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1..A (n) ____ marketing strategy that views the world's consumers as similar in their tastes and preferences is consistent with the mass production of a standardized output.

A) domestic B) global

C) indigenous(本土的) D) national

2.Examples of _______ include Coca-Cola and Pepsi, Ford and Toyota, Boeing and Airbus, and Caterpillar and Komatsu.

A) service goods B) homogeneous products

C) global competition D) market integration

3.Globalization results in a greater degree of __________ across markets than would be present otherwise.

A) diversification B) diversity

C) homogeneity D) heterogeneity (异质性)

4. Aircraft manufacturers like Boeing, Airbus, and Lockheed-Martin export goods and services to consumers in other countries. This practice is referred to as:

A) international trade B) country-to-country exchange

C) global salesmanship D) cross-national barter

5. A firm's decision to invest resources in business activities outside its home country is referred to as:

A) international diversification B) foreign direct investment

C) cross-national investment D) transnational commerce

6. Under the umbrella of GATT, there have been eight rounds of negotiations among member states. The most recent round of negotiations was referred to as the:

A) North Atlantic Round B) Doha Round

C) Uruguay Round D) Singapore Round

7. Among developing nations, __________ has received the greatest volume of inward FDI in recent years.

A) Indonesia B) China

C) India D) South Korea

8. A __________ is any business that has productive activities in two or more countries.

A) multinational enterprise B) international conglomerate

C) international consortium D) g lobal endeavor

9. Every country has a political, economic, and legal system. Collectively we refer to these systems as constituting the __________ economy of a country.

A) civic B) public

C) administrative D) political

10. In the early 20th century, the socialist ideology spit into two broad camps. The __________ believed that socialism could be achieved only through violent revolution and totalitarian dictatorship, while the __________ committed themselves to achieving socialism by democratic means and turned their backs on violent revolution and dictatorships.

A) individualists, collectivists B) social democrats, communists

C) collectivists, individualists D) communists, social democrats

11. The four broad types of economic systems are:

A) market economy, collective economy, production economy, and political economy

B) market economy, command economy, mixed economy, and state-directed economy

C) collective economy, production economy, mixed economy, and politically-controlled economy

D) market economy, production economy, politically-controlled economy, and command economy

12.A situation in which a country specializes in producing the goods it produces most efficiently and buys the products it produces less efficiently from other countries, even if it could produce the good more efficiently itself is referred to as:

A)comprehensive advantage B) pertinent advantage

C)comparative advantage D) absolute advantage

13.To an even greater degree than the theory of absolute advantage, the theory of __________ suggests that trade

is a positive-sum game in which all gain.

A) Total advantage B) mercantilism

C) comparative advantage D)paradoxical advantage

14. In a pure __________ economy all productive activities are privately owned, as opposed to being owed by the state.

A) command B) state-directed C) mixed D) market

15.One of the most famous examples of a(n) __________ is the limitation on auto exports to the United States enforced by Japanese automobile producers in 1981.

A) involuntary import restraint B) voluntary export restraint

C) trade reconciliation D) referred export restraint

1-5:BCCAB 6-10:BBADD 10-15:BCCDB

1. The term culture refers to an organization's ________.

A)compensation systems B)norms and value systems C) standing among its peer firms

D)policies, rules, and regulations

2. The two main components of globalization are_____________________

A) the globalization of markets and the globalization of production

B) the globalization of finance and the globalization of accounting

C) the globalization of advertising and the globalization of services
