)MtkVideoLiveWallpaper.apk--------------------------MTK动态壁纸(可以删除)MtkWeatherProvider---------------------------------天气服务(可以删除)MtkWorldClockWidget.apk----------------------------世界时钟插件(可以删除)Music.apk------------------------------------------音乐播放器(可以删除,可以用第三方程序代替)MusicFX.apk----------------------------------------音乐播放器的音效均衡器(可以删除)NoiseField.apk-------------------------------------泡沫动态壁纸(可以删除)NoteBook.apk---------------------------------------记事本(可以删除)PhaseBeam.apk--------------------------------------动态壁纸光之韵律(可以删除)PicoTts.apk----------------------------------------文字转语音服务(可以删除)PinyinIME 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LocationEM.apk-------------------------------------工程师模式(不可以删除)MediaProvider.apk----------------------------------媒体数据存储服务(不可以删除,删除后无法设置铃声)Mms.apk--------------------------------------------短信和彩信(可以用第三方短信软件来代替) MtkBt.apk------------------------------------------MTK蓝牙(不可以删除)MTKThermalManager.apk------------------------------联发科温度检测和管理(建议保留)MtkWeatherWidget.apk-------------------------------天气插件(不用系统天气软件的可以删除)Omacp.apk------------------------------------------手机内部配置信息(不可以删除)PackageInstaller.apk-------------------------------APK安装器,删除就不能安装软件了(不可以删除)Phone.apk------------------------------------------电话连接服务(不可以删除)PhotoTable.apk 照片编辑器(不能删,4.2新增) Provision.apk--------------------------------------系统初始开机引导(不可以删除)SchedulePowerOnOff---------------------------------官方定时开关机(不可以删除)Settings.apk---------------------------------------系统设置(不可以删除)SettingsProvider.apk-------------------------------设置储存(不可以删除)SharedStorageBackup.apk----------------------------共享存储备份(不可以删除)SmsReg---------------------------------------------用于鉴别用户身份和扣费SouGouInput----------------------------------------搜狗拼音输入法SoundRecorder.apk----------------------------------录音机(建议保留)SystemUI.apk---------------------------------------系统用户界面,状态栏(不可以删除)TelephonyProvider.apk------------------------------拨号记录存储服务(不可以删除)VpnDialogs.apk-------------------------------------拨号,公司内部登陆和翻墙用的(建议保留)YGPS.apk--------------------------------------------GPS(不可以删除)TinnoDevice------------------------------------------深圳天珑移动技术有限公司(不确定)TnVersion---------------------------------------------(不确定)。

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E-mail: s upport@
1.system installation guide (2)
2.Download flash tools and firmware (2)
3.Flash steps (3)
3.1 Open the flash tool, choose the right firmware (3)
3.2 Connect the board and computer (4)
4.System experience and the simple Settings (6)
4.1 To the system is powered on (6)
4.2 Take a look at the interface (6)
4.3System Settings (8)
-A80 interface figure (10)
Version update records (10)
E-mail: s upport@
CC-A80 android4.4 system installation guide 1.system installation guide
CC-A80 board piece, a USB3.0 line, a new Windows machine (below "windows8" version) or Linux system computer.
2.Download flash tools and firmware
CC-A80 android firmware download address :
/model/cc-a80/Image/Android/ CC-
windows flash tools download address :
/software/tools/livesuit/PhoenixSui t1.0.7.rar
linux flash tools download address :
64-bit operating system
32-bit operating system
Note:Installation steps please refer to the package within own guide.
E-mail: s upport@
3.Flash steps
Note: here ubuntu12.04 operating system as example, to explain.
3.1 Open the flash tool, choose the right firmware
Double-click to open the flash tool into the Bin folder and click the Image to select just download the CC -
A80android firmware.
E-mail: s upport@
3.2 Connect the board and computer
As shown in figure, choose good after the flash firmware, hold the BOOT key board, and then use the USB3.0 line, connect board and computer.
At this time, you can see the board the power light is lit up, flash format tool pop-up dialog box, the BOOT release button. Click "Yes", after waiting for the flash.
E-mail: s upport@
4.System experience and the simple Settings
4.1 To the system is powered on
When the firmware to burn after the success of the writing, we can get the electricity boot. The following figure, which in turn connected to the HDMI (VGA), mouse and keyboard, network cable, headphones and power supply.
E-mail: s upport@
System default HDMI display the highest level, when the system detect HDMI insert from VGA display output.
Note: near the reset button is the work light system, CPU frequency modulation are shown in green, red is the heart lamp, when the system to work normally, will have rules to beat a red light, green light will be according to the CPU usage flashing.
4.2 Take a look at the interface
After entering the android system interface can see interface of concise and relaxed.
System with some of the more commonly used apk, if you feel enough, can continue to add.
E-mail: s upport@
CC - A80android system comes with decoding ability strong 4 k player, support for multiple high-definition video format. But for the moment, does not support multiple screen display function, so when playing video, to "disable screen vision more show" this option selected.
Look at a drawing of the high-definition video.
E-mail: s upport@
4.3System Settings
Here introduces the CC - A80 android4.4 system Settings. Enter the setting interface can see clearly that the wifi and bluetooth connection, but the setting of Ethernet is hard to find, the following figure.
Below is the display Settings. As shown in figure, in the "output mode" has a corresponding HDMI and VGA resolution options. When select the corresponding resolution and output mode, if there is a phenomenon of trimming, can be used to adjust the trimming "screen".
E-mail: s upport@
Finally in the "language and input" change the system language and add the input method option, as shown in the figure below:
Note: audio switch is automatically, when the headset insert, voice automatically switch to the headphone output, pull out the headphones, the sound switch to HDMI output.
E-mail: s upport@ -A80 interface figure
Version update records。
