



紫外、红外、核磁共振练习一、选择题1. 1335下列哪一种分子的去激发过程是荧光过程? ( )(1) 分子从第一激发单重态的最低振动能级返回到基态(2) 分子从第二激发单重态的某个低振动能级过渡到第一激发单重态(3) 分子从第一激发单重态非辐射跃迁至三重态(4) 分子从第一激发三重态的最低振动能级返回到基态2. 1075一种能作为色散型红外光谱仪色散元件的材料为( )(1) 玻璃(2) 石英(3) 卤化物晶体(4) 有机玻璃3. 1105 在紫外光谱中,λmax最大的化合物是( )4. 1081双波长分光光度计的输出信号是( )(1) 试样吸收与参比吸收之差(2) 试样在λ1和λ2处吸收之差(3) 试样在λ1和λ2处吸收之和(4) 试样在λ1的吸收与参比在λ2的吸收之差5. 1372在一定波长处, 用2.0 cm比色皿测得某试液的透光度为60%, 若改用3.0 cm比色皿时,该试液的吸光度为( )(1) 0.11(2) 0.22 (3) 0.33 (4) 0.446. 1341某化合物的浓度为1.0 ×10-5mol/L,在λmax=380nm时, 有透射比为50%, 用1.0cm吸收池, 则在该波长处的摩尔吸收系数εmax /[L/(mol⋅cm)]为( )(1) 5.0 ×104(2) 2.5 ×104(3) 1.5 ×104(4) 3.0 ×1047. 1082 在吸收光谱曲线中,吸光度的最大值是偶数阶导数光谱曲线的( )(1) 极大值(2) 极小值(3) 零(4) 极大或极小值8. 1357荧光分光光度计与紫外-可见分光光度计的主要区别在于( )(1) 光路(2) 光源(3) 单色器(4) 光电倍增管9. 1101 双光束分光光度计与单光束分光光度计相比,其突出优点是( )(1) 可以扩大波长的应用范围(2) 可以采用快速响应的检测系统(3) 可以抵消吸收池所带来的误差(4) 可以抵消因光源的变化而产生的误差*. 1769物质的颜色是由于选择性地吸收了白光中的某些波长所致,CuSO4溶液呈蓝色是由于它吸收了白光中的( )(1) 蓝色光 (2) 绿色光 (3) 黄色光 (4) 红色光 11. 1221将 H 11 放在外磁场中时,核自旋轴的取向数目为 ( )(1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 3 (4) 51. 1783在分子荧光法中,以下说法中正确的是 ( )(1)激发过程中的电子自旋虽不变,但激发态已不是单重态(2)激发态电子的自旋不成对,此状态称为单重态(3)激发三重态能级比相应激发单重态能级要低一些(4)单重态到三重态的激发概率高于单重态到单重态2. 1725下列关于分子振动的红外活性的叙述中正确的是 ( )(1)凡极性分子的各种振动都是红外活性的, 非极性分子的各种振动都不是红外活性的(2) 极性键的伸缩和变形振动都是红外活性的(3) 分子的偶极矩在振动时周期地变化, 即为红外活性振动(4) 分子的偶极矩的大小在振动时周期地变化, 必为红外活性振动, 反之则不是3. 1173下列结构中哪一种能产生分子荧光? ( )OHNO 2COOHI(1)(2)(3)(4)4. 1021 按一般光度法用空白溶液作参比溶液,测得某试液的透射比为 10%,如果更改参比溶液,用一般分光光度法测得透射比为 20% 的标准溶液作参比溶液,则试液的透光率应等于 ( )(1) 8% (2) 40% (3) 50% (4) 80%5. 1307已知相对分子质量为320的某化合物在波长350nm 处的百分吸收系数(比吸收系数)为5000, 则该化合物的摩尔吸收系数为 ( )(1)1.6×104L/(moL·cm) (2)3.2×105 L/(moL·cm) (3)1.6×106 L/(moL·cm) (4)1.6×105 L/(moL·cm)6. 1781现有紫外-可见吸收光谱相互干扰的A 和B 两组分,它们的最大波长分别为λA 和λB ,若用双波长测定A 组分的含量,则下面哪一种选择λ1和λ2的方法是正确的? ( )(1)使λ1和λ2分别等于λA 和λB(2)选λ1等于λA ,选λ2使B 组分在λ2的吸光度和它在λ1处的吸光度相等(3)选λ1等于λA ,选λ2为A ,B 两组分吸收峰相交处的波长(4)选λ1等于λB ,选λ2使A 组分在λ2的吸光度和它在λ1处的吸光度相等7. 1760对某特定的仪器,其透射比的标准偏差为0.006,对某溶液测得的透射比T =0.015 时那么浓度的相对标准偏差是 ( )(1) +2.5% (2) +5.0% (3) +9.5% (4) +12.5%8. 1754某化合物在乙醇中λmax乙醇=287nm,而在二氧六环中λmax 二氧六环=295nm ,该吸收峰的跃迁类型是( ) (1) σ →σ * (2) π→π * (3) π→σ * (4) π→π *9. 1217许多化合物的吸收曲线表明,它们的最大吸收常常位于 200─400nm 之间,对这一光谱区应选用的光源为 ( )(1) 氘灯或氢灯 (2) 能斯特灯 (3) 钨灯 (4) 空心阴极灯灯10. 1333指出下列说法中哪个有错误? ( )(1) 荧光和磷光光谱都是发射光谱(2) 磷光发射发生在三重态(3) 磷光强度I p与浓度c的关系与荧光一致(4) 磷光光谱与最低激发三重态的吸收带之间存在着镜像关系11. 1824核磁矩的产生是由于( )(1) 核外电子绕核运动(2) 原子核的自旋(3) 外磁场的作用(4) 核外电子云的屏蔽作用1. 1762对某特定的仪器,其透射比的标准偏差为0.006,当测得溶液的吸光度A=0.334时,则浓度的相对标准偏差是()(1) +0.6% (2) +1.7% (3) +3.5% (4) +7.6%2. 1009在红外光谱分析中,用KBr制作为试样池,这是因为:( )(1) KBr 晶体在4000~400cm-1范围内不会散射红外光(2) KBr 在4000~400 cm-1范围内有良好的红外光吸收特性(3) KBr 在4000~400 cm-1范围内无红外光吸收(4) 在4000~400 cm-1范围内,KBr 对红外无反射3. 1342在分光光度计的检测系统中, 以光电管代替硒光电池, 可以提高测量的( )(1) 灵敏度(2) 准确度(3) 精确度(4) 重现性4. 1232助色团对谱带的影响是使谱带( )(1)波长变长(2)波长变短(3)波长不变(4)谱带蓝移5. 1381双波长分光光度计的输出信号是( )(1) 试样与参比吸收之差(2) 试样与参比吸收之和(3) 试样在λ1和λ2处吸收之差(4) 试样在λ1和λ2处吸收之和6. 1785在分子荧光分析法中,下面说法正确的是()(1)荧光发射光谱不随激发波长的变化而改变(2)荧光发射光谱要随激发波长的变化而改变(3)荧光激发光谱与它的紫外-可见吸收光谱互为镜像对称关系(4)荧光发射光谱与它的紫外-可见吸收光谱形状相似且波长位置也一样7. 1106用实验方法测定某金属配合物的摩尔吸收系数ε,测定值的大小决定于( )(1) 配合物的浓度(2) 配合物的性质(3) 比色皿的厚度(4) 入射光强度8. 1759某化合物在己烷中(λmax=220nm)的摩尔吸收系数εmax=14500L/(moL·cm),若用1.0cm吸收池,1.0×10-4mol/L的该化合物在该波长处的百分透射比为()(1) 5% (2) 3.5% (3)10% (4)50%9. 1765在紫外-可见吸收光谱中,下列具有最大吸收波长的物质是()O(1) (2) (3)(4)10. 1374阶跃线荧光的波长( )(1)大于所吸收的辐射的波长(2)小于所吸收的辐射的波长(3)等于所吸收的辐射的波长(4)正比于所吸收的辐射的波长11. 1805外磁场强度增大时,质子从低能级跃迁至高能级所需的能量( )(1) 变大(2) 变小(3) 逐渐变小(4) 不变化二、填空题12. 2321 使用分光光度计, 在检测器不受光时, 应调节透光度T为____________________,当光通过参比溶液时, 调节透光度T为____________________当光通过试液时, 则可读取___________________________________________13. 2011当一定频率的红外光照射分子时,应满足的条件是________________________和_______________________________________________ 才能产生分子的红外吸收峰。



九年级历史美国独立战争练习题及答案九年级是中学阶段的最后一年,面临升中考的压力,在这重要时期里,我们应该怎样学好九年级历史呢?x下面是为大家整理的九年级历史美国独立战争练习题及答案,希望对大家有帮助!九年级历史美国独立战争练习题及答案(一)1.英国在18世纪中叶时号称“日不落帝国”,其殖民地遍及全球,其中英属北美殖民地就有()A.11个B.12个C. 13个D.14个2.美国独立战争开始的标志是()A. 波士顿倾茶事件B.来克星顿枪声C.《独立宣言》的发表D.大陆会议的召开3.美国独立战争爆发的原因不包括()A.英国竭力压制北美经济发展B.英国政府从政治上对北美人民采取高压政策C.北美人民的反抗情绪高涨D.英国在加拿大建立了殖民地4.小明同学是长江中学九年级(1)班历史黑板报负责人,他上网查找了以下历史资料,按时间先后排了下列几种情况的顺序,你认为正确的是()①萨拉托加大捷②来克星顿枪声③《独立宣言》发表④美法联军在约克镇打败英军A.②③①④B.③①②④C.①②③④D.④①②③5.美国独立战争的转折点战役是()A.纳西比战役B.约克镇战役C.瓦尔密大捷D.萨拉托加大捷6.1947年,美国通过宪法修正案,确立总统连任不得超过两届。

创立这一传统的著名人物是()A.华盛顿B.杰斐逊C.林肯D.罗斯福7.美国独立战争领导阶级是()A.资产阶级和种植园主B.资产阶级和新贵族C.资产阶级D.种植园主和新贵族8.美国独立战争与英国资产阶级革命相比,最大特点在于()A. 革命前资本主义经济发展受到阻碍B.革命主要是反殖民主义统治C.革命没有出现反复D.革命后资本主义得到顺利发展9.美国独立战争取得胜利的根本原因是()A. 大陆军战士不屈不挠,英勇作战B.法国等国的国际援助C.北美资本主义经济的发展D.美国人民为正义战争而战10.美国独立战争之所以被称为一场“资产阶级革命”主要是因为()A.它摧毁了英国的殖民统治B.它推翻了封建王朝在北美的统治C.它推翻了英国的殖民统治,为美国资本主义发展扫除了障碍D.领导这场战争的是北美资产阶级拓展训练11、阅读下列材料,回答问题。

部编版历史 九年级下册 九年级下册 课后练习题

部编版历史 九年级下册 九年级下册 课后练习题

一、选择题1. 罗斯福在炉边谈话中说:“我们将采取……措施,以使我国的产业工人获得更加公平的工资收入,防止恶性竞争和超长的劳动时间,同时鼓励所有企业防止生产过剩。

”为此,罗斯福政府A.整顿金融体系B.推行“以工代赈”C.颁布《全国工业复兴法》D.建立社会保障制度2. 由于不可磨灭的功绩,一直被许多南美国家共尊为“解放者”的是()A.哈利B.玻利瓦尔C.伊达尔哥D.华盛顿3. 关于民族解放运动,人们如此颂扬着一位女英雄:“年轻的女王率领她的章西勇士,次次冲锋陷阵,一次次击溃强大的英军……直至壮烈牺牲。

”这则故事发生在()A.印度民族大起义中B.拉美解放运动中C.中国义和团运动中D.美国独立战争中4. 巴黎和会召开后,诸多漫画家创作了具有不同内涵的漫画。

其中最能体现巴黎和会实质的是A.B.C.D .5. 欧洲的普通老百姓从每天都看得见、摸得着的“口袋里的欧洲”,体验到做真正欧洲人的感觉。

这种感觉的出现和下列哪一组织的成立有关A .B .C .D .6. 二战时德国队对英国实行空袭没有成功,如下图是英国进行反攻,该战役是( )A .莫斯科保卫战B .斯大林格勒保卫战C .诺曼底登陆D .攻占柏林7. 两次工业革命后,人们既感受到从未有过的欢欣,也体验过很多新的痛苦。

依据图示中的材料,请选出对两次工业革命评价最全面的一项()A.工业革命提高人口素质B.工业革命推动社会进步C.工业革命是一把双刃剑D.工业革命加重战争伤亡8. “第二次世界大战后的40多年间,以美、苏为首的东西方两大阵营严重对峙,世界呈现出既非战争又非和平的‘冷战’局面。

”“冷战”开始的标志是A.联合国的正式成立B.杜鲁门主义的出台C.马歇尔计划的提出D.东、西德国的成立9. (美国)自1863年元旦起,叛乱地区的奴隶享有自由,如条件符合,可为了合众国征集入伍及警卫堡垒要塞、据点兵站及其他地方;亦可在各种军舰上服务。

上述规定A.表明民族独立任务完成B.标志黑人奴隶制度消灭C.快速增强了南方军事实力D.有助于扭转北方被动局面10. “尊重中国的主权、独立与领土完整,建立并维护各国在中国的商务实业机会均等原则。




Yokohama Chinatown is the 1.(large) among Japan's three Chinatowns, which lies in downtown Yokohama. 2.large number of Chinese stores and restaurants can be found in the narrow and colorful streets of the Chinatown.From this month, the Yokohama Chinatown Development Association (YCDA) will be busy 3.(start) the "Yokohama Chinatown Tour" all year round. Visitors will find it extremely necessary to make use 4.the chance to enjoy lunch while learning Chinese food culture and traditional arts with the Yokohama Chinatown doorkeeper 5.will tell stories about its history and culture.The first event with the theme (主题) of "Meeting to enjoy Chinese tea" 6.(hold) next week. A Chinese specialty store (专卖店) has been set up 7.(allow) people to first learn about tea ceremony and different 8.(type) of tea, and then enjoy lunch at a Chinese restaurant.According to the organizers, in September, the theme will be "Mid-Autumn Festival mooncake making experience", when visitors will make mooncakes by 9.(they). After that, the organizers plan to hold events in November and next January with the theme of Spring Festival."It is a 10.(meaning) tour to experience traditional Chinese culture. Let's enjoy it together," an official of YCDA said.【答案】1.largest;2.A;3.starting;4.of;5.who/that;6.will be held;7.to allow;8.types;9.themselves;10.meaningful【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,从本月起位于横滨的唐人街——日本三个唐人街中最大的,将举行横滨唐人街游玩活动,届时人们将体验到中国的茶文化、中秋节和其它中国的传统文化。




委任的大陆军总司令是()A.克伦威尔 B.哥伦布 C.华盛顿 D.伯里克利2.“独立与自由根植于美利坚灵魂深处,为此它不惜与母邦兵戎相见……”材料中的“母邦”是指()A.美国 B.英国 C.法国 D.德国3.之所以说美国独立战争是一次资产阶级的革命,是因为()A.它摧毁了英国殖民统治 B.使美国实现了民族独立C.为美国资本主义发展开辟了道路 D.领导阶级是北美资产阶级4.宣告北美13个殖民地脱离英国独立。


”这里的“消息”是指()A.英军在来克星顿遭遇伏击 B.波士顿市民倒掉大量英国商船的茶叶C.英军主力在约克镇遭遇重大失败 D.北美13个殖民地宣布脱离英国独立8.1787年9月17日,美国第一部成文宪法最终形成,使一个真正意义上的美国诞生了。

依据1787年宪法,美国掌握立法权的是哪一机构()A.国王 B.总统 C.国会 D.最高法院9.英国承认美国独立是在()A. 1776年 B. 1787年 C. 1781年 D. 1783年10.“战争中的第一人,和平中的第一人,他的同胞心目中的第一人”是美国独立战争时期一位老兵的话。

这位“第一人”带领美国人民打破了英国的殖民枷锁,他是()A.林肯 B.克伦威尔 C.杰斐逊 D.华盛顿11.来自各州的代表们进行了116天的激烈争执和辩论,最后达成共识制定了联邦宪法。


这部宪法是指()A.《独立宣言》 B. 1787年宪法 C.《权利法案》 D.《苏联宪法》12.1775年5月,北美13个殖民地的代表聚集费城召开会议,并通过了组织大陆军的决议。

这次会议是指()A.第一届大陆会议 B.第二届大陆会议C.反法同盟会议 D.第一国际会议13.美国独立战争爆发的根本原因是( )A.北美初步形成了统一的市场 B.英国殖民者竭力压制北美经济的发展C.英国殖民者对北美人民的反抗采取高压政策D.波士顿倾茶事件14.1776年7月4日,第二届大陆会议通过由杰斐逊等起草的《独立宣言》),直告北美殖民地脱离英国管辖,美国取得独立战争的胜利。

英美概况 美国历史练习题

英美概况 美国历史练习题

英美概况美国历史练习题I. Multiple Choices1. The history of the U.S. is generally agreed to have begun in _____.A. 1620B. 1607C. 17762. The following states are among the first thirteen colonies except _____.A. MarylandB. South CarolinaC. DelawareD. Colorado3. _____ was the first man who sailed around the earth.A. John CabotB. MagellanC. BalboaD. Cartier4. The colonial life can be described as the following except _____.A. simpleB. easyC. roughD. hard5. The Stamp Act was passed in _____ and was repealed in _____.A. 1765, 1766B. 1764, 1765C. 1763, 17646. The First Continental Congress was held in _____ in September, 1774.A. PhiladelphiaB. BostonC. New York7. The American War of Independence started in _____ and ended in _____.A. 1776, 1784B. 1775, 1783C. 1706, 17148. Washington won the great victory on December 26, 1776 in _____.A. GettysburgB. PittsburghC. Trenton9. The battle of _____ marked the turning point of the War of Independence.A. New YorkB. SaratogaC. Bunker Hill10. On October 19th, 1781, the British General Cornwallis and his 7,000 men surrendered at _____.A. YorktownB. BostonC. Charleston11. The Constitutional Convention was held in 1787 to revise _____.A. The Articles of the ConfederationB. Bill of RightsC. Civil Rights12. The first ten amendments, known as _____, were added to the Constitution in 1791.A. the Bill of RightsB. the ArticlesC. Civil Rights13. After the Federal Government was established, the city _____ was chosen as the capital for the time being.A. WashingtonB. New YorkC. Philadelphia14. The pamphlet "Common Sense" was written by _____.A. Thomas EdisonB. Thomas PaineC. Thomas Jefferson15. The Second President John Adams adopted a high-handed policy which was called _____.A. the "Intolerable Acts"B. Un-American ActivitiesC. the Sedition Act16. The greatest contribution made by President Thomas Jefferson was his _____.A. abolishing the Sedition ActB. reducing taxesC. purchasing Louisiana from France17. The Second Anti-English War broke out in _____ and ended in _____. The U.S.won the war.A. 1812, 1814B. 1813, 1815C. 1814, 181618. As the result of the U.S.-Mexican War, nearly _____ of the entire territory of Mexico was lost.A. 1/4B. 1/2C. 1/319. In 1844 the U.S. forced the Chinese Government to sign the first unequal treaty of _____.A. WangxiaB. NanjingC. Tianjin20. The Articles of Confederation was accepted by all the _____ states in _____.A. 50, 1781B. 13, 1781C. 13, 178721. _____ was chosen as the capital for the time being in Washington's administration.A. New YorkB. ChicagoC. Boston22. It was _____ who advanced four plans which met bitter criticisms from many people.A. Alexander HamiltonB. Thomas JeffersonC. George Washington23. _____ was the first American President who was inaugurated in the city of Washington.A. John AdamsB. Thomas JeffersonC. James Madison24. The War with England between 1812 and 1814 happened during the administration of President _____.A. James MadisonB. James MonroeC. John Adams25. The _____ stopped the Holy Alliance's program, and prevented the European countries from extending their influence.A. Monroe DoctrineB. Sedition ActC. Holy Alliance26. _____ was the first president who developed the power of veto into one of the means of making laws.A. John AdamsB. Andrew JacksonC. Andrew Johnson27. _____ made slavery possible in the new territories such as in Kentucky and Nebraska.A. Douglas BillB. Monroe DoctrineC. Sedition Act28. During the Civil War Lincoln issued the _____, which declared the abolition of slavery.A. Homestead BillB. Emancipation ProclamationC. Both A and B29. The Battle of _____ was the turning point of the American Civil War.A. Bull RunB. GettysburgC. Richmond30. The first imperialist war took place between the U.S. and _____ in 1898.A. BritainB. FranceC. Spain31. The first American President from the Republic Party is _____.A. Abraham LincolnB. Andrew JohnsonC. Thomas JeffersonD. George Washington32. In 1918 President _____ issued the "Fourteen Points".A. Woodrow WilsonB. William H. TaftC. Theodore RooseveltD. Warren G. Harding33. Haymarket Massacre took place in _____ in May 1886.A. New YorkB. ChicagoC. Washington34. In 1894, the American industrial production held the _____ place in the world.A. firstB. secondC. third35. McCarthy was notorious for his harsh _____ persecution of the progressive people.A. religiousB. spiritualC. political36. The Ku Klux Klan was the most notorious terrorist society which persecuted the _____.A. blacksB. IndiansC. progressive people37. On August 14, 1914, the U.S. and Britain issued a joint communiqué called _____.A. the Teheran DeclarationB. the Atlantic CharterC. the Washington Proclamation38. In Sino-American relations Theodore Roosevelt exercised the so-called "_____", invading China by means of both force and culture.A. Open Door PolicyB. Big StickC. Douglas Bill39. The First World War broke out on July 28th, _____ and ended on November 11th, _____, lasting for about four years.A. 1913, 1917B. 1914, 1918C. 1915, 191940. The two military alliances during WWI were the _____ and the _____.A. Axis, AlliesB. Holy Alliance, AxisC. Central Powers, Allies41. The assassination of a(n) _____ prince, Arch Duke Ferdinand, served as the direct fuse for the outbreak of WWI.A. AustraliaB. BelgiumC. Austria42. Altogether _____ countries became involved in or were dragged into WWI.A. 33B. 38C. 3943. The frequent emergence of the economic crisis in the U.S.A. led to the following disastrous effects except _____.A. inflationB. the rise of pricesC. the decrease of populationD. the decrease of the purchasing capacity44. In April 1945 a conference was held at _____ to organize the United Nations.A. San FranciscoB. New YorkC. Philadelphia45. _____ countries attended the conference of the foundling of the UN.A. 48B. 47C. 4546. At the _____ Conference, the heads of the Soviet Union, the U.S. and Britain discussed the problem of opening the second battlefield in Europe.A. YaltaB. TeheranC. Casablanca47. In July 1945, Britain, the U.S. and the Soviet Union met at Potsdam to formulate an occupation policy and set up a program for the future of Germany. The meeting was the famous _____ Conference.A. CairoB. TeheranC. PotsdamD. Quebec48. The two fighting sides in WWII were _____.A. the Allies and the Axis (powers)B. the Axis and Holy AllianceC. the Central Powers and the Allies49. The _____ was the treaty signed at Versailles, near Paris in France in 1919.A. Paris TreatyB. Versailles TreatyC. Teheran Treaty50. The meeting was held at Yalta in the Crimea of the Soviet Union in Feb, 1945. At the meeting many matters were discussed, including the final defeat of Germany, the demilitarization of Germany, the founding of the U.N. etc., this was the famous _____ Conference.A. YaltaB. TeheranC. Potsdam51. The Communist Party of the US was founded in _____.A. 1920B. 1918C. 191952. The U.S. Communist Party was re-established in 1945 with _____ as its general secretary.A. LevestoneB. William FosterC. Earl Browder53. The Great Depression of _____ to shook the US and the whole capitalist world to its foundations.A. 1929, 1933B. 1933, 1937C. 1924, 192954. The programmer of 1947 that America would offer its money supplies and machinery to any European nation that wished to participate in was called _____.A. Eisenhower DoctrineB. Marshall PlanC. Truman Doctrine55. The _____ broke out in June 1950 and ended in the summer of 1953.A. Vietnam WarB. Cold WarC. Korean War56. In April 1949 twelve nations established the NATO to coordinate the military actions of member nations against the _____.A. GermanyB. JapanC. Soviet Union57. The Second World War broke out in September, _____ and ended in August _____.A. 1939, 1945B. 1937, 1943C. 1938, 194558. After WWII there emerged a new balance of power between _____ and _____.A. the Allies, the Axis PowersB. the USSR, the USAC. the old capitalist countries, the new ones59. There occurred _____ economic crises from the end of WWII to the middle of the 1970's.A. sixB. fiveC. seven60. The President Franklin D. Roosevelt proposed a policy called _____ to save the economic situation.A. Good NeighborB. the Open Door PolicyC. the New Deal61. The Battle of _____ took place in 1942 and it was the turning point of the Pacific area.A. Midway IslandB. BritainC. Normandy62. In Feb. _____ came President Nixon's historic visit to China.A. 1979B. 1972C. 197363. In 1953, _____ ended in the failure of the U.S.A. the Korean WarB. the Vietnam WarC. the US-Spanish War64. On December 7th, 1941, the base of the American Pacific Fleet, Pearl Harbor, was suddenly attacked by the _____ air force and navy.A. SpanishB. FrenchC. Japanese65. The original Union consists of _____ at the time of its independence.A. 13B. 50C. 4866. The first thirteen states of the US mainly located _____ seaboard.A. the easternB. the westernC. the northern67. _____ appointed many of the colonial governors.A. The English KingB. the local governmentC. the local people68. The Declaration of Independence was drafted by a committee including _____ as head.A. George WashingtonB. Thomas JeffersonC. both A and B69. _____ was the British king when colonial Americans declared their independence.A. King George IB. King George IIIC. King George II70. In 1945 a conference was held in _____ to found the United Nations.A. San FranciscoB. ChicagoC. New York71. President Nixon visited China in _____.A. 1973B. 1974C. 197272. _____ was the only American president who was re-elected three times in succession.A. Theodore RooseveltB. George WashingtonC. FranklinD. Roosevelt D. Thomas Jefferson73. The city's name "Philadelphia" means _____.A. brotherly loveB. fishing pitC. philosophy答案:1-5 BDBBA 6-10ABCBA 11-15AABBC 16-20CABAB 21-25AABAA 26-30BABBC 30-35AABAC 36-40ABABC 41-45CBCAA 46-50BCABA 51-55CBABC 56-60CABAC 61-65 ABACA 66-70AABBA 71-73CCA。



Chapter 1 exercise1. Hard work, thrift(节约), piety(虔诚)and sobriety(清醒), theses were the Puritan values that dominated much of the early American writing.2. The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America is a collection of poems composed by Anne Bradstreet3. Anne Bradstreet was a Puritan poet. Her poems made such a stir(骚动) in England that she became known as the“” who appeared in America.A. Ninth MuseB. Tenth MuseC. Best MuseD. First MuseChapter 2 exercise1. The War of Independence lasted eight years till 1783.2. Thomas Paine, with his natural gift for pamphleteering(小册子作者)andrebellion, was appropriately born into an age of revolution .3. A series of sixteen pamphlets by Paine was entitled The American Crisis.4. Franklin's best writing is found in his masterpiece Autobiography.5. Franklin was the epitome(化身) [i'pitəmi] of the Enlightenment , the versatile(多才多艺的), practical embodiment(体现) of national man in the18th century.6. The most outstanding poet in America of the 18th century was Philip Freneau.7. Philip Freneau was considered as the "poet of the American Revolution."8. Except Common Sense, Paine's the other two famous works were Rights of man《人权》and The age of Reason《理性时代》.9. Eighteen-century America experienced an age of enlightenment, of reason and order like England and Europe.10. Franklin's claim to a place in literature rests chiefly on his PoorRichard’s Almanac and Autobiography.Chapter 3 exercise1. In the early nineteenth century, Washington Irving wrote The Sketch Book ,which became the first work by an American writer to win financial success on both sides of the Atlantic.2. The Romantic period in the American literary history covers the time between the end of the 18th_century to the outbreak of the Civil War . It started with the publication of Irving‟s The sketch book and ended with Whitman‟s leaves of Grass. This period is also called_the American Renaissance.3. Irving's The Sketch Book is a collection of essays, sketches and tales, of which the most famous and frequently anthologized([æn'θɔlədʒaiz] 把…收入选集) are Rip Van Winkle and The legend of Sleepy Hollow.4. The Transcendental Club often met at Emerson‟s Concord home.5. Emersonian Transcendentalism is actually a philosophical school which absorbed some ideological concerns of American Puritanism and European Romanticism.6. Washington Irving was regarded as Father of the American short stories.7. Irving also wrote two biographies, one is The Life of Oliver Goldsmith, and the other is Life of Washington.8. Cooper's novel The Spy was a rousing tale about espionage(间谍活动)against the British during the Revolutionary War.9. The central figure in the Leather stocking Tales is Natty Bumppo, who goes by the various names of Leather stocking, Deer slayer, Pathfinder and Hawkeye.10. A superb(极好的)book Walden came out of Thoreau's two-yearexperiment at Walden Pond.11. From Thoreau's Concord jail experience,came his famous essay ___Civil Disobedience_.12. Hester Prynne is the heroine(女英雄, 女主角)in Hawthorne's novel TheScarlet Letter.13. Melville's novel Moby Dick is a tremendous chronicle of a whalingvoyage in pursuit of a seemingly supernatural white whale.14. Ishmael is the narrator in Moby-Dick.15._ Edgar Allan Poe _ can somewhat be called "the Father of the Americandetective story".Romantic Period Exercise1. The Romantic Period of American literature started with the publication of Washington Irving‟s ___________ and ended with Whitman‟s Leaves of Grass.A. The Sketch BookB. Tales of a TravelerC. The AlhambraD. A History of New York2. Washington Irving‟s social conservation and literary for the past is revealed to some extent, in his famous story_____________.A. “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”B. Rip Van WinkleC. The Custom-HouseD. The Birthmark3. The period before the American Civil War is generally referred to as_________.A. The naturalist PeriodB. The Modern PeriodC. The Romantic PeriodD. the Realistic period4. In the following works, which signs the beginning of the American literature?A. The Sketch BookB. Leaves of GrassC. Leather stocking TalesD. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn5. In the history of literature, Romanticism is regarded as _________.A. the thought that designates(标明)a literary and philosophical theorywhich tends to see the individual as the very center of all life and allexperienceB. the orientation that emphasizes those features which men have incommonC. the modes of thinkingD. the thought that designates man as a social animalChapter 5 exercise1. First World War stands as a great dividing line between the nineteenth century and the contemporary American literature.2.Hemingway became the spokesman for what Gertrude Stein had called "the lost generation".3. Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby is set in the Jazz Age.4. William Faulkner wrote about the disintegration(瓦解)of the old social system in the American Southern States, and its effect on the lives of modem people, both black and white.5. Pound was the leader of a new movement in poetry which he calledthe“imagism movement.6. Ezra Pound's major work of poetry is the long poem called The Cantos.7. "After Apple-Picking" is a well-known poem written by Robert Frost.8. William Faulkner's works mainly concern the American South.9. Wallace Stevens was successful in two fields of activity which did not seem compatible(可以并存的, 相容的, 协调的)with one another: he was a very successful businessman and a very remarkable contemporary poet at the same time.10. In the novel The Old Man and the Sea, Hemingway portrayed an oldfisherman named Santigago, who shows triumphant even in defeat. 11. In the same way that Fitzgerald's "Tales of the Jazz Age" became thesymbol for an age, Hemingway's novel The Sun Also Rises painted the image of a whole generation, the lost generation.1. ___is often acclaimed literary spokesman of the Jazz Age.A. Ernest HemingwayB. F. Scott FitzgeraldC. William FaulknerD. Ezra Pound2. is Hemingway's first true novel in which he depicts a vivid portrait of "The Lost Generation".A. The Sun Also RisesB. A Farewell to ArmsC. In Our TimeD. For Whom the Bell Tolls3. In a tragic sense, is a representation of life as a struggle against unconquerable forces in which only a partial victory is possible. A. For Whom the Bell Tolls B. In Our TimeC. The Old Man and the SeaD. A Farewell to Arms4. Tender Is the Night is a by Fitzgerald.A. short storyB. novellaC. poemD. novel5. Hemingway's writing style, together with his theme and the hero, is greatly and permanently influenced by his experiencesA. in his childhoodB. in the warC. in AmericaD. in Africa6. The following writers were awarded Nobel Prize for literature exceptA. W'dliam FaulknerB.F. Scott FitzgeraldC. John SteinbeckD. Ernest Hemingway7. "Two roads diverged in a yellow wood and sorry I could not travelboth..."In the above two lines of Robert Frost's The Road Not Taken, the poet, by implication, was referring toA. a travel experienceB. a marriage decisionC. a middle-age crisisD. one's course of life8. The American "Thirties", lasted from the Crash, through the ensuing Great Depression, until the outbreak of the Second World War 1939. This was a periodA. povertyB. bleaknessC. important social movementsD. a new social consciousnessE. all of the above9. The Fitzgeralds lived so extravagantly(挥霍无度地) that they frequently spent more money than Fitzgerald earned for parties, liquor, entertaining their friends and travelling. It was this living style that nicknamed the decade of the 1920s asA. The Roaring TwentiesB. The Jazz AgeC. The Dollar DecadeD. all of the above10. In Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury, he used a technique called inwhich the whole story was told through the thoughts of one character.A. stream of consciousnessB. imagismC. symbolismD. naturalism11. Who is the author of the work: "The Grapes of Wrath"?A. John Steinbeck.B. Eugene O'Neil.C. E Scott Fitzgerald.D. Theodore Dreiser.realism exercise•1. The Age of Realism in the literary history of the United States refers to the period from 1865to 1918.•2. Stylistically, Henry James' fiction is characterized by . •A. highly refined language B. ordinary American speech•C. short, clear sentences D. abundance of local images•3. is not a novel by Henry James dealing with the international theme.•A. What Maisie Knows B. The Wings of the Dove•C. The Ambassadors D. The Golden Bowl•Answer: D A A•4. Who exerts the single most important influence on literary naturalism, of which Theodore Dreiser and Jack London are among the best representative writers?•A. Freud. B. Darwin C. Howells. D. Emerson.•5. Mark Twain, one of the greatest 19~ century American writers, is well known for his .•A. international theme B. waste-land imagery•C. local color D. symbolism•6. Generally speaking, all those writers with a naturalistic(自然主义的)approach to human reality tend to be .•A. transcendentalists B. idealists(理想主义;空想家)•C. pessimists(悲观主义者) D. impressionists •Answers: B C C7. Mark Twain wrote most of his literary works with alanguage.A. grandB. pompousC. simpleD. vernacular([vəˈnækj ələ]本国语,本地话,方言2)8. Henry James experimented with many different themes in his literary career, the most influential one being .A. nothingnessB. Disillusionment(醒悟;理想破灭)C. international themeD. relationship between men and women9. Theodore Dreiser is generally regarded as one of America's .A. naturalistsB. realistsC. modernistsD. romanticistsAnswers: D C A10. Dreiser's Trilogy of Desire includes three novels. They are The Financier, The Titan andA. The StoicB. The GiantC. The TycoonD. The Genius11. The impact of Darwin's evolutionary theory on the American thought and the influence of the nineteenth-century French literature on the American men of letters gave rise to(引起,导致,产生)yet another school of realism: American .A. modernismB. naturalismC. vernacularismD. local colorismAnswers: A B12. While embracing the socialism of Marx, London also believed in the triumph of the strongest individuals. This contradiction is most vividly projected in the patently(明白地;公然地)autobiographical novel .A. The Call of the WideB. The Sea WolfC. Martin EdenD. The Iron Heel13. The main theme of The Art of Fiction reveals his literary credo(信经,信条)that representation of life should be the main object of the novel.A. Henry James'B. William Dean Howells'C. Mark Twain…sD. Jack LondonAnswers: C A•1. The Age of Realism is also what Mark Twain referred to as . •The Gilded Age•2. In 1859, Darwin published , which exerted great influence on American Naturalism.•Origin of the Species•3. is regarded as "the true father of our national literature." •Mark Twain•4. The name of the heroine in The Portrait of a Lady is .•Isabel Archer•5. The Financier, The Titan and The Stoic form Dreiser's . •Trilogy of Desire•6. An American Tragedy is a masterpiece by . •Theodore Dreiser。



英法美资产阶级革命专项练习一、单选题1. 《人权宣言》与《独立宣言》、《权利法案》相比,其显著特点是()A. 宣告独立,脱离殖民统治B. 限制君主的权利C. 强调人的自由、平等D. 保护人们的私有财产2. 英国资产阶级革命开始于()A. 1640年B. 1840年C. 1649年D. 1689年3. 美国费城的“自由钟”是独立的象征。

它的钟声曾在1776年7月4日和1783年4月16日两次响起,1783年的钟声代表的深刻含义是()A. 美国的诞生B. 美国获得真正的独立C. 美国建立联邦制国家D. 组建大陆军4. “战争中的第一人,和平中的第一人,他的同胞中的第一人”是独立战争时期的一位老兵的话。

话中的第一人是指()A. 林肯B. 克林顿C. 里根D. 华盛顿5. 美国独立战争与英国资产阶级革命相比,最大的特点是()A. 革命前资本主义经济发展受到阻碍B. 革命过程中未出现反复C. 革命的首要任务是推翻殖民统治D. 革命后资本主义迅速发展6. 美国史学家帕尔默评价美国独立战争时说:“美国革命成为那些希望摆脱殖民地地位的民族所效法的榜样”。

这句话说明美国革命()A. 推动了英国资产阶级革命B. 导致了法国大革命C. 影响了玻利瓦尔领导的拉美革命D. 引发了英国的宪章运动7. 有人说:“美国独立战争扫除了阻碍资本主义发展的外部障碍,而美国内战则扫除了内部障碍。

”其所说的外部障碍和内部障碍分别是()A. 英国的殖民统治、黑人奴隶制度B. 黑人奴隶制度、英国殖民统治C. 封建制度、黑人奴隶制度D. 封建制度、英国殖民统治8. 若把“新航路开辟”、“启蒙运动”和“法国大革命”确定为一个学习单元,下列表述最适合作为这一单元主题的是()A. 走进近代社会B. 揭开殖民序幕C. 构建文化殿堂D. 推进工业革命9. “1640年革命和1789年革命,是欧洲范围内的革命。


”这里的“新政治制度”指的是()A. 奴隶制度B. 封建制度C. 资本主义制度D.社会主义制度10. 民主政治的进步推动社会发展。




















1.开始:1775年4月19日, 来克星顿的枪声,标志着美国独立战争爆发。





2BM3U3单元小练习Class ________ Name ________ No. _______Part 1 Speaking(口语部分)老师的话:小朋友们,新学期好!不知不觉我们已经学完了M3U3,又长大一岁的你,学习越来越努力了吧!这个单元你学得怎样?我们来检验一下吧!Ⅰ. Look and say(看图,说出单词。

要求:声音响亮,用升降调朗读)Ⅱ. Look and read(朗读下列单词和词组。

要求:声音响亮,单词和词组用升降调朗读)1. trousers2. shirt3. sweater4. coat5. nice and warm6. go to school7. come in8. close the door Ⅲ. Look and read(朗读下列句子。

要求:注意语音语调,做到准确、流利)1. A: What do you have? B: I have a sweater.2. A: What do you have for summer? B: I have shorts.3. A: Here you are. B: Thank you.4. A: What can you hear? B: I can hear a dog.5. I have trousers. She has trousers, too.Ⅳ. Read and answer(朗读并快速应答。

要求:注意语音语调,做到准确、流利)1. I’m sorry.2. What do you have? (shirt)3. What do you have for winter?4. What can you hear? (pig)5. What do you have for spring?Ⅴ. Look and say(用所给句型介绍衣服等物品。

要求:声音响亮,表述准确、流利,要有感情)Look! I have …It is/They a re …(颜色、外观等)Look! ... has...It is/They a re …(颜色、外观等)H ow …!Ⅵ. Say a rhyme(儿歌表演。


















”潘恩呼吁“分手”的双方是() A.种植园奴隶主和工业资本家B.北美殖民地和英国政府C.美利坚合众国和法国政府D.第三等级和特权等级3.他是“战争时期最著名的将军,和平时期最杰出的领袖,同胞心目中最伟大的人物”,他带领美国人民打破了英国的殖民枷锁。



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