Tempress HD POCl3设备资料

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DOI 10.4229/26th EUPVSEC2011-2CV.2.17
SEMCO 110 Ohm/sq sheet resistance
Good uniformity (3,5%)
Surface concentration above 1021 In all cases good uniformity is achieved at the expense of emitter quality
Pilot line results achieved on 1000 wafer quartz longboat using manual loading In 5 process runs we achieved similar efficiency as customer baseline
Crampette et al, EUPVSEC 2013
DOI 10.4229/28thEUPVSEC2013-2DV.3.28
Tempress findings on LP POCl3 process

Very good uniformities are achievable after significant tuning, at a trade-off on cell efficiency. Integration of LP POCl3 process in the cell line is not straightforward. Thinner PSG bears more risk on emitter damage during PSG removal / single-side-etch Combination of corrosive gasses (POCl3) and the sealing required for LP processing inhibits process fluctuations that may cause yield loss Hardware of the LP POCl3 process is more complex and expensive LP process is an inherently more dangerous process, quartz erosion or quartz cracks may lead to implosion of process tube. More strict preventive maintenance is mandatory
Tempress HD POCl3 furnace for the PV industry Introduction Production data Benchmarking LP comparison Uniformity Conclusions
Tempress solar product range Mono Crystalline
p-type / n-type IBC
Tempress HD-POCl3

1000 wfr/load, 3200 wfr/hr Reliable atmospheric process Low maintenance cost Special chemistry optimized hardware Stable high Ohmic processing up to 140 Ω/sq Integrated full automation 5-stack system platform Plug and play solution
LP-POCl3 vs. HD POCl3 principle
1. 2. 3. PSG deposition Phosphor drive-in PSG removal 4. 5. 6. 7.
PSG deposition using HD special chemistry Phosphor drive-in HD effect PSG removal Good uniformity Low [P] surface concentration high effHale Waihona Puke Baiduciency
POCl3 introduction
Increasing the batch load of a POCl3 process to reduce CpW seems inevitable. However, how can we increase the batch size while maintaining excellent process results AND preserving the simple essence of the POCl3 process? Over the last years Tempress has gained enormous insight in how to simultaneously control dopant level and uniformity of the emitter in our POCl3 process. Can we make it uniform enough to allow the wafers to be positioned at half pitch?
Atmospheric High Throughput Diffusion
POCl3 introduction
POCl3 is a simple and well known process with excellent track record in process performance. The POCl3 process is a very important step in the production process of the solar cell; it controls the formation of the emitter and defines the interface with the contacts. While pushing the boundaries in cell efficiencies, increasingly more strict requirements are set for the POCl3 process (notably higher Rs, lower surface concentrations, better uniformities).
Good uniformity High [P] surface concentration Low efficiency
Rs uniformity
Comparison with industrial ATM POCl3 process
ATM industrial POCl3 (std) 4.76mm pitch BtB

Tempress developed an alternative ATM process called High Density POCl3 HD-POCL3 benefits from the throughput advantage of half pitch BtB, but without the drawbacks of an LP system
Tempress has developed HD-POCl3 process for higher throughput, better uniformity and higher sheet resistivity
HD POCl3 leads to better uniformity and consequently pitch can be reduced Rsh uniformity for LP process comes at the expense of lower efficiency, because of an oversaturated emitter Lower surface concentrations possible with HD process Further the HD system is less complex, lower maintenance, more stable, less expensive compared to an LP system
How can we, equipment providers, serve both requirements?
Tempress LP POCl3 results
Tempress has qualified and tested LP POCl3 in its demo facilities Benchmark with other LP POCl3 equipment through customer demos reveal equivalent results Very uniform emitters can be produced, but at the expense of high surface concentrations
Best cells are produced with slightly more relaxed uniformity specs
WiW uniformity (1s): 0,9 /sq
Similar relation between uniformity and cell efficiencies are observed in other systems (literature)..
Excellent uniformity results obtained at 2.38mm pitch (half pitch back-to-back) using our ATM HD process, even at extremely high Rs values
Pilot line results
p-type / n-type
Tempress SPECTRE
Tempress Diffusion
POCl3 HD POCL3 BBr3 Annealing Oxidation R&D system
Multi Crystalline
Kingstone IonSolar
Centrotherm 60 Ohm/sq sheet resistance
Good uniformity (2%)
ECV profile flat for 50nm: indication of lots of inactive P
Muelbauer et al, EUPVSEC 2011
On the other hand, the CpW is on a tight control, continuous improvements in costs reduction are needed.
How can we, equipment providers, serve both requirements?
ATM industrial POCl3 2.38mm pitch BtB
Scale x2
ATM HD process 2.38mm pitch BtB
Rs uniformity
Extendability towards high Rs values
ATM HD process @ 2.38mm pitch BtB