



what is social work?“The social work profession专业promotes促进social change, problem-solving in human relationships, and the empowerment许可,授权 and liberation释放,解放 of people to enhance 提高,加强well-being幸福,幸福感,福利. Utilising使用,利用theories of human behaviour and social systems, social work intervenes干预,介入at points在点where people interact with与相互作用their environments. Principles原则of human rights人权and social justice司法 are fundamental to对~是必要的social work.”Nature of the WorkSocial work is a profession for those with a strong desire to help improve people lives. Social workers help people function(动词)运行 the best way they can in their environment, deal with their relationships, and solve personal and family problems. Social workers often see看见,理解clients案主who face a life-threatening重度,致命的disease疾病or a social problem, such as inadequate不足的housing, unemployment, a serious illness, a disability残疾,丧失能力的, or substance abuse药物滥用. Social workers also assist帮助families that have serious domestic家庭的 conflicts冲突, sometimes involving child or spousal abuse虐待配偶.Social workers often provide social services in health-related settings设置that now are governed管理,支配by managed care管理式医疗organizations. To contain含,控制costs, these organizations emphasize强调,注重short-term intervention介入,干预, ambulatory流动的,非固定的and community-based社区的care, and greater decentralization分散of services.Most social workers specialize专门从事,专业化. Although some conduct research进行研究,进行调研工作or are involved in planning or policy development, most social workers prefer an area of practice in which they interact with与相互作用 clients.Child, family, and school social workers provide social services and assistance帮助to improve the social and psychological functioning心理机能,心理功能of children and their families and to maximize取最大值,最大化 the family well-being and academic学术的,理论的 functioning of children. Some social workers assist single parents, arrange adoptions领养, or help find foster homes寄养家庭 for neglected被忽视的, abandoned被抛弃的, or abused被虐待children. In schools, they address从事,忙于such problems as teenage pregnancy怀孕, misbehavior品行不端, and truancy旷课,逃学 and advise teachers on how to cope with处理,应付 problem students. Increasingly逐渐的, school social workers are teaching workshops研习会,讲习班to an entire整个的class. Some social workers specialize in专门研究,专攻services for senior citizens老人(尤指退休者), running流动的,连续的 support groups支持小组for family caregivers照顾着,看护人or for the adult children of aging成年parents, advising elderly老年的people or family members about choices in areas such as housing, transportation, and long-term care长期护理,长期医疗, and coordinating协调 and monitoring 监督 these services. Through employee雇员 assistance帮助 programs, they may help workerscope with处理,应付 job-related pressures or with personal problems that affect the quality of their work. Child, family, and school social workers typically代表性的,典型的work for individual个人的 and family services agencies, schools, or State国家,州 or local governments. These social workers may be known as被称为,被认为child welfare儿童福利 social workers, family services social workers, child protective保护的 services social workers, occupational职业的 social workers, or gerontology老年学 social workers.Medical医学的and public health公共卫生social workers provide persons, families, or vulnerable易受伤害的populations with the psychosocial社会心理的support needed to cope with chronic长期的,慢性的, acute严重的, or terminal illnesses终期病患,晚期疾病, such as Alzheimer's disease早老性痴呆, cancer, or AIDS. They also advise family caregivers照顾者, counsel建议,劝告patients, and help plan for patients’ needs after discharge后放 by arranging for at-home services, from meals-on-wheels to oxygen氧气equipment. Some work on interdisciplinary跨领域的 teams that evaluate评价,评估 certain kinds of patients—geriatric老年病人or organ transplant器官移植patients, for example. Medical and public health social workers may work for hospitals, nursing护理,看护 and personal care facilities, individual个人的,个别的 and family services agencies, or local governments.Mental health心理健康and substance abuse药物滥用social workers assess评定,评估and treat individuals个人with mental illness精神病or substance abuse problems, including abuse of alcohol, tobacco烟草, or other drugs. Such services include individual and group therapy治疗,疗法, outreach延伸,扩广, crisis intervention危机干预,危机介入, social rehabilitation复原, and training in skills of everyday living. They also may help plan for supportive支持的 services to ease减轻,使安心 patients and return to the community. Mental health and substance abuse social workers are likely to work in hospitals, substance abuse treatment centers, individual and family services agencies, or local governments. These social workers may be known as clinical临床的social workers. (Counselors辅导员,顾问and psychologists心理学家, who may provide similar services.)Other types of social workers include social work planners and policymakers, who develop programs to address处理 such issues问题,议题 as child abuse, homelessness, substance abuse, poverty贫困, and violence. These workers research and analyze policies, programs, and regulations条例,规程. They identify social problems and suggest legislative立法机构and other solutions. They may help raise funds筹集资金or write grants补助金,津贴to support these programs.Employment工作,就业Social workers held about 562,000 jobs in 2004. About 9 out of 10 jobs were in health care and social assistance社会救助industries, as well as State and local government agencies, primarily首先,主要的in departments of health and human services. Although most social workers are employed受聘于,被雇佣 in cities or suburbs郊区, some work in rural areas农村地区. The following tabulation表格 shows 2004 employment by type of social worker: Child, family, and school social workers 272,000Mental health and substance abuse social workers 116,000Medical and public health social workers 110,000Social workers, all other 64,000Job Outlook展望Competition for social worker jobs is expected in cities, where demand for对~的需求services often is highest and training programs训练计划 for social workers are prevalent流行的,普遍的. However, opportunities should be good in rural areas农村计划, which often find it difficult to attract and retain保持,保留 qualified合格的,能胜任的 staff. By specialty专业,专长, job prospects前景 may be best for those social workers with a background in gerontology 老年医学 and substance abuse treatment.Employment of social workers is expected to increase faster than the average平均 for all occupations职业,行业through 2014. The rapidly迅速的growing elderly年老的population and the aging baby boom generation生育高峰年 will create greater demand for health and social services, resulting in particularly rapid job growth among gerontology老年医学 social workers. Many job openings职位空缺 also will stem from出于,来自 the need to replace取代,替换social workers who leave the occupation.As hospitals continue to limit the length of patient stays, the demand for social workers in hospitals will grow more slowly than in other areas. Because hospitals are releasing释放 patients earlier than in the past, social worker employment in home health care services is growing. However, the expanding扩大的 senior年老的 population is an even larger factor. Employment opportunities for social workers with backgrounds in gerontology should be good in the growing numbers of许多,若干assisted协助,辅助-living and senior-living communities. The expanding senior population also will spur鼓舞,刺激demand for social workers in nursing homes, long-term care facilities, and hospices济贫院.Strong demand is expected for substance abuse social workers over the 2004? 4 projection 规划 period周期,时期. Substance abusers are increasingly逐渐的 being placed into treatment programs instead of being sentenced to判决prison. Because of the increasing numbers of individuals sentenced to prison or probation缓刑 who are substance abusers, correctional 矫正的systems are increasingly requiring substance abuse treatment as a condition added to their sentencing量刑or probation试用. As this trend grows, demand will increase for treatment programs and social workers to assist abusers on the road to在~过程中 recovery恢复,痊愈.Employment of social workers in private social service agencies also will increase. However, agencies increasingly will restructure调整,重改结构 services and hire more lower paid social and human service assistants instead of social workers. Employment in State and local government agencies may grow somewhat有点,稍微in response to响应,对~有反应increasing needs for public welfare社会福利,公共福利, family services, and child protection 保护,照顾 services; however, many of these services will be contracted out包出,批给外界承办 to private agencies. Employment levels in public and private social services agencies may fluctuate波动,涨落, depending on need and government funding资金,经费 levels.Employment of school social workers also is expected to grow as expanded efforts to respond to响应rising student enrollments登记,注册人数and continued emphasis on着重于,强调 integrating整合 disabled children into the general school population lead to more jobs. There could be competition for school social work jobs in some areas because of the limited number of openings. The availability有效性,可用性of Federal联邦的,同盟的, State and local funding资金,经费 will be a major factor in determining the actual job growth in schools.Opportunities for social workers in private practice私人机构 will expand, but growth may be somewhat hindered阻碍,妨碍 by restrictions限制,限制条件 that managed care 管理式医疗organizations put on增加mental health心理健康services. The growing popularity of employee assistance programs is expected to spur demand for private practitioners, some of whom provide social work services to corporations公司,企业 on a contractual合同的,契约的basis. However, the popularity of employee assistance programs will fluctuate波动,涨落with the business cycle商业周期, because businesses are not likely to offer these services during recessions衰退.EarningsMedian中值,中位数 annual earnings年收益 of child, family, and school social workers were $34,820 in May 2004. The middle 50 percent earned between $27,840 and $45,140. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $23,130, and the top 10 percent earned more than $57,860. Median annual earnings in the industries employing the largest numbers of child, family, and school social workers in May 2004 were:Elementary小学 and secondary中学 schools $44,300Local government 40,620State government 35,070Individual and family services 30,680Other residential住宅的 care facilities 30,550Median annual earnings of medical医学的 and public health social workers were $40,080 in May 2004. The middle 50 percent earned between $31,620 and $50,080. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $25,390, and the top 10 percent earned more than $58,740. Median annual earnings in the industries employing the largest numbers of medical and public health social workers in May 2004 were:General medical and surgical外科的 hospitals $44,920Home health care services 42,710Local government 39,390Nursing care护理 facilities 35,680Individual and family services 32,100Median annual earnings of mental health and substance abuse social workers were $33,920 in May 2004. The middle 50 percent earned between $26,730 and $43,430. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $21,590, and the top 10 percent earned more than $54,180. Median annual earnings in the industries employing the largest numbers of mental health and substance abuse social workers in May 2004 were:Psychiatric精神病学的 and substance abuse hospitals $36,170Local government 35,720Outpatient门诊服务 care centers 33,220Individual and family services 32,810Residential mental retardation智力缺陷, mental health and substance abuse facilities 29,110Median annual earnings of social workers, all other were $39,440 in May 2004. The middle 50 percent earned between $30,350 and $51,530. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $24,080, and the top 10 percent earned more than $62,720. Median annual earnings in the industries employing the largest numbers of social workers, all other in May 2004 were:Local government $42,570State government 40,940Individual and family services 32,280About 1 out of 5 social workers is a member of a union. Many belong to the union associated with their place of employment.二、汉译英①There are many ways to have a happy marriage,but only a few ways marriages go bad.有很多方法可以有一个幸福的婚姻,但只有少数的方式结婚变坏。


Review 1

社会工作 社会工作者 案主 个案社会工作 团体社会工作 社区社会工作 社会工作导论 社会工作实务
社会工作:social work 社会工作者:social worker 案主:client 个案社会工作:social case work 团体社会工作:social group/team work 社区社会工作:social community work 社会工作导论:The introduction of social work 社会工作实务:social work practice
做好事的人 预防贫穷协会 慈善组织协会 睦邻运动 汤恩比馆 霍尔馆 《社会保障法案》 《济贫法》 《社会诊断》 全美社会工作者协会
做好事的人:do-gooders 预防贫穷协会:the Society for the Prevention of Pauperism 慈善组织协会:the Charity Organization Society 睦邻运动:the settlement movement 汤恩比馆:Toybee Hall 霍尔馆:Hull House 《社会保障法案》:Social Security Act 《济贫法》:The Elizabeth Poor Law 《社会诊断》:Social Diagnosis 全美社会工作者协会:the National Association of Social Workers
社会排斥 社会融合 社会救助 功能主义 镜中我 机械团结 越轨 矫治
社会排斥:social exclusion 社会融合:social integration 社会救助:social assistance 功能主义:functionalist perspective 镜中我:looking-glass self 机械团结:mechanical solidarity 越轨:delinquency 矫治: Correction



社会工作专业词汇中英文对照社会调查的理论与方法Theories & Methods for Social Investigation社会调查方法 Methods for Social Investigation社会工作 Social Work社会统计分析与SYSTAT应用 Social Statistics Analysis & SYSTAT Application社会统计学 Social Statistics社会问题研究 Research on Social Problems社会心理学 Social Psychology社会学概论 Introduction to Sociololgy社会学简论 Brief Introduction to Sociology社会学理论专题 Current Issues in Theories of Socilolgy社会学问题研究 Research on Problems of Sociology社会学研究方法 Research Methods of Sociology社会主义财政学 Finance of Socialism社会主义各国政,经体制讨论 Discussion on Political & Economic Systems in Socialism社会学 Sociology社会工作者 Social worker案主 Client社会问题 Social problem社会心理 Social mental state社会调查 The society investigates个案社会工作 Social cases work团体社会工作 Social group work社区社会工作 social Community work社工导论 The introdution of social work社会调查应用 the application for society investigates 家庭暴力 Domestic violence失恋 Disappoint in love人在情境中 Person in situation弱势群体 disadvantaged groups社会保障 social security社会福利制度the social welfare system社会公德 social morality单亲家庭 single parent family独生子女 the only child失业率 rate of unemployment民工 the imigrant worker社会学概论 Introduction to Sociology社会工作概论 Introduction to Social Work社会心理学 Social Psychology国外社会学学说 Sociological Theories in the West社会调查与研究方法 Social Survey & Research Method社会统计与计算机应用 Social Statistics and Application of Computer马克思主义社会学经典著作选读Selected Readings of Marxist-Leninist Classics社会保障与社会福利 Social Security & Social Welfare当代社会学理论 Modern Sociological Theories社会政策 Social Policy文化人类学 Cultural Anthropology中国社会思想史 History of Social Theories in China人口社会学 Sociology of Population农村社会学 Rural Sociology城市社会学 Urban Sociology家庭社会学 Sociology of Family发展社会学 Sociology of Development经济社会学 Economic Sociology组织社会学 Sociology of Organization专业英语 English for Sociology社会学专题讲座 Issues of Sociology民俗学 Folklore Studies文化社会学 Cultural Sociology社会学 Sociology of Religion教育社会学 Sociology of Education越轨与犯罪社会学 Sociology of Deviance & Crime当代社会的生活文化 Life Style in Current Society西方社会思想史 History of Western Social Thought社会问题 Social Problems社会分层与社会流动 Social Stratification & Mobility科学社会学 Sociology of Education社会项目评估和统计指标 Statistical Indexes & uation of Social Projects文化社会学 Cultural Sociology历史社会学 Historical Sociology政治社会学 Political Sociology法律社会学 Sociology of Law环境社会学 Sociology of Environment劳动社会学 Sociology of Labor公共关系 Public Relations团体工作 Group Work社区工作 Community Work社会工作实习 Practice of Social Work社会行政 Social Administration数据分析技术Statistical Package & Applications for theSocial Sciences贫困与发展 Poverty and Development社会性别研究 Gender Studies家庭社会工作 Family Social Work临床社会工作 Clinical Social Work社会立法 Social lagislation老年社会工作 Gerontological Social Work青少年越轨与矫治 Juvenile Delinquency & Correction社区服务 Community Services心理咨询 Psychological Counseling整合社会工作实务 Integrative Social Work Practice社会工作专业英语 English for Social Work保险与信托 Insurance and Entrustment教学实习 Teaching Practice管理学 Management TheoryAdministration 行政Basic assumptions and principles of ~ 行政的基本假定与原则Collaboration in 行政工作的合并In community organization 社区组织中的行政Consultation in 行政咨询Defined 行政的定义Importancy of 行政的重要性Interagency coopration 行政的重要性Shifting power in 行政分权Supervision in 行政督导social workers'club 社工俱乐部Administration in social work (journal ) 《社会工作行政》(杂志)Adolescents 青少年Drug abuse and 吸毒与青少年Health care services 青少年卫生保健服务Pregnancy and 怀孕与青少年Suicide and 自杀与青少年Adoption 领养Applicants for 申请领养人Indepengdent placements 独立安置Open 公开领养Sa fe families act 《领养与安全家庭法案》Advocacy 倡导In community organization 社区组织中的倡导In future of social work 未来社会工作中的倡导Aftercare facilities 出院后的照顾设施Agency settings 机构场所For group work 小组工作的机构场所Aging 老年Caregivers 老年照顾者Case management 个案管理Community organization and 社区组织与老年Day care centers 老年日间护理中心Health care services 老年健康照顾服务Income adequacy and 充足收入与老人Living arrangemengs and 居住安排与老年Independence and dignity in 老年的独立与尊严Mental health 心理健康Nursing home alternatives 护理院之外的选择Nursing homes 老年护理院Older americans act (1995) 《美国老年人法案》(1995)Retirement 退休Suicide and 自杀与老年Trends and 人口老化趋势White house conferences on aging 白宫老年议会AIDS epidemic 艾滋病流行Alcoholism 醺酒Almshouses 济贫院A A for marriage amd family therapy 美国婚姻与家庭治疗协会A A for the study of group work 美国小组工作研究会A A of Group worker 美国小组工作者协会A A of marriage counselors 美国婚姻辅导委员会A A of medical social worker 美国医务社会工作者协会A A of psychiatric social work 美国精神病社会工作者协会A A of schools of social work 美国社会工作院校联合会A A of social workers (aasw) 美国社会工作者协会A hospital association 美国议员联合会A psychiatric association 美国精神病学联合会A red cross 美国,自己翻译吧Assessment 评估In case work process 个案过程中的评估Associated charities 联合慈善机构Bachelor of social work (BSW)degress 社会工作学士学位Balanced budget act (1997) 《平衡预算法案》1997Caregivers 照顾者Case management 个案管理With aging population 老年人口个案惯例DefinedFutureHistory ofParameters of 个案管理的参考标准Purpose ofResearch of 个案管理研究Case study method 个案研究方法Case work 个案工作Biopsychosocial 生理心理社会因素与个案工作DefinedDrug abuse andExamples of 个案工作的案例Freudian approach and 弗洛伊德派与个案工作Generalist perpective 通才观History ofKnowledge and 知识与个案工作Methods of 个案工作的方法Multisystens approach and 多元系统趋向与个案工作Problems inProcess ofPurpose ofSanctions and 社会制裁与个案工作In schoolsTrends inValus andCertification of social workers 社会工作者认证Changing nature of work 工作性质的改变Charity organization societies (COS) 慈善组织协会Cheating 欺诈Child abuse and neglect 虐待与忽视儿童Child guidance movement 儿童指导运动Child welfareAdoptionAFDC 抚养儿童家庭补助计划个人感觉应该是:Aid to Families with Dependent Children(美国)对有子女家庭补助计划child abuse and neglectdefinedfoster care 给养照顾health care serviceshome caremental health services 儿童心理健康服务origins ofprotective services 儿童保护性服务TANF 给贫困家庭临时性援助?temporary aid to need family L ,need : 贫困.还是应该用need 的形容词?Chronically 慢性精神病ChurchCivil rights movement 民权运动Closed systems 封闭系统CocaineCollaboration 协办Interagency 机构间的协办Teamwork concepts and 团队工作概念与协作Commitment 服务承诺Mental hospital 精神病院服务承诺Committee operation 委员会运作Commonwealth fund 英联邦基金Community chest 公益金貌似特指社区公益基金的意思community organization 社区组织corrections and 矫正和社区组织definedexaples ofhistory ofprinciples ofprocesesses in 社区组织的过程roles inschool social work andsommunity resources 社区资源confidenialityconsulation 咨询assumptions of 咨询的前提假设future ofprinciples ofcontimuing education (CE) 继续教育contract with America 签约美国control groups 控制组coordination 协调in communityu organization 社会组织中的协调corporate health care 矫治definedgroup work inhistory ofpractice in 矫治实践prevention in 矫治中的预防工作processes and principles ofsocial problems relatedsocial services andCouncil on social work education (CSWE) 社会工作教育委员会Curriculum Policy Statements and Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS)课程政策声明与教育政策和审核标准curriculum statements 课程声明generalist perspective and 通才观与CSWEhistory oflobbying by CSWE的游说工作minority groups andmission statement 使命述与prevention andpublicationsCouncils of Aocial Afencies 社会机构委员会Counseling 辅导FamilyMarriagePremarital 婚姻辅导Rehabilitation 康复辅导SchoolAnd social workCourts 法庭Crack 快克Crack/[krAk]n.裂缝, 噼啪声v.(使)破裂, 裂纹, (使)爆裂adj.最好的, 高明的貌似这个词,没搞懂CrimeCultural dissonance 文化失调Day care centers 日间照料中心Day treatment 日间治疗Deinstitutionalization 去机构照顾貌似,没明白division of child and family services 儿童与家庭服务科Doctoral programs in social work 社会工作博士培养方案Dropout rates 辍学率Drug abuse 吸毒Adolescentys and 青少年与吸毒Alcohol 醺酒Emergency care for 虚度紧急救护Extent and cost of 吸毒的围与代价Growth ofHallucinogens 迷幻药Inhalants 吸入剂Inpatient treatment for 吸毒住院治疗Marijuana 大麻Narcotics 麻醉剂In schoolsSedatives 镇静剂In sports worldStimulants 兴奋剂TobaccoTreatmentDrug courts 吸毒法庭Drug therapy 吸毒治疗Eclecticism 折中主义Education for social work 社会工作教育Administration andCommunity organization andContinuing educationFinancial assistanceFuture ofGeneralist practice perspective andGroup work andMinority group andMSW degreeProfessionalism and 专业主义与社会工作教育Specializaton 社会工作教育的专门化Student participation inElizabethan Poor Laws 《伊丽莎白济贫法》Employee assistance programs (EPAs) 雇员援助计划Encylopedia of Social Work 《社会工作百科全书》Enrichment in living 充实生活Evaluation 评估见:Assessment:(为征税对财产所作的)估价, 被估定的金额Evaluatio:估价, 评价, 赋值Experimental group 试验组见:control groups,控制组Faith-based social service 信心为本的社会服务FamilyBattered women 受虐妇女Battered/[~]adj.打扁了的, 敲碎的。



●社会工作:social work●社会工作者:social worker●案主:client●个案社会工作:social case work●团体社会工作:social group/team work●社区社会工作:social community work●社会工作导论:The introduction of socialwork●社会工作实务:social work practice●做好事的人:do-gooders●社会福利:social welfare●人类行为的生态学模式:Ecologicalmodel of human behavior●人类行为的医学模式:Medical Model ofHuman Behavior●人格紊乱:personality disorders●客观事实:objective facts●主观感受:subjective feelings●问题觉醒:problem awareness●家庭暴力:domestic violence●老年人虐待elder abuse●遗弃:abandonment●忽视:neglect●吸毒:addiction disorders●社会学概论:Introduction to Sociololgy●社会问题:social issues●社会调查:social research●弱势群体:Vulnerable groups●/a disadvantaged minority●独身子女:the only child●单亲家庭:a single parent family农民工:migrant workers●社会排斥:social exclusion●社会融合:social integration●社会救助:social assistance●功能主义:functionalist perspective●镜中我:looking-glass self●机械团结:mechanical solidarity●越轨:delinquency●矫治:Correction●社会调查的理论与方法Theories &Methods for Social Investigation●社会调查方法Methods for SocialInvestigation●社会工作Social Work●社会统计分析与SYSTA T应用SocialStatistics Analysis & SYSTA T Application ●社会统计学Social Statistics●社会问题研究Research on SocialProblems●社会心理学Social Psychology●社会学概论Introduction to Sociololgy●社会学简论Brief Introduction toSociology●社会学理论专题Current Issues inTheories of Socilolgy●社会学问题研究Research on Problemsof Sociology●社会学研究方法Research Methods ofSociology●社会主义财政学Finance of Socialism●社会主义各国政,经体制讨论Discussionon Political & Economic Systems inSocialism●社会学Sociology●社会工作者Social worker●案主Client●社会问题Social problem●社会心理Social mental state●社会调查The society investigates●个案社会工作Social cases work●团体社会工作Social group work●社区社会工作social Community work ●社工导论The introdution of social work ●社会调查应用the application forsociety investigates●家庭暴力Domestic violence●失恋Disappoint in love●人在情境中Person in situation●弱势群体disadvantaged groups●社会保障social security●社会福利制度the social welfare system ●社会公德social morality●单亲家庭single parent family●独生子女the only child●失业率rate of unemployment●民工the imigrant worker●社会学概论Introduction to Sociology●社会工作概论Introduction to SocialWork●社会心理学Social Psychology●国外社会学学说Sociological Theories inthe West●社会调查与研究方法Social Survey &Research Method●社会统计与计算机应用Social Statisticsand Application of Computer●马克思主义社会学经典著作选读Selected Readings of Marxist-LeninistClassics●社会保障与社会福利Social Security &Social Welfare●当代社会学理论Modern SociologicalTheories●社会政策Social Policy●文化人类学Cultural Anthropology●中国社会思想史History of SocialTheories in China●人口社会学Sociology of Population●农村社会学Rural Sociology●城市社会学Urban Sociology●家庭社会学Sociology of Family●发展社会学Sociology of Development ●经济社会学Economic Sociology●组织社会学Sociology of Organization ●专业英语English for Sociology●社会学专题讲座Issues of Sociology●民俗学Folklore Studies●文化社会学Cultural Sociology●宗教社会学Sociology of Religion●教育社会学Sociology of Education●越轨与犯罪社会学Sociology ofDeviance & Crime●当代社会的生活文化Life Style inCurrent Society●西方社会思想史History of WesternSocial Thought●社会问题Social Problems●社会分层与社会流动SocialStratification & Mobility●科学社会学Sociology of Education●社会项目评估和统计指标StatisticalIndexes & uation of Social Projects●文化社会学Cultural Sociology●历史社会学Historical Sociology●政治社会学Political Sociology●法律社会学Sociology of Law●环境社会学Sociology of Environment●劳动社会学Sociology of Labor●公共关系Public Relations●团体工作Group Work●社区工作Community Work●社会工作实习Practice of Social Work●社会行政Social Administration●数据分析技术Statistical Package &Applications for the Social Sciences●贫困与发展Poverty and Development●社会性别研究Gender Studies●家庭社会工作Family Social Work●临床社会工作Clinical Social Work●社会立法Social lagislation●老年社会工作Gerontological SocialWork●青少年越轨与矫治Juvenile Delinquency& Correction●社区服务Community Services●心理咨询Psychological Counseling●整合社会工作实务Integrative SocialWork Practice●社会工作专业英语English for SocialWork●保险与信托Insurance and Entrustment●教学实习Teaching Practice●管理学Management Theory●Administration 行政●Basic assumptions and principles of ~ 行政的基本假定与原则●Collaboration in 行政工作的合并●In community organization 社区组织中的行政●●Interagency coopration 行政的重要性●Adolescents 青少年●Drug abuse and 吸毒与青少年community organization 社区组织community resources 社区资源confidentiality 保密consultation 咨询Day care centers 日间照料中心Family counseling 家庭辅导Fieldwork/n./野战工事, 野外工作, 实地调查Professional identification 专业认同Inner and outer forces paradigm 内外影响力范式Group work 小组工作Menber preparation for 小组工作中的成员准备Menber selection in 小组工作中的成员选择Methadone maintenance 美沙酮疗法Mezzo systems 中观系同Micro systems 微观系统Code of ethics 伦理守则Corrections andDiplomate exam 社会工作师资格考试Person-in-environment 人在环境中②I am a social worker, I have faith because I am here to help them help themselves and to help others help one another.我是一名社会工作者。



Client社会调查的理论与方法Theories & Methods for Social Investigation 改为:Theories & Methods for Social Research社会调查方法Methods for Social Investigation 改为:Methods of Social Research社会工作Social Work社会统计分析与SYSTA T应用Social Statistics Analysis & SYSTAT Application社会统计学Social Statistics社会问题研究Research on Social Problems 改为:Study on Social Problems社会心理学Social Psychology社会学概论Introduction to Sociololgy社会学简论Brief Introduction to Sociology社会学理论专题Current Issues in Theories of Socilolgy社会学问题研究Research on Problems of Sociology社会学研究方法Research Methods of Sociology社会主义财政学Finance of Socialism社会主义各国政,经体制讨论Discussion on Political & Economic Systems in Socialism社会学Sociology社会工作者Social worker社会问题Social problem 改为:Social Issues社会心理Social mental state ?社会调查The society investigates 改为:Social Research个案社会工作Social cases work 改为:Case Work团体社会工作Social group work 改为:Group work社区社会工作social Community work 改为:Community work社工导论The introdution of social work社会调查应用the application for society investigates ?家庭暴力Domestic violence失恋Disappoint in love 改为:lost love人在情境中Person in situation弱势群体disadvantaged groups 改为:Vulnerable groups社会保障social security社会福利制度the social welfare system社会公德social morality单亲家庭single parent family独生子女the only child失业率rate of unemployment民工the imigrant worker社会学概论Introduction to Sociology社会工作概论Introduction to Social Work社会心理学Social Psychology国外社会学学说Sociological Theories in the West社会调查与研究方法Social Survey & Research Method社会统计与计算机应用Social Statistics and Application of Computer马克思主义社会学经典著作选读Selected Readings of Marxist-Leninist Classics社会保障与社会福利Social Security & Social Welfare当代社会学理论Modern Sociological Theories社会政策Social Policy文化人类学Cultural Anthropology中国社会思想史History of Social Theories in China人口社会学Sociology of Population农村社会学Rural Sociology城市社会学Urban Sociology家庭社会学Sociology of Family发展社会学Sociology of Development经济社会学Economic Sociology组织社会学Sociology of Organization专业英语English for Sociology社会学专题讲座Issues of Sociology民俗学Folklore Studies文化社会学Cultural Sociology宗教社会学Sociology of Religion教育社会学Sociology of Education越轨与犯罪社会学Sociology of Deviance & Crime当代社会的生活文化Life Style in Current Society西方社会思想史History of Western Social Thought社会问题Social Problems 改为:Social issues社会分层与社会流动Social Stratification & Mobility科学社会学Sociology of Education社会项目评估和统计指标Statistical Indexes & Evaluation of Social Projects文化社会学Cultural Sociology历史社会学Historical Sociology政治社会学Political Sociology法律社会学Sociology of Law环境社会学Sociology of Environment劳动社会学Sociology of Labor公共关系Public Relations团体工作Group Work社区工作Community Work社会工作实习Practice of Social Work社会行政Social Administration数据分析技术Statistical Package & Applications for the Social Sciences贫困与发展Poverty and Development社会性别研究Gender Studies家庭社会工作Family Social Work临床社会工作Clinical Social Work社会立法Social lagislation老年社会工作Gerontological Social Work 改为:Ageing work青少年越轨与矫治Juvenile Delinquency & Correction社区服务Community Services心理咨询Psychological Counseling 改为:Counseling整合社会工作实务Integrative Social Work Practice社会工作专业英语English for Social Work保险与信托Insurance and Entrustment教学实习Teaching Practice管理学Management Theory。



社会工作专业词汇中英文对照社会调查的理论与方法Theories & Methods for Social Investigation 社会调查方法Methods for Social Investigation社会工作Social Work社会统计分析与SYSTAT应用Social Statistics Analysis & SYSTAT Application社会统计学Social Statistics社会问题研究Research on Social Problems社会心理学Social Psychology社会学概论Introduction to Sociololgy社会学简论Brief Introduction to Sociology社会学理论专题Current Issues in Theories of Socilolgy社会学问题研究Research on Problems of Sociology社会学研究方法Research Methods of Sociology社会主义财政学Finance of Socialism社会主义各国政,经体制讨论Discussion on Political & Economic Systems in Socialism社会学Sociology社会工作者Social worker案主Client社会问题Social problem社会心理Social mental state社会调查The society investigates个案社会工作Social cases work团体社会工作Social group work社区社会工作social Community work社工导论The introdution of social work社会调查应用the application for society investigates 家庭暴力Domestic violence失恋Disappoint in love人在情境中Person in situation弱势群体disadvantaged groups社会保障social security社会福利制度the social welfare system社会公德social morality单亲家庭single parent family独生子女the only child失业率rate of unemployment民工the imigrant worker社会学概论Introduction to Sociology社会工作概论Introduction to Social Work社会心理学Social Psychology国外社会学学说Sociological Theories in the West社会调查与研究方法Social Survey & Research Method社会统计与计算机应用Social Statistics and Application of Computer马克思主义社会学经典著作选读Selected Readings of Marxist-Leninist Classics社会保障与社会福利Social Security & Social Welfare当代社会学理论Modern Sociological Theories社会政策Social Policy文化人类学Cultural Anthropology中国社会思想史History of Social Theories in China人口社会学Sociology of Population农村社会学Rural Sociology城市社会学Urban Sociology家庭社会学Sociology of Family发展社会学Sociology of Development经济社会学Economic Sociology组织社会学Sociology of Organization专业英语English for Sociology社会学专题讲座Issues of Sociology民俗学Folklore Studies文化社会学Cultural Sociology宗教社会学Sociology of Religion教育社会学Sociology of Education越轨与犯罪社会学Sociology of Deviance & Crime当代社会的生活文化Life Style in Current Society西方社会思想史History of Western Social Thought社会问题Social Problems社会分层与社会流动Social Stratification & Mobility科学社会学Sociology of Education社会项目评估与统计指标Statistical Indexes & uation of Social Projects文化社会学Cultural Sociology历史社会学Historical Sociology政治社会学Political Sociology法律社会学Sociology of Law环境社会学Sociology of Environment劳动社会学Sociology of Labor公共关系Public Relations团体工作Group Work社区工作Community Work社会工作实习Practice of Social Work社会行政Social Administration数据分析技术Statistical Package & Applications for the Social Sciences贫困与发展Poverty and Development社会性别研究Gender Studies家庭社会工作Family Social Work临床社会工作Clinical Social Work社会立法Social lagislation老年社会工作Gerontological Social Work青少年越轨与矫治Juvenile Delinquency & Correction社区服务Community Services心理咨询Psychological Counseling整合社会工作实务Integrative Social Work Practice社会工作专业英语English for Social Work保险与信托Insurance and Entrustment教学实习Teaching Practice管理学Management TheoryAdministration 行政Basic assumptions and principles of ~ 行政的基本假定与原则Collaboration in 行政工作的合并In community organization 社区组织中的行政Consultation in 行政咨询Defined 行政的定义Importancy of 行政的重要性Interagency coopration 行政的重要性Shifting power in 行政分权Supervision in 行政督导social workers'club 社工俱乐部Administration in social work (journal ) 《社会工作行政》(杂志)Adolescents 青少年Drug abuse and 吸毒与青少年Health care services 青少年卫生保健服务Pregnancy and 怀孕与青少年Suicide and 自杀与青少年Adoption 领养Applicants for 申请领养人Indepengdent placements 独立安置Open 公开领养Sa fe families act 《领养与安全家庭法案》Advocacy 倡导In community organization 社区组织中的倡导In future of social work 未来社会工作中的倡导Aftercare facilities 出院后的照顾设施Agency settings 机构场所For group work 小组工作的机构场所Aging 老年Caregivers 老年照顾者Case management 个案管理Community organization and 社区组织与老年Day care centers 老年日间护理中心Health care services 老年健康照顾服务Income adequacy and 充足收入与老人Living arrangemengs and 居住安排与老年Independence and dignity in 老年的独立与尊严Mental health 心理健康Nursing home alternatives 护理院之外的选择Nursing homes 老年护理院Older americans act (1995) 《美国老年人法案》(1995) Retirement 退休Suicide and 自杀与老年Trends and 人口老化趋势White house conferences on aging 白宫老年议会AIDS epidemic 艾滋病流行Alcoholism 醺酒Almshouses 济贫院A A for marriage amd family therapy 美国婚姻与家庭治疗协会A A for the study of group work 美国小组工作研究会A A of Group worker 美国小组工作者协会A A of marriage counselors 美国婚姻辅导委员会A A of medical social worker 美国医务社会工作者协会A A of psychiatric social work 美国精神病社会工作者协会A A of schools of social work 美国社会工作院校联合会A A of social workers (aasw) 美国社会工作者协会A hospital association 美国议员联合会A psychiatric association 美国精神病学联合会A red cross 美国,自己翻译吧Assessment 评估In case work process 个案过程中的评估Associated charities 联合慈善机构Bachelor of social work (BSW)degress 社会工作学士学位Balanced budget act (1997) 《平衡预算法案》1997Caregivers 照顾者Case management 个案管理With aging population 老年人口个案惯例FutureHistory ofParameters of 个案管理的参考标准Purpose ofResearch of 个案管理研究Case study method 个案研究方法Case work 个案工作Biopsychosocial 生理心理社会因素与个案工作DefinedDrug abuse andExamples of 个案工作的案例Freudian approach and 弗洛伊德派与个案工作Generalist perpective 通才观History ofKnowledge and 知识与个案工作Methods of 个案工作的方法Multisystens approach and 多元系统趋向与个案工作Problems inProcess ofPurpose ofSanctions and 社会制裁与个案工作Trends inValus andCertification of social workers 社会工作者认证Changing nature of work 工作性质的改变Charity organization societies (COS) 慈善组织协会Cheating 欺诈Child abuse and neglect 虐待与忽视儿童Child guidance movement 儿童指导运动Child welfareAdoptionAFDC 抚养儿童家庭补助计划个人感觉应该就是:Aid to Families with Dependent Children(美国)对有子女家庭补助计划child abuse and neglectdefinedfoster care 给养照顾health care serviceshome caremental health services 儿童心理健康服务origins ofprotective services 儿童保护性服务TANF 给贫困家庭临时性援助temporary aid to need family L ,need : 贫困、还就是应该用need 的形容词?Chronically 慢性精神病ChurchCivil rights movement 民权运动Closed systems 封闭系统CocaineCollaboration 协办Interagency 机构间的协办Teamwork concepts and 团队工作概念与协作Commitment 服务承诺Mental hospital 精神病院服务承诺Committee operation 委员会运作Commonwealth fund 英联邦基金Community chest 公益金貌似特指社区公益基金的意思community organization 社区组织corrections and 矫正与社区组织definedexaples ofhistory ofprinciples ofprocesesses in 社区组织的过程roles inschool social work andsommunity resources 社区资源confideniality 保密consulation 咨询assumptions of 咨询的前提假设future ofprinciples ofcontimuing education (CE) 继续教育contract with America 签约美国control groups 控制组coordination 协调in communityu organization 社会组织中的协调corporate health care 矫治definedgroup work inhistory ofpractice in 矫治实践prevention in 矫治中的预防工作processes and principles ofsocial problems relatedsocial services andCouncil on social work education (CSWE) 社会工作教育委员会Curriculum Policy Statements and Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS)课程政策声明与教育政策与审核标准curriculum statements 课程声明generalist perspective and 通才观与CSWEhistory oflobbying by CSWE的游说工作minority groups andmission statement 使命陈述与prevention andpublicationsCouncils of Aocial Afencies 社会机构委员会Counseling 辅导FamilyMarriagePremarital 婚姻辅导Rehabilitation 康复辅导SchoolAnd social workCourts 法庭Crack 快克Crack/[krAk]n、裂缝, 噼啪声v、(使)破裂, 裂纹, (使)爆裂adj、最好的, 高明的貌似这个词,没搞懂CrimeCultural dissonance 文化失调Day care centers 日间照料中心Day treatment 日间治疗Deinstitutionalization 去机构照顾貌似,没明白division of child and family services 儿童与家庭服务科Doctoral programs in social work 社会工作博士培养方案Dropout rates 辍学率Drug abuse 吸毒Adolescentys and 青少年与吸毒Alcohol 醺酒Emergency care for 虚度紧急救护Extent and cost of 吸毒的范围与代价Growth ofHallucinogens 迷幻药Inhalants 吸入剂Inpatient treatment for 吸毒住院治疗Marijuana 大麻Narcotics 麻醉剂In schoolsSedatives 镇静剂In sports worldStimulants 兴奋剂TobaccoTreatmentDrug courts 吸毒法庭Drug therapy 吸毒治疗Eclecticism 折中主义Education for social work 社会工作教育Administration andCommunity organization and Continuing educationFinancial assistanceFuture ofGeneralist practice perspective andGroup work andMinority group andMSW degreeProfessionalism and 专业主义与社会工作教育Specializaton 社会工作教育的专门化Student participation inElizabethan Poor Laws 《伊丽莎白济贫法》Employee assistance programs (EPAs) 雇员援助计划Encylopedia of Social Work 《社会工作百科全书》Enrichment in living 充实生活Evaluation 评估见:Assessment:(为征税对财产所作的)估价, 被估定的金额Evaluatio:估价, 评价, 赋值Experimental group 试验组见:control groups,控制组Faith-based social service 信心为本的社会服务FamilyBattered women 受虐妇女Battered/[~]adj、打扁了的, 敲碎的。



社会工作:social work社会工作者:social worker案主:client个案社会工作:social case work团体社会工作:social group/team work 社区社会工作:social community work社会工作导论:The introduction of social work社会工作实务:social work practice社会调查应用the application for society investigates做好事的人:do-gooders预防贫穷协会:the Society for the Prevention of Pauperism慈善组织协会:the Charity Organization Society睦邻运动:the settlement movement《社会保障法案》:Social Security Act 《济贫法》:The Elizabeth Poor Law 《社会诊断》:Social Diagnosis全美社会工作者协会:the National Association of Social Workers人类行为的生态学模式: Ecological model of human behavior人类行为的医学模式: Medical Model of Human Behavior 人格紊乱: personality disorders客观事实:objective facts主观感受:subjective feelings问题觉醒:problem awareness家庭暴力:domestic violence老年人虐待 elder abuse遗弃: abandonment忽视:neglect吸毒:addiction disorders越轨:delinquency矫治: Correction青少年越轨与矫治 Juvenile Delinquency & Correction老年社会工作Gerontological Social Work失恋 Disappoint in love失业率 rate of unemployment弱势群体:Vulnerable groups /a disadvantaged minority独生子女: the only child单亲家庭:a single parent family进城务工人员:migrant workers领养Adoption社会问题:social issues社会调查:social research人在情境中 Person in situation社会排斥:social exclusion社会融合:social integration社会救助:social assistance社会福利:social welfare功能主义:functionalist perspective 镜中我:looking-glass self机械团结:mechanical solidarity有机团结 organic solidarity社会学概论:Introduction to Sociology 社会调查的理论与方法Theories &Methods for Social Investigation社会调查方法Methods for Social Investigation社会统计分析与SYSTAT应用SocialStatistics Analysis & SYSTAT Application社会统计学 Social Statistics社会问题研究Research on Social Problems社会心理学 Social Psychology社会学概论 Introduction to Sociology 社会学简论Brief Introduction to Sociology社会学理论专题Current Issues inTheories of Sociology社会学问题研究 Research on Problems of Sociology社会学研究方法Research Methods of Sociology社会主义财政学 Finance of Socialism 社会主义各国政,经体制讨论 Discussionon Political & Economic Systems in Socialism社会学 Sociology社会保障 social security社会福利制度the social welfare system 社会公德 social morality社会学概论 Introduction to Sociology 社会工作概论 Introduction to Social Work社会心理学 Social Psychology国外社会学学说 Sociological Theories in the West社会调查与研究方法 Social Survey & Research Method社会统计与计算机应用Social Statistics and Application of Computer 马克思主义社会学经典著作选读Selected Readings of Marxist-Leninist Classics社会保障与社会福利 Social Security &Social Welfare当代社会学理论Modern Sociological Theories社会政策 Social Policy文化人类学 Cultural Anthropology中国社会思想史History of Social Theories in China人口社会学 Sociology of Population农村社会学 Rural Sociology城市社会学 Urban Sociology家庭社会学 Sociology of Family发展社会学 Sociology of Development 经济社会学 Economic Sociology组织社会学 Sociology of Organization 文化社会学 Cultural Sociology宗教社会学 Sociology of Religion教育社会学 Sociology of Education越轨与犯罪社会学Sociology of Deviance & Crime当代社会的生活文化Life Style in Current Society西方社会思想史History of Western Social Thought专业英语 English for Sociology社会学专题讲座 Issues of Sociology民俗学 Folklore Studies社会问题 Social Problems社会分层与社会流动Social Stratification & Mobility科学社会学 Sociology of Education社会项目评估和统计指标 Statistical Indexes & uation of Social Projects文化社会学 Cultural Sociology历史社会学 Historical Sociology政治社会学 Political Sociology法律社会学 Sociology of Law环境社会学 Sociology of Environment 劳动社会学 Sociology of Labor公共关系 Public Relations团体工作 Group Work社区工作 Community Work社会工作实习 Practice of Social Work 社会行政 Social Administration数据分析技术Statistical Package & Applications for the Social Sciences 贫困与发展 Poverty and Development社会性别研究 Gender Studies家庭社会工作 Family Social Work临床社会工作 Clinical Social Work社会立法 Social legislation社区服务 Community Services心理咨询 Psychological Counseling整合社会工作实务 Integrative Social Work Practice社会工作专业英语 English for Social Work保险与信托 Insurance and Entrustment 教学实习 Teaching Practice管理学 Management Theory社工俱乐部social workers'club《社会工作行政》(杂志) Administration in social work (journal )独立安置Independent placements公开领养Open adoption《领养与安全家庭法案》 Safe families act。



public hearing 听证会structure peer counseling 结构化的同辈咨询social institution 社会制度case management 个案管理mental health center 精神健康中心generally fall into 通常会分成三类psychiatric wards 精神病病房possess 拥有end of the line 穷途末路feel rejection 抛弃nursing homes 疗养院normal lives 正常生活foster home 寄养家庭mistrust 不信任sound interpersonal relationships 和谐的人际关系discharge 出院community resources 社区资源resocialization 再社会化the halfway house 中途之家independent living 独立生活rehabilitation centers 康复中心cure of disease 疾病治疗the preservation and promotion of health 医疗维持和医疗提升the prevention of disease 疾病的预防medicaL services 药物服务interdisciplinary sharing of knowledge 跨学科interaction 互动the policy-making process 政策制定过程interpersonal 人际关系interdisciplinary training 跨专业的训练probation缓刑a dropout rate of 辍学率correctional services 矫正服务antisocial behavior 反社会行为probation 缓刑benevolent reformers 慈善改革家suspected offenders 嫌疑犯prosecution and defense 起诉和辩护judicial process 判决过程social climate 社会环境feelings of inferiority 自卑感constructive behavior 建设性的行为belief in the dignity and worth of human beings 相信尊严的价值respect for individual differences 尊重个体差异social study 社会研究assessment 评估treatment 治疗termination 结束respect the right of self-determination 尊重自我决定normal behavior 正常行为coil spring 弹簧a law-abiding citizen 守法公民greatly relieved 如释重负bahavior patterns 行为模式a part-time job 兼职(the)chronic alcoholic 长期酗酒(者)(the)drug abuser 药物泛滥(者)prescription drugs 处方药terminal illnesses 致命疾病spouse 配偶emotional support 情感支持daughter-in-law 儿媳妇milestone 里程碑aging in place 居家养老1.case management services by a person or team provide long-term, caring, supportive relationships, using whatever community resources are appropriate. The case manager provides direct assistance in obtaining needed services and coordinates and monitors services within and outside the mental health system with all agencies providing service,病例管理服务由一个人或团队提供长期、关怀、支持关系,使用适当的社区资源。



社会工作专业词汇中英文对照社会工作专业词汇中英文对照社会调查的理论与方法Theories Methods for Social Investigation 社会调查方法Methods for Social Investigation 社会工作Social Work 与社会统计分析与SYSTAT 应用Social Statistics Analysis SYSTAT Application 社会统计学Social Statistics 社会问题研究Research on Social Problems 社会心理学学Social Psychology 社会学概论Introduction to Sociololgy 社会学简论Brief Introduction to Sociology 社会学理论专题Current Issues in Theories of Socilolgy 社会学问题研究Research on Problems of Sociology 社会学研究方法Research Methods of Sociology 社会主义财政学Finance of Socialism 社会主义各国政,经体制讨论Discussion on Political Economic Systems in Socialism 社会学Sociology 社会工作者Social worker 案主Client 社会问题Social problem社会心理Social mental state 社会调查The society investigates 个案社会工作Social cases work 团体社会工作Social group work 社区社会工作social Community work 社工导论The introdution of social work 社会调查应用the applicationforsociety investigates 家庭暴力Domestic violence 失恋Disappoint in love 人在情境中Person in situation 弱势群体disadvantaged groups 社会保障social security 度社会福利制度the social welfare system 社会公德social morality 单亲家庭single parent family 独生子女the only child 失业率rate of unemployment 民工the imigrant worker 社会学概论Introduction to Sociology 社会工作概论Introduction to Social Work 社会心理学Social Psychology 国外社会学学说Sociological Theories in the West社会调查与研究方法Social Survey Research Method 用社会统计与计算机应用Social Statistics and Application of Computer 读马克思主义社会学经典著作选读Selected Readings of Marxist-Leninist Classics 社会保障与社会福利Social Security Social Welfare 当代社会学理论Modern Sociological Theories 社会政策Social Policy 文化人类学Cultural Anthropology 中国社会思想史History of Social Theories in China 人口社会学Sociology of Population 农村社会学Rural Sociology 城市社会学Urban Sociology 家庭社会学Sociology of Family 发展社会学Sociology of Development 经济社会学Economic Sociology 组织社会学Sociology of Organization 专业英语English for Sociology 社会学专题讲座Issues of Sociology 民俗学Folklore Studies 文化社会学Cultural Sociology 宗教社会学Sociology of Religion 教育社会学Sociology of Education 越轨与犯罪社会学Sociology of Deviance Crime 当代社会的生活文化Life Style in Current Society 西方社会思想史History of Western Social Thought 社会问题Social Problems 社会分层与社会流动Social Stratification Mobility 科学社会学Sociology of Education 标社会项目评估和统计指标Statistical Indexes uation of Social Projects 文化社会学Cultural Sociology 历史社会学Historical Sociology 政治社会学Political Sociology 法律社会学Sociology of Law 环境社会学Sociology of Environment 劳动社会学Sociology of Labor 公共关系Public Relations 团体工作Group Work 社区工作Community Work 社会工作实习Practice of Social Work 社会行政Social Administration 术数据分析技术Statistical Package Applications for the Social Sciences贫困与发展Poverty and Development 社会性别研究Gender Studies 家庭社会工作Family Social Work 临床社会工作Clinical Social Work 社会立法Social lagislation 老年社会工作Gerontological Social Work 青少年越轨与矫治JuvenileDelinquency Correction 社区服务Community Services 心理咨询Psychological Counseling 整合社会工作实务务Integrative Social Work Practice 社会工作专业英语English for Social Work 保险与信托Insurance and Entrustment 教学实习Teaching Practice 管理学Management Theory Administration 行政Basic assumptions and principles of ~ 行政的基本假定与原则Collaboration in 行政工作的合并In community organization 社区组织中的行政Consultation in 行政咨询Defined 行政的定义Importancy of 行政的重要性Interagency coopration 行政的重要性Shifting power in 行政分权Supervision in 行政督导social workers“club 社工俱乐部Administration in social work (journal ) 《《社会工作行政》(杂志)Adolescents 青少年Drug abuse and 吸毒与青少年Health care services 青少年卫生保健服务Pregnancy and 怀孕与青少年Suicide and 自杀与青少年Adoption 领领养养Applicants for 申请领养人Indepengdent placements 独立安置Open 公开领养Sa fe families act 《《领养与安全家庭法案》》Advocacy 倡导In community organization 社区组织中的倡导In future of social work 未来社会工作中的倡导Aftercare facilities 出院后的照顾设施Agency settings 机构场所For group work 小组工作的机构场所Aging 老年Caregivers 老年照顾者Case management 个案管理Community organization and 社区组织与老年Day care centers 老年日间护理中心Health care services 老年健康照顾服务Income adequacy and 充足收入与老人Living arrangemengs and 居住安排与老年Independence and dignity in 老年的独立与尊严Mental health 心理健康Nursing home alternatives 护理院之外的选择Nursing homes 老年护理院Older americans act (1995) 《《美国老年人法案》(1995 )Retirement 退休Suicide and 自杀与老年Trends and 人口老化趋势势White house conferences on aging 白宫老年议会AIDS epidemic 艾滋病流行Alcoholism 醺酒Almshouses 济贫院 A A for marriage amd family therapy 美国婚姻与家庭治疗协会A A for the study of group work 美国小组工作研究会A A of Group worker 美国小组工作者协会 A A of marriage counselors 美国婚姻辅导委员会 A A of medical social worker 美国医务社会工作者协会 A A of psychiatric social work 美国精神病社会工作者协会 A A of schools of social work 美国社会工作院校联合会 A A of socialworkers (aasw) 美国社会工作者协会 A hospital association 美国议员联合会 A psychiatric association 美国精神病学联合会 A red cross 美国,自己翻译吧Assessment 评估In case work process 个案过程中的评估Associated charities 联合慈善机构Bachelor of social work (BSW)degress 社会工作学士学位Balanced budget act (1997) 《《平衡预算法案》》1997 Caregivers 照顾者Case management 个案管理With aging population 老年人口个案惯例Defined Future History of Parameters of 个案管理的参考标准Purpose of Research of 个案管理研究Case study method 个案研究方法Case work 个案工作Biopsychosocial 生理心理社会因素与个案工作Defined Drug abuse and Examples of 个案工作的案例Freudian approach and 弗洛伊德派与个案工作Generalist perpective 通才观History of Knowledge and 知识与个案工作Methods of 个案工作的方法Multisystens approach and 多元系统趋向与个案工作Problems in Process of Purpose of Sanctions and 社会制裁与个案工作In schools Trends in Valus and Certification of social workers 社会工作者认证Changing nature of work 工作性质的改变Charity organization societies (COS) 慈善组织协会Cheating 欺诈Child abuse and neglect 虐待与忽视儿童Child guidancemovement 儿童指导运动Child welfare Adoption AFDC 抚养儿童家庭补助计划个人感觉应该是:Aid to Families with Dependent Children( 美国)对对有子女家庭补助计划child abuse and neglect defined foster care 给养照顾health care services home care mental health services 儿童心理健康服务origins of protective services 儿童保护性服务TANF 给贫困家庭临时性援助??temporary aid to need family L ,need : 贫困. 还是应该用need 的的形容词?Chronically 慢性精神病Church Civil rights movement 民权运动Closed systems 封闭系统Cocaine Collaboration 协办Interagency 机构间的协办Teamwork concepts and 团队工作概念与协作Commitment 服务承诺Mental hospital 精神病院服务承诺Committee operation 委员会运作Commonwealth fund 英联邦基金Community chest 公益金貌似特指社区公益基金的意思community organization 社区组织corrections and 矫正和社区组织defined exaples ofhistory of principles of procesesses in 社区组织的过程roles in school social work and sommunity resources 社区资源confideniality 保密consulation 咨询assumptions of 咨询的前提假设future of principles of contimuing education (CE) 继续教育contract with America 签约美国control groups 控制组coordination 协调in communityu organization 社会组织中的协调corporate health care 矫治defined group work in history of practice in 矫治实践prevention in 矫治中的预防工作processes and principles of social problems related social services and Council on social work education (CSWE) 社会工作教育委员会Curriculum Policy Statements and Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS) 课程政策声明与教育政策和审核标准curriculum statements 课程声明generalist perspective and 通才观与CSWE history of lobbying by CSWE 的游说工作minority groups and mission statement 使命陈述与prevention and publications Councils of Aocial Afencies 社会机构委员会Counseling 辅导Family Marriage Premarital 婚姻辅导Rehabilitation 康复辅导School And social work Courts 法庭Crack 快克Crack/[krAk]n. 裂缝, 噼啪声v.( 使) 破裂, 裂纹, ( 使) 爆裂adj. 最好的, 高明的貌似这个词, 没搞懂Crime Cultural dissonance 文化失调Day care centers 日间照料中心Day treatment 日间治疗Deinstitutionalization 去机构照顾貌似,没明白division of child and family services 儿童与家庭服务科Doctoralprograms in social work 社会工作博士培养方案Dropout rates 辍学率Drug abuse 吸毒Adolescentys and 青少年与吸毒Alcohol 醺酒Emergency care for 虚度紧急救护Extent and cost of 吸毒的范围与代价Growth ofHallucinogens 迷幻药Inhalants 吸入剂Inpatient treatment for 吸毒住院治疗Marijuana 大麻Narcotics 麻醉剂In schools Sedatives 镇静剂In sports world Stimulants 兴奋剂Tobacco TreatmentDrug courts 吸毒法庭Drug therapy 吸毒治疗Eclecticism 折中主义Education for social work 社会工作教育Administration and Community organization and Continuing education Financial assistance Future of Generalist practice perspective andGroup work and Minority group and MSW degree Professionalism and 专业主义与社会工作教育Specializaton 社会工作教育的专门化Student participation in Elizabethan Poor Laws 《《伊丽莎白济贫法》》Employee assistance programs (EPAs) 雇员援助计划Encylopedia of Social Work 《《社会工作百科全书》》Enrichment in living 充实生活Evaluation 评估见:Assessment :( 为征税对财产所作的) 估价, 被估定的金额Evaluatio :估价, 评价, 赋赋值值Experimental group 试验组见:control groups, 控制组Faith-based social service 信心为本的社会服务Family Battered women 受虐妇女Battered/[~]adj. 打扁了的, 敲碎的。



社会工作:s o c i a l w o r k 社会工作者:social worker案主:client个案社会工作:social case work团体社会工作:social group/team work 社区社会工作:social community work社会工作导论:The introduction of social work社会工作实务:social work practice社会调查应用 the application for society investigates做好事的人:do-gooders预防贫穷协会:the Society for the Prevention of Pauperism慈善组织协会:the Charity Organization Society睦邻运动:the settlement movement《社会保障法案》:Social Security Act 《济贫法》:The Elizabeth Poor Law《社会诊断》:Social Diagnosis全美社会工作者协会:the National Association of Social Workers人类行为的生态学模式: Ecological model of human behavior人类行为的医学模式: Medical Model of Human Behavior 人格紊乱: personality disorders客观事实:objective facts主观感受:subjective feelings问题觉醒:problem awareness家庭暴力:domestic violence老年人虐待 elder abuse遗弃: abandonment忽视:neglect吸毒:addiction disorders越轨:delinquency矫治: Correction青少年越轨与矫治 Juvenile Delinquency & Correction老年社会工作 Gerontological Social Work 失恋 Disappoint in love失业率 rate of unemployment弱势群体:Vulnerable groups /a disadvantaged minority独生子女: the only child单亲家庭:a single parent family进城务工人员:migrant workers领养Adoption社会问题:social issues社会调查:social research人在情境中 Person in situation社会排斥:social exclusion社会融合:social integration社会救助:social assistance社会福利:social welfare功能主义:functionalist perspective镜中我:looking-glass self机械团结:mechanical solidarity有机团结 organic solidarity社会学概论:Introduction to Sociology 社会调查的理论与方法 Theories & Methods for Social Investigation社会调查方法 Methods for Social Investigation社会统计分析与SYSTAT应用 Social Statistics Analysis & SYSTAT Application 社会统计学 Social Statistics社会问题研究 Research on Social Problems社会心理学 Social Psychology社会学概论 Introduction to Sociology社会学简论 Brief Introduction to Sociology社会学理论专题 Current Issues inTheories of Sociology社会学问题研究 Research on Problems of Sociology社会学研究方法 Research Methods of Sociology社会主义财政学 Finance of Socialism社会主义各国政,经体制讨论 Discussionon Political & Economic Systems in Socialism社会学 Sociology社会保障 social security社会福利制度the social welfare system 社会公德 social morality社会学概论 Introduction to Sociology社会工作概论 Introduction to Social Work社会心理学 Social Psychology国外社会学学说 Sociological Theories in the West社会调查与研究方法 Social Survey & Research Method社会统计与计算机应用 Social Statistics and Application of Computer马克思主义社会学经典着作选读 Selected Readings of Marxist-Leninist Classics社会保障与社会福利 Social Security & Social Welfare当代社会学理论 Modern Sociological Theories社会政策 Social Policy文化人类学 Cultural Anthropology中国社会思想史 History of Social Theories in China人口社会学 Sociology of Population农村社会学 Rural Sociology城市社会学 Urban Sociology家庭社会学 Sociology of Family发展社会学 Sociology of Development经济社会学 Economic Sociology组织社会学 Sociology of Organization 文化社会学 Cultural Sociology宗教社会学 Sociology of Religion教育社会学 Sociology of Education越轨与犯罪社会学 Sociology of Deviance & Crime当代社会的生活文化 Life Style in Current Society西方社会思想史 History of Western Social Thought专业英语 English for Sociology社会学专题讲座 Issues of Sociology 民俗学 Folklore Studies社会问题 Social Problems社会分层与社会流动 Social Stratification & Mobility科学社会学 Sociology of Education社会项目评估和统计指标 Statistical Indexes & uation of Social Projects 文化社会学 Cultural Sociology历史社会学 Historical Sociology政治社会学 Political Sociology法律社会学 Sociology of Law环境社会学 Sociology of Environment 劳动社会学 Sociology of Labor公共关系 Public Relations团体工作 Group Work社区工作 Community Work社会工作实习 Practice of Social Work 社会行政 Social Administration数据分析技术 Statistical Package & Applications for the Social Sciences 贫困与发展 Poverty and Development 社会性别研究 Gender Studies家庭社会工作 Family Social Work临床社会工作 Clinical Social Work社会立法 Social legislation社区服务 Community Services心理咨询 Psychological Counseling整合社会工作实务 Integrative Social Work Practice社会工作专业英语 English for Social Work保险与信托 Insurance and Entrustment教学实习 Teaching Practice管理学 Management Theory社工俱乐部social workers'club《社会工作行政》(杂志) Administration in social work (journal )独立安置Independent placements公开领养Open adoption《领养与安全家庭法案》 Safe families act。



individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities. (个人,家庭,团体,组织和社区)discrimination(歧视)poverty(贫困)social problems.(社会问题)•social justice(社会正义)•dignity and worth of the person(人的尊严和价值)importance of human relationships(人际关系的重要性)integrity(诚信)•competence.(能力)Social assistance 社会救助the core of social work(社会工作的核心)address social problems. (解决社会问题)social problems.(社会问题)promote, restore, maintain, and enhance (..促进,恢复,保持和加强...)professional expertise. (专业经验)specific legal obligations (具体的法律义务)Self—Determination(自决)identify and clarify(确定和澄清)professional relationship (专业关系)professional experience.(专业经验)Social Diversity(社会多样性)political belief(政治信仰)Conflicts of Interest(利益冲突)Privacy and Confidentiality(隐私与保密)legally authorized body(法律授权机构)social work licensure.(社会工作执照)Termination of Services(终止服务)Referral (转介)social work practice. (社会工作实务)professional functions(专业职能)professional credentials(专业认证)Evaluation and Research(评估和研究)social policies(社会政策)Value system价值体系the purpose of the service 服务的目的professional credential 专业认证public relation 公共关系theobjective fact 客观事实subjective feeling 主观感受political orientation 政治取向public areas 公共区域social systems 社会制度social support 社会支持social status社会地位Social organization 社会组织access to records 访问记录the ethical standards of the profession 行业道德标准。



社会工作专业词汇中英对照A for marriage and family therapy 美国婚姻与家庭治疗协会A for the study of group work 美国小组工作研究会A hospital association 美国议员联合会A of Group worker 美国小组工作者协会A of marriage counselors 美国婚姻辅导委员会A of medical social worker 美国医务社会工作者协会A of psychiatric social work 美国精神病社会工作者协会A of schools of social work 美国社会工作院校联合会A of social workers美国社会工作者协会A psychiatric association 美国精神病学联合会A red cross 美国,自己翻译吧Administration andAdministration in social work (journal ) 《社会工作行政》(杂志)Administration 行政Adolescents and 青少年与吸毒Adolescents 青少年AdoptionAdoption 领养Advocacy and 倡导与未来的社会工作Advocacy 倡导AFDC 抚养儿童家庭补助计划Aftercare facilities and 出院后的照顾设施与精神健康服务Aftercare facilities 出院后的照顾设施Agency settings 机构场所Aging 老年AIDS epidemic 艾滋病流行Alcohol 醺酒Alcoholism 醺酒Almshouses 济贫院And social workApplicants for 申请领养人Applications of 小组工作的应用Assessment 评估Associated charities 联合慈善机构assumptions of 咨询的前提假设Bachelor of social work (BSW) degress 社会工作学士学位Balanced budget act (1997) 《平衡预算法案》1997Basic assumptions and principles of ~ 行政的基本假定与原则Battered women 受虐妇女Biopsychosocial 生理心理社会因素与个案工作Brief Introduction to Sociology社会学简论Caregivers 老年照顾者Caregivers 照顾者Case management andCase management 个案管理Case management 个案管理Case study method 个案研究方法Case work 个案工作Certification of social workers 社会工作者认证Changing nature of work 工作性质的改变Charity organization societies (COS) 慈善组织协会Cheating 欺诈child abuse and neglectChild abuse and neglect 虐待与忽视儿童Child guidance movement 儿童指导运动Child welfareChronically mentality ill and 慢性精神病与精神健康服务Chronically 慢性精神病ChurchCivil rights movement 民权运动Client案主Clinical Social Work临床社会工作Closed systems 封闭系统CocaineCode of ethics 伦理守则Collaboration in 行政工作的合并Collaboration 协办Commitment and 服务承诺与靖康精神服务Commitment 服务承诺Committee operation 委员会运作Commonwealth fund 英联邦基金Community chest 公益金Community mental health centers (CMHCS)and 社区精神健康中心与精神健康服务Community organization andCommunity organization and 社区组织与老年community organization 社区组织community resources 社区资源Community Services社区服务confidentiality 保密consolation 咨询Consultant role inConsultation in 行政咨询Continuing educationcontinuing education (CE) 继续教育contract with America 签约美国control groups 控制组coordination 协调corporate health care 矫治Corporate 公司型卫生保健Corrections andCorrections andcorrections and 矫正和社区组织Council on social work education (CSWE) 社会工作教育委员会Councils of Asocial Agencies 社会机构委员会Counseling 辅导Courts 法庭Crack 快克CrimeCultural Anthropology文化人类学Cultural dissonance 文化失调Cultural Sociology文化社会学Current Issues in Theories of Sociology社会学理论专题Curriculum Policy Statements and Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS) curriculum statements 课程声明Day care centers 老年日间护理中心Day care centers 日间照料中心Day treatment 日间治疗De finedDefinedDefineddefineddefineddefinedDefinedDefinedDefined 行政的定义Deinstitutionalization 去机构照顾Diagnosis and 诊断与Diplomat exam 社会工作师资格考试disadvantaged groups弱势群体Disappoint in love失恋Discussion on Political & Economic Systems in Socialism社会主义各国政,经体制讨论division of child and family services 儿童与家庭服务科Doctoral programs in social work 社会工作博士培养方案Domestic violence家庭暴力Dropout rates 辍学率Drug abuseDrug abuse andDrug abuse andDrug abuse and 吸毒与青少年Drug abuse 吸毒Drug courts 吸毒法庭Drug therapy 吸毒治疗Eclecticism 折中主义Education for social work 社会工作教育Elizabethan Poor Laws 《伊丽莎白济贫法》Emergency care for 虚度紧急救护Employee assistance programs (EPAs) 雇员援助计划Encyclopedia of Social Work 《社会工作百科全书》English for Sociology专业英语Enrichment andEnrichment inEnrichment in living 充实生活Erotological Social Work老年社会工作Evaluation 评估Evaluation:估价, 评价, 赋值examples ofExamples ofExamples of 个案工作的案例Experimental group 试验组Extent and cost of 吸毒的范围与代价Faith-based social service 信心为本的社会服务FamilyFamilyFamily andFamily counseling 家庭辅导Family Preservation Services (FPS) 家庭维护服务Family Service Association of America (FSAA) 美国家庭服务协会Family Social Work家庭社会工作Family Support Act (1988) 《家庭支持法案》1988Family Welfare Association of America 美国家庭福利会Fieldwork 传说中的“实习”Fieldwork/n./野战工事, 野外工作, 实地调查, 现场工作。



社工英语词汇1.变态心理学2.咨询委员会3.伤残津贴4.福利设施5.同化6.就业辅助7.社会风气8.自闭症儿童9.公众意识10.老年福利金11.福利津贴12.养老保险13.康复中心14.慈善机构15.上诉委员会16.社区心理健康服务17.个案工作技巧18.青少年犯罪19.自我防卫机制20.紧急收容所21.治疗模式22.福利机构23.妇女解放24.学校社会工作25.白领工人26.世界卫生组织27.社会体制28.特殊教育29.言语治疗30.青年就业服务31.心理机能32.经济救济金33.法定监护人34.感化院35.社会干预36.精神失常37.关系疗法38.归属感39.社会保障40.移情反应41.反社会行为42.强迫性行为43.意外生育44.出生注册45.精神崩溃46.现金援助47.妇女福利会48.协调组织49.刑事犯罪50.文化模式51.养子情结52.成人教育53.焦虑状态54.平均寿命55.破碎家庭56.品格失常57.集体意识58.防卫机制59.情绪满足60.雇员福利61.国际社会福利委员会62.人本心理学63.个人精神疗法64.互惠关税65.同化66.就业辅助67.特别卫生组织68.持续发展阶段69.公众意识70.矛盾心理71.婚姻状况72.家庭生活动态73.个人精神疗法74.儿童福利机构75.抚养安置76.就业辅助77.挪亚方舟综合症78.持续发展阶段79.公众意识80.矛盾心理81.习得行为82.失业援助83.行为疗法84.老人护理85.慈善事业86.社区健康服务87.危机介入88.青少年罪行89.法定监护人90.法律咨询91.婚姻状况92.家庭生活动态93.个人精神疗法94.儿童福利机构95.抚养安置96.就业辅助97.挪亚方舟综合症98.持续发展阶段99.公众意识100.矛盾心理1. abnormal psychology2. advisory committee3. Disability Allowance4. welfare amenity5. assimilation6. employment assistance7. social atmosphere8. autistic child9. public awareness10. old age benefit11.welfare allowance12.Pension Insurance或Endowment Insurance13.rehabilitation center14.charity organization15.appeal boardmunity mental health service17.casework technique18.juvenile delinquency19.ego defense mechanism20.emergency housing21.treatment model22.welfare agency23.women’s liberation24.school social work25.white-collar worker26.World Health Organization27.social system28.special education29.speech therapy30.youth employment service31.function mental32.fund emergency relief33.statutory guardian34.home probation或probation home35.society intervention36.psychiatric disorder37.relationship therapy38.sense of belonging39.society security40.transference reaction41.anti-social behaviorpulsive behavior43.unwanted birth44.birth registration45.nervous breakdown46.cash relief47.women’s welfare club48.coordinating council49.criminal record50.culture pattern1.51.adopted child complex52.adult education53.anxiety state54.average life expectancy55.broken family56.character disorder57.collective consciousness58.defense mechanism59.emotional satisfaction60.employee welfare61.the International Council on Social Welfare62.humanistic psychology63.private psychotherapeutic64.reciprocal tariff65.assimilation66.employment assistance67.particular health organization68.ongoing phase69.public awareness70.ambivalence71.marital situation72.dynamics of family life73.private psychotherapeutic74.child welfare agencies75.foster care placement76.employment assistance77.Noah’s ark syndrome78.ongoing phase79.public awareness80.ambivalence81.acquired behavior82.unemployment assistance83.behavior therapy84.geriatric care85.charitymunity mental health service87.crisis intervention88.delinquency juvenile89.statutory guardian90.legal advice91.World Health Organization92.voluntary participation93.task-centered treatment94.social psychology95.case record96.old age insurance97.medical assistance98.delinquency juvenile99.legal advice100.feasibility study。



社会工作专业词汇中英文对照社会调查的理论与方法Theories & Methods for Social Investigation 社会调查方法Methods for Social Investigation社会工作Social Work社会统计分析与SYSTAT应用Social Statistics Analysis & SYSTAT Application社会统计学Social Statistics社会问题研究Research on Social Problems社会心理学Social Psychology社会学概论Introduction to Sociololgy社会学简论Brief Introduction to Sociology社会学理论专题Current Issues in Theories of Socilolgy社会学问题研究Research on Problems of Sociology社会学研究方法Research Methods of Sociology社会主义财政学Finance of Socialism社会主义各国政,经体制讨论Discussion on Political & Economic Systems in Socialism社会学Sociology社会工作者Social worker案主Client社会问题Social problem社会心理Social mental state社会调查The society investigates个案社会工作Social cases work团体社会工作Social group work社区社会工作social Community work社工导论The introdution of social work社会调查应用the application for society investigates 家庭暴力Domestic violence失恋Disappoint in love人在情境中Person in situation弱势群体disadvantaged groups社会保障social security社会福利制度the social welfare system社会公德social morality单亲家庭single parent family独生子女the only child失业率rate of unemployment民工the imigrant worker社会学概论Introduction to Sociology社会工作概论Introduction to Social Work社会心理学Social Psychology国外社会学学说Sociological Theories in the West社会调查与研究方法Social Survey & Research Method社会统计与计算机应用Social Statistics and Application of Computer马克思主义社会学经典著作选读Selected Readings of Marxist-Leninist Classics社会保障与社会福利Social Security & Social Welfare当代社会学理论Modern Sociological Theories社会政策Social Policy文化人类学Cultural Anthropology中国社会思想史History of Social Theories in China人口社会学Sociology of Population农村社会学Rural Sociology城市社会学Urban Sociology家庭社会学Sociology of Family发展社会学Sociology of Development经济社会学Economic Sociology组织社会学Sociology of Organization专业英语English for Sociology社会学专题讲座Issues of Sociology民俗学Folklore Studies文化社会学Cultural Sociology宗教社会学Sociology of Religion教育社会学Sociology of Education越轨与犯罪社会学Sociology of Deviance & Crime当代社会的生活文化Life Style in Current Society西方社会思想史History of Western Social Thought社会问题Social Problems社会分层与社会流动Social Stratification & Mobility科学社会学Sociology of Education社会项目评估和统计指标Statistical Indexes & uation of Social Projects文化社会学Cultural Sociology历史社会学Historical Sociology政治社会学Political Sociology法律社会学Sociology of Law环境社会学Sociology of Environment劳动社会学Sociology of Labor公共关系Public Relations团体工作Group Work社区工作Community Work社会工作实习Practice of Social Work社会行政Social Administration数据分析技术Statistical Package & Applications for the Social Sciences贫困与发展Poverty and Development社会性别研究Gender Studies家庭社会工作Family Social Work临床社会工作Clinical Social Work社会立法Social lagislation老年社会工作Gerontological Social Work青少年越轨与矫治Juvenile Delinquency & Correction社区服务Community Services心理咨询Psychological Counseling整合社会工作实务Integrative Social Work Practice社会工作专业英语English for Social Work保险与信托Insurance and Entrustment教学实习Teaching Practice管理学Management TheoryAdministration 行政Basic assumptions and principles of ~ 行政的基本假定与原则Collaboration in 行政工作的合并In community organization 社区组织中的行政Consultation in 行政咨询Defined 行政的定义Importancy of 行政的重要性Interagency coopration 行政的重要性Shifting power in 行政分权Supervision in 行政督导social workers'club 社工俱乐部Administration in social work (journal ) 《社会工作行政》(杂志)Adolescents 青少年Drug abuse and 吸毒与青少年Health care services 青少年卫生保健服务Pregnancy and 怀孕与青少年Suicide and 自杀与青少年Adoption 领养Applicants for 申请领养人Indepengdent placements 独立安置Open 公开领养Sa fe families act 《领养与安全家庭法案》Advocacy 倡导In community organization 社区组织中的倡导In future of social work 未来社会工作中的倡导Aftercare facilities 出院后的照顾设施Agency settings 机构场所For group work 小组工作的机构场所Aging 老年Caregivers 老年照顾者Case management 个案管理Community organization and 社区组织与老年Day care centers 老年日间护理中心Health care services 老年健康照顾服务Income adequacy and 充足收入与老人Living arrangemengs and 居住安排与老年Independence and dignity in 老年的独立与尊严Mental health 心理健康Nursing home alternatives 护理院之外的选择Nursing homes 老年护理院Older americans act (1995) 《美国老年人法案》(1995)Retirement 退休Suicide and 自杀与老年Trends and 人口老化趋势White house conferences on aging 白宫老年议会AIDS epidemic 艾滋病流行Alcoholism 醺酒Almshouses 济贫院A A for marriage amd family therapy 美国婚姻与家庭治疗协会A A for the study of group work 美国小组工作研究会A A of Group worker 美国小组工作者协会A A of marriage counselors 美国婚姻辅导委员会A A of medical social worker 美国医务社会工作者协会A A of psychiatric social work 美国精神病社会工作者协会A A of schools of social work 美国社会工作院校联合会A A of social workers (aasw) 美国社会工作者协会A hospital association 美国议员联合会A psychiatric association 美国精神病学联合会A red cross 美国,自己翻译吧Assessment 评估In case work process 个案过程中的评估Associated charities 联合慈善机构Bachelor of social work (BSW)degress 社会工作学士学位Balanced budget act (1997) 《平衡预算法案》1997Caregivers 照顾者Case management 个案管理With aging population 老年人口个案惯例FutureHistory ofParameters of 个案管理的参考标准Purpose ofResearch of 个案管理研究Case study method 个案研究方法Case work 个案工作Biopsychosocial 生理心理社会因素与个案工作DefinedDrug abuse andExamples of 个案工作的案例Freudian approach and 弗洛伊德派与个案工作Generalist perpective 通才观History ofKnowledge and 知识与个案工作Methods of 个案工作的方法Multisystens approach and 多元系统趋向与个案工作Problems inProcess ofPurpose ofSanctions and 社会制裁与个案工作Trends inValus andCertification of social workers 社会工作者认证Changing nature of work 工作性质的改变Charity organization societies (COS) 慈善组织协会Cheating 欺诈Child abuse and neglect 虐待与忽视儿童Child guidance movement 儿童指导运动Child welfareAdoptionAFDC 抚养儿童家庭补助计划个人感觉应该是:Aid to Families with Dependent Children(美国)对有子女家庭补助计划child abuse and neglectdefinedfoster care 给养照顾health care serviceshome caremental health services 儿童心理健康服务origins ofprotective services 儿童保护性服务TANF 给贫困家庭临时性援助temporary aid to need family L ,need : 贫困.还是应该用need 的形容词?Chronically 慢性精神病ChurchCivil rights movement 民权运动Closed systems 封闭系统CocaineCollaboration 协办Interagency 机构间的协办Teamwork concepts and 团队工作概念与协作Commitment 服务承诺Mental hospital 精神病院服务承诺Committee operation 委员会运作Commonwealth fund 英联邦基金Community chest 公益金貌似特指社区公益基金的意思community organization 社区组织corrections and 矫正和社区组织definedexaples ofhistory ofprinciples ofprocesesses in 社区组织的过程roles inschool social work andsommunity resources 社区资源confideniality 保密consulation 咨询assumptions of 咨询的前提假设future ofprinciples ofcontimuing education (CE) 继续教育contract with America 签约美国control groups 控制组coordination 协调in communityu organization 社会组织中的协调corporate health care 矫治definedgroup work inhistory ofpractice in 矫治实践prevention in 矫治中的预防工作processes and principles ofsocial problems relatedsocial services andCouncil on social work education (CSWE) 社会工作教育委员会Curriculum Policy Statements and Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS)课程政策声明与教育政策和审核标准curriculum statements 课程声明generalist perspective and 通才观与CSWEhistory oflobbying by CSWE的游说工作minority groups andmission statement 使命陈述与prevention andpublicationsCouncils of Aocial Afencies 社会机构委员会Counseling 辅导FamilyMarriagePremarital 婚姻辅导Rehabilitation 康复辅导SchoolAnd social workCourts 法庭Crack 快克Crack/[krAk]n.裂缝, 噼啪声v.(使)破裂, 裂纹, (使)爆裂adj.最好的, 高明的貌似这个词,没搞懂CrimeCultural dissonance 文化失调Day care centers 日间照料中心Day treatment 日间治疗Deinstitutionalization 去机构照顾貌似,没明白division of child and family services 儿童与家庭服务科Doctoral programs in social work 社会工作博士培养方案Dropout rates 辍学率Drug abuse 吸毒Adolescentys and 青少年与吸毒Alcohol 醺酒Emergency care for 虚度紧急救护Extent and cost of 吸毒的范围与代价Growth ofHallucinogens 迷幻药Inhalants 吸入剂Inpatient treatment for 吸毒住院治疗Marijuana 大麻Narcotics 麻醉剂In schoolsSedatives 镇静剂In sports worldStimulants 兴奋剂TobaccoTreatmentDrug courts 吸毒法庭Drug therapy 吸毒治疗Eclecticism 折中主义Education for social work 社会工作教育Administration andCommunity organization and Continuing educationFinancial assistanceFuture ofGeneralist practice perspective andGroup work andMinority group andMSW degreeProfessionalism and 专业主义与社会工作教育Specializaton 社会工作教育的专门化Student participation inElizabethan Poor Laws 《伊丽莎白济贫法》Employee assistance programs (EPAs) 雇员援助计划Encylopedia of Social Work 《社会工作百科全书》Enrichment in living 充实生活Evaluation 评估见:Assessment:(为征税对财产所作的)估价, 被估定的金额Evaluatio:估价, 评价, 赋值Experimental group 试验组见:control groups,控制组Faith-based social service 信心为本的社会服务FamilyBattered women 受虐妇女Battered/[~]adj.打扁了的, 敲碎的。



社会工作专业词汇中英文对照(整理自网络)Adolescents青少年Drug abuse and 吸毒与青少年Health care services 青少年卫生保健服务Pregnancy and 怀孕与青少年Suicide and 自杀与青少年Adoption领养Applicants for 申请领养人Indepengdent placements 独立安置Open 公开领养Sa fe families act 《领养与安全家庭法案》Advocacy 倡导In community organization 社区组织中的倡导In future of social work 未来社会工作中的倡导Aftercare facilities出院后的照顾设施Agency settings 机构场所For group work 小组工作的机构场所Aging 老年Caregivers 老年照顾者Case management 个案管理Community organization and 社区组织与老年Day care centers 老年日间护理中心Health care services 老年健康照顾服务Income adequacy and 充足收入与老人Living arrangemengs and 居住安排与老年Independence and dignity in 老年的独立与尊严Mental health 心理健康Nursing home alternatives 护理院之外的选择Nursing homes 老年护理院Older americans act (1995) 《美国老年人法案》(1995)Retirement 退休Suicide and 自杀与老年Trends and 人口老化趋势White house conferences on aging 白宫老年议会AIDS epidemic艾滋病流行Alcoholism 醺酒Almshouses济贫院A A for marriage amd family therapy 美国婚姻与家庭治疗协会A A for the study of group work 美国小组工作研究会A A of Group worker 美国小组工作者协会A A of marriage counselors 美国婚姻辅导委员会A A of medical social worker 美国医务社会工作者协会A A of psychiatric social work 美国精神病社会工作者协会A A of schools of social work 美国社会工作院校联合会A A of social workers (aasw) 美国社会工作者协会A hospital association 美国议员联合会A psychiatric association 美国精神病学联合会A red cross 美国,自己翻译吧Assessment 评估In case work process 个案过程中的评估Associated charities 联合慈善机构Bachelor of social work (BSW)degress 社会工作学士学位Balanced budget act (1997) 《平衡预算法案》1997Caregivers 照顾者Case management 个案管理With aging population 老年人口个案惯例DefinedFutureHistory ofParameters of 个案管理的参考标准Purpose ofResearch of 个案管理研究Case study method 个案研究方法Case work 个案工作Biopsychosocial 生理心理社会因素与个案工作DefinedDrug abuse andExamples of 个案工作的案例Freudian approach and 弗洛伊德派与个案工作Generalist perpective 通才观History ofKnowledge and 知识与个案工作Methods of 个案工作的方法Multisystens approach and 多元系统趋向与个案工作Problems inProcess ofPurpose ofSanctions and 社会制裁与个案工作In schoolsTrends inValus andCertification of social workers 社会工作者认证Changing nature of work 工作性质的改变Charity organization societies (COS) 慈善组织协会Cheating 欺诈Child abuse and neglect 虐待与忽视儿童Child guidance movement 儿童指导运动Child welfareAdoptionAFDC 抚养儿童家庭补助计划个人感觉应该是:Aid to Families with Dependent Children(美国)对有子女家庭补助计划child abuse and neglectdefinedfoster care 给养照顾health care serviceshome caremental health services 儿童心理健康服务origins ofprotective services 儿童保护性服务TANF 给贫困家庭临时性援助?temporary aid to need family L ,need : 贫困.还是应该用need 的形容词?Chronically 慢性精神病ChurchCivil rights movement 民权运动Closed systems 封闭系统CocaineCollaboration 协办Interagency 机构间的协办Teamwork concepts and 团队工作概念与协作Commitment 服务承诺Mental hospital 精神病院服务承诺Committee operation 委员会运作Commonwealth fund 英联邦基金Community chest 公益金貌似特指社区公益基金的意思community organization 社区组织corrections and 矫正和社区组织definedexaples ofhistory ofprinciples ofprocesesses in 社区组织的过程roles inschool social work andsommunity resources 社区资源confideniality 保密consulation 咨询assumptions of 咨询的前提假设future ofprinciples ofcontimuing education (CE) 继续教育contract with America 签约美国control groups 控制组coordination 协调in communityu organization 社会组织中的协调corporate health care 矫治definedgroup work inhistory ofpractice in 矫治实践prevention in 矫治中的预防工作processes and principles ofsocial problems relatedsocial services andCouncil on social work education (CSWE) 社会工作教育委员会Curriculum Policy Statements and Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS)课程政策声明与教育政策和审核标准curriculum statements 课程声明generalist perspective and 通才观与CSWEhistory oflobbying by CSWE的游说工作minority groups andmission statement 使命陈述与prevention andpublicationsCouncils of Aocial Afencies 社会机构委员会Counseling 辅导FamilyMarriagePremarital 婚姻辅导Rehabilitation 康复辅导SchoolAnd social workCourts 法庭Crack 快克Crack/[krAk]n.裂缝, 噼啪声v.(使)破裂, 裂纹, (使)爆裂adj.最好的, 高明的貌似这个词,没搞懂CrimeCultural dissonance 文化失调Day care centers 日间照料中心Day treatment 日间治疗Deinstitutionalization 去机构照顾貌似,没明白division of child and family services 儿童与家庭服务科Doctoral programs in social work 社会工作博士培养方案Dropout rates 辍学率Drug abuse 吸毒Adolescentys and 青少年与吸毒Alcohol 醺酒Emergency care for 虚度紧急救护Extent and cost of 吸毒的范围与代价Growth ofHallucinogens 迷幻药Inhalants 吸入剂Inpatient treatment for 吸毒住院治疗Marijuana 大麻Narcotics 麻醉剂In schoolsSedatives 镇静剂In sports worldStimulants 兴奋剂TobaccoTreatmentDrug courts 吸毒法庭Drug therapy 吸毒治疗Eclecticism 折中主义Education for social work 社会工作教育Administration andCommunity organization andContinuing educationFinancial assistanceFuture ofGeneralist practice perspective andGroup work andMinority group andMSW degreeProfessionalism and 专业主义与社会工作教育Specializaton 社会工作教育的专门化Student participation inElizabethan Poor Laws 《伊丽莎白济贫法》Employee assistance programs (EPAs) 雇员援助计划Encylopedia of Social Work 《社会工作百科全书》Enrichment in living 充实生活Evaluation 评估见:Assessment:(为征税对财产所作的)估价, 被估定的金额Evaluatio:估价, 评价, 赋值Experimental group 试验组见:control groups,控制组Faith-based social service 信心为本的社会服务FamilyBattered women 受虐妇女Battered/[~]adj.打扁了的, 敲碎的。



社会工作词汇社会工作: social work社会工作者: social worker团体社会工作: social group/ team work社区社会工作: social community work社会工作导论The introduction of social社会工作实务: social work practice睦邻运动: the settlement movement《社会诊断》: Social diagnosis人类行为的生态学模式: Ecological modelof human behavior人类行为的医学模式: Medical model ofHuman behavior人格紊乱: personality disorders客观事实: objective facts主观感受: subjective feelings问题觉醒: problem awareness家庭暴力: domestic violence老年人虐待elder abuse青少年越轨与矫治Juvenile delinquencycorrection老年社会工作Gerontological SocialWork失恋Disappoint in love失业率rate of unemployment弱势群体: Vulnerable groups/adisadvantaged minority单亲家庭: a single parent family进城务工人员: migrant workers社会问题: social issues社会调查: social research社会排斥: social exclusion社会融合: social integration社会救助: social assistance社会福利: social welfare功能主义: functionalist perspective机械团结: mechanical solidarity有机团结organic solidarity社会学概论: Introduction to Sociology社会调查的理论与方法Theories&Methods for Social Investigation 社会调查方法Methods for social Investigation社会统计学Social statistics社会问题研究Research on SocialProblems社会心理学Social psychology社会学概论Introduction to Sociology社会学简论Brief Introduction toSociology社会学理论专题Current issues inTheories of Sociology社会学问题研究Research on problems ofSociology社会学研究方法Research methods ofSociology社会学Sociology社会保障social security社会福利制度the social welfare system社会公德social morality社会学概论Introduction to Sociology社会工作概论Introduction to socialWork社会调查与研究方法Social Survey&Research method 社会政策Social policy文化人类学Cultural anthropology人口社会学Sociology of Population农村社会学Rural sociology城市社会学Urban Sociology家庭社会学Sociology of Family发展社会学Sociology of Development经济社会学Economic Sociology组织社会学Sociology of organization文化社会学Cultural sociology宗教社会学Sociology of Religion教育社会学Sociology of education西方社会思想史History of Western贫困与发展Poverty and Development专业英语English for Sociology社会学专题讲座Issues of Sociology民俗学Folklore studies社会问题Social problems科学社会学Sociology of education文化社会学Cultural sociology历史社会学Historical Sociology政治社会学Political sociology法律社会学Sociology of law环境社会学Sociology of environment公共关系Public relations团体工作Group Work社区工作Community Work社会工作实习Practice of Social Work社会性别研究Gender Studies家庭社会工作Family Social Work临床社会工作Clinical social Work社会立法Social legislation社区服务Community services心理咨询Psychological Counseling整合社会工作实务Integrative SocialWork practice社会工作专业英语English for SocialWork保险与信托Insurance and Entrustment教学实习Teaching Practice管理学Management Theory社工俱乐部social workers club独立安置Independent placements公开领养0pen adoption《领养与安全家庭法案》Safe familiesact。



社会工作专业词汇中英文对照社会调查的理论与方法Theories &Methods for Social Investigation社会调查方法Methods for Social Investigation社会工作Social Work社会统计分析与SYSTAT应用Social Statistics Analysis &SYSTAT Application社会统计学Social Statistics社会问题研究Research on Social Problems社会心理学Social Psychology社会学概论Introduction to Sociololgy社会学简论Brief Introduction to Sociology社会学理论专题Current Issues in Theories of Socilolgy社会学问题研究Research on Problems of Sociology社会学研究方法Research Methods of Sociology社会主义财政学Finance of Socialism社会主义各国政,经体制讨论Discussion on Political & Economic Systems in Socialism社会学Sociology社会工作者Social worker案主Client社会问题Social problem社会心理Social mental state社会调查The society investigates个案社会工作Social cases work团体社会工作Social group work社区社会工作social Community work社工导论The introdution of social work社会调查应用the application for society investigates 家庭暴力Domestic violence失恋Disappoint in love人在情境中Person in situation弱势群体disadvantaged groups社会保障social security社会福利制度the social welfare system社会公德social morality单亲家庭single parent family独生子女the only child失业率rate of unemployment民工the imigrant worker社会学概论Introduction to Sociology社会工作概论Introduction to Social Work社会心理学Social Psychology国外社会学学说Sociological Theories in the West社会调查与研究方法Social Survey & Research Method社会统计与计算机应用Social Statistics and Application of Computer马克思主义社会学经典著作选读Selected Readings of Marxist—Leninist Classics社会保障与社会福利Social Security & Social Welfare当代社会学理论Modern Sociological Theories社会政策Social Policy文化人类学Cultural Anthropology中国社会思想史History of Social Theories in China人口社会学Sociology of Population农村社会学Rural Sociology城市社会学Urban Sociology家庭社会学Sociology of Family发展社会学Sociology of Development经济社会学Economic Sociology组织社会学Sociology of Organization专业英语English for Sociology社会学专题讲座Issues of Sociology民俗学Folklore Studies文化社会学Cultural Sociology宗教社会学Sociology of Religion教育社会学Sociology of Education越轨与犯罪社会学Sociology of Deviance & Crime当代社会的生活文化Life Style in Current Society西方社会思想史History of Western Social Thought社会问题Social Problems社会分层与社会流动Social Stratification & Mobility科学社会学Sociology of Education社会项目评估和统计指标Statistical Indexes &uation of Social Projects文化社会学Cultural Sociology历史社会学Historical Sociology政治社会学Political Sociology法律社会学Sociology of Law环境社会学Sociology of Environment劳动社会学Sociology of Labor公共关系Public Relations团体工作Group Work社区工作Community Work社会工作实习Practice of Social Work社会行政Social Administration数据分析技术Statistical Package &Applications for the SocialSciences贫困与发展Poverty and Development社会性别研究Gender Studies家庭社会工作Family Social Work临床社会工作Clinical Social Work社会立法Social lagislation老年社会工作Gerontological Social Work青少年越轨与矫治Juvenile Delinquency &Correction社区服务Community Services心理咨询Psychological Counseling整合社会工作实务Integrative Social Work Practice社会工作专业英语English for Social Work保险与信托Insurance and Entrustment教学实习Teaching Practice管理学Management TheoryAdministration 行政Basic assumptions and principles of ~行政的基本假定与原则Collaboration in 行政工作的合并In community organization 社区组织中的行政Consultation in 行政咨询Defined 行政的定义Importancy of 行政的重要性Interagency coopration 行政的重要性Shifting power in 行政分权Supervision in 行政督导social workers'club 社工俱乐部Administration in social work (journal )《社会工作行政》(杂志)Adolescents 青少年Drug abuse and 吸毒与青少年Health care services 青少年卫生保健服务Pregnancy and 怀孕与青少年Suicide and 自杀与青少年Adoption 领养Applicants for 申请领养人Indepengdent placements 独立安置Open 公开领养Sa fe families act 《领养与安全家庭法案》Advocacy 倡导In community organization 社区组织中的倡导In future of social work 未来社会工作中的倡导Aftercare facilities 出院后的照顾设施Agency settings 机构场所For group work 小组工作的机构场所Aging 老年Caregivers 老年照顾者Case management 个案管理Community organization and 社区组织与老年Day care centers 老年日间护理中心Health care services 老年健康照顾服务Income adequacy and 充足收入与老人Living arrangemengs and 居住安排与老年Independence and dignity in 老年的独立与尊严Mental health 心理健康Nursing home alternatives 护理院之外的选择Nursing homes 老年护理院Older americans act (1995) 《美国老年人法案》(1995)Retirement 退休Suicide and 自杀与老年Trends and 人口老化趋势White house conferences on aging 白宫老年议会AIDS epidemic 艾滋病流行Alcoholism 醺酒Almshouses 济贫院A A for marriage amd family therapy 美国婚姻与家庭治疗协会A A for the study of group work 美国小组工作研究会A A of Group worker 美国小组工作者协会A A of marriage counselors 美国婚姻辅导委员会A A of medical social worker 美国医务社会工作者协会A A of psychiatric social work 美国精神病社会工作者协会A A of schools of social work 美国社会工作院校联合会A A of social workers (aasw) 美国社会工作者协会A hospital association 美国议员联合会A psychiatric association 美国精神病学联合会A red cross 美国,自己翻译吧Assessment 评估In case work process 个案过程中的评估Associated charities 联合慈善机构Bachelor of social work (BSW)degress 社会工作学士学位Balanced budget act (1997)《平衡预算法案》1997Caregivers 照顾者Case management 个案管理With aging population 老年人口个案惯例DefinedFutureHistory ofParameters of 个案管理的参考标准Purpose ofResearch of 个案管理研究Case study method 个案研究方法Case work 个案工作Biopsychosocial 生理心理社会因素与个案工作DefinedDrug abuse andExamples of 个案工作的案例Freudian approach and 弗洛伊德派与个案工作Generalist perpective 通才观History ofKnowledge and 知识与个案工作Methods of 个案工作的方法Multisystens approach and 多元系统趋向与个案工作Problems inProcess ofPurpose ofSanctions and 社会制裁与个案工作In schoolsTrends inValus andCertification of social workers 社会工作者认证Changing nature of work 工作性质的改变Charity organization societies (COS) 慈善组织协会Cheating 欺诈Child abuse and neglect 虐待与忽视儿童Child guidance movement 儿童指导运动Child welfareAdoptionAFDC 抚养儿童家庭补助计划个人感觉应该是:Aid to Families with Dependent Children(美国)对有子女家庭补助计划child abuse and neglectdefinedfoster care 给养照顾health care serviceshome caremental health services 儿童心理健康服务origins ofprotective services 儿童保护性服务TANF 给贫困家庭临时性援助?temporary aid to need family L ,need :贫困。



社会工作专业词汇中英文对照社会调查的理论与方法Theories & Methods for Social Investigation 社会调查方法Methods for Social Investigation社会工作Social Work社会统计分析与SYSTAT应用Social Statistics Analysis & SYSTAT Application社会统计学Social Statistics社会问题研究Research on Social Problems社会心理学Social Psychology社会学概论Introduction to Sociololgy社会学简论Brief Introduction to Sociology社会学理论专题Current Issues in Theories of Socilolgy社会学问题研究Research on Problems of Sociology社会学研究方法Research Methods of Sociology社会主义财政学Finance of Socialism社会主义各国政,经体制讨论Discussion on Political & Economic Systems in Socialism社会学Sociology社会工作者Social worker案主Client社会问题Social problem社会心理Social mental state社会调查The society investigates个案社会工作Social cases work团体社会工作Social group work社区社会工作social Community work社工导论The introdution of social work社会调查应用the application for society investigates 家庭暴力Domestic violence失恋Disappoint in love人在情境中Person in situation弱势群体disadvantaged groups社会保障social security社会福利制度the social welfare system社会公德social morality单亲家庭single parent family独生子女the only child失业率rate of unemployment民工the imigrant worker社会学概论Introduction to Sociology社会工作概论Introduction to Social Work社会心理学Social Psychology国外社会学学说Sociological Theories in the West社会调查与研究方法Social Survey & Research Method社会统计与计算机应用Social Statistics and Application of Computer马克思主义社会学经典著作选读Selected Readings of Marxist-Leninist Classics社会保障与社会福利Social Security & Social Welfare当代社会学理论Modern Sociological Theories社会政策Social Policy文化人类学Cultural Anthropology中国社会思想史History of Social Theories in China人口社会学Sociology of Population农村社会学Rural Sociology城市社会学Urban Sociology家庭社会学Sociology of Family发展社会学Sociology of Development经济社会学Economic Sociology组织社会学Sociology of Organization专业英语English for Sociology社会学专题讲座Issues of Sociology民俗学Folklore Studies文化社会学Cultural Sociology宗教社会学Sociology of Religion教育社会学Sociology of Education越轨与犯罪社会学Sociology of Deviance & Crime当代社会的生活文化Life Style in Current Society西方社会思想史History of Western Social Thought社会问题Social Problems社会分层与社会流动Social Stratification & Mobility科学社会学Sociology of Education社会项目评估和统计指标Statistical Indexes & uation of Social Projects文化社会学Cultural Sociology历史社会学Historical Sociology政治社会学Political Sociology法律社会学Sociology of Law环境社会学Sociology of Environment劳动社会学Sociology of Labor公共关系Public Relations团体工作Group Work社区工作Community Work社会工作实习Practice of Social Work社会行政Social Administration数据分析技术Statistical Package & Applications for the Social Sciences贫困与发展Poverty and Development社会性别研究Gender Studies家庭社会工作Family Social Work临床社会工作Clinical Social Work社会立法Social lagislation老年社会工作Gerontological Social Work青少年越轨与矫治Juvenile Delinquency & Correction社区服务Community Services心理咨询Psychological Counseling整合社会工作实务Integrative Social Work Practice社会工作专业英语English for Social Work保险与信托Insurance and Entrustment教学实习Teaching Practice管理学Management TheoryAdministration 行政Basic assumptions and principles of ~ 行政的基本假定与原则Collaboration in 行政工作的合并In community organization 社区组织中的行政Consultation in 行政咨询Defined 行政的定义Importancy of 行政的重要性Interagency coopration 行政的重要性Shifting power in 行政分权Supervision in 行政督导social workers'club 社工俱乐部Administration in social work (journal ) 《社会工作行政》(杂志)Adolescents 青少年Drug abuse and 吸毒与青少年Health care services 青少年卫生保健服务Pregnancy and 怀孕与青少年Suicide and 自杀与青少年Adoption 领养Applicants for 申请领养人Indepengdent placements 独立安置Open 公开领养Sa fe families act 《领养与安全家庭法案》Advocacy 倡导In community organization 社区组织中的倡导In future of social work 未来社会工作中的倡导Aftercare facilities 出院后的照顾设施Agency settings 机构场所For group work 小组工作的机构场所Aging 老年Caregivers 老年照顾者Case management 个案管理Community organization and 社区组织与老年Day care centers 老年日间护理中心Health care services 老年健康照顾服务Income adequacy and 充足收入与老人Living arrangemengs and 居住安排与老年Independence and dignity in 老年的独立与尊严Mental health 心理健康Nursing home alternatives 护理院之外的选择Nursing homes 老年护理院Older americans act (1995) 《美国老年人法案》(1995)Retirement 退休Suicide and 自杀与老年Trends and 人口老化趋势White house conferences on aging 白宫老年议会AIDS epidemic 艾滋病流行Alcoholism 醺酒Almshouses 济贫院A A for marriage amd family therapy 美国婚姻与家庭治疗协会A A for the study of group work 美国小组工作研究会A A of Group worker 美国小组工作者协会A A of marriage counselors 美国婚姻辅导委员会A A of medical social worker 美国医务社会工作者协会A A of psychiatric social work 美国精神病社会工作者协会A A of schools of social work 美国社会工作院校联合会A A of social workers (aasw) 美国社会工作者协会A hospital association 美国议员联合会A psychiatric association 美国精神病学联合会A red cross 美国,自己翻译吧Assessment 评估In case work process 个案过程中的评估Associated charities 联合慈善机构Bachelor of social work (BSW)degress 社会工作学士学位Balanced budget act (1997) 《平衡预算法案》1997Caregivers 照顾者Case management 个案管理With aging population 老年人口个案惯例FutureHistory ofParameters of 个案管理的参考标准Purpose ofResearch of 个案管理研究Case study method 个案研究方法Case work 个案工作Biopsychosocial 生理心理社会因素与个案工作DefinedDrug abuse andExamples of 个案工作的案例Freudian approach and 弗洛伊德派与个案工作Generalist perpective 通才观History ofKnowledge and 知识与个案工作Methods of 个案工作的方法Multisystens approach and 多元系统趋向与个案工作Problems inProcess ofPurpose ofSanctions and 社会制裁与个案工作Trends inValus andCertification of social workers 社会工作者认证Changing nature of work 工作性质的改变Charity organization societies (COS) 慈善组织协会Cheating 欺诈Child abuse and neglect 虐待与忽视儿童Child guidance movement 儿童指导运动Child welfareAdoptionAFDC 抚养儿童家庭补助计划个人感觉应该是:Aid to Families with Dependent Children(美国)对有子女家庭补助计划child abuse and neglectdefinedfoster care 给养照顾health care serviceshome caremental health services 儿童心理健康服务origins ofprotective services 儿童保护性服务TANF 给贫困家庭临时性援助temporary aid to need family L ,need : 贫困.还是应该用need 的形容词?Chronically 慢性精神病ChurchCivil rights movement 民权运动Closed systems 封闭系统CocaineCollaboration 协办Interagency 机构间的协办Teamwork concepts and 团队工作概念与协作Commitment 服务承诺Mental hospital 精神病院服务承诺Committee operation 委员会运作Commonwealth fund 英联邦基金Community chest 公益金貌似特指社区公益基金的意思community organization 社区组织corrections and 矫正和社区组织definedexaples ofhistory ofprinciples ofprocesesses in 社区组织的过程roles inschool social work andsommunity resources 社区资源confideniality 保密consulation 咨询assumptions of 咨询的前提假设future ofprinciples ofcontimuing education (CE) 继续教育contract with America 签约美国control groups 控制组coordination 协调in communityu organization 社会组织中的协调corporate health care 矫治definedgroup work inhistory ofpractice in 矫治实践prevention in 矫治中的预防工作processes and principles ofsocial problems relatedsocial services andCouncil on social work education (CSWE) 社会工作教育委员会Curriculum Policy Statements and Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS)课程政策声明与教育政策和审核标准curriculum statements 课程声明generalist perspective and 通才观与CSWEhistory oflobbying by CSWE的游说工作minority groups andmission statement 使命陈述与prevention andpublicationsCouncils of Aocial Afencies 社会机构委员会Counseling 辅导FamilyMarriagePremarital 婚姻辅导Rehabilitation 康复辅导SchoolAnd social workCourts 法庭Crack 快克Crack/[krAk]n.裂缝, 噼啪声v.(使)破裂, 裂纹, (使)爆裂adj.最好的, 高明的貌似这个词,没搞懂CrimeCultural dissonance 文化失调Day care centers 日间照料中心Day treatment 日间治疗Deinstitutionalization 去机构照顾貌似,没明白division of child and family services 儿童与家庭服务科Doctoral programs in social work 社会工作博士培养方案Dropout rates 辍学率Drug abuse 吸毒Adolescentys and 青少年与吸毒Alcohol 醺酒Emergency care for 虚度紧急救护Extent and cost of 吸毒的范围与代价Growth ofHallucinogens 迷幻药Inhalants 吸入剂Inpatient treatment for 吸毒住院治疗Marijuana 大麻Narcotics 麻醉剂In schoolsSedatives 镇静剂In sports worldStimulants 兴奋剂TobaccoTreatmentDrug courts 吸毒法庭Drug therapy 吸毒治疗Eclecticism 折中主义Education for social work 社会工作教育Administration andCommunity organization and Continuing educationFinancial assistanceFuture ofGeneralist practice perspective andGroup work andMinority group andMSW degreeProfessionalism and 专业主义与社会工作教育Specializaton 社会工作教育的专门化Student participation inElizabethan Poor Laws 《伊丽莎白济贫法》Employee assistance programs (EPAs) 雇员援助计划Encylopedia of Social Work 《社会工作百科全书》Enrichment in living 充实生活Evaluation 评估见:Assessment:(为征税对财产所作的)估价, 被估定的金额Evaluatio:估价, 评价, 赋值Experimental group 试验组见:control groups,控制组Faith-based social service 信心为本的社会服务FamilyBattered women 受虐妇女Battered/[~]adj.打扁了的, 敲碎的。

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社会调查The society investigates
家庭暴力Domestic violence
人在情境中Person in situation
弱势群体disadvantaged groups
社会公德social morality
青少年越轨与矫治Juvenile Delinquency & Correction 心理咨询Psychological Counseling
Drug abuse 吸毒
Abandonment 遗弃
Abnormal behavior 异常行为
Abortion 堕胎流产
Adjustment problem 适应问题
Alleviation 减轻缓解缓和
Bachelor of social work 社会工作学士
Broken family/ broken marriage 破碎的婚姻、家庭
Capitalism 资本主义
Capitalist society
Capitalist mode of production 资本主义生产方式Community involvement 社区参与(participation)Community integration 社区整合
Rational-emotive therapy 理性情绪疗法Marginalize 边缘化
Vulnerable 脆弱的
Vulnerable groups
the Charity Organization Society慈善组织协会social exclusion社会排斥
social integration社会融合
social assistance社会救助
social security社会保障
rate of unemployment失业率
Role conflict 角色冲突
Role ambiguity 角色模糊
Stimulate 刺激
Inherent 固有的
Incompatible 不相容的
Appropriate 占用;合适的
Collaboration 合作
Therapist 理疗学家
Tolerate 忍受
Filial piety 孝道
Financial assistance 经济援助Feminist 女权主义者
Fertility 生育
Fertility policy生育政策
Fertility rate 生育率
Formal-recourses system 正规资源系统Pension 养老金退休金
Fund-raising activity 筹款活动Genetic theory 基因理论Compensation 赔偿
Primary election 初选
General election 大选
Democratic party 民主党Republican party 共和党
Constitutional 宪法的,符合宪法的The Conservative Party 保守党
The Labor Party 工党
Gross domestic product 国内生产总值Enhancing security 提高保障水平
Household income 家庭收入Economic shock 经济冲击Human capital 人力资本
Public sector 公共部门
Public health 公共健康
Help-seeking process 求助过程
Hearing-loss 失聪
Home for the aged 老人院安老院
Home-based rehabilitation service 家居康复服务Human nature 人性
Innovative 创新的
Innovation 创新
Intellectual capacity 智力
World Trade Organization 世界贸易组织Intervention strategy 干预策略
Interview schedule 面谈程序
Interpersonal interaction 人际互动
Intimacy 亲密
Isolation 孤单
Intolerance 不容忍
Juvenile 青少年
Juvenile delinquency 青少年犯罪
Liberal democracy 自由民主制
Malnutrition 营养不良
Manifest behavior 外显行为
Negotiation 协商交涉
Neighborhood 邻居
Parents association 家长会
Parenting skills group 父母技巧小组
Peer supervision 同辈督导
Personality disorder 人格障碍
Physical abuse 身体虐待
Pleasure principle 享乐原则
Policy implementation 政策实施政策执行。
